RESIDENTIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC WORTH: AN ASSESSMENT OF RETROFIT VS: NEW CONSTRUCTION Thomas L. Dinwoodie MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 82-004 January 1982 ABSTRACT This paper characterizes the basic differences between photovoltaic retrofit and new construction applications. It quantifies the tradeoffs forced by rooftop area constraints, special array mounting costs, maintenance costs, energy loads of older homes, and available terms of finance. While the larger average energy loads of older hones tend to enhance the value of retrofit applications, other conditions serve to enhance the relative financial attractiveness of PV on newly constructed homes. New construction applications benefit from more attractive financing terms, lower installed system costs, enhanced efficiency with architectural integration (appropriate orientation), and generally lower costs of operation, maintenance and insurance. Many of the differences characterizing these two applications may be reduced or eliminated when retrofit PV systems are simply packaged, vis-a-vis both long-term financing and easily installed hardware. -2- RESIDENTIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC WORTH: An Assessment of Retrofit vs: New Construction ABSTRACT ............. ............................. 2 Table of Contents ................................... 3 I. Introduction.................................... 4 II. Engineering/Economic Tradeoff Assessments........ 5 III. II.a Available Rooftop Area..................... 5 II.b Residence Energy Loads.................... II.c System Costs..............................10 II.d Means of Finance..........................14 Conclusions and Recommendations 6 ................ 17 APPENDIX A: Description of Financial Method........... 18 APPENDIX B: Array Performance and Market/Financial Parameters .............................. 20 REFERENCES............................................ 23 -3- RESIDENTIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC WORTH: An Assessment of Retrofit vs: New Construction Introduction This paper addresses engineering and economic issues impacting residential PV-retrofit installations. The purpose is to highlight the basic differences between photovoltaic retrofit (PVR) construction (PVNC) applications. and new This paper is not intended to replicate the several studies that have addressed PV cost goals and financial analyses (2,5,7,8,9,10,13,14,15). When estimating photovoltaic investment worth it is necessary to characterize four conditions: 1) the power output of the system, which is a combination of physical operating parameters and local insolation conditions, 2) system costs, including capital, operation and maintenance costs over the operating life of the system, 3) the finance terms of the investment, accompanied by the prevailing market parameters (general inflation rate, interest rates, etc.), and 4) the value of electricity displaced or sold back to the utility. Each of these conditions, excepting the latter, is likely to be influenced according to iw'hether the PV system is installed on part of an existing, rather than newly constructed home. Specific issues that impact PVR for the conditions above are analyzed in some detail in the next section. A set of conclusions and recommendations for PVR applications provides a summlary to this analysis. The financial method that is employed in the quantitative -4- --- ' --- I IIY*hhIIIIIi II UI IIb portion of this study, along with the array performance and market and financial assumptions, are located in the appendices. I. Engineering/Economic Tradeoff Assessments The power output from PVR is likely to be distinguished from PVNC by three primary considerations: design constraints, financing and the value of electricity. Design constraints may impact PV system electrical output and include such issues as the available rooftop area, array tilt angle from the horizontal and the azimuth angle of roof slope. These may also be responsible for higher capital and operating costs for the PVR system in the form of increased insurance costs and the need for special support structures (6). Financing is likely to cost more for PVR since standard home mortgage terms are typically more attractive than shorter term loans. Finally, the value of electricity supplied from PVR is likely to be greater than that from PVNC due to the typically higher electric loads of older homes. The latter issue is less significant in those utility systems with high buyback rates. These conditions are explored in some detail in what follows. II.a Available Rooftop Area During previous times of cheap energy supply no particular attention was paid to the orientation of roof slope in housing design and layouts. Thus the existing housing stock does not show a proportionately biased -5- , ubl ll ihI I sample of existing homes that specifically incorporate large, south-sloping rooftop surfaces. This mandates smaller, on average, array sizes for PVR in those instances where PV array placement is restricted to the house rooftop. The relationship of system break-even capital cost (SBECC) to array area for a Boston residence is depicted in figure 1. The several lines indicate the impact of alternative utility buyback rates upon system worth. High buyback rates yield linearly increasing returns with array area, whereas medium (50-80%) and low (10-40%) rates show optimum array sizes in the 60 m2 and 40 m2 ranges, respectively. From the figure we see that a scale economy exists when buyback rates exceed 60%, where the incremental electrical output fed back to the utility more than pays for the added cost to achieve that output. The 2 increase in system value is steepest in all cases from zero to 40 m array area. II.b. Residence Energy Loads In general, older homes consume more energy than newer Iiodel homes. Thermal loads are greater due to deterioration or lack of insulation and electrical loads may be slightly higher due to maintenance of older, less efficient appliances (air conditioners, incandescent lighting, circulation motors, refrigerators, etc.). Figures 2 through 5 show the impact of larger energy loads on PV system worth for varying collector sizes. Figure 2 addresses changes in stochastic (non-thermal) electrical load whereas figures 3-5 exanine changes in thermal load requirements when home heating is provided by a -6- WA ........ II 11111. 1iIlI dliN b lulii6 IIIN,II'' II ,Y 1l Figure 1 System Breakeven Capital Cost vs: PV Array Area (1980 Dollars) Boston Residence 40% Federal ITC 400 I i I Utility Buyback: IiII 100% 300 80% SBECC ($/m2) 60% 200 40% 100 0 1.,,IiI I , , ) 20 I I0 I I iI 40 Array Area (m2) i0 I I6I rl , 60 ll ! 80 l - - t, 1i0 I Y l Figure 2 Sensitivity to House Electrical Load Gas Heating/Vapor Compression Cooling 1985 Residence Utility Buy Rate 80% of Purchase Rate 350 300 SBE.C (W1m ) 250 200 2945 5890 8835 11780 14725 Annual House Electrical Load (kWh) Figure 3 Sensitivity to House Thermal Load Heat Pump Space Heating/Gas DHW/V.C. Cooling 1985 Residence Utility Buy Rate 80% of Purchase Rate 350 1980 dollars 2 80 m Array Area 300 40 SBE9C ($/m ) 250 --- mm 200 ,l 11 (11111111 111 1.0 1h111 1.5 LL , 111 Ih , III1 2.0 2.5 Annual House Space Heat and Cool Load Multiplier (Multiplies Annual Space Heat Demand of 33 MBTU Annual Space Cool Demand of 6 MBTU) I---ww m- 1 141I1w hl Figure 4 Sensitivity to House Thermal Load Electric Resistance Space Heating/Gas DHW/V.C. Cooling Utility Buy Rate 80% of Purchase Rate 350 300 SBECC ($/m2) 250 200 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Annual House Space Heat and Cool Load Multiplier (Multiplies Annual Space Heat Demand of 33 MBTU Annual Space Cool Demand of 6 MBTU) Figure 5 Sensitivity to House Thermal Load Heat Pump Space Heating/Gas DHW/V.C. Cooling 350 'li iiI i Ill I l ill Itll iil l TTl11 ill 1980 dollars Array Area = 80 m 300 60 40 SBESC ($/m ) 250 200 I I t 11 i t 1.0 1 It t 1lt 1.5 l 2.0 itl L L 2.5 Annual House Space Heat and Cool Load Multiplier (Multiplies Annual Space Heat Demand of 33 MBTU Annual Space Cool Demand of 6 MBTU) mfliw'11Iml heat pump, electric resistance and oil (or gas on an equivaltent $/btu basis). As expected, higher l4ads with oil or gas heating result in no change in PV system BECC, whereas allowable costs increase slightly ($5-10/m 2 ) under electric forms of heating. II.c System Costs Differences in mounting and O&1 costs will distinguish the economlics and configuration of PVR and PVNC. Dividing the large fixed costs of a PVR installation with the smaller average system capacity result in higher system costs per unit capacity for the retrofit case. Cox (6)gives a detailed treatment of the issues contrasting PVR and PVNC system costs. Quoting the BHKR study (4), he breaks down the array installation costs for each of the integral, direct, and standoff .ethods of mounting. These costs are reproduced in figure 6. Integrally mounting the array is almost an exclusive feature of new construction applications. The direct mount is typically reserved for PVNC as well, where modules displace shingles by direct wIounting on Lhe roof sneatning. The stand-off figures are for mounting above and roughly parallel to the existing roof. The anticipated difference in operation and i;rintenance costs are again taken from Cox (6) and depicted in figure 7. Insurance coverage (liability and comprehensive) was estimated at the higher rate for PVR due to greater perceived risk in adopting a rooftop to a purpose for which it was not designed. The service costs include array cleaning, where costs may be typically higher for PVR due to more difficult access - 0l- figure 6 Array Installation Costs (1980 $) direct integral standoff support frame .08 .15 .19 installation .20 .20 .09 mounting gaskets .13 .07 .12 .01 sealant roof bracing U flashing -- - --. -. 08 08 total installation .43 .49 .48 roofing credit .24 .15 -- Final Installation range .25--.47 .34--.55 .48--.70 figure 7 System O&M Costs Present Value for Yearly Cost 20-year annual payments Insurance PVNC $.09/Wp .24/Wp PVR Service PVNC $ 84-112 $.18-.23/Wp PVR 120-160 .23-.32/Wp *20 year life, 3% (real) discounting figure 8 1986 PV Projected Costs Low Medium High 1.08 Array Purchase .70 .70 Install .27 .50 .66 Purchase .19 .26 .98 Install .04 .08 .04 System Design .05 .10 .05 Power Conditioner Total (non-O&M) *taken from Cox (6). 1.25 1.64 2.75 Figure Net Present Value vs: PV Array Area (1980 dollars) Boston Residence 40% Federal ITC 2000 Utility BBx80% 1000 Balance of System Costs - Low NPV (dollars) -1000 dium High -2000,,, 0 , ,,1 II 111 11, 1, , ,t111111 1 , , ttII ,, ,l II, 20 40 Array Area (m2 ) 60 80 100 and the likelihood that a greater amount of tree-born debris fills the air of most older neighborhoods. Comlponent costs with some fixed cost or scale economy serve to increase the per unit capacity costs of the sraller PVR systems. These include array wiring, power conditioning, system installation, inspection and repair. A summary of these system costs is shown in figure 8. The three cost ranges assumed here include 1) the fower cost limit for 1986 PVNC, 2) the lower cost estimate of 1986 PVR, and 3) the high estimate for 198u PVNC. By injecting these costs into the financial model it was possible to calculate the life-cycle investment return of these systems. This is done over a parameterized range of costs as shown in figure 9. The analysis assumed the market and financial parameters given in appendix B. T;ie results show that, unless system costs are reduced well below those now anticipated for PVR, such applications will not prove economic in Boston. II.d Means of Finance The means of financing a retrofitted PV array iay differ from typical new home financing. The options likely available to a homeowner of either category include direct purchase, debt financing or leasing. The direct purchase is in fact an extreme case of conventional debt financing characterized by a 100% down payment. With s,stem purchase costs in the range of $10,000 to $50,000, this option is seldom;i exercised. It is anticipated that lease financing will be a prevalent option for PVR. Since leasing terms would look very similar to - 14 - both retrofit and PVNC, and since the impact of lease financing upon the financial viability of PV has been treated by Davis (7), it is not studied further here. Retrofit array investments will likely be characterized by larger down payments, shorter loan lives, and slightly higher interest rates. This assumes PVR is not embedded in a conventional home mortgage as would be'PVNC. Figures 10 and 11 present the results of a sensitivity study examining the impact of each of these variables. It is evident that the length of loan and the interest rate for lengthier loans have the greatest impact upon system worth. - 15 - Figure 10 Sensitivity to Loan Life and the Level of Debt F.nancing 40 m2 PV Array (1980 dollars) Utility Buy Rate 80% of Purchase Rate 300 Loan Life = 20 200 15 SBECC 10 100 - -5 5 -- 1 I i 11l11Ii1 I till 1111111 tl t1thl 111111 I I 0 I IIIL 1 1 1 1L1~1. I1 1 l Loan Down Payment (%) Figure 11 Sensitivity to Loan Life and the Borrowing Rate 40 m2 PV Array 300 200 SBECC 100 0' 0 5 10 Loan Life (years) 15 20 III. Conclusions and Recoiuriendations While the higher thermal and electric loads of older homes work to increase the value of a photovoltaic array relative tu a less energy-intensive, newly constructed home, numerous other forces serve to increase the financial viability of PV for the latter. These include more convenient and attractive financing terms, lower costs and enhanced efficiency with architectural integration, and generally lower costs of operation, maintenance, insurance, and system mounting and installation. Also, with larger available rooftop areas the fixed costs are more easily hidden, bringing down the cost per unit of installed PV capacity. It can be shown from this analysis that certain attractive financing terms can more than offset the disadvantage born by the sometimes costly physical constraints associated with PVR. As a result, PVR will likely prove viable when entrepreneurs can package PV systems to the homeowner, both financially and as hardware. Financial packaging iiay occur through lease arrangments or provision of long term financing. Hardware packaging may occur when installation teams are trained to acco!odate alternative roof structures to the ready acceptance of PV arrays using innovative, low-cost support structures. It may also occur when PV systems can be developed in so simple and modular a fashion as to allow for homeowner installation, with sale out of local departent stores. The PV "appliance" in this case may be likened to that of an electric range or heat puiip, where only a lirited amount of outside labor is required, such as for iiring and utility interconnection. - 17 - Appendix A: Description of Financial Method Finance modeling was carried out on the Optional Energy Systems Simulator (OESYS)(11) using a cash flow analysis of a standard homeowner mortgage. The method used is depicted in figure A-1. Here we coripute the system breakeven capital cost by determining that initial cost, I, where the net benefits just equal zero. Simulating annual cash flows differs from closed form solutions in its accountability of time varying inflation, fuel escalation, tax rates, the treatment of investment tax credits, and in determining tax benefits due to time-varying interest charges. Comparison and assessment of the various homeowner finance models currently being applied to photovoltaic investments is discussed in Bottaro (1). - 18 - Figure A-i Mortgage Finance Method y-yb NB = -yb Bt - y-yb O4t + Gt - Tt t (1 + r) . *y-yb r - P*I. D- - (1 -TRt) Ft + (1 r)t. * y-yb Pt where, NB = net benefits to accrue to the project over its operating life ,y-yb = general inflation multiplier computed for the current calendar year y with respect to some base year yb. capital escalator computed for the construction year with respect to some base year. O= Ty-yb = real price escalator applied to displaced conventional energy j (different rates applied to electricity, oil, gas, etc.) during the current calendar year y with respect to some base year yb Btj = returns to the project in year t in terms of the value of displacing conventional energy of type j. D= percent down payment/100. Gt = investment tax credit allowed in year t I - initial capital cost j = denotes type of energy diplaced (electricity, gas, oil) r= mortgage life L = project life OMt = annual (in year t) operating and maintenance costs including insurance costs. r = homeowners discount rate t = project year Tt = sum of taxes in year t TRt = homeowner's tax rate in year t Ft = mortgage interest charge in year t computed as Ft = A - Pt, A= where; annual mortgage payment, given by A = I . (I - D) . (i/[l - 1/(l + i))N]) i = annual mortgage rate Pt = payment required on the balance of principle in year t, from Pt - i . BALt, where BALt = A [I - 1/ (1 + i) N-t+l] /i Appendix B: Array Performance and Market/Financial Parameters Figure B-1 depicts the simulated PV system component characteristics. Figures B-2 and B-3 list the market and financial assumptions impacting the system economic analysis. Those parameters which are independent of the solar investment but which directly impact the prospects for that investment are listed here as market parameters. These include fuel and electricity prices for backup service, time-varying escalation rates applied to these prices, the general inflation rate and others. Figure B-3 also presents system annual costs used in the breakeven capital cost analysis. The breakeven capital cost figure represents the initial allowable system cost only. - 20 - Figure B-1 System Component Specifications Glass thickness (cm) encapsulant thickness outermost substrate thickness (cm) conductivity of glass (w/cm°C) conductivity of encapsulent (w/cm*C) conductivity of substrate (W/cm°C) ra product of cell toa product between cells emissivity of glass emissivity of back surface packing factor (total cell area/gross cell area IR absorptivity of glass IR absorptivity of back surface visible absaorptivity of roof IR absorptivity of roof emissivity of roof reference cell efficiency Eff. charge coefficient reference temperature for ref cell efficiency (*C) mounting angle from horizontal .32 .15 .10 .0105 .00173 .01 .8 .75 .88 .9 .90 ;99 .9 .6 .903 .903 .135 .0045 28. latitude + 50 ~~-.-;". -- --- - ------ --iY----------~ ..~-rr Figure B-2 Base Case Market/Financial Parameters and Annualized Costs Market Parameters Escalation in Home Heating Oil Prices (real) Escalation in Gas Prices (real) Escalation in Electricity Prices (real) General Inflation Rate Utility Buyback Rate Electricity Rates (1980 Boston) Fixed Charge kWh Charge Fuel Adjustment Total 2%/year 2%/year 1%/year 12% in 1980, declining linearly to 6% in 1986, 6%/year thereafter .80 $1.17/month 3.95 C/kWh 3.905 ¢/klh 7.86 C/kWh Figure B-3 Finance Parameters 1986 20 years 5% 35% 3% 10% System Installation Date System Lifetime Homeowner Discount Rate (real) Homeowner Tax Rate Mortgage interest rate (real) Down payment Investment tax credit Property taxes 40% 0 Annualized Costs Cleaning and Inspection PV-only system* Maintenance PV-only System (Annual Cost) $25 + $1.00/m2 (Present value at 5% discounting) $13.00/m 2 .iP.,_ __ _~ REFERENCES Bottaro, Drew, "Modeling Photovoltaic Worth: A Discussion of the Issues and an Analysis of the Models," MIT Energy Lab Report, MIT EL-8OXXX, Forthcoming. Buerger, E.J., "Regional Conceptual Design and Analysis Studies for Residential Photovoltaic Systems," Technical Volume II. General Electric. Burns, William Allen, "A Model for Residential Demand of Electric Appliances," Undergraduate Thesis, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May, 1980. Burt Hill Kosnar Rittleman, "Operation and Maintenance Cost Data for Residential PV Modules/Panels", 1980 DOE Report #DOE/JPL/955614-80/1. Caskey, David L., "Parametric Analysis of Residential Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems With Storage", SANDIA Lab Report No. SAND79-2331, March, 1980. Cox, C.H. III, "Residential Photovoltaic System Costs," MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Report No. DOE/ET/20279-96. January, 1980. Dinwoodie, T.L., "Flywheel Storage for Photovoltaics: An Economic Evaluation of Two Applications," MIT Energy Lavoratory Working Paper, MIT EL-80-002, February, 1980. Dinwoodie, T.L., and Kavanaugh, J.P., "Cost Goals for a Residential Photovoltaic/Thermal Liquid Collector System Set in Three Northern Locations," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 80-028, October 1980. Dinwoodie, T.L., and Cox, A.J., "The Impact on Photovoltaic Worth of Utility Rate Reform and of Specific Market, Financial, and Policy Variables," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 80-025, September 1980. Dinwoodie, T.L., "OESYS, A Simulation Tool for Non-Conventional Energy Applications Analysis, Theoretical and Operational Description With User Documentation," MIT Energy Lavoratory Report No. MIT-EL 80General Electric Space Division, "Applied Research on Energy Storage and Conversion for Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Systems," Final Report, Volume I: Study Summary and Concept Screening and Volume II: Photovoltaic Systems with Energy Storage, January 1978. - 23 - General Electric Space Division, Regional Conceptual Design and Analysis Studies for Residential Photovoltaic Systems," Volume I: Executive Summary, January 1979. Hoover, E.R., "PV/T Combined Collector Study," In a memo addressed to D.G. Schueler, SANDIA Lavoratories, February 25, 1980. Russell, Miles C., "Solar Photovoltaic/Thermal Residential Systeins," Report Number C00-4577-9, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, December 28, 1979. - 24 - Work reported in this document was sponsored by the Department of Energy under contract No. EX-76-A-01-2295. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accurary, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed or represents that its use would not infringe provately owned rights. - 25 -