QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK COMMITTEE on CURRICULUM of the Academic Senate To: M.Chauhan, D. Klarberg, R. Yuster, K. Pearl, M. Santora, D. McKay, J Matiminu, R Yang, A.Corradetti, A. Borrachero, Ron Gibson From: P. Pecorino Date: February 6, 2013 Re: The Curriculum Committee meeting on February 19, 2013 at 2pm in H-345. AGENDA 1.) Approval of Agenda 2.) Approval of Minutes of February 5, 2013 3.) Chairperson’s Report— Status of Monthly Report for December 2012 Revisions to Monthly Report for February 2013 QCC Administration Action on Academic Senate Actions-Shared Governance at QCC UPDATE on the revised AA degree program with Concentrations CHANGE in Title : From: ANTH 160 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Health and Healing To: ANTH 160 Anthropology of Health and Healing RATIONALE: Request by the Department of Health, Physical Education and Dance to avoid confusion. Agreed to by faculty developer and department chairpersons DEPARTMENT of BIOLOGY and GEOLOGY Phil, We are trying to get a new geology course up and running in the 2 E bucket for the Fall. Due to the time crunch we would like it offered as an Experimental. My faculty will vote on it today and we will have it ready for next Tues senate. Some questions: Will Pathways accept an experimental course? Does the Curriculum committee have to approve or it go to the senate for a vote? Mel Department of HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION and DANCE Remove PE SWIMNASTICS from the Senate agenda 2-19-13 4.) Department of ACADEMIC LITERACY CN-73-from Experimental to Regular Offering 5.) Departments of SCIENCES and Engineering Technology AS Degree Program in Engineering AS Degree program in Science AS Health Sciences LS1 6.) Department of HEALTH, PHYSCIAL EDUCATION and DANCE revisions HE-103 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition IS221--- NATURE’S PHARMACY II 7.) Department of SOCIAL SCIENCES From: SS320 Urban Sociology To: SOCY220 Urban Sociology From: SS540 Social Psychology To: PSYC240 Social Psychology Rationale: These were mothballed courses which the Department wishes to offer Fall 2013. They were not included in the listing of courses for which the Academic Senate has already changed the prefixes last Fall. This is needed to make them consistent with the prefixes of other active classes. 7.) Old Business DEPARTMENT of the LIBRARY INTE 212 revised 8.) New Business DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC MU-190 SPECIAL TOPIC for Fall 2013 10 CHANGES IN AS Degree in Fine Arts Music Concentration