E IGENMIRRORS AND THE PASSENGER S IDE M IRROR P ROBLEM R. A NDREW H ICKS , R ONALD K. P ERLINE , AND S ARAH G OTWALS R ODY D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS , D REXEL U NIVERSITY 1. I NTRODUCTION 3. R OTATIONAL S YMMETRY 5. C ONSTRUCTING AN A PPROXIMATION The standard passenger side mirror on a motor vehicle has a limited field of view which results in a blind spot. Other mirrors, such as spherical mirrors, reduce the blind spot but distort the image. Our technique, the method of eigenmirrors, allows us to construct a mirror using finite differences. The resulting mirror has a wider field of view than a standard passenger side mirror, but less distortion than a spherical mirror. Rotational symmetry reduces the problem to a twodimensional system. Given any mirror, we can find a virtual surface that exactly solves the problem. Since want the images seen by both viewpoints to be the same, we can calculate the corresponding surface by tracing rays from both viewpoints and finding their intersection. To construct the passenger side mirror we set up a parametrized vector field. We want the driver viewpoint and the virtual viewpoint to see the same image, so the rays of light emitting at the same angle from both viewpoints must intersect at the eigensurface. 2. E IGENMIRRORS The technique uses a virtual target eigensurface to construct the mirror. • One viewpoint looks at the reflection of the target eigensurface in the eigenmirror. • The other viewpoint looks directly at the target surface. • We want the images seen by both viewpoints to be the same. Figure 1: Side view of the mirror and surface Viewpoint Looking Down ϴ Figure 2: Eigenmirror Figure 3: Eigensurface We can force the two rays to intersect if the eigenmirror is curved so that the ray reflects off of it in toward the path of the light ray emitting from the virtual view point. We create a parametrized vector field W(x, y, z, t) that is the vector normal to the mirror that would have the correct reflection. We calculate W by adding the normalized incoming and outgoing vectors at a specific point of the eigenmirror. The parameter t is the distance from the vir- tual viewpoint to the intersection point. W(x, y, z, t) = kINk + kOUTk where IN = h−x, −y, −zi αty αtx OUT =h−1− tz −x, −y,−1− R R R −z i p and R = x2 + y 2 + z 2 Here, α is the constant of magnification. As we increase α, the mirror shows a wider field of view and eliminates the blind spot, although it does unfortunately introduce a small amount of distortion. As we vary t, we should be able to find a surface normal to the vector field. While an exact solution may exist, we have not yet found an explicit formula for a mirror. Instead, we discretize the problem, finding a mesh of points on the mirror. We build the eigenmirror by first finding an initial curve normal to the vector field for a fixed function of t. Then we use the finite difference method to extend the initial curve over the grid of points, moving in the direction of the tangent vector at each step. At every new point, we use Newton’s method to adjust the parameter t to minimize the dot product of W and the tangent vector. This process forces the mirror to be more perpendicular to W. Mirror 4. A PPLICATION ϴ Viewpoint Looking Up Surface Target Point In all of our constructions we will make use of ray tracing, following individual light rays. We see objects by having light rays reflect off of surfaces and enter our eyes, but the calculations are simplified if we reverse the light rays and assume they are emitted from the viewpoints and end at the surface. Our work also uses the relationship n̂ = kincoming rayk + koutgoing rayk to calculate the normal vectors to the eigenmirrors and the path of light rays reflected by the mirrors. 6. R ESULTS To apply the method of eigenmirrors to the passenger side mirror problem: • Let the passenger side mirror play the role of the eigenmirror. • The virtual eigensurface will be a distant surface behind the car. • If the eigensurface is relatively flat and sufficiently far from the viewpoint, the eigenmirror will be a good approximation of a passenger side mirror. • This setup is not rotationally symmetric, so we have to generate the eigenmirror and eigensurface simultaneously. Figure 4: Flat mirror Figure 5: Spherical mirror Figure 6: Eigenmirror 7. R EFERENCES [1] The sky and sand portion of the images were generated with open source code by Alexander Alexandrov. [2] The code for the Nissan Micra car was written by Rene Bui, Creative Commons License 2.0, 2006. [3] R. Hicks and R. Perline. "Blind-spot problem for motor vehicles," Applied Optics 44, 3893-3897. 2005. [4] S. Larsson and V. Thomée. Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods. Springer, 2009.