UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA SPA Log # Deadline Date TRANSMITTAL FORM SPA Use Only Receipt USA Research –Enhancing the present and inventing our tomorrow Postmark PROPOSAL DATA T ITLE : PROPOSAL ABSTRACT : PROPOSAL TYPE PROJECT TYPE AGREEMENT TYPE Grant Research New ____________________ ________________________ INVESTIGATOR DATA PHONE PI PI PI PI PI PI PI PI P AGENCY DATA A GENCY ABBRV /N AME PROGRAM N AME FUNDING S OURCE : CFDA: Federal ___________________________ ENTIRE PROJECT PERIOD: FROM TO C URRENT B UDGET PERIOD : FROM TO BUDGET DATA CURRENT B UDGET PERIOD : ENTIRE PROJECT PERIOD: D IRECT $ D IRECT $ F&A $ T OTAL $ F&A 0 C OST S HARING I TEM AMOUNT BANNER ACCOUNT # $ 0 T OTAL $ N/A F&A RATE : _____________________________________________ I F O THER, L IST R ATE D OCUMENTATION ATTACHED D OCUMENTATION ATTACHED T OTAL: COMPLIANCE T YPE I F ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ARE USED IN YOUR RESEARCH, PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX. PROTOCOL # JIT # Y ES STUDENT O BLIGATION COMPLIANCE REVIEWS A NIMAL USE B IOLOGICAL MATERIALS EMBRYONIC S TEM CELLS H UMAN S UBJECTS RADIATION S AFETY SAFETY & E NVIRONMENTAL SELECT A GENTS OR T OXINS Office of Sponsored Projects Administration FY15 Internal University Use Only 0 Yes No EXPORT CONTROLS Please contact the Research Compliance & Assurance office should you have any questions on Export Control at 460-6625. Will any equipment be exported by the University in the course of this project? Will this project require any export controlled information to be received on campus? Will this project likely involve any foreign nationals? INVESTIGATOR D ISCLOSURES AND CERTIFICATIONS Yes No Principal and co-investigators certify that the information submitted in this application is true, complete, and accurate to the best of their knowledge. The PI agrees to accept responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and reporting requirements. The facilities/and other University resources necessary to complete the proposed project will be available to the project. Documentation attached INTERDISCIPLINARY INCENTIVE P LAN Yes N/A I elect to have Interdisciplinary Incentive benefit to which I may be entitled, for this proposal, directed: Included in the PI(s) paycheck as a one-time payment. Forwarded to the Dean’s office and further allocated for the PI(s) use. F INANCIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST CERTIFICATION Yes No Do you or your family have any financial interests that could reasonably impact the proposed research or educational activity? Do you or your family have financial interest in any entity whose financial interest could reasonably impact the proposed research or educational activity? *Family is defined as spouse, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent, sibling, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, cousin, in-laws, and step relations in those capacities, as well as any person living in the household of the Employee. PHS FCOI Yes No If No, >>> Is this submission to a Public Health Service (PHS) agency or PHS FCOI compliant agency? See attached list skip A.& B. B1.& B2. A. If a PHS Continuation, check No and no form is required. If PHS New, Renewal, Revision, check Yes and attach the Financial Conflict of Interest Certification Form completed by PI prior to proposal submission. B. Is there a sub-awardee(s) contained in the above submission to a PHS agency or PHS FCOI compliant agency? *See attached list. If so, please enter the name(s) of the sub-recipient organization(s). B.1. Please list below the sub-recipient organization(s) named above that are on the Federal Demonstration Partnership PHS FCOI Compliant list. A FCOI Sub-recipient Commitment & Disclosure Form is NOT needed. B.2. Please list below the sub-recipient organization(s) NOT on the Federal Demonstration Partnership PHS FCOI compliant list. A FCOI Sub-recipient Commitment & Disclosure form MUST be completed by sub-recipient & attached prior to proposal submission. CERTIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES Questions about the Certification of Expenditures should be directed to the Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting at 431-1379. The new federal Uniform Guidance (2014) requires investigators and academic units understand and assure all expenditures levied against an external award are applicable, accurate, and consistent with the terms of the award. Signatures on the Transmittal Sheet acknowledge this requirement. “When approving expenditures for a subsequent award the Principal Investigator, Department and College certify to the best of their knowledge and belief that the expenditures are true, complete, and accurate, and the disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the award. In addition, regular reviews of fund financial activity will be performed to confirm all posted expenditures are in conformity with Federal, State, University of South Alabama, and sponsor spending regulations.” APPROVALS ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL I NVESTIGATOR COLLEGE D EAN D ATE D ATE ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ PI/C OPI COLLEGE D EAN D ATE ___________________________________________________ PI/C OPI __________________________________________________________ D ATE COLLEGE D EAN ___________________________________________________ D EPARTMENT C HAIR D ATE D ATE __________________________________________________________ D ATE COLLEGE D EAN D ATE ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ D EPARTMENT CHAIR Office of Sponsored Projects Administration D ATE D ATE ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ D EPARTMENT CHAIR Authorized Organizational Representative Office of Sponsored Projects Administration D ATE FY15 D ATE Internal University Use Only Public Health Service Financial Conflict of Interest (PHS FCOI) Compliant Federal Agencies / Organizations PHS FCOI Federal Agencies AHRQ ATSDR CDC FDA HRSA IHS NIH OGA OASH ASPR OMH SAMHS Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Centers for Disease Control Food and Drug Administration Health Resources and Services Administration Indian Health Services National Institutes of Health Office of Global Affairs Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Office of Minority Health Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration NON-PHS FCOI Organizations ACS AHA ALA ARF JDRF LA LFA SKBCF American Cancer Society American Heart Association American Lung Association Arthritis Foundation Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Lupus Alliance Lupus Foundation of America Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation