Queensborough Student Association QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENT GROUP REQUIREMENTS I. Please refer to the Student Government Constitution for the eligibility requirements/qualifications necessary for your student group to be ratified by the Student Senate and to receive funding from the Queensborough Student Association. II. Our updated club packet guide can now be accessed at web address link where forms may also be downloaded, typed and printed. Please note that the Club Registration Application, Report form and Constitution MUST be typed. In addition, the Club Roster form MUST list at least 10 names of the club members along with their signatures. In order to prevent delays and/or point reductions, please make sure all form fields are completed before you submit the club packet. III. Please read all documents carefully and follow instructions accordingly. Remember, to hold a position as a student group official you must be registered as a matriculated student, have completed 12 college and/or equated credits, currently taking 6 college and/or equated credits, and have a G.P.A. of at least 2.0. All documents must be Typed or Printed Clearly and Information Complete (Names, full addresses, including zip code, phone numbers, student ID numbers), copy of Student Group Constitution, and signatures where required in order to facilitate ratification by the Student Senate and funding by the Allocating Committee. IV. Payment Vouchers must be accompanied by ORIGINAL receipts and/or store invoices written in English. No Handwritten Receipts Will Be Accepted. Payment vouchers will not be accepted without the corresponding attendance sheet (where applicable). V. Clubs will be ratified by the QSA Senate. Senators will receive emails advising them of the date(s) of meeting which will always be on a Wednesday from 12:10-2:10 p.m. Officers will also be reminded via email of upcoming meetings. Note: Please submit your completed club packet by the scheduled deadline date. For point system questions, please refer to the point system sample sheet. VI. Funding will be determined by the QSA Allocating Committee as per the Point System. Funds left over can be rolled over from Fall to Spring only; funds left over in the Spring will not be rolled over to the Fall. VII. Each recognized student club is entitled to a mailbox located in the Student Union Lower Level. Club officers are responsible to pick up their club mail on the weekly basis. VIII. All Senators are required to serve on an Academic Senate Committee. Student representatives must attend meetings called by the chairperson of the committee on which they serve. Please refer to the Queensborough Community College website to obtain a list and brief description of all the current Academic Senate Committees. Link can be found at www.qcc.cuny.edu/governance/academic senate/committees.html. IX. It is your responsibility to be up-to-date with all Senate, President and Vice President Meetings and other important events that have been scheduled for the upcoming semester. Your cooperation in adhering to the aforementioned instructions and details will prevent delays in planning events for your student club as well as ensuring successful co-curricular activities at Queensborough Community College for the Student body. Thank you for your participation.