An International Comparison of the Impact of Safety Regulation on LWR Performance by Steven Craig Anderson MIT-EL 87-006 June 1987 AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF THE IMPACT OF SAFETY REGULATION ON LWR PERFORMANCE by STEVEN CRAIG ANDERSON B.S. Mech. Eng., Cornell University (1985) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN TECHNOLOGY AND POLICY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1987 0 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author Technology and Policy Program May 8, 1987 Certified by Professor Kent F. Hansen Department of Nuclear Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Professor Richard L. de Neufville Chairman, Technology and Policy Program AN INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON OF THE IMPACT OF SAFETY REGULATION ON LWR PERFORMANCE by STEVEN CRAIG ANDERSON Submitted to the Technology and Policy Program on May 8, 1987 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Technology and Policy ABSTRACT During the decade 1975-1984, the US nuclear power industry achieved a lower level of reactor performance than that realized in many other Western nations. Previous work suggested that international differences much of the regulation account for in safety discrepancy. US annual regulatory losses averaged over 10% during the ten-year study period. The present investigation compares nuclear safety regulation in France, Sweden, and Switzerland with that in the United States 1) to determine whether greater regulatory stringency was indeed responsible for poorer US plant performance, and 2) to examine key international differences in the the division and coordination of responsibility between safety regulators and nuclear and solving technical utilities for recognizing problems. Analysis of the US data revealed that, on average, over 90% of US regulatory outages were of the following: technical attributed to one specification limiting conditions of operation or NRCrequired inspections or NRC-required modifications. It was found that the European nations experienced the same variety of technical problems seen in the United Furthermore, the scope and stringency of States. It European and US safety regulation are comparable. was found that inconsistencies in outage reporting practices account for much of the discrepancy in regulatory loss between the United States and the other Therefore, it is concluded that safety nations. regulation is not the primary cause of differences in reactor performance observed between the United States and other nations. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Kent F. Hansen Professor of Nuclear Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS deserve organizations and individuals Many acknowledgement and sincere thanks for the support and assistance generously provided throughout the various phases of this project. Financially, this research was supported by the US Department of Energy, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, the Center for Energy Policy Research at MIT, and the Technische Universitit Berlin. and industry nuclear with interviews The regulatory officials were central to the investigation; many people gave their time in scheduling meetings, speaking with us, and reviewing drafts of this paper. the for individuals these to indebted are We to thanks Special information and comment provided. Olofsson Mr. Pierre Lienart of EdF and Mr. Bengt-G6ran including contributions, many their for KSU of coordinating our visits to their respective countries. Much of this project was completed while studying at the Technische Universitit Berlin (TUB) in early Financial support for my visit was provided by a 1987. (Airlift Stiftung Luftbrckendank from the grant Special thanks to Frau Roswitha Gratitude Foundation). Paul-Walz in the Foreign Students' Office at TUB for her kind and cheerful assistance with the logistics of my stay. The Division for Energy Engineering and Resource Economics at TUB was my academic home while in Berlin. I am grateful to Professor Dietmar Winje, for his personal assistance and contributions to the research. Thanks also to my colleague Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Lorenz interesting many and assistance daily his for The Institute's technical assistants, discussions. provided and student employees staff, secretarial invaluable and friendly aid with telephone calls, All these mailings, and German computer software. professionally Berlin to visit my made people successful and personally most enjoyable. At MIT, many thanks to my advisor, Professor Kent guidance and comments valuable his for Hansen Professor writing and research. throughout this Richard Lester also contributed importantly to early discussions for the project. Finally, I would like to thank Jeff Jacob and Rachel Sheffet in Boston and my parents, Carolyn and Jerry Anderson in Washington, DC, for their personal assistance in running errands, making inquiries, and Their waiting in line on my behalf while I was away. iii efforts and their regular appreciated. S. C. A. May 1987 Berlin (West) iv letters were greatly To my parents, for their love, patience, and support throughout my life TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Abstract . . . Acknowledgements . . . . ... Table of Contents . . . . . . . . List of Tables and Figures 1.0 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii iii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi S. viii Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 The Importance of Good Performance 1.3 Measuring Nuclear Power Plant Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Outline of the Investigation 10 Regulatory Impact on US Plant Performance 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.0 . . . . . . 11 Method of Analysis . . . . . . Regulatory Outage Classification 2.2.1 Technical Specifications/ LCO Violations . . . . . 2.2.2 Inspections . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Modifications . . . . . . Plant Systems Most Affected by Regulation . . . . . . . . . Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 11 12 . . . . 17 17 18 . . . . . . . . 19 22 S . . . 23 . . . . . . . . . 23 23 25 30 . . . . 34 . . 38 . 38 US Data -- . . . . . Source and France . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Organizations Influencing Performance and Safety 3.1.1 Safety Regulators 3.2 3.3 3.4 . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Utilities . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 Technical Advisors . . . Organizational Relationships in Practice .. ... .......... Outage Reporting and Classification . . . . . . 3.3.1 General Principles and Examples . . . . . . 3.3.2 Technical Specifications/ LCO Violations . . .... 3.3.3 Inspections . . . . . . . 3.3.4 Modifications ...... Comparisons with US Experience . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . 41 43 . 44 . .. 4.0 5.0 Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Organizations Influencing Performance and Safety . ... . . . 4.1.1 Safety Regulators ........ . 4.1.2 Utilities . . . . ........... 4.2 Organizational Relationships in Practice . .... .. . . . . . . . . 4.3 Outage Reporting and Classification . . . . ... . . . 4.3.1 General Principles and Examples ........ .. . 4.3.2 Technical Specifications/ LCO Violations . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Inspections . . . . . . .. . . . 4.3.4 Modifications .......... 4.4 Comparisons with US Experience . . . . . Switzerland ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5.1 Organizations Influencing Performance and Safety . . . . . . . 5.1.1 Safety Regulators . . . . . . . 5.1.2 Utilities . ..... ..... 5.2 Organizational Relationships in Practice ..... ..... ... 5.3 Outage Reporting and Classification . .. . . . . . . 5.3.1 General Principles and Examples . .... .. ... 5.3.2 Technical Specifications/ LCO Violations . . ...... 5.3.3 Inspections . ... .... . . . 5.3.4 Modifications . .. ..... 5.4 Comparisons with US Experience ..... 50 50 51 54 55 59 59 62 65 65 67 70 . . . 70 70 73 . 74 . 83 83 . . 84 85 86 88 6.0 Conclusion . ... .. ............ 91 6.1 Data Reclassification and Conclusions . .... .. .... . . . 91 6.2 Further Work . ... .... . . . . . . . 101 7.0 References 8.0 Appendices . . .... ................ 103 8.1 OPEC-2 Cause Code List ....... 103 8.2 Glossary of Abbreviations Used . ... . . 116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 102 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1.1 Average Annual Regulatory Loss . . . . 3 Performance Indices Used in the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 for Six Nations, 1975-1984 Table Table 1.2 2.1 Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for PWRs, excluding TMI - Classification by regulatory outage cause . . Table 2.2 . .... 15 Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for BWRs - Classification by regulatory outage cause . . Table 2.3 . ... 16 Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for PWRs, excluding TMI - Classification by plant system Table 2.4 . .. . .... . . . 20 Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for BWRs - Classification by . . 21 Organizational Structure of SCSIN . . . . . . . . . 24 Organizational Structure of IPSN . . . . . . . . . . 31 plant system Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 4.1 Figure 5.1 Table 6.1 . . . . . Organizational Structure of SKI . . . . . Organizational Structure of HSK . . . . . . . . . 52 . 72 Reclassified Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for PWRs, excluding TMI - Classification by regulatory outage cause . Table 6.2 .... Reclassified Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for BWRs Classification by regulatory outage cause . ... viii . 96 . 97 1.0 Introduction i1.IBackround Most light water reactors (LWRs) used around the world for electric power production share substantially the same design and technology. As a result, the same types of technical problems with these power plants are experienced internationally. In light of this, it is curious of varies that the performance widely from nation to nation. States, inferior for instance, to nations. from these nuclear plants that performance achieved This performance varying technical human by is many discrepancy influences factors. In For the United significantly other likely rather example, Western arises than nuclear from plant management policies and regulatory organizations assume a widely different Through an character international from nation to comparison of nation. such human structures, insight may be gained into the underlying causes of poor plant performance in the United States. Earlier work comparing the Federal Republic of Germany with the United States identified regulation as a chief between contributor to these nations.' two the performance discrepancy Another previous investigation 2 revealed that the United States reports values of significantly higher than loss* regulatory Table 1.1 on page are observed in many other nations. 3 gives data for countries previously investigated for the ten-year period 1975-1984. tempting infer to than requirements of set other the in regulators the do is safety US the as stringent more a enforces regulator, NRC, the that 1.1, it in Table From the figures presented Some US utilities believe this to be true, nations. blaming burdensome regulation as a significant cause of Before reaching this poor nuclear plant performance. conclusion, however, one must verify that all nations studied have used same the regulatory definition of loss in their reported statistics. This investigation attempts differences international as losses, such centers around nations in constitute those the defining a in regulatory account for observed Table question what to of does loss. regulatory in The 1.1. inquiry among consistency and what Without the does a not uniform definition for these losses, one is left comparing the *For the uninitiated, an "annual loss" in the vernacular of performance statistics may be crudely defined as the total fraction of time that plants are Regulatory losses (i.e., losses shut down each year. due to the requirements of a regulatory body) are one detailed More loss. annual this of component information on performance statistics is given in Plant Power Nuclear "Measuring 1.3, Section Performance." TABLE 1.1: Average Annual Regulatory Loss, for Six Nations, 1975-1984 (in percent) PWRs BWRs Federal Republic of Germany 0.9 11.3 France 0.0 NA Japan 0.0 0.0 Sweden 4.4 0.7 Switzerland 0.0 0.0 Nation United States 10.9 10.4 (PWR = pressurized water reactor; BWR = boiling water reactor; NA = not applicable -- France had no BWRs included in the study) Source: Wilson, pp. 290-92. from the of data consistency Once 1.1. Table be drawn may not inferences reasonable incomparable; is assured, the relative impact of safety regulation upon plant performance in these nations will be clear. An investigation earlier consistent applied outage classification criteria to data from the Federal Republic of Germany and Upon States. United the reclassification, the rather surprising result was that German regulatory BWRs) exceeded compared an on conventions in footing. * , 3 equal will investigation analyze France, United the in those plants, (for all losses outage Sweden, and compare the practice of these nations United States. PWRs States, The and when present classification Switzerland and to that of the As indicated in the opening paragraph, the key difference among these nations is probably not reactor technology, but rather the responses of nuclear utilities and safety regulators to the complexities and problems of this technology. Thus, two avenues of inquiry (somewhat intertwined) are proposed: results for regulatory * Citing Hulkower's from all US and German plants: As stated: US 10.7% ; FRG 4.4% After reclassification: US 8.7% ; FRG 10.3%. 4 loss o the Examine nature of outage in classification France, Sweden, and Switzerland vis A vis that in the United States. Examine the relationships among the relevant actors o in safety nation's nuclear each regulatory system, i.e., utilities, regulators, central government, and public intervenors. The environment organizational study of outage is In classification. in the particular, the significant division of responsibility between utilities and their will regulators safety influence rationale the for outage classification in each nation. With an understanding in the conventions three of classification outage European nations, comparison may be made with US practices. process, a proper Through this the unique burden of safety regulation on US nuclear reactor performance will be revealed. 1.2 The Importance of Good Performance Nuclear matter of substantial power jargon costs, plant and performance statistics. monetary because of poor performance. and is not Indeed, otherwise, just there a are incurred The most tangible and immediate cost is the cost Aside from hydropower, nuclear of replacement power. are plants the for a expensive baseload units least utility to operate (note that the low expense partially explains are baseloading).4 the meet to available not When nuclear facilities be must power demand, obtained from higher cost plants, usually oil-, coal-, but monetary cost, less Another or gas-fired. just as real, immediate is that new plants will have to be built sooner if the performance of existing plants Conversely, as Wilson implies, 5 a worse than expected. substantial improvement in performance could forestall new plant construction. reserve margins is demand as Faced with narrowing increases are expected, many US utilities actually than faster keenly interested in any alternatives to building new plants. poor performance, primarily A potential cost of that is economic in nature, a great number of plant start-ups and shutdowns could hasten the deterioration This is not to say that plants of many plant systems. having such an operating history are unsafe, some safety margins cyclical stresses rather, is components that will on may the the be well be by the The surest effect, lives of affected plant. service narrowed although shortened; more frequent replacements will be required, thus raising maintenance costs. Furthermore, the entire plant's lifetime may be becomes mothballing abbreviated if alternative than continued operation a less expensive with extensive, ongoing component replacement. is cost of poor performance A non-monetary the increase in radiation exposure for utility maintenance A personnel. inspection or maintenance precautions safety by received Nonetheless, tasks are taken people the such fewer involve outages conducted within many Naturally, building. containment of significant number to radiological outages will dose the minimize performing the the work. less mean radiation exposure for utility maintenance staff. 1.3 Measuring Nuclear Power Plant Performance A variety of criteria are employed from nation to nation to gauge nuclear power plant performance around the world. classes: 1) These may load availability related. be factor broadly divided related, and into 2) two energy For this investigation, two such indices are important in representing the data of the four countries studied. The capacity factor (CF) is a common load-related criterion; the energy availability factor (EAF) is a criterion of the second type. are defined below: These NEG CF = -----------NER * PH (1.1) ; NEG (----- + EEDH) NER EAF = ------------------ ; (1.2) PH where CF = Capacity factor EAF = Energy availability factor EEDH = Equivalent economic derating hours: the total equivalent full power hours lost for economic reasons, e.g., load following, fuel conservation, coastdown to refueling NEG = Net electrical generation (MW) NER = Net electrical rating (MW) PH = Period hours: for annual CF or EAF, the number hours in a year (Any internally consistent set of units is acceptable.) In nations that baseload their nuclear reactors, the economic losses negligible or zero. (EEDH thirds France of nuclear fraction, nuclear is the some exception. supply electricity With this This policy Over two- comes from substantial load following must plants. are This is, in fact, true in most a notable French sources. 1.2) equation In this case, the CF and the EAF values are very close. nations; in nuclear be practiced with results in a 4.6 percentage point difference between CF and EAF in the performance statistics of France.6 For this investigation, the choice of performance indices for each nation is shown in Table 1.2 below. Performance Indices Used in the Study TABLE 1.2: Country Performance Index France Energy Availability Sweden Capacity Switzerland Capacity United States Capacity countries For capacity and the not the this parameter EAF thus (only required actually is most the expresses plant, whether is obtainable from the electricity demand. between EAF is the criterion of choice. implies, name energy that discrepancy energy availability is significant France in this study), As the where accurately to or meet assesses the capabilities of power plants, as it distinguishes true performance potential from economic and demand factors. the In external of effects countries where the two indices are substantially identical, the choice of statistics was made according to the availability and completeness of data. Throughout "regulatory country, the losses." this term availability loss, report, If refers references applied to to either are a made to particular capacity or When not according to Table 1.2. applied to a specific country, regulatory loss refers to the (negative) regulatory impact on performance, regardless of the means of measurement. 1.4 Outline of the Investigation Chapter of nature outages regulatory including purposes 2 outlines the of data, For particular. in comparison, international the US chapter this identifies the major causes of US regulatory loss and the plant systems affected by these losses. The next three chapters, 3, 4, and 5, discuss the results Switzerland, respectively, and industry each utility France, with regulatory and nature the officials Outlined for behavior of relevant to nuclear safety, safety regulators and utilities. and Sweden, representatives. are country organizations in interviews of principally Outage classification Finally, comparisons are drawn with is also analyzed. the US situation. Conclusions particular, US are presented regulatory in are outages according to European conventions. Chapter 6. In reclassified Recalculated values of US loss are then compared to the figures for other nations. and A summary discussion is given of regulatory organizational differences States and the European nations. between United Some recommendations for further work conclude the report. 10 the 2.0 Reulatory Impact on US Plant Performance 2.1 US Data -- The of portion Source and Method of Analysis source the of US data Operating for Plant study this Evaluation was a - 2 Code OPEC-2 is maintained by the S. M. (OPEC-2) database. Stoller Corporation for the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). commercial LWRs The database in the United States larger than 400 All events at these plants which cause outages or MWe. which are otherwise significant are 2.* all incorporates included in OPEC- The data used for this study were all those events (a total of 37,492) occurring in the decade 1975-1984. Central to the OPEC-2 database is the descriptive numerical coding for each event, hereafter referred to as the cause code. The cause code is a fifteen-digit cipher which describes each event with respect to the affected, plant hardware event (both physical safety system considerations. Appendix 8.1 together influences operation, A cause describe and code various each on miscellaneous list the particulars of and regulatory), showing the fully external is other supplied in coding levels which event. For this outages, significant events addition to *In include: major repair or maintenance, safety system actuation or failure, and any event contributing to the critical path of an outage. investigation, the database management software dBASE III by Ashton-Tate was used. Regqulatoy Outage Classification 2.2 As the database manager, the Stoller Corporation uses data from several organizations, including utilities, equipment vendors, and the NRC in generating OPEC-2. Among these sources, classification schemes consistency the database, in classification outages the is criteria in a in variety use. Stoller have some ensure applies uniform distingushing influence outage To from purely technical problems. utilities of on regulatory Thus, OPEC-2 while outage classification, Stoller has the last word. In the Cause Code List on page 110 of Section 8.1, Stoller lists the outage causes that it considers to be regulatory under the heading, "NRC Originated." Previous investigators had added some categories* also thought be to additions are 37,492 US selected regulatory preserved here. events 5,105 to from as grouping;7 this Out 1975-1984, regulatory of this the their total of investigation events for further analysis. *"Fuel Fuel Limits pages List. 103 and Core -- Safety Restrictions" and "BWR These are found on -MCPR, MAPLHGR." and 110, respectively, of the Cause Code The first major the determination of regulatory loss. step of this the most investigation was significant causes of Within the regulatory loss category, further subdivisions may be made according to the exact cause of the outage, as listed in Section 8.1. United States, safety limits regulatory of the outages technical are attributed specifications known as limiting conditions of operation required inspections or modifications, less frequently observed causes. In the (also (LCOs)), and to to to other These different types of regulatory outages may be distinguished by sorting the database according to the regulatory information contained in the cause code for each event. In provided, their addition OPEC-2 urgency. to the regulatory distinguishes The outages elementary "forced" and "scheduled."* classification according categories used to are For regulatory outages, the relative amounts of forced and scheduled outages serve as one indicator of the stringency or inflexibility of regulation. The various causes of regulatory outages are listed in descending order of significance in Table 2.1 for PWRs (excluding TMI) and Table 2.2 for BWRs on *In this work, forced outages are those that could not be postponed beyond the next weekend. Scheduled outages could be postponed beyond the weekend, but perhaps not until the next seasonal lowload period. This distinction is a simplification of that used by the OPEC-2 database. 13 pages 15 and 16 respectively.* The figures in each table are the average annual capacity factors lost due to regulation during 1975-1984 (in percent). Note that the majority of regulatory outages for both plant types (91.9% of attributed PWR to loss and the same 94.4% of BWR three causes: inspections, and modifications." loss) can be LCO violations, The nature of each of these major causes is now explored in more detail. *Data for PWRs are reported "excluding TMI," i.e., not including the lost capacity from the two Three Mile Island plants. This distinction removes the distortion of the data due to the prolonged shutdown at Outages at other plants brought these two plants. about by regulatory directives issued in response to the accident (e.g., "TMI modifications") remain as a part of these PWR statistics. category, "Combination" that the **Note or violations or LCO inspections comprising modifications in combination with a non-regulatory cause is included in these percentages. TABLE 2.1: Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for PWRs, excluding TMI (in percent) Classification by regulatory outage cause __ICapacit Outage Cause Loss (%) NRC-originated inspections 3.47 NRC-originated modifications 2.33 LCO violations 1.86 NRC licensing proceedings & hearings 0.61 Fuel and core safety restrictions 0.04 Combination 0.04 Unavailability of safety-related equipment 0.03 TOTAL 8.38% (Combination category comprises inspections or LCO violations or modifications in combination with a nonregulatory cause.) Source: OPEC-2 Database 15 TABLE 2.2: Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for BWRs (in percent) Classification by regulatory outage cause Outage Cause ___ Capacity Loss (%) NRC-originated modifications 4.45 Combination 2.86 NRC-originated inspections 1.61 LCO violations 0.86 Fuel and core safety restrictions 0.32 NRC licensing proceedings & hearings 0.16 BWR fuel limits, i.e., MCPR, MAPLHGR 0.08 Unavailability of safety-related equipment 0.02 10.36% TOTAL (Combination category comprises inspections or LCO violations or modifications in combination with a nonregulatory cause.) Source: OPEC-2 Database 16 2.2.1 Technical Specifications/LCO Violations The limiting conditions of operation one part of the technical specifications. implies, (LCOs) are As the name they are standing safety limits that plant operation. In the United States, govern the LCOs (and the rest of the technical specification, as well) are formulated by the utility with input from the equipment vendor. Prior to initial plant start-up, the NRC must approve the plant. Subsequently, technical specifications if an LCO is for the exceeded entire at any time, the plant is legally required to shut down. In such cases where an LCO causes an outage, the OPEC-2 database attributes the outage to regulation. 2.2.2 Inspections Inspections can be motivated ways: of by the NRC in two 1) through surveillance requirements, also part the technical specifications, which stipulate a certain inspection schedule for critical plant systems, and 2) through inspection/enforcement bulletins (IEBs), NRC orders requiring including inspections. these two types plants take action, often Note a key distinction between of Surveillance requirements plant, and to regulatory inspections. are standing rules for each are in effect from day to day. IEBs, in contrast, are ad hoc responses by the NRC to problems brought to its attention. Surveillance requirements in the United States sometimes stipulate that the surveillance interval is to be variable, depending on the number of defective components encountered. .As an example, suppose that a plant's pipe supports are inspected, and none are found defective. In this case, repeated for however, one year. the next the inspection might not be If one support is defective, inspection might occur in three months; if two are defective, monthly inspections might be required, and so forth. Modifications 2.2.3 In the OPEC-2 database, modifications ordered by the NRC are divided into two classes: 1) modifications due to a malfunction and deficiency, 2) restrictive criteria. categories have or a construction simplicity, lumped been design to due modifications For or more these two under together "modifications," since both embrace the same corrective for albeit measure, made in response are modifications different reasons. Some to IEBs, although the majority are due to other regulatory measures. Of particular 1975-1984 were Mile Island regulation. many the (TMI) interest during effects in 1979 of the upon the study period accident US nuclear In the two years following the inspections at Three safety accident, and modifications were motivated by 18 the NRC through IEBs and other means. were responsible for a substantial regulatory capacity loss in the years These measures portion of 1979 and the 1980. Though the data used are not sufficient to establish a causal link outages, between TMI many of the problems contributing and the entire required increase changes in addressed to the TMI accident. In fact, many measures implemented at the plants were referred to as "TMI modifications." 2.3 Plant Systems Most Affected by_Regulation Table 2.3 (for PWRs, excluding TMI) on page 20 and Table 2.4 (for BWRs) on page 21 present the plant systems responsible for regulatory losses in descending order of are the significance. average regulation Again, the figures annual capacity factors during 1975-1984 (in presented lost due percent). to Steam generators are the components with the most associated losses for containments PWRs, are while reactor significant for coolant both systems plant and types. These three plant systems account for 70.6% of PWR and 79.2% of BWR regulatory losses. Note also that economic losses are in the US statistics. indeed small No economic losses are observed for PWRs and they appear only in the twelfth rank for BWRs. This confirms the assertion made in the last chapter that the difference between capacity factor and 19 TABLE 2.3: Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for PWRs, excluding TMI (in percent) Classification by plant system Plant System Steam Generators Containment System Reactor Coolant System Condensate/Feedwater System Core Cooling, Safety Injection Fuel and Core Undefined Failure Refueling and Maintenance Structural/Intersystem Problems Turbine Chemical and Volume Control Reactor Trip System Electrical Systems Circulating/Service Water Auxiliary Systems Condenser Component Cooling Water Main Steam System Thermal Efficiency Losses Start-up, Operator Training Left Over Generator Utility Grid (Noneconomic) TOTAL Source: OPEC-2 Database _Caaity Loss 2.74 2.39 0.79 0.48 0.40 0.36 0.36 0.23 0.23 0.12 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 8.38% () TABLE 2.4: Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Source: Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for BWRs (in percent) Classification by plant system Plant System Capacity Loss Containment System Reactor Coolant System Fuel and Core Core Cooling, Safety Injection Undefined Failure Structural/Intersystem Problems Circulating/Service Water Electrical Systems Chemical and Volume Control Turbine Refueling and Maintenance Economic .Condenser Reactor Trip System Auxiliary Systems Start-up, Operator Training Condensate/Feedwater System Main Steam System 4.18 4.03 0.94 0.45 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 TOTAL 10.36% OPEC-2 Database 21 (W energy availability in the United States is negligible. 2.4 Conclusions This chapter has established two conclusions on the nature of US regulatory losses that will be important in the rest of this investigation: o The regulatory majority of US instruments loss are responsible LCOs of for the the technical specifications, inspections, and modifications. o The plant components contributing most significantly to US regulatory losses are steam generators, reactor coolant systems, and containments. These observations, in combination with additional information on the character of US regulatory outages, indicate an appropriate focus remainder of this investigation. classification strategies of practices the French, and of inquiry for the From here, the outage problem Swedish, management and Swiss nuclear industries may be compared with the US experience. 3.0 France 3.-Organizations Influencing..erformance and Safety In France, three safety of to the contributions organizations make significant industry. the nuclear First, the safety regulator is the Central Service for the Safety of Nuclear Installations the Ministry de Electricite national Third, of France utility the (IPSN) is Industry a part of Research. Second, (EdF) is the government-owned operates all nuclear which Protection and (SCSIN), and an independent Nuclear Safety Institute advisory body that provides expert technical support to both EdF and SCSIN. close working plants. relationship is maintained A very among the fulfill two three bodies. 3..1 aSfet..ty Regulaors The duties: nuclear SCSIN was created 1) to act as power, and 2) in 1973 the official state advocate of to ensure public and the natural environment. diagram is comprises directors, given in Figure three expert four divisions secretariat. to 3.1 on groups, the safety of the An organizational page 24.8 eight (not shown), SCSIN regional and a general Minister of Industry and International Trade The Protection and Nuclear Safety Institute The General Director of Industry Independent Technical Advice Regional Industry and Research Directors The Central Service for the Safety of Nuclear Installations E XPERT The Standing Group in Charge of Nuclear Reactors FIGURE 3.1: GROUPS The Standing Group in Charge of Installations Other Than Reactors The Standing Nuclear Section of the Central Commission of Pressure Equipment Organizational Structure of SCSIN Source: Reference 8. 3.1.2 Utilities Electricit6 de France, as utility, electric generates power. industries approximately The for the national electric remainder internal 90% is of France's generated by consumption. began on EdF's first PWR in 1969. some Construction As of 1985, 37,000 MWe of nuclear capacity were on line, amounting to 65% of France's electricity supply. EdF resources look to maintains within SCSIN a substantial base its organization, for technical and of technical thus does assistance. Since not EdF itself is responsible for plant construction as well as operation, it is in the best position to provide for the safety of the plant, literally from the ground up. Therefore, EdF maintains a very capable technical staff to oversee all aspects of safety, in both construction and operation. of technical At its headquarters, there is a group experts that strive to identify the underlying causes of current technical problems, and to recommend appropriate action. In addition, EdF maintains a direct technical liaison with the NRC in the United States, as well as with the regulatory bodies of other nations. EdF has access to a French database on worldwide nuclear plant outages, which is used to augment the substantial plant experience data from French plants. The OECD plant database and other resources are also available to EdF, such as those of the IAEA. Interestingly, EdF was its own regulator for the its of operation were reactors The plants existed. any before built EdF's authority constructed by a then operated by EdF. and analytical gas the high degree of trust Such a situation illustrates placed in regulatory were actually firm, and national engineering early The plants. earliest technical capacities, a positive and professional which today translates to relationship with SCSIN. EdF has nearly always enjoyed an excellent public commitment twofold Its image. to safety (France containment has won the utility much support. has had typically place to work, and of some attracting trouble cost electricity in Also important, EdF is considered a Western Europe.) prestigious lowest the cost and the the has company most no talented engineering graduates. So far, EdF has not been content to rest on its Its policies and practices have continued to laurels. stress and achieve safe, economical operation. of the French high plants, experience pursued degree EdF analysis. with input of has design much This from to standardization gain program operating, 26 Because from is among operating aggressively management, and and characteristics evaluation in helps problems of plant generating the next generation of design of the for guidelines Their personnel. construction plants. As observed, EdF is committed to economical Characteristically, EdF responds operating practices. to problems in a plant with a "temporary fix," a remedy that safely suffices until the next refueling outage, not necessarily a repair acceptable in the long term. In this way, technical resources may be brought to bear on the repairs comprehensive later may the with conjunction more the time-consuming, be conducted in outage, refueling annual and controlled, unhurried, Also, way. organized an in problem significantly increasing the availability factor. There are cases, of course, where the problem cannot wait until refueling, and interim measures are For the examples of valve replacement unsatisfactory. or steam generator leakage, the start of the outage may be able to be delayed a few days to a week, in order to coincide with electricity on, among other repair The demand period. other things, work the that such technical problems; hardware with a decision will historical problem and the season of the year. note or lower depend trend of the It is important to problems are considered the regulator is never blamed for 27 any resulting outage. This point will be elaborated later. The primary concern of most of EdF's policies is safety. As an example, consider the complete plant evaluation/inspection performed on each power station upon completion of its first year in service. This is the same comprehensive performed every elsewhere. ten inspection operating that years is in commonly France and EdF believes that no other nation's nuclear industry performs the same complete one-year evaluation. EdF that is Reactor safety maintains an independent the equivalent Safeguards committee often the of the (ACRS) in addresses safety committee Advisory Committee on the United current States. plant problems, same issues which the regulator, studying. An example of the The SCSIN, committee's is action occurred in response to a report of ruptured tube guide pins, first from one plant, then from a second. The problem was especially vexing, because the plants were of different analyzed the generations. failures EdF's safety and recommended to committee SCSIN that staggered replacement be accomplished during refueling. SCSIN accepted the committee's proposition. Another response to example of an problems caused 28 EdF by initiative the came in severe winter of 1986-1987. Several plants experienced instrumentation problems due to the cold weather. were not very disturbing to severe EdF in as These difficulties themselves, but they a possible indication were that the effects of a cold winter on its plants were not well understood. Accordingly, EdF instituted a comprehensive review of the impact of cold weather on many aspects of plant operation. not only the designed This action addressed instrumentation problems, to foresee and prevent but other was also malfunctions induced by extreme weather. To conclude this look at the nature of EdF, the utility's coherent outage philosophy is noted. management and safety Consistent with the emphasis on the technical nature of nuclear safety, EdF maintains excellent engineering organization. Also, resources when in technical its own problems cause plants to shut down, the outages are blamed on faulty equipment rather than on a capricious regulator or an unreasonably stringent specification. technology extends to the close, relationships with SCSIN and IPSN. these bodies, engineers non-technical bureaucrats Finally, despite SCSIN oversight capacities of do IPSN, cooperative In discussions with talking; lawyers do not play pivotal the checks and the This emphasis on the roles. and balances afforded by independent responsibility 29 and for technical plant safety rests foremost with the plant operator. policies have served both EdF and To date, these the nation quite well. 3.1.3 Technical Advisors The Protection (IPSN) is one of and nine Nuclear Safety institutes Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). within nuclear within industry, its its the French An organization chart is given in Figure 3.2 on page 31.9 responsibilities Institute IPSN has diverse mandate, major but for contributions the lie in research and development, reactor safety, and radiation protection. IPSN is the main technical support for the regulatory body, SCSIN, and also has daily contacts with EdF. IPSN was created by ministerial decree in November 1976 as a focus for CEA's efforts in radiation protection, nuclear safety, and safeguards. The organization serves the nuclear industry in particular, but also provides Ministries of Affairs and Environment. technical assistance to the Industry and Research, Health, Internal Decentralization, IPSN employs close to Transport, and 1500 people; its 1986 budget was approximately FF 1 billion.'0 IPSN advise is indeed well-qualified others in the field 30 of and equipped reactor safety. to Four General. Management IPSN Director Nuclear Safety Public Relations ----------------------------------- Services Office Deputy Director and Communication Director of o 'Research Health Protection Safety Analysis Safeguards Division Division Division I L II Technical Protection Safety Research Division Division Central Decommissioning Division FIGURE 3.2: Organizational Structure of IPSN Source: Reference 9. research and reactors facilities (including many experimental critical facilities and test and test loops) are utilized by IPSN in its research programs. More 300 than analysis technical studies for These Research. perform specialists Ministry the activities safety of Industry and provide detailed and sophisticated technical knowledge that is vital for the drafting and implementation of appropriate regulations. Nuclear safety regulation takes three different forms in France:1 ' o Ministerial orders and decrees o Technical specifications to ministerial support recommendations o Guidelines from component vendors IPSN is intimately involved in preparing both technical A part of specifications and vendor guidelines. technical specifications is referred to as the the Basic SCSIN prepares these rules based Safety Rules (RFS). on the outcome of research programs conducted by IPSN specialists. The vendor guidelines include the Design and Construction Rules SCSIN approval evaluates makes a by (RCC), the the prudency of recommendation which are submitted for plant the to 32 IPSN vendor. proposed standards SCSIN. The RCC, then and in are particular, They guidelines. prescriptive not allow plant-specific, innovative solutions, and permit plants to keep pace with technological change. EdF and IPSN are operators safety. reactor for responsible fundamentally plant that agree Accordingly, safety analysis is chiefly based on EdF's Operating experience data from studies and research. similar in useful safety addressing The high degree of plant standardization in questions. however, efforts, maintaining its valuable. data resource especially this France makes EdF's also is plants own do not research discourage program to IPSN from check and substantiate the utility's work. IPSN's Much of of scope its addresses work is truly PWR power research impressive. plants in Included in these efforts are research on particular. the behavior of structures and components, reliability and of probability failure factors human considerations. studies of area of interest gained additional the Three studies, Mile Island of in PWRs receives much attention. various behavior the IPSN test facilities This last significance after accident. the thermohydraulics special and analyses, Concerning two-phase risk transients Other research at the includes work on fuel (including conditions of major fuel damage), behavior of cesium and iodine aerosols under containment various containments. of venting filtered Finally, joint research IPSN and many between are underway programs the and conditions, Western nations, as well as the Soviet Union.12 Organizational Relationships in Practice 3.2 The chain of responsibility for reactor safety in EdF France begins with each plant's operating staff. as only then regulator closest the next a whole has by SCSIN, itself has competent people, technical access to the exhaustive also has The regulator. safety the followed oversight, and IPSN. resources of EdF and the individual plants, however, have the most detailed, plant-specific safety Hence, information. the technical opinion of EdF is believed and respected by the other bodies This industry. involved trust in French the professional, a facilitates nuclear constructive, and technical dialog among all parties. There are several examples of SCSIN finding fault with EdF's procedures and standards, but even in these cases, SCSIN is not considered to have caused any plant outages that may have resulted. This is largely because of the mutual respect felt by EdF and SCSIN for their respective promptly informs roles in the nuclear SCSIN any of industry. problems, and EdF readily takes the initiative in proposing solutions, preventing the necessity of regulatory 34 intervention. There are legal requirements for EdF to notify SCSIN immediately of unusual events at power plants; however, EdF appears to be voluntarily more forthright than required by law. After notification, EdF typically presents an informal proposal for remediation of the problem to SCSIN. action is opinions intended and to to encourage prepare the the way airing for This of all building a consensus. Differences of opinion between EdF and SCSIN are actually rather common. established between these conflicts. the A two joint committee organizations to is resolve This group performs its function well (and usually peacefully), as no stalemates or arguments remain over the agreements forged by this committee. As a result, EdF has never been seen by the public as challenging SCSIN's policies or procedures, or as being generally unruly, argumentative, and uncooperative. Thus, the participatory process of conflict resolution in a professional atmosphere minimizes any later dissent. An example of wrote a proposal this to process may be SCSIN requirements for independently reviewed safety it, revising system and some the cited. EdF surveillance testing. IPSN relatively minor differences of opinion surfaced among the three bodies. The collaborative committee was successful, however, in then was proposal The disagreement. the resolving accepted with minor amendments. and groups, advocacy citizens, Private governmental bodies have never intervened substantially in the individuals private action, either ever have EdF or SCSIN. motivated an of decisions and actions No SCSIN SCSIN is directly or indirectly. not legally required to act upon or even to acknowledge any the legislature, Committee. This Committee is usually occurs this and memoranda free than through rather calls there In response to the Parliamentary some were conditions regarding discussions to ask questions, such as telephone accident, supplied. power French at EdF, which was Some information was asked of plants. its by via informal means, formal hearings or investigations. Chernobyl no the Parliamentary Energy overseer in but been affairs EdF's of made inquiries protracted have There public. the from petition Parliament seemed satisfied, as no further action was taken. EdF and IPSN relationship. encompasses and IPSN's SCSIN. EdF The technical advice IPSN, scope have appear to of their discussions comment and When there is and also on sound communication reactor on EdF's a safety, proposals to a difference of opinion between SCSIN must choose between the recommendations, or create its own compromise. EdF and IPSN disagree fairly often in this process, so SCSIN's judgment is frequently necessary. One avenue through which the personnel of EdF and IPSN have extensive liaison engineer contact is through from IPSN who is the on-site present during the start-up of any plant. This liaison is available for technical does duties. support and not perform inspection The purpose of having the engineer on-site is to give IPSN a firsthand knowledge of activities at the site, not to analyze understand the plant considers IPSN deficiencies. the depth and for possible it important of the variety to technical problems facing EdF, as well as the utility's solution strategies. during There is, of course, much more happening start-up oversee; preparation all therefore, one activities person are can assigned In this way, the liaison can concentrate priorities. effort on than the most critical aspects of the start-up of start-up period. IPSN does conduct activities. Yet, its own analysis is EdF's it responsibility to recognize any difficulties and to report them promptly to IPSN so punctually. prepares that its analysis can be performed With input from the liaison engineer, IPSN a status report for SCSIN and an advisory paper for EdF. These official documents are preceded by much informal discussion amongst the three bodies. Thus, the content of the formal reports is no surprise to anyone, and rarely creates any controversy. Another example of EdF/IPSN cooperation includes a joint research effort extending plant licensing analyses to include beyond-design-basis accidents. 1979-1980, the In two organizations adopted the practice of routinely planning for these accidents. They view such collaborative research as important, not only for enhancing cooperation duplication of but effort. also for preventing In the same spirit, even the plant vendor Framatome joins EdF and CEA in dividing and coordinating the research agenda. 3.3_ -OutageReportina 3.3.1 and Classification General Principles and Exampmles France reports no regulatory reactors experience the same sorts those in the United States, but losses. French of difficulties as the French industry classifies these problems differently from US industry. There is, in France, no motivated by a regulator. such thing as an outage The various requirements of SCSIN are automatically assumed to be reasonable, just, and appropriate. When some component of equipment violates one of SCSIN's requirements, plant it is equipment the is that resulting outage, not the requirement. EdF representative, any for accountable held According to an labeling outages as regulatory is deemed "unwise," and is hence not practiced. Alternatively, human error can cause outages and is thus example, also cited by EdF tests required some cause. For delicate and as an outage are very sensitive, offering many opportunities for human error or misjudgment to cause a reactor trip. Any resulting outages are, however, attributed to human error, rather than to the set of regulations prescribing the testing. Another cause of outages reported by EdF pertains to of violations axial offset are These limits. treated as "administrative" limits; the plant operator manages the reactor so as to stay within them. are viewed by some in EdF as These regulatory causing outages, but these outages are never reported as such. 3.3.2 Technical_._Specifications/LCO Violations Technical specifications are written by EdF. most before cases, their their content formal is issuance. discussed Thus, In with SCSIN the final documents are no surprise to the regulator, and contain standards upon which all parties have agreed. SCSIN is free to ask questions or propose modifications to the specifications. Any such changes are effected in a joint EdF/SCSIN committee. The baselines for establishing were specifications technical modeled after the US reactor vendor, Westinghouse. built before the first French those of All French plants 1982 were constructed by Framatome (the French nuclear vendor), using what was substantially a Westinghouse Even design. today, French technical specifications are quite similar to those for US PWRs. EdF personnel were confident that the stringency of the two nations' specifications is most often comparable, with French standards more stringent in some areas. Technical specifications are implemented through EdF policies and observed by the plant operators. Each critical parameters indicative of the reactor's physical state. If an LCO operator monitors trends in the by less drastic means, the operator shuts down the plant. Many imminent appears violation and unavoidable times, however, the LCOs are never closely approached is because EdF observes a set of This in operation. operating specifications that are often more stringent than the LCOs specifications. in the technical EdF adopts these conservative policies in the interest of years. contained In order achieving plant lifetimes of to realize reliable operation 30-40 over this period of time, EdF believes that both operating and maintenance practices must be painstaking and exacting, erring only on the side of conservatism and prudency. One notable case may be cited of a disagreement between EdF and SCSIN over technical specifications. to the French border the implementation In a power plant quite close with the Federal Republic Germany, SCSIN ordered a shutdown before closely approached. location of but did outage was delay of any LCO was This was done due to the sensitive the plant. not of in EdF disagreed with the order, obeying considered a the directive. technical This specification violation, as SCSIN's judgment is never blamed for an outage. Thus, SCSIN merely acts to call attention to objective conditions in the plant. Such conditions, when evaluated using standards and criteria accepted by EdF and SCSIN, may necessitate a shutdown. 3.3.3 Inspections During regular plant operation, present. no inspector is Frequent plant visits are preferred instead, customarily two per month. The date of the inspection and the agenda for the visit are established in advance to ensure that the plant staff and other technical resources are available for discussions and analysis. Nearly all accomplished in particularly the appreciate the note that routine inspections conjunction annual with in France other refueling are outages, outage. To success of French inspection policies, the equivalent energy availability lost in 1986 due to routine inspections of French 900 MW PWRs was only 0.08%. (1975-1984) of For comparison, the average annual capacity loss due to "regulatory" inspections for US PWRs value so-called (excepting TMI) was 3.47%, over 43 times greater. One explanation for the discrepancy in inspection outages lies in the nature surveillance requirements. of the two nations' Unlike the United States, France does not have a variable surveillance interval that depends on the number of component malfunctions. Furthermore, France has inspection/enforcement apparently more analogous bulletins. formidable requirements, standards no lower. nothing Yet, set of US to the US despite an regulatory demanded in French plants are For example, recall that a comprehensive ten-year inspection is conducted in each French plant after only one year of operation. This inspection is conducted as a matter of policy by EdF; result of any regulatory directive. 42 it is not the 3.3.4 Modifications France did not make as many modifications in response to the TMI accident as did some other nations. Some modifications that were typical reactions to TMI in other countries had fortuitously been effected by France prior to the accident. implemented in France after For those changes the accident, a concerted effort was made by EdF and SCSIN to schedule the work during annual devotes refueling many outages. resources to In outage planned outages. Many of EdF planning scheduling, to minimize forced outages of general, and and extensions EdF's post-TMI modifications addressed human factors concerns in the control room. EdF representatives could not recall any post-TMI modifications that were too urgent to be delayed until refueling. There were a few plants where cracks were discovered in steam generator outlet piping, but this was With probably not TMI-motivated, certain time restrictions, devise its cases, the refueling. own schedule work for according to SCSIN allowed EdF remediation. necessitated EdF. shutdowns In to some prior to Nonetheless, the outage cause reported was pipe cracking rather than a regulatory order. It is likely that 1) the high degree of standardization among French electric plants, and utility, 2) EdF, the were 43 existence significant of only one reasons why SCSIN allowed EdF such scheduling repairs. discretion and Most any problem is freedom in likely to be generic in the plants, as all share the same types of components. Furthermore, EdF's standards and policies apply to all French plants; these standards are wellunderstood by SCSIN. 3.4 Comparisons with US Experience As noted in specifications, specifications the EdF more established LCOs. section observes a stringent than on set technical of the operating officially These company standards are adopted voluntarily, without regulatory pressure; EdF considers them one element of prudent engineering practice. This is not the case in the United States. Regarding inspectors at France inspections, the no plants, has variable no resident surveillance intervals, and nothing analogous to an IEB, unlike the United States. SCSIN, French between Yet, inspection the efforts of requirements are EdF similar and to EdF appears to compensate those in the United States. for the less demanding regulatory surveillance with its own policies. For comprehensive ten-year example, performing the inspection after only one year of operation is an EdF practice not seen in the United States. 44 SCSIN never forced a modification outage upon EdF. At most, SCSIN's requested changes were discussed with the utility, regulator's impositions and implemented satisfaction. have by Indeed, ever been made EdF no to regulatory in France; conflicts between the regulator and utility are always via technical technology discussions. frequently In plays a the resolved the United muted role States, in such dialogs, where legal concerns dominate the agenda. It is apparent that while French regulations are in some makes areas up the practices. stringent usually As observed, the EdF's considered if an with these that SCSIN standards, a than regulation policies Even EdF's intrusive difference than outages. beyond less technical US its statutes, voluntary are Thus more it responsible requirement should any safety frequently itself. are EdF consequent difficulty and is for reach outage is never a regulatory imposition. Four fundamental differences between the US and French nuclear industries should be borne in mind when making regulatory comparisons: o Plant age. Western average, French plants Europe) than are US (indeed, those in all of significantly plants. 45 Many younger, of the on most troublesome problems (steam generator leaks, for instance) worsen with age. o Plant standardization. With the tremendous degree of standardization observed in France, data from the detailed inspection of one plant may be statistically extrapolated to all specific features. be other generic. implies The the plants. that resources concentrated on these yet probably barring plant- Hence, detailed inspections may distributed among all standardization plants, most of every problem EdF difficulties widespread) Furthermore, rather may thus is be (relatively few, than on a host of local problems at each plant. o Utility diversity. are well-known EdF is a monolith. to SCSIN and to IPSN. Its policies Furthermore, these policies are applied consistently to all plants (this is turn). SCSIN partly facilitated by standardization, Thus, with a minimum of effort and inquiries, may be confident. of understanding problem at any plant will be attacked. not be in said of the NRC's position how any The same may in the United States. o Utility size. EdF's size is an asset in achieving and maintaining a high level of technical competence. In the United utilities States, with there varying 46 are sizes dozens and of nuclear technical capacities. Some small utilities do have excellent technical resources, but in general, small size and meager budgets are tough obstacles to establishing and maintaining high-caliber technical abilities. There remain significant differences between the industries of the two nations, however, plausibly explained instance, the by many the factors positive that are not above. characteristics For of the EdF/SCSIN relationship in France form a stark contrast with the nature of the typical utility/NRC relationship in the United professional, States. mutually In the respectful, oriented environment prevails. the atmosphere is French instead and industry, a technically In the United States, characterized by mistrust, litigation, and poor plant performance. The French utility, EdF, is technically excellent in its own right, independent of SCSIN or IPSN. The utility is treated as a technical peer of the regulator or IPSN. Because of this common level of competence, a permanent technical dialog exists among the three, one that evolves to address new issues as they Again, the US situation is sharply different. utilities have NRC is reactor arise. As many only mediocre technical abilities, the relied upon for the analysis and assurance of safety. technical The analysis NRC also functions houses under regulatory one roof. and In France, these roles are filled by separate organizations, SCSIN and IPSN respectively. Technical analysis is much nontechnical less factors likely when to the be two tainted functions by are separated. IPSN and SCSIN officials shared opinions of the US nuclear relation industry, to that utilities of and France. NRC Regarding alike, in utilities, several representatives perceived that the US utilities were generally more reticent than EdF to accept responsibility for the technical state of their plants. Additionally, utility management in the United States was thought to suffer from inadequate organization. Regarding outage reporting practices, one EdF official felt that stringent US utilities regulation readily for what technical problems in France. blamed would excessively be considered Addressing and avoiding such technical problems at the plants would be simply part and parcel of EdF's voluntary engineering practices. Concerning the NRC, EdF representatives perceived US regulation prescriptive. as "going It was prescription may convenient) when operated a wide by be too also recognized required dealing variety far," (or at with of or being that least nonstandard utilities. too greater be more plants Whatever technical expertise that does exist at nuclear plants, however, tradition is of rarely the sought by resident the NRC. inspector Lastly, at US the plants epitomizes the mistrust between regulator and utility, and points to the dearth of a professional relationship between them. 49 4.0 Sweden 4.1 Organizations Influencing Performance and Safety The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) is Sweden's nuclear safety regulatory authority, analogous to the NRC in the United States. Other administrative and are scientific bodies in Sweden responsible for related nuclear safety issues, namely:1 3 o National Institute of Radiation Protection Established by the Radiation works closely with SKI Protection (SSI). Act, to ensure safe conditions SSI at all nuclear facilities. o Conducts testing Swedish Plant Inspectorate (SA). of pressure vessels at nuclear installations. o National Board for Spent Nuclear Fuel (NAK). Oversees technical research and coordinates financing for the handling and disposal of spent fuel. o National Created by Environmental the Protection Environment Board Protection (SNV). Act, SNV monitors non-nuclear disturbances in the vicinity of nuclear facilities. o National Board of Occupational National Electrical Safety and Health, Inspectorate. These bodies exercise the same surveillance duties at nuclear and non-nuclear installations. In addition, each of the four municipalities having a nuclear power station nearby maintains a local committee. proposed safety These groups keep informed of current and nuclear regulations at committees also safety their and radiation respective perform power public protection plants. The information and emergency planning duties. 4.1.1 Safety Regulators The principal regulator, are functions nuclear of SKI, facility the safety licensing and oversight, the promotion of safety, and the supervision of handling and storage of fissionable nuclear SKI and the utilities both stress, however, material. that primary and direct responsibility for plant safety lies with the Supplementary technical and utility duties research communicating and of operating SKI include the coordinating development in nuclear nuclear safety plant. information safety to the public. An organization chart is given for SKI in Figure 4.1 on page 52. 1 4 government; The SKI Board is appointed by the the Director General serves as its chair. Reporting to the Board are the two technical Offices, I Reactor Safety Committee BOARD 'H Safeguards Committee I- DIRECTOR GENERAL I Information Secretariat Research Committee Office of Inspection Office of Regulation Barseback Safety Assessment Forsmark Nuclear Waste Oskarshamn Analysis Ringhals Research Department of Administration Nuclear Materials FIGURE 4.1: Organizational Structure of SKI Source: Reference 14. the Office of Inspection and the Office of Regulation, as well as the Administration and Information sections. The key functional distinction between the two offices is that the Office of Regulation is responsible for the text and Office these of specifications Inspection is regulations. of regulations, while the concerned with enforcement of The Inspection Office liaison inspector for each plant. assigns one This official is not an inspector in residence at the site (there are none); instead, frequent visits are made. Also indicated in the chart, three advisory committees are a part of SKI: 1 5 o The Reactor Safety Committee keeps informed of SKI's supervisory activities and provides technical advice on reactor safety and licensing matters. o The Safeguards Committee advises SKI on safeguarding nuclear material, including measures to combat theft and sabotage committed against a nuclear facility or a transport vehicle. o The Research Committee research projects proposes and and is available as evaluates an advisor to the Research Division. SKI power is financed utilities and with with monies funds from the allocated nuclear by the government. The total budget for budget year 1984/85 was SEK 25,000,000 (roughly $3 million at that time). An additional SEK 44,400,000 at that time) research.1 was (approximately $5 million allocated for nuclear safety s SKI currently professionals and has 25 about 85 supporting employees: personnel. 60 All employees work at a single location in Stockholm. 4.1.2 Utilities Sweden has plants: three owning nuclear power the state-owned Swedish State Power Board, and (at least Kraftgrupp AB, 1980, four utilities partly partly) private Sydkraft AB, in response utilities, and OKG to the Forsmarks Aktiebolag. Three Mile In Island accident, the four nuclear utilities formed the Nuclear Safety Board of the 1987, RKS merged Swedish Utilities with the (RKS). personnel As of training organization run by the utilities to form the Nuclear Training and the Safety Center utilities' safety (KSU), which today houses collaboration efforts and training programs. KSU both coordinates the in-house safety efforts of the individual utilities and conducts its own safety projects, utilities. drawing on the Much of KSU's combined 54 resources attention is of devoted the to managing the operating data from experience feedback program, domestic and whereby foreign plants are collected, analyzed, and disseminated in useful form to the nuclear provide utilities. each plant Experience with feedback a relevant set of aims to data on technical disturbances that can serve as an information resource in anticipating and addition, KSU and planning and investment the resolving utilities in problems. emphasize high In outage quality, high availability measures. In discussions with SKI, the safety regulator, and KSU, the utilities' own safety organization, both groups characterized the regulator/utility relationship as positive, technically oriented, and cooperative rather than adversarial. The two bodies seem jointly committed viable Sweden. the to a safe and nuclear industry in To this end, SKI takes pains to give utilities maximum regulatory possible actions, advance so notice that each plant of upcoming may schedule outages most efficiently. There was no instance of extreme that it forced a plant noted, however, (usually that refueling) plant had a regulatory order so to cold shutdown. start-up sometimes from been regulatory action (see next paragraph). 55 KSU a shutdown delayed by KSU was asked SKI how was stringency to likely of regulations, changes implement the in for example, modifications arising from revisions in computer seismic codes for KSU felt that the utilities would be allowed analysis. a reasonably long time (i.e., until the next refueling) within which to schedule with contrasts criteria, design seismic NRC's the the necessary the of handling in revisions This work. of issue were which sufficient cause for near-immediate shutdowns. In the opinion of KSU officials, the most extreme regulatory action taken by SKI occurred the upon discovery of cracked piping at the Ringhals 1 plant in August 1986. defect This was uncovered in week of the refueling outage. the last As a result, Ringhals 1 was down for four more weeks for inspection and welding work. SKI also issued a statement giving notice that all BWRs would be inspected within a short period of time. Another anecdote illustrates the usual outcome when there is a technical difference of opinion between In the Oskarshamn 3 and Forsmark 3 a utility and SKI. plants, the main steam isolation valves had been newly repaired. intervals Inspections of the valves were to occur at ranging from weekly to every three weeks. The respective utilities felt this inspection frequency to be unnecessarily conservative; they requested a change in inspection frequency, decreasing it to every four weeks. SKI did not permit this change. At other times, ring inspections in generators and requirements for auxiliary power supplies have elicited utility concerned utility/regulator disagreements. In expressed all these its dissent eventually protests occur in cases, complied politically to numerous with by utilities Sweden, in SKI's over as it be seen anxieties, can wishes. would be with very do not damaging SKI. (see p. 67), but Vehement regulation the industry's already tenuous at best. nuclear power discussions, safety arguing current moratorium in Sweden post-Chernobyl the With the as well as position is Thus, the precariousness of create a rather placid regulatory environment. The availability enabling more of sensitive new analysis monitoring or techniques more accurate modeling have not forced the regulator's hand, causing SKI to shut down plants until the new methods may be implemented. In reality, many developed voluntarily by This is, might work as one the new techniques utilities expect, are themselves. enthusiastically encouraged by SKI, but SKI has never forced new methods on a utility. With the foresight and initiative generally demonstrated by the utilities, SKI may never have had the opportunity to do so. Indeed, the Swedish utilities frequently lead SKI in recognizing and addressing technical problems. The individual plants do seem justified in maintaining (and SKI agrees) expert, that and that each primary with the operator. utilities Just as to be it is plant is safety its own technical responsibility lies There are strong incentives for the alert, unwise to competent, and cooperative. appear an adversary of SKI, likewise, the utilities cannot afford to let SKI lead them around, scolding and cajoling them, presenting the regulatory hoops through which the utilities must jump. One of the KSU staff utility/regulator observed relationship that the in typical Sweden was characterized by "more dialog than directives." Representatives of KSU were asked if there was ever any complaint from SKI of untimely notification of the regulatory authority regarding events No significant cases reporting routine operating information nuclear utility. is to be utilities' incorporated of followed in were recalled. The includes daily Sweden transmitted to SKI from each Any deviation from normal conditions reported; response in this at a plant. the requirements to most such governing the deviations are standard operating proced.ures of each that plant. SKI extreme does have measures the be authority taken to require (including plant shutdown), but as noted above, such extraordinary cases have not occurred. 4.3 Outage Reporting and Classification 4.3.1 General Principles and Examples Sweden reports Nationally, the figures about were few highest 12% regulatory regulatory for PWRs 1982, and 1983) and 4% for BWRs years had Reactor an insignificant technology is quite capacity (in the of similar loss years (in 1976).1 amount losses. 7 1975, All other these in losses. the United States and Sweden; one would expect the same technical problems in criteria for the two nations, but classifying the otherwise. Thus, regulatory or ascertain what does and perhaps resulting it does was not different outages as necessary to constitute a regulatory loss in Sweden. In a discussion indicated that preheater sections imposed loss. with required has This KSU, redesign been its of for most of the activity was the absence tasks of steam considered many large required by the a generator regulator- responsible high capacity losses in 1982 and 1983. given representatives for the One explanation losses was that regulator could be accomplished during the annual refueling outage. There is a cooperative effort between SKI and the utilities to work schedule time. nearly Such was the hydrodynamic load example a of Oskarshamn all regulatory case with I plant. due for Another outage A recent this modifications calculations regulatory during BWRs. occurred refueling at to the period was extended for replacement of the core grid when the grid support bolts cracked. Yet another case of a regulatory loss occurred at Ringhals 2 with a charging pump problem. Noting all representatives these offered examples, one a definition regulatory loss in Sweden. such losses arise difference of general of the KSU of a He proposed that nearly all from an unresolved technical opinion between SKI and a utility. If SKI insisted on its viewpoint in these situations, the utility was very likely to label any resulting outage as regulatory. statement, Most although of some those present preferred accepted this a more inclusive reason for definition. As mentioned above, one the infrequency of SKI-motivated losses is that much of the work that SKI might require is scheduled in conjunction with other outages, particularly refueling. maintain a "stop list" of pending Utilities repairs and preventive maintenance, which assigns priority to these tasks for unless the next forced or scheduled outage. required SKI's significantly extends work an forces outage, shutdown the the Thus, outage is or not considered regulatory. As an example of an outage not considered plant. year consider It has been operating at when cracks were found the Ringhals 80% power since in the steam 2 last generator The steam generators had already been scheduled tubes. for regulatory, (a derating, actually) in 1989, replacement interested in prolonging however, their so life the utility until was time. that The utility found (and SKI agreed) that by lowering the plant's power just 20%, pressure and temperature would drop such that crack growth essentially stopped. SKI probably would have prohibited operation if the cracks continued to grow, but it was essentially the utility's Thus, this derating was decision to derate the plant. not treated a as regulatory It imposition. was mentioned that, in the case of an SKI-ordered derating, the lower power level is adopted as a new baseline for calculating capacity losses. the in deratings data, so This practice masks these these must treated be independently when seeking regulatory losses. At was the found Ringhals to have 1 plant, some intergranular 61 four-inch stress piping corrosion cracking (IGSCC). regulatory This loss, but no might have resulted shutdown was in required. repairs were accomplished while operating. a The In the wake of this discovery, no other plants were forced down for inspection or testing. There are numerous cases in the United States where problems at one plant have prompted the NRC to call for inspections at others, often necessitating shutdowns. Next, the stringency of different facets of Swedish safety regulation will be evaluated: technical specifications, inspections, and modifications. 4.3.2 Technical Specifications/LCO Violations Swedish technical specifications are drafted by the utility, drawing upon the data the plant's approved by resolve vendor. SKI. The A significant official approval. and experience of specifications joint committee differences of is must be convened opinion prior to to In this way, there is much informal contact and negotiation between utility and regulator. These processes make the official specifications by questions interpretation of SKI very approval of straightforward. and understanding the Some may remain, but these are normally inconsequential for the plant's operation. 62 Swedish technical varieties. operation, There and are there specifications come specifications for is also a in two standard special set of specifications that apply during refueling outages. In addition, there are rules and procedures separate from either set of technical specifications that embodied in the Surveillance Test Book (STB). are The STB contains requirements that are more detailed and plantspecific than the technical specifications. Criteria for the performance of individual plant components are enumerated in this document. to the equal The STB is not ancillary technical specifications; weight and both documents carry standing. Like the technical specifications, the STB can be revised and reworked by a joint SKI/utility committee. conservatively are specifications Technical in practice. applied Utilities rather customarily monitor critical parameters of the reactor's operation to ensure LCOs. an that the plant remains safely within the If a trend in one of these parameters indicates impending LCO violation, the utility itself will shut the plant down if no lesser corrective action is effective. is already shutdown. Alternatively, SKI may see that the .plant in violation The latter is of the much interest) to remain and order less frequent, utilities view it as good practice best LCO as a the (and in their own within technical specifications and within the STB. of the strictures Such utility-motivated shutdowns are not classified as regulatory losses, whereas the rare SKI imposition is considered a regulatory loss. KSU representatives were asked specifications technical of if violations deterministic are clear-cut, events, or rather, if judgment and discretion are often in applied that some establishing negotiation responded not or there a of violation in when Usually, however, specifications. discussion, as whether over occurs down shut would plant They violations. is not much the specifications include restrictions on the time allowed until shutdown or repair that are observed without question. Technical analogous process changes be changed to the process of their which are then must be actually quite approved by the only participants proposed revisions public a initial hearings in Such Swedish the It is noteworthy discussion of utility, i.e., no the are SKI and the are held. SKI. especially in common, early years of a plant's operation. that via The utility desiring the change proposes a formation. new text may specifications citizens must go directly to the government with grievances; this avenue of dissent has not been used frequently. 64 Inspections 4.3.3 SKI does not plants. employ resident inspectors at the Creating such a position might be considered an anti-cooperative gesture by KSU; indeed, some KSU personnel saw such inspectors in the United States as a manifestation of the distrust between the NRC and the At the Forsmark plants in Sweden, the US utilities. SKI inspector visits about every two weeks. is customarily inspections are announced a in rarity. The visit advance; According surprise to KSU, a "continuous dialog" exists between each utility and its SKI inspector. SKI itself has daily contact with these inspectors. Plant components constantly evolving are inspected hierarchy of according emphasis. to a Those systems exhibiting the most problems will receive the greatest amount of scrutiny. It appears that the amount of surveillance and testing done in Sweden and the United States is commensurate, performing occasionally more. not the with Sweden The major difference is amount of testing and inspection, but rather how systems are selected for testing in each country. 4.3.4 Modifications KSU personnel required due to could recall no modifications construction or design deficiencies. 65 SKI has, however, issued more restrictive which required plant modifications. example of this action was in criteria The most notable response to the TMI accident in the United States. SKI devised an "action program" (with some input from the utilities) in certain comprising Ringhals 2 was actually conducting accident. SKI's the wake required the only TMI of the In backfits. PWR in refueling at operation; the time for three In weeks. 1979, it was of the extended the required modifications refueling outage incident addition, SKI added mandatory safety reporting requirements for all report analysis as-operated safety Periodically, an nuclear plants. would be as required, well as a comprehensive ten-year safety report after each decade of operation. A second although government, commission was study, which utilities, major SKI universities, collaborators. conduct completed This and study in from involved. the A a reactor safety 1980. The early SKI was came TMI also was assembled to was to reaction were one among component the of widespread discussions on the safety of nuclear power after TMI. Because of the attention now focused on the industry, the construction of the Forsmark plants 1, 2, and 3, Oskarshamn 3, and Ringhals 3 and 4 was delayed at least one year. In March 1980, shortly after the reactor safety study was released, a public referendum was held on the future of nuclear power in Sweden. People voted in favor of phasing out nuclear power completely by 2010. KSU representatives felt that the TMI primary motivator of the accident was the referendum and the major determinant of its outcome. 4.4 Comparisons with US .Experience The discrepancy in the amount of regulatory loss reported by Sweden and the United States is due almost entirely to the outage each nation. Some differences regulation; inspectors similar classification for exist in and nothing analogous technical requirements are differences appear, in the Swedish by of no resident to an IEB. However, specifications in place the means has Sweden instance, scheme used and inspection two nations. regulations are Where usually stricter, as with their conservative application of the LCOs. More information on technical specifications is given below. were most difference for Furthermore, the same technical problems troublesome is that when technical inspections), for both outages are specification Swedish countries. utilities 67 incurred violations hold the The key (whether or for hardware accountable, problem. the labeling the difficulty as a technical In the United States, it is the regulation or regulator outage. that Hence, is far considered more the cause regulatory of the outages are reported in US performance statistics than in those of Sweden. Comparing technical specifications in Sweden with those in Efforts that the United are made are in States, some differences Sweden to site-specific and create plant specifications plant-specific. specifications tend to be more generic. Swedish appear. specifications US For the early (drafted in 1973-1974), the baseline data was taken from US vendor information (i.e., from Westinghouse). Specifications used by ASEA-ATOM, the Swedish vendor of most later plants, are somewhat more States. In stringent than particular, BWR those in the specifications United are more demanding concerning water chemistry requirements. addition, Swedish technical specifications In stress functional requirements of plant systems, e.g., leakage rates, rather than prescriptive standards, e.g., specifications on pipe or vessel integrity. Representatives regulations Sweden. were This far of more observation KSU were voluminous must be certain that US than those of interpreted with care, because any difference in regulatory scope may be due to significant differences between utilities. technically On balance, competent, Swedish take Swedish and US utilities greater are more initiative with safety measures, and set higher internal standards than do US utilities. Hence, a less prescriptive and less intrusive set of regulations may be justified for more vigilant utilities, as those in Sweden appear to be. Unique among the European nations studied, Sweden did with report the sections. some regulatory redesign This was of loss. steam classified It was associated generator preheater as regulatory because there was an unresolved technical difference of opinion between SKI and the utilities over the shutdowns. 69 5.0 Switzerland 5.1 Organizations Influencing Performance and Safety 5.1.1 Safety Regulators The the nuclear safety regulator Swiss in Switzerland Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate within the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. is (HSK), Broadly, its responsibilities are nuclear safety and radiation protection. functions Similar to the NRC, performed by HSK the major technical are conducting safety analyses for proposed power plants, writing technical reviews, and performing surveillance and backfitting analyses for existing plants. Unlike the NRC, however, HSK This has no legal section. is so because HSK operates in a less politically charged environment. A separate section of the Office of Energy assumes legal responsibilities, permits. such as the ,granting of plant This section is also the legal advisor for HSK. The Office of grants general, three Energy different construction, in the permits and Federal government to nuclear plants: operating. HSK's responsibility includes any decision for a plant within the purview example, of when developed in one the of Swiss the three seismic 1979, all plants had 70 permits. risk charts As an were to be requalified. In particular, the anchoring of analyzed and required no modified change if in electrical panels was necessary. the operating This action permit, so HSK managed the recertification. Currently, HSK employs professional and supporting. a total of 54 people, The 1983 budget (latest figures available) was approximately SF 5 million. additional SF 10 million was research contracts. allocated for An external See Figure 5.1 on page 72 for a diagram of the structure of HSK.18 The Swiss Supervision quality. for Pressure Vessel (SVDB) has authority over pressure vessel The Corporation has conventional and nuclear divisions; resident Corporation the nuclear inspector is section works present at under HSK. the plants, only a part-time liaison who performs periodic checks. has been appointing some a support full-time from resident plant. 71 the government inspector No at There for each Personnel and Organization of Nuclear Installations Section I Secretarial Service Director Administrative Service Assistant Staff I Reactor Safety Division | - -Radiation Protection Division Accident Consequences Reactor Technology Section and Emergency Planning Section Systems and Electrical Engineering Section Plant Coordinators Radiological Surveillance Section Mechanical and Civil Engineering Section FIGURE 5.1: Organizational Structure of HSK Source: ~"'"~' ~'~'~'' "-c~ Radioactive Waste Management Section Reference 18. 5.1.2 Utilities The Swiss nuclear utilities staffs. but employ rather small The technical departments are small as well, highly dedicated and competent. Each plant maintains a skilled engineering staff on-site; there is no separate technical headquarters. There is much emphasis on hiring quality workers, whether engineers or laborers, phase. rate and on doing so early in the start-up This practice, in combination with a turnover of only dedicated a and few percent professional each staff year, creates thoroughly a familiar with the plant. The utilities emphasize quality and redundancy in the entire plant, in both the nuclear and balance of plant fractions. HSK supports this policy. The utilities feel that non-nuclear induced stresses on a plant (scrams caused by turbine trips, for example) are just as severe as many nuclear events, from a safety standpoint. events; Hence, quality pains assurance permeate the entire plant. are taken measures to and avoid such redundancy This is not tantamount to introducing greater complexity into the plants. On the contrary, utilities strive to keep simple the plants and transparent. While quality is a priority, the utilities manage the plants to maximize their availability according to: 73 Availability = F(Reliability, Maintenance) This equation is applied to safety equipment as well as The relation implies to the power production system. that quality high scheduled outage of amount This is time forced done up are outages to measures (reliability) adopted to requiring decrease the (maintenance) experienced. the point that the forced outage time saved equals the scheduled outage time invested. The mathematical relation is always tempered by safety considerations; reliability is felt be intimately to connected with safety. In planning outages, scheduled the utilities budget the time to prevent hurried maintenance. Efforts are made not to overwork the employees. This keeps the staff alert, and minimizes carelessness. reserved for unanticipated work during Also, time is the outage, which always seems to arise. 5.2 ..Organizational Relationshipsin Practice The professional staffs of both HSK and the utilities employ engineers and scientists exclusively. Thus, their discussions are than legally oriented. tough." always technically rather The dialog is "fair, open, and Even in the relatively small Swiss industry, considerable diversity exists. nuclear Out of the five nuclear utilities which own at least a share of a nuclear plant, a range of technical opinions is usually found. By national association reactor themselves, safety the utilities to discuss and have technical to. promote formed aspects excellence. a of Their differences of opinion are often lessened through these meetings. As the regulator, HSK adopts a more conservative position than most utilities, but the gap is rarely variety large. of possibly Swiss the Diversity nuclear is plant also found designs. two Beznau plants, no two in the Excepting of the five plants operating in Switzerland are markedly similar. Despite such diversity in both utilities and plant hardware, HSK refrains from drafting prescriptive requirements. oriented, instead Rather, HSK's standards are functionally requiring of a certain specifying the and systems. use level of of certain performance technologies Furthermore, HSK strives to be consistent in interacting with all the nation's utilities. HSK does not divide geographically or the industry otherwise, most of Since into regions, HSK's officials are well-acquainted with key personnel at each plant. Of course, the small size of the Swiss nuclear industry significantly reduces the partitioning or layering. need for administrative Such policies of HSK have created a peaceful and cooperative environment Switzerland. resolution for the nuclear industry Nevertheless, opportunities disagreements and of the for the amendment of requirements have been provided by policy and law. example, if a utility believes that a in For certain inspection requirement is no longer reasonable, it may propose and defend a new standard in meetings with HSK. The final decision on HSK's alone. such a proposal, however, is Even if the proposal is rejected by HSK, there remains exact timing Swiss utilities some of latitude any have outages for negotiation that availed may be on the required. themselves of this proposal and review process numerous times, often with success. This demonstrates that HSK and utility perceptions of safe and prudent industry practice are largely in agreement. Before passing judgment on a controversial issue, HSK is required to hear the arguments of the utility. If a utility is not satisfied with HSK's subsequent findings, it may appeal to the Federal government for another decision. None, however, have ever resorted to this avenue of redress. The harmonious professional relationship between the regulator and each utility is created and supported by their close and regular communication. 76 Each plant is required HSK. unusual Moreover, so immediately, events that HSK is report operating a monthly submit to are to reported be apprised of to the plants' Potentially dangerous conditions at plants condition. close to international borders also entail notification of other nations. Also meetings between HSK and discuss both general of the importance staff concerns are of and periodic each plant to plant-specific matters. Swiss The problems of response to plant escalating widely the experienced and costs extended construction periods serves as an excellent example of In Switzerland as around industry-wide collaboration. the world, there was great interest in containing plant capital costs and shortening construction times without compromising safety or availability. task force suppliers, authorities worked this end, of representatives comprising engineering To firms, on these and under sponsorship of the Federal Office of Energy. force met frequently from 1983 to 1986. plant regulatory the issues a the The task The final report* issued in January 1986 presented many promising recommendations for reducing costs and construction times, and for backfitting existing plants. *The report was entitled Proj ek tabwicklung . und (PQS), or bei _Kernkraftwerken Qualit.tssicherung for Nuclear Assurance Quality Pro jpect Management and Power Plants. Inspection practices same collaborative, are inspectors in Switzerland reflect the spirit. No HSK There are cooperative at resident plants. the designated liaison personnel for each plant within HSK, who periodic make procedures. of checks conditions plant and Unannounced inpections are permitted, but are unusual, as both parties prefer that the technical agenda for each inspection be established in advance. As state of utilities for the technical the plant, many inspections are conducted on responsible for its plant' is Each initiative. own their responsible are own safety; HSK primarily oversees the utilities and ensures that these responsibilities are carried out. If HSK were dissatisfied with the quality or extent of a plant's particular testing or inspection procedure, the regulator would require that the routine be repeated. In sensitive cases, such tests might be supervised or assisted by an HSK (or an HSK-appointed) expert. of In general, however, HSK does not keep abreast the many detailed questions requiring attention in each plant. Thus, it is the utilities that must be the first to recognize and address technical problems. Some specific examples batteries for regulator/utility At the Leibstadt plant for interactions may be given. instance, of powering emergency equipment were found to be defective; replacements were ordered. 78 Because these earthquakes batteries of were required a certain intensity, would not be easy to acquire. to withstand the replacements In fact, it would be one month before the equipment qualified for the task would Because the plant could not legally operate arrive. without such back-up power, the plant staff asked HSK for permission to operate using ordinary batteries (not earthquake-proven) for the 30 days until the new ones HSK arrived. this allowed modification of standard procedures. At the Leibstadt emergency heat installed, separate emergency core and G6sgen a special (SEHR) had system removal from cooling plants, the low standard pressure For (ECCS). system been these plants, permission was requested to perform maintenance on the The ECCS. disabling of the work would ECCS during the require temporary operation the the of plant. Ordinarily, such an action would be imprudent. Because of granted. the Some specifications the redundancy, however, minor were amendments was the technical These examples to required. request illustrate HSK's general flexibility in rulemaking and receptivity to utility requests. Conversely, utilities appear to have an open ear for regulatory system at proposals. Leibstadt, this In the case system was of the actually SEHR first Most agreed with HSK proposed by HSK to the utilities. that such a capability was a sound idea and should be As demonstrated above, such installed in their plants. by accompanied often are requirements extra compensating regulatory flexibility. A a of case construction considerable a a utility's the In delay. in resulted ultimately impasse This plant. and the Leibstadt problems with design utility concerned HSK between disagreement opinion, certain regulatory rules were, at first, not sufficiently explicit regarding standards of design and The review. procedures control also utility by was underway, to prior HSK observed document the questioned construction. construction Once requirements standards more explicit became led established in to some a 1973 and HSK's demanding; The redesign. safety design basis contract between Leibstadt the supplier was no longer adequate. new and The utility also objected that some equipment orders for the plant had been significantly delayed by HSK design reviews. In the utility's perspective, HSK was motivated to become more demanding by political external including some from neighboring nations. and discovered plant's design more detailed information and construction. pressures, HSK learned about The regulator the took with issue many characteristics, nonetheless the revealed newly thus causing the delay. attributed than rather of viewing the it as delay to design The utility political result a direct forces of HSK's actions. HSK's views on the are somewhat different. Leibstadt construction delay According to the regulators, the plant incorporated a new containment design which In addition, the design of had not been used before. the nuclear island was new, both to the supplier and to the regulator. The utility* began plant construction without awareness of the potential problems that these new designs could present. officials Regulatory objected that the utility did not allow them sufficient time to check the with construction. proposed design before proceeding As a result, HSK's standards were still evolving while the plant was being built. In addition to its relationship with utilities, HSK is affected by governmental actions and, to a more limited extent, by the public. their actions scrutinized by HSK officials can have a political proceeding. Hearings to gather information are fairly common. For these meetings, HSK staff may be required to testify or to supply written statements. Dismissals or other extreme or capricious actions, however, are very rare. (MPs) can request that HSK Members of Parliament provide answers to specific questions on plant safety. Some HSK staff members usually travel to Bern to assist the Energy Minister in answering the questions of the The government also controls HSK's budget. Parliament. This power has not been used as a tool of anti-nuclear sentiment, as has happened occasionally in the United In general, MPs say privately to-HSK that they States. favor more money for the regulatory As body. the regulatory budget has not been prominent on the public budget agenda, An discussed. have increases in increase not personnel been formally was recently requested by HSK, which it received. The Swiss public has one main avenue by which it may require HSK action. for especially radius of those a nuclear This people opportunity is intended within living a certain (including, incidentally, plant those German citizens close to a Swiss plant.) people may affecting accompanied contained by safety additional and in HSK of answers health their information Hence, require safety. the reports, permit is These to questions The technical application, usually adequate. safety analysis motivated by public hearings has not caused delays in plant construction or start-up. 5.3 Outage_ Reporting and Classification The Swiss industry reports no regulatory outages. Similar to the practice of France and Sweden, problems that arise, whether LCO violations or needed modifications, are classified as technical difficulties and never as regulatory outages. An illustration of outage reporting may be cited. At Leibstadt, there was a scram due to operator error. This caused a human error. short outage, which was attributed to Upon start-up, a safety relief valve and discharge line were found leaking. The leak was not an urgent Leibstadt chose to defer the repair. acceptable to HSK. An safety issue; This decision was inspection, however, was requested by HSK one week prior to the repair in order to identify the extent with this the of leak's precise the work wish, but location required. would have Leibstadt performed without a preliminary inspection. nor the additional inspection considered a regulatory loss. as technical issues for Neither time, gauge complied the repair the repair however, was Rather, they were viewed which the responsible, and classified accordingly. 83 and to utility was At the Leibstadt plant in 1986, was lost due to testing. the MSIV and the only 0.17 EFPH The tests conducted were of turbine inlet valve. At first, testing the turbine inlet valve required reducing the plant's power to 90%. loss, the Even with this relatively small utility was able still further in later tests. learning the plant's to reduce the lost This was accomplished by sensitivity to scrams, test by In subsequent turbine valve tests, the utility test. only needed ta lower power to about 98%. 1986, EFPH Leibstadt had only 1.66% For the year capacity lost due to forced outages. TechnicalSpecifications/LCO Violations 5.3.2 Swiss technical specifications, especially those developed for newer plants, in the United are very similar to those Swiss States. LCOs basically were derived from US values and remain quite similar to them Older today. specifications, while also using US vendor information as a baseline, are tailored to the designs individual of the earlier Swiss plants. Important differences in the regulation of old and new plants plants. arise This from greater feature has redundancy in lengthened the the newer inspection interval and the allowable inoperability time for many components. Swiss similar to stringency is difference that the the US Swiss also are requirements surveillance The rules. chief do requirements of not incorporate the variable surveillance interval found in the US documents. Both plant operators and regulators see some countervailing considerations that limit both and stringency of surveillance requirements. the scope First, there is the economic incentive to keep capacity due losses reasonably inspections to Second, low. inspection time is minimized to prevent plant employees the conducting radiation dose than is more receiving from checks absolutely of a Last, necessary. components are assigned strict inspection priorities to prevent the diversion technical of attention expertise from the most important systems. and Since the employees' time is a scarce resource, it must first be concentrated on the weakest and most vulnerable systems. HSK has very rarely asked for mid-cycle shutdowns for inspections. The few that have been ordered were to verify the adequacy of earlier repair work performed during the annual refueling outage. an outage occurred at the Mfihleberg 1986. An inspection of the recirculation piping was required. be replaced in the refueling outage 85 An example of such plant in stainless January steel This piping was to later that year; thus, the utility was likely not inclined to check the piping on its own initiative, in the of trouble. absence of signs HSK allowed the work to be scheduled at the utility's convenience. Officially, this inspection was motivated by a temporary change specifications; here, implementation of this was in the technical tantamount to the additional safety precautions. The inspection revealed intact; further corrective measures were necessary no that the earlier repairs were prior to pipe replacement. 5.3.4 Modifications When a new problem is discovered at a plant, the principle of governs the HSK has utility responsibility for responses of both HSK and the the legal right to shut the to problems, the utility strict time limits, demands it. is not unless Rather, the management a measured, careful stand behind in confidence. solution strategies, utilities. plant down, such extreme action has never occurred. formulate plant safety but In responding normally faced with situation's takes response the urgency time that they to can The utility's package of including its proposed modifications, is presented to HSK for discussion and approval. Utilities that take the initiative in presenting appropriate solutions are in 86 a better position to control the modifications required of their plants. By taking the lead in problem resolution, it is easier to the resist of introduction experimental unproven procedures and hardware or unnecessary complexity by a This is not to well-meaning but meddlesome regulator. On the contrary, much of say that HSK is meddlesome. the regulatory burden has been lifted from HSK by the competence and technical utilities' vigorous efforts toward trouble-free plants. actions HSK's and policies consistent are and If a problem harmonious with the utilities' behavior. is brought to its attention (by an event at a nuclear plant elsewhere in the world, for example), ask each HSK would utility to render an opinion explaining how development the foreign HSK and the utilities relevant is informed of keep nuclear events and research. carefully followed the its to plants. international For example, both groups international problems with stress corrosion cracking and reactor trip systems. The primary response to the TMI accident by HSK was the establishment of an independent internal study group to examine critically various TMI-related issues. In particular, problem of the study group hydrogen formation filtered containment and venting for was to address the the possibility of pressure relief. A group expert of outside specialists also HSK was of convened for consultation on these topics. Remarkably, outages no were experienced in There was, however, a Switzerland as a result of TMI. delay in the initial start-up of one plant after the No modifications or other delays related to accident. start of commercial TMI caused any outages after the operation. HSK required some modifications, similar to the new US requirements, operating plants for which Again, these changes were arose from the TMI accident. effected during the annual refueling outage, causing no further shutdowns or deratings. 5.4 Comparisons_ with US Experience comparing When US and Swiss the nuclear industries, one must keep in mind that the Swiss system is an order of magnitude smaller in terms of the number This difference in scale accounts for many of plants. For example, it disparities between the two nations. is much treatment easier of the HSK for Swiss utilities likewise in the United States. regions of the NRC may consistent to be than for the NRC in to its do The five administrative encourage the same close relationship between regulator and utility as exists in a smaller system. could lead to This division of interregional the NRC, however, inconsistencies which confound the uniform implementation of regulation on a national scale. it industry, certain Also is critical because of infeasible test for procedures the size the NRC the US of to oversee at plants. HSK is able to send support personnel or an expert consultant if requested for especially sensitive work. Despite these differences in size, the Swiss and US industries nuclear share the characteristic of HSK is able to having a wide variety of plant designs. respond effectively to this diversity with functionally oriented regulations; NRC requirements, in contrast, are generally far more prescriptive. Swiss LCOs were modeled after those in the United States; they remain substantially similar today. Like considers the and France Sweden, Switzerland Thus, observation of the LCOs merely good practice. violations are technical problems in Switzerland, not regulatory outages as in the United States. Inspection requirements in Switzerland include no provision for a variable resident inspectors, or IEBs. surveillance interval, Furthermore, where the redundancy of safety systems exceeds that in the United States, longer times of inoperability are permitted in Switzerland. Perhaps as a result, very few mid-cycle inspections have ever been required. 89 Modifications in Switzerland (including those for were TMI) outages. of a accomplished without incurring any forced This contrasts sharply with the US experience substantial number of forced outages modifications, especially in the wake of TMI. 90 for 6.0 Conclusion 6.1 Data Reclassification and Conclusions In the differences practices final last in were revealed the European outage data will be outage significant classification and discussed. central Now, question be put to the test. investigation will US chapters, European and US chapter, about three in the of this Knowing more classification conventions, reclassified according to the European This adjustment will yield a more accurate standards. picture of the burden of US regulation relative to that in the other nations studied. As expected, because of highly similar technologies, the plant systems most troublesome in the United States were also those causing the most outages in Europe. More importantly, the same "regulatory" constructs and practices observed in the United States (e.g., technical specifications, surveillance requirements, and required modifications) were in place Furthermore, the stringency of in Europe. European requirements however, between the and and The difference, is comparable. US the US European systems is fourfold: 1) In the European operating standards nations studied, the voluntary of the utilities and practices at apparently are least Thus, a shutdown may regulations in those nations. be a plant when required established limits limits those by imposed operating these exceeds before practice, industrial by safety as stringent as regulation external are reached. The European nations consider capacity lost due to 2) operating limits as a forced outage, rather than as a regulatory outage, as in the United States. US, In the 3) losses imposes safety regulation on utilities, through forced outages in particular, in a manner in which European regulation does not. 4) Frequent discussions and interactions occur between and utilities between place takes in regulators characterized by professionalism regulator/utility relationship or litigious antagonistic and people technical and has atmosphere dialog This Europe. The respect. none seen is of the in the a key United States. The third point above highlights distinction that must be made here between regulatory behavior, on the one hand, and outage classification on the other. of all Regarding scheduled outages, the regulators four nations resulting in in the study have scheduled outages. Only issued orders the United in (and Sweden, to a much lesser extent), States outages these have classified been actually however, as Thus, largely similar regulatory behavior regulatory.* has met with distinct on both sides of the Atlantic** classification methodologies for resulting outages. In reclassifying the US regulatory outage data, scheduled outages will totals to be make from subtracted the the regulatory conform data closely more loss to European conventions. For forced outages, the picture is different. This investigation found no evidence that the European utilities studied had ever been faced with a regulatory order requiring a forced outage. the reason why no reported in France forced This may indeed be regulatory outages are or Switzerland, and only a few in *Sweden's regulatory losses, as noted in the technical of a result as come chapter, fourth differences of opinion between the regulator and a are not losses scheduled The Swedish utility. and readily as quite regulatory as classified In arbitrarily as are some US scheduled losses. Sweden, a bona fide disagreement must exist; in the (an IEB, for any regulatory order United States, example) regardless of utility opinion, may cause a regulatory outage. not is nations among **Regulatory behavior completely comparable for scheduled outages, although less international variation is observed 'than for The NRC often stipulates a shorter forced outages. time horizon for outage planning than do Europe's Refer to the discussion following Tables regulators. 6.1 and 6.2 for further information. 93 Again, in contrast, the United States reports Sweden.* a the Here, outage in differences transatlantic outages. forced regulatory of amount substantial classification may be indicative of true disparities in regulatory behavior. how the The data do not show conclusively would European utilities respond In particular, negotiable demand for a forced outage. it how unclear is resulting any a non- to outage would be will be classified. assumed the that uncertainties, these of Because US outages forced it from result regulatory actions that are not observed in the three European nations. recasting in Thus, the US data, forced outages alone will be treated as unique and bona fide of sources regulatory loss. In reclassification will observe this rule. the regulatory particular, the loss unique to the general, the Namely, only United States (in forced outage component of regulatory loss) will be included in the reclassification. A different rule will be used for LCO violations and outages due to the unavailability of safety-related equipment. For these, neither scheduled nor forced *Concerted efforts are made by the regulator and utilities in Sweden to schedule needed repairs at a This policy is time that is best for the utility. apparently successful in achieving far more scheduled Many of the extensive than forced regulatory outages. discussions between SKI and the utilities would be preempted by forced outages. 94 outages will be included in the reclassification. is because the three European nations, This without exception, treat safety readiness and the observance of LCOs as an integral part of industry practice, rather than as burdensome impositions by the regulator. The reclassified US data appear in Table 6.1 (for PWRs, excluding TMI) and Table 6.2 96 and 97, respectively. These (for BWRs) on pages include the original data presented in Tables 2.1 and 2.2, respectively, for comparison. reflected The downward revisions discussed above are in the reclassified data. Note that the scheduled outage component is also subtracted from the lesser outage categories -- licensing, safety restrictions, BWR fuel limits. fuel and core These causes of regulatory loss were not addressed in this study due to their small effect. It is assumed, however, that as with the major outage causes, only the forced outages are unique to the United States. Therefore, only this component is included. From Tables 6.1 and 6.2, it can be concluded that international differences in safety regulation are not the primary between source the the United States studied. The loss comparable are studied, of from and the European recalculated Table to 1.1. performance totals losses The for US in other data difference countries regulatory countries represent an TABLE 6.1: Reclassified Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for PWRs, excluding TMI (in percent) Classification by regulatory outage cause Outage Cause Capacit y Loss (%) (as originally (as stated) reclassified) NRC-originated inspections 3.47 1.15 NRC-originated modifications 2.33 0.63 LCO violations 1.86 0.0 NRC licensing proceedings & hearings 0.61 0.24 Fuel and core safety restrictions 0.04 0.02 Combination 0.04 0.02 Unavailability of safety-related equipment 0.03 0.0 TOTAL 8.38% 2.06% (Combination category comprises inspections or LCO violations or modifications in combination with a nonregulatory cause.) Source: OPEC-2 Database TABLE 6.2: Reclassified Average Annual US Regulatory Capacity Loss, 1975-1984, for BWRs (in percent) Classification by regulatory outage cause Outage Cause (as originally stated) Loss () .Capacity (as reclassified) NRC-originated modifications 4.45 0.41 Combination 2.86 0.25 NRC-originated inspections 1.61 0.53 LCO violations 0.86 0.0 Fuel and core safety restrictions 0.32 0.31 NRC licensing proceedings & hearings 0.16 0.03 BWR fuel limits, i.e., MCPR, MAPLHGR 0.08 0.05 Unavailability of safety-related equipment 0.02 0.0 TOTAL 10.36% 1.58% (Combination category comprises inspections or LCO violations or modifications in combination with a nonregulatory cause.) Source: OPEC-2 Database estimate of interpreted US in regulatory light of losses, and two caveats the should be discussed below. By excluding reclassified data, all scheduled the amount regulatory loss is understated. losses of bona in the fide US Some of the scheduled losses arise from impositions by the NRC that would not occur in the other nations studied. are not still, as urgent as US utilities those are These impositions eliciting forced outages; not given the freedom schedule their work optimally in these cases. data available in the OPEC-2 database discriminate between short-term days ahead of time) and The US do not usually scheduling long-term to (e.g., scheduling ten (e.g., during the annual refueling outage, perhaps ten months away). Without such a distinction in the US data, it is not possible to more closely observe the European outage classification conventions. A second, the and reclassified US countervailing data should qualification also be remembered. The retention of all forced outages in Tables 6.1 6.2 results losses. in an overstatement of for US and regulatory It is improbable that the European utilities would respond with a regulatory classification for all forced outages. Their propensity to take technical responsibility for the plant would likely lead them to believe that some of the forced outages are recommended by good engineering practice. No source and of the further the conclusions may be drawn about performance discrepancy between United States. Some the Europe generalizations about European utilities' attitudes and behavior may be made, however. European utilities are clearly responsible for: o Maintaining a competent in-house technical capability o Proper systematic monitoring and management of plant operation to anticipate and prevent problems o Taking the initiative in proposing plans of action to the regulators as problems do arise o Encouraging a detailed understanding of the operation and characteristics of individual plants o Advancing the development and adoption of improved safety systems at their plants. The cornerstone of the European approach to nuclear safety is that plant safety is first and foremost the responsibility of each utility. This tenet explains much of the Europeans' regulatory policy and industry practice. 99 Accordingly, European utilities leadership and demonstrate a high exercise level of technical competence in anticipating, recognizing, and preventing technical problems. standards, Despite difficulties the with utilities' the plant do exacting surface occasionally, in Europe as in the United States. such problems When arise, European utilities take vigorous initiatives in formulating solutions, cooperating with the safety regulators in a collaborative, constructive, and technical dialog. As with practices of US US investigation, plant performance utilities however, it vary is levels, the From this widely. apparent that many US utilities do not embrace the same practices, policies, and attitudes as do European utilities. At the same time, one must recognize the structural disincentives existing in the United States positive behavior. forces which discourage more Economic, regulatory, and political external to the utility all contribute negatively to the environment of the nuclear industry. Nonetheless, utilities it could industry, and some is elements clear benefit the of from study themselves, public by the this judiciously style counterparts. 100 of the that US nuclear assimilating their European Further Work 6.2 This investigation demonstrated that the plant performance differential between Europe and the United States arises regulation. from As sources other indicated by some of than the safety descriptive passages in this report, a logical next step would be an international practices. determine Differences if they discrepancy. many At aspects correlate comparison of utility here explain should the management performance policies be with and probed to performance observed in-depth best, an utility good of investigation might attempt certain of to management styles and policies. As a second layer of complexity, further studies could bring other consideration. organizations and influences into For example, attention could be focused on the effects of the legal environment in which the US industry operates, and the influence of organized public opposition in the form of intervenor groups. Also of economic interest regulation on are the influences complex performance. Here, topics worth examining include economic to good operating performance, budget the effects restrictions on of plant of specific disincentives capital and quality and performance, and the sometimes contradictory objectives of economic and safety regulation. 101 7.0 References IK. F. Hansen and D. K. Winje, Dispgrities in Nuclear Power Plant Performance in the United States and the Federal.. Reublic of Germany (Cambridge, MA: MIT-EL 84-018, 1984). 2 Christopher T. Wilson, A Numerical Comparison of International Light Water Reactor Performance 1975-1984 (Cambridge, MA: MIT-EL 86-007, 1986), pp. 290-92. 3 Seth David Hulkower, The Effects of Regulation on the Performance of Nuclear Power in the United States and The Federal Republic of Germany (Cambridge, MA: MIT-EL 86-008, 1986), p. 75. 4 Ibid., 5 Wilson, p. 2. p. 18. 6Ibid., p. 37. 7 Hulkower, pp. 17-18. 8 E. Beckjord,; International Comparison of LWR Performance (Cambridge, MA: MIT-EL 87-004, 1987); p. 3-29. 9 Comissariat (CEA); The g l'Energie Atomique Safety Institute IPSN Protection and Nuclear (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France: CEA); p. 18. '0 Ibid., p. 2. 'iIbid., p. 3. 12Ibid., pp. 4-5. 13Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI), A Presentation of Our Activities (Stockholm: SKI), p. 15. 14Ibid., pp. 4-5. 5 sIbid., p. 3. 16Ibid. 17Wilson, pp. 293, 295. 1eSwiss Federal Department of Transportation, Nlear ederal~....... Swiss ...... F... and. Energy; Communications, _Organization Tasks__and _(SK),__ Safety Insectorate (Wurenlingen, Switzerland: HSK, 1984); p. 5. 102 Revision 10 IDate - 4/84Q OPEC II CAUSE CODES :)IOPEC II C'AUSE CODES, (Cont.) First Level Secorl Level Thiull Level Third Level 6. 7. Notes I. Code check valves "I" in the Third Level. S. First Level Second Level 01 Undelined Failure 02 Fuel and Core 0) 19 I - Miscella-eous Miceallaneous fuel (such as PWIt preconditioning) I. 6 - Core/luel problems I)lrnahle poison problems (e.g., IPRA vibration BrAW 2. -1973) Fuel failhres/lRCS activity (PWR) 3. Foreign oblict 4. 3. IIWIR l'CIOM (Event No. mnust fAllow event tillis is asoci.Ited willth 7 - Operational Restrictinn Poison curtalin clhanges (I)WR) t. Control rod repatch (PWR esp. tB&W) 6. Restrictions 8 - Mechanical Increase core DI)/P (NHOH addition) I. 9 (crud accumulation) Poison curtain vibrations (1WR-VYPII-1973-191) 2. 191)-1976) LPRM vibrations (IWR-9 3. Fuel failure - offgas limits ( Wi) 4. Fuel deislfications 5. 10 Control Rod Guide Trube nut (RlW 1981) 6. 10 Control Rod (;uide Tube (CE 1977) 7, 9 - Safety Restrictions soak) fuel (includes changes rod OWR control 2. ECCS peaking factor (PWR) 3. 4. EOL scram reactlvity/rod worth restrictions (includes shutdown margin) Core tilt/Xenon restriction (out of Ilux band) 3. BWR thermal limlits (includes "rod limited") 6. Thermal power restriction 7. Reactivity coellicient (e.g., mod.temp. coell.) 8. Reactor Coolant System 2 - Pumps Reactor conlant/recirc pumps and motors (except motor 2. oil cooler-036)) 3 Piping/Tanks 2. Auxiliary piping (I-inch or less, vents.,drains) Main process piping (include IIPI nozzle/sale end crack 1. - l&W 1982 and :1i'l thernal sleeve crack) 8. Flanges, ,nanways, littings 5. Supports, solcbbers 'a - Valves 9. 2. 1. Strainers, filters Core spray piping - IGSCC (no sale-end problemns-03)9/other Io .zlc prohlemls-0 371) Rrrirc valve bypass piping (I1WR beginning in 1974 I(;SCC) Sale.end problem (1WR - IGSCC) 3. 9. IAuxiliary piping valves On-oil valves (stop, stop-check, isolation,) Control valves Relief valves (excluding primary system relief valves) Main steam isolation valve (BWR) (lor PWR MSIV-98t46) Primary system relief valves (PWR; 3WR main steam) RV, SRV, ARV. PORV, 0PS Pressurizer spray valves Recirc. flow control 2. Flw S. i. 6. 7. S - Instmusents A Contlrols Irnperathre (I WRI-tnalln steamlhigh teanperatllre) 4 Pressure & Overpressiure protection system (O15) Level Nulear (ex-core detectors) (in-core/es-core calibrations) In-core detectors (TIP, LPRM, APRM, APDM, all IRWR muclear monitors) (no RM, LPRM vibration)l S. Loose part monitorluiclear noise systemos/RllS (B& W) 9. Integrated control system (ICS) (IlE W) 6 - Ileat ExchangersFanls 2. Control rod drive cooling lain and heat exchanger 3. Reactor coolant lpuinp .motor-oil cooler . I. 5. 6. 7. 7 - Reactor Vessel ' Internals I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R. 9. 3 - Control tod 2. ). to. 6. 7. .9. Other (including CSS Sparger) 10 Flanges/Seal Ring Vessel nozzles (excluli0ng sale-end problesm - 03)9) ther,nal stress (see also 01I - IWR CRl norzles) Internals (e.g., holddown spring - CEI thermal shieldW) leedwater spargers (IWRs - 1972-1976) let purips ( ITR-)3 191)-1915) Sperimnen holders S IT (IRAW 1976) Control rod guIde tllhbe pin (Westinghouse 1982) 10 Control rod nozzles thermnal stress (WR WI see also 9373) 10 A\seimblies Motor drives/magletic jack drives (PWR) llydraulic drive (IWR) Scrami mechanism * RWR accumulator & pilot valve # A FWS IC (see also I293) Control roxIs (IIWR -1971- 1974 inverted CR: cracking) MI.Gsts/ logic/rela.ys/power supply/seqiuence cotroller I Control rod positiin ind.icatiosn '- ' ~ I' ~'" ' *. ~..'..L' CII-~- _I L . -l -CII1 - -~ ~--UI. --- - C.L-II I_ _ .- I-- I-i-. -I_~-~UJILII L Cll C l II -- OPEC II CAUSE COlES, (Cont.) OPEC II CAUSE COI)ES. (Cont.) First Level 04 05 Second Level Third Level 9 - Water Quality/Chemistry RCS chemistry 2. RCS chenical clean 3. 4. RCS boron concentration Steam Generators ) - lPiing 5G nozzle problern 1979 - see 9'739) Auxiliary piping (l-inch or less, vents, drains) 2. U. Flanges rnanways, littings, handholes Snubher s/Suppor ts 5. #6- Valves (except blowdown system valves) Auxiliary piping valves 2. 3. Off-on valves 4. Control valves 5. Relief va!ves S- Instruments and Controls 4. Presscare 5. Level 3. Loose Parts Monitor 6 - Bllowdown System 2. Supports 3. Piping 4. Valves I. Instruments & controls for blowdown system 7 - Steam Generator Tubes 2. Caustic attack 3. thinning 4. Denting (eddy cuorreot testing & tube support plate deterioration) 8 - Other Components 2. Spargers 3. Clad separation I. Moisture separatori/moisture carryover 6. Internal tube supports (excluding denting problem) 7. Clad prohlemns (other than separation) 9 - Chemistry Modifications 2. Chemistry changeover (AYT-phosphate changeover) 3. Sludge lancing 4. Circulation nodiclications 5. Chemical rleanimg 6. Boric acid soak Cemicnlal & Volsme Control Systemn/RX Water Cleanp System 2 - Pumps 1. Charging (l s W Ma;keuq Water 'umpus) Roric 4cid I rainsler Plump 1 - P'ipig/T miks 2. Au illiry piping, tI. Mlain p ecsf f piltPl, la,7.-*s, ftinll- . 5. First Level Second Level Third Level 6. 7. . Strainers, filters tank (IllT, hAT or BAST, VCT) I)WST, Primary Water Makeup Tank 2. 3. 4. Auxiliary pipinK valves On-ofl valves Contral valves 5. Relief valves 11- Valves 5 - Instrumentation & Controls 2. Flow Temperature (mcluding heat tracing circuits) 3. 4. Pressure 5. Level 6. Chemistry ioration 7. 6 - leat Exchangers Regenerative 2. Nonregenerative 3. Excess letdown 4. RCP seal return 1. 7 - Chemical Processing Equipment Evaporatorlconcentra tor 2. Gas stripper 1. I)emineralizers (BWR - makeup system)Xsee 071) 4. 9 - Chemistry 2. 3. 06 Boron concentration Boron straltlication in tank Condenser 3 - Pipes - Valves 4 5 - Conlenser Vacuum ltC 7 - Tlbe 8 - Loss of Vacnn and Back Pressure Limits (see 1674) 9 - Components Shell/casing 2. Air ejector 3. Waterbox (e.g., fouling see also 1674) 4. 5. Ballies Stakitg (Palisades, PR-2) 6. QI Condeiiate/Fre(dwa er_/Auxillary Feedwater/Mak eup Water Sys tems 2 - I'manps A P oump lrives (elaborate in comminents) 2. Feedwater (I:W) 3. Cotmensate/booster pumps 4. Ileater drain C:enicaln.ile.innera liter S. Other 6. 7. Ausiliary feecldwater I - l'iliaK/ I .ank _~ I Ir I * )I _~~. OPEC It CAUSE CODES, (Cont.) First Level Second Level Third Level 4 5 6 7 9 0 First Level 2. 3. Auxiliary piping Main process piping is. Flanges, littings 5. 6. Supports, snubbhhers Strainers, fIlters Extraction steamo system/heater drains/HDT De-mineralizer system FW&S nozzlesI safety portion of FW piping (INEE Rulletin 79-13) 8. 9. 3PEC II CAUSE CODES, (Cont.) Main Steam Sstem 3-7lipin T.Tnks Auxiliary piping 2. Maii, Process piping 3. Flanges, fittings Supports, snolbbers Strainers, filters 6. ' - Valves 2. Auxiliary piplg valves On-ofil 3. 4. Control 5. Reliel (SRV & steam dump valve for PWRs) (MSRV for IWRl-0447) Mais stealn isolation valves (PWR) and reverse checks (WSIV for IhiWsI-O)'036) Main te;ain byp ass (to condeinser) * IIWR dumllp to c:omIdlellser hot well Third Level 5- lnstrolamellts & Controls 2. Flow 1. Temperature 1. Pressure 5. Level 6. Moisture separator reheater 7. Steam bypais/steaim dump 7 - Moistlre Separator/Reheater ( UR) 2. Drains/carryover/water level control problems 1. Tubesltube support problems (includin K tube leaks) I. M\Sl relief valve problems 5. Other MSR valve problens 6. MSI steam supply valve - Valves Auxiliary piping valves 2. 3. On-offI '. Control Relief 5. FW reg. valves 6. Extraction steam 7. Demineralizer systern 3. 9. FW isolation valves - Instrument and Controls 2. Flow Temperature 3. Pressure 4. Level (lncluditgFW heater level controls) 5. Chemistry (e.g., chloride monlitor) 6. 7. . FW flow control (except r&W ICS-0359) (S/G high or low trips) - Hleat Exchangers Feedwater heaters 2. Other (include FWP gland seal condenser) 3. - Denineralizers Capacity limitations 2. - FW Chemistry Second Level 19 Turbine 3 - Piping 2. 3. Auxiliary piping Crossover piping I - Valves 2. 1. . 3. 5 - Instruments 2. 3. 4. S. 7 - Components 2. 3. 4. Auxiliary piping valves Intercept/stop Control/thrott le/governor valves Combined intercept valves (CIV) & Controls Instruments ElIC/supervisory system/ (GE-permanent magnet) Pressure Regulator ()WR-IPR EPR * MPR) Turbine Protective Devices (overspeed test) Shaft/blades Bearings Gland seals 5. Turning gear Casing 6. Turbine Balancing 7. 8 - Oil System (dlo not include bearing or EIIC problems) 10 Generator 5 - hnstrusoieoits & Coltrols 2. Instruments I. Logic/controls (iicluiding under frequency relay) 4. Core monitor (i,.aiza.lion detector) 5. Voltage regulator 7 - Auxiliary Systeens 2. Ii Cooling 1. t120 Cooling 4. Ol (Ihf bhearilrs, control, seals) 1. fls ,lct/leais/lml 1S 1,h:l ,.loling r 3 - Componl ets 2. Exciter ( Imalnet except it%GE -EIIC) OPEC II CAUSE COI)ES, (Cont.) OPEC II CAUSE CODES, (Cont.) First Level Second Level Third Level 3. 4. 1. 6. 7. 3. II 1 Rotor Stator Shaft Bearings Bshing Turbine-generator -exciter shaft :ouplieg Electrical Systens 7 - Trasnsforners Main 2. 3. Other (starteep, statimin auxiliary) S - Switchgear/bses (except instrunent & safeguards bises) 9 - Safety-related equ ipment Ininterruptable power supply (DC power systemrn 125 VAC 2. initrument buses, inverters, MG sets, relays) Emergency diesels (including oiutput breakers) 3. 4t. Essential/vital saleguards buses (saleguards other electrical) Elc:trical connectors 5. Gas tourbines 6. of RTS or spurious trips not caused by actual Reactor TipSystem (Only failueres 2 trip parameters or detector/transmlitter failures) 2 6 - RCS Input Channels andi Other Chaunnels RICP breaker 2. 6 Mode switch 3. 7 - Reactor coolant system (RCS) Inpuit channels (continued) instru-nentation Nuclear 2. RCS water level 3. Reactor pressure 4. RCS coolant flow 3. RCS temperature 6. Pressurizer pressure 7. Delta tenp./low )NIR trip (CE - Thermal Margin * Low P) 8. Under voltagelnder frequency trip 9. 8 - Secondary system inputs 2. ruirbhne/generator inpults Feedwatersteam flow mismatch and low steam generater 1. 4 level (steam &.feed suepture control system) Main steam isolation valve closure 4. 5. Main steam activity r temnperalture Main steam presure 6. 7. Feelwater Ilow Stean generator level 3. Main steam flow (higlh or low) 9. Other channellcoumponensts 9drywell 2. (Cowtainaetl 3. 4. 1. Safety injectin siginal RCS leak dleterlctiol Cowtainmeneut high pressire First Second Level Level Third Level 6. 7. 8. 9. I Auxlitary 5yste!_s I - OfI ,a.s Logic/relays/pernlissives Manual Reactor trip breakers (see also 0184) Rod drop slgnal systeens (AOG)IVentilation I. 2. 3. Systems Of Igps (exclhding recombiners) Reconhiner (IWR) Plane Vent/Filter System (PWR see also 2233), (SI3GTS (BWR), (SLCRC-BV) 8 - Other systemns 2. Instrument/service air or nitrogen 1. Radioactsve waste (RMCII) * RISM5 (area and process monitoring systevms) 4. Process conputer/RWM/rod block/DDPS (at TP + SL) 5. Auxiliary boiler 6. Fire Protection Systemn (including fire barriers) 7. Meteorological instruments S. Seismic instru nents It RefuelioggMaintenance 6 - Care physics tests 7 - Refueling I - Reflieling equipment problems 9 - Maintenance I Utility 6 7 9 16 Circulating Water/Service Water System 2 - Pumps 2. Circulating water pump 3. Service water Iump (V - River Water System) 4. Cooling tower circulation pinmp 5. River Water Pumps (Farley) Aux R WS (RV) I - Piping 2. Auxiliary piping ). Main process piping 4. Flanges. manways, fittings 5. Supports, snutbbers 6. Strainers, lill rs, fish & trash rake (see also 1672) 4 - Valves 2. Auxiliary piping 3. On-ofl 4. Control S - Instruments & controls Grid (Noneconomic) - Other offil-site grid problems (grid maintenance) - Loss of load/load rejection - Loss of off-site power or of f-site caused under-voltage condition or other electrical disturbance OPEC II CAUSE COI)ES, (Cont.) First Level Second Level Third Level Flow 2. Temperature (for circ. water temperature limits - 1674) 3. 4. Pressure 5. Level 6. Chemistry 6 - Heat exchangers Cooling towers (no CT temp lim-1674/ultimate heat 2. sink/saleguards C r-2 62) 3. rube/shell 4. Intake heaters 7 - Intakes/discharg.s (spray-pond problems) 2. Foulinglicing 3. Structural failure 4. Cooling water temperature/design insufficiency/ high temperature 5. Excessive fish kill Discharge diffuser 4. EPA discharpe limit 7. 9 - Water treatment 17 Thermal Efficiency Losses 19 e yniection System Core Cool in/a! 2 - Pumlps (containment spray pump - see 2223) 2. High pressure core injection 3. Low pressure core injection (except RHR pumps) 4. Residual heat removal (RHR) (no IIWIR-see LPCI) Rfecirculation (I/ORSP - BV, 5, NA) J. RCIC (11WR) 6. 7. Core Spray Pump (LPCS) 3 - Piping/tanks 2. Auxiliary piping Main process piping 3. 4. Flanges, fittings 5. Supports, simbhlbers Strainers, filters 6. RWST & CST (1I&W - iWSTI BWR - DWST see 0538) 7. l'Accumulator (Core Flood Tanks, IT, U 8. Accumoulator (Core Flood Tanks, SIT, 'JIll) 9. 4 - Valves 2. Auxiliary piping valves On-oil valves 3. I. Contral valves Reliel valves 6. Check valves 7. 1%ILC explosive valve OPEC II CAUSE COIDES, (Cont.) First Second LevelLevelLevel Third I - Instrirnents -i controls 2. Flow Temperatures 3. 'i. Pressure 5. Level 6. Safety injection actuation (logic circuitry/actuators) 7. LPCI Loop Selection Logic 6 - Ilea exchangers 2. RIllR heat exchanger 3. Is)lation Condenser (IWR) 9 - Chelnistry 20 Initial Plant Startutp/Oerator Training 7 - Sta.rtup testing 3 - Power isension/reduced power operation 9 - Operator Training/Enrgerncy Plan Testing 21 Paired Unit Inpact 22 Containment System (shield building) 2 - Puitlps 2. I)rywell pump 3. Containment building (quench) spray pump (no IIORSP-1925Xprimarily on BWR-2 units) 3 - Piping 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Auxiliary piping Main process piping Flanges, fittings Supports, snubbers, high energy line problems, general snubber inspection Strainers, filters 4 - Valves Other valves (e.g., BWR vacuum breaker) Auxiliary piping valves On-oil valves Control valves 5. Relief valves (include PWR vacuum relief) 6. Containment building (Cl) isolation valves (except MSIV & FW IV) 7. CI purge/lexhaut valves (torus vent valve) S. DiWR MSIV leakage control svstem valves 9. Vacullm reliel (IWR) 5 - Instrnuments & controls 2. Flow 3. Temperature 4. Pressutre $. Level I. 2. 3. 4. OPEC II CAUSE COI)ES, (Cont.) First Level Second Level Third Level 6. 7. S. CB Isol actiuation (VIAS) CB spray achtation (CIlA) G(.s anl.lyzer (i WR - Containment Inerting System) (PWIR 11-2 analyzerXsee also 2237) 1 6- UIsat exchansgers I. i)rywell cooling 2. Ice cooldensers Recirculaton lasi coolers (see also 2283) 4. Casing Cooling System (NA - ssbatlnoslJleric) 7 - Containment strs:tures 2. Torus 3. Penetrationss 4. Containment leakage IDrywell 5. Liner (e.g., WCPS) 6. 7. Airlocks finchdlng airlock seal leakage) S. Integrity (ILRiT-pp i rests - 5th Tier-01) App 1 Test or unknown $ - Fansl/air filters (Plant vent filters & SBGTS- I)7) 2. Recirculation air fans & dampers-PWRs (B il s-drywell coolers) 3. CB ventilation fasts and ducts, and outside filters s (1 2 pusge (see 137) & 2263) I. CB charcoal filters (inside CB) J. Vacuum pimips (sIb-atmospheric contalnohents) 6. Penetration cooling fans 7. IIZ recomsbiner (PWRs)/blowers (see also 1372) 23 Component Cooling Water 2 - Plumps 2. Component cooling water pump 2. 3. ' 4. Auxiliary piping Main process piping Flanges, fittings Supports, sauliers Strainers, filters 3 - Piping 5. 6. 4 - Valves 2. 3. Auxiliary piping valves On-oll valves Control valves 5. Relie valves 5 - Instruments & controls 2. Flow 3. Tellperasturr 4. Pressisre 5. Level 6 - Heat exchangers 2. Cooling towers, ulltinate hat sink CT (no tnormal CT- 1662) 3. ThelNell 4. OPEC 11CAUSE COoES, (Cont.) First Level 24 %S.cond Level Third Level Problems Structtsres !*nter_.system 7 - 'trltuctlrns ContrAl hulding (e.g., Trojan 1978 problem) 2. Auxmliac y bll g. (e.g., Salem 1980) 3. Mae steam tiunnel (see also 1285 or 1173) 4. S - Electric:al Cable routmng 2. Cable splices and electrical connectors 3. Browns Ferry lire 4. San Onolre I cable fire $. 25 Economicr 7 -Fulel "c onomlic Coast to relueling/fuel depletion 2. 3. Fuel conservation - ;rid ecoiomiic 2. Low-system demandspinning reserve 3. Load following 99 Left Over 9 9 10 10 I0 10 I) FOIJR FOIURTI-I LEVELs PRORLEM MOIE/EXTENT r-i LEVEL: PROBLEM MOI)E/EXTENT, (Cont.) we r 00 01 No failure, abnormality or malfunction Unknown failure or problem undefined by below categories Active Conponents (Pumps,Valves 5_nubbers Motors_e..) (or jist says failutre) to operate, start or ranm toral Hf.ilhare 50 Failhie of automatic functioning but not mnamial Si 52 Failore of control (operates but erratic or incorrect control) Mispostioning/inisaligniing/spuious closure ('ASIV)/misoperation (e.g., erroneous S) start of pump). Note: component still workimg but did wrong thing Performance degradation (operates out of spec) 54 Flow performance degradation/llimits 5s adation/lini ts Level dtegr 56 Time perlormance degradation/himits 57 Chemical degradation/limits 53 Radioactivity limits 19 Noncurtailing degradation (operable bu)t nondisabling problem present) 60 seat leakage Valve 61 ruction inadequacy Structral/esig 62 Passive System (Pressure Boundary_ Pipes Strainers) 6 -- otal Asilr-e Icomplete loss of flowi) Performance degradati-on 66 Flow performnance degradation/limits (fouling/ice formati n) 67 Level perlormnaice degradation/limits 68 Time performance degradation/limits 69 Chemical degradation/limits (water chemistry) 70 Radioactivity limits 71 Noncurtailing degradation (operable but nondisabling problem present) 72 Unspecified leak 73 711 Defective weld Crack - no leak (stated) 75 Crack - leak 76 Tube Ieak 77 External leak from seal, gasket, packing, etc. 78 Valve seat leakage 61 Structural/design inadequacy/construc tion deficiency 79 A tive ElectricalCompo!qen s Generators. Relays, Breakers, Switch, Detectors,etc.) i0 Total fai re to operate or perform (or listsays failure) Failire of automatic functioning but not nanlisal S Failire of control (operates bit erratic or incorrect contral) 32 Level, #53)) 48 Misl sitianinu/Mis~peration (see mIth Per ,frinance degradation (operates ouit of spec:) 83 Current degradatioln/limits 3i 1 ile performance rdegradatioii/limits 85 Voltage degradation/limits (lIV) (sre also #93) 86 5etpoint drift 38 Noncur talling degradation (operable with nondisabling problem present) 87 89 Spilrios trip 49 Str: tural/llesign/construcltion Transformer) CCPo Passive Electrical SysteFslBuses. CCaCles, Total hI.ijlrlsorts, laults, grounds, .arching, current interrupts fron blown 90 fuse resllting iincomplete loss of power) Performance legradation 91 Cue rent degr idation/limits 92 Voltage degradatio/llimits (IV, vollage spike) (see also 086) 73 Noncurtalllng ,legadatilin (e.g., cracks in insulation-corroded contacts) )4 Strlctr.lilde;igin'/constrc ti o ialadclqsacy 95 Old Fourth Level Coding (may be encountered in some pre-1978 data) Leakage/Crack External leakage (packmng/seals/gaskets) 04 Unspocilied leaikage, I's . Tiube leakage (Il exchangerlcondenser) 26 External l-akage - cracks 3I Delfective weld 32 Valve seat Ieakage 18 Activity 05 1ligh 06 I ligh 07 Iligh 08 High gaseous liquiid process area (external to plant) (in plant) Components Valve operator 16 Valve component 17 Valve seat leakage IS Relief valve lilting/failure to seat 21 19 Local control (pump to valve) 20 22 23 24 Pump components PIimp drive Pump bearing Plnp \/(; sets 13 Oil seal Other Water chemistry 02 13 Water tesnperature Folihng - healt echan.tgerlintake/discharges, etc. 27 Structural fI.ihlre 29 I)efectve weld 12 25 Elc,:riral ponetr ition welds 1 Of1g:s e.xplosion FIFT1H LEVELs EXTERNAL CAUSE OF EVENT (Cont.) FIFTH LEVELs EXTERNAL CAUSE OF EVENT 00 01 Not specifically specified as an external cause Extrnal cause-not covered below NRC Orl!inated 02 -egIla-tory/Operational limit (Safety Limit of T.S.) (use only if outaKe results) Regulatory reqelire'nent to inspect for possible dleficiency 0) )49 Regulatory require nent to nodiy equipment due to snalhmction or construlction/design deficiencies IReg\uatory requirement to modify equipment dse to more restrictive criteria )5 29 NRC licensing proceedings and hearings UInavailsbility of safety-related equipment (tse "92" if limit or restriction 19 is known) Plant 06 07 08 0)9 50 26 52 53 Originated External Causes Festing (use For power red. or S.I). fOr test, not trips or failure during test) Testing error these Include procedural inadequacies Maintenance error Operator error Personnel involvement sispected to have precipitated protblen/failure Noen-NRC precipitated derating (discretionary derating-no equipment lailure) No (ailhselproblean - ptirely preventive maintenance or inspec:tion No mentios of problem (possible preventive maintenance or NRC required nod - no degradation stated) External Eqilpve ent Malfunction upply " "aster I .i""I'incTiono I 12 Mallriction of local instrument air/service air supply/cooling air supply oil of local Malleuction 13 Mallnction of local electrical supply It Fuel supply 17 Local controllinstrumentatin (part of component package) 18 15 Other auxiliary system malfunction (e.g. cooling) BWR 30 31 32 3)) 14 35 36 17 40 41 42 43) 44 Fuel Limits Ci seq. or pattern change ( every 5 EFPW) CR Ad). Extensios, etc. Periodic reduction for testing at CR adj. frequency (in BWR-TV test-/llmonth) (no mention of CR adjustment) Periodic redction for load following at CR adj. frequency Pet indic reduction for unknown cause at CR adj. freqeinccy Periodic reduction for other reason at Clt adjisst frequency (no nmentills of CR) Weekly reduction for testing Weekly reduction Ifor other reason (suspected testinR) MCIR MAI'LIIGR General thermal limit or comb. of 41) & 41 Persistent undefined nIessing arornd between 80% & 100% Load drop (suspect fuel thermal limit) Cracking 71 72 73 Vibration induced crack SCC indulcedreack Thermal latigue induced crack Other 4 Pl'ant internal or externial environmnental effects (lightning, icing) Fires 25 61 Bearing malfmction 42 Pump or valve-drive mechanism Combination 91 Cosniations: 62 (drive) & other Sth-level coding 92 " 07, 0, 09, 50 (error) & other 5th-level coding 93 02, 01, e04,05 (NRC) & other th-level coding 9 " 3X, 4X. (BWR fuel) & other Sth-level coding 95 " 61 (learing) & other 5th-levelcodling 98 Multiple combination of 91, 92, 9), 94 99 Other level 5 colnhintation SIXTtl LEVEL: METHOI OF SHUTDOWN NOTES: Use coding of methld of shutdown reported in Gray Books (except for Classilication 4 and 9). I. 2. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 I 4 S 6 7 8 9 2. -to shutdown). 3. 3. Classifications marked with an asterisk are different than those in the Gray Books. 4. 4. The number of startups equals the number of outages of Classification I, 2. and 1. SEVEN r1t LEVEL: SIUTDOWN PARTICULARS 0 NOrES: I. Rather than using the Gray Book Classification 4, a consistent coding of thile method of sltdown shoul he used for each outage if it extends into mdultiple mothly periods (unless thile status c:hanges - e.g., reduc:tion Not an outage or reduction (work which is done with unit operating and no derating - e.g., LERS which occur during operations but cause no shutdown) Manual (includes manual shutdowns with a unit trip at low power Manual scram Automatic scram (Including test performed with intent of tripping unit) Turbine trip with no reactor trip* (reactor trip is assumed unless told differently) Load reductions Continuationl of other outage (no interstitial electrical generation)* Noncurtalling or concurrent work or inspection within an outage* (including all ROs during an outage) Related transient (te., second failure that follows from events of an earlier failure or ahbnornal functioning during the e.rlier failure)* Unknown" 9 !I;HMfl No extra information or no shutdown cause) 51 signal generated (only oie per 51 generated--with most immediate Inllowng this There are related trasients or signlirant suhsequeit events event (:nust always precede event with S it (6th level) 2*5 7 ionltest lailure (not sit operaoutage/incident results fromna testlitspecti rithe tiona.l failure) S:heduled test performed with intent of tripping the Itrbine or reactor (~ee 0 1, Level (,) 3 62 3,5 3.2 00 01 99 02 03 LEVEL: SIGNIFICANT TRANSIENT INIT.\TOR Significant transient initiating events or precursors should be denoted in this code classification. Initiating events are to be coded (i.e., are significant) if they result in or would have reslted in a trip or runback of the unit (e.g., loss of feedwater flow should he coded tmily if tme reactor trips or a Ieedwater pump trips) except for tlhose transientts where no trip is expected (no operatiots out of spec withot a resultioiy, trip should be coded here). Such signqificant transients identilied in WfSlI 1400 are identified by in ast.-risk('). Multiple significant transient initiators in a single event should be denoted hy a new code classification. No significant transient initiator IUnknowsn or uncertain significant transient initiator Unclassified as yet Reactor trip (no other initiating events noted) * spurious reactor trips Generator trip Turbine/Generator Transients 05 rucrbine trip (verspeed trip)P 06 Turhine trip (other)* 07 Iligh steam flow" (no RV or Dump V stuck open) (see 77, 31) 08 Low steam flow* 42 Loss of load with subsequent loss of off-site power 43 Excessive load increase with subsequent loss of off-site power 44 Loss of load 45 Excess load increase" 46 Furbine trip with lailsre of generator breaker to open (failure to relay auxiliary loads to off-site power)" 47 Other Electrical Power Transients 40 Loss of power on an auxiliary bus (6.9 kv, 480 v, 120 v) 41 Loss of AC power from off-site network' (station blackout) (include partial blackout) 42 Loss of load with subsequent loss of ofI-site power 43 Excessive load increase with subsequent loss of off-site power 41 Loss of load' 45 Excess load increase* 46 Turbine trip with lailure of generator breaker to open (failure to relay auxiliary oadls to off-site power)" 47 Other ieedlwater, Conldensate. Circulating Water and CVC System Transient II Loss of FW ow - F W pump or punp (ls sie problem' 12 Loss of FW flow - malfunction of VW flow con"rol' (including valve failure .A.l low V; l'vel) II I;Icrease of FW flow - malfunction of FW flow control" (including valve failure h .1id higlSC level) IS Loss I ,cotlensate pulips' EIGMIII EIGIIHTH LEVELs SIGNIFICANT TRANSIENT INITATOR, (Cont.) Fredwater Condensate.Circulating~Water and CVC System Transient, (Cott.) tmittrip a rmh.s':kl i 6_ Lou of circulatig arpnsps (msing Loss o conderser vacutum 17 change) step (60o" heating' FW Loss ol 13 CVCS or other tmalIflin:tion resulting in RCS boron dilution (no trip necess.sry) 19 Radiation release Iromln CVCS or other system in ausxiliar y buildin K (no trip 91 necessary) Reactor Coolant PunmpReclrculation I'urmp Transiens caused by strings ol inactive RC or recirculatitn loop FTrp i Itecirculation flow control f.ailore - decreasing flow (IIWR)" 52 Recirculatin flow control failure - increasing flow (IWR)* 53 RCII trip or malfunction' (including sthaft break and partial loss of Ilow) 5. RCP sei.,re' 15 7 ItCP seal lailure Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature Transients or SI or RX I epressurization of primary system (no leaks) no trip necessary) S Inalvcrtent 56 Inadvertent overpressurization of prinary system (no trip necessary) 57 Excessive cooldown or heatup rate (no trip necessary) 58 Iligh or Low RCS Tenop. (no trip necessary) or T&P lincuations 59 Pressuse and/or level fluctuations inclhding bubble in RCS (no 60 trip necessary) Inadvertent SI or spurlon SI signals (IlPCI pump start - OWT)* 65 Accidental depressurization of the main steam system (e.g., stuck open RV) 66 (see 34e)(no trip necessary) Reactor trip (no other initiating events noted) * spurious reactor trips 02 Control Rod Transients conrolie; d (r Improper) rod (assembly or bank) withdrawal at power' 61 tl Uncontrolled rod withdlrawal during startups 62 Control rod assenmbly drop or misalignment' (no trip necessary) 63 Rod ejection or CRI)M Iouusing rupture 76 Valve Malfunction Transients inadvertent opening of a tuerbine stean of control resulting ilt Malfutirf 31 bypass valve* (see 07,77) (or stllck open bypass valves) Closure of MSIVQ 32 Spurious operling of SlV (RCS for PWR, MS for GWR)P (no trip necessary) 33 Stuck open 5/RV (see 66) 34 Spurinus opening of S/G PORV (I'WR)O (no trip necessary) Is t ystem/Steam Leak (LOCA .and Steam lireak) Reactor Coollant LargE tiCS leak ifroum equivaienl 6-incih diameter Ile or larger)l 71 leak' IICS Small 72 Stle:k open 5/11V 34 SG ittte leak* (P'WI) (see 9th L 051) 73 74 ICP seal lailure 75 IICS systemr Imndary valve failre* (leak past valve - see 072) (9L I042) ('tIl onecharnisun lousing rupture or C1 ejectixo 16 linehoreak' ( (see 07,11) 77 Ste.tian 7I FW pipe break' (all siz.s) 46 07 0O LEVEL: SIGNIFICANT TRANSIENT INITATOR, (Cont.) Arcidental depressurizati'n of the main steam system (e.g., sturk open RV) (u) trip ,e-e-sary) lligl st Dil flow' (no RV or Dulmp V stuck open) (see 77,31) Low stedan flow* Other Transient Initiatom s ri(- trip necessiury) miu h e li.flueling ac:cident (e.g., dropped fuel assembly or dropped RV component) 36 (I.) trill ncr(ess.ry) Shipping fNel pool accident (e.q., cracked pool liner) (no trip necessary) 37 Slpling c.ask storage tank release (no trip es-esary) 88 Waste gas itoi age tank release (no trip necessaty) 39 Lititd waste storage tank release (no trip necessary) 90 Raliation release fro:n CVCS or other systen in auxiliary building or outside 91 CI1 (except 39 and 90) (no trip necessary) Environmental (tora.ldoes, Ilooding, lire, earthqllake) (no trip necessary) 92 Contral room uninhabitability (9th Level - 194) (no trip necessary) 93 Loss of Service Water System (9th Level - 041) 91 Loss of Istru'nent Air Systems (9th Level - 101) 95 Loss ofl itIR flow (no trip cessary) 96 NINTH LEVEL: SIGNIFICANT SAFETY SYSTEM PERFORMANCE NOTESs I. NINTHll LEVEL: SIGNIFICANT SAFETY SYSTEM PERFORMANCE. (Cont) A failure unless otherwise specified is defined as follows: a. b. System failure of a systein to meet minimum design requiremaerts (e.g., miniulumo flow through proper paths). Component failure - failure of the component to perform as intended or meet specifications. Examples: (I) (ii) iii) = Reactor TripSysten (or ROS) Syst-em l;ailue (failure of more than 2 full-length CR to insert) Uninserted CR following trip ItR5 i&C or logic unconservative malfunction (no spurious trip - or tripped channel) (refer to LER Prompt Il, 30 DIay Report 01) (including detector) 035 CRD or CRD system problem (no dropped CRi) RS 0l 0)2 031 Valve failure - failure to operate, or in wrong position, or leakage past valve Tank laihlre/incapacitation ; leak, or level, or concentration out of sl)ec (inconsistent with specifications) Pump falure - fahilre to start, keep rimnning, or deliver design flow SI or ESF Actuation 036 System failure 037 Logic or IC unconservative malfunction (including detectors) 2. If there is a component fallhre that results in a system failure as well, the outage should be coded as a system failure. 3. Multiple failures or failures of safety systems not covered by the following coding classifications should be given a new code number. 4. Most LERs that are codled should have an entry in this level. 000 001 No unconservative failure in safety system Unknown 999 008 009 Unclassified No lailure - procedural inadequacy No failure - QA inadequacy 8 Unanticipated or Common Mode SafetlEjvent Oil Nonconservative errors in SAR accident analyses or Tech Spec bases 012 Commnon mnode incapacitating of safeguards equipment (Oescribe in comments) '13 Disagreement with predicted value of reactivity balance (LER Prompt Report 14) 011 Structural inadequacy potentially affecting salety 2 013 Piping inadequacy potentially lfectillg safety 012 Snubher olt of compliance 016 Electrical cables - potentIal inadequacy affecting safety 2 017 Other potential inadequacy affecting safety 018 TMI modifications 7 EP = Electric Power 021 System failure (insufficient AC or DC power to safeguard buses to operate mninium ESS features) 022 Diesel generator lailure (failure to start on demand, while running, to load on bus, or of a suppor t system that would incapacitate the DG) 023 Gas turbine failure/hydro unit failure (Ocosiee) 024 DC power supply faihlre (battery, inverter, etc.) 027 Safegiards electrical failure (other than bus) 028 Offsite power sour:e problem 025 Safeguards mlsfii ilre 026 Instrurnent bs failure 028 Other oflsite problems (no Oconce Ihyhk uInit) 1 10/ Containment and Secondary Containment Problems 040 Other Cl1 lailuse - not listed below ( e.g., low torus DP) ] 041 Large leak ( Xcfm) in airlocks, penetrations, etc. + system failures in CIAS 039 Other containment subsystem system failure 042 Small leak ( Xcm) in airlocks, penetrations, etc. 043 Containment hIalation System I&C, logic, actuating circuitry failure 044 Colltainment isolation valve failure and leaks (including ventilation valves) 015 Containment v.nt/pup ge - Standby Gas Treatment System (SIGTS) failure 046 Hlydrogen reconbiner failure 047 Weld Channel Pressurization System component failure (PWR) 048 Containment recirculation fan/cooler/filter system component failure (PWR) Drywell Cooler (D0W1) 049 Post-accident pressure relief system component (PWR) + Vacuum breaker (BWR) 012 Sioubber or piping support out of compliance of failure 0)3 tSIV I.ilre (includling leaks) 057 BWR MSIV leakage control system (valves & controls) 954 FW isolation valve failure 055 Ci%vacuum pump failure 2 261j Contain.nent Depressurization Actuation IC failure (PWR) 507 AD)S acteuation problems (BWR) 056 Cl) Inerting System component failure (include gas/l2 analyzer) 2 NOTE: Safley 061 062 (see 06) 64 2 2 9 9 065 For CB Spray see 30Osfor OWRs and 260s for PWRs 3 ys m loumdarX Abnormal Degradation (LER Reportable Item Prompt I), I fuel cladding In reactor c:oolant pressure boundary (including RCS - not CO - isolation valve Ie.k) alve) In primary containment In other c:ontainer of radioactivity I.oose prt i.n Rt:S IQ Loose part in Stean Generator 10 Saet Stem Coolant System (PWR - IIiSW) 01"item failulre 072 (IRS/IIIPSW pump failire 073 Ileat exluanger failtire 074 System valve lailure 07 systei hNC failuiew 076, O)tlh .r Ialilar CRS or Component Cooling Water; BWR .~4 r ~ ---- -- --- ----- - - -(l~-W1---- -l -I _ NINTH LEVELs SIGNII:ICANT SAFETY SYSTEM I'ERFOIRMANCE, (Cont) Emnerency Service Water System (Level 8-94) (NSRW)(IIV - River water pumps) System fail;re Emergency service water pump failure 0i1 082 05 System valve fallure o084QSystem l&C lfailure lal,.re 085 Other ECIR (lIPRSJ(lE nerg.ency Coolant Ultimate (Safegards) leat Sink System valve failure System hIAC failrwe Other failure 092 09) 094 Service !j.t eos i0--Str'i;a,,it Air System coempinent lailure (Level 3-95) 102 Fire Protection System component flallre 103 Failed luel detector failure 104 CCit lamitahility systems component failure (Level s-9)) 125 Itadiation Moiloring System component failure 106 Filter Exhaust System outside ol C(l - IIVAC (IWR area coolers) 045 SIIGTS (ltWRs) Othler 1i20Turbine ecirculation lor Snall IBreak LOCA) 2)2 253 214 Syslei valve failure IU.C latilre Olher faimare C51 (Collainmnent Spray Injecttil System) (CSS) 262 261 264 265 Ccotainment slway pump failre System valve failure System tAC failre (include CIA) Other lailure CSRS (Crntainment Recirculation System) (I/ORSP' 272 213 214 215 Containent recirculation pump failure System valve faihure System I&(C ailure Other failure stop valve (TSV) or CV does not close or slow response SISA I Sliwn lkoxidelldr.azime Addition) ESS (EMERGENCY SAFEGIJARDS SYSfE~LS) PWR ECI (Emerfenr.y Coolant nLe!!cio,) i.;iia m of aruumator, LPIS, SIMS, etc.) Si i--ie, Rtelueling Water Storage Tank (RWSI) failurefincapacitationl IHeat tracing system comptinent laihlre RCS leak dete,:tio system 212 213 214 LPSI Failures i~ 220 222 223 224 225 cc lator failureincapacitatiin 1liR pump lailure LP pump failre System valve failure I&C failure Other failure 11I1S 239 2)31 232 213) 214 2)1 216 217 238 239 Failures Charging pump failure lP pnp failure Boron Injectius Tank (I I) lailre/incapacitation oric Arld Tank (IBAT) lailtrrelincapacitation System valve failute I&C failhre Other component failure of II'IS Other component lallure of CVCS or Boron Addition System tipper head injection system valves Upper head injection accumnulator and other -i LPRS (Low Pressure Itecirculation System) 241 System inltun* 2'12 243 2,4 %ystein valve lailere INC fhailnme '1tt:erI.ihl.e- 282 23) 234 235 NAOtI or thydrazine) tank failhrelincapacilation System valve failwre SystemSIC failure Other failkre AF:WS (A.xillary Feedwater System) ai7 SI Fyi;iter 214) I hlspiecilied AF W pump fallHre 212 Small AFW pump failure 291 Laspe AFW pump lallte 2 '9 Cnlensase Storage rank(CST) 295 Spslem valve lailune 296 Sysitem SAC failure 2'11 Othlr failere Saley 1i1 102 1111 )l 0 10) 11 312 306 1O) 18 l 110 ailure adIl Relic Valves (Slit) i pressurizer- cde safetly valve flailre to open lItS i ossuleer code safety valve failre to reseat IiCS pressurizer SIl valve fallere to s)pea iCS pressurizer code S/it valve failure to ltCS presslts er Overpressure Protective System failure IiCS pressurizer safety other problem 1C%pressurizer relief valve other problem \1S safety valve failore to open MS45 salty valve lailure t, reseat MS relief valve failure to open MS tille! valve failkre to reseal M SRV other prolemn R I t System SI "'i i 'yste,. fail-ire lnm p l.ilute 221 ltll it) 11Iit v.lve 1.1iime 21 till, s' I. so.1I ,. It , II*f t.t* l I s1.,. ESS (EMERGENCY SAFEGIJARIDS SYSTEMS), Cont. ECI (Emerncy Coolant In .tiof) 411 System ailrie ;not listeCd below 1'12 Condensate Storage Tank (CST) failure/incapacitation 413 MIJfl-OSWT t'14 Leak detection system component problem FW (Feedwater System 491 .System lailre 492 Feedwater Ipump failure 49) Condenlsate pump failure ,.94 System valve faillre 95 System I&C failure 496 Other failure LPCIS + RHR Failures (LPCI/RIIR/VCCS) -21 Pump faIiare 422 System valve failure 423 System I&C failure 424 Other failure 425 RIHR heat exchanger problem S/R (Safety and Relief Valves) o *DS 501 MS safety valve failure to open 502 MS safety valve failure to reseat 503 MS S/11 valve failure to open - mranual operation I04 MS S/Ri valve failure to open - autonatic operation B WR CSIS 411 432 4)3 4 34 Failures (CS) (.P) core spray pump lailure System valve failire System I&C failure Other failutre IIPCIS Failures :ore injection pump failure iii iP 442 System valve failure 443 System 14C failure 444 Other failure Standby LL!iid Poison Injection Systenm 1 SLPII system lailure 452 SLPI tank failure 451 SLPI pump failure 4 54 Explosive plug valve failure 455 System I&C failIre 456 Other failure RCIC 461 462 463 464 465 Failures , Isolation Condenser System Failures RCIC pump faihlure Isolation condenser failure System valve failire Systeih I&C failure Other failure VS (Vapor Suppression) 'ystem 481 Systemn ailiEre 482 Torus support cracks 483 Other ltotus problem 484t Torus DP problem 485 Vacuum breaker prohl.e.n (di ywell to torus) ',36 Other VS p)ro,)lfem 4'7 Vacum rhl.l pr'ohlom (C(: to I xl ) inc'he prrmimk.iv- proble'sui 105 506 507 'MS S/R valve failure to reseat M'S S/R valve other performance failure AD)S actuation problems Other 520 Component failure in dump to condenser Hotwell System Coltainlwent Spra ystemn (BWR-2s) 5)0 CSS System failure 5)1 CSS pump lailure 5)2 CSS valve failure 53) CSS heat exchanger failure 531 CSS I*C failuare s15 Other CS5 c:omponent failure 8...2 Glossary of _Abbreviations Used ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards BWR Boiling Water Reactor CEA French Atomic Energy Commission (Commissariat A l'gnergie Atomique) CF Capacity Factor EAF Energy Availability Factor ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System EdF Electricit6 de France EFPH Equivalent Full Power Hours FF French Francs FRG Federal Republic of Germany HSK Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (Hauptabteilung fir die Sicherheit der Kernanlagen) IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IEB Inspection/Enforcement Bulletin (US) IPSN Protection and Nuclear Safety Institute (Institut de Protection et de Suret6 Nucleaire) KSU KirnkraftSikerhet och Utbildning (Nuclear Training and'Safety Center) LCO Limiting Condition of Operation LWR Light Water Reactor MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MIT-EL Massachusetts Institute of Technology Energy Laboratory MP Member of Parliament MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve MW Megawatts 116 MWe Megawatts (electric) NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US) OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OPEC-2 Operating Plant Evaluation Code - 2 PWR Pressurized Water Reactor RCC Design and Construction Rules RKS Nuclear Safety Board of the Swedish Utilities (RAdet f6r KdrnkraftS&kerhet) SCSIN Central Service for the Safety of Nuclear Installations (Service Central de Suret6 des Installations Nucl6aires) SEK Swedish Kronor SF Swiss Francs SKI Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (Statens K&rnkraftinspektion) STB Surveillance Test Book (Sweden) TMI Three Mile Island US United States 117 (France)