University of South Alabama Fringe Benefits Committee – Meeting Minutes Date: Time: Place: 1 July 30, 2013 3:00 p.m. HR Learning & Development Center Members Mr. Steve Simmons Dr. Lanier S. Cauley Ms. Janice Collins Mr. M. Wayne Davis Mr. Charles Dunnam Ms. Cathy Faison Ms. Amy Fleet Dr. Susan Gordon-Hickey Mr. Ronnie Hodges Dr. David Johnson Mr. Andy Lightbourne Dr. Doug Marshall Dr. Vaughn Millner Dr. Mike Mitchell Mr. John Pannelli Ms. Kelly Peters Dr. Victoria Rivizzigno Ms. Barbara Shirvanian Dr. J. Allan Tucker Ms. Carolyn Williams Financial Affairs Mechanical Engineering Radiology - UMC President’s Office Maintenance Department Admitting - CWH Marketing & E-Commerce Chair, Faculty Senate Fringe Benefits Committee Pharmacy - CWH Academic Affairs Computer Services Center President, Faculty Senate Continuing Education Student Affairs, Dean of Students COM Business Office Business Office Arts & Sciences Student Affairs Pathology - UMC Medical Surgical - UMC Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Present Present Present Absent Present Present Absent Others Present Mr. Gerald Gattis, Director, Human Resources, Benefits, Employee Relations Ms. Tina Stalmach, Associate HR Manager, Employee Benefits Mr. Ed Kahalley, Jr., Benefits Consultant, Secretary to the Committee Call to Order and Meeting Minutes Mr. Davis called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the May 7, 2013, meeting minutes. A motion was made, seconded, and the vote unanimous to dispense with the reading of the meeting minutes and approve same as prepared by the Secretary. Mr. Davis introduced Mr. Steve Simmons stating that Mr. Simmons had recently been named Vice President for Financial Affairs and is the new Chair of the Committee. Mr. Davis stated that he would remain a member of the Fringe Benefits Committee. He thanked the members for their cooperation and assistance over the years and turned the meeting over to Mr. Simmons. University of South Alabama Fringe Benefits Committee – Meeting Minutes 7/30/2013 2 Annual Valuation Mr. Simmons stated that the annual valuation report had been submitted which is a review of the USA Health & Dental Plan along with a projection of future cost. He asked Mr. Kahalley to review that report with the Committee. Mr. Kahalley distributed a summary of the valuation. His review started with an overview of the Plan stating that it is an excellent benefit plan with a low employee contribution and benefits which cover all but 11% of the medical costs. He reviewed last year’s projected cost as provided in the Valuation report and the projection provided by Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) comparing those to actual experience for the first five months of this year. He also reviewed the projected cost for 2014 stating that BCBS estimates the cost at $44,457,490 as compared to the Valuation at $45,180,947 for a difference of $723,457. He explained how BCBS arrived at the estimate of health and dental costs and how those costs are adjusted for other expenses including new taxes and fees required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). He explained that the projected cost also contains a margin for the reserve which is usually 25% of the projected cost. He reminded the Committee that several years ago the formula was set for developing the funding rates using a 25% reserve and the employee cost sharing amount set at 25%. Because of unfavorable experience and additional costs due to ACA compliance, he suggested reducing the reserve to 15%. He explained that this reduction would take a lot of pressure off the resulting rates. He stated that during this time of added cost, more revenue was needed for operating expenses. He suggested that the reserve at 15% was adequate. He concluded the projected cost discussion with a review of the funding rates and cost-sharing amounts. He stated that the employer and employee rates for the Base Plan are shown in the following table. Rate Comparison Current Rates – 2013 Employer Single Family $ 405 $ 756 Projected Rates– 2014 $ 419 $ 845 $ 100 $ 319 $ 519 $ 14 $ 89 $ 3 $ 32 $ 17 Includes Non-Tobacco Incentive $ Difference – Increase % Difference – Increase 3.5% 11.8% Employee Single Family $ 97 $ 287 Total Single Family $ 502 $ 1,043 3.1% 11.1% 3.4% $ 1,164 $ 121 11.6% He specifically noted that the employer cost would increase by $14 for single and $89 for family coverage. The employee cost would increase by $3 for single and $32 for family coverage. He also discussed the Standard Plan which applies to new employees hired on and after 1/1/2013. He reviewed the benefits of that Plan, noted that the employee cost sharing is 30% and discussed the funding rates and employee contribution amounts. He proceeded to review the remainder of the report which deals with population, utilization and cost factors by major line of coverage. University of South Alabama Fringe Benefits Committee – Meeting Minutes 7/30/2013 3 The Committee asked several questions concerning the report. A member asked about the change in the reserve amount and if it would be sufficient to provide for the future. The Consultant stated that the projected cost includes an allowance of $592,967 to bring the reserve amount to the 15% target. He stated that it was his opinion that the reserve would be sufficient for the coming year. He stated that although ACA adds about $787,360 to the projected cost, compliance would have been much more costly had the “Employer Mandate” not been deferred to 1/1/2015. He stated that the Employer Mandate which eliminates all conditions on the definition of a full-time employee, other than that the employee must work on average 30 hours per week, would have been a significant cost factor. The deferral allows more time for the University to study the impact of this new rule. Mr. Kahalley noted that within the industry many predict that the cost of health care will reduce due to ACA. He stated that he hoped this would come to fruition but that the trend factor used should be sufficient to cover emerging costs. Mr. Kahalley finished his review and thanked the Committee for the opportunity to serve. Mr. Simmons stated that the review was in good order and asked the Committee for an opinion. A motion was made, seconded and the vote unanimous approving the recommended funding rates and employee/employer cost sharing for both the Base Plan and Standard Plan of benefits: Funding rates effective 1/1/2014 Coverage Base Plan Standard Plan Employee cost sharing effective 1/1/2014 Coverage Base Plan Standard Plan Single $ 519 $ 517 Family $ 1,164 $ 1,159 Single $ 100 $ 120 Family $ 319 $ 383 Add $25 to the rates for tobacco use. Mr. Simmons thanked the Committee for their efforts and stated that the recommendation would be presented to the President for final action. Employee Benefits Matrix Ms. Tina Stalmach distributed a Benefits Eligibility Matrix which provides a summary of the benefits provided based on faculty and staff status. The color coded chart lists 20 benefits for 32 job classifications. Ms. Stalmach reviewed the information with the Committee. University of South Alabama Fringe Benefits Committee – Meeting Minutes 7/30/2013 4 USA HCM LLC/PEEHIP Health Plan Coverage Mr. Davis discussed the creation of USA HealthCare Management LLC (HCM) and the advantages it provides to the University. He stated that in establishing that entity it was not anticipated that the PEEHIP Retiree Health Plan employer contribution would be required for those who transitioned to HCM since they would be covered by HCM’s group health plan. He stated that the PEEHIP rules in fact require that contribution which is $356 per retiree per month for this year or about $1.3 million. This undue consequence of the PEEHIP Retiree Health Plan requires two employer contributions with the University paying the retiree subsidy and HCM paying the employer cost of its plan. Going forward, new HCM employees would be required to forgo coverage under PEEHIP if they desire to transition to HCM. He stated that current HCM employees, who retired with TRS benefits, are grandfathered in with their existing benefits. Tuition Reimbursement Mr. Gattis explained a minor change to the tuition reimbursement program. The program would now credit the tuition up front instead of the employee paying first and waiting for reimbursement. This change is required to avoid confusion for federal financial aid programs. USA Health Fair The University and HCM plans to sponsor a health fair again this year on August 16, 2013 with many opportunities for employees and their families to take part in an excellent program of events. Adjourn There being no other business to come before the Fringe Benefits Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.