Boston College Experience Participation Agreement I. General Information Concerning Child Name of Student: _________________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/_____ (Print Last, First, Middle) (MM/DD/YYYY) II. Parent or Guardian Information: Name of Responsible Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________________ Does this person speak English? Yes No If no, please list preferred languages ____________________________________________________ Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: (_____) ____ - ________ Business Phone: (_____) ____ - ________ Mobile Phone: (____) ____ - ________ III. Emergency Contact Information: Name of Emergency Contact: _____________________________________________________________ Does this person speak English? Yes No If no, please list preferred languages ____________________________________________________ Relation to Student: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Work address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: (_____) ____ - ________ Business Phone: (_____) ____ - ________ Mobile Phone: (____) ____ - ________ IV. Health Insurance Information: Health Insurance Company: ______________________________________________________________ Policy Identification Number: ____________________________________________________________ PLEASE ATTACH PHOTOCOPY OF INSURANCE CARD (BOTH SIDES) V. Health Information A. Allergies. Is your child allergic to any of the following? Medications: Yes/No (circle): If yes please explain: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Food: Yes/No (circle): If yes please explain: _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Insect Bites: Yes/No (circle): If yes please explain: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ B. Medications: Please List all medications your child is currently taking, including epi-pen, inhaler or insulin injection (add separate sheet if needed): Medication Dose Frequency Reason 1._______________________ ______________ _______________________ ____________________ 2._______________________ ______________ _______________________ ____________________ 3._______________________ ______________ _______________________ ____________________ PLEASE NOTE: The Program staff prefers whenever possible that medication be administered outside of Program hours, under the supervision of a parent or guardian. If medications need to be administered during program hours, please sign the appropriate authorization below: □ I hereby authorize Program staff to administer to my child the following medication(s): ____________________________________________________________________________. I understand that medications must be delivered to the program staff in original containers bearing the name of my child, the prescribing doctor, directions for use, and showing the number of tablets or capsules, as appropriate. No medication will be accepted in bags separate from the original container. I acknowledge that the medication will be administered by a supervisor who is not a licensed health care professional. Name of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________ (Print Last, First, Middle) Signature: ____________________________ Date: _________________________________ □ I hereby authorize my child to self-administer his or her epi-pen, inhaler, or insulin when he or she requires it during program hours. Name of Parent or Guardian: ________________________________________ (Print Last, First, Middle) Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________________________ C. History: Please attach a list of all significant past or current medical surgical or mental health conditions, including hospitalizations. VI. Student Participation Agreement The Boston College Experience has been modeled off of the lived experiences of Boston College undergraduate students. We have taken great care to provide a variety of opportunities for students to engage in the Boston College and greater Boston communities. Some components of the program are required as outlined by our Community Expectations since we have invested a significant amount of time and money to plan these activities. Several components of the program are optional to provide the opportunity for students to plan their own schedule and ensure time for completing coursework. Program participants are expected to attend all required activities as requested by program staff members as well as to abide by all university and program policies as outlined by the university Student Guide ( and the BCE Community Expectations ( ). Failure to attend required programs without express written permission, missing class, or violation of university and/or program policies may result in dismissal from the program without refund. I also understand that pictures or video may be taken at program activities and hereby consent and release Boston College from any liability or claim whatsoever, now and hereafter arising, with respect to the use of photographs of the undersigned in any Boston College publication and publicity materials, including the internet. Signing this form indicates that program participants and parents/guardians have read and agree to the terms of this agreement for participation in the Boston College Experience. Student Name: _____________________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________________ VII. Parental Consent and Release I understand that participation by my child in the Boston College program named above involves a certain degree of risk. I also understand that participation in the Program is entirely voluntary and requires participants to abide by applicable rules and standards of conduct. Violation of university and/or program policies may result in dismissal from the program without refund. In case of an emergency involving my child, I understand that effort will be made to contact me or the individual listed as the emergency contact person. In the event that neither me nor the emergency contact person can be reached, permission is hereby given to the medical provider selected by those in charge of the Program to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for my child. Medical providers are authorized to disclose protected health information to the supervisors of the Program, and/or any physician or health care provider involved in providing medical care to my child, including examination findings, test results, and treatment provided for purposes of medical evaluation of the participant, follow-up and communication with the me, and/or determination of my child’s ability to continue in the Program activities. I have carefully considered the risk involved and give consent for my child to participate in these activities. I approve the sharing of the information on this form with program administrators and professionals who need to know of medical situations that might require special consideration for the safety of my child. I also understand that pictures or video may be taken at program activities and hereby consent and release Boston College from any liability or claim whatsoever, now and hereafter arising, with respect to the use of photographs of my child in any Boston College publication and publicity materials, including the internet. I release the Boston College, its employees and volunteers, including, without limitation, those persons having responsibility for the Program from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________________ Name of Parent or Guardian: _______________________________________________ Boston College Athletic Association Waiver of Liability Boston College Summer Session __________________________________ Organization/Name of Responsible Person 140 Commonwealth Ave. __________________________________________________ Address 617-552-3800 __________________________________________________ Phone Number BCE - Access to exercise facilities __________________________________________________ Activity __________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant __________________________________________________ Date For BCE Staff Use Only General Insurance Release In consideration of the use of Boston College Athletic Facilities (“User”) understands that User assumes the risk of using these facilities and shall indemnify Boston College for all damages caused by User, its representatives, employees, agents, and assignees. Any personal property that User brings to Boston College is a User’s sole risk and is not the responsibility of Boston College. User releases Boston College from any liability for loss, damage, or theft of such property. Further, User shall reimburse Boston College for any loss, expense, repairs, or damages to Boston College property resulting from the use of said property. User agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Boston College, its trustees, officers, employees, and students, from any and all claims, suits, actions, and liability including legal and defense cost arising, or alleged to arise, out of injuries or damages sustained by any persons, person, or property (including without limitation claims based on alleged defamation or on infringement of rights to copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property) on account of, or in consequence of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct, or in violation of any law, ordinance, or regulation, by the undersigned, its representatives, employees, agents, and assignees, which was caused to occur during user’s use of Boston College facilities. Print Name of Student Student Signature Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian Signature _________________ _________________________________ __________________ ____________________________