REHEARSAL: WEDNESDAY, JUNE1, 2005 8:15 AM HUMANITIES THEATER Draft of 5/12 Revised 5/14/05 COMMENCEMENT: FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2005 COCO MEMBERS AND VOLUNTEERS @7:00 AM Room M­136 reserved for Commencement MARSHALS @ 7:30AM use from to High HUMANITIES THEATER Security. RESPONSIBILITIES AGENDA for the COMMITTEE ON CEREMONIAL OCCASIONS I. DESIGNATED COMMITTEE MEMBERS and VOLUNTEERS to be in charge of the following: l. Flags and stands: U.S. and NY State need to be moved to stage well before exercises begin, stored at Library,­ (in Dr. Kim's office) and returned after Commencement. They should be moved to M­136 the day before. will be done by: PROF. ELAINE DELLA VECCHIA & PROF. MARGOT SMALL 2. Batons stored in the storage room (A­202) must be brought to rehearsal and returned to the Grand Marshal immediately after ceremony. will be done by: GRAND MARSHAL MOCHE, PROF. ELAINE DELLA VECCHIA & PROF.MARGOT SMALL 3. Water Tables (see map for layout) a) B & G will setup three tables: one on the track leading up to the stage left side of the platform, one between the guest seats and the reception area, one behind the center section of seats. (See map); b) Metropolitan Food Services is coordinating the water coolers and cups. Extra packages of paper cups should be placed under the tables c) B&G will provide three (3) empty boxes for throw­always. One box should be placed along side each table. (Note: for extra cups to be put under table for easy access. will be done by: PROF. MARGOT SMALL & PROF. PETE MARCHITELLO 1 P. 2 4. PROGRAMS ­ (2,100 ordered) (a) Place accordingly: • individual programs on each faculty seat in the front section designated by white chairs for the faculty; • individual programs must be placed on seats for the graduates (count out only the actual total number on Marshal lists). • remainder on two tables near the two entrances to the Athletic Field and handed out as guests come in. A Committee member, PROF. ELADIA RAYA should stand by table and distribute programs to guests. At rehearsal, Marshals should remind students not to take programs from the table at graduation, as programs will already have been placed on their individual seats by committee members. will be done by: PROF. PAT SPRADLEY & PROF. ELADIA RAYA (b) Make arrangements with Central Receiving to have boxes of programs moved to outdoor area on the morning of Commencement. Programs do not come from the printer until the last minute, so contact Central Receiving the day before. will be done by: MS.SUSAN AGIN & MS. MILLIE CONTE 5. PLATFORM SEATING a) Seating diagram for stage should be arranged beforehand with a copy given to PROF. JEFF HEST. b) Seat Award recipients closer to aisle on the stage so that they may be able to move in and out easily when accepting their awards. c) Programs and Place­Cards for Stage Chairs ­ programs should be placed on chairs on stage, along with place cards to indicate seating. (See diagram of stage seating.) d) Have pins (safety and bobby pins) available for VIP's caps and gowns. will be done by: MS. MILLIE CONTE 2 P. 3 6. Carafe from President's Office should be filled with water and placed on shelf under podium (with cups). Return carafe to President's office after ceremony. will be done by: MS. MILLIE CONTE 7. Map of Commencement (with Alma Mater & Ephebic Oath on reverse side) 800 copies to be distributed at Rehearsal on Wednesday, June 1 d . These are to be picked up in room A­502 on Wednesday, June1. and brought to Humanities Theater. will be done by: PROF. PAT SPRADLEY & PROF. ELADIA RAYA 8. Badges with "Committee on Ceremonial Occasions" to be handed out (with safety pins attached). If necessary, make additional badges. "Marshal" badges to be distributed by Grand Marshal. (Grand Marshal to pick up badges on Tuesday, May 31, Room L­428). will be done by: GRAND MARSHAL MOCHE, PROF. MARGOT SMALL & PROF. PAT SPRADLEY 9. BANNERS a) TENT banner "Queensborough Community College" to be picked up after the Honors Convocation from John Funke by B&G and hung for Commencement. It must be returned after Commencement to Admissions. Check with Building & Grounds the day after the Honors Convocation to verify that the banner was picked up from John Funke. This banner is usually hung the day before graduation. will be done by: MR. JOE CARTOLANO b) Tabletop banners (five) to be picked up from Admissions Office and placed on the following tables (bring masking tape): • Alumni table (flower sale) • Program table • Three Water tables • Welcome tables will be done by: PROF. PAT SPRADLEY After ceremony, collect the five tabletop banners and return them to the Admissions Office. 3 P.3 c) Check that the 20 banners specifically made for main parking lot utility poles have been secured and hung by B&G one week prior to commencement. See Item VI #6. will be done by: MR. JOE CARTOLANO d) Degree Banners – Degree Banners, poles and holders to be picked up from A­202D and brought to H­125 no later than the day before Commencement. On Commencement Day: • Give holders to Joe Cartolano/B&G to be placed on either side of stage. • Give A.A. (A­L) Marshal the A.A. Banner and pole • Give A.S. (A­L) Marshal the A.S. Banner and pole • Give A.A.S. (A­G) Marshal the A.A.S. Banner and pole • Give Certificate Marshal the Certificate Banner and pole will be done by: PROF. ELAINE DELLA VECCHIA & PROF. MARGOT SMALL After ceremony, collect the four degree banners, poles and holders and return them to the A­202D. 10. Humanities Theater Doors to be closed after processional completes exit march. (These doors will be kept ajar only for the processional and must be closed for fire safety.­Door Stops from B & G). will be done by: PROF. PETE MARCHITELLO 11. “Diploma Covers” to be brought to stage from M­136. Place diplomas on 6’ table on the stage in stacks). will be done by: MR. JOE CARTOLANO, PROF. PETE MARCHITELLO & PROF. ELADIA RAYA 12. Cue musicians during ceremony; for example, band music (Alma Mater); musical interlude. will be done by: PROF. JEFF HEST 4 P.4 II. SECURITY ­ MR. JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM Note: Hire additional security officers if necessary. Speak with President Martí. Security should make sure all aisles are clear before processional and recessional begin. Additional stanchions (to put along aisles) must be ordered. They are extremely helpful in crowd control. Also, two security officers would be useful by the stage ramps (Entry and Exit) for crowd control as the graduates proceed to receive their diplomas and leave the stage to go back to their seats. Parents and guests crowding in to take pictures make it difficult for graduates to get through the aisle. Additional ropes and stands at the Entrance and Exit aisle will help to control the crowd. (See map attached.) A professional photographer will be taking photos of each student as he/she receives diploma from President. A video crew of one to three cameramen will be shooting video of the entire ceremony for the official Commencement DVD that is sold to the public. III. WORKER/FACULTY BREAKFAST AND GRADUATE RECEPTION ­ Commencement Day A. WORKER/FACULTY BREAKFAST – ISSC Building, Conference Room 1) 2) 3) At approx. 6:30 am on Commencement morning, check ISSC Conference Room for set­up of 2 tables for worker/volunteer breakfast. a) Deliver extension cord. If room is unopened, request a key from Security. Be sure that caterer delivers breakfast (previously ordered) as follows: a) 6:30 am for approx. 50 people, and again at b) 8:00 am for approx. 50 people. c) Be sure there is plenty of ice. B. GRADUATE RECEPTION At approx. 10:00 am, check setup of eight (8) tables and catering in reception area (Science bldg. courtyard) for graduates and guests reception (see Map attached). will be done by: MR. JOE CARTOLANO, PROF. ELADIA RAYA & MS. SUSAN AGIN 5 P.5 IV. SOUND SYSTEM – MR. JOHN FUNKE For ceremony on Athletic Field, provide double the sound­setup as used in Commencement ceremonies that have been held on the quad. For reference purposes, here is what has been used on the quad in past years: (a) In previous Commencement ceremonies held on the quad, Eight (8) speakers were set up the morning of graduation. Middle and rear speakers were placed up on poles or hung from tent ceiling. (b) In previous Commencement ceremonies held on the quad, Additional speakers were placed in middle and back of tent. These speakers have either rested on platforms, been attached to poles or hung above crowd. Speak to Joe Cartolano (c) Speakers should not be disconnected after recessional, as band will continue to play. V. (d) Microphones: one on each podium. (e) Please be available at Rehearsal for assistance with microphone voice projection (practice by Marshals). BUILDING and GROUNDS ­ MR. JOE CARTOLANO 1. TABLES Wednesday, June 1.(rehearsal): • 1 table inside the Theater Lobby § 2 metal folding chairs Friday, June 3.(Commencement): • 3 large tables for water placed in the quad area (see map attached). • 2 tables, one at either entrance to the Athletic Field, for programs. If it is raining use 4 tables, two at either entrance to the Athletic Field for programs and rain ponchos (which will be kept under the tables to keep them dry) • 1 table in Theater Lobby • 2 folding chairs in Theater Lobby • 1 six foot table for diplomas, to be placed on stage. 6 P.6 • 4 tables in Room M­136. Place 2 tables near an outlet in the Medical Arts Well for workers' breakfast (set up by 6:15 a.m.). The other 2 tables should be placed in front of room for cap and gown distribution. • 8 tables arranged in a "U" shape at the reception following Commencement. These should be set up near the tennis courts. Metropolitan Food Services are the caterers. 2. CHAIRS: June 3: • Approximately 50 black chairs for stage (from Music Dept.). • Music Stand from Music Department to be placed on stage (if necessary). 3. (2) LECTERNS one for the President on stage with light on top (John Funke may have this). In addition, a very SMALL TABLE for certificate and awards on stage next to President's lectern. (This lectern is stored in Buildings & Grounds and is used only for Commencement.). Other smaller lectern to be used by Marshals when they read graduate names. (place box for garbage inside the second lectern for Marshals to discard cards). 4. TWO (2) ADDITIONAL BANNERS (blue w/white lettering, stored in Library, 2 nd . floor CETL Office) with the words "CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES" that will be hung at two different locations on campus one week before graduation: Location I: above outdoor steps between Administration and Library Buildings. Location II: above the Administration Building's main entrance, anchored with the rope supplied by banner manufacturer. The anchoring rope will be decorated with streamers. Streamers stored in the Library, 2 nd floor CETL Office. This banner is made of one piece, 18' x 4' vinyl. 6. Hang BANNERS specifically made for the MAIN PARKING LOT’s UTILITY POLES one week prior to Commencement. Banners and hardware are stored in the Library, 2 nd . floor CETL Office. 7. FLAG POLES must be secured on the stage (they should be tied with wire). 8. OUTDOOR POWER BOX ­ John Funke's sound system, power for three video cameras plus appropriate overhead lighting. Power source for video 7 P.7 cameras need to be placed a considerable distance from the stage to allow for proper positioning of cameras. 9. AIR CONDITIONING should be turned on in the Humanities Theater well in advance of rehearsal on Wednesday, June 1, 7:00 a.m. and Commencement, 7:00 a.m., on Friday, June 3. 10. LANDSCAPER is to inspect athletic field and track one to two weeks before Commencement to paint areas that require sprucing up. 11. SPOTLIGHTS (6) to be placed over the stage to illuminate entire area. One lamp should be aimed at location where students enter stage and Marshal reads list of names. 12. ADDITIONAL ROPES AND STANDS for crowd control will be set up next to area where processional and graduates march onto stage. 13. SIGNS in elevator in Administration Building "DO NOT OVERLOAD ­ Maximum 6 People". 14. BUILDING & GROUNDS TRUCK to meet tent contractor’s truck to transfer stanchions. 15. EXIT DOOR FROM HUMANITIES BUILDING through which processional marches is to be kept ajar by whatever means possible. This will prevent door from closing on students as they are exiting. After processional completes their exit, the door will be shut by a member (one committee member, PROF. PETE MARCHITELLO) of the Ceremonial Occasions Committee, for the purpose of fire safety. 16. ISSC Conference Room: Provide an extension cord in room, to be used for breakfast. 17. FLOWERS (16 Flats) ON STAGE should be moved immediately following Commencement exercises to the Student Union Building for the Presidential Luncheon. 18. 10 PORTA­POTTIES will be placed just outside the northwest corner of the tennis courts. 19. GARBAGE CANS or BOXES should be placed by each of the 3 water tables. 8 P.8 20. CHAIRS: Placement of the first row of audience chairs (supplied by tent contractor) will begin 15’ away from stage. 21. POSTERS: Clean and remove any outstanding posters from the bulletin board poles in the courtyard area of the Science Building. Area needs to be cleaned thoroughly. 22. ISSC Conference Room CLEAN­UP should take place after 1:00 p.m. on Commencement Day. Do not remove or discard any classroom or test materials. Food Services will be notified to pick up any urns, carts, etc. used for workers’ breakfast. 23. Buildings and Grounds should thoroughly clean the Men’s and Ladies’ Rooms in the Z Building, ISSC Building and the Humanities Theater in time for Commencement morning. VI. REHEARSAL – Wednesday, June1, at 8:30 a.m. in the QCC Theater, Humanities Building. a) Hand out to students the "Map" indicating assembly, processional, and seating, etc. to be . On the reverse side is a copy of the Alma Mater and Ephebic Oath. will be done by: ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS b) During Rehearsal REMIND graduates to refrain from any inappropriate behavior during the actual ceremonies on Friday, June 3, specifically during the main speech. REPEAT this just before they begin to march on Friday. Also, all cell phones must be turned off! will be done by: PROF. JEFF HEST AND ALL THE MARSHALS c) VII. Give music to musicians and remind them not to talk while microphones are on. will be done by: PROF. JEFF HEST MARSHALS – 1 Last Name Allaire First Patricia 2 Appleman Jacob GRAND MARSHAL Department Mathematics & computer Science Mathematics & computer 6/1 Y Y 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Falik Ferdenzi Gorelick Jacobowitz Lieberman Nagler Svoronos Wallace Wein Jonas Anita Melvyn Susan David Joseph Paris D. Maureen JoAnn Science Business Social Sciences Biological Sciences & Geology English Physics Music Chemistry Nursing Art Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Who is Marshal for Faculty?­­­for Dignitaries Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr Dr Dr. Professor Dr. Faculty Dignitaries A.A. Graduates (A­L) A.A. Graduates (M­Z) A.S. Graduates (A­L) A.S. Graduates (M­Z) A.A.S. Graduates (A­ G) A.A.S. Graduates (H­ M) A.A.S. Graduates (N­ S) A.A.S. Graduates (T­ Z) Certificate Marshal a) Review procedures for assembly, procession, seating, recessional and reception. (Marshals: Please be on time for rehearsal, Wed, June 1 at 8:00 AM, as well as graduation.) Walk first marshal through entire path and seating one­half hour before processional begins. Make sure Marshals have signs up in the Humanities Theater and hallways for lineup (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., Certificate.). b) Degree Marshals: On Rehearsal day only, send students who are not on marshal lists of graduates to speak with the Registrar’s Office, where it will be determined whether the student is indeed a graduate and has paid graduate fee. If yes, the student will then see the representative of the Bookstore who will have extra caps and gowns on hand. If no, the student 10 must clear up the discrepancy before being able to participate in the ceremony. If the Registrar’s Office determines that the student is a candidate for graduation in August of this year, the student will still be permitted to walk in this year’s ceremony, but he/she must first complete the graduation audit and pay the graduation fee. (Please Note: There is no guarantee that the Registrar’s Office will be able to complete a graduation audit in time for Commencement if the student has waited until Rehearsal Day). Please note that it is recommended by the Committee on Ceremonial Occasions that future May/June Commencement Ceremonies include the potential August graduates from the same year rather than the previous year’s August graduates. If a student has paid the graduation fee and has lost his/her receipt, send the student to the Bursar’s Office to get a copy of the Bursar’s receipt. c) Microphone practice by marshals before to ensure voice projection. (only if necessary) d) Three (3) seats will be reserved at the beginning of the first row of each degree group. One seat will be for Marshal and the two remaining seats will be for graduates arriving late. e) Marshals will be seated in first seat of their designated degree group and committee members will be seated in front row of audience. Front row seating allows for last minute problems and/or assignments to be given out, or individuals dispatched, with ease. f) Batons and Marshal badges to be distributed at rehearsal. For 2005, pick them up on Wednesday, June 1 in the QCC Theater lobby. These batons must be returned to the GRAND MARSHAL immediately after the ceremony. The GRAND MARSHAL will give them to either PROF. ELAINE DELLA VECCHIA or PROF. MARGOT SMALL, who will return them to A­202D. g) PROF. PETE MARCHITELLO will walk ahead of Grand Marshal during the processional and recessional to clear the way of guests. A preliminary walk will be made with the Grand Marshal ½ hour prior to the beginning of ceremonies. h) At rehearsal, Marshals should remind students not to take programs from the table at graduation, as programs will already have been placed on their individual seats (i) Marshal Lists – Master lists at information table & one with 11 PROF. SHANNON KINCAID. Rehearsal Day 1. Seat students in Humanities Theater in sections according to degree (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., Certificate). 2. Add new students to degree groups with card. 3. Add phonetic spelling 4. Do not discard any name cards ­ student may show up Commencement morning. 5. Line up students according to degree (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., Certificate), giving the first person in each degree group the degree banner for that group, and lead them out the front doors of the Humanities Theater down to the entrance to the Athletic Field. Commencement Day 1. Seat students in Humanities Theater in sections according to degree (A.A., A.S., A.A.S., Certificate). 2. Add new students to degree groups with card 3. Read out all names ­ tell students as they stand next to you on stage, they should not to walk forward until they hear their name. 4. Read out all information as noted on marshal list: i.e., “Also receiving second degree in A.A.”, “Also receiving a Medical Office Assistant Certificate” 5. Some students will be sitting on stage as award receivers – they’re names are to be called with the appropriate degree. They will proceed to Dr. Martí from seat on stage. (have duplicate cards made for marshals with these student names) 6. Cards to be placed in a box on the podium for marshals when they are finished. 7. Students will receive a card with their name and degree, which they will give to the degree marshal before crossing the stage to Dr. Marti. VIII. FACULTY DR. DINAH MOCHE (FACULTY MARSHAL) Will please: check off those who attend Commencement and return list at the end of Commencement or via inter­office mail, to MS. MILLIE CONTE 1. Also: a) Remind faculty to return gowns to M­136 before 1:00 PM. b) After student procession ends, please wait a few minutes before beginning faculty march. 12 c) In preparation of the COCO report requested by the Academic Senate, please provide PROF. JEFF HEST with a list of faculty members who participated in the ceremonial march. 2. Chairperson of the COCO, JEFF HEST, should thank each faculty member personally as they walk out in recessional. 3. Breakfast reception (from 6:30 AM) for faculty and workers on Commencement morning in the Conference Room of the ISSC Building. Faculty should be advised of this prior to Commencement morning. (Post a sign at faculty cap & gown distribution. will be done by: PROF. ELADIA RAYA 4. Request Faculty to remain fifteen minutes after graduation to meet and take photos with graduates and families. Announce this to students at rehearsal and graduation lineup. will be done by: PROF. HOLLY O’DONNELL IX. TENT The 2005, bid was won by Ace Party Rental Company. 1. Tent contractor should come to campus two weeks before Commencement for final review, and to discuss any possible problems. 2. Bid specifications included: (a) Tent color (white) (b) Tent height (c) Railing on stage placed on three sides to be ready beforehand; also metal rail should be placed on steps. (d) Remove pole above stage platform. (Check tent for quarter pole.) (e) A trough to be built under any tent holes above stage in case of rain. (f) Two (2) sets of ramps on each side of stage to accommodate all students (including handicap) entering and exiting stage will be done by: MR. JOE CARTOLANO & MR. JOE CUNNINGHAM X. CAPS & GOWNS 13 a) FOR FACULTY: I) Pickup in Room M­136 Wed., June 1 from 8:00 AM ­ 10:00 AM Fri., June 3 from 7:30 AM ­ 8:30 AM ii) Return in Room M­136 Before 1:30 p.m. on Friday, June 3 h . If they are not returned at the time requested, faculty member will be responsible for the shipping charges. iii) Confirm with the Herff Jones representative(s) that they are scheduled to wait until 2:00 p.m. will be done by: PROF. HOLLY O’DONNELL & PROF. SHANNON KINCAID b) FOR VIP’S AND STAGE PARTY: Caps and gowns must be returned to Presidents Conf. Room A­502D before 1:30 p.m. on Friday, June 3. will be done by: (DIGNITARY MARSHAL) c) FOR STUDENTS Rehearsal and Commencement morning Students with cap and gown problems should be sent to the Bookstore. Students arriving with cap and gown at Commencement rehearsal and actual ceremony should ask degree marshal to announce their name and add their card to the group. XI. OTHER ITEMS 1. Make a public announcement for all guests to be seated just before processional begins AND TO TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES! will be done by: PROF. JEFF HEST 2. Be available during tent and stage construction and placement of chairs will be done by: PROF. JEFF HEST & MR. JOE CARTOLANO 3. Commencement day, Friday, June 3. all personnel working on ceremony should arrive by 7:00 a.m. 14 Marshals should arrive by 7:30 AM. 4. Greeting of guests coming from parking lot by several of the faculty, staff, and marshals. 5. Grand Marshal or President should introduce representatives from Community Board and Queens Chamber of Commerce during the ceremonies. 6. Instruct students to move tassels on caps from one side to the other (at some point in graduation). will be done by:: MS. MILLIE CONTE will indicate this in PRESIDENT MARTí’S script 7. Before Commencement contact musical performer(s) regarding publicity, details, speech, songs, etc. will be done by: PROF. JEFF HEST 8. Flowers/pots: removal of these from stage by students or guests to be prevented. After ceremony, the distribution of floral arrangements to Student Union Building will be conducted by B&G. will be done by: PROF. MARGOT SMALL & PROF. PETE MARCHITELLO 9. Nurses and Volunteer Ambulance ­ Arrange at least one month prior to Commencement. will be done by:: PROF. PAT SPRADLEY & PROF. PETE MARCHITELLO X11. ADDENDUM The signs required at Commencement are: q a) “Reserved for Marshals” (nine) one on end of each row (see Map diagram ­ letter “M”). (Print 12­ yellow 4 1/4” x 5 1/2”) q b) Committee Members” ­ to be placed on seats in first few rows in audience at the end of left side (facing audience) near aisle for the Committee on Ceremonial Occasions members. ) (Print 14 ­ yellow 4 1/4” x 5 1/2”) 15 q c) “Reserved” ­ for Disabled Students, Homebound Counselors and Aides in first and second rows. Chairs may need to be removed to accommodate wheelchairs. (Print 20 ­ green 4 1/4” x 5 1/2”) q d) “Reserved for Press”­ front row. Speak to SUSAN CURTIS re: expected press attendance. (Print 6 ­ Blue 4 1/4” x 5 1/2”) q e) “Reserved for Musicians (musical interlude) ­ front row. (Print 10 ­yellow 4 1/4” x 5 1/2”) q f) “Reserved for Photographer” ­ front row. (Print 5 ­ blue 4 1/4” x 5 1/2”) q g) “Faculty Cap & Gowns M­136” ­ to be placed on door of M­136 and on entrance doors to Humanities. (Print 4 ­ white cardstock) q h) “Cap & Gown” ­ return notice for Faculty only ­ hang sign in Room M­136 and on door of Room M­136. (Print 4 ­ blue cardstock) q i) “A.A., A.A.S, A.S. & Certificate” directional signs ­ Place signs so that they are seen on wall when one enters the Humanities Building prior to rehearsal, directing students to proper line. Use with arrow (") signs. (Print 6 of each in cardstock. A.A.­ yellow, AAS ­ blue, AS ­ green, Certificate ­ pink.) q j) “A.A., A.S., A.A.S. Degree & Certificates names of Marshals” ­ Place signs so that they are seen on wall when one enters the Humanities Building prior to rehearsal, directing students to proper Marshal. Use with (") signs. (Print 6 ­ each in cardstock. AAS ­ blue, AA ­ yellow, AS ­ green, Certificate ­ pink) q k) “Courtesy of QCC Alumni Association” to hang behind water tables. See map. (Print 4 ­ white cardstock) q l) “Please Keep Aisle Clear” ­ to be place on light poles. (Print 12 ­ white.) q m) “Nurse” or “First Aid” – nearest to where nurse will be located. Use with arrow (") signs. (Print 3 each ­ white cardstock.) q n) “"” signs ­ to be used in conjunction with some of the signs above. (Print 20 ­ white cardstock.) q o) Signs depicting breakdown of degree by field of major interest to be hung during rehearsal and on Commencement day in Humanities Theater Lobby. (Print 4 ­ cardstock) (SUMMARY LIST) 16