The Local Milky Way Color-Magnitude Diagram 15,630 stars M0 red giants⇒ Distances from Hipparcos trigonometric parallaxes F0 G0 K0 ⇐ red clump A0 Hertzsprung gap B0 d < 100 pc age differences Half of stars with MV > 10 are not detected. metallicity differences white dwarfs J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Local Stellar Luminosity Function Φ(M) = number stars MV ±1/2 volume over which seen Ψ(M) = ΦMS (M) Θ τgal τMS (M) LV Φ(MV ) K giants total Θ(x) = 1 if x ≤ 0 Θ(x) = x if x > 0 τgal ' 10 Gyr A, F MS MΦ(MV ) B, O Dim stars hard to find; Bright stars are rare. Stars not uniformly distributed. Stars in binaries mistaken for brighter single stars. J.M. Lattimer ⇐Wielen dip • Hipparcos ◦ Reid et al. (2002) AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Stellar Initial Mass Function ξ(M)∆(M)= number stars born with mass between M and M + ∆M −2.35 ξ0 M Salpeter initial mass function ξ(M) = M M 1.35 1.35 R Mu M ξ0 ` 1− M Total number: M` ξ(M)dM = 1.35 M` Mu 0.35 0.35 R Mu M ξ0 M M` 1 − Mu Total mass: M` Mξ(M)dM = 0.35 M` 2.15 2.15 R Mu ξ0 L M` Mu 1 − Mu Total luminosity: M` Lξ(M)dM = 2.15 M Pleiades cluster Salpeter mass function ξ(M) Mξ(M) J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Distances From Motions If Vr and Vt measured, and how they are related, we can find d. Vt = µd, µ(marcsec/yr) = Vt (km/s)/(4.74d(kpc)) Example: Distance to Galactic center, if orbit edge-on and perpindicular 2a = (s/1 arcsec)(d/1 pc) AU, P 2 a3 = 4π 2 G MBH 2 2 Vp (1−e) = Va (1+e), Vp −Va = 2G MBH a−1 (1 − e)−1 − (1 + e)−1 6 2a = sd Galactic center ? J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Distances From Motions Example: Distance to supernova ring, if ring is circular t− = R(1 − sin i)/c, t+ = R(1 + sin i)/c ∆t = tA − t0 = t− ∆t = 0 @ I @SN 1987a - J.M. Lattimer ∆t = tB − t0 = t+ AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Spectroscopic and Photometric Parallax Assume stars of same spectral type and Z Cheaper alternative is to estimate have equal L. spectral type from color, other Correct for dust reddening. indicators determine dwarf/giant. Works to 10% for main sequence stars, Works best for clusters, where 60% for K giants. reddening is easier to determine. Needs lots of observation time. Photometric distances towards South Galactic pole V − I colors of 12,500 stars with mV < 19 nZ ∝ e −|z|/hz hhhh J.M. Lattimer 5 < MV < 6 hhhh hh halo→ AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Mass-to-Light Ratio of Galactic Disc hR,S is scale length of object of type S, hz,S is scale height. nS (R, z) = nS (0, 0)e −R/hR,S e −|z|/hz,s ΣS (R) = 2nS (0, 0)hz,S e −R/hR,S , IS (R) = LS ΣS (R) 2 LD,S = 2πIS (0)hR,S is disc luminosity Milky Way: LD ' 1.5 × 1010 L in V band, hR ' 4 kpc ID (4 kpc) ' 20 L pc−2 , σD ' 40 − 60 M pc−2 M/LV = σD /ID ' 2 − 3 in disc; but about 1 for MS stars near the Sun M/LV ∼ 0.74 for all stars except white dwarfs and gas M/LV ∼ 5 from Galactic rotation J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Analyzing Nearby Stars I Star Formation Rate I I I I M/L ∼ 2, LD ∼ 1.5 × 1010 L =⇒ M ∼ 3 × 1010 M . τgal ∼ 10 Gyr, so if half of gas is returned to stars, star formation rate is 3 − 6 M /yr. Gas mass is 5 − 10 × 109 M , enough for 1–3 Gyr. V/V max test – a measure of the uniformity of a spatial distribution I I An average of the ratio of the volume V from which an object could be seen divided by the volume Vmax defined by the maximum distance at which an object in the sample is detectable. Assume sample is of equally luminous objects and limited by a brightness limit which corresponds to the distance zmax and the volume Vmax . A brighter object with m < mmax originates from a smaller distance z < zmax D. E R z3 3 zmax V Vmax I V V max I When n(z) is uniform, hV/Vmax i = 1/2 = =⇒ J.M. Lattimer = zmax 5 z dz 0R zmax 2 z dz 0 3 zmax AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Stellar Velocities and Scale Heights Stars show the cumulative effects of acquiring random gravitational pulls from the lumpy disk: molecular clouds and dense star clusters. This translates into larger scale heights for older objects. Note that the Sun must be moving upwards at 7 km s−1 . • Z > 0.25Z ◦ Z < 0.25Z Nearby F and G stars J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Stellar Velocities and Scale Heights J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Clusters and Associations Disk stars are born from clouds large enough to gravitationally collapse. I Gould’s Belt (a Moving Group) A ring centered 200 pc away containing the Sun and stars younger than 30 Myr. They lie in a layer tilted by 20◦ about a line along the Sun’s orbit at ` = 90◦ . I Open clusters 100 L < L < 3 × 104 L M/L < 1M /L 0.5 pc < rc < 5 pc σs < 0.5 km s−1 Globular clusters 104 L < L < 106 L 1M /L < M/L < 2.5M /L 0.5 pc < rc < 4 pc 25 pc < rt < 85 pc 4 km s−1 < σs < 20 km s−1 I J.M. Lattimer Hipparcos data MV < 3, 100 pc < d < 500 pc Gould’s Belt IRAS data M7 AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 M22 blue giants, ≈ 5 M (m − M)0 = 5.6 • ← binaries ↓ Pleiades 100 Myr isochrone 100 Myr, w/o dust reddening 16 Myr isochrone J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 pre-main sequence stars Distances and Ages of Clusters ⇓ Globular Clusters [Fe/H]= −0.71 [Fe/H]= −2.15 47 Tuc Horizontal Branch Horizontal Branch 13 Gyr SM C re d gi a nt s 12 Gyr M92 12 ± 2 Gyr J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 13 ± 2 Gyr Globular Cluster Distribution Metal-poor [Fe/H]< −0.8 Metal-rich ` = 90◦ b = 0◦ ` = 20◦ ♦ disrupted dwarf galaxy remnants Metal-poor clusters have highly eccentric, random orbits and do not share the Galactic disk rotation. Metal-rich clusters share Galactic rotation like stars in the thick disk. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Halo Properties I Oldest stars in halo a result of Galactic cannibalism. I I I I I I Gravity slows galaxies during encounters and leads to mergers. The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy is the closest satellite galaxy, and it is partially digested. ω Cen is a bizarre globular cluster with non-uniform metallicity; possibly the remnant core of a digested satellite galaxy. Magellanic Clouds will share the fate of Sagittarius dwarf galaxy in 3–5 Gyr. Some believe the blue horizontal branch globular clusters joined the Milky Way after their galaxies were cannibalized. Metal-poor halo consists of globulars and metal-poor stars down to [Fe/H]= 10−5 I I I I I Most globulars have dissolved, forming many halo stars. Palomer 5 has lost 90% of its stars and has tidal tails extending 10◦ . Metal-poor halo stars form moving groups, including some carbon stars and M giants stripped from Satittarious dwarf galaxy. Total mass of halo metal-poor stars is about 107 M . Halo is somewhat flattened but rounder than bulge. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Palomar 5 J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 The Halo as an Ensemble of Disrupted Satellites J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 The Bulge and Nucleus I Bulge best studied with infrared light due to dust (31 mag extinction). I Bulge accounts for 20% of Galaxy’s light with a size of order 1 kpc. Bulge is not dense inner portion of halo: stars are old but have average metallicty > 0.5Z , Zmax ∼ 3Z . I I Average rotation speed 100 km s−1 (half disk), stars have large random motions. I Close to the center are dense, active star forming regions. I Center has a 2 pc radius torus with 106 M of gas surrounding a 3 × 107 M star cluster within 1000 (0.2 pc) including > 30 massive stars. I Innermost stars < 0.05 pc from central black hole, 4 × 106 M (Sag A∗ ). J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Sag A∗ R0 = 8.28 ± 0.1 ± 0.29 kpc MBH = 4.30 ± 0.20 ± 0.30 × 106 M J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Galactic Rotation Differential rotation in Galaxy noticed by 1900 and explained by Oort in 1927. GC ? φ J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Geometric Relations V0 R0 sin ` R0 cos ` φ+`+α Vr (R, `) = = = = = V (R0 ) A R sin(90◦ + α) = R cos α R sin α + d B 90◦ A+B V (R) cos α − V0 sin ` A−B V (R) V0 = R0 sin ` − R R0 Vt (R, `) = V (R) sinα − V0 cos ` V (R) V0 V (R) = R0 cos ` − −d . R R0 R ≡ ≡ = = 0 R V (R) − 2 R R0 1 0 − [RV (R)]R0 2R −V (R)0R0 V0 /R0 When d << R, 0 V (R) ≈ R0 sin ` (R − R0 ) = d A sin(2`) R R0 0 V (R) V (R) (R − R0 ) − d ≈ R0 cos ` R R R0 = d[A cos(2`) + B] Vr Vt J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 φ Galactic Rotation – A Simple Model V (R) = V0 , equally luminous clouds in rings of radii 2, 3 . . . 14 km spaced every degree in φ. Dot sizes indicate relative brightnesses. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Galactic Rotation Curve For inner Galaxy, R < R0 , employ tangent point method. Vr (d, `) has a maximum along the line-of-sight at the tangent point where α = 0: R = R0 sin `, V (R) = Vr + V0 sin `. Method fails for R < 0.2R0 since gas follows oval orbits in Galactic bar. For outer Galaxy, must use spectroscopic or photometric parallax measurements. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 Galactic Rotation Curve Method of Merrifield (1992) for outer rotation curve. Local hydrostatic equilibrium dictates that the thickness hz of the HI layer is a function of R but not `. A ring with constant thickness qhas a variable angular size: θb = 2 tan−1 (hz /2d) , d = R0 cos ` + R 2 − R02 sin2 `. For circular rotation, and assuming co-rotation, the radial velocity satisfies Vr R0 RVr = sin ` cos b(R0 V (R) − RV0 ), sin ` cos b = R V (R) − V0 ≡ W (R). Take data with fixed value of W (R) and obtain the variation in angular width θb (`). Determine best fits for R/R0 and hz /R0 . Thereby we find vr (R) and hz (R). -75 km/s < W < −70 km/s J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 tange Galactic Rotation Curve int nt p o J.M. Lattimer od meth Merrifield, AJ 103, 1552 (1992) AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2 laye r th ickn ess Implications of Galactic Rotation For a spherical system, M(R) = RV (R)2 RV (R)2 = 7.5 × 1010 M . G R0 V02 Most of this is dark matter, and no reason to believe it is not spherically distributed. If ρ ∝ r −2 , the mass is linearly proportional to r , matching the constant velocity rotation profile. Gauss’ Law ∇2 Φ = 4πG ρ implies Φ(r ) = 4πGr02 ρ0 ln(r /r0 ), ρ = ρ0 (r0 /r )2 , known as the singular isothermal sphere. To match the rotation of the Milky Way, we should have ρ0 r02 ' 0.9 × 109 M kpc−1 . A more realistic solution is one without the cusp at r = 0: r02 , M(r ) = 4πρ0 r02 [r − a tan−1 (r /a)]. + a2 r r q G M(r ) a r 2 V (r ) = = 4πG ρ0 r0 1 − tan−1 . r r a The velocity varies linearly near r → 0 and vanishes as observed. ρ(r ) = ρ0 r2 J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 2