USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell‐Moulton Scholarship Initiative) ALLIED HEALTH Endowment Name Department * Alcoa Fund Grant Type Scholarship Anne Harrison Petty PT Scholarship Physical Therapy Scholarship Bud and Dot Phillips PT Book Scholarship Physical Therapy Book Award Cardiorespiratory Endowed Gifts Cardiorespiratory Care Research/Other Respiratory Therapy Scholarship * Carolyn P. Johnson Endowed Scholarship in Respiratory Therapy Celia A. Wallace Endowed Scholarship in Allied Health * Charles and Dr. Diane D. Abercrombie Endowment Scholarship Charles P. Gray Scholarship in Physical Therapy Scholarship Physicians Assistant Scholarship Physical Therapy Scholarship Radiologic Sciences Scholarship Speech Pathology & Audiology Book Award Radiologic Sciences Scholarship Physical Therapy Scholarship Clinical Skills Lab and Standardized Patient Center Endowment * Department of Radiological Sciences Scholarship Fund Dr. Bryce Evans Endowed Book Fund * Dr. Charles and Penny Newell Endowed Scholarship in Radiologic Sciences Dr. James C. Wall & George Turnbull Physical Therapy Scholarship * Dr. Julio and Barbara Turrens Endowed Scholarship Dr. Marjorie E. Scaffa Professorship in Occupational Therapy Endowed Fund Scholarship Occupational Therapy * Dr. Xiulu Ruan Endowed Scholarship in Pre‐Medicine Scholarship Hill Crest Foundation Pre‐Medicine Endowed Scholarship * Jane and Robert Moore Endowed Scholarship Professorship Scholarship Speech Pathology & Audiology Scholarship Klie Davis Faulkner Scholarship in Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy Scholarship Marjorie Faircloth Speech Pathology Scholarship Speech Pathology & Audiology Scholarship * Mary Ann Talley Memorial Endowment Emergency Medical Training Scholarship * Mary Lou Littleton Endowed Scholarship Radiologic Sciences Scholarship * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Allied Health Scholarship Occupational Therapy Alumni Endowed Scholarship Occupational Therapy Scholarship Parker Family Physician Assistant Studies Endowed Scholarship Physician Assistant Scholarship * Patsy Capps Covey Biomedical Sciences Scholarship Biomedical Sciences Scholarship * Radiation Therapy Endowed Scholarship Radiologic Sciences Scholarship Physical Therapy Scholarship Rosemary Archambault Physical Therapy Scholarship * Sam P. Fleming Scholarship in Allied Health Shirley & Eugene Panus Scholarship in Physical Therapy * Snodgrass‐Talley Fire‐Rescue Endowed Scholarship * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Scholarship Physical Therapy Scholarship Emergency Medical Service Scholarship USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Thomas and Norma Fell Endowed PT Scholarship Physical Therapy Scholarship Tim Holston Audiology Endowed Scholarship Speech Pathology & Audiology Scholarship * USA Health System Employee Educational Endowed Scholarship Scholarship USA Physician Assistant Endowed Scholarship Physician Assistant Scholarship Walter R. Gault Scholarship in Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Scholarship Speech Pathology & Audiology Scholarship Department Type * Watts and Marsh Family Endowed Scholarship Fund ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Endowment Name * Allen J. Pearl USA National Alumni Association Book Scholarship Book Award * Armbrecht‐Briskman Endowed Scholarship for Southerners Fund Scholarship Beth & Don Davis National Alumni Association Excellence in Advising Award Award‐ Staff Christie D. Miree USA NAA Outstanding Employee Service Awards Program Endowment Award‐ Staff Denny Teaching Award Award‐ Staff Lisa Bethea Kavanagh Outstanding Young Alumni Award Other NAA Board of Directors Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Patrick E. & Mary F. Hicks Book Scholarship Book Award Russ & Robin Lea NAA Award for Outstanding Faculty Innovation Award‐ Faculty * Steve & Carol Kittrell Endowed Scholarship for Southerners Scholarship * Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship USA Baldwin County Alumni Chapter Scholarship Scholarship * USA NAA Madge & Gladys Outlaw Endowed Freshman Leadership Award Scholarship * USA Port City Alumni Chapter Scholarship Endowment Scholarship William J. Sirmon, Jr. USA NAA Endowed Graduate Student Scholarship Scholarship ARCHIVES Endowment Name Department Julius E. Marx Photographic Collection Type Research/Other ARTS & SCIENCES Endowment Name * AED T. G. Jackson Scholarship Fund Department Type Chemistry Scholarship * AHEPA 310 Senior Housing Scholarship Endowment Fund AIChE Student Chapter at USA Endowed Book Award * Alabama Lyric Theatre Scholarship for the Dramatic Arts Scholarship Chemistry Book Award Theatre Scholarship * Albert Schweitzer Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Angelia & Steven H. Stokes Center for Creative Writing English Building Angelia & Steven H. Stokes Scholarship in English English Scholarship * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Biology Endowed Scholarship Biological Sciences Bobby Holmes Memorial Endowment Scholarship Scholarship * Bruce & Patricia McCrory Endowed Scholarship in Arts & Sciences Scholarship * Caldwell Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Center for Archaeological Studies Endowed Support Fund Archaeology Operations/Maintenance Charles R. & Olivia McGlothren Speakers Fund in Philosophy Philosophy Other Charles R. & Olivia Rambo McGlothren Scholarship in Philosophy Philosophy Scholarship * Charles R. McGlothren, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Philosophy Scholarship * Chemistry Endowed Scholarship Chemistry Scholarship Chemistry Faculty‐Professorship Chemistry Professorship Chief Calvin McGhee Endowed Professorship in Native American Studies Fund * China Barber Memorial Scholarship * Chris Nash Mathematics/Statistics Scholarship Christine Kilgore Holley Student Paper Award Professorship English Scholarship Mathematics & Statistics Scholarship Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work Student‐Award College of Arts & Sciences Awards & Stipends College of Arts & Sciences Endowment Operations/Maintenance College of Arts & Sciences Guest Artist Endowment Other * Criminal Justice & Political Science Endowed Scholarship Criminal Justice & Political Science Scholarship * Danny Conway Memorial Theatre Scholarship Theatre Scholarship David L. Horton Memorial Prize ‐ Political Science Political Science Scholarship Department of Marine Sciences Research Fund Marine Science Scholarship Desk & Derrick Scholarship in Geology/Geography Earth Sciences Scholarship * Dr. Andra Bohnet Endowed Flute Scholarship Fund Music Scholarship * Dr. Bill Williams Meteorology Endowment Meteorology Scholarship * Dr. James W. Green Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Med Students Pre‐Med Scholarship * Dr. John J. Papastefan Scholarship in Percussion Music Scholarship * Dr. Michael Meshad Scholarship For Pre‐Med Students Philosophy Scholarship English Scholarship Dr. Patricia Stephens Memorial Scholarship in English * Dr. Ross and Charlene Loomis Endowed Scholarship in A&S Scholarship * Earl P. Andrews Jr. Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Earth Sciences Professorship Earth Science Faculty‐Professorship * Eddie Greene Scholarship in English English Scholarship * Elizabeth S. McGowin Endowed Scholarship Fund for String Musicians Music Scholarship * Endowed Scholarship in Art Art & Art History Scholarship English Faculty‐Chair English Endowed Faculty Chair * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * English Endowed Scholarship Eugene Wilson Geography Scholarship Fund * Eva Golson Film and Television Production Scholarship Endowment Fund English Scholarship Geography Scholarship Communication Arts Scholarship Fanny and Bert Meisler Professorship in Jewish Studies Endow Father James F. Dorrill Endowed Scholarship Professorship English * Fearn Undergraduate Research Scholarship in Geography * Foreign Language Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Foreign Language‐Literature * Frederick P. Whiddon Scholarship in Liberal Arts Scholarship Scholarship English Scholarship Geology/Geography Endowed Scholarship Earth Science Scholarship George Hite Wilson Memorial Scholarship Communications Scholarship George W. Barber Jr. Marine Sciences Scholarship Marine Sciences Scholarship Art Scholarship Glenn Sebastian Endowed Scholarship in Earth Sciences Earth Sciences Scholarship Glenn Sebastian Nature Trail Endowed Preservation Fund Earth Sciences Research/Other * Glenn Sebastian/Joey Phillips Scholarship in Geography Geography Scholarship * Goessling Endowed Scholarship Fund in German German Scholarship * Gordon B. & Martha Kahn Endowed Scholarship in Art Art & Art History Scholarship * Graciella G. Blanco Spanish Language Scholarship Foreign Language‐Literature Scholarship * Harper Endowed Scholarship in Music Music Scholarship * Helminger Endowment Fund in Physics Physics Scholarship History Endowed Chair History Faculty‐Chair History Endowed Scholarship History Scholarship History Professorship History Faculty‐Professorship * Jacqueline Quinn Gray Scholarship in French French Scholarship * James A. Yance Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Law Students Pre‐Law Scholarship James Boyd Memorial Fund ‐ Political Science Political Science‐Criminal Justice Other James E. Denmark Memorial Scholarship ‐ Geology & Geography Geology & Geography Scholarship Janet Mahan ‐ Summer Humanities Scholarship for Teachers in History History Scholarship * Jared Adkins Physics Scholarship Physics Scholarship * Jean F. & Julien E. Marx Endowed Scholarship in Philosophy Philosophy Scholarship * Jean P. McIver Endowed Scholarship in English English Scholarship * Jim & Liz Connors Excellence in Hydrogeology Endowed Scholarship Geology Scholarship * John & Coralie Toomey Endowed Scholarship in Music Music Scholarship Philosophy Scholarship * Freida Maisel Endowed Scholarship in English * Glass Art Endowed Scholarship John Coker Endowed Scholarship in Philosophy * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 John D. Meredith Communications Scholarship Communications Scholarship * John Faggard Geology Scholarship Fund Geology Scholarship * John H. Chester Memorial Scholarship in Music Music Scholarship * John T. Crowder Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Law Students Philosophy Scholarship * John W. Laidlaw Endowed Scholarship in Music Music Scholarship * Joseph N. Langan Scholarship Scholarship * K. Elliot Hagler Memorial Award Earth Science Scholarship * Kate Seawell Endowed Scholarship in Art Fund Art & Art History Scholarship * Katherine L. Richardson Scholarship Fund English Scholarship * Kelly Estle Endowed Scholarship in Social Work Fund Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work Scholarship * Lager Russian Language Scholarship Russian Language Scholarship Laidlaw Fund ‐ Drama Department Drama Laidlaw Fund ‐ Music Department Music Language Professorship Foreign Language Faculty‐Professorship Geology Scholarship Les Radcliff Memorial Scholarship in Philosophy Philosophy Scholarship Lloyd Dendinger Scholarship Fund in English English Scholarship * Louise Austin McGrew Scholarship in Social Work Endowed Fund Social Work Scholarship * Macy Wims Reid Scholarship History Scholarship Margaret Pol Foreign Language Scholarship Foreign Language‐Literature Scholarship Marine Sciences Professorship Marine Science Faculty‐Professorship * Marx Endowed Scholarship in Philosophy Philosophy Scholarship * Mary Noland Glass Art Endowment Fund Art Scholarship Masters in Public Administration Health Policy Scholarship Fund Political Science Scholarship Math & Statistics Professorship Mathematics & Statistics Faculty‐Professorship Melton McLaurin Endowed Graduate Fellowship in History History Fellowship * Michael Hanna Endowed Communication Scholarship Communication Arts Scholarship * Mike Bartels Music Scholarship Fund Music Scholarship * Larry Hays Green Memorial Scholarship in Geology Endowment * Mike deGruy Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund * Mishra Memorial Endowment in Mathematics & Statistics Scholarship Mathematics & Statistics * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Arts & Sciences Scholarship Mobile Bay Heritage Award Mobile Rock & Gem Scholarship * National Association of Theater Owners of Alabama Neely Scholarship * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Scholarship Award‐Project Support Earth Sciences Scholarship Dramatic Arts Scholarship Scholarship USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * Nita Sellers Endowed Scholarship in Music Music Scholarship * Nita Sellers Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Music Music Scholarship * Olivia Rambo McGlothren Outstanding Faculty Scholar Award Philosophy Faculty‐Award Foreign Language‐Greek Studies Scholarship Foreign Language Scholarship Paideia Endowment ‐ Hellenic Studies * Patricia Lane Dyess Scholarship * Phi Sigma Iota Merit Scholarship Endowment Fund * Physics Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Physics Scholarship Physics Faculty‐Professorship Psychology Scholarship Political Science Endowed Scholarship Political Science‐Criminal Justice Scholarship Political Science Professorship Political Science‐Criminal Justice Faculty‐Other * PowerSouth Energy Cooperative Endowed Scholarship in Meteorology Earth Sciences Scholarship * Psychology Endowed Scholarship Psychology Scholarship Music Other * Renee' McGlothren Memorial Scholarship Philosophy Scholarship * Robert Snell Scholarship in Art Art & Art History Scholarship * Ronald & Dr. Sytske Kimball Meteorology Endowment Earth Science Scholarship * Rose Palmai‐Tenser Endowed Vocal Scholarship Music Scholarship Sandra McLaurin Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics Mathematics & Statistics Fellowship Shelley Memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing English Scholarship Sinnott Chair of Psychology Psychology Faculty‐Chair Sinnott Graduate Assistantship Endowed Fund in Psychology Psychology Graduate Assistantship Sociology & Anthropology Professorship Sociology, Anthropology & Social Work Faculty‐Professorship Sociology/Anthropology Scholarship Physics Professorship * Pinnacle Endowed Scholarship Reece & Rose Miller Musical Instrument Endowment * Sociology/Anthropology Endowed Scholarship * Spirit of Odyssey Endowed Scholarship * Stephanie Hardin‐Floyd Memorial Scholarship in History Scholarship History Stovall Endowed Student Research Competition Award Scholarship Scholarship * Sue Ellen Gerrels/R. Eugene Jackson Scholarship in Drama Drama Scholarship * Sue Houston Hanlein Endowed Scholarship for Piano Students Music Scholarship T. G. Jackson Endowed Scholarship TKE/Glen Sebastian/Joey Phillips Scholarship in Geography Scholarship Geography Scholarship * V. Gordon Moulton Memorial Scholarship in Glass Art Art‐Glass Art Scholarship * Victoria L. Rivizzigno Endowed Scholarship in Geography Geography Scholarship * Victorino S. Blanco Mathematics Scholarship Mathematics & Statistics Scholarship Marine Sciences Faculty‐Other Weise Speakers Fund for Marine Science * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * Wierzbicki‐Salter Chemistry Scholarship Endowment Chemistry * Wiggs Paleontology Award * William & Susan Youngblood Endowed Fund in Philosophy Williams‐Phillips‐Van Hook Scholarship in Chemistry or Nursing Scholarship Scholarship Philosophy Scholarship Chemistry Scholarship Department Type ATHLETICS Endowment Name Athletics Endowment Operations/Maintenance * Clifton Inge Endowed Book Award Book Award * Denny‐Gottfried Athletic Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Football Fund for Excellence Endowment Operations/Maintenance Forrest W. & Beverly B. Crowder Endowed Scholarship in Baseball Scholarship * George Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Ginni & Mike Boyd Endowment for USA Jag Basketball Program Operations/Maintenance James A. & Frances H. Yance Football Field House Endowment Operations/Maintenance James Taylor Scholarship Scholarship * Jim and Carol Statter Endowment Fund Scholarship Lubel Fund‐ Tennis Operations/Maintenance * Mayer Mitchell Quarterback Endowment Fund Scholarship * McKinney Family Endowed Scholarship Fund for Track Students Scholarship Pete Tolbert Night of Champions Endowment Fund Operations/Maintenance Shirley Holt Memorial Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Stan Wasiak Memorial Scholarship in Athletics Scholarship * Thomas & Barbara Corcoran Scholar Athlete Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Wilson Durgin Memorial Scholarship Scholarship BALDWIN COUNTY Endowment Name Department * Baldwin County Students Scholarship Scholarship Bob Lager Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Baldwin County Optimist Club of Daphne Endowed Scholarship USA Baldwin County Endowed Award Fund * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Type Scholarship Education Scholarship Award‐Other USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 BUSINESS Endowment Name Department Type Accounting Endowed Scholarship Accounting Scholarship * Alabama Young Bankers Association Scholarship Allen, Allen & Foster, CPAs Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Accounting * Aloyis Sonneborn Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Alton R. III & Toni G. Brown Assistant Fund in Real Estate * Bay Bank Endowed Book Scholarship in Finance Scholarship Scholarship Economics‐Finance Book Award BBVA Compass Endowed Scholarship in the Mitchell College of Business Ben May Chair of Entrepreneurship Faculty‐Chair Bobette & Lowell J. Friedman Scholarship Scholarship * Brian L. McGuire Endowed Scholarship in Accounting Accounting * Carl N. & Jewel O. Melton Endowed Entrepreneurship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Center for Supply Chain Education & Research Endowment Research/Other * Clarence M. Frenkel, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Cleverdon Scholarship Scholarship College of Business & Management Endowed Scholarship Management Scholarship Department of Management Faculty Development Fund Management Other Don & Sandra McCrory Book Award Book Award Donald L. Moak Endowed Banking Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Douglas L. Whitmore Endowed Scholarship in Finance Economics‐Finance Scholarship * Dr. Carl C. Moore Endowed Scholarship in the MCOB Scholarship * Dr. Donald C. Mosley, Sr. Endowed Scholarship in Business Scholarship * Dr. Paul Pietri Endowed Scholarship in Management Management Scholarship Endowed Chair in Banking Faculty‐Chair Ernest G. Cleverdon Chair Faculty‐Chair Frank R. Urbancic Faculty Fellow Award Faculty‐Chair * Frank R. Urbancic Scholarship in Accounting Accounting Scholarship * Grant Miller Davis Endowed Scholarship in Marketing Marketing & Transportation Scholarship * Hardin Eaves Endowed Accounting Scholarship Accounting Scholarship * Hartmann, Blackmon & Kilgore, P.C. Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Helen & Robert Sellers Scholarship in Business Business‐General Scholarship * Hollis & Carmel Shumock Endowed Scholarship in Business General Scholarship J. Gavin Bender Endowed Assistance Fund * Jack R. Brunson Memorial Scholarship for Excellence * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Award General Scholarship USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Jaguar Investment Fund Other * Jake & Pat Gosa Endowed Scholarships in the Mitchell College of Business Scholarship John Donavan Scholarship Scholarship * Lang Family Endowment Fund Accounting Scholarship * Laura & Wayne Davis Accounting Scholarship Accounting Scholarship * Luther E. Clements Scholarship in Accounting Endowment Fund Accounting Scholarship Management Faculty‐Other Management Faculty Development Fund * Mark Weaver Endowed Entrepreneurial Scholarship Scholarship Mehul Parikh Memorial Scholarship for MBA Students Scholarship Melton Center for Entrepreneurship Endowed Fund Other * Michael C. & Patsy B. Dow Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Mitchell College of Business Endowment‐‐Unrestricted Other Mitchell Endowment Other * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐MCOB Scholarship * Mostellar & Shreve LLP Endowed Scholarship in Accounting Accounting Scholarship * MSHRM Endowed Scholarship Human Resources Scholarship * Parker Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Peggy & John Seibert Family Scholarship Endowment Scholarship Pfilip and Luella Hunt Endowed Scholarship in Business Scholarship * PNC Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund in Finance Putcha Family Outstanding Accounting Student Endowed Award Scholarship Accounting Award * Regions Bank Endowed Undergraduate Scholars Program Scholarship * Rick & Julie Harvey Endowed Scholarship Fund in the Mitchell College of Business Scholarship * Robert & Joseph Hunsader Memorial Scholarship Fund Economics‐Finance * Russell and Cam Still Scholarship Endowment Fund * Russell, Thompson, Butler & Houston, LLP Scholarship in Accounting Endowment Fund Scholarship Scholarship Accounting Scholarship Scholarship ‐ Department of Management * Shoe Station Endowed Scholarship in Business * Stimpson Brothers Leadership Scholarship in Business Scholarship General * Thomas Corcoran Endowed Scholarship for Adult Students in the Mitchell College of Business Scholarship Scholarship Transportation Research Institute Other Turner Supply Endowed Book Scholarship Book Award Turnipseed Research Assistance Award Award‐Faculty * Vera Reed Accounting Scholarship Endowment * Warren H Nicholson Endowed Entrepreneurship Scholarship * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Accounting Scholarship Scholarship USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * White Spunner & Associates Inc. Scholarship in Real Estate Scholarship * Winthrop M Hallett III Free Enterprise Scholarship Endowment COMPUTING Endowment Name Department Type ACM Endowed Support Fund Operations/Maintenance Association of Computing Machinery Scholarship Scholarship * BBVA Compass Endowed Scholarship Fund for Cyber Security Scholarship CIS Faculty Development Fund Faculty‐Other CIS Innovative Equipment & Software Fund Faculty‐Other * Cisco and Venture Technologies Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Computer Science Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Computing Excellence Fund Denny & Marianne Wilkins School of Computing Award Award Scholarship‐Freshman * Doug and Casey Porter Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Dr. Matt and Amy Campbell Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship Dr. Rajani Ranade Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence Scholarship * Dr. Roy J. Daigle & Kathryn A Gradle in Information Systems Scholarship * Gordon & Geri Moulton Endowed Scholarship in the School of Computing Scholarship * Les & Alleen Barnett Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative‐School of Computing Scholarship * Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Cobb Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Neil & Laura Henderson Scholarship Scholarship * Pardue‐Landry Information Systems Scholarship Endowment Scholarship Robert Ryder Scholarship in Computer and Information Science Scholarship * Sandy and Jean Stimpson Scholarship in Computing Fund Scholarship * SoC Advisory Board Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * V. Gordon Moulton Memorial Scholarship in the School of Computing Scholarship * Wei & David Feinstein Endowed Scholarship for Rising Sophomore in Computer & Information Sciences Scholarship CONTINUING EDUCATION Endowment Name Department Type * Alexis Atkins Interdisciplinary Studies Scholarship Interdisciplinary Studies Scholarship * Bob Lager Endowed Scholarship Fund Baldwin County Campus Scholarship * Bobbie & Steve Hancock Endowed Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Scholarship * Bruce McCall Paralegal Scholarship Paralegal Studies Scholarship * Captain George A. Manders Endowed Fund in Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Studies Scholarship * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * Developmental Studies Endowed Award Developmental Studies Scholarship * Dr. Evelyn Kwan Green Scholarship in Hospitality and Tourism Endowment Fund Hospitality and Tourism Scholarship * Ed Bunnell AIS Scholarship * Interdisciplinary Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Interdisciplinary Studies * Jim and Liz Connors Hospitality Management Scholarship Endowment * Joycelyn Franklin Finley Trailblazer Scholarship Endowment Scholarship Interdisciplinary Studies * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative‐Continuing Education * Mobile Area Lodging Association Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Hospitality and Tourism Scholarship Odyssey USA * Spectrum Resorts Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Taylor Martino Endowed Scholarship in Paralegal Studies Paralegal Studies Scholarship * Thomas Corcoran Endowed Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies Adult Degree Program Interdisciplinary Studies Scholarship * USA PAWS Around the World Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad Scholarship EDUCATION Endowment Name Department Alane & Mark Hoffman Special Education Certification Endowed Scholarship * Barbara Phillips Endowed Award for Special Education Teacher Type Scholarship Special Education Scholarship Betty & Richard Wold Education Administration Endowed Scholarship Scholarship C. E. Hooten Scholarship Scholarship * College of Education Endowment Scholarship * Daniel Foundation of Alabama Endowed Scholarship for Teachers Scholarship Dr. Burette Stinson Tillinghast, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Dr. Chandru Hiremath Memorial Endowed Award in Instructional Design Development Scholarship Dr. George E. Uhlig Endowed Award Fund General Scholarship Dr. Richard L. Hayes Endowed Scholarship in School Counseling School Counseling Scholarship Dr. Vaughn Millner Endowed Scholarship in Counseling Scholarship Education Faculty Alumni Scholarship for Classroom Teachers Scholarship * Harold Bickel Memorial Scholarship in Education Endowment Scholarship Helping Hands for the Children Fellowship for Helping Hospitalized Children Fund Scholarship * J. Howe & Annie Bell Hadley Memorial Scholarship Scholarship * Jeanne M. Sanderford Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education Scholarship * John Hadley Strange Scholarship Endowment Scholarship * Lavonne Simon Endowed Book Award Lavord and Doris Crook Endowed Scholarship * Linda Reaves Endowment for Educators in Math and Science * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Book Award Scholarship Scholarship USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Lisa Mitchell Bukstein Developing Faculty Endowment Math & Science Faculty‐Other * Lisa Mitchell Bukstein Developing Students Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Education Scholarship * Patricia Kelly Lofton Endowed Scholarship for Teachers Scholarship * PNC Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund in Early Childhood Education Scholarship * Ralph Jones Memorial Scholarship Scholarship * Rotary Club of Mobile Scholarship Endowment Fund * Ruth M. Gwinn‐Heitman Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Health‐Phys Education‐Leisure Studies Scholarship * Student Leaders in Education Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Tour De Force Scholarship Scholarship Travis M. Bedsole, Jr and Susan Bedsole Endowed Scholarship in Education Scholarship Valerie R. Morgan Memorial Scholarship in Graduate Education Scholarship * White‐Spunner Endowed Scholarship in Education Fund William Chamberlain Technology Teaching Award Fund Williams Charitable Foundation Book Award Fund Scholarship Award Book Award Department Type ENGINEERING Endowment Name * Airbus Americas Engineering, Inc. Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Alabama Power College of Engineering Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Alabama Power College of Engineering Endowed Scholarship II * Alabama Power Scholars in Engineering * B. Keith Harrison Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Chemical‐Biomolecular Engineering Scholarship * Boise Cascade Endowed Engineering Scholarship Scholarship * Canoe Crew of 1988 Scholarship Scholarship Chemical Engineering Endowed Scholarship Chemical‐Biomolecular Engineering Scholarship Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship Civil Engineering Scholarship College of Engineering Scholarships Contractor's Licensing Board Scholarship Scholarship Civil Engineering Denny & Marianne Wilkins College of Engineering Youth Scholarship Program Scholarship Scholarship‐Youth * Douglas Engineering Scholarship Scholarship * Dr. Jagdish C. Dhawan Memorial Endowed Book Award Chemical‐Biomolecular Engineering Book Award * Dr. Joseph M. Olsen Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Scholarship * Dr. Ted Huddleston Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Chemical Engineering Chemical‐Biomolecular Engineering Scholarship * Eleanor & Jere Woolsey HBAA Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Electrical Engineering Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * Engineering Alumni Society Endowed Scholarship Engineering Excellence Fund Scholarship Award * Evonik Industries Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Fund Scholarship * Hargrove Foundation Scholarship in Engineering Endowment Scholarship Howard Philips Scholarship Trust Fund Scholarship * Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Scholarship Endowed Account Jim & Diana Laier Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Civil Engineering * Jim and Dianne Moore Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Fund * Laura Christine Prine Memorial Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Chemical‐Biomolecular Engineering Scholarship * MACE/Rayburn Engineering Scholarship Scholarship * Michael W. Esfeller, Sr. Memorial Mobile Oilmen's Association Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Engineering Scholarship * Mitsubishi Polysilicon Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering Scholarship * Mobile County Road Builders Association Endowed Scholarship Civil Engineering Scholarship * National Association of Women in Construction Scholarship Scholarship * Parish Scholarship Fund Scholarship Putcha Family Senior Design Project Endowed Award Chemical‐Biomolecular Engineering Award Reece & Rose Miller Endowed Engineering Staff Award Staff‐Award * Reece & Rose Miller Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Scholarship * Richard C. Messmer Endowed Scholarship in Engineering Scholarship * Richard C. Messmer Endowment for Student Athletics in the College of Engineering Scholarship * Ron & Gail Stallworth Chemical Engineering Scholarship Scholarship * SSAB Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Volkert Endowed Scholarship in Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Scholarship Warren H. Nicholson Endowed Graduate Assistantship Fund Electrical‐Computer Engineering Graduate Assistantship Warren H. Nicholson Endowed Professorship in Electrical & Computer Engineering Electrical‐Computer Engineering Faculty‐Professorship * Warren H. Nicholson Endowed Scholarship in Electrical & Computer Engineering Warren Nicholson Endowed Scholarship for Graduate Students in Electrical Engineering Scholarship Electrical‐Computer Engineering * Warren Nicholson Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Students * Wynne & Katherine Fuller Scholarship in Civil Engineering * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Scholarship Scholarship Civil Engineering Scholarship USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 ENROLLMENT SERVICES Endowment Name Department * American Legion Anna Reynolds Auxiliary Scholarship Type Scholarship‐Freshman Aubrey D. & Ellen Green Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Barry Brunson Memorial Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * BBVA Compass Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Blount‐Bark Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Brannon Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Captain Allen U. Graham Memorial Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Children of Employees Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Choctaw Scholarship Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Cimino Co‐op Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Dan and Judy Grafton Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Donna Ayers Scholarship in Elementary Education General Scholarship‐Freshman * Ekman Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Ethel W. Kroker Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Faculty & Staff Leadership Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman Fanny R. & Herbert A. Meisler Student Services Building Endowment Operations/Maintenance * Frank and Warrene Bolen Barbaree Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Flora Henderson Knight Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * G. David Johnson and Cecelia Murphy Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Handicapped Students Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Hazel R. Ivison Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Helen M. Nelson Charitable Trust Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Hinson International Student Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Honors Program Scholarship (1990) Scholarship‐Freshman Hooker‐Kubik Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Howard M. Phillips Scholarship Trust Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Hunter and Edna Waldrop Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * International Students Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * J. L. Bedsole Foundation Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship‐Freshman Jan Bolton Scholarship Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Jeremy Stephen Blanton Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * John C. Sipple Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * John Counts Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 * Joseph and Kathleen Denton Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Margie Malone Tuckson LeFlore High School Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Margie Malone Tuckson Murphy High School Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Marshall J. Walton Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Mobile County Foundation for Public Higher Education Scholarships for Excellence Endowment General Scholarship‐Freshman * PNC Bank Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Rotary Club of Mobile‐Sunrise Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * SAASOA Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * Smith and Williams Families Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Stallworth Scholarship & Lectureship Scholarship‐Freshman * Tim & Sandy Schultz Russell Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * Timothy K. Driggers Endowed Scholarship in Accounting I Accounting Scholarship‐Freshman * Timothy K. Driggers Endowed Scholarship in Accounting II Accounting Scholarship‐Freshman TKE Phillips Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * USA Board of Trustees Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * USA Medical Center Auxiliary Children of Employee Scholarship Scholarship * Vic and Betsy Briscoe Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship‐Freshman W. C. Blackburn Memorial Scholarship Fund * Wachovia Endowed Scholarship Wei & David Feinstein Endowed Scholarship in the School of Computing Scholarship‐Freshman Business‐General Scholarship‐Freshman Computer‐Information Sciences Scholarship‐Freshman * Wells Fargo Endowed Scholarship Scholarship‐Freshman * William C. Gorgas Trust Fund Scholarship‐Freshman * William D. & Irene Russell Ward Endowed Scholarship William H. Stimpson Premier Endowed Scholarship General Scholarship‐Freshman Business‐General Scholarship‐Freshman LIBRARY Albert Schweitzer Center & Group Study Room Other Brenda & Stan Hammack Endowment for the Library Other John Goodroe Endowed Library Book Fund for Ellwood (Woody) Hannum & Joseph Nigota Other Marx Family Library Endowment Fund Mary Elizabeth & Charles B Rodning Gallery of Art Endowment Other Sloan Endowment to Honor Albert Einstein Fund Other Sloan Endowment to Honor Mark Twain Fund Other The Vi Harper Reference Area Endowed Fund Other University Libraries Endowment Other * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 MEDICINE Endowment Name Department Type Abraham Mitchell Chair of Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Faculty‐Chair Adele Mantiply Pediatric Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship Alpha Omega Alpha Scholarship Scholarship Annie M. Ripps & Harry Meisler Endowment Other Baliga Memorial Fund Research/Other Barbara Corcoran Endowed Book Award Book Award Black Physicians Scholarship Scholarship C. F. Scott Endowed Chair Faculty‐Chair Center for Healthy Communities Endowment Fund Other Charles Bernard and Mary Elizabeth Rodning Endowed Surgical Education Fund Surgery Endowment Charles M. Baugh Lectureship Faculty‐ Lectureship Charles W. Urschel Scholarship Fund Scholarship Charlotte H. & Samuel Eichold Scholarship Scholarship Christopher Fund Other Class of 2014 Medical Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship Claudette Box Scholarship Scholarship Clyde G. "Sid" Huggins Endowed Scholarship Internal Medicine/Family Scholarship College of Medicine Class of 1981 Medical Alumni Endowment Fund Scholarship College of Medicine Class of 1983 Medical Alumni Endowment Fund Scholarship College of Medicine Class of 2013 Student Assistance Award Scholarship College of Medicine Endowment for Development HSB ‐ Short Term Other College of Medicine Endowment for Development HSB ‐ Long Term Other College of Medicine General Scholarship Scholarship College of Medicine Miscellaneous Endowment Other College of Medicine Scholarship Scholarship COM Basic Sciences Endowment Basic Sciences Other Cooke Neuroscience Endowment Other Courtney and Jack Hays Endowment Fund for Excellence in the College of Medicine Other Courtney & Jack Hays Endowment in the College of Medicine Other Crampton Chair of Gerontology Internal Medicine Faculty‐Chair Daniel F. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship in Pediatrics Pediatrics Scholarship Department of Medicine Research & Education Endowment Internal Medicine Research/Other Distinguished Chair of Cardiology Cardiology Internal Medicine Faculty‐Chair * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Donna B. Ledet Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Dowling Lectureship Fund in Pathology Pathology Faculty‐ Lectureship Dr. Cecil Parker Distinguished Endowed Lectureship Internal Medicine Faculty‐ Lectureship Dr. Edwin R. Hughes Memorial Endowment Basic Sciences Other Dr. Eric D. Weber Memorial Fund Dr. Gaylord T. Walker Endowed Professorship in Surgery Other Surgery Dr. Hiram and Mrs. Margaret Mendenhall Memorial Scholarship Faculty‐Professorship Scholarship Dr. J. Allan Tucker Endowed Fund for Faculty and Resident Development in Pathology Pathology Faculty‐Other Dr. John B. Bass Jr. Endowment for Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Other Dr. Jon D. Thornton & Dr. Christy S. Thornton Endowment for the College of Medicine Scholarship Dr. Joseph G. Hardin, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Dr. Richard Gurich Memorial Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Dr. Robert A. Kreisberg Gifted Medical Scholars Endowment Faculty‐Chair Dr. Thomas J. Wool Endowed Scholarship for the College of Medicine Scholarship Dr. Valentina Grishko Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Dr. William James Atkinson, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship Drs. Oscar and Winston Jackson Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Drs. Ron & Vicky Franks Scholarship Scholarship Emmett B. Frazer Lectureship in Surgery Surgery Faculty‐ Lectureship Eran & N. Q. Adams Endowed Lectureship in Medicine Neurology Faculty‐ Lectureship Eran & N. Q. Adams Endowed Scholarship in Medicine Neurology Scholarship Ermel Cross Burchett & Willie Mae Porter Research Endowment Obstetrics/Gynecology Other Health Services Foundation Chair in Radiology Radiology Faculty‐Chair Jacqueline Leverett Tucker Endowed Fund for Pathology Education Pathology Research/Other James A. Pulliam Scholarship in Medicine Internal Medicine Scholarship John A. Desak Award Award John L. & Alice Tanner Chair of Pulmonary Medicine Internal Medicine Faculty‐Chair John W. Donald Memorial Scholarship Fund in Surgery Surgery Scholarship L.W. Cave Family Endowed Scholarship for the College of Medicine General Scholarship LaVern and T.J. Smith Endowed Research Fund Research/Other Lewis D. Anderson Resident Education Endowment Orthopedics Other Locke Distinguished Chair of Orthopedics Orthopedics Faculty‐Chair Locke Distinguished Chair of Pathology Pathology Faculty‐Chair Locke Distinguished Chair of Pediatrics Pediatrics Faculty‐Chair Locke Distinguished Chair of Radiology Radiology Faculty‐Chair * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Loren Parmley Lectureship in Cardiology Cardiology Internal Medicine Faculty‐ Lectureship Louise Locke Fund Other Louise Pollock Greenwald Fund Other Mark K. McDonald Memorial Fund Scholarship Milton Leigh Endowed Professorship Faculty‐ Professorship Mobile County Tuberculosis Fund Other Moring Lectureship Fund Faculty‐ Lectureship Mr. & Mrs. Mendel P. Goldstein Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Murray Bander Endowment for the Center for Lung Biology Research/Other Musculoskeletal Neurological Oncologist Endowment Research/Other Neurosurgery Fund Neurosurgery Research/Other Orthopedic Faculty Endowment Orthopedics Faculty‐Other Pathology Education & Research Fund Pathology Research/Other Pathology Faculty Endowment Pathology Faculty‐Other Pharmacology Development Fund ‐ Short Term Pharmacology Other Premedical Student Scholarship Putcha Family Resident Award Scholarship Family Medicine R. L. Goldhamer Lectureship Faculty‐ Lectureship Racing Commission Endowment Fund‐ Long Term Other Racing Commission Endowment Fund‐ Short Term Other Radiology Fund Radiology Ralph B. Chandler Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Ralph Denny Wright Memorial Endowed Scholarship General Scholarship Randall W. Powell MD Lectureship in Pediatric Surgery Pediatrics Faculty‐ Lectureship Raymond S. Schear Memorial Biomedical Library History Section Baugh Biomedical Library Other Reese & Taylor Whitehead Research & Education Endowment Obstetrics/Gynecology Research/Other Regan Robinson‐Young Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Robert A. Kreisberg Endowed Lectureship Faculty‐ Lectureship Robert E. Russell Memorial Scholarship Scholarship SAMSF ‐ Distinguished Chair of Biochemistry Biochemistry‐Molecular Biology Faculty‐Chair SAMSF ‐ Locke Chair of Comparative Medicine Comparative Medicine Faculty‐Chair SAMSF ‐ Locke Chair of Physiology Physiology Faculty‐Chair SAMSF Cell Biology & Neuroscience Chair Cell Biology & Neuroscience Faculty‐Chair SAMSF Locke ‐ Distinguished Chair of Microbiology Microbiology‐Immunology Faculty‐Chair Samuel J. Strada Endowed Scholarship * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Other USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Samuel Strada Travel Fund for Basic Medical Science Grad Students Basic Sciences Semple Family Endowed Scholarship Social Service Fund Other Scholarship Surgery Stephanie A. Marsh Medical Scholarship Fund Other Scholarship Steven Karl Teplick M.D. FACR Memorial Award Fund Radiology Other Taylor‐Davis Scholarship in Physiology Physiology Scholarship Thomas Robert Johnson Endowed Scholarship in Surgery Surgery Faculty‐Other Tyler & Margaret Bland Endowed Research in Infectious Disease Internal Medicine Research/Other University Distinguished Professor of Family Practice Family Practice Faculty‐Professorship University of South Alabama Medical Alumni Scholarship Scholarship USA Medical Faculty Guild Mendenhall Scholarship Scholarship Virginia Webb Endowment Other Waterman Scholarship Scholarship William A. Mitchell Memorial Endowment for the Trauma Center Surgery William Frank Cope, III Memorial Scholarship Research/Other Scholarship Wiseman Scholarship in Pediatrics Pediatrics Scholarship Wiseman/Locke Distinguished Chair of Pediatrics Pediatrics Faculty‐Chair Department Type Wright‐Patton Charitable Trust NURSING Endowment Name * Alethea Hill Endowed Scholarship for Minority Nurses Amanda S. Baker Honorarium in Nursing Scholarship Other * Art & Shinta Stanley Endowed Book Scholarship Book Award * Baldwin County Student Nurses Association Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Celia A. Wallace Endowed Deans Fund Operations/Maintenance * Claude Staples McKee Baby Prince Book Award Book Award * Clint Harper Endowed Scholarship Scholarship College of Nursing Dean's Endowment Fund * Darlene Bailey Briggs and Monica Briggs Sullivan Endowed Scholarship Operations/Maintenance Scholarship Dearman Family Scholarship in Nursing Education Scholarship Debra Calvert Davis Nursing Scholarship Scholarship Dr. Cheryl Broadus Robinson Clinical Practice & Research Endowment Research/Other * Dr. Henrietta Brown Endowed Book Scholarship Book Award Dr. Kelly Stauter Endowed Scholarship in Traditional DNP Scholarship Dr. Sherry C. Daniels Endowed Scholarship Fund in Nursing Scholarship‐Faculty * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Drs. Mike & Janice Jacobs Endowed Scholarship for Emergency Nurse Practitioners Scholarship * Edna T. Miller Nursing Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship * Esther Danielson Jones Endowed Book Scholarship Book Award Gail Sands Scholarship in Nursing Scholarship Gilda Marie Tamaso Nursing Scholarship Scholarship * Gina L. & W. Allen Cox Jr. Endowed Nursing Scholarship Heather Hall Endowed Scholarship for Maternal Child Nursing Students * Jacobs Family Scholarship for Accelerated Nursing Students Scholarship Maternal Child Nursing Scholarship Scholarship * Jake & Pat Gosa Endowed Scholarships in Nursing Scholarship * Jane Walker Milburn & William Plaxco Walker Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Scholarship * Jeannette G. & Julius Kretzer Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * JoAnn S. Broadus Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Scholarship * Karen Hamilton Nursing Scholarship Scholarship Keasler Spillers Scholarship Endowment Scholarship * Mary Ahn Nursing Scholarship Scholarship * Mary Francis Robertson and Molly Lou Jones Scholarship Scholarship * Mildred Coleman Starnes Nursing Scholarship Scholarship * Mitchell Moulton Scholarship Initiative ‐ Nursing Scholarship * Morgan Lee Memorial Book Endowment * Peggy Reynolds Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Philomene B. Holmes Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Providence Hospital Endowed Nursing Scholarship Scholarship * R. L. & Annie Meaher Hill Nursing Scholarship Scholarship Regina Little Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Thersa Louque Roussel Memorial Scholarship in Nursing Scholarship * Tom and Mary Meyer Nursing Scholarship USA Endowed Scholarship for Students in the College of Nursing's Early Acceptance Program Scholarship Scholarship * USA Health System Employee Educational Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * USA Student Nurses Association Book Scholarship Book Award * Valorie C. Dearmon Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Scholarship W. C. Grant‐H. Kerbl Scholarship Fund Scholarship * William David Burden Nursing Scholarship Scholarship * Williams‐Phillips‐Van Hook Scholarship in Chemistry/Nursing Scholarship Zeta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau Scholarships in Nursing * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Scholarship USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 UNIVERSITY‐ ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Endowment Name Department Type SGE UCUR Endowed Award Research Award * Whiddon Honors Scholarship Program Scholarship UNIVERSITY‐GENERAL Endowment Name Department Type * 50th Anniversary Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Andrew and Daisy Agnew Endowed TriO Scholarship Scholarship Beth Anderson Endowed Scholarship Fund for USA Hospital/HSF Employees * Betty Jean Mitchell Scholarship Fund Scholarship General‐ Arts & Sciences, Allied Health or Nursing * Ella & Cody Wims Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad Scholarship Scholarship Fanny R. & Herbert A. Meisler Student Services Building Fund Operations/Maintenance General Endowment Other Restricted Grant's Pass Other Restricted * Henderson/Moe Second Chance Scholarship * John S. Keebler MD Endowed Scholarship for Pre‐Medical Students Scholarship Scholarship * Lee and David Stearns Children of Employees Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Michael & Michele Mayberry Order of the Arrow Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Miscellaneous Endowment Other Restricted * Mitchell‐Moulton Scholarship Initiative Endowment ‐ General Scholarship Moorer Fund Other Restricted * Mortar Board Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship Moulton Memorial Scholarship * Richard F. Miller Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund Scholarship South Alabama Endowment Other Restricted Telecommunications Other Restricted * USA Licensing Program Scholarship Scholarship UNIVERSITY‐PRESIDENT Endowment Name USA Children's' Park ‐ Perpetual Maintenance * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) Department Type Operations/Maintenance USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 UNIVERSITY‐STUDENT AFFAIRS Endowment Name Department Type * Ammons Student Leadership Scholarship Scholarship Beta Theta Service Endowed Scholarship Scholarship * Chi Omega Pearl Scholarship Scholarship * Christopher Thomas Student Leadership Scholarship Scholarship * David L Zimlich Leadership Award Endowed Fund Scholarship * Dr. Martin Luther King Black Student Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Emily Ulmer Feinstein Interfraternity Council/Pan‐Hellenic Scholarship Scholarship John A. and Barbara F. Peterson Endowed Emergency Award Fund Award * John and Carolyn Conn Endowed Scholarship Fund Scholarship * Malcolm R. Howell Scholarship Scholarship * Mark D. Fillers Scholarship in Memory of Valerie Evelyn Thacker Fillers Endowment Fund Scholarship Michael A. Swinton HIV/AIDS Awareness Initiative Endowment Award Michael T. Dowdy Memorial Award Scholarship Semoon & Youngshin Chang Endowed Award for Humanitarian Services Scholarship SGA Alumni Presidents Leadership Award Student Affairs Endowment * William & Elizabeth Sadler Memorial Scholarship Scholarship USA CHILDREN'S & WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Endowment Name Department Type Ann Briggs McCullough Memorial Book Endowment for CWH Other Carley‐Ferguson Endowment for Labor and Delivery Other Children's & Women's Endowment Fund Other Dr. Robert O. & Katherine Harris Endowment for USS Hope Other Geri Moulton Children's Park Endowment Fund Other Helping Hands for the Children Fund Other Mapp Child & Family Life Program Other Margarette G. Griffin Pediatric Cancer Research Endowment Pediatrics Research Endowment Name Department Type Bill & Anita Bush Trauma Department Endowment Trauma Other USA MEDICAL CENTER / MEDICAL PARKS Bloch Endowment Fund Other Hospital Equipment Fund Other Reba Caster Thomas Endowment Other * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 USA MITCHELL CANCER INSTITUTE Endowment Name Department Type A. I. Riker Endowment for Melanoma Research Research/Other Abraham Mitchell Chair Faculty‐Chair Annie & Demoval Hagood Fund for Cancer Research Research/Other Arlene and Mayer Mitchell Chair in Medical Oncology Endowment Fund Faculty‐Chair Audrey Joyce Grodnick Breast Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other Barbara Colle Chair Faculty‐Chair Breast Cancer Patient Assistance Endowment Fund Research/Other Cancer Drug Discovery & Development Research Endowment Fund Carolyn H. Patton Memorial Endowment Research/Other Corcoran Endowment for the MCI Research/Other Danley‐Aldridge Lung Cancer Research Endowment Fund Research/Other Daphne Driskell Calhoun Cancer Fund Research/Other Davi‐Ellen and Bruce Chabner Endowment for Outreach Research/Other Dr. Jean L. Watts Fund for Cancer Research & Drug Development Research/Other Dr. Jean L. Watts Fund for Cancer Research Equipment Research/Other Dr. Phillip Rubin Chair in Oncology Faculty‐Chair Dr. Robert O. & Katherine Harris Endowment for MCI Research/Other Eddie Reed Memorial Lectureship Endowment Fund Lectureship Edward L. Reed Endowment for Cancer Screening & Prevention Research/Other Elizabeth Jenice Riley Memorial Endowment at MCI Research/Other Elsie Colle Chair Faculty‐Chair Ethelyn B. Hays Endowment for the Mitchell Cancer Institute Research/Other Exline Pancreatic Cancer Scientific Investigation Endowment Research/Other Gaillard Pancreatic Cancer Research Endowment Fund Research/Other Grace Holloway & Susan King Breast Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other Gynecologic Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other Hung T. Khong, M.D. Clinical Trials Endowment Research/Other Jackie Stubbs Research Endowment Fund Research/Other Jacquelyn F. & Joseph F. Busta, Jr. Family Endowment for MCI Research/Other Kathy Eslava Cancer Stem Cell Research Endowment Fund Research/Other Ken & Ginny Bloch Endowment for Outstanding MCI Employee Award Award Lena T. Boggs and Ivan H. Butler Supportive Oncology Endow Research/Other Linda B. Moore Memorial Endowment Fund Research/Other * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative) USA Endowment Listing as of March 29, 2016 Margaret L. Mendenhall Memorial Cancer Research Fund Research/Other Mary Kate Foster Cancer Protocol Education Fund for the MCI Research/Other Mayer Mitchell Annual Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Research/Other Melanoma and Skin Cancer Endowment Research/Other Mitchell Cancer Institute Research Endowment Fund Research/Other Molecular and Metabolic Oncology Research Endowment Fund Research/Other Nair Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry Research Lab Endowment Research/Other Palliative Care Endowment Fund Research/Other Patricia Cobb Rodgers Mitchell Cancer Institute Endowment Research/Other Patsy Rhodes Brandau Gastroenterological Research Endowment Research/Other Peter Reed Clow Bone Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other Point Clear Polo Foundation Breast Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other R. L. & Annie Meaher Hill Cancer Lectureship Faculty‐Lectureship Robert O. & Katherine Harris Endowment for Mitchell Cancer Institute Research/Other Roger M. Katz Lung Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other Rotary Club of Mobile‐Sunrise Patient & Family Resource Center Shawn & Leyla Esfahani Breast Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other Sheila Hodges Endowment Fund Research/Other Sherry Barletta Pastoral Care Endowment Research/Other Sylvia Stein Newman Breast Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other The Roger M. Katz Lung Cancer Research Endowment Research/Other Toney‐Franssen Family Faculty Innovation & Leadership End Research/Other USA Mitchell Cancer Institute Research Endowment Research/Other Vincent F. Kilborn Jr. Cancer Research Fellowship Fellowship Vincent F. Kilborn, III Endowment Fund Other * Undergraduate scholarship (Qualifies for matching under Mitchell-Moulton Scholarship Initiative)