QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK CURRICULUM COMMITTEE To: M.Chauhan, D. Klarberg, R. Yuster, K. Pearl, M. Santora, D. McKay, J Matiminu, R Yang, A.Corradetti, A. Borrachero, Olamide Lemori, Ron Gibson From: P. Pecorino Date: November 2, 2012 Re: The Curriculum Committee meeting on November 6, 2012 at 2pm in H-345. AGENDA 1.) Approval of Agenda 2.) Chairperson’s Report-coming matters SS and ET 3.) Approval of Minutes of October 16 and 23, 2012 4.a) Department of Physics New Courses PH-123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131 4.b.) Placement into Common Core 2E : PH-123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131 5.) NAME CHANGE : Department of Basic Educational Skills To: DEPARTMENT OF ACADEMIC LITERACY 6.) Department of Foreign Languages and Literature: Approval of courses as either 3 credits: 3 lecture hours ARAB 101, 102 CHIN 101, 102, 113,114 FREN 101, 102 GERM 101, 102 HEBR 101, 102 ITAL 101, 102 SPAN 101, 102, 141 As 3 credits: 3 lecture + 1 recitation hour ARAB 101, 102 CHIN 101, 102, 113,114 FREN 101, 102 GERM 101, 102 HEBR 101, 102 ITAL 101, 102 SPAN 101, 102, 141 7.) Approval of Department of English Courses in current form in DROPBOX FOLDER 3 credits 3 lecture hours 1 recitation hour For Common Core (1A) EN-101,102,103 (2B) 216,217,219 (2D) 224, 225,230 8.) Department of Business Items From: BU–301 Business Law I, 3 class hours – 3 credits To: BU–301 Fundamentals of Business Law, 3 class hours – 3 credits From: A brief survey of the American legal system; development and application of essential principles of law of business contracts, torts, and intellectual property; study of New York State laws and recent cases; Uniform Commercial Code as it applies to business contracts.. To: A brief survey of the American legal system; development and application of essential principles of law of business contracts, torts, and intellectual property; study of New York State laws and recent cases; relationship between differences in legal, ethical, and social responsibility of business. Rationale: The modification to this course is being made to conform to the requirements for placement in the Business Major portion of Pathways. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BU 512 – Introduction to Information Systems and Technologies, 4 class hours – 3 credits To: An introduction to how today’s businesses use ever-changing technology to operate, compete, and do business. Students will learn the differences between major types of hardware, software, and network solutions that meet business needs. Students will demonstrate competency in information technology and apply such technology. Students will learn why familiarity with today’s information systems has become indispensable for tomorrow’s business leaders due to the rapid developments in information technology. Rationale: The modification to this course is being made to conform to the requirements for placement in the Business Major portion of Pathways. 9.) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science MA-321 Mathematics in Contemporary Society From: 3 class hours 1 laboratory hour 3 credits To: 3 class hours 3 credits Rationale: These changes are independent of Pathways and Common Core. The lab component will be integrated into the class work. The Department of Mathematics & Computer Science has deemed that three hours is sufficient to teach the content. CS 100 Introduction to Computers and Programming From: 2 Class Hours, 2 Lab Hours, 3 Credits To: 3 Class Hours, 3 Credits Rationale: The modification to this course is being made to conform to the requirements of Pathways. The course is intended to fulfill the requirements of the Common Core, Flexible Core, Category Scientific World 10.) Department of Art and Photography changes in pre-co requisites From:AR‐801ArtAdministration2classhours,1recitationhour2credits To:AR‐801ArtAdministration2classhours,1recitationhour2credits Co‐Prerequisite:3creditsofForeignLanguage From:AR‐803ArtCurating3classhours3credits Prerequisite:AR‐312;AR‐801 To:AR‐803ArtCurating3classhours3credits Prerequisite:AR‐312;AR‐801and Co‐Prerequisite6creditsfromAR‐315,AR316.AR317,AR320,AR‐326orAR‐328 From:AR‐804ArtInstitutionsandtheBusinessofArts3classhours3credits Prerequisite:AR‐801andeitherAR‐311orAR‐312 To:AR‐804ArtInstitutionsandtheBusinessofArts3classhours3credits3classhours3credits Prerequisite:AR‐801andeitherAR‐311orAR‐312;andCo‐PrerequisiteSOC‐125 11.) Approval of the entire list of Courses Nominated for the Common Core-Excel Spreadsheet 12.) Approval of New Degree Program LA3 with 12 Concentrations 13.) Approval of New Degree Program LS3 14.) Approval of New Degree Program AS VAPA 15.) Approval of New Degree Program AS Gallery and Museum Studies 16.) Approval of New Degree Program AS Business Transfer Program 17.)Six (6) AAS degree programs 18.) Old Business 19.) New Business Other matters coming in November-December Department of SOCIAL SCIENCES Course Changes and Prerequisite changes PSYC225 Psychology of Personal Adjustment From: Prerequisite PSYC101 To: Prerequisite BE122 (or 226), or satisfactory score on the CUNY/ACT Assessment Test Rationale: After a review of the PSYC225 prerequisite by full-time psychology faculty it was decided that due to the predominant focus of the course on practical applications pertaining to self-management and personal mental health issues the introductory psychology prerequisite is not necessary. SS390 Sociology of Health and Medicine From: Prerequisite SS310 To: Prerequisite BE122 (or 226), or satisfactory score on the CUNY/ACT Assessment Test Rationale: After a review of the SS310 prerequisite by full-time sociology faculty it was decided that due to the special focus of the course on issues relevant to the Health Sciences degree programs it was not necessary to require introductory sociology. This change will enable Health Sciences students to take the course to satisfy their Social Sciences, History, or Humanities elective in the HS1 program without having first to complete the SOCY101 pre-requisite. Course Number changes From: PSYC225 Psychology of Personal Adjustment To: PSYC125 Rationale: To indicate that it is a 100-level course with no introductory psychology prerequisite. From: SS390 Sociology of Health and Medicine To: SOCY190 Sociology of Health and Medicine Rationale: To bring it into conformity with the new course prefix system approved last Spring for other sociology courses, and to indicate that it is a 100-level course with no introductory sociology prerequisite. Department of Engineering Technology NEW COURSES EE 205 Linear Systems Analysis Three Credits and Three hours of lecture/week Prerequisites: EE-204 Description: This course is designed to introduce students to Laplace Transforms and Applications, Bode Plots, and Fourier Transforms and Analysis. Rationale: EE204 (Circuits 1) articulation was established with CCNY a long time ago. Electrical engineering majors need to take EE205 (Circuits 2) as well. This course will be offered every semester as engineering student enrollment has increased. The expected enrollment for this course will be about 20 students per semester. ET-275 Computer Network Security Three Credits Three hours of lecture / week Prerequisite ET_704 or Department Permission Description: This course covers computer network security design and vulnerabilities Topics include: Cryptography and encryption, denial-of-service attacks, firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, software and operating system [OS] security, legal and ethical aspects of cybercrime and computer crime.