2610 Page 1 of 2 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL SOUTHWESTERN REGION (REGION 3) ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSM 2600 – WILDLIFE, FISH, AND SENSITIVE PLANT HABITAT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2610 – COOPERATIVE RELATIONS Supplement No.: 2600-2001-1 Effective Date: August 8, 2001 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: ABEL M. CAMARENA Acting Deputy Regional Forester, Resources Date Approved: 07/24/2001 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 2600-98-1 to Zero Code. New Document(s): 2610 2 Pages Superseded Document(s) 2610 Part I 2610 Part II 2610 Part III 2610 Part IV 2600-91-1 1/31/1991 23 Pages 22 Pages 15 Pages 22 Pages (Supplement Number and Effective Date) Digest: 2610.42 Adds policy and procedure so that the Regional Forester shall: 4. Maintain with the Director of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Rare Plants: Regional level memorandums of understanding, and memorandums of agreements with the States, Federal Agencies, and other cooperators. R3 SUPPLEMENT 2600-2001-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/08/2001 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed 2610 Page 2 of 2 FSM 2600 – WILDLIFE, FISH, AND SENSITIVE PLANT HABITAT MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 2610 – COOPERATIVE RELATIONS 2610.42 – Regional Forester The Regional Forester shall: 4. Maintain with the Director of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Rare Plants: Regional level memorandums of understanding, and memorandums of agreements with the States, Federal Agencies, and other cooperators. 2611 - COOPERATION WITH STATE WILDLIFE AND FISH MANAGEMENT AGENCIES. A meeting between the State Game and Fish Department and the Forest Service shall be held annually. Each Forest jointly prepares an agenda with the State Fish and Game Regional Supervisor prior to the meeting. Items such as timber management programs, range management programs, wildlife habitat projects, recreation development, road construction, access, stocking and harvesting of wildlife, animal control, and land exchange should be included on the agenda for discussion where appropriate. The meeting helps improve cooperative relations between the organizations. The exchange of information can often prevent misunderstandings and improve communications. Desirable attendance will include the Forest Supervisor, selected staff, wildlife biologist, and Ranger District representatives. Area supervisors and regional managers should be invited plus their conservation officers, biologist, and wildlife managers. Minutes of the meeting must be documented and shared with the Regional Forester. The agenda for the meeting should accompany the minutes. Those Forests that include land in both states should meet with each department. 2611.1 - State--Forest Service Memorandum of Understanding. Forest Supervisors may negotiate individual supplementary agreements or memorandums of understanding within the scope of broad statewide agreements subject to the requirements in FSM 1581.16. Use supplementary memorandums of understanding rather than special-use permits to cover wildlife study projects and game-livestock study enclosures. For guidelines as to whether to use a cooperative agreement or a special-use permit for habitat and other improvements, see FSM 2611.4 and 2611.5.