Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D.

Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Hispanic Ministry and Religious Education
Boston College – School of Theology and Ministry
Boston College
School of Theology and Ministry - STM
140 Commonwealth Ave.
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3800
Work phone: 617-552-0119
Email: ospinoho@bc.edu
Updated: June 2015
Ospino, Hosffman, Hispanic Ministry in Catholic Parishes: A Summary Report of Findings from the
National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry. Bilingual edition: English and Spanish.
Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Press, 2015.
Ospino, Hosffman, ed., Hispanic Ministry in the Twenty-First Century: Present and Future. Miami, FL:
Convivium Press, 2010.
Editorial Reviews:
- Catholic News Service, (January 30, 2012): available online. Reviewed by Agostino Bono.
- Interpretation: Journal of Bible and Theology, 66.3 (July 2012):341-342. Reviewed by Fernando A.
- Concordia Journal, 38.3 (Summer 2012).
- Theological Studies, 74.2 (June 2013): 525-526. Reviewed by Luis Enrique Bazan.
Ospino, Hosffman, Catholic Schools in an Increasingly Hispanic Church: A Summary Report of Findings from the
National Survey of Catholic Schools Serving Hispanic Families. Bilingual edition: English and Spanish.
Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Press, 2015 (forthcoming 2015).
Ospino, Hosffman, Elsie Miranda, and Brett Hoover, eds., Hispanic Ministry in the Twenty-First Century:
Urgent Matters. Miami, FL: Convivium Press (Forthcoming 2015).
Ospino, Hosffman, Cultural Diversity and Paradigm Shifts in Catholic Congregations. New York, NY:
Fordham University Press (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, Parishes with Hispanic Ministry. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, Teologías Prácticas: Latin@ Perspectives on Practical Theology (working title). Minneapolis,
MN: Fortress Press (signed contract; to be finished in 2016; to be subsequently published in Spanish by
Verbo Divino).
Peer Reviewed Articles
Ospino, Hosffman and Patricia Weitzel-O’Neill, “Catholic Schools Serving Hispanic Families: Insights
from the 2014 National Survey,” Journal of Catholic Education (forthcoming 2015).
Allen, Jennifer D., Sarah Rustan, Laura Tom, Bryan Leyva, Ana Galeas, Hosffman Ospino, Rosalyn
Negron, and María Idalí Torres, “Recruiting and Surveying Catholic Parishes for Cancer
Control Initiatives: Lessons Learned from the CRUZA Implementation Study,” Health Promotion
Practice (forthcoming 2015).
Rosalyn Negron; Bryan Leyva; Jennifer Allen; Hosffman Ospino; Laura Tom; Sarah Rustan,
“Leadership Networks in Catholic Parishes: Implications for Implementation Research in
Health” Social Science & Medicine (forthcoming 2015).
Allen, Jennifer D., Laura Tom, Sarah Rustan, Bryan Leyva, Rosalyn Negron, Laura Linnan, Lina
Jandorf, and Hosffman Ospino, and María Idalí Torres, “Enhancing organizational capacity to
provide cancer control programs among Latino churches: Design and baseline findings of the
CRUZA Study,” BMC Health Services Research, (2015) 15:147.
Allen, Jennifer D., Bryan Leyva, María Idalí Torres, Hosffman Ospino, Laura Tom, Sarah Rustan, and
Amanda Bartholomew, “Religious beliefs and cancer screening behaviors among Catholic
Latinos: Implications for faith-based interventions.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and
Underserved, 25. 2 (May 2014).
Allen, Jennifer D., John E. Pérez, Claudia R. Pischke, Laura S. Tom, Alan Juarez, Hosffman Ospino,
and Elizabeth Gonzalez-Suarez, “Dimensions of Religiousness and Cancer Screening Behaviors
Among Church-Going Latinas.” Journal of Religion and Health, Volume 53, Issue 1 (2014): 190203.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Religious Education and the Communal Shaping of a Christian Social
Consciousness: The Testimony of César Chávez.” Religious Education Vol. 108, issue 4 (JulySeptember 2013): 403-417.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Catechesis, Diversity, and Culture: The Importance of (Re)Definitions.” New
Theology Review, 24, n. 1 (February 2011): 5-19.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Theological Horizons for a Pedagogy of Accompaniment.” Religious Education,
Vol. 105, issue 4 (July-September 2010): 413-429.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Entre fronteras, límites y umbrales: aproximaciones teológico-prácticas a la
experiencia religiosa a partir del fenómeno migratorio.” (Between Borders, Limits and
Thresholds: Practical Theological Reflections on Religious Experience from the Perspective of
Immigration), Revista de Ciencias Religiosas, Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez,
Chile, vol. XVII (2009):37-58.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Foundations for an Intercultural Philosophy of Christian Education.” Religious
Education, May-June 2009, Vol. 104 issue 3.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Rethinking the Urban Parish in Light of the New Catholicity.” (Winner of the New
Theology Review Essay Award in Theological Reflection 2007), New Theology Review, 21, n. 1
(February 2008).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Unveiling the Human and the Divine: The Revelatory Power of Popular
Religiosity Narratives in Christian Education.” Religious Education, June 2007, Vol. 102 Issue 3.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Educating Christians to Confront Racism,” in Journal of Catholic Social Thought
3 no. 1 (Winter 2006).
Peer Reviewed Articles – In Progress
Ospino, Hosffman “Integration of Latino Immigrants in Catholic Parishes as a Gateway to Integration
into Larger Societal Structures: Emerging Insights from the 2011-2014 National Study of
Catholic of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry” (in progress).
Ospino, Hosffman, “The U.S. Latino/a Theologian as Bearer of (the) Good News,” Journal of
Hispanic/Latino Theology (under revision).
Allen, Jennifer D., Laura Tom, Sarah Rustan, Bryan Leyva, Rosalyn Negron, Hosffman Ospino,
Rosalyn, and María Idalí Torres, “An Organizational-Level Intervention to Promote Capacity
among Catholic Churches to Deliver Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs for Latinos:
Results from the CRUZA Study” (in progress).
Book Chapters
Ospino, Hosffman, “Evangelizing Latinamente: Insights and Questions from the Latino Half of the
Church in the United States.” In To All the World: Preaching and the New Evangelization, edited by
John S. Marten. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Latino Immigrants and the Redefinition of the U.S. Catholic Experience in the
Twenty-First Century,” in Migration, Transnationalism and Catholicism: Global Perspectives, edited by
Dominic Pasura and Marta Bivand Erdal. London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, “La iniciación cristiana en un ámbito intercultural,” in Iniciación cristiana en un cambio
de época. Lima, Perú: SCALA (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Hispanic Parish: Listening to the Spirit,” in The
Holy Spirit (working title), edited by Richard Lennan and Nancy Pineda-Madrid. New York:
Paulist Press (in progress).
Ospino, Hosffman, “La ministerialidad del catequista.” In Catequista, catequesis y kerigma a la luz de la
Evangelii Gaudium. Buenos Aires: ISCA, 2014.
Ospino, Hosffman, “US Latino/a Practical Theological Perspectives,” in Opening the Field of Practical
Theology, edited by Kathleen A. Cahalan and Gordon Mikoski. Lanham, MD: Rowman &
Littlefield, 2014.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Glimpses of Christian Hope Along the Migrant Journey,” in Hope: Promise,
Possibility, and Fulfillment, edited by Richard Lennan and Nancy Pineda-Madrid, 98-111. New
York: Paulist Press, 2013.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Healing Brokenness in Multicultural Communities of Faith,” in Healing God’s
People: Theological and Pastoral Approaches. A Reconciliation Reader, edited by Thomas A. Kane, 192212. New York, NY: Paulist Press, 2013.
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Bible and Catechesis.” In The Word of God and Latino Catholics: The Teachings of
The Road to Emaus, edited by Jean-Pierre Ruiz and Mario J. Paredes, 51-70. New York, NY:
American Bible Society, 2012. Also published in Spanish: “La Biblia y la catechesis.” En La
Palabra de Dios y los católicos latinos, edited by Jean-Pierre Ruiz and Mario J. Paredes, 57-77. New
York, NY: American Bible Society, 2012.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Análisis comparativo de los documentos Dei Verbum (1965), La Interpretación de
La Biblia en La Iglesia (1993) y Verbum Domini (2010): Implicaciones para la tarea catequética
de la Iglesia” (Comparative analysis of the documents Dei Verbum (1965), The Interpretation of the Bible in
the Church (1993), and Verbum Domini (2010): Implications for the Church’ Catechetical Task), 29-51. In
Palabra de Dios y Catequesis, edited by Sociedad de Catequetas Latinoamericanos. Quito, Ecuador:
SCALA, 2012.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Vocation and Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministers: Lessons and Insights from
Early Conversations about the Identity of the DRE.” In In the Name of the Church: Vocation and
Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, edited by William J. Cahoy, 73-95. Collegeville, MN:
Liturgical Press, 2012.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Hispanic Ministry, Faith Formation, and Evangelization,” in Hispanic Ministry:
Present and Future, edited by Hosffman Ospino. Miami, FL: Convivium Press, 2010.
Ospino, Hosffman and Elsie Miranda, “Hispanic Ministry and Leadership Faith Formation,” in Hispanic
Ministry: Present and Future, edited by Hosffman Ospino. Miami, FL: Convivium Press, 2010.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Latino Catholics in New England,” in Andrés Torres, ed., Latino New England:
Trends and Issues, 203-221. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2006.
Other Academic Publications
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Catholic School in the Secular State: United States Perspectives.” In Religion
and Public Policy: A German-American Comparison. Edited by the American Institute for
Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University, 43-50. Washington, DC: AICGS,
2008. Available online at: http://www.aicgs.org/documents/pubs/germanamerican9.pdf
Book Reviews
Ospino, Hosffman. Review of Creating Ourselves: African Americans and Hispanic Americans on Popular
Culture and Religious Expression, by Anthony B. Pinn and Benjamín Valentín, eds. BTI Magazine 10. n.1
(Fall 2010): 18.
Ospino, Hosffman, ed., In the Land of Jesus: Meditations. South Bend, IN: Corby Publishing (forthcoming
Ospino, Hosffman, Catechesis and Cultural Diversity. The Essential Catechist’s Bookshelf series. New
London, CT: Twenty-Third Publications (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, Evangelización y catequesis en el ministerio hispano: Guía para la formación en la fe. Liguori,
MO: Liguori Press, 2013.
Ospino, Hosffman, Peter’s Catechism: Who Do You Say that I am? Why Did You Doubt? Do You Love Me?,
Liguori, MO: Liguori Press. Spanish version: El catecismo de Pedro: ¿Quién Dices Que Soy Yo? ¿Por
Qué Dudas? ¿Me Amas? (2011).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Hispanic Families: Encouraging a Culture of Vocation” HORIZON, Journal of the
National Religious Vocation Conference (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Overview of Disciples Called to Witness: The New Evangelization.” In
The Liturgy Documents, vol. 5. Chicago, IL: Liturgical Training Publications (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Overview of Evangelii Nuntiandi, On Evangelization in the Modern World.” In
The Liturgy Documents, vol. 5. Chicago, IL: Liturgical Training Publications (forthcoming).
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Reception of Vatican II among Religious Educators in the American
Continent—North, Central, and South: A Few Thoughts on Context” Catechetical Leader
Magazine (in process).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Engaging Hispanic Youth.” Pastoral Liturgy, 45, n.5 (September/October
2014): 9-13.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Popular Catholicism and the New Evangelization.” Pastoral Liturgy, 45, n. 4
(July/August 2014): 15-19.
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Church’s Changing Face,” Our Sunday Visitor, In Focus, May 18, 2014, 9-12.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Hispanic Catechists and Evangelizers Share the ‘Joy of the Gospel.’” The Pilot,
Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Newspaper, April 14, 2014.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Talking about the New Evangelization in the Catholic School” Today’s Catholic
Teacher, 42, 3 (November/December 2013): 42-46.
Ospino, Hosffman, “El catecismo: una guía a la sinfonía de la fe en clave católica.” Article
commissioned by the USCCB Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis, included in the
Catechetical Sunday Kit for the year 2013.
Ospino, Hosffman, “The U.S. Hispanic Catholic Experience and the New Evangelization:
Considerations.” Pastoral Liturgy, 44, n. 4 (September/October 2013): 9-15.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Wisdom from the Church in Latin America on the New Evangelization.” Pastoral
Liturgy, 44, n. 3 (July/August 2013): 4-10.
Ospino, Hosffman, “The New Evangelization in a Culturally Diverse Church: Culture Matters.” Pastoral
Liturgy, 44, n. 3 (May/June 2013): 4-9.
Ospino, Hosffman, “U.S. Latinos and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition.” Boston College, C21 Resources,
(Spring 2013): 30-31.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Bearing Witness: Latinos on the Path to Canonization.” Catholic Extension
Magazine, (November 2012): 26-31.
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Ministry of Catechetical Leaders in Pluricultural Parishes.” Catechetical Leader
Magazine, 23, n. 4 (July 2012): 6-10.
Ospino, Hosffman, “We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe.” Catechetical Leader Magazine, 22, n. 2
(July 2011): 13, 28.
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Eucharist: Source and Fulfillment of Catechetical Teaching.” Article
commissioned by the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) for its 75th
Annual Meeting in 2011. Catechetical Leader Magazine, 22, n. 1 (June 2011): 4-9.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Del hogar al templo y del templo al hogar: El papel de los padres de familia en la
formación litúrgica de los hijos.” Article commissioned by the USCCB Secretariat of
Evangelization and Catechesis, included in the Catechetical Sunday Kit for the year 2011.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Cultural Awareness in Religious Education.” Article in the Teacher’s Guide of the
Credo Series for High School Religion, edited by Thomas H. Groome (2011)
Ospino, Hosffman, “Why Catholics Must Know Our Faith,” in The Pilot, Archdiocese of Boston
Catholic Newspaper, 181, n. 41 (October 22, 2010): 19.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Facing Change,” in U.S. Catholic Magazine, Vol. 75, n. 6, June 2010.
- Reprinted in Boston College, C21 Resources, (Fall 2013): 30-34.
Ospino, Hosffman, “The Tapestry of Life: A World Woven in Culture,” in Liguorian Magazine, Vol. 98,
n. 8, October 2009.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Popular Catholicism and Faith Formation,” in C21 Resources, leading theme:
Growing Faith for a Vibrant Church, The Church in the 21st Century Center, Boston College,
fall 2009.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Cuán dulces son tus palabras: catequesis y la Palabra de Dios” [How Sweet Are Your
Words: Catechesis and the Word of God],” in The Pilot, Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Newspaper,
October 25, 2008.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Catechesis and Ministry Today: Hispanic Perspectives,” in The Pilot, Archdiocese
of Boston Catholic Newspaper, November 17, 2007.
Ospino, Hosffman, “Forming the Family as Domestic Church,” in Today’s Parish Minister, Twenty-Third
Publications, 39 no. 1 (January, 2007).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Sobre la Universalidad de Cristo” (On the Universality of Christ), in Revista
Cultura, Confederación Nacional Católica de Educación CONACED, Colombia, 39 no. 212
(March-April 2006).
Ospino, Hosffman, “Cultural Diversity and Catechesis,” in The Pilot, Archdiocese of Boston Catholic
Newspaper, November 18, 2005.
Ospino, Hosffman, “One Spirit, Many Languages: Sharing Faith in the Midst of Linguistic Diversity,”
in The Pilot, Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Newspaper, November 19, 2004.