Prior Knowledge and Authentic Experience m/s/SWIG-Survey1 Student Student selects a selects a meaningf meaningfu ul l and vivid experienc experience e but the appropriat key e for a distinctio public ns and project dilemma that begins is not a journey articulate toward d self reflection Use of Disciplinary Knowledge Student uses the readings to change key paragraph s to include writing techniques of expert writers. Student changes key paragrap hs but does not use the writing techniqu es with vivid clarity. Visual Knowledge and Storyboarding Student selects visuals that add a new dimension to the written text. The storyboard is connected in logical coherence. Student selects visuals that add a new dimensio n but the relation to the text is unclear. The storyboar d is vivid but its logical is Student selects a meaningf ul experienc e but presents it in a general way that does not make the reasons why it is meaningf ul apparent to the audience. Student uses expert techniqu es but in such a general way that the writing lacks individual ity Student selects visuals that create a confusing relation to the text. The storyboar d is incohere nt. Student selects an experienc e that is so general that its unique individual expressio n is lacking. The experienc e seems more of a fiction and unrelated to the actual experienc es of the student. Student does not use the writing technique s offered by expert writers. Student does not revise the draft in a way that makes it more unique. Student does not provide an adequate number visuals to the written text. The visuals are not in a coherent relation. The visual dimensio n to the written text is not provided and the storyboar d is not there. Social Knowledge: Collaborating with other Disciplines m/s/SWIG-Survey2 Voice unclear. Student Student offers a offers a creative creative approach approach to the to partners partners work by project first but does understan not quite ding it develop a through vision of significant the questions students and then project offering by asking gifts to significan add t another questions perspectiv . The e. “gifts” offered do not creatively respond to students’ goals Student Student uses the voice is volume good but and pace hard to needed for hear and the project understa and nd at practiced times. using the websites suggested. Student does not ask partner relevant questions about the post, nor does the student offer interestin g gifts to the partner. Student does not respond in time frame for collaborati on. Does not seem interested in other student. Student does not respond to partner. Student speaks too low or high and does not keep a clear pace with the slides. Student is inaudible at times during the productio n. Student did not complete the camtasia voiceover in time frame for the project. Use of Technology for Knowledge Production Student was able to master the directions for Camtasia and complete the project on time even adding additional sound or video. Student was able to master the direction s for Camtasia and complete the project on time. Student needed help with direction s and did not complete the project in the time frame. Presentation and Reflection Student did a presentati on and participate d in a group reflection on his/her own work. Student did a presentat ion and participat ed in discussio n but without a clear reflection on own learning process. Student did a presentat ion but did not reflect on project. WIG-Survey3 General Education Objective: Integrated Learning Student did not attend class during instructio n for Camtasia and did not make it up by following the directions for the project. Did not finish project entire Camtasia part. Student did not do a presentati on of project. Student did participat e in Camtasia productio n. Project was not ready for presentat ion stage.