(t~ .,F f \) \ ..----- •. -- ... ~ ,~,~{..o :.~c : .. !/\..,,,,. :, .~; fJ I b e.; ~.J U "~~~{~li ... .: ;:', AN ECONOMIC STUDY OF THE PROPERTY OF THE TIDE WATER TRAP ROCK C011PANY AT BRANFORD, COl'n~. IRVING E. ADAMS. ":~, I ~ I . INTRODUCTION. Oonsidering Valley the wealth of triassic trap in the Connecticut and the proxinity of Boston and NewYork markets remarkable, to the superf'icinl observer, that so li ttle sally recognized fact that the best of road material, .es t and toughest ing; and 1t is to water the univer- are, at the the greatest sane time, difficulties and the deposits transportation themselves 1;hnt economic furnish the hard- in crush- only when the condi t t ons of' deposi tion cially favorable The rea- the more banic igneous rocks they and offer Notwithstanding seems stone has been quarried in the past for use a.s a road metal. son, however, 1s easily discovered. it are espe- easily accessible exploi tation is, as a ruf,e , possible. Now it so happens that tho Connecticut crosses the state as a series of boldly Valley outcropping 1n every case but one to quite reach ridges, fails board. This makes resort to railroad trap, which north-south the sea- transportation necesGa.ry; and, since freight rates are high, and the New York, New Haven, &: Hartford Railroad Company are themselves is slight opportuni ty for the independent at a profit. Moreover, large quar-ry-owner- the net~by Palisades to very recent times, adequately The eastern main trap ridge shippers, there deposits to mine have, up supplied the New York n~rket. does, however, Sound; and the Tide Water Trap Rock Company extend to the controls its south- ernmost portion. liar! ties, This ridge possesses certain geological which, aside from their high theoretical greatly reduoe the difficulties peou- interest, of mining and crushing the rook. These considera.tions, coupled with the fact that the Palisades deposits are no longer available future possibilities as a source of supply, make the of this ridge, as a road-metal producer enormous. This report will deal with some problems property as a future economic degree of development, etc.--details factor. financial Details geological problem. tory tests, \v111 be incorporated, the utility ot the various FinallYt report,-- The causa of the extremely low since it is at bot- The physical properties trom an elaborate of the rock, as determined con~any, to a stockholders' crushing price will be dealt with at length, tom an interesting this of plant, present status of operating belonging essentially will not be here touched upon. involving series of labora- together vlith a discussion tests, based on collateral the cause of the abnonnally of reading. high r-ecemen t atn on value will be considered. LOCATION. As noted above, the property in question 1s located about six miles east ot New Haven, in the town of Branford, ly outcropping beginning ridge of trap, locally known as "Pond Rock", and, one and one-eighth road embankment and easterly on a bold- (1 l/S) miles across Lake Saltonstall, direction for six miles. o 8-10 -E extends of the rail- in a northerly The property oomprises some fifty-five companying acres, distributed (55) as indicated on the ac- blue print. Sections ftc" and flD" on the blue print lie entirely on the ridge.! the general diroction of which is shown by the contour lines. At one point, UN", the underlying a short distanoe. The quarry tical face sixty feet (60t) stretoh of' low land; crushing plant. sohistose it high. for a ver- Section "B" represents a includes the Company bud Ldd.ngs and to be later utilized pany has an option overlaps front is at "X", presenting Section "A" represents rook, sandstone some island property for storage bins. on The Com- I'G". on section GENERA!, GEOTA>GY. The mode of origin and condition assio strata of deposition along the Atlantic border is a muoh mooted question among geologists. of the material A wholly theory adequate explaining forming the sandstone, varying the finest sand to the coarsest conglomerate, mixed; the peculiar lenticular such a continual adjustment plicated of the tri- structural never been presented. 1;11esource as it does from indiscriminatingly shape of the deposits, requiring to sea. leve-l cond1 tions; and the cora- relations of the accompanying As pertinent "trap", have to the subject in hand, we are alone concerned \vi th the question of the origin of the trap. The formation has been studied in great detail in the Con- necticut Valley by several able men, wld the facts of structure, as now exposed, worked up very carefully. Nevertheless, interpretation difference of these facts the greatest in the of opinion --1- still prevails. As to whether series of nearly parallel consolidation the trap was erupted fissures in the strata, and subsequent disturbancen; sents a series of volcanic lavas ejected "through a and after ther or whether it repre- before the tilting ot the strata took place, is still an open question. It so ~appens that "Pond Rockff,at the southern the quarry is located, possesses connection, since, according peculiar 0. end of ~lich interest in this to Prof. Davis, it affords the key to the solution of the origin of' all the trap ridges ,of the Valley. According to the latter authority, Pond Rock represents overflow sheet, the arSl~ents advanced being briefly smmned up as folloV1S: the base exhibi ts Ii ttle metamorphic action; back or upper surface is charactorized texture; highly its structure is brecciated altered and hydrated. Mr. has contended the by a decided amyGdaloid a.nd irregular; :r~. O. in a later. and, for this particular an Hovey, the rock is on the other hand, area, more detailed work, that, in the main, these features might obtain if the rock was intrusive considers positive in origin; w1d further eVidence in the invariably advances vnlat he somewhat higher dip of the over~ying sandstone. Since the conclusions structural re·lations hannonious, reached by these writers, based on as eXhibited over extended areas are so in- it seemed to me that a careful itself in a. very restricted study of the "trap" area, and from as many points of view as possible, might serve to throw some light on this puzzling problem. For if the structural evidence is inadequatet the rock itself should present some features that would indicate its "intrusive" or "extrusive"mode of origin. Further, it ap- pealed to rne that too little labora.tory work accompanied the re- ports of these writers. GEOT..OGY OF POND ROCK. Pond Rock ridge is not continuous throuGhout. ExtenGive faulting divides it naturally into three members. The southern- most, and the one to be considered in detail, possesses al trend Cf of about N-14 -VI, and is three-fourths long, tenminating just north of the Branford (3/4) turnpiRe. southern end rises abruptly above the older paleozoics, n gener- of a mile The from which it is separated by a stretch of marsh land, to a height of 140' above mean low tide. we proceed north, until, It diminishes at 1t s tenninat1on, 30', while the latter is only Got. the eastern gentle. in height and width as Sandstone the former reaches The western slope is steep, flanks both slopes. The top of the ridge presents a peculiar appearance. The surface soil is' extremely being qUite generally exposed. and ch~racteristic thin, the bare trap It 1s quite universally weather- ed out as small, angular fragments, tough and undecomposed cept along the weathered .An examination surfaces. these fragments reveals the presence of numerous ex- of one of steam vesicles, sometimes empty, sometimes filled with secondary calcite or quartz. Nowhere do these vesicles penetrate than a fraction of an inch. elongate, rock. and resemble to a depth of morc Quito often these vesicles are more the etohings of acid on a limey Boulders ot sandstone abound along the eastern slope, but no true outcrops were observed.; hence it was very difficult asoertain the dip of the overlying an exposure search ~ the railroad just south of The soft, rather sandy shale hore exposed agreed in charaoter with the boulders slope. By dint of hard in p Lace was noted undoubtedly cnt. sandstone. to The contaot had a general strewn along the eastern trend of N-71o -E, and dipped to the east at an angle of 74~. Several contacts as you proceed difficult north of trap and underlying along the steep western sandstone slope. to Imow when you have a true contact, of trap are often engulfed in the sandstone. age dip of 60 E, a somewhat higher tained by Hovey. generally figure The strike is I~16°-E. indurated are noted It 1s often sinoe boulders I obtained an aV8l"- than the one asoerThe sandstone is quite to a depth of 2'-3', it being otherwise a ~oose, shaly texture. of Conglofiler1tic phases were noted at 1n- tervals. The quarry opening is at the extreme ing a vertical This structure point of view, highly the mass is remarkable is peouliar, important. for its homogeneity. stony gray color. finely crystalline very intricately veined affording relief to an otherwise unique ophitic end, present- faoe 60' high, and clearly revealing ture of the trap. mercial southern ,vith a \vhitish among most diabase structure and from a oo~ Oonsidered as a unit Of a rather dark, and very dense in texture, mineral, mostly sombre surface--it traps of the vicinity. is visible the struc- to the naked eye. calcite-- stands No trace ot The ve1nlets caloite vary from a mere thread to a dianleter of 1/4", and of r,mu- fy through the rook in every conceivable the mass, as it were, into numberless direction. small blocks) apart readily in the process of crushing~ however. being remarkably An examination hand lense reveals They. divide which fall the blocks themselves, hard and tough. of one of these fragments the presence a black mineral, mostly whits feldspar. Its microscopic of abundant with the a.id of a shapeless augite, with numerous structure masses of tiny flecks of a will be discussed in detail later. Along the sides evidenced decomposition places has progressed composition by decomposition shows considerable sta.ins of iron oxide, and in some enough to yield a muddy red soil. has followed the veining, mentsbe1ng still preserved of the opening the trap solid trap. the interior of the frag- Consider.ad as a ~hole, has not progressed fart clear to the grass roots. have not, on the whole, much affected The de- however, the main mass being well Alteration and hydration the crystalline structure theory of structure from the of the rock. C01ICIJJSIO}TS. To deduce a wholly competent above observed al relations another facts, is,ta are 'too cbseure , standpoint. mind, impossible. my if/emust approach Petrographic evidence The struoturthe problem should help decide the mode of origin of the rock, and the conclusions such study be correlated from derived from with the field observations. I see little evidence to warrant an extrusive mode of ori- sin for Pond Rook. As stated before, there is comparatively little alteration and hydration of the constituent minerals; the amygdaloidal texture is restricted to a very superficial layer along the'back or upper surface, and this might just as well ob- tain in the case of an intrusive sheet it the overlying was fria.ble or iInperfectly consolidated; sediment there is an entire lack of flow structure; induration of adjacent sediments is not restric1;ed to the under surface; the texture is homogeneous throu81 out, neither true breccia (except in a few contact specimens) nor vi treous variations being noted; quarry opening had been available I think if' the present for Prof. Davis' observation not so much stress wou ld have been laid on some points of his argument. Neither does the rock resemble in the sligh~est degree such ~vdoubted dykes as F~st and West rocks. The coarse ophit1c struc- ture of these dykes is not duplicated here, nor are the latter's variations in texture from centre to contact here present. More- o*er, suoh structural evidence as we have available clearly prohibits such a mode of origin. then, Pond Rook to repres~nt I conoe1ve~ ilmnense intrusive sheet. deformation. pressure, The intrusion antedated all important The rock cooled rather rapidly and under moderate producing porous nature the remnants of an the finely crystalline of the adjacent of a thin,vesioular layer. sandstone texture. permitted Accompanying the formation the later 'folding, which raised the :mass to its present oblique position, tensive faulting. trend separated Two parallel faults With a general the lower member The rather was exl~~SE of Pond Rock fron! the remainder of the ridge. The stresses induced in this faulted bloakresul1r 1Dt trom the strain to WhiCh it was sUbjected, produced incipwhich later became ient fractures soluble resulting constituents by atmospheric ohannels for the deposition from the weathering of of the rock influences. Thus' Nature's. processes have served not only to bring this 01' material va~luable mass which permit inexpensive time, producing to sea level, but to induce condi tions quarrying, and Without, properties detrimental rook as a road material. consideration at the same to the behavior This last assertion of its physical properties of the 1s verified as determined by a by labor- atory teS~t to which we Will now turn our attention. rABORATORY TESTS. There seems to be a differenoe many engineers selection regarding best adapted to a Local oonditions alone must deoide particular admit that the most aocurate ue of a material local1 ty. and method I'ieverthelesst all Will and rapid dotermination of the valhave and these results cor- on actual wear. to be used as road metal must possess It must be hard, tough, and durable; ad for use on macadam roads, erties; moreover, play an important the material in the laboratory, related with observations characteristics. tests in the is effected when the physical properties been carefu11ystud1ed All material in the minds of the value of laboratory of road material. role, and experience of opinion its du.st must possess it is desirable that a smooth certain if 1nten~ binding prop- surface be main- -10- ta1ned, yet one that is not too hard, or slippery, must. further, be free from dust and dirt. or noisy. All laboratory a1m to throw all possible light on the probability It tests of the mate- rial at hand fulfilling these conditions. These tests may be conveniently grouped under the following heads:Specifio Gravity. Abrasive Res1stanue. Cementation Value. Reoementation Value. Absorptive Power. Weathering Testse Percussive " Compressive Strength. Ohem1'calAnalysis. Mineralogical Analysis. SpecifiC Gravitl_ Prom many points of view a detenm1nat1on ity is ot considerable importance rial. in the seleotion To a oertain ext'ent it influences great importance of high Spa in estimating Branford ot road mateand is of Moreover, a rock gr. is less liable to have its finer detritus remov- eralogic composition An durability, covering power. ed by the action of Wind or rain. the crushing of specific grav- It depends primarily and compactness of the rock. strength increases with the average of four determination trap yielded 2.82. Spa on min- In general gr. made with samples of the A very normal result for a diabase -11... Abrasive Resistanoe. -Aside from the mechanioal disintegration by of' roadstone the expansive foroe' of frozen ,vater, a much' more important for the wear of roads is the abrasion by'traffic, and the value of a roadstone largoly depends on its resistance sion. Without going into detail, these various cause to this abraprocesnes may be summed up as follows:- briefly I. Wear and tear of travel. Aotion of horsestfeet. (a) (b) (e) II. ii " 'Wheels. due to Y,eight of vehicle. Pressure Wear produoed by natural forces. (al Heavy rains. (b) Winds. (c) Chemical disintegration. Cd) Excessive (e) Frost. Various temperature changes , machines have been devised to irnitatet as nearly as possible, the action of these forces~ but all are, necessarily, imperfect. Toughness, the important cohesiveness, factors controlling, abrasive as a factor does not enter here. the influenoe and chemical Hardnasa To attain a 'fair estimate Further, the custom of employing ried saJJ1plesfor this test is to be decried to the action of solutions of such tests unreliable. freshly since continual quar- ex- of deoomposing organic matter on the road surface rapidly weakens making resistance. are of these several factors by a single test is obvi- ously difficult. posure durability the bonds of cohesiveness, -12- The machines ple. A weighed employed are quite alike in princi- heretofore a definite number quantity of rock is revolved of ti!~1eSin a rotating iron cylinder. The interior of the cyl- inder may be provided with iron ribs to aid the attr1tion; times pieces of iron a.re enclosed for the same purpose. someThe tests are often per rormed bo th wet and dry. The Devalmachine with modifications in It'renchand American my exper fmen t s , laboratories, In principle haa been largely used and was the One employed 1t consists of an iron cylinder 7.9" in diameter and 13.4" deep, the interior smooth. It is so mounted with the axis of rotation The speed of revolution 10,000 turns occupy five hours in time. broken so as ,to just and the proportion pass being perfectly on u shaft that the axis of rotation of the cylinder makes an angle of 30 of the shaft. in through of material 2.4" is so regulated that Eleven Ibs. of rock ring are used us a sample, less than 1/168 diameter ascer- tained. Since it has been found that only the best varieties rock yield 'tleight, than .2,gramdust of 'vear. it has been proven Limestones by the As the r-esu l.t of a large than those of sedimentary 3-10%. to 2.2 Lbs , r ock, the number 20 has been adopted co-effj.cient iments, less tha t igneous origin. or 2/~t of their French as their number of exper- r-ocks are much tougher Their total loss ranges range from 10-35%, flints 8-26%. of' tests vlith the Branford of stone the following from In a series average result was obtained:- Per cent. Vicar, 4.20; Fr. co-efr., 11.3. Very rew chips were ohtained, the bulk of the detritus be- 1ng the finest dust. These results are almost identical with those obtained by Mr. L. ment laboratory VI. Page on the same rock in the Govern- at Washington, namely, 4.29 and 11.6. dicate an exoellent road material, although their values are som~ what higher than those obtained from most diabase discrepanoy traps. is due to the presence of a oonsiderable vein material They in- The quantity of (about 1.4% the mass of the rock); but, since, as will be shown later, this dust has abnormally ers, it enhances rather than deteriorates high binding pow- the value of the rock. Cementation·Value. In the case of trap rocks in particular, this test 1s of tm utmost value, for, in the construction of macadam roads, the binding power of the detrital material plays a very important role, and may serve to condemn an otherwise mentation test. as now performed, dex of binding power. good rock. The ce- yields a fairly accurate Before describing in- this test in detail, a few words on the influenoe of binding material in the construc- tion of a road will not be out ot place~ The conditions ot wear to which a roadstone result in its gradual consolidation. ed road can never be maintained The consolidation by. crushing is subjected An impertectly in a satisfactory consolidat- condition. 1s a result of the wear of the original stones and grinding in the road, so that on an average be- tween 65-90'; of the broken stone put upon a road wears down ultimately to a state of mud and detritus. the smaller the percentage The tougher the stone, of this detritus. -14- There bas been a very spirited controversy in the past regarding rial. Whether among engineers the function and utility of binding mate- the road should be left to consolidate the gradual wear and tear of traffic or whether itself by the process ~~ should be aided and the sharp angles of the stone~by the original filling of the interstices with binding material; and the to add, if any, have been much mooted quantity of this material questions. The concensus of modern opinion seems to be that the true function of binding material 1s in fonming a thin whicht being ~perv1ous, protects the broken stone heneath. other words, a road should practically the paramount importanoe face cover, 4 sID consolidate In itself; heno~ of selecting material possessing the requisite binding power. The oementation material, tests, as conduoted by me on the Branford were as follows: The dust obtained test was passed through a 100 mesh sieve then made into briquettes and the same height, of circular by placing tilled water to moisten; The compressed and then treated as follows: is oomplicated. seotion, to a pressure .98" in diameter, briquettes of 1,422 Ibs. to the were dried two weeks, A machine espeoially designed laboratories but its prinoiple was used. simple. hammer, automatically height, strikes a flat end plunger, of weight Which latter. by an It was in a metal die with enough dis- this test and kept in the Harvard mechanism (to the inch). a closely fitting plug was next insert- ed , and the mass subjected square inch. in the attrition for Its A kilogram arranged· to fall through any desired arrangement one kilogram, of springs, presses on the br1- -15- quette. The standard fall for the hammer is .39". The exact point of fracture is determined by means of a small drum oarrying a paper on which a pointer marks the passages of the hammer. At the beginning a rebound of the hammer Is indicated on the drum, but when once the elastic limit of the briquette this rebound no longer occurs. point. This is taken as the breaking The number of blows required tation is taken as representing is passe~ to break the bond of cemen- the binding power of the stone. A series of tests made along these lines yielded results as fol1ows:No.1. No.2. No.3. No.4. 40 46 43 50 The result obtained by lir. Page as given in the Company's \vas~. All of these exceptionally printed desirable results are abnormally stone. 1900, in which the cementation road metals were determined, only eight exceeded these values. good road mate- that of all road metals in America, only limestones and a few traps ever exceed more than 30-40 blows without ing. The Highway Division following Trap rooks, Serpentirtes, and quartz rocks, Limestones, SandstQn~s •. break- of the Maryland Survey prints the tables: Granites results value for 116 samples of various As a result of a large number of experiments it has been detenmined an Conrmisnicn' s Report for and of these only three were, in other respects, rial. indicating high, In a series of tabulated in the lltassachnsetts Highway Report Cementation Tests. 1-16 10-300 1-13 1-73 .(}'28. -16- Cementation. It further states that: Bad road metal ma.y possess Fair " Good II n Excellent Recementation " " Ii ff 1-4 5-10 10-20 road metal may possess 20- Value. It is not only important to know the binding but the oapacity of the particles tritttl material, when again wetted and dried after being powdered. ing to Prof. Shaler~ depends way." To imitate, as the following test has from which The broken briquettes value has been determined quantities For, accord- the effect of the action of the "fines" under the sharp blows of the horses' hoofs, been devised: to reunite "on this process of recementa:tion largely the endura.noe of any macadamized far as possible, power of de- are repowdered, of water, and remoulded. the cementation mixed with definite The process aCc, 1200, 16°c of dis- ed as above. Using conseoutively tilled water, T obtained values of 46, 40, 22, 36 for the rece- mentation power. 40c, 1s then repeat- Yr. Page obtained.!! these results are unusually as his result. high, and indicate All of a splendid road metal. Absorptive Power. This test does not indicate merely the porosity the pounds of water absorbed mers10n of 96 hours. ~moothly worn fragment !t is performed of the rock, but per cubic foot during an 1~ with a small specimen. left from the attrition A test, and weigh- -17- 1ng from 20-60 gra..ms, Ls .. veighed in air. It 1s then innnersed in wat.er, and 1rF1medla.tely reweighed in water. it 1s again weighed in water. immersion After 96 hours" By a very simple calcu- lation the amount absorbed "per cubic foot is determined.. result As tho of a series of tests, the following values were obtained: no. No.1 .. 2. These results are considerably :Mr. Page (.83), No.3. No.4. ,.54 .46 lower than the value but I feel great oonfidence submitted in their accuracy. The results are still somewhat high for a normal diabase owing? doubtless? planes to the extensive calcite veining trap, affording of easy penetration. Tests. Weathering The liability of stone to disinteerate frost depends partly on its porosity partly by on the presence of planes tion planes of flagstones. by the action and absorptive of power, and of weakneas such as the lamina.- Tests have been devised to imitate the action of frost,. as, for instance,. Brar'dt s Process ... -soaking a weighed allowing sample in a saturated to dry; and also by artificially while saturated ful utility With water. of minerals freezing the sample enough to disintegrate of doubtin this Further,. the weathering as a roadstone. under atmospheric extraordinarily of' Glauber~s'::'saltand These tests are, however, since a stone porous wa.y would be valueless Percussive solution influences is, on the whole,. an slow process. and Compressive Strength. Both these tests are restricted in soope and of very ques- -18- tionable value. The former is somewhat used abroad, but the result obtained b:l'the attrition of the toughness test gives a very fair estimato a rock and malces the percussive of strength test superfluous. The compressive strength is a factor of so many variables as to make it extremely misleading. Inherent pIe, small variations structure, in the preparation tected. neither in mineralogio of the cube introduce tests were applied flaws in the S~ and carelessness errors not ret~dily de- to the Branford rock. Chemical Analysis. A chemical analysis alone is of little value in indicating the ~ua11ty of a roadstone; ment and corroborate interest. it is only when intended a mineralogical It 1s true that durability anee to abrasion, analysis depends to supple- that it possesses largely on resist- and this, in turn, is influenced by the chem- Again, it is abso- icn,l composition of the ccmponent minerals. lutely essontial that the bottom layers of a road bed be of chcmicz.lly durable material. rily calculB.ted,do points. But chemical as ordina- not yield all the information on these Such analyses do, however, the rock. analyses, serve to properly aIE:.58ify The followine results were obtained by me on samples of the Branford rock:- --= 50.01 49.28 15.62 15.92 1.91 1.91 PeO = 10.30 10.20 1IriO = .40 .37 81°2 A1203 Fa203 -19- = lIg0 5.60 5.99 7.22 7.44 CaO ... K20 ...~ .65 .72 Na20 -= 3.80 3.40 3.10 3.90 - H2O - CO2 1.14 1.20 9~ lO~ The figures in the second column represent in the Wesleyan analysis laboratories in most respects an analysis nmde for the Company, and checks my qUite accurately. These analyses prove the rock to be a very normal diabaso trap, as shown by a comparative sas tabulated study of several typical ana1y .. in R06enbusch~ Mineralogical F~alysis. This test is' of extreme importance road metal. It serves to determine 1)1e, and hence to l)roperly structure classify it. It reveals of the sumthe minute hardness and toughness. Several slides of the Branford fUlly studied. The microscope of two minerals, closely interlocked, monoclinic the composition of a of the rock, and thlis throws much light on the ques- tion of durabilitYt principally in the selection showed the'rock to be composed very finely and evenly crvs ta.J.lized, and , on the whole, fairly fresh, namely, a and a quite basic feldspar~ pyroxene these minerals trap were cut axxJ and care- were present in very subordinate iron ore, orthoclase. with amounts, apatit~ quartz, chlorite, and serpentine. The pyroxene was almost entirely augite--the bro;vnish variety. Associated It eXhibited every gradation ordinary, from perfectly -20. fresh to entirely decayed siderablyaltered. cleavages oxide, On the whole, crystals. Its usually well developed by films of iron at right angles were often penetrated one of the products of whioh of its decompos1tion. often imitate the appearance cases the decomposition had proceeded original nature of the m1neral--its Compared the black of a fir tree. stalm In other so far as to obscure identity able from its pos1t1on~ and chlor1tic products. it was con· It occupied, in every caS8t the interstices the feldspar between crystals. the being only surmis- and serpentinio with the other mdnerals, alteration the augite was the most SUbject to decomposition. The feldspar laths, sometimes prisms. whole, was labradorite. long and slender, more rarely The crystals remarkably ited, more rarely Apatite prisms, fresh. Albite Carlsbad. was observed negative Zonal structure occasionally high sj.ngle,loYI exhib~ not noticeable. as thin, needle-like and double refraction, with was rarely noted. some ilmenite Some quartz, the dhlorite after augite. terial was mostly confined invariably doubtedly quartz. andserpent1ne Some small, almost to the central portion As were 1n every case The latter predominated. calcite. and chalodon1c was associa.ted wi th the cal'ci:ticvein material. before noted, secondary being, on the extinction. Orthoclase in variety, short and broad twining was frequently The iron ore was largely magnetite, limonite. as intergrown were clear and colorless, known by their opitcnlly It occurred The vein ma- isotropio area, of the vein, were un- Tho rock may be ranked us a fairly fresh diabase. De compo- -21- sit10n has most affected the ferromagnesiun1 constituent. dacomposi tion products have remained tt1n, s1 tu", vein material. or passed into There is no eVidence of a porphyritic and nothing to indicate an extrusive mode of origin. economic standpoint, decomposition strength of the material. feldspar guarantees come. structure, From an has not much affected the The firm, interlaced the solidity Its network of fresh of the rock for a long time to