Adult Interdisciplnary Studies AIS 101 Theories-Princ Adult Learning 3 cr

Adult Interdisciplnary Studies
AIS 101 Theories-Princ Adult Learning
3 cr
This course will assist students with clarifying education
goals, understanding effective learning methods, and
becoming acquainted with university resources, diversity,
and culture. It introdcues students to basic theories and
principles of adult education and development, with
emphasis on liberal education. The focus is to develop
written and oral skills to enhance student's critical thinking
and problem solving abilities. Assists students in defining
competencies needed for success in academic study,
professional leadership, and career opportunities. Students
will develop a working knowledge of Sakai and Skype.
AIS 300 Found of Inter Research
3 cr
Designed for AIS students, this course examines principles
of qualitative and quantitative research methods and their
application to interdisciplinary studies in the social sciences.
Emphasis is on the development of functional literacy for
information expressed quantitatively and the thoughtful
integration of such information into academic and practical
research projects.
AIS 301 Intro Interdis Studies (ADP)
3 cr
Introduction to the various disciplines within the Humanities
with emphasis on the role each plays in a liberal arts
education. Identical with CLA 105. Credit cannot be received
for both CLA 105 and AIS 105. Core Course.
This course introduces students to the field of
interdisciplinary studies adult development theory. The
course challenges students to connect education with
personal development, the workplace, and the community.
AIS 301 is required of all ADP students and must be taken
before AIS 380. Prerequisite: AIS 101 for students with less
than 64 credit hours, an approved graduation plan, and
junior or senior standing.
AIS 110 Encounter the Natural Sciences
AIS 305 Issues in Human Services
AIS 105 Encounter with the Humanities
3 cr
3 cr
Introduction to the various disciplines within the natural
sciences with emphasis on the role each plays in a liberal
arts education.
AIS 115 Encounter the Social Sciences
3 cr
Introduction to the various disciplines within the social
sciences with emphasis on the role each plays in a liberal
arts education.
AIS 120 Encounter Fine Perform Arts
3 cr
Introduction to the various disciplines within the fine arts with
emphasis on the role each plays in a liberal arts education.
AIS 125 Professional Conduct
3 cr
Introduces students to primary sources in ethical theory and
includes readings and discussions of theories of human
nature. Provides a basis for understanding one's rationale
for personal moral decisions and offers a foundation for an
approach to the ethics of business.
AIS 201 Seasons of Life
3 cr
An interdisciplinary media-assisted course in which students
study human development from the biosocial, cognitive,
and psychosocial perspectives with special emphasis on
the adult years. Through readings, audio, written exercises,
and class discussions, students explore the theories and
research findings of life span development which enable
them to reflect on their own lives as well as the lives of
AIS 290 Sp Top -
1 TO 6 cr
A variable topics course treating special themes. May be
repeated for credit when course content varies.
AIS 294 Dir St -
1 TO 3 cr
Directed study of a topic consistent with the student's
individualized program under the supervision of a member
of the university faculty.
3 cr
An interdisciplinary course for students who plan to work in
the helping professions (counseling, social work, nursing
etc.). Guest speakers from various disciplines present
information about their fields. Discussion topics include:
similarities and differences in the helping professions, the
helping relationship, empathic communication, multicultural
and legal issues, and stress and burnout management.
AIS 315 Women's Issues in Workpl-Comm
3 cr
This course will examine contemporary issues faced by
women in the workplace and the community from an
interdisciplinary perspective. Some of the topics to be
covered are gender communication issues, developing
a leadership plan, playing the game, power talk, conflict
management from a woman's point of view, international
development, and women, sexuality and labor.
AIS 320 Cultural Diversity
3 cr
An interdisciplinary exploration of issues related to
interactions between diverse groups in teams, communities,
and organizations. Reviews research from a variety
of disciplines, introduces the history and law of equal
opportunity in the U.S., and examines the costs and
benefits of diversity. Topics include prejudice, stereotyping,
affirmative action, barriers to mobility, discrimination,
marginalization, mentoring, cooperative teamwork, and
international issues.
AIS 350 Writing for Interdisc Resrch-W
3 cr
Builds on the foundation laid in freshman composition,
stressing critical thinking, analysis, and research. It aims to
prepare students for AIS 380 and other courses requiring
extensive research.
Pre-requisite: ACT English 27( or SAT Critical Reading 550
or University - EH101 Exempt P or EH 101 Minimum Grade
of C or EH 110 Minimum Grade of D or EH 190 Minimum
Grade of D or USA 010 Minimum Grade of S) and (EH 102
Minimum Grade of C or EH 105 Minimum Grade of C)
AIS 380 Research Methods/Thesis Dev-W
3 cr
This course prepares the student to design and conduct
a senior research project. Focuses on topic selection,
research methods, and proposal writing. AIS 380 is required
of all students wishing to complete a senior research thesis
and must be taken prior to AIS 430. A minimum grade of 'C'
is required to pass the course. Prerequisites: AIS 300; AIS
301; AIS 350; approved graduation plan.
Pre-requisite: AIS 300 Minimum Grade of C and AIS 350
Minimum Grade of C and (AIS 301 Minimum Grade of D or
IST 302 Minimum Grade of D)
AIS 401 Adults in Society
3 cr
Adults in Society is a media-assisted course that uses print
material, videos, written assignments, and class discussions
to explore issues which relate to adult development.
Using interdisciplinary approach, students will examine
the relationship of adults to their families, work and
AIS 405 Issues Ideas-Humanities
AIS 490 Sp Top -
1 TO 6 cr
A variable topics course treating special themes. May be
repeated for credit when course content varies.
AIS 494 Dir St -
1 TO 3 cr
Directed Study of a topic consistent with the student's
individualized program under the supervision of a member
of the university faculty.
AIS 499 Honors Senior Thesis - H - W
3 OR 6 cr
A substantial research project reflecting a commitment to
genuine scholarship in the student's field of study. Provides
an opportunity for the student to design a comprehensive
research project, analyze and synthesize research data, and
develop expertise in a particular subject. Fulfills the senior
project requirement for the honors program.
Pre-requisite: AIS 380 Minimum Grade of A
3 cr
Identification and analysis of current concepts and problems
in the humanities and their relation to the needs, values, and
operation of modern society.
AIS 410 Issues and Ideas-Nat Science
3 cr
Identification and analysis of current concepts and problems
in the natural sciences and their relation to the needs,
values, and operation of modern society.
AIS 415 Issues Ideas-Social Sciences
3 cr
Identification and analysis of current concepts and problems
in the social sciences and their relation to the needs, values,
and operation of modern society.
AIS 420 Comm Dev and Leadership
3 cr
Presents the conceptual foundations of community
development and leadership, including basic concepts,
methods and literature. Student teams gain practical
application through researching an issue and designing a
community deliberation to address that issue. The course
lays foundations for further study and practice in the field.
AIS 425 Adult Education and Training
3 cr
This project-based course explores the interdisciplinary
nature of adult education and training. Students will examine
its history, philosophy, learning theories, current applications
in education institutions and business, and its future as an
international and technology-enhanced enterprise.
AIS 430 Senior Research Thesis - W
3 TO 6 cr
An in-depth research project in the student's concentration.
Provides an opportunity for the student to design a
comprehensive research project, analyze and synthesize
research data, and develop expertise in a particular subject.
AIS 430 is required for all students wishing to complete a
senior research thesis.
Pre-requisite: AIS 380 Minimum Grade of C