Queensborough Community College CURRICULUM COMMITTEE of the Academic Senate

Queensborough Community College
City University of New York
of the Academic Senate
Minutes of the Meeting held on February 7th, 2012
Present: Dr. Phil Pecorino (Chair), Dr. M.Chauhan (Secretary), Dr.R. Yuster, Dr.K. Pearl, Dr.
M. Santoro, Dr.D. Klarberg, Dr. A. Corradetti (Ex-Officio) and Dr. D. McKay
Absent: Designees: Dr. Caf Dowlah, Murtaza Akbar (Student).
1. The meeting was called at 2 pm in H-345.
2. The agenda for the meeting was approved.
3. Professor Young Kim was invited to the Committee to discuss the new course HE113. The committee raised several questions regarding this new course: the relation
of this proposed course to HE-103 and HE-108, the title and prerequisite for the
course, the content of the course being close to HE-103, and justification of contact
4. Professor Grant is invited to the next committee meeting to discuss the new course
BU 812 and the need to replace BU-803.
5. The committee pointed out more changes in the catalog with the introduction of
new courses MA-119, 121.
6. The meeting was adjourned at 3.30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Moni Chauhan
Secretary of the Curriculum Committee