1360 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSM 1300 – MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1360 – MEETINGS MANAGEMENT Supplement No.: 1300-98-1 Effective Date: April 2, 1998 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: JOHN R. KIRKPATRICK Acting Regional Forester Date Approved: 04/02/1998 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document(s): 1360 5 Pages Superseded Document(s): 1360 5 Pages (Last supplement was 1300-96-1 to FSM 1360.) Digest: 1360.45 1361 Revises deadline to 95 days for submitting requests for approval of meetings exceeding $25,000. Updates the title of Deputy Regional Forester for Administration to Deputy Regional Forester for Operations.Daily meeting attendance revised to include Director of Civil Rights. Monthly meeting of Regional Forester, Deputy Regional Foresters, and Staff Directors now held the 1st Tuesday of each month.DRF meetings with Directors revised as shown in this update. Quarterly retreats revised as shown. Meeting notes paragraph removed as obsolete. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1300-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1360 Page 2 of 5 FSM 1300 – MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1360 – MEETINGS MANAGEMENT 1360.45 - Regional Forester, Station Directors, Area Director, and Institute Director The Regional Forester (RF) redelegates responsibility for meetings management as follows: 1. Director, Fiscal and Accounting Services. The Director of Fiscal and Accounting Services (F&AS) has responsibility and authority to: a. Establish and monitor meetings management policies and procedures. b. Establish and monitor policy on meetings involving foreign travel. c. Obtain passports and visas for those attending meetings outside the United States. d. Review all letters and proposals for meetings or conferences, when the total cost is expected to exceed $5,000. Transmit each proposal, along with a letter recommending approval or disapproval, to the Regional Forester. e. Review all letters and proposals for meetings or conferences concerning overall management, strategic planning, or reorganization when the total cost is expected to exceed $25,000. Transmit each proposal, along with a letter recommending approval or disapproval, to the Regional Forester. 2. Forest Supervisors and Staff Directors. Forest Supervisors and Staff Directors have responsibility and authority to: a. Approve attendance from their respective units at meetings listed in the Washington Office Service-wide In-Service Meetings list, and at any approved Regional or Geographic-Area In-Service meeting. b. Approve holding In-Service Regional meetings and State and local jurisdictional meetings costing less than $5,000. For In-Service meetings expected to cost over $5,000, refer to direction (FSM 1361.22 and FSM 1361.4) and submit documented proposals to the Regional Forester for approval or disapproval. c. Approve attendance at all external meetings held within the United States, except for those (FSM 1360.41) that are reserved within the Chief's authority. F&AS requests nominations and coordinates approval for those National meetings, training sessions, and conventions of organizations recognized by the Forest Service that are reserved within the Chief's authority. d. Monitor compliance with meeting policy and travel policy (FSM 1360 and FSH 6509.33) and establish controls over attendance at In-Service, external, and Regional meetings. e. Approve documents to attend meetings using Form AD-202, Travel Authorization, or by official letter if the meeting is within the official duty station. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1300-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1360 Page 3 of 5 FSM 1300 – MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1360 – MEETINGS MANAGEMENT f. Prepare a transmittal letter and proposal for In-Service Regional and geographicarea meetings or conferences for overall management, strategic planning, or reorganization, when costs are expected to exceed $25,000 (FSM 1361.4) and drafting the letter to the Under Secretary for Natural Resources recommending approval. All requests must be submitted to the Director, F&AS by the first of the month, 95 days in advance of the meeting date. The Regional Forester approves attendance at meetings held outside the United States. Forest Supervisors and Staff Directors must submit Form FS-6500-1, Foreign Travel Proposal, to F&AS when requesting attendance at foreign meetings. 1361 - MEETING PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS In-Service meeting responsibilities are assigned as follows for regularly held formal meetings involving the Regional Forester. 1. Prepare agendas and itineraries for meetings. 2. Assign and coordinate staff work to be completed for meetings. 3. Ensure followup tasks resulting from meetings is assigned and completed on schedule. Meeting Schedule Responsibility Food and Agriculture Quarterly Forest Supervisor, Tonto NF Quarterly Director, S&PF Annual Director, L&M Council - Arizona Food and Agriculture Council - New Mexico FS/BLM February R3 SUPPLEMENT 1300-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1360 Page 4 of 5 FSM 1300 – MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1360 – MEETINGS MANAGEMENT FS/BLM/NRCS (NM Land Office also participates) Annual Director, RGE November FS/Game and Fish Department - AZ Annual Director, WL May FS/Game and Fish Department - NM Annual December Director, WL FS/NPS - AZ Annual March Director, RN FS/NPS - NM Semiannual April/November Director, RN R-3 Leadership Quarterly Deputy Regional Forester (DRF), Operations R-3 and RM Station Annual Director, PAO Salt River Project - AZ Annual Director, EAP/WSA Water & Power Resources Svc. Bureau of Reclamation March Meeting State Executive Comm. Agencies - NM (Coordinated Resource Annual October Director, RGE Chairperson rotates annually between agency heads Alternate Director, S&PF Quarterly State Planning) ASCS, BLM, FS, NRCS, NM Association of Conservation Districts, and State Forester Forest Stewardship R3 SUPPLEMENT 1300-98-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1360 Page 5 of 5 FSM 1300 – MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 1360 – MEETINGS MANAGEMENT Forester Agencies: FS, NRCS, BIA, Farm Service Agency, NMSU Extension Service, Private Landowners 4. RF, DRF, Staff Directors, and R-3 Leadership Meetings. a. Send agenda items and any supporting staff papers to the RF's secretary for DRF approval no later than a week before the scheduled meeting. The DRF for Operations approves and distributes final agendas and supporting staff papers for Directors' and DRFs' meetings on the Wednesday before the scheduled meeting. Suggested format: Meeting Agenda Location Date Time Subject Purpose Leader 9:00-9:10 Personnel Update Information HR Director 9:10-10:10 Items of Interest Information All b. Schedules. (1) The RF and DRFs meet each workday at 8 a.m. in the RF's office. Directors of PAO, PD&B, and Civil Rights also attend. (2) The RF, DRFs, and Directors meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the 6th floor conference room. (3) The DRFs, Resources and State and Private Forestry meet on the first Wednesday of the month with their Directors at 9 a.m. in the 6th floor conference room. Staff Directors rotate responsibility for coordinating the agenda. (4) The DRF, Operations, meets with Operations' Directors each Monday, as needed, in the RF conference room. (5) Quarterly Retreats will be scheduled for all DRFs and all Directors. Location of the next retreat will be determined at the meeting. Directors rotate the assignment of scheduling and coordinating the next retreat.