LC/6A, -tc q /-3 AN EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDY OF DENSITY-WAVE OSCILLATIONS IN TWO-PHASE FLOW George Yadigaroglu Arthur E. Bergles Report No, .DSR74629-3 (HTL No. 74629-67) Contract Nonr-3963(15) ineering Projects Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Mas sachus etts Institute of Te chnology ~imbridge, Massachusetts 02139 December 1969 ENGINEERING PROJECTS ,NGINEERING PROJECTS GINEERING PROJECTS 7INEERING PROJECTS ~NEERING PROJECTS -EERING PROJECTS ERING PROJECTS RING PROJECTS ING PROJECTS 'G PROJECTS PROJECTS. PROJECT' F ROJEC')JEr LABORATORY LABORATOR' LABORATO' LABORAT' LABORA LABOR LABO LAB' LA L 11. -11190 1111 AN EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL STUDY OF DENSITY-WAVE OSCILLATIONS IN TWO-PHASE FLOW George Yadigaroglu Arthur E. Bergles prepared for Power Branch Office of Naval Research Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. under Contract Nonr-3963 (15) Engineering Projects Laboratory Department of Mechanical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted by the U.S. Government Distribution of this Document is Unlimited Report DSR 74629-3 ERRATA p. 39 Title of Table 2.3: replace Section4 p. 62 16th line: replace %eqiAed by speciiled p. 139 2nd line: replace boiing channet Fig. 3.4 Ordinate should be by Lengths inge-phue tegion by 6 instead of 66 Fig. 4.1 Solid lines refer to UNIFORM and dotted lines to COSINE heat flux distribution Fig. 5.2 Labeling of curves in lower figure: Replace and argH* by 27r - argQ* and 2ir - argH* Fig. 5.6 4th line of caption: delete Fig. 5.12b Fig. 5.14 Labeling of the curves: label 0.75 label 0.125 the unlabeled curve the curve labeled Label horizontal axes Delete 0 ' Replace 6h Replace h Delete the Z 6Z' from Delete the 0.1.25 by 6 hob Replace 6h Fig. 5.15 Eq. (5.38) bb from 6 h b by 6 hfbb by 0 from Sh'b 6 ZOb Fig. 7.7 4th line of caption: mode2 should be mode Fig. 8.2 Label 6W0 the arrow entering block 2 5 70 P2 argQ* , respectively IIIII III I Abstract A theoretical and experimental investigation of fundamental aspects of density-wave oscillations was undertaken. The experimental Freon-113 loop was operated at atmospheric pressure level with constant pressure drop across a single test channel. A wide range of inlet temperatures, flows and heat inputs was covered. The regions of unstable operation of the channel were mapped for both uniform and "cosine" heat flux distributions. The effect of the cosine distribution was stabilizing. The period of the oscillations was approximately equal to twice the "transit time", defined as the sum of one half the residence time of a fluid particle in the single-phase region plus the vapor transit time in the two-phase region. At high subcoolings and low power levels unexpected "higher-order" oscillations were detected. These were characterized by frequencies that were multiples of the expected values. When the regions of unstable operation were classified according to the "order" of the oscillation, a coherent stability map emerged. The order of the oscillation is related to the number of nodes in the standing enthalpy waves generated by oscillating flow in the single-phase region. Analytically the stability of the channel is investigated by oscillating the inlet flow. The linearized dynamics of the single-phase region account for heat storage in the channel walls and for the effects of the static and dynamic pressure variations on the movements of the boiling boundary. The description of oscillatory two-phase flow is Lagrangian and distributed in space. Considerable simplification in the calculation of the pressure drop is achieved via subdivision of the channel into intervals separated by points of constant enthalpy. The space variations of the fluid properties are taken rigorously into account while the variations of the saturation enthalpy and the relative velocity between the phases are treated approximately. The theoretical procedures used for predicting the steady-state condition in the boiling channel were tested by extensive pressure drop measurements. The predictionsof the stability model are compared to the experimental observations. 53 5220 Acknowledgements This investigation was sponsored by the Power Branch of the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nonr-3963 (15). Thanks are due to Professors E.A. Mason, P. Griffith and H. Fenech for discussion of various aspects of this work. The Engineering Projects Laboratory staff gave technical assistance. The machine computations were performed at the M.I.T. Information Processing Center and at the Mechanical Engineering Department Computer Facility. Acknowledgement is also due to Miss Anne Hsu for her diligent typing of the manuscript. InNIM00"pp" - ------""NOPWAN""M I - -... Iwwlmw IN1111 - 5 - TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag List of Figures 10 List of Tables 13 Nomenclature 14 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 1.1 Definition of the Problem 1.1.1 Density-Wave Oscillations - The Physical Phenomenon 19 20 22 Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Water Reactors 24 Previous Work at M.I.T. 25 1.4 Experimental Work 1.4.1 Higher-Mode Oscillations 26 27 1.5 Analytical Models 1.5.1 Single-Phase Region 1.5.2 Two-Phase Region 1.5.3 Stability Criterion 28 30 31 32 1.2 1.3 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS 34 2.1 Description of the Loop 2.1.1 Heated Test Section Assembly 2.1.2 Operating Range 35 38 40 2.2 Instrumentation 2.2.1 Pressure Measurements 2.2.2 Flow Measurements 2.2.3 Electric Power Measurements 2.2.4 Temperature Measurements 2.2.5 Other Measurements 41 41 42 44 44 45 Chapter 2: Chapter 3: 3.1 PREDICTION OF THE STEADY-STATE OPERATING CONDITIONS IN THE BOILING CHANNEL General Calculation Procedure 3.2 Pressure Drop 3.2.1 Frictional Pressure Drop Single-Phase Region Two-Phase Region 46 47 48 49 49 50 -6Page 3.2.2 3.2.3 Gravitational Pressure Drop Acceleration Pressure Drop 51 51 3.3 The Segment Containing the Bulk Boiling Boundary 52 3.4 Prediction of the Void Fraction 53 3.5 Void Fraction in the Subcooled Boiling Region 54 3.6 Temperature Profile 56 3.7 Heat Losses 56 3.8 Parametric Study of the Pressure Drop 3.8.1 Effects of the Inlet Temperature and the Mass Flow Rate 3.8.2 Relative Importance of Friction, Gravity and Acceleration Terms Chapter 4: 4.1 MEASUREMENT OF STEADY-STATE PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE PROFILES AND COMPARISON WITH PREDICTIONS 57 57 58 59 60 Experimental Procedure 4.2 Measured Pressure and Temperature Profiles 4.2.1 Total Pressure Drop at the Threshold of Stability 61 62 4.3 Accuracy of the Predictions 4.3.1 Pressure Drop Predictions 4.3.2 Temperature Predictions 62 62 65 4.4 Effect of Subcooled Boiling 66 4.5 Choice of the Void Fraction Correlation 66 4.6 Observed Hysteresis in 4.7 Effect of the Heat Flux Distribution on the Pressure Drop 4.8 The Pressure Drop in Piping 4.9 Conclusions Chapter 5: 5.1 the Pressure Drop Characteristic- 67 70 the Unheated Entrance DYNAMICS OF THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION Dynamics of the Heated Wall 5.2 The Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy Transfer Function 5.2.1 Solution for Arbitrary Heat Flux Distribution Non-Dimensional Form'of the Transfer Functions Characteristic Constants High Frequency Approximation 70 71 73 75 80 80 84 85 86 IMMINIMN, - 7 Page 5.2.2 Solutions for Given Heat Flux Distributions 5.2.3 91 91 Understanding the Physical Phenomena A Lagrangian, Non-Linear Solution An Exact Non-Linear Lagrangian Solution The Position of the Boiling Boundary 5.3.1 5.3.2 Effect of the Enthalpy Variations Effect of the Pressure Variations 5.3.3 Static Pressure Effects - Variable Saturation Enthalpy Along the Channel Dynamic Pressure Effects The Flow-to-Position-of-the-Boiling-Boundary Transfer Function 5.4 Remarks The Pressure Drop in the Single-Phase Region 5.4.1 The Equivalent Inertia Length DYNAMICS OF THE TWO-PHASE REGION - THE LAGRANGIAN ENTHALPY TRAJECTORY MODEL Chapter 6: Introduction Derivation of the Basic Equations 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 89 89 90 Importance of the Wall Heat Storage Importance of the Unheated Portions of the Wall Uniform Versus Cosine Power Distribution Effects of Channel Segmentation 5.3 88 90 6.1 6.2 Uniform Heat Flux Distribution Exact Chopped Cosine Heat Flux Distribution Stepwise Varying Heat Flux Distribution 87 88 Heat Flux Distribution and Wall Heat Storage Effects 5.2.4 Case of Negligible Heat Storage in the Wall - Low Frequency Approximation Case of Highly Conductive Wall The Continuity Equation The Energy Equation Summary of the Solutions First-Order Approximation Zero-Order Approximation A Remark on the Character of the Model 92 92 93 95 98 98 98 99 99 100 102 102 103 105 105 107 109 111 114 115 116 117 - 8 Page 6.3 118 Calculation of the Pressure Drop 119 119 121 6.4 Computation Procedure 6.4.1 Reference Steady State 6.4.2 Time-Dependent Hydrodynamic Calculations 6.5 Chapter 7: 124 Comments on the Method PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE STABILITY EXPERIMENTS 128 129 130 7.1 Experimental Procedure 7.1.1 Blowdown Tests 7.1.2 Data Collection 7.2 7.3 7.4 126 Determination of the Threshold of Stability Similarity Considerations and Non-Dimensional Parameters 132 Data Reduction 136 134 7.5 Stability Maps 7.5.1 Higher-Mode Oscillations 7.5.2 Zero-Order Stability Boundaries - Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 137 138 7.6 Period of the Oscillation 7.6.1 Time Delays in the Channel 7.6.2 Period of the Oscillation at the Threshold of Stability 7.6.3 Period of the Oscillations in the Unstable Region 143 143 7.7 Cosine Versus Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 146 7.8 Oscillation Amplitude in the Unstable Region The Limit Cycle 7.9 STABILITY ANALYSIS 144 145 - Experiments to Confirm the Mechanism of HigherOrder Oscillations 7.10 Summary and Conclusion Chapter 8: 142 147 147 149 150 8.1 Stability Criterion 8.1.1 Range of Frequencies 151 152 8.2 Computer Program for Stability Analyses 8.2.1 Exit Pressure Perturbations 8.2.2 Phase of the Pressure Perturbations 8.2.3 Options and External Corrections 8.2.4 Performance of the Code 153 154 155 155 156 8.3 Prediction of the Threshold of Stability 8.3.1 Discussion of the Discrepancies 8.3.2 Higher-Mode Oscillations and Transitions 156 157 161 110 111iki - 9 Page Chapter 9: GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9.1 Steady-State Work 162 162 9.2 Stability Work 9.2.1 Experimental Results 9.2.2 Theoretical Results 163 163 164 9.3 Recommendations 9.3.1 Experimental Work 9.3.2 Analytical Work 166 166 166 REFERENCES 168 Appendix A: PRESDROP, a Computer Code to Predict the SteadyState Operating Conditions in the Boiling Channel Al Appendix B: The Physical Properties of Freon-113 Bl Appendix C: Auxiliary Functions for Pressure Drop Calculations * Cl Appendix D: Steady-State Pressure Drop Data Dl Appendix E: Stability Data El Appendix F: Enthalpy Trajectory Model (Computer Program) Fl FIGURES Distribution List - 10 - LIST OF FIGURES Page Fig. 2.1 Schematic of Apparatus with Overall Dimensions 2.2 Coding of Loop Equipment and Test Section Dimensions 2.3 Cross-Sectional Detail of Test Length and Coupling 2.4 Flow Measuring Instrumentation 3.1 Comparison of Void Fraction Correlations 3.2 Point of Net Vapor Generation as Predicted by Two Models 3.3 Effect of the Inlet Temperature on Various Parameters 3.4 Effect of the Mass Flow Rate on Various Parameters 3.5 Relative Importance of the Friction, Gravity and Acceleration Terms. Contour Map at 792 Btu/hrft 4.1 Predicted and Measured Total Pressure Drop at q" = 4700 Btu/hrft 2 4.2 Predicted and Measured Total Pressure Drop at q" = 9400 Btu/hrft 2 4.3 Predicted and Measured Total Pressure Drop at q" = 14100 Btu/hrft 2 4.4 Pressure Profiles at 4700 Btu/hrft 2 , Cosine Heat Flux Distribution 4.5 Pressure Profiles at 9400 Btu/hrft 2 , Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 4.6 Pressure Profiles at 14,100 Btu/hrft 2 , Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 4.7 Accuracy of the Pressure Drop Predictions for All Threshold and Transition Points 4.8 Pressure Drop Hysteresis 4.9 Temperature Profiles for Points A and B of Fig. 4.8 5.1 The Heated Wall 5.2 Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy and Flow-to-Heat-Flux Transfer Functions at z = 2 ft 5.3 Definition of the Delays as Used in this Work 76 85 1=0110101INNOW11611 ill,114 1111AINHIMIM N111.1161, - 11 - Page Ig 5.4 Parametric Study of the Enthalpy Perturbation at the Boiling Boundary, 6 hb 5.5 Chopped Cosine Heat Flux Distribution 5.6 Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy Transfer Function Along the Channel. Zero-Order Oscillation 5.7 Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy Transfer Function Along the Channel. First-Order Oscillation 5.8 Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy Transfer Function Along the Channel. Fourth-Order Oscillation 5.9 Comparison of the Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy Transfer Functions for Uniform and Cosine Heat Flux Distributions. Zero-Order Oscillation 5.10 Comparison of the Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy Transfer Functions for Uniform and Cosine Heat Flux Distributions. Fourth-Order Oscillation 89 5.11 Effect of the Channel Segmentation on the Flow-to-LocalEnthalpy Transfer Function 5.12 Enthalpy Perturbations Along the Channel, 6V/Vo = 0.1 5.13 Enthalpy Perturbations Along the Channel, 6i//Vo = 1 5.14 Effect of the Pressure on the Movement of the Boiling Boundary 5.15 Effect of the Dynamic Pressure Variations on the Movement of the Boiling Boundary 6.1 Definition of Coordinates 108 6.2 Time-Independent Reference Conditions in the Boiling Channel 119 6.3 Trajectories of the Center-of-Volume (and Constant-Enthalpy) 122 Planes 7.1 Stability Map at 100 W/TL, Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 7.2 Stability Map at 200 W/TL, Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 7.3 Stability Map at 300 W/TL, Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 7.4 Stability Map at 100 W/TL ave., Cosine Heat Flux Distribution 7.5 Stability Map at 200 W/TL ave., Cosine Heat Flux Distribution 7.6 Recordings of Oscillations - Transition Points - 12 - Page Fig. 7.7 First Occurence of Instabilities and Fundamental Mode Oscillation Boundaries 7.8 Stability Boundaries for Uniform Power Distribution, Zero-Order Points Only 7.9 Stability Boundaries for Cosine Power Distribution Zero-Order Points Only 7.10 Stability Map in the Dimensionless Enthalpy Pressure Drop Plane - Zero-Order Points Only 7.11 Period of the Oscillations at the Threshold of Stability - All Orders at 200 W/TL 7.12 Period of the Oscillation at the Threshold of Stability Zero-Order Points Only - Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 7.13 Period of the Oscillation at the Threshold of Stability Zero-Order Points Only - Cosine Heat Flux Distribution 7.14 Period of the Oscillation Within the Unstable Region (Contour Map) 7.15 Enthalpy and Single-Phase Delays - Uniform Versus Cosine Heat Flux Distribution 7.16 Typical Oscillation Recordings 7.17 Stability Map in the Enthalpy - Subcooling Plane E Series Experiments 7.18 Stability Map in the Enthalpy - Single-Phase-Length Plane - Series E Experiments 8.1 Open Loop Block Diagram of the Boiling Channel 8.2 Closed Loop Block Diagram of the Boiling Channel 8.3 Correlation of the Period of the Oscillation 8.4 Open Loop Transfer Functions at Low Subcooling 8.5 Open Loop Transfer Functions at High Subcooling 8.6 Vector Diagram of Perturbations as Typically Predicted by the Model 157 8.7 Corrections to Predicted Perturbations 158 WINW40 Pill" - 13 - LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1 Characteristics of the Experimental Loop 36 2.2 Selected Physical Properties of Freon-113 37 2.3 Physical Properties of the Test Sections 39 2.4 Operating Range of the Independent Variables 40 4.1 Definition of the Heat Flux Distributions Used Throughout This Work 59 Accuracy of the Total Pressure Drop Predictions at the Threshold of Stability and the Transition Points 63 Effect of the Relative Velocity Between the Phases (As Predicted by the L-M Correlation) on the Gravitational and Acceleration Pressure Drop 68 4.2 4.3 7.1 C.1 Range of the Independent Variables During the Stability Experiments Range and Accuracy of the Numerical Fits of the Auxiliary Functions 128 187 - 14 - NOMENCLATURE Symbols which occur only infrequently and are explained in immediate context have not been included in this list. A coherent system of units is assumed; the conversion factors that are necessary when British units are used were not included in the formulas. Latin Alphabet A flow area A(z) coefficient, Eq. (5.29) a coefficient defined by Eq. (5.9) B coefficient, Eq. (5.30) C coefficient, Eq. (5.13) c specific heat of the liquid D inside diameter of the channel d thickness of the channel wall E(z) coefficient, Eq. (5.14) F(s) complex expression, Eq. (5.20) f Fanning friction factor G mass flux g acceleration of gravity H(z,s) flow-to-local-enthalpy transfer function, Eq. (5.34) h enthalpy h forced convection heat transfer coefficient (Chapter 5) d1l" - 15 - h latent heat of vaporization j imaginary unit j volumetric flux density (Chapter 6) j volumetric flux density in the moving frame of reference (Chapter 6) K(s) complex expression, Eq. (5.32) k thermal conductivity of the wall Lh length of the channel from Station 1 to exit, Fig. 2.2 L(s) complex expression, Eq. (5.33) It length P heated perimeter of the channel Pr Prandtl number Plw(s) flow-to-pressure-drop-in-the-single-phase-region function, Eq. (5.51) Plz position-of-the-boiling-boundary-to-pressure-drop-in-thesingle-phase-region transfer function, Eq. (5.50) p pressure Q(z,s) flow-to-heat-flux transfer function, Eq. q total heat input rate q. heat input rate per test length (i = 1,7) q' linear heat input rate q"Iheat (5.36) flux q''' volumetric power density Re Reynolds number s complex frequency, Laplace variable (Chapter 5) s slope, Section 6.2.4 transfer - 16 - T temperature t time V velocity v specific volume vfg v w mass flow rate Z(s) flow-to-position of-the-boiling boundary transfer function, Eq. (5.48) z axial coordinate, measured from Station 1, Fig. 2.2 z' axial coordinate, measured from exit, z' = Lh - z zbb coordinate of the boiling boundary, measured from fg W(s) - vf gf open loop transfer function, Chapter 8 Station 1 z in equivalent inertia length, Section 5.4.1 Greek Alphabet a void fraction thermal diffusivity (Chapter 5) of the wall coordinate in the moving frame of reference, Section 6.2 A wavelength, Section viscosity p average density of the liquid-gas mixture, p a + p(- a surface tension T period of the oscillation Tc time constant, Eq. (5.39) - 17 - Th convective time constant, Eq. (5.38) Tk 2 wall conduction time constant, Eq. (5.37) #t Lockhart-Martinelli, two-phase friction multiplier (relative to liquid phase) 2 # gtt Lockhart-Martinelli two-phase friction multiplier (relative to gas phase) SI coefficient, Eq. (6.3) W angular frequency, 2w/T Operators d differential operator a partial derivative A difference 6 small perturbation sum average Subscripts ac acceleration b bulk (mixed-mean) bb boiling boundary d point of net vapor generation, Section 3.5 e segment exit ex channel exit f liquid phase f feedback (Chapter 8) - 18 - fg transition from liquid to vapor fr friction g gas phase gr gravity in inlet of segment i enthalpy mesh point (Chapter 6) in inlet of heated section in inertia (Chapters 5 and 8) liquid phase sat saturation subb subcooling with respect to the boiling boundary, Section 7.4 suin subcooling with respect to the heated channel inlet, Section 7.4 0 average value at inlet (Station 0 or 1) 1 single-phase region 2 two-phase region 00, 0, 1, ., 8, ex Stations along the channel, Supercripts center-of-volume-plane index, Section 6.4.2 reference steady state dimensionless quantity peak amplitude -~-~ Fig. 2.2 I lilllMillnbl ildllel ~~ ~ ~ g ,Il||11,1 unlII, - 19 - Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The study of instabilities occurring in two-phase flow systems was initiated approximately thirty years ago. Greatly increased attention was given to these problems in the last fifteen to twenty years with the advent of high power density boilers and boiling water reactors (BWR). Review articles that appeared in this period follow the historical developments [1-6]*. The particular subject of this work, the so-called "density-wave oscillations," will be outlined in this introductory chapter within the larger framework of two-phase stability phenomena. A brief preview of the subsequent chapters is given in Sections 1.4 and 1.5. Chapter 2 describes the experimental apparatus. Chapters3 and 4 deal with the prediction and the measurement of the steady-state conditions in the channel. They need little introduction and can be left aside without loss of continuity by the reader more interested in the stability problems. phase region. Chapter 5 treats the dynamics of the single- A model for the dynamics of the two-phase region is devel- oped in Chapter 6. The stability experiments are described in Chapter 7. The dynamic models developed in Chapters 5 and 6 are then assembled in Chapter 8 to predict the threshold of stability. The work is concluded in Chapter 9. Each chapter can be read independently as cross references * Numbers in square brackets designate references listed in pages 168-174 - 20 - provide the necessary links to other sections. 1.1 Definition of the Problem It is first necessary to make the distinction between microscopic instabilities which occur locally at the liquid-gas interface, for example etc., the well known Helmholtz and Taylor instabilities, bubble collapse, and macroscopic instabilities which involve the entire two-phase flow channel. Acoustic waves, shock waves, and critical flow phenomena constitute another important family of two-phase dynamics problems characterized by relatively high frequencies. Only macroscopic channel instabilities, involving relatively slow transients (time constants of the order of a few seconds) will be considered here. These can be essentially categorized as instabilities of flow distribution among several parallel channels and flow instabilities in a single channel. The first, is beyond the scope of this work which deals only with one important class of singlechannel flow instabilities. The major distinction between single and parallel channels stems from the formulation of the boundary conditions. For example, consider a BWR core. To study the redistribution of flow among the subassemblies in the case of some large external disturbance, it is necessary to examine the entire primary loop. On the contrary, when the stability of the hot channel alone is investigated, it is sufficient to specify the pressure at the inlet and exit plenums, as flow changes in a single channel will not affect significantly the total flow, and consequently the pressure drop, across the core. Therefore, whenever the conditions at the channel limits are sufficiently specified at all - 21 - times, the problem reduces to a single-channel instability. There has been considerable confusion in the past as many experiments were designed without making an effort to clearly define the boundaries of the unstable part of the system. In particular, system-induced instabilities have often interfered with more fundamental oscillation modes. Furthermore, the term "parallel channels" has been used frequently to recall a constant-pressure-drop boundary condition, while it might have been used more properly to denote flow distribution phenomena. It is clear that it is necessary to solve first the stability problems in a single channel before attempting to synthesize the parallelchannel solutions. The discussion that follows is limited to single channels. The thermo-hydrodynamic instabilities occurring in a boiling channel can be classified in several ways. According to the circulation mode, it is possible to make the distinction between instabilities occurring with natural and forced convection. Considering, however, the similarity of the appropriate boundary conditions this distinction is removed. Only the range of certain parameters will differ in the two cases. A more fundamental approach would be to characterize the instabilities by the nature of the phenomena taking place. explicitly done so in the past. Few investigators have The general term of "two-phase flow instabilities" was used for dissimilar phenomena. Recent publications [5,7] have finally brought some order and clarity, and, most importantly, categorized the various kinds of possible instabilities. The distinction will be made first between static or excursive and - dynamic or oscillatory instabilities. classical example of the first type. 22 - The Ledinegg instability is the Stenning and Veziroglu [7], in their experiments with Freon-li, have encountered two major modes of dynamic instabilities, which they have termed "density-wave oscillations" and "pressure-drop oscillations." Their findings are believed to be representative of the general situation. They have also reported the occurrence of "thermal oscillations" in their experimental apparatus, and postulated a mechanism for these based on a relatively rare combination of flow and heat transfer characteristics. Instabilities generated by particular phenomena (flow regime transitions, nucleation, etc.) that for some reason acquire a major importance under unusual conditions, for example these thermal oscillations, seem to defy a priori classification. Therefore, the list of instability mechanisms should be left open to include these minor types. Pressure-drop oscillations occur (like the Ledinegg instability) when the pressure drop across the channel decreases with increasing flow. They contrast, however, the Ledinegg instability by their oscillatory nature. Their frequency is of the system, governed by the volume and compressibility and they occur in the low exit quality region only, where the pressure drop - flow rate characteristic exhibits a negative slope. 1.1.1 Density Wave Oscillations - The Physical Phenomenon The density-wave oscillations that constitute the subject of this work are due to the multiple regenerative feedbacks between the flow rate, the vapor generation rate, and the pressure drop. Inlet flow fluctuations 11lllimbI IMMURE IN MIN 1111161 - create enthalpy perturbations in 23 - the single-phase region. When these reach the boiling boundary they are transformed into void fraction perturbations that travel with the flow along the channel, creating a dynamic pressure drop oscillation in the two-phase region. Since the total pressure drop is imposed upon the channel externally, this twophase pressure perturbation produces a perturbation of the opposite sign in the single-phase region, which in turn creates further inlet flow variations. It is evident that with correct timing, the perturbations can acquire appropriate phases and become self sustained. Therefore, transportation delays in the channel are of paramount importance for the stability of the system, although inertia effects are also responsible for the generation of phase shifts. This led to the suggestion that these oscillations be called "time-delay" oscillations. Emphasizing the feedback mechanism, Neal and Zivi [5] named them "flow-void feedback instabilities". Oscillation of any physical system requires a mechanism for intermittent storage and release of some particular form of energy. In the present case, for constant heat input, the total energy contained within the channel varies according to the mass flow rate. At high flow rates little energy is stored; when the flow diminishes the amount of energy contained in the channel increases. Transient heat storage in the channel walls, variation of the saturation temperature with pressure, compressibility effects, and thermal non-equilibrium constitute auxiliary energy storage and release mechanisms, that can create additional phase shifts. Many other secondary phenomena also contribute to the fundamental feedback mechanism described above, e.g.: variable heat transfer, flow - 24 - regime changes, the relative velocity between the phases, etc. Although none of these is the cause of density-wave oscillations, they might acquire under certain conditions a controlling role. The class of instabilities considered here will be further specialized by the boundary condition that the pressure drop across the boiling channel is maintained constant. This is approximately the case when the pressure drop-flow rate characteristic of the system is sufficiently "stiff." The boundary condition is even closer approximated in the most unstable channel (probably the hot channel) of a large array of parallel channels. Furthermore a natural circulation loop can be described in this fashion if the cold leg is included as part of the channel [5]. 1.2 Density-Wave Oscillations in Boiling Water Reactors The safety and operational evaluation of the BWR's provided the main incentive for the numerous two-phase flow stability studies. Although the first investigators attempted to explain the flow instabilities in BWR's in terms of the rather unique reactivity-void coupling, e.g. [8], it was soon realized that these phenomena could usually be accounted for by purely hydrodynamic considerations. The void-reactivity feedback plays an incidental, but contributing, role in the overall reactor stability. It is now generally believed that the thermo-hydrodynamics can be profitably studied independently of the dynamics of the reactor. this premise several theoretical investigations [9-18] and test loop stability experiments [19-24] followed. On - 25 - BWR's operated at relatively low pressure levels, and The early consequently their power density was limited by flow stability considerations. The large commercial BWR's built or planned in the United States in the late sixties, operate at higher pressures and have overcome Their thermal output is limited by the critical the stability problems. heat flux ratio. There is, however, no assurance that new, economically improved designs will not bring back the concern about the thermo-hydrodynamic stability. Futhermore, flow stability is an important consideration in the design of pressure-tube reactors and will probably be the limiting factor in the design of large scale low-pressure desalination plants. The typical BWR has a closed box subassembly. It stands therefore between the open lattice core and the single tube channel. It is suspected that two-dimensional effects in the rod bundle do somehow alleviate the stability problems. No theoretical work has been reported on the stability of rod bundles. This is not surprising as the difficulties of predicting even the steady-state operation are considerable. The reactor designers have to rely on full-scale tests of pressure tubes and rod bundles to verify their stability, e.g. [25,26]. 1.3 Previous Work at M.I.T. A number of previous investigations prepared the ground for the present work. Steady-state experiments with fluorocarbons in heated glass tubes provided the necessary experience with such systems [27,28]. Early stability experiments [29] gave very valuable indications and guided the conception of the present experiment. Extensive surveys of the two- phase flow literature [30] and a detailed survey of the stability - problems 26 - [31] provided for the collection and classification of the background information. Crowley, Deane and Gouse [32] reported the first experimental results obtained with the present equipment. The experimental part of this investigation is essentially an expansion and completion of their work. 1.4 Experimental Work The primary goal of the present experimental work was to produce a complete stability map that could be used to test various analytical models. The experimental facility, described in Chapter 2, was designed [33] to produce density wave oscillations under well defined conditions, without interference from other kinds of instabilities. The constant- pressure-drop boundary condition was assured by a large bypass in parallel with the test channels and a sufficient condenser volume. Although the facility had three vertical, identical parallel test channels, all the experiments were run, as described in Chapter 7, with a single channel in order to avoid any possible coupling between channels. In practice, the independent variables were easily controllable; thus the system could be operated at any point within its range. This contrasts the experiments conducted with natural circulation, e.g. [19,20,21,23], where only certain curves could be followed in the operational space. With Freon-113 as the test fluid, the experiments could be pursued safely inside the unstable region without encountering excessive heated wall temperatures. The instabilities where thus dissociated from the - 27 - burnout phenomena, and valuable information on the limit cycle could be gathered. In many similar experiments a primary fluid loop was used to transfer heat to the test channel. The use of easily controllable elec- tric heating in the present experiment eliminated potential coupling of the test channel dynamics with the primary heat source dynamics. Glass was used extensively to permit visualization of the flow. Visual observations of the oscillating test channels provided valuable insight into the problem. Operation at atmospheric pressure levels emphasized phenomena that would have been unimportant at higher pressures. The effect of the axial heat flux distribution has been recognized earlier [9,20] but very little experimental data areavailable. Segment- ation of the heated test sections permitted simulation of non-uniform heat flux distributions and evaluation of their effect on the stability of the channel. 1.4.1 Higher-Mode Oscillations The occurrence of "higher-mode" oscillations and transitions from mode to mode inside the unstable region was observed during the experiments, and is described in Section 7.5.1. As no published reports on such behavior could be found in the literature, part of the experimental program was reoriented to examine closely these phenomena. The higher- mode oscillations were characterized by periods that were equal to a fraction only of the expected period. In fact, for density-wave oscil- lations, it has been well established that the period is approximately - equal to twice the "transit time", 28 - i.e. the time required for a fluid particle to travel through the channel. This can be intuitively under- stood by considering the fact that the perturbations travel with the flow and that the inlet flow perturbation is approximately of phase with the pressure perturbations. 180* out Examination of the single- phase dynamics (Chapter 5) and a series of ad hoc experiments (Section 7.9) established that these higher modes were associated with the presence of "standing enthalpy waves" in the single-phase region. 1.5 Analytical Models Analytical investigations of stability in two-phase flow start with the fundamental mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations [6,34], augmented by semi-empirical relations such as heat transfer rate equations, pressure drop correlations, etc. Obviously if enough detail is built into a model, it should be possible to predict all excursions and oscillations. This is, however, impractical in general, and the models must be specialized to suitably treat certain classes of problems. Care must be exercised then to include all features essential to the phenomena being considered. The equations of the present problem are space and time dependent. Direct integration of these is impossible unless drastic simplifications are made. The possible solutions can be classified according to the methods used to eliminate the space and time dependences and arrive to a stability criterion [37]. The models are termed lumped if the space variable is eliminated by integration along the channel, assuming a priori some approximate space dependence. They are called distributed when the 01111, 29 - - In the time space dependence is derived rigoiously from the equations. domain, the equations are either linearized, to permit application of the well-developed control theory, or treated numerically in a nonlinear fashion. Although the notion of the boiling boundary, i.e. the point of the channel where the mixed-mean enthalpy reaches saturation, artificial, it is it rather is will be used extensively throughout this work. In fact, necessary to treat separately the single-phase and the two-phase regions in order to incorporate in each formulation all the essential features; the boiling boundary provides a convenient separation. Moreover, a number of experimental observations can be explained by considering the dynamics of the boiling boundary alone. The existing analytical stability models fall into two categories. In the first, the models, in taking into account all possible effects evolve into complex computer codes, e.g. [12] or inextricable algebra, from which little physical understanding can be extracted. There are also relatively cumbersome or expensive to use for preliminary survey calculations. In the second category, the models are reduced to a simple form, which either limits their applicability or compromises seriously their accuracy. Credit must be given, however, to some models in this cate- gory for contributing to the physical understanding of the stability phenomena. A middle course was taken here. Fragmentation of the model into smaller, independent blocks permitted retention of enough detail without - 30 - loosing touch with the physics of the problem. The stability model presented can be characterized as hybrid, in the sense that it makes use of both linear, frequency-domain and non-linear, time-domain solutions. As described in Chapter 8, given the steady-state conditions at some point, the approximate frequency of a potential oscillation can be obtained. Indeed it is shown in Chapter 7 that the frequency of the oscillation is uniquely correlated to channel variables. of the channel is frequency. The stability then tested by oscillating the inlet flow around this For these calculations, the single-phase region and the two- phase region are dealt with separately. Single-Phase Region 1.5.1 The single-phase region is treated in Chapter 5 in a rather conventional fashion; the equations are linearized and solved in domain. It is indeed generally agreed that linearized models predict adequately the threshold of stability. enthalpy with pressure, The variations of the saturation at the boiling boundary are taken into account, while they were neglected in previous formulations. however, is the frequency Subcooled boiling, ignored for lack of an adequate dynamic description. The importance of heat storage in the channel wall and variable heat transfer have been recognized and the dynamics of the heated wall were incorporated in the formulations of the single-phase region. As shown in Section 5.2.3, the often neglected wall dynamics might play under certain conditions an important role. EEH Him IiiII, - 31 - Solution of the equations of Chapter 5 yields the oscillations of the boiling boundary and the variations of the single-phase pressure drop when the inlet flow is oscillated. These two are then used as inputs to the two-phase dynamics model. Two-Phase Region 1.5.2 The treatment of the two-phase region is novel. A Lagrangian description was used and exact distributed solutionswere obtained with a minimum of simplifying assumptions. Model" is The resulting "Enthalpy Trajectory described in detail in Chapter 6. Use of a Lagrangian approach limits, however, the applicability of the model to channels with axially uniform cross-section and heat flux.Variations of the heat transfer from the wall are less important in the boiling region where the heat transfer coefficient is weakly dependent on velocity and quality. the model does not permit an accounting of these effects. The structure of Thermodynamic equilibrium between the phases was assumed and, although the treatment of the two-phase region is non-linear, the application of the equations is confined to small and medium flow perturbations. Flow reversals, for example, cannot be dealt with. The various existing models that deal with the dynamics of two-phase flow are oriented toward high pressure systems as they do not take into account the variations of the saturation temperature and other properties with pressure in space. Moreover, incorporation of time dependent property variations increases the difficulty of obtaining numerical solutions by an order of magnitude [35]. A compromise was reached here by using a reference pressure profile which takes into account the space variations of the properties. This reference profile is provided exter- - 32 - nally with any available degree of accuracy. The time dependence of the saturation enthalpy is taken approximately only into account (Chapter 8). The stability model does not make use of the various semi-empirical correlations required for the steady-state calculations but rather uses a fundamental technique to determine the deviations from the reference state. The enthalpy trajectory model is used in Chapter 8 to predict the pressure drop in the two-phase region with oscillating flow. 1.5.3 Stability Criterion Once the pressure oscillations in channel are obtained, the two distinct regions of the use of the constant-pressure-drop boundary condition allows the stability criterion to be written in its simplest form 6Ap 1 + 6Ap 2 + 0 the single-phase where the two terms are the pressure perturbations in and the two-phase regions, respectively. In Chapter 8 this criterion is put into a more convenient form for use in the stability analysis. The procedure of predicting the threshold of stability outlinedabove allows one to follow the calculations step by step. Physical understand- ing of the phenomena and the effect of parametric variations can be easily extracted from the model. As a test of the theory, a computer program was written to investigate the stability of the present experimental system. In Chapter 8, the theoretical predictions of this code are compared to the experimental data. - 33 - Although the stability model exhibited a qualitatively correct behavior, the predicted threshold of stability was not in agreement with the experimental observations. As discussed in detail in Chapters 8 and 9, effects that could not be included in the theory, for example lack of thermodynamic equilibrium and radial heat transport effects in the single-phase region, seemed to be mainly responsible for the discrepancy. It is recommended that the model is further tested under different experimental conditions, including high pressure water systems. - 34 - Chapter 2 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS The basic experimental apparatus used in this work was described in detail in previous publications that originated from the project [32 - 33]. A brief description will be repeated here for completeness, and numerous innovations that were made in the instrumentation will be discussed. The equipment evolved from previous designs [29], and was designed with flexibility and simplicity in mind. The vital part of the loop, the test-section assembly, consists of three parallel heated glass channels in parallel with a large bypass whose function is to maintain a constant The test fluid enters the pressure drop across the heated channels. three channels at the bottom and flows, while evaporating, vertically upward. Use of glass in the loop permits visualization of the flow, but limits the attainable pressure level. Subdivision of each channel into seven individually powered test lengths permitted simulation of non-uniform heat flux distributions, similar to those encountered in boiling water reactors. The rig was designed for Freon-113, although other test fluids can be used. Freon-113 was well suited for the test program since it has a boiling point of 118*F at atmospheric pressure, a low vapor pressure, and a latent heat of vaporization about one tenth that of water. It is thus possible to produce any exit quality and even superheated vapor with modest power, at low temperature and without any fear of burnout. Moreover, Freon-113 is U111 - 35 - relatively inexpensive, and exhibits the desirable properties of fluorocarbons, i.e. it is non-corrosive, non-toxic, electrically nonIt has, however, conductive, non-flammable, and chemically stable. several potentially undesirable properties: a very low thermal conductivity, high air solubility, and high degree of wettability. These properties may significantly influence the heat transfer behavior relative to that obtained, for example, with water. 2.1 Description of the Loop Figures 2.1 and 2.2 are schematic diagrams of the loop. Figure 2.1 describes in detail the hardware and general instrumentation, while Fig. 2.2 gives exact test section dimensions and codes important components. The basic flow system consists of: the pump, located well below the entrance of the test sections to avoid cavitation; the main flow lines; the pump bypass that permits isolation of the test sections; the total flow metering lines; the main (HXl) and test section (HX2) preheaters; the test-section assembly in parallel with the large bypass; the condenser and after-condenser; the downcomer; and the precoolers used to lower the fluid temperature before reaching the pump. Glass was extensively used to permit visual observations of the boiling phenomena and to monitor system performance. Two preheaters were necessary in order to be able to keep the temperature in the bypass below saturation, while still independently varying the test-section inlet temperature. The flow is divided between the pump bypass and the test sections by adjusting valves Vl, V6 and V3 or V2. The test-section bypass valve, V9, controls the pressure drop across the test sections. - 36 - Two condensers were thought to be necessary to eliminate noncondensible gases from the main condenser; the idea was to maintain the condenser pressure slightly above atmospheric and allow a slow leakage of vapor to the after-condenser. This, however, did not provide a sufficiently constant exit pressure when the vapor generation rate was varied during the experiments. For this reason, after an initial degas- sing, sufficient cooling was provided to the main condenser to keep the pressure at atmospheric level (see also 4.1). The condenser volume and cooling were sufficient to eliminate any dynamic pressure variations. The flow area in the test section preheater HX2 was large enough so that there was essentially no frictional pressure drop across it for the range of flows passed through the heated sections. There was, however, an inertial pressure drop in this leg (see 5.4.1). The constant- pressure-drop region therefore extended from point 00 (Fig. 2.2) or to a lesser approximation point 0, to the channel exit (ex). The heated region between points 1 and 8, is described in more detail below. Table 2.1 gives more general information about the loop. Table 2.2 summarizes a few important properties of the test fluid for convenient reference. Table 2.1 Characteristics of the Experimental Loop Construction Materials Brass, copper and glass. Pump 40-hp centrifugal pump, manufactured by Buffalo Forge. "Chem-rated" AVS size 50. Double mechanical carbon seals. 150 gal/min at 235 ft of water head. -011111 - 37 , - Table 2.1 Concluded Heat Exchangers and Condensers Tube and shell type, manufactured by American-Standard. Cooling and heating by mixture of steam and water. Charge of Freon-113 Approximately 700 lbm. Electric power to the test sections Seven* General Radio Variac W20G2 autotransformers, 220 V primary/0 to 330 V secondary. Total power available Approximately 12 kW maximum (limited by autotransformer load). * An eighth autotransformer could be used to power all seven Variacs at reduced load in order to preserve the power distribution while changing the total input. Table 2.2 Selected Physical Properties of Freon-113 [41,42,43] Chemical name and formula trichlorotrifluoroethane, CCl 2F-CClF2 Boiling point 117.6*F at 14.7 psia Liquid density 97.7 lbm/ft3 Critical Point 417.4 *F; 495.0 psia Latent heat of vaporization 63.1 Btu/lbm at 14.7 psia Specific heat of the liquid 0.213 Btu/lbm at 70 *F Prandtl number of the liquid 7.3 at 100*F Liquid-to-vapor density ratio 195 at 15.4 psia, 137 at 20.5 psia See also Appendix B (1.565 g/cm ) at 77 *F - 38 - Heated Test Section Assembly 2.1.1 The test channels were made of Pyrex EC electrically conducting glass tubing. Seven test lengths, each 15-in. long, stacked and coupled with 0.5-in. thick coupling plates, comprised the heated portion of a test section. Figure 2.2 gives the important dimensions and Fig. 2.3 shows the details of the coupling. The three test channels were connected to a common header at the inlet, to a large transparent riser at the exit. A short unheated length of copper tubing was provided at the end of each test section to bring the channel exits above the liquid level in the riser. The liquid from the riser was directly drained to the down- comer (Fig. 2.1), while the vapor was passed to the condenser. Struc- tural rigidity and alignment were provided by three metal rods running along the test sections, through the plastic couplings. Two instrument taps were provided in each coupling for each of the channels: a 0.042-in. dia. pressure tap and a 0.062-in. dia. thermocouple well. The glass tubes were coated with a thin, optically transparent, electrically conductive film. Heat was supplied to the tubes by passing an electric current through this resistive coating. The temperature coefficient of resistivity of the coating was estimated to be of the order of 10~4 /C. Thus, in contrast with other investigations where a second fluid was used to supply heat, the heat supply was essentially constant in time (except for the negligible effect of time-varying heat losses) and easily controllable. Each Variac was powering all three test lengths at one level; the power was equally distributed by means of adjustable trimmer resistors. U11, - 39 - The factory tin oxide coating was somewhat uneven resulting in a rather consistent, slightly non-uniform axial resistance distribution. Typically, the linear resistivity curve presented two humps situated at 1/3 and 2/3 of the total length. The peak to average ratio was 1.15 for the few tubes measured (1.33 if the unheated length is taken into account). The actual heat flux distribution would be slightly flattened by axial heat conduction. Electric power was supplied to the tubes by wire braid power leads coiled around a heavier coating at each tube end. the coupling plates and the power leads The presence of the couplings, leaves an unheated length of 2 to 2.5 in. at each experimental station, referred to in later chapters as cold spot. The physical properties of the glass test sections are summarized in Table 2.3. Table 2.3 Physical Characteristics of the Test Sections Geometry: Overall length Heated length Diameters Flow area 15 in. 13 in. 0.510 in. OD 0.0010085 ft 0.430 in. ID. 7740 Pyrex Glass (Corning Glass Works) Material Physical Properties of the glass [44,45]: 3 density 162 lbm/ft heat capacity 0.21 Btu/lbm*F at 250*F thermal conductivity 0.75 Btu/hrft*F at 250*F thermal diffusivity 0.022 ft 2/hr at 250*F safe operating temperature 480*F Conductive coating: thickness. approximately 16 x 10-6 in. optical transparency 70 percent total resistance 100 to 200 Q - 2.1.2 40 - Operating Range As noted earlier, the pressure level is limited by the glass portions of the loop. The maximum heat input to the test sections is given by the acceptable autotransformer load or the permissible safe heat flux. The mass flow rate was limited by the liquid evacuation capability of the riser, which had an inadequate liquid drain; at exit liquid flow rates in excess of 4000 lbm/hr flooding of the riser occurred. The temperature of the city water determined the lowest inlet temperature obtainable (380 F during the coldest winter days). The range of variables, as summarized in Table 2.4, was generally sufficient for the present experiment. Table 2.4 Operating Range of the Independent Variables Pressure level (condenser) 0 to 20 psig Maximum average* "safe" heat flux (inside diameter) 16000 Btu/hrft # corresponding to 680 W/test length or to a linear heat rate of 1800 Btu/hrft Flow rate (per tube) up to 4000 lbm/hr Inlet velocity up to 12ft/s Exit quality subcooled liquid to superheated vapor Inlet subcooling 0 to 100 OF 2 * averaged including the unheated lengths at the experimental stations successful operation at 50,000 Btu/hrft2 has been reported [27] N - Ift 41 - 2.2 Instrumentation The loop was equipped with a large number of instruments as shown in Fig. 2.2. Channel C, which was generally the only channel used, was equipped with thermocouples and pressure transducers at all couplings. Although the primary measuring elements (venturis, pressure transducers, and thermocouples) were the same for both the steady-state and the stability runs, different recording instrumentation was used for each type of experiment. The millivolt transducer signals were measured with a precision d.c. vacuum tube volt meter (Hewlett-Packard, Model 412A) during the steady-state runs. A direct-writing oscillograph (Visicorder, Model 906B, manufactured by Honeywell; 12 recording channels) was used during the stability runs to record all the rapid transients. 2.2.1 Pressure Measurements Bourdon type precision pressure gauges were used to monitor the condenser pressure (P95) and the pressure at the bottom of the test sections (P93). An open mercury manometer was connected to the inlet header (Station 0). During the blowdown experiments (Section 7.1.1) the level of the liquid in the graduated bypass was also used to determine the inlet pressure. Transducers were connected to the pressure taps at stations 0 to 8. A variety of "unbonded strain gauge" differential and gauge pressure transducers were used. Their usable ranges extended from 1 psi to 30 psi. They had been calibrated individually and their calibrations were often checked using the liquid level in the test sections as a reference. - 42 - The reference side of the differential pressure transducers was either connected to the condenser or left open to the atmosphere. Occasionally, to extend the range of the differential transducers, a liquid Freon head was applied as reference. Regulated d.c. voltage excitation to the transducers and passive signal adjustments were provided by a set of eight strain gauge bridge adapters supplied by the Ramapo Instrument Co. (Model SGA-100B). Whenever necessary, simple RC filters were installed between the bridges and the recording instruments to eliminate the 60 Hz pickup. During a single run, the total observed transducer drifts were generally below 0.1 psi, typically between 0.03 and 0.1 psi, depending on the range of the individual transducer. This drift, caused by thermals and introduction of vapor into sensing lines, was considered in the data reduction. Flow Measurements 2.2.2 Three venturis in the unheated inlet section of the channels provided both the static and the dynamic flow measurements. The calibra- tion and characteristics of these units, designed to produce a minimal pressure drop, are given in Ref. [32]. Pressure lines, approximately one foot long, were used to feed the pressure signals to three differential pressure transducers (± 1 psid), in parallel with three inverted U-tube Freon manometers used for static measurements only. Great care was exercised in eliminating trapped gas from the pressure lines. The transducer signal was read with the d.c. VTVM during the steadystate runs. As this signal is approximately proportional to the square - -16 - 43 &WIN11 I - of the flow, it was necessary to further process it in order to readily interpret transient flow recordings. An amplifier having a square-root response was built to perform this function and is Fig. 2.4. shown schematically in This unit had provisions for variable gain and convenient calibration. Unfortunately the pressure transducers available had e resonant frequency in the vicinity of 10 Hz. It was therefore necessary to follow After a few trials, the square-root amplifier by a RLC low-pass filter. a satisfactory filter having a 60 db/decade attenuation after a cutoff frequency of 6 Hz (10 percent drop at 1.2 Hz, 60 percent at 5 Hz) was obtained. Finally, an integrating circuit was built to provide the average flow value during the flow oscillations. The average flow was obtained from the average slope of the integral signal, recorded over a few oscillation cycles. The entire flow measuring instrumentation shown in Fig. 2.4 performed quite satisfactorily at moderate flow oscillations. However, when flow blockage, reversals or vapor flowback from the heated sections occurred, large discrepancies were observed. The venturi, being non-symmetric, gave an erroneous reading for reverse flow even without vapor entrainment. As mentioned above, the large diameter ratio venturi was chosen to minimize the pressure losses and was delivering a very weak signal at low flow (0.04 psi at 1 ft/s). It might have been beneficial to use instead a simple orifice to get identical calibration in both directions and a larger, direction-sensitive pressure signal (a venturi gives a pressure signal of the same sign regardless of the flow direction). - 44 - The response of the square-root amplifier was excellent, except in the lower 5 percent of its full scale, where there were significant deviations from the theoretical characteristic. At these low velocities the output was also sensitive to pressure signal drift, although the drift was generally quite low (typically 0.001 psi). to zero the transducer very carefully. It was, however, necessary For these reasons, the venturi flowmeter was used mainly at high velocities and in the stable region. At low velocities, below about 0.8 ft/s for oscillating flow during the blowdown experiments, the flow was metered by volume as explained in 7.1.2. The total flow to the test sections and the bypass was measured by two orifices, connected to mercury manometers. All flow measurements were estimated to be accurate to a few percent. 2.2.3 Electric Power Measurements The electric power supplied to each test length was monitored by a set of seven panel wattmeters. Provisions were also made for the external connection of an accurate (Westinghouse, class 0.5%) laboratory wattmeter whenever accurate measurements were desired. The line voltage was checked frequently during the experiments to detect and correct drifts. 2.2.4 Temperature Measurements Copper-constantan thermocouples were used throughout the loop. The test-section thermocouples were steel sheathed, 0.062 in. in diameter. Ordinary thermocouple wire in dry wells was used at other locations. All thermocouples were connected to a 144-point Honeywell-Brown potentiometric recorder. Switching of any thermocouple to a Visicorder channel for dynamic recordings was also possible. The recorder was calibrated Mali, - 45 - frequently and was accurate to approximately 0.2*F. 2.2.5 Other Measurements Occasionally, a hot wire probe, consisting of a 0.001 in. dia. stainless steel wire, inserted through a thermocouple hole and stretched across the flow area, was used as an inexpensive, average void fraction gauge [46] to detect flow regimes and dynamic void fraction variations. Its operation was quite successful and gave valuable qualitative results. An attempt was also made to detect the dynamic variations of the outside surface temperature of the test sections. A measure of the resistance variations of the conductive coating of the test sections by a carrier frequency Wheatstone bridge failed for lack of sensitivity (low temperature coefficient of resistivity) in ment. the 300 V power environ- It would have been much better to use a resistance thermometer (e.g. a thin insulated wire wrapped around the tube). In any case, the temperature variations were very small, of the order of 1 or 2*F even during the most violent oscillations. - 46 - Chapter 3 PREDICTION OF THE STEADY-STATE OPERATING CONDITIONS IN THE BOILING CHANNEL The stability analysis that will be undertaken in Chapters 5, 6, and 8 will require, like any stability analysis, knowledge of conditions throughout the boiling channel. Steady-state prediction methods presented in this chapter will be experimentally verified in Chapter 4 in order to ascertain that the steady-state foundations of the stability analysis are sound. More specifically, a calculation procedure was developed in order to predict the pressure, temperature, quality, and void fraction profiles along the channel at steady state. In essence, the whole procedure centers around the pressure drop prediction; the additional parameters are required inputs to the pressure drop calculation. The independent variables required are the inlet (all liquid) mass flow rate, the inlet temperature, the exit (or condenser) pressure and the heat flux distribution along the channel. A computer code (PRESDROP) was written in FORTRAN IV to carry out the calculations on an IBM-360 computer. The code was written with the specific experimental geometry and fluid in mind; however, it can be easily modified to accomodate any single channel geometry and fluid. In this code, turbulent flow at thermodynamic equili- brium is assumed, the relative velocity between the phases is taken into account, the fluid properties are variable with pressure, and the effects of subcooled boiling are considered. MM - 11111W - 47 An outline of the various correlations used in developing this A description of the code and its procedure is given in this chapter. A parametric study of FORTRAN IV listing can be found in Appendix A. the pressure drop predicted under the present experimental conditions is undertaken in the last section of this chapter. 3.1 General Calculation Procedure The pressure drop along a single channel is calculated for a smooth, constant diameter, round pipe and for vertical upward flow. Reflecting the experimental setup, the channel was subdivided into seven heated lengths and a short unheated exit section, the heat inputs to each test length being individually adjustable. To further take into account in the calculations the variations of the fluid properties with pressure and the continuous variation of the quality, each test length was subdivided into a number of segments, depending on the accuracy desired. The input information is: the inlet (all liquid) mass flow rate, w [lbm/hr] the inlet temperature, T0 [F] the exit or condenser pressure, pe the heat input distribution, q [psia] or pcond [in. Hg] , i = 1,7 ordered from inlet to exit [Watts per test length] The total net heat input is then given by 7 qtnq = .Z qi --qi q. loss )[Btu/hr] (q. [t/r where the losses are estimated from a previous iteration, Section 3.7. The inlet enthalpy and the total enthalpy rise are given by h. = h (T ) , f o in Ah = q /w tn [Btu/lbm] - 48 - The exit quality can then be calculated as follows: h. h in ex +±Ah-h(p f h fg(p ex ) ) The conditions now being known at the exit, the pressure drop is calculated for each segment, marching upstream until the channel inlet is reached. The two possible cases of subcooled and two-phase flow as well as the special case of the segment around the bulk boiling boundary are treated in the following sections. All properties are evaluated at the saturation pressure or temperature unless otherwise specified. 3.2 Pressure Drop The pressure drop at steady state is given by the sum of the frictional, gravitational, and acceleration pressure drop terms: Ap = Apfr gr ac It becomes necessary at this point to define rigorously a few terms that will be used extensively throughout this work. The (bulk) boiling boundary (BB) is defined as the point in the channel where the bulk or mixed-mean enthalpy of the flow reaches saturation. The subcooled region extends from the inlet to the BB, and will occasionally be referred to as single-phase region (subscript 1), boiling. (NVG) ignoring the occurrence of subcooled The boiling region starts at the point of net vapor generation and is divided by the BB into a subcooled boiling and a (bulk) boiling region, otherwise referred to as two-phase region (subscript 2), whenever the presence of vapor in the subcooled region is superheated vapor region is not considered in this work. ignored. The INCH~. - 49 - Frictional Pressure Drop 3.2.1 Single-Phase Region For a single-phase diabatic flow, according to Sieder and Tate [47], Ap 4 lfr where f = f(Reb) b and AL D Re 2 G 2p 0.14 GD p The friction factor for smooth pipes is Reynolds number the wall is formulated as a function of the for use in the program (Appendix C). The temperature of obtained using the familiar McAdams correlation for the heat transfer coefficient k = 0.023 (Reb) 0.8 (Prb0.4 There might be some question concerning the validity of the wall-tobulk temperature correction when the wall temperature exceeds saturation temperature. Radial property variations might also be expected to influence the heat transfer coefficient; however, this was not considered since some uncertainty in the wall temperature could be tolerated. With this procedure, the predicted pressure drop slope agreed well with the observed one in the single-phase region, even under extreme wall temperature conditions (Figs. 4.4 and 4.5). Finally note that, lacking an adequate correlation for Freon, the effect of subcooled boiling on the frictional pressure drop is ignored. - 50 - Two-Phase Region A number of more-or-less sophisticated empirical and semi-empirical models exist for the calculation of the frictional pressure drop in the two-phase region (e.g. [49,50,51,52]). The Lockhart-Martinelli model [49] was used here because of its wide acceptance and the similarity of the experiments from which it was derived to the present one. The calculation outlined below: procedure is 2tt Afr 2 2 AL D S-4 [G(l - x)] 2 pf f = f(ReZ ) Re G(l -x) D if The Lockhart-Martinelli two-phase friction multiplier 2 tt= ktt 2 @Ztt (Xtt) is obtained numerically from a polynomial which was fitted to the recommended curve as a function of the parameter Xtt f 0.1 1 -x\0.9 (g)0.5 tt See Appendix C. ptt 1 Both phases are assumed to be in the turbulent regime, which is not strictly correct for the gas phase near zero quality and for the liquid phase at low flow rates and high qualities. Practically, however, it does not make any difference as these regions cover only a short channel length. In the above formulas, the evaluation of the - _11HU, - 51 - quantities at the average quality for each segment x = 2 (xe +x.)i requires knowledge of the segment inlet quality x., which is obtained by iteration. Gravitational Pressure Drop 3.2.2 This term is Apgr given simply by [f(l - ) + p a] g AL The difficulty resides in the estimation of the average void fraction, in the boiling region. a = a, The Lockhart-Martinelli void fraction correlation a(X tt) was used throughout this workwhere again the empirical function was approximated numerically by a polynomial (Appendix C) and all quantities were evaluated at the average quality x The Lockhart-Martinelli void fraction correlation was, however, compared to other correlations as discussed in Section 3.4. Section 3.5 describes the evaluation of the true quality in the subcooled boiling region, which can be used with the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation to estimate the subcooled voids. The expression reduces to the usual hydrostatic expression in the region prior to subcooled boiling. 3.2.3 Acceleration Pressure Drop Assuming that each phase is flowing separately with uniform velocity throughout the flow cross-section, the acceleration pressure drop is given by [53] - Ap ac = B(x e1 e,p) - 52 - B(x.,p.) i with B(x,p) -G 2 (1 x - x( 2 a)p ap - fg In the single-phase region, B(x,p) reduces to B(T) -G Pf 3.3 The Segment Containing the Bulk Boiling Boundary It is noted that since there is a large pressure drop at the bulk boiling boundary due to the sudden acceleration of the fluid, it becomes necessary to treat separately the segment that contains the zero quality point. This effect is especially pronounced at low pressures where the equilibrium void fraction rises from zero to 50 or 75 percent in a few inches of heated length. It is then necessary to determine the zero quality point by successive iterations, calculate separately the pressure drops in the non-boiling and boiling lengths, and add them to get the total pressure drop. Although the solution to the problem seems trivial, considerable numerical difficulties were encountered. The difficulties are significantly alleviated when subcooled boiling is taken into account, due to smoothing of the void fraction distribution around the bulk boiling point. this problem in more detail. Appendix A discusses __11IN11,111111 - 53 - Prediction of the Void Fraction 3.4 Among the numerous existing void fraction correlations, four were chosen to be compared here: a.) The Lockhart-Martinelli empirical correlation [49] a = a(X tt) with Xtt Xtt (xp) neglects the effects of mass flux, pipe diameter, and flow regime but has given satisfactory results for a variety of fluids and conditions. b.) A correlation proposed by Zuber and Findlay [54] for the "churn- turbulent" flow regime, which takes into account the flow regime and the mass flux effect, is given by Xa = p c.) 1.13[ pP9 + 1 -x] Pf + 1.18 G g(Pf P P2 Pf 1/4 The slug flow model proposed by Griffith and Wallis [55], which takes into account tube diameter, flow regime and mass flux, Q /A Q + Qf 1.2( with wx g d.) AA + 0.35(gD) and P Q f 1/2 w(l - x) Pf The simple homogeneous model given by x x + (1 - x)Pg /Pf - 54 - These four models were compared at typical experimental conditions of this investigation as shown in Fig. 3.1. The dotted lines indicate that the model is probably used outside its intended range of flow regime. The Lockhart-Martinelli extension towards the low quality region is an arbitrary one, as noted in Appendix C. range of interest, i.e. for The comparison shows that in the x = 0.01 to 0.30, the first three models agree closely, while the homogeneous model overestimates the void fraction. It was felt that this comparison justified use of the Lockhart-Martinelli void fraction correlation throughout this work. The effect of variation in the predicted void fraction on the pressure drop is discussed in Section 4.5. 3.5 Void Fraction in the Subcooled Boiling Region The void profile in the subcooled region is by the position of the point of NVG. essentially determined This is considered to be the point in the channel where the void fraction increases rapidly with position. Upstream of NVG, the subcooled voids are on the wall and two-phase effects are small. Levy [56] and Staub [57] have somewhat similar approaches to prediction of this point. They consider NVG to be coincident with bubble departure which is due to unbalance of forces on the bubble. Staub takes into account surface tension, buoyancy and shear drag terms, while Levy considered only surface tension and buoyancy effects. Both models have "adjustable constants" which have been evaluated mainly from high pressure water data, and there is no assurance that they should apply equally well to Freon-113 at low pressures. The two models were compared for the present experimental conditions W o - 55 - using the following recommended values of the constants. Staub: f(0) = 0.030 Levy: C = 0.015 and C' = 0 The subcooling at the point of NVG, as predicted by the two models, is plotted in Fig. 3.2 versus the mass flux, for various heat fluxes. As expected, Levy's model gives unrealistic estimates at very low velocities where the buoyancy effects dominate or at least play an important role, but the models agree otherwise. f(3) = 0.030 was used Staub's model with in most of this work, although some earlier calculations were done using Levy's model. Once the point of NVG is known (given by the models as subcooling with respect to the local saturation temperature postulated between the "true" local vapor quality ponding equilibrium value x tr=x-x x. xtr and the corres- Levy proposes: exp(x/x d - 1) for x > xd for x < xd = 0 x ATd) a relation is where: c ATd x d = - hfg < 0 The void fraction is then calculated from the appropriate relationship (in the present case the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation) using this true quality. The computer subroutines (SUBBOL) that perform these calculations are listed in Appendix A. on the pressure drop is The effect of the subcooled boiling void fraction examined in Section 4.4. - 3.6 56 - Temperature Profile In the subcooled region, the local bulk temperature is directly related to the fluid enthalpy. A correction is, however, necessary to account for subcooled boiling: Tb= T [h - x trh (p)] In the bulk boiling region the local temperature is equal to the saturation temperature. 3.7 Heat Losses The glass channel was not insulated in observations order that continuous visual of the boiling phenomena could be made. The heat loss from the outer wall was small, of the order of 5 percent, but not negligible. Gouse and iwang [27] under almost identical experimental conditions have measured these losses and tested the accuracy of the correlation used to predict them. The good agreemenL they obtained justified the use of similar methods to predict the heat losses here. The film temperature drop is calculated, neglecting the heat loss as a first approximation. The McAdams correlation is used in the forced convection region and the heat transfer coefficient is set equal to 1000 Btu/hrft *F in the boiling region. Then the wall temperature drop is estimated for an average glass temperature. These two temperature drops added to the average bulk temperature yield the average outside wall temperature, Tout. q nc The natural convection losses are then given by [58] = 0.29 AT a /L4 [Btu/hr ft ] mill, - 57 - with a [*F] - T = T AT room out L = test length [ft] Adding the radiation loss, assuming a view factor of 1.0 and emissivity of 0.95, the total heat loss is obtained. The FORTRAN listing of the subroutine LOSSES in Appendix A provides additional details. 3.8 Parametric Study of the Pressure Drop As all the stability predictions depend closely on the steady-state pressure and quality distributions at the threshold of stability and on the relative magnitude of the three terms in the pressure drop equation, it will be useful to examine here the parametric effects of mass flow rate, inlet temperature, heat input, and quality under the present experimental conditions. 3.8.1 Effects of the Inlet Temperature and the Mass Flow Rate Figure 3.3 shows the variations of the total pressure drop, Ap1 ex, when the inlet temperature is changed, while all the other independent variables are maintained constant. mass flow rate. The subcooled boiling and the heat losses were not taken into account in these calculations. pbb, Figure 3.4 shows the effect of the the exit quality, x The pressure at the boiling boundary, , the length of the single-phase region, and the subcooling with respect to the boiling boundary, AT subb T are also shown in these figures, stability analyses. as they all = zbb' Tsat ('bb have some importance in the A detailed discussion of these parametric trends is not - 58 - required here since the explanation for the behavior is quite simple and the plots will be considered later. Relative Importance of Friction, Gravity, and Acceleration Terms 3.8.2 For a given geometry, fluid, and pressure level, the local differential frictional and gravitational pressure drops are functions of the mass flux and the quality only. plane. It is thus possible to compare them in the (G,x) The acceleration term depends on the rate of vapor generation, or the rate of quality increase with length and therefore will also be dependent on the heat input. The three terms were calculated for a matrix of values in the (G,x) plane and for three different heat fluxes. by computer for lines of constant ratios. Contour maps were than produced Figure 3.5 shows such a contour The plot has a background of lines of equal gravity-to-friction map. ratio. Superimposed on these are the three unity ratio curves: gravity friction = acceleration (for q' = 792 Btu/hrft, 300 W/test length). subdivide the entire plane into three major regions. = They Gravity is dominant in the upper left region, acceleration is larger than the two other terms in the lower left corner and friction is the major term in the rest of the plane. The 264 and 1320 Btu/hrft (100 and 500 W/test length) lines, also shown on this plot, permit to evaluate the effect of the heat flux on the acceleration term: as the heat flux is increased, the "triple point" moves upwards along the gravity = friction line, enlarging the acceleration dominated area. chapters. This figure will be referred to frequently in subsequent wmwwww 1116 - 59 - Chapter 4 MEASUREMENT OF STEADY-STATE PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE PROFILES AND COMPARISON WITH PREDICTIONS Detailed pressure and temperature profile measurements at steady-state were undertaken in order to verify the validity of the computational methods developed in the preceding chapter. The range covered in the 21 experimental runs was: inlet temperature, T 95 and 115 *F gross average heat flux, q" 0, 4700, 9400 and 14,100 Btu/hrft 2 (0, 200, 400 and 600 W/test length) inlet velocity, V approximately 0.5 to 10 ft/s condenser pressure, pcond atmospheric heat flux distribution uniform, cosine, and "rooftop" Heat flux distributions are given in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Definition of the Heat Flux Distributions Used Throughout This Work Local to Average Heat Inputs (per Test Length) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chopped Cosine 0.43 0.98 "Rooftop" 0.875 1.75 Test Length Number Uniform Distribution 1.35 1.48 1.35 0.98 0.43 1.458 1.165 0.875 0.585 0.291 - 60 - The experimental procedure is outlined in the following section. The effect of the various uncertainties in the theoretical models on the calculated pressure drop and the effect of the heat flux distribution are also discussed in 4.1 this chapter. Experimental Procedure All experiments were conducted with a single channel (Channel C). The other two channels were isolated during the measurements using valves Vll and V12 (see Fig. 2.1). After slowly heating up the system, the Freon at an inlet temperature close to saturation was circulated in all three channels at full power for approximately one hour to extract dissolved air. During this period the main condenser water was shut off and most of the condensation occurred in the small after-condenser which was left permanently open to the atmosphere during these experiments. purge of the air from the system. This technique resulted in a partial Then the inlet temperature was set by adjusting the steam and water flows to heat exchangers HXl and HX2. The pressure transducer lines were carefully purged and the transducers electrically zeroed at the nominal run temperature with a negligibly small flow in the test section, which was necessary to maintain a constant head and to purge any bubbles. Valve flow was controlled using valves V9 (bypass), V13 was then completely opened and the V10 (common and Vl (pump outlet). inlet to the test sections), Since some of the data were taken in regions which would normally be unstable, the oscillations were damped out by using inlet throttling provided by valve V10. It was generally necessary to supply some cooling to the main condenser during the measure- - - 61 ments in order to achieve a constant channel exit pressure. The experiments began at a flow rate as low as the stability of the system would permit, then the flow was increased in small increments. Flooding of the riser, which had an insufficient liquid drain, defined the maximum flow rate. For each data point, the inlet flow, w, the inlet pressure, p0, the pressure at stations 1 to 8, p1 to p8 , the inlet temperature, T , occasionally the temperature at the remaining stations, recorded. and T2 to T8, were The instruments were checked frequently for drift, and correc- tions to the data were made whenever necessary as described in Chapter 2. As preliminary measurements with isothermal single-phase flow had shown that the thermocouples were disturbing the flow and the pressure measurements (probably by creating turbulence at the diametrically opposed pressure taps), they were retracted flush to the wall for most of the steady-state experiments. 4.2 Measured Pressure and Temperature Profiles Typical data are presented and compared to the theoretical predictions in Figs. 4.1 - 4.7. To make the local slope changes in the pressure profile visible, the hydrostatic, all liquid, pressure head at nominal run temperature was substracted from the absolute pressure. The plotted value therefore corresponds exactly to the pressure transducer signal. Appendix D gives a summary of the experimental runs and a tabulation of the data. Figures 4.1 to 4.3 show the dependence of the total pressure drop across the heated section, p1 - p , on the mass flow rate, for two - 62 - different inlet temperatures at three power levels. Both the uniform and the chopped cosine heat flux distribution results are plotted in these figures. In one instance, the "rooftop" distribution is also included. Figures 4.4 to 4.6 are randomly selected pressure profiles along the channel. 4.2.1 Total Pressure Drop at the Threshold of Stability The accurate prediction of the steady-state pressure drop at the threshold of stability and at other dynamically interesting points is of paramount importance in this work. A final test of the calculation methods developed in the preceding chapter is made here by comparing the total pressure drops (p1 - pex ), measured during the stability experiments described in the following chapter, to PRESDR predictions. This comparison given in Fig. 4.7 includes all threshold and transition points of runs D4 to D21. For the PRESDR calculations the channel was subdivided into 14 segments, the heat losses and subcooled boiling according to Levy's model were taken into account, and one major iteration was required for each experimental point. 4.3 Accuracy of the Predictions The accuracy of the steady-state pressure drop predictions was generally good to excellent. Some discrepancies that were noted are analyzed below. 4.3.1 Pressure Drop Predictions Table 4.2 gives the average predicted to measured total pressure drop ratios and associated rms errors for all the points plotted in Fig. 4.7. - 63 - There is apparently a systematic but small error in the predictions as the average ratio is 0.97. The 6% rms error is otherwise quite satisfactory. Table 4.2 Accuracy of the Total Pressure Drop Predictions at the Threshold of Stability and the Transition Points Ave. predicted to measured ratio rms error Heat Flux Distribution Number of points D4-D23 uniform 77 0.974 0.062 D4-D23 cosine 25 0.970 0.053 TR, E uniform 23 0.955 0.066 E unheated inlet 12 0.985 0.025 137 0.971 0.059 Runs All - See also Fig. 4.7 Inspection of Figs. 4.1 to 4.3 indicates that the agreement between the measured and predicted total pressure drops is similar to that exhibited by the data of Fig. 4.7. The only noticeable disagreements are in the low exit quality, high velocity region (x = 0.01 to 0.05) where the experimental curves show an accentuated hump. The pressure profiles plotted in Figs. 4.4 to 4.6 show invariably a disagreement between the predicted and measured pressure increment near the channel exit at low exit qualities and sufficiently high mass fluxes. The experimental profiles do not exhibit the predicted sharp pressure drop (caused by the acceleration term at the BB or the point of NVG), suggesting thermal non-equilibrium due to poor nucleation. Thermal non- - 64 - equilibrium could also arise from an insufficient rate of vapor generation when the flow is leaving the channel before reaching thermal equilibrium. In fact, as the friction and acceleration terms are dominant in this region (Fig. 3.5), a lower true exit quality, resulting from either mechanism, would produce a significantly smaller pressure drop at the exit, shifting the entire pressure profile downwards. The same trend is evident in Fig. 4.7 where the predicted-to-measured pressure drop ratio is generally larger than one at small exit qualities. At higher qualities and lower mass fluxes the flow is given sufficient time in the channel to reach equilibrium and these effects disappear. The effects of poor nucleation were dramatically exhibited in a hysteresis phenomenon that was observed and is reported in Section 4.6. Figure 4.6 shows an opposite effect. PRESDROP exit pressure drop predictions are low for all but the highest and the lowest mass fluxes. Three different and opposing effects must be considered here: a.) The separated flow model used here systematically underestimates the very important acceleration pressure drop in this region b.) (page 74 of [59]; Table 4.3). The almost uncontrollable air content of the Freon has an important effect on the void fraction, as a recent investigation has shown [60]. c.) Void fraction measurements with Freon-22, reported by Zuber et al. [61] reveal a discrepancy of the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation, which was derived from adiabatic flow data and, moreover, does not account for the mass flux effect. The measured void fractions were always below the Lockhart-Martinelli predictions, the error being largest for the lowest mass fluxes. , I''11, 1,jIII11, 1110110510 - 65 - It appears that in Fig. 4.6 the first two effects (especially the air content of the Freon) were overwhelming. Excluding the high mass flux points (where poor nucleation at the exit is evident), the measured exit pressure drops are higher for all points except at 0.92 ft/s. Inspection of Fig. 3.5 will confirm that only this point is in the gravity dominated region. There are almost no discrepancies of this nature in Figs. 4.4 and 4.5. 4.3.2 Temperature Predictions Acceptable agreement between the measured and the predicted temperature profiles was obtained, considering that no particular care was taken to minimize the thermocouple errors in this investigation. The hypothesis of a deficient vapor formation near the exit at high mass flow rates, made in the previous section, seemed at first to be in disagreement with the temperature readings at station 8 which were lower than the saturation temperature, suggesting excess vapor formation. It was found however that this discrepancy was entirely due to a thermocouple error. In contrast to the other test stations which were made of plexiglass, station 8 was made of a massive brass block having a much larger heat capacity and conductivity, and rather large diameter insulated thermocouples were used. temperature reading at station 8 This resulted in a that was consistantly below - 66 - the saturation temperature by as much as 10 to 15 *F. When, however, the 0.062 in. OD insulated thermocouple was replaced by a 0.001 in. bare thermocouple, the discrepancy disappeared and temperatures slightly in excess or equal to the saturation temperature were recorded. 4.4 Effect of Subcooled 3oiling Visual observations have shown that, at low flow rates, detached bubbles, approximately 1/32 to 1/16 in. in diameter, were produced from discrete nucleation centers of the heated wall, only a few inches from the inlet, regardless of the heat flux intensity. At higher velocities, approximately above 1 or 1.5 ft/s, the first nucleation centers were generally pushed downstream up to an experimental station where numerous small geometry defects provided good nucleation centers. Both Levy's and Staub's predictions of the point of net vapor generation (see 3.5) were always well downstream of the visually observed values and there was no way to fit the data by any reasonable change of the model constants. Despite these facts, the pressure drop predictions in the subcooled region were good, suggesting that the opposite effects of the subcooled voidage on the gravity and frictional terms probably balance. Figures 4.4 and 4.6 show the effect of the two models on the calculated pressure profile. Again, the differences are small and confined to a narrow region extending from the point of net vapor generation to the bulk boiling boundary. 4.5 Choice of the Void Fraction Correlation As shown in Fig. 3.1 there is little difference in the predictions of NFONN - 67 IIINNIWI - the three void fraction correlations that do take into account the relative velocity between the phases. To estimate the effect of the slip on the pressure drop, values calculated with the Lockhart-Martinelli void fraction correlation (L-M) are compared here to predictions made using the homogeneous void fraction model. The respective void fractions were used to evaluate the acceleration and gravitational pressure drop formulas of Sections 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. The frictional pressure drop term was calculated in both cases using the L-M method. A few representative points at the threshold of stability were used for this comparison and the results are summarized in Table 4.3. The reported pressure drops are as usual measured from the entrance of the heated section to the channel exit (p1 p ). For the few points tested here, the predicted to measured pressure drop ratio averaged 0.932 for the homogeneous and 0.992 for the L-M correlation. The deviations from the average, as characterized by the rms error were 9.2 percent for the homogeneous and only 5.7 percent for the L-M method. 4.6 Observed Hysteresis in the Pressure Drop Characteristic As described in 4.1, the pressure-drop - flow-rate characteristics were generated by gradually increasing the flow rate. When, however, at the end of a run, the fla was reduced again to repeat a few points as a check, it was observed that very often these points would not lie on the increasing flow characteristic. The explanation that this behavior was due to suppression of the nucleation at high mass flow rates was advanced to explain the discrepancies. When the flow is reduced there is a Table 4.3 Effect of the Relative Velocity Between the Phases (As Predicted by the L-M Correlation) on the Gravitational and Acceleration Pressure Drop qw. T w x Lockhart-Martinelli* gr lb [W/TL] [*F] [ m] ac fr Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Point Homogeneous Model* gr ac fr pressure drop ratio L - [psi] [psi] Calculated to measured total M Homog. D20-194 500 41.7 396 0.196 4.344 0.352 O.9U8 4.088 0.774 0.900 0.978 1.006 D20-181 400 43.0 192 0.496 2.899 0.358 0.937 2.539 0.526 0.942 0.922 U.881 D19-191 300 40.0 234 0.203 4.227 0.132 0.412 3.914 0.290 U.416 0.992 U.961 D19-986 300 42.0 119 0.66. 2.37u 0.237 u.645 Z.17 U.291 U.49 1.1/1 1.U22 D4 -299 300 120.3 387 0.293 1.849 0.06d 2.415 1.314 1.1b t.408 U.961 0.964 D4 -917 200 118.0 281 0.260 1.846 0.267 1.311 1.214 u.537 1.331 0.946 U0.85 D17-296 100 85.3 1,54 0.117 4.103 0.028 0.140 U.068 0.145 l.U24 U.935 D4 -294 1U 1.0u6 u.846 * 116.6 286 0.120 2.759 u.l0U 0.622 3.687 2.034 v.241 U.653 Small differences in the friction terms are due to change of properties with pressure I'' - 69 - substantial delay before normal nucleation resumes. The main effect should be localized towards the channel exit. The suspected hysteresis was revealed by making careful measurements at both increasing and decreasing flow rates, together with bulk temperature measurements. Figure 4.8 shows the measured pressure characteristics at stations 1 and 6. The effect is obviously at the exit, as the station 6 characteristic shows. The measured temperature profiles for two points lying on the two distinct branches of the curve are plotted in Fig. 4.9 which clearly shows that, on the decreasing flow rate curve, the flow was superheated toward the channel exit (the drop in temperature at the exit is a thermocouple error as pointed in 4.3.2). Figure 4.8 also shows that it was necessary to go above a certain velocity to induce the hysteresis cycle. Note that it was practically impossible to obtain any data on the negative slope part of the decreasing-flow branch: The return to normal nucleation was abrupt. There was, however, also a very slow time recovery that would take place in several minutes; points on the lower part of the curve would very slowly drift towards the upper curve. A similar but much more violent phenomenon was observed during a later experiment in which the flow in the unheated channel was at a temperature close to saturation. There was absolutely no voidage in the test sections until the entire channel voided suddenly, in less than a second. Such sudden flashing can be explained by the strong dependence of the saturation temperature on pressure at the low pressures of these experiments. Apparently there was an avalanche effect, the voided upper parts of the channel reducing the pressure at lower points and creating further voids. - 70 - The occurrence of such nucleation instabilities should be kept in mind when examining other types of flow oscillations as they might trigger and enhance them. 4.7 Unfortunately, they are practically unpredictable. Effect of the Heat Flux Distribution on the Pressure Drop The effect of the heat flux distribution will be discussed now by examining one-by-one the three terms of the pressure drop equation. The acceleration pressure drop depends only on the inlet and exit qualities and therefore is completely independent of the heat flux distribution within the channel. The gravity contribution comes mostly from the single-phase region. Any distribution that would result in downstream shift of the boiling boundary should therefore increase the gravity head. The frictional pressure drop term becomes dominant near the exit of the channel, where the flow attains large velocities. In most cases, all the frictional pressure drop is concentrated near the exit. follows that a downstream movement It of the boiling boundary will reduce the frictional pressure drop slightly as a two-phase portion of the channel will be replaced by a single-phase portion which has a smaller friction contribution. The net effect will of course depend on the relative impor- tance of gravity and friction (Fig. 3.5), but it is obvious that for relatively smooth distributions the change will be small. The calculated and experimental results of Figs. 4.1 and 4.2 confirm this observation. 4.8 The Pressure Drop in the Unheated Entrance Piping An accurate estimate of the pressure drop between stations 0 and 1 - 71 - (including the flow venturis and the valves) will become necessary for Using all the available the dynamic predictions, later in this work. data from the steady-state runs the following correlation was obtained: Ap = (1.5 ft) p/144 = 0.00177 = 7.01 x 10 (4.1) 01gr Ap p0 8 0.2 V1.8 Olfr -10 1.8 G y 0.2 (4.2) /p where the pressure drop is in psi, p in lbm/ft3, y in lbm/hrft, and G in lbm/hrft V in ft/s 2 The frictional pressure drop from the bypass to the inlet of the test sections through the preheater (HX2) is negligible. 4.9 Conclusions The data presented in this chapter show that an accurate prediction of the pressure drop in low pressure systems is possible when well established correlations are used, the channel is subdivided into a relatively small number of segments, and the variations of the fluid properties with pressure are taken into account. The predictions were good in a relatively wide range of variables and particularly good (average error 3%, rms error 6%) in the region of interest for dynamic tests (for exit qualities mostly around 30 percent). The only discrepancies were due to unpredictable deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium. Subcooled boiling was shown to have only a small local effect on the pressure drop. The Lockhart-Martinelli void fraction correlation gave systematically better results than a void fraction based on the homogeneous model. - 72 - The heat flux distribution was shown to have only a minor effect on the total pressure drop. Given the good agreement at steady-state it is felt that the dynamic calculations could be tackled with some confidence. - 73 - Chapter 5 DYNAMICS OF THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION The single-phase region is defined here as the channel length extending from the inlet plenum (station 0) to the boiling boundary (BB), i.e. to the point where the mixed mean enthalpy is at saturation. It includes the unheated upstream portion of the channel between stations 0 and 1. Any occurrence of subcooled boiling in this region is neglected in vary in this chapter. The length of the single-phase region will time when the flow oscillates. The linearized coolant energy equation,governing the time variation of enthalpy in the single-phase region under oscillating flow conditions, will be coupled with the transient conduction equation of the heated wall to yield the flow-to-local-enthalpy transfer function, any axial position. H(z,jw), at The two sets of equations mentioned above will be linked by a flow-dependent heat transfer coefficient. Although the heat input to the wall will be maintained constant, there will be time varying heat input to the coolant because of heat storage in the wall. A number of investigators [62,63,65,66,67] have considered the problem of heated wall dynamics. The incentive was generally to predict the thermal behavior of the fuel in a nuclear reactor under transient conditions, and especially during oscillator tests when some variable, generally the power, is externally oscillated in order to measure the dynamic characteristics of the reactor. vary in complexity in The transfer functions obtained inverse proportion to the number of simplifying - 74 - assumptions made in their derivation. In the present study, almost all simplifying assumptions were avoided. The solution is identical to the one obtained by Smets [63] for the case of oscillating flow. simpler derivation is However, a presented here; the resulting transfer function is put into a much more compact and meaningful form, and the solution is specialized to represent the exact experimental conditions. Once the wall temperature and the enthalpy variations along the channel have been determined, it is relatively easy to deduce the timevarying position of the boiling boundary, again using a linearized model for simplicity. In the present work, some effects that had been neglected in previous analyses, because they were relatively unimportant in high pressure systems, are considered and shown to be of some importance in low pressure systems. These are the pressure variations at the instantaneous position of the boiling boundary due to the gravity head, to the frictional losses in the single-phase region, and to the inertia of the subcooled liquid column. Finally, knowing the instantaneous position of the boiling boundary and the instantaneous flow, the pressure drop variations in the single-phase region will be obtained in a straightforward manner. In this chapter, all the formulations will be treated in a completely linearized form. linear. In fact, the wall conduction equation is inherently An exact non-linear solution for the coolant energy equation can be obtained numerically when a steady and uniform heat input to the coolant is assumed (Section This solution was not used, however, in order to save computation time and to facilitate the incorporation of the wall dynamics into the model. The comparison with the exact solution will confirm, as expected, the validity of the linear solution at the small - 75 - relative amplitudes, which occur at the threshold of stability. The linearized equations will be Laplace-transformed in time and then integrated in space. Although, in the sections that follow, the Laplace vaxiable, s, and its imag:nary part, jw, the imaginary angular frequency, are used interchangeably, it is understood that the transfer functions will be evaluated along the imaginary frequency axis jW. Subroutine DZDWTF was written in FORTRAN IV to perform the numerical computations on the IBN-360 and is listed in Appendix F. 5.1 Dynamics of the Heated Wall The transient conduction equation of the heated wall will be solved in this section. It is recalled that heat is supplied to the test sections by means of the electrically conductive external coating. The following assumptions are made: a.) The heat generation rate is constant.Since the temperature coefficient of resistivity of the oxide coating is of the order of 10 4/ 0 C, this assumption is fully justified. b.) The coating can store no significant amount of energy. reasonable for the 16 pin. c.) coating. The heat losses are either negligible or time independent. Section 3.7 it d.) This is In was noted that the losses are less than 5 percent. The thin cylindrical glass tube wall is of equal thickness. approximated by a plate Although the solution for a cylindrical geometry can be obtained at small additional complication (namely, replacement of the hyperbolic functions that will appear in the solution by the corresponding - 76 - Bessel functions), the plane solution was retained to simplify the numerical work. e.) The axial heat conduction in the wall is neglected. f.) Average values of the thermophysical properties of the glass wall are used. g.) The heat generation and the heat transfer to the coolant are circumferentially uniform (one dimensional problem). h.) The heat transfe:- at the wall-fluid interface will vary according to the instantaneous value of the flow. i.) Any axial heat flux distribution is permitted. Z w Tb(zt) q"(z) 0 --- q"(z,t) d SX FIG. 5.1 THE HEATED WALL The conduction equation at axial position in Fig. z, for the geometry shown 5.1 becomes 2 2T(z,xt) X2 1 a 3T(z,x,t) t (5.1) millimilism - where mill 77 - is the thermal diffusivity of the wall. a = (k/pc)w In accordance the boundary condition at the heated side is with assumptions a.) to c.) q"(z) 3T(z,x,t) 3x _ where (5.2) x-Ok x=0k is the applied constant heat flux. q"(z) 0 At the cooled side, the boundary condition is h (t) -T(z,x,t) DX hc [T(z,dt) - T (zt) b k x= d where T(z,d,t) is the surface temperature at axial position the corresponding fluid bulk temperature, and hc (t) (5.3) z, Tb(z,t) the time-dependent (flow dependent) convective heat transfer coefficient. It is convenient to write T(z,x,t) Tb(z,t) T'b(z) + = (5.4) T*(z,x) + 6T(z,x,t) = 6 (5.5) Tb(z,t) (5.6) h (t) = h* + Sh (t) c c c where the superscript denotes the steady-state conditions satisfying 0 the time-independent equations 2 T*(z,x) 0 (5.7) ax q"(z) 0 and the 6 = h* c [T*(z,d) - T (z)] = - k aT(zx) (5.8) baxd denotes small perturbations from equilibrium. As stated in assumption h.) above, if the heat transfer coefficient - 78 - can be expressed as constant *wa h*o= 0 C for small flow variations, 6hc - a 6w(t) ~ ho (5.9) w0 c Lacking a better discription of the transient convective boundary condition, it is hoped that this formulation will be valid, at least at low frequencies [69,70]. Inserting definitions (5.4) to (5.6) into Eqs. (5.1) eliminating the stEady-state terms from these equations, Eq. the only second-order te-rm in 36T(z,x,t) a2 _ _1 oL a6T(z,x,t) _6T(z,x,t) x (5.8) and neglecting yields 36T(z,x,t) 9t = (5.10) 0 C [6T(z,d,t)- xd to (5.3), d (5.11) 6T (zt)] b + E(z) 5w(t) (5.12) ho where and C (5.13) = a k q"(z) w *F/ft] lbm/hr Notice that in the equations written above the axial coordinate (5.14) z is merely a parameter introduced through the boundary condition, in particular Tb' - 79 - Eqs. (5.10) to (5.12) will be now Laplace-transformed in time*, .;ith the initial condition 2 6T(z,x,s) 6T(z,x,0) = 0: (5.15) s 6T(z,xs) 2 3x a6T(z,x,s) ax (5.16) =0 _6T(z,x,s) d [6T(z,d,s) - ax 6 Tb (z,s)] + E(z) 6w(s) (5.17) The general solution of Eq. (5.15) is 6T(z,x,s) = m(z,s) cosh( x) + n(z,s) sinh( X) Boundary condition (5.16) forces n(z,s) to zero and the remaining boundary condition (5.17) is used to determine m(z,s). The final result is C 6Tb(zs) - d E(z) 6w(s) cosh( 6T(z,x,s) d sinh(f' d) + C cosh(a Then, for x = d, the inner wall temperature x) (5.18) d) 6T (z,s) = 6T(z,d,s) becomes C 6Tb(z,s) - 6T (z,s) d E(z) 6w(s) (5.19) = F(s) + C where F(s) = Tks tanh V'Tk (5.20) *To avoid overburdening the notation, the same symbols are used for the transformed variables, with t replaced by the complex frequency s. - 80 - with T 5.2 k = 2 d/ The Flow-to-Local-Enthalpy Transfer Function In this section the coolant energy equation, together with the wall temperature equation derived in the previous section, will be used to determine the time variations of the bulk temperature or enthalpy at any position along the single-phase region. The general solution, for any heat flux distribution, will be obtained first and then specialized for three particular cases of interest here. Some approximations to the "exact" solution will be discussed too. 5.2.1 Solution for Arbitrary Heat Flux Distribution The following assumptions are made: a.) The temperature and velocity gradients in the fluid are not taken into account and perfect mixing and "plug flow" are postulated. These assumptions, probably acceptable in turbulent water flow, become very poor in the extreme case of laminar flow, especially for Freon which has a low thermal conductivity. A pure conduction calculation using standard methods [58] has shown that 100 seconds were required for the temperature change at the center of a Freon column filling the test section, initially at uniform temperature, to reach approximately percent of a step change in wall temperature. 50 Akcasu [68] proposes an averaged transfer function to take into account the transit time spread, and Shotkin [14] makes a "heat source correction" based on a stationary- III - 81 - fluid conduction and diffusion relation to account for the temperature profile. b.) The flow is incompressible; length average values of other fluidproperties are used. c.) There is no subcooled boiling. d.) The kinetic and potential energy terms in the energy equation are, as usual, neglected. With these assumptions, the energy equation for the coolant becomes 3h(z,t) ff + G(t) Dh(z,t) +az 6h(z,t) = c6T b(z,t) and q'(z,t) = h c(t) P [T (z,t) P q'(z,t) A - (5.22b) Tb(zt)] is the heated perimeter, and q'(z,t) is the linear heat input Assuming no inlet temperature perturbation rate to the coolant. Tb (0,t) (5.21) (5.22a) with where _ T*(0) = = (5.23) constant The linearized form of Eqs. (5.21), and (5.23) utilizing Eqs. (5.22), is 1 V b(zt) - + at 36 Tb(zt) az = - [(1-a) 6 w(t) 0 0 6T (z,t) - q'(z) w c 6 Tb(zt) w 0 (5.24) T*(z) - T*(z) w 6Tb(Ot) = D 0 where the steady-state terms denoted by the superscript (5.25) satisfy the - 82 - reference conditions q'(z) dT*(z) ba dz w 0 V h* P [T*(z) - T*(z)] b c w = q'(z) and c 0 is the reference coolant velocity w /A P . The Laplace transforms of Eqs. (5.24) and (5.25), obtained with the initial condition = 6T b(z,0) (5.26) 0 are 36Tb(z b z s) - + 6Tb(z,s) = -A(z) Sw(s) + B [6T (z,s) - 6 Tb (zs)] (5.27) and 6Tb(0,s) = (5.28) 0 where the coefficients are defined as follows: q'(z) (1 2 w c A(z) B - a) P ho c cw When the expression of 6T hr*F Iftlbm (5.29) 1ftj - (5.30) as a function of 6w and 6 Tb from Eq. (5.19) is substituted into Eq. (5.27), a first-order linear differential equation in 6Tb with frequency-dependent coefficients is obtained WAII - 83 - q'(z) o M6Tb(Z's) b + K(s) 6T b(z,s) = - _ z where q' 0 6w(s) L(s) (5.31) gqc is some reference (average) linear heat rate, K(s) + - V B F(s) F(s) +C 0 q [(1-a) + a F(s w0 L(s) + C []ft (5.32) (Bm/r ft (5.33) Equation (5.31) with the boundary condition (5.26) can be solved by a Laplace transformation in or by conventional means to yield the z flow-to-local-enthalpy and the flow-to-local-bulk-temperature transfer functions z H(z,s) 6h(zs) K(s)z -- -eL(s) K(s)z' q'(z') e e dz' 0q0 (5.34) [Btu/lbm] lbm/hr 6T b(z,s) o (5.35) H(z,s)lbm/hr Knowing 6 Tb(z,s) it is interesting to calculate the modulation of the heat flux to the fluid. From the conduction equation of the wall and from the convective heat transfer equation 36T(z,x,s) 6q"(z,s) x= d - h* [6T (zs) c w - 6T (zs)] b + 6h c [T*(z) w - T0 (z)] b - - 84 Either equation yields the flow-to-heat-flux transfer function q"zS) 6"w(s) Q(zs) P c c Btu/hrft lbm/hr F(s) F(s) + C H(z,s) + k E(z)] 2 (5.36) Non-dimensional Form of the Transfer Functions It is sometimes convenient to use the transfer functions in a nondimensional form by normalizing the enthalpy variations to preferably at the boiling boundary) hfg (evaluated and the other perturbations to the corresponding average values: H*(z,s) E 6h(z,s)/h h(=)/hfg 6 6w(s)/w o w -- 0 hf fg w 0 q"(z) 6q"(z,s)/q"(z) Q*(z,s) 0 6w(s)/w __ o h H(z,s) h* P c - H*(zg) + a] fg c q'(z) Q(z,s) o ) F(s) F(s) + C 0 These two transfer functions are plotted in Fig. 5.2* for a set of representative conditions with a uniform heat flux distribution ( Notice that in this figure, and in general in this work, the phase delay rather than the phase angle is used as a more representative quantity. Figure 5.3 is intended to remove any ambiguity on this point. The waviness of the lines of this and following plots is due to the limited resolution of the digital plotter used to produce these figures directly from computer output. -- 1111mimillilil1iilllll - 85 WIN - 6y (perturbed quantity) hase \w (flow perturbation) Re delay = 2Tr - phase FIG. 5.3 DEFINITION OF THE DELAYS AS USED IN THIS WORK It is also more practical to plot the transfer functions versus the a directly measurable quantity and has convenient units period, which is rather than the circular frequency w = 27/T. One immediate observation regarding cies, Q*(z,s) is that at high frequen- as the storage effects become negligible, the heat flux variations are in phase with the flow variations, while at low frequencies, where the wall heat storage plays an important role, 6 q"is leading Figure 5.4 shows tie parametric variations of 6w by 900. H*(z,jw) in the complex plane, around some arbitrarily chosen representative point. effects of G, q' The and z are included in this plot. 0 Characteristic Constants The equations derived above can be characterized in the time domain by two constants, namely the wall conduction time constant k (dpc d k/d = d2 & (5.37) - 86 - the convective time constant = ___d (5.38) h hoc c h c and their ratio 10 T hc = C already defined. - = h The conduction time constant controls the temperature gradient in the wall, while the convection time constant affects the transient heat The values of these constants for this parti- transfer to the coolant. cular experimental setup are given in Fig. 5.2. X = V T The wavelength determines the space dependence of the In Chapter 7 solutions, which also have a periodic character in space. the regions of unstable operation will be characterized by the values of the ratio zb /A, bb The largest will be called the order of oscillation. zb /X, bb integer not exceeding is the single-phase length. where zb 'bb High Frequency Approximation At large frequencies, i.e. when the period gets much shorter than the conduction time constant, F(jW) + L(j O) +- 2 T << fTk ' (1 + j) TkW (1 - a) w 0 K(jw) + W V 0 T PAc + B + j V 0 provided that 27T c >> T where (5.39) - 87 - For a uniform heat flux distribution, evaluation of the integral in Eq. (5.34) with K as given above yields L and z 0 q'(1 - a) V 0 H*(z,jw) h w o at w . -e ~ -+- 0 j fg sufficiently large, Q*(z,jw) --- 0 and a in a similar derivation, did not Stenning and Veziroglu [ 7 ], consider the wall dynamics but did account for flow-dependent heat flux by writing 6 q"/q" 0 a = 6 w/w 0 in the energy equation. the high frequency approximation presented above. This results in Figure 5.2 shows that this high frequency approximation is a rather poor one in the range of interest in this work (2 to 10 second periods). The approximation is even worse in the case of Stenning and Veziroglu's apparatus [ 7] which had a conduction time constant of only about 0.1 sec. It is suspected that this discrepancy might have been partly responsible for the lack of agreement between their analytical predictions and test data. Case of Negligible Heat Storage in the Wall - Low Frequency Approximation It can be shown by a series expansion of the hyperbolic functions dpcw that when the product mations can be made: K(jw) - V 0 tends towards zero, the following approxi- - - 88 q' L(jW) - w 0 F(jW) 0 - In practice this occurs when the period of interest becomes much larger than 27T (dpcw << k/d) and k 27T h (dpcw << h'), c i.e. when, for equal corresponding temperature perturbations, the heat flux "retained" in the wall becomes negligible with respect to the conduction and convection The heat flux perturbation in this case heat flux perturbations. Notice that the low and high + 0. 6q"(z,jw) naturally disappears, frequency approximations are identical except for the (1-a) attenuation factor at high frequencies. Case of Highly Conductive Wall If the wall is substantial heat capacity (dpc # 0), K(jw) - B + w V o i.e. when TTk' . jW [(1-a) + jo + l/T 0 F(jo) -p 0. 6q"(z,jw) 2 a/T -2 w and again T >> jo + l/Th qo L(jw) has a an excellent heat conductor (k + c) but still = h But now the heat flux perturbation becomes jw a q"(z) Th 0 6w(j) w h 0 5.2.2 Solutions for Given Heat Flux Distributions Once the heat flux distribution q'(z) 0 is specified, the integral - 89 - in Eq. (5.34) can be evaluated to yield explicitly the flow-to-localenthalpy transfer function, H(z,s). The solutions for three cases of particular interest in this work are given below. When Uniform Heat Flux Distribution q'(z) 0 = 0 (e-K(s)z -L(s) H(zs) q' = uniform along the channel, K(s) Exact Chopped Cosine Heat Flux Distribution For the heat flux distribution shown in Fig. 5.5 q'(z) = 1n ) q' 0 where N - is a normalized factor and q Y -cos cos q' is the average heat flux. (z)coslne 0 I' FIG. 5.5 CHOPPED COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 90 - - Utilizing these expressions Eq. (5.34) yields -K(s) z H(z,s) = - N L(s) e [K(s)]2 + [ ] 0 K(s)z K(s) sin (a e[ 1 - ('-) 0 - [K(s) ( sin -T-) - (f) 0 cos ( 1 0 ) ] 0 cos ( 0 1 -) ] 0 J Stepwise Varying Heat Flux Distribution This case is of special importance in this work as it approximates closely the experimental conditions. If the heat flux distribution is given by q'(z) 0 q = for 10 z i < z < Zi+1 , = 1,N piecewise evaluation of the integral in Eq. (5.34) yields (s)z H(z,s) = -(s K(s) e K(s)z + (-) [ J-1 q' K(s)z 31 >(-'0) [ e j=1 q I K(s)z. _ e I K(s)zJ]} e eI where J 5.2.3 Heat Flux Distribution and Wall Heat Storage Effects is the segment in which z lies: z < z < ZJ+l As it will become evident in subsequent chapters, the time delays in 1111111161, - the single-phase region, 91 - especially the delay between the inlet flow peak and the peak of the enthalpy at the boiling boundary are of paramount importance for the stability of the system. In this section, the effect of the heat flux distribution on the flow-to-local-enthalpy transfer function, H(z,s) is examined and the effect of the heat capacity of the wall is brought out by comparing the transfer functions with and without the wall effect. Importance of the Wall Heat Storage Figures 5.6 to 5.8 show the enthalpy variations along the channel, in amplitude and phase, for three experimental points covering the observed ratios of single-phase length to wavelength 1, and 4). (orders 0, zbb/X Both the complete solution and the high frequency approxi- mations are shown. These three figures emphasize the fact already noted that the wall dynamics plays an important role, at least under the present experimental conditions, in determining the enthalpy variations along the channel. For all cases there are significant differences both in amplitude and in phase between curves 2 (with wall effect), 3 (high frequency approximation) and 4 (no wall heat storage at all). Importance of the Unheated Portions of the Wall As explained in Section 2.1.1 there are unheated portions, approximately 2 in. long between test lengths. When these cold spots were taken into account in the transfer function calculations, using the formulas given in Section, their importance became evident. effect is significant, even for first-order oscillations. differences are noted at higher modes, The Substantial when the wavelength approaches the - unheated length. 92 - Curves 1 of Figs. 5.6 to 5.8 show these results. Uniform Versus Cosine Power Distribution As both a uniform and a chopped cosine power distribution (as defined in Table 4.1) were used for the stability experiments, it is of interest to examine their effect on the flow-to-local-enthalpy transfer function. In the comparative calculations, the flow rate, period, and average temperature, referring to an experimental point obtained with a uniform power distribution, were used for both cases. The power input for the cosine case was adjusted to give the same total heat input in the single-phase region (same position of the boiling boundary). Figures 5.9 and 5.10 show the results obtained. In both cases the amplitude distribution seems to follow the heat flux distribution; however, for the cosine case, the entire phase curve is shifted down- stream because of the low heat flux at the channel inlet. Effects of Channel Segmentation Finally, in order to test the validity of the simulation of a continuous power profile by a small number of stepwise variations of the heat flux, as was done in this experiment, the transfer functions for the exact chopped cosine and the simulated chopped cosine were compared. The heat flux distribution of Fig. 5.5 with Zi = 0.25 ft and k = 9.04167 ft represents the case that was stepwise simulated by the "cosine" distribution used throughout this work. the dotted line in The exact cosine solution is Fig. 5.9 for a zero-order case. practically superimposed, both in amplitude and in given as The two curves are phase. When the test was repeated for the fourth order case of Point D18A-196, a large difference in the results was revealed. The exact cosine distri- moll. - 93 - bution gave almost no wavy structure, while large space oscillations existed in the simulated, stepwise cosine solution. In order to ascertain that the difference was not due to some computational error, the calculations were repeated with the entire channel length subdivided into 14, 28, and 56 segments instead of the original 7. The heat flux assigned to each segment was the average value at the corresponding portion of Figure 5.11 shows how the solutions, although the exact cosine curve. widely different for 7 segments, converge very rapidly to the exact cosine result. For 28 segments, the two solutions are almost undistin- guishable. The two tests described above, namely the cold spot and the segmentation tests, showed that small discontinuities of the heat flux distribution might have unexpectedly large effects on the enthalpy variations along the channel, multiple-mode oscillations. especially at high frequencies and with The combined effects of the cold spots, the discontinuous power distribution and the wall heat storage might produce strange variations of H(z,jw) along the channel and even "resonances" when the test-section-length-to-wavelength values (Chapter 7). ratio assumes particular The effect of the uneven heat generation in the conductive coating (Section 2.1.1) is certainly minor compared to the effect of the cold spots. 5.2.4 Understanding the Physical Phenomena - A Lagrangian, Non-Linear Solution An attempt will now be made to gain some understanding of the physical phenomena governing the variations of enthalpy along the channel. - 94 - The fact that, for a uniform and steady heat input, the enthalpy gained by a fluid particle is directly proportional to its residence time in the heated channel suggests that a Lagrangian description might be appropriate. Assuming a sinusoidal variation of the flow + 6V sin wt V(t) = V the axial position, (5.40) z, of a particle that spent a time heater will in general depend on At and on the time At t' in the at which it entered the heated section t'+At z(At,t') V(t) = dt = V 0 At - 6V A- W [cosw (t'+At) - cosw t'] t' (5.41) It is obvious that if At is chosen to be equal to the period particles will reach the same point z in At, T, all regardless of their entrance time, and therefore pick up the same amount of enthalpy on the way. Therefore, the enthalpy variations will resemble a standing wave A = V T, with nodes equally spaced by a wavelength in Figs. 5.7 and 5.8 (curves without wall effect). evident in the Bode plot of Nodes appear whenever as clearly shown The same effect is H(z,jo) at a fixed location (Fig. 5.2). T = z/n V0, with n taking integer values. Furthermore, the slope of the linear phase relationship, given in Figs. 5.6 to 5.8 for the case of uniform and steady heat input, indicates that the enthalpy perturbation travels along the channel at twice the average flow velocity. at z = )/2, Considering, for example, the enthalpy variations where they are most pronounced, this simply means that the - 95 enthalpy-wise most perturbed particle is peak of the flow. - not the one that enters at the It is actually the one that entered a quarter of a cycle before and has felt the effect of higher velocity (lower transit time, lower enthalpy gain) all the way up to z = X/2. The particle will reach this location in approximately half a cycle, but only a quarter of a cycle after the peak of the flow. Any unsteadiness or non-uniformity in the heat input to the fluid will tend to blunt the sharp nodes. The heat storage in the walls produces such an effect by delaying the heat input (Figs. 5.7 and 5.8). A similar effect is produced by the cold spots of the heated wall. Notice that the delay increases twice as fast in the unheated regions, where the enthalpy perturbation travels at the flow velocity rather than at twice the flow velocity. significant changes, Fig. 5.8. Therefore, even a short unheated length can produce especially when the effects accumulate, The slow attenuation of the amplitude of regions is due to the real part of ing, to heat losses to the wall. wall effect, expK(s) 6h in as shown in the unheated K(s) (Eq. 5.32) or, physically speakThe effect disappears when, without the becomes a pure delay. Notice also that unheated or poorly heated regions, as considered in Figs. 5.7, 5.8 and 5.11, can also produce delays between 0 and 180*, are otherwise unattainable in which the uniform heat flux case which has the delay oscillating between 180 and 360*. An exact Non-Linear Lagrangian Solution An exact non-linear solution will be developed now for the case of uniform and steady heat input to the fluid, in order to evaluate the - - For a sinusoidal oscillation of the effects of the non-linearities. flow (Eq. 5.40), 96 Taking the enthalpy z(At, t') is given by Eq. (5.41). at the heater inlet as zero, h(O,t) = 0, the particle at z will have gained an enthalpy At h(z,t) = q" q"' is where the heat input per unit volume of coolant (Btu/hrft ) Subtracting the steady-state enthalpy rise h*(z,t) = q'" 6h(z,t) = - p ,,At* , where At* z - (At - z-) V (5.42) (5.43) t = t' + At with Equations (5.41) to (5.43), solved simultaneously for various values of the entrance time t', will provide the variations of location z. at any axial 6h The non-dimensional form of these equations will be used below: z*(At*,t*) = At* + 7TV sin(2fft* - (5.44) ffAt*) sin (fAt*) 0 6h*(z*,t*) = At* - z* (5.45) where t* t At* = At ,z* and 6h* = h P q Equation (5.44) is used to generate values of and variable At*, z* t for a fixed value of t* and Eq. (5.45) provides the corresponding 6h*. Figures 5.12 and 5.13 show the results obtained in this way for oil - equal to 6V/V 0.1 1.0 and . 97 - Parts a.) of these figures show the enthalpy perturbation profiles at various times. Thermocouples, at fixed locations measuring the average fluid temperature would have produced the temperature traces shown in parts b.). At 6V/V = 0.1 the curvesare quasi-sinusoidal and coincide with the linear solution obtained previously, while they deviate completely from sinusoids at 6V/V 0 = 1. Notice the progression in space and time of the enthalpy perturbation waves in the part a.) of these figures. Due to the linear relationship of Eq. (5.45), points of equal transit time lie on straight lines in the (6h*,z*) plane. These lines are almost vertical at small 6V/V . At larger relative flow oscillations, they progressively rotate around their intersections with the 6h* = 0 axis and distort the characteristic wave pattern. The perturbation velocity can be obtained from the (6h*,t*) plane by cross-plotting the The slope of such a plot is reaches its peak value. velocity, which is constant at small of each curve versus the time at which z* the perturbation twice as large as the flow velocity. 6V/V , straight line, even at 6h* This slope is and the points deviate only slightly from a 6V/V0 = 1 which denotes a constant propagation velocity. Another interesting observation from these plots is that the nonlinearities, by distorting the sine waves, introduce additional time delays; the peaks and valleys of the curves are shifted in time when the relative oscillation amplitude changes. - 5.3 98 - The Position of the Boiling Boundary The time-varying position of the boiling boundary, primarily determined by the enthalpy variations steady-state location, zb however, the movements of the of the BB. 6 zbb(t), h(zbb, ) is at the In a low pressure system, BB are also affected by the pressure variations in the single-phase region. All of these effects will be considered in the derivation that follows. Starting with the simplest description, the degree of sophistication will be increased gradually in order to separate the various effects. 5.3.1 Effect of the Enthalpy Variations shows the enthalpy, Figure 5.14A hf, h, and the saturation enthalpy, profiles (assumed flat in this case) around the and at some time t during the oscillation. BB, at steady state It is evident that, neglec- ting second order terms, 6h* 6= bb -bb dho bb 5.3.2 Effect of the Pressure Variations The static pressure variations will tilt the saturation enthalpy profile, while the dynamic pressure oscillations will displace it, both causing a corresponding movement of the effects are considered now separately. BB. The static and dynamic 99 - - Static Pressure Effects - Variable Saturation Enthalpy Along The Channel With reference to Fig. 5.14B, in this case 61h0 6zbb d (dho dh* f bb dz bb bb (dz - the superscript the subscript bb and meaning again that the quantities are evaluated at the steady-state location of the 0 BB. Dynamic Pressure Effects Changes in flow will produce a change in the frictional component of the pressure drop in the single-phase region and will add an inertial component. At the instantaneous position of the pbb(zbb) p(zbb) + = where assuming that 6p and =bb 3w fr (< 0) Aplf Apolr lfr z* in pin constant-wl.8 6w Ap =1.8 lfr 6w w 0 The inertia term is given by in G t z* in Dt =G - z* n A at is an equivalent inertia length for the single-phase region (Section 5.4.1). neglected. 6 zbb' is the total steady-state frictional pressure drop in = - z. where pfr + 6w 5ebb aw the single-phase region. 6p n i = 6 BB, In both cases, the second-order terms (6w.6z) were - Figure 5.14C 100 - shows how the combined effect of the two dynamic terms will displace the pressure profile, and consequently the saturation enthalpy profile, by 6h0 fbb 0 0 dhf = dp pbb fr in causing a final movement of the boiling boundary equal to 0 + 6h0 bb fbb d dh* dho f b dz bb -6h bb -z (5.46) -dzbb 5.3.3 The Flow-to-Position-of-the-Boiling-Boundary Transfer Function Equation (5.46) can be written in more detail as dhf + (-) -6h* bb q'(zb) bb w where Shbb dh (-)dp = 6 dh dp o h(zbb = dp 6w o -- [1.8 Ap* pbb p dp dz bb lfr w0 z*0 3G in at z' bb ,t) derivative of the liquid saturation enthalpy Pbb evaluated at pb (fluid property) dp1 (- 1 Czzbb total differential pressure drop at zb b (< 0) The variations of enthalpy at the time-varying position of the are given by BB Mftki IJ", I111IMMINIM 4 4MIN 111111h "I''JI11,1141111"'AIN 101 - 6h h(z bb h*(z*) bb bb = 6h IMI, - bb + ( dh dz and can amount to a substantial fraction of 6hbbb than 6 bb 6hb bb$ zbb or even become larger ree eoelre when the dynamic terms dominate. The dynamic corrections are generally small or even negligible, except when the non-boiling length becomes very large and the period is short. This is the case for the higher-order oscillations. Cast as a transfer function, Eq. (5.47) becomes Z(jW) = -H(z* ,jW) + ( ) b bb$ dp pbb 6 zbb(jW) P (jW) lw 6w(jW) dh q'(zbb) w o dpp p b dp 0 bb dz z* bb ft lbm/hr (5.48) where (jW) P Ap*oz lfr = -1.8 - in . J 1 fthr 0 Figure 5.15 shows in the previous section, "pathological" cases, in 6h 6h and 6zbb in the complex plane. As seen is generally located, except for some the upper half plane; always be in the lower half plane. the delay in 6zbb 6zbb will therefore The dynamic terms will always increase if this vector is located in the fourth quadrant (Fig. 5.15B), while if it is located in the third quadrant, the outcome will depend on the relative magnitudes of the friction and inertia terms (Fig. 5.15A). effect on 6 The static pressure term has only an important attenuating zbb* - 102 - Remarks Continuous variations of the two enthalpy profiles, and h* were assumed in the derivation of the transfer function BB, around the h* presented above. As this is not the case at the limits of the heated and unheated segments, the solutions obtained are obviously not applicable there. Moreover, as within amplitude of Z(jW) the unheated segments is zero, the dh*/dz is limited only by the remaining lesser term BB Therefore, if the steady-state position of the dh*/dz. f happens to be in an unheated segment, its oscillation will be greatly amplified. 5.4 The Pressure Drop in It is defined in the Single-Phase Region important to recall here that the single-phase region, as this chapter has a time-varying length. variations will be due to the change in already mentioned in SAp, = 1op- The pressure drop length and to the dynamic effects Summing these effects: 6ApJ + &ApJ 1we lz + dp* o = ( d) dz b wo - -bbz + [1.8 Ap* lfr A bb z* in t 6 w0 (5w (5.49) It is of course implied here that the friction factor, obtained from steady-state experiments, is applicable to a dynamic situation. There is recent evidence that this assumption is justifiable at low frequencies, 1000 (R is the pipe radius and WI/V R when the dimensionless parameter v is smaller than approximately the kinematic viscosity) [71]. - 103 - Using transfer-function notations 6Ap (jw) zbb + Plw 6 w - P z where 6Ap 1 P is = lz 6 dp* z -) (dz lz bb ((550) 0 z* bb the position-of-the-boiling-boundary-to-pressure-drop-in-the-single- phase-region transfer function, and SAp P is lw () = 6w w = 1.8 w0 A the flow-to-pressure-drop-in-the-single-phase-region Both of these transfer functions appear in Eq. 5.51) (i jjlfr transfer function. (5.48). The Equivalent Inertia Length 5.4.1 It is convenient to define an equivalent inertia length for the single-phase region by writing z* in z* - E 11 where z' 1 and A. 1 are the lengths and cross-sections of the various channel segments contributing to the inertial pressure drop. Although there were practically no frictional losses in the preheater (HX2), pressure recordings at station 0 (inlet plenum) during violent flow oscillations showed perturbations of the order of 0.1 psi, obviously due to the inertia of the fluid in the preheater and associated piping. Correlation of the peak pressure perturbation to the maximum - 104 rate of increase of the flow (dw/dt) - was consistent and permitted the assignment of an equivalent inertia length of rig. z* in 0.8 ft to this part of the Adding the length of the unheated region between stations 0 and becomes z in = 2.3 ft + z* bb (5.52) 1, - 105 - Chapter 6 DYNAMICS OF THE TWO-PHASE REGION THE LAGRANGIAN ENTHALPY TRAJECTORY MODEL The purpose of this chapter is to establish the basic hydrodynamic equations that will permit calculation of the pressure drop in the twophase region under time-dependent flow conditions. The method developed here together with the single-phase dynamics derived in Chapter 5, will be used in Chapter 8 to investigate the stability of the entire boiling channel. A new method of subdividing the channel by points of constant enthalpy, and a Lagrangian description lead to a model that permits considerable economy in computation time. The mass and energy conservation equations of the model are formulated in Section 6.2, the pressure drop formulas are derived in Section 6.3, and a complete calculation procedure is outlined in Section 6.4. 6.1 Introduction Several models that treat time dependent two-phase flow have been proposed in the past, and have been shown to predict with various degrees of accuracy the transient conditions in a boiling channel [5,13,37,38]. The common characteristic of these models is that they subdivide the boiling length into a number of space nodes and solve the three basic equations (mass, momentum and energy conservation) for each node, thus - 106 - providing a basically Eulerian description of the flow. will be taken here. A novel approach The channel will not be subdivided by space points, but rather by discrete constant enthalpy points, and an essentially Lagrangian description of the flow will be used. This procedure follows the example of Wallis and Heasley [10], who appear to be the only investigators to utilize a Lagrangian description. alize the channel. However, they did not section- The present procedure of sectionalizing the channel provides for considerable simplification in the calculation of the pressure drop. The model assumes locally incompressible flow; however, changes of the fluid properties according to some reference steady-state pressure profile are taken into account. The dynamic calculations do not rely on any particular procedure for prediction of the steadstate: therefore the reference profile can be provided with any available degree of accuracy. Furthermore, the use of a reference profile permits considera- tion of the relative velocity between phases. time Incorporation of space and dependent fluid properties (especially saturation enthalpy) and vapor compressibility into such a model is desirable for low pressure systems, but it represents at least another order of complexity, and was not considered. The following discussion will justify the particular formulation of the model and delineate its advantages. Stability considerations limit the time steps that can be taken in numerical applications of hydrodynamic models, which assume incompressible flow, to about the transit time in the segment. Since velocities increase rapidly with quality, it becomes evident that the length of a node can be proportionally increased downstream. It would be natural, then, to - 107 - This is a first hint in favor of a define nodes of equal transit time. Lagrangian description. Moreover, as was pointed out by Meyer and Rose [13] in their comparison of various hydrodynamic models, such a description has the distinct advantage that exact solutions are obtained for the continuity and energy equations. An inspection of the two-phase pressure drop correlations shows that, for given geometry and fluid, the pressure drop in a segment is a function of the mass flow rate, the length of the segment, the average quality, and the pressure, this last dependence being a weak one. When the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation is used, for example, the longest part of the computation involves the determination of the friction multiplier and the void fraction. Both of these quantities are essentially functions of the quality alone. In the pressure drop formula the mass flow rate and length act as multipliers. It follows then that, numerically, it would be very efficient to deal with segments of constant average quality. This second observation leads the suggestion that it might be convenient to subdivide the boiling length at all times by points of constant enthalpy. The limitations and possible extensions of the method will be discussed in Section 6.5. 6.2 Derivation of the Basic Equations Consider a uniformly heated boiling channel of constant crosssectional dimensions. As shown in Fig. 6.1, the upstream boundary or inlet (i) of a "translating and expanding control volume" is defined at any instant of time as the plane at which the enthalpy of the flowing - mixture has a given constant value 108 h.. - An example of such a constant enthalpy plane is the boiling boundary at high system pressures (i.e. when the saturation temperature remains essentially constant along the channel). Shaded area is the control volume at time t FIG. 6.1 DEFINITION OF COORDINATES Denote z.(t) the inlet coordinate of the control volume in an absolute frame of reference (e.g. measured from the heated length inlet) and C the relative coordinate with respect to a moving frame of reference attached to the upstream boundary of the control volume. Then the absolute coordinate of any plane is given by z(t) = z.(t) + C(t) 109 - - Following Zuber's nomenclature [72-74] a "center of volume" plane is defined as the plane from which a moving observer sees no net volume The velocity of this plane is then the velocity of the center flow. of volume or volumetric flux density, j, which also happens to be the unique velocity of the homogeneous model: j = + aV (1 - a)V In the Lagrangian description that follows such planes and the quantities associated with them t will be identified by two variables, the time and the entrance time t.,thetime at which the plane was coincident with the upstream boundary. The Continuity Equation 6.2.1 Consider now a center-of-volume plane that passed by the upstream boundary at time t. (entrance time). be at some point G(t,t At any instant of time t > t., At time this plane will ), having sweeped or generated a volume AG. t, the total rate of increase of this volume equals the net volumetric flow entering at the inlet boundary (i) plus the expansion due to evaporation C(t,t where j j Gtt)=A A 1 + (t i~ = ) q' vfg h hfg (6.1) is the center-of-volume velocity in the moving frame of reference dz. j (t) Gi1 = j.(t) - (6.2) -1 dt t - 110 - It is important to notice here the fundamental underlying assumpIt was assumed that the heat supply tions made in writing Eq. (6.1). rate to the fluid is constant and that this heat is immediately used for Thus, the effects of the heat storage in the walls, variable evaporation. heat transfer, and thermal non-equilibrium are not taken into account. Thermal non-equilibrium, however, might be accounted for approximately by the use of a corrected v ratio. /h Defining* q' vf = A g h fgA fg (6.3) Eq. (6.1) takes the form (t,t) - - QC(t,t ) = j Given the inlet center-of-volume velocity inlet boundary at any instant of time, and the position of the j (t) integration of this z.(t), as a function of time C equation gives (6.4) (t) t Qt e = -Qt' e j (t') dt' (6.5) t. The term DC/Dt in equation (6.4) represents the relative center-of- j. volume velocity, at any location reference, z To get the absolute center-of-volume velocity, at time dz.I/dt, t, the velocity of the moving frame of must be added, resulting in 1 * The same notation is used by Zuber [72-74] reaction frequency. to define a characteristic j, - j(t,t.) 6.2.2 = 111 - (6.6) GC(t,t.) + j.(t) The Energy Equation Besides the usual approximations of replacing energy by enthalpy and neglecting the potential and kinetic energy of the flowing mixture, a "quasi-steady-state" approximation is made here in order to obtain a simple expression relating the quality seen by an observer traveling at j, the velocity of the center of volume, Therefore it is to time. necessary to consider time intervals short enough so that the flaw does The enthalpy variation across an infinitesimal, not vary appreciably. stationary control volume at a quasi-steady state is dh = w _ q' - w j w d - w A = q Adt [ 1-x)v f + V + x V ] dt xv g ) (6.7) In the bulk boiling region, neglecting locally the changes in saturation enthalpy with pressure dh = Combining Eqs. dx dt h (6.7) (6.8) dx and (6.8), 2(x + vf vfg (6.9) For a homogeneous flow, Wallis and Heasley [10] obtained the same equation without making any approximations. occupying instantaneously a volume Av = A At = Am (vf + x v ) They considered a mass Am, - 112 - and flowing along the channel; its enthalpy rise dh during dt is given by dh = dt dt =q' A Am heat input during Am q' Am (v ) dt + x v Am which is identical to Eq. (6.7). In the case of slip flow there are no identifiable mass lumps that can be followed along the channel. The trajectories of volumes bounded by two "no net mass through" planes (planes moving with the velocity of the "center of mass"*) could be considered, but enthalpy is exchanged through such planes. Similarly mass is exchanged through planes traveling at the velocity of the "center of enthalpy"*. As both these definitions lead to cumbersome corrective terms that spoil the simplicity of the description, they were abandoned in favor of the approximate but simple description given above. Solution of Eq. (6.9) with the initial condition Q(t-t.) x(t,t.) = x. e 1 yields Q(t-t vf + x(t.,t.) = x. (e - - 1) (6.10) v fg Then integrating Eq. (6.8) with the corresponding initial condition, h(t.,t.) = h , vf h(t,t.) = i h. + h 1i (x. + fg i 1 Q(t-t.) ) (e - 1) (6.11) vvfg f Finally, using the definition of the flowing specific volume or its * These definitions are modeled on the definition of the velocity of the center of volume; they are respectively the mass weighted (area fraction times density) and enthalpy weighted (area fraction times density times specific enthalpy) mean velocities. - inverse, - 113 the flowing density l/p(t,t ) = v(t,t.) = Vf + x(t,t ) vfg )e =Vfg (x. + fg i =(1/p.) e (6.12) 1 vfg where = v + V x. f p. fg i that The control volume will be further specified now by requiring it be at all times bounded downstream by another plane of constant enthalpy h (6.11) shows that given Inspection of Eq. . there is a unique "residence time" At = (t e - t.) i h. and h satisfying this The instantaneous length of the control volume is then given condition. by Eq. (6.5) for t = t The time-dependent position of the exit . boundary, z e(t ) = ) + z(t (6.13) (te ,t.), is used to calculate its absolute velocity: dz dz. dt + i e t dt e t (6.14) at tt e e - .=a i The last term is readily obtained by differentiation of Eq. (6.5): Ot t - t. e I = e -Qt e = At + RC(t ,t ) e j i ( e ) - e j- (tt) j iti - 114 - Substitution into Eq. (6.14) gives dz t At dz. e -1 _ t e the entrance time At = t e t. 1 - , ) - + QG(t ,t ) + j .(t j (t ) e (6.15) e now being arbitrary, but the residence time, t. With this requirement in mind, the entrance time is fixed. index (t.) can be dropped from the exit quantities and replaced by the e. subscript t = te, at The exit mass flux at time z = ze, is immediately available: G (t ) = G(t ,t ) = G(t ,z ) = p Eq. (6.12) for (6.16) (t ) (6.5), and (6.4), and is given by Eqs. (6.6), j where j p is given by t = t. Summary of the Solutions 6.2.3 Given: At the time interval, the time-dependent position of the inlet boundary, the inlet volumetric flux density, flux, the solutions for any time v MAt x e = x. I or the inlet mass G.(t) x. the inlet quality, e j.(t), z (t) + t h. are: QAt (e Vfg or enthalpy, - 1) (6.17) Owl - 115 vf h e =h pe i + h p. = i fg i At ) (e (x. + - - 1) = h v fg f + x e h fg -Mat e (6.18) (6.19) dz. (t) j G (t) je(t) = j.(t) j (t) = = - 1 (6.20) dt (6.21) pe (6.22) + j.(t) C (t) t e(t) = Ot e -&tI j e (t') (6.23) dt' t-At z (t) = dz. dz e dt (6.24) z.(t) + C (t) e i = - t + QG (t) + j (t) - j (t-At) e (6.25) Notice that Eqs. (6.21) to (6.25) specify all the input information necessary for undertaking the solution for the next enthalpy-time step. 6.2.4 First-Order Approximation The solutions summarized above, though complete, are somewhat cumbersome to use, as the evaluation of C (t) requires a numerical integration. Equation (6.23) can be further simplified without great loss of accuracy - - 116 j by expanding linearly the inlet relative volumetric flux density, around = t t - as follows: At j(t (t)= ( (6.26) ) + s(t - t ) where dj . dt 1 further justified by the previous assump- This first-order expansion is tion of small variations of the inlet flow during the time interval. Introducing Eq. (6.26) into Eq. (6.23) and performing the integration, e (t) (e 2 - 1) + (e s - 1 - (6.27) QAt) 02 Introducing this expression into Eq.(6.25)yields e dt 6.2.5 At dz. dt + dt t dz t t (e - 1) (6.28) t Zero-Order Approximation In some cases where even a zero-order approximation of be adequate, j Eqs. (t) = j and (6.28) (6.27) (t - At) = constant during reduce to MAt 1 e (t -2 At e e -l1 At j (t) could - 117 - and dz dt 6.2.6 dz. e 1 t tt dt A Remark on the Character of the Model It is instructive at this point to calculate the change in mass time flux from inlet to exit of the control volume at AG .(t) = - G (t) G.(t) = [e (t) p t, j (t) p.] - Using Eqs. (6.19), (6.22) and (6.23): At AG .(t) = - j (t)F )+ (1-e dz. -2Ant' -eAt G e e (j.(t') - dt P ij td~p 1j(t (6.29) Approximated to the first order, i.e. using the definition of Eq. (6.26), Eq. (6.29) reduces to dz. -WAt AG .()el 1 Q -ot (- 1) ) + At - e . (6.30) dt It With the zer-o-order approximation, Eq. (6.29) reduces to dz. AG . (t) eidt = 1 -AAt (e t - 1) p. (6.31) Equations (6.29) to (6.31) confirm the fact that the model is accounting for the important transient mass accumulation and space distributed flow 118 - - As expected, all three expressions reduce to zero at variations. steady-state when 6.3 s = 0 j (t) = constant or and dz./dt = 0. Calculation of the Pressure Drop The steady-state pressure drop for a segment of length flux G*, x* and an average quality = -(x*0 + x0 ) 2 i e A4*, a mass is given in Chapter 3 as Apo Ap*+ ac gr fr where the superscript + Apo Apo was added here to denote steady-state conditions. Under time-dependent conditions for a segment of length G aneous average mass flux x = x0 = (G + G), AC, an instant- the same average quality and at the same pressure level, the pressure drop can be written as Apr Ap = fr AG G 2 Ap* 1.8 (o) + ( AG O -G t AC + A acG ( (632 .32) Once the time-independent values have been calculated, the computation of the time-dependent pressure drop is reduced to the evaluation of the simple expression above. It is the fact that Eq. (6.17), giving the exit quality as a function of the residence time, is independent of the mass flux that makes the evaluation of the total pressure drop extremely simple. First the mass fluxes at all mesh points at all times and the segment lengths are established, using the equations of Section 6.2.3. Then the total pressure drop at any point at any time is obtained using Eq. (6.32), by summation of the corresponding pressure drop increments at this time up to this point. The procedure is further clarified in the next section. - 6.4 119 - Computation Procedure The application of the theory outlined in the preceeding sections will be described now in some detail. The FORTRAN subroutine DYNPR2 that performs these calculations is listed in Appendix F. 6.4.1 Reference Steady State It is first necessary to determine the quality, enthalpy, density and pressure drop distributions at a reference steady-state (values with superscript *). The time step At can be either chosen arbitrarily or by subdividing the total reference transit time in the boiling length into an arbitrary number of segments, boundary point numbers BB 1 X1= i/e The inlet/exit subscripts are replaced by the mesh i/i+l. 3 2 A0 Starting at the boiling the segments and their boundaries are numbered as shown (BB), in Fig. 6.2. N. A0 x2X 1 2 i 100 N+1 i+1 N Xii 1 XN N+l X 1 Fig. 6.2. Time-Independent Reference Conditions in the Boiling Channel The general equations (6.17 - 6.19) could be used to determine the quality, enthalpy, and density distributions at steady state. In these calculations, properly defined local average values of the fluid - properties should be used. Eq. 120 - The length of the segments would be given by (6.23) AC j* = 1 E. 1 1 where Q. At E. e (6.33) and the pressure drops would be estimated using some appropriate model. This procedure, although theoretically correct, does not give good results when the fluid properties channel. v and h vary rapidly along the The deficiency comes from the exponential extrapolation required to obtain the exit quantities from the inlet quantities. ancies in the spatial averaging of errors. v /h Small discrep- produce large propagating It was found that a much better procedure was to calculate first the pressure profile by conventional means (Chapter 3), then determine the mesh points using the constant transit time requirement and calculate the densities at these points, p. . Effective Q values are then defined by -. 1 1 and the coefficients STAPR2 ln( At 1) (6.34) pi+l E. can be calculated using Eq. (6.33). Subroutine was written to perform the steady-state calculations and is listed in Appendix F. - 121 - Time-Dependent Hydrodynamic Calculations 6.4.2 The trajectories of center-of-volume planes that enter the "oiling t2' length at equally spaced times considered, the time step being again ... 3, , tk, ... t The superscript At. equations will refer to the plane that entered at time shows the progression in time and space of these planes. i points having the sum of their subscript m t refer to the same time will now*, be in the k Figure 6.3 tk+l* Notice that all and superscript k equal to and are situated on a diagonal line. m The regular pattern of these lines at steady state is distorted during transients. The following recursive relations, directly derived from the formulas of Section 6.2.3, specify the solution of the problem; in this first-order, machine-oriented solution, the differentials were further approximated by finite differences. k k - ii .k+l Sci .k+l i .k+1 k C where dz) (dt i (6.35) - (6.36) zk+) dt i .k -i At i = E. jk C 1 (6.37) + i (6.38) B. s i as defined by Eq. (6.33), and E., Q.At 1 e B. 1 -- G. At Q(6.39) e 02 E. -At 1 lines of equal enthalpy tk+2 k+1 ENTHALPY FIG. 6.3 (subscript i) and SPACE TRAJECTORIES OF THE CENTER-OF-VOLUME (AND CONSTANT-ENTHALPY) PLANES hi - 123 - are time-independent coefficients. = k jk + i+1 i k i+1 i+1 G. 1 2 Ap k = AC. k. i *k i+1 i+1 (6.41) G. +) + (Gk L (6.40) i (6.42) i 1.81 0 A . Apfr Pfri o ) k G.\ Gi k -k] -k+1 --Gi G. G.i Ap0gri . A )+ -k G. kk At - AC i 2 + Ap* aciG k dz dt i+1 k z. i+1 = = (6.43) k+1 dz) dt i k+1 z. + i + E( s i 6.44) 1 k AC;.(.5 (6.45) i The following three rules specify the time in the variables above: I. For quantities referring to a point (j, j G, z, dz/dt) and the time index is obtained by adding the superscript to the subscript. II. For quantities referring to a segment (s, AG , G, and Ap), unity must be added to the sum of the subscript and superscript. III. Time-independent quantities have no superscript (or superscript Inspection of the set of equations shows that all the information needed to undertake the next, (i+l)th enthalpy step is provided by ). - Eqs. (6.40), (6.41), (6.44), 6.5 124 - (6.45), and (6.46). Comments on the Method By now the reader will be aware of the fact that the enthalpy trajectory model, for feedback. as presented in this chapter, Given the inlet variations, has no built-in provision boundary conditions can be rigorously specified at the boiling boundary only. Then the conditions are calculated at any other point downstream. The few limiting assumptions made during the derivation of the basic equations, namely the assumption of slow flow rate variations and the nondependence of the local saturation enthalpy on dynamic pressure variations, suggest that the model will probably be most useful for moderate flow Such conditions prevail at the transients around an equilibrium point. incipience of flow oscillations. An increase of the system pressure is certainly beneficial to the performance of the model. However, the model is better than other existing models for low pressure systems, as it takes into account at least the steady-state pressure profile. Notice that when the position of the BB, as determined by the analysis of Chapter 5, is used as the first mesh point, the pressure dependence of the saturation enthalpy is automatically taken into account at this point, and approximately at points downstream. Indeed, statically, an increase of the pressure level shifts the entire pattern of enthalpy mesh points downstream. the correction of the position of the A similar effect is produced by BB according to the static and - dynamic pressure variations. 125 - Obviously, the validity of this correction deteriorates with distance from the BB, and reverses into an error at the channel exit, where the pressure is externally fixed. A correction that was applied to the pressure drop calculation near the exit of the channel is discussed in Chapter 8. It is believed that with the two refinements mentioned above, the model is also capable of approximately considering the time variations of the saturation enthalpy. Unfortunately, it is impossible to account for variable channel geometry, non-uniform heat flux profile, time-dependent heat input, or, in general any space distributed input variable, without spoiling the inherent simplicity of the equations. On the other hand, the effect of local flow restrictions can be superimposed easily on the uniform geometry channel results. The necessity to determine the conditions at a given space point indirectly, by interpolation of values at bracketing points, constitutes another minor disadvantage of the method. It should also be noted here that to be able to determine the conditions at the channel exit it is necessary to virtually extend the boiling length. In spite of these relatively minor limitations the model seems to be well-suited for calculations of pressure variations for small or medium amplitude flow oscillations and transients. - 126 - Chapter 7 PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF THE STABILITY EXPERIMENTS One of the primary goals of the project for which this investigation was initiated was to produce a complete and reliable stability map that could be used to test various existing or new analytical models such as the model described in Chapters 5, 6 and 8. In fact, most of the stability data presented in the literature are either isolated points or small collections of points that do not permit thorough testing of a model. Moreover many experiments were conducted with poorly defined systems, having uncertain or varying boundary conditions. Because of the risks of physical damage to the test sections, generally the experiments were terminated near the threshold of stability without entering deep into the unstable region. Therefore, few limit cycle data are available. Crowley, Deane, and Gouse [32] obtained the stability boundaries of the present system at four power levels with a uniform heat flux distribution. The frequencies of the phenomena they observed confirmed that these were density wave oscillations. Relative to the previous work, the purpose of the present stability experiments was to: a) extend and complete the uniform heat flux stability map toward lower power levels and higher subcoolings, b) and produce a corresponding map with a cosine heat flux distribution, .iIIII - - M illld llkil il ls IlliHIM 1111il 127 - c) enter deep into the unstable region and study the characteristics cf the limit cycle. Section 7.1 describes the experimental procedure. The difficulties encountered in the definition of the threshold of stability are discussed in Section 7.2. A short survey of the various ways of presenting the data is given in Section 7.3. used. Section 7.4 describes the data reduction methods Stability maps are presented and discussed in Section 7.5, and the period of the oscillations is considered in Section 7.6. The effect of the cosine heat flux distribution is examined in Section 7.7. The characteristics of the limit cycle are described in Section 7.8. Section 7.9 deals with a series of experiments that were designed especially to show the existance of standing enthalpy waves in the single-phase region. Conclusions are drawn in the last rection of this chapter. A total of 23 routine stability runs ("D" runs) were made. Excluding the first three trial runs, eight runs were made with cosine and the remaining twelve with uniform heat flux distribution. Another eight stability runs provided tape recordings of the flow signal that could be analyzed for frequency content ("TR" runs). Finally six special runs ("E" runs) demonstrated the existance of higher-mode enthalpy waves in the subcooled region (Section 7.9). A total of 750 points, including 175 threshold and transition points, was recorded. This large amount of data required machine processing. The introduction of data handling programs, early in the data reduction phase, permitted the mainpulation of large amounts of data, with any desired degree of sophistication and with minimal numerical discrepancies. The raw stability data and relevant calculated parameters are tabulated in Appendix E. - - 128 Experimental Procedure 7.1 Crowley, Deane, and Gouse [32] have shown that the oscillation characteristics were practically independent of the number of channels This is operating in parallel. a direct consequence of the constant-pres- sure-drop boundary condition maintained by the large bypass. Dynamic pressure recordings at station 0 have, however, shown a small oscillation due to the inertia of the liquid in the preheater 5.4.1). HX2 (Section To eliminate the weak coupling introduced by this pressure drop, all stability experiments were conducted with a single channel, namely channel C. V12. Valves The other two channels were isolated using valves V13 V10 and Vll and were left wide open for all the stability runs. For a given test fluid and geometry, the conditions in the boiling channel are determined by the five independent variables listed in Table 7.1. Table 7.1 Range of the Independent Variables During the Stability Experiments Total pressure drop, atmospheric p Channel exit pressure, approximately 7.5 to 3.5 psi Ape o Gross average linear heat rate, q' 0 Heat flux distribution, q'(z) 265, 530, 795, 1060, and 1325 Btu/hrft (100, 200, 300, 400, 500 W/test length) uniform and cosine 0 Inlet temperature, T040 to 125 0 F ill 11 J11, - 129 The inlet average mass flow rate, - w , the exit quality, as well as the limit cycle characteristics (frequency, amplitude, 0) x , T, etc., and peak flow are considered as dependent variables. Crowley, Deane, and Gouse [32] conducted their experiments with a fixed pressure drop across the test channels, while varying the inlet temperature. The experimental path obtained in this way is parallel to the stability boundary over a large range of temperatures (Fig. 7.1 and Ref. [32]). In the present experiments, the inlet temperature was main- tained constant while the pressure drop, and consequently the average flow rate, were varied. Thus a path perpendicular to the stability boundary was generated, except for the lowest subcoolings. Since previous studies, e.g. [9], have demonstrated that the stability of the system is independent of its history or the path followed in approaching some point, the two approaches are equivalent. The present approach, however, has operational advantages. In the previous experiments, the power region from 380 W/test length up to the maximum safe heat flux had been covered. It became immediately clear that at lower power levels, with forced circulation, the system was stable. With forced circulation the minimum available by the hydrostatic head in the bypass. Ap e is given It was then necessary to change the operating procedure and conduct blowdown tests as described below. 7.1.1 Blowdown Tests The loop was prepared for data collection by a procedure similar to that used for the steady-state experiments (Section 4.1). The steam and - 130 - water flow rates to the test section preheater HX2 were then adjusted, to bring the mixture to the desired nominal Freon inlet temperature. The bypass Data collection generally started with forced circulation. valve V9 was wide opened and the flow through the bypass was reduced to a minimum using valves Vi, V2 or V3, and V6. Then valve Vl was completely closed so as to isolate the test sections, and the pump was stopped or simply circulated Freon in the pump bypass. The reserve of fluid in the large bypass was sufficient to maintain the flow in a single channel for 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the inlet temperature and the heat input. p0, During this period the level in the bypass, and proportionally decreased continuously so that the system was led through an infinite number of quasi-steady states. have no effect on the stability. with increasing velocity through p0 The rate of decrease was slow enough to This was verified by taking data (slowly filling up the bypass). HX2 Moreover, the was so small that the Freon inlet temperature was indistinguishable from the heating water temperature and could be controlled very easily. Besides providing the necessary low inlet pressures and a way of continuously varying the flow, the blowdown procedure provided also for accurate flow rate measurements as explained in the following section. 7.1.2 Data Collection During the experiments the inlet temperature, recorded on the thermocouple recorder. T , was continuously The linear flow signal, the integral flow signal (Section 2.2.2), and selected pressure signals from various stations along the channel were recorded on the Visicorder. - 131 - Occasionally the signals from void gauges (Section 2.2.5) and thermocouples were also recorded. An additional potentiometric strip-chart recorder (Hewlett Packard-Moseley Model 680) was used to produce a continuous trace of the inlet pressure, po. The signal fed to this recorder was provided by a 20-psig pressure transducer and amplified by a Statham Model readout unit. UR5 Two calibrated bias signals could be added to the pressure signal to keep the pen within the chart limits while using a large amplification. Since the cross-section of the bypass was constant (except at the top), the slope of the pressure trace was exactly proportional to the mass flow rate, regardless of the tempThe glass bypass was graduated to permit visual erature in the bypass. observation of the level. At steady state, the mass flow rates obtained "barometrically", as described above, agreed within 5 percent with the venturi readings. With large oscillations and at very low flow rates, only the "barometric" method was reliable. The top of the bypass had an irregular shape and made flow rate measurements impossible at the beginning of the blowdown. (valve flow. V15 It was then necessary to use the downcomer level to the release tank shut) to volumetrically determine the For this purpose, the transparent downcomer was also graduated and the liquid level was read and noted in short intervals. This method was less accurate because of the delay of the vapor in the condenser. p trace was compared many times during every run to the manometer level and the gauge were smaller than P93 0.05 pressure readings (Fig. 2.2). The M3 The deviations psi and therefore negligible. The three recorders and the manual readings were synchronized with appropriate time marks on the charts. During most of the runs (D4 - D16) - 132 - the rapidly varying signals were recorded intermittently with a large time scale to measure accurately the characteristics of the limit cycle. After the discovery of higher modes of oscillation, continuous recordings at a reduced paper speed were made in order to detect all the transition points D17 - (Runs 7.2 D23, TR,and E). Determination of the Threshold of Stability When a boiling system is brought into the unstable region by a continuous variation of some independent parameter, the experimenter faces the difficult task of defining the threshold of stability. In theory, a system becomes unstable when infinitesimal oscillations around an equilibrium point are indefinitely sustained. system As in a real boiling the small oscillations are masked by random noise, such a criterion is generally not applicable unless the oscillations grow rapidly. Furthermore a train of decaying oscillations triggered by external events, near the threshold of stability can be easily mistaken for a steady oscillation. applied in It becomes clear, then that some arbitrary criterion must be defining the threshold of stability. Often the decision is made by simple visual examination of the traces; e.g. Berenson [22]. Massini et al. [24] also detected the threshold by visual inspection of pressure recordings. They note that "the theoretical threshold power is probably overestimated, but by no more than 1-2 percent as it the diagrams of oscillations amplitude vs. amplitude to zero". grow linearly. There is no assurance, power, appears from extrapolating the however, that the oscillations Various altempts have been made to systematize the Eli - procedure. 133 - Jain [23] states that "in some cases the inception point is readily distinguished, ... not observed." , but in other cases, a clearcut threshold is The knee of the amplitude curve versus some independent variable can be used in the former case, while statistical methods are generally necessary in the latter. For example, Bogaardt et al. [21] plot the rms value of a fluctuating pressure signal, while Mathisen [40] defines the threshold by extrapolating toward zero the inverse of the flownoise variance. Kjaerheim and Rolstad [26] define a "noise function" resembling an autocorrelation function and extrapolate the fast rising portion of this curve backwards toward zero. For the present experiments, the threshold of stability was fairly well defined at moderate and high subcoolings as there was little flow noise and the amplitude of the oscillations grew very rapidly. (Fig. 7.16A). At low subcoolings, however, it was difficult to define the threshold by visual observation of the traces alone. An attempt was made to define the threshold at low subcooling by statistically analyzing the flow signal. signal were made, Tape recordings of the flow the analog signal was sampled and converted to digital data, which was analyzed numerically for frequency content by computer. The elaborate analysis yielded no better definition of the threshold and therefore was not used extensively. The threshold of stability is defined in this work as the point where the decreasing flow trace exhibits for the first time sustained periodic oscillations with a characteristic frequency and a distinguishable amplitude. The subjectivity of this definition might be responsible for some scatter in the threshold points. - 7.3 - 134 Similarity Considerations and Non-Dimensional Parameters A brief survey of the various non-dimensional parameters involved in the thermal-hydraulic dynamics of the boiling channel will be made here to prepare the ground for presentation of the stability maps in terms of these parameters. As a single fluid at atmospheric pressure was used throughout the present experiment.s, the fluid-related parameters need not be considered here. In more general studies these parameters include the ratio of the critical pressures, the liquid to vapor density ratios at a given pressure, the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter [52] L/D, property index is fixed. (p f/y )0 2 (P /Pf ). Xtt [49], or the Baroczy Moreover, the geometry ratio, For small variations of the liquid viscosity, the inlet Reynolds number becomes a direct measure of the flow velocity. Many authors agree on the importance of the relative position of the boiling boundary (BB). It seems then natural to use the single-phase length to total channel length ratio, enthalpy to total enthalpy ratio, L /L L /L Ah /Ah [75] or the single-phase [7], which is identical to for a uniform heat flux distribution. The exit quality is itself a non dimensional parameter [76], but it can be advantageously replaced by the inlet to exit density ratio, P.~in'/p ex or the inlet to exit velocity ratio, The temperature of the fluid as it V. /V in ex enters the heated channel can be replaced by the inlet subcooling or, better yet, respect to the boiling boundary, the ratio Ah /h [76,77]. [7]. [] by the subcooling with which can also be represented ly - 135 - All attempts made in non-dimensionalizing the heat input (e.g. [15,75,77]) lead to parameters that are proportional to q/woh where The analysis of section showed that q is the total heat input. for low pressure systems, this ratio should be augmented by L dh dp1 (y)o h fg fg dp ~ change in to account for the vapor generation due to the (-)o p.b bb dz zb bb saturation pressure. In the present case this corrective term is practically constant, and for this reason it is omitted. All the parameters considered so far account mainly for thermal effects. The momentum effects are represented by the ratio of the pressure drop in the single-phase region to total pressure drop, Ap 1 /Ap. Another parameter that emerged from the analysis of Chapter 5 (Eq. is 5.49) the ratio of the period of the oscillation to the characteristic single-phase inertia time constant T T. in 1.8 lfr 2Tr G* z* in Stenning and Veziroglu used a similar parameter in their analysis [7]. The important time delays are discussed in detail in Section 7.6.1 For the single-phase region the "order of oscillation" is defined as z* /V T bb o where V T = X is the enthalpy oscillation wavelength used in Chapter 5. It seems that both the hydrodynamic and the thermodynamic similarity conditions, mentioned above, must be met in order to have two completely similar states of the boiling channel. As these are incompatible in general, there will be no single curve to represent, for example, the - 136 - threshold of stability, but rather a family of curves (recall that three independent variables define the system, namely q). p or w T , , and The dimensionless parameters actually used in reducing the experi- mental data are given in the following section. 7.4 Data Reduction The raw experimental data, i.e. the atmospheric (condenser) pressure, the inlet pressure readings, the average flow rate, the inlet temperature, the power level and distribution, the period of the oscillation, and the peak flow (the last two from the Visicorder traces), were fed to computer programs that calculated: the pressure at the inlet of the heated section, the inlet subcooling, . AT = T sun sat (p 1 ) - T o the average position of the boiling boundary, the average pressure at the z* bb pb BB, the average subcooling with respect to the the average exit quality, p1 BB, AT subb = T sat (p0 ) bb xex and various non-dimensional parameters of interest: the enthalpy paramete-, the single-phase length, q/wdif where h = h (pe ) zb /L bb h Lie single-phase pressure drop, the single-phase enthalpy, Ap1 /Ap = Apobb oex Ah1 /Ah the single-phase transit time or "order of the oscillation", z b/V T The heat losses were not taken into account as they were small and approximately constant for each power level. Subcooled boiling was - T o - 137 - ignored as it has been shown in Chapter 4 that it contributes very little to the pressure drop. The following procedure was devised to determine the position of the BB: Using the measured inlet pressure as the starting point, the pressure drop and the corresponding temperature rise for each test length are calculated. When the mixed-mean temperature exceeds the local saturation temperature, successive linear interpolations permit the determination of the position of the BB. The method is reliable as the pressure drop in the single-phase region can be determined with sufficient accuracy. Subroutine SUBCBB performs these calculations and is listed in Appendix F. The cold spots were not taken into account for the experimental data reduction, since 7.5 a simplified version of SUBCBB was used. Stability Maps The experimental threshold of stability data, tabulated in Appendix E, and some characteristics of the limit cycle will be presented graphically by means of stability maps. in the q o fg , Figures 7.1 to 7.5 are typical stability maps ) plane. AT Each curve on these figures represents a subb run at constant inlet temperature. As the experiments were conducted with decreasing flow, data collection progressed from left to right. The first occurrence of oscillations or the "threshold of stability" is denoted by circles. The points where, at rare instances, the oscilla- tions ceased are marked by a cross. The deviation of the points at very low subcoolings toward the left is due to the presence of air in the system. When the Freon was not exhaustively degassed, gas bubbles started - flowing out of the preheater 138 (HX2) - at temperatures approximately 10'F below the local saturation temperature and precipitated the occurrence of instability. 7.5.1 Higher-Mode Oscillations At high subcoolings and low power levels the system exhibited an interesting behavior, named "higher-mode (or order) oscillations" for reasons that will be apparent later. were found in the literature. No reports on similar phenomena The following observations led to the detection of this peculiar behavior: a) In the (q/w hfg ATsubb) plane, at high subcoolings, the threshold boundaries should normally curve toward the right [29]. a behavior was not observed; Such the stability boundaries remained vertical or even curved to the left. b) It has been well established [7,24] that the period of the oscillation is approximately equal to twice the "transit time" in the channel. In the higher-mode region the measured periods were equal to a small, approximately constant fraction of the expected period (Fig. 7.11). c) There were sudden changes in the oscillation pattern and period, named "transitions". Often the oscillations seemed to decay, only to diverge again with a different frequency. for such a transition point. Figure 7.6A shows the flow trace At other times the transition occurred with- out decay of the oscillation, by a mixture of the two modes over a few cycles (Fig. 7.6B). d) The hypothesis that this behavior was due to nucleation insta- bilities alone was rejected in light of the complete explanation given later. VINN, - 139 - The analysis of Chapter 5 (particularly Section 5.2.4) showed the existence of enthalpy nodes in the boiling channel, i.e. points where the enthalpy variations are minimum when the flow is oscillating. For a spatially uniform heat input to the fluid, these nodes are separated by a wave-length X = VT . The enthalpy perturbations resemble a standing wave in an organ pipe (Figs. 5.7 and 5.8). The oscillations were assigned an order according to the relative position of the in the first wavelength (z'b/A < 1), "zero-order" or "fundamental." order of oscillation BB. If the BB is the oscillation mode will be called In general = integer part of zbb -b It is clear that the enthalpy perturbations upstream of the last node before the BB do not contribute anything dynamically. Therefore this portion of the channel should not be taken into account for the calculation of the transit time. This explanation makes the presence of "unexpectedly" short periods legitimate. A series of experiments devised to confirm this behavior is discussed in Section 7.9. When the (q/w h , ATsubb) plane is divided into stable and unstable regions, and the unstable regions are further subdivided according to the order of the oscillations, a consistent stability map emerges. The transition points become threshold points for some adjacent region exhibiting a different order of instability. as expected, to the right (Figs. All the threshold boundaries curve, 7.1 to 7.5). For each mode, the period of the oscillation can be closely correlated with the subcooling as shown in Fig. 7.11. - 140 - Of course, what was said above does not explain why the system exhibits higher modes and why transitions from mode to mode occur. This question should be answered in the context of the stability analysis; a few remarks, however, will be made here. The boiling channel is dynamically dissimilar for each mode. At higher modes the "inactive" wavelengths must be added to the length of the unheated inlet piping, changing the relative position of the BB in the effective heated length. There seems to be a dynamically acceptable range of periods (approximately 2 to 10 s in the present case). At low subcoolings, and high power levels, as the transit time and consequently the fundamental period become short, the occurrence of higher modes with even shorter periods is prohibited. On the other hand, with very low heat inputs and inlet velocities, at high subcoolings, the transit time becomes excessively long and the fundamental period is divided into smaller fractions. The transitions from mode to mode are probably due to the combined effects of the spatial oscillations of the enthalpy along the channel, the cold spots of the heated wall, and they are possibly enhanced by nucleation instabilities. As the inlet flow is gradually decreased, the period, the wavelength and the position of the be considered. BB change and their combinations must When, for example, the BB reaches an enthalpy node, the oscillation might be no longer sustained and another mode might emerge. On the contrary, the oscillations will be amplified if the average position of the BB reaches a cold spot (Section In one instance, at very low inlet velocity, it has been possible to observe visually a change of - mode. 141 - There seemed to be a sudden shift of the average position of the oscillating to a few inches upstream, suggesting that nucleation BB effects might be occasionally triggering the frequent transitions. It is evident, however, that the higher oscillation modes are not nucleation instabilities. In the remainder of this work the oscillations are always assigned an order, as defined in Section 7.4. This simple parameter does not take into account the heat flux distribution and the wall heat storage effects. Both of these modify the spacing of the enthalpy minima as shown in Figs. 5.8 and 5.10. When the required corrections are kept in mind, the order of the oscillation can be very useful in categorizing the oscillations. Extensive graphical search and cross-verification was used to draw the threshold lines of Figs. 7.1 to 7.5. All the experimental observa- tions had to be used simultaneously to provide continuity of the boundaries from all points of view. used extensively. Period versus subcooling plots (Fig. 7.11) were In many instances, when there was doubt, the original recordings were reexamined. In the light of what was expected, features of the oscillations that were not noticed during the initial data reduction were found. Obviously the information in the higher-mode regions is limited and some extrapolation and speculation is necessary in order to plot all the boundaries. The information, as presented in Figs. 7.1 to 7.5, however, is consistent and all the small discrepancies can be justified on experimental or other grounds. Regions where extensive mixing of modes occurs are probably indifferent to the order of the oscillation. - 142 - Zero-Order Stability Boundaries - Uniform Heat Flux Distribution 7.5.2 The points at the first threshold of stability, regardless of mode, and the zero-order transition points were plotted in Fig. 7.7, together with the smoothed zero-order boundaries. Five power levels are represented on this figure, all with a uniform heat flux distribution. At 200 W/test length (W/TL) two boundaries are shown as no decision could be made regarding the mode of the oscillations in the region between these two curves. There seemed to be a continuous mixing of zero and first order modes, as shown in Fig. 7.6C, with the flow peaks grouped two by two. Similar behavior also occurred at other power levels. There is a single higher-mode threshold point at 400 W/TL and none at 500 W/TL. The smoothed boundaries from the experiments by Crowley, Dean, and Gouse were also plotted on this figure and labeled "C-D-G". As the inlet pressure was not available for the points on these curves it had to be calculated using the methods of Chapter 3 in order to obtain ATsubb Figures 7.8 and 7.9 are the conventional stability plots in the inlet velocity - inlet subcooling plane. plotted on these figures. increasing heat input is old points in the (Ap 1 /Ap, Only zero order points were The enlargement of the unstable region with clearly visible. q/w h ) plane. Figure 7.10 shows the threshThe boundaries at all power levels are almost indistinguishable in this plane. replaced by Ah 1 /Ah, much further apart. a similar plot is When Apl/Ap is obtained, but the boundaries are - 7.6 143 - Period of the Oscillation An analytical expression for the time delays in the channel will be developed first in this section, in order to provide a basis for discussion of the experimental data. Time Delays in the Channel 7.6.1 The instabilities studied in this work are due to delayed feedbacks between the flow rate, the void fraction, and the resulting pressure drop. A small sinusoidal perturbation of the inlet flow will be considered now and its effects on the pressure drop will be determined. A uniform and constant heat input to the fluid will be assumed for simplicity. The analysis of Section 5.2.4 has shown that, if the flow was t = 0, the enthalpy perturbation at the maximum at time BB will reach a maximum at time zbb At 1 = bb 2V0 The ratio of this time to one half the period of the oscillation has been already used extensively as the order of the oscillation. In the two- phase region the enthalpy perturbationts will create void perturbations. These, according to Zuber [72], propagate with the kinematic wave velocity which is approximately equal to the vapor velocity. phase region, the appropriate transit time is At 2 dz V g(Z) = zbb Therefore, in the two- - 144 - The maximum of the void perturbation will reach the exit after a time At ex At = 1 + At 2 The perturbation of interest, however, is the total pressure drop perturbation, which will depend in an integral fashion upon the local void and flow perturbations. The period will be approximately equal to twice the total delay, , At since the delays in the two-phase region are short, due to the large mixture velocities. Other authors [7,24] have used the same assumption without, however, accounting for the fact that the enthalpy perturbations travel at twice the flow velocity. The following expression for At was derived assuming homogeneous ex flow, constant properties and uniform heat input to the fluid. P At Notice that At Ah , I/c. 1 +t 2 = -- 2 q Ah 1 + q h ,, v v ln(1 fgf vf x ex ) is a linear function of the enthalpy rise in the single- At phase region ATsubb = Ah ex = or of the subcooling with respect to the BB, It increases logarithmically with the exit quality and is proportional to the inverse of the heat input. 7.6.2 Period of the Oscillation at the Threshold of Stability The measured period of the oscillations ranged from approximately 2 to 10 seconds, increasing continuously with subcooling. Figure 7.11 is a typical plot of the periods measured at the first occurrence of oscillations and at the ttansition points, versus subcooling with respect to MA, - the BB. 145 - (The period measured after the transitions were plotted.) the points taken at the power level of 200 W/TL, cosine heat flux distributions, are shown. for both uniform and The experimental points lie on a family of curves, grouped according to their order. with two successive order codes had values All zb /A bb Points shown close to an integer. For instance, both orders two and three were assigned to points having a value of zb bA bb equal to 2.95 or 3.1 to account for experimental uncertainties. All the zero-order period data are plotted in Figs. 7.12 and 7.13 for uniform and cosine heat flux distributions respectively. anticipated in the previous section are evident. Trends The period increases with subcooling and is roughly inversely proportional to the average heat input. There is generally little scatter of the data. Cross examination of these figures and Figs. 7.1 to 7.5 will show that the points lying off the smoothed threshold boundaries also lie off the period curves. Given the assumption that there is a unique possible frequency for each point on the stability map, this observation is not surprising. 7.6.3 Period of the Oscillations in the Unstable Region In the unstable region, for constant average subcooling, the period of the oscillations varied very slowly. map showing the lines of equal frequency. Figure 7.14 is a typical contour The lines present inflection points situated approximately on a diagonal line. moves upwards at a higher heat input (500 W/TL). the inflections disappear. This line At lower power levels This behavior was tentatively attributed to non- linearities in the boiling region and/or to flow regime changes. - 7.7 146 - Cosine Versus Uniform Heat Flux Distribution Figure 7.9 shows the zero-order stability boundaries obtained at three different power levels with the cosine heat flux distribution. Zero-order oscillations were not encountered at 100 W/TL. Comparison of these boundaries with the corresponding uniform heat flux threshold curves, shown in dotted lines, suggests that the effect of the cosine heat distribution was stabilizing at all but the lowest subcoolings. The comparisons made in Chapter 4 showed that there is little effect of the heat input The major effect on stability must distribution on the pressure drop. therefore come from the changes in the average position and dynamic behavior of the BB. The latter depends on the oscillation frequency. In fact, the period versus subcooling plot of Fig. 7.13 shows that the curves obtained with the cosine distribution always lie below the corresponding uniform heat flux curves. The explanation is given below. The enthalpy along the channel, for both uniform and cosine heat flux distributions, is sketched in Fig. 7.15A. This figure shows that for identical inlet conditions and equal average heat input, the BB will be displaced toward the center of the channel in the case of the cosine power distribution. Consider now the enthalpy delay curve, (2fr - arg6h(z,jw), Fig. 5.9, redrawn in Fig. 7.15B). For any heat flux distribution peaked toward the center of the channel the 6h delays are shortened. Figure 7.15B shows how the two effects tend to cancel in the first third of the channel, while they add up as the BB moves downstream. Since the boiling delays are small and approximately equal for the two cases, the period of the oscillation will follow the trends exhibited by the 6h delay. These I, - 147 " 10101MIN - trends are evident in Fig. 7.13 where the cosine curves depart progressively from the uniform heat flux curves as subcooling increases, moving the BB downstream. The stability of the channel is influenced accordingly, as shown in Fig. 7.9. 7.8 Oscillation Amplitude in the Unstable Region - The Limit Cycle Figure 7.16A shows the growth of the oscillations at the threshold of stability at high subcooling. Only a few cycles and a small decrease in average flow rate were necessary to bring the system from a stable regime to the limiting oscillation cycle. The violence of the oscillations, measured by the peak to average flow rate, increased with subcooling. At low subcoolings the transition from stable to unstable flow was much more gradual as shown in Fig. 7.16B. Figures 7.16C to F are typical recordings. a hot wire void gauge and a thermocouple. They include traces from Notice the phase differences between the flow, the pressure along the channel, and the void fraction. The pressures in the boiling region are minimum when the inlet flow is maximum confirming the dynamic nature of the instability. The pressure oscillations are more pronounced in the center of the channel. Notice also the resemblance of the temperature trace to the curves of Fig. 5.13B. 7.9 Experiments to Confirm the Mechanism of Higher-Order Oscillations The statement that, in the case of higher-mode oscillations, the portion of the channel up to the last enthalpy node before the not contribute to the enthalpy perturbation at the BB, does BB was made in - 148 - If this were correct, it should be possible to remove the Section 7.5.1. power from this portion of the channel and provide the corresponding enthalpy rise by an increase of the inlet temperature without affecting the oscillations. A number of experiments (series E) were conducted to verify this hypothesis. An experimental transition point with a wavelength approximately equal to the test length was chosen, in order to be able to cut the power for portions of the channel that were multiples of the wavelength. Obviously, such a procedure assures similitude of the enthalpy at a single point, as the relation Ah = q/w = c ATsubb is true at a unique flow rate only. Four experimental runs were made (Runs E03 to E06) with the power shut off from the first 0, 1, 2, and 3 test lengths, respectively. The oscillation characteristics obtained (data tabulated in Appendix E) were very much similar for each run. Figure 7.17 shows the experimental points in the (q*/w h o fg , AT*ub subb The corrected (asterisked) quantities are plane. q* _ - 7 7-n q AT* subb n (q/7)__ +n(q/7) AT = subb w T 0 and the corrected order of the oscillation becomes zbb - n AL + n where n is the number of test lengths average heat capacity of the liquid in AL without power and the non-heated length. c the The transition boundaries at the corresponding power level of 200 W/TL, from fill - 149 - Fig. 7.2, are shown in dotted lines. , z* /L ) plane is used in Fig. 7.18. The (q*/wh o fg bb h Inspection of this plot shows that, to a first approximation, the transitions occurred whenever the BB was crossing particular points of the channel. In general the experiments have shown a remarkable similarity in the dynamic behavior of the channel, confirming the initial hypothesis. 7.10 Summary and Conclusion Two complete stability maps, one for uniform and one for cosine heat flux distribution were presented. The large number of threshold points taken permitted the drawing of stability boundaries with sufficient accuracy. zing. The effect of the cosine heat flux distribution was stabili- Although it is generally not possible to completely describe the stability of the channel by a non-dimensional analysis, some non-dimensional parameters were very useful in presenting the data. The presence of higher-mode oscillations was detected and when the unstable regions were characterized by the order of the oscillation, consistent stability boundaries emerged. Many observations could be explained by the dynamic behavior of the boiling boundary. The associa- tion of the higher-mode oscillations with standing enthalpy waves in the single-phase region was well established. The oscillation pattern was independent of the history or the path followed into the unstable region. Some characteristics of the limit cycle were presented. There seems to be a limited range of possible oscillation frequencies. A unique correlation between the fundamental period of the oscillation and the steady-state conditions in the channel was shown to exist. - 150 - Chapter 8 STABILITY ANALYSIS The theoretical models for the stability analysis undertaken in this chapter were developed in Chapters 5 and 6. The dynamics of the single- phase region were studied in Chapter 5 and a method for predicting oscillatory pressure drop in the two-phase region was developed in Chapter 6. Both analyses were based on the assumption of an oscillatory inlet flow. In this chapter, a stability criterion is developed and a block diagram for the system is presented. Then experimental data are used to test the model and the discrepancies observed are analyzed. As already mentioned, of the BB, pbb(t), is used here rather than the pressure at the reference position of the BB, the pressure at the time-dependent position BB, pb(t). The pressure perturbation at the 6pbb(t), which is not a directly measurable quantity, is related to the single-phase and two-phase pressure drop perturbations: 6 6Ap 1 6Ap2 = pbb - 6P00 = 6pex - 6pbb = 6 Pbb 'bb The second equality in these equations implies that there are no inlet and exit pressure perturbations. IM,,~ ii. A1114111IMMI - 8.1 151 011'' - Stability Criterion Figure 8.1 shows the block diagram of a boiling channel. The single- phase dynamics are represented by three transfer functions, namely P lz, Plw, and given by Eqs. (6.48), Z, (6.50) and (6.51) respectively. As the treatment of the two-phase region is non-linear, the corresponding block will be called the describing function P2 . The fundamental component of the harmonic response of this block will be used in the linear stability analysis of the system. The pressure drop perturbations in the single-phase and the two-phase regions are summed to yield the total pressure drop perturbation 6Ap 1 + 6Ap 2 = 6Ap Consider an approach to the unstable region by a variation of some parameter, e.g. the average mass flow rate. lating with some frequency For the inlet flow oscil- W, the system will cross the threshold of stability whenever 6Ap 1 (jo) + 6Ap 2 (jw) + 0 The stability criterion is impractical to use in this form as it relies heavily on an accurate prediction of the perturbation amplitudes. To permit application of conventional control theory methods, the block diagram of Fig. 8.1 is transformed into the closed loop diagram of Fig. 8.2. As shown in this figure, the net inlet flow perturbation produces a movement of the BB, zbb, and a two-phase pressure drop perturbation, 6Ap 2 ' - 152 - As there is no externally applied total pressure drop perturbation (6Ap = 0), is transformed into a single-phase pressure drop perturbation, 6Apl. 6Ap 2 After subtracting the static contribution 6Aplz (due to the change in position of the BB) the remaining dynamic single-phase perturbation, is used to generate the feedback inlet flow perturbation, 6w the single-phase-pressure-drop-to-flow transfer function, P -1 lw 6Ap 1 w, through . The stability of the channel is then investigated by examining the open loop transfer function, 6 W(s) = wf w 0 in a conventional manner. For any operational point W(s) must be evaluated for a range of frequencies and plotted in the complex plane. Since most physical aspects of the problem are understood, it will be simply stated that the channel is unstable whenever the locus of the open loop transfer function crosses the real axis to the left of the 8.1.1 -1 point. Range of Frequencies As was shown in Section 7.6, excluding the higher mode oscillations, there is a unique correlation between the period of the oscillation and the average conditions in the channel. Therefore it will be sufficient to examine the stability of the system for a limited range of frequencies. An estimate of the period of the oscillation can be obtained from the "total transit time", Atex , defined in Section 7.6.1. Figure 8.3 shows indeed that the period of the oscillation (at the threshold of stability) MMAINIM11M - Ni - 153 is approximately equal to twice the total transit time At . For higher mode oscillations this correlation is still true, provided that the integer subtracted from order of the oscillation is 2- - int [ z bb ]+ 2At 2 2At . ~2 As there is no way of predicting A priori the order of the oscillations, the range of frequencies must be extended toward higher values whenever the occurrence of higher modes is suspected. To account for the wall effect, At /T should be replaced by 1 - arg Shobb/ 2 7r. Unfortunately, the evaluation of 6 requires hbb a priori knowledge of the period of the oscillation. 8.2 Computer Program for Stability Analyses A computer program was written in FORTRAN IV to carry out the numerical work necessary for the stability analysis. The program, listed in Appendix F, is described briefly here. The required inputs are: the inlet temperature, the heat input, mass flow rate, an estimate of the total pressure drop, and the period of the oscillation. steady-state location of the phase region. the the exit pressure, Subroutine SUBCBB determines the BB and the pressure drop in the single- DZDWTF calculates the single-phase transfer functions, namely H, Z, Plz and Plw. Subroutine STAPR2 is then called to establish the reference pressure and enthalpy profiles in the two-phase region, according to the methods of Chapter 3. the perturbations at the BB With this information and using provided by DZDWTF as inputs, DYNPR2 performs - 154 - the dynamic calculations in the two-phase region according to the enthalpy trajectory model. As noticed in Chapter 6, the enthalpy trajectory model provides time-dependent information at the enthalpy mesh points, which do not necessarily coincide with the exit of the channel. The procedure devised to determine the pressure perturbations at the exit is described below. 8.2.1 Exit Pressure Perturbations Knowing the pressure at two points bracketing the exit, the pressure variations at the exit can be obtained by linear interpolation (Chapter 6). This method fails to account for the true exit pressure as saturation enthalpy values relative to the reference profile are used at each mesh In point, regardless of the magnitude of the time-dependent pressure. order to improve this situation, the given exit pressure was used to evaluate the fluid properties in the virtually extended channel (Section 6.7). This assures that the correct value of the pressure is used around the exit when the mesh points situated at steady-state outside the physical channel are pulled back into the channel during the oscillations. however, Conversely, when interior mesh points are pushed outside the channel, no correction can be applied. the exit of the channel in this behavior further. Given the importance of the pressure drop near the present system, it became necessary to correct This was accomplished by recalculating the pressure drop with the time dependent value of the saturation enthalpy in the segment extending from some mesh point inside the channel to the channel exit. This method also provides an artifice for approximately taking into account - thermodynamic non-equilibrium. can be 155 - Assuming that thermodynamic non-equilibrium simulated by a change in the saturation enthalpy, a correction of the channel exit pressure might appropriately account for this effect. All features mentioned above were included in the computer program. Recalculation of the pressure drop near the exit accounted for up to 50 percent change in the total two-phase pressure drop perturbation. The linear interpolation scheme gave, as expected, larger perturbations except at high mass flow rates. Adjustment of the exit pressure to 18 psia accounted typically for an additional ten percent reduction in the pressure drop perturbation. 8.2.2 Phase of the Pressure Perturbations The phase of the pressure perturbations is determined simply by searching for the maximum calculated value (Subroutine PRTPL3). method evidently limits the available resolution. This It might have been more accurate to fit the perturbations to a pure cosine in the least squares sense, and then determine analytically the phase of this function. For the present work the former method was sufficient. 8.2.3 Options and External Corrections The computer program, being at this stage a research tool rather than a production code, was given sufficient flexibility to permit thorough testing of the theory. For example, various parameters non- essential to the stability analysis are calculated and printed. "Switches" allow bypassing certain calculations or repeating others with - partially different inputs. 156 - It is also possible to externally apply corrections to the amplitude and phase of the 8.2.4 BB perturbation. Performance of the Code Despite of the serious burdening of the program with peripheral calculations and some lack of efficiency due to duplication of effort in various subroutines, the program was rather economical to run. A complete calculation of the open loop transfer function, for one frequency value (120 time steps, 16 enthalpy mesh points, limited printout) required approximately 8.3 1.5 seconds on the IBM-7360/65 (FORTRAN Compiler G). Prediction of the Threshold of Stability The computer program described in the preceding section was used to predict the behavior of the channel for a number of experimencal points. Figures 8.4 and 8.5 show the calculated open loop transfer functions. The frequency response obtained is similar to results reported in the literature [7,12]. The small loops in the figures occur when the wavelength approaches the single-phase length (zb /VTrl). been reported by Stenning and Veziroglu [7]. Similar results have The gain of the open loop transfer function increases, as expected, with decreasing flow rate, as the unstable region is approached. The threshold of stability, however, as predicted by the frequency analysis was not in agreement with the experimental observations (see data included in Figs. 8.4 and 8.5). The curves cross the real axis for values of the period well below the measured ones. The agreement is, however, slightly better at low subcoolings. 11 WIIHMINMINN16 bilmillilill - 157 - Discussion of the Discrepancies 8.3.1 The origin of the disagreement between experimental observations and typical theoretical predictions is discussed with reference to Fig. 8.6. The two components of the dynamic pressure drop perturbation in the singlephase region, 6 Aplw, component, 6 Aplfr component, 6Aplin, are shown separately in this figure; the frictional is 1800 out of phase* with while the inertial 6w, leads the frictional component by 90*. Im dir. 6zbb 6AP1 Re 6Apm .w Re 2z Plfr SINGLE-PHASE REGION T1O-PHASE REGION FIG. 8.6 VECTOR DIAGRAM OF PERTURBATIONS AS TYPICALLY PREDICTED BY THE MODEL are defined here as negative quantities. In and Ap Recall that Ap the opposite convention was adopted and however, program, the computer as positive quantities. treated were drops the pressure - 158 - In the two-phase region the pressure drop perturbation was approximately 1800 out of phase with the flow perturbation, suggesting that the delays and the inertia effects were small. components of component 6Ap 2 , 6Ap 2 w, the static component This plot shows also two 6Ap 2 z and the dynamic although the enthalpy trajectory model does not make such a distinction. Im orrection to Zbb correction to |6AP2wi Re 6Ap2 FIG. 8.7 CORRECTIONS TO PREDICTED PERTURBATIONS Figure 8.7 shows the adjustments that would have been necessary to correct the results. These are analyzed below and their relation to physical phenomena is brought out. It is obvious, that in order to have - 6Ap 1 + 6Ap 2 = 0 159 - it is necessary to rotate Assuming that counterclockwise. 6Ap1 6Ap1 clockwise and/or 6A p2 is correctly estimated, the first correction can be accomplished by an increase in either the delay or the amplitude of able. 6hbb. It is likely that the phase of Shbb is question- Indeed the analysis of Chapter 5 assumed a perfect mixing of the flow and flat radial temperature and velocity profiles. these assumptions for Freon is doubtful. The validity of Unfortunately, there is little information on transient convective heat transfer to undertake a rigorous examination of this complicated problem. Qualitatively, it seems that the enthalpy variations travel with a lesser velocity than expected. The heat generated in the wall has to be conducted through an almost stationary laminar sublayer to diffuse to the central core of the duct, from where it will be transported downstream. It can be deduced that the combined effects of the temperature and velocity profiles introduce significant additional delay. A reduction of the amplitude of the dynamic two-phase pressure drop perturbation, 6Ap 2 w, will result in a counterclockwise rotation of 6Ap 2 ' This dynamic perturbation has been generally overestimated by the enthalpy trajectory model and is responsible for the approximately 180* angle of 6Ap 2 . For the range of qualities under consideration, the frictional pressure drop is In addition, the order of phase dominant in the transit time in the two-phase region (Fig. the boiling region is 3.5). also short (of 0.5 s) compared to the order of the oscillation. - 160 - Therefore, little phase correction can be achieved by changes in the space - time distribution of the flow perturbations.* Comparison of the dynamically obtained pressure drop perturbations with corresponding steady-state differences in the two-phase pressure drop showed that they were of the same order of magnitude. The exit pressure drop correction discussed earlier in Section 8.2.1 and eventual adjustments of the exit pressure to account for thermodynamic nonequilibrium provided insufficient reductions of the amplitude of Therefore it can be 6Ap2' argued that time-dependent heat transfer plays an important role in determining the amplitude of the two-phase pressure drop perturbation. The dependence of the heat transfer on the flow velocity will reduce the changes in the vapor generation rate and consequently diminish the pressure drop perturbation. came to the same conclusion. cient a Stenning and Veziroglu [7] They had estimated the value of the coeffi- (Eq. 5.9) to be close to 0.4; a value of approximately 0.7 would have been required for their observations to agree with their theoretical predictions of the threshold of stability. The importance of the effects mentioned above diminishes as the boiling region is extended upstream. This explains the closer agreement obtained at low subcoolings. It can be concluded that two simultaneous corrections were necessary * In the progress of the experimental work a short movie was made to study the space - time distribution of the flow perturbations. A system of mirrors was used to photograph simultaneously, on the same frame, the inlet and the exit of the channel. 00101 - 1 161 - to bring agreement between the theory and the experiments: a) a signi- ficant reduction of the amplitude of the dynamic two-phase pressure drop perturbation, and Both were explained on physical grounds but could not be incor- region. porated in 8.3.2 b) an increase of the delays in the single phase the model. Higher-Mode Oscillations and Transitions Examination of Figs. 8.4 and 8.5 suggests that the occurrence of transitions can be related to the presence of small loops in the locus of W(s). When the real axis intercepts the locus of the open loop transfer function at more than one point multiple modes of oscillation are possible. Moreover, the results of the frequency analysis shown in these figures are in agreement with the experimental fact that at high mass flow rates unstable operation is possible only at low periods. Unfortunately, the discrepancies discussed above did not encourage further analytical investigation of this problem. - 162 - Chapter 9 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Partial conclusions drawn in previous chapters will be combined and summarized here and recommendations for future work will be made. 9.1 Steady-State Work Methods for predicting the steady-state behavior of the boiling channel were presented and their validity was verified by an extensive series of experiments. An accurate prediction of the pressure drop in the channel was achieved using well established correlations. The calculated pressure drops were particulatly accurate in the dynamically interesting region. The only discrepancies were due to deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium between the phases. brium is Thermodynamic non-equili- at present under investigation in various laboratories. It is hoped that these studies will provide a theoretical basis for accounting for these phenomena. Freon-113 seems to be particularly prone to thermodynamic nonequilibrium. conductivity. It has also a high air solubility and a very low thermal These undesirable properties must be kept in mind when future work with Freon is undertaken. - 163 - Stability Work 9.2 9.2.1 Experimental Results The regions of unstable operation of the channel were mapped with sufficient accuracy to permit evaluation of parametric trends. A number of dimensionless groups proved to be useful in correlating the data. These groups often contained integral parameters that were not directly measurable. Evaluation of these quantities required some numerical effort which was, however, justified by the improvements obtained in the presentation of the data. It is concluded that non-dimensional groups can be profitably used for interpolation or extrapolation of theoretical predictions and experimental measurements. A close correlation between the period of the oscillation at the threshold of stability and the average conditions in the channel was established. The period of the oscillation is approximately equal to twice the total transit time in the channel. This quantity is rigorously defined below. Two distinct propagation phenomena must be considered: the propagation of the enthalpy perturbations in the single-phase region and the propaga- tion of the void perturbations in the two-phase region. The enthalpy perturbations travel at twice the flow velocity, while the void perturbations propagate approximately at the velocity of the vapor phase. Therefore, the total transit time is defined as the sum of one-half the physical transit time in the single-phase region plus the vapor transit time in the two-phase region. - 164 - At high subcoolings and low heat inputs the channel oscillated at frequencies that were a multiple of the expected frequency. Sudden changes in the period of the oscillation were also recorded in this region. The occurrence of these "higher-order" oscillations and transitions from mode to mode were shown to be associated with the existence of more than one node in the standing enthalpy waves of the single-phase region. The "order" of the oscillation was defined as the integer part of twice the ratio of the single-phase transit time to the period of the oscillation, and is equal to the number of enthalpy nodes minus one. When the regions of unstable operation were characterized by the order of the oscillation, a coherent stability map was obtained. The effect of a chopped cosine heat flux distribution was investigated experimentally and was found to be stabilizing. Because the influence of the heat flux distribution on the pressure drop was small, the stabilizing effect of the cosine distribution was attributed to the dynamics of the boiling boundary. With the cosine heat flux distribution the period of the oscillations was shorter than with the uniform heat flux distribution. The difference could be explained by considering the delays in the singlephase region. 9.2.2 Theoretical Results It was shown that heat storage in the channel walls can acquire under appropriate conditions a major importance in the single-phase dynamics. Under the present experimental conditions an exact treatment of the wall dynamics was necessary to account correctly for time-dependent heat flux. The distribution of the enthalpy perturbations along the channel is also IJ14"11111111110wll - 11111 165 - influenced by local discontinuities in the heat flux distribution, such as stepwise heat flux changes and cold spots in the wall. The effect is significant when the characteristic length of the discontinuities approaches the wavelength of the oscillation, X = V T. The movements of the boiling boundary were determined taking into account both the static and the dynamic pressure drop perturbations in the single-phase region. The relative importance of the generally neglected dynamic terms increases in proportion to the length of the single-phase region and also increases with the frequency of the oscillation. A new method of calculating two-phase pressure drop under oscillatory flow conditions was developed and shown to have several advantages over conventional techniques in the calculation of the time-dependent pressure drop. The method, however, cannot account for time-dependent heat transfer from the wall. In the present case this seemed to be a limitation. The single-phase and the two-phase dynamics models were used to predict the threshold of stability of the present experimental channel. Although the stability model exhibited a qualitatively correct behavior, the theoretically predicted thresholds of stability were not in agreement with the experimental observations. The causes of the disagreement were attributed mainly to three phenomena: a) radial heat conduction and diffusion effects in the single-phase region that influence the propagation of the enthalpy perturbations; b) lack of thermodynamic equilibrium; and c) time-dependent heat transfer rates in the boiling region. - 166 - The prediction of excessively large two-phase pressure drop perturbations was probably due to effects b) and c). Recommendations 9.3 9.3.1 Experimental Work It would be interesting to investigate experimentally the progression of the enthalpy perturbations in the single-phase region. Detailed information on the radial temperature and velocity profiles under oscillating flow will be needed to test analytical models. Fluorocarbons will be suitable as test fluids, their low thermal conductivity enhancing the radial phenomena. Externally controlled oscillation of the flow will be necessary to eliminate dependence on the natural oscillations of the channel. Discontinuities in the heat flux distribution should be consi- dered with caution in future experiments. 9.3.2 Analytical Work It is recommended that the limits of applicability of the enthalpy trajectory model be determined by comparison to other well established hydrodynamics codes or to experimental data. The entire stability model developed here should be tested under more favorable conditions, e.g. using stability data obtained with water systems. Two-dimensional treatment of the single-phase region is an extremely challenging problem and should be undertaken in order to evaluate the importance of the radial effects. 11 - 167 - Analytical and experimental investigations of thermodynamic nonequilibrium are necessary. - 168 - REFERENCES 1. 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Davidov, A.A., "Investigation of Flow Pulsations in Tubes of the Evaporation Section of Radiant Boilers," AEC-tr-4490 (1961) 76. Schuster, J.R. and P.J. Berenson, "Flow Stability of a Five-Tube Forced-Convection Boiler," ASME Paper 67-WA/HT-20 (1967). 77. Staniforth, R. and G.F. Stevens, "Experimental Studies of Burn-out Using Freon 12 at Low Pressure with Reference to Burnout in Water at High Pressure," Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., London, 180, Part 3C, 216-225 (1965-1966). MMIM MUOMMMMNM lik Appendix A PRESDROP, a Computer Code to Predict the Steady-State Operating Conditions in the Boiling Channel This Appendix contains a schematic description of the program PRESDROP that calculates the steady-state operating conditions in the boiling channel according to the procedure presented in Chapter 3. A FORTRAN listing of PRESDROP is given at the end of this Appendix. This program was also used in subroutine form (PRESDR) for incorporation in any program to provide the steady-state information. A.l Structure of the Main Program The program starts by reading in the general information, i.e. the inlet temperature (TIN), the condenser pressure (PCOND), the room temperature (TROOM), the heat input (QW(I), I=1,7) and the various convergence criteria and control parameters. These data are used to perform a few basic calculations. Next, an inlet velocity (VIN) is read in together with a guess of the total pressure drop (PINEST). Calculations start based on the gross power input, and subroutine SUBBOL is called to estimate the point of NVG. The exit conditions are determined and the pressure drop in the unheated exit length is evaluated. Then a march upstream, segment by segment, is started: subroutine SUBLIQ for negative or MARNEL for positive exit equilibrium quality is called to perform the calculations A-2 for a single segment. boiling. is Both subroutines can take into account subcooled When the bulk boiling boundary is reached subroutine BOBDRY called to determine accurately this point. the BOBDRY call is With subcooled boiling omitted and the zero quality point is by linear interpolation. At this point, determined the steady-state conditions along the channel are known in a first approximation. The heat losses are estimated by LOSSES and the location of the NVG point is found by linear interpolation on the basis of the bubble departure enthalpy provided by SUBBOL. The calculation is then repeated with the corrected heat input and NVG point as many times as desired. Finally, printout occurs at selected points by skipping intermediate nodes. The program then returns to read in another inlet velocity value (VIN). The FUNCTION subprograms called in PRESDROP to evaluate the physical properties of Freon-113 are described in Appendix B. Appendix C deals with the auxiliary functions used in the two-phase pressure drop calculations. More information about the program can be found in the comment cards of the FORTRAN listing. A few convergence problems encountered during the debugging of the code are discussed in the following section. A.2 Convergence Problems Around the Bulk Boiling Boundary Subroutine BOBDRY, which is used to locate exactly the zero equilibrium quality point, occasionally presented serious convergence problems. At high mass fluxes and heat fluxes, there is a very large and sudden acceleration of the flow at the bulk boiling point, resulting in an almost stepwise pressure drop. This physical discontinuity, A-3 coupled with the mechanics of the pressure drop and quality evaluations frequently produced numerical oscillations of the pressure and quality during the iterative process, when a narrow enough tolerance was specified for the zero quality point. The quality then jumped continu- ously from negative to positive values and vice-versa without ever approaching zero. To circumvent this annoying difficulty, the convergence algorithm was modified, a length rather than a quality tolerance was imposed, and the calculations were ended when a slightly negative "zero point" quality was obtained. The last consideration assured that the important acceleration term in the pressure drop was correct. A similar problem appeared in subroutine MARNEL which calculates the pressure drop around the zero quality point when subcooled boiling is taken into account and the BOBDRY call is bypassed. The problem was dealt with in a similar fashion and to avoid expensive looping, a limit on the number of iterations was imposed. See the FORTRAN listings and comments for details. A.3 Effect of the Segment Size and Error Criteria on the Code Accuracy Test runs with variable segment sizes (the 15.5 inch test length was subdivided into as many as 24 segments) have shown that the pressure profile is rather insensitive to the segment size. Node lengths of a few inchesused with a pressure drop convergence criterion (ERROR) of 0.001 or 0.002 give quite satisfactory results. Even segment sizes above ten inches give errors of a few hundredths of a psi only, mainly concentrated around the zero quality point. A value of about 0.02 is A-4 recommended for the boiling boundary position error (EBB). One major iteration is generally sufficient to accurately estimate the losses and the NVG point. 7 C 0R O P C ********* cl 11/3/69 PRESDROP CALCULATES PRESSURE DROP IN TWO-PHASE FlOW WITH VARIAML= PRESSURE DEPENDENT PROPERTIES. C C C C C C C C C C C C r C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C P R INPUT S INFORMATION ********** ** VERSION ***************** q 9 10 * * * * * * * * * * TIN, INLET TEMP. (F), PCOND, CONDENSER PRESS.(IN HG), TROOM, ROOM TEMPERATURE (F), TITLE TO GET PRINTOUT FOR ALL ITERATIONS PUT IP .GT. 0 /3F10.5, 12A4, I? QW(I), POWER DISTRIBUTION BOTTOM TO TOP (WATT) /7F0.5 N, NUMBER OF SEGMENTS FOR EACH TFST LENGTH, MUST RE MULT. OF NP NP, NUMBER OF SEGMENTS BETWEEN PRINTOUTS, ISURC, SWITCH FOR SURBOL (POS.IF WANTED), LOSS, SWITCH FOR HEAT LOSS CALCULATION (POS. IF WANTED), KITER, NUMBEROF MAJOR ITERATIONS, ERROR, CONVERGENCECRITERION FOR MARNEL (RFLATIVF ERROR) EBB, ERRCR CRITERION FOR BODRY (USE .GT. 0.005) /5I2,2FI0.5 11 IP, * * VIN, INLET VFLOCITY (FT/SEC),PINEST, AN ESTIMATE OF * PRESSURE (PSIA) /2F10.5 * * VIN, PINEST ETC **** 0.0 END OF VELOCITY VALUES /F10.5 13 14 TIN, PCOND, 16 ETC * * ****0.0 0.0 EED OF DATA C OUTPUT /F10.5 INFORMATION ********* ******* ******* ** PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE, VOID FRACTION, QUALITY PROFILFS ALONG THE CHANNFL POINT OF NVG, ROILING BOUNDARY, HEAT LOSSES, FTC C MAIN PROGRAM******* 19 19 * C C C *****************VERSION-2 20 99 C REAL MUL, MUG, MULE, MUGE, MULTF INTEGER FIN DIMFNSION QW(7), 0(7), HEATFL(7), P(175), X(175), H(175), T(175), FRI168), GR(168), AC(16R), TOT(168), SUMFR(175), SJMGR(1751 2 , SUMAC(175), PNET(175), A(1I5), SUMTOT(17S), XTR(175), 3 TMST(I), XST(R), QNETW(7), INET(7), TTR(175), QLOSW(7), 4 TITLE(121 COMMON D, DL, ERROR, G, OH, OTS, HE, HI, XE, XI, PE, Pl, BE, RI, TRE, TRI, ALFA, DPFR, DPGR, OPAC, OPTOT, XITR, XD, 2 TBITR COMMON /SUBSUB/ QNET COMMON /FLUID/ ROL, ROG, MIUL, MUG COMMON /NNN/ N 1 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 FORMAT ('0', 'EXIT',3X,'0.0',4X,2F9.N,F10.,IX,2F.2, F9.3,3X,*0.0' ) FORMAT 1'O','EXIT LIQUID PHASE REYNOLDS NUMBFR SMALLER THAN 2000, 1 RF = ', F6.1) FORMAT(79X,4FR.3 /3X,'8',4X,'3.125',2X,2F3.5,FO.5,1X,2F8.2, 1 IX,2F8.3,2X,4F9.3 FORMAT(79X, 4F9.3 / 14, F9.3,2X,2F9.5,F1O.5,1X,2F8.2,1X,2F8.3, 1 2X, 4F9.3 ) FORMAT ('I','INLET LIQUID VELOCITY -', F7.3, ' FT/SEC', 5X, 1 'MASS FLUX, G = ', F10.1, ' LAM/HR FT2', NX, 2 'MASS FLOW RATE, W = ', F7.1, I LBM/HR' f/ FORMAT(/f// ' BOIL ING BOIUNOARY AT Z =', Fi.3, * INCHFS FR lAM EXIT, OR AT' / 25X, F8.3, ' INCHES FROM INLET'/ 2 ' AT ROILING BOUNDARY EQUIL.TEMP. ='F, 7.2, ' DEG. F, F7.2,' DEG. E'/ ,'TRUE TEMP. =*, 3 PSIA' / F7.3, ' 4 23X, 'PRFSSURE =', 5 23X, 'INLET SUBCOOLING WITH RESPFCT TO TEMP. AT ROILING F' ) 6 'BOUNDARY, TBR - TIN =', F7.2, * ****** FRROR ** ****** FORMAT(///' *** 1 * INLET TEMPERATURE ABOVE SATURATION POINT' / ' INLET TEMPERATURE SHOULD RF AT LEAST BELOW ',F6.1, 2 3 'DEG F') FORMAT(//'0FOR A PRESSURE OF', F8.2, ' 1 PSIA THE BURBLES DEPART AT TSAT-TBULK 1, 2 F6.1, ' DEG. F ' , 'OR AT A QUALITY =', F10.5 ///) FORMAT(//// DEPARTURE AT Z =', F9.3, * INCHES FR lOM EXIT, OR AT' / 25X, F8.3, ' INCHES FROM INLET, IN TEST SECTION 2 ', 13, ' (COUNTING FROM INLET)' / 3 0 AT THE NET VAPOR GENERATION POINT THE EQUIL. TEMP. WAS', 4 F7.2, a DEG. F' / 5 35X, 'THF TRUE BULK TEMPERATIIRC WAS', F7.2, ' DEG. F' 6 35X, 'AND THE PRESSURE WAS', F7.2, ' DSIA' I FORMAT('1', 20X, 'S U M M A R Y 0 F R F S U I T S' //) FORMAT('0',' VIN (FT/SEC)", ' W (LBM/HR)', ' QWAV (WATT)*, XEXTR PEX (PSIA)', ' XEX ', 1 ' 2 ' ALFAEX ', ' Pt (PSIA)', ' Pl-RHO*G*l 0, ' OPLEX (PSI)' 3 FORMAT( F13.3, 2F13.1, F13.3, 3F13.5, 3F13.3) FORMAT ('0', 'FXIT QUALITY LARGER THAN 1.0 , XFX = ', F10.91 1 J OEG. 15 THE INLET 17 **** ) 4 VARIABLES AND FORMAT **** FORMAT ('D', 17X, 'PRE$SURE DROP, QUALITY, VJID FRACTION ANO RULK LTEMPERATURE ALONG THE TEST SECTION' /f/f POINT', 1X, 'Z (IN)', 2 X,'K-EQ',5X,'-TR' ,X, 'VIO ,3X,'T-EQ' ,4X,'T-TR',3X, 3 'P (PSIA) P-RO*G*7 FRICTION GRAVITTY',3X,'ACCEL.',4X,'TOTAL' FE. * 2.1 RUBBLE C PRESSURE DROP FUNCTIONS ************************************** C C EF(X) = (-1.6628E-11)*G**((1.0-X)**2/( I.O-ALFA)*ROL)+X**2/(ALFA *ROG)) RELPFXI) = G*(1.0-X)*D/MUL 1 1 C C C FORMAT(3F0.5, 12A4, 12) FORMAT (7F10.5) FORMAT (512, 2FI0.5) FORMAT ('1', 20X, 'PRESSURE DROP CALCULATION *** ', 12A4/// * INLET TEMPERATURE = 1, F7.2, I DEG F', 1 20X, 'ROOM TEMPERATURF =', F7.1 // 2 ' CONDENSER PRESSURE = ', F7.3, ' IN HG' I/ 3 ' EACH TEST SECTION DIVIDED INTO ', Is, ' SEGMENTS' If 4 ' DATA PRINTED EVERY ', 15, ' POINTS' If 5 ' ERROR CRITERION = ', F10.M // 6 ' EPROR CRITERION IN BORDRY = , F10.8 /f) FORMAT I'D', 'POWFR If ' TEST SECTION NUMBER', 1 9X, '',9X,'2' ,9X,'3',9X,'4',9X,'5',9X,'6',3X,'7' /I 2 POWER (WATT)',10X, 7F10.1 // P 3 HEAT FLUX (BTU/HR FT2)', 7F10.1) FORMAT ('O', 'TOTAL POWER INPUT =', WATT') F7.1, ' WRITE(8,18) 1111 READ(N,1) TIN, PCOND, TROOM, TITLE, IP IF(TIN .LE. 0.0) GO TO 999 READ (5, 2) (QW(I), I = 1, 7) READ (5,3) N, NP, ISUBC, LOSS, KITER, ERROR, ERA WRITF(6,4) TITLF, TIN, TROOM, PCOND, N, NP, ERROR, EBB WRITF(8,41 TIT(E, TIN, TROOM, PCONO, N, NP, FRROR, EBB WRITE(8,19) C C POWER INPUT ********************** C QTOT = 0.0 DO 100 J = 1, 7 Q(J) = 3.412 * QW(J) HEATFL (J) = QW(J) / 0.04255 QTOT = Q(J) + 100 CONTINUE QTOTW = OTOT / 3.412 QWAV WRITE (6, 5) QW, HEATFL WRITE (6, 6) QTOTW DISTRIBUTION' READING AND PRINTING QTOT QTOTW/7.0 INPUT INFORMATION ********** SIMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY BASIC CALCULATIONS ** C C 111 C C D = 0.43 / 12.0 ROLIN = ROLTF(TINI HIN = HLTF(TIN) PEX = 0.4912 * PCOND HLEX = HLF(PEX) HFGFX = HFGF(PFX) READ(5,2) VIN, PINEST IF(VIN .LE. 0.01 GO TO 1111 KCOMP = 0 G = 3600.0 * VIN * ROLIN W = 0.00100B5 * G WRITE (6,13) VIN, G, W C 200 201 DO 119 1 = 1,7 QNET(I) = Q(1) QNETW(I) = QW(I) CONTINUE QTOTN - QTOT PIN = PINEST + PEX PNVG = PIN ITS = 1 C C C C C C C C C C C C ZBB = 0.0 ZIRIN = 111.629 7D = 0.0 ZDIN = 111.625 DHTOT = QTOTN / W HEX = HIN + DHTOT XEX = (HEX - HLEX) / HFGEX IF(XEX .GT. 1.0) GO TO 908 C C C XD = 1.OE-30 XEXTR = XEX IF (ISUBC)121,121,122 CALL SUBBOL (PNVG, ITS, OTD, XD) XIN = (HIN - HLF(PINI)/HFGF(PIN) IF(XD .LE. XIN) XD = XIN IF(XD .LE. XIN) ZD = 111.675 IF((KCOMP+ .GF. KITER) .OR. (IP .GT. 0)) (6,16) PNVG, DTD, X IF(XO .GE.0.0) GO TO 121 IF((XEX.GT.XD).AND.{XEX/XD.GT.-25.0)) 1 XFXTR = XEX - X0*EXP(XEX/XD IF(XFXTR .GT. 1.0) GO TO 998 IF((KCOMP+1 .GF. KITER) .OR. (IP .GT. 0)) C C C C C C UNHEATED EXIT LENGTH (3.129 . . . OVER (ISUBC .LE. 0) CALL ROBDRY(ZBB,TB,TBBTR,PBB,0,EB) = DPFR DPGREX = DOPGR DPACEX = OPAC DPTOTX = DPTOT PNETEX = PI - .2604* ROLIN / 144.0 - PEX ..... ...... . P014T 5 PRINTOUT IFI)KCCMP+1 .00. KITER) .0P. (i1 .GT. 0)) IWRITE (6,10) DPFR, DPGR. DPAC, DPTT, XI, OITR, ALFA,TBI,TBITR,PI, PNETEX, DPFREX, DOPGRFX, OPACEX, DPTOTX 2 IF INCHES) C DPFREX C HEATEC SECTIONS C *********** * * . . . . C 1WRITE 121 . THE BOILING BOUNDARY IS DETERMINED SY BORDRY ONLY IF NO SU3COOLED BOILING IS ASSUMED. WITH SUBCOOLFD BOILING, THF TRANSITIlN THE SCILING ROUNDARY IS SMOOTH AND IT IS NO 4ORE NECESSARY TO DFTERMINE ITS POSITION ACCURATELY 210 ESTIMATE POINT OF NET VAPOR GENEARATION, USING LFVY'S MODEL (ONLY IF ISUBC SWITCH IS POSITIVE). NET VAPOR GENEARATION IS AT FIRST ASSUMED TO TAKE PLACE IN FIRST TEST SECTION. 122 . . 1WRITE C 112 . . DEX CALL C START CALCULATIONS WITH GROSS POWFR INPUT ********* 119 RE = )-1.662F-11)*G*G/ROL ALFA = 0.0 ALFAEX = ALFA . . . . . . . . . EXIT PRINTOUT IF()KCCMP+1 .GF. KITER) .OR. (1P .GT. 0)) AEX, XEXTR, ALFA, TIT, TRETR, 1WRITE (6.) S))BLIQ(ISUIBC) GO TO 210 CASE OF POSITIVE EXIT QUALITY . . . . . . . . TBE = TSATF(PEX) ROL = ROLF(PEX) MUL = MULFIPEX) ROG = ROGF(PEX) MUG = MUGFfPEX) XTT = XTTF(XEXTR) ALFA = ALFAF)XTT) ALFAEX = ALEA BE = RF(XEXTR) TBETR = TF(HEX - XFXTR * HFGEX) . . . . . . EXIT PRINTOUT IF((KCCMP+1 .GF. KITER) .R. (IP .GT. 0)) (6.8) XEX, XEXTR, ALEA, TBE, TBETR, PFX RELPEX = RFLOF(XEX) IF (RELPFX .LT. 2000.0) WRITE (6,9) RFLPEX CALL MARNELISJBC) IF(XI .GE. 0.0) GO TO 210 DL = (15.5/12.0) / N L =7 * N . . VALUES AT POINT 8 H(1) = HI X(1) = XI XTRIE) = XITR P(1) = PI = TBI T(I) TTR(1) = TBITR AII) = ALEA SUMFR(1) = OPFREX SU4GR(1) = CPGREX SUMACI1) = DPACEX SUTOT(I1) = OPTOTX PNET(1) = PNETEX C - 1.0) WRITE(6,7) ******** DL = 0.2604 DH = C.0 XE = XEXTR HE = HEX PE = PREX QTS = 0.0 IF (XEX .GT. 0.0) GO T1 200 CASE OF NEGATIVE EXIT QUALITY TBE = TF(HEX) TBETR = TBE ROL = ROLTF(TBE) MUL = MULTF(TBE) IF(XEXTR .GT. 0.0) GO TO 201 IN THE CASE OF SUBCOOLED BOILING AT THE EXIT MARNEL IS CALLED AND, FOR SIMPLICITY, SOME PROPERTIES ARE FVALUATED AT THE SATURATION TEMPERATURE INSTEAD OF THE BULK TEMPFRATURE . . . C 300 DO 800 K = 1,L M = 7 - (K-1)/N QTS = ONFTIM) OH = QNET(M)/ (W * N) HE H(K) XE = XTR(K) PE = (K) BE = RI TBE = TTR(K) IF (XTK) .GT. 0.0) GO TO 300 CALL SURLIQ(ISUC) GO TO 310 CALL MARNEL(ISUBC) TFXI .nF. 0.01 r0 TO 310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 C C C C 331 332 IF IISUBC .LE. 0) CALL BDRDRY(ZBBo,TRR,TBRTR,PBB,R,EBB) H(K+1) - HI X(K+1) = XI XTRIK+1) - XITR PIK+1 = PI T(K+1 ) - TRI TTR(K+1) = TBITR A(K+1) = ALFA FR(K) x OPFR GR(K) = DPGR AC(K) = DPAC TOT(K) = DPTOT SUMFR(K+1l - SUMFR(K) + FR(K) SUMGR(K+1I = SUMGRI(K) + GR(K) SUMAC(K+1) = SUMACK) + AC(K) SUMTOT(K+1) = SUMTOT(K) + TOT(K) PNET(K+1I) = P(K+1) - ROLIN * (.7604+ K * DLI/144.0 - PEX C C C 902 DETERMINE THE POSITION OF THF BOILING ROUNDARYBY LINEAR INTERPOLA TION (ONLY WITH SUBCOOLED BOILING, WHEN BORDRY IS NOT USED) C IF(ISUBC)330.330,331 IF ( X(K+1) * X(K)) 332,330,330 PROP = X(KI / (XI(K - X(K+1)) ZBB = 3.125 + 12.0 * DL * (PROP + K TBB = T(KI + (T(K+1)-T(K)i * PROP TBBTR = TTR(K) + (TTR(K+1) - TTR(K)} PBRB P1K) + (P(K+1)-PIK)) * PROP C C C C 811 812 - TRANSFER TO SURBOL 808 330 320 800 C r C 809 * PROP INTERPOLATION IF (XTR(K+1)*XTR(KI) 320,800,800 XDP = XD IF(XD .fE. 0.0) XDP = 0.0 PROP = (XDP- X(K)) / (X(K+1) - X(K)) ZD = 3.125 + 12.0 * DL * (PROP + K - 1.0) TO = T(K) + (T(K+1l) - TfK)) * PROP TOTR = TTR(K) + ITTR(K+1) - TTR(K)) * PROP PD = P(K) + (P(K+1l - P(K)) * PROP KNETVG = M CONTINUE CHECK THE SUBCOOLED INLET CONDITION AT SELECTED POINTS, FRICTION, GRAVITY, BFTWEEN PRINTOUT POINTS PRINTCUT CALCULATE 901 900 997 998 999 ********* DNPT)F9N), QWAV, PEX, XEX, SUMTOT(FIN) KCOMP - KCCMP + 1 IF(KITER - KCOMP) 111,111,811 TRANSFER TO LOSSES BULK TEMPERATURES AND QUALITIES LIMITS (ARRAYS ORDERED FROM INLET TO EXIT) SFCTION AT TEST IF (LOSS) 112,112,812 00 S1C I = 1,8 TTR(L+1-(I-l)*N) TBSThI) XST(I) * X(L+I-(I-1)*N) CALL LOSSESITBST,XST,QNETW,G,TROOM,0LOSW) QTOTN - 0.0 00 820 1 = 1,7 QNETW (1) QW(I) - QLOSWII) = 3.412 * QNFTWII) QNET(I) + QTOTN QTOTN GO TO 112 WRITE (6.15) TSATIN GO TO 111 WRITE(6,991 XEX GO TO 111 STOP END SUBROUTINE SUBLIQ(ISUBC) ****** SPACED NP STFPS ACCELERATION AND TOTAL PRESSURE C WRITE(8,20) VIN. W, VAPOR GENERATION C C C C C C C C C C C C OR1 IF((KCOMP+I .GE. KITER) .OR. (IP .GT. 0)) GO TO 901 GO TO 902 LP = L / NP 1,LP DO 900 1 INI = NP * I1-1 + 1 FIN = NP * I + I SFR = SIIMFR(FIN) - SUMFP(INI) SGR = SUMGR(FIN) - SUMGR(INI) SAC = SI)MACIFINI - SUMAC(INI) STOT = SUMTOT(FINI - SUMTOT(INI) (POINT = 7 - (I - ll/(N/NP) Z = 3.125 + I NP * I) * DL * 12.0 WRITE(6,11) SER, SGR, SAC, STOT, (POINT, Z, X(FINI, XTR(FIN), A(FIN), TIFIN), TTR(FIN), P(FINI, PNETIFIN), SUMFR(FIN), I SUMTOT(FIN) SUMGP(FIN), SUMAC(FIN), 2 CONTINUE I POINT OF NET IF (ZD .EQ. 0.0) GO TO 809 7DIN = 111.625 - ZD KITER) .OR. (IP .GT. 0)) (6,171 ZD, ZOIN, KNETVG, TO, TDTR, PD PD PNVG ITS - KNETVG PIN = P(L+1) QNET(I) 520 TSATIN = TSATF(P(L+1)) IF(TSATIN .LT. TIN) GO TO 997 C C C C C ******* IF(KCOMP+1.GE. 1WRITE 1.01 OETERMINF TEE POINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION BY LINEAR CONDITIONS AT BOILING BOU)NDARY 1WRITF C C C R10 C C C DETERMINE IF(ZBS .EQ. 0.0) GO TO 809 ZBBIN - 111.625 - ZEN TS11B4B = TBB - TIN .GT. 0)) IF((KCCMP+1 .GE. KITER) .OR. (IP (6,14) Z95, ZBIN, TBB, TRRTR, PB, TSUBBE XEXTR, ALFAFX, PIFIN), PRESSURE DRCP CALCULATION FOR HEATED BUT SIBCOOLFD LIQUID. THE CALCULATIONS ARE EXECUTED WITH PROPERTIES EVALUATED AT THE AVFRAGE BULK SFGMENT TEMPERATURE, TBAV AND A CORRECTION IS MADE F3R THV NON-ISOTHERMAL STATE RE, TBE, XD 0, DL, G, DH, QTS, HE, PE, INPUT VARIABLES HI, XI, PI, BI, TBl, ALFA, DPFR, OPGR, OUTPUT VARIABLES OPTOT, XITR, TBITR DPEC, MUL, MUG, MUGF, KLF REAL MULB, MULW, MULTF, COMMON 0, DL, ERROR, G, OH, QTS, HE, HI, XE, XI, PE, PI, BE, BI, TBE, TRI, ALFA, OPER, DPGR, OPAC, DPTOT, XITR, TBITR 2 ROL, ROG, MUL, MUG COMMON /FLUID/ I XD, C C PRESSURE DROP FUNCTIONS ********************* C OPGRF(ALFA) = -DL*(fROG-ROL)*ALFA + ROL)/144.0 BF(X) = (-1.662E-11l)*G*G*((1.3-X)**2/I().D-ALFA)*ROLI+X**2/(ALFA *ROG)) 1 SUMMARY C CALCULATE TEMPERATURES . . . . . . HI = HF - OH TRI = TF(HI) TBAV = 0.5 * (TRF + TBI) MULB = MULTF(TRAV) DTFILM = 282.-0*TS*MULB**0.4/(G*0. TWAV = TBAV + DTFILM . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . - - . 1 2 *KLFITBAV)**0.6) XD, PRESSURE DROP FUNCTIONS C C C CALCULATE PRESSURE DROP . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . RELPF(X) = G*(1.0-X)*D/MUL DPLF(X) = (-3.3256E-11)*(DL/D)*FF(RELPF(X))*G*G*(1.0-X)**2/RJL = -DL*((ROG-ROIL)*ALFA + ROL)/144.0 RF(X) = (-1.6628E-11)*G*G*((1.0-X)**2/((1.0-ALFA)*ROL)+X**2/(ALFA E *OG)) MULW = MULTF(TWAV) ROL = ROLTF(TRAV) REL = G * D / MULA DPFR = (-3.3256E-11)*()L/D)*FF(REL)*G*G*((MULW/MULBI**0.14)/R9)L OPGR = - DL * ROL / 144.0 IF(IISURC .LF. 0) .OR. (XD .GF. 0.01) GO TO I OPGRF(ALFA) C C C C TO AVOID ITERATION THE PROPERTIES ARE EVALIPATFD AT APPROXIMATF PRESSURFS ANC TEMPERATURES, PAVrST, PIEST DPEST = OPFR + DPGR PAVEST = PE - 0.5 * OPEST PIEST = PE - OPEST HFGF{PIESTI XI =(HI - HLF(PIEST))/ GO TO 1 XD) .OR. (XI/XD .LE. -25.0)) IF((XI .LE. XITR = XI - XD * EXP(XI /XD -1.0) TRITR = TFIHI - XITR * HFGF(PIFST)I PSATAV = PSATF(TBAV) ROG = ROGFIPSATAV) MUL = MULB MUG = MUGFIPSATAV) XTT = XTTF(O.5 * (XE + XITR)) ALFA = ALFAF(XTT) DPGR = DPGRF(ALFA) C C CALCULATE NOW FOR THE PSATI = PSATF(TRITR) ROL = ROLTF(TBITRI ROG = ROGF(PSATII INLET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . MUL= MULTF(TRITR) 1 4 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C REAL MULE, MUGE, MUL, MUG COMMON D, DL, ERROR, G, OH, OTS, HE, HI, XF, XI, PE, PI, BE, RI, TRE, TBI, ALFA, DPFA, OPGR, OPAC, DPTOT, XITR, TRITR COMMON /FLUID/ ROL, ROG, MUL, MUG COMMON /NNN/ N SUBROUTINE __ _ _CETTE C C C C C IN THIS SECCND MODIFIED VERSION -F MARNFL THE SEGMENT AROUND THE BOILING BOIINDARY IS SURDIVIDED (I INFARLY WITH X} INTO A BOILING AND A NCN BOILING REGION AND THE PRESSURE CALCULATED SEPARATELY AND ADDED DROPS ID MUG = MUGF(PSATIl XTT = XTTF(XITRI ALFA = ALFAF(XTT) AI = BF(XITRI GO TO 4 ROL = ROLTF(TBI) BI = (-1.6628E-11)*G*G/ROL XITR - -1.DE-20 ALFA = 0.0 ROG = 0.0 TBITR = TBI OPAC = BE - BI DPTOT = DPFR + DPGR + OPAC PTOT PI = PE XI = (HI - HLF(PI))/HFGF(PI) RETURN END i 12 C MARNEL(ISURC) 9 SUBROUTINE EST DEDIEE A SU7ANNE 6 PARNEL CALCULATES THE PRESSURE DROP ACCROSS A SHORT SUBROUTINE SEGMENT DL ACCORDING TO THE LOCKHART-MARTINELLI MODEL FOR GIVEN EXIT AND EXIT QUALITY, XE. THE CALCULATION, EXCrPT DRESSURE, PE(PSIA), FOR THE ACCELERATION TERM IS DONE FOR THE AVERAGE PRESSURE, PAV AND THE AVERAGE QUALITY, XAV. 22 30 THE CALCULATION IS ABANDONED IF NO CONVERGENCE IS OBTAINED WITHIN 30 ITEPATICNS AND AVERAGE VALUES ARE USED FOR SUBSEQUENT CALCULATI INS 0, DL, ERROR, G, OH, HE, XE, INPUT VARIABLES TRI, ALFA, HI, XI, PI, BI, OUTPUT VARIABLES TRITR DPTOT, XITR, PE, DPFR, RE, XD DPGR, IF(XITR) 10,11,11 XAVR = 0.5 * XF DLR = XF / (XE - XITR) XTT = XTTF(XAVR) + (1.0-DIR) R DPLF(0.0) OPFR = DLB * FI2LF(XTT) * DPLF(XAVB) ALFA = DLB * AFAF(XTT) GO TO 1? XTT = XTTF(XAVI DPFR = FI2tF(XTT) * OPLF(XAV) ALFA = ALFAF(XTT) DPGR = DPGRF(ALFA) CALCULATE NOW FOR INLET PRESSURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROL = ROLF(PI) ROG = ROGF(DI) IF (XITR .LF. 1.DE-30) GO TO 5 MUL = MULF(PI) MUG = MUGF(PI) XTT = XTTF(XITR) ALFA = ALFAF(XTT) BI = BF(XITR) GO TO 6 RI = (-1.6628E-11)*G*G/RL ALFA = 0.0 XITR = -1.0E-20 OPAC = BE - RI OPTOT = DPER + DPGR + OPAC PIFIN = PE - OPTOT IF(NOITER-30) 21,22,22 WRITE(6,30) PI, PIFIN FORMAT('D******** CONVERGENCE DIFFICULTY: AFTER 30 ITERATI' I ,IONS INLET PRESSURE VARIES F8.3, 1 AND', FR.3, 2 1 PSIA' / 20X, 'AVERAGE VALUE WAS USED FUR SURSEQUENT' MARNEL 3 21 DPAC, NOITFR = 0 CALCULATE FOR THE AVERAGE PRFSSURBE . . . . HI = HE - OH PIFIN = PE PI = PIFIN NOITER = NnITER + 1 XI = (HI - HLFPI )) / HFGF(PI) XITR = XI IF((ISURC .GT. 0) .AND. (XI .GT. XD) .ANO. (X .LT. 0.0) .ANr. XITR = XI - XD * FEXP(XTI/XD-1.01 1 (XI/XD .GT. -25.0)) XAV = 0.5 * (XF + XITR) PAV = 0.5 * (PF + PI) ROL = ROLF(PAVI ROG = ROGF(PAV) MUL = MULF(PAVI MUG = MUGF(PAV) , ' CALCIULATIONS **I******* * (PI + PIFIN) RETWEEN', PI = 0.5 GO TO 23 ABSERR = ARS(PIFIN - PI) IF((ABSERR/ABS(DPTDT)).GT.ERRUR).AND.(ARSERR.GT.(ERROR/N))) GO TO I 1 PI 23 = PIFIN IF( XI .GE. 0.0) TRI = TSATF(PI) IFIXI .LT. 0.0) TRI = TFHI) TBITR = TBI IF(ISUBC .GT. 0.0) TBITR = TFIHI-XITR*HFGF(PI)) RETURN F N) SUBROUTINE LCSSES(T,X,W,G,TROM,0LOSW) C C C C C C C SUBROUTINE LOSSES CALCULATFS THE HEAT LOSSES FROM THE TEST SPCTIONS USING STANDARD CONVECTIVE AND RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFER CORRELATIONS. = 0.527 IN, TEST SFCTION FFFECTIVE LENGTH = 14 IN TEST SECTION THE ARRAYS ARE ORDERFD FROM INLET TO O.D. C C C C C C C C C C C --------- OF THE B]ILING SUBROUTINE BOBORY DETERMINES THE EXACT LOCATION AOUNDARY AND THE PRESSURE DROP IN THE SEGMENT CONTAINING IT USING BOTH MARNEL AND SUBL10. INPUT VARIABLES : DL, OH, XE, XI, EBB, K PIUS INPUT VARIABLES OF MARNEL AND SUBLIQ OUTPUT VARIARLFS : ZBB, TBR, TBATR, PR9, DPFR, DPGR, DPAC, OPT2T, PLUS OUTPUT VARIABLES OF SUBLID COMMON 0, DL, ERROR, G, OH, OTS, HF, HI, XF, XI, PE, PI, BE, RI, TRE, TBI, ALFA, OPFR, DPGR, OPAC, DATOT, XITR, XD, TRITR I 2 C C CONSERVE STANDARD VALUES OF DL AND DH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DLSTD = DL OHSTD = OH BOUNDARY. . . . DETERMINE BY ITERATION THE LOCATION OF THE DL = DLSTD DOL = 0.5 * DOL 0L = DL + SIGN(DDL,XII OH = (DL / DLSTDI * DHSTD CALL MARNELI0) CONVERGENCE IS ACHIEVED WHFN XI IS SLIGHTLY NEGATIVE (TO MAKE SORE THE ACCELERATION TERM IS CORRECT) AND THF ERROR IN LENGTH SMALLER THAN EBR .LT.EBR) .AND. (X1 .LT. 0.01) GO TO ? GO TO 1 HE = HI PBB = PI T8B = T8I TB3TR = TBI PRE = PI BE = BI TBE = TBI OPFR1 = DPFR OPGR1 = OPGR TPACE = OPaC OPTOT= DPTOT DL = CLSTD - DL DH = DHSTO - OH CALCULATE LOCATION OF BOILING BOUNDARY . . . . . . . - - . . - - ZBB = 3.12R + K*DLSTD*12.0 - 0L*12.0 CALL SUBLIQ(0) - . . . SUM INCREMENTAL PRESSURE DROPS FROM MARNEL AND SUBLIQ nPFR = DPFR + OPFR1 DPGR1 + = OPGR DPGR OPAC = OPAC + DPAC1 OPTOT = DPTOT + DPTOTI RESTORE STANDARD VALUES OF DL AND OH . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . DL = DLSTD OH = RHSTD RET1IRN END BOILING C I C C C (F((DDL 2 C C C EXIT REAL MULTF, KW, KLF DIMENSION T(B), X(), QW(7), SUBROUTINE BCBDRY(ZBR,TBS,TBBTR,PBBK,FBI) C C C CALCULATE AVERAGE BULK 1,7 DO 9 J 11(j) =J TAV = 0.5 * (T(J) C C C CALC'JLATF FIL C I C C 2 C C C M + QLOSW(7), 11(7) TEMPERATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T(J+1)) TEMPEPATURE DROP, TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF(X(J+11) 1,1,2 0.023 * RE**O.R * PR**0.4 NO WITHOUT BOILING: DTF = 1060.0 * QW(J) R MULTF(TAV) **0.4 /(r**0.B*KLF(TAV)**0.6) GO TO 3 WITH BOILING A HEAT TRANSFFR COEFFICIENT Or 1000 RTJ/HR-rT2-F IS USED OTF = 0.026 * OW(J) CALCULATE WALL TEMPERATURE DROP, DTW FOR AVERAGE WALL TEMPERATURE 3 4 C C 5 C C C DTWFI =0.0 DTW = OTWFI HEAT CCNDUCTIVITY OF THE PYREX GLASS WALL : RTI/HR-FT-F KW = 0.67 + 0.0005 * (T(F) - 100.0) KW = 0.67 + 0.0005 * (TAY + DTF + 0.5 * DTW - 100.0) DTWFI = 0.0952 * QW(J) / KW IF (ABSIDTW - DTWFI) - 0.1) 5,5,4 DTW = DTWFI CALCULATE OUTSIDE WALL TFMPERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOUT = TAV + OTF + DTW C C C C C 9 CALCULATE HEAT LOSSES IN WATTS USING THE FORMULA FOR CONVECTIVE LOSSFS H = 0.29 * (DT/L)**O.25 FOR RADIATIVE LOSSES . . . . AND AN EMISSIVITY OF 0.q5 . . . . C 10 . DLOSW(J) = 0.0132*(TOUT-TROOMI*(ARS(TOUT-TRoAM))**0.25 + 0.00768* f({TOUT+459.6)*0.01)**4 - ((TROOM+459.6)*0.01)**4) 1 WRITE 16,10) G, TROOM, II, T, X, QW, QLOSW FORMAT I/// 20X, 58HHEAT LOSSES CALCULATFD FROM THE TEMP. DISTR. , 5X, 4H(G = , F10.1. rX, 7HTROOM =, F6.1, OH I 1IELOW / , 7I10 22HOTEST SECTION NUMBER I / , SF10.1 17HOTEMPERATOEF IF) 2 , BF10.3 / 17HOEQUIL. QUALITY 3 / , 7F10.1 22HOPOWER (WATT) 4 , 7F10.1 22HOPOWER LOST (WATT) 5 RETURN END (P,ITS,DTD,VXD) SUBROUTINE SUBROL C C C C C C C C C - THIS VERSION OF SUBROUTINF SUBBOL CALCULATES THF POINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION ACCORDING TO STAUB'S MODEL. 0,G P, ITS, QNET(7), INPUT VARIABLES : P : PRESSURE AT POINT OF NET VAPOR GENFRATION (PSIAI ITS : TEST SECTION NUMBER (SELECTS THE PROPER HEAT FLUX VALUEI INLET TO EXIT : NET DOWERDISTRIBUTION (RTU/HR), ONET) AND QNETARE ORDERED FROM INLET C (ITS C C C C C C n C SURROL REQUIRES THE USE OF FUNCTIONS DIAMETER TO EXIT) (FT) MASS FLUX (LBM/HR-FT2) G OUTPUT VARIABLES : DTD, XD TSAT - TRULK AT POINT OF NFT VAPOR GENFRATION (F) OTD XD : NEGATIVE EQUILIBRIUM QUALITY AT POINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION TSATF(P) C C , ROGF(P) 0, ROLF(P), MULF(P), SIGMF(T), AND KLF(T) REAL MUL, MULF, KLF, KL DUM2) , G /SUBSUB/ COMMON SUBROUTINE SURROL (P,ITS,DTD,XDi -____---__-________---__-____-_-) ST AUB ----- C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C SUBROUTINE S'BROL CALCULATFS THE POINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION USING LEVY'S MODEL. P, ITS, QNET(7), 0, G INPUT VARIABLES : P : PRESSURE AT POINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION IPSIA) ITS : TEST SECTION NUMBER (SELECTS THE PROPER HEAT FLUX VALUE) INLET TO EXIT : NET POWER DISTRIBUTION (BTU/HRI, QNET17 ARE ORDERED FROM INLFT TO EXIT) (ITS AND T) DIAMETER (FTI MASS FLUX (LBM/HR-FT21 G OUTPUT VARIABLES : DTT, XD NET VAPOR GENFRATION IF) TSAT - TRULK AT POINT DTD AT POINT OF NET VAPOR GENFRATION XO NEGATIVE EQUILIBRIUM QNET OF QUALITY SUBBOL REQUIRES THE USF OF TSATFIPI AND KLF(T) C C 3 I 2 RELATION THE FRICTICN FACTOR IS OBTAINED FORM AN EMPIRICAL 0 D33) F = 0.0055*(1.0+(2.OE+04*ROUGH+1.OE+06/REL)**0. RP = F * B DO = (-BP+SQRT(BP*BP+A))/A IF(ABS(DD-ODSAVE)/DD-0.001)2,2,1 ROUGH = 0.5*DD/D DDSAVE = O GO TO 3 0.5*DD*G*SQRT(F/8.0/MUL YD YCL = (D/DID)*Y Q = 86.1 * QNET(ITS) / (G * SORTIF) DTD = Q*(PR*(5.0-YD)+5.0*ALOG(1.0+5.0*PR)+ IF(YD .LE. 5.0) 2.5*((A1OG(YCL/30.0))/(1.0-30.0/YCL)-l.0)) 1 DTD = 0*(5.0*ALOG((1. 30.0)) .GT. 5.0) .AND. IYD .LE. +5.0*PRI/11.0+PR*(YD/R.0-1.01))+2.5*(ALOGIYCL/30.1/(1.0-30.0 1 /YCLI-1.0l) 2 OTD = ?.5Q*iALOG(YCL/YD)/(1.O-YO/YCLI-1.0 IF(YD .GT. 30.0) )*(1.O-YD/YCL) 1 XD = -0.00364 * DTD IF((YD C 7 WRITE(6,7) FRREL,F,DD,YD,DTD,XD FORMAT('OPOINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION ACClRDING TO STAUB''S MODEL F6.3, 4X, 'RE =', F10.1, 4X, 'F =', F7.4, =', ' F(BETA) 1 '/ F7.2 4X, 'ODD =', F9.6, I FT', 4X, 'YT =', FR.2, TX, *DT2 =', 2 'XD =' , F8.4) , ' F' , 4X, 3 RETURN END MIILFIP). SIGMF(TI, ROL = ROLF(P) MUL = MULF(P) T = TSATFI) SIGMA = SIGMF(TI KL = KLF(T) PR = 0.225 * MUL f KL REL = G * 0 / MUL F = 0.0055 * (1.0 + (2.0 + 1.OE 06/REL)**0.33331 THE FRICTION FACTOR IS OBTAINED FORM AN EMPIRICAL RElATION FOR A RELATIVE ROIGHNESS OF E-04 0 = 86.1 * QNETITS) / (G * SQRT(FI)) YBPLUS = 308.0 * SQRT(SIGMA * 0 * ROL) / M'IL DTFILM = 2R2.0*QNET(ITS)*MUL**0.4/(G**O.R*KL**0.6I * YRPIUS IF (YBPLUS .LE. 5.0) OTD = DTFILM - Q * IF ((YBPLUS .GT. 5.0) .AND. (YBPLUS .LE. 30.0)) DTD = DTFILM - 5.0 * Q * (PR + ALOG(1.0 + PR * (YRPLUS/5.0 -1.01)) 1 IF (YBPLUS .GT. 30.0) DTD = 2TFILM - 5.0 * Q * (PR+ALOG(1.0+5.0*PR)+0.5*ALOG(YBPLUS/33.0)I A XD = -0.10364 * DTD = NULF(P) TSATF(PI SIGMA = SIGMF(T) KL = KLF(T) PR = 0.225 * MUL / KL REL = G * 0 / MUL A = (ROL-ROG)/112.0*SIGMA*FB) B = G*G/(64.0*32.17*ROL*SIGMA*FR*3600.0*3600.0) ROIJGH = 0.0 DOSAVE = 0.0 ROLF(P), C FR = 0.030 ROL = ROLF(P) ROG = ROGF(P) MUL T = FUNCTIONS REAL MUL, MULF, KLF, KL COMMON D, DUMI?), G /SUBSUB/ QNET(7) QNETI(7 C IEVY C C PR C I E 2 3 WRITE(6,1I REL, F, YRPLUS, OTFILM, DTD, XD FORMAT('OPOINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION ACCORDING TO LEVY''S MODEL' = ', FM.?, NX, / I RE =', F10.1, 5X, 'F =-, r7.4, 5X, IYRP 'DTFILM = I, F7.2, * F', 15X, 'OTT =', F7.2, 10X, 'XD =', F8.41 RETf)RN END lUS 0=0.431 Appendix B The Physical Properties of Freon-113 The physical properties of Freon-113'as a function of saturation pressure or temperature were taken from references [41] and [42]. These functions were fitted in the least squares sense to polynomials (using IBM-360 Scientific Subroutine Package subprograms) with an excellent accuracy. The resulting FORTRAN FUNCTION subprograms are given in the following pages. To evaluate the accuracy of the fits the entire thermo- dynamic tables in the range 40 - 170*F, with an increment of 10*F, were reconstructed from these functions ard compared to the original ones. The resulting r.m.s. errors were between 0.0002 and 0.2 percent. 0 C C C C FUNCTION TSATFIP) SATURATION TEMPERATURE (F) X = 1.0 / (ALOG(P) - 13.47) TSATF = - .360185E 03 - .4069271E RETURN END C C C C C C S F R E C N - 1 1 3 P R P E R T I F -__ -- - - - - _ _ - -- - _-- _-_ - ARGUMENTS IN DFGREES F IT) OR PSIA (P). C 04*X + .117441E 05*X=X FUNCTION ROLF(P) I 10010 DENSITY (LBM/FT3) X = ALOG(P) ROLE = .1033078F 03 - .2657116E 01*X I .3389485E -01*X*X - .83079RIF -01*X*X*X RETURN END C FUNCTION ROGF(Pl VAPOR DENSITY )LBM/FT3) X = ALOG(P) ROGF = EXP( - .3267308E 01 1 + .3519715E-02 *X*X RETURN END C + .9181870E 00 *X REAL FUNCTION MULF(P) LIQU1D VISCOSITY (LRM/HR FT) X = ALOG(P) MULF = EXP( .1064657 F 01 - .3255410 F 00*X - .1726090 F-02*X*X*X I + .6064336 E-02*X*X 1 RETURN END REAL FUNCTION MUGFIP) VAPOR VISCOSITY (LBM/HR FT) X = ALOG(P) MUGF = .1967795 E-01 + .7899068 F-02*X - .5630545 E-02*X*X + .2141094 F-02*X*X*R 2 - .3536185 E-03*X*X*X*X + .1974262 F-04*X*X*X*X*X RETURN END FUNCTION HLF(P) LIQUID ENTHALPY X = 1.0 / HLF + .7712507 RE TURN FND r C C IBTU/BLM) - 13.54RAR) = - .3302970 F 02 + .2946777 E 00*X E 04*X*X C C C C FUNCTION OHLF(P) DHLF IS THE SLOPE OF THE LIQUID SATURATION FNTHALPY VS ARSOLUTE PR rSSURE (ORTAINED FROM DIRECT DIFFEPENTIATION OF HLF) UNITS : BTU/LBM-PSIA X = 1.0 / (ALOG(P) - 13.4888) OHLF = -(0.2946777 + * X) * X *X / P RETURN END 155A5.014 (BTU/L9M) FUNCTION PSATF(TF SATURATION PRESSURE (PSIA) T = TF + 459.6 PSATF = 10.0 **(33.0655 - 4330.98/T -9. 2635*ALOGI0(T) + 1 0.0020539 * T) RE TURN END FUNCTICN ROLTF(T) DENSITY (LRM/FT3) ROLTF = .1035453 E 03 - .7105255 E-OI*T .6448694 E-04*T*T 1RETURN END lIQUID REAL FUNCTION MULTFIT) LIQUID VISCOSITY (LBM/HR FT) X = 1.0 /tT + 459.6) MlLTF = EXP( - .S483695 E 01 + .55R921 F 04*X - .1950534 E 07*X*X + .3577018 E 00*X*X*X) RETURN END 1 (ALOG(P) 1 FUNCTICN HFGF)P) LATENT HEAT OF VAPORISATION HEGF = .7058670 E 02 - .9218673 F 00*P I + .4283483 F-OI*P*P - .1186130 F-32*P*P*P 2 + .1250690 E-04*P*P*P*P RETURN ENQ C FUNCTION HLTF(T) LIQUID ENTHALPY (BTU/LBM) HLTE .8119482 E 01 + .1961794 E 00*T = I + .1261047 E-03*T*T RETURN END REAL FUNCTICN KLF(T) LIQUIC THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY KLF = 0.0475 - 6.7667E-05*T RETURN END (BTU/HR FT F) FUNCTION SIGMF(T) SURFACE TENSION (LRFIFT) SIGMF = - 4.45E-06 * IT RETURN END 1.27E-03 FUNCTION TF(HL) SATURATION TEMPERATURE (Fl TF = - .4082034 1 - .1141203 E-01*HL*HL RFTURN F ND - 80.0) E 02 + .5196681 F 01*HL NWIhlll I ulN Appendix C Auxiliary Functions for Pressure Drop Calculations This appendix describes the evaluation and use in the computer programs of the friction factor, and the Lockhart-Martinelli two-phase friction multiplier C.1 2 $ t RJtt a. and void fraction The Friction Factor, f The Fanning friction factor, f for smooth pipes was obtained from Ref. [48] and approximated by a polynomial in the least squares sense. The resulting FORTRAN FUNCTION subprogram is listed at the end of this appendix, C.2 and the accuracy of the fit is given in Table C.l. r.m.s. The Lockhart-Martinelli Two-Phase Friction Multiplier, The values of 2 4t as a function of ktt X tt (P2 ktt are tabulated in Ref. [49]. A least squares fit by a sixth order polynomial gave a satisfactory accuracy as shown in Table C.l. It was, however, necessary to extend the range of the function to very low and very high qualities: By definition: = 02ktt (4k) dL 2fr dp2 dL gtt ( ) dL C-2 with tt gtt X= ttt kt At x approaching zero, X tends towards infinity and obviously approach the unity. lim X *0 tt = 2 4ptt must Therefore: 1 tt x + 0 When x approaches the unity, X tt must have the limiting value of 1. 2 lim X +> - tt tt tends towards zero and tt As = gtt /Xtt 2 0g gtt now it follows that 1 X2 tt x + 1 These limiting cases are reflected in the FORTRAN listing of this subprogram. C.3 The Lockhart-Martinelli Void Fraction Correlation A numerical fit of the void fraction, was obtained in exactly the same way as for was arbitrarily set equal to 0.97 for Xtt a, as a function of Xtt 2 @Ptt The value of values smaller than (corresponding to qualities a few percent below unity). end of the range, for Xtt larger than a 0.07 At the other 100 (x smaller than 0.007) asymptotic expression, suggested by the homogeneous model, was used. an C-3 Table C.1 Range and Accuracy of the Numerical Fits of the Auxiliary Functions FORTRAN FUNCTION name Variable Spacing of the input and test pts. Range of fit Relative rus error* () Maximum observed relative error* () Friction factor, f(Re) FF(RE) 3500<Re<300,000 9 values per decade 0.20 0.48 @ Re-5000 Lockhart and Martinelli's friction multiplier .2 (x Itt tt F12LF(XTT) 0.01<X <100 4 values per decade 0.80 1.53 Lockhart and Martinelli's void fraction, 0(Xtt) ALFAF(XIT) 0.07<X tt<100 4 values per decade 2.01 4.86 @ X * using spacing of test points given in this table. fit better than 1% for Xtt < 10 a or > 0.47. AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS FOR PRESSURE OROP CALCULATIONS FUNCTION FF(RE) FANNING FRICTION FACTOR FOR SMOOTH PIPES X * ALUG(RE) FF EXP( - .1805868 E 00 - .8502377 E 00*X - .1134451 F-02*X*X*X ) I + .4752425 E-01*X*X RETURN END C FUNCTION XTTF(X) LOCKHART-MARTINELLI XTT PARAMETER REAL MUL, MUG COMMON /FLUID/ ROL, ROG, MUL, MUG IF(X .GT. 1.0E-301 XTTF = (((1.0 -X)/X)**0.9)*((ROG/ROL)**0.5)*(MUL/MUG)**O.1 1 IF(X .LE. 1.OF-30) XTTF = 1.0E 30 RETURN END FUNCTION ALFAF(XTTI LOCKHART-MARTINELLI IF(XIT VOID fRACTION CPRRELATION .LT. 0.07) ALFAF = 0.97 10.2661 / XTT IF(XTT .GF. 100.0) ALFAF X = ALOG(XTT) IF((XTT .GE. 0.07) .AND. IXTT .LT. 100.0)) ALFAF EXP( - .25435?1 E 00 - .1478533 E 00*X I + .1222962 E-0?*X*X*X 2 - .3270721 E-01*X*X - .4598919 E-0*X*X*X*X*X 3 + .4128012 E-03*X*X*X*X RETURN END = FUNCTION F2LF(XTT) C PRESSURE DROP MULTIPLIFR LOCKHART-MARTINELLI TWO-PHASF 1.0 /(XTT*XTT) IFIXTT .LT. 0.01) FI2LF IF(XTT .GE. 210.0) FI2LF = 1.0 X = ALOG(XTT) IF((XTT .GE. .AND. (XTT .LT. ?10.0)) FI2LF = .1445175 E 01 - .5039395 E 00*X ( EXP( - .1157590 E-02*X*X*X + .578383 E-01*X*X 2 + .3007357 F-04*X**5 - .4390361 E-O0*X*X*X*X RETURN FND 0.01) 3 ))**2 @X - 0.02 - 70 CL C0 0 I-j Z 4 3 1217 0 .e 0.-' 00000 NQ D n w D 10z400-10 ~~~~0 3 -3' 001 0zzoozzzoo2zozz D -a I -. 0 DQ 40D04044' 0a 6 Of0 L) I iNu U.S P.f-.l. I- !-0 Inc 0 .0 CN 2 f a 'D0 aI C . 0 01C imn C I. ON-,. a NC W - NtU) N W,0 m mNP-N CCC CC Otz c 3tf afte Or IL N C .0 oo IIIL -. ;- a CC C C, aONI C.4 4 .0 c C 0- 4- -C cf - 0.00 mCC 4 C C CC Ne LW f- W -CI4 C NO-fl.t a eoocc ., t m.4 N~ yf OC -c 0L COCC 0CC N'C c I.P-0 CC C C. -. .. t..%N C;CC- C; - CCC t. m0 mC.'.- C; 0 C C.tNC.N.0CC Olt, 0 r0 C44SCNM)N- 1 01010. 4 C4 .0Nft UI; CMC C.coc -t. 0 tr 4- N 4 4N ;.N . -CellCneCN 4- CC I40-fN4 0N N C C .. ;.. C7 a0NC4K....4N4 C 00 .f OCCa CC C C &C N~~~ C.$I4. VIO P- '0 CN C CC7 NI' O,*Cv .aw. 003.* A * aA , N N -ONNW a w 0.0 wN a. N # . N ..- UN9ONN NN N W &N. OWN N .. 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Pu - PRESSURE AT STATIUN k, Pi - PRESSURE AT -TATION 1 DP1EX - PRESSURE ORUP FROM HLATEO INLAT TO EXIT (1 TO tX} XEX - AVERAGE EXIT OUALITY DTSUIN - INLET SUdCOOLING* TSATIP1l - TO DTSUdb - SUBCOOLING Wil-H RESPECT TO TML OUILIN16 OUNUARY TbAT(PobI - TO Q/WHFG - TOTAL HEAT INPUT / MASS FLOW RATE TIMES LATENT TAU - PERIOD OF THE OSCILLATION WP/WA - PEAK TO AVERAGE FLOW RATIO DPRAT - SINOLh-PrIASt TO TOTAL PRESSURE OxOP MATIU (0 TO Lb / U TO EL) ZRAT - SINGLE-PHASE TO TOTAL LEN6TH RATIO (1 TO do / 1 TO DHRAT - SINGLE PHASE TO TOTAL ENTHALPY RATIO DOLDH - DELAY OF ENTHALPY PERTURbATION AT Ubs IN CYCLES (FROM 04U*T-) ORDER - ORDER OF THE OSCILLATION W- HEAT EX) COOL FOR NUMOERINu OF THL POINTS d0 9 100 200 900 SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES SERIES U N RUN-PT OW IWI TR2 TR2A DIZA 012A TR28 T728 TR28 D4 DS D5 09 D10A 017 016 018A 018A 020 D20 D20 D20 D20 91 91 92 93 92 93 94 294 932 299 298 90 296 293 196 187 98 189 90 82 83 RUN-PT DIZ TR3 D4 D6 06 05 09 010A 010A TR5 D17 017 0184 0ISA D18A 318A 018A DISA 016 016 018 018 D18 020 020 020 98 92 917 199 196 294 94 93 284 92 197 182 191 182 93 185 287 280 97 289 290 186 184 90 184 186 N TIN PO (F) (LBN/HRI (PSI) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 121.5 123.0 123.5 123.2 119.2 118.9 118.3 116.6 103.6 105.8 101.9 91.5 85.3 72.8 62.5 62.3 44.3 44.2 44.8 45.1 45.2 ON (N) TIN (F) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 125.1 120.0 118.0 115.6 114.0 107.0 103.2 94.0 93.8 93.3 85.4 84.9 62.6 63.0 63.4 64.0 64.1 64.2 72.4 72.4 61.4 62.3 61.8 42.5 44.0 45.1 279.0 419.0 700.0 572.0 168.5 149.0 131.0 285.8 85.0 171.2 165.5 47.9 153.5 103.4 102.0 83.0 113.0 96.6 88.8 75.9 63.5 N (LB/HRI) 516.0 262.0 281.0, 265.0 211.0 223.5 202.5 194.5 142.8 262.0 214.0 87.0 440.0 300.0 197.0 143.0 122.5 88.0 140.5 126.4 198.8 103.5 119.0 204.0 116.0 81.3 I - TRANSITIONS FIRST OCCURENCE OF USCILLATIONS FREUUENCY OF NEXT UNSTAbLE POINT WAS USED THRESHOLD ObTAINED 6Y INTERPOLATION TRANsITIONi TO FUNDAMENTAL MODE F 0 R M P1 DPEX (PSI)(PSI) 16.54 19.61 21.26 20.43 18.34 18.18 18.05 19.23 17.82 19.52 19.12 17.62 19.80 20.20 20.02 19.37 21.80 21.46 21.12 20.54 20.10 17.51 18.53 20.03 19.28 17.34 17.18 17.06 18.20 16.82 18.50 18.11 16.61 18.77 19.17 18.98 18.34 20.74 20.41 20.07 19.49 19.05 PO (PSI) P1 (PSI) 21.10 19.15 19.39 19.38 19.06 19.95 18.86 19.09 18.57 19.99 19.56 17.85 21.35 21.07 19.82 19.18 17.36 16.54 19.70 19.20 20.18 18.61 19.36 21.33 19.61 18.78 19.98 18.13 18.36 18.35 18.05 18.90 17.84 18.06 17.55 18.94 18.52 16.83 20.21 19.98 18.76 18.14 16.32 15.50 18.66 18.17 19.1? 17.57 18.32 20.25 18.55 17.73 2.96 3.98 5.12 4.37 2.64 2.48 2.36 3.46 1.98 3.66 3.66 1.95 4.17 4.43 4.61 3.97 5.84 5.51 5.17 4.59 4.15 DPIEX (PSI) H E A T F L U X U I b T RI XEX OTSUIN DTSUB8 J/WHFG TAU (F) IF) (S) 0.152 0.112 0.073 0.084 0.231 0.259 0.292 0.129 0.394 0.177 0.176 0.699 0.135 0.209 0.184 0.268 0.081 0.138 0.174 0.248 0.345 5.6 7.3 11.2 9.4 7.4 7.1 7.4 12.6 21.3 24.7 26.5 32.7 45.6 59.9 69.1 67.4 92.4 91.690.1 88.1 86.7 3.7 4.2 5.0 4.6 5.6 5.6 5.9 8.3 18.3 18.7 20.8 29.9 35.7 50.3 58.4 58.5 77.4 78.6 78.1 77.8 77.9 0.136 0.090 0.054 0.066 0.225 0.254 0.289 0.132 0.446 0.221 0.228 0.790 0.246 0.366 0.371 0.455 0.335 0.392 0.427 0.499 0.597 XEX 0TSUIN DTSU88 Q/WHF (F (F) M 5.17 0.172 3.43 0.298 3.62 '0.271 3.51 0.277 3.21 0.344 4.06 0.799 3.39 0.326 3.40 0.307 2.89 0.446 4.24 0.203 3.92 0.242 2.23 0.756 5.84 -0.014 5.61 0.067 4.39 0.200 3.77 0.347 3.43 0.453 2.61 0.694 3.92 0.381 3.43 0.440 4.53 0.187 2.98 0.541 3.73 0.444 5.35 0.111 3.65 0.398 2.83 0.680 9.5 9.1 11.7 14.1 14.8 24.7 24.9 34.9 33.4 38.2 44.8 40.0 72.6 71.6 67.6 65.1 64.0 61.2 58.3 56.8 71.0 65.0 67.9 92.8 86.3 82.7 6.6 7.3 9.4 11.4 12.5 20.4 21.1 29.6 29.6 31.0 37.6 37.0 49.8 56.4 57.4 57.6 57.4 56.5 51.8 51.0 60.0 59.4 61.3 78.8 78.2 77.0 0.147 0.289 0.269 0.286 0.359 0.339 0.373 0.389 0.530 0.289 0.354 0.870 0.172 0.252 0.384 0.529 0,617 0.659 0.539 0.599 0.380 0.731 0.636 0.371 0.653 0.932 4.20 4.65 4.00 3.94 3.60 3.65 3.80 2.95 8.65 3.20 3.57 7.25 2.64 3.08 3.90 5.85 3.80 3.584.20 3.30 5.80 TAU (S) 3.00 3.52 3.96 3.81 5.00 5.40 2.74 6.60 6.4C 7.50 7.25 6.15 6.15 2.84 4.68 9.05 8.49 0.00 8.70 2.32 4.70 4.00 3.80 6.00 8 u T Iu WP/WA OPRAT 1.10 0.403 0.409 1.16 0.518 1.36 0.485 1.27 0.420 1.34 0.422 1.33 0.425 0.529 6.05 0.627 0.601 0.630 0.612 0.788 0.720 0.772 0.747 1.30 0.858 1.40 0.802 1.20 0.787 1.40 0.767 1.20 0.730 WP/WA DPRAT 0.333 1.15 0.351 1.21 0.382 0.415 0.414 0.456 1.68 0.503 ~ 0.597 0.563 1.06 0.631 0.665 0.590 1.051 0.872 0.774 0.694 0.672 0.664 0.620 0.635 0.786 0.684 -.-. 0.644 1.20 0.864 1.90 0.760 2.50 0.718 N ZRAT DHAAT 0.094 0.161 0.325 0.245 0.067 0.077 0.071 0.719 0.142 0.293 0.314 0.130 0.496 0.467 0.532 0.433 0.773 0.671 0.613 0.522 0.438 0.097 0.165, 0.335 0.252 0.090 0.079 0.073 0.225 0.146 0.301 0.324 0.134 0.510 0.481 0.547 0.446 0.795 0.690 0.631 0.537 0.450 RAT DHRAI 0.15? 0.089 0.122 0.140 0.121 0.210 0.195 0.262 0.192 0.369 0.364 0.145 1.000 0.755 0.504 0.368 0.314 0.222 0.327 0.290 0.532 0.274 0.326 0.709 0.401 0.277 0.162 0.091 0.125 0.144 0.124 0.216 0.201 0.269 0.198 0.380 0.315 0.150 1.000 0.776 0.519 0.379 0.323 0.228 0.337 0.298 0.548 0.262 0.335 0.730 0.412 0.285 DELDM ORDER CO4MENTS 0.67 0.686 0.732 0.714 0.734 0.7?7 0.725 0.936 0.947 0.914 0.919 0.621 0.784 0.745 0.935 0.018 0.755 0.794 0.719 0.150 0.603 0.256 0.262 0.368 0.344 0.456 0.448 0.455 0.827 0.622 1.719 1.719 1.220 4.009 4.854 4.464 2.981 6.095 0.000 5.565 7.055 4.022 808. HX 8UL HX RUBL. HX 8UBL. HX OSC.DIES OSC.DIES 0ELDH 080E8 COMMENTS 0.697 0.719 0.752 0.754 0.831 0.823 0.765 0.865 0.869 0.879 0.910 0.707 0.744 0.427 0.888 0.929 0.801 0.934 0.836 0.913 0.359 0.392 0.424 0.480 0.603 INTERPOL 0.576 TAU ? TAU-6.60 0.662 INTERPOL 0.717 0.743 TAU ? 0.755 1.233 W ESTEST 0.000 W7ENDOSC 3.006 1.833 0.945 INTERPOL 0.990 INT@RPOL 0.000 0.872 INtERPOL 3.856 INTERPOL 1.881 0.894 0.930 0.936 2.948 THA ? 3.078 TAU CAHN 1.919 TAU CHAN INTERPOL W EST INTERPOL INTERPOL TAU? PT? INTERPOL INTERPOL W ? W ? END DSC. TAU*5.80 TAU-2.95 BHX,THR? 1.598 - 0 7 _j 3 3~ < - ,c Z7 .c! ~ -z w 2 '0 e .- e. a, e. 0 re e n I j NC., no 2o z er r z < cr kZ << z 0 .C o zZZ 7 acct l. <N< 7 r . 2 W . @, a 000 -o N- N e o .e OO0 . 0 M W mr 0 7 e t' 4 m C' . Q < N e O0OP N 2 e n 47 ,,,a N < 773 Wa 1 e aO M nW . 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N002200727770022 03O00 00000 3oOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 - 2--72207777e 0--*0 7 E- 3 CU 5 I RUN-PT QW TIN (W) (F) D7 08 011 D22 022 D22 D23 D23 D23 D23 023 023 D23 D23 D21 D21 D21 D21 D21 300 114.0 300 103.7 300 94.0 300 83.6 300 83.4 300 83.4 300 69.8 300 71.0 300 71.1 300 71.2 300 71.3 300 71.6 300 71.7 300 72.6 300 42.0 300 42.4 300 43.3 300 44.2 300 42.5 198 199 192 98 181 82 195 88 89 80 81 82 83 86 91 93 86 88 92 RUN-PT QW (WI W (LRM/HR) 349.0 312.0 296.0 444.0 275.0 164.5 410.0 189.0 166.0 159.0 154.5 142.0 120.0 84.1 304.0 751.0 156.0 141.0 320.0 Po (PSI) N t P1 DPlEX (PSI) (PSI) 21.15 20.09 19.65 20.63 19.57 20.99 19.86 20.37 19.31 19.52 18.49 20.91 19.79 19.72 18.67 19.64 18.60 19.56 18.52 19.50 18.46 19.36 18.32 19.12 18.09 18.32 17.29 20.51 19.41 20.28 19.19 19.68 18.62 19.36 18.30 20.99 19.88 20.70 XEX OTSUIN DTSU88 Q/WiFG (F) (F) 5.26 4.91 4.91 5.12 4.57 3. 75 5.06 3.94 3.87 3.79 3.73 3.59 3.36 2.56 4.85 4.63 4.06 3.74 5.32 0.311 0.314 0.301 0.136 0.293 0.570 0.110 0.438 0.522 0.552 0.573 0.639 0.786 1.193 0.116 0.196 0.475 0.555 0.099 W Po Pl DPlEX (LAM/HR) (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) TIN IF) D8 191 400 104.2 011 193 400 94.6 022 82 400 83.5 D22 94 400 83.7 D22 86 400 83.5 023 92 400 70.1 D21 92 400 41.3 470.0 385.0 268.0 420.0 283.0 430.0 440.0 22.17 21.63 20.52 21.66 20.94 21.47 21.27 21.05 20.54 19.46 20.55 19.88 20.34 20.11 S E R 20.9 29.9 39.4 50.6 49.2 46.8 64.2 59.7 59.4 59.0 58.7 58.0 57.7 53.8 90.9 89.9 87.3 85.4 91.8 16.2 24.2 32.8 40.4 41.7 41.2 52.4 5?.6 52.9 52.7 52.5 52.1 51.8 49.6 77.9 78.7 79.0 77.7 78.4 0.274 0.313 0.445 0.241 0.415 0.187 0.085 33.4 41.6 49.6 52.5 50.8 65.5 93.7 S T A E 27.1 35.0 43.3 44.2 44.3 55.5 79.6 I TAU IS) ZRAT DHR AT 0.417 0.491 0.54? 0.709 0.620 0.584 C.791 0.654 0.629 0.627 0.628 0.675 0.615 0.643 0.866 0.803 0.704 0.712 0.834 1.07 2.75 4.20 1.15 4.60 4.30 4.20 4.50 3.50 4.30 7.50 1.24 1.19 1.80 5.40 1.09 0.690 WP/WA DPRAT 0.322 3.29 0.393 4.50 0.565 9.72 5.10 0.361 0.535 10.40 6.00 0.344 6.30 0.444 0.479 0.536 0.562 0.516 0.657 0.836 3.00 1.06 2.90 1.16 1.05 0.352 t U I 140 WP/WA DPRAT 0.326 2.83 0.364 3.73 0.384 4.50 0.256 5.60 0.413 11.72 5.10 0.277 6.40 0.601 3.00 0.684 6.24 0.714 2.50 0.735 5.49 0.800 2.28 0.944 4.02 1.350 6.15 0.373 6.80 0.452 7.10 0.727 7.48 0.805 3.61 0.355 6.00 L I T Y Io , T k XEX DTSUIN DTSUBB Q/WHFG TAU (F) (F) (S) 6.31 5.88 4.72 5.81 5.14 5.61 5.55 I ES u I F L UX H L A T X P ck DELDH 0.643 0.788 0.765 0.891 0.663 0.933 0.803 0.756 0.719 0.812 0.826 0.841 0.816 0.690 0.396 1.110 0.75? 7.065 1.047 2.655 1.231 3.038 1.839 1.314 1.042 1.047 1.165 2.473 1.175 DELDH ORDER COMMENTS 0.769 0.759 0.713 0.779 0.705 0.772 0.832 0.778 0.676 0.412 TAU CHAN 0.677 W 7 0.382 TAU=5.08 0.668 W? 1AU' 0.846 ZRAT DHRAT DELDH ORDER COMMENTS 0.703 0.723 0.599 0.5?7 0.542 0.500 0.515 C.470 0.483 0.442 0.454 0.393 0.404 0.370 0.380 0.915 0.826 0.952 0.668 0.605 3.846 0.877 2.853 2.867 2.914 3.854 TAU CHAN 3.894 1.908 TAU CHAN 1.815 ZRAT DHRAT DELDH ORDER COMMENTS 0.918 0.866 0.741 0.647 0.825 0.909 2.396 UNST ? 0.000 OSC.DIFS 3.722 3.608 3.959 1.314 TAU CHAN 1.353 DFLDH ORDFP COMMENTS 0.92? 0.785 0.750 1.559 UNST ? 3.138 3.295 3.608 4.714 2.155 PR 33'' 2.222 3.775 FIL.BYP. 3.8325 4.3?8 2.252 2.405 0.256 0.304 0.151 0.523 0.39 0.284 0.595 0.353 C.327 0.318 0.179 0.237 0.3f3 0.556 0.856 0.210 0.360 0.306 0.?70 0.?78 0.250 0.228 0.191 ().128 0.716 0.597 0.373 0.332 0.758 0.313 0.297 C.268 0.205 0.635 0.550 0.401 C.372 0.665 ORAT DHRAT 0.349 0.360 0.327 0.442 0.343 0.520 0.691 0.301 0.316 0.270 0.433 0.292 0.552 0.794 0.756 1.402 0.779 0.776 7.711 RDER COMMENTS 0.93 0.309 0.119 0.781 7 PEAKS T5AU CHAN TAU=6.05 TAU=2.10 TAU=3.07 W' TAU? W? TAU? TAU=7.12 W INCFAS I M t N T b ALL PUINTS ARt TAOULATLU 3LLOuWIN UkuLR TAio.N u wQ RUN-PT 13 94 95 16 86 17 88 19 RUN-PT OW (W) TIN W PO (F) (LBM/HR) (PSI) 200 200 20C 200 200 200 200 200 61.2 61.2 61.7 61.8 62.0 62.0 62.1 62.0 QW TIN (W) (F) E04 1 171 E04 92 171 E04 183 171 E04 94 171 E04 5 171 E04 6 171 E04 87 171 E04 8 I71 78.5 78.6 78.8 78.7 78.8 78.8 78.5 78.4 262.0 215.0 195.0 185.0 174.0 164.0 145.0 136.5 21.29 20.64 20.41 20.26 20.10 19.88 19.68 19.49 W (LBM/HR) Po (PSI) PI DPlEX (PSI) (PSI) 255.5 235.0 196.0 185.0 174.0 150.5 130.0 120.0 20.95 20.72 20.33 20.17 20.07 19.78 19.58 19.45 19.89 19.67 19.29 19.13 19.03 18.75 18.55 18.42 TES RUN-PT 1 92 93 4 5 6 87 8 9 10 11 82 13 RUN-PT 1 92 93 4 5 6 P L E N 6 T H b T E S T A L L Pl DPIEX XEX DTSUIN DTSUB8 Q/WHFG TAU (PSI) (PSI) (F) {F) (S) 20.22 19.58 19.35 19.21 19.05 18.83 18.63 18.45 TES T T 5.39 0.092 74.1 4.75 0.155 72.2 4.52 0.193 71.0 4.38 0.214 70.5 4.22 0.241 69.9 4.00 0.267 69.2 3.80 0.328 68.5 3.62 0.361 68.0 L ENG T H 5.07 4.85 4.47 4.31 4.21 3.93 3.73 3.60 60.2 60.7 60.6 60.6 60.5 60.3 60.7 60.7 1 0.289 0.352 0.388 0.409 0.435 0.462 0.522 0.555 W I THoUT 0.115 0.138 0.193 0.212 0.235 0.293 0.360 0.401 55.8 55.1 53.8 53.4 53.0 52.2 51.9 51.6 43.3 43.3 43.4 43.4 43.4 43.4 43.9 43.9 0.253 0.276 0.330 0.350 0.372 0.430 0.498 0.540 L E NG QW (W) TIN W (F) (LBM/HR) PO (PSI) 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 94.5 94.3 94.0 93.9 93.7 93.5 93.2 93.0 93.0 93.0 92.9 92.8 92.6 21.26 20.73 20.40 20.26 19.93 19.52 19.41 19.31 19.90 19.82 19.61 19.43 19.38 20.19 19.69 19.37 19.23 18.91 18.51 18.40 18.30 18.88 18.80 18.60 18.42 18.37 QW (W) T E S T L E N T H S TIN W Po P1 DPlEX (F) (LBM/HR) (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) 114 114 114 114 114 114 109.4 109.2 109.3 109.1 108.1 108.8 420.0 364.0 ?85.0 276.0 200.0 102.0 21.23 20.97 20.64 20.55 20.28 19.68 0.0C 3.50 3.50 2.40 2.52 2.40 7.65 7.65 WITHUU TAU (S) Q/WFG 20.14 19.90 19.60 19.51 19.26 18.68 5.37 4.87 4.55 4.41 4.09 3.69 3.58 9.48 4.06 3.98 3.78 3.60 3.55 5.33 5.09 4.79 4.70 4.45 3.87 0.075 0.137 0.167 0.196 0.250 0.404 0.436 0.473 0.278 0.285 0.352 0.472 0.524 11 * XEX 0.072 0.087 0.121 0.125 0.181 0.391 40.7 39.4 38.8 38.5 37.7 36.7 36.7 36.6 38.3 38.1 37.6 37.1 37.2 27.0 27.9 27.9 28.1 28.1 28.3 28.4 28.4 29.0 28.8 28.8 29.0 29.2 0.00 5.0C 2.65 2.68 2.70 2.62 6.00 6.10 2.75 2.74 2.68 6.06 6.05 0.158 0.221 0.252 0.281 0.335 0.490 0.523 0.561 0.366 0.373 0.440 0.561 0.e13 1.09 1.21 1.23 1.84 1.60 2.30 1.24 3.65 0.849 0.810 0.781 0.770 0.757 0.755 0.722 0.718 P Uw XEXOTSUIN DTSU8B 0/WHFG TAU (F) (F) (S) TH S 1 AN 2 P1 DPlEX XEX OTSUIN DTSU88 (PSI) (PSI) (F) (F) 343.0 245.5 215.0 193.0 161.5 110.5 103.5 96.5 148.0 145.0 123.0 )6.5 88.3 0.00 3.17 3.15 3.10 2.34 2.31 5.00 4.98 t U H WP/WA OPRAT E WP/WA DPRAT 1.11 1.17 1.23 1.38 2.35 2.50 1.61 4.40 0.874 0.812 0.782 0.780 0.769 0.754 0.736 0.731 0.397 ?.10 Q/WHFG 25.6 25.1 24.7 24.1 24.4 22.0 0.103 0.119 0.151 0.156 0.216 0.423 0.00 3.5C 3.55 3.66 3.75 3.38 12.7 12.8 12.8 12.8 13.7 12.5 0.499 0.551 0.461 0.435 0.410 0.354 0.30n 0.377 0.286 1.05 0.844 0.698 0.605 1.14 0.796 0.589 0.448 1.14 0.797 0.550 0.392 0.788 0.524 0.355 3.10 0.788 0.484 0.297 3.20 0.769 0.419 0.?04 1.76 0.776 0.411 0.192 6.80 0.781 0.402 0.179 3.70 0.778 0.472 0.280 3.45 0.784 0.467 0.273 3.40 0.779 0.438 0.231 2.20 0.764 0.404 0.183 7.25 0.759 0.395 0.168 I T H OU T P TAU WP/WA DPRAT IS) W 0.638 0.598 0.523 0.502 0.480 0.434 T P UW LK WP/WA DPRAT 7RAT DHRAT 2 AH U 1TSUIN DTSUB (F) (F) 3 0.582 0.812 0.810 0.798 0.804 0.798 5.20 0.805 1.03 1.06 1.14 1.80 3.10 0.889 0.695 0.825 0.853 0.836 0.685 0.679 0.795 0.843 0.845 0-,911.4 UW L k ZRAT DHRAT 0.661 0.631 0.584 0.578 0.542 0.475 0.440 0.386 0.301 0.291 0.227 0.105 DELDH ORUFR COMMENTS 0.801 0.810 0.803 0.778 0.751 1.589 TAU ? 1.851 1.837 2.321 4.422 Appendix ENTHALPY TRAJCCTORY MODEL **~**ut**** A COMPUTER PRCGRAM FOR THE OF A BOILING CHANNEL. INPUT INFCRMATICN FIRST CARC VERSION 8.2 ******** IBM-360 TO INVESTIGATE THE 1/4/70 DROP 1 IMPLICIT COMPLEX (C) REAL J, CEMM4), CJS, CPROJP, CYCLESCABS MULF, MUGF REAL MUL, MU. INTEGER*Z NPLOT(60.3501 INTEGER*4 AERASE(105001 DIMENSION 8PL3T(120,'41,ZPLOT(121, XEXK(1201 EQUIVALENCE (NPLCT(1, N'ERASEIX) CCMMON// D, OP, GL,ZHEZZMAX, P1 , PRB, PEX, TIN. OTSUBB, DT CCMMJN /STA20T/ OM(601, 8(6a), E(601, X(6019 10(601, PO(60, DPAC(60), V(60), J(60) I DPDLFRIbOI, DPDLOR(60) PDZDW, A02DW, SOOW COMMON /OZDEOT/ PUHDw, ADHUW, SDHOW, A PDICWP. AUHUWP, SHOWP 1 , PDP10Z, ADP1OZ, POPIDG, ADPIDG# PDPE. ADPE 2 CUHDWP, COPD12, COPICG, CDP1 COMMON/CCMPLX/ CDiCW, GT40,1201, P(-4C9201 CCMMON /DYNPR/ 1(47,120), COMMIN/PLOTOT/ XMAXJ(9), YMAXJ(9), XMINJI91, YMINJ(91, YRANJ(9) STABILITY ZPLOT(12) ; COORDINAft ALONG THE CHANNEL IFT) AT WHICH THE TIME VARIATIONS OF THE PRESSURE ARE TO BE ESTARLISHED; ANY NUMBER OF VALUES UP TO 12. AA I VALUE OF T1E COEFFICIENT A ICHAPTERS). THE DEFAULT VALUE IS 0.8 LCORR IIF'.EO. 1 USE LINEAR INTERPOLATION TO DETERMINE PRESSURE AT EXIT; IF .EQ. S CALCULATE PRESSURE DROP IN LAST SEGMENT SEPARATELY NONLIN : .EQ. 0 USE LINEAR ESTIMATE CF PRESSURE IN SINGLEPHASE REGION FROM DZDWTF; IF .EQ. CALL DYNPRI TO DETERMINE PRESSURE DROP IN SINGLE-PHASE REGION. WHEN THE SAME STEAUY-STATE INFORMATION (lW AND DPIEX) IS SUPPLIED FOR TWO SUBSEQUENT POINTS, THE STEADY-STATE CALCULATIONS ARE BYPASSED FOR THE SECCND IREPET -1 PERMITS TO REPEAT THE STEADY-STATE CALCULATIONS EVEN THOUGH TAU DID 40T CHANGE I0MIT -1 PERMITS TO BYPASS THE D2DWTF CALL THE SAME PERIOD TAU AND THE SAME STEADY-STATE INFORMATION WAS SUPPLIED BUT CALCULATICNS START AT A DIFFERENT PHASE, AS SPECIFIED BY TSKIP1 IF .EQ. PRINTOUT OF THE PRESSURE, MASS FLUX, DZ/DT AND COORDINATES OF THE MESH POINTS IS PRODUCED. IPLCTI: .EQ. A PLOT OF THE PRESSURE AT THE BE IS PRODUCOD IPLOT : IF ,EQ. 1 A MAP OF THE COORDINATES OF THE MESH POINTS SIMILAR TO FIGURE 6.3 OFTHE TEXT IS PRODUCED 0- F 0020W, DZDT(40,120), C BGFIX*ALFAI * (-E.8628E-111*((1.D-XI(R.0-X)1(IS.0-ALFAI*ROL) X*X/(ALFA*ROG)) DATA TWCPI/6.Z83185/ DATA WOLD, DPlOLO, TAUCLO /3*0.0/ O * 0.43/12.0 AREA - TWOPI * U * D / 8.0 ZLMAX - 13.0 KMAX = 120 K4AXL - KMAX - I 120 KMAX MUST BE .GE. 2 AND .Lt. ~ F * 25.0 F MUST BE SMALLER OR EQUAL THAN 25 LINES/FT FOR NPLOT(XX,350) WHEN IWRITE; IF 1 1 SELONC CARC TIN i INLET TEMPERATURE (F) QWAY : GRCSS POWER (WATTS/TEST LENGTH) PEX EXIT PRESSURE IPSIAI RELAMP I-RELATIVE AMPLITUDE OF THE FLOW OSCILLATION (UW/NOI YSC : IF .GT. 0 DETERMINES THE SCALE OF THE PLOTSIMAX COORD.) If .LE. ( SUPPRESSES THE PLOTS. IN THIS CASE ONLY THE MAXIMA ARE DETERMINED BY PRTPL3 CYCLES : NUMBER OF CYCLES TO BE INVESTIGATED TSKIP s DETERMINES THE STARTING POINT OF THE CALCULATIONS; PHASE OF FLOW PERTURBATION IN CYCLES CCMM(4) I CEMMENTS C C C 1 2 3 s THIRD AND FOLLOWING MASS 4 5 6 7 LARUS 1 4SI 8 9 10 11 12 VALUE 13 14 15 16 LINES/FT FORMATI12FS.2, F10.2, IX, 711) FORMATITFX0.2. 2X. 2A4) FORMAT(1' // 21X, 2A4, 5X, 2A4 / F7.2, 5X, 'W =s, TIN -, 21X,'INPUT INFORMATION FT.1, 6X, DPIEX =', F7.2, 5X, *P1 2 FT.1, 5X, 'QWAV -', FT.2, SX, / 3 4 T44, 'TAU =', F1.2, SX, *DT(SEC) -', F8.5, 3X, F5.2, F5.2) * CYCLES EXAMINED STARTING AT' 5 F8.3, 5X, *P88* 288 -, FORMAT400SUBCSB RESULTS F F8.21 F8.3, 5X, *DTSUBB = 1 FORMAT('OSTAPR2 RESULIS : IMAX =', 15) FORMAT('*O,15X,*CM, 1OX,'B*,I0X,'E*,10X,'X,10,X,*Z,1OX,'P'. 5X,'DPDLFR*,5X,'UPDL6R*,TX,'OPAC*,OX,V', 10X, 'J' / 1 2 (15, 5X, 3(IPEI1.31, OPF11.6v 2F11.3. 511PE11.3))l T40 (MOD,ARG,DELI :', FORMAT('OCZDWTF RESULTS :*, T20, 'OH / 3F2C.5, * BTU/18M' 1 T20. 'DZ1, T40, 3F20.5, * FT' / 2 /I T40, 3120.5. 3 T20, 'HP', 4 T20. 'M102', T40, 2F20.5. 20X, ' PSI' / * PSI* / 'PIDG, T40, 2F20.5, 20X 5 T20, ', T40, 2F20.5,20X,* PSI*,10X,'(A =,F5.2, *l' I T20, *PI 6 FORMATIOCDGPEAK =', F1C.1, * LSM/HR-FT2*, 5X, 'DZPEAK -* F8.5, ' FG*, 5X, 'UUZDTP -'. FE0.5, ' FT/SEC' I 1 FORMAT(*0DYNPRI : Ptl,Kl 1* / 410F13.61) FORMAT('1', 5X, 3014 / FORMAT('ODYNPR2 : P1,K1 (PSIAI' / BX, 2016 / (15, 5X, 20F6.2)) 1 / * FORMAT(*1DYNPR2 :Z{I,K 8X, 2016 / (15, 5X 20F6.311 I FORMAT('0', 5X, 3014) 10**5(LRM/HR-FT2)' / FCRMAT(IOOYNPR2 :G,K) 1X, 2016 / (15, 5X, 20(-5PF6.31)) 1 IS ON A COLD SPOT 'I FORMAT('OCZOWTF : BOILING SOUNDARY / FT/HRI' FORMAT('ODYNPR2 : I2DT1,IK) I RX. 10112 / {15, 5X, 10F12.11I 1 RTU/LBM* W I AVERAGE FLOW RATE ILBM/HRI OP1EX : PRESSURE DROP FROM STATION TO EXIT (PSII TAU : PERIOD OF THE CSCILLATION TSRIPX 3 SAME AS ESKIP BUT FOR SUBSEQUENT POINTS. PERMITS TO BREAK lHE ENTIRE CYCLE INTO MORE THAN ONE CALCULATIONS (SPECEFY ADEQUATE TSKIP, TSKIPI AND CYCLES) PICOR : CORRECTION FACTOR TO MAXIMUM AMPLITUDE DF POSITION CF THE BB PERTURBATION. DEFAULT VALUE IS 1.0 ADZCOR : CORREC TION (IN CYCLESI TO DELAY OF POSITION OF BB PERTURBATION. DEFAULT VALUE'IS 0.0 PEXCUR : OF THt EXIT PRESSURE TO BE USED WHEN THE PRESSURE DROP IN THE LAST StGMENT IS CALCULATED SEPARATELY. DEFAULT VALUE IS EQUAL TO PEX. CAN RE USED TO SIMULATE THERMAL NON-EQUILIBRILUM EFFECTS. + 1 C ) lFT IT 18 FORMAT)'OREL. AMPLITUuE =', F6.3) FORMAT('0********-* FOR A RtLATIVE AMPLITUDE OF', F5.2, 9 THE RkLATIVE CENTLR OF VOLIUMt VtLOCITY AT THE BOILING', / 12X,'BOUNDARY MIGHT BECOME NEGATIVE', .............. 2 'CALCULATI:N DISCONTINUED') 3 ' SEC') FORMAT('OROILING TRANSIT TIME ='. F8.3, FORMATI(IS, 3X, 6012)) FORMAT)'l' // 'OSAPE STEAnY STATE INFORMATION AND SAME DT USED NOW FOR I F6.2) 2 'A CIFFERENT PE-fOD OR TSKIP:'/'OTAU *, 2X, 2A4) F-ORMAT(7F10.2, 2F11.3, 33X, 2(I1PE11I.1))FORMAT(15, 38X, FORMAT)'0.........', 4A4, '.........'/) FORMATf'OPktSSURE AT TMt EXIT FROM TIME', FT.4, * CYCLES TO TIME', (5X, 15F8.4)) F7.4, ' CYCLtS'/ 1.3 IN , INCREASED BY A FACTOR FORMAT//'0******** OT(StC 'OGRDER TO REDUCE NUMBER OF MESH POINTS *********'//) I 13) *', FORMAT(*OPEAK OF LXIT PRESSURE OUTSIDE RANGE, AT FURMAT(*0*********** 10(', 12. ')SMALLER THAN 9.30207, I CALCULATICN DISCUNTINUED *=*********'//) ' , F6.3, 20X, F5.2, ' CYCLES EXAMI ' REL. AMPLITUDE FORMAT)'0', 1NED NOW STARTING AT', F5.2) FORMAT('CbXIT PRESSURE, PEX ' , F7.3, 10X, 'PRESSURE DROP IN TWO-' , 'PHASE REGION, PBS-PEX -', F7.3 / 'OPEAK TO PEAK VARIATI', 1 PEX :', FD.4, SX, 'TWO-PHASE PRESSURF DROP tI, 'CNS : 2 F10.0, ' LBM/HR-FT2' 1 ' PSI', SX, 'EXIT FLOW :', F1C.4, 3 BOUNDARY CORRECTED', FCMAT('O************ RDVEMENT OF ' EXTERNALLY :') l FORMAT(IX, 2A4, F6.1, F6.2, 2X, 6(F6.3, F5.3, 1X), lX, -5PF6.3, SUMMARY F6.3, 2X, F6.3, F5.3) OPFS.3, 0 F R E S U L T S , THRESHOLD POINTI', FORMAT(/'OS U M M A R Y 2A4, ' AT', F7.2, ' WATT/TS'// 1 2X, 'POINT', T13, 'i', T18, 'TAU', T26, 'DMOW', T39, 'DZDW', 2 3 T52, 'DP1DZ', T64, 'DPlDG' , T76, 'DP1', T85, 'DP2(ENTH)', T99, 'DG(FBK)', T110, 'RATID', T120, 'OPEX' /) 4 / (5X, 20F6.3)) FORMAT('0EXIT QUALITY : FORMAT('CEXIT PRESSURE DETERMINED RY LINEAR INTERPOLATION') FORMATI'OEXIT PRESSURE DETERMINED BY CALCULATION OF PRESSURE DROP LAST SEGMENT'/ F5.2, 2 ' IN ALL CASES SEGMENT STARTED BEFORE ZCORR *', ADJUSTED EXIT PRESSSURE, PEXCOR = ', F6.2, ' PSI FT 3 4A') 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 C C C DETERPINE PCSITIDN OF BOILING OF K . . . . . . . . . . . . W, QWAV, DPIEX, PI, TAU, DTSEC, CYCLESTSKIP WRITE(6,3) CUMM, TIN, WRITE46,L7) RELAMP DTSU8D WRITE16,4) 18E, P8, C C C DETERMINE REFERENCE STEADY-STATE CONDITIONS IN THE CHANNEL . . . . CALL STAPR2(IMAX) C IF(IMAX .EQ. 1000) GO TO 114 IMAXI - IMAX - I WRITE(6,5) IMAX IM(II,t(I),E(i),X(I),Lt(I),PU(I)DPOLFR)I), WRITE(6,6) (I, I=1,1MAX1) DPOLGR(I),DPAClI),V(I), J(I, 1 ZO(IMAX), PO(014AX), V(IMAX), J(IMAX) WRITE(6,23) IMAX,X(IMAX), C C C CALCULATE THE TRAASIT TIME IN THE BOILING REGION . . . . . . . . . 00 49 1 - lIMAX IFIZO(I) .GE. 9.30207) GO TO 48 49 CONTINUE WRITE(6,20) GO TO 1111 48 BOLTRT = L(I-1)*DT+ALOG(I.+ODM(I-1)*E(l-1)*(9.30207-Z1-1)) /(L0(I)-L2(I-I))) / JM(I-1)) * '600.0 1 WRITE(6,19) BOLTAT IF(IMAX-40) 112,112,115 114 DTSEC = CTSEC*1.3 TSEC - ISEC*1.3 115 CYCLES - KMAX*CTSEC/TAU IF(IOMIT *LE. 0 1TSKIP - 0.5*(1.0-CYCLES) - 0.5*SDLTRT/TAU WRITE16,26) GO TO 113 IMAX 1X, IIN C . UTSEC - TAU 0 CYCLtS / FLC4TIKMAX) OT - OTSEC/1600.0 113 C 80LING 1 . C C F11.4, 1 BDUNDARY CALL SUaCEB C C CALL ERASEIZ,4800, D0OT,4800, G,4800, P,4800) 112 C C C REAC AND PROCESS INPUT INFORMATION ZCCRR . . . . . . . . . . . . . READ(5,2) 1110 READ)5,1,END-9999) ZPLOT, AA. LCORR, NONLIN, 10DIT,IREPET, IWBITE, 1 IPLCT1, 2 READ)52,END*9999) TIN,QWAVPXRELAMP,YSC,CYCLESTSRIP, 1 CCPM(1),COMp(2) IF(TIN .LE. 0.0) STOP A - 0.8 IFAA .NE. 0.0) A - AA WRITEI8,33) COAMI), COM12), QWAV ADZCOR POZCO, 0PIX, TAU, TSKIPI, 1111 RCAO5,22,ENDO9999F PEXCOR, COMM(3), COMMI4) I .LE. 0.0) PEXCOR * PEX IF(TAU .LE. 0.0) GO TO 1110 IF(IOMIT .LE. 0) GO TO 117 TSKIP - TSKIPI I1MW .NE. WOLD) .0R. IOPlEX .NE. DPIOLD) .OR. IIREPET .EQ. 1)) 117 GO TO 111' I WRITE(6,21) TAU WRITE16,29) RELAMP, CYCLES, TSKIP GO TO 112 IPLOT W, IF(PEXCOR . IF((ICMIT.GI.)0.AND.(TAU.EU.TAUOLO).AND.(W.EQ.WOLD).AND.(DP1EX.EQ. 60 TO 116 OPIOLD)) I C C C C CALCULATE PEATUReATION tF THE POSITION OF THE RB AND SINGLE-PHASE REGION DYNAMICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL DEbTFTAUICOLD) C IF(ICCLU .EQ. 1) WRITE(6,15) PDz1W, AOZuW, SDZDW, WRITE46,7) POMOW, ADHDW, SDHDW, PDFCWP, ADHUWP, SOHOWP, POP1DZ, ADP1UZ, POPIG, AOPlOG, POPE, ACP1, A 2 1 C C C C C - CORRECT IF NECESSARY THE AMPLITUDE OR THE PHASE OF THE POSITION OF OR PERTURBATIOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 IF(POZCCR .EQ. 0.0) PCZCOR = 1.0 IF(IPDCOR .EQ. 1.0) .AND.IADZCOR .EQ. 0.0)) GO TO ROL = TWCPI*ACLCOR CDZCOR v CMPLX(COS(ND),SIN(RUZIb*PPLZCUR CDZOW = CCZCW*CCZCOR COPIOZ = CCPIDZ*COlCOR CDP& - CCPI0Z * COPIDG 118 C C 111 P - PEX + DPlEX QP = (3.412/1.291667)OQWAV QTP - QP/AREA G0 = W/AREA CAOSCDZDW) AMO0(1.0-ATAN2AIMAG(CDZDW),REALCDUZDW))/TWCPI),1.O) TAU * ADZDW PDPIDZ - CABS(CDPID) ADP1OZ = AMUDI(1.O-ATAN2)AIMAG(CDP1DZ),REAL(CDPI0Z))/TWOPI),1.0) PDLDW ADZOW SOZDw = = = (CYCLES) )I - CAS(CDP1 PQPl ))/TWOPI),1.0) I,REAL(COPI * AMO((l1.0-ATAN2(AIlAG(COP ADP WRITE(6,31) PUIOW, ADZDW, SOZUW, WRITE(6,1I PUHDW, ADHa, SDHDW, PDIDWP, ADHDWP, SHUdP, POP1DZ, ADP10Z, POPIG, ADPE0G, S POP1, ADP1, A 2 C C C C I(PSI (CYCLES) WRITE(6,14) (Li L -1,K20,KDK), It, IG(II,K), K-,K20,KDKI, 1.1,IMAX) -WRITE(6,16 (L, L =1,920,KDKI, K-1,K10,KDK2I, (I, (ZDT(IK), 1 WRITE16,24) COMM 1 I-1,IMAXI C 187 ZI1,K GENFRATE C(1,K), AND ODZOT(I1,K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 118 OGPEAK - RELAmP*GC DZPEAK = RELAMP* PDZOW DOZOTP IFI(GO-OCPEAK) * V(I),DUDTP) 50,50,51 WRITEI6,10) RELAMP GO TO 1til T - TWCPI * ADZDW DTOIN = CTSEC/TAU UTIME * 7tAPI*DTUIM TINE = -OTIME + tSKIPTTWOPI 0ZPEAK*T4OPI*3600.0/TAU 50 51 C 99 C - DO 199 K 'IFIZMAX-Z(IMAX,K) ZMAX - J(IPAX,#K CONTINUE 291 299 DO 299 K -1,KMAX1 IFIZlEE) - ZMIN) ZMIN - Ztl,K) CONTINUE C C C PRODUCE A MAP OF C 352 389 IF(NONLINI 60,60,61 C C 63 C 61 C 62 C C C TPI * TWCPI * AGP1 TIME = - CTIME + TSKIP * TWOPI 1,KMAXI 00 43 K TINE * TIME + CTIME P(1,K) - PB + RELAMP*PJPI*COSITIME-TP1) GO TO 62 OYNPRIIKMAX) IF(IWRITE .GT. 0) WRITE(6,9I 1,KMAX1 109 (P(I,K), K = 1,KMAX C C C C 1I*OTDIM 410 KMAXI,2, C KMAX3 a EPAX2 - C IFI(WRITE ,LE. KMAXI,0, KMAX,4, YSCII . . 471 479 I 1,IMAX 00 399 * KKK - KMAX - I 00 399 K -1,KKK,KDK NPLOT(K,Z4I,Kl*F+1I) = I + 10 TO 187 481 489 KOK C I=leIMAX) I-I, IMAXI IMIMIN - ZMINMF - 1 IMAMAX = ZMAX*F + IFIZMAX .GT. 13.96) IMAMAX = IFIX(13.96*F) WRITE(6,104 (I, I =1,KMAX,KD3K2l 1 WRITE(6,20) tI, (NPLOT(K,II, K -1,601, WRITE(6,13) (I, I =1,KMAX,KDK2) WRITE(6,241 CCMM 1 ZMIN * 1.CE+50 D0 479 K =1,KMAX2 IFtZIIMAXKI-ZMIN) 47T1,471,479 ZMIN * ZIIMAX,K) CONTINUE IF(ZPLOTtll .LE. 1 * KPAX1/20 + 1 KDK2 - 2*KDK K20 * 19*KOK * 1 10 - 9*KCKZ + 1 IL, L -1,K20,KDK), WRITEI6,12 K-1,K20,KDKI, (I, (ZII,K), 1 WRITEt6,111 IL, L =1,K20,KDK)i, (I, (PII,9), K-l,K20,KDK), 1 389 1 = 1,IMAX KKK - KMAX - I 00 389 K - 1,KKkKOK IFIZlIK) .GE. 13.961 GO TO 389 NPLCT(KZ(IK)*F1I) - I + 10 CONTINUE GO TO 400 D0 C C C C KMAXKMAX2) 01 GO THE MESH POINTS . . = IMIMIN,IMAPAX) FIND TIME VARIATIUNS OF PRESSURE AT GIVEN LOCATIONS ZPLOT(Il FIND MIN VALUE OF ZIIMAX,Kl + TSKIP USE THE ENTHALPY TRAJECTORY MODEL FOR THE DYNAMICS OF THE TWC-PHASE * . REGION . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL GYNPR2(IMAX, C 399 40C YSCI - -1.0 00 109 K * BPLOT(K,1) - (K RPLDTIK,2l * P(I,K) CALL PRTPL3I1,RPLOT, THE COORDINATES Of C PLOT THE PRESSURE AT THE ROILING BOUNDARY VERSUS TIME. C C C C C 351 CALL YSC1 = 1.0 IFIIPLOTI .LE. 0) 291,291,299 KOK kNAX1/60 + 1 2*KDK KDK2 IF(ZMAX - 13.96) 351,352,352 IF A NONLINEAR TREATMENT OF THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION IS SPECIFIEW' DYNPRI IS CALLEO, OTHERWISE THE DZDVTF RESULTS ARE USED TO CALCULATE THE PRESSURE DROP IN THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION 60 191,191,199 . . . CALL ERASEINERASE,105001 ERASE IS A CENTER SUPPLIED SUBROUTINE FOR ZEROING LENGTH *4 ARRAYS C C T) OUZOTP = DDZDTP/3600.0 WRITE(6,81 DGPEAK, CZPEAK, ODDOTP C C C C C C =I,KMAX2 191 199 C DU'9 K *l,,jMAX TIME TEME + OTIME GO + DGPEAK*CCS(TIME) G(1,Kl 141,K) - Z88 + DLPEAK*COS(TIME -DDZTP*SIN(TI4E-T) D20T44,KI GG TO 410 IMIPLOT .LE. 0) ZMAX = -1.CE50 ZMIN = 1.0E50 C.0) GO TO 500 FINC MAX VALUE OF Z(1,K1 ZPAX - -E.OE+5,0 00 489 K -1,KMAXZ IFIZMAX - AI1,RI1481,489,489 ZMAX k ZI,K CONTINUE 00 499 L ZP - ZPLCTILI 0,0) GC TC 500 IF(IP .LE. IF(ZP *GT. 2MIN) GO TO 499 IF(ZP .LE. ZMAX) GO TO 499 =1,12 M =0 IAX 496 C C C BPLOT(1M,21PII-1,K+I)+(P(I,K)-P( I-1,K+1))*(ZP-Z(I-1,K+1))/(Z(1,K) 497 494 498 499 500 C - Z(I-1,K+1)F I BPLOT(M,1) - (K + - 21 * uTDIm + TSKIP GO TO 498 CONTINUE M- M - 1 CONTINUE CALL PRTPL3(IFIX(100.*ZP+.5),BPLOT, M,2, CONTINUE CONTINUE WOLD M,0, KMAX,4, C C C =w FIND FLEW AND PRESSURE VARIATIONS AT EXIT AND UP IN TWO-PHASE REGION ZP - 9.30207 PRBEX- PBB-PEX C C C C ADD ENTIALPY VARIATIGNS AT ACTUAL POSITION OF R3 TO ENTHALPY AT MESH POINT If KMAX2 M + 1MAX - II - I DU 559 K - 1,M GIl - G(I,K) D1 - ZP - Z(II#K) TIME = TWOPI*TSKIP + (K-1)*JTIME + RELAMP*PDHDWP*COS(TIME-ADHDWP* XEX a Xi + IQTP*I(0-0.26)/GII TWOPI)P/HFGEX' 1 XEXKIK) - XEX XAV - 0.50(Xl1 + XEX) XTTtX = XTTi*tEt.0-XEXI/XEXI**0.9 XTTAV * C.5*IXTTII + XTTEX) ALFAAV * ALFAF(XTTAV) ALFAEX = ALFAFIXTTEX I XUMUL- (I.0-XAV)*D/MUL OPFRIC - FI2LFIXTTAV)*(-3.3256E-11)*IDE/DI*FF(GII*XDMUL)*GI **2 *tl.0-XAV)**2 / ROL I DPGRAV = -CL*IROGROL * ALFAAV + ROL3/144.0 DPACCE = (OGFIXEX, ALFAEX) - RGII)*GII*GII dPLOTIK,1) - (K+I-21*DTDIM + TSKIP 8PLCT(K,2) - fP(II,K)+ OPFRIC + DPGRAV + DPACCEI/PEX BPLOT(K,31 = GII/GO 9PLOT(K.4) - PiIK11-1 - BPLOTIK,2)*PEX)/PR8EX 559 C, IF(LCORR .EQ. O1 GO TO 550 IF(ZP .GT. ZMIN) GO TO 550 C C C 546 547 544 548 C USE LINEAR INTERPOLATION TO DETERMINE EXIT PRESSURE. WRITEI6,351 M 0 DO 548 K = I,KPAX3 M =M + DO 547 1 - 1,1MAX IFIZ(I,K) - ZP) 547,546,546 IF (Z(I-I,K+1I .GT. ZPI GO TO 544 CPROP = IZP-Z(I-iK+1))/ (Z(IK)-Z(I-I,K+1I)) BPLOTIM,I) = (K + 1 -2) *DTUIM + TSKIP BPLOT(Mt2J - IP(I-i,K+i) + CPRUP * (P(I,KI-P4I-1,K+1)I)/PEX BPLOT(M,3) = (G(I-1,K+1I + CPROP*(G(I,K) - G(I-1,K+1)))/GO IP(I1,K+1-1)-BPLOT(M,21*PEX)/IPBEX) BPLOT(M,41 GO TO 548 CONTINUE M = P - 1 CONTINUF CALL PRTPL3(93C,RPLOT, ,4, M,0, KMAX,4, YSCI WRITE16,24) CCMM WRITE46,25) BPLCT(I,1), BPLOTIM,I), (BPLOTIK,2), K =1,M) PEXRAN = VRANJIII *PEX GEXRAN = YPANJ121 * GU DP2RAN = YRAAJ(3) * PROEX WRITE6,301 PEX, PBSEX, PEXRAN, UP2RAN, GEXRAN C M,4, CALL PRTPL3(930,BPLOT, WRITE(6,24) CCMM PEXRAA = YRANJ(I) *PEX GEXRAN = YRANJI2) * G3 * POBEX DP2RAN = WRITEIE,3C) PEX, PBREX, PEXRAN, DP2RAN, WRITE16,34)(XEXK(K),K - 1,M) YPAAJ(3) 600 550 C C C C C IFILCORR .GT. 0) GO TO 600 EVALUATE PRESSURE DROP IN LAST SEGMENT INDEPENDENTLY UNTIL ZMAX .LE. CHANNEL FUR IM4AX, IMAX-1, ... FIND LENGTH. ZMIN, ZMAX, 551 552 II = IMAX + 1 11 = I1- 1 ZMAX = 0.0 00 552 K = 1,KMAX2 IFtZfII,K) .GT. ZMAX) 14AX - Z111,K) CONTINUE IF((ZMAX.GT.ZCORR).AND.(II.GT.1)) GO TO 551L IFIZMAX .Gt. ZP) GO TC 600 M,0, KMAX,4, YSC) GEXRAN C C C ESTIMATE PROPERTIES AT AVERAGE PRESSSURE + PtXCOR) PAV - 0.5*IPO(II) MUL * MULF(PAV) MUG - PUGF(PAV) ROL = RCLFIPAVI ROG - ROGF(PAVI ROGROL * ROG - ROL XTTI - (ROG/R(TL)**0.5 - (MUL/MUG)**O.l XTTII * XIII *tE,0-XIII/XIII**0.9 ALFAII - ALFAFtXTTII) BGII - 8GF(XIR, ALFAIII YSC) UPIOLD - OP1EX TAUOLD - TAU C C C WRITE(6,361 ZCCRR, PtXCOR HFGEX = bfGF(PEXCOR) HEX - HLFIPEXCOR) XII = X11) HII = HLF(POIIIII + XII *HFGFIPO(II) X1 = EHII - FEX)/HFGEX AT ZP BY LINEAR INTERPOLATION DETERMINEPRISSUE I DETERMINE EXIT WUALITY ACCURDING TO PEXCOR, CORRECTED EXIt PRESSURE 'TO TAKtt INTO ACCOUNT Sflt THERMAL NON-EQUILIRRIUM C C C 00 498 K - i,KMAX3 M M + I DO 49T 1 - 1, IF(ILK) - ZP) 497,496,496 IF#Zil-1,K+11 .GT. ZP) GU TC 494 C C C C CONTINUE CALCULATE OPEN LOCP TRANSFER FUNCTION AVP2E * XPAXJIJl PDP2E - 0.5*P?RAN / RELAMP C ROP2 = TWOPI*ADP2E COP2E = CPPLX(COS(-RDP2ISIN(-ROP2I)*PDP2E CDPIt -- CCP2E COPIG - CDP1E - CUPlCZ / CUPOG COGFDR PDGFEB = CABSICDGFU8) A3OD((I.0-ATAN2(AIMAGICL)GFDB),REAL(CDGF09)/ITWOPI),I.0) ADOGFDb RATIC = PCGFDR / GO WRITE(8,321 CCMM(3), C0M(4), W, TAU, POHLIW, 4M4OW, PDZDW, A0ZOW, PDPIDZ, APICZE, PJPiG, AOPI0G, PDPI, ADPI, PDP2E, ADP2E, SUMMARY PDCFC , ADGFOB, RATIO, PEXRAN, XMAXJ(I) 2 GO TO 1111 9999 STOP END =-CDPiG*GO 1 P(1+1) = PI1) + DPFR + JPGR PSATII+I) = PSATFit(Il+1)) SUBROUTINE SUBCBB Z(1+1) VERSION 3.1, C C C C C C C C C 11/3/69 TAKES INTO ACCOUNT C-LD SPOTS CALCULATE SURCOOLING WITH RESPECT TO BOILING BOUNDARY FDR EXPERIMENTAL INLET. PClNTSiSTARTING PRESSURE DROP CALCULATIONS INPUT I CP IBTU/HR-FTh# G (LBM/HR-FT2), PIN - Pi (PSIA), TIN (F) PB6 IPSIA), DTSUBB IF) OUTPUT : 288 (FT), HLTF, PSATF, TF, FF KLF RULTF, FUNCTICNS REUIRED FROM 9 MULTF, I REAL PULB6MULw,MULtF, KLF REAL QDISTRIP)/?*T.0/ T1161, P(L6)o PSAT(16), H(16) 21(15), DIMENSIEN DISTR(15, COPRON // Do 6P, G, Z8, LMAX, PIN, P88o PEX, TIN, DTSUBB, DT DATA DLH+ DLU /1.125, 61666667/ C C C ********* FRECN - 113 PROPERTY FUNCTIONS ****** ROLTFI/1 PSATF TF RLF(T) KLF *OS165A*O*D*G IENERATE CORRECTED FEAT . FLUX DISTRIBUTION.. . . . . .. RATIO * IU00 + DLH)/ULH 2,14,2 DC 98 J GQISTRJ/2) * RATIO DISTR(J) 98 C C C GIVE INITIAL VALUES At HEATED SECTION INLET . . .. . .. .. + DL BOILING BCUNDARY BY ITERATION . DLP - OL DLP - DLP * IPWII - PSATII)) / * OLP/DL + H(I) H(I1+1) = DH TF(HIl+1)) it1) TAV - 0.5 * (TI)) + t1+1)) ROL - RCLTF(TAVI PULB = . .. . . . (P(I)-P(I+I1)+PSA(1+1)-PSAT(I)) PLLTF(TAV) TWAV - TAV + DTFILM MULTF HLTF 1/1 C W 211) FIND EXACT LCCATICN OF 2 6 1.0 / It + 459&61 TIT) .D305453 E 03 - .7105255 E-01*T - .6448694E-04*t*T ROLTFITI 4 + .5585921 E 04*TI(T) PULTF(T}* EXP( - .3483695 E 01 + .3577018 E 09*TI(TI**3) .1950534 E CT*TI(T)**2 I HItFiT)- *.119482E GE + .1961794E 00*T 4 .126I04tF-03*T*T I.0**133.C655-4330.98/(T+459.6) - 9.2635*ALCGIO(t+ PSAtF(T) + 0.0020539 * (T+459.6)1 459.6 1 - .1141203E-O*H*H - .4C8?034E 02 4 .51866R1E 01*H TFIH) * C.0475 - 6.?666TE-05* T C C C = IfT-(Pl+1) .LE. PS&tIl+1)) Go TO 2 IFIl *Lt.15) GO TO I DTSU8 = t(l6) - TIN P88 * P116) 288 - 9.C41668 WRITF(6,9) : BOILING aCUNDARY IS OUTSIDE HEATEDN SUbC B FORMAt(00******** //) t* SECTION' I RETURN 1/1 1/1 = PULTF(TWAVI PULW REL G * 0 / PUL3 6 DPFR w (-3.3256E-11)*(DLP/)I*FF(tL)*G*G*IIMULW/UL8I**0.14)/ROL OPGR = -OLP *ROL /144.0 DPI- +-DPGR a PI T) P(1+1 PSAt(I+ - PSATFIT(1+1)) IFIABS(P(I+1)-PSAT(I+1)) .GT. 0.01) GO TO 6 DTSUBB -k 1T+1 - TIN P141) P88 + DLP Z88 = 2) RETURN END . SUBRCUTINE CZOWTF(TAU, ICOL) VERSION 3.2, til) = 0.0 Hit) = HLTF(TIN) - TINR TI() Pit) -PIN PSAT11) - PSATFWIN) C C C CALCULATE BULK TEMP. AND SATURATION TEMP. AT THE END Of EACH INTERVAL 1 3 I 1 0 + =1.+1 If-IMCCII,)I UL = DLH OH H(I+1) 3,304 CL*QP*DISTR (I) / W i-I) + OH * Tili+1) = YTPINI+1-) TAV = 0.5 * (TII) + ROL = ROCLTFITAV) 4 OTFILM 5 T(I+1)) - MULTFITAV) MUL OTFILM = 1282.*D.L)*QP*OISTR(I)*MULB**0.4/(G**0.8*KLF(TAV)**0.6) tAAV- TAV + OtFILM MULW * AULTFITWAV) GO 5 0L - DLU1 IA UL * 0.5*DLU IFI .EO. DH a 0.0 H(11) & H() TAV TIE) T uil1TAV ROL * RTLTF(TAV) AULB- PULTFIAV) * 0.0 MULW VLLS P MULBREL =G * D OPFR = (=3.3256E-1t)*(CL/0)*PF(REL)*G*G*(IMULW/MULBI*=0.141/ROL nOGR = - T" * ROL / 144.0 TC 12/0/69 SUBROUTINE OZOWTF CALCULATES THE AMPLITUDE AND PHASE OF THE BOILING BCUNCARY USCILLATION USING A LINEAR MODEL. IN THIS VERSICN THE CCLO SPnTS IN THE WALLANU THE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTICN ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT THE PRESSURE CROP VARIATIONS IN THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION ARE ALSO CALCULATED. INLET VARIABLES TIN t INLET TEMPERATURE IF) DTSus84 SUBECCULING WITH RESPECT TO THE BOILING BOUNDARYSAT. PL: PRESSLRE AT INLET CF HEATED LENGTH (PSA) QP 1 AVERAGE LINEAR HEAT RATE (BTU/HR-FT) AVERAGE MASS FLUX (LBM/HR-FT2I G DISTANCE OF BOILING BOUNDARY FROM INLET (FT) 2881 TAU PERICO Of SINUSOIDAL OSCILLATION (SEC) TEMP IF) t QDISTRIt) DIMENSIONLESS POWtR A : COEFFICItNT DEFINED BY 0Q/Q DISTRIBUTION (INLET = A * OW/W TO EXIT) OUTPUT t DHDW 1 INLET FLOW TO ENTHALPY AT STEADY STATE LOCATION OF 88 EFFECT), IBTU/LBM) (UITH ZOW : INLET FLOW TO POSITION OF ROILING BOUNDARY (ALL EFFECTS (FT) INCLUDEC) FLCW TO ENTHALPY AT MOVING POSITION Of RE, (STU/LBM) DHDWP : : MOVEMtNT OF THE B4 TO PRESSURE DROP IN THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION (PSI), FRICTICN AND GRAVITY EFFECTS. OP1OG : INLET FLOW TO PRESSURE DROP IN THE SINGLE-PHASE REGICN (PSI), FRICTION ANC INERTIA EFFECTS OP : INLET FLCW TO TOTAL PRESSURE DROP IN THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION IPSI) (F THE BB IS IN THE HEATED ScGMENT, .t . I IF THE 88 : EQ. IS IN THE COLD WALL WALL DPIUZ ICOLD INLET 0 C C C C C C THE THE THE THE PREFIX PREFIX PREFIX PREFIX C P A S DENOTES GENCTES DENVTES DENOTES THE THE THE THE COMPLEX JUANTITY MAGNITUDE (PEAK VALUE) PHASE (IN CYCLES) DELAY (SEC) 881 NTS GU TO 882 111+2) - L(1+1) + DZU IF(ZAIB-Z(1+2)) 488,q83,88 NTS - I + 1 GC TC 89 CONTINUE NTS = NTS + I Z(NTSXI - 2P3 [COLO = MCD(NTS.2) 00 87 I = 2,NTS1 COEXP(I) - CEXP(CK*ZIll) 883 IMPLICIT CCPPLtX (C) REAL PULTF, KW* CAdS, KLF, MULB DIMENSICA COEXP(16), DISTR(15), Z(16) COMMON// 0, .JPG, LMAX, Pl, P88, PEX, TIN, DTSUBB, OT COMMON /CLOWOT/ POHDW, ADHDW, SDHW, PDZOW, ADZDW. SDZDW. I PDHDWP, AOHDWP, $DHDWP, A 2 , POP10Z, AUPECZ, PDP1UG, ADPIG, PDPE, AOP1 COMMOA /CCMPLX/ CUHCW, CDZ.., CDHOWP, CDPEOZ CDPE0G, COPE DATA DISTR/15*0.0/, WUSTR /7*1.0/ DATA PITWOPI/3.141593, 6.283185/, CI/(0.0, 1.0)/, ALPHA, KW, THICK /0.022, 0.75, C.004/ I 2 , DlH, OL/1.125, .1666667/ 88 81 QDISTR(7), LU6, C C C PROPERTY FUNCTICNS RE;UIRE: ROLTF, MULT, DHLF, KLF, TI(T) - 1.0 / (IT * 459.6) MULTF(T)= EXP( - .5483695 E 01 + .5585921 E 04*r[(T) - .1950534 E 07*TI(T)**2 + .3577018 E 09*TI(T)**3) ROLTF(T) .1035453 E 03 - .7105255 E-01*T - .6448694E-04*T*T HLTF(T) = .81194F2E 01 + .1961794E 00*T + .1261047F-03*T*T KLF(Tl = 0.0475 - 6.76667E-05* T AVERAGE TEMPERATURE AND OENSITY M.I.T. MULTF1/2 MULTF2/2 ROLTFE/E HLTF 1/1 KLF 1/1 -RCLAV 811 C C C PBBCAL DHLBB * (PSI) Pl + DPER + CPGR DhLFAPS8CAL) C W = C.7e54 * 0 * C * G CCMEGA = 3600.0*TWOPI*CI/TAU SPEHEA = IHLTF(TAV + 5.01-HLTF(TAV - 5.0)) * 0.1 HFC = 0.C279*W**O.8*KLF(TAV)**0.6*SPEHEA**0.4 / E (0**1.d*MULB**O.4) C IE/HRI STL/LB-- GP ABC / h CI - CSQRT(CUMEGA/ALPHAl C2 = Cl * THICK * CI C3 = CI * CCOS(C2)/ (KW * CSIN(C2 * CE) C4 * Pt * D /(1t.0/HFC+C31wW*SPEHEA) C5 - RCLAV*CCMEGA/G CK - CS + C4 C6 - A * C3 /(1.0/HFC + C3) CT = (1,0-Al * ABC CB = C& 8 ABC CL - C7 + C8 CGI = CL/CK CG2 = -CSLM/COLXPANTSI) CCHDW = CGI * CG2 (STU/LBI CALCULATE THE INLFT FLCW TO POSITION OF THE 8.8. TRANSFER FUNCTION 1.8*(DPFR-1.735E-04*MULTF(TIN)**0.2*W**.8/ROLIN4*DHLBR (RTL/LB) (BTU/LB) (STU/LBO (BTU/LB) (IFT) PDZDW = CABSICCLDwI ADZDW = -ATAN2(AIMAG(CDZOW),REAL(CDZDWIl/TWOPI IF(AUZ'DW .LT. 0.0) ADD = 1.0 + ADZDW SDLON - TAU * ADZDW C C C C CALCULATE TFE INLET FLOW Ti ENTHALPY AT THE ACTUAL POSITION OF THE 8. 8. TRANSFER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FUNCTION COHDWP = CDFIW + 81 * CDZDW / ZBB PDHDWP - CABS(CDHDWPl ADHDWP = -ATAN2(AIMAG(CDHOWPI,REAL(CDHDWP))/TWOPI IF(ADHEDWP .LT. O.C) AO14OWP = 1.0 + ADHOWP SDHDWP = TAU * ADHDWP C C C CALCULATE TE PRESSURE DROP T.FS. . (8TU/L8) IN THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION. CDPIDI - (-DPFR - DP(.R)*CUZDW / Z88 COPEFR = -CFR/DHLBB CJP1IN - -CIN/DHLeS CCPL0G = COPIFR + CDPEIN CDPE - CCFICZ + CCPEIC (PSI) POPI PDP1FR PDPIIN POP10G POPE AOP10Z ACPlFR ADPAIN ADPIDG ADP1 (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) (CYCLES) (CYCLES) (CYCLES) (CYCLES) (CYCLES) (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) C FEATtD (CZU + DZH)I/CLH RATIO ZlE) = 0.0 Z(21 = 0.5*DZU 2,14,2 D 88 1 DISTR(I) = QDISTR(I/2) * RATIO Zf1+1) - Z(I) + DZH IF(ZB-L(I+13) 881,8819882 CJEXP(II) C FIND IN WHICH TEST SECTION THE BOILING BOUNDARY IS LOCATED GENERATE AND UNHEATED SECTION LIMIT CDORDINATES AND CORRECTED FLUX DISTRIBUTION FEAT - FLCW T9 ENTHALPY TRANSFER FUNCTION... CFR= CIN= -TWCPI*G*(Ze+2.3)*DHLBR*CI/(TAU*3600.0032.17*144.0 BI - 288 * QP * DISTR(NTS) / W 82 = -DhL8*(DPFR+DPG4I CDZDW - (-COHOW + CFR+ CIN)*ZRB / (81 + 82) PULB)**0.14/ROLAV 1 CALCULATE THE INLET PDHDW = CABS(CDHDW) ADHOW = -AT8N-2IAIMAG(CCHDW),REAL(COHDWI)/TWOPI IF(ADHDW .LT. 0.01 ADHOw = 1.0 + ADHDW SDHDW = TAU * AHW)W IN NON BOILING REGION * / 144.0 DTFILM = (282.0*1.2916671*5P*SMULB**0.4/(G**O.8*KLF(TAV)**0.6 UPFR- (-3.3256E-11 *ZB8/O*FF(G*D/MUL8)*(,*G* (MULTF(TAV+DTFILMI/ EVALUATE INTEGRAL CSU4 =0.0 DO 86 = 2.ATS,2 CSUM * CSUM + DISTR(I)*(CEXP(I+1) C CALCULATE CRAVITY AND FRICTIONAL PRESSURE DROPS IN NON BOILING, HEATED REGICN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPGR = 89 I 86 C C C TAV * TIA + 0.5*OTSUfd ROLAV = ROLTFITAV) ROLIN = RCLTFITIN) MULB = sULTFITAV) C C C C 87 C C C M.I.T. HLTF 1 C C C ******* I C RE TURN END - CABS(CUP0LI = CABS(CDPlFRl CABS(CJPIIN) - CABS(CDPI0G) I - CARSICDP - AMOU(I(.0-ATAN2(AIMAG(CDPIOZIRAL(CDP10ZI)/TWOPI),1.0 - AMCD((1.0-ATAN2(AIMAG(CDPlFR),REAL(CDPIFRI)/TWOPI .1.0 - ANCOiIE.0-ATAN2IAIMAG(CDP1IN),REAL(CDP1IN))/TWUPI),1.0) - AMCD((1.0-ATAN2(AIMAG(COPODG),REAL(CDP10GI)/TWPI)e1.0) = AMCO((1.0-ATAN2(AIMAG(CDP1 ),REAL(CDPI = ))/TWOPI),1.0) VERSION 2.4 10/16/69 ZO1) X1i) P * SUBROUTINE STAPR2 CALCULATES THE STEADY STATE CCNOITIONS IN THE BOILING CPANNEL STARlING AT THE BOILING BOUNDARY AND MARCHING DOWNSTREAM. 'NLY FOR UNII-ORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION. SEGMENTS OF EQUAL TRANSIT TIME ARE CONSIDERED. V() Jul oMI 111 : C C C JUALITY C : FLOWING SPECIFIC VOLUMES (FT3/LBM) PROPERTY FUNCTI-NS I * 1, IMAX-1 REUIRtO: ROLF, ROGF, MULF, MUGF, HFGF, HLF PUL, REAL MUG, MULE, r4UJF, J ZMAX, PIN, P0B, PEX, TIN, DTSUBR, DT COMMON// D, QP, G, Z8, CCMMON /STA20T/ B)60), C(60), X(60), ZO(60), PO(60), 1 UPDLFR1601, UPOLGR(60), OPAC160), V(60), J(60) 0M(60), C C C C C ********* THE FREON - 115 PROPERTY FUNCTIONS ARGUMEAT CF RCLF, ROGF, MULF AND MUGF ****** MUST BE ALOG(P) = 01*X .1033CPE 03 - .2657116E - .830T981E -01*X*X*X .3389485E -01*X*X - .326T308E C1 + .9181820E 00 *X EXP( + .3519715E-C2 *X*X ) I .1064657 E 01 - .3255410 E 00*X MULF(X) * EXP( .1726090 E-02*N*X*X I + .6C64336 E-02*X*X .1967795 E-01 + .7899068 E-02*X MUGFIX) + .2141095 E-02*X*X*X - .5630545 E-02*X*X + .1974262 E-04*X*X*X*X*X 2 - .4536185 E-C*X*X*X*X RCLF(X) - I ROGF(X) ROLF ROLF ROGF ROGF MULF ULF MUGF 1 1 MUGF MUGF C HFGF(P) 1 2 C C C C C =* .7058670 + .4283483 E-01*P*P + .1250690 E-C4*P*P*P*P E 02 - .9218673 E 00*P - .1186139 E-02*P*P*P HFGF HFGF HFGF HLF MUST BE PROVIDED EXTERNALLY G*(1.0-X)*QIMUL = (-3.3256E-11)*FF(RELPF(X))*G*G*(1.0-X)*(1.C-X)/(RCL*D) + ROL)/144.0 DPDLGF(ALFA) =-U(ROG-ROL)*ALFA BGF)XALFA) = (-1.6628E-11)*((1.0-X)*(1.0-X)/((1.0-ALFAi*ROL) + X*X/(ALFA*RCG)) XTTF(X) - (((1.0 -X)/X)**0.9)*((ROG/ROLI**0.5)*(MUL/PUG)**0.1 1 C A - 0.7854 *0*0 QTP - QP/A 112 XTTI - XTTE XITTE - XTTFIXEI DPULF - FI2LF)O.5*XTTI+XTTe)l*DPDL-F(O.5*(X(I)+XF)I UPOLFRII) - DPDLF/G**1.8 ALFAI - ALFAE ALFAE = ALFAFIXTTE) DPDLGR'(I) - DPDLGF(0.5*(ALFAI+ALFAE)) DPACI) = 8GFIXE , ALFAE) - BGFIX(11, ALFAI) DP = IDPULF + OPDLGRII))*DL + DPAC(I)*G*G PEFIN * PI + UP IFIPEFIN .LE.PEX) PEFIN = PEX P = ALOG(PEFIN) VL * 1.0/FOLFIP) VG 1.C/ROGF(P) V(I+1) - VL + XE*(VG-VL) CMI = ALOG(V(1+1)/V)I))/DT IFIABS(PEFIN-PE/PEFIN - 0.002) 112,112,111 PC(1+1) - PEFIN OMI) * C1I ElI) *EXP(0MI*DT) Bl) = (EII) - DT)/CMI FT21 B/HR-FT3 1.0)/UMI X(1+1) - XE J(I1+1) = G*VfI+1) ZO(I+1) - ZC(I) + DZ IF(ZO(I+1) - ZMAX) 9S9,998,998 998 * I + 1 RE TURN 999 CONTINUE C IMAX - 1000 IS USED AS A CJDE TO INDICATE THAT EXIT WAS NOT REACHED IMAX - 1000 DTSKC = 360C.0 * DT WRITE(6,1) 2C(60), UTSEC FORMAT(40************* STAPR2 ***** 60 ITERATIONS COMPLETED WITHOU I REACHING ZMAX, Z0(60) -*, F10.5 / OT(SEC) * F10.5 //) 2 * RETURN 997 IMAX - I WRITE(6,2) IMAX, ZO(IMAX) STAPR2 ******** A JUALITY LARGER THEN 1.0 2 , -WAS OBTAINED BEFURE REACHING ZMAX, 10(', 12, *1 -*, I F8.5 //l 2 RETURN END IMAX IT PRESSURE CROP FUNCTICNS RELPF(XI DPDLFF(X DROP USING THE LOCKHART-MARTINELLI CORRELATION P * ALOGtPE) ROL = RCLF(P) RUG - RlGrtP) MUL - MULFIP) MUG = MUGF(P) RY X, ZO, J ANE PC ARE DEFINED EOR I = 1, IMAX 014, B, E AND THE PRESSURE DROP TERMS ARE DEFINED FOR V())I/HFGF(PBSI nO 999 1 - 1,59 HI * HE PI * Pol) PEFIN * Pt PE - PEFIN El - (EXP(OMI*DT) - 1.0)/041 DL - Jill * El HE a HI + QTP*DI/G XE - (HE - HLF(PE)l/HFGF(PE) IF(XE .CE. 1.0) GO TO 997 CALCULATE PRESSURE (PSI/(LBM/HR-FT2)**2) V 1.0/P0LFIP) C AUMBER CF SPACE POINTS CM, 9,E : COEFFICIENTS DEFINED IN TEXT VALUES X : 20: POSI'TICN ALCNG THE CHANNEL (FT) J: VELOCITIES OF THE CENTER OF VOLUME (FT/HR) VALUES (PSIA) PC: PRESSURE DPDLR : FRICTIONAL PRESSURE URUP SLOPE DIVIDED BY G**1.8 (PSI/FT) / (LKM/HR-FT2)**1.8 OPDLGR : GRAVIATATIONAL PRESSURE DROP SLOPE (PSI/FT) G**2 : ACCELERATION PRESSURE DROP VALUES CIVIDED OPAC - ZoB * 0.0 ALCC(PBRI * * G * V(1 TP * t.0/ROGF(P) T HE * HLF(PAB) XTTE * 1.OE+30 ALFAF 1.0E-10 REQUIRED INPUT I QP : LINEAR HEAT RATE (BTU/HR-FT) G : MASS ILUX (LBM/HR-FT?) LRB POSITION 0F THE ROILING BOUNDARY (FT) ZMAX : MAX VALUE CF COORDINATE ALONG THE CHANNEL TO BE REACHED (FT1 P88 : PRESSURE AT THE BOILING BOUNDARY (PSIA) PEX : LIMITING EXIT PRESSURt VALUE (PSIA) UT : TRANSIT TIME INCREMENT (HR) OUTPUT IMAX : v PB8 Po(1) SUBRCUTINE STAPR2(IMAX) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C FORMAT(*0********** SUBROUTINE DYNPRL (KMAX) 11/07/69 VFRSION 1.3 SUbROUTINE UYNPRI CALCULATES THE PRESSURE DROP IN THE SINGLE-PHASE REGION IA A NCK-LINEAR FASHION C C C C C C C =1,KMAX ARE Z11,K) ANF C(1,K) (-UR K PI1,K) FOR K -1,KMAX IS THE OUTPUT TO THIS SUBROUTINE INPUT REAL MULB, MULTF, KLF, 4ULW GO, ZBB, ZMAX, PI , P88, PEX, TIN, DTSUBB, OT CCMMON // D, CUM*CN /UYNPH/ Z(40,120), ZOT140,120), G(40,120), P140,120) QP, C C C PROPERTY FUNCTICNS REQUIRED : ROLTF, KLF MULTF, TIlT) = 1.0 / (T + 459.61 MULTF(T)= EXPI - .5483695 E 01 + .5585921 E 04*TIIT) + .3577018 E 09*TI(TI**31 - .1950534 E C7*TIIT)**2 1 .1035453 E' 03 - .7105255 E-01*T - .6448694E-04*T*T ROLTF(T) KLF(T) - 0.0475 - 6.76667E-05* T MULTF2/2 ROLTFt/1 KLF 1/1 = JLI(120, 021(120) REAL JI(12C), ZMAX, P1 , PBS, PEX, TIN, CTSURB, OT COMMON// D, GLZe8, COMMON /DYNPR/ Z(40,1201, aZDT(40,120l, G(40,120), P(4C,120) CCMMON /STA20T/ CM(60), 6(601, E(60), X(601, ZO(60), PO(601, 1 OPOLFR(60), DPDLGR(60), UPAC(60I, V(601, AJO(601 1MAXI a IMAX - 1 KMAXI - KMAX DTINV - 1.0/0T OTINCO - 1.0/((36CO.0*3600.0*32.17*144.0I*DTI C C C 89 C C C CALCULATE THE VOLUMtTRIC C C C 99 C C C FLUX DENSITIES AT THE 8.B. . . . . . . . 00 89 K = 1,KMAX JI(K) G(1,IK) * VIl1 MAJCR LOOP 00 1 Z(1,K), C C P802 = (DPDLFR*GOP*1. + CPDLGR)*ZBB + PI IF(A8S(Pd82-PBBf/PBB .GE. 0.02) WRITE(6,11 PB11,P882 FCRMATIO0************STEADY STATE SINGLE PHASE PRESSURE DROP AS * ,'CALCULATED NY DYNPRI DOES NOT AGREE WITH SUBCBB VALUE :/ 2 30X, 'P88(SUBCBR) =', F10.4, 1OX, 'PBBIDYNPRI) =0, F10.4, 3 * PSIA' //) KMAXI - KMAX -1 DPI-ROI - -T.OIE-1O*MULTF(TIN)**0.2/ROLIN PIP = P1 - DPFRO1*GO**1.R U(1,K), K-1,KMAX : VALUES AT THE P(I,K), DiT(1,K), STARTING POINT (USUALLY THE eg), AND E(I), B(11, PDLFR(I), DPDLGR(Il, DPAC( I1, OM(I), FUR I = 1, IMAX - 1 V(I1 FOR I 1, IMAX AND OT. : REFERENCE STEADY-STATE PARAMtTERS INPUT : QP, MULTFI/2 C TAV - TIN + 0.5*DTSUBB RCL - ROLTFITAV) ROLIN - ROLTF(TIN) MULB - PULTF(TAVI DTINCC - 1.0/((3600.C*3600.0*32.171144.01*DT) DTFILM = (282.0*1.291667)*)P*MULB**0.4/IGO**0.8*KLF(TAV)**0.61 TWAV = TAV + DTFILM MULW - MLLTFITWAVI RE - GO*C/MULB DPOLGR = -RCL/144.0 UPDLFR - I-3.3256E-11FFRE)*(G0**0.2*(MUL/MULSI**0.14/RCL*D DYNPR2 (IMAX, KMAX, KMAX21 11/07/69 VERSION 1.5 SUBROUTINE DYNPR2 CALCULATES TIMt UEPENDENT PRESSURE DROP IN A TWO-PHASE CIANNtL ACCJRDING TO THE ENTHALPY TRAJECTCRY MODEL SUBACUTINE C C C C C C C C C C C 999 1 *1,IMAX1 DETERMINE RELATIVE DO 99 K JZIRI * VEL3CITIES AT INLET = 1,KMAXI Jt(K) KMAXI = KPAXI DZCT(I,K) - FLUX, CAtCULATE-RASS - VELOCITIES AND COURDINATES OF MESH POINTS 1 C C 99 DO 99 K = 1,KMAX1 G18 = GI1,K)**1.8 DGOT - (G(I1,K+1-GTI,Kt*TINC1D OPTIFI - DPFR01*G18 - DGDT*2.3 DP - (DPDLFR*G18 + OPDLGR - OGDTI*Z(I,KI PI1,K) = PIP + UP RETURN kND DO 98 K = 1,KMAXI SIK - (JZI(K+1I - JZI(KI) * OTINV DZI(K) aE It) * JZItK) + B(I) * SIK + DPO1FI C C C C 98 C C C CALCULATE VALUES FOR NEXT SPACE STEP . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JIfK) - JI(K+1I + CMIII * DZIfK) JIK) HERE IS REOEFINED AS J(I+.1,K) G(I+1,K) - JIIKI / V(I+1) Z(I+1,Kl = Z(I,K+1l + DZI(K) DZDT(I+1,K) = DZOT(IK+1L) + E(I)*SIK CALCULATE PRESSURE DRCP AND PRESSURE . KMAX2 GAVIKI = KPAXI - 1 = (G(1+1,1) + . . . Gil,2))*O.5 C 00 97 K =1,KMAX2 GAVIK = GAVIKI GAVIKI - (G(I+1,K+1) + G(I,K+2)I*0.5 DPIx = (OPOLFR(I)*(AVIK**1.8 + DPDLGR(II) 1 *DZIK) + DPAC(I)*GAVIK**2 97 F(I+1,IK - P(I,K+IJ + DPIK 999 CONTMNUE RETURN END - i6AVIK1-GAVIK)*DTIACC) NM. SLBROLTINE PRTPL3(N3,t!, VERSICN4 YSC) KX,JX, NL,NS, 12 14 15 16 18 20 OF A SUBROUTINE SUPPLIED BY THE PRTPL3 IS A MOCIFIEC VERSION PRINTER PLOTS ARE PRODUCED INFORMATICN PROCESSING CENTER AT MIT. AND THE EXTREMA OF TFE GIVEN FUNCTIUNS ARE DETERMINEO. C C C B(KX,JXI DIPEASICA CUT(10I),YPR(I11I, IANG(9),A( 480), IANG/.,G'3,'4','5','6','7','8','9'/ INTEGER CUT, CCMlON/PLCTCT/ XMAXJ(9), YMAXJ(9), XMINJ(9), YMINJ(9), YRANJ(9) C VER. 4.1 1 FORMAT(II, 2 FCRMATIIH, 60X,7H CHART ,13,/) F11.4 , 5X, 101AX, 112) 3 FORMAT(IH, 117X, 112) 4 FORMAT('0PRTPL3 MIN ORDINATE =', F12.5, * AT ABSCISSA F12.5, * (CURVE NO-, 12, * ', IX, Al / 1 2 11X, 'MAX ORDINATE F', 12.5, I AT ABSCISSA F12.5, 30X, 'ORDINATE RANCE =', F12.5) 3 7 FORMAT( 1H 16X,101H. .) . . . . . 1 8 FORMAT(H ,9X,11F10.4) IF((YSC IADV C C C DETERMINE EXTREMA 42 41 43 40 45 C 50 55 57 1 OFEACH 56 . . CURVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A(I)=(K,J) DO 80 11,NLL F=I-1 XPRTXO+F*XSCAL IFIAIL)-XPR-XSCAL*0.5) 50,50,70 DO 55 1X=1,101 CUT(IX)BeLANK CONTINUE 00 60 J=1,MY LL=L+J*N JP=l(ALL)-YMIN)/YSCAL)+I1.0 OUT(JP)=IANC(J) CONTINUE IFIL.EQ.N) GO TO 61 L=L+1 57,57,61 CONTINUE WRITE(6,2)XPR,IOUT( IZ), 1Z=1,101), GO TO 8C WRITE16,3) I CONTINUE WR ITE(6,7) YPR(1)YMIN DO 90 KN=1,10 YPR(KN+1)=YPR(KN)+YSCAL*10.0 WRITE46,8)(YPR(IP),IP=1,11) IF(A)L)-XPR-XSCAL*0.5) 61 70 80 90 C C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IF(YSC .LE. 0.0) GO TC 91 YMAX=-1.0E75 YIN=1 .CE75 DO 49 J = 1,MY IF(YMAXJ(J) .GT. YMAX) YMAX = YMAXJJ) IF(YMINJIJ) .LT. YMIN) YMIN = YMINJ(J) 49 CONTINUE YRANGE = YMAX - YMIN 1=1 DU 39 J=1,M DO 39 K=1,N 39 1=1+1 ALL=NL IF(NS) 16, 16, 10 10 DC 15 I=1,N DO 14 J=1,N IF(A(I)-A(J)l 14, 14, 11 11 L=I-N LL=J-A DO 12 K=1,M L=L+N LL=LL+N F=A(L) 60 . . DC 45 J - 2,M YMIN=1.CE75 YMAX*-1.OE75 DO 40 K = 1,N IF(8(KJ) - YMAX) 41,41,42 YMAX = B(KJ) XMAX = B(X,1) IF(B(K,J) - YMIN) 43,40,40 YMIN - B)I,J) XMIN = B(K,1) CONTINUE XMINJ(J-1) = XMIN XMAXJIJ-1) = XMAX YMINJ(J-1) = YMIN YMAXJ(J-1) = YMAX YRANJ(J-1) = YMAX - YMIN PLOT THE CATA . . YSCAL=0.01*YSC L=1 =, IADV = 0 IF(Y$C .GT. 0.0) WRITE(6,1) IADV, NO MY = M - 1 A(L)=A(LL) AILL)=F CONTINUE CCNTINUE IF(NLL) 2C, 18, 20 NLL-50 WRITE 6,7) BLANK=0 XSCAL=(AIN)-A(1))/(FLCAT(NLL-1)I YSCAL = C.01 * YRANGE IF(YSCAL .EQ. E.0) YSCAL = 1.0 .GT. YRANGE) .ANU. (YRANGE .GT. YSC/10.0)) X8=A(1) . . *. I WRITE THE VALUES OF TIHE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF EACH CURVE 91 DO 92 J = lPY 92 WRITE(6,4) YMINJ(J),XMINJ(J),J,IANu(J),YMAXJ(J),XMAXJJ),YRANJIJ) RETURN END .00 011111' PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE ~R' SER PARTIAL (W)WATTMETER PRESSUREGAUGE- BOURDON PRESSURETRANSDUCER g THERMOCOUPLE BALL VALVE UNLESS NOTED ST'D ASME ORIFICEFLANGE AND PLATE VENTURI FLO*METER MANOMETER - END VIEW CLEA PLASTIC COUPLING 1/2 THICK 7 GROUPSOF THREE PARALLEL 0430" ID x 0.510" OD GLASS TUBES VARIABLE 220v TRANSFORMERFOR 60- EACH SET OF THREE TUBES IN PARALLEL 3 PARALLEL TIE RODS (NOT SHOWN) AND METAL COUPLING SPACERS GID CAGE IN WHCH THE FORM A TEST SECTIONS AM MOUNTED 3 STATIC TEST FLUID PRESSUREAND ,13 BULK FLUID TEMPERATUREMEASURING STATIONS AT EACH COUPLING ET IMAT IDENTICALPROVISION FOR MEASUREMENTS FOR EACH TEST 15.5"INTERVALS SECTION -fo-THREE TEST SECTIONS SIMILAR COPPER INLET SECTION(UNHEATED) NOMINALSIZE, INCHES,ASTM SCH 40 NOMINAL SIZE , INCHES,ASTM TYPE L LENGTH, FEET SYSTEM HAS NO INVERTED"U-BENDS" FOR GAS POCKETS P T L FIG 2.1 SCHEMATIC OF APPARATUS, WITH OVERALL DIMENSIONS - 9042 1 --- 7.750 Lh -- - 9.302 ft.- .500 FIG. 2.2 CODING OF LOOP EQUIPMENT AND TEST SECTION DIMENSIONS 1, 0-RING (EXAGGERATED) COUPLING PLATE (2) - CLEAR PLASTIC 0.5". -- - _ COUPLING - CLEAR PLASTIC 0.5'"' 0.5"1 0.5" GLASS TUBE WITH ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE HEAT FILM, 0.0430" I.D. iv13.0" 0.510" 0.D., 15" LENGTH TIE RODS (NOT SHOWN) PROVIDE STRUCTURAL SUPPORT AND ALIGNMENT FLUID STATIC PRESSURE TAP 0.042" DIA. BULK FLOW THERMOCOUPLE 0.062" DIA, WIRE BRAID POWER LEAD FIG. 2.3 CROSS-SECTIONAL DETAIL OF TEST LENGTH AND COUPLING VENTURI . .0A 17 l it.%PVS 1 06 2kL~ TRANSDUCER BRIDGE ADAPTER DIRECT RITING PSCILLOGRAPH PREAMPLIFIER CALIBRATION CIRCUIT l 5k+l l REGULATED POWER SUPPLY i5 V; 5o v*A All operational amplifiers made by Philbrick INTEGRATOR FIG. 2.4 FLOW MEASURING INSTRUMENTATION z - lug Flow Model 0.1 Zuber and Findlay /. Homogeneous Model LM > Freon -113 at 20 psia G- 3.5 x I10 Ibm /hr ft" G-IOxlO lbm/hrft" D- 0.43 in. L ock hart - Mart inellIi l 0.01- 001 0001 0.0001 QUALITY, x FIG. 3.1 COMPARISON OF VOID FRACTION CORRELATIONS 0.1 1.0 100 FREON-i 13 80 p = 15 psia I'S MODEL 11750 Btu/hrft p = 22.5 psia 2 D = 0.43 in. 0 z LAL 0 z 0 0 C-) Zn STAUB = 2350 LEVY'S MODEL q" = 2350 Btu/hrft 2 -20 2 MASS FLUX, 5 G 10 [Ibm/hrft 2 ]xiof FIG. 3.2 POINT OF NET VAPOR GENERATION AS PREDICTED BY TWO MODELS API ex 8 [psi] 40 60 100 80 INLET TEWERATURE, T0 120 [*F] FIG. 3.3 EFFECT OF THE INLET TEMPERATURE ON VARIOUS PARAMETERS 140 zbb 8 xex. 7 .8 - POSITION OF THE BB, zbb [ft] / 18 1-7 / [psia] APlex, 6 8 5 ATsubb [psi] TOTAL PRESSURE DROP, APlex 50 r 7 4 66 40 . 3 / 30 5 20 4 L SUBCOOLING, AT subb 16 1-2 / pex = 14.7 psia T1= 90 *F EXIT QUALITY, xex 3 q'= 400 W/TL Uniform heat flux distribution 0 No subcooled boiling 0 PRESSURE AT THE BB, pbb 1000 MASS FLOW RATE, w 1500 [lbm/hr] FIG. 3.4 EFFECT OF THE MASS FLOW RATE ON VARIOUS PARAMETERS 2000 WAM0WlMNMM Wll0lhlli, I I 06 0.5 2' 1.0 MASS FLUX, G [ FIG. 3.5 5 Ibm/hr ft] RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE FRICTION, GRAVITY AND ACCELERATION TERMS. CONTOUR MAP AT 792 Btu/hrft 10 I I I I I I I I UNIFORM (1150 COSINE (115.2 *F' ,a UNIFOR 0 13 (96.0 *F COSINE (94.8 *F) c:) Lu LU c- UNIFORM (115 *F) RUN DISTR. T 0 a 4A * 8 - I I UNIF. 95 COS. 95 o 10 UNIF.115 // * 14 COS. 115 LINES ARE 'PRESDROP' PREDICTIONS 500 1000 I I 1500 2000 MASS FLOW RATE, w [lbm/hr] FIG. 4.1 PREDICTED AND MEASURED TOTAL PRESSURE DROP AT q" = 4700 Btu/hrft 2 , 2500 14 0 AV 11, 12, 16 UNIFORM 115 115 17 ROOFTOP 115 UNIF OO 6,19,22 UNIFORM 95 UNIFORM(15.AF ) * 9 COSINE 95 * 13 A ROOFTOP (115.2OF COSINE * TO (115.2 * COSINE (114 5 *F 12 0 - 0.0 . e 0 o 100 w 0 UNIFORM (94.6 *F) 0 I,00 -- COSINE (94.8 *F) o 00 - ISOTHERMAL (95.20 F) LINES ARE'PRESDROP' PREDICTION! 4 0 1000 MASS FLOW RATE, FIG. 4.2 3000 2000 w 4000 [Ibm/hr] PREDICTED AND MEASURED TOTAL PRESSURE DROP AT q"= 9400 Btu/hrft? A RUN 15 O RUN 7 UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION o RUN 5 To =15.2 0 F Pc z 30.40 in. In a- 12 - wA a. To r=94.6* F Pc = 30.24 in.Hg 0 a o a. 0- T~9. - 0 00T 8 -3 =95.2* F 4 LINES AR E'PRESDROP' PR EDI CTIONS 0 1000 2000 3000 FLOW RATE, w (Ibm/hr) FIG.43 PREDICTED AND MEASURED TOTAL PRESSURE DROPS AT q"= 14100 Btu/hrtt2 4.48 fit/s ex =-0.036 STAUB'S NVG CORRELATION LEVY'S NVG CORRELATION 2.79 -0.008 C. 44- 2.18 O. 0 -0.013v BB NVG 00 I-3 1. 64 -... 0.044 B NVG 1.250 0.084 BB oTo RUN NO 8 = 94.8 *F 0 NVGRB 0 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STATION ALONG THE CHANNEL FIG. 4.4 PRESSURE PROFILES AT 4700 Btu/hrft 2, COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 8 ex 2 (o) 5.73 - 0.010 .-. , 4.48 13 0.011 (0) 3.70 V 0.030 0O z 0 Ies > L. 0 1.74 o 0.157 0 it RUN NO 6 W2 T. 94.6 *F 0.95 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 STATION ALONG THE CHANNEL FIG. 4.5 PRESSURE PROFILES AT 9400 Btu/hr ft, UNiFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 8BOx RUN NO. 15 EFFECT OF NVG CORRELATION T*' 115.2*F 8k 0. N 0 2r 6 1- 0. O I-- Staub IIII I11II1 11 4 7 5 STATION NO. ALONG THE CHANNEL 2 FIG.4.6 PRESSURE PROFILES AT 14,100 Btu/hrft, UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 8ex 1 I C: I I I I I o A o U 1.0 uj A O oy 0 o AA v O o v vT A VA 6 v. a- L RUNS D4 TO D21 AVERAGE POWER o 100 W/TL S0.8 - V 200 OPEN POINTS : UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION A 300 O 400 CLOSED POINTS : COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION o 0.1 0.2 0.3 EXIT QUALITY, 0.4 0.5 500 0.6 4-)~ 0 0f oL 0 I'D c:) r- 4r- C\j L0 r-- C\J LfA C\J I VERAGE VALUES AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS 0.7 xe FIG. 4.7 ACCURACY OF THE PRESSURE DROP PREDICTIONS FOR ALL THRESHOLD AND TRANSITION POINTS lull 11 il1,,,,,llolmini I I 6 o FIRST CYCLE A SECOND CYCLE O THIRD CYCLE o FOURTH CYCLE I 4 MAXIMUM FLOW REACHED CLOSED POINTS INDICATE DECREASING FLOW PRESSURE AT STATION I 2 N 0 w co w O) 0r PRESSURE AT STATION 6 0.4- 0 ~ I I I 2 4 6 INLET VELOCITY, V, FIG. 4A PRESSURE 0 8 ft/s DROP HYSTERESIS 10 150 Point A o = 3.93 ft/s Tsat 0.027 ex 130 - Tcal* 110 U0 LLJ LU 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8ex LU S 150 Tsat LU 130- 0 110 - Tcal Point B 3.72 ft/s = 0.033 Vo T x 90 1 1 2 3 4 I I I al 1 5 6 7 8ex 1 STATION NO. ALONG THE CHANNEL Tsat ; Saturation temperature based on measured pressure T Calculated single-phase temperature cal T Measured temperature (Low temperature reading at Station 8 is due to a thermocouple error) FIG. 4.9 TEMPERATURE PROFILES FOR POINTS A AND B OF FIG. 4.8 WBMV Mwolll 11 1 .0__ M1911ill _ ___ _ jQ*(z'jbj) 0.1 2 IH*(z,jw)I 0.001 C~j I 0.0001 I 100 10 1 0.1 C.J C~j 1000 2ir argQ*(z,jw) 3 S 21 di 1 di 2 2 0.1 100 10 1 argH*(z,jw) 1000 Period, T [s] Uniform heat flux distribution; V0 = 1 ft/s, T = 100 *F; q = 800 Bt.u/hrft; a = 0.8. Curve 2 is the high frequency approximation. 2'-k = 16.4 s; 2 7TTh = 34.9 s; 2Tc = 47.9 s. FIG. 5.2 FLOW-TO-LOCAL-ENTHALPY AND FLOW-TO-HEAT-FLUX TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AT z = 2 ft. Im Effect of T [s] 4-) cnj Effect of q' rft]I -[Btu/h Reference point zbb = 3.0 ft q = 800 Btu/hrft G = 3.5x10 5 ibm Effect of G [105 lbm/hrft2] hr ft2 T 6 s 5/ I.e Effect of z0 [ft] [Btu/1 bm] FIG. 5.4 PARAMETRIC STUDY OF THE ENTHALPY PERTURBATION AT THE BOILING BOUNDARY, 6 hob 0.08 I I I I I | I I| 0.06 * 0.04- 0.02 0.000 0 I r~3 22 .-- 3, C\j39 BB 0 2 4 6 Length along the channel, z [ft] Experimental Point D20-192; -r= 11.70 s; X = 13.26 ft. 1: 2: 3: 4: V = 1.133 ft/s; 0 Wall heat storage and cold spots taken into account Only wall heat storage taken into account; uniform heat input High frequency approximation, Eq. (5.38) Low frequency approximation. To get the amplitudes divide the amplitudes of 3 by (1 - a) Heated and cold spots are shown by black and white line between the graphs. FIG. 5.6 FLOW-TO-LOCAL-ENTHALPY TRANSFER FUNCTION ALONG THE CHANNEL. ZERO ORDER OSCILLATION. 0.015 -1 2 0.010- 3 N3 0.005 B 0.000 i 2 i '0, 2 N 344 s.- C\j BB 0 3 2 1 Length along the channel, z Experimental Point D19-184; [ft] T = 4.46 s; V0 = 0.410 ft/s; X = 1.83 ft. 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 See Fig. 5.6 FIG. 5.7 FLOW-TO-LOCAL-ENTHALPY TRANSFER FUNCTION ALONG THE CHANNEL. FIRST ORDER OSCILLATION. j11IM110 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.000 M M is 2w 1 2 3 Length along the channel, z 4 5 [ft] T = 3.90 s; V0 = 0.291 ft/s; X = 1.135 ft. Experimental Point D18A-196; 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 See Fig. 5.6 FIG. 5.8 FLOW-TO-LOCAL-ENTHALPY TRANSFER FUNCTION ALONG THE CHANNEL. FOURTH ORDER OSCILLATION. ,..,.,,.....111.. u mm illllllllll1llllllllllllllI1llllll 0.08 0.04 0.00 3 2 . 0 1 2 3 4 Length along the channel , z 5 6 [ft] T = 11.70 s; X = 13.26 ft. Experimental Point D20-192; V0 = 1.133 ft/s; Cosine heat flux distribution shown on top. FIG. 5.9 COMPARISON OF THE-FLOW-TO-LOCAL-ENTHALPY TRANSFER FUNCTIONS FOR UNIFORM AND COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTIONS. ZERO ORDER OSCILLATION. "11411 0.004 0.002 0.000 0 1 2 3 4 Length along the channel, z Experimental Point D18A-196; T- 5 6 Eft] = 3.90 s; V0 = 0.291 ft/s; A = 1.135 ft. Cosine heat flux distribution shown on top. FIG. 5.10 COMPARISON OF THE FLOW-TO-LOCAL-ENTHALPY TRANSFER FUNCTIONS FOR UNIFORM AND COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTIONS. FOURTH ORDER OSCILLATION. 0.004 0.002 0.000 27r 3 Tr 2 Tr 2 10 8 6 4 Length along the channel, z [ft] The cosine distribution is simulated by N = 7, 14, and 28 segments. Two corresponding heat flux distributions are shown at the top. 0 2 FIG. 5.11 EFFECT OF THE CHANNEL SEGMENTATION ON THE FLOW-TO-LOCAL ENTHALPY TRANSFER FUNCTION. - , , jP6 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 DIMENSIONLESS LENGTH , z 1.0 0 0.25 DIMENSIONLESS FIG. 5.12 ENTHALPY PERTURBATIONS ALONG THE CHANNEL, 8V/Vo0 O.I 0.5 TIME, 075 t* 0.5 0.25 DIMENSIONLESS LENGTH, 075 z* 1.0 0 0.5 0.25 DIMENSIONLESS TIME, FIG. 5.13 ENTHALPY PERTURBATIONS ALONG THE CHANNEL, 8V/Vo= I 0.75 t* mmhuuuumummin Flat Pressure Profile minmmumm*iui Static Pressure Effects FIG. 5.14 EFFECT OF THE PRESSURE ON THE MOVEMENT OF THE BOILING BOUNDARY 6w Re friction 6Szbb B. 6h in Second Quadrant A. 6h in First Quadrant FIG. 5.15 EFFECT OF THE DYNAMIC PRESSURE VARIATIONS ON THE MOVEMENT OF THE BOILING BOUNDARY 60 < D18A - 40 D17 unstable _ D10A -- _ + 20 EXPERIMENTAL POINT THRESHOLD POINT I TRANSITION POINT o INTERPOLATED THRESHOLD 0,1, ORDER OF OSCILLATIOt D9 etc D6 D4 D21 RUN NUMBER 2TR2B 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 q/w h 0 FIG. 7.1 STABILITY MAP AT 100 W/TL, UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 1.0 lill 022 N~~ m milii , .'i,,WimuI 0.4 l 0.6 0.8 q/w hfg FIG. 7.2 STABILITY MAP AT 200 W/TL, UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 60 40 H- 40 20 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 q/w0 hfg FIG. 7.3 STABILITY MAP AT 300 W/TL, UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 1.0 1 I1li 1l haia u u'lll liilll lll1ll 0.2 0.4 0.6 ill lllin llull i lll lll0it ll IIMI.l.. ..i liiiiii ll4 l i 0.8 q/w0 hq FIG. 7.4 STABILITY MAP AT 100 W/TL AVE., COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION t Ill ' ill blii i i il A i il II I D21 STABLE REGION D23 40 I- D22 +0 \ D11 20 F SYMBOLS EXPLAINED IN FIG. 7.1 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 q/w0 hfg FIG. 7.5 STABILITY MAP AT 200 W/TL AVE., COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION W**mp"wWW 9.001*0.0 Run TR8, 300 W/TL, unif. &Tsubb=6 5 .40F we Fundamental mode 3 30s Third-order oscillation fwadt wI ___Is ~' AO [lbm/hrj 00 0 _ -4- B Run Di0A 200 W/TL unif. Points 93 and 93A Run D16 200 W/TL unif. Points 20 Idiv = I and 21 FIG. 7.6 RECORDINGS OF OSCILLATIONS - TRANSITION POINTS 80 \~ / -/ 0 300 W/ TL o/ O G/ 60 0/ A ~ (200) c13 0 u> 0 co~40 (200) U) / POWER LEVEL / A 100 W/TL 0 200 / O 300 V 400 0 500 A 0 A 380 - - q / Wohfg Open points: First occurrence of oscillation, zero order. Closed points: First occurrence of oscillation , higher-mode (Number of tails denotes order of oscillation). Points with a bar: Transitions to fundamental model. Crowley, Deane and Gouse's boundaries also shown. OSCILLATION BOUNDARIES FIG. 7.7 FIRST OCCURRENCE OF INSTABILITIES AND FUNDAMENTAL MODE M n -. 01111 11llililiiiillmlM m o lM o lo ll I' llI l 1,, oI,t iR IIldia n i i , , ia 01111 - - ., ,l I 100 m500 CROWLEY, GOUSE DEANE AND CLOSED POINTS DENOTE TRANSITIONS TO FUNDAMENTAL MODE 80 I- 680 W /TL 600 r__0 \. \ \ STABLE REGION \. N 380 C) I C) C..) I -LJ * * I I I. I I *1 ) I I ~- I I I a INLET VELOCITY, a V0 [ft/s] FIG. 7.8 STABILITY BOUNDARIES FOR UNIFORM POWER DISTRIBUTION, ZERO ORDER POINTS ONLY 100 400 W/TL 300 80 I \ ' 20 660 200 STABLE REGION I -J C-) I 100 // 'I 20 I / / I \I' % / ------ / I' I POWER DISTRIBUTION COSINE ------ UNIFORM I INLET VELOCITY, V0 [ft/s] FIG. 7.9 STABILITY BOUNDARIES FOR COSINE POWER DISTRIBUTION - ZERO ORDER POINTS ONLY ho 06 A0 A0 A 9 0.4 -A 0200 UNSTABLE REGION AA oil POWER LEVEL A c3 0.2 (C-D-G) 500 (c-D-G) 600 I II 0 0.2 200 Closed points indicate transitions higher zero-order curve at 200 l ( see Fig. 7.2) I 0.6 0.4 W/TL 0 300 v 400 C0 500 380 CDG38050 (c-D-G) 680 (-- 0.8 q/w0 - hfg FIG. 7.10 STABILITY MAP IN THE DIMENSIONLESS ENTHALPY-PRESSURE DROP PLANE - ZERO ORDER POINTS ONLY 1.0 20 40 SUBCOOLING, ATsubb 60 80 [*F] Open points denote transitions. Tails indicate order of oscillation. Crosses mark decay of oscillations. FIG. 7.11 PERIOD OF THE OSCILLATIONS AT THE THRESHOLD OF STABILITY ALL ORDERS AT 200 W/TL 12 8 - 0v Lii 4 - POWER LEVEL A Open points denote transitions 1 60 0 0 20 40 SUBCOOLING, ATsubb A 100 W/TL m 200 * V 300 400 * 500 1 80 [*F] FIG. 7.12 PERIOD OF THE OSCILLATION AT THE THRESHOLD OF STABILITY ZERO ORDER POINTS ONLY - UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION '10 TO00 ---- UNIFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 81- .- 400 -V POWER LEVEL 41* * V 200 W/TL 300 400 Open points denote transitions SUBCOOLING, AT subb [OF] FIG. 7.13 PERIOD OF THE OSCILLATION AT THE THRESHOLD OF STABILITY ZERO ORDER POINTS ONLY - COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION m ATsubb [OF] 0 F] T = 3 40- 2.5 20 0.4 0.8 0.6 q FIG. 7.14 PERIOD OF THE OSCILLATION WITHIN THE UNSTABLE REGION (CONTOUR MAP) 1.0 1.0 W uniform 0.5 exact cosine 27r resulting uniform difference in delay 3 3 0 exact cosine SUBCOOL ING 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 Relatiye Position of the BB along the channel, z'bb/L FIG. 7.15 ENTHALPY AND SINGLE-PHASE DELAYS - UNIFORM VERSUS COSINE HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION Run TRiA 300 W/TL,unif. Run TR6 300 W/TL,unif. ATsubb=3 4 .30 F 111we I s - -0 Is 9 ATsubb= .3-5.40F Run D19 Point 4 Run D18 Point 17 200 W/TL,unif. AT uo=69.3*F S ULI F Run E02 Point 6 psi Run D21 Psnt 2 0 30W/TL,COS Tsubb= 76. 2*F AT Wo [ lbm/hr] FIG. 7.16 TYPICAL OSCILLATION RECORDINGS 100 CORRECTED ORDER OF OSCILLATION ............ STABLE THIRD-ORDER ==== -- SECOND-ORDER FIRST-ORDER LL, 200 W/TL 800 1 80 0- --- - 6 E03 (all') 60 )E04 (-I ~~ 60 ----- TL) E-0TL (al)0 -- BOUNDARIES OF HIGHER-ORDER 2TL E05~ REGIONS FROM FIG. 7.2 / 40 0 40 E06 (-3 TL 0.2 0.6 0.4 CORRECTED q*/w 0.8 - h FIG. 7.17 STABILITY MAP IN THE ENTHALPY-SUBCOOLING PLANE - SERIES E EXPERIMENTS 1.0 wo A 1.0 -0 CORRECTED ORDER OF OSCILLATION ........... STABLE THIRD-ORDER 0.8 -0 SECOND-ORDER FIRST ORDER 200 W/TL -0 -0 -o -o U REFERENCE POINT 0.6 Ix -_0 E06(-3 TL) 0.4 E05 (-2 TL) E03 (all) 0.2 0.4 CORRECTED 0.6 0.8 q*/w. - hq FIG. 7.18 STABILITY MAP IN THE ENTHALPY - SINGLE-PHASE-LENGTH PLANE-SERIES E EXPERIMENTS 1.0 FIG. 8.1 OPEN LOOP BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE BOILING CHANNEL 6Ap FIG. 8.2 CLOSED LOOP BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE BOILING CHANNEL = 0 1.4 1.2 A A 1.0 | -A - A . D Wc3 x ci 0.8 20W/T7 pA A200 W/TL 0.6 UN4IFORM HEAT FLUX DISTRIBUTION 03 300 W/TL 0.4 SUBCOOLING, ATsubb At ex= At + At ; At1 = z /2V ; At2 _5 All zero order threshold and transit ion pts. [*F] h dz , calculated by stepwise V (z) integration; values of zobb V9 from PRESDR results FIG. 8.3 CORRELATION OF THE PERIOD OF THE OSCILLATION '3o S 8s W w0 Curve A B C D 1 bb [lbm/hr] [s] Point 012-01 Stable 012-92 Threshold 012-03 Unstable D12-06 Unstable Subcooling, ATsubb ZOb/V T = 547 410 310 2'6 8.5 to 5.7 o [s] 2.28 2.44 2.43 0.960+ Plotted values multiplied by 2 0.805 0.710 0.426 F ; Power, q = 300 W/TL, unif. The curves are graduated in period [s]. FIG. 8.4 OPEN LOOP TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AT LOW SUBCOOLING Nib I I'Re iL; 2*6 1~. A B 35 Io 5 8 '.5 .7. 1.0, 45 5.5 wW0 Curve A Point D16-12 Stable zt~ Zb/Voo t [lbm/hr] [s] [s] 445 - 4.80 B 016-93 Threshold 225 7.75 5.07 C D16-14 Unstable 197 7.75 5.18 Subcooling, ATsubb = 51.5 *F ; Power, qw = 300 W/TL, unif. The curves are graduated in periods [s]. FIG. 8.5 OPEN LOOP TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AT HIGH SUBCOOLING