Student Success Checklist Freshman Year

Student Success Checklist
Freshman Year
Get an daily planner for organiza on, stay on top of important dates, and focus!
Get involved on campus: Sports, Intramural, GREEK, academic organiza ons, & college oriented events
Establish rela onships with Faculty, Academic Advisor, & JagPals early on
Visit with Career Services for resume and career planning advice & guidance
U lize career and personality assessment tests online for career prepara on: FOCUS 2
Pay a en on to Jag Alerts– if you’ve been alerted, visit with your faculty member or your academic advisor for plan of ac on
Prepare for midterms & finals throughout the semester– these exams generally have a big impact on your final grade
Visit the Wri ng Center & the Math Lab for academic support throughout the semester
A end career fairs this semester to prepare yourself for career fair processes and e que e
Take a moment and visit with your JagPal regarding any issues, concerns, ques ons, or feedback during the semester
Form study groups to maintain grades, or get a mentor/JagPal
A end Academic Success Workshops for maximum benefits & great study ps!
Sophomore Year
Form study groups to maintain grades, or get a mentor/JagPal
Take advantage of campus leadership opportuni es: JagPals, Orienta on Leader, SGA, Southerner, SI, organiza onal officer
Narrow down majors, if you’re s ll undecided, and meet with department chairs for more discipline specific informa on
Use Career Services Workshops: Prepare for the career fair, mock interviewing, dining e que e
Foster rela onships: Academic Advisor, Faculty, cohorts/student peers, JagPal, Administrators
Note any upcoming leadership opportuni es: UCUR, research assistantships, senior design projects, etc.
Interview key employers for informa on regarding industry– prepare, network, market your strengths!
A end Academic Success Workshops for maximum benefits & great study ps!
Pay a en on to key tests, JagAlerts, paper due dates, and supplemental instruc on workshops for academic success
Maintain resume: Add new ac vi es and experiences– meet with a Career Services representa ve for forma ng
Student Success Checklist
Junior Year
Apply for co‐op’s, internships, and off campus jobs for professional development
Get LinkedIn: Develop a professional presence online
Visit your academic advisor: Be sure you’re on track for gradua on and stay focused on keeping your grades up!
Join a professional organiza on– o en this results in industry networking vital to your career development
Mock Interviewing: Visit Career Services for prac ce for future interview success
Look into graduate programs at South Alabama and become engaged in higher learning
Be sure to a end Academic Success Workshops!
Prepare for finals and midterms– your GPA is vital in obtaining a good job a er college
Visit with faculty for guidance and support for professional and academic development
Consider becoming a SI leader or JagPal for leadership development
Senior Year
Visit with Alumni Development and learn how to stay involved a er gradua on
Solidify plans for your career– apply for full‐ me jobs early, at least 6‐8 months prior to gradua on
Visit with your academic advisor to make sure your gradua on applica on is complete
Join a professional organiza on– o en this results in industry networking vital to your career development
Finish your last semesters STRONG and stay focused!
Take advantage of leadership opportuni es on campus– this is a great resume builder!
Consider becoming a SI leader or JagPal for leadership development
Solidify your applica on for graduate/professional school, depending on your discipline
Encourage incoming freshman groups to stay focused by volunteering at campus events
A er gradua on, stay involved and visible on campus by a ending alumni events