USA Eligible Undergraduate Scholarship Listing as of December 1, 2015

USA Eligible Undergraduate Scholarship Listing
as of December 1, 2015
The following list is comprised of all current endowment funds eligible for matching funds from the Mitchell‐Moulton Scholarship Initiative. Some of these endowments are not fully funded and hence are not yet awardable to South Alabama students. For a complete listing of all currently available scholarship awards, please visit
50th Anniversary Alumni Annual Fund Endowed Scholarship
AED T. G. Jackson Scholarship Fund
AHEPA 310 Senior Housing Scholarship Endowment Fund
Airbus Americas Engineering, Inc. Endowed Scholarship in the College of Engineering
Alabama Lyric Theater Scholarship for the Performing Arts
Alabama Power Engineering Endowed Scholarship
Alabama Power Engineering Scholarship Endowment Fund II
Alabama Young Bankers Association Scholarship
Alane and Mark Hoffman Special Education Certification Endowed Scholarship
Albert Schweitzer Endowed Scholarship
Alcoa Fund Grant
Alethea Hill Endowed Scholarship for Minority Nurses
Alexis Atkins Interdisciplinary Studies Scholarship Endowment Fund
Allen J. Pearl USA National Alumni Association Book Scholarship
Aloyis Sonneborn Endowed Scholarship
Alumni Leadership Scholarship
American Legion Anna Reynolds Auxiliary Scholarship
Ammons Student Leadership Scholarship
Andrew and Daisy Agnew Endowed TRiO Scholarship
Armbrecht‐Briskman Endowed Scholarship for Southerners Fund
Art and Shinta Stanley Endowed Book Scholarship
B. Keith Harrison Scholarship in Chemical Engineering
Baldwin County Students Scholarship
Barbara Phillips Endowed Award
Barry Brunson Memorial Scholarship
Bay Bank Endowed Book Scholarship in Finance
BBVA Compass Endowed Scholarship Fund for Cyber Security
BBVA Compass Endowed Scholarship in the Mitchell College of Business
BBVA Compass Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
Beta Theta Service Endowed Scholarship
Betty Jean Mitchell Scholarship
Blount‐Bark Endowed Scholarship
Bob Lager Endowed Scholarship
Bobbie & Steve Hancock Endowed Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies
Bobby Holmes Memorial Endowment in English
Boise Cascade Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Brannon Scholarship
Brian L. McGuire Endowed Scholarship in Accounting
Bruce and Patricia McCrory Endowed Scholarship
Bruce McCall Endowed Scholarship Fund for Paralegal Studies
Caldwell Endowment
Canoe Crew of 1988 Scholarship
Captain Allen U. Graham Memorial Scholarship
Captain George A. Manders Endowed Fund in Interdisciplinary Studies
Carl N. and Jewel O. Melton Entrepreneurship Scholarship
Carolyn P. Johnson Endowed Sch. in Respiratory Therapy
Charles R. McGlothren, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Chemistry Endowed Scholarship
Chi Omega Pearl Scholarship
Children of Employees Endowed Scholarship
China Barber Memorial Scholarship
Choctaw Scholarship Fund
Chris Nash Mathematics/Statistics Scholarship
Christopher Thomas Student Leadership Scholarship
Cimino Co‐op Scholarship
Cisco and Strategic Allied Technologies Endowed Scholarship
Clarence M. Frenkel, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Claude Staples McKee Baby Prince Scholarship Award
Clifton Inge Endowed Book Award
Clint Harper Endowed Scholarship
College of Education Endowment
Commemorative License Tag Scholarship Fund
Computer Science Endowed Scholarship
Criminal Justice Endowed Scholarship
Dan and Judy Grafton Scholarship Endowment Fund
Daniel Foundation of Alabama
Danny Conway Memorial Theatre Scholarship
Darlene Bailey Briggs and Monica Briggs Sullivan Endowed Scholarship
David L Zimlich Leadership Award Endowed Fund
David R. Dunlap, Jr. Scholarship Endowment Fund
Delchamps Scholarship
Denny and Marianne Wilkins School of Computing Award
Denny‐Gottfried Athletic Endowed Scholarship
Department of Management Faculty Development Endowed Fund
Department of Radiological Sciences Scholarship Fund
Desk and Derrick Scholarship in Geology/Geography
Developmental Studies Endowed Award
Don and Sandra McCrory Book Award
Donna Ayers Scholarship in Elementary Education
Doug and Casey Porter Endowed Scholarship
Douglas Engineering Scholarship
Douglas L. Whitmore Endowed Scholarship in Finance
Dr. Andra Bohnet Endowed Flute Scholarship Fund
Dr. Bill Williams Meteorology Endowment
Dr. Carl C. Moore Endowed Scholarship in the Mitchell College of Business
Dr. Charles and Penny Newell Endowed Scholarship in Radiologic Sciences
Dr. Donald C. Mosley, Sr. Endowed Scholarship in Business
Dr. Henrietta Brown Endowed Book Scholarship
Dr. Jagdish C. Dhawan Memorial Endowed Book Award
Dr. James Winslow Green Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Med Students
Dr. John J. Papastefan Endowed Scholarship in Percussion
Dr. Joseph M. Olsen Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Dr. Julio and Barbara Turrens Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Martin Luther King Black Student Scholarship Fund
Dr. Matt and Amy Campbell Scholarship Endowment Fund
Dr. Patsy Capps Covey Biomedical Sciences Scholarship
Dr. Paul Pietri Endowed Scholarship in Management
Dr. Ross and Charlene Loomis Endowed Scholarship in Arts and Sciences
Dr. Roy J. Daigle and Kathryn A. Gradle Endowed Scholarship in Information Systems
Dr. Ted Huddleston Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Dr. Xiulu Ruan Endowed Scholarship in Pre‐Medicine
Earl P. Andrews Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Ed Bunnell AIS Scholarship
Eddie Greene Scholarship in English Endowment Fund
Edna T. Miller Nursing Scholarship Endowment Fund
Ekman Endowed Scholarship
Eleanor & Jere Woolsey‐Home Builders Association of Alabama Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship
Electrical Engineering Endowed Scholarship
Elizabeth S. McGowin Endowed Scholarship Fund for String Musicians
Ella and Cody Wims Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad
Emily Ulmer Feinstein Interfraternity Council/Panhellenic Sc
Endowed Scholarship ‐ Handicapped Students
Endowed Scholarship ‐ Mechanical Engineering
Endowed Scholarship for Students in the College of Nursing's
Endowed Scholarship in Art
Engineering Alumni Society Endowed Scholarship
English Endowed Scholarship
Esther Danielson Jones Endowed Book Scholarship
Ethel W. Kroker Scholarship
Eva Golson Film and Television Production Scholarship Endowment Fund
Evonik Industries Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Fund
Faculty and Staff Leadership Scholarship
Fearn Undergraduate Research Scholarship in Geography Endowment Fund
Flora Henderson Knight Scholarship
Foreign Languages Scholarship
Frank R. Urbancic Scholarship in Accounting
Frederick P. Whiddon Scholarship in Liberal Arts
Freida Maisel Endowed Scholarship in English
G. David Johnson and Cecelia Murphy Endowed Scholarship
George Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Gina L. and W. Allen Cox, Jr. Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Glass Art Endowed Scholarship Fund
Glenn Sebastian Endowed Scholarship in Earth Sciences
Glenn Sebastian/Joey Phillips TKE Endowed Scholarship
Goessling Endowed Scholarship Fund in German
Gordon and Geri Moulton Endowed Scholarship in the School of Computing
Gordon B. and Martha Kahn Endowed Scholarship in Art
Graciella G. Blanco Spanish Language Scholarship
Grant Miller Davis Endowed Scholarship in Marketing
Hardin‐Eaves Endowed Accounting Scholarship
Hargrove Foundation Scholarship in Engineering Endowment Fund
Harold Bickel Memorial Scholarship in Education Endowment
Harper Endowed Scholarship in Music
Hazel R. Ivison Scholarship
Helen and Robert Sellers Scholarship in Business
Helen M. Nelson Charitable Trust Fund
Helminger Endowment Fund in Physics
Henderson/Moe Second Chance Endowed Scholarship Fund
Hinson International Student Endowed Scholarship
Hollis and Carmel Shumock Endowed Scholarship in Business
Honors Program Scholarship (1990)
Howard M. Phillips Scholarship Trust Fund
Hunter and Edna Waldrop Scholarship Endowment Fund
Interdisciplinary Endowed Scholarship
International Students Endowed Scholarship
J. Howe and Annie Bell Hadley Memorial Scholarship
J. L. Bedsole Foundation Scholarship Endowment Fund
Jack R. Brunson Memorial Scholarship for Excellence
Jacobs Family Scholarship for Accelerated Nursing Students
Jacqueline Quinn Gray
Jake and Pat Gosa Endowed Scholarship in Business
Jake and Pat Gosa Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
James A. Yance Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Law Students
Jane and Robert Moore Endowed Scholarship
Jane Walker Milburn and William Plaxco Walker
Jared Adkins Physics Scholarship
Jean F. and Julien E. Marx Endowed Scholarship in Philosophy
Jean P. McIver Endowed Scholarship in English
Jeanne M. Sanderford Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education
Jeannette G. and Julius Kretzer Endowed Scholarship
Jeremy Stephen Blanton Scholarship
Jim and Carol Statter Endowment Fund
Jim and Dianne Moore Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Fund
Jim and Liz Connors Hospitality Management Scholarship Endowment
JoAnn S. Broadus Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
John and Carolyn Conn Endowed Scholarship Fund
John and Coralie Toomey Endowed Scholarship in Music
John C. Sipple Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship
John Counts Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
John Faggard Geology Scholarship Fund
John H. Chester Memorial Scholarship in Music
John Hadley Strange Scholarship Endowment
John S. Keebler, MD Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Medical Students
John T. Crowder Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Law Students
John W. Laidlaw Endowed Scholarship in Music
Joseph and Kathleen Denton Endowed Scholarship
Joseph N. Langan Scholarship
Joycelyn Franklin Finely Trailblazer Scholarship Endowment Fund
K. Elliott Hagler Award
Karen Hamilton Nursing Scholarship
Kate Seawell Endowed Scholarship in Art Fund
Katherine L. Richardson Scholarship Fund
Kelly Estle Endowed Scholarship in Social Work Fund
Lager Russian Language Scholarship
Lang Family Endowed Book Award
Larry Hays Green Memorial Scholarship in Geology Endowment Fund
Laura and Wayne Davis Accounting Scholarship
Laura Christine Prine Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Lavonne Simon Endowed Book Award
Lee and David Stearns Children of Employees Endowed Scholarship
Les and Alleen Barnett Endowed Scholarship
Linda J. Reaves Endowment for Educators in Math and Science
Louise Austin McGrew Scholarship in Social Work Endowed Fund
Luther E. Clements Scholarship in Accounting Endowment Fund
MACE/Raburn Engineering Scholarship
Macy Wims Reid Scholarship
Malcolm R. Howell Scholarship
Margie Malone Tuckson LeFlore High School Endowed Scholarship
Margie Malone Tuckson Murphy High School Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mark D. Fillers Scholarship in Memory of Valerie Evelyn Thacker Fillers Endowment Fund
Mark Weaver Endowed Entrepreneurial Scholarship
Marshall J. Walton Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Marx Endowed Scholarship in Philosophy‐Pinebrook Scholars
Mary Ahn Nursing Scholarship
Mary Ann Talley Memorial Endowment
Mary Francis Robertson and Molly Lou Jones Scholarship
Mary Lou Littleton Endowed Scholarship
Mary Noland Glass Art Endowment Fund
Mayer Mitchell Quarterback Endowment Fund
McKinney Family Endowed Scholarship Fund for Track Students
Michael and Michele Mayberry Order of the Arrow Endowed Scholarship
Michael C. and Patsy B. Dow Endowed Scholarship
Michael S. Hanna Endowed Communication Scholarship Fund
Michael W. Meshad Scholarship for Pre‐Med Students
Mike Bartels Music Scholarship Fund
Mike deGruy Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Mildred Coleman Starnes Nursing Scholarship
Mishra Memorial Endowment in Mathematics and Statistics
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Allied Health
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Arts & Sciences
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Baldwin County
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Education
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Engineering
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Nursing
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐MCOB
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative‐Continuing Education
Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative‐School of Computing
Mitchell Scholars Program
Mitchell‐Moulton Scholarship Initiative Endowment ‐ General
Mitsubishi Polysilicon Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering
Mobile County Foundation for Public Higher Educ. Scholarship
Mobile Society for Human Resource Management (MSHRM)
Morgan Lee Memorial Book Endowment
Mortar Board Endowed Scholarship Fund
Mostellar & Shreve LLP Endowed Scholarship in Accounting
Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Cobb Scholarship Endowment Fund
National Alumni Association Board of Directors Endowed Scholarship
National Assoc of Theater Owners of Alabama Scholarship
National Association of Women in Construction Scholarship
Neil and Laura Henderson Scholarship
Nita Sellers Endowed Scholarship in Music Fund
Nita Sellers Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Music
Olivia Rambo McGlothren National Alumni Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award
Pardue‐Landry Information Systems Scholarship Endowment Fund
Parish Scholarship Fund
Parker Endowed Scholarship
Patricia Kelly Lofton Endowed Scholarship for Teachers
Patricia Lane Dyess Scholarship in Languages
Patrick E. and Mary F. Hicks Endowed Book Scholarship
Peggy and John Seibert Family Scholarship Endowment Fund
Peggy Reynolds Endowed Scholarship Fund
Phi Sigma Iota Merit Scholarship Endowment Fund
Philomene B. Holmes Endowed Scholarship
Physics Endowed Scholarship
Pinnacle Endowed Scholarship
PNC Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative
Providence Hospital Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Psychology Endowed Scholarship
R. L. and Annie Meaher Hill Nursing Scholarship
Radiation Therapy Endowed Scholarship
Ralph Jones Memorial Scholarship
Reece and Rose Miller Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
Regions Bank Endowed Undergraduate
Renee' McGlothren Memorial Scholarship
Richard C. Messmer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
Richard C. Messmer Endowment Fund for Student Athletics in the College of Engineering
Rick and Julie Harvey Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Mitchell College of Business
Robert and Joseph Hunsader Memorial Scholarship Fund in Economics and Finance
Robert Snell Scholarship in Art
Ron & Gail Stallworth Chemical Engineering Scholarship
Ronald and Dr. Sytske Kimball Meterology Endowment Fund
Rose Palmai‐Tenser Endowed Vocal Scholarship Fund
Rotary Club of Mobile Scholarship Endowment Fund
Rotary Club of Mobile‐Sunrise Scholarship Endowment Fund
Russell, Thompson, Butler & Houston, LLP Scholarship in Accounting Endowment Fund
Ruth M. Gwinn‐Heitman Endowed Scholarship
SAASOA Endowed Scholarship Fund
Sam P. Fleming Medical Technology Scholarship
Sandy and Jean Stimpson Scholarship in Computing Fund
School of Computing Advisory Board Endowed Scholarship Fund
Shoe Station Endowed Scholarship in Business
Smith and Williams Families Endowed Scholarship
Snodgrass‐Talley Fire‐Rescue Endowed Scholarship
Sociology/ Anthropology Endowed Scholarship
Spirit of Odyssey Endowed Scholarship
SSAB Scholarship Endowment Fund
Stan Wasiak Memorial Scholarship in Athletics
Stephanie Hardin‐Floyd Memorial Scholarship in History
Steve and Carol Kittrell Endowed Scholarship for Southerners
Stimpson Brothers Leadership Scholarship in Business
Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow Endowed Scholarship Fund
Sue Ellen Gerrels/R. Eugene Jackson Scholarship in Drama
Sue Houston Hanlein Endowed Scholarship Fund for Piano
Taylor Martino Endowed Scholarship in Paralegal Studies
Thomas and Barbara Corcoran Scholar Athlete Endowed Scholarship Thomas Corcoran Endowed Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies Adult Degree Program
Thomas Corcoran Endowed Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies Adult Degree Program in Business Tim and Sandy Schultz Russell Endowed Scholarship
Timothy K. Driggers Endowed Scholarship I
Timothy K. Driggers Endowed Scholarship II
Tom and Mary Meyer Nursing Scholarship
Tour De Force Scholarship
Travis M. Bedsole, Jr. and Susan D. Bedsole Endowed Scholarship in Education Fund
Turner Supply Endowed Book Scholarship
USA Baldwin County Alumni Chapter Scholarship
USA Board of Trustees Endowed Scholarship
USA Health System Employee Educational Endowed Scholarship Fund
USA Licensing Program Scholarship
USA Medical Center Auxiliary Children of Employee Scholarship
USA Paws Around the World Endowed Sch for Study Abroad
USA Port City Alumni Chapter Scholarship Endowment
USA Student Nurses Association Endowed Book Scholarship
V. Gordon Moulton Memorial Scholarship in Glass Art
V. Gordon Moulton Memorial Scholarship in the School of Computing
Valorie C. Dearmon Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
Vera Reed Accounting Scholarship Endowment
Victoria L. Rivizzigno Endowed Scholarship in Geography
Victorino S. Blanco Mathematics Scholarship
Volkert Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Wachovia Endowed Scholarship
Warren H Nicholson Endowed Entrepreneurship Scholarship
Warren H. Nicholson Endowed Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Warren Nicholson Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Students
Watts and Marsh Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Wei and David Feinstein Endowed Scholarship for Rising Sophomores
Wei and David Feinstein Endowed Scholarship in the School of Computing
Wells Fargo Endowed Scholarship
Whiddon Honors Scholarship Program
White‐Spunner and Associates, Inc. Endowed Scholarship in Real Estate
White‐Spunner Endowed Scholarship in Education
Wierzbicki‐Salter Chemistry Scholarship Endowment
Wiggs Paleontology Award
William and Elizabeth Sadler Memorial Endowed Scholarship
William and Susan Youngblood Endowed Fund in Philosophy
William C. Gorgas Trust Fund
William D. and Irene Russell Ward Endowed Scholarship
William David Burden Nursing Scholarship
Williams‐Phillips‐Van Hook Scholarship in Chemistry or Nursing
Winthrop M. Hallett, III Free Enterprise Scholarship Endowment Fund
Wynne and Katherine Fuller Scholarship in Civil Engineering