Faculty Scholarship and Professional Service Annual Report

Faculty Scholarship and
Professional Service
Annual Report
Annual Report
Academic Year 2014-2015
The College of Education is one of nine colleges and schools of the University of South Alabama.
Founded on February 1, 1967, the College serves approximately 1,829 graduate and undergraduate
students. With a total annual budget exceeding 14 million dollars, the College is able to support a broad
array of degree programs. The College is nationally accredited by the National Council for the
Accreditation of Teacher Education, our educator preparation programs are accredited by the Alabama
State Department of Education, our doctoral program in Clinical and Counseling Programs are accredited
by the American Psychological Association, and our Counseling Programs are accredited by the Council
for the Accreditation of Counseling and related Educational Programs.
Our mission is to provide the highest level of leadership in furthering education, life-long learning,
and well-being for all citizens of Alabama as members of a global community.
Our vision is to become an exemplar for preparing high-quality professionals who are committed
to maximizing the potential of every citizen to participate fully in a global community.
Recognizing that faculty members often collaborate on scholarly activities, the data are presented
by the number of faculty members participating in each activity and by the number of resulting
Books/Book Chapters/Monographs Published
Community Service
Conference Proceedings Published
Journal Articles Published
Professional Leadership/Positions/Offices
Professional Presentations
Publications: Reports, Reviews, Newsletter
Sponsored Research
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
The Department offers undergraduate programs in physical education, exercise science, health
education, and leisure studies, and graduate programs in physical education, health education,
and exercise science. Leisure Studies concentrations are available in Therapeutic Recreation
and Sport and Recreation Management.
Mr. Randy Anastasio
Ms. Alexandra F. Barter
Dr. Mary Ellen Broach
Dr. Brooke Forester
Dr. Larry R. Gurchiek
Dr. Shelley L. Holden
Dr. Christopher M. Keshock
Dr. John E. Kovaleski
Dr. Shawn Mitchell
Dr. Phillip Norrell
Ms. Aleesha S. Palombo
Dr. Steven F. Pugh
Dr. Neil Schwarz
Dr. Micheil Spillane
Mr. Mitchell Woltring
Senior Instructor
Senior Instructor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Professor and Chair
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Senior Instructor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Book Chapters
Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., & Holden, S. L. (2014). In O. Budzinski & A.
Feddersen (Eds.), Gridiron games: A case analysis of turf war issues and
the economic, social, cultural, and political incentives for government
subsidization. 14(pp. 233-248). Frankfurt, Germany: Political Economics
Competition and Regulation: Contemporary Research in Sports
Economics /Peter Lang International Academic Publishers.
Kovaleski, J. E. (2015). In P. McKeon & E. Wikstrom (Eds.), How much should I
be concerned about persistent laxity associated with the lateral ankle
ligaments? Quick questions in ankle sprains: Expert advice in sports
medicine (pp. 165-179). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Publishing.
Refereed Journal Articles
Botsis, A. E., & Holden, S. L. (2015). Nutritional knowledge of college coaches.
Sport Science Review, XXIV(3-4), 193-200.
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Forester, B. E. (2015). Big league help: funding opportunities and strategies for
athletic programs. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators,
28(5), 6.
Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., & Pugh, S. F. (2014). Athlete
burnout: Is the type of sport a factor? The Sport Journal.
Holden, S. L., & Norrell, P. M. (2014). The deep fried south: A literary analysis of
nutritional knowledge of students and adults in Alabama. Education,
134(3), 195-201.
Keshock, C. M., & Adkins, M. (2014). Student retention practices: a comparative
case study of public and private school initiatives. Review of Higher
Education and Self-Learning Journal, 7(24), 94-99.
Schwarz, N. A., Spillane, M. B., McKinley, S. K., Andre, T. L., Gann, J. J., &
Willoughby, D. S. (2015). Acute myosin heavy chain isoform mRNA
expression in response to two resistance exercise intensities with equal
volume load in resistance-trained men. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research.
Spillane, M. B., Schwarz, N. A., & Willoughby, D. S. (2014). Heavy resistance
training and peri-exercise ingestion of a multi-ingredient ergogenic
nutritional supplement in males: effects on body composition, muscle
performance, and markers of muscle protein synthesis. Journal of Sports
Science and Medicine, 13, 894-903.
Spillane, M. B., Schwarz, N. A., & Willoughby, D. S. (2015). Upper-body
resistance exercise augments vastus lateralis androgen receptor-DNA
binding and canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling compared to lowerbody resistance exercise in resistance-trained men without an acute
increase in serum testosterone. Steroids, 98, 63-71.
Non-Refereed Journal Articles
Holden, S. L. (2015). Nutritional options while on the road. Performance
Baseball/ Softball Conditioning, 14(3), 10-11.
Holden, S. L. (2014). Nutritional options while on the road. Performance
Volleyball Conditioning, 19(6), 8-9.
Holden, S. L. (2015). Nutritional options while on the road. Soccer Performance
Conditioning, 19(4), 13-14.
Holden, S. L., & Keshock, C. M. (2014). Creating a daily nutritional plan.
Performance Volleyball Conditioning, 19(5), 8-10.
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Church, D., Schwarz, N. A., Spillane, M. B., McKinley, S., Andre, T., Stout, J., …
Willoughby, D. (2015). L-Leucine increases skeletal muscle IGF-1 peptide
but has no effect on Akt/mTOR signaling in response to resistance
exercise in trained men [Abstract]. The FASEB Journal, 29(1
Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., & Heitman, R. J. (2014). In S.
Chen (Ed.), High school coaches’ continuing education delivery
preferences [Abstract]. KAHPERD Journal. 51(2) 1st ed., 9.
Kovaleski, J. E., Hoppman, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., Gurchiek, L. R., & Hollis, M.
(2014). Jump ground reaction forces and loading rates associated with
brace support in ankle complex stability [Abstract]. Journal of Athletic
Training. 4(3 Supplement), S184. http://dx.doi.org/10.4085/1062-605049.3.s1
Schwarz, N. A., Spillane, M. B., & Willoughby, D. (2015). Peroxisome proliferatoractivated γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) mRNA expression correlates highly
with mRNA expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms in
resistance-trained men [Abstract]. The FASEB Journal. 29(1
Spillane, M. B., Schwarz, N. A., & Willoughby, D. (2015). Higher-volume
resistance exercise preferentially increases androgen receptor-DNA
binding and canonical WNT/β-catenin signaling in resistance-trained men
[Abstract]. The FASEB Journal. 29(1 Supplement).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Alam, F. F., Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Lamar, A. P., & Koh, Y. (2015). The
positive effects of acute resistance exercise on blood lipid profiles in
college-aged men. International Journal of Exercise Science. 2, 7th ed.
Broach, M. E., Norrell, P. M., Mitchell, S. M., & Henderson, R. (2014). Preliminary
analysis of the effect of Aquatic Exercise (AE) on physical and quality of
life outcomes of breast cancer survivors. Aquatic Exercise Association.
Church, D., Schwarz, N. A., Spillane, M. B., McKinley, S., Andre, T., &
Willoughby, D. S. (2014). A comparison of the effects of ursolic acid and lleucine supplementation on IGF-1 receptor and AKT-mTOR signaling in
response to resistance exercise in trained men. Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition. 11(1 Supplement),19.
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., & Keshock, C. M. (2014). The Rails-to-Trails
Conservancy – Scope, impact, and Alabama's role. Cedar Falls, Iowa:
World Leisure Congress. 63.
Keshock, C. M., & Adkins, M. (2014). In D. King & K. Burris (Eds.), University
student retention practices: a comparative case study of public and
private school initiatives. Nashville, TN: International Handbook of
Academic Research and Teaching, 34, 221-224.
Keshock, C. M., & Forester, B. E. (2014). The USAbilities Project and the WLO
Legacy Initiative. Cedar Falls, Iowa: World Leisure Congress. 55-56.
Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., & Holden, S. L. (2014). Event attendees and
sponsorship target market matching: an analysis of an event festival.
Cedar Falls, Iowa: World Leisure Congress. 76.
Kovaleski, J. E., Liu, W., Wilt, M. J., Hoppmann, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., &
Gurchiek, L. R. (2014). Does type of ankle brace affect performance in
jumping and jump phase ground reaction forces and loading rates?
National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Lamar, A. P., Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Alam, F. F., & Koh, Y. (2015). Changes
in creatine phosphokinase isoenzymes after varying levels of resistance
exercise. International Journal of Exercise Science. 2, 7th ed.
Millner, V. S., Shelley-Tremblay, J. F., Broach, M. E., & Norrell, P. M. (2015).
Daily flow state and math performance during an early entrance exercise
and math program for underskilled first-time college freshmen. World
Leisure Congress.
Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Willoughby, D. S., & Koh, Y. (2015). Role of highintensity resistance exercise in vascular inflammation in recreationally
trained men. International Journal of Exercise Science. 2, 7th ed.
Externally Funded
Keshock, C. M. (Principal), "Mobile County Sportsplex Feasibility Study,"
Sponsored by Mobile County Commission, Local, $6,000.00. (October
2013 - Present).
Keshock, C. M. (Principal), "Senior Bowl 2015 Event Analysis," Sponsored by
Senior Bowl, Private, $4,000.00. (January 2015 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Alam, F. F., Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Lamar, A. P., & Koh, Y., American College of
Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "The Effects of Resistance Exercise at Different
Intensity on Blood Lipid Profiles in Men," American College of Sports Medicine,
San Diego, CA. (May 27, 2015).
Alam, F. F., Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Lamar, A. P., & Koh, Y., Texas American
College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "The Positive Effects of Acute
Resistance Exercise on Blood Lipid Profiles in College-Aged Men," Texas
American College of Sports Medicine, Austin, TX. (February 26, 2015).
Banhidi, M., & Broach, M. E., World Leisure Congress, "Preliminary Findings from an
International Youth Survey on Leisure," Mobile, AL. (September 9, 2014).
Botsis, A., & Holden, S. L., 22nd Annual Research Forum, "Nutrition Knowledge of
College Coaches," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (March 17, 2015).
Broach, M. E., American Therapeutic Recreation Association Midyear Congress,
"Aquatic Justification," Manchester, NH. (March 7, 2015).
Broach, M. E., Mississippi Park and Recreation State Conference, "Aquatic Therapy
Practice and Principles," Biloxi, MS. (October 8, 2014).
Broach, M. E., Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services Workshop, "Introduction
to Therapeutic Recreation," Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services,
Mobile, AL. (July 30, 2014).
Broach, M. E., International Aquatic Therapy Symposium, "Preliminary Analysis of the
Effect of Aquatic Exercise (AE) on Physical and Quality of Life Outcomes of
Breast Cancer Survivors," Research Forum, Sanabel, FL. (June 29, 2014).
Broach, M. E., Millner, V. S., & Shelley-Tremblay, J. F., World Leisure Congress, "Daily
Flow State and Performance during and Early Entrance Exercise and Math
Program for Underskilled First Time Freshman," Mobile, AL. (September 8,
Broach, M. E., Norrell, P. M., Mitchell, S. M., & Henderson, R., International Aquatic
Therapy Symposium, "Facilitating Positive Emotions as a Health-Related
Outcome," Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Sanabel, FL. (June 30,
Church, D. D., Schwarz, N. A., Spillane, M. B., McKinley, S., Andre, T., Stout, J. R. …
Willoughby, D. S., Experimental Biology, "L-Leucine Increases Skeletal Muscle
IGF-1 Peptide but Has No Effect on AKT/mTOR Signaling in Response to
Resistance Exercise in Trained Men," American Physiological Society, Boston,
MA. (March 30, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Church, D., Schwarz, N. A., Spillane, M. B., McKinley, S., Andre, T., & Willoughby, D. S.,
Eleventh International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expo,
"A Comparison of the Effects of Ursolic Acid and l-leucine Supplementation on
IGF-1 Receptor and AKT-mTOR Signaling in Response to Resistance Exercise
in Trained Men," International Society of Sports Nutrition, Clearwater Beach, FL.
(June 20, 2014).
Crow, A., & Broach, M. E., World Leisure Congress, "Rights and Risks of Recreational
Cycling: A Study on Experiences of Cycling," Mobile, AL. (September 8, 2014).
Fischer, A., Perez, M., Vawda, R., Klijs, L., & Broach, M. E., World Leisure Congress,
"Young People's Book on Leisure: Student Perspective," Mobile, AL. (September
9, 2014).
Forester, B. E., Southern Sport Management Conference, "Should Sport and Politics
Mix? Exploring the Effects of Head Coach and Star Player Political Engagement
on Sport Consumer Revenge and Avoidance," Southern Sport Management
Association, Baton Rouge, LA (LSU). (February 20, 2015).
Forester, B. E., Southern Sport Management Conference, "Sport as Political Arena:
Investigating the Effects of Professional Sport Team Political Engagement on
Sport Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors," Southern Sport Management
Association, Baton Rouge, LA (LSU). (February 20, 2015).
Forester, B. E., Alabama Recreation and Parks Association Professional Development
Workshop, "Park Funding Opportunities from Corporate America," Alabama
Recreation and Parks Association, Gulf Shores, AL. (September 4, 2014).
Forester, B. E., 2014 Summer Physical Education and Health Conference, "Creative
Funding Opportunities for Physical Education Teachers & Coaches," Alabama
Sports Festival Foundation, Columbia, AL. (August 1, 2014).
Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., & Keshock, C. M., World Leisure Congress 2014, "Railsto-Trails Conservancy – Scope, Impact, and Alabama’s Role," World Leisure
Organization, Mobile, AL. (September 11, 2014).
Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., & Keshock, C. M., 2014 National Coaching Conference,
"High School Coaches' Continuing Education: Content Preferences," American
Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Washington,
D.C. (June 20, 2014).
Forester, B. E., Magnusen, M., Kim, J. W., & Ordones, G., 22nd Annual Research
Forum, "Should Sport and Politics Mix? Exploring the Effects of Head Coach and
Star Player Political Engagement on Sport Consumer Revenge and Avoidance,"
University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (March 17, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Holden, S. L., Increased Mastery and Professional Application of Coaching Theory
Workshop, "IMPACT Coaches Training," United States Volleyball Association,
Mobile, AL. (March 12, 2015).
Holden, S. L., NCAA Beach Volleyball Championships, "Nutrition for Beach Athletes and
Coaches," United States Volleyball Association, Gulf Shores, AL. (April 20,
Holden, S. L., The American Volleyball Coaches Association National Conference,
"Nutrition 201: Fueling for Sand Excellence," United States Volleyball
Association, Oklahoma City, OK. (December 20, 2014).
Holden, S. L., The American Volleyball Coaches Association National Conference,
"Nutrition 101: Fueling for Indoor Volleyball Athletes," United States Volleyball
Association, Oklahoma City, OK. (December 19, 2014).
Holden, S. L., The American Volleyball Coaches Association National Conference,
"Nutrition 101: Fueling for Sand Volleyball Players," United States Volleyball
Association, Oklahoma City, OK. (December 18, 2014).
Holden, S. L., Increased Mastery and Professional Application of Coaching Theory
Workshop, "IMPACT Coaches Training," United States Volleyball Association,
Pensacola, FL. (December 10, 2014).
Holden, S. L., Increased Mastery and Professional Application of Coaching Theory
Workshop, "IMPACT Coaches Training," United States Volleyball Association,
Mobile, AL. (December 4, 2014).
Holden, S. L., Alabama Recreation and Parks Association Annual Workshop, "Healthy
and Profitable Concession Stands," Alabama Parks and Recreation Association,
Gulf Shores, AL. (September 4, 2014).
Holden, S. L., NCAA Beach Volleyball Championships, "Nutrition for Beach Athletes and
Coaches," United States Volleyball Association, Gulf Shores, AL. (May 1, 2014).
Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., Pugh, S. F., & Heitman, R. J., Shape
America National Convention, "Burnout and Years of Sports Competition: A
Follow Up Study," SHAPE, Seattle, Washington. (March 20, 2015).
Holden, S. L., Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., Pugh, S. F., & Heitman, R. J., 22nd
Annual Research Forum, "Athlete Burnout and Years of Competition: A Follow
Up Study," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (March 17, 2015).
Holden, S. L., Pugh, S. F., Forester, B. E., & Keshock, C. M., ASAHPERD Spring
Conference, "Beach Volleyball vs. Indoor Volleyball: How are the Different?,"
ASAHPERD, Gulf Shores, AL. (April 17, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Keshock, C. M., Alabama Park and Recreation Association Annual Conference, "Legal
Liability and Negligence Awareness of Park and Recreation Sport Programs,"
Alabama Park and Recreation Association, Orange Beach, AL. (September 4,
Keshock, C. M., Alabama Physical Education and Health Conference, "Unsafe Physical
Activity Environments: Legal Liability and Negligence," Alabama Department of
Education, Columbiana, AL. (August 1, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., International Player and Parent Workshop, "Intercollegiate and
Professional Baseball Recruitment and Signing," World Boy's International
Baseball Tournament, Honolulu, HI. (August 2014).
Keshock, C. M., Presentation to WKRG General Manager and Broadcast Administrators,
"The Economics of Community Events and BayFest Music Festival," WKRG
News 5, Television Station Headquarters, Mobile, AL. (July 1, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., Presentation to Senior Editor & Staff Lagniappe, "Event Economic
Impact and Government Subsidization of Events," Lagniappe Newspaper,
Lagniappe Headquarters, Mobile, AL. (June 30, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., Alabama Media Group Economic Impact Methodology, "Misapplications
of Event Economic Impact," Alabama Media Group, Press-Register Building,
Mobile, AL. (June 25, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., Fox 10 TV Media Presentation General Manager & Staff, "Event
Economics and Sponsorship Benefits," WFNA-TV Fox Ten, Mobile TV Station
Headquarters, Mobile, AL. (June 23, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., WEAR TV Media Presentation General Manager & Staff, "Event
Economics and Destination Marketing," WEAR Channel 15 TV, Mobile TV
Station Headquarters, Mobile, AL.. (June 23, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., Mobile Mayor and City Council Presentation, "Impact of Mobile
Community Events," BayFest, Mobile, AL. (May 6, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., & Forester, B. E., World Leisure Congress International Conference,
"The USA Abilities Facility Project and the WLO Legacy Initiative," World Leisure
Congress, Mobile, AL. (September 8, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., Forester, B. E., & Holden, S. L., World Leisure Congress International
Conference, "Event Attendees and Target Market Matching: An Event Analysis,"
World Leisure Congress, Mobile, AL. (September 11, 2014).
Keshock, C. M., Pugh, S. F., Forester, B. E., Holden, S. L., & Mitchell, S. M., SHAPE
America Southern Division Conference, "Service Learning Benefits of Sport
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Management and Physical Education Students," SHAPE Southern District,
Atlanta, GA. (February 20, 2015).
Kovaleski, J. E., Liu, W., & Dyess, L., 7th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research
Conference, "Intra-Limb Coordination of Shoulder and Elbow Joints during Tai
Chi Exercise: Implication for Breast Cancer Survivors Upper Extremity
Rehabilitation," ACS Behavioral Research Center, Atlanta, GA. (June 18, 2014).
Kovaleski, J. E., Liu, W., Wilt, M. J., Hoppmann, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., & Gurchiek, L.
R., 2014 NSCA National Conference, "Does Type Of Ankle Brace Affect
Performance In Jumping And Jump Phase Ground Reaction Forces And Loading
Rates?," National Strength and Conditioning Association, Las Vegas, NV. (July
11, 2014).
Kovaleski, J. E., Wilt, M. J., Hoppmann, P. D., Tygielski, C. M., Gurchiek, L. R., & Hollis,
M., 2014 NATA Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium, "Jump Ground Reaction
Forces And Loading Rates Associated With Brace Support In Ankle Complex
Stability," National Athletic Trainers Association, Indianapolis, Indiana. (June 26,
Lamar, A. P., Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Alam, F. F., & Koh, Y., American College of
Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "Changes in Creatine Phosphokinase
Isoenzymes Following Resistance Exercise at Different Intensities," American
College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA. (May 27, 2015).
Lamar, A. P., Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Alam, F. F., & Koh, Y., Texas American
College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "Changes in Creatine
Phosphokinase Isoenzymes After Varying Levels of Resistance Exercise," Texas
American College of Sports Medicine, Austin, TX. (February 26, 2015).
Mitchell, S. M., Alabama AHPERD Bi-annual Conference, "The Impact of Interval
Training on Aerobic Capacity," Alabama Association for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, and Dance, Birmingham, Alabama. (November 18, 2014).
Norrell, P. M., & Holden, S. L., SHAPE America Southern District Convention, "The
Power of Teamwork for Classroom Success," SHAPE America and GAHPERD,
Atlanta, GA. (February 20, 2015).
Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Willoughby, D. S., & Koh, Y., American College of Sports
Medicine Annual Meeting, "The Effects of Different Intensities of Resistance
Exercise on Vascular Inflammatory Biomarkers in Recreationally-Trained Men,"
American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA. (May 27, 2015).
Park, J. K., Schwarz, N. A., Willoughby, D. S., & Koh, Y., Texas American College of
Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "Role of High-Intensity Resistance Exercise in
Vascular Inflammation in Recreationally Trained Men," Texas American College
of Sports Medicine, Austin, TX. (February 26, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Pugh, S. F., Holden, S. L., & Heitman, R. J., SHAPE America National Convention &
Expo, "Perceived Stress in Undergraduate Male and Female Athletes and NonAthletes," SHAPE, Seattle, WA. (March 20, 2015).
Schwarz, N. A., McKinley, S. K., Spillane, M. B., Gann, J. J., Andre, T. L., & Willoughby,
D. S., American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, "Effect of
Resistance Exercise Intensity on the mRNA Expression of PGC-1α Isoforms in
Human Skeletal Muscle," American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, CA.
(May 27, 2015).
Schwarz, N. A., Spillane, M. B., & Willoughby, D. S., Experimental Biology, "Peroxisome
Proliferator-Activated γ Coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) mRNA Expression Correlates
Highly with mRNA Expression of Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC) Isoforms in
Resistance-Trained Men," The American Physiological Society, Boston, MA.
(March 29, 2015).
Smith, K., & Holden, S. L., 22nd Annual Research Forum, "Eating Disorders and the Use
and Understanding of Nutrition Labels among the Adult Female Population,"
University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (March 17, 2015).
Spillane, M. B., Schwarz, N. A., & Willoughby, D. S., Experimental Biology 2015,
"Higher-Volume Resistance Exercise Preferentially Increases Androgen
Receptor-DNA Binding and Canonical Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in ResistanceTrained Men," Applied Physiology, Boston. (March 29, 2015).
Anastasio, Randy J.
Alabama Special Olympics, Mobile, AL, Volunteer. (2007 - Present).
Alabama State Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance. (August 2007 - Present).
American Cancer Society, Mobile, AL, Volunteer. (1992 - Present).
American Heart Association, Mobile, AL. (2007 - Present).
Barter, Alexandra S.
Alabama State Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
(2004 - Present).
Alpine Hills Swim Club, Mobile, Alabama, Program Organizer. (September 1,
2014 - Present).
University of South Alabama Alumni Association, Mobile, AL. (1985 - Present).
Woodland Swim Club, Mobile, AL, Officer, Secretary. (August 23, 2014 - August
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Broach, Ellen E.
2014 World Leisure Congress, Mobile, AL, Reviewer, Conference Paper.
(September 2013 - Present).
2016 World Leisure Congress South Africa, Durban, Program Coordinator.
(September 2014 - October 2016).
Alabama Recreation and Parks Association. (January 2002 - December 2014).
American Journal of Recreation Therapy, Editorial Review Board Member.
(December 2012 - Present).
American Therapeutic Recreation Association. (January 1987 - Present).
Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute. (January 2000 - Present).
Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Advisory Board. (2012 - Present).
Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Committee Member. (July 2012 Present).
Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Editor, Conference Proceedings.
(July 2012 - Present).
Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Prepare/Grade Certification Exams.
(September 2012 - Present).
Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Institute, Research Forum Chair. (2012 Present).
Aquatic Treatment Network. (2001 - Present).
ATRA Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, Editor, Journal Editor. (October 2013 Present).
DI Arts and Heritage Council, Dauphin Island, AL, Committee Member.
(Summer-Fall 2014).
Episcopal Women’s Club Aquatic Class, Dauphin Island, AL, Program Organizer.
International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, Editorial Review Board
Member. (January 2007 - Present).
Mobile Regional Senior Center Foundation, Inc., Mobile, AL, Board of Directors.
(January 2009 - Present).
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification. (1987 - Present).
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification, Board of Directors.
(2010 - 2013).
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification, Board Secretary. (2011
- 2012).
National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification, Standards Review
Committee. (2008 - 2010).
Ride Yellow Org., Mobile, AL, Committee Chair. (June 2009 - Present).
Shepherd Center Adventure Skills Workshop, Atlanta, GA, Committee Chair.
(May 1995 - Present).
Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Reviewer, Journal Article. (July 2014 September 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
University of New Hampshire, Reviewer of Teaching Curriculum for Faculty
Tenure. (September 15, 2014 - October 15, 2014).
University of South Alabama College of Education, Distinguished Contributions to
Improving Our Community. (May 2015).
Forester, Brooke E.
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
(September 28, 2012 - September 28, 2015).
Journal of Applied Sport Management, Reviewer, Journal Article. (January 22,
2015 - March 13, 2015).
Jones and Bartlett Learning, Reviewer, Book. (February 10, 2015 - March 2,
National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (September 28, 2012 September 28, 2015).
Sport Management Education Journal - North American Society for Sport
Management, Reviewer, Journal Article. (October 15, 2014 - November
19, 2014).
Gurchiek, Larry R.
Alabama Athletic Trainers Association. (September 1, 1993 - Present).
American College of Sports Medicine. (September 1, 1982 - Present).
National Athletic Trainer's Association. (January 1982 - Present).
Southeast Athletic Trainer's Association. (July 1984 - Present).
Holden, Shelley L.
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
(January 2008 - Present).
American Volleyball Coaches Association. (January 2006 - Present).
Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, Editorial Review Board
Member. (September 2013 - Present).
Health Education and Behavior Journal, Reviewer, Journal Article. (November
Jaguar Athletic Fund Board Member, Committee Member. (August 2008 Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Association. (November 2012 - Present).
Mobile County Schools, Advisor/Reviewer of a Course Proposal. (October 2012 December 2014).
National Social Sciences Association. (October 2011 - Present).
Southern District AAHPERD Physical Education for Children Member at Large.
(February 2012 - Present).
United States of America Hockey Association. (July 2007 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
United States Volleyball Association, Colorado Springs, CO, Program Organizer.
(December 2009 - Present).
Keshock, Christopher M.
Alabama Parks and Recreation Association, Orange Beach, AL, Session Chair.
(September 2014).
Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
Dance. (2006 - Present).
Amateur Sport Team, Fairhope, AL, Youth Baseball Coach. (September 2013 Present).
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (May
2006 - May 2014).
American Baseball Coaches Association. (1993 - Present).
Australian Under 17 Baseball Team, Honolulu, Oahu, Baseball Coach. (August 6,
2014 - August 15, 2014).
CYO Youth Sport Coach, Mobile, AL, Coached 5th grade boys basketball team.
(November 2014 - February 2015).
European Sport Economics Association. (July 2013 - Present).
Gulf Coast Region Volleyball, Mobile, AL, Committee Member. (November 2014 May 2015).
Gulf Region Child Care Association, Mobile, AL, Officer, Treasurer. (2011 2014).
Intellectbase International Consortium, Executive Editorial Board. (May 2011 Present).
International Boys' League World Baseball Tournament, Advisory Board
Member. (2010 - Present).
International Society of Tourism and Travel Educators. (2008 - Present).
International Sport Management Association. (November 2010 - Present).
Mobile Sports Commission, Mobile, AL, Research Advisor. (February 2015 Present).
Mobile Storm Volleyball Club, Mobile, AL, Board of Directors. (2005 - Present).
National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2007 - Present).
National Association of Sport and Physical Education, Reston, VA, Editorial
Review Board Member. (2008 - 2014).
National Center for Sports Safety. (2007 - Present).
NCAA Sand Volleyball Championship, Gulf Shores, AL, Program Organizer.
(May 2014 - May 2015).
Parent Ambassadors for Sport Safety. (2005 - Present).
Phillips Preparatory School, Mobile, AL, Sport Facility Design and Construction.
(June 4, 2014 - June 8, 2014).
Play Like a Champion Today- University of Notre Dame. (January 2011 Present).
Society of Health and Physical Educators. (May 2014 - May 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand. (2009 - Present).
Sport Marketing Association. (August 2011 - Present).
Sport and Recreation Law Association. (2004 - Present).
Kovaleski, John E.
American College of Sports Medicine. (August 1979 - Present).
National Athletic Trainers Association. (September 1973 - Present).
National Athletic Trainers Association, Editorial Review Board Member. (August
1, 2013 - Present).
National Athletic Trainers Association, Reviewer, Journal Article. (August 1, 2013
- Present).
National Athletic Trainers Association - Journal of Athletic Training, Editorial
Review Board Member. (August 15, 2007 - Present).
National Strength and Conditioning Association. (August 1998 - Present).
One Fit Mobile, Mobile, AL, Member. (February 2014 - Present).
USA Center for Joint Restoration and Human Performance, Mobile, AL, Faculty.
(August 15, 2007 - Present).
Mitchell, Shawn M.
Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance. (November 1, 2014 - November 1, 2015).
Exercise Physiology Club, Mobile, AL, Faculty Advisor. (February 15, 2013 Present).
National Strength and Conditioning Association. (August 1, 2014 - August 1,
Soles 4 Souls, Mobile, AL. (March 12, 2013 - Present).
Norrell, Phillip M.
American College of Sports Medicine. (2000 - Present).
National Strength and Conditioning Association. (2000 - Present).
Rape Aggression Defense Systems, Certified Instructor. (2010 - Present).
Palombo, Aleesha S.
Alabama State Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Assoc. (1995 – Present).
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. (1995 –
American Cancer Society, Mobile, AL, Member. (2007 - Present).
Dance Educators of America. (2001 – Present).
Dance Masters of America. (2001 – Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Pugh, Steven F.
AAHPERD Research Consortium, Member. (1992 - Present).
Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance, Member. (August 1998 - Present).
ASAHPERD Nominating Committee, AL, Committee Member. (May 2013 Present).
Gulf Regional Childcare Management Agency/Early Childhood Directions,
Mobile, AL, Board of Directors of a Company. (January 2006 - January
European College of Sport Science, Member. (April 29, 2013 - June 2014).
Mid-South Regional Research Association, Member. (November 2013 - 2014).
Mobile Area Educational Foundation Readiness Committee, Mobile, AL,
Committee Member. (2010 - Present).
National Association for Sport and Physical Education, Member. (May 1986 Present).
Society for Health and Physical Educators (Formerly AAHPERD), Member. (April
2014 - Present).
Schwarz, Neil A.
American College of Sports Medicine. (July 31, 2014 - Present).
The American Physiological Society. (October 1, 2014 - Present).
National Strength and Conditioning Association. (September 19, 2014 - Present).
Spillane, Micheil B.
American College of Sports Medicine, Member. (March 2012 - Present).
International Society of Sports Nutrition, Member. (June 2009 - Present).
National Strength and Conditioning Association, Member. (August 2007 Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
The Department provides instruction and training for undergraduate and graduate students who
are seeking certification to prepare them for professional responsibilities in P-12 schools. The
Department offers certification and non-certification programs in Educational Leadership at the
master’s, specialist’s, and doctoral levels. Undergraduate programs include specialization in
Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education. The Department also offers
graduate programs in Elementary, Early Childhood, Reading, Secondary, Special Education,
English for Speakers of Other Languages, and Teacher Leader.
Dr. Elizabeth Allison
Dr. M. Gahan Bailey
Dr. Abigail Baxter
Ms. Lauren Brannan
Ms. Kelly O. Byrd
Dr. Dennis J. Campbell
Dr. Peggy Delmas
Dr. Harold Dodge
Dr. David Ellis
Ms. Nancy Gaillard
Dr. Rebecca M. Giles
Dr. André Green
Ms. Jayne Kennedy
Dr. Andrea M. Kent
Dr. Leah H. Kinniburgh
Dr. Susan Martin
Dr. Wanda Maulding-Green
Dr. Linda Reeves
Dr. Susan P. Santoli
Ms. Jennifer Simpson
Dr. Ronald Styron, Jr.
Dr. Karyn W. Tunks
Dr. Paige V. Vitulli
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Senior Instructor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Senior Instructor
Professor and Chair
Senior Instructor
Professor and Interim Dean
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Senior Instructor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Kochan, F. K., Kent, A. M., & Green, A. M. (2014). Uncovering the hidden cultural
dynamics in mentoring programs and relationships: managing the
complexities. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Instructor's Manual
Baxter, A. (2014). Ancillary materials for R. Johnson & L. Christensen (Eds.),
Educational Research (5th ed.). Sage.
Baxter, A. (2014). Ancillary materials for R. M. Garguilo, Special Education in
Contemporary Society: An Introduction to Exceptionality (5th ed.). Sage.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bailey, G. (2015). Previewing life as a middle grades teacher. Association of
Middle Level Education. http://amle.org
Bailey, G., Giles, R. M., & Rogers, S. (2015). Transitioning to middle school:
Investigating the concerns of fifth graders. Research in Middle Level
Education Online, 38(5), 1-12.
Delmas, P. M., & Harrell, K. L. (2015). Partnering for a purpose: Student affairs,
academic affairs. Journal of Student Affairs, Colorado State University,
24, 49-57. http://www.sahe.colostate.edu/journal-of-student-affairs
Fresne, J., & Giles, R. M. (2015). Musical exploration for emergent readers: Story
time as song time, too. Children Our Concern, 7(1), 11-19.
Giles, R. M., & Fresne, J. (2015). Singing with predictable texts to support early
literacy skills [Cantar con textos predecibles para apoyar las habilidades
de alfabetización temprana]. Early Years, 36(1), 12-19.
Giles, R. M., Kent, A. M., Vitulli, P., & Shaw, E. L. (2014). Teaching experience
days as field experiences for elementary teacher candidates. Delta
Journal of Education, 4(2), 50-61.
Giles, R. M., Tunks, K. W., & Rogers, S. (2014). Teachers' thoughts on teaching
reading: An investigation of early childhood teachers' perceptions of
literacy acquisition. Early Childhood Education Journal.
Kent, A. M., Green, A. M., & Feldman, P. (2015). The road less traveled crossing gender and racial lines in comprehensive mentoring.
International Journal of Educational Research, 27, 116-128.
Martin, S. F., Shaw, E. L., & Daughenbaugh, L. R. (2014). Using smart boards
and manipulatives in the elementary science classroom. TechTrends,
58.3(May/June 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Santoli, S. P., Giles, R. M., & Vitulli, P. (2014). Picturing equality: Exploring civil
rights’ marches through photographs. The Social Studies/Routledge
Taylor & Francis LLC, 5.
Santoli, S. P., Vitulli, P., & Giles, R. M. (2015). Equality in black and white: A
photographic exploration. Black History Bulletin/Association for the Study
of African American Life and History, 78(1), 17-22.
Shaw, E. L., Surry, D. W., & Green, A. M. (2015). The use of social media and
citizen science to identify, track, and report birds. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 167, 103-108. http://www.sciencedirect.com
Styron, R. A., Maulding, W. S., Peters, G. B., & Shelley, K. L. (2015). Connecting
research and practice in an educational leadership program. Journal of
College Teaching and Learning, 3(3), 29-34.
Styron, Jr., R. A., & Styron, J. L. (2014). Fostering interdisciplinary collaboration
to improve student learning. International Institute of Informatics and
Systemics, 12(5), 10-15. http://www.iiis.org/
Styron, Jr., R. A., & Styron, J. L. (2014). Using a common pedagogy across
multiple disciplines to improve student learning. International Institute of
Informatics and Systemics, 12(6), 14-16. http://www.iiis.org/
Tunks, K. W., Giles, R. M., & Rogers, S. (2015). A survey of teachers’ selection
and use of children’s literature in elementary classrooms. The Language
and Literacy Spectrum, 25, 58-71.
Vitulli, P. (2014). Giuseppe Arcimboldo inspired food faces: Lettuce be healthy!
Advocate, 33(1), 6-11.
Vitulli, P., & Baggett, B. (2014). Integrating dance in the curriculum: Multiple
intelligences through movement in math. Advocate, 33(1), 32 - 38.
Vitulli, P., Giles, R. M., & Shaw, E. L. (2014). The effects of knowledge maps on
acquisition and retention of visual arts concepts in teacher education.
Education Research International, 2014(2014), 12.
Vitulli, P., Santoli, S. P., & Fresne, J. (2014). Arts in education: Professional
development integrating the arts and collaborating with schools and
community. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 8(1), 4552.
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Non-Refereed Journal Articles
Giles, R. M., & Tunks, K. W. (2015). A block journal: building young authors
through construction play. Child Care Exchange.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Martin, S. F., & Shaw, E. L. (2014). Digital science labs: enhancing the science
classroom on a budget in P-12 and higher education. ELearn.
Assessment Reviews
Baxter, A. (2014). Review of the Brigance Inventory of Early Development II. In
R. A. Spies, J. F. Carlson, & K. F. Geisinger (Eds.), The mental
measurements yearbook (pp. 98-100). Lincoln, NE: University of
Nebraska and the Buros Institute.
Baxter, A. (2014). Review of the Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts
2010 English Version. The mental measurements yearbook (pp. 679681). Lincoln, NE: Buros Center for Testing.
Web Page
Bailey, G. (2014). Cyberbullying Expert Web Page. Answers.com
Giles, R. M. (2015). Creating authors through cooperative chronicles. Literacy
Development in Young Children. 19, 1st ed., 3-5.
Tunks, K. W., & Rogers, S. (2015). A survey of prekindergarten teachers’ use of
children’s literature. Literacy Development in Young Children. 19, 1st ed.,
Vitulli, P. (2014). Preparing future teachers at the Mobile Museum of Art. In B.
Waldorf (Ed.), AAEA Perspectives Newsletter. Summer, 2014,16.
Externally Funded
Filion, B. (Principal), & Delmas, P. M. (Supporting), "Half the Sky Exhibition,"
Sponsored by Alabama Humanities Foundation, External to the
University, $4,000.00. (December 1, 2013 - October 31, 2014).
Fresne, J. (Principal), & Vitulli, P. (Supporting), "Arts in Education," Sponsored by
University of South Alabama, Federal. (2004 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Giles, R. M. (Co-Principal), & Fresne, J. (Co-Principal), "Literacy, Numeracy, Si!,"
Sponsored by Malone Family Foundation, External to the University,
$35,000.00. (March 1, 2014 - December 30, 2014).
Giles, R. M., & Fresne, J., "Literacy, Numeracy, Si! and Musica y Mas!,"
Sponsored by Malone Family Foundation, External to the University,
$55,000.00. (March 2015 - December 2015).
Green, A. M. (Principal), "AFS Blackbelt Initiative," Sponsored by Alabama
Foresty Foundation, External to the University, $183,666.00. (October 1,
2013 - September 30, 2014).
Green, A. M. (Principal), "Alabama Math Science and Technology Initiative,"
Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education, External to the
University, $2,677,000.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Green, A. M. (Principal), "Science and Math Improvement," Sponsored by Dr.
Tracy Tullie, Private, $5,000.00. (2013 - 2014).
Green, A. M. (Principal), "Technology in Motion," Sponsored by Alabama State
Department of Education, External to the University, $113,858.00.
(October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Green, A. M. (Principal), Byrd, K. O. (Co-Principal), Cwikla, J. C. (Co-Principal),
& Mulekar, M. S. (Co-Principal), "AMSTI Fellows for the Middle School,"
Sponsored by Alabama State Department of Education/US Dept. of
Education, External to the University, $375,708.00. (October 1, 2014 September 30, 2015).
Green, A. M. (Principal), Byrd, K. O. (Co-Principal), Pillen, C. (Co-Principal),
Prokhorov, V. A. (Co-Principal), & Cwikla, J. C. (Co-Principal), "AMSTI
Professional Development Program," Sponsored by Alabama State
Department of Education/US Dept. of Education, External to the
University, $212,031.00. (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).
Green, A. M. (Principal), Feldman, P. (Co-Principal), & Mulekar, M. (CoPrincipal), "Pathway to Mathematics," Sponsored by National Science
Foundation, Federal, $1,446,700.00. (2011 - 2016).
Green, A. M. (Principal), Feldman, P. (Co-Principal), & Sanders, J. (CoPrincipal), "Pathway to Science (PTS) Noyce Teacher Scholarship,"
Sponsored by National Science Foundation, Federal, $899,967.00. (2009
- 2015).
Kennedy, J. E., "Library of Congress for Primary Sources workshops,"
Sponsored by Library of Congress, External to the University. (August 15,
2014 - November 30, 2015).
Santoli, S. P. (Principal), & Kennedy, J. E. (Supporting), "Strengthening social
studies methods courses through the use of primary sources," Sponsored
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
by Teaching with Primary Sources, External to the University, $7,039.00.
(August 2014 - November 2015).
Internally Funded
Martin, S. F. (Principal), & Bailey, G. (Co-Principal), "Building Teachers' SelfEfficacy in Accommodating English Language Learners in the
Mainstream Classroom," Sponsored by University of South Alabama
Faculty Development Council, Internal to the University, $4,160.00. (June
2014 - December 2015).
Santoli, S. P., "Equipping middle school teachers to prepare students for future
AP courses," Sponsored by University of South Alabama Faculty
Development Council, Internal to the University, $4,855.00. (June 2014 June 2015).
Bailey, G., Giles, R. M., & Rogers, S. E., Mid-South Educational Research Association,
"Transitioning to Middle School: Investigating the Concerns of Fifth Graders,"
MSERA, Knoxville, TN. (November 5, 2014).
Baxter, A., Changing Lives, Changing Minds: Second Annual District Conference,
"Evidence-Based Interventions," Early Intervention Council of Southwest
Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 12, 2015).
Baxter, A., Early Care and Education Professional Development, "Behavior
Management," Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA),
Mobile, AL. (November 18, 2014).
Baxter, A., "The Battelle Developmental Inventory 2nd Edition," Early Intervention
Council of Southwest Alabama, Mobile, AL. (October 10, 2014).
Baxter, A., Early Care and Education Professional Development, "Milestones in
Cognitive Development," Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly
GRCMA), Mobile, AL. (September 4, 2014).
Baxter, A., Early Head Start Mobile, Teacher Training, "Behavior Management," Gulf
Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA), Mobile, AL. (August 15,
Baxter, A., "The Developmental Assessment of Young Children - Second Edition
(DAYC-2)," Early Intervention Council of Southwest Alabama, Mobile, AL. (June
19, 2014).
Baxter, A., Early Care and Education Professional Development, "Milestones in
Language Development," Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly
GRCMA), Mobile, AL. (June 10, 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Baxter, A., & Fassbender, P., Changing Lives, Changing Minds: Second Annual District
Conference, "Embedded Interventions," Early Intervention Council of Southwest
Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 12, 2015).
Baxter, A., & Reilly, A., Alabama Early Intervention and Preschool Conference, "Early
Learning Accomplishment Profile," Alabama's Early Intervention System, Mobile,
AL. (November 19, 2014).
Brannan, L. G., & Kent, A. M., USA Graduate Research Forum, "The Relationship
Between Elementary Teachers' Attitudes Towards Writing and Efficacy for
Teaching Writing in the Era of New Writing Standards," Mobile, AL. (March 18,
Campbell, D. J., Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, CEC, "SPLINTER
SKILLS: Getting a TRUE Present Level of Performance," Division of Autism and
Developmental Disabilities, CEC, Clearwater Beach, FL. (January 23, 2015).
Campbell, D. J., Be the Future TASH Annual Conference, "Getting an Accurate Present
Level of Performance by Finding “Splinter Skills”," TASH, Washington, DC.
(December 5, 2014).
Campbell, D. J., 5P minus Annual Conference, "Cri du Chat 101," 5 P Minus Society,
San Antonio, TX. (July 25, 2014).
Campbell, D. J., Autism Grand Rounds, "Transitions for Students with ASD Grand
Rounds," USA Autism Interest Group, UCOM. (May 30, 2014).
Campbell, D. J., Cri du Chat Regional Get Together, "Overview of Cri Du Chat
Syndrome," 5 P minus Society, Saraland, AL. (May 10, 2014).
Delmas, P. M., Conference on Teaching and Learning, "VoiceThread as a Way to
Create Community Among Online Learners," University of South Alabama,
Mobile, AL. (May 12, 2015).
Delmas, P. M., Shaw, E. L., Strange, J. H., & Chandler, J.B., Fourth Annual South
Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Educational Applications of
Twitter: Expanding the Classroom Conversation, 140 Characters at a Time,"
University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 12, 2014).
Delmas, P. M., & Soderlind, B., Student Affairs Lunch & Learn, "Social Media & Student
Development: An Unlikely Alliance?," University of South Alabama, USA.
(February 11, 2015).
Ellis, D. N., Baxter, A., Soto, R., & Wetter, A. C., 138th Annual Meeting and Conference
of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,
"Comparison of Inclusion in School and Community in Costa Rica and the USA,"
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Orlando,
FL. (June 25, 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Ellis, D. N., Baxter, A., & Turner, L. A., The Gatlinburg Conference on Research and
Theory on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, "The Relationship of
Public School District Characteristics to Identification Patterns of Students With
Developmental Disabilities in Alabama: 2009-2013," Vanderbilt University, New
Orleans, LA. (April 3, 2015).
Fresne, J., & Giles, R. M., 2015 Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival, "Moving and
Musicking with Picture Book Read Alouds," University of Southern Mississippi,
Hattiesburg, MS. (April 10, 2015).
Fresne, J., & Giles, R. M., Mississippi Reading Association Annual Conference, "Singing
with predictable texts to support early literacy skills," Mississippi Reading
Association, Biloxi, MS. (December 4, 2014).
Giles, R. M., & Kent, A. M., International Reading Association Annual Meeting, "The
Role of Teacher Educators in Reading in Promoting Preservice Teachers’
Positive Attitudes Toward Writing," Organization of Teacher Educators in
Literacy, New Orleans, LA. (May 11, 2014).
Green, A. M., & Byrd, K. O., Mathematics and Science Partnership Program
Conference, "Increasing the Content and Pedagogical Knowledge of Middle
School Mathematics Teachers in a Professional Learning Community," United
States Department of Education, Washington D.C. (September 30, 2014).
Green, A. M., & Harlan, J., National Association for Research in Science Teaching,
"Developing Highly Skilled Science Teachers Using Graduate Education and
Mentorship: The Noyce Pathway to Science Program," Chicago, IL. (April 2015).
Green, A. M., Kent, A. M., & Feldman, P., American Educational Research Association,
"Hitting the Ground Running: Beginning Teacher Induction Through a Summer
Enrichment Program for Urban Students," Chicago, IL. (April 2015).
Green, A. M., Kent, A. M., Harlan, J., & Feldman, P., American Educational Research
Association, "Preparing Science Teachers to Be Effective Educators: The Noyce
Pathway to Science Program," Chicago, IL. (April 2015).
Green, A. M., & Martin, S. F., South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning,
"Noyce Mentorship," University of South Alabama College of Education, Mobile,
AL. (May 11, 2015).
Kennedy, E., Fassbender, P., Douglas, J., Smith, J., Baxter, A., Donaldson, S., &
LeBlanc, K., Alabama Early Intervention and Preschool Conference, "Evaluating
and Determining Appropriate Services," Alabama's Early Intervention System,
Mobile, AL. (November 17, 2014).
Kent, A. M., Gulf Coast on the Teaching of Writing, "WWW…A Wonderful World of
Writing, Draft Book Style!," Alabama In-Service Center, Sandestin, FL. (July 1,
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Kent, A. M., & Giles, R. M., American Association of Colleges for Teacher Educators,
"Clinical Experiences and Partnerships: Preparing Teachers to Differentiate
Instruction for All Learners," AACTE, Atlanta, GA. (February 2015).
Kent, A. M., & Giles, R. M., South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "A
Global View of Education: An International Experience for Future Teachers,"
USA, Mobile, AL. (May 2014).
Kent, A. M., Green, A. M., Calderone, S., & Feldman, P., American Educational
Research Association, "Math and Science Teacher Leaders: A Link to Student
Achievement," Chicago, IL. (April 2015).
Martin, S. F., Guest Lecture, "Teaching English as a Second Language in the U.S. and
Abroad," University of Mobile, Mobile, AL. (April 11, 2015).
Martin, S. F., Alabama Reading Association's 46th Annual Conference, "Scaffolding
Reading and Writing for All: Applying ELL Strategies for Every Student," Alabama
Reading Association, Birmingham, AL. (November 14, 2014).
Martin, S. F., Alabama Reading Association's 46th Annual Conference, "Using Young
Adult Literature as a Bridge to First and Second Language Acquisition," Alabama
Reading Association, Birmingham, AL. (November 13, 2014).
Martin, S. F., Tier III Fall Professional Development, "Working with English Language
Learners in the Elementary Classroom," K-6 Tier III, University of South Alabama
CoE, Mobile, AL. (August 27, 2014).
Martin, S. F., Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Moving Traditionally Face-to-Face
Group Interactive Learning and Projects to the Digital Classroom``," University of
South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (May 2014).
Martin, S. F., Lomax, E. C., & Strange, J. H., USA Overview of Baldwin County
Technology Summit, "Baldwin County Technology Summit 2014," USA &
Baldwin County School System, USA College of Education, Mobile, AL.
(December 4, 2014).
Martin, S. F., Lomax, E. C., & Strange, J. H., "Options for Preservice Teacher Education
in a Device-centric Classroom Environment," College of Education, University of
South Alabama CoE, Mobile, AL. (November 7, 2014).
Martin, S. F., & Shaw, E. L., E-Learn 2014--World Conference on E-Learning in
Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, "Digital Science
Labs: Enhancing the Science Classroom on a Budget in P-12 and Higher
Education," AACE: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education,
New Orleans, LA. (October 27, 2014).
Martin, S. F., Shuang, Z., Caifang, C., & Xiu-juan, Z., South Alabama Conference on
Teaching and Learning, "Revisiting Theories of English Language Acquisition,"
University of South Alabama College of Education, Mobile, AL. (May 11, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Maulding, W. S., NCPEA, "Emotional Intelligence of School Leaders and the Impact on
Teacher Job Satisfaction," Camarillo, CA. (August 7, 2014).
Reilly, A., & Baxter, A., Alabama Early Intervention and Preschool Conference, "Infant
Toddler Developmental Assessment," Alabama's Early Intervention System,
Mobile, AL. (November 19, 2014).
Santoli, S. P., Social Studies Council of Alabama Annual Conference, "Preparing Middle
School Students for High School AP Courses," Birmingham, AL. (October 13,
Santoli, S. P., & Kennedy, J. E., Social Studies Council of Alabama Annual Conference,
"Going to the Sources: Using the Library of Congress," Birmingham, AL.
(October 13, 2014).
Santoli, S. P., & Vitulli, P., National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference,
"Help! Don't Know Much About Actively Involving Students in Learning," Boston,
MA. (November 2014).
Simpson, J. L., & Byrd, K. O., Mississippi Reading Association Annual Conference,
"Celebrating International Dot Day Through Mathematics, Visual Art and
Reading/Language Arts Integration," Mississippi Reading Association, Biloxi, MS.
(December 5, 2014).
Tunks, K. W., Fay B. Kaigler Children's Book Festival, "The Power of Picture Book
Biographies," University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. (April 8, 2015).
Tunks, K. W., The Pensters Writing Group, "The Power of Picture Book Biographies,"
The Pensters Writing Group, Fairhope, AL. (September 13, 2014).
Tunks, K. W., & Giles, R. M., 66th Annual SECA Conference, "Children's Literature as a
Catalyst for Building a Sense of Self and Community," Southern Early Childhood
Association, New Orleans, LA. (January 15, 2015).
Vitulli, P., World Leisure Congress: Enhancing the Human Condition, "Community
Museum Experiences for Learning and Leisure," World Leisure Congress,
Mobile, AL. (September 11, 2014).
Vitulli, P., & Martin, S. F., Summer Professional Development Workshop, "Gearing up for
GLOBAL," Centre for the Living Arts/SARIC, Centre for the Living Arts, Mobile,
AL. (July 2, 2014).
Vitulli, P., Martin, S. F., Shuang, Z., Caifang, C., & Xiu-juan, Z., South Alabama
Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Cultural Exchanges through Arts and
Language," University of South Alabama College of Education, Mobile, AL. (May
11, 2015).
Vitulli, P., Trione, R., & Cook, V., Alabama Art Education Association Fall Conference:
Art Journey, "Opening doors for diverse populations: Learning through the
senses," AAEA, Montgomery, AL. (November 15, 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Allison, Elizabeth R.
Association of Science Teacher Education. (2012 - Present).
National Science Teacher Association. (2011 - Present).
School Science and Mathematics Association. (2014 - Present).
Bailey, M. Gahan
Association for Middle Level Education. (February 1, 1998 - Present).
Crittenton Youth Services, Mobile, Al, Officer, Secretary. (August 2008 Present).
Crittenton Youth Services, Mobile, AL, Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
Certified Trainer. (April 28, 2014 - Present).
Crittenton Youth Services, Mobile, AL, Teacher Evaluator. (2008 - Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, Future Site Committee.
(November 7, 2014 - Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, Local Arrangement Chair.
(January 20, 2007 - November 5, 2017).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, Local Arrangement Committee
Chair. (March 20, 2013 - November 4, 2016).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, Member. (November 1, 1994 Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Foundation, Board Member. (January 1, 2007 Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Foundation, MSERA Support Committee;
Chair. (January 1, 2008 - Present).
Baxter, Abbie
Alabama's Early Intervention System Personnel Preparation Subcommittee,
Montgomery, AL, Committee Member. (May 2014 - April 2016).
Early Childhood Directions, Mobile, AL, Board of Directors of a Company.
(February 2011 - April 2015).
Early Childhood School Readiness Advisory Committee for Early Head Start,
Mobile, AL, Member. (July 2012 - April 2015).
Early Intervention Coordinating Council of Southwest Alabama, Mobile, AL,
Evaluator. (February 2008 - April 2016).
Early Intervention Coordinating Council of Southwest Alabama, Mobile, AL,
Member. (August 1995 - Present).
Early Intervention Council of Southwest Alabama, Mobile, AL, Surrogate parent.
(October 2003 - April 2016).
Gulf Regional Early Childhood Services (formerly GRCMA), Mobile, AL, Officer,
President/Elect/Past. (January 2014 - April 2016).
Brannan, Lauren
Metro Mobile Reading Council. (2010 - Present).
Professors of Reading Teacher Educators. (2015 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
USA Instructional Design and Development Graduate Association. (2011 Present).
Byrd, Kelly O.
Alabama Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. (2012 - Present).
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. (2013 - Present).
At Large Representative, Alabama Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2010 Present).
National Council for Teachers of Mathematics. (2004 - Present).
Campbell, Dennis J.
5 P Minus Society, Chairperson. (2005 - Present).
5 P Minus Society Professional Advisory Board, Chair. (January 2000 - Present).
Coalition of Patient Advocacy Groups, National Institute of Health, Committee
Member. (October 2014 - Present).
College of Education & College of Continuing Education, Mobile, AL, Program
Organizer. (January 29, 2014 - Present).
Council for Exceptional Children, Autism Developmental Disabilities Division.
(January 2000 - Present).
Council for Exceptional Children Career Development and Transition. (January
2008 - Present).
Council for Exceptional Children Early Childhood Division. (January 1998 Present).
Council for Exceptional Children, Teacher Education Division. (January 2000 Present).
Human Rights Committee, Mobile, AL, Chairperson. (August 2007 - Present).
TASH. (January 2000 - Present).
Delmas, Peggy M.
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. (2007 - Present).
Association for the Study of Higher Education. (2007 - Present).
Association for the Study of Higher Education, Reviewer, Conference Paper.
(May 2015).
Business/Industry Advisory Committee T.L. Faulkner, Committee Member (2009Present).
Career Technical Center, Prichard, AL. (2009 - Present).
Council for the Advancement of Higher Education Programs (CAHEP), Officer,
Secretary. (November 2012 - November 2015).
Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education, Reviewer,
Journal Article. (May 2015 - Present).
Project Homeless Connect, Mobile, AL, Volunteer. (January 30, 2015).
Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education. (March 2012 - Present).
Dodge, Harold W.
Airbus International, Mobile, AL, Interaction with Industry. (August 2012 Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Alabama Association of School Administrators. (1998 - Present).
All Saints Church - Vestry, Mobile, AL, Committee Member. (2009 - Present).
National School Board Association. (1985 - Present).
Restructuring Wilmer Hall, Mobile, AL, Committee Member. (2009 - Present).
St. Jude Children's Hospital, Mobile, AL, Committee Member. (2008 - Present).
Ellis, David N.
Alabama State Department of Education, Statewide, AL, Workshop Organizer.
(March 2015 - November 2015).
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (November
1, 2014 - Present).
MARC (1995-Present).
The Learning Tree, Board of Directors, Member. (January 2009 - Present).
Mobile Association for Retarded Citizens, Mobile, AL, Member. (March 2015 Present).
Gaillard, Nancy B.
American Educational Research Association. (2011 - Present).
Delta Epsilon Iota Honor Society, Tuscaloosa, AL, Member. (2014 - Present).
Delta Kappa Gamma Educators' Sorority. (2008 - Present).
Delta Kappa Gamma, Mobile, AL, Committee Member. (September 2011 - May
Executive Board Member of Marietta Johnson Museum, Fairhope, AL, Board of
Directors of a Company. (February 2012 - Present).
Mid-South Education Research Association. (September 1, 2014 - Present).
MSERA, Alabama, AL, Board of Directors of a Company. (November 2014 November 2017).
North Carolina Retired Educator's Association. (2004 - Present).
Giles, Becky M.
Association for Childhood Education International (1987-2010).
Florida Association for the Education of Young Children. (August 2014 - August
International Reading Association (2000- December 2015).
Literacy Development in Young Children (2013-2015).
Mississippi Reading Association (2013-2015).
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2010 - 2015).
Organization for Teacher Educators in Reading (2013-2015).
Professors of Reading Teacher Educators (2010-2014).
Green, André M.
American Educational Research Association. (2004 - Present).
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Research on Teacher
Induction Special Interest Group, Chairperson. (2014 - Present).
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Treasurer of the Research
on Teacher Induction Special Interest Group (2012 - 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Association for Science Teacher Education. (October 2011 - Present).
National Association of Student Affairs Professionals (2008-Present).
National Science Teachers Association. (October 2010 - Present).
Summer enrichment program for three inner city elementary schools, Mobile, AL,
Developer. (2008 - 2014).
Kennedy, Jayne E.
Camp ASCAA, Mobile, AL, Camp send off volunteer. (March 2015).
Goodwill Easter Seals, Mobile, AL, Interaction with Industry. (January 2014 - May
Kaleidoscope through GWES, Mobile, AL, Interaction with Industry. (January
2013 - September 2015).
Orientation & Registration Committee. (2006 - Present).
Reader’s Digest National Word Power Challenge, Mobile, AL, Moderator.
Student Alabama Education Association (SAEA), Mobile, AL, Faculty Advisor.
(2006 - Present).
USA Advising Board Committee. (2002 - Present).
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, Goodwill Easter Seals, Mobile, AL.
(January 2015 - April 2015).
Kent, Andrea M.
Alabama Field Directors Forum. (2007 - Present).
Alabama Reading Association. (2007 - Present).
American Education Research Association. (2004 - Present).
American Education Research Association, Research on Teacher Induction,
Chair. (2011 - 2014).
American Education Research Association, Research on Teacher Induction,
Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chair. (August 2014 - Present).
American Education Research Association, Reviewer, Conference Paper. (2004
- Present).
Current Issues in Education, Invited Reviewer, Reviewer, Journal Article. (2009 Present).
Distinguished Young Women of America, Scholastic Committee Chair. (2007 Present).
Education, Editorial Review Board Member. (2004 - Present).
International Reading Association. (2004 - Present).
International Reading Association, Professors of Reading Teacher Educators.
(2005 - Present).
Kappa Delta Pi. (2006 - Present).
Metro Mobile Reading Association. (2007 - Present).
Mid-South Education Research Association. (2007 - Present).
The New Educator, Reviewer, Journal Article. (2007 - Present).
Senior Bowl Youth Tutoring Program, Mobile, AL, Advisory Organizer.
(September 2013 - Present).
Kinniburgh, Leah H.
Alabama Reading Association. (2006 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. (1995 - Present).
International Reading Association. (1998 - Present).
International Reading Association, Special Interest Group for Content Area
Reading. (2007 - Present).
Kappa Delta Pi, Reviewer, Book. (2006 - Present).
Martin, Susan F.
Alabama Mississippi Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.
(August 15, 2003 - Present).
Arts in Education, Mobile, AL, Annual Presenter. (June 15, 2009 - Present).
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. (March 2013 Present).
Chickasaw Public Schools, Chickasaw, AL, Teacher Training. (November 17,
2014 and December 8, 2014).
Conference on English Education. (September 2, 2014 - Present).
Davidson High School Senior Project Committee, Mobile, AL, Senior Project
Judge. (December 15, 2012 - Present).
Delta Kappa Gamma. (December 15, 2010 - Present).
Emerald Coast Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. (August
15, 2008 - Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, Graduate Student Committee
Chair. (August 15, 2008 - Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, Mid-South Region, Committee
Chair. (January 15, 2010 - November 2014).
Mobile County ESL Program, Mobile, AL, Workshop Organizer. (August 2014 June 2015).
National Council of Teachers of English. (August 15, 1996 - Present).
National Council of Teachers of English, Mobile, AL, Program Organizer.
(February 1, 2015 - February 28, 2015).
Poetry Forum, Mobile, AL, Workshop Organizer. (March 9, 2015).
Southeastern Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. (August 15,
2008 - Present).
Teacher Preparation Council, Mobile, AL, Committee Member. (December 4,
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. (August 15, 2003 Present).
Maulding, Wanda S.
ALACATE. (2011 - 2014).
MDE, Clinton, MS, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer. (2009 - Present).
National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. (June 2014 Present).
NCATE/CAEP. (2005 - Present).
Oxford, MS, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer. (2010 - Present).
University of Mississippi, External Reviewer for P & T. (October 2014).
The University of South Alabama, Member. (2012 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Santoli, Susan P.
Action in Teacher Education, Association of Teacher Educators, Review Board
Member. (2006 - Present).
ALEX Digital Content Development Team, Montgomery, AL, Member. (2013 Present).
Cottey College National Presidential Search Committee, Chairperson. (May 2014
- November 2015).
Mary G. Montgomery High School Partnership, Mobile, AL, Attendee, Meeting,
(2013 - Present).
National Council for the Social Studies, College and University Faculty
Association Annual Meeting, Proposal Reviewer. (2005 - Present).
P.E.O. International Nominating Committee, Committee Member. (2013 - 2015).
Social Studies Council of Alabama, Leadership Team. (2012 - Present).
Social Studies Council of Alabama, Treasurer. (2013 - Present).
Social Studies Research and Practice, Reviewer. (2007 - Present).
Styron, Jr., Ronald A.
American Association of School Administrators. (August 31, 1998 - Present).
American Educational Research Association. (September 1, 1992 - Present).
Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (September 1,
2010 - May 20, 2015).
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (August 31, 1996 Present).
Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications Conference,
Orlando, FL, Session Chair. (July 1, 2013 - July 15, 2015).
International Institute of Informatics and Systemics. (June 1, 2005 - Present).
International Society for Technology in Education. (June 1, 2002 - Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Association. (November 1, 2002 - Present).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, Herbert M. Handley Dissertation
and Thesis Award Committee, Pensacola, FL, Committee Member.
(November 5, 2014 - November 7, 2014).
Mid-South Educational Research Association, James E. McLean Distinguished
Paper Award Committee, Pensacola, FL, Committee Member. (November
5, 2014 - November 7, 2014).
Mobile County Public School System, Teaching and Learning Academy Advisory
Board, Mobile, AL, Member. (September 1, 2013 - Present).
National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. (September 1,
2002 - Present).
National Parent Teacher Association. (June 1, 1977 - Present).
The Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education.
(December 4, 2014 - Present).
Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology. (May 1, 2012 - May
20, 2015).
Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration. (September 1, 2002 May 20, 2015).
Southwest Educational Research Association. (May 1, 2002 - Present).
Team-Based Learning Collaborative. (May 21, 2012 - Present).
Transcultural Nursing Society Networking Chapter of Alabama and Mississippi.
(May 1, 2014 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Tunks, Karyn W.
Association of Childhood Education International. (2014 - 2015).
Children's Literature Assembly. (2014 - 2015).
Literacy Development in Young Children. (2014 - 2015).
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2014 - 2015).
Organization of Teacher Education in Reading. (2014 - 2015).
Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. (2014 - 2015).
Southern Early Childhood Association. (2014 - 2015).
Vitulli, Paige
Alabama Art Education Association, Fairhope, AL, Conference Chairperson,
Supervision/Administration Division Chair. (2014 - 2015).
Alabama Art Education Association, AL, Mobile/Baldwin Board Representative.
(2015 - 2017).
Alabama Art Education Association, Higher Education Art Educator of the Year.
(November 2014).
Alabama Art Education Association, Higher Education Division Chairperson.
(2012 - 2014).
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. (2014).
Bay Area Art Educators (2010-Present).
Centre for the Living Arts, Mobile, AL, Patron and Coordinator of
University/Museum Co-teaching. (2012 - Present).
Mobile Arts Council Visual Arts Achievement Program, Mobile, AL, Adjudicator.
(February 19, 2015).
Mobile Museum of Art, Mobile, AL, Patron and Coordinator of University/Museum
Co-teaching. (2004 - Present).
National Art Education Association (2004-Present)
National Association for the Education of Young Children (2004-Present)
National Council for the Teachers of English. (2015 - Present).
Phillips Preparatory Middle School History Day, Mobile, AL, Adjudicator.
(February 25, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
The Department offers master’s programs in library media, school and clinical mental health
counseling, and instructional design and doctoral programs in Instructional Design &
Development and Clinical & Counseling Psychology.
Dr. Browning, Brandon
Dr. Dagley, John
Dr. Gayle Davidson-Shivers
Dr. Laureen Fregeau
Dr. Richard Hayes
Dr. R. Burke Johnson
Dr. Joe'l Lewis
Dr. Brenda Litchfield
Dr. Edward Lomax
Dr. Ryon McDermott
Dr. Vaughn Millner
Dr. Jay Pfaffman
Dr. James Stefurak
Dr. John H. Strange
Dr. Amy Upton
Dr. James Van Haneghan
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Associate Prof and Chair
Assistant Professor
Hesse-Biber, S.N. & Johnson, R. B. (Eds.). (2015). The Oxford handbook of
multimethod and mixed methods research inquiry. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (Ed.), Educational research methods:
Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (5th ed., pp. 744). Los
Angeles, CA: Sage.
Book Chapters
Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2015). Universal design. In J. Michael Spector (Ed.),
The SAGE encyclopedia of educational technology (pp. 799-802).
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., & Reese, R. M. (2014). Are online assessments
measuring student learning or something else? In P. Lowenthal, C. York,
& J. Richardson (Eds.), Online learning: Common misconceptions,
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
benefits, and challenges (pp. 137-152). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science
Grothaus, T., Upton, A. W., Stone, T. &, Anderson, K. (2014). English language
learners. In B. T. Erford & R. Byrd (Eds.), Applying techniques to common
encounters in school counseling: A case-based approach (pp. 85-91).
Boston, MA: Pearson.
Kilmartin, C., McDermott, R., & Wright, C. (2015). Men's violence. APA handbook
of men and masculinities. Washington DC: American psychological
McDermott, R., Schwartz, J. P., & Jamey, R. (2015). Men's mental health: A
biopsychosocial critique. APA handbook of men and masculinity's.
Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
McDermott, R., Smith, C., & Tsan, J. (2014). Getting wired: Connecting with men
through technology. In A.B. Rochlen & F.E. Rabinowitz (Eds.), Breaking
barriers in counseling men: Insights and innovations. New York, NY:
Schwartz, J. P., McDermott, R., & Martino-Harms, J. (2015). Men's sexism. APA
handbook of men and masculinities. Washington DC: American
Psychological Association.
Sedivy-Benton, A. L., Olvey, H. A., & Van Haneghan, J. P. (2015). Assessing
aptitude and achievement in STEM teaching and learning. STEM
education for high ability learners: Designing and implementing programs
(pp. 123-138). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press Inc.
Upton, A. W. (2015). Chapter 7: Delivery, evaluation, analysis, and reporting. In
J. Daigle (Ed.), Classroom guidance for prevention, accountability, and
outcomes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication.
Upton, A. W., & Dagley, J. C. (2014). Leadership principles for classroom
guidance from the perspective of a task group. In J. DeLucia-Waack, M.
Mercurio, S. Korta, K. Maertin, F. Colvin, E. Martin, L. Zawadzki, & C.
Giambrone (Eds.), School counselors share their favorite classroom
guidance lessons: A guide to choosing, planning, conducting, and
processing. Alexandria, VA: Association for Specialists in Group Work.
Refereed Journal Articles
Cheng, H.-L., McDermott, R., & Lopez, F. G. (2015). Mental Health, Self-Stigma,
and Help-Seeking Intentions Among Emerging Adults An Attachment
Perspective. The Counseling Psychologist.
Foster, J., Hibberts, M., Brunell, M. F., & Johnson, B. (2015). The Grandiose
Narcissism Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 73, 12-16.
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Lopez, F. G., McDermott, R., & Fons-Scheyd, A. (2014). Profiling the multiple
role planning attitudes of women. Journal of Career Assessment.
McDermott, R., Cheng, H.-L., Wright, C., Browning, B. R., Upton, A. W., & Sevig,
T. D. (2015). Attachment and college student distress: The mediating role
of hope. The Counseling Psychologist.
McDermott, R., Kilmartin, C., & Wright, C. (2015). College male sexual assault of
women and the psychology of men: past, present, and future directions
for research. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.
Millner, V. S., Mulekar, M. S., & Turrens, J. (2015). Parents' beliefs regarding sex
education for their children in southern Alabama public schools. Sexuality
Research and Social Policy, 12(2), 101-109.
Instructor's Manual
Lewis, J. P., & Gray, R. M. (2014). Mobile in Black and White Facilitator Guide.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Blair, K. P., Halinen, N., Pfaffman, J. A., Schwartz, D. L., & Cutumisu, M. (2015).
Testing the effectiveness of iPad math game: Lessons
learned from running a multi-classroom study. CHI’15 Extended
Abstracts. Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Taylor, A. D., & Ostashewski, N. (2015). Use self- and
peer-review to reduce communication apprehension and improve speech
performance of undergraduates. In S. Carliner & C. Fulford (Eds.),
Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and
Technology 2015 (pp. 1171-1179). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the
Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Deakin University, AUS, C. G., & Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2014). Infusing
instructional design principles into an active student-centred social
learning framework. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2014. (pp. 708-713).
Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in
Education (AACE).
Harlan, J. M., Pruet, S., Van Haneghan, J. P., & Dean, M. (2014). Using
curriculum-integrated engineering modules to improve understanding of
math and science content and STEM attitudes in middle grade students.
American Society for Engineering Education.
Millner, V. S., Shelley-Tremblay, J. F., Broach, M. E., & Norrell, P. M. (2015).
Daily flow state and math performance during an early entrance exercise
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
and math program for underskilled first-time college freshmen. World
Leisure Congress.
Rand, A. M., & Davidson-Shivers, G. V. (2014). Online learning: A genie in a
bottle, or Pandora’s box? Proceedings of AECT’s Convention 2014 (Vol.
2, pp. 376-379). Indianapolis, IN: AECT.
Externally Funded
Lewis, J. P. (Principal), "Gulf Guardian Fellowship," Sponsored by Gulf Coast
Center for Law and Policy, External to the University. (September 2014 August 2015).
Strange, J. H. (Principal), Yim, M. (Supporting), & Capps, A. (Supporting),
"Coastal Technology Project," Sponsored by EDM310, University of
South Alabama, External to the University, $30,000.00. (September 1,
2011 - Present).
Van Haneghan, J. P., "EYE Middle School Module Development Study,"
Sponsored by National Science Foundation via Mobile Area Education
Foundation, External to the University, $268,143.00. (September 1, 2009
- September 1, 2015).
Broach, M. E., Millner, V. S., & Shelley-Tremblay, J. F., World Leisure Congress, "Daily
Flow State and Performance during and Early Entrance Exercise and Math
Program for Underskilled First Time Freshman," Mobile, AL. (September 8,
Browning, B. R., Alabama Counseling Association Conference, "Where’s the Beef?:
Sorting Through the Positive Psychology Hype," Alabama Counseling
Association, Huntsville, AL. (November 21, 2014).
Browning, B. R., 2013 ALCA Conference, "Assessing Level of Gratitude and Utilizing
Interventions in Strength Based Counseling," Alabama Counseling Association,
Birmingham, AL. (November 20, 2014).
Browning, B. R., Alabama Counseling Association Conference, "The Weightier Matters
of Weight Loss: How Counselors Can Help," Alabama Counseling Association,
Huntsville, AL. (November 20, 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Browning, B. R., Fourth World Congress on Positive Psychology, "The Relationship
between Gratitude and Well-Being in Graduate Level Counselors-in-Training,"
Positive Psychology Association, Orlando FL. (June 26, 2015).
Browning, B. R., & Suh, S., Southern Association for Counselor Education and
Supervision Conference, "The Relationship between Gratitude and Well-being in
Counselor Education Students," Southern Association for Counselor Education
and Supervision, Birmingham, AL. (October 10, 2014).
Casey, G., & Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed-Media World Conference, "SMEDIA:
Designing to create a social and dynamic learning framework," AACE, Tampere,
Finland. (June 2014).
Cheng, H.-L., McDermott, R., & La, S., American Psychological Association Annual
Conference, "Drive for Muscularity in Asian American Men: Sociocultural and
Racial/Ethnic Factors as Correlates," American Psychological Association,
Washington DC. (August 2014).
Dagley, J. C., & Browning, B. R., American Counseling Association Conference & Expo,
"The Unique and Enduring Lessons for Counselors in Classic Longitudinal
Studies," American Counseling Association, Orlando, FL. (March 14, 2015).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Professional Studies Dept. Brown Bag session, "Online
Teaching and Research: Past, Present, and Future," Professional Studies Dept
at USA, Mobile, AL. (March 11, 2015).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed Media World Conference 2014, "Conversation with Jill
Jameson," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed Media World Conference, "From start to finish: Tips for
completing your dissertation," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., Ed Media World Conference 2014, "Introduce First Keynote
Speaker, Jill Jameson," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., & Casey, G., Ed Media World Conference, "Infusing
instructional design principles into an active student-centred social learning
framework," AACE, Tampere, Finland. (June 2014).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., & Reese, S. E., AECT International Convention 2014,
"Strategies for Integration in Mixed Methods Studies," AECT, Jacksonville, FL.
(November 2014).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., & Stefaniak, J., AECT International Convention 2014, "Chair,
D&D Showcase Poster Session," AECT, Jacksonville, FL. (November 2014).
Davidson-Shivers, G. V., & Taylor, A. D., Ed Media 2015 World Conference, "Use Selfand Peer-Review to Reduce Communication Apprehension and Improve Speech
Performance of Undergraduates," AACE, Montreal, Quebec, CAN. (June 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Fregeau, L. A., ECTESOL, "The Importance of Global Knowledge in ESOL," ECTESOL,
Pensacola, FL. (April 28, 2015).
Fregeau, L. A., & Leier, R., 59th meeting of the Comparative and International Education
Society, "Social Justice and the Politics of ESOL Teacher Certification," CIES,
Washington, D.C. (March 10, 2015).
Fregeau, L. A., & Leier, R., Emerald Coast TESOL 2014: Emerging Trends in ESOL,
"Dude! Teaching Pragmatics through Technology," Emerald Coast TESOL,
Pensacola, FL. (2014).
Fucillo, S. , Shatto, E., & Stefurak, J. R., Alabama Counseling Association Annual
Conference, "Emotional labor and staff support: Does personal history of trauma
impact the degree to which staff feel supported in trauma-specific work?,"
Alabama Counseling Association, Huntsville, AL. (November 2014).
Harlan, J., Van Haneghan, J. P., Pruet, S.,& Dean, M., American Society for Engineering
Education, Indianapolis, In. (June 15, 2014).
Headland, C., Shatto, E., & Stefurak, J. R., Alabama Counseling Association Annual
Conference, "The utility of the MAYSI in screening for trauma exposure in
delinquent youth.," Alabama Counseling Association, Huntsville, AL. (November
Icenogle, M., Johnson, R. B., Tucker, S., Onweugbuzie, A. J., & McLain, E. A., Mixed
Methods International Research Association Conference (MMIRA),
"Implementing equal status mixed methods research: Dialectical Pluralism in
theory and practice," Mixed Methods Research Association, Boston, MA. (June
27, 2014).
Johnson, R. B., Icenogle, M., Tucker, S., & Ivatt, R., Mixed Methods in Multidisciplinary
Research Conference, "Implementing Equal Status Mixed Methods Research
and Evaluation: Dialetical Pluralism in Theory and Practice," Mixed Methods
International Research Association, Kingston, Jamaica. (March 13, 2015).
Kridel, M., McDermott, R., & Kuhlman, S., American Psychological Association Annual
Conference, "Sexual Orientation and Measurement Invariance of the CCAPS62," American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (August 2015).
Lewis, J. P., & Gray, R. M., Encouraging and Supporting Community Engagement
Research and Scholarship, "Mobile in Black and White," University of South
Alabama College of Medicine, University of South Alabama Faculty Club.
(January 23, 2015).
Lewis, J. P., & Gray, R. M., Culture Unplugged, "Mobile in Black and White," Online.
(January 2015).
Lewis, J. P., & Gray, R. M., Dallas Black Film Festival, "Mobile in Black and White,"
Dallas Black Film Festival. (September 15, 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Lewis, J. P., & Gray, R. M., South Alabama Film Festival, "Mobile in Black and White,"
Mobile, AL. (September 13, 2014).
Lewis, J. P., & Gray, R. M., LA Diversity Film Festival, "Mobile in Black and White," Los
Angeles, CA. (August 8, 2014).
Litchfield, B. C., South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Designing and
Developing Service Learning Projects," Univ of South Alabama. (May 15, 2015).
Litchfield, B. C., South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Using Inductive
Inquiry as a Model for Learning," Univ of South Alabama, Mobile. (May 15, 2015).
Litchfield, B. C., Hawaii International Conference on STEM Education, "Increasing
Student Learning Through Meaningful Assessment," Honolulu. (June 2014).
Litchfield, B. C., Conference on Teaching and Learning, "Alternative Assessment
Techniques to Increase Student Learning," Univ of South Alabama, Mobile, AL.
(May 2014).
Litchfield, B. C., International Association for Development of Information Societies,
"Alternative Assessment Techniques for Blended and Online Courses," Prague,
Czech Republic. (July 8, 2014).
Litchfield, B. C., & Dempsey, J. V., International Association for Development of
Information Societies, "Elemental Learning as a Framework for E-Learning,"
Prague, Czech Republic. (July 8, 2014).
Lomax, E. C., EdMedia 2015, "Flip, Mashup, and Remix in Teacher Education:
Designing an Undergraduate Service Course to Meet the Needs of a New Kind of
Learner," Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Montreal,
Canada. (June 23, 2015).
Martin, S. F., Lomax, E. C., & Strange, J. H., USA Overview of Baldwin County
Technology Summit, "Baldwin County Technology Summit 2014," USA &
Baldwin County School System, University of South Alabama, College of
Education. (December 4, 2014).
Martin, S. F., Lomax, E. C., & Strange, J. H., "Options for Preservice Teacher Education
in a Device-centric Classroom Environment," University of South Alabama,
College of Education. (November 7, 2014).
McDermott, R., American Psychological Association Annual Conference, "Everyday
Traumas: Constructing Masculinity in a Small Town," American Psychological
Association, Toronto, Canada. (August 2015).
McDermott, R., CSI Speaker's day for continuing education, "Ethical Considerations for
Counseling Boys and Men," Chi-Sigma Iota, University of South Alabama,
UCOMM. (August 4, 2014).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
McDermott, R., Cheng, H.-L., & Wright, C., American Psychological Association Annual
Conference, "Self-compassion and Self-stigma of Seeking Help: An Attachment
Perspective," American Psychological Association, Washington DC. (August
McDermott, R., Wright, C., Cheng, H.-L., Browning, B. R., & Upton, A. W., AtlantaCounseling Psychology Conference, "Men's Help Seeking Intentions for Suicide:
Contributions of Male Norms Themselves Big Love Seeking Help," Division 17,
Society for Counseling Psychology of the American Psychological Association,
Atlanta, GA. (2014).
McKelvey, D., & McDermott, R., American Psychological Association Annual
Conference, "Masculine Gender Role Discrepancy Strain and Mental Health,"
American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (August 2015).
Millner, V. S., 2015 Annual Conference: Teen Pregnancy Prevention Conference:
Insight, Answers and Opportunities, "Harnessing Evidence for Policy-Making,"
Alabama Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Montgomery, AL. (May 20,
Millner, V. S., Diabesity Conference, "Stretch for Success: An Innovative College
Program Designed to Increase Math Performance Through Exercise," Live Better
Mobile and Junior League of Mobile, Mobile, Alabama. (November 6, 2014).
Millner, V., & Turrens, J., Faculty Forum on Community Engaged Research and
Scholarship, "Collaboration between USA Researchers and Multi-Site
Community Stake Holders," University of South Alabama, Faculty Club. (January
23, 2015).
Paige, N., McDermott, R., McKelvey, D., & Kantra, L., American Psychological
Association Annual Conference, "Men and Women's Masculine Gender Role
Stress and IPV Acceptance Attitudes," American Psychological Association,
Toronto, Canada. (August 2015).
Pfaffman, J., & Lomax, E. C., Alabama Educational Technology Conference, Alabama
Department of Education, Birmingham, AL. (June 9, 2015).
Rand, A. D., & Davidson-Shivers, G. V., AECT International Convention 2014, "Online
Learning: A Genie in a Bottle or Pandora's Box," AECT, Jacksonville, FL.
(November 2014).
Rogers, S. E., & Davidson-Shivers, G. V., AECT International Convention 2014,
"Strategies for Integration in Mixed Methods Studies," AECT, Jacksonville, FL.
(November 2014).
Shatto, E., Bodiford, S., Fields, K., Kantra, L., Stefurak, J. R., & Christina, W., Annual
Meeting of the American Psychological Association, "Increasing Evidence Based
Practice: Examining and Reforming Iatrogenic Practices Within a Juvenile Court,"
American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (August 6, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Shatto, E., Fields, K., Kane, J., & Stefurak, J. R., 122nd Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Association, "Gender Differences in the Relationship between
Trauma And Delinquency," American Psychological Association, Washington
D.C. (August 9, 2014).
Shatto, E., Sarah, F., Bryan, V. L., Stefurak, J. R., National Organization for Forensic
Social Work Annual Conference, "Foundations and barriers to Implementation of
Trauma Informed Care: Results of a Needs Assessment of a Youth Residential
Treatment Facility," National Organization for Forensic Social Work, New York
City, NY. (July 2014).
Stefurak, J. R., & Bryan, V. L., American Psychological Association 2014 Conference,
"University-Juvenile Court Collaboration: Bridging the Science & Practice Gap,"
American Psychological Association, Washington D.C. (August 8, 2014).
Stefurak, J. R., Holt-Ragler, B., & Wright, C., 2015 Regional Health Disparities
Symposium, "Mental Health Disparities," University of South Alabama Center for
Healthy Communities, Mobile, AL. (June 26, 2015).
Stefurak, J. R., & Shatto, E., Refugee Resettlement Program Worker Training Meeting,
"Dealing with Vicarious Trauma & Burnout," Catholic Social Services of Mobile Refugee Resettlement Program, Mobile, AL. (May 27, 2015).
Stefurak, J. R., & Shatto, E., Alabama Department of Human Resources Annual Child
Welfare Director's Retreat, "Trauma-Informed Supervision," Alabama Department
of Human Resources, Orange Beach, AL. (April 9, 2015).
Stewart, M., Erynne, S., & Stefurak, J. R., Alabama Counseling Association Annual
Conference, "Spirituality and Coping with Burnout," Alabama Counseling
Association, Huntsville, AL. (November 2014).
Upton, A. W. , Browning, B. R., McDermott, R., & Dagley, J. C., Southern Association for
Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, "The Role of Group
Dynamics in Program Renewal: Perspectives of a Faculty Cohort.," Southern
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Birmingham, AL. (October
10, 2014).
Upton, A. W., Goodman-Scott, E., Cook, J., & Jones, C., Southern Association of
Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES), "School Counseling Supervision
for Non-School Counseling Supervisors: Utilizing Your Professional Strengths,"
SACES, Birmingham, AL. (October 11, 2014).
Upton, A. W., Goodman-Scott, E., & Grothaus, T., Evidenced Based School Counseling
Conference, "Culturally Competent SMART Goals," Erlanger, KY. (March 19,
Van Haneghan, J. P., & Harlan, J., American Educational Research Association, "The
Impact of Engineering Focused Modules on the Engineering Design Knowledge
of 8th Graders," American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. (April
19, 2015).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Van Haneghan, J. P., & Harlan, J., American Evaluation Association, "The Impact of
Cumulative Fidelity of Implementation on the Effects of a Multi-grade Middle
School Engineering Curriculum," American Evaluation Association, Denver, CO.
(October 20, 2014).
Van Haneghan, J. P., & Harlan, J., CREATE, "Evaluating Long-Term Programs in a
Short-Term World: Strategies from the Study of an Engineering Design
Curriculum," Consortium for Research on Educational Assessment and Teaching
Effectiveness, Williamsburg, VA. (October 4, 2014).
Van Haneghan, J. P., Harlan, J., & Dean, M., American Evaluation Association, "A
Mixed-Methods Approach to Capturing Common Problem Solving Threads in a
Middle School Engineering Design Curriculum," American Evaluation
Association, Denver, CO. (October 21, 2014).
Washington, S., Shatto, E., & Stefurak, J. R., Alabama Counseling Association Annual
Conference, "From School to Prison: A Different Pipeline for Delinquent Youth,"
Alabama Counseling Association, Huntsville, AL. (November 2014).
Wright, C., McDermott, R., Browning, B. R., Upton, A. W., & Cheng, H., International
Counseling Psychology Conference, "Hope and Resiliency in Emerging Adults:
An Adult Attachment Perspective," Atlanta, GA. (2014).
Wright, C., Shatto, E., Headland, C., & Stefurak, J. R., 22nd Annual Graduate Research
Forum, "Applications of Bowenian Theory to the Development of a Juvenile
Mental Health Court," University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL. (March 19,
Wright, C., Shatto, E., & Stefurak, J. R., 22nd Annual Graduate Research Forum,
"Malevolent and Benevolent Patriarchy in Referred Interventions for
Intersectional Youth within a Juvenile Detention Center," University of South
Alabama, Mobile, AL. (March 19, 2015).
Wright, C., Shatto, E., & Stefurak, J. R., 14th Annual Diversity Challenge, "Benevolent
and Malevolent Patriarchy Enacted Upon Intersectional Youth in a Juvenile
Court," Institute for the Study & Promotion of Race & Culture; Boston College,
Boston, MA. (October 2014).
Browning, Brandon R.
Alabama Association for Counselor Supervision and Education, Historian.
(January 2009 - Present).
American Counseling Association. (May 1, 2003 - Present).
Alabama Counseling Association, ALCA Chapter VII Graduate Student
Representative. (August 2008 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. (September 2008 Present).
Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. (December 2009
- Present).
Davidson-Shivers, Gayle V.
AECT, Definitions & Terminology Committee, Committee Member. (January
2014 - 2017).
American Educational Research Association.
Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (1987 - Present).
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education (AACE), Committee
Member, Ed Media Executive Committee. (2013 - 2016).
Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education AACE/Ed-Media
Conference, Review paper proposals. (1999 - Present).
District Attorney Office on Strategic Planning Committee Domestic Violence,
Mobile, AL, Task Force Member. (2005 - Present).
Executive Committee for Ed Media, Committee Member. (2013 - 2016).
Mid-South Educational Research Association.
Mobile Botanical Garden, Mobile, AL, Member. (2008 - Present).
Penelope House, Center for Domestic Violence Shelter for Women & Children,
Mobile, AL, Advisory Board Member. (2004 - Present).
University of Minnesota Alumni Association.
USA Faculty Senate (2nd Term). (2013 - 2016).
Fregeau, Laureen A.
Alabama-Mississippi TESOL.
Marietta Johnson School of Organic Education Museum Board, Fairhope, AL,
Member. (January 1998 - Present).
Peace Corps World Wise Schools, National, Member.
Plains Reading Council, Auburn, AL, Member. (2010 - Present).
RPCV Returned Volunteers Career Information, Consultant.
School Community Journal, Editorial Review Board Member (2008 - Present).
SETESOL, Conference-Related. (2003 - Present).
SETESOL, Southeast Region, Conference-Related. (2003 - Present).
Southeast Regional Comparative and International Education Society. (October
2013 - Present).
Johnson, R. B.
American Educational Research Association. (1994 - Present).
American Evaluation Association. (1991 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
Mixed Methods International Research Association, Interim Executive Director.
(January 2013 - Present).
Lewis, Joél P.
American Educational Research Association, Member. (2007 - Present).
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Member. (2008 Present).
Litchfield, Brenda C.
Alabama Coastal Foundation, Mobile, AL, Board of Directors of a Company.
(May 1996 - Present).
American Educational Research Association.
Environmental Education Association of Alabama.
Gulf Coast Resource Conservation and Development Council, Mobile, AL, Board
of Directors of a Company. (June 1993 - Present).
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, Editorial Review
Board Member. (May 2012 - Present).
Instructional Design and Development MS and PhD programs, Program
Coordinator. (August 2000 - Present).
International Society for Technology in Education.
Journal of College Science Teaching, Editorial Review Board Member. (June
2008 - Present).
Mobile Botanical Gardens, Board of Directors of a Company. (May 2012 Present).
National Science Teachers Association.
Project Cate Foundation, Inc. (September 1991 - Present).
Lomax, Ed C.
American Association of School Librarians.
American Library Association.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. (May 2015 Present).
McDermott, Ryon
American Psychological Association. (August 2004 - Present).
APA Division 17, Ad hoc Reviewer for the Counseling Psychologist. (August
2013 - Present).
APA Division 17, Society for Counseling Psychology. (August 2008 - Present).
APA Division 51, Editorial Review Board Member. (August 2013 - August 2015).
APA Division 51, Guidelines for Best Practices with Boys and Men, Committee
Member. (August 2013 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
APA Division 51, Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity.
Listserv Moderator, Program Chair, and Secretary. (August 2007 Present).
APA Division 51, Responsible for social media and internet dissemination of
masculinity research, and manager of division web site’s author spotlight
feature (August 2012 - Present).
Pfaffman, Jay A.
American Educational Research Association. (April 1996 - Present).
National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA, Reviewer Grant Proposal, (March
30, 2015 - March 31, 2015).
Stefurak, Tres
American Counseling Association. (August 1998 - Present).
American Psychological Association. (January 1, 1995 - Present).
APA Division 29: Division of Psychotherapy. (2000 - Present).
Association for Counselor Education & Supervision. (2007-present).
Mobile County Department of Human Resources, Mobile, AL, County Board
Member. (January 1, 2010 - August 2015).
Mobile Juvenile Court Collaborative, Mobile, AL, Co-Coordinator. (June 2008 Present).
Southeastern Psychological Association. (1998 - Present).
Strange, John H.
Baldwin County School Board, Baldwin County, Alabama, Advisor and Unpaid
Consultant on Development and Implementation of Digital Renaissance
Learning Academy (March 1, 2013 - Present).
Upton, Amy W.
Alabama Counseling Association. (August 20, 2013 - Present).
American Counseling Association. (January 30, 2014 - Present).
American School Counseling Association. (October 30, 2013 - Present).
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. (January 30, 2014 Present).
Baldwin County Counseling and Guidance Advisory Council, AL, Committee
Member. (September 2013 - Present).
Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. (September
2010 - Present).
Van Haneghan, James P.
American Educational Research Association. (July 1, 1993 - Present).
USA College of Education Annual Report 2014-2015
American Evaluation Association, Pre K-12 Educational Evaluation TIG Co-chair.
(June 12, 2003 - Present).
American Psychological Association.
Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation
(CREATE). (July 1, 2004 - Present).
Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation
(CREATE), Board of Directors of a Company. (October 1, 2010 Present).
International Society for the Learning Sciences.