DeepBrainStimulationofParkinsonianNetworks Kelly Toppin, Yixin Guo Parkinson's Disease TC neuron relay actions Parkinsonian Network Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. The TC Neuron relays the input motor signal. The neurons are coupled to produce parkinsonian conditions. • Shaking(tremors) Striatal Input • Diculty with walking, movement and coordination Parkinsonian conditions are associated with changes in activity patterns of neurons in the basal ganglia. The activity in the subthalamic nucleus (STN), internal segment (GPi) and external segment globus pallidus (GPe) show increases in: 1. bursting, 2. synchrony, 3. ring rates. GPe Excitatory Sensorimotor Input . Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), a surgical treatment involving the implantation of a medical device called a brain pacemaker, is a process which sends electrical impulses to specic parts of the brain. Despite the eectiveness of DBS, how it works is still not well understood. This study hopes to improve the understanding of DBS. Conventional DBS Standard DBS, high frequency stimulation(HFS), still has several weaknesses in its treatment of PD. • The rst weakness of the current DBS,HFS, setup is that it relies on external forces, thus making it is inecient. • The second weakness is that the tuning pro- The two leading alternatives for conventional DBS: tion(MDFS) Feedback stim Ik Stimula- Based on local eld potential of the STN = a0 h(t)hvf (sin(ρ ∗ t) − a1 )fk . STN neurons MDFS stimulation Error index 0.8 0.7 0.6 • STN neuron CV 0 = −Ileak − (IN a + IK + IAHP + ICa + IT ) − IGP e→Sn + I stim 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 • GPe neuron CV 0 = −Ileak − (IN a + IK + IAHP + ICa + IT ) − ISn→GP e + IGP e→GP e + Iappi . • GPi neuron CV 0 = −Ileak − (IN a + IK + IAHP + ICa + IT ) − ISn→GP i + IGP e→GP i + Iappi • TC neuron Cm v 0 = −IL − (IN a + IK + IT ) − IGP i→T C + IE 0.1 The Multi-site Delayed Feedback tion(MDFS) is given by the following • LFP Re VLF P (t) = 4π Ij rj MDFS • MDFS - Multi-site delayed feedback stimula- tion k=1 X e −2dist(j,k) k x (t − (k − 1)τ ). M exictatory sensorimotor signal GPi synaptic input [1] Y. Guo, J. E. Rubin Multi-site stimulation of subthalamic nucleus diminishes thalamocortical relay errors in a biophysical network model, Neural Networks (2011) [2] Y. Guo, J. E. Rubin, C. C. McIntyre, J. L. Vitek and D. Terman Thalamocortical relay varies across subthalamic TC membrance potential nucleus deep brain stimulation protocols in a data-driven computational model, J Neurophysiol 99: (2008) 30 10 and CRS References h(t) = N bursting in the GPi nuerons HF • CRS - Coordinated reset stimulation • stimulation stim Ij PD • HFS - Conventional DBS x00 + ax0 + bx = µVL F P (t) where j = {N a, K} The gating variable equations are variants of ẋ = (x∞ (v) − x)/τ (v) where x∞ = αx /(αx + βx ) N 0 • PD - Parkinsonian condition • smoothen equation The voltage dependent currents Ij are variants of Ij = gj na hb (v − vj ) j=1 X Stimula- 20 Periodic high frequency DBS Delayed The coordinated reset stimulation (CRS) is given by the following Thalamus (TC) We created a large parkinsonian network of 112 STN, GPi, GPe neurons each and 2 TC neurons. The Model neuron are Hodgkin Huxley type. • Coordinated Reset Stimulation(CRS) • Multi-site GPi 1 TC miss responses + TC bad response EI = number of excitatory stimuli cess for DBS parameters is very cumbersome. A Better DBS? STN We measure the TC relay delity by its error index(EI): Model Neurons Equations Deep Brain Stimulation CRS stimulation 0 −10 τx = 1/(αx + βx ) when x ∈ {n, r, h}. V −20 (mV) −30 Acknowledgements −40 −50 −60 This research is supported by NSF grant DMS-1226180. The −70 −80 0 500 800 1,000 1,500 Time miss TC response bad TC response start of stimulation 2,000 2,500 3,000 support is gratefully acknowledged.