The arithmetic theory of modular forms has two main themes that are intertwined.
One is the theory of congruences of modular forms and the other is the theory
of Galois representations. The first theme is classical, dating back to Ramanujan,
with subsequent important contributions from Serre, Swinnerton-Dyer, Atkin, Ribet, Hida etc, and the developments in the latter theme started with the work of
Deligne, Eichler, Shimura, Serre and others. It opened up new frontiers in the last
few decades of the twentieth century with work of Hida, Mazur, Taylor, Wiles, etc.
This expository article is based on a series of lectures given at IISER Pune in June
2014, in the ‘Workshop on p-adic aspects of modular forms’. The subject of the
lectures was the classical approach of Serre [?] in defining p-adic families of modular
forms. Of course, the geometric approach as developed by Katz, Dwork, Coleman,
Mazur, culminating in the theory of overconvergent modular forms is central to the
study of p-adic modular forms today, but we shall not discuss this and refer the
interested reader to [?], [?].
1. Notation and Preliminaries
Throughout, p will denote a prime number ≥ 5. The field Q̄p denotes a fixed algebraic closure of Qp and Z̄p will be the integral closure of Zp in Qp . Fix an embedding
ip : Q̄ ,→ Q̄p ; this takes Z̄ into Z̄p . The p-adic norm on the field Qp is denoted by | |p ,
normalized so that | p |p = 1/p, and ordp will denote the corresponding discrete valuation. The field Cp denotes the Tate field, namely the completion of the algebraic
closure of Qp .
1.1. Modular forms. We shall refer to [?] or [?] for more details on the theory
of modular forms. Let N be an integer ≥ 1. We shall consider the following three
modular subgroups of SL2 (Z)
SL2 (Z) ⊃ Γ0 (N ) ⊃ Γ1 (N ) ⊃ Γ(N )
AMS Subject Classification:
Keywords and phrases:
a b
Γ0 (N ) =
| c ≡ 0 mod N
c d
a b
Γ1 (N ) =
| c ≡ 0 mod N, a, d ≡ 1 mod N
c d
a b
Γ(N ) =
| c and b ≡ 0 mod N, a and d ≡ 1 mod N .
c d
A subgroup Γ of SL2 (Z) that contains Γ(N ) for some N is called a congruence
subgroup; its level is the least number N with this property.
Let GL+
2 (R) ⊆ GL2 (R) be the subgroup consisting of matrices with positive determinant and let H be the upper half plane, on which there is the usual action of
2 (R) via fractional transformation. Given an integer k, the weight k-action of
2 (R) on the complex vector space of complex valued functions on H, denoted
f |k [γ](z) is defined as follows. Let f : H → C and γ ∈ GL+
2 (R), then
f |k [γ](z) := det(γ)k/2 (cz + d)−k f (γz), z ∈ H.
Definition 1.2. A weakly modular function of weight k and level N is a meromorphic function f : H → C satisfying f |k [γ] = f for all γ ∈ Γ1 (N ).
Consider the extended upper half plane
H∗ = H ∪ Q ∪ {∞}.
The action of of SL2 (Z) then extends to an action on H∗ and the finite set of cusps
for the congruence subgroup Γ is the set of Γ-orbits of P1 (Q) = Q ∪ {∞}.
Definition 1.3. A modular form (resp. cusp form) of integer weight k and level N
is a weakly modular function f : H → C of weight k and level N that is holomorphic
on H and for which
lim f |k [γ](iy)
is finite (resp. vanishes) for all γ ∈ SL2 (Z).
form of weight k and level N, the invariance property of f for
a modular
1 1
gives f (z + 1) = f (z). This allows for a Fourier expansion (called the
0 1
q-expansion) f (τ ) = ∞
, whereas the condition (??)
n=−∞ cn (f )q , where q = e
with γ = 1 guarantees cn (f ) = 0 for n < 0 (resp. for n ≤ 0 if f is a cusp form). It is
an important fact that the Fourier coefficients of f actually generate a number field
called the Hecke field of f. We refer the reader to [?] for details on modular forms.
The complex vector space of modular forms of weight k and level N is denoted
Mk (N ) and it contains the subspace Sk (N ) of cusp forms of weight k and level
N . These are finite dimensional vector spaces. We shall always assume that k ≥ 1
and for the purposes of this article, that N = 1. The space Mk (N ) = 0 if k < 0
and M0 (N ) is just the space of constant functions on the upper half plane, and
S0 (N ) = 0. Also Mk (1) = 0 if k is odd or if 0 < k < 4. The weight k-action
of Γ0 (N ) preserves Mk (N ) and Sk (N ). In addition, the space of cusp forms comes
equipped with a positive definite Hermitian inner product, called the Petersson inner
product. For M | N , we have an inclusion Sk (M ) ⊂ Sk (N ). Another way to embed
Sk (M ) into Sk (N ) is via the multiplication-by-d map f (z) 7→ dk−1 f (dz), where d
is any divisor of N/M . The old subspace of level N in Sk (N ), denoted Sk (N )old ,
is the subspace generated by the images of cusp forms of all levels M dividing N
by both the inclusion and the multiplication-by-d maps, for all divisors d of N/M .
Its orthogonal complement with respect to the Petersson inner product is the new
subspace and is denoted Sk (N )new . A newform is said to be normalized if its first
Fourier coefficient a1 = 1.
1.4. Hecke algebras. There are the operators called the Hecke operators that act
on modular forms for the full modular group SL2 (Z), as well as those for congruence
subgroups, and which preserve the space of cusp forms. For the group Γ1 (N ),
there are two classes of Hecke operators. These are usually denoted by Tn , n ∈
N, (n, N ) = 1, and the diamond operators hdi. Following Emerton [?], we consider
the operators Sl for primes l - N defined by Sl = hlilk−2 . The operators Sl preserve
the space of cusp forms. For primes p dividing the level N, there are also the
operators Up . There is a double coset description of the Hecke operators and in fact
the Hecke operators Tm can be defined for any positive integer m prime to N . The
action of these operators on modular forms can be made explicit in terms of the
Fourier coefficients.
Definition 1.5. The Hecke algebra hk (N ) for the given weight k and level N (or
simply hk when the level N is understood) is the Z-subalgebra of End(Mk (N ))
generated by the operators lSl and Tl as l ranges over the primes not dividing the
level N . This coincides with the algebra generated by the collection of operators
Tm .
Definition 1.6. A modular form that is a simultaneous eigenform for all the Hecke
operators is called an eigenform. A newform is an element in Sk (N )new that is an
Here are some examples of modular forms.
• The form
∆(q) = q
(1 − q m )24 =
τ (n)q n ,
where n 7→ τ (n) is the Ramanujan τ -function, is a holomorphic cusp form of
weight 12 and level 1, with q-expansion q − 24q 2 + 252q 3 − 1472q 4 · · · .
• Let
an even integer and consider the summation function σk−1 (n) :=
P k be
. Define the functions
Gk = −Bk /2k + Σ∞
n=1 σk−1 (n)q ,
Ek = (−2k/Bk )Gk = 1 −
2k ∞
Bk n=1
σk−1 (n)q n ,
where Bk is the k th Bernoulli number. When k ≥ 4, Gk and Ek are modular
forms of weight k (even relative to SL2 (Z)), called the Eisenstein series.
• The form
ω(q) := q
(1 − q m )2 (1 − q 11m )2 =
an q n ,
is a cusp form of weight 2 and level 11. The Fourier coefficients are given by
{p 7→ ap } where ap is related to NE (p), the number of rational points modulo
p on the elliptic curve E : y 2 + y = x3 − x2 , and NE (p) = p + 1 − ap .
1.7. Modular curves. The quotient SL2 (Z)\H∗ denoted X0 (1) is the modular
curve of level 1. The analogously defined quotient for a congruence subgroup of
level N is denoted X0 (N ). It is a compact Riemann surface and is obtained from
the corresponding quotient of H (called the open modular curve and denoted Y0 (N ))
as its compactification by adding the cusps. The points of Y0 (1)(C) classify isomorphism classes of elliptic curves over C. For τ ∈ H, set Lτ to be the lattice Z + Zτ,
and let Eτ denote the elliptic curve C/(Lτ ). The j-invariant associated to a lattice
provides isomorphisms Y0 (1) ' A1 and X0 (1) ' P1 . The corresponding quotients
for Γ1 (N ) are denoted respectively by X1 (N ) and Y1 (N ), and for a general modular
group Γ by XΓ and YΓ , respectively. These are ‘moduli spaces’; for instance Y0 (N )
classifies isomorphism classes of pairs (E, H) where E/C is an elliptic curve and H
is a cyclic subgroup of E of order N (‘level structure’). Similarly, Y1 (N ) classifies
pairs (E, P ) where E/C is an elliptic curve and P ∈ E is a point of exact order
N . The weight k modular forms for Γ1 (N ) are interpreted as global sections of a
certain line bundle on Y1 (N ) while the cusp forms of weight k have an interpretation as global sections of a certain invertible sheaf on X1 (N ). Viewed in this optic,
a classical modular form f of weight k and level 1 over C is a rule that attaches to a
pair (E, ω) consisting of an elliptic curve E and a non-zero regular differential ω on
E, a complex number f (E, ω) depending only on the isomorphism class of the pair
(E, ω), such that for all λ ∈ C∗ we have f (E, λω) = λ−k f (E, ω) and which “behaves
well in families” (see [?] for a precise definition).
1.8. Congruences.
Definition 1.9. Two modular forms f and g are congruent modulo m, where m is
an integer ≥ 2, if their corresponding Fourier coefficients are congruent modulo m.
We write f ≡ g mod m to denote the congruence.
For example, ∆ ≡ ω mod 11. Recall that by the classical Kummer congruence, we
Bk /k ≡ Bh /h mod p whenever h ≡ k mod (p − 1).
Here p is a prime, and k, h are positive even integers not divisible by p − 1. In fact,
we have
(1 − ph−1 )Bh /h ≡ (1 − pk−1 )Bk /k mod pa
whenever h ≡ k mod φ(pa+1 ), where φ denotes the Euler φ-function. Consider the
Eisenstein series
= −Bk /2k + ∞
}q n
n=1 {
d|n d
= −Bk+p−1 /2(k + p − 1) +
Gk+φ(pr ) = −Bk+φ(pr ) /2(k + φ(pr )) +
n=1 {
dk−1 dp−1 }q n
dk−1+φ(p ) }q n .
Using (??) along with Fermat’s theorem (resp. Euler’s theorem), we see that the
non constant Fourier coefficients of Gk and Gk+p−1 (resp. Gk and Gk+φ(pr ) ) are
congruent modulo p (resp. pr ). The classical Kummer congruence then guarantees
the analogous result for the constant coefficients.
If k | (p − 1), then by the theorem of Clausen–von-Stadt, we have ordp (Bk /k) =
−1 − ordp (k), hence ordp (k/Bk ) ≥ 1, and
Ek ≡ 1 mod p if k ≡ 0 mod (p − 1).
In fact, we also have
Ek ≡ 1 mod pm if k ≡ 0 mod (p − 1)pm−1 .
1.10. Graded algebra of modular forms. We recall some results due to SwinnertonDyer on the reduction of modular forms modulo p. For a modular form f of weight
k ∈ Z with q-expansion f = Σ an q n , where an ∈ Q, and are p-integers, the reduction
modulo p of f is denoted f¯, and is an element of Fp [[q]]. The set of such power
series is denoted M̃k ; this is a vector subspace of Fp [[q]], and we put M̃ := k M̃k .
Similarly, we set M = ⊕ Mk , to denote the graded Q-algebra where Mk is the
subspace of modular forms of weight k. The series P, Q and R of weight 2, 4 and 6
respectively, are defined by
P = E2 = 1 − 24
σ1 (n)q n
Q = E4 = 1 + 240
σ3 (n)q n
R = E6 = 1 − 504
σ5 (n)q n .
For p ≥ 5, the elements Q and R generate M and hence M̃, as well. Indeed,
M ' Q[Q, R], with Q, R being algebraically independent. Any f ∈ Mk can be
written uniquely as a finite sum
am,n Qm Rn , am,n ∈ Q,
where (m, n) are pairs of positive integers such that 4m + 6n = k. For instance,
(Q3 − R2 ).
For p ≥ 5, we have
M̃ = Fp [Q, R]/ < Ã − 1 >
where A(Q, R) = Ep−1 is the polynomial expression for Ep−1 . Thus M̃ is the affine
algebra of a smooth algebraic curve Y /Fp . For example, when p = 11, Y = Spec M̃
is a curve of genus 0, and for p = 13, Y is a curve of genus 1 (see [?] for details).
2. p-adic modular forms
Serre defines the following valuation on the formal power series ring Qp [[q]]. If f =
an q n , then set
ordp (f ) = inf ordp (an ).
If ordp (f ) ≥ 0, then f ∈ Zp [[q]] and if ordp (f ) ≥ m, then f˜ ≡ 0 mod pm . A p-adic
modular form is then defined as follows.
Definition 2.1. Let Mk be the space of modular forms of level 1 and weight k for
Γ1 (N ). A q-expansion
an q n ∈ Qp [[q]]
is a p-adic modular form (in the sense of Serre) if there exists a sequence of classical
modular forms fi ∈ Mki for Γ1 (N ) such that
ordp (f − fi ) → ∞ as i → ∞.
Concretely, this means that the Fourier coefficients of fi tend uniformly to those of
f . Note that this says nothing about the weight of the p-adic modular form f . To
do this, we set (recall that we are assuming p ≥ 5)
Xm = Z/(p − 1)pm−1 Z
= lim Xm ' Z/(p − 1)Z × Zp .
The group X is the weight space for p-adic modular forms and can be identified with
the group Hom(Z×
p , Zp ) of continuous characters of Zp into Zp . If k ∈ X, then we
write k = (s, u), where s ∈ Zp , u ∈ Z/(p − 1)Z. If v is the corresponding element
= 1 and v2 ≡ 1 mod p; further
in Hom(Z×
p , Zp ), then we write v = v1 · v2 with v1
s u
v = v1 v2 . An element k ∈ X is even if it belongs to the subgroup 2X; this just
means that the component u of k is an even element of Z/(p − 1)Z. Further, the
natural map Z → X is injective, and we thus view the integers as a dense subgroup
of X. The following theorem enables one to define the weight of a p-adic modular
Theorem 2.2. (Serre) Let m be an integer ≥ 1. Suppose that f and f 0 are two
modular forms with rational coefficients, of weights k and k 0 respectively. Assume
that f 6= 0 and that
ordp (f − f 0 ) ≥ ordp (f ) + m.
Then k 0 ≡ k mod (p − 1) · pm−1 .
The reader is referred to [?, Théorème 1] for the detailed proof, we just outline the
key ideas mentioning that the assumption p ≥ 5 is needed here. Put M̃0 = ∪ M̃k ,
where k varies over the positive integers divisible by (p − 1). The key fact that is
needed is that M̃0 (which is an Fp -algebra and an integral domain), is integrally
closed in its quotient field. The case m = 1 is easy and so we may assume that
m ≥ 2. Let h = k 0 − k, and put r = ordp (h) + 1. We may further assume h ≥ 4, since
by utilizing the congruence (??) we could replace f 0 by f 0 E(p−1)pn for a large enough
integer n. The theorem then reduces to proving that r ≥ m. Using the Eisenstein
series Eh and the operator θ = q · d/dq on M̃, along with some delicate but standard
calculations in M̃, one finds an element φ̃ in the fraction field of M̃0 . This element
is seen to be integral over M̃0 , and does not lie in M̃0 , when r < m and m ≥ 2.
This contradicts the fact that M̃0 is integrally closed, hence r ≥ m and the theorem
For example, consider the modular form ∆ of weight 12, and the modular form ω
of weight 2 ((??), (??)) for the prime p = 11. We have 12 ≡ 2 mod (11 − 1).
Theorem 2.3. (Serre) Let f be a p-adic modular form f 6= 0, and let (fi ) be a
sequence of modular forms of weight (ki ) with rational coefficients and limit f . The
ki ’s then tend to a limit k in the weight space X; this limit depends only on f and
not on the chosen sequence fi .
By hypothesis, ordp (f − fi ) → ∞. Setting k = limi ki we see that k ∈ X satisfies
the required properties. That it is independent of the chosen sequence ki follows
from Theorem 2.2.
Serre [?, Cor.2] also proves the following.
Proposition 2.4. Suppose fi = ∞
n=0 ai,n q is a sequence of p-adic modular forms
of weights ki such that
(i) for n ≥ 1, the ai,n converge uniformly to some an ∈ Qp , and
(ii) the weights ki converge to some k in X.
Then a0,n converges to an element a0 ∈ Qp and the series
f = a0 + a1 q + · · · + an q n + · · ·
is a p-adic modular form of weight k.
Example 2.5. Define
(n) =
dk−1 ∈ Zp .
Assume k is even and choose a sequence of even integers ki ≥ 4 tending to infinity
in the archimedean sense and tending to k, p-adically. Then, we have that for a
positive integer d coprime to p, dki −1 → dk−1 in the p-adic norm and
σki −1 (n) → σk−1
(n) ∈ Zp ,
this convergence being uniform for all n ≥ 1. By the above results, it then follows
that the Eisenstein series Gki converge to a p-adic modular form of weight k, called
the p-adic Eisenstein series of weight k, and
(n)q n .
Gk = lim Bki /2ki +
We remark in passing that the p-adic Eisenstein series of weight 2 is a p-adic modular
form even though the classical weight two Eisenstein series is not a classical modular
2.6. The p-adic Riemann-zeta function. Recall that Bki /2ki = 21 ζ(1−ki ), where
ζ(s) is the classical Riemann-zeta function.
We denote the constant term of the p-adic Eisenstein series G∗k by 12 ζ ∗ (1 − k), where
k 6= 0 is an even element of X. Then 21 ζ ∗ (1 − k) is the p-adic limit of 21 ζ(1 − ki ).
This defines a function
(1 − k) 7→ ζ ∗ (1 − k)
on the odd elements (1 − k) of X \ 1. This function is continuous and is essentially
the p-adic zeta function of Kubota-Leopoldt, denoted Lp [?]. We have
ζ ∗ (1 − k) = (1 − pk−1 )ζ(1 − k)
which is the imprimitive ζ function with the Euler factor at p removed, and
1 ∗
Gk = a0 +
σk−1 (n)q = ζ (1 − k) +
(n)q n .
Additionally, the series G∗k itself depends continuously on k.
We largely follow Iwasawa’s book [?]. Suppose that χ is a Dirichlet character and
let L(s, χ) be the classical Dirichlet L-function of a complex variable s. The values
L(s, χ) are algebraic numbers for negative integers s ≤ 0, and hence can be viewed
as elements of Cp . The Kubota-Leopoldt p-adic zeta function p-adically interpolates
these values in the following sense. The function Lp is viewed as a continuous
function of s ∈ Zp , s 6= 1 and can be evaluated on Dirichlet characters so that
Lp (s, χ) ∈ Cp . It has the property that
Lp (s, χ) = (1 − χ(p)p−s )L(s, χ)
for integers s ≤ 0, s ≡ 1 mod (p − 1). With these notations, Iwasawa showed the
following result. Suppose that χ is any character distinct from w−1 , where w is
the Teichmüller character, and let k ∈ X, k = (s, u) be an odd element, then the
ζ 0 : X → Zp
(s, u) 7→ Lp (s, w1−u ),
is continuous on X, and ζ 0 (1 − k) = (1 − pk−1 )ζ(1 − k). Since | ki |→ ∞, we have
lim (1 − pki −1 ) = 1, and ζ 0 (1 − k) = ζ ∗ (1 − k), where ζ ∗ is defined in (??). In
particular, we see that ζ 0 = Lp as functions on X.
We have
Theorem 2.7. [?] If (s, u) is an odd element of X, (s, u) 6= 1, then ζ ∗ (s, u) =
Lp (s, w1−u ), where Lp (s, χ) is the p-adic L-function.
3. Iwasawa algebra
In this section, we define the Iwasawa algebra of a profinite group and consider its
other interpretations. This is then used in the context of p-adic modular forms to
show how one can recover the classical Kummer congruences. We first recall the
definition of the Iwasawa algebra of G.
3.1. Iwasawa algebra as a group completion.
Definition 3.2. The Iwasawa algebra of G over Zp is denoted Λ(G) and is defined
Λ(G) = lim Zp [G/U]
where U varies over open normal subgroups of G and the inverse limit is taken with
respect to the natural maps.
We shall largely be interested in the case when G = Z×
p ; then we have
G ' U1 × ∆,
where U1 ' Zp and ∆ ' Z/(p − 1). The Iwasawa algebra Λ = Zp [[U1 ]] is a regular
local ring and may be identified with the power series Zp [[T ]], the isomorphism is
non-canonical and sends a generator of U1 to (1 + T ). It is a compact Zp -algebra
with respect to the topology defined by the powers of the maximal ideal. We denote
by Un the subgroup of G consisting of elements u such that u ≡ 1 mod pn .
3.3. Measure theoretic interpretation and power series. The Iwasawa algebra also has an interpretation in terms of p-adic measures [?]. A Cp -valued measure
on G is a function on the set of compact open subsets of G that is additive on
disjoint unions (see [?] Chapter 12). Let C(G, Cp ) denote the space of continuous
functions from G to Cp . Such measures are in bijection with continuous linear maps
C(G, Cp ) → Cp . Given f ∈ C(G, Cp ) and an element λ in Λ(G), the corresponding
measure is denoted dλ, and we have the value
λ(f ) =
f dλ ∈ Cp .
The set of all O-valued measures, where O is the ring of integers in a finite extension
of Qp , is similarly defined, and we denote it by MO . Under the operations of addition
and convolution, the set MO forms a ring. This ring is isomorphic to O[[T ]], the
isomorphism being given by the Mahler transform
MO → O[[T ]]
7→ λ̂(T ) =
(1 + T )x dλ(x) =
dλ(x) T m .
The power series on the right is called the power series associated to the measure λ.
The map φ : Zp → U1 given by s 7→ (1 + p)s gives a topological group isomorphism,
noting that 1+p is a particular choice of a topological generator of U1 . For u ∈ U1 , let
fu denote the element in C(Zp , Zp ) defined by s 7→ us . The Zp -module L generated
by such elements fu is in fact a subalgebra of C(Zp , Zp ). Let L̄ denote its closure
(in the uniform convergence topology). It is not difficult to see [?, 4.1(b)] that if
f ∈ L̄, n ≥ 0, then
s ≡ s0 mod pn ⇔ f (s) ≡ f (s0 ) mod pn+1 .
By a classical result of Mahler, any f ∈ C(Zp , Cp ) can be written uniquely as
X x
f (x) =
where an ∈ Cp and an → 0 as n → ∞.
Fixing now a choice of a topological generator u of U1 , we have the map
M : Λ(U1 ) → Zp [[T ]]
fu dλ =
(1 + T )s dλ,
X Z s
where the last integral is really
dλ T n . This gives another interpreZp n
tation of the identification mentioned above, and amounts to the change of variable
T = (u − 1).
Suppose Op is the set of elements x in Cp such that |x|p ≤ 1. Serre also interprets
the Iwasawa algebra over Op (see [?]) as the set of functions f in C(Zp , Cp ) that are
of the form
f (x) = F (φ(x) − 1) with F ∈ Op [[T ]].
This doesn’t depend on the choicePof a generator of U1 in the definition of the
isomorphism φ. Similarly, if g =
an T n is an element of Zp [[T ]], and ε(g) in
C(Zp , Zp ) is defined as the function
s 7→ g(us − 1) =
an (us − 1)n ,
then it can be shown [?, §4] that ε gives an isomorphism
Λ ' L̄
which is the identity on Zp [U1 ]. In this context, Serre shows [?, Théorème 13] that
an element f ∈ C(Zp , Zp ) belongs to the Iwasawa algebra Λ if and only if there are
p-adic integers bn (n ∈ Z, n ≥ 1) such that
f (s) =
bn pn sn /n! for s ∈ Zp ,
is a p − adic integer.
i=1 cin bi )
Here the cin ’s are defined by
cin x = n!
In particular, it follows (see [?, Corollaire, p. 241]) that if f ∈ Λ and we consider
the corresponding coefficients bn (cf. (??)), then
bn ≡ bn+p−1 mod p for all n ≥ 1.
3.4. Iwasawa algebra and interpolation. There is yet another way of viewing
elements in the Iwasawa algebra Λ(U1 ), which is related to interpolation data (see
[?, §2]). Given a sequence b = (b0 , b1 , · · · ) of elements of Cp , by abuse of language,
one says that b belongs to the Iwasawa algebra if there exists a function f : Zp → Cp
as in (??) such that f (k) = bk for each k ≥ 0. This amounts to saying that there
exists a formal power series F ∈ Op [[T ]] such that bk = F (uk − 1) for a topological
generator u of U1 and all k ≥ 0. Let
n−j n
cn =
bj .
By Mahler’s criterion, in order that there exist a continuous interpolating function
f : Zp → Cp such that f (k) = bk , for every integer k ≥ 0, it is necessary and
sufficient that lim | cn |= 0. The function f is then defined by the series
f (x) =
If the coefficients of interpolation, cn , satisfy the congruence
cn ≡ 0 mod pn Op for n ≥ 0,
then there exists an analytic function f in the open disc {x ∈ Cp | kxk < R} of Cp
with R = p p−1 and such that f (k) = bk for k ≥ 0.
Indeed, let Sn , 0 ≤ m ≤ n be the Stirling numbers given by the identity
X(X − 1) . . . (X − (n − 1)) =
Sn(m) X m ;
recall that there is a recurrence formula
Sn+1 = Sn(m−1) − nSn(m) (1 ≤ m ≤ n)
with S0 = 1, Sn = 0 and Sn = 1 for n ≥ 1. Put
am =
Sn(m) cn /n!,
then the interpolating function f admits a Taylor expansion f (x) =
with radius of convergence ≥ R, and such that f (k) = bk .
am xm
3.5. Recovering the Kummer congruences. We return to the p-adic Eisenstein
series G∗k considered in §2. Let k ∈ X be an even element, k 6= 0 and write
k = (s, u) with s ∈ Zp , u ∈ Z/(p − 1)Z, and G∗k =G∗s,u . Writing G∗k in terms of its
Fourier expansion, and denoting the n-th Fourier coefficient (n ≥ 1) by an (G∗s,u ), we
a0 (G∗s,u ) =
an (G∗s,u )q n
ζ ∗ (1 − s, 1 − u)
(n) =
an (G∗s,u ) = σk−1
dk−1 .
Note that the decomposition (??) allows us to express a p-adic unit d ∈ Z×
p as
d = ω(d)hdi, where ω(d)
= 1 and hdi ∈ U1 . Hence
an (G∗s,u ) =
d−1 ω(d)k hdik =
d−1 ω(d)u hdis .
Thus, for fixed n ≥ 1 and u ∈ Z/(p−1)Z, we may consider the function s 7→ an (G∗s,u )
as an element of L and hence as an element of the Iwasawa algebra Λ via L ⊂ L̄ ' Λ
(see Section ?? and (??) there). It then follows, thanks to a result of Iwasawa
[?, Théorème 16] that if u is an even element of Z/(p − 1)Z, then the function
s 7→ a0 (G∗s,u ) is also an element of Λ. Thus the p-adic modular form G∗k can also
be viewed as having Fourier coefficients in the Iwasawa algebra. The Kummer
congruences then follow from (??).
4. The case of totally real fields
Let K be an abelian, totally real, number field of degree r. Recall that the Riemann
zeta function ζK (s) is defined by
ζK (s) =
Na−s =
(1 − Np−s )−1 for Re(s) > 1,
where a (resp. p) varies over the set of nonzero ideals (resp. the nonzero prime
ideals) of the ring of integers OK of K and N denotes the norm. This function may
be extended to a meromorphic function on C with a simple pole at s = 1. Recall
that there are r characters χ1 , · · · , χr such that ζK (s) =
L(s, χj ). We denote
the different ideal in OK by d and by d the discriminant of K, remarking that the
absolute value of the discriminant is the norm of the different, i.e. | Nd |= d.
Without delving into the details (see [?, §5]), we briefly indicate the existence of
the corresponding p-adic modular form in this case.
Let S be the set of primes of K lying above p. We set
ζK (s) = ζK (s) (1 − Np−s ) for Re(s) > 1.
Let k be an even integer ≥ 2. First, one associates to k a modular form gk of weight
rk such that the constant term a0 (gk ) satisfies
a0 (gk ) = 2−r ζK (1 − k),
and the n-th Fourier coefficient is given by
an (gk ) =
(N(a))k−1 , n ≥ 1.
Tr(x)=n a|xd
x∈d−1 (a,p)=1
Here the sum varies over totally positive elements x in K such that trace(x) = n
and a|xd.
As before, for an element k ∈ X one then chooses a sequence of even integers ki ≥ 4
such that |ki | → ∞ and ki → k in X. Then the forms gki have a limit gk∗ which is a
p-adic modular form of weight rk, and is independent of the chosen sequence {ki }.
We have
a0 (gk∗ ) = 2−r ζK
(1 − k) := 2−r lim ζK (1 − ki ),
an (gk∗ ) =
(N(a))k−1 , n ≥ 1.
Tr(x)=n a|xd
x∈d−1 (a,p)=1
The following results are proved in [?] (see also [?]):
• If k ≥ 1 is even and rk 6= 0 mod (p − 1), then ζK (1 − k) is p-integral.
• If k ≥ 1 is even, and rk ≡ 0 mod (p − 1), then prk · ζK (1 − k) is p-integral.
• If k is an even integer ≥ 2, then
(1 − k) = ζK (1 − k)
1 − Npk−1 .
is again the p-adic zeta function of Kubota-Leopoldt that
• The function ζK
interpolates values of ζK .
• If k = (s, u) ∈ X with s ∈ Zp and u an even element of Z/(p − 1)Z, we write
(1−s, 1−u) for ζK
(1−k). If ru 6= 0 then the function s 7→ ζK
(1−s, 1−u)
belongs to the Iwasawa algebra Λ = Zp [[T ]]. It is holomorphic in a disc
strictly larger than the unit disc.
• ζK
(1 − s, 1 − u) = ζK
(1 − s, 1 − u0 ) whenever u ≡ u0 mod m, where m is the
degree [K(µp ) : K].
• If k = (s, u) as above, and u is an even element of Z/(p − 1)Z with ru = 0,
then the function s 7→ ζK
(1 − s, 1 − u) is of the form h(T )/((1 + T )r − 1),
for h ∈ Λ.
5. Galois representations
In this section we recall the Galois representations associated to modular forms,
and to the Λ-adic forms.
5.1. Galois representations for modular forms. Let f (z) = ∞
n=1 an q be a
normalized Hecke eigenform which is a newform of weight k ≥ 2, and level N . By
results of Eichler-Shimura, Deligne, for every prime l, there is an associated Galois
ρl,f : Gal(Q̄/Q) → GL2 (K),
where K is a finite extension of Ql . As f is a Hecke eigenform, there is a ring
λ : hk → C
such that T (f ) = λ(T )f for all elements T in the Hecke algebra hk . Every eigenvalue
of a Hecke operator is an algebraic integer.
This representation has the following properties:
(i) If Σ denotes the set of primes dividing lN , then ρl,f is unramified outside Σ.
(ii) For each p - N l, we have
Trρl,f (Frobp )
= ap
detρl,f (Frobp ) = χ(p)pk−1 ;
here Frobp denotes the Frobenius endomorphism at the prime p and χ is the
cyclotomic character.
(iii) For p - N l, the matrix ρf,l (Frobp ) has characteristic polynomial (called the
Hecke polynomial) equal to
X 2 − λ(Tp )X + λ(pSp ).
If k = 1, then by results of Deligne-Serre, there is an irreducible degree two complex
ρf : Gal(Q̄/Q) → GL2 (C)
such that ρf has finite image.
5.2. Λ-adic forms and big Galois representations. The theory of Λ-adic forms
was introduced and studied by Hida ([?], [?]). We fix an integer N such that p - N.
Let Λ = Zp [[U1 ]] be an Iwasawa algebra and let Λ be a finite integral extension of
Λ. Consider the natural inclusion
ε : (1 + pZp ) → Q̄∗p .
Then for every k ∈ Zp , the homomorphism εk : 1 + pZp → Q̄∗p induces a Zp -algebra
homomorphism εk : Λ → Q̄p . Suppose k ≥ 1 is an integer and let φ ∈ Hom(Λ, Q̄p )
be a Zp -algebra homomorphism such that φ |Λ = εk . We have the specialisation maps
ηk : Λ → Q̄∗p
corresponding to such φ.
Definition 5.3. A Λ-adic form f of level N is a formal q-expansion
an (f )q n ∈ Λ[[q]]
such that for all specialisations ηk as above, the corresponding specialisations fk of f
give rise to classical modular (cusp) forms of weight k for the congruence subgroup
Γ1 (N pr ), r ≥ 1. The Λ-adic form is said to be a newform (resp. an eigenform) if
each specialisation is a newform (resp. an eigenform).
Hida proved that there is a complete, local Noetherian domain Λ which is finite flat
over Λ and such that any Λ-adic form f gives rise to a ‘big’ Galois representation
ρf : Gal(Q̄/Q) → GL2 (Λ)
which is continuous in a suitable sense. Further, it has the property that for any φ
as above, the composite
ρf ◦ φ : Gal(Q̄/Q) → GL2 (Λ) → GL2 (Q̄p )
corresponds to the Galois representation induced by the associated modular form
fk obtained by specialisation of f .
Thus a Λ-adic form is a family of classical forms of varying weights of level N pr
with r ≥ 1 with isomorphic residual q-expansions modulo the maximal ideal of Λ.
A Hecke eigenform f is ordinary if its p-th Fourier coefficient ap (and at the same
time the Up eigenvalue) is a p-adic unit. Hida utilized the study of congruences
of eigenforms and showed that any ordinary eigenform can be placed as a member
of an Λ-adic form in the above sense. Hida’s construction makes essential use of
the ordinary p-adic Hecke algebra hord
⊂ hk , the maximal ring direct summand on
which Up is invertible. In other words, if we write e = limn→∞ Upn! under the p-adic
topology of hk , then e is idempotent and we have hord
= ehk . As constructed in
[?] and [?], the unique “big” ordinary Hecke algebra h is characterized by the
following two properties usually referred to as Control theorems:
(C1) hord is free of finite rank over Λ,
(C2) When k ≥ 2, ηk (hord ) ' hord
for ηk given by (??).
The space of all Λ-adic modular forms is free of finite rank over Λ and moreover
is the Λ-dual of the “big” ordinary Hecke algebra hord . Thus, all the structural
properties of the space of Λ-adic modular forms mirror the structural properties of
hord . In conclusion, Hida theory gives many examples of p-adic families of modular
forms. The p-adic Eisenstein series considered in §2 are the simplest example of
such a p-adic family and in fact give rise to a Λ-adic form where Λ = Zp [[T ]], as
discussed in §3. There is also a Λ-adic form whose weight two specialization gives
the elliptic curve X0 (11) and has the modular form ∆ at weight 12 (cf. [?, §5.3]).
5.4. Further Vistas. In this last brief subsection, we sketch the contours of the
theory of p-adic modular forms stemming from the work of Katz [?] and others.
This affords a geometric point of view for the theory. Katz and Dwork developed an
equivalent definition of p-adic modular forms as sections of line bundles over certain
p-adic rigid analytic spaces related to modular curves. Recall the modular curves
Yi (N ), i = 0, 1, and Xi (N ) from ??. There exist integral models Yi (N ) and Xi (N ),
i = 0, 1, over Z[1/N ] such that Yi (N ) is a smooth curve over Spec Z[1/N ], and
has the property that Yi (N ) ⊗Z C is isomorphic to Yi (N ) as complex manifolds.
Further, for N ≥ 5, it represents the functor which sends a Z[1/N ]-scheme S to
the set of isomorphism classes (E, P ) where E is an elliptic curve over S and P ∈
E(S) = Hom(S, E) is a point of exact order N . There is an invertible sheaf ω̄ over
Yi (N ) which canonically extends to its compactification Xi (N ). If N ≥ 5, and R is
a Z[1/N ]-algebra, a modular form over R of weight k and level N is a global section
of ω̄ ⊗k over X1 (N ) ×Z[1/N ] R. The R-module of such modular forms is denoted
Mk (Γ1 (N ); R) and we have Mk (Γ1 (N ); C) = Mk (Γ1 (N )), the classical space of
modular forms of weight k. An element f in Mk (Γ1 (N ); R) has a q-expansion with
the Fourier coefficients in R.
For N ≤ 4, the above functor is not representable, and one gets around this problem
by working with X1 (M ) for M ≥ 5 and N | M . One then defines a modular
form of weight k and level N to be a modular form of weight k and level M that
is invariant under the action of the quotient Γ1 (M )\Γ1 (N ). These are the Katz’
algebraic modular forms over R. For R = Qp we write Mk (Γ1 (N ); Qp ) for the
corresponding space of modular forms. This does not give a satisfactory theory of
p-adic modular forms however, as it does not reflect the p-adic congruences between
modular forms. The Hecke operators are defined in this geometric setting as well.
To define p-adic modular forms, Katz begins by considering the integral modular
curves X1 (N ) and the modular curve for the group Γ1 (N ) ∩ Γ0 (p), denoted XΓ,p (N ).
The latter is again a moduli space that classifies elliptic curves with additional ‘level
structure data’. The ‘cusps’ correspond to pairs where the elliptic curve is a Tate
elliptic curve Gm /q Z (recall that Gm = Spec Z[T, T −1 ]) with different level structures
(for instance ζN ).
Considering Fp as a Z[1/N ]-algebra and applying base change to Fp , we get the
corresponding ‘reduced’ modular curves X̄1 (N ) and X̄Γ,p (N ) over Fp . These curves
are also moduli spaces for elliptic curves with suitable level structures. The modp-geometry of these curves is well-understood and one first defines mod-p modular
forms of level Γ1 (N ) (resp. of level (Γ1 (N ) ∩ Γ0 (p)), as sections of an invertible
sheaf on these spaces. The “Hasse invariant” is an example of a mod-p-modular
form which has weight p − 1. The curve X̄Γ,p (N ) has the ‘supersingular locus’ and
the ‘ordinary locus’, and the Hasse invariant vanishes precisely on the supersingular
locus. One then considers the inverse image of the complement of the supersingular
locus in X̄Γ,p (N ) under the reduction map h : XΓ,p (N ) → X̄Γ,p (N ). This is not an
algebraic variety over Qp but is a rigid analytic p-adic variety. There is a p-adic
rigid analytic invertible sheaf on this rigid analytic variety and the p-adic modular
forms of weight k are defined to be the global sections of the k-fold tensor product
of this sheaf. Omitting the supersingular points amounts to removing small open
disks (“‘supersingular disks”) on the classical modular curve over Zp . It turns out
to be interesting to study the sections that can be extended to small contiguous
areas of these disks, and translates to imposing conditions on the growth of the
coefficients of Laurent series expansions associated to these sections. Such forms are
called overconvergent modular forms. For an excellent introductory survey on the
p-adic geometry of modular curves see [?].
For R = Cp and N = 1, Katz’s algebraic modular forms of weight k over Cp may
be viewed as a rule that attaches to a pair (E, ω) consisting of an elliptic curve E
and a non-zero regular differential ω on E defined over Cp a number f (E, ω) ∈ Cp
depending only on the isomorphism class of the pair (E, ω), such that for all λ ∈ C∗
we have f (E, λω) = λ−k f (E, ω), and which behaves well in families. We usually
refer to such modular forms as classical. A p-adic modular form of weight k on the
other hand is such a rule defined only on those pairs (E, ω) for which E has ordinary
reduction. Thus, any classical modular form gives rise to a p-adic modular form, but
the converse is far from true in the sense that there are many p-adic modular forms
which are not classical. For instance, the “weight 2 Eisenstein series of level 1” given
by the q-expansion P in (??) is not a classical modular form, but is a q-expansion
of a p-adic modular form for every p (see [?]). It is worth pointing out that over a
p-adically complete and separated Zp -algebra, Serre’s definition of p-adic modular
forms central to this article and the alluded Katz’s algebraic definition of p-adic
modular forms from [?] amount to the same space (see Proposition A1.6 in [?]). The
space of all p-adic modular forms of a fixed weight k is an infinite dimensional p-adic
Banach space lacking a good theory of Hecke eigenforms. To deal with this issue,
one needs to consider its refinement, namely the space of overconvergent modular
forms. The q-expansion P in (??), while a p-adic modular form for every p, is not
overconvergent for any prime p (see [?]).
The idea behind constructing families of modular forms is the following: Given
an eigenform f for Γ1 (N p), find a p-adic family of eigenforms passing through f.
This amounts to asking for eigenforms (of possibly different level, but with weights
congruent to that of f ) which p-adically converge to f . Hida’s theory solves this
problem for ordinary modular forms. Coleman’s study of the theory of overconvergent modular forms ([?]) and the theory of the eigencurve solve this for an eigenform
f of positive finite slope (slope less than k − 1, where k is the weight of f ). The
slope here stands for the p-adic valuation of the p-th Fourier coefficient ap .
Acknowledgements: We would like to acknowledge the work of Payman Kassaei
and F. Calegari which helped us learn about Katz’s modular forms and overconvergent modular forms.
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