COGENERATION AND UTILITY PLANNING FREDERICK H. PICKEL July 1982 Energy Laboratory Utility Systems Program Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT EL82-0.i15. 7VVKl /cC24 F.I.T.UiBRARIES SEP ,1 9 1983 L~I2CXLJ~ 1 r~ L ABSTRACT COGENERATION AND UTILITY PLANNING Frederick H. Pickel .This research refines methods for forecast-rfg customer cogeneration to assist electric utility planning for power supply and tariff design. The study employs a physically-based, or engineering-economic process, approach to cogeneration forecasting that accounts for both cogeneration investment and operating choices by the utility's customers. This approach reflects the long-term uncertainties in the fuel and electric prices affecting those customer choices and the short-run uncertainties influencing cogeneration plant performance. The analysis devotes special attention to the effect of utility tariffs on the customer's decision to build and operate a cogeneration plant and the resulting impact of these plant investment and operating choices by the customer on the utility. To identify the important factors in the forecasting process, detailed case studies have been carried out for 7 large commercial or industrial sites in southern New England; an aggregate forecast is then made using survey data from 123 sites with existing boiler facilities. Under the assumed economic conditions, coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration is found to be economic at sites much smaller than previously has been thought to be economic. Since southern New England is a region with slow electric load growth, utility planning of cogeneration tariff policy is the primary use for the modeling techniques in the case study. Cogeneration has an adverse impact on the utility's customers and stockholders when the utility's marginal cost, which is assumed to be the price for electricity purchases from cogenerators, drops below its average tariff cost. The impact is diminished by designing tariffs so that the reduction in a customer's tariff costs through cogeneration matches the utility's marginal cost reduction as closely as possible. When the utility can pay slightly less than the marginal cost, the latitude for the tariff design increases. 0747-609 PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report is a portion of the research efforts on utility operation and planning being carried out within the Utility Systems Program at the MIT Energy Laboratory. It is based on the doctoral dissertation by Pickel (1982), with only minor revisions. Other major research projects within the Utility Systems Program have developed coordinated models for power system planning, analyses of the integration of solar photovoltaics and other alternate energy sources into the utility system, and new approaches for electricity pricing that encourage customer responsiveness to power system conditions. The study was supported, in part, by research funds provided under contract to the MIT Energy Laboratory by New England Power Service Company, a subsidiary of the New England Electric System. Of course, neither New England Power Service Company nor any of its affiliates, officers, directors, agents, or employees makes any warranty or representation of the accuracy or completeness of this document. Professor Fred C. Schweppe has provided extensive encouragement and advice, which was required to coax this research to completion. Richard Tabors, as co-supervisor, provided the Energy Laboratory base from which I could obtain funding and accomplish the research. Together they are responsible for the continuity of MIT's utility planning research at the Energy Laboratory and the Electric Power Systems Engineering Laboratory, of which this report is a component. Professors David H. Marks, David C. White, and Henry D. Jacoby have long assisted and encouraged me in my doctoral program and my pursuit of this research. The insights of my colleagues at New England Electric, in particular Frederic E. Greenman, William G. Hayes, Michael S. Hirsch, John L. Levett, and John W. Newsham, have enabled me to add special touches of realism to the study. In addition, I am grateful to numerous individuals in industrial firms and other utilities who have helped educate me on the subject of cogeneration and have provided the data required for this study. Alice Sanderson typed and retyped this report, quietly prodding the progress. Richard Desjardins graciously prepared the many figures. I must especially thank Carol Chilk for her support, sacrifice, and patience while this was being completed. The completion of this research rewards countless prayers and enduring faith of my mother. SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 A Customer's Perspective on the Adoption of Cogeneration Chapter 3 Estimating the Impact of Customer Cogeneration on a Utility 151 Chapter 4 Conclusions 230 Appendix A Symbols, Abbreviations, and Conversion Factors 244 Appendix B Examples of Typical Industrial and Large Commercial Electricity Tariffs 255 Appendix C Site and Survey Data Assumptions 267 Appendix D Cogeneration Technology and Cost Summary 280 Appendix D Modeling Summary 316 REFERENCES 327 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 334 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT 2 PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 LIST OF FIGURES 11 LIST OF TABLES 14 CHAPTER 1: 1.1 1.2 1.3 INTRODUCTION An overview of cogeneration history and policy studies 18 20 1.1.1 The decline of cogeneration 20 1.1.2 Cogeneration studies 24 National level 24 Regional level 28 Utility level 30 Project level 31 Comments 31 Utility planning for customer cogeneration 33 1.2.1 Cogeneration-utility interactions 34 1.2.2 Electric load forecasting and customer cogeneration 37 Electric load forecasting methods 38 Physically-based cogeneration forecasting 40 Organization of the report 41 CHAPTER 2: A CUSTOMER'S PERSPECTIVE ON THE ADOPTION OF COGENERATION 45 2.1 Site studies 46 1;:I eeF"ILI a TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page 2.2 The basic economics of cogeneration 49 2.2.1 50 Selecting and operating a cogeneration plant Selection of utility tariffs under cogeneration 52 Economic operation of a cogeneration plant 53 Sizing the cogeneration plant 59 Selecting the minimum cost plant 68 One design versus an existing boiler Comparison of multiple designs versus an existing boiler 2.2.2 2.3 The complications imposed by realistic utility tariffs An introduction to utility ratemaking and industrial tariffs 82 2.2.2;2 The difficulties associated with typical utility tariffs for a cogenerating customer Modeling the optimal economic design and operation of a cogeneration and boiler plant 2.3.1 Description of the cogeneration plant analysis model 92 95 96 The minimization of plant operatinq cos ts 101 Plant performance modeling 102 Operating cost escalation 110 Selection of minimum cost operating policy by year i11 The investment decision analysis 112 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page 2.4 112 Expected value calculation 112 Minimum present cost plant design 118 Sensitivity analysis of operating and investment decisions 125 2.3.2 Overview of plant studies by technology and site 131 2.3.3 Simplification of the model 134 2.3.4 Comparison of analytical and modeling results 137 Summary CHAPTER 3: 3.1 Financial analysis 148 ESTIMATING THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER COGENERATION ON A UTILITY The impact on the utility from cogeneration by a single customer 3.1.1 The basic economics of the impact upon a utility from customer cogeneration 3.1.2 151 156 The influence on the utility from each level of a customer's decision to cogenerate 157 The levels of impact 159 Combined impact 160 Special complications for the utility arising from typical tariffs 165 Modeling the impact from a customer cogeneration system 151 An example of the impact from a single customer 171 172 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 3.2 Modeling utility policies to reduce the impact from customer cogeneration by limiting the tariff menu 177 Overview of the different site studies 182 Simplification of the modeling 185 Comparison of analytical and modeling estimates of the utility impact 188 An aggregate forecast of the impact from cogeneration 190 3.2.1 3.2.3 3.3 199 A simple multi-technology forecast 204 Forecasting using the cogeneration plant investment and operation model 211 227 230 Research results 230 Cogeneration economics from the utility's perspective 231 4.1.2 Forecasting cogeneration at the utility level 234 4.1.3 Physically-based electric load forecasting 236 Directions for further research 4.2.1 4.3 A simple single technology forecast CONCLUSIONS 4.1.1 4.2 198 Summary and conclusions CHAPTER 4: 4.1 Exploratory forecasts of the maximum cogeneration capacity development 237 Cogeneration economics and utility planning research 238 4.2.2 Cogeneration forecasting research 239 4.2.3 Physically-based electric load forecasting research 240 Closing 241 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page APPIENDIX A: SYMBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND CONVERSION FACTORS 244 AP PENDIX B: EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL AND LARGE COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY TARIFFS 255 B.1 A traditional industrial tariff 256 B.2 An energy-only industrial tariff 259 8.3 A time-of-use industrial tariff 260 B.4 A supplemental provision for customers who cogenerate 262 B.5 A special cogeneration tariff 263 AP PENDIX C: C.1 C.2 D.2 267 Detailed modeling data 267 C..1 Steam loads 267 C.1,2 Electric loads 270 Modeling data for survey sources 270 C.2.1 Steam loads from survey sources 274 C.2.2 Electric loads from survey sources 274 COGENERATION TECHNOLOGY AND COST SUMMARY 280• AP PENDIX D: D.1 SITE AND SURVEY DATA ASSUMPTIONS Components of cost and performance 281 D.,1 Fuel efficiency and output shares 283 D.1.2 Plant reliability 287 D.1.3 Environmental factors 290 D.1,.4 Capital costs 290 D.1.5 Operation and maintenance costs 299 Cogeneration and steam technologies 302 D.2.1 302 Diesel cogeneration systems i: 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page D.3 D.2.2 Gas turbine cogeneration systems 305 D.2.3 Steam turbine cogeneration 308 D.2.4 Air conditioning chilled water systems combined with cogeneration 311 Summary and.comments 313 MODELING SUMMARY 316 APPENDIX E: REFERENCES 327 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 334 IST OF FIGURES LIST OF FIGURES Figure N(o. 1.1 Page Estimated share of cogeneration in total U.S. electric and industrial steam energy supply 21 Total U.S. electricity production and estimated cogeneration with projections for 1985 23 1.3 Cogeneration-utility interactions 35 2.1 Economic operation of a cogeneration plant 58 2.2 Optimal sizing of cogeneration plant capacity 64 2.3 Cost components for diesel cogeneration per unit of steam 66 2.4 Components in the cost of cogeneration systems per unit of steam 69 2.5 Steam loads and cogeneration operating savings 73 2.6 Sensitivity of the net present value of cogeneration projects to unit cost reduction and peak electricity price conditions 76 Sensitivity of the net present value of oil-fired cogeneration to oil prices when electricity credits are based on oil 79 Sensitivity of the net present value of oil-fired cogeneration to oil prices when electricity credits are based on coal 80 2.9 The incremental cost of demand or energy use charges 87 2.10 Comparative incremental value of additional cogeneration on a net sale/internal usage basis by the large manufacturer on the H rate 91 2.11 The site steam and electricity cost analysis model 98 2.12 Monthly average steam usage and the simulated shift-by-shift steam load duration curve for the large manufacturer 108 Results for the large manufacturer 119 1.2 2.7 2.8 2.13 _I___W___*il~fl__llII LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Page Figure No. 2.14 The customer's cogeneration decision 121 2.15 The distribution of incremental discounted cost savings for the alternative plant types 123 Comparison of modeled and simple analytical plant sizing 147 Magnitude of the adverse impact on a utility from a customer selling cogenerated electricity on a net sale basis 164 Fixed time-of-supply pricing versus time-of-oil pricing for electricity purchases by the utility 169 Frequency of peak month steam loads for the survey data sites 201 Frequency of average steam loads for the survey data sites 202 Frequency of base month steam loads for the survey data sites 203 Cumulative peak month steam loads at survey data sites 205 Cumulative average steam loads at survey data sites 206 Cumulative base month steam loads at survey data sites 207 Total cogeneration capacity projection using simple multi-technology approach as a function of average steam load for survey data sites 210 Forecast of cumulative cogeneration capacity by technology: base case 218 Forecast of cumulative cogeneration capacity by technology: higher cost of capital & lower oil price case 219 Ten-year cogeneration forecast: 220 2.16 3.1 3.2 3.3a 3.3b 3.3c 3.4a 3.4b 3.4c 3.5 3.6a 3.6b 3.7a capacity LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure No. 3.7b Ten-year cogeneration forecast: expected energy output 3.7c Ten-year cogeneration forecast: utility impact expected 3.8 221 222 Distribution of utility impact for aggregate forecast 226 Comparison of steam load duration data and estimates for the hospital site 269 D.1 Capital cost of boilers 294 D.2 Net capital cost of cogeneration equipment 296 D.3 Gross capital cost per MBTU/hour of boiler and cogeneration equipment 297 Gross capital cost per kilowatt of cogeneration equipment 298 Variation of gas turbine efficiency with unit capacity 307 C.1 D.4 D.5 e 5. i r~L~ 14 LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page 1.1 Typology of cogeneration studies 25 2.1 Site survey 48 2.2 Cogenerated electricity sales choice 52 2.3 Examples of incremental fuel operating costs and optimal economic operation for cogeneration systems 60 2.4 Overview of the model implementation 99 2.5 Plant operating modes 103 2.6 The menu of tariff options 104 2.7 Fuel and utility conversion scenarios 105 2.8 Site-specific data used in detailed plant analysis 107 2.9 Sample operating analysis for the large manufacturing site 113 Cash flow analysis for the existing oil-fired boiler versus a new coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant 115 Components in adjusted present value for a coal cogeneration plant at the large manufacturing site 117 The impact of fuel and electricity price uncertainties on the value of a cogeneration plant 120 The optimal operating policies by scenario for an oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant at the large manufacturing site in 1985 126 Sensitivity of the plant net present value because of restrictions or economic changes 128 2.15 Net present value of new plants 132 2.16 Site-specific data used in aggregate plant analysis 136 2.17 Present value for the replacement of an oil boiler 138 2.18 The value of time-of-oil pricing for the firm relative to all tariffs with fixed time-of-supply pricing 139 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 LIST OF TABLES (continued) Page Table No. 2.19 The expected value of perfect information 140 2.20 The optimal operating mode for 1985 by the analytical approach 142 The optimal tariff choice for 1985 by the analytical approach 144 Parallels in a customer's cogeneration decisions and the utility impact 158 Impact on the utility from a customer's cogenerated electricity sales choice 161 Impact on the utility from the choice of a coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant by the large manufacturer 173 Impact on the utility by scenario from the optimal tariff and operating decisions for a coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant at the large manufacturer in 1985 174 Utility impact of the second choice plant, oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration, at the large manufacturer 175 Losses for the utility under different fuel and electricity price scenarios 178 Sensitivity of the impact from customer cogeneration on the utility for the large manufacturer 180 2.21 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Present value of the utility impact from the cogeneration 183 plants 3.9 Combined value of time-of-oil pricing for utility and customer 184 3.10 Effect of modeling simplifications on the estimated. impact on utility system 187 3.11 Influence of model simplifications on the value of time-of-oil pricing for the utility 189 Impact on the utility from a coal-fired cogeneration plant in 1985 as estimated by the analytical approach 191 3.12 Yi _~-Lsll~a~L--~-Uru~ar;u~~--s~-~--. -rr- LIST OF TABLES (continued) Table No. Page Classes of customer information employed in the construction of a cogeneration forecast 193 Utility sales in 1978 and growth rates expected to 1990 196 Coverage of the survey relative to the total utility sales 197 3.16 Sensitivity of the simple multi-technology forecast 212 3.17 Model forecast of cogeneration capacity, energy, and utility impact 215 3.18 Sensitivity of forecast cogeneration capacity and energy output in 1985 217 Sensitivity of the utility impact to economic and environmental assumptions 224 3.20 Utility impact by scenario 225 4.1 Impact on the utility from a customer's cogenerated electricity sales choice 232 A.1 Conversion factors and abbreviations 244 A.2 Subscripts and superscripts for symbols 245 A.3 Symbols 246 C.] Information from utility survey of major industrial and commercial customers 271 Steam usage pattern information derived from survey data 275 Electrical usage pattern information derived from survey data 278 D.1 Equipment performance and cost data sources 282 D.2 Plant output shares 285 D.3 Assumed plant reliabilities 288 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.19 C.2 C.3 17 LIST OF TABLES (continued) Table No. Page D.4 Capital costs and tax credits 292 D.5 Time distribution of capital expenditures 300 D.6 Operating and maintenance costs 303 D.7 Comparative air conditioning chilled water costs 312 D.8 Cost and performance summary for cogeneration plants serving a constant 50 MBTU/hr high pressure steam load 315 E.1 Summary of detailed modeling assumptions 317 E.2 Real fuel price escalation rates 322 E.3 Share of fuel types in average utility fuel mix 323 E.4 Share of coal as marginal cost utility fuel 324 E.5 Summary of aggregate modeling assumptions 325 I Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Cogeneration, or the simultaneous production of heat and electric or mechanical power, emerged as one of the main components of the energy conservation strategies in the past decade. All the major of national energy legislation in the past few years has adopted special tax treatment, exemptions from fuel use restrictions, and electricity and natural gas regulatory policy changes that are intended to encourage cogeneration's more wide-spread adoption in anticipation of its higher energy conversion efficiencies. l The most debated issue has been the reform of rates between individual cogenerators and the local electric utility. Many of the cogeneration studies in the late 1970's urged an analysis of the exact impact from current electric utility rates upon cogeneration project economics. 2 The changes influenced or mandated by the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act 1The Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 (PL95-620), the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PL95-617), hereinafter PURPA, the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (PL95-621), the Energy Tax Act of 1978 (PL95-618), and the Windfall Profit Tax Act (PL96-223). Both PURPA and regulations deriving from it are now under several major court challenges, with the original decisions against the law and against the regulations now on appeal. Mississippi v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, No. J79-0212(c), slip op. (U.S.C.S., S. Miss., February 19, 1982), argued No. 80-1749 (U.S. January 19, 1982). American Electric Power Service Corp. v. Federal Energy Resulatory Commission, No. 80-1789, slip op. (D.C. Cir., January 22, 1982), rehearing denied (D.C. Cir., April 9, 1982). 2 Resource Planning Associates (1977), Pickel (1978), and TRW and ThermoElectron (1979). of 1978 have reached the implementation stage and the pilot cogeneration projects of the mid-1970's are nearing completion. The purpose of this research is the refinement of cogeneration forecasting methods to supplement the information used in long-range, electric utility planning for capacity expansion and for tariff design. It employs a physically-based, or engineering-economic process, approach to cogeneration forecasting that accounts for both investment and operating choices by the cogenerating customers and reflects the long-term uncertainties in conditions affecting those customer choices and the short-run uncertainties influencing cogeneration plant performance. To identify the important factors in the forecasting process, detailed case studies have been carried out for 7 large commercial or industrial sites in southern New England; an aggregate forecast is then made using survey data from 123 sites with existing boiler plants. The analysis devotes special attention to the influence of utility tariffs on the customer's decision to build and operate a cogeneration plant and on the resulting economic impact of these plant and operating choices by the customer on the utility. This chapter provides a brief history of cogeneration's role in U.S. steam and electricity supply along with a short survey of recent cogeneration studies. An introduction to utility planning for customer cogeneration'and the application of physically-based electric load forecasting techniques to cogeneration follows the survey. The introduction concludes with a discussion of the report's organization. a 20 AN OVERVIEW OF COGENERATION HISTORY AND POLICY STUDIES 1.1 SThe two products from cogeneration, steam and electricity, are both important components in total U.S. fuel consumption. Fuels for the generation of industrial process steam constituted nearly 17 percent of the total U.S. fuel consumption in the late 1960's.3 Only transportation and combined residential and commercial space heating exceeded this share for the end use of fuels. Electricity generation, which is not an end use, received about 21 percent of the total fuel consumed. Given these large shares for steam and electricity in total fuel consumption, cogeneration has attracted the attention of policy makers, who have questioned why such an apparently fuel-efficient technology has seemingly diminished in importance since the 1930's. 1.1.1 The Decline of Cogeneration Cogeneration has long been a technique for supplying industrial and large commercial steam needs while simultaneously producting electricity. For example, many paper mills provided power for the local towns earlier in this century. The relative importance of cogeneration in electricity supply has declined since the 1940's, as illustrated by Figure 1.1. Its share in electricity supply has dropped from 18 percent in 1941 to less than 4 percent in 1979. 4 3Stanford Research Institute (1972). 4 Electricity data from Edison Electric Institute (annually), a personal communication with Sam Ferraro, Federal Power Commission (December 1975), and U.S. Energy Information Administration (1980). ESTIMATED SHARE OF COGENERATION IN U.S. ELECTRIC AND INDUSTRIAL STEAM TOTAL ENERGY SUPPLY 0I8 ST M 6- 4- 0-ELE 64 , 4 .. .... 0. 1935 NN_ N_ TRICITY , 2... ..... 1940 1945 1950 1955 1965 1960 YEAR Figure 1 1970 1975 1980 -- 1985 22 This continual drop in the relative share of electricity supply does not tell the whole story. Cogeneration also serves steam needs, but industrial energy use has grown historically at a rate much slower than total electricity consumption. This growth rate differential can explain a large part of the relative decline of cogeneration in electricity supply. Figure 1.1 also gives a crude estimate of cogeneration's share in industrial steam supply; in steam supply, the role of cogeneration did not decline continually over the last 40 years but only during the last 15 years. The total amount of cogenerated electricity started to decline after the events of 1973, as Figure 1.2 shows; this is in contrast Lo t ie forecasts by a broad range of studies and the intended purposes of a variety of government , programs. 5 5 These statistics are derived from industrial generation statistics (see note 4). Not all industrial generation is cogeneration: in 1979, 4.3 percent was from hydro, 4.0 percent was from gas turbines, 4.5 percent was from diesel, and 87.2 percent was from steam turbines. In 1945, steam provided 85 percent of industrial generation. This analysis assumed a fixed 87 percent of industrial generation was cogeneration. The estimate of steam production from cogeneration was made by assuming a constant ratio between electricity and steam output from cogeneration over this period, taking the ratio of industrial cogeneration to total fuel consumption from Chigioji (1979, p. 15), and calibrating the ratio on an estimate of cogeneration in steam supply for 1976 from Resource Planning Associates (1977, Ex. 5). Since the Energy Information Administration has altered and may abandon the gathering of statistics on industrial generation (personal communication with Melvin Johnson, U.S. Energy Information Administration, 1980), the industrial generation decrease after 1977 may be due, in part, to tne collection procedure changes. The projections for 1985 are derived from Dow et al (1975, pp. 88, 121), ThermoElectron (1976, table 6.32), Resource Planning Associates (1977, exhibits l.d and 4), and Pickel (1978, pp. 160-173), and U.S. General Accounting Office (1980). TOTAL U.S. ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION AND COGENERATION ESTI MATED WITH 10,000t PROJECTIONS FOR . - 1985 COGENERATION PROJECTIONS " FOR 1985 I- Ar ... - _-___J_ .. _ U EThermo Electron (1976) Dow (1975) _... _ LL 0 _ INDUS RIAL COGENERATIC N z -J - _ Pickel (1978) RPA (1977) GAO (1980) ._ YEAR Figure 1.2 _ _ _ o 1.1.2 24 Cogeneration Studies Attracted to the substantially higher energy efficiencies associated with cogeneration over separated steam and electricity generation, long series of studies have offered reasons and proposed programs for increased utilization of cogeneration by industry. The analyses have covered the national, regional, utility and individual project levels from public policy, scholarly, utility, equipment manufacturer, and industrial firm perspectives. surveys a limited group of these studies. This section briefly Table 1.1 offers a typology of these works. National Level At the national policy level, the study by Dow Chemical et al. (1975) brought the subject of cogeneration to the attention of policy makers, suggesting substantial energy and capital savings through cogeneration by coal and nuclear facilities at very large industrial sites. The ThermoElectron report (1976) for the Federal Energy Administration on three major steam using industries suggested greater electricity production and energy savings at medium sized industrial sites were possible through the use of gas turbine and diesel engine-based cogeneration systems; they also recommended large federal investment tax credits and regulatory changes to combat a perceived hesitancy by industry and utilities to get involved in these expensive projects. Resource Planning Associates (1977, revised 1981), in a study covering six industries,projected much more moderate energy Table 1.1: Typology of Cogeneration Studies Perspective Public Policy National Level Utility Industrial/ Manufacturers General Analysis Dow (1975) Manuel et al. (1980) Schweizer & Sieck (1978) Williams (1978) ThermoElectron (1976) Synergistic Resources Pickel (1978) (1981) RPA (1977,1981) Camm (1981) GAO (1980) Joskow (1981) TRW/TE (1979) NASA (1980) Regional/ State Level Utility/ Plant Level Williams (1976) Dittrich & Allon (1977) Wakefield (1975) Mass. Gov. Comm. (1978) RPA (1979) Calif. PUC (1978) Helliwell & Cox (1979) Bright, Davitian TVA (1979) Martorella Charmichael (1978) (1980) ConEd (1979) RPA (1980b) NEES (1978) Gordon & DeRienzo (1979) RPA (1980) I~--~-"^--- -~---- savings and a slower growth of cogeneration both with and without federal incentives for industrial. These policy studies heavily influenced the inclusion of special provisions for cogeneration in the National Energy Act. The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) required the development of rules governing the purchase and sale of electricity by utilities from qualifying cogeneration facilities. The Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 allows special exemptions from coal conversion for some industrial cogeneration plants. The Energy Tax Act of 1978 indirectly includes special investment tax credits for portions of some copeneration technology capital costs and altersd depreciation provisions for oil and gas-fired boilers in a way that influences cogeneration economics. The Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980 specifically allows special investment tax credits for non-oil and gas-fired cogeneration equipment. 1978 The Natural Gas Policy Act of allows the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to exempt qualifying industrial cogeneration facilities using natural gas from the incremental pricing provisions of that act; FERC has exercised this option. Several national policy studies have followed this legislation. The U.S. General Accounting Office (1980) completed a review of cogeneration policy using the same general method as the Resource Planning Associates (1977) study. TRW and ThermoElectron (1979) examined regional and industry differences in selecting the optimal cogeneration plant designs under current economic conditions. Two 27 studies coordinated by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (1980) have explored the potential for different advanced technologies in cogeneration. Several scholarly studies have also examined cogeneration at the national level. Williams (1978) provided a summary of policy reports up to that time and perspectives on cogeneration as a complement to other current and future electricity sources, especially as they relate to national oil import policy. Pickel (1978) explored the economics of cogeneration from an industrial organization perspective, simulating the perfect market performance expected for cogeneration in the U.S. given historical and possible future cost conditions and comparing this to historical market performance. Camm (1981) providea an international comparison of cogeneration's role by examining it in the Swedish national power system, where many large industrial firms own cogeneration and hydroelectric plants and interchange electricity with the national electricity grid. Joskow (1981) and Joskow and Jones (1981) discussed the fundamental microeconomics of cogeneration and its role in total U.S. electricity producton in the light of the microeconomic discussion. 6 From the utility perspective, research by Synergic Resources Corp. (1981) for the Electric Power Research Institute has developed historical statistics on the cost and performance of cogeneration systems. 6 The In addition, a project by Manuel et al. (1980) has developed plant sizing analysis in Joskow and Jones (1981) and Joskow (1981) is similar to that in Section of this report. 28 detailed mathematical models for characterizing the design and economics of cogeneration systems; results from these models are summarized to make national level forecasts of cogeneration. This project makes a simple attempt to characterize utility tariffs, but it lacks the treatment of long and short-term uncertainties needed for the analysis of a specific utility's rates. A number of equipment .manufacturers have entered or considered entering the cogeneration equipment business. Few of the studies in support of these decisions, however, have been published. An exception is Schweizer and Sieck (1978), who used detailed characterizations of cogeneration plants to develop their projections for U.S. cogeneration. Regional Level At the state and regional level, New Jersey was one of the first states to explore cogeneration as a means for reducing energy consumption; this evolved into a dispute between a public interest group and one of the state's major utilities over the magnitude of potential cogeneration in the state. 7 The California Energy, Resources, Conservation, and Development Commission, through its facility siting powers, and the California Public Utilities Commission, through its powers of rate regulation and determination of need, have explored the potential for cogeneration in California 7 Williams (1976) and Dittrich and Allon (1977). within a number of siting and rate-setting hearings. The California PUC, in a landmark case, reduced the allowed rate-of-return for Pacific Gas and Electric Company until PG&E had added specified amounts of cogenerated power to their energy supply. 8 In Massachusetts, a federally funded Governor's Commission examined the state barriers to increased cogeneration and estimated possible development for cogeneration in New England. 9 A commission in Texas has completed a plan for expanding industrial cogeneration within that state.10 From a methodological perspective, Resource Planning Associates (1979) have developed a general approach for states to follow in examining the potential development of cogeneration in their energy plans. A study by Wakefield (1975) evaluated the impact of a large cogeneration project on the local utility system operations and planning along with'its influence on regional interfuel competition. Helliwell and Cox (1979) evaluated the influence of marginal versus average cost industrial pricing upon cogeneration in the paper and pulp industry and the resulting impact on regional electricity planning for British Columbia, Canada. 8 California Public Utilities Commission 011-26 (filed Sept. 6, 1978). 9 Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Cogeneration (1978). 10Erwin and Stratton (1980). Utility Level A number of utilities have performed stuaies of cogeneration within their individual service areas, although the studies have usually been unpublicized unless they were required in the regulatory or legislative process. The two major classes of analysis are studies of avoided costs for the determination of electricity purchase rates under the state implementations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission rules issued under PURPA and forecasts of industrial and commercial cogeneration required for rate and capacity planning. The earliest publicized report was prepared by Dittrich and Allon (1977) of Public Service Electric and Gas Co. of New Jersey, which was a part of the New Jersey legislative study noted above. All the California utilities have prepared forecasts and cogeneration rate studies as required under their PUC's resolutions.II The TVA (1979), as a part of its capacity and fuel planning, undertook a major study of cogeneration at existing industrial sites, the development of large-scale industrial energy centers, and the possibilities for the conversion of existing regular generation plants to cogeneration. Consolidated Edison has performed studies of cogeneration economics at a surveyed group of customer sites and then calculated the impact of these conversions.12 New England Electric, at the same time as tne Massachusetts Governor's Commission on Cogeneration mentioned above, 11California SSeptember Public Utilities Commission, Docket OIR-2 (Filed 3, 1980). 12 Described in Wagers at the EPRI Cogeneration Worksnop (1979). 31 made an extensive survey of its larger customers and calculated the cost from the customer's perspective of converting to 13 cogeneration. Resource Planning Associates (1980b) nas made projections for the Pacific Gas and Electric territory using the same basic method employed in the RPA(1977) national study. Project Level A large number of detailed analyses have been made of cogeneration at individual plant sites; they can be separated into studies for large industrial plant sites and for heating-ventilatingair-conditioning systems in commercial complexes. A typical process industry case study is documented by Gordon and De Rienzo.14 Because of the continually changing mix of steam, cooling, and electrical needs, HVAC-based systems require more elaborate studies, as discussed in Channichael (1978) or Bright, Davitian, and Martorella (1980).15 Comments These studies span the globe from Sweden to San Diego, offering 13 Communications with New England Electric personnel (1979 et .seq). 14 From Gordon and DeRienzo of Dravo Corp. at the EPRI Cogeneration Workshop (1979). 15 Appendix D discusses some of the problems with incorporating absorbtion air conditioning, but this report does not examine in detail the combined addition of cogeneration and absorbtion air conditioning. recommendations on everything from federal tax policy to the brand of scrubber for coal systems; several factors, however, characterize their approach to analyzing cogeneration. First, recognizing that an industrial or commercial establishment must use the heat output from the plant, most studies make some calculation of the economics of a cogeneration plant from the firm's prospective. 16 Second, as the studies become more geographically localized in their scale, cogeneration forecasts are more likely to be based on an enumeration of potential sites rather than an estimate based on aggregate fuel consumption with an allowance for the scale of the individual sites in the population. The forecasts base( on tne enumeration of potential cogeneration sites commonly estimate a lower potential for cogeneration than those based on aggregate energy data for the same area. Finally, nearly'every study has assumed a small number of characteristic cogeneration plant types, one approach to the sizing of the cogeneration relative to the plant's steam and electric loads, and one principle set of fuel and electricity prices. Within these studies there has been no explicit consideration of the substantial plant performance and electricity and fuel price uncertainties. 1GOne attempt to apply econometric methods to cogeneration was in an appendix to the U.S. General Accounting Office (1980) report. 1.2 UTILITY PLANNING FOR CUSTOMER COGENERATION A utility may require the adaptation of its capacity, rate-making, and operating plans in response to the potential development of new cogeneration in its service territory. Significant growth in customer cogeneration might alter capacity requirements generation capacity mix. or shift the desired The utility's profits may change adversely because tariffs for cogenerating or potentially cogenerating customers affect each firm's cogeneration plant design and operation and may alter incentives for electric energy conservation and load management for the inplant loads. The operation of the cogeneration plants influences the economic operation of the utility's plants. Finally, the dispersed cogeneration plants can affect the physical Dehavior of the power system. As noted at the start of the introduction, this research refines cogeneration forecasting methods to improve the information provided for long-range electric utility for planning capacity expansion and tariff design. Previous studies of cogeneration at the utility level have been ad hoc and only rarely documented in a way that provides a reproducible procedure for a similar situation. 17 Furthermore, the forecasting of cogeneration must be coordinated with tne other aspects of capacity and rate planning. Specifically, it must be directly compatible with other components of the electric load and revenue 17Exceptions are Resource Planning Associates (1980b) and Tennessee Valley Authority (1979), although they do not mention any attempt to include actual tariffs in their analyses. - i 34 forecast. In the process of attaining these goals, the project also extends an aspect of the physically-based, or process, approach to electric load forecasting. This section, first, discusses the economic interactions that influence the level of industrial cogeneration and, then, the utilization of this economic understanding within physically-based electric load forecasting approach to obtain the information needed for utility planning. 1.2.1 Cogeneration-Utility Interactions Figure 1.3 provides a scheoatic of the major econosmic interacLioris between the utility and the industrial sector. The industrial firms, or even the large commercial customers, must select sources for their heat and electricity needs, which are influenced by the costs of heat and electricity. In this conceptual perspective, the supply of heat and steam is separated from the basic industrial process needs so the technologies for providing heat and power can be determined independently of the selection of heat and electricity use in the basic industrial (or commercial) process needs. 18 Assuming that steam is the principle of heat requirement need tnat will be under investigation here, the supply of heat and electricity amounts to 18 This separation of industrial energy demand into a main and sub-production function (here, into basic processes and into electricity and steam services) is an intellectual step-child of the separation discussed in Berndt (1978) and Berndt and Wood (1979) in their discussion of engineering versus economic approaches to industrial energy conservation and demand. COGENERATION- UTILITY INDUSTRIAL aI THE UTILITY SECTOR BY SITE at BASIC INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES AT INDIVIDUAL SITES INTERACTIONS -I 41 STEAM & ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY SERVICES 8 STEAM COSTS ELECTRICITY PURCHASE & SALE COST - OPERATIONS - EXPANSION -RATES QUANTITIES BOUGHT 8 SOLD ELECTRICITY & STEAM USAGE IQ I' I I I I| I liii l -WEATHER MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONS -- FUEL COSTS ql il~ IEQUIPMENT COSTS -I ...i COSTS I CAPITAL COSTS - Figure 1. 3 4VV raising steam in boilers or through cogeneration and producing electricity or buying it from the utility. The steam and electricity services question will be the main point of study. Influences upon the underlying demands for steam and electricity by the basic industrial processes will be discussed qualitatively. The industrial firm's choice of steam and electrical services is affected by fuel costs, equipment costs, capital market conditions, taxes, and electricity tariffs, as illustrated by Figure 1.3. Electricity tariffs are likewise influenced by fuel prices, similar equipment costs, capital market conditions, taxes, and the overall demand for electricity. Tne overall demand for electricity is the combined load from all sectors less any cogeneration. The analysis here accounts for the influences of fuel prices and equipment costs on electricity rates; the changes in net electric loads because of cogeneration, however, are not directly included. This allows full consideration of fuel, equipment, and capital market changes that affect the industrial choices directly and indirectly through electricity tariffs without going through the elaborate procedures needed to make a full equilibrium model of the local industrial and utility electricity market. This major simplification is valid as long as the cogeneration forecast does not shift the nominal total values used for developing the utility capacity and revenue plans, i.e., a change in cogeneration from this forecast does not I substantially upset the whole utility plan, feeding back upon the cogeneration forecast. 1.2.2 Electric Load Forecasting and Customer Cogeneration Within the planning process, the utility must consider three components within a cogeneration forecast for it to be useful for both capacity and rate decisions: loads will change; first, a description of how electric second, an estimate of the change in utility revenues because of cogeneration or any rate schedule changes I influencing cogeneration; third, the change in utility production costs from any cogeneration. The latter two components combine to form an estimate of the final profit or net revenue requirements impact on the utility because of the load change.19 Each component needs to be further characterized by a time scale ranging from hours For example, steam usage may be very high on a cold day, so to years. existing cogeneration plants would probably be running near full steam output; consequently, cogenerated electric output might be higher on cold days. At another extreme of the time scale, once a customer decides to build a cogeneration plant, it will be several years before it is in full operation, and it will have the potential for generating electricity for decades. Finally, the cogeneration forecast must be 19This report combines the ratepayer's (all electricity customers of the utility) and the utility stockholder's interests under the umbrella term "utility". The exact impact on each of these two groups from a change in cogenerated electricity and its attendant cost and revenue changes depends upon the regulatory process for setting the utility's rates. Often fuel cost changes will be reflected immediately in fuel adjustment charge changes for the ratepayers; changes in the per kWh utilization of the total utility ratebase will be bourne by the stockholders until a revision in tariff levels under a formal rate hearing. See Section for a more complete discussion. coordinated with the overall utility electric load forecast. Electric Load Forecasting Methods Since forecasts of electricity consumption are one of the fundamental aspects of electric utility planning, many research efforts have developed, discussed, and categorized approaches for modeling and projecting changes in peak electric loads and electric energy consumption. Like the cogeneration studies, they have been conducted at the national, regional, and utility level from both the public and private perspectives. This section discusses only the methods designed primarily to assist a specific utility's planning. Three general types of analysis have been employed for the medium -and long-range of one to twenty years required for utility rate and capacity planning. Time series analysis provides only elaborate extrapolation of historical data. Econometric analysis links historical information and hypothesized economic relationships to estimate possible future electricity usage, but it cannot adequately address the diversity of technological and rate design questions asked concerning cogeneration policies. Finally, engineering-economic process or physically-based approaches to electric load forecasting disaggregate the specific process components that make up the total load, forecast changes in these components, and then recombine them to make a full forecast. The Energy Modeling Forum (1980), Mahmouo (1980), and Woodard (1972), among others, have surveyed the utility load forecasting subject area. This report follows the phyically-based school of thought discussed in Ruane, Manichaikul, Schweppe, and Woodard (1978). This perspective within the engineering-economic process method of analysis decomposes the electric load into electrical devices or cohesive groups of devices, called elemental demands or loads. Each elemental load is separated into two further factors, a representation of the capital stock for each device and of the utilization for each device: Elemental Load Device Capital Stock = x Device Utilization Factor 1 1(1.1) The elemental load can be categorized by device, usage class, and customer. For example, micro-wave ovens might represent an elemental demand in the ovens device class, in the cooking usage class, and in the residential user'group. Woodward (1974) pioneered this general approach, applying it to the residential sector. The works by Galiana ()971) and by Mahmood and Schweppe (1980) are related through their treatment of weather effects on the utilization factor in the elemental demand. Ruane (1980) extended this approach for the residential sector. Manichaikul (1978), examining the influence of time-of-day pricing in the industrial sector, advanced the treatment of the utilization factor by considering both the effect of the underlying process usage and the economic operating choices made by the industrial firm. All these studies have devoted extensive attention to the short-term uncertainties from weather or industrial 40 process fluctuations. Physically-Based Cogeneration Forecasting In applying this approach to cogeneration load forecasting, three modifications and additions to the previous works must be made. First, a customer generation source becomes a negative load. Second, the capital stock factor must now specifically treat an economic decision by the customer to add cogeneration capacity. Finally, the utilization of the cogeneration capital stock becomes conditional on long-term economic uncertainties as well as short-term weather and cogeneration plant outage uncertainties. As noted above, a useful cogeneration forecast requires estimates for changes in three components: electric load, revenues from the customers, and utility production costs. Taking a si.ngle customer of the utility, these can be defined in the format of physically-based load modeling--first, the electric loads can be described as: instantaneousnet load from a customer = sum of elemental loads - instantaneous site cogeneration (1.2) where [an instantaneous] elemental load = [device ] capital stock x instantaneous Idevice utilization factor (1.3) and, more specifically, instantaneous site cogeneration = cogeneration plant plant electrical capacity cogeneration plant utilization factor j(1.4) and cogeneration plant] utilization factorJ = rplant economic utilization sub-factor plant availability x and load following sub-factor (1.5) Second, the costs are: instantaneous cost to serve customer = instantaneous power system Ix incremental cost instantaneous net load from a customer (1.6) Third, the revenues for a billing period are: revenue from a customer over a month = the tariff, selected by the customer, computed on the relevant history of the customer's loads and generation (1.7) The utility can directly influence the revenues and costs through changes in the tariffs available and the production costs. The customer affects the loads and, ultimately, the revenues and costs through capital stock, device utilization, and tariff type choices. The tariff can be affected by past and present loads, so changes in elemental loads can influence the economics of the cogeneration plant and visa versa. 1.3 ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT To improve cogeneration forecasting for utility capacity and tariff planning, efforts must be made in three areas. First, a better understanding is required concerning the major economic motivations behind a firm's decision to build and operate a cogeneration plant and the impact of these decisions on the local utility. Second, cogeneration forecasting techniques that project electric load, revenue, and cost changes for a utility must be developed. Third, given the nature of cogeneration economics, extensions are necessary to the general physically-based approach to electric load forecasting, especially the inclusion of long-run uncertainties in fuel and electricity prices and their influence on the individual cogeneration plant's operating policies. In the exploration of improvements to cogeneration electric load forecasting, this report addresses itself to two questions: * How does customer cogeneration influence an electric utility's loads, revenues, and costs? * What are the major influences on a customer's decisions to build and operate a cogeneration plant? Since the second question must be addressed to answer the first, the next chapter examines the economics of cogeneration from an industrial firm's perspective, taking into account the long and short-term uncertainties that affect the firm's choice. Returning to the utility perspective, the third chapter uses the physically-based approach to electric load forecasting to project cogeneration development in a specific utility area, estimating total cogeneration capacity development and its possible operation under various fuel and electricity price scenarios. The fourth chapter discusses the implications of chapter three's results for utility planning, suggesting approaches for limiting any adverse impacts of cogeneration while cooperating in the public policy goal of promoting energy conservaion. The fourth chapter then summarizes the methodological aspects of the forecasting research and suggests directions for # further inquiry. 43 Appendices describe the cogeneration moael used in Chapters 2 and 3 and provide documentation of the economic and technical assumptions used in the case studies. An analysis of cogeneration requires attention to too many factors to be done in the abstract. To identify the key influences on the utility and the local firms, this research had to be carried out for a specific utility and on information from the local industrial and large commercial establishments, all of which are sites with existing boiler plants. Detailed site information for 7 large commercial or industrial facilities is used in case studies in Chapters 2 and 3 in order to test the relevance of economic and modeling assumptions; the aggregate forecast examples in Chapter 3 use survey data from 123 sites. Since this study was performed in association wit'h a large New England electric utility, many of the conditions and issues reflect the situation in that region. This analysis, however, provides a general approach for examining the impact of cogeneration on utilities in other regions as well. 20 Furthermore, a cogeneration forecast must be coordinated with the overall electric load forecast; the development of a physically-based load forecasting model for New England, described in NEPOOL Load Forecasting Task Force and 2 0To maintain confidentiality for the utility and the private firms, the analysis in this report has altered some aspects of the data and economic assumtions so that--while representative--they do not precisely reflect the conditions at the specific firms or the utility. In particular, the tariffs used in the calculations are the same as those actually offered. 44 Battelle-Columbus (1977), provides a similar type of overall forecasting model with which this type of cogeneration forecast could be coordinated after revisions. 45 Chapter 2 A CUSTOMER'S PERSPECTIVE ON THE ADOPTION OF COGENERATION During the last decade, fimnns have witnessed extraordinary increases in the energy components of their operating costs. In real terms nationwide, tne price of electricity for industrial uses has risen by 100 percent while fuel oil for boilers has risen 300 percent from 1973 through mid-1981.1 Tnese cost increases have forced tne re-examination of opportunities for industrial energy conservation ana substitution of energy sources. Owing to the widespread use of Doth steam and electricity in many industries, the cogeneration of heat and mechanical or electrical power has been one of the most widely discussed energy cost reduction opportunities for the industrial sector. This chapter explores the economic motivations for the conversion to cogeneration from the private firm's viewpoint. To provide a realistic perspective, the first section describes electricity and -steam production and usage at seven industrial and large commercial sites in southern New England. Any specific plant site faces local fuel prices and electricity tariffs; the detailed analytical work for this chapter devoted extensive effort to careful inclusion of the influences from the local electricity tariffs. The complex nature of these tariffs, however, often occludes the general understanding of the economic forces underlying the tariffs. Consequently, the second 1Based on statistics from the U.S. Department of Energy Information Adminstration (Uecember 1981) and the GNP price deflator. _I 46 section begins with a discussion of the economic incentives related to cogeneration plant operation, sizing, and selection without regard to specific utility tariffs. At the end of that section, several complications induced by realistic utility tariffs are described. The analysis of cogeneration requires too many details to be carried out entirely in the abstract: the third section, therefore, describes the application of a detailed model of cogeneration project economics to six of the seven industrial and commercial sites. This model calculates the present value of the expected cash flows from alternative boiler and cogeneration plants at a site, allowing tne firm to shift operating modes and tariffs over time; the model captures the major fuel and electricity price uncertainties impinging upon the 2 by employing a decision analysis approach. firm Note that this chapter takes the perspective of the utility's customer throughout the discussion of cogeneration economics. Chapter 3 will provide a parallel analysis from the utility's perspective. 2.1 SITE STUDIES To both reduce the number of details in the evaluation of cogeneration systems and focus the analysis on realistic situations, the study surveyed seven industrial and large commercial sites in the -service territory of the utility. 2 Tnroughout The selection of the sites was the next two chapters, the term site will De used to refer to the whole of an industrial or commerciaT-facility. The term plant will refer only to the boiler or cogeneration equipment at the facility's location. a 47 intentionally diverse; they all, however, are major customers of the utility, each with a peak electric load of more than 1 MW. They ranged from a multi-story office building to a large manufacturing facility with over 120 separate buildings at a single location. Two major factors affected the selection of potential sites for the visits and. study: 1. the importance of that particular site type to the utility's load, either as an existing customer group or as a new group through growth (altnough this chapter adopts the customer's perspective, it is important to focus on the important customers). 2. the availability of data on steam and electricity use at the given site. Since the commercial sector of the specific utility .studied is a larger share of the total load than the industrial sector, and the commercial sector is expected to grow more quickly, the surveys included several sites of that class. In addition, to explore the differences between sites of the same industry, the large and medium manufacturing sites were selected since they produce similar product lines. Table 2.1 summarizes the size, steam and electric loads, and tne existing equipment at the seven sites. The first site visited, interestingly enough, could not be converted to cogeneration without great difficulty because of the distributed nature of its cooling equipment and its minimal heating needs. The Large Manufacturer site will be discussed the most since it is used as the example for Table 2.1: SITE SURVEY Steam Loads ElecUsing (est.) tric Low Existing Plant Equipment Peak/ Loads Pressure Median/ Avg. Boilers Size of Steam GeneraBase (Fuel) Cooling Faci Iity (KW) (Percent) (MBtu/hr) tion approx. Compu- 650,000 ft2 1500 employees 1200 ter Assembly Plant Office Build- 100% 15/0/0 20 MBtu/hr roof45 KW (#2 oil) emergency top electric diesel 750,000 ft2 5 floors 2150 10% 23/5/0 2 @ 40 3000 KW 3000 MBtu/hr emergency ton (#2 oil) elecdiesel tric chillers 165,000 ft2 600 employees 5070 15% 69/42/35 300 KW 60 MBtu/hr steam cogeneration 30 MBtu/hr 10 MBtu/hr ing Paper Mill Medium 700,000 ft2 1300 employees Manufacturer 2410 0% 36/21/17 126 buildings Large Manu4000 employees facturer 8280 0% 179/85/58 6000 KW (#6 oil) 2 @ 25 900 485 KW MBtu/hr emergency tons (#6 oil) roofdiesel top & central electric 1300 200 MBtu/hr (#6 oil) tons steam cogenera- electric & 950 tion tons absorption .Hospital College 296,000 ft2 1,000 employees 264 beds 480 19 buildings 2400 students 500 staff 700 67% 100% 17/7/4 20 MBtu/nr 1250 KW 125 13 MBtu/hr emergency tons diesel electric (#6 oil) & 600 tons ikbsorption 37/8/0 250 KW steam cogeneration 20 MBtu/hr 500 tons 2 @ 15 roofM8tu/hr (#6 oil) top electric demonstrating each aspect of the cogeneration modeling for a single site. One unanticipated result of the site surveys was the wide variation in steam loads from season to season because of plant heating and cooling loads from space conaitioning needs or ambient temperature effects on the process steam loads. Even energy intensive paper and manufacturing plants had winter/summer steam load ratios of 2:1 to 3:1. Section 2.3.1 and Appendices C and E contain further information on the site heat and electric loads. 2.2 THE BASIC ECONOMICS OF COGENERATION Since any firm can obtain its steam and electricity needs from a cheap package boiler and through electricity purchases from the local utility, the decision to build a cogeneration plant involves making a major capital investment with the intention of lowering future operating costs. Since the project must be justified by these future operating cost reductions, the future operating decisions must be considered at the time of the project's design and selection. This section explores the basic economics behind this trade-off between capital expenditures and the possibility of lower future operating costs. Although the ultimate goal of this study is to explore the impact of utility tariffs, the complications contained in them often obscure the fundamental effects--the exposition of the basic economics in Section 2.2.1 avoids the details of the realistic tariff schedules. Section 2.2.2 introduces some- of the complexities associated with realistic utility tariffs and cogeneration. 2.2.1 Selecting and Operating a Cogeneration Plant Any industrial or large commercial site considering the installation of a cogeneration plant must contemplate two levels of decisions concerning the plant: * At the design or capital investment stage, - the type of plant to be built and its fuel capabilities; - the size of the plant in relation to the site's steam and electric loads; * At each point over the operating life of the plant built, - the disposition of the cogeneration plant's electric output; it can be used to serve internal electric loads at the site, thereby reducing the electricity bill for the firm, or it can be sold directly to the utility. - the level of operation of the plant at each instant; for example, it could be operated all the time, meeting all steam loads up to its capacity, or it could operate only during peak hours, allowing a regular boiler to meet all the steam loads during off-peak hours, or it could operate in coordination with the utility. This section explores in a simplified manner these alternatives faced by the customer. Three comments should help simplify this-exposition. First, as 51 noted in the introduction unless stated otherwise in this report, this customer is assumed to be an existing industrial or commercial facility that has been receiving all its electricity from the utility ana owns sufficient boiler capacity to meet its own peak steam loads. Second, cogeneration economics can be viewed on a total cost, a per-unit steam cost, or a per-unit electricity cost perspective because of the dual product nature of cogeneration. While the total cost view is the most analytically correct, it often does not convey sufficient insight into the problem. This section will switch between these perspectives in a way that, hopefully, gives the reader the best view into the issue at hand. Most previous expositions on cogeneration economics have avoided viewing cogeneration on a per-unit steam cost basis; this perspective is adopted often here because it Dest illustrates the need for the coordination of the cogeneration plant with the existing or back-up boilers. Third, this section makes tne assumption that a utility will 3 purchase electric energy at the utility's marginal fuel costs. This simplifies the analysis substantially and concentrates attention on the most uncertain aspects of the economics: fuel prices and the 3 This assumption also coincides with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's interpretation of Sections 201 and 210 of PURPA for utilities with excess capacity. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket RM79-55, Order 69, 45, Fed. Reg. 12214 (February Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket RM79-54, Order 70, 190U). 45, Fed. Reg. 17959 (March 1980). Ins interpretation has been called into question by a recent court opinion. American Electric Power Service Corp. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, No. 80-1789, slip op. (D.C. Cir., January 22, 1982), denied (D.C. Cir., April 9, 1982). Ak possibility of the utility converting the lower-cost fuels at some times. Selection of utility tariffs under cogeneration First, throughout the operating life of a plant, the owner must consider the short- and long-term disposition of power produced by the generation plant. choices. This report assumes the customer nas two general The customer may sell all the output of the cogeneration plant directly to the interconnected utility while the customer continues to purchase all its electric requirements from the utility, as it did before the cogeneration plant existed (arbitrage). Alternatively, the customer may sell the electricity in excess of its loads to the utility (net sale). Given the complexity of realistic tariffs, no simplification can be made beyond noting that the customer will select the option imposing the least costs. In more specific terms, if the utility buys all customer generated electricity at the utility's marginal fuel costs, the customers will sell only the net output in excess of their own loads net when the average value of electricity through a reduction in the tariff charges (under net sales) is greater than the marginal fuel costs. Table 2.2 summarizes this choice. Table 2.2 COGENERATED ELECTRICITY SALES CHOICE Reduction in Standard Tariff Cost Exceeds Reduction in Standard Tariff Cost is Less Than Utility's Marginal Cost Utility's Marginal Cost The Customer's Economic Choice Sell cogenerated electricity to the utility net of site's internal electric loads (net sale). Sell all cogenerated electricity to the utility; buy all electricity for site's internal electric loads from the utility (arbitrage). , 53 Economic operation of a cogeneration plant At the second stage of the operating level decisions, the customer must consider how to operate the cogeneration plant in relation to the site's electricity and steam loads. The cogeneration plant together with the back-up boilers will follow the site's steam loads unless the incremental value of electricity output from the cogeneration system would dictate an electric load following operating strategy. Such an electric load following strategy would imply unusually high cost electricity from the utility or an expensive provision in the tariff under a net sale arrangement. Since the complexities of electricity tariffs are neglected until Section 2.2.2, the simplified discussion here assumes that all the electricity proauced from cogeneration is sold to the local utility at the utility's marginal operating costs, as with arbitrage sales or the case of a site without internal electric loads. Assuming that a site with a cogeneration plant has more than enough boiler capacity to serve its total thenrmal loads even when the cogeneration plant is not operating, the cogeneration plant operating policy depends upon comparing the relative operating costs of running the back-up boiler system versus running the cogeneration unit up to its capacity and supplementing the cogenerated steam with the back-up boiler as necessary'to meet thermal loads. The simplest case is when the boiler and the cogeneration plant all operate with fuel use linear to their output levels. If the combined boiler and cogeneration system is run on the basis * 54 of minimizing operating costs, the cogeneration plant should operate if its marginal operating costs minus its marginal electricity production credit is less than the marginal cost of operating the back-up boiler alone:4 cop CG < cop (2.1) where cop CG, : the net marginal operating cost of steam from the cogeneration plant (in $/MBtu) copB : the marginal operating cost of steam from the back-up boiler (in $/MBtu) 4 Tnis can be seen as the result of a cost-minimizing mathematical prog ram for steam costs with electricity credited to the cogeneration plant unit steam costs: CG CG 8 B Min (cop G YST(t) + copB yST t)) CG YST(t) CG YST ( t ) CG < XST ST yT(t) ST(t) For each point in time, t, where y T(t): site steam load at t, YsT(t) cogeneration plant steam output at t yST(t): boiler output at t XsG : cogeneration plant maximum steam output capacity For convenience, this chapter alters the standard (Yiik) load superscript forecasting notation so the device subscript becomes (Yjk). The marginal operating costs are given on a per-unit heat basis from their constituent parts: net marginal operating cost for cogeneration marginal fuel cost, + $/MBtu marginal] O+M [cost, $/Mbtu for elec- - tricity per unit Lof heat J CG CG fuel opCG cop marginal credit CG COPOM CG ST EL L (.0 CG PEL ST 0 3412 )fST (2.2) and marginal fuel cost, $/MBtu marginal 1 operating cost for i boilers + marginal O+M cost, $/MBtu PB cop8B fuel cop S8 f ST + cop8 M OM (2.3) where PCG Pfuel' Puel fuel: the price of fuel in $/MBtu for the cogeneration plant and the back-up boiler, respectively, PEL: the price for electricity in $/kWh paid by the utility fCG. fCG ST' EL the fractional energy outputs from the cogeneration plant in terms of fuel input (see Appendix 0), fBST the fractional energy output from the boiler in terms of fuel input (see Appendix D), 8 CG cop0M, coPOM: the gross non-fuel marginal operating costs in $/MBtu for cogeneration and the boilers, respectively. Further assuming that the price of electricity is given by a proxy fuel price and heat rate for the utility's generation system, price of electricityl sold to thel utility, $/kWh marginal utility O+M costs i$/kWh marg inal utility fuel costs, $/kWh J puti lity fuel PEL futi lity /.003412 EL + utility copoM (2.4) where fuel utility: fEL the price of fuel for the utility in $/MBtu, the fractional energy output from the utility's central generating plants, utility. cOPOM the non-fuel marginal operating costs in $/kWh for the utility. Neglecting non-fuel operation and maintenance costs and assuming tnat the back-up boiler and cogeneration system run on the same fuel, equation (2.1) becomes: PCG fCG EL fCG ST CG .003412 f ST fuel .003412 Putility fuel futility EL PCG f (2.5) ST fST for economic operation of the cogeneration plant. This can be rearranged so the costs are compared in terms of the incremental cost of electricity from cogeneration versus the cost of utility generated electricity: the marginal ]the fuel cost of < electricity from cogeneration, $/kWh CG (IHR) utility (UHR) fuel 106 fuel marginal fuel cost of utility generated electricity, $/kWh 106(2.6) where 3412(1/fsT - CGTCG f EL /f ST IHR /fT (2.7) the cogeneration/boiler system incremental heat rate in Btu/kWh. and UHR = : 3412 341(2.8) futility EL the utility heat rate in Btu/kWh. These results are illustrated by Figure 2.1 on the basis of rearranging equation (2.6). This shows .that the cogeneration plant is economic to operate if: IHR UHR putility fuel . PCG fuel (2.9) Since the typical incremental heat rates for cogeneration systems range from 4000 Btu/kWh to nearly 7500 Btu/kWh and the typical utility heat I ECONOMIC OPERATION OF A COGENERATION Steam Turbine Cogeneration PLANT Diesel & Gas Turbine Cogeneration I.0- .8- UTILITY FUEL PRICE COGEN FUEL PRICE .6RATIO .4- .2 .0- COGENERATION IHR/UTILITY HEAT RATE RATIO Figure 2.1 ° 59 rate is about 10,000 Btu/kWh, the utility/cogeneration fuel price ratio must be greater than .4 to .75 for cogeneration systems to be economic to operate. See Table 2.3 for examples based on equation (2.6). Note that some diesel cogeneration systems could become uneconomic to operate even if the utility is also using oil generation when the ratio of the relative prices for the two oil types is unfavorable for the cogenerator. Sizing the cogeneration plant One of the fundamental steps in designing a cogeneration system is selecting the plant size in relationship to the site's steam loads. This involves balancing the capital costs of the new boiler or cogeneration plant capacity incrementS against the operating cost saving for the new system in comparison to the older'boiler. As a simple example, consider the operating and capital costs for a single year in a system supplying steam to meet changing steam loads over the year. Assume price conditions remain so that the new plant covers the base heat load at the site with the older, higher running cost boiler meeting peak heat loads beyond the capacity of the new plant. The size of the new plant should be increased until the marginal cost of capacity for the new system equals the marginal operating cost savings for the capacity addition; alternatively under constant economies of scale for capital costs, the incremental levelized per unit steam costs from the new plant must equal the levelized per unit steam costs for the old. ~____I_ ~I~ To make this calculation, three sources of data are TaDle 2.3: EXAMPLES OF INCREMENTAL FUEL OPERATING COSTS AND OPTIMAL ECONOMIC OPERATION FOR COGENERATION SYSTEMS Cogen. Plant, Type of Fuel* Cogen. Cogen. Backup IncreBoiler mental Fuel Heat Rate Price (Btu/kWh) ($/MBtu) Example No. 1 Steam 4500 Turbine w/low S #6 oil Example No. 2 Steam 4500 Turbine w/high S #6 oil Example No. 3 Steam 4500 Turbine w/coal Example No. 4 Diesel w/ 6500 low S, #6 oil, no low pressure steam use Example No. 5 Diesel w/ 7200 #6 oil, no low pressure steam use Example No. 6 Diesel w/ 6300 #2 oil, low pressure steam loads Incremental Cogen. Fuel Util. Cost Util. Heat Fuel (cents/ Fuel Rate kWh) Type (Btu/kWh) Price Incre- Is mental CoUtil1. generFuel ation Cost Economic to (cents/ kWn) __ _ Operate? 5.45 2.45 Coal 10,000 2.05 2.05 No 4.55 2.05 Coal 10,000 2.05 2.05 Break even 2.05 .92 Coal 10,000 2.05 2.05 Yes 5.45 3.54 High S #6 oil 10,000 4.55 4.55 Yes 6.37 4.58 High S #6 oil 10,000 4.55 4.55 No 6.37 4.01 Low S #6 oil 10,000 5.45 5.45 Yes *Assuming the backup boiler uses the same fuel with the same boiler efficiency. the capital and per unit operating costs for the new plant; required: the per unit operating costs for the existing boiler; and the load duration characteristics of the steam requirements. Let: cap CG the annual per unit cost of new steam cogeneration capacity ($/MBtu/hr per year) assuming constant returns to scale. cop , cop : per unit operating costs for the new and old systems, respectively ($/MBtu), assuming constant returns to scale. CG* XS T the capacity of the new system in terms of steam (MBtu/hr) since a linear fixed proportions technology is assumed, this also indirectly specifies the electrical capacity. fthe hours per year that the steam load is less than H(x): or equal to the load level x; this specifies the steam load duration curve in Figure 2.2b, shown later. The total steam energy provided by the newer plant with capacity XCG is: ST CG ST YST ST CG CG ST(XST): = H(x)dx, (2.10) annual steam energy input from the new unit (MBtu) as a function of its capacity. I This assumes that the plant is available for 100 percent of the year. Since the older boiler system is assumed to have more than enough meet even the peak loads without the new plant, the old boiler system provides for the remaining steam load: YST( XS G) ST H(x)dx = - (2.11) YS(XsT)C ST YST: annual steam energy usage at the site Y T(X G): ST ST annual steam energy served by the old boiler as a function of the new cogeneration system's size, XST, (MBtu) or the total annual steam load, YST minus CG CG YsT(XsT ). The total annual steam supply costs for the system are: CCG CG + cop =CGcapCG XS STT C(X) ST CG B CG G + copB YT(XT)CG YCG(XCG) ST ST ST ST (2.12) The cost minimizing capacity for the new plant can be found using the calculus: ST CG ST ayB aCG ac(xCG apCG + = cap + cop CG ST + copB ST CG SCG ST ST = 0 capCG + copCG H(XsT ) = copB (-H(XT )) = 0 (.13) .13 (2.14) or, the optimal capacity is the size for which the conditions hold that: CG* copCG H(ST cap CG ++ cop CG* = cop B H(XST ) (.15) Tnis means that the tota-l annual cost per unit for the old boiler and for the new system must be equal at the last incremental addition of new system capacity. A second interpretation can be seen by rearranging Equation (2.15): cap CG CG B CG* = H(XST )(cop - cop ) (2.16) So the annual operating cost savings from the extra increment of new system capacity (on the right) must equal the annual capital cost for the capacity increment. A third interpretation is that the levelized costs must be equal: CG ctotCG cap CG = cop B (2.17) H(XST CG is a monotonic function, Since H(XST) it has an inverse, ana the optimal capacity can be found: CG* -1 (2.18) ST= H (H*) CG* where XST : the cost minimizing cogeneration capacity for the new system. Figures 2.2a and 2.2b illustrate tnis optimization process. In 'Figure 2.2a, the first-order optimization condition is met at the point where the new total system per unit marginal cost (ctotCG) equals the operating cost for the old system. At this point, an incremental addition of new steam system capacity would operate H* hours per year, retiring an increment of old boiler capacity which also would have operated H* hours per year. Moving vertically down to the steam load duration curve in Figure 2.20, for the new increment of capacity to operate H* hours, the total new system capacity would have to be XCG* The area total energy supplied STcross-hatched by the new system is the The total energy supplied by the new system is the cross-hatched area OPTIMAL SIZING OF COGENERATION PLANT CAPACITY (a) Levelized per Unit Steam Costs LEVELIZED COST PER UNIT OF STEAM ENERGY copB ctot C G = I I capCG+ copCG - H IH H (XCG ST I oad Duration C (b) Steam Load Duration Characteristics L ST STEAM LOAD CG* ST CG H (X T) HOURS PER YEAR Figure 2.2 ST 65 in Figure 2.2b under the load duration curve; the energy supplied by B 5 the old boiler is that slashed area, YCG' Simple comparisons between the optimal sizing of different cogeneration technologies can be made by using the sample cogeneration plant data in Table 0.8 and assuming fuel and electricity price conditions of $5.45/MBtu for the low sulfur residual oil used in cogeneration systems, $2.05/MBtu for coal used in either cogeneration systems or by the utility, $5.00/MBtu for the residual oil used Dy the utility, and a 10,000 Btu/kWh utility heat rate. Figure 2.3 shows the levelized unit cost of steam from a low speed diesel cogeneration system (ctotCG) as a function of the hours per year that the unit is operated. Note that copCG from Equation (2.2) is separated into the fuel cost plus the O+M cost less the power credit for the electric energy produced along with the steam; the levelized capital cost (capCG/H(X)) is added to the unit operating costs (Equation 2.17). For example, at all capacity factor levels, using equations 2.2 and 2.4 and assuming no marginal 0&M cost for the utility (i.e., electricity at $.05/kWh): .diesel capacity costs, $/MBtu J 5This = plant gross average fuel + [credit for plant gross] - electricity average O&M cost, $/MBtu cost, $/MBtu output, J$/MBtu is similar to the method suggested in Joskow and Jones (1981). Both approaches are derived from a similar simple model for the optimal sizing of electrical generation for a power system given by Turvey (1968, pp. 29-31) and described in greater detail by Baughman, Joskow, and Kamat (1979). This model is more appropriate for cogeneration plant sizing than for power system capacity mix selection because the steam load duration curve is more liKely to be static in shape over the years than a power system load duration curve. COST COMPONENTS FOR DIESEL COGENERATION PER UNIT OF STEAM 20- New Diesel Cogeneration copCG + cap H(X) = ctotCG COST ($/MBTU) Existing Boiler CAPITAL (+) O0M (+) r 8760 H* HOURS OF OPERATION PER YEAR FUEL (+) POWER CREDIT (-) --- Figure 2.3 "''~'~ T~~-rri~rm~nrarrc~lFiaR n~ ;; ~ -- ~aar~ ~Fr~-~"qIRaq~ - c CG cOP 2-- 5.4535 (.008)(390)) .745 + (.255++ (.05(. - . (.05)4 )1 27034 ) (2.17) = 20.20 + 3.29 - 19.00 = $4.50/MBtu At a 90% capacity factor, using a constant dollar capital charge (FC) based on the same financial assumptions as the base case modeling analysis (see Table E.1), the levelized cost is: [diesel diesel Sdiesel levelized cost, $/MBtu = operating costs, $/MBtu + levelized capital cost, $/MBtu capCG ctotCG = copCG + H(x) CG (CAPCG/XCG)FC = copCG + = $4.50 + ST H(x) ($8,190,000/50 MBtu/hr) (.0969) (8760 hr)(.90) = $4.50 + $2.01 = $6.51/MBtu The comparative costs for operating the existing oil-fired boiler is shown as the dotted line, cop B , from Equation 2.3: cop B = (5.45/.83) + .25 = $6.82/MBtu A small shift in the size of the power credit relative to the fuel cost could suostantially increase copCG for such a diesel system, increasing the hours of operation per year required to make the plant economic--or making it uneconomic to build or even operate at all. The comparative levelized unit steam costs necessary for this optimal plant sizing for diesel, oil-fired steam turbine, and , 68 coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration systems are given by Figure 2.4 in a format identical to Figure 2.3. This demonstrates the comparative sensitivity of the sizing to fuel prices, power credits, and capital costs. In this example, while diesel and oil-fired steam turbine systems are likely to be sized for similar base load capacity factors relative to the site's steam loads, the diesel unit is much more sensitive to small shifts in fuel prices relative to the electricity credit because of the size of its power credit relative to the other components of its total levelized cost. Furthermore, coal-fired steam turbine systems break even with existing oil-fired boilers at a very low capacity factor, implying that coal-fired systems can be sized to meet nearly the peak steam loads. This is in contrast to the base steam load designs required for the oil-fired systems. Selecting the minimum cost plant The final step in the analysis of a new cogeneration or boiler plant for a site is the selection of the plant and fuel type after the consideration of the optimal sizing for each type and the future operation of each plant type. The question to be answered is whether or not the additional capital expenditures for any new plant are expected to reduce the steam and electricity costs for the site over the anticipated life of the new facilities. The approach adopted here compares the net present value of expected cash flow for each of the designs over a fixed horizon, which is approximately equal to the life of the new plants. There are COMPONENTS IN THE COST OF COGENERATION SYSTEMS PER UNIT OF STEAM DIESEL COAL- FIRED STEAM TURBINE OIL-FIRED STEAM TURBINE 20 New Oil ST 'I Existing New Coal ST / Existing Boiler COST ($/MBTU) :: . ... L/ FUEL , ,, ,, , , ,, 8760 POWER CREDIT 760 POWER CREDIT POWER CREDIT -201 HOURS OF OPERATION PER YEAR Fioure 2.4 8760 , 70 several reasons for this approach. First, in the previous section on the sizing of different designs, the technologies were compared only for marginal additions of capacity; the analysis of capital expenditure decision must account for the fixed components of capital cost for the individual technologies as well as the marginal capacity costs in relation to the total steam load served by cogeneration. Second, as demonstrated by Section, the optimal operating policy for a cogeneration system will change as electricity and fuel prices change, influencing the operating policies and cost reduction of the cogeneration system over the existing system. Finally, the combination of the effects from the operating decisions and the capital costs are best expressed as a net present value of expected cash flows because the uncertainties in future fuel and electricity prices and becuase of the advantages of the net present value approach in properly expressing the ranking of capital expenditure options. 6 One Design Versus an Existing Boiler Consider, first, the comparison between a diesel cogeneration plant and an existing boiler. 6 See If.the diesel system is of steam output Brealey and Myers (1981, Chapter 5) for an excellent exposxtion of the superiority of net present value over other metrics for the comparison of alternative investments. The internal rate of return method can cause ambiguous or incorrect results when used in the evaluation of cogeneration projects because of the radically different mix of operating and capital costs between the different technologies. Often a project that has the best net present value when evaluated at a market rate of return will have a lower internal rate of return than a less capital-intensive project (as the discount rate is increased a more capital-intensive project may drop to zero net present value before a less capital-intensive project which had a lower net present value at lower market discount rates. 4..-- capacity X T, at a time in which it is economic to operate the diesel system, the operating cost reduction for each unit of output from the diesel system will be crH = cop T,H - (2.19) STCGTH While, at a time in which it is uneconomic to operate the cogeneration system so the old boiler operates, the cost reduction will be: - min (cop CG crL = cop ST,L' ST L co COPST,L or = cop cr L ST,L - cop ST,L (2.20) = 0 where crq: the unit operating cost savings for a cogeneration system at cost level q. cop : the unit incremental steam production operating costs (including electricity generation credits for cogeneration technology) for technology i during a time with cost level q. q: indicates high electricity credits (H) or low credits (L). The operating cost savings must be totaled to reflect the size of the cogeneration system in relation to the steam loads. The simplest case is when the plant is economic to operate throughout the year, as shown in Figure 2.5(a). The cogeneration plant then operates first to supply all base heat loads while the existing boilers cover peak steam loads. The total cost savings for a year within a unit cost reduction CG CG for steam energy for crH is YsT(XsT). (crH ) . In a year when it is uneconomic to operate the system, there are no cost savings. The net present value of a system with constant unit cost operating savings crH over the life of the cogeneration unit is CG(XCG, NPVI =-CAPCG + t=O STST (1 + d) (2.21) where d: the rate of return appropriate for this class of investments, n: the life of the cogeneration plant in years CAPCG: the total capital cost of the cogeneration plant NPV 1 : the net present value of the plant. More complicated cases arise when electricity prices vary within each year. First, assume that the electricity prices can be at either of two levels. At the high level, cogeneration is economic to operate, and it results in the unit savings of crH > 0; at the low level, cogeneration is uneconomic to operate, and the savings is crL = 0. Second,.the timing of the high and low electricity prices can differ in its correlation to the steam loads. If the electricity price changes are totally uncorrelated with the steam loads, the annual operating cost savings will be reduced in direct proportion to the number of hours that the system is at the higher electricity prices: NPV 2 = CAPCG n crH +E CH t=O CG ST h (t)/8760 H (1 + d)t (2.22) STEAM LOADS AND COGENERATION OPERATING SAVINGS (a) All Electricity Sales at High Prices STEAM LOAD ITotal Cogenerated CG Energy, YST CG IST ST Cogeneration' Operates, crH> 0 HOURS PER YEAR (b) Perfectly Correlated High Electricity Prices High Steam Loads Aand STEAM LOAD' High Electricity-Prices --1 Low electricity Prices I CG Boiler Total Cogenerated ST Energy, Cogeneration' Operates, crH> 0 ,h -ST,h -Boiler Operates for Economic Reasons, cr = 0 hH Figure 2.5 HOURS PER YEAR where hH(t): the number of hours in year t that the electricity is at the high price level. An alternative situation would be if the power system's higher electricity price periods were perfectly correlated with the site's steam loads. higher levels for This could be the case of a winter peaking electric utility and an industrial site with steam loads that increase with lower ambient temperatures--not an uncommon situation for industrial fuel sites in the northern part of the U.S. In this case, as shown in Figure 2.5(b), the plant would cogenerate during the hH hours of high electricity price and highest steam loads, producing cost savings for the cogenerated steam. For the remainder of the hours (8760 - hH), the cogeneration plant would be uneconomic to operate, producing no cost savings (the cross-hatched area in Figure 2.5b). Since the steam loads are lowest when the electricity price is lowest, however, the reduction in cogenerated energy as a result of the optimal economic operation can be less than proportional to the decrease in high electricity price hours. The total cogenerated energy for a year with the steam loads hH hours of high electricity prices correlated with would be such that CG hH ST( 8 CG < YST,h < CG (2.23) ST where YST CG the maximum possible cogenerated steam at the site CG with the given cogeneration capacity XST (equivalent to shaded area in Figure 2.5(a)). Y Th: the energy economically cogenerated during a year with the high electricity price perfectly correlated with the steam load levels for the hH peak hours (the shaded area in Figures 2.5(b)). Because of the relationship in Equation 2.23, n NPV 3 = CAPCG t=O 3 cr crH CG ST,h (2.24) (1 + d)t and NPV 1 > NPV 3 2> NPV 2 All three models (Equations 2.21, 2.22, and 2.24) could be easily extended to allow for changes in hH and crH by year. The three different models illustrate how uncertainty in the key variables, fuel prices and changes in electricity prices through coal conversion by the utility can affect the present value of a new project versus an existing oil-fired boiler. For example, assume that the utility is generating electricity with oil for hH hours per year, and the cost reduction for oil-fired cogeneration over the existing boiler is the high cr H. The level of crH is determined by oil prices and the given cogeneration technology. The utility has coal as its marginal cost fuel for the other hours in the year; the coal prices are assumed to be low enough in relation to oil prices so that crL = 0. Figure 2.6 shows the relationship between the models NPVI, NPV 2 , and NPV 3 for different crH and demonstrates the impact of lowering hH on NPV 2 . An increase in oil prices, ceteris paribus, results in an increase in the value of these projects. An increase in IENSITIVITY OF THE NET PRESENT VALUE OF COGENERATION PROJECTS TO UNIT COST REDUCTION AND PEAK ELECTRICITY PRICE CONDI T IONS NPV ($) 1 NPV 1 NPV 3 NPV htT S8760 ] 2 NPV 1 DcrH crH ($/MBTU) -CAPCr Figure 2.6 the extent of coal conversion, causing a decrease in hH but no change in crH, results in a proportional decrease in the slope of NPV 2 with respect to NPV 1 since aNPV 2 Dcr H (hHh H (876) NPV 1 cr aNPV 2 aNPV 3 aNPV 1 (2.26) H and acrH crH - acrH (2.27) As hH becomes smaller, any given change in crH will have a smaller impact on the NPV but the value of the project could become negative for a given crH. In other words, as coal conversion by the utility increase (hH becomes smaller), the project will benefit less from oil price increases. Comparison of Multiple Designs Versus an Existing Boiler The previous section examined the value of a single new cogeneration or boiler project versus an existing boiler system; this section extends that analysis to the comparison of several projects and their relative sensitivity to fuel prices and utility coal conversion. In the previous section, the analysis was conducted with respect to tne unit operating savings for the plant, crH or crL, depending on two levels for electricity prices. In this section, since the change in crq depends upon the technology, a multi-plant analysis must De based on tne fuel price conditions directly. Two extreme cases for the electricity credits limit the analysis. The first case assumes that the cogeneration system, tne old boiler, and the utility all use oil, so the unit operating cost savings (crH) increases with an increase in oil prices although the rate of increase with oil prices is different between technologies. Figure 2.7 illustrates the impact on the present value of different plants. The second case assumes that the cogeneration system and the old Doiler burn oil while the utility uses coal, so the unit operating cost savinqs 7 decreases with an increase in oil prices under constant coal prices. Again, the slope of the change differs between technologies; each technology reacnes a maximum oil price (PCG), above which it will max not operate, so the losses are limited to the capital cost of the project. Figure 2.8 presents this case. The impact of increased utility conversion to coal as its marginal cost fuel is not as easily demonstrated for the multiple plant examples as in the single new plant case. The net present value of a given cogeneration plant selling electricity to a "marginal coal cost" utility is a mixture of the two extreme cases in Figures 2.7 and 2.8, assuming that steam loads are uncorrelated with the utility coal burning. Comparing the present value of two new plants against the existing boiler system depends on the exact relationship of capital costs and operating cost savings. The plant with the higher share of electricity output as a fraction of total cost savings, however, will 7 This is crH or crL depending on the exact oil/coal price conditions which indicate whether or not the cogeneration system snould operate. SENSITIVITY OF THE NET PRESENT VALUE OF OIL-FIRED COGENERATION TO OIL PRICES WHEN ELECTRICITY CREDITS ARE BASED ON OIL NPV ($) NPvCG, 2 / NPV ' PPoil ($/IIBTU) -CAPCG, 1-. -CAPCG ,2 Figure 2.7 80 SENSITIVITY OF THE NET PRESENT VALUE OF OIL-FIRED COGENERATION TO OIL PRICES WHEN ELECTRICITY CREDITS ARE BASED ON COAL NPV ($) 0 Poil ($/MBTU ) NPVCG, 1 -CAPCG, 2 NPVCG, 2 (Coal Prices Constant) Figure 2.8 ° 81 decline faster in net present value with an increase in the fraction of the year that the utility has coal as a marginal cost fuel, assuming the price of coal cannot drop below the price of oil. These simple present value models demonstrate several things. The analysis includes the total new plant capital cost; because of scale economies associated with the capital equipment, marginal capital costs alone are not sufficient to specify the total cost and the impact on the project's value. Changes in coal conversion and oil prices (as reflected in crH down to a lower limit) interact in their impact on the project's value. The year-by-year analysis is important because of the potential for changes in hH and crH over time. Finally, the complete shape of the steam load duration curve below the level of the plant's capacity can affect the value of the project if the steam loads and the level of crH are correlated. 2.2.2 The Complications Imposed by Realistic Utility Tariffs In contrast to Section 2.2.1, in which all analytical discussions assumed that the utility purchased all cogenerated electricity at the utility's marginal fuel cost, this section explores the complications created for the firm by the typical industrial electricity tariffs. The effect is more significant for the firm's decisions at the operating level, alth6ugh the resulting changes in operating cost must be reflected in the anticipated cost savings for any capital investments in new cogeneration equipment. The section begins with a brief introduction to utility rate-making and tariff design. The second sub-section discusses the major difficulties arising in the adaptation of typical industrial tariffs for firms that cogenerate. An Introduction to Utility Ratemaking and Industrial Tariffs There are two stages to the setting of industrial electricity tariffs in the United States for regulated utilities. At the first stage, an independent regulatory agency sets the intended revenue that the utility will be allowed to collect from all its customers. second stage is to design tariffs for each type of customer. The Kahn (1970, 1971), Turvey and Anderson (1977), and Crew and Kleindorfer (1979), among many others, offer discussions on utility regulation, tariff design, and their associated public policy consequences. This section offers only a basic overview with an introduction to some of the influences on cogeneration. The overall level of anticipated revenue collection by a regulated utility in the U.S. is based upon the utility's total operating expenses plus an allowed return on its capital investments. These allowed revenues are allocated to the residential, commercial, and industrial customer classes by an assessment of the utility's costs incurred to serve each class. The next stage is the design of tariffs to collect these allowed revenues on the basis of the total costs to serve each class. As traditionally designed in the U.S., industrial tariffs separate the charges for a customer into three components in order to more closely follow the accounting components of the utility's total costs. These component charges to the firm are: 1. A customer charge for costs that the utility would incur no matter how much electricity the customer uses, for example, metering and billing costs. 2. An energy charge (or kilowatt-hour charge) for the utility's running costs that vary directly with energy used by the consumer, such as fuel and certain other operating costs. 3. A demand charge (or kilowatt charge) for the utility's capital equipment costs that are allocated to the industrial class, such as a portion of the total generation, transmission, and distribution equipment costs. Appendix B contains the text of several tariffs wnich are employed in examples within this section: the "H Rate" is the most typical of a traditional industrial tariff. A number of features common to these tariffs make them substantially more complex than a simple billing of a fixed customer charge with single unit charges for each kilowatt-hour of energy usage in a month and for each kilowatt of peaK usage over the month. Following the mathematical approach suggested in Manichaikul (1978), let: R(t ) = Rc + Rd (d(tn),...) + Re(YEL(tn),...) (2.28) with t YEL(tn) and n Jtn-1 YEL(t)dt (2.29) d(t) = max (yEL(t)) (tn 1 ,tn) (2.30) where YEL(t): the continuous sale of electric power to the customer at time t, YEL(t n): the total electric energy sold to the customer during d(tn): the monthly period tnl to tn, the peak power demand by the customer during the monthly period tnl to tn, R(t ): the total tariff charges for the month, Rc: the customer charge component, Rd(.): the demand charge function which can depend on several variables, principally the current month's peak usage, Re(.): the energy charge component, which can also depend on several variables, principally the current montn's total electric energy sales. First, the demand and energy charges in some tariffs change in tncremental value as the montnly level of usage changes, so the charges are not strictly linear with the demand, d(tn), or the energy, YEL(tn). For example, the energy charge in the C Rate is 7.151 i/kWh plus average fuel costs for an increment of energy when tne monthly usage is 20 to 100 kilowatt-hours, but 4.241 O/kWh plus average fuel costs when the usage is over 2000 kilowatt-hours. This is known as a declining block energy tariff. Another feature which is becoming accepted as part of recent * 85 rate-making reforms, is the changing of incremental energy charges at each level of usage with season and time of day or week. The X Rate is an example of this tariff type. Third, demand charges are often based not only on the maximum usage in the current month, but also on the peak usage over many prior months; this feature is known as a demand "ratchet." Tne H Rate, for example, bases the $1.57/kW unit charge for demand on the higher of the peak usage in the current month or 80 percent of the peak in the 11 previous months. In algebraic form, Rd(d(tn), d(tn-1),...) = 1.57 D(t ) (2.31) and D(t ) = max(d(t ), .8d(t_),...,.8d(tn-_1 ) , 500 ) (2.32) where Rd: the demand charge under the H-Rate in dollars for the month, and D(tn): the "billing demand" for the month tn in kW with an 80% ratchet for 11 prior months. Finally, some industrial tariffs vary the energy charge on the demand level as well as the energy usage level in the billing period. The H-Rate bases its energy charge on this type of formulation. The energy charge decreases as the ratio of monthly energy use to the peak demand (YEL/D) increases. This is called a load factor or "hours-use" energy discount. Analyzing the economic incentives imbedded in these tariff formulae becomes very complex because the instantaneous incremental cost of a 86 kilowatt-hour of electric energy to a customer can vary depending on the specific customer's history of electricity consumption for the current month and, possibly, many previous months. This current incremental cost can also reflect the customer's anticipated usage patterns and consumption opportunities for months to come. The general formulation of the electricity usage problem as a part of indutrial production becomes an infinite horizon dynamic programming problem if a demand ratchet exists in the tariff the customer is using; a few assumptions, however, can reduce the analytical task. Assuming that the demand ratchet does not become important (d(tn) > .8d(tm), tm = tnll' ...* tn-1), Figure 2.9 demonstrates how the incremental costs for the control of demand and energy vary depending upon the total anticipated level of demand and energy usage in a month under the H Rate. The incremental costs illustrated depend on: DR RR _ ad(t n) d + ad(tn) d, YEL BRe aRe (2.33) ad(t) d, YEL and R YE L n Re EL (2.34) (2.34) n d, YEL Note that, although the incremental demand cost in the demand charge portion of the rate (Rd) is only $1.57/kW, the change in the hours-use energy charge from the demand increase can more than double THE INCREMENTAL COST OF DEMAND OR ENERGY USE CHANGES ACTUAL DEMAND (KW) (K $1.57) $1.802 $ 1.57 .57 t0 3.0020 2.7040 t % 2,3970 $3.599 $3.191 2.2810 1.818it -0 0 1.716t 1000 3 8 3.859 A B 1.664e co C aR Dd Key, ($/kW) a RE YEL 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 ELECTRIC ENERGY USAGE (thousand KWH) Impact on H Rate monthly bill; excludes the average fuel cost, which must be adred to the energy component. Figure 2.9 (C/kWh) the incremental impact. For example, at Point A on the figure where the energy usage is 350,000 kWh per month and the peak demand is 1000 kW, the incremental cost of a kilowatt in peak demand is $3.191/kW and the incremental energy cost for the firm is 1.818 &/kWn, neglecting the average fuel cost adjustment; at Point B, with half the energy usage but the same demand, the incremental cost of demand is $1.57/kW and the incremental cost of energy is 2.397 0/kWh. The tariffs become even more complex when the customer has the option to generate electricity as well as purchase electricity from the utility. As briefly noted in Section, two general pricing relations have evolved in the U.S. for customers owning their own source of regular electric generation: a) Arbitrage, or simultaneous purchase and sale, where the utility purchases the entire electric output of the customer's generation source while the utility sells the customer all of its electric requirements; and b) Net sale, where the customer uses the generation for internal needs and the utility only purchases generation in excess of the instantaneous site electric loads. The arbitrage approach provides the industrial firm with the same incentives for electricity consumption as would exist if the customer owned no generation. The tariffs or contracts for the purchase of electricity by the utility can be designed without explicit regard to the customer's usage patterns. The net sale of electricity from a generation source such as * 89 cogeneration, however, reduces both the demand and the energy charges under the typical tariff. The reduction in kilowatt-hour usage occurs on a direct one-for-one basis with the energy output of the cogeneration plant. Often this does not translate into a proportional reduction in the energy cost component of the tariff because of a declining block structure in the energy charge; the reduction depends on the specific tariff structure and the electricity consumption patterns at the site. The reduction in the kilowatt demand depends on the difference between the load and the cogeneration plant output throughout the month, so the coincidence of internal loads and cogeneration plant output together determines the net peak demand. The net peak demand influences both the demand and energy charges in some tariffs like the H rate. Taking a firm with internal loads of 350,000 kWh/month and a peak demand of 1000 kW at Point A in Figure 2.9, a cogeneration source that produces 175,000 kWh in the month without ever exceeding the site's peak load would result in a bill based on 1000 kW demand and 175,000 kWh energy usages (Point B). A different cogeneration sources that constantly produced 240 kW electrical generation for the month would reduce the demand to 760 kW and the net energy usage to 175,000 kWh (Point C). Not only do the absolute levels of the monthly tariff differ significantly but the incremental energy consumption, generation, and peak load control incentives change. At Point A, tne incremental costs of energy and demand increases are 1.818 0/kWh and $3.191/kW, respectively; at Point B, they are 2.397 0/kWh and down to $1.57/kW; while at Point C, they are 2.281 i/kWh and $1.802/kW. The incremental value of the internally used electricity varies with the level of cogeneration output under a tariff like the H Rate. Using electric load and cogeneration plant performance modeling discussed in Section 2.3, Figure 2.10 illustrates the impact of additional cogeneration capacity on the non-fuel tariff demand and energy charges for the Large Manufacturer, whose typical monthly energy usage is about 6,000,000 kWh with a peak load of about 13,000 kW. Assuming the cogeneration system operates continuously to serve steam loads, the savings are shown as a function of the average annual cogeneration energy output. A less reliable generation source diminishes the reduction in the demand component and affects the energy charge hours-use discount at lower levels of cogeneration capacity. The lower reliability plant savings moves slightly above the incremental savings from a high reliability cogeneration system at the higner capacity levels because the demand savings are smaller and the lower reliability system is thus saving higher energy costs in a lower hours-use region of the tariff. The total dollar savings for the higher reliability cogeneration system, however, are higher at any level. This illustrates the need to examine total cost as well as incremental savings under complex tariffs. Additional tariff provisions, such as the auxiliary service rider or the special cogeneration CG Rate in Appendix B, further complicate the total cost and incremental cost incentives for electricity usage and production by the generating customer beyond the basic difficulties COMPARATIVE_ INCREMENTAL VALUE OF ADDITIONAL COGENERATION A NET SALE / INTERNAL ON USAGE BASIS BY THE LARGE MANUFACTURER ON THE H RATE 2 4 0 . T 2.30, z0 H : U 2.204 lc, t\ 0 U H s, I P I 2.1o-I4 F' I-.l F, ,< E-4 zU H 2.00- Z t.- o = Savings for standard reliability steam turbine (2840 hours MTBF) 1.904 at the large manufacturer * = Savings for low reliability steam turbine (460 hours 1TBF) at the large manufacturer 1.80 F-IJ 1 1000 2000 REDUCTION I 4000 3000 IN ANNUAL ELECTRIC PURCHASES BY CUSTOMER (KUi Figure 2..10 ENERGY AVERAGE) I 5000 illustrated above. The Difficulties Associated with Typical Utility Tariffs for a Cogenerating Customer Three fundamental tariff-related problems complicate the evaluation of cogeneration operation and investment from a firm's perspective. The first arises from the option of the cogenerating firm to arbitrage the cogenerated electricity or sell it net of internal loads. There are two aspects to the difficulties posed by the first fundament problem. First, the utility's average costs, which will be reflected in the general levels of the tariffs, will not generally be equal to the utility's marginal costs of serving the industrial firm. Because of this, the industrial tariff levels will usually differ from the marginal fuel cost-based price that the utility offers for the electricity purchases from the plant. The firm considering cogeneration must weigh anticipated changes in the comparative levels of the utility's average versus marginal costs since the firm will wish to adapt the cogeneration plant's future operating and tariff policies to these changing conditions. For example, imagine a utility with a fully depreciated capital stock, fixed operating costs of I/kWh allocated to energy use, and average fuel costs that are half coal at 2.50/kWh and half oil at 5/kWh, Assuming a simple average energy tariff, the average tariff level and unit charge would be 4.75 /kWn. If oil is tne marginal fuel for 80 percent of the time, the time-average marginal cost is 4.5g/kWh. A cogenerating customer would be wise to sell net under these conditions. If oil prices increase so , 93 that oil generation costs 6/kWh, the average tariff becomes 5.25 V/kWh but the marginal fuel costs jump to 5.30/kWh; the cogenerator would wish to sell on an arbitrage basis. The second aspect to the first fundamental problem arises for customers using the cogenerated electricity output internally to reduce the total tariff charges. The incremental cost reduction in the tariff through cogeneration often differs from both the utility's average costs and its marginal costs, so the calculation of the rate choice must reflect the average cost level, the aetailed structure of the tariff, and the utility's marginal costs for the purchase of electricity. As the example for Figure 2.10 demonstrated, the incremental savings in a tariff through cogeneration varies with the level of cogeneration, its reliability, and the overall tariff level. In the example, the incremental savings varied over a-.4 /kWh range; in contrast, recent savings in oil prices and changes in utility fuel mix indicate that electric utility average versus marginal costs can have a wider range. The second fundamental problem occurs because changes in the net electricity usage pattern from cogeneration can change the customer's incremental costs for internal electric energy consumption and peak demand control. The changes in these incentives, as illustrated by the examples in the section above, could significantly alter the firm's incentives for the control of peak loads in coordination with the utility's peak loads. The third fundamental problem is that even a marginal cost-based 94 price for the cogenerated electricity under an arbitrage purchasing arrangement can distort the project economics. If the marginal cost is averaged over a time period in which the actual marginal costs fluctuate over a range that would allow the cogenerator to adapt its operating policy, the cogeneration plant could improve its operating cost savings without changing the utility's total costs. Returning to the example above, consider a utility with coal at 2.5/kWh as the marginal fuel 20 percent of the time and with oil at 6w/kWh as the marginal fuel 80 percent of the time. for the utility is 5.3V/kWh. The time-average marginal cost If an industrial firm is selling the utility all its output from its I kW cogeneration system which it runs at a cost of 3 /kWh, then the firm receives 2.3C/kWh operating profit. The utility pays more than its actual marginal cost when it is running on coal and less than its marginal cost when it is running on oil, but these gains and losses cancel out for the utility if the cogeneration output is constant. As an alternative, the industrial firm could coordinate its cogeneration with the utility's actual marginal costs, so that the firm received the 2.5W/kWh when the utility was on coal and 6C/kWh when it was on oil. Under this "time-of-oil" pricing scneme, following economic operating rules the cogenerator should not operate when the utility is on coal because it would lose .5V/kWh, but it should operate the 80 percent of the time that the utility is on oil because it profits 3V/kWh. Assuming constant steam and thus cogeneration output, the average profit is .8 (3V/kWh) or 2.4V/hour per kilowatt for tne industrial firm. The firm gains 14 per hour per kilowatt of capacity with no gain or loss by the utility at any instant. 8 2.3 MODELING THE OPTIMAL ECONOMIC DESIGN AND OPERATION OF A COGENERATION AND BOILER PLANT This section describes and presents results from a model designed to capture the major capital and operating choices faced by a firm considering changes in its boiler plant. The model solves the cost-minimization problem for the four levels of capital and operating decisions outlined in Section 2.2.1, explicitly incorporating the effects of realistic tariffs. It incorporates explicit treatment of the long-term uncertainties associated with fuel prices and electricity price changes through utility coal conversion by a decision analysis formulation of the current plant type and size decisions; after the uncertainties in fuel and electricity prices are resolved, the model determines the subsequent minimum cost operating decisions. A plant performance submodel captures short-run uncertainties in site electricity and steam loads and in cogeneration plant availability by a Monte Carlo simulation of each potential plant's operating performance under all operating mode and tariff choices. The plant performance simulation includes the effects from the energy and ratcheted demand tariff charges. 8 This is one of the simplest forms of electricity "spot pricing" as discussed in Schweppe et al. (1980). Bohn (1981, 1982) describe in general fonn a broader range of opportunities that industrial firms might use to reduce costs by altering operations in response to electricity "spot prices." Section 2.3.1 describes the structure of the model, using results from the analysis of the large manufacturing site as an example. Section 2.3.2 presents an overview of the results from all the sites. Section 2.3.3 discusses the simplification of the model, particularly modifications allowing an analysis of a site using less detailed data. Finally, Section 2.3.4 compares aspects of the modeling results with results from simple application of the analytical approach from Section 2.2. 2.3.1 Description of the Cogeneration Plant Analysis Model As the earlier sections of this chapter have stressed, a firm considering cogeneration faces decisions at two distinct stages: the operating decisions, with the resulting operating cost savings; and the investment decisions, where capital expenditures must be weighed against the potential for future operating cost savings. At the operating stage, short-term uncertainties in the cogeneration plant outaqes and their coincidence with steam and electric loads influence the anticipated operating cost savings. At the investment stage, long-term uncertainties in fuel and electricity price escalation significantly affect the expected savings for different plant designs, thus influencing the investment decision. The first step in the modeling of a cogeneration plant's economics is the calculation of the possible operating cost savings from each potential plant design. These savings for eacn design are determined from the minimum cost operating mode and electricity tariff option in ~--------- each year. The search for the minimum cost operating mode and tariff combination is accomplished by examining all possible options. The cost of each operating mode and tariff alternative depends upon the fuel, operation and maintenance, and utility tariff costs projected for each year. These costs can be calculated from each plant's technical performance in terms of fuel use by operating mode, combined with the impact on the demand charge and energy components of the available utility tariffs. To determine how the plant performs under each of these mode/tariff combinations, each tariff and operating mode choice must be simulated, accounting for the uncertainties in plant outages and in steam and electric loads. The following subsection describes the development of the operating cost savings, working from the plant performance simulation to the selection of the minimum operating cost policy as illustrated in Figure 2.11. In coordination with the figure, Table 2.4 presents a summary of the extent of the modeling effort. The second step in the analysis of the plant economics is the net present value calculation of the expected operating costs under each possible fuel and electricity price scenario, weighed against the capital expenditures necessary to build the plant. The present value of each plant alternative, including the existing plant, can then be compared to find the least cost system. In the implementation of tnis model, even with capital cost economies of scale, sensitivity analysis showed that the optimal sizing of the different plant types in relation to the site steam load could be effectively approximated in a single-year, levelized-cost computation using the method discussed in THE SITE STEAM AND ELECTRICITY COST ANALYSIS MODEL Site Data Minimization of Operating Costs by Year for Mode and Tariff Decisions Plant Performance Operating Cost Escalation for All Mode and Tariff Options Selection of Minimum Cost Operating Policy by Year for Each Fuel and Electricity Price Scenario Investment Decision Analysis Financial Analysis for Each Fuel and Electricity Scenario Expected Value Calculation for Each Plant Type Minimum Present Cost Plant Design Figure 2.11 Table 2.4: An Overview of the Model Implementation Modeling Level/Submodel P.urpose Implementation Site Data Retrieval Selection of plant types and sizes for detailed modeling; electric load data retrieved; synthetic steam loads developed from montnly steam use and ambient temperature data 6 plant types selected from 9 technology options, depending on existing boiler fuel plant sizes preselected in single year levelized cost vs capacity factor analysis (approximately optimal) Operating Cost Minimization Plant Performance Operating . Cost Escalation Selection of Minimum Cost -Operating Pol icy ~II A time series of plant performance and outages (Dy an exponential random process) is simulated in response to electric and steam loads to get average annual fuel use, tariff energy and ratcheted demand charges, and electricity and steam output by mode and tariff 6 year simulation over 12 months/year, 30 days/month, 3 periods/ day in 2 time-of-use classifications; 5 fundamental modes, 6 tariffs. Tariff, fuel, and O+M-related costs costs are escalated for each fuel and electricity price scenario using plant performance statistics; electricity prices are derived from electricity utility production cost simulations performed outside of this modeling 15-year horizon; 5 fundamental singleyear modes are interpolated to 4 modes, one of which (time-of-oil operation) varies in performance by year and scenario; b tariff options. Search made over all operating options in each year for each plant under each scenario to find minimum operating costs 9 scenarios, a combination of 3 fuel cases and 3 utility coal conversion/ electricity price cases, calculated over a 15-year horizon. ~-~ ~---~~P1IBPQ~ --- . 100 Table 2.4: An Overview of the Model Implementation (cont.) Modeling Level/Submodel Purpose Implementation Investment Decision Analysis Financial Analysis After-tax operating and investment cost projections are combined into discounted costs by plant and scenario All 6 plant types over 15 year horizon under the 9 scenarios Expected Value Calculation Present value for each plant is calculated from expected discounted cost for each plant type Weighted Dy the 9 scenario subjective probabilities Minimum Present Cost Design Selection Least present cost alternative selected by comparison of alternative plant types to the current plant design From Present Value of 6 plant types 101 Section; this allows confining the detailed operating analysis and present value calculation to a single, pre-sized design for each plant studied at a site. 9 The second subsection discusses the net present value analysis of the expected operating cost savings for each plant. The third subsection demonstrates the sensitivity of the modeling results to economic conditions, tariff restrictions, and further information on fuel prices and utility coal conversion. Appendix E summarizes the detailed modeling assumptions, including fuel prices and electric utility price conditions. The Minimization of Plant Operating Costs by Year This section describes the development of year-by-year minimum operating cost estimates for each plant design being considered in the modeling analysis. As implemented, each plant at a site can operate in 4 different modes and have the utility purchase or sell it electricity 9 The pre-selection of plant sizes is subject to a lower limit to reflect restrictions on commercially available equipment for each technology: coal-fired steam turbines, 1000 kW; oil-fired steam turbines, 500 kW; #6 oil-fired diesels and gas turbines, about 1000 kW; #2 oil-fired diesels, 250 kW; #2 oil-fired gas turbines, 400 kW; and stand-along coal boilers, 15 MBtu/hr. Supplementary-fired boiler capacity for diesel and gas turbine cogeneration was set at the lesser of a capacity providing a 20% incremental capacity factor or the basic cogeneration system's steam capacity times the supplementary/cogenerated steam output ratio. This heuristic approach for supplementary-fired capacity sizing was developed in a simple sizing analysis using the levelized cost method in Section, which assumes no capital cost economies of scale. This does not reflect the exact first-order optimality conditions unaer economies of scale, but it is sufficiently accurate for this analysis, as will be demonstrated in Section 2.3.4. 102 under 6 different tariff combinations. Tables 2.5 and 2.6 summarize these modes and tariffs that make up the operating policy options. The operating modes all assume the cogeneration and boiler plants would follow the site's thermal requirements; assuming otherwise substantially increases the complexity of the modeling and is unwarranted given the economic conditions in the utility used for this case study. As elaborated by Figure 2.11 and Table 2.4, the operating cost estimation process requires three stages. First, the plant performance modeling takes data on electric and steam loads together with the individual cogeneration and boiler system fuel use and outage rate statistics and performs a multi-year Monte Carlo simulation, which provides annual operating statistics on all plants operating under all tariffs and modes. Second, the cost escalation extrapolates the fuel, operations and maintenance, and utility costs and revenues for the anticipated fuel and electricity price trends. Finally, selection of the minimum cost operating policy for each plant and year takes place under each fuel and electricity price scenario, which are described in Table 2.7. Plant Performance Modeling The Monte Carlo plant performance model estimates each plant's expected annual fuel use, electricity purchases and sales by the utility, and non-fuel tariff charges for a base year through a period-by-period simulation of the plant operation for a multi-year period. This elaborate Monte Carlo simulation is necessary for one -- L -~IIP~I~W---*JI~I2~--~srd(rOr _~ _ _ _ ___iyl 103 Table 2.5: Plant Operating Modes 1. Operate Always: the cogeneration or main boiler ouput follows the sites' steam loads up to the system's capacity at all times that the system is available; the older boiler handles peak steam loads or the entire load during an outage for the new plant. 2. Never Operates: The cogeneration system does not operate; all steam loads are met by the older boiler. 3. Operates On-Peak: The coqeneration system follows the site's steam loads up to the system's capacity during the utility's peak electricity price periods and ceases operating in the off-peak periods; the older boiler handles peak steam loads and the entire steam load during outages for the new plant or during the off-peak electricity price periods. 4. Operates on a Time-of-Oil Basis: The cogeneration system follows the site's steam loads, up to the system's capacity, whenever oil is the utility's marginal cost fuel, and it ceases operation whenever coal is the utility's marginal cost fuel; the older boiler handles peak steam loads, and the entire steam load during outages for the main plant or whenever coal is the utility's marginal cost fuel. Since the percentage of the year that the utility is on oil as a marginal cost fuel changes year by year for each scenario, the plant performance in each year is interpolated using the given year's time on oil and the mean annual operating statistics for three special submodes, the operate always mode, a submode with constant operation on peak and intermittent operation off-peak, ana a submode with intermittent operation at all hours. The intermnittent operation is correlated with the hignest heating and cooling degree hours. 104 Table 2.6: Option The Menu of Tariff Options Sales by the Utility Purchases of Cogenerated Electricity by the Utility H-Rate (a large industrial for site loads in excess of Purchase of electricity generation in excess of with the Auxiliary Service internal site loads at any Provision minimum billing instant; this "net sale" price is at the utility's marginal fuel cost. 2 C-Rate (an energy-only rate) for site loads in excess of generation with the Auxiliary Service Provision minimum billing. 3 X-Rate (a time-of-use industrial rate for site loads in excess of generation rate) with the Auxiliary Service Provision minimum billing. 4 CX-Rate (a time-of-use industrial rate that is designed especially for cogeneration) for loads in excess of generation 5 H-Rate for all site loads Purchase of all cogenerated electricity; the "arbitrage" purchase price is at the utility's marginal fuel cost 6 X-Rate for all site loads 105 TaDle 2.7: Fuel and Utility Conversion Scenarios (a) Fuel price Escalation Scenarios. 1. High: Oil prices escalating rapidly in constant dollars (about 5 percent/year at first); coal prices escalating quickly (about 3 percent/year), but not as fast as oil prices. 2. Middle: Oil prices escalate moderately (about 2 percent/year); coal prices escalate more rapidly (about 4 percent) than oil prices for 5 years and then taper off to a slightly slower growth rate than oil. 3. Low: Oil prices drop (about -2 percent/year) in constant dollar terms for a 5 year period and then stabilize; coal prices escalate moderately for 5 years (about 4 percent/year) and then taper off to a slow growth rate (about 1.4 percent/year). (b) Electricity Price/Utility Coal Conversion Scenarios 1. Fast: All coal capable plants are converted from oil to coal; coal-oil mixtures are used at other major plants and electric load growth stays low. Oil is reduced to about a sixth of the total utility fuel energy usage; coal becomes the marginal cost fuel for almost half the time, up to a third of the peak hours and more than half of the off-peak hours. 2. Medium: All the major coal-capable plants are converted from oil to coal, and electric load growth stays low to moderate. Oil is reduced to about a quarter of the total utility fuel energy usage; coal becomes the marginal cost fuel for up to a quarter of the time, up to about 10 percent of the peak hours and slightly more than a third of the off-peak hours. 3. Slow: Only the iargest coal-capable plants are converted from oil to coal, or utility electric load growth increases. Oil is reduced to about a third of the total utility fuel energy usage; oil is always the marginal cost fuel. 106 primary reason: the complexity of tariffs, especially as they relate to peak demand charges, necessitates a period-by-period analysis that does not lend itself to more general treatment of changing steam and electric loads together with the uncertain cogeneration plant availability, such as Markov process analysis. The key data requirements on this simulation are a time series for the steam and electric loads, an outage pattern for the main coqeneration or boiler system under study, an operating policy, and a method for calculating each possible electricity tariff. Table 2.8 lists site-specific information needed for this process. Since the modeling was conducted on an 8-hour shift-by-shift basis, electric load data taken on a quarter-hourly basis for five of the sites was reduced to shifts of appropriate length. For the one other site, the college, shift-by-shift'electric loads extrapolated using a simple disaggregation assumption between the site's electric load factor and the split of peak versus off-peak electric energy usage. The steam loads were not available on a shift-by-shift basis for any of the sites studied in a form that would allow their expeditious usage. By assuming that ambient temperatures are one of the primary factors affecting site steam loads, a simple disaggregation relationship between monthly heating and cooling degree information and monthly boiler fuel use can be extrapolated to shift-oy-shift steam loads using local shift-by-shift ambient temperature data. Figure 2-12 provides a comparison of a site's steam load duration curve for the monthly data and the resulting shift-by-shift simulation. The site's -107 Table 2.8: 1. Steam loads: Site-Specific Data Used in Detailed Plant Analysis simulated on a shift-by-shift basis as a function of ambient temperature using a linear equation estimated from monthly steam usage or boiler fuel consumption and heating/cooling degree data. 2. Electric loads: a) Shift-by-shift when hourly electric purchase data are available, corrected for any existing on-site generation b) When hourly data are not availaule, monthly energy and peak demand data are extrapolated to a peak and off-peak pattern using the site's average electric load factor in relation to the average electric load factor and peak/off-peak load for a large sample of sites. 3. Percentage of steam usage at low pressure (< 15 psig) is used to adjust the cogeneration thermal efficiencies. 4. Existing on-site cogeneration is included as a zero capital cost plant option if it is significant in size. 5. Current type of oil being used for steam production. - --- ~- C -- ~r - 108 MONTHLY AVERAGE STEAM USAGE AND THE SIMULATED SHIFT-BY-SHIFT STEAM LOAD DUATIN DURATION CURPVE STEALOD CURVE FOR FOR THE THE LARE LAR%3E MANUFACTU MANFACTURER --- FRACTION OF THE YEAR Figure 2.12 ~~4~ lii---~~---' ~-~~~~-~1_~_11II-1- # 109 steam load temperatures, which affect plant fuel efficiency, are also required. . The outage pattern for each plant was set from an exponentially distributed random process using the mean time to failure and repair statistics for the different technologies from Appendix D. The fuel use/steam and electric output relations, also in Appendix D, determine the plant's impact when it is running; the backup boiler system and the utility supply steam and electricity service during any outage. The simulation calculation starts with each 8-hour snift's steam load. This determines the level of cogeneration steam output, up to the plant's capacity; for loads above the main boiler or cogeneration plant capacity, the backup boiler carries the steam load. The level of cogeneration steam output also specifies the electrical output, plant fuel consumption, and in systems with waste heat recovery boilers, the maximum permissible level of supplementary firing. The electricity output is combined with the shift-by-shift electric loads and aggregated to yield monthly electricity purchases, sales, and tariff costs. The simulation is recomputed for each operating mode using the same outage patterns, adjusted for mean failure rates between plant types. The plant performance simulation bases its analysis on.5 different operating patterns, which are later used to form 4 operating policies in the cost extrapolation. Since the fraction of the year that the utility has oil as its marginal cost fuel changes annually, the time-of-oil mode is constructed by a year-by-year linear interpolation 110 between the "always operating" mode and two special submodes that depict plant operation at two fixed time-of-oil percentages. The first special time-of-oil submode has the plant operate during all peak hours and during the off-peak hours that had the highest 70 percent of the heating and cooling degree levels. The extreme time-of-oil submoae has the plant operate during the 65 percent of the peak and the 45 percent of the off-peak periods that had the most extreme heating and cooling degree levels. The heating and cooling degree information uses tne same ambient temperatures that drive the simulation of the steam loads. Operating Cost Escalation Using the performance mooel's statistics on average fuel use, steamn and electricity output including average electricity purchases and sales by the utility at the site, and the non-fuel utility tariff charges, the annual operating costs can be computed for each plant under each fuel and electricity price scenario in each operating mode and tariff choice. The fuel costs for the main plant, the backup boiler, and tne supplementary-fired boiler are calculated directly from the fuel price in each year for each tariff and operating mode choice under the given scenario. The fuel type differs between the types of equipment. Operations and maintenance costs are based on the standard unit O+M cost assumptions discussed in Appendix D. These unit costs are assumed to escalate with inflation. The transactions with the utility involve the non-fuel components of the tariff, the additional fuel adjustment charges (average fuel ni+ ~a9prCCIB~IIRP~~.'MP~~~c~""s~n r~----- * 1ll cost) on electricity sales by the utility, and the payment at the utility's marginal fuel costs for the sale of electricity to the utility. The non-fuel portion of the tariffs was assumed to escalate with inflation, but it could be escalated in any desired manner. The fuel adjustment and the marginal fuel costs depend upon both fuel prices and the extent of the utility's coal conversion; this analysis assumed a simple summary relationship between the snare of oil in the average cost and the shares of oil and coal in the marginal cost. This allows consistency in the effect of fuel prices on the industrial firm and, through the average and marginal shares relationships, on the fuel adjustment for the tariffs and the marginal fuel cost for the purctiase of electricity by the utility. As discussed above, since the share of oil as a marginal cost fuel changes over time, the time-of-oil operating mode cost must reflect this changing share in the costs projected year-by-year. First, the plant performance for these modes is interpolated as described above. Then the typical fuel and inflation escalators are applied. Selection of Minimum Cost Operating Policy by Year Within any restrictions set on the tariff and operating mode combinations, the minimum cost operating mode and tariff are selected for each plant in each year over the planning horizon under the price conditions set by the scenario. The minimization is accomplished by exhaustive search of the alternatives. This minimum cost operating policy for each plant, year, and scenario is stored for the determination of the impact on the utility, a process which Chapter 3 112 describes. Table 2.9 presents a sample of the operating simulation for a single year in the middle scenario, The Investment Decision Analysis This stage of the analysis combines all the minimum operating cost cashflows for each project with the consequences of the initial capital investment in order to determine the net present value of each project. The final plant design is selected on the basis of the least net present cost. Financial Analysis First, for each given plant and fuel/electricity price scenario, a discounted value is computed from the after-tax minimum operating costs and the after-tax results of the initial plant investment. Table 2.10 illustrates the cashflow calculation comparing the existing oil-fired boiler with a new coal-fired cogeneration plant under the middle fuel price escalation/medium coal conversion scenario. This includes the optimal operating policy for each year under the given scenario; note how electricity revenues change from 1985 to 1990 as the steam turbine plants switches from net sale to arbitrage of the electricity output. The discounted value is calculated in Table 2.11 using the Adjusted Present Value method (see Brealey and Myers, 1981). The detailed financial assumptions and tax computation methods are described in Appendix E. Expected Value Calculation Second, the discounted values for each plant under all scenarios ' 113 Table 2.9: Sample Operating Analysis for the Large Manufacturing Site I I ... . . .. CoalFired Steam Turbine Oil Boiler Coal (existing) Boiler Cogen. 104 104 Design Size MBtu/nr* 179*** MW - - Average Output in Always Run Mode MBtu/hr* 87.7 81.8 MW - - OilFired Steam Turbine Cogen. 74 5.6 4.0 81.1 67.9 5.6 4.0 81.1 4.3 67.9 3.6 Diesel (No.6) Cogen.+ Suppl. Firing Gas Turbine Cogen.+ Suppl. Firing 58(+55) 58(+55) 22.1 11.0 56.5(+25.8) 54.3+25. 21.5 10.3 45.1(+23.6) 17.1 43.6+23.2 8.3 1985 Conditions for Optimal Operation**** Average Output M3tu/nr* MW Electricity Sold by Utility (MW avg) 87.7* 8.28** 81.8 - 8.28 Electricity Purchased by Utility (MW avg) Operating Selection Mode Tariff Operating Cost Savings over Existing Boiler (million $ 1981) 4.01 .067 4.66 8.28 .006 17.1 8.28 8.3 Always H-Rate Always H-Rate Always H/Net Sale Always H/Net Sale Time of Oil; H/ Arbitrage Time of Oil; H/ ArDitrage 0 1.155 1.830 .382 .584 .114 114 Taole 2.9 (continued) Notes: *Plus supplementary-fired steam output **This is the size's average steam and electrical load ***The site's peak steam load ****Middle Fuel Escalation/Medium Coal Conversion scenario. 115 Table 2.10: Cash Flow Analysis for the Existing Oil-Fired Boiler Versus a New Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration Plant Year 1981 1982 1983 1984* 1985 1990 (Costs in thousand for current year) Existing Boiler Operating Costs: 1 Fuel Cost 2 O+M Cost Tariff Charges 3 Direct Tariff 4 Fuel Adjustment 5 Total Tariff (3+4) Operate Always 5552 232 H-Rate 2037 3233 5269 6205 255 6935 281 7751 309 8662 340 -- m-- -- i 15860 547 2240 2449 4689 2464 2686 5150 2711, 2950 5660 2982 3243 6225 4802 5412 10214 11054 11149 12366 13720 15227 26622 5748 5798 6430 7134 7918 13844 1381 35 6079 187 8358 395 0 507 0 483 0 308 0 276 0 1216 0 1672 1977 0 1845 0 1186 0 293 1305 1861 1192 1118 717 1123 4960 6892 -686 -635 -409 6 Total Operating Cost (1 + 2 + 5) 7 After-Tax Operating Cost (6 x (1-Tax Rate)) New Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Capital Related Costs: 8 Direct Expenditures 9 Property Taxes Tax Shield 10 Depreciation 11 Tax Credits 12 Total Shield (11 + (9 + 10) x Tax Rate) 13 After-Tax Direct Expense (8 + 9 - 12) 116 Table 2.10: Cash Flow Analysis for the Existing Oil-Fired Boiler Versus a New Loal-Fired Steam lurnine Cogeneration Plant (continued) Year 1981 1982 1983 1984* -- New plant 1985 1990 (Costs in thousand $ for current year) New Steam Turbine (cont.): Operating Costs: Existing plant 14 Fuel 15 O+M 5552 232 Tariff Charges H-Rate 6265 255 6935 281 -- -- H-Rate -- Arbitrage 1672 4802 1571 5412 43 5091 3942 1697 4491 1867 7853 3007 H-Rate 16 Direct Tariff 17 Fuel Adjustment 18 Elec. Revenues 2037 3233 0 2240 2249 0 2464 2686 0 Net 1520 1429 42 19 Net Utility Costs (16+17+18) 5269 4689 5150 2907 3200 5123 11054 11149 12366 8547 9558 15483 Tax Rate) 5748 5798 6430 4444 4970 8311 22 Total After Tax Cost (13 + 22) 6871 10757 13322 3759 4335 7902 -4960 -6892 3376 3583 5942 20 Total Operating Cost (14 + 15 + 19) 21 After-Tax Operating Cost (21 x (1 - Incremental Saving With Respect to Existing Boiler (7-22) -1123 *New plant starts operation (always) in 1984. 117 Table 2.11: Components in Adjusted Present Value for a Coal Cogeneration Plant at the Large Manufacturing Site $55.410 Total Adjusted Present Cost of Running Old Plant Capital Costs for New Plant Present cost of capital expenditures for plant less direct tax benefits (pre-tax direct construction cost of $12.599 without escalation or AFUDC) Value of additional debt-related tax shields from project $ 7.540 (2.394) Adjusted Net Present Cost for New Capital Equipment $ 5.056 Operation Costs for New Project Present cost of steam and .electricity operations 38.592 Total Adjusted Present Cost of Building and Running New Plant 43.648 Incremental Adjusted Net Present Value for New Plant (old less new) 11.762 Values in million 1981 $ Fuel and Electricity Prices Based on Middle Fuel/Medium Coal Conversion Scenario 118 are weighted according to the -subjective probabilities assigned to the fuel and capacity price scenarios.10 The resulting net present value for these expected cash flows determines the minimum cost plant. Figure 2.13 illustrates the plant net present values for the expected costs in comparison to an existing boiler for a stand-alone coal boiler, a coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant, an oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant, a gas turbine cogeneration plant, and a diesel cogeneration plant; the figure shows both the adjusted present value of the capital cost and the expected operating cost savings for each plant type. As Table 2.12 demonstrates, using the standard scenarios in Table 2.7, the uncertainties in fuel and electricity prices can substantially impact the value of the different projects. Note that the diesel cogeneration system, wnich has a high electricity share for its output, is more sensitive to the electricity price scenario changes than the oil-fired steam turbine system. Miminum Present Cost Plant Design The combined set of investment and operating decisions can be illustrated in the form of a decision tree, as shown in Figure 2.14 for 101n applying the systematic-risk adjusted discount in all years to all scenarios, several assumptions are being made. First, the systematic uncertainties with respect to the wnole economy are being resolved for these decisions at a constant rate throughout the life of the projects (Myers and Turnbull, 1977). Second, the fuel price and utility coal conversion scenarios are not correlated with conditions in the economy; this may be a relatively weak assumption with respect to the fuel price uncertainties. 119 RESULTS NET PRESENT VALUE OF AFTER-TAX OPERATING COST SAVINGS LESS CAPITAL COSTS VERSUS AN EXISTING OIL-FIRED BOILER FOR LARGE---MANUFACTURER PRESENT VALUE Coal Coal Oil ST Boiler Cogen Cogen Gas Turbine Diesel Cogen 10+ 5+ (MILLION 1981$) T !I r ADJUSTED PRESENT VALUE OF AFTER-TAX CAPITAL COSTS (MILLION Steam Load Peak 1981 $) PLANT 50 STEAM CAPACITY (MBTU/HR) 50- 0- SIZE Avr Base aT - r Avg - 10ELECTRIC CAPACITY (KI) Peak Electric Load 201 Figure 2.13 120 Table 2.12: The Impact of Fuel and Electricity Price Uncertainties on the Value ot a Cogeneration Plant (a) Diesel Cogeneration Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast Fuel Price High Middle Escalation Low Medium Slow 3.24 1.01 4.69 1.52 -.25 -.99 -1.90 Expected Value: .99 2.09 .06 (b) Oil-Fired Steam Turbine Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast High Fuel Price Middle Escalation Low Medium Slow 1.82 2.48 1.08 .79 1.63 1.09 1.05 .56 .63 Expected Value: 1.21 (c) Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fuel Price Escalation High Middle Low Slow Fast Medium 16.03 11.19 17.18 11.76 18.34 6.23 6.41 6.75 Expected Value: 11.80 Net present value in millions 1981 $ 12.59 THE CUSTOMIER'S COGENERATION DECISION INVESTMENT DECISIONS PRICE UNCERTAINTIES ANNUAL OPERATING DECISIONS Plant Type Fuel Prices Tariff Choice Plant Sizing oal Peak Steam Boiler* Load Design Coa I Cogen Utility Coal Conversion Hi h 1/3 Fast .35 Operating Mode H-Rate Run Net Sale Always C-Rate Net Sale Don't Run X-Rate Oil St Net Sale Cogen Avera e Load Design Middle Middle 1/3 .35 Cogen. Net Sale Cogen Run On -Peak GTH-Rte 1/3 Cogen Existing Oil Boiler Base Load Design Low Arbitrage .3 Slow Figure 2.14 Figure 2.14 - Rate Arbitrage Run Time -of -Oil * 122 a limited set of alternatives. The first choice in the tree is the plant type selection, which is the decision discussed in this section. At the next stage is the sizing of each plant type, which is done by the simple heuristic method discussed in Section prior to the operating cost simulation and minimization. At the next two stages, the uncertainties in fuel and electricity prices are resolved on a year-by-year basis. Once given the fuel and electricity prices, the electricity tariff for the site and the operating mode for the plant are selected, as described in the sections above. Figure 2.15 snows the distribution of the scenario outcomes for an expanded tree in terms of the discounted cost savings; this is the same information as in Table 2.12, but with the subjective assessments for the scenarios added. 12 11A comprehensive decision analysis approach (Howard, 1966) determines the key uncertainties in a decision tnrough sensitivity studies, elicits probabilities from experts or the decision maker on the key uncertainties, applies the modeling from the sensitivity studies together with the probabilities, and suggests a course of action with notation of the value of further information on aspects of the decision. The analysis here determined the key uncertainties in the preliminary modeling and has demonstrated them in the theoretical discussions in Section 2.3. The probabilistic opinions are on factors that affect all the sites; since this analysis is being conducted "by proxy," similar expectations by all the decision makers at all sites are assumed. 12Financial theory questions the presentation of a probability distribution for the discounted cashflows since the purpose of discounting is to determine a present value, which is not an uncertain quantity but a market appraisal of a current "price" for the project (see Brealey and Myers, p. 203). The presentation, however, is insightful to the analyst because it forces questions about the extreme values in the distributon--such as: Would the market ever get that good; would we ever let the project get that bad; what subsequent decisions could be made to reduce the risks? ~_~~II ~_I r-R THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCREMENTAL DISCOUNTED COST SAVINGS FOR THE ALTERNATIVE PLANT TYPES 1.00 CUMULATIVE PROBABILITY* OF INCREMENTAL DISCOUNTED COST SAVINGS BEING LESS THAN OR 4 EQUAL TO THE GIVEN LEVEL INCREMENTAL DISCOUNTED COST SAVINGS (MILLION L91 $) Fiqure 2.15 ' 124 Having information about the key uncertainties prior to the plant selection decision can have value. If it is environmentally acceptable to build a coal system, noting Table 2.12 (c) versus (a) and (b), further information on fuel and electricity price scenarios nas no value becaue the best decision in all cases is to build a coal-fired cogeneration plant. If it is not possible to build a coal-fired system. there can be some value to further information. Assuming perfect information is available, i.e., all uncertainty about a group of prices is resolved prior to the decision, the expected value of perfect information on fuel prices and utility coal coversion with respect to a choice between an existing boiler, a new diesel cogeneration system, or an oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant is positive because the information would be valuable in selecting the best alterative; in this example, the value is $440,000 for perfect information on fuel prices, $165,000 for perfect information on the extent of utility coal conversion, and $486,000 for both together. The expected value of perfect information changes substantially if restric.tions are placed on the future operating and tariff choices for the plants. For example, if time-of-oil pricing is not availaole as an operating mode, there is no value to information on fuel prices for a choice among oil-fired cogeneration systems, while the expected value of perfect information on utility coal conversion remains nearly the same (see Table 2.19, later in this chapter). • ...... :L. . - - 125 Sensitivity Analysis of Operating and Investment Decisions As the discussion in the previous section demonstrated, the value of a new cogeneration system can change substantially with changes in fuel and electricity prices. This section will explore in further detail the sensitivity of the operating and investment decisions to these price risks and the sensitivity of the investment decision to the cost of capital and future fuel and electricity prices. In addition, the impact of restrictions in the allowed operating modes or in the menu of utility tariffs available to the customer is discussed. At the operating level, as the theoretical discussions in Section 2.2 suggested, a site has a number of valuacle opportunities to adjust the plant's operating policy and the tariff choice for changes in electricity and fuel prices. Table 2.13 provides the optimal operating policies in 1985 for the oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration system; a diesel system must operate in a similar fashion, but coal-fired cogeneration operates continuously and only switches tariff choices. If low fuel prices occur, the operator can keep savings high by reducing the site's utility bill; if fuel prices are high, selling tne plant's output on an arbitrage basis at marginal fuel cost is better. At high fuel prices, as the changes between electricity price scenarios show, the oil-fired steam turbine plant can advantageously adapt its operating mode to th'e times that the utility uses oil as the marginal cost fuel, running the back-up boiler for all steam loads when the utility uses coal. At low fuel prices, since the cogenerated electricity output from the plant is almost always less than the site's 126 The Optimal Operating Policies by Scenario For an Oil-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration Plant at the Large Manufacturing Site in 1985 Table 2.13: Optimal Operating Mode; Tariff Choices; Operating Cost Savings High Fuel Price Escalation Scenario Middle Low Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast Time-of-oil; H-Rate and Arbitrage .352 Medium Time-of-oil; Run Always; H-Rate and Net Sale .355 Run Always; H-Rate and Net Sale Run Always; H-Rate and Net Sale .377 Run Always; H-Rate and Net Sale .398 H-Rate and Arbitrage .435 ..382 Values in Millions of 1981 $ Slow Run Always; H-Rate and Arbitrage .522 Run Always; H-Rate and ArDitrage .446 Run Always; H-Rate and Net Sale .437 127 loads, the plant uses the electric output internally and runs continuously no matter what level coal coversion by the utility takes place because the savings from the tariff reduction are higher than the utility's marginal fuel cost-based purchase price. Restrictions on the possible operating mode or tariff menu influence the value of the project. For example, in Table 2.14, tne base case for 4 new plant .projects is compared to several alternative cases. The first restricted case does not allow the plants to follow "time-of-oil" pricing; as illustrated in Section 2.2.2, this poses no problem for the coal-fired plant, a small economic penalty for the oil-fired steam turbine system, and a significant disadvantage for the high operating cost cogeneration systems such a the diesel and gas turbine. As the operating restrictions become more severe in Cases 3 and 4, the increased limitation on operating flexibility hurts only the diesel and gas turbine systems more than the Case 2 results. As Case 5 shows, special limitations on the tariffs availaole for cogeneration systems that sell their net output also reduce the value of tne project; but the limitation of these customers to time-of-day tariffs (X or CG rates), when selling the net output or using it all at the site, results in only a minimal reduction in the project's value. If the special cogeneration rate (CG) is eliminated and the utility only pays 95 percent of its marginal fuel cost for electricity that it purchases, rather than 100 percent, the cogeneration systems with a high ratio of electricity to steam output (diesels and gas turbines) drop in value significantly while the steam turbine-based systems are 128 Table 2.14: Sensitivity of the Plant Net Present Value Because of Restrictions or Economic changes Case Coal Boiler Coal Steam Turbine Cogen. Oil Gas Turbine Cogen. (No. 6) Diesel Steam Cogen. Turbine (No. 6) Cogen. 1. Base case: 8.04 2. 11.80 1.21 .99 -1.99 11.80 1.08 -.88 -2.55 No Time-of-Oil Pricing: 8.04 3. Plant must run year-around or not run at all: 1.08 8.04 11.80 4. Plant must always run: 8.04 -2.87 -1.60 11.80 1.08 -2.17 -3.69 ile" cogeneration: 5. Mandatory time-of-use type tariff fo r "net sa .98 -1.99 8.04 11.51 1.01 6. No CG Rate; 95 percent marginal fuel cost as purchase rate: 1.01 .98 -1.99 8.04 11.51 7. Lower base year oil prices; higher coal prices:* 2.51 6.21 1.20 .85 8. Higher cost of capital (18.9 percent vs. 15.1 percent -1.63 ) -2.28 -. 41 9. Higher cost of capital; lower base year oil prices + higher coal price:* -1.99 -. 49 .44 3.39 1.08 10. One year delay of construction start-up time: -1.85 .78 1.02 10.59 7.29 5.13 11. 7.73 .41 An unexpected 1 percent higher fuel consumption rate by main plant (supplementary firing and back-up have original fuel consumption rate): -2.24 7.94 11.69 .99 .55 Net present value in millions 1981 $ *These cases have plant and supplementary firing capacity that differs from the base case sizing; this is a result of the plant optimization process. ri-i 129 affected only slightly. Changing the underlying economic assumptions for the fuel price escalation basis or for the cost of capital fundamentally changes the trade-off between operating cost savings tnrough fuel cost reduction and capital expenditure.13 Case 7 shows the result wnen the fuel price escalation startes with lower oil prices and higher coal prices (low sulfur no. 6 oil down from $5.45/;,Btu to $4.56/MBtu, high sulfur no. 6 oil down from $4.55/MBtu to $4.09/MBtu, coal up from $2.05/MiAtu to $2.31/MBtu, and nuclar fuel down from $.68/MBtu $.64/MBtu at the start of the planning horizon). This reduces the operating benefits of both the coal-fired and the oil-fired cogeneration systems since they must both be compared to the original oil-fired boiler. Case 8 demonstrates the importance of the cost of capital for cogeneration plants: an increase in the cost of capital from 15.1 percent/year to 18.9 percent/year decreases the value of all projects substantially. The base case for all sites studied in this chapter has assumed that the appropriate cost of capital for a cogeneration project is similar to that for an electric utility investment--an investment that provides services which are required stably in economic ups and downs. This means that a textile mill will evaluate a cogeneration plant using the same incremental cost of capital as a paper mill would use since both would-perceive the plant as a project with relatively stable returns. 13 The Electric utility investments have their level of optimal sizing for each plant type can change as a result of a change in the general economic assumptions. 130 revenues guaranteed, in part, by rate revisions in the regulatory process, while their costs depend upon fuel prices and the cost of heavy equipment; the industry has a real return on assets of about half the average for all U.S. industries, or about 15.1 percent/year assuming a 10 percent/year inflation rate, .2 percent/year cost of risk-free debt, and an asset Beta of .5 for the utility inaustry (Brealey and Myers, p. 113, 167). An industry with a higher average return on assets, petroleum refining, depends upon oil prices for its revenues while its costs depend also upon oil prices and the cost of heavy equipment; the refining industry has a real return on assets of about 90 percent the U.S. industrial average, or about 18.9 percent/year assuming an asset Beta of .9. Cogeneration plants have "revenues" that depend upon fuel prices (embodied in the replacement of the existing oil-fired boiler costs and utility oil-fired generation) and, to the extent that the plant reduces the site's electric bill, the regulated utility tariff levels while their costs depend upon fuel prices and heavy equipment costs. Thus, the return for the electric utility industry and the petroleum refining industry might be good lower and upper bounds for the expected asset return for cogeneration plant investments. Case 9 presents the combined impact of higher costs of capital and lower initial oil prices. The sensitivity Case 10 demonstrates the importance of the new cogeneration system coming "on-line" to replace the existing steam system as soon as possible. This case assumes that the construction start of the new plants is delayed for one year, so i i i j B V'2~m.--l*c*anur~o-soY-, ' 131 the distribution of capital expenses remains the same with respect to the start of operation but the savings-start one year later. The final case presents the impact if the new plants have an unexpected I percent increase in fuel consumption in the main plant; supplementary-fired boilers and back-up boilers retain their original fuel consumption rates. 2.3.2 Overview of Plant Studies by Technology and Site The previous section described the overall model using the Large Manufacturing site as an example. This section compares the modeling results from six of the seven diff ereIt sites aescribed in -ection 2.1 and comments on the conditions necessary for a viaole cogeneration project. These results have been calculated in detail similar to tnat presented for the Large Manufacturer. There are two classes of conditions influencing cogeneration economics at these sites. The first set affects all projects: the cost of capital for cogeneration and boiler systems; the fuel and electricity price projections; capital costs for different plant types; and restrictions upon the choice of utility tariffs and operating modes. The previous sections demonstrated the sensitivity of the project economics to these factors. changes from site to site: The second class of conaitions the usage patterns for steam and electricity; the temperatures and pressures of the steam required; and the original boiler and fuel type on the site. A comparison of sites allows the exploration of the sensitivity of 132 Taole 2.15: Net Present Value of New Plants Steam at New Existing MBtu/hr Low Pres- Boiler Peak/ Boiler Minimum sure (fuel) Fuel Steam Net Present Value Oil ST Diesel Coal Cogen. Cogen. ST Cogen. (#6) (fuel) Gas TurDine Best Cogen. Plant (fuel) Cnoice Office #2 oil 23/0 10% 69/35 15% .15 (#6 oil) .038 .14 -.23 #6 oil -. 047 boiler (#2 oil) (#2 oil) 3.83 5.72 .49 -1.54 Coal .42 (#6 oil) (#6 oil) cogen. 2.44 .11 Coal -.99 -.24 (#6 oil) (#6 oil) cogen. Paper Mill #6 (coal) oil Medium Manufacturer 36/17 #6 oil 0% 1.67 (coal) Large Manufacturer 179/58 #6 oil 0% 8.04 11.80 1.21 (coal) Coal cogen. (#6 oil) (#6 oil) .99 -1.99 Hospital #6 oil 16/4 67% .46 .73 .034 Coal -.30 cogen. (#6 oil) (#6 oil) .430 -.14 -.49 -.15 Coal (#6 oil) (#6 oil) cogen. (coal) .036 College #6 oil Note: mode. 36/0 100% .209 (coal) The sites were unrestricted in their choice of tariff and operating Net present values in million 1981 $. s133 Table 2.15: (continued) New Plant Size (Steam load dectile;MW; MBtu/hr + Suppl. FiriIn.g) Diesel Gas Turb. Coal Oil ST New Cogen. Cogen. Boiler Cogen. Cogen. Office Percentile*** MW MBtu/hr 40X 0 6. B 0% 1.0 18.2 30% .50 9.0 70% .26 .9+1.8 40 0 45 30% 2.7 48 70% 2.0 36 80% 12.7 35+16 0%vl 80% 50% .42 3.1+7. 1 Paper Mill Percentile MW MBtu/hr 80% 6.1 35+16 Medium Manufacturer Percentile MW M8tu/hr 40%. 1.2 22.5 .89 16.6 6.3 16.6+9 2.7 16.6+9 30% 0 104 30% 5.6 104 60% 4 74 80% 22 58+55 80% 11 58+55 60% 0 6.4 50% .45 6.8 80% .36 5.4 80% 1.7 5.4+2.9 80% .69 5.4+2.9 30%* 0 15 30%* 1.0 13.7 50%* .5 6.8 0 22.5 Large Manufacturer Percentile MW MBtu/nr Hospital Percenti le** MW MBtu/hnr College Percentile MW MBtu/hr 60% 1.5 5+10 50%* 1.1 8.3+8.4 *Minimum commercial size limit applied. **The minimum commercial ly available technology limits were not applied for this case study. ***Steam load duration percentile on which tne economic sizing of the plant is based. # 134 cogeneration or new boiler system choices to the second class of conditions. Table 2.15 provides this comparison for six of the seven original sites visited. Since oil-fired cogeneration systems must be sized to serve the base, year-around steam loads, a good site must have a large year-around steam load, as in the Large Manufacturing and Paper Mill sites. Coal-fired systems can be economically sized to meet nearly the peak loads, but their benefits also increase with larger year-around steam loads. Note-the differences between the College and the Medium Manufacturer, which have similar peak steam loads. The projects also benefit when the steam needs are at lower pressures. For example, compare the diesel systems between the Hospital and the Medium Manufacturer. Finally, if the original boiler system is running on very expensive distillate oil, even switching to residual oil is ecqnomic; the Office Building demonstrates this case. A system running on distillate oil, however, may indicate local environmental restrictions, which are not captured directly in this analysis. 2.3.3 Simplification of the Modeling Since the model is intended for the analysis at many sites, steps were taken to reduce the major computational sites: the Monte Carlo operating simulation; the optimization of operating costs under different fuel and electricity price scenarios. To be eeffective, the simplifications must not alter the major conclusions of the modeling: primarily, the plant choice and sizing. Other factors of interest, 135 such as the impact of a restriction in operating policy or the expected value of perfect information, may be interesting to measure the impact of a simplification. The simplifications were tested by comparing three different site data sources and modeling combinations: 1. The original detailed modeling based on extensive load site data. 2. The simplified modeling using the original site data simplified to the "aggregate" data characteristics but consistent with the original data, especially in total annual steam consumption. 3. Tne simplified modeling using aggregate data gatnered by a different survey with substantially reduced data requirements. Table 2.16 lists the simplified data needed for this "aggregate plant analysis," which especially stresses less complex data for the steam and electric load characteristics. The operating simulation cost was reduced substantially by shortening the simulation to a one-year period with only one week in each month. Electricity loads were characterized by only a peak and off-peak level throughout the year; an adjustment factor was selected to relate the peak load to the average peak and off-peak energy electric use. Steam loads were simulated on the oasis of an ambient temperature distribution for each month. Instead of generating a random process for plant outages, an average number of plant outages were evenly spaced throughout a one-year simulation; the correct average energy output of the plant was maintained by r.educing the ar~ra - 136 Table 2.16: 1. Steam loads: Site-Specific Data Used in Aggregate Plant Analysis developed from-- a) the average steam load for process use, heating, and cooling b) When the data are available on peak and lowest monthly steam use, the steam load pattern implied Dy 1(a) is adjusted to coincide with the peak monthly and minimum monthly heat use. 2. Electric loads: Annual internal electricity loads (energy and peak demand) are extrapolated to a peak and off-peak pattern using the site's average electric load factor in comparison to the average load factor and peak/off-peak load statistics for a different sample of sites. 3. Percentage of steam usage at low pressure (15 psig or below) is used to adjust the cogeneration thennal efficiencies. 4. Existing on-site cogeneration is included as a zero capital cost plant option if it is significant in size (1000 KW or above). 5. Current type of oil being used for steam production. ~_ ____yyml__lll___ ~ 137 effective capacity so the output reduction together with the predetermined outages produced the design plant availability. The only way to reduce the computation costs for optimal operating costs is to reduce the number of scenarios studied. By carefully selecting the middle fuel and medium utility coal conversion scenarios to be close to the mean of the nine combined fuel and electricity scenarios, the present value of the cashflows from the middle scenario was made to be close to the present value of the expected cashflows for all nine scenarios. As Tables 2.17 and 2.18 demonstrate, the adjusted present value and the incremental value of the time-of-oil operating mode does not chanoe significantly either for the modeliny changes Ocr the switch in data sources with these simplifications. This is an important result because a key purpose of the modeling is the forecasting of the most economic technology at each site and the impact of tariff changes upon the site. Unfortunately, the expected value of perfect information cannot be computed without the multiple scenario decision tree calculation, although the plant performance simulation simplification works reasonably well for this purpose, as shown in Table 2.19. Also, as will De discussed in the next chapter, the calculation of the impact of customer cogeneration on the utility cannot be calculated with the scenario reduction si'lplification. 2.3.4 Comparison of Analytical and Modeling Results This section compares the modeling results described above with the 138 Table 2.17: Present Value for the Replacement of an Oil Boiler Expected Value for Plant Change Site/ Plant Detailed Simulation Middle Scenario Value for Plant Change Aggregate SimulaDetailed Aggregate tion SimulaSimula- Survey tion tion Dat a Large Manufacturer 8.04 Coal boiler .99 Diesel # 6 oil 8.04 1.01 Gas Turbine #6 -1.99 1.21 ST#6 (new) -1.93 1.21 -1.87 5.93 4.74 11.85 10.89 ST#6 (old 6 MW) ST coal Hospital Coal boiler m-- 11.80 5.27 .34 Aggregate SimulaAggregate tion Simula- Survey ation Data 8.16 1.01 8.17 5.36 1.00 -2.13 1.08 -2.09 1.09 .29 -1.97 11.76 5.79 4.67 11.82 7.87 .460 .189 .168 .473 .199 .178 .036 .029 .023 -.158 .023 .023 -.300 -.395 -.384 -.310 -.407 -.395 ST #6 .034 -.012 -.020 .013 -.031 -.038 ST coal College .730 .305 .267 .728 .302 .263 Coal boiler .209 .200 .219 .220 .212 .230 Diesel # 6 oil -.150 -.142 -.287 -.145 -. 139 -.297 Gas Turbine #6 ST #6 -.490 -.491 -.496 -.505 -.501 -.497 -.141 -.141 -.154 -.150 -.151 -.165 .430 .437 .209 .428 .433 .207 Diesel # 6 oil Gas Turbine #6 ST coal Paper Mill 3.83 Coal boiler .42 Diesel # 6 oil Gas Turbine #6 -1.54 ST #6 ST coal .49 5.72 3.75 .39 -1.51 .47 5.61 3.17 -.63 3.89 .49 -1.63 -1.72 .25 4.72 .46 5.75 Values in million 1981 $ 3.81 .439 -1.69 .442 5.64 3.22 -.68 -1.66 .19 4.70 139 Table 2.18: The Value of Time-of-Oil Pricing for the Firm Relative to All Tariffs with Fixed Time-of-Supply Pricing Middle Scenario Value Expected Value Site/ Plant Detai led Simulation Aggregate SimulaAggregate tion Detai led Simula- Survey Simulation Data tion Aggregate SimulaAggregate tion Simula- Survey ation - Data- Large Manufacturer Diesel #6 1.870 2.18 1.484 2.229 2.539 1.787 .132 .138 .255 .149 .161 .321 Diesel #6 .168 .138 .173 .195 .153 .197 ST#6 Oil .005 .015 .013 .057 .015 .012 Diesel #6 Oil .105 .094 .133 .126 .112 .161 ST#6 Oil .017 .015 .016 .022 .019 .019 ST#6 Oil Hospital College PRaper Mill Diesel #6 Oil ST#6 Oil 1.081 1.24 .997 1.329 1.418 1.149 .077 .079 .064 .092 .095 .079 Net present value in million 1981 140 Table 2.19: Site/ Perfect Information on The Expected Value of Perfect Information Choice of Any Plant Choice of Only Oil-Fired Plants Aggregate Aggregate SimulaSimu laDetailed Aggregate tion Detailed Aggregate tion SimulaSimula- Survey SimulaSimula- Survey tion Data ation tion Data tion Large Manufacturer Fuel Prices Coal Conversion 0(0) 0(0) 0(48) 0(0) 440(0) 0(0) 0(40) 486(267) 484(0) Both Hospital Fuel Prices 0 0 55 64 Coal Conversion Both 0 0 0 55 28 439(0) 0(0) 165(165) 176(0) 0(0) 52(0) 37 0 31(32) 27 49 34 64 64(39) 47 61 24 95 0(0) 0 0 0 28 0 24 19 101 0(0) 11(11) 0 10 0 0 Fuel Prices 0 0 0 289(0) 273 Coal Conversion 0 0 0 124(124) 120 68 Both 0 0 0 332(184) 308 204 College Fuel Prices Coal Conversion Both Paper Mill 186 Medium Manufacturer Fuel Prices 0 34(0) Coal Conversion 0 1(17) Both Office Building 0 60(54) Fuel Prices 80 11(0) Coal Conversion 0 4(4) Both 80 12(7) Figures in parentheses represent the Expected Value of Perfect Information when the firm cannot operate the chosen cogeneration plant on a time-of-oil basis but must select continuous, time-of-day, or no operation for any given year. Present values in thousand 1981 $. ' 141 analytical approach of Section 2.2 applied under similar assumptions. The discussion follows the modeling structure. First, the model calculates the cogeneration plant steam and electrical output in a period-by-period time series simulation. This results in an average 81.1 Mbtu/hr and 4.3 MW output for a coal-fired cogeneration plant of 5.6 MW and 104 MBTU/hr capacity at the Large Manufacturer. By taking the steam load duration curve in Figure 2.12, which is interpolated from the dectiles of the actual load duration curve, the output of the plant can be calculated indirectly: after adjusting for the plant's availability, the expected output by this simple analytical metnod is 80.9 MBtu/hr and, with a 53 kWni/lti electricity/steam ratio, 4.29 MW. Second, the operating strategy must be determined. The modeling indicates that a coal-fired cogeneration system would'operate continuously; since both the cogenerator and the utility buy coal at the same price in this study and the cogeneration incremental heat rate is 4450 Btu/kWh (Table D.2) while the utility's is assumed to be 10,000 Btu/kWh,. there is little question that the modeling and analytical approaches agree when the utility is burning coal or higher priced oil. A more interesting case is the operating mode for an oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant. Table 2.20 lists the incremental operating cost for the cogeneration plant in 1985 and the minimu cost operating strategy if the plant must sell all of its output to the utility. Comparing this with Table 2.13, the modeling approach agrees with the analytical method for the high fuel price escalation case when 142 Table 2.20: The Optimal Operating Mode for 1985 by the Analytical Approach Incremental Fuel Escalation Scenario Cost of Utility Mar ginal Fuel Cost r (g/KWh) Optimal Cogen. Operating Mode ST Cogen. ( /kWh) On Oil on Coal High 2.96 6.1 2.38 Time-of-oil Middle 2.59 5.3 2.38 Time-of-oil Low 2.28 4.7 2.37 Always Cogeneration uses low sulfur #6 oi1; utility uses a 50/50 mixture of high arid low sulfur #6 oil or coal conditions. Values in ,3 1 $ for 1985 __ ~_II * 143 .coal is a marginal cost fuel, as in the fast and medium coal conversion cases. For the middle and low fuel price escalation scenarios, the site switches to net sale use of the cogenerated electricity, so it is impossible to determine the result from Table 2.13. The next stage of the operating strategy comparison is the choice of tariff, primarily the choice Detween arbitrage and net sale of the cogeneration plant electric output under the H Rate. Since the cogenerated output from the steam turbine systems is rarely in excess of the Large Manufacturer's internal loads, this involves the comparison of the utility's marginal fuel costs and the average cost savings associated with the reduction in tne utility's tariff charges. Table 2.21 lists the utility's average marginal fuel cost in 1985 and an estimate of the Large Manufacturer's average tariff charge savings, which is the utility's average fuel cost plus a non-f'uel charge savings of about 2.2V/kWh for either steam turbine-type cogeneration system. The optimal tariff choice derived from the analytical approach is identical to the modeling results shown later in Table 3.4 for a coal-fired cogeneration system, which would operate continuously and thus receive an average price for its output approximately equal to the utility's average marginal fuel cost. The tariff choice results depend upon the non-fuel charge added to the utility's average fuel cost in the estimation of the cogenerator's potential tariff charge savings. For tne Large Manufacturer, wno nas an average electric load with a 442 nours-use load factor (kWh load/peak kW) before cogeneration and a net 270 hours-use with the 144 Table 2.21: The Optimal Tariff Choice for 1985 by the Analytical Approach (a) Utility's Average Marginal Fuel Cost Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Medium Fast Slow Fuel Price High Middle 4.7 4.2 5.4 4.7 6.1 5.3 Escalation Low 3.8 4.2 4.7 (b) Large Manufacturer's Average H Rate Tariff Reduction Savings (Avera'ge Utility Fuel Cost + 2.2V/kWh Non-Fuel Charge) Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fuel High Medium 5.2 Fast 5.0 Slow 5.5 5.2 5.0 4.8 Middle Price 5.1 4.8 4.7 Low Escalation (b) Large Manufacturer's Maximum Electricity "Revenue" Choice by Analytical Approach Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast .... Medium Slow Fuel Price High Middle Net Net Arbitrage Arbitrage Net Arbitrage Escalation Low Net Net Net Prices are in i/kWh in 1981 $; the optimal operating choices are for a coal-fired cogeneraion plant at the Large Manufacturer site; the plant operates continuously in a thermal load following mode under all scenarios. , 145 coal-fired system selling net, the incremental unit of electric energy has a non-fuel tariff charge between 1.716 v/kWh and 2.281 v/kWh under the H rate (see Appendix Section B.1). This customer's average total non-fuel tariff charges are between 2.6V/kWh witnout any cogeneration and 2.95V/kWh for the customer's purchases with net sale cogeneration. If Table 2.21D was recomputed using an average non-fuel charge of 2.7/kWh, an upper bound reflecting the average total tariff cost, the customer would always select net sale disposition of tne cogenerated electricity. If Table 2.21b was recomputed using an average non-fuel charge of 1.8 /KWh, a lower bound reflecting savings on the non-fuel tariff energy charges only, the customer would select net sale cogeneration for only three of the nine scenario combinations. The 2.2g/kWh non-fuel cnarge used in Table 2.21b is the average non-fuel tariff savings as computed from the plant performance model: lNon-fuel tariff I charge without cogeneration jAnnual coal cogen. Tariff charge with net net sale coal ST cogeneration operating always electrical outputt These Analytical results demonstrate both the reasonable character of the results from the modeling and the necessity of the modeling for estimating the impact on the tariff charges. This is an important result because the utility impact calculations in Chapter 3 depend upon the tariff choice by the customer and the difference between customer tariff charge reductions and the utility's fuel cost savings. The analysis of the operation and tariff choice becomes much more cmplex for an oil-fired system, which would adapt its operating mode ° 146 and net/arbitrage tariff choice simultaneously. This requires a calculation of the cogeneration system's operating profit under the two principal choices: time-of-oil operation with arbitrage sale of the electric output or continuous operation with net sale of the output. This involves estimation of the electricity production under time-of-oil operation as well as continuous operation. The value of the output is determined by how it is sold; the operating profit is derived from the operating revenues less the marginal cogeneration operating costs under the different levels of output. were carried out for the high fuel escalation case: The calculations the modeling ana analytical results agreed for the medium coal conversion case, but disagreed for the fast coal conversion case, although the operating profits were similar. Third, at the investment stage, the model pre-selects the plant sizes by type using the levelized cost formula described in Section and in the introduction to 2.3.1. This heuristic analytical approach, which is not exact under capital cost economies of scale, agrees closely with sensitivity studies performed using the detailed model to calculate the net present value of the same plant for a range of sizes. Figure 2.16 illustrates tnese results in comparison to the size selected by the simple method. Note that the net present value of the plants is relatively close for sizes near the optimal; since there are much larger differences in the net present values of the different plant types, this analytical simplification works well within the model. Finally, the net present value of the different plant types could -- 147 COMPARISON OF MODELED AND SIMPLE ANALYTICAL PLANT SIZING Simple Sizing and Actual Steam Turbine Optimal Size 1.50 1.25 D G I 1.00 Simple PLANT Actual Sizing for Diesel Diesel Optimal Size .75 NET PRESENT VALUE (MILLION .50 .25 I 20 40 a I 60 I 80 STEAM LOAD DURATION FOR PLANT SIZING -.5 0 -.7 5 2 .0 0 2.25 2.50 o Steam Turbine on #6 Oil f Diesel Coqen on f 6 Oil Figure 2.16 i I 100 PERCENTILE 148 be calculated using an analytical approach. This would involve operating cost optimization in every.year--like in the modeling. Given the similarity of analytical and modeling results at the previous stages of plant operation and investment analysis, these detailed analytical calculations are not carried out here. 2.4 SUMMARY Since any firm can obtain its steam and electricity needs from a package boiler and through electricity purchases from the local electric utility, the decision to build a cogeneration plant involves making a major capital expenditure with the intention of loweering future operating costs. The analysis of a new cogeneration or boiler plant, therefore, must examine future plant operating decisions and costs at the time of the plant's sizing and design. This chapter demonstrated how this process can be viewed in four steps: 1. Plant Operation. The day-to-day operation of the plant is affected by the then current fuel prices and electricity tariff levels. Oil-fired cogeneration plants need to adopt their operating policies to fuel and electricity price conditions. 2. Tariff Choice. The electricity purchase and sales tariff combination through which the site chooses to purchase and sell electricity in any year depends primarily upon tne relative level of the utility's average costs, reflected in the level of the utility's tariffs, and the utility's marginal * 149 costs, reflected in the price paid for electricity purchases by the utility. The exact provisions of the tariffs can be important, but are usually secondary to the relationship of the tariff levels and the utility's marginal costs. 3. Plant Sizing. The sizing of the cogeneration plant depends on the comparative size of the operating cost savings- and incremental capital cost for the new plant size increase in relationship to the site's steam load duration. Coal-fired systems can often be designed for near peak steam loads, while oil-fired cogeneration must be designed for base steam loads. 4. Plant Type. The resulting net present value of a plant desi-n depends upon its projected total operating cost savings by year for the expected fuel and electricity price conditions as projected from the steps above in relation t'o the total capital costs. The first two sections of this chapter described, in a conceptual analysis, these decision stages. The third section presented an overview of the complex modeling needed to calculate the actual savings for multiple plant types over a long horizon with the choice of different operating modes and tariffs in each year under different fuel and electricity price conditions. Fortunately, major simplifications can be made in the analysis of the plant choice: the operating simulation can be shortened, and the investment analysis can oe made using a median fuel and electricity price scenario. The results of the modeling coincide with the results anticipated by the conceptual 150 analysis, but the modeling is necessary to capture the influence of the electricity tariffs, especially their effect upon a plant's tariff and operating mode choices, which are important in the utility impact analysis later. As the next chapter demonstrates, however, not all the modeling simplifications can be used when calculating the impact on the utility from the cogeneration by a customer. For the modeling case studies at the 6 different sites, coal-fired cogeneration was the overwhelming favorite at the projected fuel and cost of capital conditions. This results from the substantial operating cost savings for coal-fired steam versus the existing oil-fired boilers at all these sites. Note that the coal-firea boilers--without cogeneration--had about two-tnirds of the Denefits of the coal-fired cogeneration system, thus demonstrating the importance of the coal-fired steam operating cost saving. Oil-firea cogeneration systems have substantially smaller benefits in comparison to tne coal systems. First, they require sites witn large, year-around steam loads to support the substantial capital expenditure relative to the smaller operating cost savings. Second, high electric output cogeneration systems, such as diesel cogeneration, are very risky owing to the risky nature of the utility's marginal electricity costs; fuel prices can change so that it is even uneconomic to operate some diesel and gas turbine coqeneration plants. 151 Chapter 3 ESTIMATING THE IMPACT OF CUSTOMER COGENERATION ON A UTILITY This chapter addresses the impact of cogeneration by a utility's customers upon the utility. As described in the introduction, this report employs a physically-based, or process, approach to the forecasting of cogeneratiQn development and its impact. Using insights from the previous chapter on the economic motives for a utility's customer to select a cogeneration system, this chapter describes, first, how these choices by a single customer will change the forecast of the utility's revenues, production costs, and electricity purchases and sales. This analysis is then tested on the six sizes studied in Chapter 2. Second, given information from a broad survey of 123 of the utility's largest industrial and commercial customers, the development of further cogeneration capacity and the ultimate effect upon the utility is explored in successively complex stages. In parallel to the analysis from the customer's perspective in Chapter 2, this chapter takes the perspective of the utility, tne combination of its stockholders' and ratepayers' interests, througnout the discussion of 'the cogeneration economics. 3.1 THE IMPACT ON THE UTILITY FROM COGENERATION BY A SINGLE CUSTUO4ER As as described in the introduction, the utility requires three components in any forecast of cogeneration development: 152 1. A description of the change in electrical loads because of the output from cogeneration systems; 2. An estimate of the change in utility revenues, net of purchases by the utility, because of cogeneration or a change in tariff schedules; 3. The change in utility production costs because of cogeneration by the customer. This section describes the impact on each of these components from a single customer installing a cogeneration system. The first part of the section discusses the change in the three components from each decision.-aking stage that a customer will go through in deciding to build and operating a cogeneration system. The secona part of this section employs the results of the customer's choices as modeled in the previous chapter to calculate the effect on the utility from a single customer. Before beginning a description of the parallels between the customer's choices and the result for the utility, the notation, adapted to cogeneration physically-based load forecasting forecating must be introduced. Expanding on equations 1.2 to 1.7, taking a single customer of the utility, the electric load for tni customer at any instant is: rsum of instantaneous net load from a = customer, k yk(t, m(t), e(t)) = instantaneous elemental - instantaneoussite cogeneration Lloads jk (tI m(t), Y~ CG e(t)) - yEL ,k (t, m(t, e(t)) (3.1) 153 or yk(t, m(t), = e(t)) m(t), y (t, k e(t)) -yCG EL,k (t, m(t), e(t)) (3.2) where an instantaneous I elemental electric load Yijk (t,m(t), e(t)) device = capital stock x X' (t, e(t)) u(t jk(t jk instantaneous device utilization factor m(t),, e(t)) (3.3) and, more specifically, = instantaneous site cogeneration CG EL,k(t, m(t), e(t)) = cogeneration cogeneration plant electrical x plant utilization factor capacity CG CG kXE(t, e(t)) uELk(t, m(t), e(t)) (3.4) and 4 : device class, e.g., CG for cogeneration or CGi for a specific type of cogeneration, 3 : usage or customer generation class, e.g., EL for electricity generation at the site, k :billing utility, i.e., customer index, t continuous time, m(t) : e(t) CG vector of meteorological data or device availability, vector of economic conditions and anticipations, : the special device superscript for cogeneration; CGi 154 represents a specific cogeneration technology, EL the special "usage" subscript for electrical generation at the site , L : the special combined load superscript for all electrical device and usages except generation. Tne cogeneration plant utilization factor can be further decomposea into two separate subfactors distinguishing economic operating.policy from plant responses to steam loads or plant outages. And, more specifically, cogeneration plant utilizatio factor CG (t EL,k' m(t), e(t)) = = plant economic plant availaoility utilization I x and steam load subfactor J Lfollowing subfactor] CG (t, e(t)) EL,k - CG EL,k (t m(t), e(t)) (3.5) Here: v : represents the choices made by a customer with regard to the economic operation of the generation w : represents the usage response, for example, the automatic control of the system to changing steam loads for a thermal-load following cogeneration plant, and the availability of the device. ICGi Bi Tne terms XT,k and X,k will be used to represent analogously the cogeneration and ooiler steam output capacity for a customer. Tne subscript ST can similarly apply to the steam energy production, e.g., CG(t, m(t), e(t)). ST,k(t 155 Second, the utility's instantaneous production costs for the given customer are: instantaneous system marginal operating cost instantaneousi cost to serve customer, k ck(t, m(t), e(t)) S ower x instantaneousl net load from customer X(t, m(t), e(t)) y k(t, m(t), e(t)) (3.6) Let: the total incremental cost to serve a Ck(tn): customer k over the period tn Finally, the total revenues from a customer for a billing period are: S Ftne tariff scIrecul, seaecte Dy tIn,* = customer, computed on the relevant I Lhistory of loads and generation over a billing period [e ncnue fro0r customer Rk (tn, m(tl), e(tn) ) = m(t )e(t )), YL(t I-kL(t n , m n n -k n-i, Rs(t; *CG (tn) n m(tn ykG e e(tn)), (3.7) 2 This analysis evaluates the cost reduction of the utility from cogenerated electricity in terms of marginal fuel costs. There is a miniscule "economic surplus" for the utility because the existence of new capacity with a low marginal running cost in the total generation "market" reduces the marginal operating costs slightly at higner system load levels. For individual plant in the size range that is typical of cogeneration systems, this is a minor, second-order effect in comparison -to the cogeneration output evaluated at the unit marginal operating cost. The aggregate value of several hundred megawatts of new generation capacity will produce a small economic surplus through the lowering of the previous marginal operating cost. This surplus must go to tne utility (its stockholders or customers) because the utility would have to create economic inefficiencies by pricing electric generation purchases above marginal operating cost to distribute the surplus to generation suppliers. 156 where: tn : represents the time period from tn.l to t n s : tariff type from a set (a "menu") of the available tariffs k n(t : vector describing the loads (i = L) or cogeneration (i = CG) over the period t .3 Rs(.;.;.): the functional relationship describing tne given tariff schedule. The principal effort in this chapter is to forecast XECGk resulting 3.1.1 CGk' the and the impact on ck(t) and Rk(t) over time. The Basic Economics of the Impact Upon a Utility from Customer Cogeneration Paralleling Section 2.2, tnis section aescribes the influence upon the utility from the investment and operating decisions made Dy a firm that decides to build and operate a cogeneration system. Section discusses the influence of each stage in the customer's decision-making process upon the utility. Section comments on the complications resulting from typical industrial tariffs and suggest possibilities for the reduction in the resulting problems for the utility. 30ften the net payments by a customer in a net sale situation will be based on the utility's sales to the customer (yt (t), or yk(t) for Yk(t) > 0) under a standard tariff less the utility's purchases (yk(t)- or -Yk(t) for Yk(t) < 0) at the utility's "Duy-back" price. For simplicity, this discussion will assume the "buy-back" price is X(t) or a time average of -(t), A(tn). * 157 The Influence on the Utility from Each Level of a Customer's Decision to Cogenerate Each step in the customer's decision to build and operate a cogeneration plant affects one aspect of the forecasting process. These single factors combined to form the ultimate impact upon the utility. Accordingly this section first reviews the levels of the decision to cogenerate and then parallels them with the stages of the impact on the utility. Second, the combined impact is discussed in the light of its staged influence on the utility's stockholders and other customers, or ratepayers. Before examining the customer's actions and the concurrent result for the utility, it is important to question the underlying assumptions for the motivation to build and operate such a plant. Why will a firm decide to build and operate a cogeneration plant at a site? Chapter 2 assumes the motivation is primarily economic, an opportunity to reduce future operating costs balanced against a significant capital investment. Other factors, such as environmental restrictions, specific budgetary constraints on tne customer's organization, and behavior resulting from non-economic considerations, can alter the firm's choices. 4 This cnapter also however assumes that firms will base the cogeneration plant operation and investment choices on economic considerations, leaving the inclusion of the 4 Choffray and Lilien (1980) discuss tnese factors in tne industrial marketing process; their example of solar equipment offers an apt comparison with cogeneration equipment investments. 158. Table 3.1: Parallels in a Customer's Cogeneration Decisions and the Uti lity Impact The Customer's Decision Impact on the Utility Forecast Forecasting Component Determined Investment Level 1. The choice of cogeneration, new boiler, or existing Set existence of cogeneration at the site; indicates future economic characteristics The superscript, The maximum electrical output from the facility; indicates xCGi EL,k (also XCGi k the limit on future revenue arnd XB i CGi and/or Bi plant type 2. Sizing of the plant ST,K and cost impacts as well Operating Policy Level 3. The choice of tariff and net or arbitrage Sets the net revenue parameters for the plant Set the tariff superscript, s purchase of electricity by the utility 4. Selection of operating mode The electric generation from the plant, the net electric purchases and sales by the utility to the site, the utility's production cost and the change in revenues CGi EL,k; yCGi EL,k; Yk; ck; RK (also yCG an ST k ST, k * 159 non-economic behavior for further research on the combination of ing physically-based electric load forecasting and industrial marketing ed analysis of large capital investment decisions. The Levels of Impact rscript, or Bi Each economic operating and investment level decision that was described in the previous chapter has a different impact on the utility. As summarized in Table 3.1, the investment decisions on the cogeneration or new boiler plant type and sizing do not directly affect the utility, but they set the maximum level for the future ,k impact upon the utility of the firm's operating decisions. It is the combination of the tariff choice and the planL operatirg mosde rolt directly influence the electric loads and the uility's revenues and costs. The decision on the plant type determines the plant's later ariff economic operating characteristics. pt, s this decision sets the plant type superscript, CGi. In the load forecasting notation, The sizing decision sets the electrical and steam output capacity XCG i EL,k and XCGi ST; k At the operating level, the site's tariff decision, whicn will be made less frequently in reality than changes in the plant's operating mode, sets the limits for tne customer's revenue changes by selecting the specific tariff option, R , from a menu of possible tariff k schedules available. The incremental economic incentives for electricity production and consumption at the site, influences which are imbedded in the tariff selected, will affect the operating mode 160 decision. The operating mode selection for the plant is the action tnat ultimately sets the cogeneration electrical output, vEk(t, CGi e(t)) and yELk(t,m(t),e(t)) over the relevant period. This in turn sets the net electric load from site and utility marginal production costs for this customer, Yk(t, m(t), e(t)) and ck(t,m(t),e(t)). The modeling discussions for the remainder of this chapter explore the financial effect from cogeneration in terms of the change in the utility's operating profit. This comparison is made in each year between the operating profit (or loss) to serve the customer without cogeneration and the operating profit (or less) to serve the customer with the cogeneration system. 5 Combined Impact The operation of the cogeneration plant together with the customer's choice of tariff comDine to make the financial impact of the customer's cogeneration on the utility, both its stockholders and ratepayers. As shown in Taole 3.2, an extension of Table 2.2, under the assumption that the utility pays its marginal fuel cost for any electricity receivea, the reduction in the utility's revenues will never be less than the reduction in costs because the customer can 5The difference in operating profits rather tne absolute level of operating profits is employed in these calculations because absolute level does not reflect all the dedicated costs for the utility in serving the customer. For example, the capital investments in distribution facilities made to provide electricity to the cogeneration customer's site' are not included in the operating profits estimate. S161 Table 3.2: Impact on the Utility from a Customer's Cogenerated -Electricity Sales Choice Electricity Cost and Price Conditions -Reduction in Standard Tariff Cost Exceeds Utility's Marqinal Cost I Reduction in Standard Tariff Cost is Less Tnan Utility's Marginal Cost I. The customer's economic choice Sell cogenerated electricity to utility net of the site's internal electric loads (net sale) Sell all cogenerated electricity to the utility; ouy all electricity for the site's internal electric loads from the utility (arbitrage) II. Impact on the combined stockholder and rate payer interests with respect to the cogeneration Utility revenue is reduced more than the decrease in production costs; losses No net effect from cogeneration* snared oy stocknolders and ratepayers over time, as discussed below. II.A. Stockholder Impact (before a revision in regulated tariffs) 1. Utility revenues Down by tariff reduction** Unaffected* 2. Utility costs Down by marginal cost times cogenerated output No net effect; production costs down but payments to cogenerator are by an identical amount 3. Change in Utility Down by (Marginal Cost Profit Output) less Tariff No net effect from cogeneration Reduction *Note the utility could be pricing its sales below marginal costs in this situation, perhaps for all large customers. **This exposition assumes only a reduction in tariff charges and no excess electricity sales. 162 Table 3.2: Impact on the Utility from a Customer's Cogenerated Electricity Sales Choice (continued) I. _ _ _ _ _ I II.B. Ratepayer Impact (after a readjustment in regulated tariffs 1. Total Utility Revenue Requirements Down by marginal cost times output 2. The New Tariff Level (Revenue Requirement per unit utility sales) The utility's fixea costs are No net effect from concentraited across reuce, sales, so tariffs are up (the revenue requirements are reduced by a smaller fraction than the energy sales) No net effect from cogeneration; production costs oy utility are down but payments to cogenerators are up y an identical amount in tne Revenue Requi rements calculation coy tener at i on 163 always dispose of the cogenerated electricity at the utility's marginal fuel costs or more. Referring again to Table 3.2, the staged nature of tne utility ratesetting process divides any negative aspects from the customer's cogeneration between the utility's stocknolders ana the other rate payers over time. After tne cogenerator decides to nave the utility purchase its output on a net sale basis because of prevailing fuel and electricity price conditions, the utility's revenues are reduced by more than its proauction cost decrease; this results in a drop in tne profit stream to the utility until the next revision in tariff levels. After tre reaiignment of tariff levels, tne utility's ratepayers oear the burden of the prior level of the utility's fixed costs averaged over reaucea utility sales, a Concentration of tne utility's rateodse. The size of the loss for tne utility per kilowatt-hour of "net sale" customer cogeneration proauction depenos upon tne gap between the possiole reduction in tariff revenue, througn "net sale" reauction in the utility's sales to the customer, less the utility's marginal fuel cost savings resulting from the customer's total cogenerated energy. In the most simplistic form, Figure 3.1 illustrates tnis loss per unit of cogeneration resulting through the customer's tariff .reduction. Fitnlly, uncertainties in future fuel prices and utility -electricity marginal costs make the cnoices forecast for the cogenerator very uncertain. As the conceptual discussion demonstrated, the choices by the customer, with the resulting impact rll 164 MAGNITUDE OF THE ADVERSE IMPACT ON A UTILITY FROM A CUSTOMER SELLING COGENERATED ELECTRICITY ON A NET SALE BASIS IMPACT ON UTILITY FROM COGENERATION (O/KWH COGENERATED) AVERAGE TARIFF COST REDUCTION FOR COGENERATING CUSTOMER MINUS THE UTILITY'S COST (C/KWH) 0 Figure 3.1 LMARGINAL 165 on the utility, depend upon these price conditions; hence, any forecast of the impact by cogeneration is conditioned upon the prices anticipated. Special Complications for the Utility Arising from Typical Tariffs The previous section demonstrated the general negative results for the utility that arise when economic conditions encourage a cogenerator to reduce its tariff charges by the net sale of the electricity produced. In parallel with Section, this section describes several complications that can result from the typical utility tariff, both from the ratesetting for the general tariff level and the detailed structure of the tariff itself. The first two result from the net sale of electricity by the cogenerator. The final problem derives from the time-averaging of continually cnanging utility marginal fuel costs to form a fixed-period time-of-supply price for electric energy purchased by the utility from the cogenerator. First, as the last section discussed, a reduction in tariff charges greater than the current marginal fuel cost saving associated with the cogeneration results in a negative impact upon the utility. Since the overall level of tariffs has typically been set on the basis of historical average fuel, operating, and capital costs, the utility's average tariff cost will seldom equal the marginal fuel cost. Furthermore, the reduction in a single customer's tariff charges does not have to be equal to the average tariff cost. The typical I 166 industrial tariff does not charge for electricity consumption solely on an energy basis. The revenue decrease results from the customer reducing both the energy and peak demand components of the tariff, a subject explored in Section Since the demand charge reduction for a customer using its cogenerated electricity on a net basis depends upon the correlation of the site's loads and cogeneration plant output and availability, the revenue reduction for identical cogeneration patterns can differ between customers because of differences in the internal loads of the customers. The tariffs can be designed so the incremental reduction in charges through a net load decrease by the internal usage of the cogeneration more closely matches the utility's production cost reduction, but several factors limit the flexibility required to accomplish this feat. First, marginal cost can change much more rapidly than the tariff levels, so the matching process is likely to lag far behind the cost conditions. Second, the reduction in the tariff depends upon the site's internal steam and electric load characteristics, so a completely general, fixed tariff design for all customers is impossible. Third, the cost of other generation sources for the customer, such as stand-alone diesel generators for stand-by and peaking electric loads at the customer's site, act as an upper limit on the utility's ability to set the variable portion of tne tariff equal to marginal production costs, with the remainder of the average costs carried in the fixed portion of the tariff. The second difficulty in the structure of the typical tariff is that changes in the customer's charges by the net sale of cogenerated , 167 electricity can alter the incentives for internal electricity consumption at the customer's site. Using the example from Section for Figure 2.10, the incremental cost of electric energy for the customer increases while the incremental cost of peak electric loads drops solely because of the cogeneration plant output and the load factor or hours-use energy discounts in the H Rate. The modeling for the Large Manufacturer in Section 2.3 produced similar results: without cogeneraton, the site's marginal tariff charges on the H rate were in the 400-500 hours-use block of the schedule; with the coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration system operating continuously with net sales, the site's marginal tariff charges on the H Rate were in the 300-400 hours-use block for 37.5 percent of the months, tne 200-300 hours-use block for 50 percent, and the 0-200 hours-use block for 12.5 percent. This means that the incremental internal energy and peak load costs varied over a .6 cent/kWh and a $2 per KW range respectively solely because of the cogeneration system's performance under the net sale arrangement. While this may not be a problem if the change in incentives was isolated to a few small customers, the customers who might cogenerate will be a group of the largest industrial customers served by the utility, a major percentage of the total utility load. 6 6 1n the survey or 123 major industrial and commercial customers described in the next section, 9 nave existing cogeneration facilities; sales to these customers are about 13% of total sales to the survey group. Under the base case forecast in Section 2.3, if all customers that could economically install coal-fired cogeneration actually built cogeneration systems, the current sales to tnose projected to convert would be 58% of current sales to the survey group. Note that this figure does not adjust for any decline in the new cogenerator's group on total survey's sales. ' 168 Finally, the problems of time-averaged marginal cost prices for electricity delivered to the utility and the advantages to the cogenerator of a simple "spot pricing" scheme called time-of-oil pricing were demonstrated in Section In that example, the utility was ambivalent between the time-average price and the time-of-oil pricing method. A different example of the same general problem results if the utility offers to purchase the electricity in two, pre-set time-of-supply periods. The difficulty arises in the selection of the dividing point between the two fixed time periods. Take the extreme case of a utility with a high marginal cost fuel, such as oil, during the whole peak period and a lower-cost fuel, such as coal, during the whole off-peak period. Further assume the time of transition from the off-peak to the peak fuel does not occur at exactly the same time every day, but the transition iime is uniformly distributed over a specific time interval, tO to t I in Figure 3.2. For the purposes of this example, let the time-of-supply price change from the lower level to the higher level at tf, the midpoint of possible transition period. An oil-fired cogenerator who is assumed to operate in the peak period but not in the off-peak period will receive, on average, the same revenues and incur the same operating costs under either the fixed interval time-of-supply price or a flexible interval time-of-oil price starting at the instant of the utility's transition to tne peak period fuel costs. 7 7This There are assumes the cogenerator has no special costs associated with the flexible start-up time. 169 ' FIXED TIME-OF-SUPPLY PRICING VERSUS TIME-OF-OIL PRICING FOR ELECTRICITY PURCHASES BY THE UTILITY UTILITY MARGINAL FUEL COST (I/KWH) Peak PH 0 O 0 O O S0 O O PL Off-Peak The Region for the Utility's Pote ntial Cost Increase 0 n --q- 0 Fixed Time-ofSupply Price 000 Time Bounds for Off-Peak to Peak Time-of-Oil Price Jump tf Fiqure 3.2 tl TIME 170 advantages for the utility: 1. From t0 to tf, (a) Under time-of-supply pricing, tne customer does not generate at all, so all generation is at coal prices if transition has not occurred or at oil prices if the the transition has occurred--no change in total cost (producton plus payments to cogenerators) for the utility. (b) Under time-of-oil pricing, the cogenerator will not generate if the transition has not occurred, but will generate at peak prices if the transition has occurred--again, no change in cost for the utility. 2. From tf to t i, (a) Under the time-of-supply pricing, the customer always generates. If the transition to the peak costs has not occurred, the cogenerator gets paid peak prices for generation that results in only off-peak level cost reductions for the utility--a cost increase for the utility; if the transition to peak costs has occurred, the cogenerator gets paid peak prices for a peak level cost reduction--no cost change for the utility. (b) Under time-of-oil pricing, as in l(a), the customer gets paid the value of its generation--no change in cost for the utility. Thus, the utility avoids the cost increase under case 2(a) by switching from fixed time-of-supply pricing to time-of-oil pricing for 171 # cogenerators that will alter their generation patterns because of the pricing change. This is the peak/off-peak price differential times the expected time after tf that the transition to the peak cost will occur, given that the transition occurs after tf. In summary, there are a few changes to the tariffs that can partially alleviate the problems caused for the utility by customer cogeneration. Within the limitations discussed above, the electricity sales tariffs should be redesigned so that reductions through customer cogeneration match utility marginal production cost savings as closely as possible. Given the uncertain and rapidly fluctuating nature of the marginal costs versus the average costs employed in setting the level of the tariffs, this may be an impossiDle task witnin the context of the typical approach to ratemaking. Second, attention must be paid to the influence of the tariff sales reductions on the incentives for electricity consumption at the plant deciding to cogenerate on a net sale basis. Finally, when customers choose high operating cost cogeneration systems such as the typical oil-fired plant, time-of-oil pricing for the purchase of electricity may benefit both the customer and the utility. 3.1.2 Modeling the Impact from a Customer Cogeneration System Using the model described in Chapter 2 to determine the customer's least-cost opportunities for steam and electricity supply, this section discusses the calculation of the utility impact resulting from those choices. The first subsection uses the Large Manufacturing Site 172 as an example of the choices made and the resulting impact on the utility. The second subsection discusses change in the menu of tariffs offered by the utility and the resulting changes in the forecast results for the utility. The third subsection summarizes similar calculations for all six case study sties and describes results on the combined utility and customer value of time-of-oil pricing. The fourth subsection discusses simplification to the modeling and why some of the simplifications that were effective for the calculation of the customer's economic decision will cause distortions in the calculation of the results from the utility perspective. The final subsection compares the modeling results with simple analytical calculations. An Example of the Impact from a Single Customer As presented in Section 2.3, the Large Manufacturing site would select a coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration system, sizing it to meet the site's intermediate to peak steam loads over the average year. This system will always operate to meet the site's steam loads since it has a lower operating cost than other other steam source for the customer, at least within the limits of the fuel and electricity price scenario considered in the modeling effort. The choice of tariff by customer however changes over time depending on the prevailing price conditions. Table 3.3 summarizes the cogeneration plant decisions and the resulting impact on the utility in the physically-based load forecasting form for the middle fuel price 173 Table 3.3: Impact on the Utility from the Choice of a Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration Plant by the Large Mlanufacturer* Utility Site cogeneration Capacity, XCGi Plant Site Tariff Operating Choice, Mlode, Plant Annual Production, YCGi EL,k (tflH) Annual Sales to Site, y+ k (MWH) Utility Change Annual in Utility Operating Profit for Serving Customer, A(Rk - Ck) Purchases from Site, k( (0WH) Yr. EL,k (MW) 1981 0 H-Rate -- 0 72566 0 1982 0 H-Rate -- 0 72566 0 1983 0 H-Rate -- 0 72566 0 1984 5.6 H-Rate/ Always Net Sale 37997 35153 583 1985 5.6 H-Rate/ Always Net Sale 37997 35153 583 1989 5.6 H-Rate/ Always Arbitrage 37997 72566 37997 s vCGi(t YkI ) *This represents the results for the middle fuel escalation/medium coal conversion scenario. (}000 1981) -82 174 Table 3.4: Impact on the Utility by Scenario from the Optimal Tariff and Operating Decisions for a Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration Plant at the Large Manufacturer in 1985 Tariff Choice; Net (Revenue mpact less Cost) Ii High Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast H-Rate/Net Sale Meaium um eai H-Rate/ArDitrage Slow H-Rate/Arbitrage Fuel -106 0 0 Price EsMiddle H-Rate/Net Sale H-Rate/Net Sale H-Rate/Arbitrage calation -228 -82 0 Scenario Low H-Rate/Net Sale -325 H-Rate/Net Sale -210 H-Rate/Net Sale -119 Values in thousand 1981 $ The optimal operating policy is continuous operation in a tnermal load following mode for all scenarios. 175 Table 3.5: Utility Impact of the Second Choice Plant, Oil-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration, at the Large Manufacturer (a) The Middle Fuel/Medium Coal Conversion Case Cogeneration Capacity -Year -(MW) -- Tariff 1981 H-Rate 1982 H-Rate Plant Operating Mode Choice Annual Production (MWH) 1983 4.0 H/Arbitrage Always 31825 1984 4.0 H/Arbitrage Time-ofOil 28792 1985 4.0 H/Net Always 31825 1986 4.0 H/Arbitrage Time-ofOil 25321 1987 4.0 H/Arbitrage Time-ofOil 24994 Change in Net (revenue less cost) (thousand 1981 $) -b5 (b) The Impact by Scenario for 1985 Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Operation; Tariff Choice; Net Utility Impact High Medium Fast Time-of-Oi 1; Time-of-Oil; H-Rate/Arbitrage H-Rate/Arbitrage Slow Run Always; H-Rate/Arbitrage Fuel 0 0 0 Price EsMiddle calation Run Always; H-Rate/Net Sale & -189 Run Always; H-Rate/Net Sale -65 Run Always; H-Rate/Arbitrage 0 Scenario Low Run Always; H-Rate/Net Sale -272 Run Always; H-Rate/Net Sale -173 Values in thousand 1981 $ Run Always; H-Rate/Net Sale -98 176 escalation/medium utility coal conversion scenario. By presenting tne impact for one year, contingent upon the fuel and electricity price conditions, Table 3.4 better demonstrates the uncertain nature of the customer's choice of tariff and the resulting change in operating profits for the utility. If environmental restrictions prohibit the customer from building a coal-fired system, the Large Manufacturer's second choice would be an oil-fired steam turbine system. This system adapts its operating modes as well as tariff choices to the current fuel and electricity price conditions, as demonstrated in the middle/medium scenario presentation in Table 3.5a and the contingent operation demonstrated in Table 3.5b. The change in tariff cnoice in 1985 shown by Table 3.5a results from a peak in the difference between the tariff charge and the utility's marginal fuel costs under this price scenario. The total impact upon the utility from a single customer can be calculated as a present value of the expected losses. This entire loss estimation effort required the detail employed in the modeling described in Chapter 2 (see Figure 2.11). First, studying the influence of the non-fuel tariff provisions such as the demand ratchet required the multi-year plant performance simulation within tne cogeneration operating decision forecasting. Second, the operating decisions needed to be calculated for each of the fuel ana electricity price scenarios in order to capture the negative impacts on the utility, which occurs only when the customer can reduce the tariff charges more than the utility's marginal production cost. Finally, ' 177 this calculation must be made over a long time horizon to evaluate the cogeneration plant investment decision and the operating policies over the years. TaDle 3.6 provides the present value of the losses expected for the utility given the customer's plant investment decision; this has been calculated for only the first 10 years of the horizon, using the same subjective probabilities for the scenarios as the customer's, at a utility rate of return (15.1 percent/year or 4.6 percent/year real return). As opposed to tne 15-year horizon for the customer's investment decision, the shorter 10-year horizon for the utility impact calculation implicitly assumes tnat tne utility can somehow change conditions by the end of the horizon to reduce the losses from customer cogeneration. Modeling Utility Policies to Reduce the Impact from Customer Cogeneration by Limiting the Tariff Menu Up to this point, the customer modeling has assumed that the cogenerator had an unrestricted choice of the tariffs listed in Taole 2.6 and the operating modes in Table 2.5. Within legal limits, 8 the utility may be able to reduce the negative impacts from tne net sale of the cogenerated electricity, although it is likely tnat this can oe accomplished only through changes in the overall industrial tariff structure. 8 PURPA Section 210 requires rates for tne sale of electricity to cogenerators to be non-discriminatory. 178 Table 3.6: Losses for the Utility Under Different Fuel and Electricity Price Scen arios (a) The First Choice P1ant: Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast Slow Medium Fuel High 239 Price Middle 861 140 Escalation Low 1,553 1,005 Expected Value: (b) The First Choice Non-Coal Plant: Cogeneration 517 $495 Oil-Fired Steam Turoine Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast Medium Slow Fuel High Price Middle Escalation Low 0 641 1,327 Expected Value: 830 443 $377 Values in thousand 1981 $ representing discounted 1981-1990 impact. a 179 Table 3.7 summarizes the losses for the utility as a result of the cogeneration system choices forecast for the Large Manufacturer. 9 The Base Case (No. 1) reflects the choices made under the Base Case for the examples in Tables 2.14 and 2.9. As noted above, the customer's first choice is a coal-fired steam turDine system; the second choice is an oil-fired steam turbine system; and the third choice is a diesel system, except under the asterisk-marked conditions, in which the customer would prefer the existing boiler system to the diesel system. If the time-of-oil operating mode is not possible because such a pricing scheme is not available for the purchase of electricity from the cogenerators (Case No. 2), tne losses from a coal-fired system will not diminish because it operates constantly in any case. There are, however, significant advantages for both the customer 9 The values here understate the impact from diesel cogeneration because the operating mode alternatives do ot include an option that would be very beneficial to diesel cogeneration. As implemented here, the most important choice for oil-fired cogeneration systems is between operating continuously with net sale of the electricity and operating on a time-of-oil basis with arbitrage of the electric output. Since diesel coqeneration usually produces electricity in excess of the site's loads, and since time-of-oil operation is very valuable for diesel systems, the least cost operating policy is usually time-of-oil operation with arbitrage if coal is ever a marginal cost fuel. In many cases, especially for the low or middle fuel price escalation cases, a better option would be to serve the site's entire electric loads always and then export electricity on a net sale/time-of-oil basis; this means electric load-following, wnich is a substantial change in the way tne model functions now. The omission of this operating/tariff choice option is not as important for oil-fired steam turbine systems because they only rarely produce electricity in excess of the site's electric loads under net sales, so the cnoice oetween arbitrage/time-of-oil operation and net sale/continuous operation adequately covers tne important alternatives. 180 Table 3.7: Sensitivity of the Impact from Customer Cogeneration on the Utility for the Large Manufacturer Plant Selected Doy the Customer Tariff Restrictions Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Base Case (no tariff restrictions) 495 377 165 No Time of Oil Pricing 495 412 960* Oi l-Fired Steam Turbine Mandatory TOU Type Tariff for "Net Sale" Cogeneration No CG Rate; 95% Marginal Fuel Cost as Purchase Rate Lower Base Year Oil Prices; High Coal Prices; No Tariff Restrictions Diesel 154 319 179 (2. 180)* 1,110 941 1,232 Losses (gains) in thousand 1981 $ representing expected discounted 1981-1990 impact. *Plant investment is not economic in comparison to existing Doiler. 181 and the utility if the cogeneration system is oil-fired. This supports the theoretical discussions in Sections and The present value of the expected combined benefits for both parties is $167,000 for an oil-fired steam turbine cogenerator, or about $42/KW; for a diesel cogeneration system the combined benefits are $2,665,000 or $121/KW. If the utility requires all customers with on-site cogeneration to either sell net under only time-of-use tariffs or arbitrage under any tariff (case No. 3), the structure of the revenue reductions for tne utility better matches the production cost reductions. The losses for the utility are substantially reduced, while, as TaDle 2.14 demonstrated, the economic advantages for the cogenerator are not significantly diminisned. If the utility can limit its price for the purchase of electricity to 95 percent of its marginal fuel costs (Case No. 4), this provides a double protection to the utility's other customers. First, it provides operating cost savings to the utility for the electricity purchased directly. Second, it creates a "price gap" in which the customer selects a net sale tariff under some fuel/electricity price scenarios without a negative impact upon the utility. Tnis tariff restriction, however, reduces the operating cost savings for the cogenerator. The losses for the utility are sensitive to the difference between the average tariff cost and the utility's marginal production. No. Case 5 shows the influence of oil price decreases on the unrestricted 182 tariff options policy (No. 1). Since marginal costs drop faster than average tariff costs, this shifting cogeneration toward net sale tariff choices, the impact of cogeneration increases substantially. Overview of the Different Site Studies As in Chapter 2, the description of the modeling analysis uses the Large Manufacturer as an example. This section compares the results from all the major case study sites. Table 3.8 lists the impact on the utility from different plant types for the case study sites. Included witn the net present value is the impact per kilowatt of cogeneration plant electrical capacity. Not only does the impact vary substantially because of differences in the type and scale of the cogeneration systems at each site, but the impact depends upon internal electricity usage patterns at the individual sites. For example, a coal-fired steam turbine system reduces the net sale electric energy usage and moves the load factor at the Hospital from 421 to 107 hours-use, a big savings in the expensive energy blocks of the H Rate tariff; at the Paper Mill, the net sale reduction is for energy sold in the cheaper energy blocks of the H Rate, where tne load factor drops from 610 to 428 hours-use. Table 3.9 presents tne combined value of time-of-oil pricing for both the utility and the private cogenerating firm. On the basis of the cogeneration plant's electrical capacity, this value is more stable between the individual sites than the utility impact in Table 3.8. As illustrated in the analytical discussions in Sections 183 Table 3.8: Present Value of the Utility Impact from tne Cogeneration Plants Total Impact; Impact per Unit Capacity Coal ST Cogen. Oil #6 ST Cogen. Diesel Cogen. Gas Turbine Cogen. First Cnoice; Second "No Coal" Choice Plants New #6 boiler; # 6 oil ST Site Office .034 34 .019 38 .011 41 0 0 Paper Mill .150 34 .128 38 .037 41 .5UO 0 Coal ST; oil ST Medium Mfr. .127 106 .103 116 .052 8 0 0 Coal ST; oil ST Large Mfr. .495 89 .377 95 .165 7 .5/5 52 Coal ST; oil ST Hospital .066 145 .057 159 .021 12 .046 67 Coal ST; # 6 diesel College .046 46 .032 64 .009 6 .001 1 Coal ST; existing Doi ler Unrestricted choice of tariffs; impact in present value for 1981-1990 in million 1981 $; impact per kW of cogeneration capacity in 1981 $/KW. I 184 Table 3.9: Combined Value of Time-of-Oil Pricing for Utility and lu stomer I In lUl I ComDined Utility + Firm For the Utility (000$) (000$) For tne Site/Plant Type Firm Value per Unit of Cogen. Capacity ($/kW) Large Manufacter Diesel, #6 oil Steam Turbine, #6 oil 1,870 132 795 35 121 42 Hospital Diesel, #6 oil Steam Turbine, #6 oil 168 5 5 2 101 19 College Diesel, #6 oil Steam Turbine, #6 oil 105 17 48 5 138 44 Paper Mill Diesel, #6 oil Steam Turbine, #6 oil 1,081 77 418 13 119 44 Medium Manufacturer Diesel, #6 oil Steam Turbine, #6 oil 515 27 204 9 114 40 Office Building Diesel, #2 oil Steam Turbine, #6 oil 81 60 Based on detailed simulation; values in 1981 expected discountea value. s 185 and, the value of time-of-oil pricing depends upon the difference between the utility's marginal costs and the cogenerator's incremental operating costs, which is the same for a given plant type at all sites, because time-of-oil pricing must ordinarily be implemented under arbitrage sale of the electricity, differences in between each site's internal electricity usage patterns do not affect the results except by customers remaining on net sale tariffs and operating their plants continuously when they would otherwise operate their plants on a time-of-oil basis if selling the cogeneration plant output under arbitrage. Simplification of the Modeling The modeling simplifications tested in Section 2.3.3, while acceptable for the most important aspects of the cogenerator's investment decisions, work only in part for the calculation of the impact on the utility. For utility capacity planning, the level of cogeneration capacity is the primary concern of tne forecaster. Since the current model implementation addresses the decision to switch to cogeneration only in one year, it is adequate only for determining conversions by existing customers when fuel and electricity prices vary over a limited range. The decision to invest in a cogeneration system is not extremely sensitive to the future tariffs available to the cogenerator because of the incentives for a utility to keep its tariffs near marginal long-run costs, so the simplified modeling does work acceptably for cogeneration capacity forecasting. 111111 186 For utility tariff policy planning, however, the difference between the average tariff and marginal costs is the crucial issue. This is because of the one-sided nature of the negative results from "net sale" cogeneration on the utility system--as Figure 3.1 shows, the adverse impact from cogeneration results only when the potential tariff reductions are greater than marginal costs. In the fuel and electricity price scenarios selected for the modeling, this occurs primarily in the cases with extreme utility coal conversion and lower price growth. The first column of Table 3.10 lists tne utility impact from tne full range of possible plant alternatives at the four main case study sites using the detailed modeling under all scenarios. 10 Note that the losses are largest for the most economically attractive cogeneration plant design, the coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration system. In the second and third columns, the aggregate modeling simplification works very well for both data sources, which were descriDed in Section 2.3.3. The second simplification, the estimate of tne losses Dased on only a middle fuel/medium coal conversion scenario, fails completely in the estimation of the utility losses because of the asymmetry cited above. 10 As Unfortunately, the creation of the correct estimate by the in Table 2.17, an extra plznt alternative has been aaded in Table 3.10 for the Large Manufacturer in the simplified modeling cases: an existing oil-fired, back-pressure steam turbine cogeneration plant. This shows the compelling economics for the firm and the present burden to the utility's ratepayers from an existing system. 187 Table 3.10: Effect of Modeling Simplifications on the Estimated ___ Impact on Utility System Expected Impact of Plant Site/ Plant (Fuel) Detai led Simulation Middle Scenario Impact of Plant Aggregate SimulaAggregate tion Detailed SimulaSimula- Survey tion tion Data Aggregate SimulaAggregate tion Simula- Survey ation Data Large Manufacturer Boiler coal -.165 -. 202 -. 174 Gas Turbine #6 -.575 ST #6 (new) -.377 ST #6 (old 6 MW) -.614 -. 342 -.290 -- -.867 -. 476 Diesel, #6 ST coal Hospital Boiler coal -.495 Diesel, #6 Gas Turbine #6 ST #6 -.021 -.046 ST coal 0 0 -. 621 -. 052 -- -.450 -.345 -. 306 -. 140 -. 114 -. 056 0 0 -.042 0 0 -.057 -.024 -.063 -.057 -.020 -.046 -.051 0 -.015 -.032 -.038 -.021 0 -.023 -.014 -.066 -.062 -.057 -.040 -.032 -.025 0 0 0 0 0 0 Diesel, #6 Gas Turbine #6 -.009 -.013 -.025 0 0 0 -.001 -.003 -.004 0 ST #6 ST coal Paper Mill -.032 -.037 -.039 0 0 -.006 0 -.007 -.046 -.056 -.054 -.012 -.023 -.026 Boiler coal Diesel, #6 0 -.037 0 -.049 0 -. 043 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas Turbine #6 ST #6 ST coal -.500 -.500 -.318 -.271 -.265 -.128 -.116 -.097 0 0 -.150 -.133 -.116 -.003 0 Net present values in million 1981 $ 0 College Boiler coal -.105 0 0 188 analysis of all scenarios over the planning horizon is one of the most expensive stages of the modeling process. To affect reductions in the modeling costs when addressing tariff planning, the customer's investment decision can be calculated using the middle/medium scenario simplification over the plant life horizon and, then the multi-scenario approach can be used to explore the customer's possiole operating and tariff decisions for only the selected plant type over the more limited tariff planning horizon. Table 3.11 lists the estimates of the value of time-of-oil pricing for the utility under different modeling simplifications. As was the case for tne overall impact of cogeneration on the utility, tne simplification of the plant performance mooeling works reasonaoly well given the complex timing required Dy time-of-oil pricing (detailea versus aggregate simulation on an expected value basis). Since the simplification of che analysis to include only tne midale fuel price escalation/medium coal conversions scenario did not work well for tne overall utility impact, the differences between the unrestricted and restricted tariff choice cases need to determine the value of time-of-oil pricing do not yield a close estimate in any case. Comparison of Analytical and Modeling Estimates of the Utility Impact Section 2.3.4 compared tne modeling results with an analytical approach for the customer's cogeneration plant operating and investment choices. This section demonstrates that analytical and modeling estimates of the utility impact for a single year are similar 189 Table 3.11: Influence of Model Simplifications on the Value of Time-of-Oil Pricing for tne Utility Midale Scenario Value Only Expected Value Site/ Plant Detailed Simulation Aggregate Aggregate SimulaSimulaAggregate tion Detailed Aggregate tion Simula- Survey SimulaSimula- Survey tion Data tion ation Data Large Manufacturer Diesel #6 .795 .308 .342 .748 0 0 ST#6 Oil .035 .036 .081 .051 .033 .066 Diesel #6 .005 .050 .039 .003 .034 .023 ST#6 Oil .002 .008 .005 .001 .012 .008 Diesel #6 Oil .048 .050 .050 .015 .021 .030 ST#6 Oil .005 .006 .008 .011 .011 .018 Diesel #6 Oil .418 .130 .128 .256 0 0 ST#6 Oil .013 .011 .010 .006 .001 .004 Hospital College Paper Mill Net present value in million 1981 $ 190 provided that a good estimate is available for the reduction in the customer's non-fuel tariff charges because of net sale cogeneration. The sensitivity of these results to changes in the non-fuel tariff reduction has been discussed in Chapter 2. Table 3.12 presents the utility impact by scenario as determined analytically using the tariff changes and utility marginal costs in Table 2.21. For every scenario in which the customer selects net sale cogeneration, the impact isz [Total [Impact]= ( Average H-Rate i Tariff [Utility's IMarginal LFuel Costs rcogeneration C x On-Site LE lectricity Usage For scenarios in which the customer selects arbitrage, the net impact due to cogeneration is zero. These results compare very closely with those in Table 3.4. As noted in Chapter 2, examination of oil-fired cogeneration requires a much more complex analysis. The results would not oe as similar between the modeling and analytical estimates for the coal-fired case because, at least in the one scenario notea in Section 2.3.4, the operating choice differs between the two methoas. 3.2 THE AGGREGATE FORECAST OF THE IMPACT FROM COGENERATION This section discusses approaches for aggregating the cogeneration forecast from the level of a single customer to the level of the whole utility service territory. The physically-based approach to forecasting typically creates the projection deriving from any aevice, usaqe, or customer class.through an enumeration of opportunities for a load change in that class. Table 3.12: Impact on the Utility from a Coal-Fired Cogeneration Plant in 1985 as Estimated by the Analytical Approach Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Tariff type choice; Net Impact Fast Fuel High Price Middle Escalation Low Net Sale -112 Net Sale -224 Net Sale -336 Medium Arbitrage 0 Net Sale -112 Net Sale -224 Slow Arbitrage 0 Arbitrage 0 Arbitrage -150 Scenario Non-fuel tariff reduction assumed to be 2.2 /kWn; plant output is 37413 MWh per year; values are in thousand 1981 $; other assumptions in Table 2.21. 192 The information available on cogeneration opportunities, wnich would comprise the basis for the forecasting enumeration, can be separated into the four general categories descried in Table 3.12. In the case of cogeneration, the most profitable locations--and therefore the most likely to develop--are at the large industrial and commercial sites that use extensive quantities of steam. Tne effort expended on determining the potential for cogeneration, especially based on information from the more nebulous C and D classes, should depend upon the context of the utility policy decisions employing the forecast and the economic environment of the particular utility; any effort should start with information from the A and B classes. If cogeneration tariff design is the primary utility policy Deing reviewed, the greatest concern is the rapid conversion of existing customers to cogeneration or changes in operating and electricity purchases by existing cogenerators. Since tariff policies can be reviewed and changed in a period that is short relative to the time period in which major industrial growth might occur, the impact from cogeneration by existing customers indicates changes necessary in the tariff policies. The direction of the impact from tariff changes is the most important aspect of the forecasting effort; a fundemental insight into tne results from tariff policy changes can be obtained from case studies on individual sites alone. The secondary aspect, the magnitude of the tariff policy changes, can be estimated Dy a sample of the utility's existing large commercial and industrial customers who do or might cogenerate. This is an easy group to 193 Table 3.13: Classes of Customer Information Employea in the Construction of a Cogeneration Forecast Information Class A Description of Group Existing customers on which detailed information is available, such as a firm that has conducted extended negotiations with the utility concerning a long-term electricity purchase for the cogenerated electricity B Existing customers on which limited site-specific data are available, such as those covered in the survey described in this chapter and Appendix C. Existing customers which have not been specifically surveyed but on wnich aggregate energy usage data are available. Future customers which are forecast by commercial or industrial category and on which only general characteristic information is availaole. 194 identify since the prospects with the greatest potential for conversion are among the largest industrial sites with large boiler systems, which are generally known to the utility or can be traced through a review of air pollution emissions data on industrial sites collected by the individual states. Furthermore, the aggregation effort should be concentratea on the potential for cogeneration at existing sites because the revenue reduction problem influences the utility through the switching of existing customers to cogeneration. For a new customer, if average tariff levels are greater than marginal costs, then tne new customer's cogeneration will diminish the incremental short-term profits for the utility's stockholders arising through the firm's arrival; in the long run, the new customer's purchases will reduce the average fixed costs borne by the other customers, but not as much as it might nave if the new firm did not cogenerate. If average tariff levels are less than marginal costs, the new customer will arbitrage, so cogeneration does not pose a "loss in operating profit" problem; instead, it is a more fundamental problem in utility economics, involving the general utility tariff-setting and regulation process, not to be resolved in the context of cogeneration forecasting. If the cogeneration forecast is used in capacity planning for the utility, the aggregation effort deserves careful attention because the total cogeneration capacity is important. The conversion of existing industrial sites can be calculated with relative ease. The significant questions are the growth of steam-using industries ane 195 whether or not they will select cogeneration as a heat source for the new facilities or the expansion of existing ones. This report has narrowed the research task Dy selecting one utility for case study analysis. Anticipated load growtn for this utility is very low, especially in the industrial sector, and in some of the specific industries that are noted for steam use, as illustrated in Table 3.14. In the context of this case study, therefore, the primary utility policy decisions involve tariff policy rather than capacity expansion issues, so the focus of the research here has been on understanding the effects of cogeneration by existing customers. The estimates developed in the remainder of this chapter employ entirely class B data from an extensive questionnaire completed by 123 of the utility's largest industrial and commercial customers in the late 1970's. Tne information collected is described in Appendix C in Tables C.1 through C.3. The customers included in the survey are all served or are eligible to be served under a tariff very similar to the H Rate, which is described in Appendix B. As demonstrated in Taole 3.15, the survey sample constitutes a large share of the total electric energy sales for the class of customers eligible for the "large light and power" H Rate; the commercial ana industrial customers represented significant shares of their respective groups; and the survey group as a whole was a substantial share of the utility sales to ultimate consumers. No effort was made to explore elaborate methods for extending the process estimates from the survey to the 196 Table 3.14: Utility Sales in 1.978 and Growth Rates Expected to 1990 1978 Revenue Share 1978 Energy Sales Snare Forecast Energy Growth Rate 1978-1990 By Sector/Share of Total Sales Residential 43.3 39.7 1.0 Commercial 31.7 31.5 2.3 Manufacturing/Mining 23.1 27.7 2.6 By Industry/Share of Total Manufacturing and Mining The 6 Key Cogeneration Inaustries (with SIC): 20 Food and Kindred Products 5.3 5.4 1.6 22 Textile Mill Products 4.3 4.2 .5 26 Paper and Allied Products 7.1 7.7 1.5 28 Chemicals and Allied Products 9.2 10.2 2.4 29 Petroleum Refining & Related Industries 33 Primary Metal Industries .7 .7 0 6.9 7.7 1.8 33.5 35.3 1.7 30 Rubber & Misc. Plastic Prod. 11.8 12.4 3.4 36 Electrical & Electronics 13.3 14.5 3.2 58.6 62.2 2.4 Subtotal of 6 Industries Other Key Local Industries: Total of 8 Industries 197 Coverage of the Survey Relative to the Total Utility Sales Table 3.15: I. Number of Customers (% in survey) A. Total: B. By Class: Commercial Industrial C. By Tariff: H-Rate Eligible .016% .072% 3.0% 27.4% II. Energy Sales (% in survey) A. Total: 11.8% B. By Class: Commercial Industrial 9.1% 32.2% C. By Tariff: H-Rate Eligible 41.7% D. By the Eight Major Industries (% of Total SIC energy sales in survey by SIC group): 20 22 26 28 29 30 33 36 Food and Kindred Products Textile Mill products Paper and Allied Products Chemicals and Allied Products Petroleum Refining and Related Industries Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products Primary Metals Industries Electrical.and Electronics 27.1% 21.0% 19.6% 20.5% 5.6% 22.7% 47.3% 60.4% 198 full customer base because utility tariff policies ratner than capacity expansion issues were the primary concern in the case study examined in this report. Therefore the values reported in the aggregate projections in this section have not been scaled up to reflect the wnole utility territory population; the totals are only based on the sites in the sample. In analyzing the impact of cogeneration at this sample of 123 sites, the next subsection describes two simple approaches for examining the survey data and making a crude forecast of the maximum total cogeneration capacity development. The second subsection applies the simplified cogeneration economics model to the site survey data in order to estimate the total cogeneration capacity development, the electric energy output over a multi-year under differing fuel an utility coal conversion scenarios, and the expected net impact of this cogeneration development on the utility. 3.2.1 Exploratory Forecasts of the Maximum Cogeneration Capacity Development Sensitivity studies on the economics of cogeneration at a few sites, together with some insight from the conceptual background on cogeneration investment and operating decisions outlined in Section 2.2.2, suggest simple decision rules for determining, within the case study region, the sites that are economic for cogeneration. Applying these rules to each of the sites in the survey allows a simple cogeneration capacity forecast with little computational effort. section presents two examples using this approach. Tnis Tne first looks at 0 199 the total cogeneration capacity of each type that could be built if only a single technology was available at one time, using simple rules for the sizing of the new capacity and the ratio between electricity and steam output from each cogeneration technology. The second example applies a simple ranking of the technologies that can be used at a site, depending on the size, duration, and pressure of the site's steam usage. A Simple Single Technology Forecast The total possible cogeneration capacity in an area depenas upon the economics of the individual sites and the combined actions at all these sites. The analytical and modeling results in Cnapter 2 demonstrated that the installed cogeneration type and its size at a site depends, in part upon the steam usage patterns at the site. Under the case study conditions examined in this report, it appears that: * Coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration systems can be economically sized to serve the peak month's average steam loads at large steam-using sites. * Oil-fired steam turbine and aiesel systems must be sizea for the base steam loads if they are to be economic at all. Economies of scale in cogeneration plant capital and operating costs place lower limits 6n the economic sizes for the installation of these plants. A very simplistic approach to exploring the maximum possiole installed cogeneration capacity involves looking at the peak, average, 2Uu and all larger sites in the survey. For example, assuming that coal-fired cogeneration systems are economic only down to 50 MBtu/nr peak month's load, the total hourly peak steam load at all sites with a peak steam load larger than 50 MBtu/hr is about 700 MBtu/hr.11 For the typical electrical/steam output ratio of 60 kWh/MBtu, this implies a total installed capacity of 42,000 kW. The effect of changing the minimum economic scale for a and base steam loads at all 123 sites in the aggregate survey. Figures 3.3a, b, and c give the frequency distribution of the peak month's steam use, the annual average steam use, and the base month's average steam use for all the sites in the survey. Note that there are very few sites with large base month steam loads. Projecting the total coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration capacity requires estimating the economic size at each site: by the rule-of-thumb above, this is the peak month's average heat load in MBtu/hr times a typical electric/steam output ratio for coal-fired cogeneration, about 60 kWn/MBtu. For example, a site witn 50 MBtu/nr peak load would select a 3.0 MW coal-fired cogeneration plant. These individual site estimates can then be summed from the largest peak load site down to the smallest site that could be served by the minimum economic scale plant assumed for each technology. Alternatively, the peak month heat loads can be summed for eacn site 1 1These peak steam loads do not occur at the same time for all sites. This is only a crude way of estimating installed capacity, not a way of estimating the annual electric energy production from the whole group. 201 THE FREQUENCY OF PEAK MONTH STEAM LOADS FOR THE SURVEY DATA SITES 80- 60 L0 U 40- rr 20 0.0 I 0 I _I I k -1---l _ 21' 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 1 PEAK MONTH STEAM LOAD AT SITE Figure 3.3a I! 121 131 (MBTU/HR) 141 202 THE FREQUENCY OF AVERAGE STEAM LCADS FOR THE SURVEY DATA SITES 80- 60- 40- 20! 0.0 O I I 'c, 21 31 -- - 41 51 61 71 81 __ 1 101 Ill AVERAGE STEAM LOAD AT SITE Figure 3.3b ' 121 131 141 (MBTU/HR) 203 THE FREQUENCY OF BASE MONTH STEAM LOACS FOR THE SURVEY DATA SITES 80- 60 40- 20- 0.0 i i I I I 5I I 21' I 31 I I 41 i 51 , ,, ,, 61 I 71 " 81 J, 91 - 101 ' BASE MONTH STEAM LOAD AT SITE Figure 3.3c . III 121 I • 131 141 (MBTU/HR) l 204 down to the minimum scale and, then, the electric/steam output ratio can De applied. Figure 3.4a presents the cumulative peak month's average steam usage plotted against the minimum scale for a given size cogeneration technology can be seen immediately in Figure 3.4a. Eacn additional survey site is reflected oy a jump in the cumulative peak steam capacity. Although the largest sites are few in number, the first five constitute over half of the total capacity even if the minimum economic scale is reduced to the size of the smallest commercially available coal-fired high-pressure boilers, about 20 MBtu/hr. This approach can be similarly applied for oil-firea steam turbine and diesel cogeneration except that the plant sizing would be based on the base or lowest month's average steam loads. For example, assuming that #6 oil-fired diesel cogeneration systems were only economic down to 25 MBtu/nr base heat load, Figure 3.4c indicates that base heat loaas of that size and larger total about 200 MBtu/nr. a typical electrical/steam output ratio of about 380 kWn/MStu, For this implies a total installed capacity of 76 MW if only aiesel systems were installed. Again notice the concentration of the total potential at a few large sites--sites which would most likely consider coal-fired steam turbine or at least an oil-fired steam turbine before considering a diesel system. A Simple Multi-Technology Forecast The single technology approach above does not reflect the hierarchy of different plant alternatives possible at an individual CUMULATIVE PEAK MONTH STEAM LOADS AT SURVEY DATA SITES 2000 1600 CUMULATIVE PEAK MONTH STEAM LOAD AT SITES WITH GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM PEAK LOAD FOR GROUP (MBTU/HR) 1400C) 12001000- 800600- 0 .0 I 0.0 12.5 25 . I 37.5 , .. ... 50 62.5 I 75 87.5 MINIMUM PEAK MONTH STEAM, LOAD AT SITES Figure 1.4a I 100 112.5 IN GROUP I I 125 137.5 (MBTU/HR) 150 -----1 CUMULATIVE AVERAGE STEAM LOADS AT SURVEY DATA SITES 000 1800' 1600. 1400, CUMULATIVE AVERAGE 1200 STEAM LOAD AT SITES 1000, WITH GREATER 800. THAN THE MINIMUM AVERAGE LOAD FOR GROUP (MBTU/HR) 400200. 0.0 +0.0 112.5 MINIMUM AVERAGE STEAM LOAD AT SITES IN GROUP 125 137.5 150 (MBTU/HR) Figure 3.4b . 0 p CUMULATIVE BASE MONTH STEAM LOADS AT SURVEY DATA SITES 2000180016001 CUMULATIVE 1400BASE MONTH STEAM LOAD 1200AT SITES WITH 1000GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM BASE LOAD FOR GROUP (MBTU/HR) 800800400200-~1 ! 0.0 i 0.0 I- - 12.5 I 25 --- I 37.5 I 50 I 62.5 T 75 I 87.5 T 100 112.5 I 125 137.5 MINIMUM BASE MONTH STEAM LOAD AT SITES IN GROUP (MBTU/HR) Fioure 3.4c I 150 208 site. The metnod in this subsection applies a simple ranking of plant alternatives for each site to account for differences in the economic sizing of plant types, the influence of steam load pressure requirements on the electrical/steam output ratio for each techology, and the presence of existing cogeneration. 1. If the site has peak month steam loads above a given minimum economic size (50 MBtu/hr in the base case), a coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant will be selected for tne site and sized for the peak month's average steam loads. For sites with existing cogeneration capacity, the new coal-fired capacity is assumed to be the greater of the existing oil-fired capacity or the new size estimated by the peak month sizing approach. 2. If the site has peak steam loads too small for coal Out a base month steam load that would result in oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration with electrical capacity above a given minimum economic size (500 KW in the base case), oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration will be selected for the site and sized for tne base month's average steam loads. In sites with existing capacity, the new capacity is the assumed to be greater of the existing or tne new capacity forecast Dy this method. 3. If neither oil- nor coal-fired steam turbine systems can oe selected by sites with low-pressure base-montn steam loads that would result in a #6 oil-fired diesel cogeneration 209 system with electrical capacity above a given minimum economic size (1000 kW in the base case), diesel cogeneration wil be selected for the site and sized for the base month's average low-pressure steam loaas. Tne low-pressure steam load duration curve is assumed to have the same profile as the total steam load duration curve, buut it is a fixed fraction of the total load at any time. There was no significant existing cogeneration in this size range. The electrical/steam output ratio for the steam turbine systems at each site varies depending upon the fraction of steam loads requiring low-pressure steam. Since the diesel systems are assumed to serve only low-pressure loads, they all have an electricity/steam ratio of aDout 240 kWn/MBtu from Table U.2. Figure 3.5 illustrates the results of tnis method as a function of the indivioual site's average steam loaos. Tnis figure, like Figure 3.4a-c, presents the cumulative forecast cogeneration capacity for all sites of tne given average steam load and larger. Since coal systems are sized on peaK load, ana oil systems are sized on base load, tnis presentation of the results wita respect to average load provides only a convenient standara of comparison. First note that the existing installed cogeneration capacity is at tne largest sites and is about a third of the final cogeneration capacity. The new, coal-fired capacity includes incremental additions to sites with existing capacity and new coqeneration at sites that previously were TOTAL COGENERATION CAPACITY PROJECTION USING SIMPLE MULTI-TECHNOLOGY APPROACH AS A FUNCTION OF AVERAGE STEFPF LOAD FOR SURVEY DATA SITES 100 90 80 70 TOTAL COGENERATION CAPACITY (MW) 60 AT SITES WITH AVERAGE STEAM LOAD GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM4 FOR 40 THE GROUP New CoalFired Steam Turbine 30 Cogeneration 20 N,. ew #6 Oil Diesel Cogeneration 7'New Oil-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration - 10 .\'Existing Steam Turbine Cogeneration \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 0.0 II~ -0.0 ->-\..I xxxxxxxxxxxx~hb~~bb~>>b>>>S --- ~~ ~I - - -~- - - ~-- i~- -- ~--~~--~~~--~- ~~-~50 10 20 30 60 >>>-> 70 60 >S-\ 90 100 110 MINIMUM AVERAGE STEAM LOAD AT SITES IN GROUP (MBTU/HR) Fi'.iqure 3.5 120 211 without it. Because of the sizing method based on the peak month's average load, additions of coal-fireo cogeneration continue down to average loads of about 25 MBtu/hr, although oil-fired steam turbine capacity additions start at high load factor sites at about 30 MBtu/nr average load. Diesel cogeneration capacity additions are at the lowest end of the scale, assuming that diesel systems are economic at all. Table 3.16 provides a sensitivity analysis of the simple, multi-technology approach to changes in the minimum economic plant scale assumptions. Note the case that is most optimistic about the minimum economic plant scales is not the case with the highest electrical capacity forecast. The sensitivity analysis here demonstrates how one cogeneration type replaces another in any forecast as economic assumptions cnange. 3.2.3 Forecasting Using the Cogeneration Plant Investment and Operation Model This section discusses the application of the simplified cogeneration plant investment and operation model to the survey sites. This allows a multi-year forecast of cogeneration capacity development with contingent forecasts of cogenerated electric energy, and the net economi.c impact on the utility; the forecast depends upon subsequent cogeneration plant operation and tariff choice decisions as a result of changes in electricity and fuel prices. The model development has been discussed in Sections 2.3 and 3.1 for the 1___ 212 Table 3.16: Sensitivity of tne Simple Multi-Technology Forecast Assumed Minimum Economic Plant ---- Size " U011 Diesel on ST on Coal ST #6(z) Cogen. (x) #6(y) (kW) (kW) (MBtu/hr) -- Case Base 50 Pessimistic on Coal 100 Survey Forecast Capacity (MW) Coal ExisST ting Oil inST Diesel Total ST crement I-. 500 1000 23.7 24.5 9.7 8.3 66.2 500 1000 23.7 .6 17.9 9.6 51.8 Optimistic on Coal 25 500 1000 23.7 39.4 4.9 8.3 76.3 Optimistic on Diesel 50 500 500 23.7 24.5 9.7 12.7 70.6 Very Optimistic on Diesel 50 500 100 23.7 24.5 9.7 39.7 97.6 Pessimistic on Oil ST 50 1000 1000 23.7 24.5 1.2 21.3 70.7 Optimistic on Oil ST 50 250 1000 23. 7 24.5 14.4 Optimistic on Coqen. in general 25 250 100 23.7 39.4 1000 2500 23. 7 Pess imi st i c on Cogen. in general 100 .6 0 62.6 8.8 8.2 80.1 8.7 5.9 39.9 x: Based on coal cogeneration plant sizing for peak month's steam loads. y: Based on #6 oil-fired steam turoine sizing for base montn's steam loads. z: eased on #6 oil-fired diesel sizing for base montn's low-pressure steam loads. 213 investment and operating decisions at a single site; this section describes the results of the simplifed model's application to all 123 sites in the aggregate survey. To reduce the computational costs of this analysis, the forecast for each site is conducted in several stages: 1. The steam and electric loads are constructed from tne data on the given site (see Appendix C and Table 2.16) and the pre-sizing of different plant types takes place subject to lower limits for tne commercially available cogeneration equipment (1000 kW for coal-fired cogeneration; 500 KW for oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration; 1000 kW for #6 oil-fired, and 250 kW for #2 oil-fired diesels;about 1000 KW for #6 oil-fired, and 400 KW for f2 oil-fired gas turbines; and 15 MBtu/hr for stand-alone coal-fired boilers). 12 If the site has existing oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration larger than 500 kW, it is included as a zero capital cost alternative in place of a new, approximately optimally sized oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration system. 2. If the site has more than .2 MBtu/nr average heat load, tne simplified operating simulation and the middle fuel price escalation/medium coal conversion scenario financial analys-is is performed as described in Section 2.3.3. 12 The economics of .the system are tested at sites smaller than the minimum commercial.scale, but the cap-ital costs are not reduced below the cost estimate for a plant of tne minimum commercial scale. __ 214 3. If the site has existing cogeneration capacity, or if a cogeneration system is determined in step #2 to be an economic alternative to the existing boiler system, the site's minimum operating costs and its operation/tariff strategies are calculated under eacn fuel ana electricity price scenario. This provides the multi-year forecast of energy and the expected utility impact for each site. The average computation cost per site with four different tariff restriction options is less than $1 per site on MIT's IBM 370/168 computer. Tne forecast for the survey sample is simply the sum of the results for the individual sites. Table 3.17 provides a time series forecast resulting from tne analysis for the full survey of 123 customers. Five of the group already had oil-fired steam turbines of 500 KW or larger at tne start of the forecasting period; all the existing oil-fired cogeneration could economically convert to a completely new coal-fired steam turbine system. Forty-three of the other sites provided economic opportunity for coal-fired cogeneration under the ease case cost and financial assumptions; two sites preferred stand-alone coal boilers to cogeneration systems. No oil-fired cogeneration was the first cnoice plant at any of tnese sites. As shown in Table 3.17, once the new coal-fired capacity is in place, it operates at all times. Tne impact on the utility, nowever, changes witn the fuel price/utility coal conversion scenario and year; again, as Section 3.1 demonstrated, the middle scenario provides a ,215 Table 3.17: Model Forecast of Cogeneration Capacity, Energy, ana IITllrtrr Im~~rt JI I I VLJ III.IQIL Utility Loss (thousand 1981 $) Middle/Medlan Expected Scenario Value Year Cogeneration Capacity (MW) Cogeneration Energy (MW average) 1981 22.5* 14.4* 1982 22.5* 14.4* 1983 22.5* 14.4* 1984 77.6 53. 260 672 1985 77.6 53. 870 1357 1986 77.6 53. 621 1262 1987 77.6 53. 405 1177 1988 77.6 53. 241 1103 1989 77.6 53. '135 1040 1990 77.6 53. 55 983 -1,440 -17 NC NC 1973 Present value of utility impact for years 1984-1990. *This is the existing oil-fired steam turoine coqeneraton capacity sites of 1000 kW or larger; new coal systems replace-all existing oil-fired steam turbine systems. NC = not calculateo. NC 5559 - 216 very poor estimate of the utility impact. Table 3.18 shows the composition of the capacity forecast and demonstrates now major factors such as environmental restrictions on coal use or the starting fuel prices and financial assumptions can affect the forecast capacity development. Under the base case economic asssumptions, if coal-fired cogeneration and Doilers are excluded for environmental reasons, existing oil-fired cogeneration systems stay in operation, and a mixture of oil-fired steam-turbine and diesel systems are developed where most of the coal-fired systems would have been economic. Under higher cost of capital and lower oil price assumptions, the five existing oil-fired cogeneration systems stay in place, and coal-fired cogeneration systems are economic only at 22 larger sites; a small amount of new oil-fired steam turbine based capacity is economic at 6 sites, 13 but no diesel cogeneration is a viable alternative. Under the higher cost of capital/lower oil price assumptions, if coal-fired cogeneration and boilers are excluded, both new oil-fired steam turbine and diesel cogeneration capacity develop insteao. Figure 3.6 illustrates the composition of the cogeneration capacity forecast by the site average steam load unoer the base case and higher cost of capital/lower oil price case. Figure 3.7 presents time series plots for capacity development, cogenerated electric energy output, and expected utility impact for these two cases. 13This may be because of tne advanta es of switcning from #2 oil to #6 oil at these sites rather than Ne value of the cogeneration. 217 Table 3.18: Sensitivity of Forecast Cogeneration Capacity and Energy Output in 1985 Steam Capacity Expec- Electric Capacity (MW) Existing Oil ST 1. Base Case (15.1% return witn 10% inflation; low S #6 oil at $5.45/ MBtu and coal at $2.05/MBtu startin 1981). 0 2. Coal cogeneration not allowed.. 22.5 3. Higher cost of capital and lower fuel prices (18.9, return with 10% inflation; low S #6 oil at $4.56/ MBtu and coal at $2.31/MBtu startin 1981). 4. Hiqher cost of capital and lower fuel prices; coal cogeneration not allowed. Coal ST New Oil ST 77.6 0 Total (MBtu/ nr Total 77.6 1228 83.6 977 NC ted Energy (Mwavg) 53 0 15.4 45.7 22.5 24.8 3.7 0 51.0 848 38.3 22.5 0 12.6 19.6 54.7 729 NC No restrictions on tariff choice. NC = not calIculatea. Diesel - -~----I FORECAST OF CUMULATIVE COGENERATION CAPACITY BY TECHNOLOGY: BASE CASE 100 90 TOTAL 1985 COGENERATION CAPACITY (MW) AT SITES WITH AVERAGE STEAM LOAD GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM4 FOR THE GROUP New Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration 0.0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 MINIMUM AVERAGE STEAM LOAD AT SITES IN GROUP Figure 3.6a 4 4 r 100 110 (MBTU/HR) 120 FORECAST OF CUMULATIVE COGENERATION CAPACITY BY TECHNOLOGY: EIGHER COST OF CAPITAL & LOWER OIL PRICE CASE 100 9080 70 - TOTAL 1985 COGENERATION CAPACITY (MW) 60 AT SITES WITH AVERAGE STEAM 50 LOAD GREATER THAN THE MINIMUM FOR THE GROUP 30 New Oil-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration 1 New Coal-Fired Steam Turbine Cogeneration .................. 20 Existing Steam Turbine CoTeneration, 10 1Cogeneration,\k \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x ,\\k\\\\_k\\\\\\\k\\\\kk\\\ \ 0.0 0.0 ---- --10 20 30 40 --50 \\ \\ \\\\k\\\\\\ ------~-----60 70 80 \\kk\\ ---90 MINIMUM AVERAGE STEAM' LOAD AT SITES IN GROUP Figure '.6b - I ~---~- -120 100 110 (MBTU/HR) TEN YEPR COGENERATION FORECAST: CAPACITY 100- se Ca Base Case COGENERATION CAPACITY (MW) 0- O O . 7 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 of Capital Higher Cost & Lower Oil Price Case 50- I i I 2 3 4 YEAR Figure 3.7a I( TEN YEAR COGENERATION FORECAST: EXPECTED ENERGY CUTPUT .100- EXPECTED ANNUAL AVERAGE COGENERATED ELECTRIC 50ENERGY OUTPUT (MW) Base Case 0 -e- - * -&& Higher Cost of Capital & Lower Oil Price Case I-'. YEAR Figure 3.7b TEN YEAR COGENERATION FORECAST: EXPECTED UTILITY IMPACT 2Higher Cost of Capital & Lower Oil Price Case e ADVERSE IMPACT ON UTILITY (MILLION 1981 $) Base Case I- 0- I 2 4 3 Figure r 0 0 5 YEAR 3.7c 6 7 8 9 1( 223 The impact of the cogeneration on the utility varies substantially depending upon fuel prices and restrictions by the utility on customer's tariff choices. TaDle 3.19 summarizes the results of sensitivity studies on tariff restrictions and their influence upon the forecast utility impact from cogeneration. First, note that time-of-oil pricing has no worth for the utility if the forecast includes only coal-fired cogeneration. Also note that it is more valuable for tne base case/no coal example (2.A less 2.8) than for the higher cost of capital/lower oil prices/no coal example (4.A less 4.B) because of the higner coal/oil price differentials. Second, forcing cogenerators to use time-of-use tariffs when tney "sell net" reduces the impact on the utility substantially in all cases for two reasons: in some cases, the cogenerator finds it advantageous to arbitrage rather than sell net; second, the marginal revenue reduction from cogeneration during tne peak and off-peak periods better matches the pattern of changing marginal costs for the utility. Finally, the reduction of the utility purchase rate from 100% to 95% of marginal fuel costs is effective only when the cogeneration capacity mix must sell a substantial amount of electricity in excess of internal site loads, e.g., in case 2.D, which has a high forecast for diesel capacity; otnerwise the plants can protect themselves by "selling net" and reducing their tariff charges for internal loads. Table 3.19 only provides tne expected impact; Taole 3.18 and Figure 3.8 show the distribution of the utility impact for the base case and high cost of capital/lower oil price case, demonstrating the 224 Table 3.19: Sensitivity of the Utility Impact to Economic and Environmental Assumptions Base Case Tariff Restrictions I Coal Cogen OK 2 No Coal Higher Cost ot Capital and Lower 1 - Uil Prices 4 3 Coal Cogen OK No Coal L A. No.restrictions on tariff choice 5.56 6.03 12.46 13.85 B. No time of 5.56 7.90 12.53 14.35 1.33 C. Mandatory TOU tariff for net sale cogen. 2.36 4.68 6.06 11.87 13.26 oil pricing D. No CG rate, 95% marginal fuel cost as utility purcase rate. 2.94 .53 Present value of expected utility impact in million 1981 $. Tne calculations assume that, if a site converts from existing oil cogeneration to coal, the oil system ceases cogeneration at the start of 1981. 225 Table 3.20: Utility Impact By Scenario (a) Base Case Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast Medium Fuel High 2.89 .01 Price Middle 9.30 1.97* Escalation Low 16.88 10.93 (b) Higner cost of capital, Slow .35 6.26 lower oil price case: Utility Coal Conversion Scenario Fast Medium Slow Fuel High 10.58 5.27 3.39 Price Middle 15.83 11.57 8.30 Escalation Low 21.11 18.39 16.34 Discounted impact in million 1981 $ for 1981-1990: restrictions. no tariff DISTRIBUTION OF UTILITY IMPACT FOR AGGREGATE FORECAST 1.00 .8 CUMULATIVE PROBABILITY OF THE ADVERSE .6, DISCOUNTED UTILITY IMPACT BEING LESS .4 THAN OR EQUAL TO THE GIVEN LEVEL .2, 0' DISCOUNTED ADVERSE UTILITY IMPACT FOR 1981-1990 (MILLION 1981 $) Fiqure 3.8 227 highly contingent nature of these impacts. 3.3 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This chapter has applied the physically-based approach for electric load forecasting to the estimation of cogeneration development in a utility's service territory. The forecast provides information on three aspects of the customer cogeneration development: the electric energy output; the change in utility tariff revenues; and the change in production costs for the utility. In applying the physically-based method, tnis research supplement the methods employed in previous electric load forecasting studies. While previous studies considered changes in operation and the choice of tariff as part of an electric load forecast, as in Manicnaikul (1978), tnese choices were not combinea over time to snow the impact on the initial capital investment decision for the elemental device or the customer's generation source. Furthermore, these operating choices by tne customer are aetermined for several scenarios, so the 'initial investment decision reflects strategic uncertainties in fuel and electricity prices along with the impact of operating uhcertainties from cogeneration plant outages and the changing steam and electric loads served by the cogeneration system. This study demonstrated that this approach, using strategic uncertainties with consideration of the subsequent customer's operating decisions, is necessary for the estimation of cogeneration's economic impact on the utility. A "middle" or "best" case is not 228 sufficient because the negative results occur only when the utility's average costs, as reflected in the tariffs, are greater tnan the utility's marginal costs; tne one-siaea nature of the impacts is not reflected in single "best estimate" approcn for tne cost and price assumption. Applying these improvements in physically-Dased load forecasting to the projection of customer cogeneration yields valuable information for several aspects of utility planning. First, tne total cogeneration capacity may be important for a utility's capacity planning. Second, tne combined revenue ana cost forecast can De employed in tariff aesign ana planning for tne cogeneration policies from tne utility's perspective. The case stuay here illustrates the applications for tne utility's cogeneration tariff policy. What is needed to make such a forecast? As general information to be applied at all sites, the forecaster must have: 1. Estimates of cogeneration and boiler equipment capital costs, operating and maintenance costs, and performance capabilities for a broad range of equipment sizes. 2. Forecasts of possible future fuel prices and changes in utility tariffs and marginal costs. For each site or class of customers that might consider adopting cogeneration, the forecaster must know: 1. The load duration of the site's heat loads: it is even better if this information is available in a form indicating a correlation with ambient temperature, such as an estimate 229 of the shares of total energy used for process, space heating, and space cooling. 2. The steam or hot water temperatures required by the site. 3. The existing boiler and cogeneration equipment on tne site. 4. The site's electric load, preferably on a time-of-day basis. This information is vital when trying to estimate the economic impact on the utility from changes in tariff policy. Applying this method to survey data of 123 sites in soutnern New England, coal-fired cogeneration was found to be economic at substantially smaller scale sites than previously anticipated. The entire base case forecast was for coal-fired cogeneration; if no coal cogeneration or stand-alone coal boilers are allowed, the forecast is a mixture of existing and new oil-fired steam turbine and cogeneration along with some diesel cogeneration at the smaller sites with low-pressure steam loads. The impact on the utility is substantial under scenarios with lower oil prices and extensive conversion of the utility capacity to coal; the impact can be controlled to some degree by restrictions in the tariffs that better match revenue reductions from cogeneration with the operating cost savings by the utility. s 230 * Chapter 4 CONCLUSIONS The primary purpose of this research has been to refine cogeneration forecasting methods to supplement the information usea in electric utility tariff design and capacity pl-anning. This chapter, first, summarizes the report's findings in each of three areas. The second section suggests directions for further work in the fiela. RESEARCH RESULTS 4.1 In pursuing the aim of this research, this report nas contriDuted to a Detter understanaing in three areas: * the major economic motives Dehino a customer's decision to bulla ana operate a cogeneration pldnt; and tne impact tnis aecision has on the local utility; * the tecnniques for tne forecasting of cogeneration development within a utility service territory, witn special reference to the comDined projection of electric loaa, revenue, and cost impacts from changes in the utility's tariffs; * the general methodology of the physically-based or process approach to electric load forecasting, in particular, the problems involved in including long-term strategic uncertainties in a customer's decision to invest in a electricity generation or consumption device along with the subsequent uncertainties in the device's operating oprtn , 231 performance. 4.1.1 Cogeneration Economics from the Utility's Perspective In exploring cogeneration's impact on the utility, the report addresses itself to two questions: * What chiefly influences a customer's decision to build ana operate a cogeneration plant? * How aoes customer cogeneration affect an electric utility's loads, revenues, and costs? Since many firms can obtain steam and electricity from a package boiler and through electricity purchases from the local utility, the decision to replace these sources by a cogeneration plant involves a major capital investment in anticipation of future operating cost savings. The customer can view the adoption of cogeneration in two stages involving four decisions: at the investment stage, the firm must select first the type and then the size of the cogeneration plant; at the operating stage, the firm must determine simultaneously both the plant's operating strategies and the disposition of the plant's electrical output. At least within the context of the southern New England economic conditions, each of these four decisions influences the ultimate effect on the local utility. These aecisions will be reviewed in'reverse order. In the short term, as summarized in Table 4.1, if owners of cogeneration systems choose to reduce the tariff charges through the net sale of the plant output by using the output of the plant to first 232 TaDle 4.1: Impact on tne Utility from a Customer's Cogenerated Electricity Sales Choice Electricity Cost and Price Conditions Reduction in Standard Reduction in Standard Tariff Cost Exceeds Tariff Cost is Less Than Utility's Marginal Utility's Marginal Cost Cost I I. The customer's economic choice II. Impact on the combined stockholder and rate payer interests with respect to the cogeneration Sell cogeneratea electricity to utility net of the site's internal electric loads (net sale) Sell all cogeneratea electricity to tne utility; buy all electricity for the site's internal electric loads from the utility (arbitrage) Utility revenue is reduced more than the decrease in production costs; losses shared by stockholders and ratepayers over time, as aiscussed below. No net effect from cogeneration 233 serve the site's internal electric loads, the utility's revenues are reduced more than its production costs. This operating profit loss for the utility affects both the utility's stockholders and its ratepayers. If economic conditions encourage the cogenerating customer to sell the entire plant output to the utility while simultaneously purchasing the site's electric loads, the utility suffers no damage from the cogeneration system. This situation, however, indicates that tne utility may be collecting less than its marginal costs through its tariffs, a more general tariff policy problem.1 The cogeneration plant's operating strategy determines the amount of electric energy produced ano, hence, the amount of utility electricity production that is replaced by the cogeneratea output. At the investment stage, the size that the firm sets for tne plant fixes the maximum electric output. The choice of plant type determines the cogeneration system's economic characteristics, setting the anticipated performance within the utility's cogeneration forecast. From the perspective of utility tariff planning for customer cogeneration, losses for the utility can be minimized when the tariff reductions possible by the customer's selection of "net sale" cogeneration are set equal to the utility's marginal costs of ITnis aiscussion assumes that the utility purchases all cogenerated electricity at tne utility's marginal fuel costs. If the utility can purcnase the electricity at sligntly less tnan tne marginal costs, it will have more flexibility in the design ot tarifs to avoid losses from customer cogeneration. * 234 production. Since a utility's marginal costs typically fluctuate mucn more than tne average costs embodied in the utility's tariffs, this requires unusual flexibility in the design of tariffs. The Denefits of even instantaneously fluctuating "time-of-oil" pricing have been illustrated for the utility's purchases from oil-firea cogeneration systems. For utility capacity planning, at least within the southern iew England region studied, any cogeneration development will oe limited to major industrial sites with large year-around steam loads. From the private firm's perspective, coal-fired cogeneration systems are the most economic plants, even at sites that are subtantially smaller than have been economic for coal in the recent past. uil-fireo cogeneration is a second best choice at some sites, but it carries some substantial risks, especially for the high electricity output plant types like diesel cogeneration. Furthermore, economics dictate that oil-fired cogeneration systems must be sized to serve the constant portion of the steam loads. Industrial and, especially, commercial steam loads change substantially from season to season in New England; only a few sites have year-around, constant or base steam loads sufficiently large for oil-fired cogeneration while being too small to be served economically by a peak-load size, coal-fired cogeneration system. 4.1.2 Forecasting Cogeneration at the Utility Level Cogeneration development in a utility's service territory was 235 forecast by calculating cogeneration project economics from the customer's perspective using a large sample of industrial and commercial sites. This modeling effort differs from previous studies in this area by its inclusion of tariff effects and the resulting impact on the utility's revenue and cost changes. Detailed studies of six sites indicated that the modeling could oe simplified wnen making the forecast for a large sample of sites. In both the detailed studies of the six individual sites and the analysis of a large 123 site survey, the evaluations followed the customer's decision-making stages outlineo in tne section above. calculations proceeded in two steps. The survey First, since it was possiDle to simplify the projection of tne customer's decision to build a cogeneration plant, an estimate was made of tne customer's plant type and sizing decisions, wnicn determine the cogeneration capacity in tne forecast. Secona, if a plant was found to be economic at a surveyec site, more detailed calculations were made on the site's operating and -tariff decisions under uncertain fuel and electricity price conditions, which determine the utility's electricity sales, purchases, revenues, and costs for the site contingent on the price conditions. Simple comparisons between the modeling results and simple analytical calculations of the optimal cogeneration plant investment and operating decisions showed that the level of modeling is necessary to capture the influence of the utility tariffs studied here. Tne effort requires several types of information. First, the 236 forecaster needs a general understanding of cogeneration capital equipment costs, operating costs, ana plant performance parameters along with projections of fuel and electricity prices, factors which are similar at all potential cogeneration sites. Secona, the forecaster must have information on steam load patterns ana temperature requirements for a large sample of large commercial ana industrial sites. These must be representative of the sites in the local territory since substantial regional differences in steam use patterns exist. At least in the context of economic conditions in the case study region, site-specific information was availaDle for a wide sample of the potentially economic cogeneration sites. It was possible to obtain this information because cogeneration plants are financially attractive at large heat-using industrial sites, which are i. easy to find and enumerate as part of a forecasting effort. The combined projections for electric energy, revenue, and production cost changes for the utility because of cogeneration allow the forecaster to assist in the evaluation of the utility's cogeneration tariff policies and capacity plans. 4.1.3 Physically-Based Electric Load Forecasting Physically-based electric loaa forecasting has been employed to project and understand such factors a the influence of weather on electric loads and time-of-use tariffs on electric loaas and the customer's tariff choice. This research added the analysis of a dispersed customer generation source, whlich requires the projection of . 237 utility revenue and cost changes as well as electricity purchases and sales. A customer's equipment operating choices at the device level and the customer's tariff choices have been considered in previous physically-based electric load forecasting research. Tnis report, because of the capital investments assopciated with cogeneration development, included the customer's capital investment decisions. Previous studies have considered short-term uncertainties in usage of equipment and the impact of weather conditions, as this study has. The long-term strategic uncertainties in fuel and electricity prices also had to be included for the forecasting of changes in plant operating and the site's tariff choices, which are contingent on those price conditions. Because of the delays involved in implementing utility tariff policy and capacity expansion decisions, this operating and tariff choice must be forecast over a multi-year period to develop a useful electric load, revenue, and cost projection for the utility. 4.2 DIRECTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH To address inadequacies in the knowledge of cogeneration economics, the art of cogeneration forecasting, and the methodology of physically-based electric load forecasting, this section discusses weaknesses in the research and suggests areas of research that might improve the state of the art. ~I 238 4.2.1 Cogeneration Economics and Utility Planning Research This study addressed conditions in a region tnat has substantial excess capacity with the potential for coal conversions to reduce the marginal fuel costs for electricity. The general framework shoula be applied to two different utility conditions to improve the general understanding of cogeneration economics. First, researching the development of cogeneration in a region with high economic and electric load growth would require consideration of the utility's capacity expansion costs in relationship to the cogeneration and the forecasting problems when projecting cogeneration capacity at industrial sites that do not yet exist. Second, researching the impact of cogeneration upon a utility with very high electricity tariffs would require consideration of electric-load-following operation by the cogeneration systems and the aggregation of cogeneration opportunities at a larger number of smaller sites than those surveyed in this study. In addition, customer cogeneration systems have the capability to adapt their operating policies in response to short-term changes in electricity prices. The research here demonstrated the value of "time-of-oil" pricing, but tne changes in operating modes were only made on an annual basis. .1 Volatility in the oil markets and the suddenness with which utility capacity problems can strike suggest opportunities for further research on the value of operating flexibility for cogeneration, other dispersed generation sources, and customer loaas. To capture the importance of this flexibility, the 239 oil market modeling and utility capacity expansion analysis, which act as input assumptions for this research, must be adapted to provide information on oil and electricity price fluctuations in a probabilistic format that can be utilized in the electric load studies. 4.2.1 Cogeneration Forecasting Research This research took the customer's current steam and electricity usage patterns as given, and assumed the customer made tne cogeneration and new boiler investment decisions on the basis of the project economics alone. At the fundamental level, the current art of cogeneration forecasting could be extended in two ways. First, especially when considered at the aggregate forecast level instead of at a single site, tne conservation of steam and electricity Dy all potential cogenerators could substantially alter the magnitude of the cogeneration capacity, energy, and revenue, and production cost forecasts. Second, as a substantial professional literature in industrial markets contends, 2 an organization's capital investment decisions are not entirely motivated by economics--this, comDinea with the inevitable environmental difficulties likely to occur in siting a cogeneration plant or major new boiler, warrants additional research on non-economic factors in the forecasting of cogeneration development. 3 The explicit consideration of the steam demand 2 Choffray and Lilien, 1980. 3Research is in progress on this topic by Radcliffe and Tabors o 240 elasticity should become a part of more advanced cogeneration forecasting efforts. In addition to these major factors, several improvements are needed to match the research suggested in the area of cogeneration economics. With the analysis of cogeneration in a high electricity price utility area or with the evaluation of increased operating flexibility, more operating modes must be considered in the year-by-year optimal operation. The case study for this report did not require significant attention to the issue of aggregating the results from single-plant sites to the utility level; -in other areas, this could become a major difficulty, especially if smaller-scale cogeneration technologies are likely to become viable. Finally, since steam load patterns at each site are a significant determinant of the cogeneration plant size and type, the simple estimatjon methods used to develop steam load duration curves need to be verified in detailed comparisons of actual steam loads and the simulated steam load shape. 4.1.3 Physically-Based Electric Load Forecasting Research First, this study, when analyzing the simple "Homeostatic" time-of-oil pricing scheme for the purchase of cogenerated electricity by the utility, considered only two price levels varying only in response to ambient temperature. Recent theoretical advances on plant operation in response to homeostatic pricing x need to be includea in 4 Bohn (1981). (1981), Bohn (1982), and Bohn, Car amanis, and Schweppe 241 more general physically-based studies on the worth of flexible pricing methods to be fully evaluated. Second, this study bases the cogeneration forecast on capital investment decisions that can only be made in the initial year of tne forecast. This needs to be generalized to allow for new load or customer generation capacity additions throughout the forecast horizon as well as the availability of new technologies at sometime other tnan the beginning of the planning period. The difficult aspect is allowing for changing probabilistic expectations over time by the customer as fuel ana electricity price changes occur--the fuel ana electricity price scenario probabilities become conditional in any year on prior fuel and electricity price changes. Furthermore, if a customer selects a plant type and economic conditions change, the customer must be allowed to abandon the plant and build a new one; this abandonment option may be particularly important for the adoptions of new technologies. To follow up on the suggestions made for research in the other research areas, advances must be made on the incorporation of non-economic behavioral influences in operating and investment decisions and on the aggregation of site conditions. 4.3 CLUSING This study supplements earlier researcn in tnree areas: the economics of cogeneration and the utility; techniques for cogeneration forecasting; and the methodology of physically-based electric load _ _____ 242 forecasting. The economic effects from cogeneration derive from a firm's decision to build a cogeneration plant, which involves the firm making a major capital investment in anticipation of future operating savings. The firm's economic analysis must therefore consider future cogeneration plant operating and tariff choices in the investment decisions on the plant's type and size. Within the southern New England case study conditions, coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration is economic at sites much smaller than previously thought to be economic. Cogeneration has an adverse economic impact on the utility's customers and stockholders when the utility's marginal cost, which is assumed to be the price for electricity purchases from cogenerators, drops below the utility's average tariff costs. The impact can be diminished by designing tariffs so that the reduction in tariff costs to a customer through cogeneration matches the utility's marginal cost as closely as possible. When the utility can pay slightly less than marginal cost, a possibility for utility cost reduction exists in addition to the possibility for an adverse cost impact, so'the latitude for tariff design increases. Further research on the economic aspects of cogeneration is recommended in two areas: case studies for utilities which are capacity short or have average tariff levels that are substantially above marginal costs; and for cogeneration plant operation under more flexible spot pricing of electricity than the simple time-of-oil pricing discussed here. ~I_ * 243 The techniques for cogeneration forecasting can assist in utility planning for generation capacity expansion and tariff policies. Assuming that the individual customer choices are based on economic considerations alone, the load, revenue, and cost impact on the utility is forecast by calculating eacn firm's present value for different cogeneration systems along with investment and operating choices at 123 surveyed commercial and industrial sites; the model for the survey study was developed from detailed studies at six sites. Further cogeneration forecasting research is recommended on the influence of industrial steam conservation on the forecast and on the inclusion of non-economic factors in the cogeneration plant choice analysis. The physically-based approach to electric load forecasting is employed to make the utility load, revenue, and cost. projections over a multi-year period with consideration of strategic fuel and electricity price uncertainties as well as cogeneration plant performance uncertainties; the forecast aepends upon cogeneration plant investment decisions made in the first year of the forecasting period. This analysis includes the modeling of realistic utility tariffs, in particular a simple Homeostatic pricing method for electricity purchases by the utility. Further research in the physically-based electric load forecasting area is recommended on the modeling of more complex spot pricing ane on the possiDility for cogeneration capacity additions throughout the forecasting horizon. 244 Appendix A SYIBOLS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND CONVERSION FACTORS Table A.l: Conversion Factors and Abbreviations Fuel oil heating value for #2 and # 6 oil (Erickson and Mathewson, 1978; Baumeister et al., 1978) Heating value of steam net of feedwater, assuming feedwater is 130 F, which is equivalent to a 50/50 mixture of 60 F make-up water and 200 F return water; unless otherwise noted, all conditions assume 150 psig process steam (These assumptions are similar to those in Resource Planning Associates, 1977) .145 MBtu/gal 6.1 MBtu/bbl 15 psig steam = 1.066 MBtu/klb 150 psig steam = 1.098 MBtu/klb Standard for dollars mid-1981 real dollars except cost estimates in Appendix D, which are in mid-1980 dollars Thousand pounds klb Million British thermal units MBtu 245 Table A.2: Subscripts and Superscripts for Symbols B boiler Bi a specific boiler technology backup associated with the boiler "backing up" the steam supply from a cogeneration plant when the cogeneration system is unavailable or uneconomic to run CG cogeneration CGi a specific cogeneration technology EL electricity fuel a fuel component H high electricity credit period i a given device j a given usage class k a given customer or site L customer's load or low electricity credit period n a given time interval OM a non-fuel operation and maintenance component q indicates high (H) or low (L) electricity credit period s a specific tariff type from a menu of alternatives .ST steam utility utility related components o "null," the base value 246 Table A.2: BETA, BETA L, BETAST or &,EL' ST Symbols Capital cost economies of scale factor for the total plant, the electric components, and the steam components, respectively. Total annual cost for steam supply at the site as a function of cogeneration plant capacity C(XCG) ST ($/yr) The total cost of serving customer k over the Ck (tn) period t, () The instantaneous cost for the utility to serve ck(t) customer k ($/unit time) CAP(X), CAPST(XST) Direct plant capital cost for the total plant, CAPEL(XEL) the steam component, and the electricity component, respectively ($) CAPCG Total direct capital costs for a cogeneration plant ($) capo , capEL, capST The base per unit direct capital cost for a total plant, the electric components, and the steam component, respectively ($/unit capacity) capCG Annual per unit capital costs of new cogeneration capacity in terms of steam output assuming constant returns to scale ($/MBtu/hr per year) L.. 247 Table A.2: Symbols (continued) CO l Total annual operations and maintenance costs for a system ($/yr) cop CG, copB The net marginal fuel and non-fuel operating cost of steam from a cogeneration plant and a backup boiler, respective ($/MBtu) The unit incremental steam operating costs (including electricity credits for cogeneration cST,q technologies) for technology i during a time with electricity credit level q CG C°POM utility COPoM B OM The gross non-fuel marginal operating costs for cogeneration and boilers, respectively ($/MBtu) The non-fuel marginal operating costs for the utility ($/kWh) crq The unit operating cost savings for a cogeneration system versus a backup boiler at electricity credit level q ($/MBtu) ctotCG Levelized capital and operating cost of steam from a cogeneration plant ($/MBtu) •D(t ) The "billing demand" for the tariff demand change in month tn; this may reflect peak demands, d(.), from other months (kW) d(tn ) Peak power demand during month tn (kW) 248 Table A.2: Symbols (continued) The rate of return appropriate for a given class of investments ESR Cogeneration plant electricity to steam energy output ratio (kWh/MBtu) e(t) Vector of economic conditions or anticipations fCG EL' fCG ST The ratio of electric energy and steam energy (heated from 130 0 F feedwater to the gien pressure saturated steam), respectively, to the cogeneration plant fuel input (higher heating value) fbackup fB ST' ST The ratio of steam energy to boiler fuel input (higher heating value) futility fuel The fractional electric energy output from the utility central generation as a ratio to fuel input (high heating value) H(x) The load duration function; hours per year that the steam load is less than or equal to the load level x (hours) HI (H) The inverse load duration curve; the steam load level that is exceeded for H hours per year (MBtu/hr) hH(t) i-~ Number of hours in year t that electricity is at the high price level (hours) 249 Table A.2: Symbols (continued) The cogeneration/backup boiler system incremental heat rate for the production of electricity (Btu/kWh) I HR m(t) Vector of meteorological data or device availability at time t mtbf Mlean time between failures (hours) mtf Mean time to failure (hours) mtr Mean time to repair (hours) NPV 1 , NPV 2 , NPV 3 The net present value of installing a cogeneration plant, as computed by analytic method 1,.2, or 3, versus an existing boiler system ($) NP VCGi The net present va.Teof selecting cogeneration system CGi versus an existing boiler ($) n Life of the plant (years) PEL Price of electricity paid by the utility (S/kWh) 011 L' OMST Per unit operation and maintenance costs for a given plant in terms of electricity and steam output ($/unit energy) PH' PL Price of electricity during the high and low price periods ($/kWh) 250 Table A.2: pCG fuel' pB fuel PCG i max Symbols (continued) Price of cogeneration plant or boiler fuel ($/MBtu) The maximum price of fuel for cogeneration system CGi for which it is economic to operate the cogeneration plant rather than the backup boiler ($/MBtu) Putility fuel Price of fuel for the utility ($/MBtu) p Plant availability R(t ) Total utility tariff charges for month tn () The monthly tariff customer charge component ($) Rd(.) The monthly tariff demand charge component ($) Re(.) The monthly tariff energy charge component ($) Rk(.) Revenue from customer k over a billing period The tariff schedule function type s, which was selected by the customer from a menu of alternatives T(t ) Dry bulb average air temperature during period tn Instantaneous time; a given year or month 251 Table A.2: Symbols (continued) tf The time at which the fixed interval time-of-supply price increases from PL to PH tn The time period n to ti The earliest and the latest times, respectively, that a transition to a high electricity price might occur UHR CG The utility heat rate (Btu/kWh) XELk EL,k Cogeneration plant electrical capacity for customer k (kW) XE CG L , XST Cogeneration plant maximum electric and steam output capacity (kW, MBtu/hr) XCG* The minimum cost capacity of the cogeneration plant (tMBtu/hr) Xk Device capacity (usage or output) for technology i in category j for customer k Xo, XEC, XST The base plant size for a plant, the electrical subsystem (kW) and the steam subsystem (MBtu/hr) CGk(.) ELkactor Instantaneous cogeneration plant utilization for customer k factor for customer k 252 Table A.2: ui jk Symbols (continued) Instantaneous device i (in class j) utilization factor for customer k Plant economic utilization subfactor, which represents the economic choices made by the CG (.) VELk() customer k with regard to the plant operation CG WEL, k The cogeneration plant availability and steam load following subfactor, which represents usage response, for example, by the automatic control of electrical output in response to changing steam loads for a thermal load following cogeneration system Total annual energy output from a plant in YEL' YST electricity and steam (kWh, MBtu) Total electric energy sold to a customer in YEL (tn) month tn (kWh) CG CG ST(X T) B CG YST(XT) Annual steam energy output from the cogeneration plant and backup boiler, respectively, as a function of the cogeneration plant's capacity (MBtu) YCGh ST,h The annual steam energy cogenerated during a year with hH peak electric price credit hours, where high price levels and high steam load levels are perfectly correlated (MIBtu) YI(t) A vector describing the loads or cogeneration for customer k in period tn (kW and/or kWh) 253 Table A.2: Symbols (continued) YL ST Annual steam energy usage at the site (MBtu) T Yk Annual utility sales to customer k (kWh) Annual utility purchases from customer k (kWh) Instantaneous net sale of electricity at time t YEL(t) (kW) T CG yB yYST' ST Cogeneration plant and backup boiler steam output at a given time (MBtu/hr) CG ELqk Instantaneous site cogeneration (kW) An instantaneous load or device output from jk device i (e.g., boiler or cogeneration) in class j (e.g., steam or electricity) by customer or site k Instantaneous net load from a customer k (kW) Yk(t) Site steam load at the instant t (MBtu/hr) YLST(t) YLO ST' LH yLC ST' ST The estimated coefficients for steam loads as a function of ambient temperature, these are the fixed, the heating degree, and the cooling degree coefficients, respectively yk(t) Sales of utility's electricity to customer k (kW) 254 Table A.2: Symbols (continued) Yk(t) Instantaneous purchases of electricity by the utility from customer k (ki) A(t A time-average during period t n of the n) instantaneous power system marginal cost, X(t), ($/kWh) X(t) Instantaneous power system marginal operating cost ($/kWh) 255 Appendix B EXAMPLES OF TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL AND LARGE COMMERCIAL ELECTRICITY TARIFFS This appendix contains several sample electricity tariffs. The tariffs included are: 1. The H Rate, a traditional industrial tariff. 2. The C Rate, an industrial tariff that charges only for energy use, albeit at a comparatively high unit rate. 3. The X Rate, a time-of-use industrial tariff. 4. The Auxiliary Service Provision, a rider to the tariffs required for customers that have their own regular generation source. 5. The CG rate, a tariff for customers that cogenerate, which combines a time-of-use energy charge with multi-comnponent demand charge. There have been a variety of approaches to the design of special tariffs for cogeneration. The sample tariffs here are a series of industrial tariffs and adaptations that have been proposed for customers wishing to use cogenerated electricity for their internal loads and, perhaps, sell the excess energy. Since tariff design has had to adapt to rapidly changing economic and regulatory conditions, the samples here reflect only a series of examples, not necessarily tariffs that have been implemented. 256 B.1 A Traditional Industrial Tariff OPTIONAL LARGE-POWER RATE H AVAILABILITY This rate isavailable for all purposes except resale. All service delivered at a given location shall be billed hereunder, and all charges shall ,be based on a Demand of 500 kilowatts or more. If delivery is through more than one meter, except at the Company's option, the Monthly Charge for service through each meter shall be computed separately under this rate. For a customer having another surce of generation, the auxiliar service rider also applies. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge will be the sum of the Demand and Energy Charges. Demand Charge $330.00 1.57 for the first 500 kilowatts or less of Demand, per kilowatt of Demand in excess of 500 kilowatts. Energy Charge 3.002 cents per kilowatt-hour for the first 50,000 kilowatt-hours. 2.704 cents per kilowatt-hour for the next 50,000 kilowatt-hours. 2.397 cents per kilowatt-hour for the excess over 100,000 kilowatt-hours. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following reduced prices shall apply: 2.281 cents per kilowatt-hour for all kilowatt-hours in excess of 200 kilowatt-hours per kilowatt of Demand, 257 1.818 cent per kilowatt-hour for all kilowatt-hours in excess of 300 kilowatt-hours per kilowatt of Demand, 1.716 cent per kilowatt-hour for all kilowatt-hours in excess of 400 kilowatt-hours per kilowatt of Demand, 1.664 cent per kilowatt-hour for all kilowatt-hours in excess of 500 kilowatt-hours per kilowatt of Demand, . plus the average cost of fuel in cents per kilowatt-hour for each kilowatt-hour. ADJUSTMENT FOR COST OF FUEL The amount determined under the preceding provisions shall be adjusted in accordance with the Company's Standard Fuel Clause as from time to time effective in accordance with law. DEMAND The Demand for each month under ordinary load conditions shall be the greatest of the following: a) The greatest 15-minute peak occurring during the Peak Period of such month as measured in kilowatts, b) 80% of the greatest fifteen-minute peak occurring during the Peak Period of such month as measured in kilovolt-amperes, c) One-half the greatest fifteen-minute peak, either KW or 80% KVA, occurring during the Off Peak period during such month. d) 80% of the greatest Demand as so determined above during the preceding eleven months, e) 500 kilowatts. Any Demands established during the eleven months prior to the application of this rate shall be considered as having been established under this rate. 258 TERMS OF AGREErIENT The agreement for service under this rate will continue for a terra of one year if electricity can be properly supplied to a Customer without an uneconomic expenditure by the Company. 259 B.2 An Energy-Only Industrial Tariff C-RATE AVAILABILITY Service under this rate is available for all purposes. For a customer having another source of generation, the auxiliary rider also applies. MONTHLY CHARGE $2.00 for the first 20 kilowatt-hours or less of electricity delivered each month, 7.151 cents per kilowatt-hour for the next 80,000 kilowatt-hours. 6.552 cents per kilowatt-hour for the next 200 kilowatt-hours I 5.437 cents per kilowatt-hour for the next 1700 kilowatt-hours, 4.241 cents per kilowatt-hour for the excess over 2000 kilowatt-hours, plus the average cost of fuel in cents per kilowatt-hour for each kilowatt-hour. ADJUSTMENT FOR COST OF FUEL The amount determined under the preceding provisions shall be adjusted in accordance with the Company's Standard Fuel Clause as from time to time effective in accordance with law. I i .... 260 B.3 A Time-of-Use Industrial Tariff OPTIONAL X-RATE AVAILABILITY This rate is available for all purposes except resale. All service delivered at a given location shall be billed hereunder, and all charges shall be based on a Demand of 500 kilowatts or more. If delivery is through more than one meter, except at the Company's option, the Monthly Charge for service through each.meter shall be computed separately under this rate. For a customer having another source of generation, the auxiliary rider also applies. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge will be the sum of the Customer, Demand and Energy Charges. Customer Charge $112.90 per month. Demand Charge During the Billings months of Off Peak Months: Peak Months: March-May, September-November June-August, December-February ir $3.79 per KW $6.02 per KW Energy Charge Peak Hours 2.166 cents iper kilowatt-hour Off-Peak Hours 1.150 cents per kilowatt-hour plus the average cost of fuel in cents per k ilowatt-hour for each kilowatt-hour. 261 PEAK AND OFF-PEAK PERIODS Peak hours will be from 8:00 A.M. to midnight daily on Monday through Friday except for legal holidays. Off-peak hours will be from midnight to 8:00 A.M. daily Monday through Friday and all day on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. ADJUSTMENT FOR COST OF FUEL The amount determined under the preceding provisions shall be adjusted in accordance with the Company's Standard Fuel Clause as from time to time effective in accordance with law. DEMAND The Demand for each month under ordinary load conditions shall be the greatest of the following: a) The greatest 15-minute peak occurring during the Peak Period .within such month as measured in kilowatts, b) 80% of the greatest fifteen-minute peak occurring during the Peak Period of such month as measured in kilovolt-amperes, c) One-half the greatest fifteen-minute peak, either KW or 80% KVA, occurring during the Off Peak period during such month. d) 500 kilowatts. TERM OF AGREEMENT The agreement for service under this rate will continue for an initial term of one year if electricity can be properly supplied to a Customer without an uneconomic expenditure by the Company. 262 B.4 A Supplemental Provision for Customers That Cogenerate AUXILIARY SERVICE PROVISIONS AVAILABILITY Service is available under any applicable filed rate of this Company for Auxiliary Service, sometimes referred to as Standby or Breakdown Service, and more fully defined as service available at all times to a Customer having another source of power, electrical or mechanical, from which to supply his requirements of light, heat or power, or a portion thereof. Where such other source is used only in case of failure of the Company's service, the Company's service shall not be considered as Auxiliary Service. RATE The charge for electricity shall be computed under the Rate applied with this provision, but not less than $2.00 per month per KVA of contractual transformer capacity for the non-fuel components of the Rate applied. The contractual transformer capacity shall not be less than the highest fifteen-minute net kilowatt demand during the prior twelve months. TERM OF AGREEMENT The agreement for service under this rate will continue for an initial term of one year if electricity can be properly supplied to a Customer without an uneconomic expenditure by the Company. 263 B.5 A Special Cogeneration Tariff COGENERATION RATE (CG) APPLICABILITY This rate is applicable to Customers who generate electricity as a by-product of the production and use of heat for other purposes. service delivered at a given location will be billed hereunder. All The Company will not transmit and/or distribute any power generated by the Customer except for any power purchased by the Company. Delivery is to be at the Company's available primary voltage with any transformers to be provided by the Customer. This rate is not available for resale. MONTHLY CHARGE The Monthly Charge will be the sum of the Customer, Distribution Standby, Demand, and Energy Charges. Customer Charge $112.90 per Month. Distribution Standby Charge $2.00 per kilovolt-ampere for Contracted Capacity. If in any month demand on the Company exceeds the Contracted Capacity, such demand will become the Contracted Capacity. Demand Charge $4.50 per KOW of Demand in the billing months of January, February, June, July, August, and December. $1.79 per KW of Demand in the billing months of March, April, May, September, October, and November. 264 Energy Charge Peak Hours 2.166 cents per kilowatt-hour Off-Peak Hours 1.150 cents per kilowatt-hour plus the average cost of fuel in cents per kilowatt-hour for each kilowatt-hour. PEAK AND OFF-PEAK PERIODS Peak hours will be from 8:00 A.M. to midnight daily on Mronday through Friday except for legal holidays. Off-peak hours will be from midnight to 8:00 A.M. daily Monday through Friday and all day on Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. ADJUSTMENT FOR COST OF FUEL The amount determined under the preceding provisions shall be adjusted in accordance with the Company's Standard Fuel Clause as from time to time effective in accordance with law. DETERMINATION OF BILLING DEMAND The Billing Demand for each month under ordinary load conditions will be thre greatest of the following: a) The greatest 15-minute peak of total load less customer average generation occurring between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and midnight daily except Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. b) One-half of the quantity of the greatest 15-minute peak of total load at any other time less customer average generation occurring in the peak period. In no case will the Demand be greater than the Demand on the Company, or in no case will the Demand be less than zero. The 265 standard Auxiliary Service Provision will not apply to this rate. DEFINITIONS 1. Contracted capacity - The peak 15-minute demand as measured in KVA, which the Company would be required to supply to the Customer at any time, for the purpose of backup and/or normal power requirements. 2. Total load - Total electrical requirement of the Customer. is the sum of the purchased power plus generated power as measured IN KU. 3. Customer Average Generation - The total KWH generated for a specified period divided by the number of hours occurring between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and midnight daily except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. EQUI PHENT The Customer will install and maintain protective devices and apparatus satisfactory to the Company. PARALLEL OPERATION The Customer will hold harmless the Company from all claims for damage to the Customer's equipment or injury to the Customer's employees or others on the Customer's property arising out of or resulting from the parallel operation of the Customer's and the Company's systems. Also, the Customer will be required to maintain a minimum power factor of 80% on all purchases from the Company. It 266 TERM OF AGREEMENT The agreement for service under this rate will7 continue for an initial term of one year. 267 Appendix C SITE AND SURVEY DATA ASSUMPTIONS This appendix discusses the major assumptions and data sources used in developing steam and electricity load characteristics for the individual site studies and for the aggregate survey sites. The first section describes the methods employed for the individual sites, and the second section describes the approaches used for the surveyed sites. C.I DETAILED MODELING DATA Section 2.1 summarizes the characteristics of the individual sites that were selected for detailed study. On the basis of monthly and hourly information provided by these sites, electricity and steam load information was developed for each site, except for the Computer Assembly Plant, which could not easily be adapted to cogeneration, and was therefore excluded from further study. C.1.1 Steam Loads Since the detailed modeling required electricity generation and load data on a 8-hour working shift basis, and since the research time limitations did not permit transcription of boiler steam output charts, a short-cut method to project fluctuation steam loads had to be developed. An initial inspection of hourly and monthly steam usage at the individual sites indicated that outside air temperatures heavily influenced steam loads at even the large industrial sites. Assuming that ambient air temperatures are the principal influence on steam usage, the following method was used to create "synthetic 268 steam loads" for each site: 1. Take monthly boiler fuel usage, adjusted for boiler efficiency, to estimate monthly steam usage. Using data on Boston heating and cooling degrees for the given months, perform a linear regression to project monthly average steam loads. In most cases, no steam was used for cooling, so the regression was based solely on heating degree data. 2. Assuming that the steam load regression can be temporarily disaggregated, the coefficients estimated in step 1 can be used with temperature data on a shorter time scale to stimulate steam loads. This was done using 8-hour average air temperatures at Logan Airport, Boston, for the years 1953 and 1963 to 1967 from the SOLMET weather data tapes, where yST(tn)+ YT+ ) max(O; T(t ) - 65) (L (Y(T + (yT) max(0O; 65 - T(tn)) and (C.1) YLST(tn): steam load during the 8-hour period tn yLO. YST" the estimated base load steam load coefficient yLH YST" the estimated steam load coefficient for heating degrees yL. the estimated steam load coefficient for cooling degrees T(tn): Boston dry bulb average air temperature during the 8-hour period tn (degrees F) Figure C.1 compares an actual hourly steam load duration curve prepared COMPARISON OF STEAM LOAD DURATION DATA AND ESTIMATES FOR THE HOSPITAL SITE 2018- Data directly complied from hourly steam usage at site 1614- / 12- Synthetic steam usage simulated from monthly fuel use regression analysis and 8-hour average ambient temperature history STEAM LOAD 10 (MBTU/HR) '--1 0.0iI 0.0 Data based directly on monthly fuel history 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENTAGE OF THE TIME THAT STEAM LOAD IS ABOVE GIVEN LEVEL Figure C.1 270 by the hospital site personnel with load duration curves prepared from monthly steam load data and from the 8-hour shift simulation. C.I.2 Electric Loads Electric load data for the individual sites were obtained from 15-minute monitoring of electric sales to the individual sites for a one-year period. averages. periods. The 15-minute data were aggregated to 8-hour Missing periods were replaced with data from similar If the site had cogeneration in operation, the data were adjusted to compensate for the cogeneration plant operation using monthly generation information supplied by the site. For one site, the 15-minute data were not available. For this site, monthly billing information was extrapolated to average monthly peak and off-peak loads using the same technique described in Section C.2.2, except the hours-use to peak/off-peak energy share extrapolation was based on the monthly hours-use rather than annual hours-use data. "Hours-use" is a term employed in electric tariffs; it is the ratio of a period's energy usage to the peak load in the period. C.2 MODELING DATA FOR SURVEY SOURCES Table C.1 summarizes the types of information collected from the individual sites in the aggregate survey of 123 industrial and large commercial sites. These data were then used to simulate 12 monthly steam and electricity load patterns for a one-week period of 8-hour shifts. 271 Table C.l: Information from Utility Survey of Major Industrial & Commercial Customers 1. Site .identification number 2. Site name 3. Town 4. State 5. Alternate name for site 6. SIC as reported in survey (up to 4 digits) 7. SIC as corrected (3 digits) 8. Other SIC codes for size (up to 4 digits) 9. MFBI status under FUA (on 1975 FEA list) 10. On-site steam turbine cogeneration (KW) 11. On-site hydroelectric generation (KW) 12. On-site diesel cogeneration (KW) 13. On-site standby diesel or gas turbine generation (KW) 14. Percentage of electrical load generated on-site 15. Percentage of steam load generated on-site 16. Share of electric energy used for process 17. Share of electric energy used for heating 18. Share of electric energy used for cooling 19. Share of electric energy used for other needs 20. Share of oil energy used for process 21. Share of oil energy used for heating 22. Share of oil energy used for cooling 23. Share of oil energy used for other needs 24. Share of gas energy used for process 272 Table C.l: Information from Utility Survey of Major Industrial & Commercial Customers (continued) 25. Share of gas energy used for heating 26. Share of gas energy used. for cooling 27. Share of gas energy used for other needs 28. Share of other fuel energy used for process 29. Share of other fuel energy used for heating 30. Share of other fuel energy used for cooling 31. Share of other fuel energy used for other needs 32. Estimated number of operating shifts 33. Ability to use distillate oil in current system 34. Ability to use natural gas in current system 35. Ability to use residual oil in current system 36. Ability to use coal oil in current system 37. AlIl electriic installation 38. Units used for reporting oil usage data 39. Units used for reporting gas usage data 40. Monthly boi ler fuel usage available (yes/no) 41. Annual oil usage for boiler fuel (MBtu) 42. Annual gas usage for boiler fuel (MBtu) 43. Oil usage during month with highest combined boiler fuel usage (MBtu) 44. Gas usage during month with highest combined boiler fuel usage (MBtu) 45. Oil usage during month with lowest combined boiler fuel usage (MBtu) 273 Table C.l: Information from Utility Survey of Major Industrial & Commercial Customers (continued) 46. Gas usage during month with lowest combined boiler fuel usage (iBtu) 47. Percentage of steam loads that could be served by low pressure hot water. 48. Annual electric energy purchases (kWh) 49. Peak electric purchase'in year (KW) 50. Average "hours use" for electric purchases in year (kWh/KW or hrs) 51. Comments on data, especially on problems relating to units used for reporting boiler fuel usage. 274 C.2.1 Steam Loads from Survey Sources The steam load simulations were based primarily on the average heat load for the site and the distribution of the total steam energy usage between process needs and heating or cooling needs. Fluctuating steam loads were generated by setting the heating and cooling load components in proportion to heating and cooling degree frequency distributions for each month so the steam loads are in direct proportion to the heating and cooling degrees for the respective component. The heating and cooling degree frequency distributions were developed from the temperature data described in Section C.l.l. If site data were also available on the peak month and lowest month steam loads, the shift-by-shift simulation was adjusted to conform with these monthly aggregations on a linearly interpolated basis for the peak, average, and base steam loads. Table C.2 summarizes the steam load information generated using these survey data. Cogeneration plant performance was adjusted to reflect the steam pressures required at each site. C.2.2 Electric Loads from Survey Sources The only electric load data on the surveyed sites were the total annual electric energy purchases (kWh) and the peak load (kW). Other surveys, however, indicated that the typical industrial or large commercial customer used about 48% of the total electric energy during the peak 13 hours per day. The peak and off-peak load levels were generated by first assuming that a site's electric load factor is related to the share of energy used on peak by a linear interpolation 275 Table C.2: Steam Usage Pattern Information Derived from Survey Data 1. Share of combined oil and gas boiler fuel used for process and "other" loads. 2. Share of combined oil and gas boiler fuel used for heating loads. 3. Share of combined oil and gas boiler fuel used for cooling loads. 4. Residual oil capabilities (yes/no) 5. Average hourly steam load (using interfuel consumption and assumed 83% boiler efficiency with corrections for those using steam turbine cogeneration) 6. Peak month average steam load durectly from fuel data (MBtu/hr). 7. Lowest month average steam load durectly from fuel data (MBtu/hr). 8. Peak month average steam load estimated froii process/heating/ cooling shares and monthly distribution of heating and cooling degree data (MBtu/hr). 9. Lowest month average steam load estimated from process/heating/ cooling shares and monthly distribution of heating and cooling degree data (MBtu/hr). 10. Lowest month average steam load estimated by linear extrapolation of peak and average load (MBtu/hr, if Tess than zero, see No. 11). 11. Fraction of year that steam load is greater than zero; estimated using linear extrapolation of peak (#6 or #8 if direct data are not available) and average loads. 12. Load factor for steam loads based on fuel data (Avg/Peak). 13. Load factor for steam loads derived from usage shares (Avg/Peak). 14. Estimated average steam usage for process and "other" loads 276 Table C.2: Steam Usage Pattern Information Derived from Survey Data (continued) (MBtu/hr). 15. Estimated average steam usage for heating loads (MBtu/hr). 16. Estimated average steam usage for cooling loads (MIBtu/hr). 04 277 (i.e., if a site has a 100% load factor, its peak and off-peak loads are at a constant level; if a site has an average load factor or hours-use, its load distribution between peak and off-peak is average; and if a site has a very low load factor, the peak usage approaches 100% of the total usage). Second, the total energy was distributed to the peak and off-peak periods, where every month has the same peak and off-peak load level for the typical week. Finally, peak demands were estimated to be higher than the peak average loads to allow for load roughness in the shift. with existing generation. Adjustments were made in the loads for sites Table C.3 summarizes the electric load information generated from the survey data. 278 Table C.3: Electrical Usage Pattern Information Derived from Survey Data 1. Average monthly electric energy purchases (.flJH) 2. Average monthly electric energy on-site generation (MWH) derived from data on share of loads generated internally 3. Average monthly electric energy usage (MWH) 4. Average electric purchase (KW) 5. Average electric generation (KW) 6. Average electric usage (KW) 7. Peak purchases in year (KW) 8. Maximum possible load in year (KW), combined maximum purchases and on-site hydro and cogeneration capacity 9. Average monthly hours-use for internal loads, based on purchases 10. Average monthly hours-use for internal loads, based on internal load divided by peak purchase 11. Average monthly hours-use on internal load divided by peak possible load 12. On-site hydro and cogeneration capacity factor 13. Subjective estimate of average monthly hours-use for load (even weighting of #9, #10, and #11) 14. Estimated fraction of electric energy load consumed on-peak, based on interpolation using hours-use for load in relation to average hours-use and the average on-peak usage fraction from separafe load research study 15. Estimated average electric usage on-peak (KW) from on-peak fraction 16. Estimated average electric usage off-peak (KW) from on-peak 279 Table C.3: Electrical Usage Pattern Information Derived from Survey Data (continued) fraction 17. Ratio of on-peak/off-peak loads 18. Ratio of peak purchases (#7) to estimated average peak load (#15) 19. Ratio of maximum possible load (#8) to estimated average peak load (#15) 20. Estimated average electric usage off-peak (KW) based on 16-hr peak assuming same peak usage as in #15 over 16-hr peak period __ 280 Appendix D COGENERATION TECHNOLOGY AND COST SUMIMARY This appendix discusses the sources and assumptions made in deriving performance and cost relationships for the cogeneration technologies used in the preceding analysis. The first section describes the components of cost and performance. The second section comments on the specific technologies. The main purpose of this report is not the detailed examination of cogeneration at just one site but the survey of cogeneration economics at a range of sites. Therefore, instead of concentrating on the detailed costing and engineering performance analysis of specific cogeneration plant designs, this appendix tries to capture the general performance and cost characteristics for a wide size range of general plant designs. Three key factors that differentiate the basic cost and performance relationships are the prime mover or boiler technology, the plant fuel, and the scale of the plant. The main boiler types (coal, field-erected oil, and package oil) and cogeneration technologies (back-pressure steam turbine, diesel,.and gas turbine) are each represented with a fixed output mix and unit capital and O&M costs, which may vary with the scale of the plant and its fuel type. Someone unfamiliar with the technologies for cogeneration should see Resource Planning Associates (1978 or 1979) or Diamont (1970) for an introduction to these systems. The major sources for the data in this appendix are given in Table 281 D.l. Chief among these: the reports by ThermoElectron (1976) and TRW and ThermoElectron (1979); the Burns and Roe costing studies used by Resource Planning Associates (1977, 1978) and Manuel et al (1980); and engineering design, simulation, and costing studies performed for MIT and summarized in Charmichael (1978) and Steding and Charmichael (1980). It takes considerable effort to consolidate information on cogeneration and boiler equipment because of differing definitions, years, and plant conditions between the studies. Every attempt was made to reduce all costs to mid-1980 dollars for a complete plant (note that this is in contrast to the 1981 dollar standard used for the rest of this study). The final assumptions used here consolidate regression analysis and extensive judgemental comparison of the cost and performance data from the listed sources. D.1 COMPONENTS OF COST AND PERFORMtANCE The major components of boiler and cogeneration cost and performance needed to describe a plant are: fuel efficiency and shares of electricity and steam output; plant reliability; environmental effects; capital costs; and operation and maintenance costs. In describing cogeneration systems, definitions may often create problems. Substantial confusion arises when cogeneration equipment is described in terms of its incremental efficiency or cost with respect to a typical boiler. While this can be meaningful in specifying the results of economic calculations, unless the basic assumptions are clearly stated, the underlying total costs and efficiency of the whole 282 Table D. EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE AND COST DATA SOURCES Equipment Type: Diesel Source TRW/ThermoElectron (1979) P ThermoElectron (1976) Burns & Roe Cost Studies: RPA (1977, 1979) P Manuel et al. (1979) MIT Studies: Charmichael (1978) P Erickson & Mathewson (1978); Mathewson (1978); Steding (1980); and Steding and Charmichael (1980) MacKay at EPRI (1979) Solt at EPRI (1979) Casten (1980) P Burch (1980) P ASME (1973) P1 Synergic Resources (1980) Kindl and Daniels (1979) Coffin (1979) Dittrich & Allon (1977) US GAO (1980) Murgatroyd at EPRI (1979) S Schweizer and Sieck (1978) C. T. Main (1980) Williams (1978) S Gas Turbine Steam Turbine Boiler P p p P P P P P P P S P p1 P1 P2 P P S P S S S P pl S S P S P = Primary source of historical, direct historical survey, or engineering costing data S = Secondary source using data from other studies 1) Source on O&M costs only 2) Source on effects of #6 oil upon gas turbine costs and performance 283 plant can be left unclearly defined. This appendix refers to three appendix refers to three types of cost or efficiency: unit; and gross per unit. total; net per Total cost or efficiency is for the total plant, including generation and boiler components. Net cost or efficiency refers to a single component of the system, such as a boiler or a steam turbine. Gross per unit cost is the total cost divided by one of the plant's outputs. D.I.1 Fuel Efficiency and Output Shares This report defines fuel efficiency and output shares on the basis of the enthaplies of the associated input and output streams since these output shares are used to compute fuel consumption to meet thermal and electric loads. The plant outputs are assumed to be linear in fixed proportions with the fuel input. Equipment output fractions can vary over a plant's operating range, but since most oil-fired cogeneration plant designs were found to be more cost-effective when designed to serve only the for base-load, it was assumed that the fractions were constant over the resulting limited operating range. Let: fEL = the ratio of electric energy output of the plant to the fuel input (higher heating value) fST = the ratio of steam output (heated from 130 F feedwater to the given pressure saturated steam) to the fuel input (higher heating value). ]For simplicity in this appendix, the device superscripts Si and CGi have been omitted. For example, a cogeneration plant's steam and and fCGi electricity shares would be fCGi EL ST 284 Because of the widely differing steam conditions and fuels between industrial sites, this report approximates all plants on the basis of 150 psig or 15 psig steam conditions, which represent high and low pressure steam loads, respectively. The output share information is given for two levels of steam pressures because of the substantial difference in performance betweem the two common levels of 15 psig and 150 psig steam. Building heating and low temperature processes typically use pressures below 15 psig; in most states, if the entire system has no pressures above 15 psig, the operator qualifications are substantially reduced with consequent reductions in the labor component of operating costs. Many typical industrial process loads and 2-stage absorbtion air conditioning water chillers require steam in the 100-200 psig range (Pickel, 1978, p.4 5 ). Table D.2 gives the plant output shares along with the ratio of electric to steam energy outputs and the technology's incremental heat rate. The incremental heat rate is the additional fuel required (in Btu/kWh) by a cogeneration plant to generate a unit of electricity beyond the fuel that a regular boiler would use to produce the same amount of steam as the cogeneration plant would while generating the unit of electricity: IHR = incremental heat rate (Btu HHV/kWh) IHR = 3412 [(I/fST EL - (1/fbackup (D.) ST where f backup: ST the first law efficiency for the relevent backup boiler. 285 Table D.2 PLANT OUTPUT SHARES Process Steam Pressure (saturated) 150 psig 15 psig IncrePlant Type (fuel) fT Increratio mental f1 (kWh/ Heat Rate (%J JIBtu) (Btu/kWh) fST EL/ST mental ratio Heat (kWh/ Rate MBtu) (Btu/kWh) EL/ST High speed diesel coeneration no.2) 30 30 292 7260 30 37 238 6300 Low or medium speed diesel co- 35 27 380 6580 35 35 293 5640 38.8 140230 7090* 18-31 43.8 121200 6380* 38.8 135220 7370* 17-30 43.8 117192 6640* 70.7 53 4450 16.6 66.6 73 4450 ?eneration no.6) Gas turbine 18-31* cogeneration (no.2) Gas turbine 17-30* cogeneration (no.6) Backpressure steam turbine cogeneration (any fuel, 900 0 F) 12.9 (continued) * The electricity output fraction for gas turbines is very dependent upon unit size ( see text in Section D.2.2); performance examples given for a unit serving 50 MBtu/hr heat load (about 9.5 MW electric). 286 Table D.2 (continued) PLANT OUTPUT SHARES Process Steam Pressure (saturated) 150 psig Plant Type (fuel) F ( New boiler or back-up boiler for steam turbine cogen (oil or coal fuel) Existing boiler or new package boiler f ( 15 psig EL/ST ratio (kWh/ MBtu) Incremental f Heat Rate ( (Btu/kWh) fjT ( 85 85 83 83 95 95 97 97 IncreEL/ST mental ratio Heat (kWh/ Rate MBtu) (Btu/kWh) (oil) Supplementary fired boiler (oil; incremental to cogenerated steam): - diesel (2x cogen steam)** - gas turbine (4.5x cogen steam)** **This is the upper limit on the high efficiency output from supplementary fired boiler steam as a ratio to the current directly cogenerated steam output (e.g., if a diesel 5 MBtu/hr cogeneration unit is operating at 75% output, the supplementary boiler can produce 7.5 MBtu/hr at 95% efficiency). 287 For the steam turbine based cogeneration technologies, the backup boiler is assumed to be a new, efficient design with fbackup = 85 ST percent; for diesel and gas turbine systems, an existing boiler with a slightly lower efficiency of 83 percent is assumed. The variation of gas turbine electrical efficiencies with plant size will be discussed later. A statistic that is very convenient in demonstrating the differences between the electrical output of cogeneration technologies serving the same steam load is: ESR = (fST) EL .00412 where ESR: the electrical to steam output ratio in kWh/M4Btu. One common difficulty in comparing cogeneration system efficiencies is that steam systems are often described in terms of fuel consumption on a higher heating value (HHV) basis while engine-based systems, such as gas turbines and diesels, typically cite fuel consumption measured on a lower heating value (LHV) basis. Wherever possible, the performance comparisons here have converted all figures to a higher heating value basis. The LHV basis represents about a 6 percent smaller Btu measure for the same fuel mass than the HHV basis (Baumeister et al, 1978). D.I.2 Plant Reliability No consistent data are available on boiler or cogeneration plant 288 Table D.3 ASSUMED PLANT RELIABILITIES Plant Type fean Time to Failure (hours) Mean Time to Repair (hours) Availability (percent) Diesel Cogeneration 995 96.1 Gas Turbine Cogeneration 714 92.6 Steam Turbine Cogeneration (combined boiler and turbine) 2334 97.9 Boilers (coal or oil) 3343 98.5 Source: derived from the Edison Electric Institute, Equipment Availability Task Force (1976, pp. 8, 38, 40) 289 failure rates or availability. Private communications indicate that the availability of these plants is at least as good as for small electricity generating plants, which are generally the most reliable class of plants. Since the analysis of utility tariffs on cogeneration plant economics requires information on the failure and repair rates for cogeneration equipment, this information was therefore assumed to be similar to that for the small steam electric, gas turbine, and diesel generating plants compiled by the Edison Electric Institute (1976). Equivalent full forced outage rate information along with mean time to repair from forced outages was used to derive the availabilities given in Table D.3. The failure of each type of plant was modeled as an exponentially distributed distributed time to repair. random process with exponentially The associated boiler and turbine of a steam turbine cogeneration plant are combined as one unit failing at an exponential rate, rather than by the separate failures of the turbine and boiler sub-systems. Note the relationship between these factors: mtf = mean time to failure for the plant mtr = mean time to repair for the plant mtbf = mtf + mtr = mean time between failures for the plant, and .p = the availability of the plant, where P :m--mtf -g- (D.2) 290 D.1.3 Environmental Factors This study did not address the environmental impacts of cogeneration systems. All equipment cost and performance information, however, includes environmental control equipment that will typically be required. Specifically, coal-fired boilers include the cost of particulate and sulfur controls. D.1.4 Capital Costs Two key factors differentiate the capital cost relationships for cogeneration and boiler systems: first, the specific technology and fuel type; and, second, the scale of the plant. This is further complicated by the dual output nature of cogeneration systems. In this study, diesel and gas turbine cogeneration systems and boilers have their capital costs characterized on the size of one output, while steam turbine cogeneration is characterized by the scale of both outputs. The costs include engineering, land, buildings, and environmental controls, but not interest during construction. For boilers, the total capital is given by the function: 6-1 (D.3) cap o CAP(X) = X where for a given CAP(X): X: cap : boiler type: the total plant cost in dollars, the plant size in MBtu/hr, the base per unit capital cost in $/tlBtu/hr, 291 XV: the size of the base plant, and B : the scale factor for this technology. Table D.4 gives constants cap 0 , Xo, and B along with the effective federal investment tax credit, which is applied to the total plant cost. The table also notes the deviation found in capital costs between sites of the same scale. Figure D.1 illustrates the change in per unit cost (CAP /Xj) with scale. For diesel and gas turbine cogeneration systems, the total capital costs for all electrical and steam components are defined as in Equation D.3, except the size units are in kilowatts of plant capacity. This is the total cost, which includes the prime mover and a heat recovery boiler of a size appropriate for the performance specifications in Table D.2. Any direct oil or gas supplementary firing capacity for the waste heat boiler requires additional capital expenses as if it was a separate, very efficient boiler. The total back-pressure steam-turbine cogeneration plant capital costs are given by a boiler component, based on the steam capacity of system, and by a steam turbine/generator component, based on the plant electrical capacity: CAP(XST, XEL) = CAPST(XST) + CAPEL(XEL) (D.4) with CAPST(XST) = XST caPT0 XST ) ST and B -1 ST (D.5) 292 Table D.4 CAPITAL COSTS AND TAX CREDITS Plant Type (fuel) Base Size (Xo) Cost per Unit (capO) Scale Factor (B) ---High speed diesel cogeneration (no.2) Effective Site Cost Combined Tax UncerCredits tainty (percent) (percent) 1000 kW 750 $/kW .80 + 15 % 1000 kW 900 $/kW .75 + 20 Gas turbine cogeneration 1000 kW 650 $/kW (no.2) .85 + 20 Gas turbine cogeneration 1000 kW 715 $/kW (no.6) .85 + 20 Low or medium speed dieset cogeneration (no.6) Back-pressure steam turbine (boiler extra) Boiler (coal) 1000 kW 1000 $/kW .67 + 15 100 MBtu/hr 80 $103 tIBtu/hr .75 + 35 (continued) i 10/20* 293 Table D.4 (contined) CAPITAL COSTS AND TAX CREDITS Plant Type (fuel) Base Size (Xo ) High pressure boiler 100 MBtu/hr (oil for cogeneration) Package boiler 100 MBtu/hr Cost per Unit Scale Factor Site Cost Uncertainty (percent) Effective Combined Tax Credits (percent) (cap o ) (B) 30 $103/ M3tu/hr .93 + 15 10** 15 $103/ MBtu/hr 1.00 + 15 0 25 $10 3 'MBtu/hr 1.00 + 15 20 (oil)*** Supplementary fired boiler (oil; 100 incremental MBtu/hr to diesel or gas turbine cogeneration plant)*** *Combined tax credit depends fuel for accompanying boiler; percent for oil and 20 percent for coal systems. it is 10 **For tax credit to be used, the boiler must be for cogeneration. ***Not usable in conjunction with steam turbine systems. 294 CAPITAL COST OF BOILERS 200 XST, MBTU/HR CAPACITY Figure D.1 295 CAP EL (X ) = X capo EL EL El (D.6) where CAP(XST, XEL): the total capital cost of the plant in dollars, CAPST(xST): the boiler related capital costs of the plant in dollars, the turbine/generator related capital costs of the CAPEL(XEL): plant in dollars, XST: the plant steam output capacity in MBtu/hr, XEL: the plant electrical output capacity in kW, ' capST capEL the base per unit capital costs in $/kW and $/IIBtu, respectively, 0 0 XEL XST . the base plant size in kW and tlBtu/hr, respectively, EL' the scale factor for the electrical and ST steam cost components, respectively. Figures D.2 through D.4 demonstrate the differences between the alternative definitions of capital cost used in many of the cogeneration studies. Figure D0.2 gives the net electrical costs, so this reflects the total cost of the plant less the cost of any high pressure boilers (it is assumed that old package boilers already at the sites). For gas turbine and diesel cogeneration systems, this is CAP/XEL , while for steam-turbine systems it is only the turbine/generator average cost CAPEL/XEL . Figure D.3 and D.4 296 NET CAPITAL COST OF COGENERATION EQUIPMENTX .04- 500 1000 10,000 5000 XEL, KW CAPACITY *Excludes all direct-fired boiler costs Fioure D.2 50opoo 297 GROSS CAPITAL COST PER MBTU/HOUR FOR BOILER AND COGENERATION EQUIPMENT >w or Medium Speed Diesel (#6 -oil) -4 E Coal-Fired Back-Pressure SSteam Turbine sel 0 H 4: C> 0U 4: 0U, zn 0 X 1 10 100 1000 XST, MBTU/HR CAPACITY *Includes electrical and steam system costs Figure D.3 298 GROSS CAPITAL COST PER KILOWATT FOR COGENERATION EQUIPMENT * 0,000 XEL, KWJ CAPACITY *Includes electrical and steam system costs Figure D.4 299 illustrate the gross capital cost of the systems, which is the total cost divided by the given output, CAP/XEL or CAP/XST. Since the larger cogeneration systems are installed over a multi-year period, the present value of the plant and the resulting tax effects depend on the distribution of the capital expenditures over the construction period. Table D.5 gives the assumed distribution of capital expenditures employed in detailed calculations of cogeneration plant financing in this report. As noted above, the costs in Table D.4 and Figures D.1 to D.4 are direct and indirect construction expenses in 1980 dollars and do not include any interest during construction. D.I.5 Operation and Maintenance Costs Three major problems complicate operation and maintenance costing. A considerable disparity exists between various historical, accounting-based sources and engineering estimates of operation and maintenance expenses for cogeneration and boiler plants. This could be caused by numerous factors, such as: * The accounting data may include fixed costs, such as overhead expenses that are unaffected by the type of steam plant at the manufacturing site; * The engineering estimates may not include all relevant 0&11 costs that be influenced by the change in design. An second problem is the separation of steam O&M from electricity O&IM costs; this is especially important for a realistic costing of back-pressure cogeneration, where the boiler-related O&M costs have 300 Table D.5 TIME DISTRIBUTION OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Plant Type Percentage of Direct Capital Expenditures Made in Year Prior to Operation 1 2 3 High speed diesel cogeneration (#2) 100 O0 Low or medium speed diesel cogeneration (#6) Gas turbine cogeneration (#2) 90 Gas turbine cogeneration (#6) 80 Coal-steam cogeneration 50 Oil-steam cogeneration 60 Coal boiler (only) 80 Oil boiler (only) 100 301 nearly identical costs to a similar stand-alone boiler. Finally, few discussions of cogeneration O&M costs carefully define whether the costs are the gross average costs for the plant or are net of the steam-related 0&H costs. This report assumes that the total annual operation and maintenance costs for a boiler or cogeneration system are the sum of two components, one for total plant steam output and one for total plant electrical output. Although some studies indicate there may be slight scale economies for 0&M costs, the information is adequate to project this for all the boiler and cogeneration technologies. Instead, each component of the total O&M cost is assumed to be linear with respect to the plant output for that component. For plants having high-pressure steam boiler.s (greater than 15 psig in any regular or heat recovery boiler), it is assumed that the minimum total annual O&M costs for the cogeneration system and boilers must be at least $30,000/year; this reflects the legal requirement for the presence of a licensed boiler operator at such sites in the state where this study was conducted. The total O&M costs for a plant are: COM(YSTYEL) = omST* YST + omEL . YEL (D.7) where COM(YSTYEL): YST' YEL: total annual 0&M cost (dollars), the annual energy output of the plant in steam (MBtu) and electricity (kWh) respectively, OmST, OmEL: the unit 0&1 costs for energy from the given plant in steam ($/MBtu) and electricity ($/kWh) 302 The total COM is subject to the minimum noted for high pressure plants. Table D.6 lists the unit O&M cost components for different plants. In addition, the table gives the gross average O&M costs in terms of steam and electricity output to illustrate the differences with the separate components costs, where the gross average cost is the annual cost divided by the total steam or electrical output. D.2. COGENERATION AND STEAM TECHNOLOGIES This section discusses the special problems in describing the costs and performance of specific cogeneration and steam production technologies. In addition, since the type of air conditioning systems that a site uses may influence the cogeneration system that a site uses may influence the cogeneration system economics, this chapter includes comments on the costs and performance of air conditioning water chillers. D.2.1 Diesel Cogeneration Systems Diesel cogeneration systems generate electricity using the mechanical power from a diesel engine while steam is generated through the recovery of heat from the exhaust gases and engine cooling water. Because of the relatively low temperature of the exhaust gas and especially the cooling jacket water, the amount of steam that can be produced is very sensitive to the pressure and temperature of the steam required. The type of fuel that can be used in a diesel system depends upon 303 Table D.6 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS O&M Costs Per Unit By Component Steam Electricity OmST OmEL ($/Mbtu) (mills/kWh) High speed diesel cogeneration (#2) Steam Electricity ($/MBtu) (mills/kWh) Fixed** Minimum for High Pressure Steam Systems ($/year) Gross Average O&M* .25 9.0 2.89 9.9 30,000 Low or medium speed diesel cogeneration (#6) .25 8.0 3.29 8.7 30,000 Gas turbine cogeneration (#2) .25 8.0 1.80 9.3 30,000 Gas turbine cogeneration (#6) .25 Coal-fired back pressure steam turbine cogeneration Oil-fired back pressure steam turbine cogeneration 1.25 .25 Steam turbine (boiler extra) Boiler (coal) Boiler (oil, regular or supplementary fixed) 10.0 4.0 4.0 2.11 11.3 30,000 1.46 27.4 30,000 .46 4.0 1.25 .25 8.7 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 *Based on the electricity to steam ratio for 150 psig steam cogeneration systems with 50 MBtu/hr steam output capacity. **At sites with a boiler pressure above 15 psig. 304 the design. High speed diesel engine systems, which are used in small 250 kW to 2000 kW systems, use distillate fuel oil (#2). Low and medium speeddiesel engine-based plants, which start at about 1000 MW and have a higher initial capital cost, can use the less expensive residual oils provided that meet certain quality specifications. Diesel engine based systems, in particular, have been subject to environmental objections concerning their NOx emissions. This study did not consider the effects of environmental problems for diesels; this presumes that the NOx emissions can be controlled acceptably without major increases in cost. Considerable difference of opinion exists on the capital and O&M costs for diesel systems. For example, differing sources estimated the total cost of a 6000 MW diesel cogeneration system to be from $400/kW to $lO00/kW. Estimates of operation and maintenance costs vary even more widely: on a gross average basis, the historical data indicated higher costs than the engineering estimates. The waste heat boilers associated with diesel cogeneration plants can product additional steam beyond that generated in exhaust gas heat recovery alone through the supplemental firing of the boiler directly by oil or gas. Because of the high temperature of the exhaust gases from the diesel and remaining oxygen, the supplementary firing efficiency is much better than that of an isolated regular boiler (95-97% versus 83-85%). The benefits of supplementary firing are limited by the excess oxygen in the exhaust gases. For diesel systems in this study, the improved efficiencies were assumed to be available 305 for up to twice the current level of cogeneration-only steam output. For example, take a 6000 kW medium speed diesel cogeneration system operating at an output of 3800 kW electricity and 10 Btu/hr high pressure steam; the heat recovery boiler can be supplementary fired for up to a 20 MBtu/hr additional steam output (total 30 MBTU/hr) at this operating point with the higher supplementary firing efficiency of 95%. The capital costs for supplementary firing capacity are added to the total unit cost as if it.was a separate boiler (Tables D.2, D.4, D.6). D.2.2 Gas Turbine Cogeneration Systems Gas turbine cogeneration systems generate electricity using mechanical power from a gas turbine while steam is generated through the recovery of heat from the exhaust gases. Because of the temperature differential limitations in the exhaust gas/steam boiler, the amount of steam that can be produced is sensitive to the pressure and temperature of the steam required, although not as sensitive as diesel systems. The electrical output fraction from gas turbine designs depends on the scale of the gas turbine to a greater degree than any of the other cogeneration systems, necessitating special treatment of the gas turbine electrical output fraction. The survey of cost and performance estimates showed the electrical efficiencies ranged from less than 20% for units under 1 MW to over 30% for the very large units above 60 MW. This was captured in the plant performance simulations by assuming the 306 full load electrical efficiency of the gas turbine systems varied with the design size of the plant according to a logit-type formula: f =1 EL 1 + exp(1.3964 - 1.4479 In (XEL /1000)) (D.8) where XEL: the gas turbine electrical capacity in kW This relationship was estimated using a linear regression of the transformed data on 12 different gas turbine systems; the coefficients are significant at the 99.5% level. The resulting heat rates may appear lower than usual, in part because they values here are computed on a higher heating value basis (see Section D.1.1). Gas turbine cogeneration systems have been designed around the burning of natural gas or distillate oil (#2). Modifications are possible, however, to allow operation on higher quality levels of residual oil (low sulfur #6). Capital cost additions are necessary for the fuel treatment facilities at the plant; the operating efficiency also decreases slightly to 96.6% of the electrical efficiency for a #2 fired gas turbine of the same electrical output. Gas turbine-based cogeneration systems are environmentally clean. In some regions, especially in areas of California, however, NOx emissions have been an issue in the approval of gas turbine systems. This study did not address these problems, presuming instead that NO x emissions can be controlled without major increases in cost. Like diesel cogeneration systems, the waste heat boilers associated with the plant can produce additional steam beyond that generated by VARIATION OF GAS TURBINE EFFICIENCY WITH UNIT CAPACITY 0.40- 0.35Estimated Efficiency and 95% Confidence Intervals 0.30- ELECTRIC OUTPUT SHARE, 0.25- fEL 0.20(HIGHER HEATING VALUE) 0.15- 0.10* Data on Individual Gas Turbine Designs 0.05- n v n0 I 0vv 0.1 II0 100 GAS TURBINE CAPACITY (MW) Figure D.5 1000 308 the exhaust gas heat recovery through the supplemental firing of the heat recovery boiler directly with oil or gas. The higher temperatures in the exhaust stream given better supplementary firing efficiencies than diesel systems (97% for gas turbines, 95-97% for diesels, and 83-85% for regular boilers). For gas turbine systems, the improved efficiencies were assumed to be available for up to 4.5 times the current cogeneration-only steam output. For example, take a 4000 kW gas turbine operating at full output with an associated steam output of 22.9 MBtu/hr of high pressure steam; the heat recovery boiler can be supplementary-fired for up to 103 1fBtu/hr additional steam (total 126 MBtu/hr) with an efficiency of 97% for the additional fuel used in supplementary firing. The capital costs for this capability are added to the total unit cost as if it were a separate boiler (see Tables 0.2, D.4, and.D.6). D.2.3 Steam Turbine Cogeneration Steam turbine cogeneration systems produce steam and electricity by generating steam in a boiler at a higher pressure than required for process use. In the most basic back-pressure steam turbine designs, the steam is then reduced in pressure by running it through a turbine, which generates electricity; the steam exits the turbine at the required process pressure or pressures. A broad variety of steam-turbine cogeneration system designs exist. The boilers can vary in the maximum throttle pressures and temperatures for the same resulting process steam output, with the '309 8 higher pressure/temperature combinations allowing a higher electricity output per unit of.process steam output. The turbine design can exhaust all the steam input at the process pressure, exhaust at several process pressures, or extract some process steam and release the remainder to a condenser after generating more electricity in a low pressure turbine section. The design process outlet steam conditions can vary from steam at hot water temperatures to the maximum attainable from today's boiler designs. The final mix of electricity and steam energy from these systems similarly varies widely depending on the exact boiler and process steam outlet conditions for which the unit is designed and operated. To simplify this range of design and operating choices to be considered in comparing cogeneration plants at the many industrial sites studied in this report, this analysis limited the steam turbine cpgeneration systems types to a single back-pressure design with a boiler outlet temperature of about 900 degrees F with the resulting steam turbine output at either 15 psig or 150 psig. This general design best represents the efficiency advantages associated with steam-turbine cogeneration without burdening the system with the extra capital costs and technical complexities associated with generating extra electricity through a condensing system. The embodied economic assumption is that the extra costs associated with condensing generation must be similar to the cost of large-scale condensing (utility) generation but without the economies of scale; if the utility is more limited in fuel choices than the cogenerator using the condensing op.tion, this scale argument 310 is negated by the fuel choice advantages available to the cogenerator. Since steam turbine systems are designed around a boiler, they can burn anything from distillate oil to wood chips. This study limited the fuel choices for boilers to three representative fuels: oil, low sulfur residual oil, or coal. small sites. distillate The distillate oil is for very The low sulfur residual oil was selected because most industrial or commercial steam turbine cogeneration installations were at sites large enough to handle residual oil but they were often in locations that require the lower sulfur oil. Coal is the primary non-petroleum alternative fuel; although wood chips or waste might be a viable alternative at some sites, the boiler and fuel costs would be close enough to coal for coal to represent it as a proxy. It is assumed that the coal boiler emissions could be handled in a way that will make the system environmentally acceptable. The capital cost estimates for steam turbine systems vary considerably because of site variations and differences in the components included within the estimate. To maintain consistency between the oil and coal-fired steam turbine cogeneration systems, the boiler and steam turbine components have been costed separately, as described in Section D.l.4. Even on a net basis, oil-fired boiler cost estimates vary by a factor of four, and coal boilers by a factor of two. Steam turbine estimates for machines of the same scale vary by 30%. Operation and maintenance cost estimates for steam turbines and boilers in these cogeneration designs exhibit the same problem -311 associated with such estimates for other systems. Engineering estimates are often in the $.30/IlBtu range while historical accounting costs for many systems are over $2.00/MBtu. D.2.4 Air Conditioning Chilled Water Systems Combined with Cogeneration Many suggested cogeneration plant designs associated with commercial buildings include steam absorption water chillers to increase the cogeneration system's summer capacity factor. This study did not explore this alternative in detail because the energy efficiencies are so poor for the steam chilling systems; the steam-electric energy price difference does not appear to be sufficient to counterbalance this situation, especially in a study location where the utility has substantial excess capacity and is converting to coal as its primary fuel. Steam absorption water chillers are thermally less efficient and are higher in capital costs than comparable electric chillers, as shown in Table D.7. For example, take an oil-fired central electricity generating plant with a 10,000 Btu/kWh heat rate supplying power to an electric chiller and compare this to an oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration plant supplying 150 psig to a two-stage steam absorption chiller. Assume neither is capacity limited. Using the plant performance information from Tables 0.2 and 0.7, absorption chilling requires .0106 !Btu oil per ton of chilling (allowing for a credit in electricity not produced by a central oil-fired station) while the electric chiller requires .008 Mi3tu oil per ton of chilling. In I~L~ga~ __IJUdP______~ 312 Table D.7 COMPARATIVE AIR CONDITIONING CHILLED WATER COSTS Chiller Plant Type Installed Capital Cost (/ton cniller + Incremental cooling tower capacity cost) 1 Operating Energy Use 2 (kWh/ton-hr) (Btu/ton-hr) Electric centrifugalhermetic 150 Steam absorber, 1-stage 210 (150+60) 18,000 (app. 15 psig) Steam absorber, 2-stage 360 (320+40) 12,000 (app. 130 psig) .80 1From communications with various manufacturers (1980). These are the typical installed costs for the chiller and the incremental installed costs for the cooling tower beyond the sizing required by an ordinary electric chiller. 2 From Baumeister et al. (1978, p. 12-111) and communications with manufacturers (19~U). These are only the direct chiller energy requirements; they do not reflect differences in auxiliary pumping costs owing to larger cooling tower sizes under steam absorbers. 313 addition, the electric chiller would have less than half the capital cost. The economics may be different if the cogenerator can burn sufficiently cheaper fuel than the utility or if the utility has to add generating capacity to meet electric loads which occur at the same time the electric chiller must operate. In the case study for this report, the capacity problem did not exist, and sites with large cooling loads were typically more restricted in their use of cheaper fuels than the utility. The model used in Chapters 2 and 3 for evaluating plant designs, however, could be easily modified to accommodate the complications involved in incorporating chilled water within the cogeneration plant selection decision. D.3. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS This appendix documents the cogeneration plant operation and cost assumptions used in this report. Substantial variation occurs in capital and O&M expense estimates for these systems. This analysis has attempted to represent these plants across a broad range of sizes for median cost facilities. The final results of this study, which are presented in the main body of the report, indicate coal-fired cogeneration may be economic at much smaller scale sites than previously imagined--so the capital cost estimates are being used on plant sizes below the previous levels experienced and must be treated with some scepticism. technologies. This applies to a lesser extent to the other The cogeneration capital costs, however, are only a part 314 of the total net present value computation in the comparison of plant economics. As a convenient reference, Table D.8 gives a summary of the performance and cost assumptions used in the sample calculations in Chapters 2 and 3 for plants designed to produce 50 MBtu/hr steam. 315 Table D.8 COST AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY FOR COGENERATION PLANTS SERVING A CONSTANT 50 MBTU/HR HIGH-PRESSURE STEAM LOAD Plant Type Size EL/ST Ratio (kWh/MBtu) fST TFuelT) Medium or low speed diesel cogeneration #6 oil) Total) Component O&M Costs (mills/ W$I MBtu) + kWh) 27 35 380 8.19 .25 9 .3 38.8 25 186 4.76 .25 10.0 (oil) 2.7 70.7 12.9 53 3.51 .25 4.0 Back pressure steam turbine with boiler (coal) 2.7 70.7 12.9 53 6.69 1.25 4.0 Boiler (coal) -- 85 0 4.76 1.25 0 0 0 .25 0 Gas turbine cogeneration (#6 oil) 19 Direct Capital Co t 8.0 Back pressure steam turbine with boiler Existing boiler (oil) -- -- 316 Appendix E MODELING SUMMARY This appendix summarizes the structure and major assumptions employed in the electricity and steam cogeneration analysis model discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. Since this analysis has been developed for a specific utility system, and the model must incorporate the electricity tariffs for that system, the model has not been designed specifically for general purpose usage. The description in this appendix, therefore, is not intended to be thorough documentation for the model. The model, in order to be easy to modify, was written in the APL language for operation on an IBM/370 system under VM/CMS running VSAPL release 3. (For further information on APL, see Polivka and Pakin, 1975). 317 Table E.l: Summary of Detailed Modeling Assumptions I. Timing 1981 A. Year of plant selection decision: 15 years B. Planning horizon II. Financial Conditions A. 10%/yr Inflation B. Return on 100% equity cogeneration/boiler plant investments 4.6%/yr real 15. 1%/yr 8.1%/yr real 18.9%/yr (1) Base case (Asset Beta = .5) (2) High cost of capital case (Asset Beta = .9) C. 0.2%/yr real 10.2%/yr Short-term debt 1.9%/yr real 12.1%/yr D. Long-term debt E. Standard target debt fraction for incremental investment associated with new plants 50.0% F. Implied equ.ity return at 50% debt III. (1) Base case 18. 1%/yr (2) High cost of capital case 25.7%/yr Fuel Prices at start of decision year ($/MBTU) A. Initial year Prices Base Case Low Oil (1) #2 oil $6.36 $7.16 (2) #6 low-sulfur oil $5.45 4.56 (3) #6 high-sulfur oil $4.55 4.09 (4) #6 mix for utility (50% high and low sulfur) $5.00 4.33 (5) coal $2.05 2.31 (6) nuclear .68 .64 318 Table E.l: Summary of Detailed Modeling Assumptions (continued) B. Escalation depends on inflation and scenarios; all oil prices escalate at "oil" rate, coal and nuclear at "coal" rate for "base case" and "lower oil price case" from the starting year assumptions. C. See Table E.2 for the fuel price escalation scenarios. IY. Electricity Prices A. Non-fuel portion of tariffs escalate with inflation B. Average fuel cost/fuel adjustment depends on fuel prices and utility fuel mix by scenario (see Table E.3 for utility fuel mix assumptions by scenario). C. Marginal cost depends upon fuel prices and the share of time in each year that oil or coal is the marginal fuel, which varies as a simple function of the fraction of oil in the average utility fuel mix. D. The fraction of the year with oil as the marginal cost fuel depends on the amount of oil in the average utility fuel mix: (Fraction of year with oil on margin) = min(l; 1 (45/13)(share of oil in mix - .7)) *The fraction of the peak period with oil as the marginal cost fuel depends on the fraction of the year with oil as the marginal cost fuel: (Fraction of peak period with oil on margin) = min(l; (fraction of total year with oil on margin)/.84)) These relationships are crude approximations developed from a detailed series of utility production costing analyses. E. The peak period is 8 am to midnight on weekdays; all other times are off peak. V. Steam and Electric Loads A. Weather characteristics for steam loads and time-of-oil periods simulation: 8-hour average temperatures at Boston, Logan, for the years 1953 and 1963-1967 (from SOLMET tapes). B. Steam loads: a linear function of heating and cooling degrees with a fixed base load in all periods for a 6-year synthetic time series. 319 Table E.l: Summary of Detailed Modeling Assumptions (continued) C. Electric loads: 8-hour averages for a one-year history at site or an extrapolation based on electric energy use and electric load factor. VI. Cogeneration and Boiler Costs and Technologies (Appendix D) A. Fuel use and outputs are in fixed linear ratios. B. Capital and O&M costs are escalated at .inflotion from 1980 cost presented in Appendix D. C. Outages are by an exponential random process. VII. Selection of Plant Types and Sizes for Detailed Modeling A. Types (1) If site currently uses #6 oil: coal boiler; coal steam turbine coyeneration, #6 oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration; #6 diesel cogeneration; #6 gas turbine cogeneration. (2) If site currently uses #2 oil: #6 oil boiler; #6 oil-fired steam turbine cogeneration, #2 diesel cogeneration; #2 gas turbine; coal steam turbine cogeneration. B. Sizing (1) Basic plant size based on a levelized cost calculation using 1985 middle fuel/medium coal conversion scenario prices with the "NPV 3 " method (Section using a fixed charge that embodies the standard financial and tax assumptions. (2) Supplementary boilers for diesel and gas turbine systems are sized to efficiency limit or to the top 20 percent of the load, whichever is less. VIII. Operating Simulation A. Monte Carlo outage generation and temperature simulation for steam loads over a 6-year period with 12 billing months/year, 30 days/month, 3 eight-hour periods/day; outages based on an exponential event process, and loads are from a time series. 320 Table E.1: Summary of Detailed Modeling Assumptions (continued) B. Simulation produces an annual average plant (cogeneration, supplementary boiler, and back-up boiler) output and fuel use along with non-fuel utility tariff charges fcr each mode and tariff combination. C. Non-fuel tariff charges are computed as described in Appendix B. IX. Operating Cost Escalation 15 years A. Horizon B. Different plant types start up in different years C. (1) Fuel - by type and fuel scenario according to inflation and real escalation (2) O&M - at inflation (3) Tariffs: a) non-fuel - at inflation b) fuel adjustment - by utility coal conversion and fuel scenario c) purchase rate - by utility coal conversion and fuel scenario D. Site combined steam and electricity supply operating costs are minimized by year for each scenario over all feasible tariff and operating mode combinations. X. Financial Analysis and Investment Decision A. Capital Expenditures 1. Financial conditions as above 2. Capital costs are escalated at inflation until funds are expended in construction 3. Taxes (a) Property tax on assessed value (income tax depreciated value increased for inflation) 2.5%/yr (b) Income tax (state and federal combined) 48% 321 Table E.l: Summary of Detailed Modeling Assumptions (continued) (i) tax depreciation on 15-year life: digits sum of years (ii) investment and energy tax credits are absorbed by company as construction expenditures are made; tax credits as given in Appendix D. B. Investment Decision 1. Based on present value of expected cashflows using adjusted present value method (see Brealey and Myers, 1981). 2. Fuel and utility coal conversion assumed uncorrelated with financial conditions. 3. Expectation across scenarios assumes fuel and utility coal conversion are independent. (a) Fuel: high 33%, middle 33%, low 33% (b) Coal conversion: XI. fast 35%, medium 35%, slow 30% Utility Impact A. Analysis of utility impact made by comparing the utility's operating profit for the customer without cogeneration against the case with cogeneration B. The utility operating profit is estimated by the tariff revenues in the given year less the marginal energy costs to serve the customer. The fixed costs of local distribution of other investments to serve this customer are not used to adjust the operating profit C. Time-of-oil periods based on the most extreme temperature periods, evenly split between temperatures above and below 65 degrees F. 322 Table E.2: Percentage real escalation per year oil Real Fuel Price Escalation Rates High Fuel Escalation Scenario Middle Low (#2, #6 high and low sulfur) 2-5 5.1 1.6 6-10 2.7 2.6 11-15 4.8 2.1 16-20 1.5 1.2 2-5 3.9 3.9 3.8 6-10 1.7 1.5 1.4 11-15 0.6 0.9 0.8 16-20 0.8 0.6 0.6 -1.5 Coal and Nuclear Energy -- 323. Table E.3: Share of Fuel Types in Average Utility Fuel Mix Fast Coal Conversion Scenario Medium Slow 1 0 0 0 2 45 45 45 5 61 55.6 45.6 10 54.5 49 39 15+ 50 44.4 34.4 Percentage in Total Fuel Mix by year Coal - Oil (50% Low S #6; 50% High S #6) 1 78 78 78 2 33 33 33 5 18.8 24.2 34.2 10 17.3 22.7 32.7 15+ 24.1 29.7 39.7 1 22 22 22 2 22 22 22 5 20.2 20.2 20.2 10 28.3 28.3 28.3 15+ 25.9 25.9 25.9 Nuclear - 324 Table E.4: Share of Coal as Marginal Cost Utility Fuel Coal Conversion Scenario Fast Medium Medium 5 38.8 20.1 10 44.0 25.3 15+ 20.4 1.0 Percentage Slow Slo Year" 1 2 0 325 . Table E.5: I. Summary of Aggregate Modeling Assumptions General The analysis is the same as in the Detailed Modeling (Table E.1) unless noted. II. Steam and Electric Loads A. Weather characteristics for steam loads and time-of-oil simulation: the monthly frequency distribution for the peak and off-peak periods, as developed from 6 years of SOLMET temperature data (years 1953, 1963-1967) B. Steam loads: by month for one week of 7 days with three 8-hour shifts per day C. Electric loads: peak/off-peak pattern as discussed in Appendix C. III. Operating Simulation A. Twelve month simulation with one week per month; shifts of 8 hours B. Plant outages based on fixed intervals using mean time to failure and repair statistics rather than a random process; an additional adjustment to match FBTF statistics is made by a reduction in cogeneration plant output capacity C. Loads based on frequency distribution by month rather than a time series IV. Investment Decision Economic plant selection isbased on a staged process to lower computation costs: 326 Table E.5: Summary of Aggregate Modeling Assumptions (continued) A. Alternative plants are evaluated under the middle escalation/medium coal conversion scenario; B. If a cogeneration plant is economic, the analysis continues for all other scenarios. 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"The Potential for Electricity Generation as a Byproduct of Industrial Steam Production in New Jersey." A report prepared for the N.J. Cabinet Energy Committee, PU/CES-Report #31. Princeton, NJ: Center for Environmental Studies, Princeton University, 1976, revised 1977.. Williams, R.H., "Industrial Cogeneration." Vol. 3 (1978). Annual Review of Energy. Woodard, J.B. "Overview of Long Range Load Forecasting." A working paper of the Energy Analysis and Planning Group--EPSEL, MIT, NSF RANN #72-031 (1972). Woodard, J.B. "Electric Load Modeling." Unpublished Electrical Engineering Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 1974. Reprinted by Garland Publishing, NY, 1979. 334 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Frederick H. Pickel was born in Seattle, Washington, on June 12, 1952 to Hugh E. Pickel, Jr., and Dorothy J. (Miller) Pickel. He was raised in Seattle, attending secondary schools there, graduating from Seattle Preparatory School in 1970. In 1974, he received the B.S. degree with distinction from Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California, in engineering and, through Pomona College, in economics. He completed the S.M. degree in Operations Research and the S.M. degree in Civil Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1978. Finally, he received his Ph.D. degree in Engineering-Economic Systems Analysis at M.I.T. in 1982. From 1974 to 1975 he worked with the Office of Energy Systems at the Federal Power Commission. In 1976 and 1977 he was with the Decision Analysis Group at SRI International, Menlo Park, California. During 1977 and 1978, he was appointed to the Governor's Commission of Cogeneration, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He has consulted on the economic viability of cogeneration and alternate energy systems for organizations planning cogeneration projects and for firms studying marketing opportunites. While in graduate studies at M.I.T., he was a senior teaching assistant in mathematical optimization and systems analysis, and was a research assistant in a variety of water resource and energy projects. He is now working for New England Electric on the development of alternate energy sources: since 19817, he has been Administrator, Special Energy Projects, in the corporate legal department; he was a consultant to New England Electric starting in 1979. He is a member of the International Association of Energy Economists, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/ Power Engineering Society, The Institute of Management Science, the Operations Research Society of America, the American Economic Association, and Sigma Xi. He is currently a vice president of the New England chapter of the IAEE. He received an NSF energy-related graduate trainee scholarship from 1975-1976 and the Lorne D. Cooke Memorial Award in Economics from Pomona College in 1974. Selected publications: "Cogeneration in the U.S.: An Economic and Technical A,.alysis," Frederick H. Pickel, MIT Energy Laboratory Report #MIT-EL78-039. Cambridge, NA: Mass. Inst. of Tech., November 1978. "Homeostatic Utility Control," Fred C. Schweppe, Richard D. Tabors, James L. Kirtley, Hugh Outhred, Frederick H. Pickel, and Alan J. Cox, presented at the IEEE Power Engineering Scciety 1979 summer meeting, Paper #F79-685-9, IEEE Transactions on ?cwer Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-99, No. 3;lay/June u; pp. 1151-1163. -- 335 "Why Did the Role of Cogenerat ion Diminish?" Frederick H. Pickel, invited paper. Proceedings ofI the Sixth Energy Technology Conference. Washington, D.C.: Government Institutes, Inc., February 26-28, 1979. "Electric Utility Forecasting of Customer Cogeneration and the Influence of Special Rates," Frederick H. Pickel. Proceedings of C•.T the Eighth Energy Technology Conference. Washington,Government institutes, inc., .March 9-1~, 1981 (reprinted in MIT Energy Laboratory Report #MIT-81-006, NTIS #PB-82-180-191). -T1 " ) __~__~ I_ ~ Il~--~L lI~ --- 1~ - '~j I ,