Newpublications Kuentz, D. C , 7986, The Otowi Member of the Bandelier Tuff-a study the petrology, pehography, and geochemistry of an explosive silicic eruption, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: UnI{MBMMR published M.S. thesis, University of Texas(Ar*Circular 196-Late Holocene displacement along lington), 168pp. the Organ Mountains fault in southern Ne* Lee,Y. I., and Friedman,G. M.,1987, Deep-burial Mexico, by Leland H. Gile, 7987,42pp. $6.00 dolomitization in the Ordovician Ellenburger A comprehensive study of soils and geomorGroup carbonates,west Texasand southeastern phology of an extensivefault system in southern New Mexico: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, New Mexico. Alluvial fans of several ages have v. 57, no. 3, pp. 5aa-557. been displaced by the fault system, indicating Mercer W. 7987 Compilation of hydrologic data , J. , long-term faulting at different times in the sami from drilling the Saladoand Castile Formations place. These episodes of climatically controlled near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WPP) site erosionand deposition provide both discretedein southeastern New Mexico: Sandia Laboraposits and, where the depositscan be dated, a tories, SAND86-0954, 39 pp. chronology that is independent of faulting and Pollastro,R. M., and Pillmore, C. L.,7987, Minthe sedimentationassociatedwith it. The faulteralogy and petrology of the Cretaceous-Tering, which was determined to be relatively retiary boundary clay bed and adjacent clay-rich cent, has particular significancebecauseof rocks, Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado: potential effectson current urban development Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v 57, no. 3, and storageof hazardouswastes. pp 456-466. *Geologic Map S5-Geology of Pueblo Viejo Mesa Sorauf, E., 7987,The rugose coral TabulophylJ. quadrangle, Socorro and Cibola Counties, New lum Traversensis from the Onate Forrnation Mexico, revision by J. C. Osburn, 1987,1 sheet (Middle Devonian) of the Mud Springs Mounapproximately 8" x I01lz", scale 1:24,000. Free tains, New Mexico: Journal of Paleontology, v. Recentwork in Pueblo Viejo Mesa quadrangle 61, no. 1, pp 74-20. has shown that the members of the Tres HerStamets, R. L., 1986, Drilling mud disposal----enmanos Formation were mapped incorrectly in vironmental concernsand regulatory solutions: the centralpart of the quadrangleand that poor The Interstate Oil Comoact Commission Combutmappalile outcropsof the RIoSaladoTongue mittee Bulletin, v. 28, io. l, pp. 40-41. of the Mancos Shale are exposed in the same Walters, L.J., Jr., Owen, D. E., Henley,A. L., Winsten,M. S, and Valek,K. W.,7987, Depositionalenvironmentsof the DakotaSandstone and adjacentunits in the San Juan Basinutilizing discriminant analysis of trace elements in shales:Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 57, no.2, pp.265-277. Williams, F. L., and Smith D. M , Dffusion of gases in New Mexico coals, 1987: New Mexico Researchand Development Institute, final techUSGS nical report 2-74-4122, 98 pp. papsn PnornssroNal 1300-Wilderness mineral-potential assessmentof mineral-resourcepotential in U.S. ForestService lands studied 796/-79U, edited by S. P. Marsh. S. J. Kropschot, and R. G. Dickinson, l98F.,v. 1, 550pp.; v.2,7L83 pp. Waten-nrsouRcEs TNVESTTcATToNS WRl-87-40l5-Ground-water flow and shallow aquifer properties in the Rio Grande inner valley south of Albuquerque, Bemalillo County, New Mexico, by K. D. Peter, 1987,29 pp. Otherpublicalions Dubiel, R. F., Blodgett, R. H., and Bown, T. M., 1987, Lungfish burrows in the Upper Triassic Chinle and Dolores Formations, Colorado Plateau: fournal of SedimentaryPetrology,v.57, no. 3, pp. 512-527. Hardet Vicki, 1987,Fission tracks in fluorite and apatite with geologicapplications: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Texas(El Paso). fohansen, S. 1., 1986, Provenance of the Mesaverde Group of west-central New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. thesis, University of Texas (Austin), 310 pp. reports 0pen-file NMBMMR *259-Organic geochemicalanalyses of the KeradamexNo. SM32-l uranium test (CibolaCounty), Continental Oil Co. No. 1 L-Bar well (Sandoval County), and Richfield Oil Co. No. 1 Drought Booth well (McKinley County), New Mexico, by S. R. Jacobson,J. D. Saxton,K M. Tully, and $6.20 J. R. Allen, 1985,31 pp. *260-Organic geochemical analyses of Superior Oil Co. No. 1-14 San Mateo well. McKinlev County, New Mexico, by S R. Jacobson,J. D. Saxton,K. M. Tully, and f. R. Allen, 1985,16 $3'20 PP' *261-Geochemical evaluation of the Cities Service No. l RidlevAwell. RooseveltCountv. New Mexico, by J. E. Keal, Jr., 1983,24pp. $4.80 +252-Organic geochemicalanalyses of the Santa Fe Energy Operating Partners No. 1 Rohmer well, Eddy County, New Mexico, by G. S. Bay1iss,7987,57 pp. $11.40 *272-Hydrocarbon source-rockanalyses,True Oil Company No. 21 Medina well, Colfax County, New Mexico, bv Core Laboratories,Inc., and ChevronU.S.A; Lnc.,7987,8pp. $1.60 *27!-Hydrocarbon source-rockanalyses,Amoco Production Company No. 1 Baker well, Quay County, New Mexico, by Geochem Laboratories,Inc., and Chevron U.S.A., Inc., 1987,18 $3'60 PP' *274-Organic geochemical analyses, Baker and Taylor No 1-10 State well, Quay Counfy, New Mexico, by Chevron U.S.A., lnc., 7987, 2 pp. $0'40 * 27i-Organic geochemicalanalyses,Sunray Midcontinent Oil Company No. 1 Briscoewell, Quay County, New Mexico, by Geochem Laboratories, Inc., and Core Laboratories,Inc., 1987, 1s pp. $3.00 * 276-Organic geochemicalanalyses,Superior Oil Company No. 1 Blackwellwell, TorranceCounty, New Mexico, by Geochem Laboratories, Inc., 1987,3pp. s0.60 *277-Organtc geochemicalanalyses,Olsen No. 1 Means well, Torrance County, New Mexico, by GeochemLaboratories,lnc., 1987,4 pp. $0.80 *278-Organic geochemicalanalyses,Gardner No. I Kidwell well, Torrance County, New Mexico, by Geochem Laboratories, Inc., 7987,4 pp. $0'80 +279-Organic geochemical analyses, Lea No. 1 Milbum well, TorranceCounty, New Mexico, by GeochemLaboratories,Inc.,1987,3 pp. $0.60 *28G-Hydrocarbon source-rock analyses, Houston Oil and Minerals No. 14-28 Federal well, Torrance County, New Mexico, by Geochem Laboratories, Lnc., 1987,7 pp. $1.40 USGS *78-466-Preliminary geologic map of the Aztec 1' x 2' quadrangle, northwestern New Mexico and southern Colorado, by Kim Manley and G. R. Scott, 1978,8 pp., I pl. (not reproducible;. $l'60 *83-743-Maps showing natural aggregatesof the conterminous United States, by W. H. Langer and D. L. Belval, 7983, 19 pp., 2 pls. (not reproducible). $3.80 *84-608--Availability of hydrologic data in San Juan County, New Mexico, by R. L. Klausing and G. E. Welder, 1984, L42 pp., 1 pl. (not reproducible). $28.40 *87-37-Preliminary hydrologic data for wells tested in Nash Draw, near the proposed Waste Isolation Pilot Plant site, southeastern New Mexico, by S. F. Richey,1987,1,36pp. $27.20 *87-70-Deep-seated landslide deposits map showing landslide deposits in northwestem New Mexico, by F. Guzzetti and E. E. Brabb, 1987, 2 pls (not reproducible). r87-184-Thermal conductivity of samples from borehole VC-1, Valles caldera, New Mexico, by R. J. Munroe and J. H. Sass,1987,76 pp. $3.20 USBM tMlA-6-87-Mineral resources of the Organ Mountains Wildemess study area (NM-030-O74), DofraAna County, New Mexico, by R. E. Jeske, 1987,87pp., I pl. (not reproducible) 977.40 *MlA-43-87-Mineral investigation of a part of the Brokeoff Mountains (NM-030-112) Wilderness sfudy area, Otero County, New Mexico, and the Lonesome Ridge (NM-060-801) and a part of the Devil's Den (NM-050-145) Wildernessstudy area, Eddy County, New Mexico, by P. A. Corbetta, 1987,22 pp. $4.40 Nal Merico Geology August 7987