STATISTICAL APPROACHES TO CERTAIN PROBLEMS IN GEOPHYSICS by STEPHEN MILTON- SIMPSON, JR. B.S., YALE UNIVERSITY (1950) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMI'NT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (1953) Signature of Author . . . -. . -.- we w .Jt *. . . . . . . Department of Geology and Geophysics August 14, 1953 Certified by . . . . . .v. .*-/. . . ' Thesis Supervisor Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students ABSTRACT STATISTICAL APPROACHES TO CERTAIN PROBLEM IN }EOPHYSICS by Stephen Milton Simpson, Jr. Submitted to the Department of Geology and Geophysics on August 14, 1953, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Several specific problems in seismic and gravitational data interpretation are considered from the statistical viewpoint. Least squares techniques are applied to the two types of interpretation, and, for seismic records, other approaches are discussed. The fitting of an nth order polynomial in x and y to ravity data by the method of least squares is investigated as a method for approximating regional gravitational anomalies. The normal equations for the general case are derived and simplification considered. It is shown that, with a symmetrical rectangular distribution of gravity readings, each set of these equations breaks up into smaller subsets. The resulting simplification brings fairly high order polynomials into the range of practical computation. For a particular gridwork the polynomial coefficients may be expressed explicitly as linear combinations of the right hand members of the normal equations. Once this is done, the least squares fitting of any data taken over such a'idwork may be effected relatively easily. The explicit expressions for the coefficients are derived for a square gridwork of 121 points and for polynomials of order 2, 3, and 4. A set of actual gravity readings is analysed in this fashion. The gravity residuals are determined and contoured. The comparison of these contours with each other (for various order polynomials) and with contours derived by a standard, much more involved process, is favorable. This consisteney, despite certain detrimental features of the data used indioates that the method may deserts to find practical application as a routine, first step, Wavity reduction procedure. The problem is pursued with regard to different gridworks, and a table is derived which contains, in effect, the normal equations for representative grids up to a size containing 2601 points, and for polynomials through order four. As an approach to the understanding of linear operators, as they apply to the analysis of seismic records, a simple form of linear operator is studied. For this form of operator, the so-called "cosine operator, oertain properties are derived in the general case, and interpreted geometrically. These include relationships between the exact form of cosine operator chosen, the correlation properties of the series which the cperator is to predict, the individual errors of prediction, ead the of squared errors of The results are applied to two classes of time prediction. series in connection with spectrum analysis, and, for one class, filter characteristics are computed for a specific cosine operator. An iterative method for determining least squares fits of linear operators to multiple time series is discussed geometrically. rn argument is presented, based on the geometry of the two term operator, to show that, in the case of near singularity where many solutions will almost satisfy the least squares criterion, the exact solution is necessary for the purposes under consideration. Several interpretive procedures are devised for from seismic records. The first deals information finding with discriminating a unknown velocity in a two velocity system. An adaption is made for detecting reflections, and practical example are given of the two uses. The second employs a form of testing phase, between seismic traces and their predictions by linear operators, to determine reflection times, and is illustrated with an example. The third combines the concept of ensemble averages with linear operators to determine step-out times of reflections. The last procedure suggests a special experimental arrangement, coupled with a certain type of correlation analysis, for detecting refleotions. Included as appendixes are desariptions of four programs written by the author for the Whirlwind I Digital Computer. These permit high speed computation of: two dimensional polynomial residuals; linear operator prediction errors and their running averages; least squares linear operator coefficients (by an iterative method); and autocorrelations, cross-correlations and "traveling" auto- or cross-correlations. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Patrick M. Hurley Professor of Geology TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................... Acknowledgments . .... Introduction LEAST SQUARES RESIDUAL GRAVITY PART I . .. .. .... ........ ......... = n = Case = Applications I-? I-8 1-11 I-15 I-16 ......- *..............a--.. .. ,................. ............ -.. .... .... ... ............... e... m.... ..... Setting up the Normal Equations PART II I-6 m.................. .................--........ a= ....... 3 I-"5 m--... ....... ................................ Discussion Example 1 2 1-2 ..... .. Simplified Solutions Case n Case n Case n s ..... Introduction .............................. Theory il a *..* a . - ..... .*.. * 1-17 m 1-20 SEISMIC RECORD ANALYSIS BY LINEAR OPERATORS Introduction 11-1 11-2 11-4 ..... ........ ........... a...... Statistical Methods * Single Frequenoy Cosine Operators Geometry of Cosine Operators Conclusons Example ..... .. ......... 11-6 . .- - - . 1I-8 11-9 11-10 S1-11 - Cyolical Nature of Cosine Operators Cosine Operator Predicting an Autoregressive Series Cosine Operators on Series with Gaussian Spectrum Distribution .....................-..... Computational Example -.-- - - am............ A Method of Finding Linear Operators for Least Squares Fitting Procedures Accuracy PART III . .. aa.a.. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. 11-14 II-15 11-18 11-22 SOME INTERPRETIVE PROCEDURES - -... Introduction. Velocity Separation ................................. Tests of the Method ........ a.a.aam.................. Conclusions Phase Test ... Ensemble Average 111-9 .................. ..................... III-10 111-13 ................................ Travelling Correlations III-1 111-2 111-6 II-15 ............................. Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Work References APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E Polynomial I Description Prediction XV Description Description Iteration I kAuto Cross-Correlation I Biographical Note and Use Of and Use Of and Use Of Description and Use Of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor P.M. Hurley, thesis supervisor, for his encouragement of and confidence in the work of this thesis. Among his many co-workers, the author must acknowledge the help of the following persons: Enders A. Robinson for his stimulation, advice, and training in the fundamentals and practice of time series analysis, and in the programming for digital computers; Theodore R. Madden for his interest and assistance, espeoially in developing the concept of velocity separation and suggesting the problem of least squares residual anomalies; Markwick Smith for many helpful discussions and comments on the various subjects treated here; Howard Briscoe for assistance with programming difficulties; Whirlwind tape room personnel Margaret Mackey and Katherine Campbell, and machine operator Robert Gilday, for their invaluable cooperation. Finally, the author is deeply indebted to his wifq Pauli, on whom fell the task of preparing the mannscript with its very involved mathematical notations. INTRODUCTION It is well known that experimental data taken in Geophysical studies surpasses in accuracy the interpretation that must be made on the data. problems are very complex. The reason is that the For one thing, it can be shown, in the treatment of certain types of problems, that no unique solution exists. An example is the infinity of possible mass distribution corresponding to a given gravity profile. In other problems the physical situation dealt with is so inhomogeneous and anisotropic that exact solution is impossible. It would be hopeless to attempt to explain rigorously the presence of any particular oscillation on a seismogram. Data such as this, subject to a certain amount of randomness, and on which "best" estimates must be made, is well suited to svatistical evaluation. The numerical data taken in gravity surveys does undergo evaluation of this type. The least squares approach, however, is not being utilized on a large scale. This is probably due to practical limitations, and it is one of the problems of this paper to see if these limitations may be minimized. On the other hand, the raw data of seismology occurs in analogue or ourve form. Standard procedures of inter- pretation consist mainly of rules of thumb, learned by long experience, and still largely dependent on the qualification of the individual interpreter. There is a need to put these procedures on a more rigorous basis, Tbis basis may be found in the concepts of time series as developed in economics, meteorology, and other fields. Huch work must be done to determine the best means of applying these concepts to seismic data, since, in certain ways, both the data and the desired information are unique. Another purpose of this paper, then, is to propose several special methods of applioation, and to develop certain theory necessary for a better understanding of time series concepts as they apply to seismology. Statistical methods, in general, require computation, A "program" written for a and often on a large scale. digital computer is a tool which will do this work automatically. The author has written several programs for the 4hirlwind I Digital Computer to perform computations related to the above discussed problems, and includes these programs as appendixes, with the feeling that other investigators may find them useful. iii PART I LEAST SQUARES RESIDUAL GRAVITY ILtroduction Variations in the attraction of gravity over the surface of the earth are due to many causes, but these often fall into two general categories. Phenomena such as the thickening or thinning of the crust cause relatively slow, smooth and widespread gravity fluctuations. these regional effects. We call On the other hand, such things as ore body emplacements, caverns, and local density heterogeneities cause more rapid irregular changes, and these are termed local effects. The actual gravity values measured over an area usually represent a combination of regional and local effects. The separation of these effects is of primary importance in interpretation, and many mathematical methods have been devised to eliminate guesswork in the problem. Essentially, most of the methods represent an averaging process which gives at each point and approximate value of the regional effect alone. The local effect is then found simply by subtraction from the measured values. Many of these methods possess two undesirable aspects. First of all the averaging must be done at each point individually. Secondly, the averaging includes only gravity values in the vicinity of the point considered. It is hard to say just how serious these drawbacks are, but it seems worth-while to investigate a method which does not I-1 In a least squares approximation all values encounter them. are averaged simultaneously. Moreover, the resulting approximation is not merely a set of discreet points but a continuous surface of values over the area, a property which is sometimes of value. The purpose of Part I is to consider in some detail how the method of least squares may be applied to this problem, and how a simplified method of procedure may be set up for practical application. Part I represents an extension of the work done by W.B. Agoes t . Agocs approximates the regional anomaly by a plane surface derived from least squares criteria. He shows that, in an artifical example, the residual anomaly is better derived from least squares procedures than by the use of the "arithmetic mean regional' procedure. For higher order polynomials than a plane surface the algebra rapidly becomes more involved. Theory It is easiest to illustrate the method for an idealized geologic example in two dimensions. Fig. 1.1 shows a wave in the bottom of the crust and a single ore body emplacement. The points on the graph would then be the measured values of gravity across the area. Fitting a fairly low order polynomial to these values by least squares gives us the curve AB which best fits all the points. 4 Ref. 1 1-2 This curve will approxitiate the regional effect more closely than the local effect, and it is apparent that the fit will be closest at some distance from the ore body. Thus the dashed line of Fig. 1.1, representing the difference between the polynomial and the observed values, gives a good indication of the location of the anomalous mass. In the two-dimensional problem the approximating polynomial is a surface, and interpretation is made from contours of the residuals. Let us approximate the regional gravity by a polynomial of order n in x and y. n G(xy) n-i E Z = 1 1.1 7 i=0 j =0 Thus for n=2 G(xy) 000 + 0 10 x + c2 0 X2 + o Xy + 0 1y + 00 2 Y2 The c's are unknown coefficients to be determined in accordance with the condition that the sum of the squares of the residuals is to be minimized. Then the residuals are measured values of gravity. R(xy) = R2 (xy) and Let g(xy) be the G(xy) g(xy) G(xy)Y 2g(xy) = Hence ~ ER~ xyy ~ E n n-k n-i z (0 4 x y Z E £x) k=0 A=0 i=O J=O n -2 Eg(xy) xy n n-i EZ c i=O J=0 I-3 x yJ + c 2Y") E g(xy) xy or 2 Z E R(xy) = XY n Z [Z xy 1=0 n-i n E k=0 Z j=O n -2 E Cg(xy) E xy i=O n-k Z 1=0 n-i E k+i Y4+j g ejk a o xy] j=0 2 g (xy) + XY Differentiating this expression with respect to a,, and setting each derivative equal to zero for minimization, we obtain (n + 1)(n + 2)/ linear equations for the same number of unknown coefficients n n-k k+i I+y Z Z: 0k-1 Z x y k=O 4=0 xy where j xyjj j2 xy 0, 1, ...... (n-i) I = 0, 1,....n There are really three variables, or sets of variables, in equations 1.2 - the order of the polynomial n, the set of points xy, and the set of gravity values at these points. The first two of these variables determine the coefficient matrix of the ckJ's. Once these two are chosen, a unique inverse matrix exists, which, if found, may be used to compute the oki's for all sets of gravity values taken over the same xy pattern. This alone would be a major simplification if the method were to be used on a production basis. But we shall also see that, using a simple reasonable restriction, both the problem of finding the inverse and the form of the inverse itself will be greatly simplified. G~aoFis.1. rTT -_____ T / F'~. 1.2~ M -G{2 i L N p - -. '1') Sitm21ified Solutions In many cases gravity readings are taken over a square, or at least rectangular, network. When this is so we may take the axes so that the rectangle is symmetrical about them, and number our ordinates and absiscae in integers, as in Fig. 1.2 . It is then easy to see that over such a network summations of the form z y whenever i or j is odd. will vanish Thus many of the coefficients of the ck6's in equations 1.2 will drop out. This leads to considerable simplification, with the bigger systems breaking up into several smaller ones. Furthermore, if we take a definite network we may solve the equations explicitly for the eki's in terms of the summations Eg(xy)x iy j. xy To demonstrate how this is done we shall solve the equations for n = 1, 2, 3, and 4, over a square network of 121 points. The systems are positive definite and symmetric, well adapted to solution by the matrix method of P.D. Crout. The non-vanishing summations over this network are Exy = M= Ex4 = Ey4 = FIX8 4 Ref. 2 Ex2Y2 1210 Zx2 =Zy2 Ex6 = Ey6 121 = y Exy24 = EX4Y2 21538 451330 _EZy 8 = 10185538 I-5 12100 215380 EX26 - Ex6y2 = 4513300 Ex4y 4 3833764 h CasTn nm The normal equations are 000M + c10ox + + 0 10Ex 2 + o0 0 Ey + 01 0 ZEy + 0 00 001EY Eg(xy) 00 zg(xy)x c0 1 Z y 1 F-g(XY)y Reducing immediately to 000 010 X 14 01 Ex2 y2 giving G(xy) L.Eg(xy) 121 -Zg(xy)x + + 1210 -y-Eg(xy)y 1210 or, to six places G(xy) 8.26448 10~4 10Eg(xy) + xEg(xy)x + yzg(xy)y] Case n = 2 The normal equations are 00 001 002 0i1 020 ZY 2 Zy Ey2 = 3 Zy3 Exy ZX7 3 22 Exy 2 Exy Exy 2 EX2 EX2 y2 EXY 2 2 Eg (xy) Ex2 S2 2 F~g(xy)y ZX3 y Eg ( y )xy 2 zg (xy) y = x3 y = Eg (xy) X g(xy)X2 which reduce to e01 = 1210 Eg12 , = Izg(xy)xy 12100 and three equations for c00* 002, and e20 I-6 010 -.Jjg(xy)x 1210 121000 + 1210020 = zg(xy) 1210o02 + (Xy)y 2 1210000 + 21538002 12100020 Sg 1210o00 + 12100002 21538e2O = g (ry) X2 The solutions are 00 -l 278zg(xy)-10(Eg(xy)x2 + Eg(xy)y 2 )3 002 = .;ij'g(xy)y2 ~ 1Eg(xy)3 s20 2 9438' Thus G(xy) = 94)38 [278Eg(xy) - 10(Eg( xy)x 2 + Eg(xy)y 2 )] + yLxg(xy)y] 1210 lO g(xy))) (2g(xy)y + Yy + xycj.jeg(xy)xy3 12100 - + x[. J.g(xy)x] 1210 + X2 1 2 - 107g(Xy) I Or to six plaoes [.0294554Eg(xy) - 1.05955 10-3 G(xy) = + y[8.26448 10Z4Eg(xy)y] + y2 1.05955 10"4(Zg(xy)y2 + xy[8.26448 10-5zg(xy)xy] + 4 x[8.26448 10 ~Eg(xy)x] + x2c1.05955 10~ 4(Eg(xy)x 2 1-7 - lOgxy) - iOEg(XY))3 2 + Zg(xy)y 23 The normal equations are 00 01 002 03 11 3 17172 12 02n *10 20 2 2 3 3 22 2 3 3 4 23 2 22 32 2 4 775 24 3 3 3 1) M y y2 2) y y2 73 3) Y2 y3 y4 4) y3 74y 5) 2y 72 y3 4 2y2 1273 xY3 , XY4 5 2 3 24 33 24 3 2 33 4Y2 3 2 22 3 12 13 6) 72 7) 2 2 x 9) X2 10) x3 4 22 xy 8) 74 12 5 z XY2 '30 3Y2 233 4 zyx3y 22 32 42 4 5 2 2 x81 2 22 2y3 3 3 2 4 3 4 5 2 x3y x3y 2 3 Y3 4 x42 5I X4 X5 x6 X3 Summations are assumed for all these quantities and g is written for g(xy). The equations reduce considerably. Equation 5 gives us 011 121(4 1, 3, and 9, combine to give three equations for o0 002, and o20, which have the same solutions as for the case n = 2. 2$ 4, and 7, and 6, 8, and 10, combine to give two independent systems which have identical coefficients. Thus 2, 4, 7, are 1210001 + 21538003 + 12100c = gy 21538001 + 4513300 0 3 + 215380021 = 03 12100001 + 215380003 + 215380021 L4-8 gz 7 "With solutions 001 , 1 - 4450EigY 679536 021 = 94380 S0 0 30 I - 2y 178gy3 - 72Egx2 - lEgy) f4450Egx -O178Egx3 1 --10Egx3 -178Egx] = 6?9536 10x lEgx] -X3 012 =27 and. from the case n = 2 000 -10 (Egx2 + Eg] 278Fg .gr . joyg~i 9 . gy2 -4;19[g] .r 002 00 020 = C gx 2 - lO~g) We also have 12 12100 '-9 72Egxy2 To six places + £.029 4 554 ESg - 1;05955 10' 3 (Egx2 + Egy2 )) + y[6.54859 10~3 gy - 2.61943 10~41gy 3 - 1.05955 10~gx2y + y 1.05955 10* 4 (Egyz2 lozg)] + 731.4?159 10 5Sgy3 - 2.61943 10~4Egy] + xy[8.26445 10-5Egxy) + xy2 1l.05955 10- 5 gxy2 + x 2 y[1.05955 10-5%gx 2y - 1.05955 10~4Ex3 1.05955 10'4Egy3 + x[6.54859 10"3 Sgz - 2.61943 10~4Egx3 - 1.05955 10~ 3ygxy2 j + X2 [1.05955 i0~4 (Egx2 . losg)3 + x3 [1.47159 10-5 Egx 3 - 2.61943 104gxj 1-10 Case 4c The normal equations are 00 '01 )2 03 04 11 12 13 ' l '2 9 1) M y j 2) Yj x xy xj X9 ly 4 3) 4) y 5) yx | 6) xy xj x 9) 10) xS dg 15) x ZIf Z40HX 2 P i ff xy yy4iVy 4 iy 94ly l4 0 for 001s a03# 021 = x gx gx = gZ g kZ Ij = g 5, 10, 13, 15, reduce to give a system of six equations for co c4. 2, 4, 9, and 7, y x k4 y y Equations 1, 3, gxy gxi 2y Pxx5 fy x2 x2 2 y x 9 yY xP x9 g ?F x# 19 IVIy#V gxy 2V x9 x y 7 Py X y4gly F FxF 21V Vy yFAF F=g x4 X/ 0 xy xy x 0 g E xv xfv 0y21 x1 Z Ifl 14) x g. Zf 4f x x lk x 4# y I : Z9 4 x xV Zy b fy ly y Zy o Z9 Z Z3 13) 13 x xfi x xyk 12) x x4y xj xyB i2 gy xy 11) 4x j 0 X X j xyf X'23x yXy y r X; 9x x xxy x xi x i y x )x f li x2?9 2y49 7) xl xy x Xy x i9 xi 8) x9 31 10 00 12, 14, 02$ 004s 022O zo. and give two sets of equations and c10, 0300 012, respectively, which are equivalent to the corresponding equations for the case n = 3. I-11 The new equations to be solved are 000 002 N y2 4 y2 y4 y6 04 022 4 2 2 K Y 020 040 2 4 =SEg 2 4 22 4Y2 = Sgy 8 2 6 2 4 4 4 Zgy4 y Y6 2 x 22 24 2 6 4 4 4 2 6 2 22 = Zgx2y2 x2 22 2 4 4 2 4 6 2 =Sgx4 x4 x4y2 44 6 2 6 4 = Sgx and x2 2 2 4 4 2 = Sgxy x2 4 2 6 S4 4 = Sgxy 3 x 4y 4 6 2 = Eg3y x4y2 The last set has solutions 011 = [689.84Egxy - 17.8(Sgxy3 + Sgx 3 y)) 013 = LZgzY 3 . 17.8gxy) 031 Cg 3 y - 1-12 17.8Zgxy] The solution of the first set to six places is 400 = 4.53280 10- 2 g + 1.58932 10~4 (Egy4 + EgX) 1.35839 10~44gx2y 2 - 6.399122 10- 3 (Zgy2 + 002 = 1.62141 l3E7gy 2 - gX2 2.81527 10-3Eg 1.35839 10-5 (gx 2 Y2 . lO~gx 2 ) -5.51847 10-5%gy 4 Egy4 - 5.51847 10-5gy2 + 1.58932 10- 5 Zg O04 = 2.20739 10 022 = 1.35839 10 6 (Egx2y2 _ l(Zgx 2 + zgy 2 ) + 1oOEg) 020 = 1.62141 10-"3 zgx2 - 2.81527 10-3Zg -5.51847 10-5gx 2 040 = 2.20739 10 6 - 1.35839 10 -5 (Egx 2 2 2 gx 4 - 5.51847 10-5 gx 2 + 1.58932 10-5zg To simplify writing G(xy) we introduce the abbreviations A = Eg H = Egx3 y B = Egx I = Egxy 2 2 2 C = Egx 2 K = Egxy 3 D = Egx 3 L = Egy 2 F = Egxy M = Egy G = Egx2y N = Egy3 P = Egy4 I-13 Hence x) C4.5328o 10 2 A + 1.58932 104(P + E) +1.35839 10~*J - 6.39122 10+ y[ 6 .54859 103L - 3 2.61943 10~4N + y2[1.62141 10-3M- (M + C)] 1.05955 10~3] - 2.81527 10-3A - 5.51847 10-5p -1.35839 10- 5 (J - 1003) + Y3[1.47159 10-5N - 2.61943 10*4L] + y[2.20739 10-6P - 5.51847 10-5M + 1.58932 10-5A) + zy[1.01516 10-3F - 2.61943 10-5(K + H)] + xy2 [105955 10-5I - 1.05955 10~ 4 B] + xy 3 [1.47159 10 6 K + x 2Y[1.05955 2.61943 10-5F3 10'5G - 1.05955 10~4B] + x 2 Y2 [1.35839 10- 6 (J - 10(C + M) + 1oA)] + x 3 y[l.47159 10-6H - 2.61943 10-5] 2.61943 10~ 4 D - 1.05955 10-3I] + x[6.54859 10-3B - + x2 [1.62141 10-3C - 2.81527 10- 3 A - 5.51847 10-5C - 1.58932 10-*5A -1.35839 10" 5 (J - 10R)] + x3[1.47159 10 5D - 2.61943 10"34B + x4[2.20739 10~ 6 E - 5.51847 10-5C Pisussioni An interesting property which has developed in these four oases makes the extension to higher order approximations somewhat simplor4. If n is odd then all the coefficients c whose subscripts add to an even number are the same as the corresponding coefficients for the (n - )rst ease. If n is even the coefficients with subscripts adding to an odd number are the same as for the preceding case. This property can be shomn directly from equation 1.2. Thus for the case n coefficients (0 .5we expect nine of the c02s 40' '40$ 020' 011, 013' 031) to be the same as for the case n = 4,, and we need only write the twelve remaining equations for i + j odd. A polynomial of order equal to the number of points taken will exactly fit the data. However it is practically impossible to use polynomials even approaching such a high order for reasonably-sized gridworks, and this danger seems slight. choice of n. There is still a real problem in the If the regional effect is in reality a fairly low order effect, polynomials of high n will begin to approximate the local anomalies too closely. Other systems, however, run into the same problem, and this point would be best settled by experience with the data. Another important practical consideration is the amount of work to be done, i.e., the determination of the 1-15 summations Egxi 73, of the cu' s and the solution of G(xy) at each point. We devote the next section to this problem. To illustrate the work necessary we discuss a convenient scheme for application to the case n = 3. The use of a computing machine with cumulative multiplication is desirable. Assume that the grid has been determined and the gravity values written at each intersection as shown. This is done on tracing paper as shown in Fig. 1.3. The numbers a and P above each vertical line and to the left of each horizontal line represent the sums of g(xy) along those lines. Then as we may easily compute the sums Zg, Egx, Zgx2 zgy, Egy 2 2gy3 , from the relations Zg = EQ Zg Ei(i) Zgx 3 Zgx3 = Zgy = E (i)3 pji(i) gy2 = (i) 2 gy~3=ZPiti) 3 2 gx2 = Eai(i) 2 Each of these computations involves one machine operation of eleven cumulative multiplications. For the remaining summations Egxy, E gx y 2 it is convenient to have a similar grid which can be placed under the original one. This second grid has the values of 2 2 xy, x y, xy , at each point as shown in Fig. 1.4 and can be used for each application. 1-16 r Pig. 1.3 -N Pig. 1.- The values of g(xy) then appear in the vacant upper left hand corner of each point, making the multiplications apparent. Each of these three summations then in- volves a cumulative addition of 100 multiplications. The o 's are then found as ten cumulative additions of two of three multiplications each. G(xy) is now completely determined with the writing down of less than 50 numbers and it remains to solve this equation for each point. This involves ten cumulative multiplications at each of the 121 points with a final subtraction to determine the residuals. A second tracing paper grid laid over both of the others would simplify this and the residuals could be written down in a form ready to be contoured. A nice feature of this scheme is the absence of any tabulation of data. It may be extended fairly simply to higher degrees. Examtle As a test of this method residuals were computed on gravity readings supplied by a mining company. This data was not in a convenient form for use since the readings were taken in mine tunnels and not over a grid. To get them in grid form, the readings were first contoured as shown in Fig. 1.5 and then values extrapolated to the grid. involves several inaccuracies. This First of all, where readings are sparse, the extrapolated values are bound to contain considerable error. Secondly, the computations weight all values equally so that the accurately extrapolated points, in areas of dense readings, suffer from the inaccuracies in the less dense areas. Three sets of residuals were computed, one for second, third, and fourth order polynomials. This was done to test the effect of polynomial degree on the residuals. The polynomials were fitted directly to the raw gravity, without making the usual topographic corrections. The justification for neglecting to do this is seen in Fig. 1.11. This figure shows values of regional minus topographic corrections computed by the mining company, and contours of these values. The contours demonstrate that this correction is a low order effect (in this particular situation) and can obviously be easily absorbed into a polynomial as low as degree two. Figs. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8 then show residuals for second, third, and fourth order polynomials respectively, and were computed as described previously. Once the reading had been contoured and extrapolated, it took about a day to compute each set of residuals. The computed polynomials appear in the upper right-hand corner of Figs. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8. Fig. 1.10 shows the contours of the polynomials themselves, and shows that the similarity of the residuals is due to the similarity of the polynomials used. 1-18 In Fig. 1.9 is contoured the residual gravity as computed by the mining company which supplied the data. Their computational procedure required several months to produce this diagram, which, in important respects, is quite similar to the contours of Figs. 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8. Part of the difference is due to the fact that the least squares residuals are forced to oscillate arouni a mean of zero, so that many negative contours appear. Other differences may well be attributable to the inaccuracies of contouring as mentioned above. It seems clear however, that the similarity is sufficiently great to justify the use of the least squares procedure, at least for a first evaluation of gravity data. This seems particularly true in view of the relative speed with which this procedure may be carried out. These results were encouraging enough so that a program was written for the WWI Digital Computer to perform the majority of the computations automatically. This program finds the residuals for a polynomial up to the sixth order over an arbitrary grid shape, once the polynomial is known. A description of this program appears in Appendix A. In the next section, we take up the problem of setting up the normal equations for various sizes and shapes of grids. 1-19 ~RAW GRAVITY-1300.0 CONTOURED AREA ANALYSED Fig. 1.5 RESIDUAL GRAVITY WITH SECOND ORDER POLYNOM(AL .5 +.w -. V32r 1, 26 -4-. %1e4 Fig. 1.6 3At At) +,o al, FMUSbDUAL GMVifl Wirt TW11W OWPA POLYN4OMIAL Fig, 1.7 +o%446" 1.14' * -. rL 031 -. 24W 41 + -OU3 01 '-f. Don 1RESIDUAL GRAVITY WITH rAj I + FOURTH. ORDER POLYNOMIAL -S 2..'I% 2,v Fig. 1.8 of4. di + DAI 0*14, RESIDUAL GRAVITY COMPANY DATA >4 Fig. 1.9 CONTOURS OF Cry-) Z-2, ORFER POLYNOMIAL 43 f z 4 ORDER - - -POLYNOMIAL o1 ORrta soiA 30 25 7 4s0 - J~. 10 Nl v- 1 JFig. 1.10 4 'REGIONAL CORRECTION MINUS TOPOGRAPHIC CORRCCT1ON COMPANY DATA *pqb / ~ 4O~ $0s / / 4' Fig. 1.11 Settin U) the Normal Eauations We are concerned here with the problem of setting up the normal equations for various grids and polynomial If we limit ourselves to polynomials of degree 4 degrees. or less, we are then interested in finding the following quantities: 4 Ex2 E6 E8 224 Ex2 2 ZY6 E4 8 4 2 2 6 24x 0 0 1.3 where the summations are to be taken over the particular grid we are dealing with. If the grid has the dimensions 2N by 2M as shown in Fig. 1.2, we may set up a fairly simple procedure for finding these summations. First we note that Exk over the grid is equal to the Exk on a single horizontal line, times the number of Thus lines. Zx = (2 +1) ik but since in our case k is always even Exk N 2(2M + 1)(E ik) iml Likewise Zyk k kN 2(2N + 1)Z i i=l 1-20 1.4 For the cross terms Exkyl we have xM grid N J=-M i=-N N MI [EikJ CzJI -N -m ItN jk grid iml M j4 j=l Hence the sums 1.3 are easily derivable from equations 1.4 and 1.5 if we tabulate the quantities E 1 . Table I gives values of i from which the sums Lk Z I are derived, and Table II tabulates these sums for i=l L up to 25 and k = 2, 4, 6, 8. The latter Table allows us to compute the sums 1.3 for any grids measuring up to 50 by 50. a grid this size would encompass 2601 gravity readings which seems ample for most applications. Table III contains the sums 1.3 computed for six representative grids 10 by 10, 10 by 20, 20 by 20, 30 by 30, 40 by 40, and 50 by 50. 1-21 T8?5860TW~ 5z9o6C 5z 9eZZLCC 688KCMItT C? i~o66IZCCT 9z T9C659??8tC 0000000095Z? 1170C 95C 691 1885trOZI 9t~0966T0TT 6z5 61 TZCoCT 0z 00009T 9Z6101 T"15Z5L69 96?/Z96ir6?'ir 001 5Z906CtT 1T" 9TZI19T 9C56z5Z 9C559 00001 9T 471 79C 6089zg8i 14717 969TS 6 6t T95QTZT CT 69z~ 95Z 0000001 69 9601 961 T959 6 T08479/5 9T961t9T 959941 96ZT ?906C 9C559 9 179 96047 T95;9 6, 91Z 47 c 95 1 9 T ;z 9 9 4171z= 4 zo; * 4 ~ft xRV-T 5z198966 0ot6TO/ 5tqC5TZ 00&t? 0o0o9/zT t 77TtT 5CS095TVi Zoo65Ce8 9990 O0ijTl ooTf LtiTIT6 OT955479TZ 9990Ct0+,64ii 61 999Z95. 91 6 Z6604y60T 6*to7ozZC69T 60TZ 9096Ir*T966 T9ZT 6 l.~9 TT TC9Z09tZ9T 56zz6o6T Z 99T65C0TC IT 9MIT 019Z0T 9T ot6T/ZOZTS i1 Izo6ozeC 0111T 99661yZC CCCTCZZ9T 6T 5ot 1 9Z6 CT ~t19691rt 966 96CZ06Z IT ccI 'ltT 068ti M19 9 9CM 2 T6 ii zxva 55,o tr zI 9=31 52:90 4z l 1 = T=T lxoyo X2 Zx4 = - = Ex6 N=25 ?1=25 lo N=10 K=10 N=15 M=15 N=20 M-=20 121 231 441 961 1681 2601 1210 2310 16170 76880 235340 563550 21538 41118 1063986 11055344 59258612 219671790 451330 861630 83093010 1889941040 17749376420 10i885895150 UN-5 N-5 N= 0 0 y2 Zy - 8 Zxy - E2x4 6 Ex22x62 Ex4y Zxay - 7044715986 351321903344 5784339914612 51429792671790 10185538 19445118 1210 8470 16170 76880 235340 563550 21538 557326 1063986 11055344 59258612 21967179u 451330 43524910 83093010 1889941040 17749376420 101885895150 10185538 3690089326 12100 84700 ce M 7044715986 351321903344 5784339914612 51429792671790 592900 6150400 32947600 122102500 884427520 8296205680 47595554500 215380 5573260 4513300 435249100 215380 1507660 4513300 31593100 3046743700 151195283200 2484912698800 22075277282500 3833?64 99204028 2567043556 127180677376 2088984590224 18552747144100 39012820 3046743700 151195283200 2484912698800 22075277282500 39012020 884427520 8296205680 H I-I "4 co I C 47595554500 co, { PART II SEISMIC RECORD ANALYSIS BY LINEAR OPERATORS In the study of reflection seismio records, taken in the exploration for oil, it is becoming increasingly difficult to pick reflection times by the standard procedures. The reason for this is that, as the simpler geologic areas are being fully exploited, exploration is being forced into the more complicated areas. seismic records taken in these structurally complex areas contain much in the way of unwanted information and much not-understood information. Energy reflected from the strata of interest is largely masked by this "noise*, At least two different approaches to unscrambling these records are being developed at present. The first of these approaches is largely instrumentational. Its principle is: take more and more information (more traces on each record, etc.), filter it in different ways and mix it up in a variety of combinations to see if a procedure for averaging out the unwanted information can be arrived at. This approach has led oil companies to the use of 24-trace records, each trace representing the responses from up to thirty geophones. The success of these methods is not publicly available, but the oil industry is expressing great interest in the approach described below, so probably they are not completely satisfactory. The second of these approaches is basioly analytic. Rather than taking more information, we attempt to sharpen up the interpretive procedure on the inforkation we have. II-1 The search for such procedure has been largely carried out at MIT in the Mathematics Department, and subsequently in the Mathematics and Geology Departments. The tools in this analysis have been the statistics of time series. Statistical Methods After some experimentation it was found at MIT that the use of the "linear operator" seemed most promising in the determination of reflection times. used are described in Rcf's. 5 and 6. The exact methods The linear operator permits a measure of the change in dynamics as we proceed down a seismic record. As these dymanics are amplitude, frequency, and phase relationships, it was hoped that the dynamical change at a reflection could be discriminated even when the 9hanges due to aRnlitude were small. This was hoped for since the usual interpretive procedures depend heavily on "amplitude reflections". The results were very encouraging and stimulated increased research. One direction this study has taken is the empirical one. We know the linear operator gives us added information. But, since there is considerable freedom in the choice of the exact mathematical forr of the operator we use, we try many different forms and see which ones give us the Mjst information. This is a trial and error procedure and involves an immense amount of computation. For this reason a program was written for the WWI Digital Computer which would compute automatically the measure of dynamio change, for a great 11-2 variety of forms of linear operators, at very high speed. A copy of this program and a description of its functions is contained in Appendix B. Case studies designed to test the effects of individual parameters of the linear operator are being run with this program, but the results are as yet incomplete. Along with this empirical approach an attempt is being made to study the linear operator from theoretical Although the form of the operator which is being grounds. tested at present is relatively complicated, it is instructive to consider a simpler form, the so-called "cosine operator". This operator is a mathematical expression which generates a pure cosine wave of given frequency. We can determine quite simply the effects of this type of operator on various time series including those found on seismic records. We hope to gain insight into the physical function of such operators as well as correspondence between them and simple filters. We shall also consider two other more practical problems connected with the statistical analysis of seismograms by the use of linear operators. One concerns certain iterative methods for approaching the values of the linear operator coefficients for least squares fitting. The other is a related problem, the necessity for accuracy in finding these values. 11-3 Single requency Cosine Overators A cosine operator is a prediction mechanism which exactly predicts equally spaced points on a cosine wave. has the general form t ±+2=o + ax+ where It + bxi 2 oos 2nhf a 2.1 2u b = hI time between observation o (1-a-b)i = 2(l-u)i = t = mean of series f = frequency of oosine wave = predicted value of + Suppose we use this operator to predict an arbitrary series x. Then the error of prediction xi+2 will be i+ 2 = = - C+2 [2(l-u)i + 2ux+1 ~ 1+2 - 2(1-u)i - i+2 - x) + (x 2.2 2xi+1 + xi - ) - 2u(xi+l For simplicity let us deal with a series X measured around its equilibrium mean x, i.e. a = x - x then 2.2 becomes Ei+2 = 1+2 + X - 2uXi+1 Now if we sum the squares of these errors over an interval of the series we get Ref. 6 11-4 2.3 E +2 +1 + 2Xi+2X 2+4u - Xi+1 2.4 If the series is stationary and the interval sufficiently great we may write this in terms of the auto-correlations. Let the series be normalized so that E EE2 SE1+2 = where R, = iA 0 + RO +u R 22 +2u lag auto-correlation and RO = 1 then u ~ o 2.5 I or E 2(1 + R2 - 4uR + 2u2 2 2.6 This expression has a minimum value when -.(-4R u ) X 2= R1 2.7 or cos 2nhf = R f= [I-Coos" R + 2n-n] 2.8 Hence we have the least squares fit for a cosine operator predicting an aribtrary stationary series. We find that f is determined only by the first lag of the auto-correlation function of the series, and that f is only determined modulo 1/. 2.l This last fact is apparent if we refer back to equation where we see that cosine operators have identical forms for angular frequencies d ffering by 1/h. 11-5 Hence If 2' 2 + 2 Min E E2+2 , 2(l + R2 - 2RJ) . 2.9 we want a perfect least squares fit we have + ( 2.10 +R) with the restriction cosine 21Thf = R One way to meet this condition is to let the interval h shrink toward zero so that R -+ 1 and R 2-+ 1. This is equivalent to saying that any small segment of the original series approaches a straight line, in the case where the function is continous and its first derivative exists. The Geometry of Cosine O0erators A. Error Sum as Function of W Consider the sum of squared errors as a function of u. We have E E 2 = 2(1 + R2 - l + 2u2) 2.6 This is a parabola in u as shown in Fig. 2.1. in u = oos 2Trhf must lie the range -l i u - 1- We have shown that u = R , is the condition for a minimum fit, and since -1 < Ri <. +1, Z E2 will always have its minimum in this range. This means that, for any series, we can always get a minimum fit with some cosine operator of frequency f, where f must be in the range 11-6 +I Fig. 2.2.I Fig. 2.13 / c 0 < f 4 t .L_ 2h v (u I ) 2nhf = U ( U =27Thf = n 2.11 We require E E2 to be non-negative. the discriminant of 2.9 must be 16 R -8(1+R2) 0 This means or 2.12 0 Therefore the curve camnot aross the u axis, but can be tangent to it at one point, when the equality sign This is the condition for a perfect fit. holds above. B. Error Sum as Funtion of f The error sum as a function of frequency f is not truly parabolic but has the general shape of a parabola. It is periodic in f with a period 1/h. It appears as shown in Fig. 2.2 . C. Individual Errors as Functions of u and f Equation 2.3 gives us an expression for the individual errors Ei+2 = 1+2 + X - 2uXi+1 2.3 If we fix attention on a single individual error (i constant) and let u vary we see that E since u = cos 2nhf . Thus E1 a mean given by the sum of the is sinusoidal varies sinusoidally about 1;- and the (-2) value of the series, with an amplitude of twice the (1-1)E value of the series. The period is 11-7 1/h. There is no phase shift between these curves for different i values. Thus all individual errors must increase or decrease simultaneously with f. Fig. 2.3 shows individual errors as functions of f. is This figure explains why the error sum of Fig. 2.2 reflected across the line f = 1/2h. This line in Fig. 2.3 is the axis of symmetry for the individual errors, so that it must also be the symmetry axis for the error sum. Conclusions From the above, we can draw certain conclusions. 1. If one limits himself to the general class of cosine operators, there is a maximum error obtainable for the particular data, using any frequency whatever. there is such a thing as a worst fi That is, for cosine operators. 2. Since Z E2 is parabolic, determining 3 values of E E2 is sufficient to determine the complete shape of the error curve for all other frequencies. 3. Moreover, since the individual errors are sinusoidual in f, determining the individual errors for 3 values of f determines the errors for all f. Looking at the problem another way, much of the information obtainable from any data series by a study of 11-8 this type is contained in the first and second lags of the auto-oorrelation function of the series, for these two quantities determine the shape and position of the curve E E2 The prediction program described in Appendix B provided a means for testing the conclusions reached about cosine operators. Individual errors and sums of squared errors were computed for cosine operators of frequencies 25, 30, ...- 75 ops. The data for which these were computed were readings taken from a typical seismic trace at intervals of 2 ms. The sums of squared errors are plotted in Fig. 2.4 over two intervals of 240 readings each. Both curves exhibit very good parabolic shapes. The average minimum for the two curves occurs for u = .85 - This should equal the first lag auto-correlation over the two intervals, which was computed by the correlation program (Appendix D) to be -853 . Fig. 2.4 shows several individual errors plotted as functions of the frequency of the cosine operator used. They appear to be sections of sinusoids as expected. These curves, computed on an arbitrary time series, seem to be in remarkable agreement with the theory. 11-9 Fig. 100. 2.LL Fig. EXAMPLE OF THE PARABOLIC DISTRIBUTION OF ERROR SUMS FOR COSINE OPERATORS AS FUNCTIONS OF Cot- 21,-f) 900 800 70 60 50 '?00 40 30 60o 20 10 0 500 -10 2 400 - -x) -20 -30 300 -40 -50 200 -60 .70 ;R,= .B9t 100 O.5 h6 01-7 Ct 0 CCLo.2irvA t 2.5 EXAMPLES OF THE SINUSOIDAL DISTRIBUTION OF INDIVIDUAL ERRORS FOR COSINE OPERATORS AS FUNCTIONS OF 'd The CycOal Nature of Cosine Onerators We have mentioned that cosine operators differing in frequency by n/h have identical forms. It is interesting to see what this means physically. Suppose we are trying to represent a cosine wave of 1 cycle/ second with a spacing of h = 1/4 second. The points we would plot might appear as in Fig. 2.6 . Now consider a cosine wave of frequency 1 + 1/h 5 cycles/see. If we try to plot this frequency with a spacing of 1/4 see. we find that it can be exactly represented by the points we plotted for the one oyole wave. is illustrated in Fig. 2.7 . This We would find the same would be true for frequencies of 1 + n/h4= 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 .-Thus, it is the fact that we cannot uniquely represent frequencies differing by n/h that explains the identity of form for cosine operators whose frequencies differ by this amount. This is also the explanation for the so-called "condensed" power spectra met with in computational procedures . The computed power at a frequency f must represent the sum of the powers at frequencies f, f,+ 1/b, f + 2/h .... Therefore power spectra can only have the range 0 to 1/h cycles. In practice h must be chosen so that 1/h is greater than the greatest frequency from which significant contribution is expected. Ref. 3 II-10 2.6 Fig. 1 CYCLE/SEC. COSINE WAVE PLOTTING INTERVAL h: I SEC. / Sec. \9 /IR/ 'r / - / at I-Se At A Fig. COSINE WAVES C" I I A ~ ~' ~\: \ I I I. I I I I I I I 2.7 1 AND 5 CYCLES/SEC. I( I,I r, j i Iv \ ; 'I 'I Cosine O2erator Fredicting an Autoreressive Series In order to examine the filter characteristics of cosine operators it is convenient to consider their effect on autoregressive-type series. The autoregressive series has a known Cauchy-type distribution of its spectrumAt It will be interesting to examine what the spectrum of the error function will be when we predict such a series with a cosine operator. Referring back to equation 2.3 we have the error function for cosine operators. E1+2 = X+2 + X - 2uXi+1 2.3 To get the spectrum of this function we first find the auto-correlation R . Ro R E (X1 + 2 + X = - 2uX,+1 , )1$ 1+2- EX+2X+ 2 -T + EX1 +2X1iT + SX, + Xi+1-TXi+ 2 + - Mi+1- + F-XX+2-T - 2u(EX1+1Xi+2-T + Xi+1-TXI) + X 1i+1i-T + 4u2,X+1 i+1-T If the X series is properly normalized we may write this in terms of the correlations r. of the X series. rT + rT+ RT + 2 rT - 2u(r + rT-2 + 4u2 + rT+l + r,+1 + r Ref. 7 Il-11 ) RT = rT-2 + r (-4 + rT(2+4u2) + r +1 (-4u) + rT+2 2.13 Since the series is taken to be autoregressive r OScos2nf 0 Th e-th cosaT e-bT $ 0 Substituting equation 2.14 into 2.13 we have cos[a(T-2)]e-b( -2) RT 4ucos[a(T-1)]e-b(T-1) + (2+4u2 )oaTe-bT - 4ucos[a(T+1)]e-b(T+1) + cos[a(T+2)]e-b(T+2) Using trigonometrio identities RT e2b[ cosatoos2a + sinaTsin2a)e"b 4ueb(cosaToosa + sinaTsinaje-bT + (2+4u 2 ) (cosaT )ebT 4ue'b[cosaToosa - sinaTsinale-bT + e-2broosaToos2a - sinaTsin2aJe-bT or R 2 cosaTe-bT I,2boos2a - 4uebcosa + 2 + 4u T -4ue-boosa + e-2bos2a] Ref; 5 11-12 2.14 + sinaTe-bTe2bsin2a - 4ueb sina + 4ue-b sina - e-2bsin2a] Hence + B sinaTe-bT 0A cosate-b e-bT(A cosat + B sinIaT) 2.15 where A = cos2a(e2b+e-2b) sin2a(e 2 b B 4uoosa(eb+e-b) + 2 + 4u2 2 b) e - - 4usina(eb + e-bT (A2+B2 1 R eb) (A2+B ) e-bT(A2 if 2 2.16 B srn (A2+B2,1A )saosp + sinavsi4) where P = tan 1 B Thus = ebT (A2+B2 )iAoos(aT+P) 2.17 R. is now in a form similar to the rT for the original series. The spectrum of this type is known to be a Cauchy distribution. The specific shape will be controlled by values of b, A, B, and P. Rather than continuing with this example we shall proceed to another type of series. is somewhat non-typioal. The autoregressive series Its spectrum, the Cauchy distribution, is very broad, in fact there is no mean value of frequency for this spectrum. 11-13 Cosine Oqerators on Series with gaussian Suectrum Distribution A much more stringent series than the autoregressive type is a series with a power spectrum composed of two Gaussian curves. The spectrum has the form $ -(w+a) 2 e ( $()F + e .I]-2 2.o18 where +a and -a are the respective means of the two Gaussian curves, and T is their standard deviation in radians. With such a series the normalized auto-correlation function may be written as -< 2 2 rT-e os a If we predict such a series with a cosine operator, we generate an error series whose auto-correlation function is, as before R = rTT-2 + r (-4u) + rT(2+ 4 u 2) + rT+ (-4u) 2*13 + rt+2 or substituting RT T-2)2 e cos[a(T-2)] 2 + e 2 2 cos[a(T-1)] (-4u) +C2(2 2 + e 2 -r + e f 2 (T+2) 2 2 cos[aT] (2+4u2 oos[a(T+l)] (-4u) cos[a(T+2)] Ref. 5 11-14 2.20 This can be reduced, as before, to the form 2 S 2 2 e A(T)oos aT + B(T)sin aT) 2.21 where A(T) =cos 2a [e 2 + e 2 22 (-2+1)T+1) + e 2 -4u cos a [e 2 + (2 + 4u2 2.22 B(T) 2 sin 2a [e 2 + e -2 -a- -_(-2_+1) - 4u sin a [e (2r+1) + e 2 2 If we are interested in the power spectrum of this series we want 0; $(w) 2 / R(T) cos wT dT 2.23 0 Probably this integral cannot be expressed in closed form, and we shall have to resort to a computed example. Comoutational Exemple Here we illustrate the filter characteristics of cosine operators in a particular case. We choose a series with a Gaussian spectrum peaked at 50 cycles and with a standard deviation of 22.36 cycles. such a series is shown in Fig. 2.8 from equation 2.18 . The power spectrum of , and was computed In general shape this is not unlike power spectra dealt with on seismie traces. 11-15 Fig. 2.9 shows the normalized auto-oorrelation function for this type of series, as derived from equation 2.19 . The series has essentially no correlation for lags greater than about .03 sec. To examine the effectiveness of cosine operators as frequencyfilteiing mechanisms, a cosine operator of frequency 50 ops was taken. chosen to be 2.5 ms. The spacing interval was The auto-correlation function of the error series generated by this operator is shown in Fig. 2.9 , and is computed from equation 2.13 . In this case the function is unnormalized so that the zeroth lag autocorrelation is proportional to the total power contained in the power spectrum of the error series. Thus we see that less thtan 20 per cent of the power contained in the original Gaussian series remains in the error series. than 80 per cent has been "filtered" out. More However, since some of this is due merely to curve continuity, the shape of the spectrum of errors is more important than the total Dower. The unnormalized spectrum of the error series is shown in Fig. 2.8 , and, as might be expected, is definitely bimodal. This curve clearly indicates that the operator is acting as a filter peaked at 50 ops, at which frequency all power has been removed. Lower frequencies are also well reduced but the higher ones are not so much affected. In fact, the power at 100 cycles is slightly greater than 11-16 in the original series. This is not a computational error. As discussed below it seems to be a necessary characteristic. A more convenient way of showing the filter characteristics is to plot the quantity Power removed at w Initial power at w This graph is shown in Fig. 2.10 . It shows how frequencies lower than 50 cycles are much preferred to those greater. It is possible that this curve would not represent the filter characteristics of a 50 cyole oosine operator used on another type of series. There is some reason, however, to suspect that it does, and that, in fact, the curve of Fig. 2.10 continues downward considerably below the axis (thus representing amplification rather than filtration). If we were to use a series containing mostly frequencies between 100 and 200 cycles, the 50 cycle operator would yield very high errors of prediction. The sum of squared errors would be far from the minimum of Fig. 2.1. Hence the power in the error series would probably be greater than that in the original series. This could only come about by an amplification of certain frequencies, which would naturally occur for frequencies greatly different from 50 cycles. In this example 200 oycles is chosen as an upper limit, because with a spacing of 2.5ms unique curves only exist from 0 cycles to 1/2h or 200 cycles. 11-17 Fig. 2.8 POWER SPECTRA For series with Gaussian spectrum with a = 212/cps a = 50 cps (normalised). ----- For error series generated by a cosine operator of frequency 50 cps on above series (unnormalized). 11.5 x(10-3) 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5.40 .3.2- 10 20 30 '40 50 60 V0 70 80 C,4 -)p 90 100 110 120 130 14~0 Fig. 2.9 AUTOCORRELATIONS (R(ih) For series with Gaussian spectrum withQr = 2etops a = 50 ops (normalized). 1.0 ----For error series generated by a cosine operator of frequency 50 Ops on above series (unnormalized). 09 'A, 2.6 e,0 |1 .7 .6 .4 3 - L .2 / ~// ,.5 L 4' ~ %%%~*_ _ li p / 12 2.10 Fig. FILTER CHARACTERISTICS FOR 50 CYCLE COSINE OPERATOR WITH h = 2.5 me. o/o Power removed / 100 /, 0 '7 I .1 -- ~ -- /0 0 IF 1~~~~-4- 30 o c-o To 4 ---> 70 o 90 \ too A Nethod of FiUndi Linear O2erators for Least Sauares Fitting Procedures Described in this section is an iterative method of approaching the values of coefficients for a least squares fitting of linear operators to multiple time series. The problem arose in connection with the determination of linear operators to use in picking reflections from selsmograms. t The method is extremely inefficient and is really only possible with the aid of very high speed computing machines, but it gives interesting insight into the behaviour of matrices, which helps in constructing other techniques. We are trying to fit a linear operator of the form xi+k -e + aOxi + a,,, + boy, .......... .. + aM16i-M + bMNyiM 2.24 + iOz . + 0Nzi-M + duI.......... + dMui-M to an interval of the sequences x., yi, Z., and ui so that IE(zk ~ ik2 is a minimum. 2.25 The plan is to guess initial values of the constants a, a., b5 , c., and d. and compute 2.24 . Then adjust the constants so that I is continually reduced. Ref. 5 11-18 The initial values chosen are a =i do = 0. (mean of series) a b a These values are the values which the constants would assume under least squares fitting procedures if the xi series were truly random and had no predictability. these values of the constants I = I(i,0,0, .. ) With becomes the sample variance about the sample mean. The computational procedure is: 1. Find I(i,0,0, ... ) 2. Find I(x+ &a., o,o,..) 3. If 2 <1, continue adding &a until I(i+naa, 0,0, ...)> I(i+(n-1) a, 0,0, ... ). If 2> 1, subtract &a and continue to subtract until I(i-n&a, 0,0, ... ) > I(i-(n-l)aa, 0,0, ... ) 4. Using i+(n-l)A a, 0,0, ... , as the new starting point, find I("+(n-l)a,A a, 0,0, ** and repeat the steps under 3. 5. Work successively in this fashion with each 6. of the variables a, a0 , a1 ...dM* Start the process over again with the variable a. 7. Continue recycling until the desired accuracy is reached. It is interesting to consider the geometry of this process. If we substitute equation 2.24 into 2.25, we find that I is parabolic in each of the coefficients a, a., b., os, d. For 'simplicity consider the case where we have only two coefficients a and b. Then I is a two dimensional paraboloid in a and b whose minimum we wish to find. I is positive or zero for all a, b and has one minimum. Contours of I = o are ellipses in the a b plane of constant major to minor axis ratios, and are centered at the minimum. Figs. 2.11, 2.12, and 2.13 illustrate three situations that might arise. In Fig. 2.11 the contours are circular which is the case when the matrix of the normal equations associated with the minimum fit is well-behaved. Fig. 2.12 is the more usual situation where the contours are definitely elliptial. Fig. 2.13 shows a very badly- behaved situation corresponding to near singularity of the associated matrix. The solid line shows how the iterative method described above would converge toward the minimum point in the three situations. The dashed curve shows how another iterative method, the steepest descent method, would converge in these situations. The steepest descent method runs into trouble in the near singular case because with finite increments it cannot land on the long axis of the ellipse. It is forced to wobble back and forth, much as a small ball would wobble rolling in such a trough. The method described above would also encounter trouble if the increment were not fine enough, for if 11-20 it got near the Fig. 2 .11 Fig. 2 ,12 Fig. 2.13 trough the next increment would carry it across the trough to a greater value of I. These figures illustrate a fundamental problem met with in iterative methods. The fine increments necessary in treating the near singular case are very inefficient when used on well-behaved data, whereas the larger increments applicable in Fig. 2.11 could never find the minimum of Fig. 2.13 . A program was written for the WWI Digital Computer which would do this one-variable-at-a-time type of iteration. It is described in Appendix C. The computations it carries out take fifteen or twenty minutes of machine time, but they represent nearly a year of hand computation. The program can print out each successive value of I as it is computed. Fig. 2.14 shows a plot of these values as the program converges towards the solution of a particular problem. This diagram shows how I is parabolic in each coefficient. We also note that all the parabolas have approximately the same shape. This indicates that if there is a predominant long ellipse axis as in Fig. 2.13 , it cannot be close to parallel to any of the axes a, a., ds, for if it were, the parabolio section in the corresponding direction would be quite flat. One surprising feature of this diagram is the failure of the parabolas to tend to flatten as I is diminished. 11-21 o1 , a , d 0L J , d , 0 -kJ,. 0i, Where Yg- = - a4 , 2 -2-d M-NTiL VALVE OF ot 6; edi +-, -+ t 4z /., ( a3 +d3 t + -3 a, . i0oj. ni4 U" \JkJ\J\J\JY "~ cZ ci. j'ItkiVV< ,JV\'v o4 * '~ lj/ JvfJJJiJjJ'JJ I \A~kJ~\J\JVY f'~. This is a convenient point to consider the problem of the importance of obtaining the exact solution. If we look at Fig. 2.13 , we see that values of a and b at the point A will reduce I almost as well as values at the true minimum 0. Individual errors (xf.-xg ) will likewise be practically identical. The effect of the displacement OA will not be felt until the values at A are used to predict outside the interval where the minimum fit is taken. Suppose the series is and the minimum fit is taken in the interval I of this series. What happens when we predict the interval II with coefficients chosen in I? Consider Fig. 2.15 . The dark solid line represents the long axis of the ellipses for interval I and the light solid lines, the contours for this interval. The true minimum of these contours is at 0. Likewise, we can draw a similar contour picture for the interval II. If we assume the dynamics are but slightly different in the two intervals, the second contours will be slightly rotated with respect to the first, and, there will be a small displacement of the mininwm. The heavy and light dashed lines in Fig. 2.15 11-22 comra. \ / / / // / // / ~ ~1 ,~/" / / / /1 // / // // / / / / / / / / / / I. I,,,, / ~ // /1 / "/ / / / / 'I / Cori/roUR~ FOP ll4W~I. L Fig* 2.o15 / / // I / 'I // / represent these contours for interval II. Since we are considering the near singular case, the deviation of the sum of squared errors for the second interval from its value on the heavy dashed line will vary as the square of the distance from a point in the ab plane to the heavy dashed line. Now suppose in finding our minimum point for interval I we had landed at the point A which satisfies the least squares criterion almost as well as the true point 0. The deviation of the sum of squared errors when point A is used to predict interval II will be proportional to (AD)2 which would be about sixteen times greater than if the point 0 were used, since OE - 1/4 AD. On the other hand, if we had landed at the point B for the first interval we would get a sum of squared errors smaller than if the point 0 were chosen. Again, if the point F were taken, the sum of squared errors for interval 11 would not be appreciably different than for the point 0. These effects have been noted in computed data. The indication is that the true minimum point 0 must be chosen if we are to take the sum of squared errors as a valid comparison of the changing dynamics in various intervals of a series by this method. 11-23 PART III SOME INTERPRETIVE PROCEDURES In this part we present several ideas which may be applicable to answering certain questions involving seismogram analysis. the others none. Two of the ideas have had some testing, With one exception these ideas relate specifically to reflection seismic records, and arious possibilities in picking reflections therefrom. The questions are: 1. In a two velocity system, e.g., shear and compress- ional waves, can we set up a method for separating these velocities and can we apply it to reflection determination? 2. In the use of linear operators for seismogram analysis, is there another measure of prediction error, other than the "error curve", which will show reflections? 3. Can we obtain information on the step-out times of reflections, by the use of linear operators and the concept of ensemble averages? 4. Can a special seismometer set-up be used in conjunction with correlation analysis to pick reflections? III-1 Velocity Senaration The determination of velocities for compressional waves in the earth at shallow depths is relatively simple due to (1) the ease in generating such waves, and (2) the fact that the first arrivals are the compressional waves. Shear waves are more difficult to generate with sifficient amplitude to separate from the earlier arriving types. Although with the proper equipment this can be done by visual inspection of the seismogram, t it seemed of interest to consider if a statistical test could be devised to help in this problem. The approach was to set up a simple model approxi- mating the physical situation. Assuke we have two wave forms A and B traveling horizontally at velocities VA and VB, where VA Vb' past three geophones F, G, and H, equally spaced with separation d. The wave shapes do not change with time. Traces F, 0, and H then represent composites of A and B with different time lags. Assuming VA is known, the problem is to find "B and, if possible, the wave forms A and B. Divide the time scale into units such that the no. of units per sec. is L. Since V A and d are known we may line up F, G, and H so t bat very nearly t Ref. 8 III-2 FNW AN+ N HN1i BN 3.1 AN + B%-j A 3.2 AN + 3.3 -e23 where the time lag between traces is approximated by j units so that ..... j L * . -dd + VA VB or IVA' B 3VA+IA3. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.1 From equations 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 we can get AN AN~j AN- AN-2j GN - N-j 3.5 KHN ?N-2j 3.6 3.5 and 3.6 are recursion formulas giving AN-kj and AN-2kj respectively (k = 1, 2, ...) once AN *.e* .j+1 are known. Now if j has its correct value then it is easy to show that of how we choose the initial A's both formulas give the same value for AN,-2kj # If 3 is slightly wrong then the two series will differ slightly. The difference will increase as j strays further from its true value. We may now set up a procedure for finding this value. Assume values for j and for A., AN., .. + use equations 3.5 and 3.6 to calculate the two series (to 111-3 (Nr*4 NJNAA'v\&'k ~J\AIVv AKtxT 1, vic~. HN --Atq + 13N--ZJ -3.' Rsr5oVte R~EFLECTON 73.z PPATT ERN a certain length), find the mean square difference between the series, and plot this difference as a function of J. In the ideal ease, this function will go to zero for the correct value of J. In practice we can expect this difference function to have a minimum at the correct value. Thug in theory at least, j is determinable. Equation 3.4 may be used to find VB . Although the exact wave shapes are indeterminate in the general case, there may be obtained some information about them. first j values of AN are taken to be zero. Assume the If j is correct, then the series from equation 3.5 represents the true AN with the first j values subtracted suooessively. Thus the series from equation 3.5 might be expeoted to have the same frequency characteristics as the true AN' In certain oases the assumption that AN ** 0 will be fairly accurate. should be determinable. - In these cases the wave forms Examples would arise in the separation of shear and compressional waves where it is known that the shear waves arrive late, and in refleotion picking. Another possibility in this problem would be the use of pure cross-oorrelation between two traces. We should expect to get a peak in the correlation at a lag corresponding to the velocity VB and the particular geophone separation. However, if the wave form B were of small 111-4 amplitude, the shape of the cross-correlation curve would effectively be dominated by that of the auto-correlation of wave form A, and the selection of the peak would be somewhat arbitrary. On the other hand, the mean square difference between equations 3.5 and 3.6 should still show a true minimum at the correct lag. We can adapt this idea to the selection of reflections on seismic records. Here we make the simplified assumptions that the refleotion consists of a wave train with zero amplitude between reflections as in Fig. 3.2 . This is assumed to occur on two traces in the same form and at the same time (i.e., there is no step out time of the In reflection which is assumed to be coming in vertically). this case equation 3.5 alone is applicable and we need only two traces. AN A -j w N ~ N- 3.5 3 is taken from the step-out time of the initial breaks on the seismogram. We then select some interval j units in length in which AN is zero (a non-reflection interval), and use equation 3.5 to predict the remainder of the reflected wave. For interpretation it is convenient to plot the running variance of the predicted reflection. Now the assumptions will certainly not be upheld exactly on any real seismic record. A certain amount of random energy will be in phase between any two traces and would be picked out by this method as part of the predicted 1II-5 reflection. To alleviate this situation we can use three traces and predict the reflected wave from the three Adding the three predicted possible pairings of these traces. waves would tend to accentuate components in phase between all three, and to minimize the random, in-phase components between any two traces. For three traces FN' N, and HN we can express this sum as N +"N+ 3N+K * + 2HN+K - j + AN+ K-*j + ON+ K N - N+K 3 G where j corresponds to the step-out between FN and GN K the step-out between F. and * Testp of the Nethod l. Selection of Shear Velocity An initial test was constructed which showed that, when the assumptions were exactly upheld, the minimum of the plot of the squared differences between equations 3.5 and 3.6 was quite sharp. On this basis three adjacent traces of a seismogram were converted to numerical form and the method applied to these real series. The seismogram was taken at Revere Beach, Mass., in unconsolidated sediments, by Peter Southwick. Special generating apparatus was used so that the shear arrivals were quite prominent. t Ref . 8 III-6 This record is now lost, but Fig. 33 shows a very similar seismogram taken with the same apparatus. The first line of check marks on this seismogram indicates the first arrivals, and the second line of check marks was picked as the arrivals of the shear waves. This second line permitted a direct com)utation of the shear velocity. The readings for the three traces were lined up in accordance the firnt line of time breaks, and equations 3.5 and 3.6 were computed for a variety of values of J. In each case the first j values of A. were assumed to be zero. The sum of squared differences between these two series were computed for each J, and normalized by the number of terms in the series for each j. A plot of these quantities appears in Fig. 3.4 . This figure shows two distinct minima (at 3 and j a 16.0) rather than just one. 13.3 Upon examination it turned out that the value J = 13.3 corresponded to a shear velocity which would have been computed by direct interpretation of the first two traces chosen. The second minimum corresponded to a eloci ty which would have been determined directly from the second and third traces chosen. The value of velocity computed by the entire second line of check marks of Fig. 3.3 lay between these two values. Fig. 3.5 shows a running average of the points in Fig. 3.4 (by overlapping groups of three) which exhibits a flat minimum between j = 13.3 and j = 16.0 III-? . The LEXINWTON Shear te 5t - med snd Geophoncs in /ine *MEMO ~ U __ 'r- __ Io~-. -- . , Fig. 3A to 5 S. 15* 2.0 25 20 Flt .3.5 tot- 20 oorresponding velocity was quite close to that computed from the second line of check marks. 2. Predioting a Reflected Wave To test whether or not a reflection could be predicted by these methods, a seismogram showing a prominent reflection was chosen (MIT Record No. 1 t). In this record linear operators had been computed and error curves derived. These error curves showed marked peaks at the reflection so the ourves were taken as a basis of comparison. From two traces on this record equation 3.5 was computed. j was selected from the initial step-out between the traces and the non-reflection interval ohosen to ocour after the refleotion. The variance of the predicted wave (in overlapping groups of ten) is plotted in Fig. 3.6 . The dotted and dashed curves of this figure show error curves for linear operators with different prediction distances k. The variance curve does not reach a peak in the reflection as rapidly as do the error curves, but it does compare favorably with them in general shape during and after the reflection. Before the reflection the discrepancy is more noticeable. This may very well be attributable to the f act that operator interval was chosen just before the 2fleotion. In the operator interval, the least squares fitting procedure forces the error curves to be as low as possible. tfRef. 4 111-8 -- Variance of predioted reflected wave Error curve for k = 1 ..,... Error curve for k = 3 ----- Operator interval for error curves Basic interval for predicted reflection f- AEF LECT IO , 9 .* ' - .. W .. , SECONDS Conolusions The two tests discussed show that the expected effects are noted. However, the data used are reasonably ideal, in the sense that ordinary methods of interpretation are adequate. Whether or not the statistical teobniques are better can only be determined by many further trials. Situations difficult to treat by the ordinary methods will also fail to uphold the simple assumptions of the theory presented here. On the other hand, only the simplest forms of the theory were used in the mcamples. Refinements, such as the use of three or more traces for reflootion picking may give more valid results. 1II-9 The "error curve' , as used by the Geophysical Analysis Group for picking reflections, is a running average of the squared differences between a predicted and an actual seismic trace. Fig. 3.? shows an actual trace (the solid curves), and three predictions of this trace, from linear operators with different values of prediction distance. From this diagram we see that the error curve is a running measure of the vertical differences between the predicted and a etual traces. At the reflection (shaded) these differences are seen to become large, and hence the error curve rises to a peak in this interval. The reason the differences become large is not because there is a big discrepancy between the average amptitudes of the predicted and actual traces. From tie diagram it appears that the reason is that there is a horizontal displacement of the oscillations of one trace with respect to the other. In other words, there is a phase shift between the predicted and actual traces during the reflection, which disappears shortly after the reflection. It seems then that a test of phase relationships might well show the reflections as well as the error curve does. A fairly rigorous way of testing this phase shift would be the following: III-10 I.T. K cORD NO. I SHEET MAGtIQA PETROVEUM CO PROSPECT : PACE PROIU . Ffl -ft SPREAD- N2SO-750 RECOOD: T tNARGE: S DEPTH: 90' DATE - WAR, I5,1950 A.V . TRACE, C.V. PHONES 8 SEISMOGRAM TRACE N750 TRACE 47SO i FROM N750 I ##EDiCTED OPERATOR .ooffmo COWPANY MARKEb REFLECT10IS AS5SCISSA-TIME t SECONDS FROM ORDINATES - tNITS SUPERVISOR DATE TiME IN ROBINSON AUGUST SECONDS SHOT OF TRACE AMPI 'UDE 1951 N250O---- 1. Select highly overlapping intervals of the record. 2. Compute the cross-spectrum between the predioted and actual traces in each interval, thus obtaining the phase relationships. 3. Plot the phase angle of the dominant frequency as a function of the interval chosen. Practically, this is an involved procedure. We can use a simple but crude method to get approximately the same results. Since phase shift is expressed by horizontal displacement we can measure this displacement directly from graphs such as in Fig. 3.7 . This requires that we be able to follow corresponding waves in the two traces, which is subject to personal interpretation. The displacement was measured for the upper set of curves in Fig. 3.7 . From equally spaced points (in time) on the solid ourve the horizontal displacements to the dashed curve were measured. Displacements to the right were considered positive, those to the left negative. Where such measurements could not logically be made (for example on the peak ocourring at about .96 sec.) values were taken midway between the last value that 2cQd logically be made and the next such value. Once this series of displacements was determined, its individual terms were summed in groups of twenty overlapping by ten, in order to smooth the data. These sums are plotted in Fig. 3.8 . III-11 PtHi5E TEST 30 20 Sec. -10 + This curve indicates a rapid change of phase oours at the reflection, the phase rising to a peak in the middle of the reflection, and falling off more gradually thereafter. It seems surprising that the curve is almost entirely positive. If this effect is characteristio, perhaps we should consider as significant only those portions of the curve above a certain mean (about 25 or 30 units in Fig. 3.7). From the original record it appears that there may be another reflection at about 1.23 seconds, which could conceivably cause the rise at the end of the curve. This is a purely empirical curve. only holds for the particular ease treated. Perhaps it One would suspect that the arrival of reflected energy would be accompanied by a rapid change in phase relationships. How- ever, it does not seem reasonable that these changes should be in one direction since the times of arrival of reflected energy are random. Possibly we should deal with the original series only, and compute the rate of Qhanu of phase angle (between two overlapping intervals) as a function of interval. 111-12 Snsemble Average The step-out time of a reflection is a property of several seismic traces rather than just a single trace. The error ourve for linear operators, as defined elsewhere in this paper, is a property of a single trace - a time average of a single error time series.o To get information on the step-out time we must consider operators chosen for different traces. In this connection it is convenient to use an "ensemble" average. This is an average across the "ensemble" of error time series generated by the various operators chosen. Let us suppose that we have taken a series. of operators on a record which consists of traces from equally spaced seismometers. the 4 Suppose there are T traces, and on th trace (4 = 1, 2, ...T) we have chosen N. operators. For the kth operator on this trace (k = 1, ... N) there is an associated error time series which we define as ei . Then, for example, we may construct a single error time series C to be associated with the 4 th trace by the expression zw (e E4a E I ]kA 3,7 We may then average these error time series over the various traces. Between traces we observe the effect of step-out. Hence we construct the error time series with an arbitrary lag or lead a 111-13 (a) S = T (A) S E iamOtl, A=l 2, .. 3.8 with the expectation that a peak on this error time series, corresponding to a certain reflection, should be highest and narrowest for that value of a most closely corresponding to the true step-out of the given reflection. No attempt has been made yet to compute 3.8 . It would be a fairly simple task to program this equation for the WWI Digital Computer as a follow-up of the Prediction XV program described in Appendix B. 111-14 Travelling- CgrreAtions As an approach to the problem of using a special geophone layout for reflection picking, consider the following arrangement. Two geophones G1 and G2 are placed in the ground, one vertically under the other at a distance d. Assuming the ground homogeneous and non-dispersive around the geophones, the responses of G and G2 may be considered to be due to superpositions of many plane waves travelling with a velocity V from many different directions. In the absence of big refleotions, the major contribution to the responses will come from waves having directions not far from the horizontal. Now consider the cross-oorrelation of the two responses at G and G2 In particular consider the value of the function for a time lag equal to d /V. It appears that this value will be strongly influenced by the amount of vertical wave contribution present in the responses, since d/V is the time of direct travel from G2 to G. The cross-correlation at the lag 4/V should rise rapidly at a reflection and drop off afterward. In practice we would have to compute this correlation over highly overlapping time intervals of the response functions in order to obtain the correlation as a function of time. The correlation program described in Appendix D is adaptable to this type of analysis. So far however, no seismograms with the above geophone arrangement have been available. II1-15 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS $OR FUTURE WORK It is difficult to make evaluations of validity on methods which have undergone little testing. Nevertheless we may draw certain conclusions from the work presented here. Polynomial gravity approximation, as presented here, seems of sufficient simplicity and validity to justify a considerable amount of further study. If further trials show more promise it would be well worth-while to find the inverses of the matrices of Table III. In any event, polynomial approximations of this type have applications in many other fields, and the simplifications brought forward here may be of real value in these other applications. The properties of cosine operators are of mathematical interest, but it is hoped that studies of this sort will lead to more practical results. In particular, further pursuit of the filter characteristics of linear operators will lead to a better understanding of the extent of realizability of equivalent electronic filters, and or to simplification in the determination of such operators. The author is more hesitant about recommending the various procedures iscussed in Part III. Seismograms exhibit extreme variability in their characteristics and, whereas the examples given here are encouraging, the procedures may fail on other types of records. However, the problems they attempt to settle are of great practical ooncern and all promising techniques should be either proved or disproved. Phase is a crucial variable in these problems, and probably considerable effort should be spent studying thi s parameter. As for the Appendixes, the author feels that the: programs described therein have genuine value. Anyone Con- cerned with research depending largely on computation appreciates the fact that obtaining errorless results is a major problem. Programs such as these effectively eliminate this type of problem, and are available for the use of persons interested in the sort of computations they perform. REFERENCES 1. Agoos "Least Squares Residual Anomaly Deter- W.B. mination,' &eophysics XVI, 4, October, 1951 2. Crout, P:D., "A Short Method for Evaluating Determinants and Solving Systems of Linear Equations with Real or Complex Coeffioients," Trans. Am. Inst. of Elect. Eng., Vol. 6o, 1941 3. Tukey, J:W., "The Sampling Theory of Power Spectrum Estimates, Woods Hole Symp. Autooorr. Applio, to Phys. Prob,, pp. 46 - 67 D.N.R. NAVEXOS - P - 735, 1949 4. Wadsworth, G.P and Robinson, E.A., Directors, M.I.T. G.A.O. Report ilo. 1, 'Results of an Auto-Correlation and Cross-Correlation Analysis of Seismio Records, Presented at M.I.T. Industrial Liason Conference of August 6, 1952,' October 1, 1952 5. Wadsworth, G.P., and Robinson, E.A., Directors M.I.T. G.A.O. Report No. 2, 'A Prospectus on the Appleation of Linear Operators to Seismology," November, 1952 6. Wadsworth, Robinson Hurley, *Detection of Reflections on Seismic Records, Geophysics XVIII, 3, July, 1953 7. Kendall, Maurice G., The Advanced Theo ry of Statis tics 8. Southwick i. I . Charles Griffin and Compmay Limited, London, 1947 Peter, YVgity of Shear Warp hrough M.I.T. Ph.D. Thesis, 1952 Unonsoliaedaterils APPENDIX A APPENDIX A POLYNOMIAL 1 (2492 m 1) - Desoritign and Use 0$f This program was written for the WW1 Digital Computer to eliminate the task of computing the residuals from a least squares fitting of an n order polynomial to data taken over an arbitrary-sized rectangle. A copy of the program appears at the end of this Appendix. Polynomial I does the following. I. It solves the equation g(xy) = 000 + Clx + C2 0 2 + ..... + c 0 y + Cxy + *... + 00, (n-1)yn"' + Cl, (n-l)Xt + C + cn0 xn~l Ony where the Ck !s are given, n, the order of the polynomial is given, and the values of x and y are to be taken over a rectangular grid measuring 2N by 2M, and with axes centered as in Fig. 1.2. II. It then forms the differences g(xy) for all values of g(xy) on the grid. the residuals. These are III. It prints out these residuals in the same network fashion that the grid was chosen. USe of Polnal I There are certain conventions which must be observed in the use of this program. The constants defining the nature of the polynomial and grid must appear as follows: Eegister 440 +n order of polynomial (less than 7) (Octal) 441 +N greatest value of x 442 +1 greatest value of y The coefficients Ck of the polynomial must be scale factored in a special way because they decrease in magnitude rapidly as J+k increases. 10 (+k)-2, The scale factor is which in most instances will guarantee that all are less than unity in absolute value, but not greatly so. They must appear in the machine as follows. Register.. 443 C "x 10-2 (Octal) 444 Clo x 445 C20 446 461 C 10 462 022 x 1 463 C32 030 x 10 464 C42 447 040 x 102 465 450 C50 x 103 466 C13 451 060 x 104 467 C23 452 001 x 10 470 033 453 011 x 1 471 C04 x 102 454 021 x 10 472 Cl4 x 103 1 10 x 102 3 x 1O 0310 x 102 1(3 455 C31 456 C41 457 C51 460 102 473 024 x 104 x 103 474 c05 x 103 x 10 475 x15104 x 476 x02 C6 0 x 104 The data g(xy) which is presumed to be taken over the gridwork, is scale factored by 10'2 in the machine as follows: Register 540 g(-NN) x 10-2 541 g(-N+1,N) x 10 542 g(~N+2,M) x 10 . g(N,1) x 10 . g(-N,M-1) x 102 . g(-N+1,-L) x 10" 2 . g(N,?-1) x 10- 2 . g(--N,M-2) x 10-2 . g(-N,-M) x 10-2 . g(-N+1,-N) x 10. -2 2 and appears S g(N,--M) x 10-2 . g(-N+1,-M) x 10 . g(N,-M) x 102 Now suppose the information n, N, 1, and the .4kIs are prepared on a tape with the tape number X, and the date g(xy) is prepared on a tape with the tape number Y. Then the instructions for the operation of this program would be Erase storage Read in 2492 m 1 Read in X Read in Y Start at 127 (Octal) The residuals are printed out by the direct printer in about three minutes or so depending on the size of the grid. They appear as four-digit numbers where the decimal point is understood to occur after the second digit. As an example of the output we include a sample of three sets of residuals. These were derived for the three sets of coefficients used elsewhere in this paper. The sample illustrates the convenience of this form of answer for contouring purposes. In fact, with only slight modification (inserting two extra carriage returns between lines) these numbers would appear on a grid with square unit cell, and could be contoured directly, on the result sheet. A Technical Feature in Polynomial I We describe here a technical feature in this program which might be of use to other programmers. The problem is that we are multiplying numbers rapidly decreasing in magnitude with I+k (the Ck' s ) by numbers rapidly increasing in magnitude with J+k (x1 y ) while the product is of a relatively constant order of magnitude, which must be in a form which we can add to other such products. What we want is the product CJkxiyk to be scale factored finally by lo . To preserve accuracy during the computation of the product we do the following: 1. Form x 2-15 and then 2-15+9 2-215+u ay yk 215 ad yk scale factor to x by use of the scale factor order. 2. Form C k0(1+k)-2x42-15+uy2-15+P (1) C x k2-30+u+% O(+k)-2 To get this product to the form CJk we must multiply by k1 0-2 It appears that we merely need to store the negative powers of 10, multiply the expression (1) by 10-(i+k) and then shift left 30-(a+p). However the negative powers of 10 cannot be stored with any accuracy for high A+k so we write 1 0 4+k) 2 30-(a+p) in the form 2-( J+k )log2 10+30-(a+p) 2 -3.32193(AI+k)+30-(a+p) S2-32193(,t+k) [2-3($+k)+30-(a+p)3 (2.32193)(+k) [2-3(+k)+30-("+P)] (. 800 )4+k [2-3(I+k)+30-(a+p)] We can store the powers of (.800) with ample accuracy. Thus we multiply by the appropriate power of (.800) and follow this by a shift left or right according to the exponent of 2. in as +.9999.) (The zeroth power of (.800) is put 101b qe otZO+ T6 0+,LT ?0+ 69TO+ ONO00+ Woo+ LooGIeo+ r6To+ iTEFO+ LtTo+ LOCO+ t ao- 6 00- j3trT0- OLCO+ 930+ 8600+ gsoo- iTLFO- 9T ll 6LTOe6w - iTq3O+ Woo- Z STO- qz oLoo- T T C- TTTO- ZTtO- es?O- eqOO+ 0 00_ 36TO- LLF0- tz o- 9900 - oeco+ Peo - U00;7SOO+ ij TO- iTz?0_ 8S30i79eo+ Ttoo+ ttOTO- U 30 - TTO- 69ZO+ t91ro+ POO+ 9TTO- OiEO- qew- ON030e 90+ ),6 ?.o+ 6coo- 62TO- i t(? 0 - Oeo_ 6oZo - 869c- 6 ?,o+ IS6TO?,OTO+ ?T;30+ ecoo+ Z6oo- 6 oo- 90TO-900- J3 TO+ Tm+ e oo_o6TO+ i -, CI_. TO+ 6690+ OT90+ TOOO_ C9 T0 ?6To+ 9 6 Fo + O ,TO+ !PgTCf(OTO+ t O'S o + -T JO+ iTgTO2L 0+ 66oo+ TOOO- E6?ozLeoeeec_ ),00_ T Ffl 0+ 9ZTO+ CTOO- 0000iToo+ TEEM+ C TO- 6LOC+ ttoo+ OTO+ Co- wfroLTF0_ 6eTOmv jt"V 00 QOLO-; 06 ot FT90+ )1900- lM__ZQeo96GO- #2T0+.US'tO+ 00?0+ 9400+ '9TO+ 8800+ 90TO+ -#TOO+ STTO- 60ZO- E6TO- 9600- TtooSOW+ &00+ GYOO+ a900+ MO+ 00TO- giQ0+ a To- iTeTo?TTO-ot6d+.gGoo+ Luo-,oEoor 8.TO- OLi O+ ,l;9To+ L*00+ g6aoGO90+ 9 O+ OOTO+ 8ETo+ 0GOci- Z6ZO- -a0OO- leTCO1,800- T000+ taTo- etooT800- 900-ELOO+ OGOO+ WJ0+, TZO0+ -Eaeo+ 9*10+ 8i?aoGLOQ+ 1016T8000000iRS60LOOO., 69Tom. ' eoTlo- 6! W+ eGZ0- 96TO- 900+ 6LTO- Lwo+ 9 oo+ silpTwoor=To- L800TZ6 0+ OirtO-T iOO-,99TOST W. *GTO-- GOZO- 6Too+ oGto+ 6680- 2,00+ 00- - TTOs T E0 + ctzo+ L #Sgo+ Z4TZO+ OF00+ LS00TTZO, - !;;0r)00+ TOOO_ E680GEOO+ &TO+ T910- eLTO- 06 0+ toilo+ 'LoTot, 6trzoEgeoEcco_ L 00_ L900+ E61,0+ F,LCO+ w eq ;Oftf(00+ ;600+ 9TO+ 6tTO+ b- . T300OzooZLOO_ 0 F7, T0qtTo- GFTO+ 09 0+ taao+ oa3o+ i7OTO+ U.To+ OTOO_ OLOO" F T0 - TeEOOeOO+ TtOOC)gTo. iTaTo- ?I ?Ieo ,L 00+ 0 0820." Sow- 91.111TO_ __ P Ifflu F -1 if V v 61TOO+ PT00- 9 TO - tTOOLT007 + 000- FZTO- 9LTO6900+ Qoo+ ")TTO- 9! 00_ TOOC+ TEOO+ ?too- L000LTO+ 0 W0+ To+.3800+ 90TO+ eTTO- asto- LTto+ LSTOro--; lq?0 . L600- 000- 0900- G600+ )0- T TO- 61tTo- e6oo+ 93zo+ 6t3c+ m+ QC*TO+ TLOO+ OLOO+ e?00- 6600+ "HO+ 6L00- t9TOm+ C990+ .e*--. /w - I if of 1.%_ I Vj f1w C- S900- TT 0+ Z 00+ S6TO- qT o- 66TO+ O W+ L6oo- S300TO 0+ '90+ PTO+ ?,ROO - ?qTOS6 o- 6too- ?,.goo+ ?Eo- frooo+ 9Z. o-, Wo- 1'ji7TO- 9000- Z000- ov. I" _ %.?w %.0 0VTO- 61 oo+ 9800+ C9TO+ CAcc+ Iwo w 1_ ID , , c 8 -. 0P- Q tc 00 00 A 1t- )f" , Id occo-oooco-tI7ctLo 00 asa4 0 I 0 S,* t 83ssassa 0 t'0, 04 r N) -. FF1-' t(e' N(4X M&NCIM..~0 e , 7i C ~ 8 .......... 10 4---Ar - 2E - oo 0 U .. .ef 31122 2111as ........... sass a 0 1 1 , Lo II 2a"O, .. ........ e~N *U~ INoc Bila I I 1 1 1 1 1 I o I I . ec m I - . N~- I I I I + . I co4- . I I T I I I 0 ON I- 40 qO . _j 4 I j a 0 z o2 o W NLO I P =;= ;:=;==; I. tosAg loop-10 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B PREDICTION XV (2539 m 2) - Desoriation gnd Use Of This program was written to provide computational facility for predicting a series xi(Y±,Z,. or u.) with a linear operator of the general form i+k i+k, zi+k or ui+k) a + a0 i a xi.. + bo01......+ + 0 z . ax-, bAvi-M .. + doni. .+ . 0 Mz i-N dui-M where the prediction distance k and the nutber of lags N are arbitrary but have the restrictions that N 7 and N+k 19. The four series which this program handles contain $00 members each so that i ranges from o through 499. This first prediction computed is for i+k = 20 and the last one for i+k = 499. After doing this computation the program forms the running. average of squared errors between the predicted and actual series E i=3-5 (xI-xi)2 j = 25, 35, 45, 55, -.. 495 which is called the "Error Curve". There is considerable choice of output. The alternatives are any combination of or none of the following: 1. Print-out of the errors and sums of squares 2. Print-out of just the sums of squares of errors. 3. Photographs of oscilloscope displays of the sums of errors squares An additional choice is the use of magnetic tape delayed output for 1 and 2 above, which is about fifteen times faster than direct print-out. This program handles up to eight operators at a time in the above fashion. When the magnetio tape output is used, the error curves can be removed from the machine at the rate of one every ten seconds whereas the individual errors and error curves require fifty seconds for each operator. Each curve would represent about a week of hand computation. Once the computations are completed the individual errors (xi-xi) for all operators are left in magnetic drum storage so other programs can use them for different types of averaging processes rather than just the Error Curve as described above. On the next three pages are illustrated the various output forms. The first page is a reproduction of the individual errors and error curves for two operators. The results for each operator appear as a block of numbers 10 by 48 and a right-hand column of 48 numbers. The block represents the 480 individual errors whereas the right-hand column is the Error Curve, each member representing the sums of the squares of the 10 individual errors in the corresponding row to the left. The number appearing over the upper left corner of each block is a number assigned to the particular operator for identification purposes, and is printed by the program. The number printed over the center of each blook was inserted later. The next page shows the output form for four operators when just the Error Curve is desired. The +0000 identification number indicates that the operator was chosen as theiarianoe operator which has the forn x of series). (means The Error Curve for this type operator becomes the sample variance curve and provides a basis for testing the statistical significance of other operators predicting the x series. The third page is a photograph taken automatically by the program of an oscilloscope display of one-half of an Error Curve. A vertical and horizontal axis are also displayed. +1300 +0027 +0000 -0020 +0058 +0006 +0010 +0057 -00±9 +0088 -0059 -0021 +0000 +0016 +0000 -0005 -0049 -0013 +0047 +0002 -0048 -0029 -0002 +ooo9 +0017 +0037 +0028 +0050 +0021 -0028 +0005 +0043 -0010 -0021 +0023 -0009 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 +0052 +0007 +0000 +0053 +0019 +0005 +0030 +000± +0079 +0043 -001± -0003 +0008 +0010 -oo6 -0073 +0002 +0032 +0025 -0092 -0021 -0035 -ooo +0010 +0017 +0021 +0036 +0060 -ooo8 -oo40 +0028 -0002 -0003 +0036 +0012 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 +000 +0001 -0009 +0009 +0062 +0013 +0043 -ooo8 +0054 +0093 -0005 +0046 +0031 +0054 +oo14 -0022 +0018 +0040 +0051 -0036 -0025 -0005 -0060 -0043 -0025 -0001 +0017 -0002 +0013 -oo69 -ooo4 -0002 -0009 +0002 -0234 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0036 -0012 -0014 -0025 +0013 +0011 +0012 -0064 +0041 -ooo6 +0095 -0001 +0005 +0024 -0016 -0050 -0013 +0020 +0067 -oo48 -0010 +0010 -0053 -0031 -0058 +0008 -0007 +0003 +0035 -0059 -ooo4 -0021 -0011 -0002 -0242 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0009 -ooo6 -0007 +0032 -0021 -0016 -0067 -0021 +0005 +0034 +0153 -0001 +0014 +0019 +0010 -0042 -0027 +0025 +0079 -0060 +0039 -0022 -0025 -0003 +0001 +0014 -0060 +0000 +0029 -0038 -0014 +0008 -0047 +0014 +0186 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 12.4 Second Half +0027 +0016 +0024 +0014 -0001 -nn41 -0030 -0031 -000 +0014 +0003 -0016 -0015 +0003 -0002 -0007 +0008 +0031 -0032 -0019 -0028 -oo43 -0019 +0043 -oo4o -0046 -0036 -0025 -0078 -ooo9 +0056 +0009 -0048 +0021 -0003 +0001 -0009 -0022 +0001 +0025 -0021 -0027 +0030 -0014 -0002 +0019 +0045 +0042 -0018 -00±7 +0008 +0002 -oo48 -0022 +0067 +0037 +0035 +0013 -0000 +0007 +0018 +0033 +oo44 +0025 +0o40 +0054 -0049 -0032 +0042 -0057 -0039 -0053 -0011 -0010 -0012 -0014 -0004 +0021 -0052 -o41 -0086 -0052 -0052 -oo41 +0034 +0062 +0082 -0040 -0025 -0007 -0028 -0036 -0027 +0026 -0001 +0005 -0039 -0051 -0072 +0003 -0031 -0010 -0140 -0191 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 +0032 -oooo +0054 -0066 +0034 +0040 +0009 +0020 -0034 -0042 -0022 +0027 -0003 +0013 -0054 +0035 -00±9 -0024 -oo47 +0019 -oo43 +0086 +oo46 -0009 -oo4o -0002 -0023 -0066 +0067 -ooo4 -0025 +0022 -0001 -0001 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 +0024 -n0i +0073 -0024 +0050 +0055 +0003 +0053 -0049 -0091 +0075 +0048 +0026 +0000 -oo41 +0028 +0019 -0028 -0058 -0013 -0051 +0031 +0039 +0070 -0005 +0017 -0010 -oo6 +0029 +0025 -0017 -0013 +0010 -0017 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 -0075 +0007 +0001 +0009 +0012 +0007 +0005 +0011 +0011 +0026 +0031 +0043 +0005 +0001 +0005 +0004 +0017 +0001 +ooo8 +0025 +0017 +0010 +0014 +0015 +0015 +0006 +0001 +0019 +0018 +0018 +0013 +0005 +0001 +0011 +0002 +0220 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 +0054 -0023 -0001 -0021 +0134 -0041 +0022 +0069 +0014 +0071 -0054 -0068 -0084 +0033 -0027 +0065 -0126 -0020 +0014 +0002 -0±10 -0037 -0038 +oo8o +0086 +0081 +0012 +0010 +0077 -0023 +0007 +0015 -0004 -0043 +0032 -0015 -0255 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -o18o -0180 -o±8o -0±80 +0016 -0036 -0031 +0130 +0060 -0006 +0035 +0012 +0057 +0058 -0018 +0018 +0001 -0019 +0040 -0126 -0051 +0007 -0007 -0146 -0052 -0050 -ooo6 +0013 +0135 +0037 +0022 +0090 +0013 -0065 +0012 +0009 -0036 +0017 +0010 -0235 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 +0030 -0052 -0003 +0033 +0069 -0012 +0024 +0004 +0046 +0112 +0029 +0004 +0002 +0019 +0001 -0056 -0027 +0052 +0018 -0082 -0037 -0071 -0083 -0079 +0052 +0034 +0042 +0042 +0046 -0078 +0009 -0010 -0009 +0027 -0219 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 +0003 +0013 +0000 -0028 +0051 -0004 -0024 +0030 +0007 +0128 +0105 -0015 -0023 +0037 -0043 -0036 -0047 +0047 +0039 -0063 -0029 -0057 -0077 -0083 +0002 +0012 +0018 +0000 +0073 -0088 -0027 -0016 +0001 +0013 -0222 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0000 +0010 -0035 -0064 +0016 +0018 -oo81 +0014 -0023 +0120 +0190 +ooo4 -0012 +0050 -0035 +0025 -0056 +0027 +0057 -0008 -0000 -0003 -0110 -0102 -0090 +0003 -oo41 -0060 +0032 -0066 -0023 +ooo6 +0006 -oo4o -0215 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 12.4 -0013 +0033 -0032 -0077 -0047 +0007 -0096 -0024 -0061 -0023 +0209 -0018 +0001 -0011 -0019 +0057 -0049 +0005 +0067 +0029 +0039 -0027 -0095 -0039 -0±08 s0020 -0084 -0035 +0021 -0029 -0003 +oo14 +0013 -ooo8 -0213 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 Second -0029 +0015 -0055 -0034 -0058 +000 -0068 -0003 -0083 -0149 +0132 +0021 +0041 -0068 +0008 +0098 -0023 -0000 +0074 +0049 +0078 -0006 -0017 -0016 -0057 +0008 -0120 -0074 +0027 -0030 -0010 +0014 -o045 -0003 -0219 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 half -0013 +0010 -0044 -0014 -0030 +0020 -oo46 +ooo6 -0052 -0158 +0000 -0007 +0015 -0052 +0040 +0100 -0005 -0025 +0029 +0032 +0068 +0085 +0025 -0063 -0061 -0003 -0100 -0075 +0030 -0016 -0011 +0015 -0090 -0025 -0209 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 +0011 +0007 -0003 -0032 +ooo8 +0035 -oo41 +ooo4 -0052 -0123 -0096 +0017 -0023 -0023 -0030 +0060 +0011 -0061 -0050 +0003 +0021 +0087 +0061 -0003 -0048 +0006 -0028 -0045 +0055 -0001 -0018 +0000 -0054 -0018 -0201 -o18o -0180 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0006 -0007 +0075 -0053 +0024 +0073 -0023 +0051± -0063 -0086 -0139 +0079 +0003 +oo41 -0073 +0049 +0022 -0017 -0041 +0014 -0020 +oo42 +oo8o +0018 -0020 +0015 -0002 -0071 +0068 +0019 -0011 -0026 +0007 -0031 -0175 -01±0 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0±80 -0180 -0±80 -0180 -0180 -0180 +0001 +ooo4 +0013 +0050 +0018 +0007 +0030 +0003 +0029 +0119 +0142 +0014 +0003 +0013 +0016 +0065 +0011 +0010 +0019 +oo48 +0018 +0028 +0050 +0036 +0055 +0002 +0035 +0037 +0018 +0023 +0001 +0000 +0015 +ooo4 +0352 +0379 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0323 +0000 +04-54 40375 +0437 +0366 +06G5 40253 +05-1 +0339 40569 +0354 +0465 +0418 40611 +0357 +0343 40466 *0112n 3 +04PP-L03 +0396+04b3 +0423 +0313 +0593 +0216 +0395 +0399 40435 -+23r--+0644&*0530-+0342 +0346 40422 +0288 +0674 +0390 +0512 +0332+0355+0775 *0256 +0399 40399 +0399 +0399 +0399 40000 +0616 +1241 +075 4072b +940536+1091 +0550 -40743 +07b4 +06$1 tob64 -90 +0871 +0437 +1340 +0646 +0771 +15 +0532 +0900 +0900 +0900 +0900 +0900 +0509 +0834 +0977 +0848 +1162 +0761 +0667 +1040 +0761 +0725 +0995 +1013 40594 +1030 +099 0520 +0853 +0384 0900oo0900 +0000 +0373 +0337 4509 +0437 +0484 -0316 40519 40374 +0431 +0507 +0351 40395+:0539R +0337 +0391- 40394 +0359 +0406 +0510 +0307 +0372 40408 +0413 f0437 +0326 +0395 +0427 +03b8 +0506 +0279 40451 +G424 +0362 +0399 +0399 +0399 +0399 40399 - 40485 :+0328 +0326 +0399- 40000 +0800 +0713 40818 +0886 40927 +0833 +0680 40949 +0806 40643 40703 40846 +020i406903 06914 -+0667 +0653 +0696 +0077 +0663 +0758 +0905 +0747 +0802 +0603 +0802 +0952 +0696 +0770 +0613 +0656 +0755- 0855 -+0677 4+07b4 +07b4 +0-764 +0784 +078[+OV4 Use of Prediction Xt It is necessary to prepare a tape containing the operators and a tape containing the traces x., y., zi, u1 . These are prepared as described in the following two pages. Assume these are given tape numbers X and Y respectively. Then the operating instruction would be,: Erase storage, put Sil switch off Read in 2539 m 2 Read in 2539 P - (Control Tape) Read in X Place Y in Photoelectric Reader Start at 145 The control tapes control the output and serve the following functions.** 2539 - PO 2539 - 2539 2539 - P1 Print errors and sums of squares and scope display sums of squares Print sums of squares and scope P2 display sums of squares Scope display sums of squares P3 Print errors and sums of squares 2539 -P4 Print sums of squares 2539 -P5 Print nothing, display nothing DIRECT PRINTOUT 2539 - Pie Print errors and sums of squares 2539 - Pl and scope display sums of squares Print sums of squares and scope DEIATED PRINTOUT display sums of squares (MAGNETIC TAPE) 2539 - P12 Print errors and sums of squares 2539 - P13 Print sums of squares If one of the operators on X were badly prepared, it might happen that machine overflow would occur causing the machine to stop while computing for that operator. If this does happen, starting the machine over at 166 will have the effect of ignoring the bad operator and proceeding to the remaining ones. Preparation of Data Parameter is prepared as Each set of data x~t y , zi, and u a separate parameter and then the four parameters are combined into one long one. Octal Address 1054 1055 x X Octal Address 1054 5 Y 1055 The form of each is identical. Octal Address 1054 y 1056 1056 2037 X499 Start at 1033 2037 Y499 Start at 1033 2 10 6 0 z z z 2037 Z499 Start at 1033 Octal Address 1054 1054 10 6 u u1 2037 u4 99 Start at 1033 Notes: It is not necessary that the series contain 499 members. However, there must be four traces. If less than four are to be used, short dummy traces must be inserted. For consistency with the operator tape, the order of combination of the separate parameters must be x , yi, Zi, u . The data must appear as integers in the range -99 through +99. Pkrenration of 0perator Parameters Up to 8 operators may be prepared on a single tape in the following fashion. Octal Address +N +.XXXX 1055 1056 1057 1060 1061 1062 Explanation Contents -0,-1,-2 or -3 +k &no. on tape of oerators N Ident. no. for first operator -0 if xi, -1 if YA -2 if zi, -3 if U1 +M +.XXXX t.XXXX +_.x~XX a7a-1 x1.l b x 10 Constants for yi 0 f 0 1100 1101 00 x 10 '- 0 P E A T Constants 7 for z. 10. a 0 x 1110 1111 . d0 x 10 Constants 1 for u. d x 10 I~ent. no. for second operator etc. 1120 1121 1165 registers. Constants for x. R 1070 1071 Notes: 1 rst a x 103 2* 0 P, etc. It is not necessary to put anything into irrelevant For example, if the first operator had an M of 3 registers 1061-1064, 1071-1074, 1101-1104, would be considered irrelevant. did not use the u Again, if and 1121-1124 this operator series in its prediction mechanism, registers 1111-1120 would be irrelevant. w (L) I LC) 2 & daN el Is + I I I I I- . . I . . . . . .. . . . .. If888 25 =",2 . .' ' . . . - .-. 8 o c. .. N e: Ii s t: .. - 8 8 - :" .&-JLOR -TV . 84, 6. 1 N s a 0. 0. ~ t a 8r 11 OH I Nt ttt11t - IoIAH , 1 0 I E t 0 280 00 0 9L -o 3*-3 MO-1 400 ol 4- 02 A 9 03 104 2', - 06 /07 _ a'''4 1/ - J 222 523 23 I24 J"y 4 4,< IB25 2 __ - 3e ', J , / q6 -/0 / _ -/7 #>3 '037 /43 %e Z t 723 ' 7 -126 37 44 7? 4 -L4274. k e 40 A7 A /f; C - le6 4 S / /67 -, 41 S3 /0/ 2 6'40 W /',,4516,66(je S46 CA g 'r 431/,-'7'? 441_ ' . / - Le t'l 7, ' ta 7 -64 d6/_ O 0 /0e302 - '22 -44 J45 '32 -40* 41 -6 > /, 'N136 /.'77' j l e r-, g, 3 4 -. F 2, 3 27 - ,43 3' 2_ 33 34 723 1237 '27 t 30 14 / 131 -35 42 _ r - 30 -2- 4 40. _ ' -42 1- li dAe q36 e 317 -,728 27 30 _ ,. 7 -c 311 ,32 _i 33 _ 30 Air7 0 126 0 - L t 35) -6 1213 ' 3C ,1r-514e 14 "21 25 M t ri (?A- 5_3_ al3 20, 7 d, ZZ0ZZZZfIZ±Z - ? , /- it14 410 9417 701 'f Ks 1/5i -15 2| a,py1 /1, ,05 0 0 r 00| 141 k' 4*s 10' Cy q317 ('.1 -'3 1k34 5,,'0 103 4&/5t 13'> _ lo0 40|l g- -03 043 0s 4 IL 40 ('A 132. 0 r '4 ,g _ 't 11IA,/ - 5 /3 -05 SHEET 5::001 tt en7 /o 0_4_O-__(_ '47 50 s ob f -so 52 2 5 1$ __ 955 < 4 564 1 N62 & //'62 63 $ 541 3 _ _04 - 737 2 ______ 4 ('4, /,~ t NOTES &O '170 d & l' dn67 '- W771 E 7 73 / d;/ ek 30 177 at 70 v -77 74 (fg// '~ I,72 , 5 4 1 -- T- - ' 1!?,4_C_& 773 i '7244 - J! 7tq_ 7/g . 'o/-./754 t7 /g - /71 '' ____, '5- 55 56 677 7 1 |'Z",8 11 /461_ 4 42 '721 m SOA #0L 71 i72 ?73 74 _ 75 0 (4t |/ 954 V-. 466 77 - ?~3 a ;/ 64 NOTES OC" '64 C-A 33 19 ,$ 25 460 60M 4/ 3q 67 ' o - 3 54 65 -0 e & 7 57, 74,4 ' 76 yyZ oa 17. 0# 74 775, ___ _ 'd (73 ' ' '2, 753 'L"X IC/, / / 'x ______________MIT ______________________________TITLE __________________________ DIGITAL COMPUTER OCTAL PROGRAM PR~.LCIONhLWINDEX AUTOR SIbtSoM... TAPE1m4, NUMBER LABORATORY FORM DATE______ 3537 r-011 10 - 4d 03! 04 - '70 _j/ ___iI ___ 's.~ 02 03 _ __0_ _ 031 _______ n04 _051 _ 05 - 06 iti011 00 061 - 11071 C07 - 4.6 10 13 101 + Olt IS.H __ __ 01 _ 051 of 06 06 07 07 10 10 12 13 Is Is 14 / ! 1 21 a 4 0 3 2- _4 - It ,_____ 10O35 to 36 c d t &46 _o47 33 34 35 36 36. 37 40 37 41 41 42 42 43 37 401 1141 ij 0 li501 li dz1511 OIL, _ 11|| 531 1541 1 551 56 516 |1571 0 "60 !3 60 d 62 1/62 1)14 61 162 'U633 1 064 10 65 i t,66 i o167 T 1071 ,172 (673 074 I ______ NOTES 441 45 46 47 50 51 1511 45 46 47 50 52 521 53 531 54 54 55 56 55 56 57 57 60 60 61 62 61 62 63 63 64 65 65 66 66 67 7 11171 71 r _ __721 1 64 65 66 _ 67 70 'R1731 0 7____ 71 -r 72 72 73 73 75 75 17 175 N 44 4 1o75 76 1077 _521 _ 40 43 43 47, da 30 35 ig 46 / . 34 *111 1r) 50 ' 10 51 -A ' 1052 A4, 1053 ' I o 541 1,) 551 1056 ''57 27 33 1144 1145 . / g- 27 10 341 II1l 35 351 1C II42 i45 29 26 113 1 QI A /6 24 32 iA 042 O _ 23 - 31 i- C 22 32 1 361 ( 22 31 132 6 // 20 21 30 _ cA, S4I 43 126 .131. /0 io37 , a 0 __I40 1o 44 125 - S63333 lu34 17 21 24 25 ____4_ i 30 2 2d3r 17 20 23 | iL 27, (632 _ A 123 gr a 11211 2l u 1 ... 10 1031 x7- fL2; 1024 _ ._ 16 120 il , 4~ SPT t roo6 _ d 6 1 tt /-23 _ _ 0 04 14 o _ O2_ 04 11 /e/l.f,~ 26 EET 3| 00 1001 0O1 1 77 _ 77 7 MIT TITLE DIGITAL COMPUTER OCTAL PROGRAM M iON E AUTHOR SIMPSICIN TAPE NUMBER 2539 LABORATORY FORM INDEX DATE !1 M 2 APPENDIX C APPENIX C ITEBATION I (2615 m 2) -Decriotion and Use Of This program was written with the purpose of obtaining least squares fits for linear operators as described in Part IV. It computes essentially as described, but has provisions for changing its inorement after cycling for a certain prescribed number of times. The program was designed to be run in conjunction with the Prediction XV program described in Appendix B, and to illustrate the conveniences which The data to which the linear programs can include. operator is to be fitted is prepared in the same fashion as in Prediction XV. The information about the operators to be found (Iteration I solves up to eight operators one after the other) is prepared as a single tape. The operator coefficients once fQrmed are printed out, and also are left in the machine in a form to be used directly with the prediction program. The output of Iteration I was designed to eliminate identification problems. In addition to printing out the coefficients identified, it prints out the operator number, the operator parameters including which set of data is predicted, and the variance and minimum sums of square errors. These last two numbers allow a rapid computation of the percent reduction R = 1 - min va, which is the least squares fit. a measure of the goodness of A sample of the output appears below. Variance sum = 004953 Minimum pum = 001840 Operator No. -1010 N 066 n = 050 k = 002 M = 003 T4 predicted a4000 = +0292 a340 = -0000 +0565 a2 40A a140 = -0000 aO 40 = +0005 d3/0 d2 40 dl40 = -0341 = -0117 = -0410 dO 40 = +0708 The Program may be used to print out all the values of I as they are computed. A plot of these values for a particular operator appears in Part IV. One other feature in this program is a *roll back" procedure. This permits us to avoid having to start from scratch if the machine fails in the middle of the long computations. Every fifteen seconds during the computation, all of electrostatic storage is transferred to the magnetic drums which are very reliable. Then if electrostatic storage is destroyed, we can call back the program from the magnetic drums and start over where we left off not more than fifteen soonds ago. Use of Iteration I If the operators are prepared as described on the next page with a tape number X then the instructions for the operation of this program would be: Erase storage, Sil switch down Read in 2615 m 2 Read in 2615 P Read in (control tape) (data tape) Y Place X in photoelectric reader Start over at 145 The control tapes control the output and serve the following functions: 2615 P 0 Print out operator and identification (direct printer) 2615 P 1 Print out operator, identi- fication, and all values of I (delayed printer). Prenaration of Onerator Parameters The information for each operator is prepared as a short separate tape and the tapes are then combined in any order. Octal Address 1001 1002 1003 100 1005 1006 1007 1010 12 1112+X3 1113 The form of each operator is identical. Contents +N Explanation First member op. interval +n Length of op. interval -1 if X not used +0, or -1 +0, or -1 -1if y +0, or -1 +0, or -1 +.XXX -1 if uz -1 if -~0,-1,-2,or -3 +k +.XXXX Start at 147 a 1A First o4erator no. -0 if xj, -1 if yi -2 if zi, -3 if ui mean of pred. series x 10- The first of the separate tapes must have one additional register, register 1000, which contains + no. of operators on the combined tape. Register 2123 contains +.0010 which is the first increment to be used for the a term. Register 2223 contains +.0100 which is the first increment to be used with the remaining constants. Register 3421 is the counter for the cycles at these increments. The second set of increments is 1/10 the first set, and appears in registers 2124 and 2224. The counter for this set is register 3433. These registers may be changed to adapt to the particular problem. The "roll back" proced.ure in case of electrostatic storage failure is Erase storage Read in 2615 P 13 Start over at 145 |SHEET || Jo01' I --- b -pc 504 - Soj .40s WI .L - Ill 3e CA- 0 I 111r1 a.T iz |I o 2 I M * 10'7 21sltagon 1 ___ = 111A9 e -d320 At, 224 3n I /'7 -1 an /I 4 227 J~ Im + 530 g.33 234 3 33 -,-S 2 ,322 335 J36 334 o I 334 337 3404* 237 2401+37 2411 2411 3411 -. L4 34 -0 4i o 4 243 2.45 e., 3 43 20 _ __ /o/ __47__1_42_y 350 L 23 r254 2T65 256 '£1 0W 53 I '5 74 755 c, - 3s0A -- A n t 372 r 377 -#0 363 _ s3a5 i TE7' 274 et Ab US 1 2 73 174 R 375 A .273 -1 3 S7 ?s71.4ta zs 25 t,__ .44 7s 02 At'A44-A. 355 76 L 1 7,2631 4641M eg'4 o s 2s2" CA , 3*1 Ia. /0 _ ?so 2"1 42~ 2 kt 34 _-S 147 2s? ,& 320 E -. I 33 ZO 10 - m77 -, 0 AT U DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY OCTAL PROGRAM FORM INDEX TITLE ITC12ATION I DATE SIMPSON AUTHOR -lA 'M 0 T APE NUMBER MIT J#3 00 (,A- 4001 711 1 f L0 flit/71 I _904 5 Jog +- 57S-3 s 0'(07 7'/ , f' ___________ ____/ As 407 610, ________ £34 41it1131 4 711 76 ' 1.13 f-/f fl ' ft~ ________I rk _ /u _ As _ _ a V4 7 A __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~.( 32 33 .3g ______ -61 42 £-1 1 40 e 732 //Z__ t 7,'{ 572l , 475 ,I_ ' 737 1 f - / '7 7 ,/I b 7I eA 52 7,4_ 9 2. - 2? J40 2r f_ 742 'll C /4 73 741 __ .&t22 443 45________ ( 6f'-, t 142 44C //' 5-44 4 7 36 V43 4-C _______ f7y 0C.72 / t 4 (3e 40 474_ 71 77J 1/f72g 141 A A43 CA r 1 /n 132 S£37 ________ 43 43 V44 145 946 fg 27 _j:C ____7aS#1 It40 t (_0 4 "_ 1i'7z '37 e-A..-7/S6 1130 14-/1.71 Y34 1/ 35 04 w-,73 72t 37 4 r724t t,25O/O725. S27 3 133 /720 /72' tra 'V 23'746 To 930-430 20 (22 S24 97 714 O3 4 _ 623 IVEel ' _ _ 7 715V ' 41 4e 74y rf . - J&C 9 550 ' Y9 7_- (a; '3 9 710 /30 415 - o72 d4- 'o 707 ... +7, 411 er 70s1 -6A. " esNOTES, 3,- 57 5*3f 2 31s 5 5174056 561 20 t q63 2 557 60 941 t ss 41W so0 ,6l ____________ 7 t (; Pam/Z757 1'4 2! / 6624- 563ejo 464 /IS3 60 (fx ,61 0 , -4.'. tt3 753 lf / o 'l'/s 0 764 / ' 4671A' 6 7 L!7 -- 171 72 73 q74, _7 0' -,Z Q4 975 g0 '/ 77 A& _ 1 + O _ !2/ 67 7070 67 n-r .. -1 zi% s 72 ____Z/_71 _ 373 __2 -_7 /ed4 75 -a 75. ,6 76 77 72 '72 S74 e f 4'/ - 77477 - 77 / 777 '/5 ' , [ MIT DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY _____ -OCTAL PROGRAM FORM 7ITLE ERATON AUTHOR TAPE SIMPSO NUMBER INDEX DATE -"7A, -o 0 [ H ~~1130o1fd,' 1'18 1,6 loo69 mot ___"_g_____7_1 7'!T~ 40 too a 10o0 .iCx_Co __ $510L.Ah/5'0 tol 3 1013 _02__ 1014 l J ma WRm & - 170 03 I2Zfo /02 Ie 1624 t s s - 3'7 ___________ se __ -j/ 415 1 1Sitt j / -3SIs 35*6 24 , IQ _u 3035 __10304700 -3 11041 3067 0 110 42 a nr/ '3 O oso os0 - ions -1 1056 - 1071 10 1 10011 11063 1066 agy eA J5'54 IO s5 /7_ 1 - 21_ os? TE6:S. S6 3757 1076 31 32 33 34 35 36 37. 2040 2 n4 It 2Z43 2646 / 477 v .M 53 54 55 O0 '51 e*6 fZOY/ 4/ 20624/p | _2063 64 2064 65 20115 /3Z 24106 2ek 66 3S7 67 f d& e 2cso TA 20" -w204 2 e 2i652 ff'?q _Z053 (, /0 54 6 g/ 2055 dri 7056 'f 71 2,057 fd-2 2-110 gl0 51 52 63 - 4- 12o67 a,&- 67 2070 7;0 06 -7 722072s- 7- 392 5 3003 73 9573 3 6' 40 W3F 2oy 2Lz85 46 62 1see V65 5 6 'f J4 45 56 9 s 3C62r4 40 3Y 3 I=7 L7725 NOTES. - __ ___4________0_ 35'63 1071 107s1 271 so 57 60 77770f3 1072 ______'__1"4 &3S, 1070 .10731 24 50 5153 loss 1664 law5 _ __ 35,1 -z0 as 43 44 1 . ___ - as 40 41 345 047 to 21 >0 -d 3S,43 06 _______ 4bIA 162 d0-14 334 __ CA- Y7 41 3 1. 33 34 35 36 37 0z 3CA _ is 32 32 3533 ewZ121 1037 13 31 _ 3K31 1036 }{13 f 27 3o 0 -, 20 1o34 __C 0 _ ' 3527 /3 0O1 _f % Ah-27 uzo O 34 3<2 - on3 64 1064 loss -114 ' -T 73"' I 0lw 3 '3 _ 304 AL6 /62A 032 1043 __ _ _ _ _ !374 ___307,______ 1s? 1034 M'~ _rs_- a-!v i31 S13 /oz -dre i'sas le' __ __ - __ / ____ 1816 51__ - 74 75 - 17 2075 7677 76 70 77 A - ---- --- MIT DIGITAL COMPUTER LABO0RATORY OCTAL PROGRAM FORM TI TLE iILR ATOnINDE X AUTHOR L-IMPO DATE P Ct I2 -~/ T APE NUMBER 210 11o4 goo ooL e*'IV A1" 41. 2104 2. 1om27 -Ai 2l4 2-7 &. .705 & 2121 ,/3 1213'f0 1.24 2224 22tS t s 21 / t' 50 o 2 230 , q r t d.~ e( 12 //4 4 ;P| 2154 /4 d 27154 j o, 1 .1 7 2- 2 1 5aI 70 j ' e-2 1_ 2OTTo l 72 7 2 2/ 11 172 6 574 2.175 "f zi?6 &0-2 af. -; 2/ 74 -276 "77 ,, --- n -> :2V' 2 _2 3,7_ __ ""IdI v 2Y3 7y63 ___ __ ___ __V_ 7-5 141 466 <7<4 --- 2 (/ at eI 465 2 3t , 57 G_/_ <./25 62 - 230Li 56 2 f{ '63 70 33 4 /goce jq 53_e.4,________f S5 6 /Ad - 3 z154 ~52 A6S .4 3 e2, a-2 aco Z_____41_r.4__2______ __________ -' .03 2 71Z 2 10 -- 5e z 7rd , 2' 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ .2000 /0_____________ 2 V43 _,I,'___________C_ tae so 24$' - ' _ _____0__0__2____a__o 2'571 -'s-6 6 _ LL/260i 504 io lo _ e ___so__C 154 44 2 L 2.164 50 2 Z44 '% ., 62 SC2203 .. A ,t2 7 127 - ,43 g 3l' , | _ /.2100 - o "z2 25 5'2 '$ 12163 -4r- 242,d___ -10 31 2 - Z,%4 o 9 2'O -a2-"247 4,p 2, el OCC99 3' 7 244 2 24 7? 2-S 215 N.OTIE ' '42 ( 62d~ :143 &$20151 2ai77 I 02 1~ _--- 234$6 740 2/ 5 e,*$ 2146 Zi 47 2 fwr/. 2 ZY20 2-4 '22j3 4472'2 7 / 4z. 2.1,44 2 -15 00 ;.,30 7341A2351 0/1 214; ) 3oea,24 .b 2' L 2134 Z2 34 - .34 2 f4_ 2 4 6 -2 22z 2- f, ___y__.____4-______ _ _ _____2_1,___yt_0A__2_YjO_ /0_ 1,200 2 3 "foz/0/- Z140 214 ___ ___ 79 36 St Z1$4 2 A - '2 .7313 21 0 . 7 {1 23 /(Z 23v A, ;1 C,2'2''_____ ?,1I/ 12 /3/ ,,'I1v .05 2102 af 2223 3 N yo / 0y07 a2 21 2023 2:201d-. 1 2,O/ /' 2'07 n s z207tfw Z 210 td26 / 22|| 2332 ,72 /23 -05 v2 224 22t:$ -2; SHEET _ 2g 2104 j 22-4206 2.s20 _______ -02 / /22. 6 -206 - 210y o ' o-12-05 212- '/74 .2/70 2204 zoos eA 2106Ai i -'o00 101 z.o 175 11ot '4 _-__ ____0_ _____ I ---- * 72 73 .< 74 -719 6'J5' j"7 C1 __________ C 43_ ______MIT DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY OCTAL PROGRAM FORM TITLE J CLR~.A1ICJ11 INDEX_______ AUTHOR DATE 1 '27', TAPE NUMBER cc00 2ID 7.m 2SV / '!, __ __ .i z-i,0l 4 / '02 ZM .. __ 1-11I _ , '06W CA zal 2S4 2.5-Is nit1 , Zn$ 67i/ Lid r,. 37j 25-14 1 st f 24r Leoi ZA'o2 0 1531 AW25 5x22 d$- 3! is O5 74 Yg 1-i ii er, 21 "7-lS' r, 24 zsts 2 S- q' '630 r ^/_ 24e.2t' tS r 26 :" '_-_' >2 & > ________ -, 1, ': : 2 33 0,1014 2-34 I (& 41 z<42 , (A/ !$7 fig 7/ / 2J44 2<46 suo Of 145 -| ~~24 ,- "c740 7 ,e fe; /71/ "744 45 (1 ;1 ' ,/ 17-s54 | -A 01,(,I 2o(l 72 z" 2c"59 111 t 'Ir A,$7 .655 y ( 2(- $7 . 2 0S / 41 j V64 0 25 2 z%11 td- 2!9V6 12c2s4 02~ .,74 2 If07ES C77 2467 r. /72 r /7 O] 46 de- Sol s'ot $_ {4 / _ _ _ 4 4 __ _ ,h __ / T5 "r _ 2 _ 'i; 't (' '{_7 / 7 /_/60 6eo (c _2 c, r_ r 61 r 2/62 ,r 63 ./ (<Y -/ - _ 64 .2; g6 isl 1 / o 642 ' ____6___2_ _ ( _ ( e e e' 64 41a 0 ( r r (____ 66 -4' _ j'e ig2/ r 2e-/ -4"' _ _ _ ? -54 970 - ' ze 7| _ '( J1411 , / 65 (A2 _A4() _ y < 'r 43 44 $$ 16 4Ms'7 _ _;r 5____ /53 /54 (-;1'/ f,( k 62 _ _V -163 iS .- c e _ r0 0 2,-,er A260 zs-60 (C45 -j~ 7w 24/68 z542 Ct. 254 ,ff atS6 ( 1' g e ,52 2/5$ 3/QOt 2/5$4 _ e,090 ,(51 217 421 /'144 C 226e'r 6 _ 40 (,f, '43 .. S53 '[ 41 '742 1.2 6'4 /7 $____-- '41 {{ (rC 1 'f -/'I 2/42 S12Ls43 - 2 11 4(e_________ _1 /72/C" ('37 140 M,7%C 2-43 JW .544 -4k /1,37 2 ,3 $6_ G ' 2 4 ea. 2-7 _^_ c 34 ||3 g S/.- 1., '-1 4~ 344 r / 2/30 l' 2233r S2 /, .t .j0 27 30 / , __/'___ 27 , ,/,27' .,atir -,o,,-I//_ l ' 31 2 L33 Cl,4/d 3:'',6 <5e 723 -IT2 2 / / d0y" . -/ -114&.41 44,24fazst? A-2V~/. nf 7-f15J/'/2(, :2 a6 '14 1764 f 2 2114 as (,4 .24' it O.16 4 M./, 2 17 .J45|1- /0/2.- __________ / 0E 'L o 13 . t' 061 lI- ltj11 ,h2406 f_ -no - 441 /rJ-,,1 ___________________ Lsl [5ET51± 7TZ (/'(( 2(jr ( 7 J72 /74 7 74 1. /76 ' 175 77 70 7 -' (A 3/C, ____________ 72 1w,6' ',_/C( Y(-75 74 f- 6- _/1e 76 / / 4/ MIT DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY OCTAL PROGRAM FORM TITLEITRATION I AUTHOR LJMPI-6)N TAPE NUMBER INDEX DATE /,,- - r 3 e)C1 _________ ISHEET 6 00 31 /C ,04 C--32-tes l. 2 107 ' "1 11 41 I~' 4 '616 i 4 1, '0 7 311 '.114 3-/02 37 ,0 41as i/ 1 to u30 to 0 213 al '3ts 2 , 24 V4304 27 t 32 1 34 ___ e ____ ._tl 22 341 _ I ___ -_I /t - j - 3 !! ly 3 13 -2e,'q3 40 2 rg 2L44 3 37 -36 -!1 ,3e Ta1: (12 n/C' 331 3134 / 226 iAI55S ___________ f37 j -b311 31 o - /__ 334| 30i IT r/7/f,' /r/.0 e w42166 "o' 2!14"-T "- 3113 _-lTC i 14..3/ - _ _ 1, 1 ' 101 f4P I"e' - I All -- _ '(- 2 -- tos L -g o- IooS I. IYm __________ :.007r ~L.......3 LZ~i. _________________ 03 - 37 , 3x - * - 'j/f3 41 64 4- -'." 4C 0 Z43t i2 1 -1r4 4 4- 3M44[d I os -/ </477 s3 '( .-- 47" ?17 Its?~Ga rsO2 2. 53 -3r .50st t odr , 't 46 Cao.NU2 V 2o 3V 47 2/3 ti 7 fd3,/', '/ ss.6442. 566 . / 71 'b Z6 .6 : ' O j72 77 MOTEs- _______________ / so .71 72 fl- 2 '3 TAPE3 NUBE 27 lr73 -3 /'4 '. aC 2A/od 3 I,- -'.72 ~ ,74 , NOTES 76 11 /7, 70 4. -o73 55d fZ26 751 64 6. t 70 171 0 6s7 /, 36 C- 16e: .73 __ ( 74 <75 '3 0 34 Atal fr32S 7 ' MIT DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY OCTAL PROGRAM FORM 17-kA-/I -1 I|NDEX AUTHOR .5/MP3<7HN DATE c$$~/N T APE NUMBER TITLE APPENDIX D APPENDIX P AUTO CROSS-CORRELATION I 2559 mo, ml) - DescritijnQand UseOf This program was written for the WWI Digital Computer to compute the unnormalized sample correlations N+n-1 : i+N 3x 0, 1, 2 ....m the conventions for preparation of the data x and Y are identical with those desribed for Prediction XV in Appendix B, with the exception that the data tapes need not be combined after preparation. A short tape is prepared containing the information N, n, and m as follows Register 1047 + N (First data point in blook) (Octal) 1050 + n (No. data points in block) 1051 + m (No. lags) 2559 mo handles individual data tapes and is used as follows Erase storage, put Sil down Read in 2559 mo Read in Z (tape for N, n, m) Read in X (X data tape) Read in Y (y data tape) Start at 770 If X and Y are not identical we get half of the cross-correlation curve (for j 0). To get the other half, we repeat the instructions interchanging the order of read-in for X and Y. If X and Y are the same tape, we get the entire auto-correlation curve, since since auto-correlations are symmetric about the zeroth lag. The correlations are printed out by the direct printer as seven-place numbers, ten per line, the 09 lag being the first no. on the first line, the 1 leg being the second no. on the first line, etc. 2559 ml performs the same functions as 2559 mo, but is adapted for handling the combind tapes used with Prediction XV. It assumes there are 3 real data sets plus a dummy set and forms the nine correlations representing the permutations of the 3 real sets. The correlatios are over 380 values of the data, and are taken to 100 lags. The output is the delayed printer, and requires one minute for each 100 lag: block. At this rate the program can perform 8 or 10 million multiplications in 4 hours of machine time. A sample of the output is shown on the next page. 96Tilao 6 o M U6o9*aO 9ga.6o~a toz O1#691o qo9LCoCM~otg#z16*o OOO~iyzO U #ero 1.TJ24zO ge 969#a TgoMi,96#ZO T899to ogloCqzoona ECa 096aa JT6Z~ao T#~e ag #go W~a 9T#L#Z*O g99WO #96 3 9LM~ 6Tgato 1L961Ro 9 1r#r#ro 0LE~TZO 1.9TT O 90Z1yZO LOZ##Z tiy L~0 ~~rL TT9Z0 ga~ 60TEgeO 9T6tao 1y9Qt#O 9009#30 £0Ooirao0O9E No %96M0 9TLJao lr09LqLirz0 a##iogz0 092oOzo 90EWr~ E9LZ*rO 96T1.iaO 91T61rO 6JJ.irao ?LEmlro zo9*1ro a6Zt 7o T99a*ao Lrta#Eo 6 TO9~ 99#z0 goTgtr Et tzro JLrir0 T1yO E £9aoETL~yzo oqa 9T9E~ya0 a9a#Z Z999tao 6 9L66*e0 9oTC~zo LwTEa LL1yt0 4girTta0 qL6M~ o *91ra0 *80o1r0 SzoE*zo Lg01ra0 L #0 LAy 6o6 29Te 6S930~ T~aa OOt6ira0 9E6#iO ZE06E0 9Z69M0 T1GSRe0 U£L9 ag6o9eoT0 £9t0aO 99taO 99TlrZ 9L9O irULEZ ZiirMZ£ q~t0 9Or0O 91ra0 CaT1e0 90*0 Oq9#*a Ei9aL*O 6T66#60 TO9TaO 989T930 ggogao 9 6~t~ 2.~oo 9~ ~ 9#Egga0 92r~ 9~Lr~0 999EWO L~E1r06LZT930 009a0 9aa yr0 T6*tira0 aeL1ao . 1r9TGO 92.o#9O Z9#99Z0 EgE9ir3O T999#Z0 ir LAZ0 T2.o6teo# 6 a9q9Z0 Lgeaga EtZO*~ e9ZEW~ #ttrao~ 99a 1ra0 923e rl9*2.1O 6909*aO Z9#gtaro 998#0 2.O61WO z6L6#zo 0#89O0 o91re0 ij9*O 61r99ra0 TQ99ZO Z98TgaO 2.99Tga 99irLiaO 66E 9tRW9rO 89 9#erO TOT9irZO T1ggf*Z 99TWirO aT tarO 9698tZ0 6 9E2.04aO 68E9~ 9sireo 68 TtZ0 g66%0~ a?9J-*a0 99TTge O 6 O L2.eo LL2T~O 9aaiyz0 666S930 T6TT?0 0Z99#0 Z Ttgj9zor To#6lyao 99L9*ao o*~91re0 s~o~2o9ao g6~~o* oozRirao a9.9~ OE.o~zo 869#30 gTg#GZ0 #0ETg0 Olrl9$O 290#AZOr~ . 9E6 iya o66oga0 9T61RO oT6Q*o aEO#9Z0 TZ9EgE ELq9aO~ 990Ggeo E0990 62.9T9aO S90ge *EtgZ0 q92.*zO TULT9330 6aq93O OETTg0 TTE96TO 69T66To 6L996To ZES96TO 6 zgL.66T0 a 1rooz0 98TTOZO tq96T0 8TLL26T0 69tTOZ0 T496T0 9T666T0 Z#91OZO a2.4E6T0 2.*£46T TT996T0 09£66T0 93696TO 6Ea96T0 91r£66T0 e9*996T T9a66T0 L926TO 969 T T9L6T0 66O T96TO 996T0 z4o66To E6o96To T£aEM6T T L2.34*a0 E0Tg~ 99*t 3#6AE*O 9a0**z0 9rL£Eo CT89*0 geO2.*ZO 96T9#30 TLZ9#ZO Lqg2q*ao 8E961jao 199L#3*0 £6Tq#30 sEo2.*ao Z0*2.*Z0 GToL*Zo W66*ZO 92.ETOaO 9TTZO0 6 £9ir0a0 9EE0O0 2.4*z0e0 aS2TO O000 6 01r09 T0 L89946T0 9 Tg 9aLT-OZO LgEOOao aqo66To #t96T0 tEZZoZ o 0 Eogo 9oEggoz 2.9£00m ~6 0TZ O CO4£OZ 2.9440e0 02.0*0a0 tg0T0Z Toaq6To £C296TO 90TZ0O T6E2.6T0 9991joeo t6O000 Ta6E0oe 6E9toz0 LS2.*0z 0CE030 lT90oz0 6G£oozo T9T96T0 Z6a66TO 982.OOZO 9LToZ0 T09T0Z0 CT9T0Z0 0£TZ0a0 908TOZO ?TTT0a0 09go0zo CaT96T0 6*og6To 9TTT0a0 oT9EOaO 9*2. 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In case of machine failure Erase storage Read in 2559 p13 Start at 677 Traveinpg Correlations With the aid of tape 2559 p1O we can use 2559 mo to obtain correlations from highly overlapping blocks of the data. The correlations are over blocks 50 in length and the number of lags is taken to be 20. The first reading in each block has an index (N) equal to k x 10 where k = 3, 4, . 44. The procedure for using 2559 mo in this way is Erase storage, put Sil down Read in 2559 mo Read in X Read in Y Read in 2559 plO Start at 770 leave in P.E.T.r. (21 lags are printed for N = 30) Read in Start at 770 (21 lags are printed for N = 40) Read in Start at 770 (21 lags are printed for N =50) etc. Start at 770 (21 lags are printed for N = 440) [SHCCTIi1 ___ oo o Iu -Z ty/ 7 p-031 /rl l~ I ______________ I 3! '{l-o ...*I-_ F007 ji 3 //'-s f 0 2 /103!1 ()7 AA el./ o 2' T1 4 07 p (> .4 ' __ 30 27 '030 31 1031 t #,r- 11 (7 ft/43720p __ 41CV 1o32 33 i>33 ' C 10 36 / 4 11o37 h A 74d 2C /7, 103 1,43 44 Z' F ro40 _4. 36 -/ -136 374o ft ag /OZ 137 ('g {{e7 .575p66 21 I/ -6 71 72 c- 7461 Ye, 6 g007 64 -/5 " /92.{)72 (-,i T 73 e 57636 5 1 rc -' 4 65 e6I4 66~~S * //I6 _t g. 70 4 71 ( 72 -73 O ., 2 1 53 .nl, C /54 756f 57 60 4 L)/ 0 / 1jQ J--/61 22 '6 2 t/013 f, '6 2. 5-g /;? e\4, 1, 3ad-/2-1 (,//4C6-5l (-A C 1_- 66 4 4-67 _ 7sA 7sg_6 'J 1 3 $54 4 62 463 B50 V7/g '(5| 1 47 750 -5 6.0 T 712 43 rg, 7454A (4T 461 60 '{{ c d 45 4 57 '63 15;-4 g / 7 441ft47-T/ 4 _/ '7/42 56 T 74$ p ,y /a 7141 N _ / 7 57 1 ,1 /53 .- /0S~V a k444aM- 452 6 p TO6 0 L35 7~ 51 63 t&Z 54 TE4/060 Ir ?"r F3 ,so 54 31 133 e 47 61,~95 / IT/ 32 F 7,4 1 '0 53 CN, 53 52 C ) g, 'i _ (46 '46e 50 02 ( 27 ( k-.42 (43 ,42t%/ 43 26 37 !. { 641 42 (' g 725, -- I fn 00404 41 q 4j - 523 724 1,_4 e 35 / 37 40 3 721 722 32 33 /, 1 35 36 /O /' 7- si3 _/0_- (__ _,34 35 C '7 ( p 32 34 27 (','/Z2 '1131 ' 1.24 f,/425 (, t 26 r26 - 72 '/2Z2- 176 t4- - 21 /122 25 ) 2 (1 1 '7?141t. (,17 ' 2007 '2-1 f fg,yf '112 - f, (16 4 24 _024 a /10 23 !1025 1026 I0 27 i /07 J, 13 1 14 _6 ', C) lo ( -05 (, t 12 22 7-'22 7031 446-4 10 7',17 20 21 ' 1021L1 2e 3 6> 022 023 e It 156 56 1017 020 . (0 14 r247)0 os e 04 < 05 _ I1 ' 0 110 01o ___ r.031 -99 'I 104 1005__ I> k'00 b'1- LL, 0 77 -,d*, 77__A, / 'f 77 7w2mv3 1744 2- 75~ 77 66 4A727/e4 ' Q 77 / 6N//OT7ES3// 775 1, 7771I /1/ /-/4 MIT DIGITAL COMPUTER OCTAL PROGRAM TITLF~~la AbTHOR TAPE LABORATORY FORM DEX SIMPSONl NUMBER DATE 2557 -/777.- ) /01%- : IUI IAJI I~I L~J Lne 2 2: ast M-' !i g2 8% m To2flelelt-s 4 i323 s n m Rtl33z;:2 ~ n 8 3 0326 ano n m - e a -'______j p nA 422112 2 -01a . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . I. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ----=2 gas8888 eqll- LL9"1 , V0' i I1- cz e "s. m 0 I- 4 gat W4 z . 9 SI- 0 _j-0 I- A2PEI~DIX E APPENDIX E BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Stephen Milton Simpson, Jr. Attended Yale University September 1946 - June 1950, receiving B0S. in Physics. Entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Department of Geology in September 1950. Member of Phi Beta Kappa and 6igma Xi. Presently under appointment as Instructor in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.