A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems Mingfeng Zhao University of Connecticut February 21, 2014 Joint work with Frank Arthur and Xiaodong Yan Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 1 / 27 Lane-Emden Equation ( −∆u = u p u>0 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) in RN . A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems (LE) 2 / 27 Lane-Emden Equation ( −∆u = u p u>0 in RN . (LE) Theorem (Gidas-Spruck[1981]) There is NO solution to (LE) if p is sub-critical, i.e., if n ≤ 2, ∞, 0 < p < pS := n + 2 , if n ≥ 3. n−2 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 2 / 27 Lane-Emden Equation ( −∆u = u p u>0 in RN . (LE) Theorem (Gidas-Spruck[1981]) There is NO solution to (LE) if p is sub-critical, i.e., if n ≤ 2, ∞, 0 < p < pS := n + 2 , if n ≥ 3. n−2 Remark If p ≥ pS , the equation (LES) has bounded radial solutions. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 2 / 27 Critical Case When N ≥ 3 and p = pS , Caffarelli-Gidas-Spruck[1989] classified all solutions to (LE) that all of them must be radial symmetric and can be written as u(x) = [N(N − 2)λ2 ] N−2 4 [λ2 + |x − x 0 |2 ] N−2 2 , where λ > 0 and x 0 ∈ RN . Chen-Li[1991] simplified the proof by using a Kelvin transform and the method of moving planes. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 3 / 27 Lane-Emden System −∆u = v p −∆v = u q u > 0, v > 0 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) in RN . A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems (LES) 4 / 27 Lane-Emden System −∆u = v p −∆v = u q u > 0, v > 0 in RN . (LES) Remark Recall that any super-harmonic function which is bounded below in R2 is a constant function. Therefore, there is no solutions for the system (LES) if N ≤ 2. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 4 / 27 Lane-Emden System −∆u = v p −∆v = u q u > 0, v > 0 in RN . (LES) Remark Recall that any super-harmonic function which is bounded below in R2 is a constant function. Therefore, there is no solutions for the system (LES) if N ≤ 2. Conjecture (Lane-Emden Conjecture) Let p, q > 0, if the pair (p, q) is sub-critical, i.e., if 1 1 2 + >1− , p+1 q+1 N then the system (LES) has NO solutions. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 4 / 27 Radial Case If we assume that both u and v in (LES) are radial symmetric, the Lane-Emden conjecture is completely solved. Theorem (Mitidieri[1996], Serrin-Zou[1994, 1998]) The Lane-Emden system (LES) has radial solutions if and only if the pair (p, q) is critical or super-critical, i.e., 1 1 2 + ≤1− , p+1 q+1 N Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 5 / 27 Higher Order Lane-Emden System For any p, q > 0, m, N ∈ N and N ≥ 2, a higher order Lane-Emden system is given by: (−∆)m u = v p (−∆)m v = u q in RN . (HLES) u > 0, v > 0 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 6 / 27 Higher Order Lane-Emden System For any p, q > 0, m, N ∈ N and N ≥ 2, a higher order Lane-Emden system is given by: (−∆)m u = v p (−∆)m v = u q in RN . (HLES) u > 0, v > 0 Conjecture (Higher Order Lane-Emden Conjecture) Let p, q > 0, if the pair (p, q) is sub-critical, i.e., if 1 1 2m + >1− , p+1 q+1 N then the system (HLES) has NO solutions. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 6 / 27 Radial Case Theorem (Liu-Guo-Zhang[2006], Yan[2012]) The high order Lane-Emden system (HLES) has NO radial solutions if N > 2m, p, q ≥ 1 and the pair (p, q) is sub-critical, i.e., 1 1 2m + >1− , p+1 q+1 N Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 7 / 27 In the following, if pq > 1, let α= 2m(p + 1) , pq − 1 β= 2m(q + 1) . pq − 1 Then the conjecture can be written in the following way: Conjecture Let p, q > 0, the system (HLES) has NO solutions whenever pq ≤ 1, Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) or pq > 1 and α + β > N − 2m. A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 8 / 27 General Solutions for LES The Lane-Emden system (LES), i.e., m = 1 in (HLES): 1 1 1 I + >1− , Souto[1992] p+1 q+1 N −1 I pq ≤ 1, Serrin-Zou[1996] N +2 N +2 N +2 I 0 < p, q ≤ and (p, q) 6= , , Felmer-de N −2 N −2 N −2 Figureiredo[1994] I I pq > 1, α+β > N −2 and max{α, β} > N −3, Mitidieri[1996], Serrin-Zou[1996], Souplet[2009] N −2 pq > 1, α+β > N−2 and ≤ min{α, β} ≤ max{α, β} < 2 N − 2, Busca-Manasevich[2002] I min{p, q} = 1, Lin[1998], Xu[2000] I N = 3, Polacik-Quittner-Souplet[2007] I N = 4, Souplet[2009] Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 9 / 27 General Solutions for HLES The Higher Order Lane-Emden system (HLES): I pq > 1 and N ≤ 2m, Yan[2012] I pq ≤ 1, N > 2m and (−∆)k u, (−∆)k v > 0 for k = 1, · · · , m− 1, Yan[2012] p, q ≥ 1, (p, q) 6= (1, 1) and max{α, β} ≥ N − 2m, Mitidieri[1993], Liu-Guo-Zhang[2006], Yan[2012] N + 2m , (p, q) 6= (1, 1) and (p, q) 6= 1 ≤ p, q ≤ N − 2m N+2m N+2m N−2m , N−2m , Liu-Guo-Zhang[2006] I I I N + 2m , all solutions to (HLES) must be radial N − 2m symmetric, Liu-Guo-Zhang[2006] p = q = Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 10 / 27 General Solutions for HLES The Higher Order Lane-Emden system (HLES): I pq > 1 and N ≤ 2m, Yan[2012] I pq ≤ 1, N > 2m and (−∆)k u, (−∆)k v > 0 for k = 1, · · · , m− 1, Yan[2012] p, q ≥ 1, (p, q) 6= (1, 1) and max{α, β} ≥ N − 2m, Mitidieri[1993], Liu-Guo-Zhang[2006], Yan[2012] N + 2m , (p, q) 6= (1, 1) and (p, q) 6= 1 ≤ p, q ≤ N − 2m N+2m N+2m N−2m , N−2m , Liu-Guo-Zhang[2006] I I I N + 2m , all solutions to (HLES) must be radial N − 2m symmetric, Liu-Guo-Zhang[2006] p = q = Remark: The condition p, q ≥ 1 can be used to prove that (−∆)k u, (−∆)k v > 0 for k = 1, · · · , m − 1, Wei-Xu[1999], Yan[2012] Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 10 / 27 Main Theorem Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 11 / 27 Main Theorem Theorem (Arthur-Yan-Zhao[2013]) Assume N > 2m, p, q ≥ 1 and (p, q) 6= (1, 1) satisfies 1 2m 1 + >1− . p+1 q+1 N If N ≤ 2m + 2 or N ≥ 2m + 3 and (p, q) satisfies 2m(p + 1) 2m(q + 1) max , > N − 2m − 1, pq − 1 pq − 1 Then the system (HLES) has NO solutions. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 12 / 27 Some Notations I kw kLp denotes the Lp norm on S N−1 . I uk = (−∆)k u and vk = (−∆)k v , for all k = 1, · · · , m − 1. Z m X N G1 (R) = R |uk ||vm−k |dσ. I S N−1 k=0 I G2 (R) = m X Z R I F (R) = BR Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) 0 0 |uk |+R −1 |uk | |vm−k−1 |+R −1 |vm−k−1 | dσ. S N−1 k=0 Z N v p+1 u q+1 + dx. p+1 q+1 A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 13 / 27 Outline of Proofs Eventually, we will prove that there exist constants C , a > 0, b < 1 such that F (R) ≤ CR −a F b (4R), R ≥ 1. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 14 / 27 Rellich-Pohozaev Identity For any > 0, we have Z a1 + a2 =NZ − 2m and R N N p+1 − a1 v dx + − a2 u q+1 dx p+1 q + 1 BR BR p+1 Z Z m−2 q+1 X u v + dσ − R N = RN uk+1 vm−k−1 dσ q+1 N−1 S S N−1 p + 1 k=0 ( m−1 XZ ∂uk ∂vm−k−1 N − R 2 · − ∇uk · ∇vm−k−1 dσ ∂n ∂n N−1 k=0 S Z m−1 X ∂uk N−1 +R (2m − 2k − 2 + a1 ) vm−k−1 dσ ∂n N−1 S k=0 ) Z m−1 X ∂v m−k−1 +R N−1 (a2 + 2k) uk dσ . ∂n N−1 S k=0 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 15 / 27 Rellich-Pohozaev Identity For any > 0, we have Z a1 + a2 =NZ − 2m and R N N p+1 − a1 v dx + − a2 u q+1 dx p+1 q + 1 BR BR p+1 Z Z m−2 q+1 X u v + dσ − R N = RN uk+1 vm−k−1 dσ q+1 N−1 S S N−1 p + 1 k=0 ( m−1 XZ ∂uk ∂vm−k−1 N − R 2 · − ∇uk · ∇vm−k−1 dσ ∂n ∂n N−1 k=0 S Z m−1 X ∂uk N−1 +R (2m − 2k − 2 + a1 ) vm−k−1 dσ ∂n N−1 S k=0 ) Z m−1 X ∂v m−k−1 +R N−1 (a2 + 2k) uk dσ . ∂n N−1 S k=0 Hence we have F (R) ≤ C [G1 (R) + G2 (R)], Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) ∀R > 0. A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 15 / 27 Reduce to the Bounded Case By using a similar argument to Polaciak-Quittner-Souplet[2007] , we can reduce our problem to the case of bounded solutions. That is, we can prove that assume (HLES) does not admit any bounded solutions in Rn , then it does not admit any solutions in Rn . Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 16 / 27 Estimates of G1 (R) and G2 (R) Use the condition N ≥ 2m + 1, the Holder and Sobolev inequalities to estimate G1 (R) and G2 (R), in terms of Dx2k u and Dx2k v , k = 1, · · · , m. Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 17 / 27 Estimates of G1 (R) and G2 (R) Use the condition N ≥ 2m + 1, the Holder and Sobolev inequalities to estimate G1 (R) and G2 (R), in terms of Dx2k u and Dx2k v , k = 1, · · · , m. Lemma (Sobolev Inequalities on S N−1 ) Let N ≥ 2, k ≥ 1 and 1 < µ < λ ≤ ∞, we have i h kw kLλ ≤ C kDθk w kLµ + kw kL1 , where 1 1 N −1 (N − 1) − , if µ < , µ λ k λ= N −1 ∞, if µ > . k Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 17 / 27 Estimate of G1 (R) There exist constants C , > 0 and ν1k , ν2k ∈ [0, 1] such that G1 (R) ≤ CR N+2m m nh X kDx2m−2k uk kL1+ + R −2m+2k kuk kL1 iν1k k=0 i1−ν1k · kDx2m−2k uk k p+1 + R −2m+2k kuk kL1 L p h iν2k · kDx2k vm−k kL1+ + R −2k kvm−k kL1 h i1−ν2k 2k −2k · kDx vm−k k q+1 + R kvm−k kL1 , h L Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) q A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems ∀R > 0. 18 / 27 Estimate of G2 (R) There exist constants C , > 0 and τ1k , τ2k ∈ [0, 1] such that m−1 X nh G2 (R) ≤ CR N+2m kDx2k+1 Dx um−k−1 kL1+ k=1 +R −2k−1 kDx um−k−1 kL1 + R −2k−2 kum−k−1 kL1 h · kDx2k+1 Dx um−k−1 k L p+1 p iτ1k + R −2k−1 kDx um−k−1 kL1 i1−τ1k +R −2k−2 kum−k−1 kL1 h · kDx2m−2k−1 Dx vk kL1+ + R −2m+2k+1 kDx vk kL1 iτ2k +R −2m+2k kvk kL1 h · kDx2m−2k−1 Dx vk k q+1 + R −2m+2k+1 kDx vk kL1 L q i1−τ2k +R −2m+2k kvk kL1 . Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 19 / 27 Estimates of Norms For k = 1, · · · , m − 1, γ = 0, 1 and R > 1, we have Z R I kukqLq r N−1 dr ≤ CR N−2m−β 0 Z R I kv kpLp r N−1 dr ≤ CR N−2m−α 0 Z R I kDxγ uk kL1 r N−1 dr ≤ CR N−α−2k−γ 0 Z R I kDxγ vk kL1 r N−1 dr ≤ CR N−β−2k−γ 0 Z R I kDx2m uk1+ r N−1 dr ≤ CR N−2m−α L1+ 0 Z R I kDx2m v k1+ r N−1 dr ≤ CR N−2m−β L1+ 0 Z R q+1 p+1 p q 2m 2m I kDx uk p+1 + kDx v k q+1 r N−1 dr ≤ CF (2R) 0 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) L p L q A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 20 / 27 Estimates of Norms The above estimates follow directly from the following three lemmas: Lemma (Lemma 3.3 in Yan[2012]) For any k = 0, · · · , m − 1, r > 0, we have uk (r ) ≤ Mr −α−2k , and vk (r ) ≤ Mr −β−2k , where w denotes the spherical average of the function w . Lemma (Interpolation Inequalities) For any smooth function w and R > 0, we have Z Z Z −1 |∇w |dx ≤ C R |∆w |dx + R BR B2R |w |dx . B2R Lemma (Interior Lp Estimates) For any smooth function w , k > 1 and R > 0, we have Z Z Z 2m k m k −2mk k |D w | dx ≤ C |∆ w | dx + R |w | dx . BR Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) B2R B2R A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 21 / 27 Measure and Feedback Argument For k = 1, · · · , m − 1 and larger K 1, we define n o q −qα I Γ1 0 (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : ku(r )kLq > KR n o p −pβ I Γ2 (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kv (r )k > KR 0 Lp p+1 I Γ1 (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kDx2m u(r )k pp+1 > KR −N F (4R) L p q+1 I Γ2 (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kDx2m u(r )k qq+1 > KR −N F (4R) L I I q o n −pβ Γ3 (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kDx2m u(r )k1+ > KR L1+ Γ4 (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kDx2m v (r )k1+ > KR −qα L1+ Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 22 / 27 Measure and Feedback Argument I n o Γ5k (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kuk (r )kL1 > KR −α−2k I n o −β−2k Γ6k (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kvk (r )kL1 > KR I n o Γ7k (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kDx uk (r )kL1 > KR −α−2k−1 I n o Γ8k (R) = r ∈ (R, 2R) : kDx vk (r )kL1 > KR −β−2k−1 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 23 / 27 Measure and Feedback Argument By the estimates of norms, we have Z 2R CR N−2m−β ≥ kukqLq r N−1 dr > K |Γ10 (R)|R −qα R N−1 . R Since 2m + β = qα, then |Γ10 (R)| < R , 4m + 2 ∀K 1. Similarly, we can prove that when K 1, all measures of the above R sets are less than . In particular, we have there exists some 4m + 2 R ∈ (R, 2R) such that ! ! ! 2 4 8 [ [ [ [ m−1 [ [ R∈ / Γi0 (R) Γi (R) Γik (R) . i=1 Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) i=1 k=1 i=5 A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 24 / 27 Measure and Feedback Argument By the estimates of G1 (R) and G2 (R), we have Gi (R) ≤ CR −ai F bi (4R), for i = 1, 2, where qαν2k Np pβν1k + + (1 − ν1k ) −N − 2m + k=1,··· ,m 1+ 1+ p+1 Nq + (1 − ν2k ) q+1 p q b1 = max (1 − ν1k + (1 − ν2k ) k=1,··· ,m p + 1 q+1 pβτ1k qατ2k Np a2 = min −N − 2m + + + (1 − ν1k ) k=1,··· ,m 1+ 1+ p+1 p q b2 = max (1 − τ1k + (1 − τ2k ) . k=1,··· ,m p + 1 q+1 a1 = min Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 25 / 27 Measure and Feedback Argument Take a = min{a1 , a2 } and b = max{b1 , b2 }, use the conditions N ≤ 2m + 2 or N ≥ 2m + 3 and max{α, β} > N − 2m − 1, we can deduce that a > 0 and b < 1. Then F (R) ≤ CR −a F b (4R), ∀R ≥ 1. Since u, v ∈ L∞ , then there exist constants M > 0 and a sequence {Ri } such that lim Ri = ∞ and i→∞ F (4Ri ) ≤ MF (Ri ), for i = 1, 2, · · · . Hence F (Ri ) ≤ CRi−a F b (Ri ), for i = 1, 2, · · · . By taking i → ∞, we have Z p+1 v + u q+1 dx = 0. Rn Therefore, u ≡ v ≡ 0 in Rn . Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 26 / 27 Thank You! Mingfeng Zhao(UConn) A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems 27 / 27