Request to Add Undergraduate Academic Program to Degree Works

Request to Add Undergraduate Academic Program to Degree Works
Program Code and Name
Degree Code and Name
Major Code and Name
Minor/Concentration Code and Name (if required)
Catalog Term
Total Hours Required
General Education Hours Required
(minimum 41 semester hours per AGSC & STARS)
AREA I – Written Composition (6 semester hours)
English Composition I
EH 101
English Composition II (or Honors Composition)
EH 102 (or EH 105)
AREA II – Humanities and Fine Arts* (12 semester hours)
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective #1
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective #2
AREA III – Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 semester hours)
Natural Science with Lab #1
Natural Science with Lab #2
AREA IV – History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences* (12 semester hours)
History, Social, or Behavioral Science Elective
Social/Behavioral Science Elective #1 (not History)
Social/Behavioral Science Elective #2 (not History)
*Students must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history in AREA II or IV.
AREA V – Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses
Course Title
Subject Code and
(e.g. core, electives)
Course Number
A minimum of 25% of the credit hours required for the degree must be completed through instruction
offered by USA in upper-division course work (300 & 400 levels). A minimum of 15 credit hours of
courses at the 300/400 level in the major discipline must be completed at USA. If a minor is required in
the particular degree program, 9 credit hours of courses in the minor must also be completed at USA.
Major/Minor upper division requirements
[enter subject code(s) and course numbers]
Other upper division requirements
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above format is required in accordance with AGSC, STARS, and the
Undergraduate Academic Policies and Procedures in the University of South Alabama Bulletin.
Request to Add Undergraduate Academic Program to Degree Works Instructions
AREA I – Written Composition* (6 semester hours)
*NOTE: English Composition I and II are the only courses available in AREA I.
Composition I (3 credits): EH 101
Composition II (3 credits): EH 102 or EH 105 (Honors Composition)
AREA II – Humanities and Fine Arts* (12 semester hours)
*NOTE: Student must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history in AREA II or IV.
Literature (3 credits): EH 215, 216, 225, 226, 235, or 236
Arts (3 credits): ARH, ARS, DRA, MUL
Humanities/fine arts electives (6 credits)
- Elective options include, but are not limited to: art (ARH, ARS), foreign languages (LG, LGS),
literature (EH), music (MUL), philosophy (PHL), religion (REL), speech (CA), and theatre (DRA).
The elective requirement can be scribed as specific courses (e.g. CA 110), by subject code,
and/or course attributes (e.g. ARE2, A2FA, HUM).
AREA III – Natural Sciences and Mathematics (11 semester hours)
*NOTE: Some mathematics courses are offered for 4 semester credits. This will increase the total AREA III
credits from 11 semester hours to 12 semester hours.
Mathematics (3 credits): MA 110 (Finite Mathematics), MA 112 (Precalculus Algebra), or higher
Natural science with lab (8 credits)
- Disciplines in the natural sciences include, but are not limited to: biology (BLY), chemistry (CH),
geology (GY), and physics (PH).
AREA IV – History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences* (12 semester hours)
*NOTE: Student must complete a 6-semester-hour sequence in either literature or history in AREA II or IV.
History (3 credits): HY 101, 102, 135, or 136
History, Social, and/or Behavioral Science electives (9 credits)
- At least 6 semester hours must come from other disciplines in the social and behavioral
sciences (i.e. not history). Elective options include, but are not limited to: anthropology (AN),
economics (ECO), geography (GEO), political science (PSC), psychology (PSY), and sociology (SY).
The elective requirement can be scribed as specific courses (e.g. AN 100), by subject code,
and/or course attributes (e.g. ARE4).
All undergraduate students must fulfill the above general education requirements consisting of a
minimum of 41 semester hours plus two designated writing courses.
AREA V – Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses
Area V is designated for courses appropriate to the degree/major requirements of the individual
student. It may also include electives.
Please provide minimum GPA and/or grade requirements, specific text/labels/advice to students, etc.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above format is required in accordance with AGSC, STARS, and the
Undergraduate Academic Policies and Procedures in the University of South Alabama Bulletin.