COMMUNITY DIRECTOR Application Packet Mission Statement: The University of South Alabama department of Housing & Dining is committed to providing safe, reasonably priced, well maintained residence halls and interacting with students in a courteous and efficient manner. We endeavor to support the academic mission of the University by creating purposeful residential communities which are conducive to the academic and personal success of students. COMMUNITY DIRECTOR OVERVIEW Applications for the Community Director position must be submitted to (ATTN: James Bridgeforth) before April 1st. A COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRES: 1. Cover letter 2. Resume 3. Three letters of recommendation 4. Official transcript of all undergraduate work 5. Submission of GRE test scores 6. The completed application (included) 7. Regular or provisional status of admission into the Graduate School GRADUATE SCHOOL ADMISSIONS Admission (regular or provisional status) into the Higher Education Administration Master’s program at the University of South Alabama must be attained prior to receipt of a Housing & Dining Assistantship. Applications and Graduate Bulletins are available from the Admissions website, or the Office of Admissions: (251) 460-6141 or (800) 872-5247 Office of Admissions Meisler Hall Suite 2500 University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688-0002 The Application for Admission to the Graduate School at USA and all supporting documents should be received by the following deadlines: Semester of Entry Application Deadline Fall (August) April 1st Spring (January) December 1st FOREWORD The duties and responsibilities of the administrative graduate assistants are carried out directly under the supervision of the Director for Housing. It is incumbent upon all administrative graduate assistants to become familiar with the rules and regulations of the department in which they are assigned. I. DEFINITION An administrative graduate assistantship is an award made on a competitive basis to graduate students at the University of South Alabama. Graduate students are assigned duties related to their administrative areas of interest. Administrative Graduate Assistantships (GA) are associated with general duties per the needs of the particular department. II. QUALIFICATIONS Selection of students for graduate assistantships is based on academic performance, letters of recommendation and, in some cases experience. The student must be enrolled for at least six semester hours per semester. III. APPOINTMENT OF GRADUATE ASSISTANTS Every student appointed as a graduate assistant will be given an official letter of appointment which will state the terms of the appointment. This statement will include: 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The stipend. The maximum tuition fellowship available The dates of appointment. An acceptance deadline date. A graduate assistantship may be canceled due to budgetary consideration, lack of academic performance and/or dereliction of duty. IV. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. The duties and responsibilities of graduate assistants will vary from program to program. B. Graduate assistants will serve under the direction and supervision of the department head or his/her administrative designee. C. Graduate assistants are obligated to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity and to keep informed of and follow programmatic, departmental, college, and University rules and regulations. D. A graduate assistant who fails or drops a course, withdraws from the University, or resigns an assistantship before the end of the semester will be required to reimburse the University for courses paid by the tuition fellowship. E. A student may hold only one assistantship at a time. V. TIME COMMITMENT A. The time commitment for an assistantship is twenty hours per week devoted to assigned duties at the University. This work load is not to interfere with academic responsibilities. The work period is set by the Administrative Department each academic year. B. The work commitment is included in a semester work schedule to be established at the initiation of work assignments. If unable to perform any duties, the assistant will notify their respective supervisor of the circumstances as soon as possible. VI. FORMAL EVALUATIONS The department, near the end of each academic year, will evaluate the performance of all graduate assistants. The graduate assistant will be given a written evaluation; a copy shall be kept on file in the department office for the duration of the appointment. VII. REAPPOINTMENT OF GRADUATE ASSISTANTS Reappointment will be considered for those assistants who are making satisfactory progress toward completion of their degree program, have been performing well in their assistantships based on formal evaluations, and the length of time they have held their assistantships. VIII. ASSISTANTSHIP STIPEND AND TUITION FELLOWSHIP A. Graduate assistants receive a stipend as determined by the department in consultation with the Vice President for Student Affairs. An additional tuition fellowship will pay course tuition and fees for a maximum of six semester hours per term, but only for courses that are essential to the degree program. Out-of-state-tuition is also covered by the tuition fellowship for up to six semester hours. The international fee is covered by the tuition fellowship; however, no other fees will be paid. No tuition will be paid for courses audited or courses not a part of the degree program. B. A biweekly timesheet must be signed by the student's supervisor and submitted to the payroll department for each pay period; hours worked detail is not required, the submission of a timesheet indicates that the administrative graduate assistant is consistently performing his/her assistantship duties. If a timesheet is not submitted, a check will not be available to the student for that pay period. Checks are picked up in the Business Office, Room 380, Administration Building or direct deposit is available through the Payroll Office, Room 280, Administration Building. 3 C. Income tax forms and a FICA withholding statement must be signed at the Graduate School office prior to the first day of classes. The Employment Eligibility Verification form must be completed with appropriate identification documents in the Payroll Office (AD 280) before the student may began work. D. Administrative Assistantship applicant must pass the University background check. IX. TERMINATION OF GRADUATE ASSISTANT OR TUITION FELLOW APPOINTMENT A. Any appointment may be curtailed, diminished, or terminated at any time for: Lack of funds Failure of the student to maintain satisfactory student status or to make appropriate progress toward the degree No further need for the functions to be performed Incompetence or misconduct of the graduate assistant or fellow Failure to complete the degree requirements. B. A termination of appointment action is initiated by the department head or designee of the department to which the administrative graduate assistant is assigned. The department head or designee meets with the graduate assistant and explains the causes of termination. C. All appeals are to the Vice President for Student Affairs. X. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Expenses incidental to assigned duties. Graduate assistants will be reimbursed by the institution for necessary expenses and/or travel associated with assigned duties. B. The graduate assistant shall secure approval from the department prior to incurring expenses. C. The department or college will provide the necessary physical space and services for execution of the graduate assistants' duties. 4 COMMUNITY DIRECTOR APPLICATION This section is to be completed by the student. Please type or print. Name: (Check one) Mr. Ms. _______________________________________________________________________ (First) (Middle) (Last) Phone: Home (______) _________________ Work (______) _________________ Cell (______) _________________ Current Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ (City) US Citizen: (Check one) Yes No SSN: ____________________ (State) (Zip) Student #: ________________ Email Address: _________________________________________ Semester Admitted: _____________________ College Enrolled: ________________________________________ Department: ___________________________ Graduate Degree Desired: ___________________________________________________________________________ College/University Employer Location EDUCATION Dates Attended From To WORK EXPERIENCE Location Dates Employed From To Degree/Major Position 1. Academic Honors/Professional Activities: 2. Special Skills or Areas of Expertise: 5 3. How will this graduate assistantship further your career goals? 4. Have you ever been arrested? (Check one) Yes No If yes please explain the charges, circumstances and outcome: 5. Have you ever been involved with a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) violation? (Check one) Yes No If yes, please explain the incident, personal involvement and outcome. REFERENCES (Please list three) Name Title Address Telephone Email It is the responsibility of the student to contact the listed references and arrange to have letters of recommendation sent to the Director of Housing by one month prior to the first date of class of the semester of enrollment. Applicant’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please Mail this form with the required documents to: University of South Alabama Housing & Dining c/o Dr. James Bridgeforth 251 Delta Loop Delta Commons, Room 110 Mobile, AL 36688 For additional questions or comments please contact Dr. James Bridgeforth at (251) 460-6185 or send an email to Thank you for your interest in Housing & Dining at the University of South Alabama. Go Jags! 6