(Names in bold italic = IPinCH Team Member or Advisory Board Member)
October 2008
by IPinCH theme:
Commodification and appropriation of images, stories, and other forms of
cultural knowledge
Hollowell, J.
2006a Ancient Ivories from the Bering Strait: Lessons from a Legal Market in Antiquities.”
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2004b Intellectual Property Protection and the Market for Alaska Native Arts and Crafts. In
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Mortensen, L.
2006 Structural Complexity and Social Conflict in Managing the Past at Copán, Honduras. In
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O’Keefe, P. J.
1997 Trade in Antiquities: Reducing Theft and Destruction. London and Paris: Archetype
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Posey, D. A.
2002 Selling Grandma: Commodification of the Sacred through Intellectual Property Rights. In
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Rowan, Y., and U. Baram (editors)
2004 Marketing Heritage: Archaeology and the Consumption of the Past. AltaMira Press, Walnut
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Smith, L. (editor)
2007 Cultural Heritage: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies, 4 vols. Routledge,
Tubb, K. W. (editor)
1995 Antiquities: Trade or Betrayed. Archetype Publications, London.
Bioarchaeology and uses of genetic data
Beattie, O., B. Apland, E.W. Blake, J. A. Cosgrove, S. Gaunt, S. Greer, A. P. Mackie, K. E.
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2000 The Kwäday Dän Ts’inchi Discovery from a Glacier in British Columbia. Canadian Journal
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Blakey, M. L.
1999 The New York African Burial Ground Project: An Examination of Enslaved Lives, A
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1986 Anatomical, Cellular, and Molecular Analysis of 8,000-Yr-Old Human Brain Tissue from
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Ellison, G., and A. Goodman, editors
2006 The Nature of Difference: Science, Society and Human Biology. Taylor and Francis,
Goodman, A. H., D. Heath, and M. S. Lindee (editors)
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Mulvaney, D. J.
1991 Past Regained, Future Lost: The Kow Swamp Prehistoric Burials. Antiquity 65: 12–21.
Rose, J. C., T. J. Green, and V. D. Green
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von Lewinski, S. (editor)
2004 Indigenous Heritage and Intellectual Property: Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge
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Pullman, D., and L. Arbour
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Southerton, S. G.
2004 Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church. Signature Books,
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Spindler, K.
1994 The Man in the Ice. Weidenfield and Nicolson, London.
Cultural tourism
Leader-Elliott, L.
2003 Indigenous Cultural Tourism as Part of the Birdsville/Strzelecki Experience. Australian
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Principles of customary law and intellectual property law
Anderson, J.
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of Cultural Materials, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra.
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2006 The Cultural Politics of the IP Commons: Whose Agendas are Being Advanced?
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1999 Aboriginal Rights to Cultural Property in Canada. International Journal of Cultural Property
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Brown, Michael
2003 Who Owns Native Culture? Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
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Cultural integrity (land claims, site protection and identity)
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