DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY IOFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY IFI~ANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND COMPTROLLER) 1000 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON. DC MEMORANDUM FOR Subj: Ref: 20350·1000 'MAY 3 2002 DISTR~BUTJON ACCEPTANCE OF REIMBURSABLE ORDERS FOR WORK OR SERVICES (a) DoD FMR Volume 11A Chapter 2 (b) DoD FMR voiume 11A Chapter 3 i I The purpose of ~his memorandum is to reiterate Department of the Navy (DoN) policy on the percentage of in-house performance necessary to accept ~ project order or a reimbursable Economy Act order. A project order !is a specific, definite and certain order placed with and acce~ted by a separately managed Department of Def6nse (000) activity. A project order obligates appropriations in th~ same manner as orders or contracts placed with commercial entetprises. By reference (a), 000 policy provides that orderi~g activities issue project orders only to those 000 activities! that are capable of subsLantially performing the work prdered. The reference (a) guidance defines "substantial N as not: less than 51 percent of the total costs attributable to rend~ring the work ordered. The cost of commercial goods or ~ervices necessary to perform the work accepted is incorpor~ted as a component of total cost. Reimbursable Ec~nomy Act orders are authorized for use by all components of th~ DoN for requesting work or services from any Government-owned I and operated establishment, when the order does not meet the cr~teria of a project order specified in reference (a). Econpmy Act orders may be accepted on a reimbursable basis by any DoN activity that is equipped and in a position to perform ~ll or a substantial part of the requirements of the prder. It is still DoN policy that 51 percent of the work ~r services of a reimbursable Economy Act order be performed i~-house by the accepting activity, even though reference (b) I does not specify a percentage for in-house work to be performedl for Economy Act orders. The accepting activity must perfor~ 51 percent of the work or services with in-house resources a~d not merely be in a position to potentially do so. ~\In-house" includes the cost of all direct labor, material and ~upplies, travel and minor equipment. Chargeable overhead fosts of Navy Working Capital Fund activities are also ~ncluded. Also included are those contracts that provide technicfl support of organic in-house effort. Subj: ACCEPTANCE or REIMBURSABLEORDERS FOR WORK OR SERVTCES I Excluded from the d~finition of in-house performance are those contractual efforts ithat produce the product or service required by the requesting a~tivity with only contractual oversight provided by the accepting activity and work ordered from other government activitief by the accepting activity. Exceptions to th~ 51% rule for project orders cannot be granted, since this ~equirement is delineated in reference (a). To the extent specif~c situations arise for which it appears reasonable to grant ~n exception to the DoN reimbursable Economy Act order 51% policy,\, requests should be forwarded to: Office of Assistant secretary o~ the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller), Office pf BUdget, Budget policy and Procedures Division (FMB-5). ~9-{!" ~rJ I Distribution: AAUSN CNO CMC CINCLANTFLT CINCPACFLT CINCU5NAVEUR COMNAVAIRSYSCOM COMNAVSEASYSCOM COMSPAWARSYSCOM COMNAVSPECWARCOM COMNAVFACENGCOM coMNAVRESFOR. CHNAVPERS COMSC CRBUMED DIRSSP COMONT COMNAVMETOCCOM CNET GLADYS J. COMMONS Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Nevy (Financial Management and Comptroller)