Mock Final Examination Mathematics 335 (201) 11 April 2011

The University of British Columbia
Mathematics 335 (201)
Mock Final Examination
11 April 2011
Time: 150 minutes
Full Name:
Student # :
This Examination paper consists of 10 pages (including this one). Make sure you have all 10.
One 8.5” x 11” sheet allowed. One calculator allowed. No communication devices allowed.
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Name of Instructor: Mark Mac Lean
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 2 of 10
[10 marks]
Short answers: give one or two sentences about the following. You are encouraged to use
examples and figures.
(a) symmetry of a geometric figure
(b) platonic solid
(c) proof by contradiction
(d) public-key encryption
(e) Euclidean algorithm
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 3 of 10
[10 marks]
Recall from class that we observed three relationships between vertices, edges, and faces in the
platonic solids:
pF = 2E
qV = 2E
V −E+F = 2
where p is the number of edges on each face, and q is the number of edges (or faces) meeting at
a vertex. In class, we used these equations to get the following relationship”
1 1
+ = + .
q p
2 E
(a) Explain why the above equality can be used to say that p and q must satisfy
1 1
+ >
q p
regardless of the number of edges.
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 4 of 10
(b) Find all the possible pairs of values (p, q) that satisfy this inequality. Why is p ≥ 3?
Identify the solid associated to each pair (p, q).
(c) How does this tell you there are only 5 platonic solids?
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 5 of 10
[10 marks]
(a) Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 206 and 40.
(b) Find the least common multiple of 206 and 40.
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 6 of 10
[10 marks]
Consider the rotational symmetries of an equilateral triangle. These are the identity I, rotation
by 120 degrees clockwise R120 , and rotation by 240 degrees clockwise R240 . The rotational
symmetries form a group of symmetries which is a subgroup of the whole group of symmetries
(which includes the reflections) of the equilateral triangle. As we did in class, let us use ◦ to
designate composing two symmetries and also use the convention that when we write a ◦ b, we
mean that a is done first and b second.
(a) Write down the group table for the rotational symmetries of the triangle.
(b) Solve R120 ◦ x = I for x.
(c) Solve R120 ◦ x = R240 for x.
(d) Can you solve x ◦ x = I? Explain your answer.
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 7 of 10
[10 marks]
(a) State Pythagoras’ Theorem.
(b) Suppose that Gaew tells you that she has a triangle with sides having lengths 2.6, 8.1,
and 8.6. Is this a right triangle? Why or why not? Is there an angle in the triangle larger
than 90◦ ? Justify your answer.
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 8 of 10
[10 marks]
(a) Suppose you have the set of prime numbers P = {2, 3, 5, 7, 31}. Consider the number
N = 2 · 3 · 5 · 7 · 31 + 1.
(i) Show that none of the primes in P are prime factors of N . (Hint: What are the
remainders if you try to divide each of these primes into N ?)
(ii) Find the prime factors of N . (Hint: One of the prime factors is less than 30.)
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 9 of 10
(b) Explain why there can be no largest prime number. (Hint: Imagine there is a largest
prime number M and that you have a list of all the prime numbers up to and including
M .)
Mathematics 335 (201) — Mock Final Examination — 11 April 2011 — p. 10 of 10
[10 marks]
Consider your past and present experiences learning mathematics. As a student taking Math
335 this term, what did you learn about learning mathematics?