Major Topics 1. Introduction Stars, the Milky Way, Other Galaxies, Cosmology 2. The Galaxy and its Components Luminosity/Mass Functions, Distances, Clusters, Rotation 3. The Interstellar Medium Gas, Dust, Emission and Absorption 4. Galactic Dynamics Gravity, Encounters, Epicycles, Boltzmann Equation 5. The Local Group 6. Spiral and S0 Galaxies Starlight Distribution, Gas Motions, Spiral Structure, Bulges 7. Elliptical Galaxies Photometry, Motions, Dark Matter, Black Holes 8. Galaxy Groups and Clusters Galaxy Formation, Intergalactic Matter and Gravitational Lensing 9. The Large Scale Distribution of Galaxies Cosmology, Growth of Structure 10. Active Galaxies and Pre-Galactic History Active Galactic Nuclei, Jets, Intergalactic Clouds, the First Galaxies J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Stars – Main Sequence Spectra metal 4000Å break ⇓ CH H neutral ⇐ Balmer lines ⇑ Balmer jump 3646Å H nearly totally ionized J.M. Lattimer ⇑ Paschen jump 8250Å AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Stars – A Dwarf, Giant and Supergiant Spectra Effect of gravity on line width – the Stark effect ⇐ broad Balmer lines ⇐ narrow Balmer lines J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Stars – Basic Relations for Main Sequence Stars I Masses between 0.08 M and 100 M I Radii between 0.1 R and 25 R 0.7 R ∼ R MM 5 3.9 (M ≤ 10M ≤ M ) L ∼ L MM (M ≤ M ), L ∼ L MM 2.2 L ∼ 50L MM (M ≥ 10M ) −2.5 −5/7 L M L τMS ' τMS, MM ' 10Gyr ' 10Gyr L M L h i2 log(τMS /Gyr) ' 1.015 − 3.49 log MM + 0.83 log MM I I I I I I MV , = 4.83, MB, = 5.48, MK , = 3.31, MI , = 4.11 I Mbol, = 4.76, L = 3.9 × 1033 erg s−1 , Teff , = 5780K J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Abundances [A/B] = log10 h (A/B)∗ (A/B) i J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Photometry Sky emission from La Palma R∞ FBP = R0 TBP,λ Fλ dλ ∞ ≈ Fλeff 0 TBP,λ dλ ≡ Fλeff ∆λBP m2 − m1 = 2.5 log10 mBP = 2.5 log10 F1 F2 FV ,0 ∆λBP FBP FV ,0 ≈ 3.63 × 10−9 erg s−1 cm−2 Å mBP = −21.1 ∆λBP FBP −1 TBP (λ) A0 Fλ +2.5 log10 ' −21.1 − 2.5 log10 Fλeff J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Milky Way Disc stellar mass: 6 × 1010 M Halo stellar mass: 1 × 109 M 4 × 106 M BH ⇓ Disc luminosity: 2 × 1010 L Bulge stellar mass: 2 × 1010 M Bulge luminosity: 5 × 109 L 8.5 kpc HI J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Gas and Dust in the Milky Way I I I I I I I I I I I I I Solar neighborhood: 1 star per 10 pc−3 , 1 atom per cm3 H II region: ionizing photons λ < 912 Å, Eγ > 13.6 eV Emission timescale typically 10−8 s Collisional excitation A + B → A∗ + B, A∗ → A + hν Forbidden line: collisons rare (gas density low), timescale ∼ 1 s Fine structure transition: spin-orbit coupling in atoms, 1/1372 less energy: far-infrared Hyperfine transition: nuclear spin coupling with electron spin, 2000 times less energy than fine structure: mm and radio Spin flip 21 cm radiation of H I. Takes about 11 Myr to spontaneously transition to ground state. Collision times of order thousands of years. Molecular emission from electronic, vibrational and rotational transitions CO emission (1.3 mm, 2.6 mm) is strongest after H2 OH (1.7 GHz) and H2 O (22 GHz) masing Continuum radiation (free-free or bremstrahlung, and synchotron) from ionized gas Dust absorption (optical and UV) and emission (infrared) J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 21 cm Emission Strength of 21 cm emission depends on collision rate. In general, rate = density × cross section × velocity. T ∼ 100 K. ⇒ vH ' 1.6 km s−1 mH vH2 /2 = 3kT /2, Cross section of a sphere with a radius equal to the Bohr radius a0 = ~c/(αme c 2 ) = 197.3 × 137/0.511 fm = 50Å is πa02 . The inverse collision rate is −1 nh πa02 vH = 3000 1 cm−3 nH r 100 K yr. T An H atom in the upper level (electron and proton spins aligned) spontaneously decays with a halflife of 11 Myr. Since the energy difference corresponding to 21 cm emission is much smaller than T , collisions drive the abundances of the two states to equilibrium. The population ratio upper/lower is 3. So the emission rate of 21 cm radiation is (3/44)nH photons per Myr, independent of T . J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Dust Absorption Dust is about 1% of the interstellar mass, primarily in the form of silicates and carbon with sizes rd ∼ 0.1µm. For radiation with wavelengths smaller than this size, absorption and scattering are quite efficient, so the effective cross section is πrd2 . Long wavelength light is scattered less efficiently, κ ∝ λ−1 , leading to preferential removal of blue light and reddenning. The number density nd of dust grains is .01 × 3nH mH nd md = 0.01nH mH , nd = 4πρd rd3 which is about 4 × 10−12 cm−3 if ρd ∼ 1 g cm−3 . For uniformly distributed dust, the flux is diminished with path length: rd dFλ Fλ 2 −1 = −κρFλ = − , ` = nd πrd ' 300 pc dx ` 0.1µm with ` the mean free path. Thus, for a path length x ' `, Fλ is decreased by a factor e. The column density of hydrogen over a path length x is n x H 21 NH = nH x = 3 × 10 cm−2 . 1 cm−3 1 kpc J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Galactic and Sky Coordinates Sun-centered J.M. Lattimer Galactic-centered AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Other Galaxies 100 LMW , 300 kpc 10 LMW , 30 kpc 0.1 LMW J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Galaxy Photometry Surface brightness IBP (x), measured in LBP pc−2 or magBP arcsec−2 . Observed area on galaxy is D 2 , distance to galaxy is d, α2 = (D/d)2 is angular area observed on sky. IBP (x) = Sky emission Las Palma LBP (x)/4πd 2 FBP (x) = 2 α (D/d)2 which is independent of d! Centers of galaxies: IB ≈ 18 mag arcsec−2 = 4000LB pc−2 or IR ≈ 16 mag arcsec−2 . Galactic discs have IB ∼ 27 mag arsec−2 ∼ 1 LB pc−2 . For comparison, the background brightness of the night sky is about IB = 22.7 mag arsec−2 . J.M. Lattimer Sky emission Mauna Kea AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Numbers of Galaxies Number of galaxies between luminosities L and L + dL (Schechter function): α −L n∗ L exp dL Φ(L)dL = L∗ L∗ L∗ For the bandpass BJ , α ∼ −0.5, n∗ = 0.02h3 Mpc−3 ' 0.007 Mpc−3 , L∗ ' 9 × 109 h−2 L ' 2 × 1010 L . α ≤ −1, total number RFor ∞ Φ(L)dL → ∞ for L → 0. L The luminosity density in each luminosity interval dL is ρL (L) = Φ(L)L which peaks near L∗ . The total luminosity density is Z Φ(M) ρM (M) ∞ Φ(L)LdL = n∗ L∗ Γ(α + 2) ' 2 × 108 h L Mpc−3 . ρL = 0 For the K band, ρL ' 6 × 108 h L Mpc−3 . J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Hubble’s Law Vr = H0 d, d =h −1 Vr 100 km s−1 Mpc, h= H0 100 km s−1 Mpc−1 When d determined from Vr , L ∝ h−2 , M ∝ Vr2 d ∝ h−1 . n ∝ h3 , Brightest galaxies in rich clusters Vr = H0 d + Vpec dm = 5d log z V 10 Vr ' cz J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 d = 3h−1 z Gpc Cosmic Parameters Hubble time tH = 1 = 9.78h−1 Gyr H0 Age of universe in the standard model (ΩΛ = 0.7, Ωm = 0.3) tH = 0.964 = 9.43h−1 Gyr H0 Critical density ρcrit (now) = 3H02 = 1.9 × 10−29 h2 g cm−3 = 2.8 × 1011 h2 M Mpc−3 8πG J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 The Big Bang I Planck epoch: t < 10−43 s GR predicts gravitational singularity before this, but quantum effects prevent it. I Grand unification epoch: 10−43 s < t < 10−36 s Gravitation separates from the fundamental gauge interactions I Inflationary epoch: 10−36 s < t < 10−32 s Universe flattened by homogenous, isotropic rapid expansion, triggered by separation of strong force from electroweak forces, resulting in a primordial spectrum of nearly scale-invariant fluctuations. Potential energy of the inflation field decays into a hot, relativistic plasma. I Electroweak epoch: 10−36 s < t < 10−12 s Production of W and Z bosons and Higgs bosons. I Baryogenesis Universe becomes asymmetric with respect to baryons and anti-baryons. Why? J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 The Big Bang I Quark epoch: 10−12 s < t < 10−6 s Fundamental particles acquire mass (Higgs mechanism), quarks too hot to bind into hadrons I Hadron epoch: 10−6 s < t < 1 s Quark-gluon plasma cools and hadrons form, neutrinos decouple. I Lepton epoch: 1 s< t < 10 s Majority of hadrons and anti-hadrons annihilate, leaving leptons and anti-leptons to dominate mass, which themselves finally annihilate. Small residues of hadrons and leptons survive. I Photon epoch: 10 s< t < 0.38 Myr Universe energy dominated by photons I Nucleosynthesis: 3 m< t <20 m Protons and neutrons fuse, neutrons decay, forming D and He, Li, and Be isotopes. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Nucleosynthesis Neutrons are more massive than protons by 1.293 MeV, resulting in a proton excess: n/p = e −(1.293 MeV/kT ) . Neutrinos decouple at t = 1 s, T = 0.8 MeV. Neutrons freeze out with n/p ≈ 1/5. Neutrons have a finite lifetime, τn ' 886 s. After 20 minutes, when fusion terminates, only 1/4 are left. These become bound in He nuclei. Therefore n/p = 1/7 and He/H=1/12. By mass, Y /X = 1/3. Y is insensitive to nB , but D/H is very sensitive. D forms easily, but He requires weak interactions. If nB is relatively small, D/H becomes large. If nB is relatively large, D/H becomes small. Thus, D/H is a sensitive measure of ΩB . J.M. Lattimer Abundances of other light nuclei like 3 He, 6 Li and 7 Li can also be used to estimate nB . The estimates of all but 7 Li converge on 0.02 < ΩB h2 < 0.025. AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 The Big Bang I I Matter domination: t < 0.07 Myr Jeans length falls below fluctuation masses and smallest structures form. Cold dark matter dominates (but when did that form?). Recombination: t = 0.38 Myr Protons and electrons form neutral H, opacity decreases, photons decouple and form the CMB. Now redshifted by factor 1 + z ≈ 1100 to 2.73 K. J.M. Lattimer I Dark ages: 150 Myr < t < 500 Myr Only emitted radiation is 21 cm. I Structure formation, reionization: 500 Myr< t < 1 Gyr Quasars and Pop III stars (not yet observed) form and re-ionize surroundings. Sub-galactic object with z = 10.2, t = 480 Myr, observed Jan 2011. Star-forming galaxies observed at t = 500 Myr. AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 The CMB fluctuations The small fluctuations in the CMB remaining after subtraction of the Doppler effect are acoustic oscillations due to a competition between the gravitational attraction of the baryons and the smoothing of photons. The angular scale of the first peak depends on the curvature of the universe. The next peak depends on nB . The third peak depends on the dark matter density. They depend on ΩΛ and ΩB . ΩΛ = 0.7, Ωm = 0.3 ΩΛ = 0.85, Ωm = 0.15 ΩΛ = 0, Ωm = 0.3 J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 The CMB and the Sun The radiation from the CMB is far larger than that from the extragalactic background at IR, optical, UV, X-ray and γ-ray energies. The CMB is uniform to within 1 part in 105 with the exception (besides the annual motion of the Earth about the Sun) of a dipole anisotropy in the direction ` = 265◦ , b = 48◦ , with an amplitude of 0.1% (hottest in that direction). The higher temperature represents a Doppler blue shift V T (θ) = TCMB 1 + cos θ . c This gives V = 370 km s−1 . After correction for the solar motion in the Galaxy and the Milky Way’s motion relative to nearby galaxies, one has Vpec ≈ 600 km s−3 . The origin of this large motion is not understood. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Slide with two columns: items and a graphic I First item Insert graphic here J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Slide with two columns: items and a graphic I First item I Second item Insert graphic here J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1 Slide with two columns: items and a graphic I First item I Second item I ... Insert graphic here J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 1