Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians Mingfeng Zhao University of Connecticut, USA October 14, 2012 Joint work with Professor Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Changfeng Gui Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 1 / 41 Outline 1 Traveling Wave Solutions 2 Fractional Laplacians 3 Traveling Wave Solutions with Boundary Reactions 4 Traveling Wave Solutions with Fractional Laplacians 5 The Main Result and Outline of the Proof Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 2 / 41 Traveling Wave Solutions Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 3 / 41 Traveling Wave Solutions Assume f = −F 0 for F ∈ C 3 (R), consider ut (x, t) − ∂xx u(x, t) = f (u), ∀x ∈ R, t > 0 (1.1) The traveling wave solution u of (1.1) is of the form: u(x, t) = φ(x − µt) where µ is a constant. Then −φ00 (x) − µφ0 (x) = f (φ(x)), ∀x ∈ R (1.2) Three types of traveling waves: u is a train if φ is periodic. u is a front if φ is bounded, nonconstant and monotone. u is a pulse if φ is bounded, nonconstant and has same limit at ±∞. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 4 / 41 Traveling Fronts In the case of traveling front, WLOG, assume µ ≥ 0 and φ is increasing and has limits ±1 at ±∞,i.e., −φ00 (x) − µφ0 (x) = f (φ(x)), ∀x ∈ R φ0 (x) > 0, ∀x ∈ R (1.3) lim φ(x) = ±1. x→±∞ Then Z y 1 0 2 [φ (y )] + µ [φ0 (x)]2 dx = F (φ(y )) − F (−1) 2 −∞ Z µ [φ0 (x)]2 dx = F (1) − F (−1) (1.4) (1.5) R F (t) > F (−1), ∀t ∈ (−1, 1) (1.6) There are three interesting nonlinearities: Fisher-KPP, Combustion and Bistable Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 5 / 41 Fisher-KPP Model Fisher-KPP Model: f (t) < 0, ∀t ∈ (−1, 1), f 0 (−1) < 0 and f 0 (1) > 0 Figure: Fisher-KPP Model Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 6 / 41 Combustion Model Combustion Model: There exists some t0 ∈ (−1, 1) such that ( f (t) < 0, if t ∈ (−1, t0 ) and f 0 (−1) < 0 f (t) = 0, if t ∈ [t0 , 1] Figure: Combustion Model Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 7 / 41 Bistable Model: Allen-Chan Bistable Model: There exists some t0 ∈ (−1, 1) such that ( f (t) < 0, if t ∈ (−1, t0 ) and f 0 (±1) < 0 f (t) > 0, if t ∈ (t0 , 1) Figure: Bistable Model In this case, F is called a double well potential. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 8 / 41 Double Well Potential with Equal Depths If F (−1) = F (1), we say F has equal depths, f is balanced bistable. Note: µ = 0. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 9 / 41 Double Well Potential with Non Equal Depths If F (−1) < F (1), we say F has non equal depths, f is unbalanced bistable. Note: µ > 0. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 10 / 41 Classical Results −φ00 (x) − µφ0 (x) = f (φ(x)), φ0 (x) > 0, ∀x ∈ R lim φ(x) = ±1. ∀x ∈ R (1.3) x→±∞ Combustion Model: There exists a unique pair (µ, φ) as the solution to (1.3). Fisher-KPP Model: There exists a minimal speed µ0 such that for any µ ≥ µ∗ , there is a unique φ such that (µ, φ) is a solution to (1.3), where s p f (t) ∗ sup 2 f 0 (1) ≤ µ ≤ 2 −1<t<1 t − 1 Bistable Model: There exists a unique pair (µ, φ) as the solution to (1.3). Moreover, there exists some c1 , c2 > 0 such that 1 − φ(x) ∼ e −c1 x , as x → ∞ and Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) − 1 + φ(x) ∼ e c2 x , as x → −∞ Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 11 / 41 Fractional Laplacians Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 12 / 41 Fractional Laplacians For any 0 < s < 1, the fractional Laplacian (−∆)s arises from Lévy process, in fact, (−∆)s serves as the infinitesimal generator of the 2s-stable symmetric Lévy process. Mathematically, for any 0 < s < 1 and f ∈ S(Rn ), the fractional Laplacian (−∆)s u of u is defined as (−∆)s u = F −1 ((2π| · |)2s û), i.e., Z (−∆)s u(x) = e 2πix·ξ (2π|x|)2s û(y ) dy , ∀x ∈ Rn . Rn Γ n−2s 2 |x|2s−n . Note: The fundamental solution of (−∆) is 2s n 2 π 2 Γ(s) s Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 13 / 41 Integral Form of (−∆)s Using Fourier transform, we can see Z u(x) − u(y ) (−∆)s u(x) = C (n, s)P.V. dy (2.1) n+2s n R |x − y | Z C (n, s) u(x + y ) + u(x − y ) − 2u(x) =− dy (2.2) 2 |y |n+2s n R Z u(x) − u(y ) − ∇u(x) · (x − y )1B1 (x) (y ) dy (2.3) = C (n, s) |x − y |n+2s Rn s22s Γ n+2s 2 where C (n, s) = n . π 2 Γ(1 − s) Note: In (2.1), if 0 < s < 12 , the principal value is not needed, but if the principal value MUST be needed. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 1 2 ≤ s < 1, : : 14 / 41 Z Proof: Let g (x) = Rn form, we obtain f (x + y ) + f (x − y ) − 2f (x) dy , by taking Fourier trans|y |n+2s [e 2πiz·y + e −2πiz·y − 2] fˆ(z) dy |y |n+2s Rn Z |e πiz·y − 1|2 −fˆ(z) dy |y |n+2s Rn z Z |e i 2|z| ·x − 1|2 2s ˆ −(2π|z|) f (z) dx |x|n+2s Rn Z ĝ (z) = = = Z Note: Rn Let x = 2π|z|y . z |e i 2|z| ·x − 1|2 dx is a positive constant function on Rn \{0}. |x|n+2s Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 15 / 41 (−∆)s Looks Like −∆ The fractional Laplacian (−∆)s is an integral and nonlocal operator, but it shares many similar properties with usual Laplacian −∆, such as, the strong maximum principle, Harnack inequality, Poison kernel, potential theory, regularity theory, etc.... Note: The strong maximum principle and Harnack inequality hold for (−∆)s in the sense of global maximum principle and global Harnack inequality. For example, let (−∆)s u(x) ≤ 0 in B1 (0) and assume for some x0 ∈ B1 (0), we have u(x0 ) = sup u(x) x∈Rn Then u(x) ≡ u(x0 ) in Rn . In fact, M. Kassmann(2007) constructed a function u ∈ C 2 (B1 (0)) such that s (−∆) u(x) = 0, in B1 (0) |u(x)| ≤ 1, in Rn u(x) > 0 = u(0), in B1 (0)\{0}. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 16 / 41 s-Harmonic Extension Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 17 / 41 s-Poisson Kernel s-Poisson Kernel: For any 0 < s < 1, the s-Poisson kernel on Rn+1 is defined as + Γ n+2s y 2s Pys (x) = n 2 ∀(x, y ) ∈ Rn+1 n+2s , + π 2 Γ(s) [|x|2 + y 2 ] 2 Note: If s 6= 12 , then Pys (x)6= Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Z 2s e −2πy |ξ| e −2πiξ·x dξ Rn Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 18 / 41 Caffarelli-Silvestre’s s-Harmonic Extension L. Caffarelli, L. Silvestre(2007): Let 0 < s < 1, for any u ∈ C 2 (Rn ), let u(x, y ) = Pys ∗ u(x) for all (x, y ) ∈ Rn+1 + . n+1 2 Then u ∈ C (R+ ) and div[y 1−2s ∇u(x, y )] = 0, ∀(x, y ) ∈ Rn+1 + n lim u(x, y ) = u(x), ∀x ∈ R (2.4) y &0 1−2s 2 Γ(1 − s) (−∆)s u(x), ∀x ∈ Rn − lim y 1−2s Dy u(x, y ) = y &0 Γ(s) Note: The operator div[y 1−2s ∇u(x, y )] is a degenerate and divergence operator with A2 -weight |y |1−2s . E. Fabes, D. Jerison, C. Kenig, R. Serapioni (1982) developed the whole machinery about equations involving the divergence operators with A2 -weight. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 19 / 41 Proof: Because div [y 1−2s ∇Pys (x)] = 0 and Pys is an approximate identity, one can derive div [y 1−2s ∇f¯(x, y )] = 0 and lim f¯(x, y ) = f (x). On the other hand, we y &0 know f¯(x, y ) − f (x) − lim y 1−2s Dy f¯(x, y ) = −2s lim y &0 y &0 y 2s Z n+2s Γ y 2s [f (z) − f (x)] dz = −2s n 2 lim y −2s 2 2 n+2s π 2 Γ(s) y &0 Rn [|z − x| + y ] 2 Z Γ n+2s f (x + w ) + f (x − w ) − 2f (x) 2 = −s n lim dw n+2s π 2 Γ(s) y &0 Rn [|w |2 + y 2 ] 2 21−2s Γ(1 − s) (−∆)s f (x). = Γ(s) Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 20 / 41 Traveling Wave Solutions with Boundary Reactions Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 21 / 41 Traveling Wave Solutions with Boundary Reactions Consider the following boundary reaction problem: 2 ∆u(x, y ) + µu(x, y ) = 0, ∀(x, y ) ∈ R+ ∂u(x, 0) = f (u(x, 0)), ∀x ∈ R ∂n ux (x, 0) > 0, ∀x ∈ R and lim u(x, 0) = ±1. (3.1) x→±∞ Combustion Model: L. Caffarelli, A. Mellet, Y. Sire (2011) There exists a unique pair (µ, u) as the solution to (3.1). Moreover, there exists some c > 0 such that Z ∞ 2 2 −1 + u(x, 0) ≤ √ √ e −z dz, as x → −∞. π c|x| Fisher-KPP Model: Unknown! Bistable Model: X. Cabré, N. Cónsul, J. Mandé (2010) There exists a unique pair (µ, u) as the solution to (3.1). Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 22 / 41 Traveling Wave Solutions with Fractional Laplacians Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 23 / 41 Traveling Wave Solutions with Fractional Laplacians Consider the following problem s 0 (−∆) u(x) − µu (x) = f (u(x)), u 0 (x) > 0, ∀x ∈ R lim u(x) = ±1. ∀x ∈ R (4.1) x→±∞ Note: There are nonexistence and existence results for (4.1). Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 24 / 41 Nonexistence Results Fisher-KPP Model: ( ut (x, t) + (−∆)s u(x, t) = f (u(x, t)), |u(x, 0)| ≤ 1, ∀x ∈ Rn , t > 0 (4.2) ∀x ∈ Rn R. Mancinelli, D. Vergni, A. Vulpiani (2003), D. Del-Castillo-Negrete, B. Carrears, V. Lynch(2003): They showed numerically that the front propagates exponentially fast in t. X. Cabré, J. Roquejoffre(2011): For any 0 < s < 1, the position of all level sets of solution to (4.2) moves exponentially fast in t. In particular, there is no solution to (4.1). Combustion Model: C. Gui, T. Huan(2012) If 0 < s ≤ 12 , then there is no solution to (4.1). Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 25 / 41 Existence Results (−∆)s u(x) − µu 0 (x) = f (u(x)), u 0 (x) > 0, ∀x ∈ R lim u(x) = ±1. ∀x ∈ R (4.1) x→±∞ Combustion Model: A. Mellet, J. Roquejoffre, Y. Sire(2011) If 12 < s < 1, then there exists a unique pair (µ, u) as the solution to (4.1). Moreover, there exists C > 0 such that C 1 − u(x) ≤ , as x → ∞. |x|2s−1 Balanced Bistable Model: X. Cabré, J. Solá-Morales(2005), X. Cabré, Y. Sire (2010) There exists a unique solution u to (4.1) with µ = 0. Moreover, we have 1 − u(x) ∼ Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) 1 , as x → ∞ and |x|2s − 1 + u(x) ∼ 1 , as x → −∞ |x|2s Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 26 / 41 De Giorgi Type Conjecture Conjecture: Find critical dimension ns ∈ N such that for all n ≤ ns , f be balanced bistable, and u be a bounded solution of the following problem: (−∆)s u(x) = f (u(x)), ∀x ∈ Rn Dn u(x) > 0, ∀xRn lim u(x 0 , xn ) = ±1, ∀x 0 ∈ Rn−1 xn →±∞ Then u is one dimensional, that is, u(x) = g (a · x + b) in Rn for some a ∈ Rn and b ∈ R. Note: X. Cabré, Solà-Morales(2005), E. Valdinoci, Y. Cinti(2009), X. Cabré, Cinti(2012) affirmed ns ≥ 3 if 21 ≤ s < 1 if n ≤ 3 and ns ≥ 2 if 0 < s < 21 by using methods (Liouville Theorem and Energy Estimates) of proving De Giorgi Conjecture for −∆. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 27 / 41 How about unbalanced bistable case? Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 28 / 41 Main Result (−∆)s u(x) − µu 0 (x) = f (u(x)), u 0 (x) > 0, ∀x ∈ R lim u(x) = ±1. ∀x ∈ R (4.1) x→±∞ C. Gui, M. Zhao(2012): Let F be any double well potential, then there exists a unique pair (µ, u) as the solution to (4.1). Moreover, we have 1 − u(x) ∼ 1 , as x → ∞ and |x|2s − 1 + u(x) ∼ 1 , as x → −∞ |x|2s Note: The continuation method. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 29 / 41 Continuation Method P. Bates, P. Fife, X. Ren, X. Wang (1997): Let JZ be a nonnegative symmetric kernel such that J(x), |x|J(x), J 0 (x) ∈ L1 (R) with J(x) dx = 1 and f be a bistable nonlinearity. Then there exists a unique R pair (µ, u) as the solution to the problem −J ∗ u(x) + u(x) − µu 0 (x) = f (u(x)), ∀x ∈ R u 0 (x) > 0, ∀x ∈ R lim u(x) = ±1. x→±∞ Z Note: −J ∗ u(x) + u(x) = J(x − y )[u(x) − u(y )] dy . R R. Frank, E. Lenzmann (2010): For all 0 < s < 1, the ground state solution of the following problem (−∆)s Q + Q − Q α+1 = 0, is unique provided 0 < α < Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) 4s 1−2s for 0 < s < 1 2 ∀x ∈ R and 0 < α < ∞ for Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians 1 2 ≤ s < 1. October 14, 2012 : : 30 / 41 Continuation Method Let F1 be any fixed double well potential with F1 (−1) < F1 (1) and f1 (t0 ) = 0 for some t0 ∈ (−1, 1). Take any double well potential F0 with F0 (−1) = F0 (1) = F1 (−1), f1 (t0 ) = 0 and F0 (t0 ) = F1 (t0 ). Consider Fθ (t) = (1 − θ)F0 (t) + θF1 (t), Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) ∀θ ∈ [0, 1]. Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 31 / 41 Continuation Method Let g be the solution of (4.1) with balanced double well potential F0 . Let uθ = g +v , where v (0) = 0, v ∈ C 2 (R) and lim v (x) = 0. Equivalently, we need to consider v →±∞ the zero set of the mapping S(θ, µ, v ) = −v + ((−∆)s + 1)−1 [v + µv 0 + fθ (v + g ) − (−∆)s g + µg 0 ] Solution set Σ = {θ ∈ [0, 1] : (4.1) has a solution with fθ } I. Nondegeneracy of Linearized Equation The first eigenfunction is simple for fractional Laplacians. II: Boundedness of (µ, v ) Using elliptic estimate for (−∆)s , it suffices to show the boundedness of speeds µθ for all θ ∈ [0, 1]. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 32 / 41 Motivation in the ODE Case ( −uθ00 (x) − µθ uθ0 (x) = fθ (uθ (x)), uθ0 (x) Then > 0, ∀x ∈ R and ∀x ∈ R (5.1) lim uθ (x) = ±1. x→±∞ Z y 1 0 2 [u (y )] + µθ [uθ0 (x)]2 dx = Fθ (uθ (y )) − Fθ (−1) 2 θ −∞ Z µθ [uθ0 (x)]2 dx = Fθ (1) − Fθ (−1) (5.2) (5.3) R WOLG, assume uθ (0) = t0 , then 1 0 [u (0)]2 ≥ Fθ (t0 ) − Fθ (1) ≥ F1 (t0 ) − F1 (1) (5.4) 2 θ 0 0 0 00 Let y0 ∈ R be such that uθ (y0 ) = sup uθ (y ) ≥ uθ (0), then uθ (y0 ) = 0. Hence, we y ∈R get µθ = kf0 kC ([−1,1]) + kf1 kC ([−1,1]) −fθ (uθ (y0 )) p ≤ , uθ0 (y0 ) 2[F1 (t0 ) − F1 (1)] ∀θ ∈ [0, 1] Note: The key is that F1 (t0 ) > F1 (1). Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 33 / 41 Upper Bounds of Speed ( (−∆)s uθ00 (x) − µθ uθ0 (x) = fθ (uθ (x)), uθ0 (x) ∀x ∈ R > 0, and ∀x ∈ R (5.5) lim uθ (x) = ±1. x→±∞ Then Z y Z y − (−∆)s uθ00 (x)uθ0 (x) dx + µθ [uθ0 (x)]2 dx = Fθ (uθ (y )) − Fθ (−1) −∞ −∞ Z µθ [uθ0 (x)]2 dx = Fθ (1) − Fθ (−1) (5.6) (5.7) R WOLG, assume uθ (0) = t0 , then Z 0 − (−∆)s uθ00 (x)uθ0 (x) dx ≥ Fθ (t0 ) − Fθ (1) ≥ F1 (t0 ) − F1 (1) (5.8) −∞ Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 34 / 41 Upper Bounds of Speed: 0 < s < 1 2 For any R > 0, we know that Z Z 1 2C (1, s) −2s z −(−∆)s uθ (y ) ≤ R + C1,s uθ0 (y + tz) dzdt. 1+2s s |z|<R 0 |z| By Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality, we have Z 0 4C (1, s) −2s C (1, s) 1−2s 0 2 R + R kuθ kL2 (R) − (−∆)s uθ (y )uθ0 (y ) dy ≤ s 1 − 2s −∞ 4C (1, s) −2s C (1, s) 1−2s F1 (1) − F1 (−1) ≤ R + R (5.9) s 1 − 2s µθ By (5.8) and (5.9), we know that 4C (1, s) −2s C (1, s) 1−2s F1 (1) − F1 (−1) R + R F1 (t0 ) − F1 (1) ≤ s 1 − 2s µθ Let R be such that Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) 4C (1, s) −2s F1 (t0 ) − F1 (1) R = , then s 2 µθ ≤ C , ∀θ ∈ [0, 1] Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 35 / 41 Upper Bounds of Speed: s = 1 2 Consider the functionZ ρ(y ) = [|Dx uθ (x, y )|2 − |Dy uθ (x, y )|2 ] dx, ∀y ≥ 0 R Z Then 0 ρ (y ) = 2 Dy uθ (x, y )∆uθ (x, y ) dx ≡ 0, ∀y > 0. R Since ρ(y ) → 0 as y → ∞, then ρ(y ) ≡ 0 for all y ≥ 0, i.e., Z Z |Dx uθ (x, y )|2 dx = |Dy uθ (x, y )|2 dx R (5.10) R By Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality and (5.7), then Z 0 Z 0 Z s 00 0 0 − (−∆) uθ (x)uθ (x) dx = Dx uθ (x, 0)uθ (x) dx ≤ |uθ0 (x)|2 dx −∞ −∞ R F1 (1) − F1 (−1) ≤ µθ (5.11) By (5.8) and (5.11), then µθ ≤ Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) F1 (1) − F1 (−1) , F1 (t0 ) − F1 (1) ∀θ ∈ [0, 1] Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 36 / 41 Upper Bounds of Speed: For subcritical case, i.e., µθ as denominator of 1 2 1 2 <s<1 < s < 1, we will estimate get an upper bound involving Z 0 − (−∆)s uθ00 (x)uθ0 (x) dx −∞ We also have µθ ≤ C , Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) ∀θ ∈ [0, 1]. Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 37 / 41 Hamiltonian Identity Z It suffices to show (−∆)s u(x)u 0 (x) dx = 0. (5.12) R 1 1B (0)c , go to the case of |x|1+2s BFRW(1997), in fact, since J ∗ u(x) → ±1, as x → ±∞ and J is even, then Z Z u 0 (x)J ∗ u(x) dx = − u(x)J0 ∗ u(x) dx R ZR Z = − u(x)u(y )J0 (x − y ) dxdy = 0 Approach I: For any > 0, let J (x) = R R Approach II: Let u be the extension, consider Z 1 ∞ [|u x (x, t)|2 − |u y (x, t)|2 ]t 1−2s dt v (x) = 2 0 Z x 21−2s Γ(1 − s) 0 2 − −µ |u (t)| dx + F (u(x)) − F (−1) Γ(s) −∞ Then v 0 (x) ≡ 0 in R and v (x) → 0 as |x| → ∞. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 38 / 41 Uniqueness and Asymptotic Behavior Uniqueness: Sliding method. Take (µ1 , u1 ) and (µ2 , u2 ) with µ1 ≥ µ2 and u1 (0) = u2 (0). Consider w t (x) = u1 (x + t) − u2 (x), ∀x ∈ R, ∀t ≥ 0. Then (−∆)s w t (x) − µ1 (w t )0 (x) + d t (x)w t (x) = (µ1 − µ2 )u20 (x) ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ R t f (u1 (x)) − f (u2 (x)) d (x) := − , ∀x ∈ R (5.13) u1 (x) − u2 (x) t lim w (x) = 0 |x|→∞ For f , then there exists some τ ∈ (0, 1) such that f is decreasing on (−1, −τ ) and (τ, 1). Take large X0 > 0 such that τ < |u1 (x)|, |u2 (x)| < 1 for |x| ≥ X0 . Take large X1 > 0 such that u1 (x) ≥ max max x∈[−X0 ,X0 ] u1 (x), max x∈[−X0 ,X0 ] u2 (x) , ∀x ≥ X1 . Then for any t ≥ T0 = X0 + X1 , we have w t (x) > 0 in R. Asymptotic Behavior: Compare with solutions in the balanced bistable case Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 39 / 41 Open Question Open Questions: What will happen if we add more zeros in (−1, 1) of f in general for all of −∆, (−∆)s and convolution operator? Note: The above question is always true for the case of balanced bistable model because of the variational method. Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 40 / 41 Thank You! Mingfeng Zhao (UConn) Traveling Wave Solutions of Allen-Cahn Equation with Fractional Laplacians October 14, 2012 : : 41 / 41