Getting the most from The Gazette January 2015

Getting the most from
The Gazette
January 2015
• News
• Immediate free
text search from
the home page
• 4 sections, with
content and
search features
• Search guide and handy hints
• My Gazette – save notices and searches, create a bespoke Gazette
• Share what you discover
• Use one
option or
combine for
a more exact
• Use the
Notice type
taxonomy for
notices from
• News and resources directly related to insolvency
• Search taxonomy for corporate insolvency and personal bankruptcy
• Related services such as data feeds
• News and resources directly related to wills and probate
• Probate checklist
• Search taxonomy for deceased estate notices
News and resources directly related to awards and accreditations
Bespoke search taxonomy for post 1998 notices
Tick box to include supplements
WW1 notices section
Getting the most out of The Gazette
• Use the “All notices” section to begin your search journey.
• Ensure you spell names correctly and try variations e.g. John
Arthur Smith, J. A. Smith, J. Smith.
• Select the correct date range – the narrower the date range, the
more targeted the results.
• Tick the notice type selections when searching for notices from
1998 onwards only. For pre 1998 notices and supplements use
the text search box.
• Share your findings on social media.
• Let us know what you think!
Getting the most out of The Gazette
• Forget to clear your text box and categories if you want to
conduct another search.
• Use commas or symbols, for example & or *. Quote marks (““) are
fine, but only for exact match searches.
• Rely on Wikipedia to provide you with information prior to
searching, it can often be wrong.
• Forget you can search PDFs using CTRL+F (if you use a Chrome
browser) or by clicking “find” at the top of your webpage (if you
use Internet Explorer or Firefox).
• Give up!
To recap….
Start from the ‘all notices’ section
Use each section for bespoke
searches and features
Use filters to refine the search
Click the “clear all’ button
Remember to ‘UPDATE’ your
to start a new search
Use the notice type selections
Continuous improvement and engagement….
You can keep in touch via:
Customer surveys
User panels
Active social media presence