Representing Random Permutations as a Product of Two Involutions Charles Burnette Joint work with Eric Schmutz Department of Mathematics Drexel University Introduction Asymptotic Lognormality of N Let n be a positive integer. Let Sn be the symmetric group on [n], and let Pn be the uniform probability S measure on Sn. Define N : k∈N Sk → R to be the function in which N(σ) is the number of ways that σ ∈ Sn can be written as a product of two involutions of [n]: N(σ) = #{(τ1, τ2) ∈ 2 Sn : 2 τ1 = 2 τ2 = 1[n], τ1τ2 = σ}. The restriction of N to Sn is a random variable on Sn. For the purpose of simplicity, we will invoke the same notation N when referring to this. After generating large numbers of random permutations, M. Lugo [1] suspected that N is asymptotically lognormal, i.e. that there are normalizing constants µ1 ≤ µ2 ≤ . . . and σ1 ≤ σ2 ≤ . . . such that, for all real numbers x 1 Z x −t2/2 √ e dt. lim P (log N(σ) ≤ µ +xσ ) = n n n n→∞ 2π −∞ Lugo’s Conjecture Let π be a permutation of [n] chosen uniformly at random. There exists a positive constant c ≈ 0.16, such that Every n-cycle is the product of two involutions. Furthermore, there are exactly n such factorizations if n > 2. Consequently, every permutation in Sn can be written as the product of two involutions since every permutation can be decomposed into disjoint cycles and the product of disjoint involutions is itself an involution. Preserving that disjointness within the involutive factors, however, is not required. Example Consider the permutation σ = (1 2 3)(4 5 6). Observe that (1 2 3)(4 5 6) = [(1 4)(2 6)(3 5)][(1 6)(2 5)(3 4)]. Both the involutions τ1 = (1 4)(2 6)(3 5) and τ2 = (1 6)(2 5)(3 4) “exchange” the elements of {1, 2, 3} with the elements of {4, 5, 6}. 2 τ1 If σ = τ1τ2, where = Orbσ (τ1(m)) = Orbσ (τ2(m)) and 2 τ2 There are precisely n ways to write two disjoint n-cycles as the product of two involutions that exchange their corresponding orbits. Define B(σ) to be the product of the cycle lengths Qn of σ : B(σ) = k=1 k ck (σ). • Suppose Thus, any involution factorization of σ either leaves every k-cycle isolated or exchanges some pairs of them. For each i ∈ [0 : bm/2c], there are precisely m! 1 m = ii!(m − 2i)! i! 2, 2, . . . , 2 , m − 2i 2 | {z } that for every positive integer k, ck (σ) ≤ ξ where ξ ≥ 1. Also suppose that for every integer k > ξ, we have ck (σ) ≤ 1. Then there is a constant c > 0, not dependent on σ nor ξ, such that B(σ) ≤ ξ 2+ξ/2 N(σ) ≤ cξ B(σ). • If ξ = ξ(n) → ∞ as n → ∞, then Pn(ck ≥ 2 for some k ≥ ξ) = o(1). i ways to exchange i pairs of k-cycles and leave the remaining m − 2i isolated. Moreover, there are k i · k m−2i ways to factor the cycles in the above instance into the product of two involutions. Hence, the number of such decompositions is • If ξ = (log n)1/2+, then Pn (ck ≥ ξ for some k ≥ 1) = o(1) • (The Erdös-Turán Law [3]) For any x ∈ R, lim P (log B(σ) ≤ µ + xσ ) = Φ(x) n n n n→∞ k m−im! . 2ii!(m − 2i)! where To count all possible cases, sum over all i to obtain = 1[n], then Rm(k) := N(σ) = bm/2c X i=0 m−i k m! . 2ii!(m − 2i)! |Orbσ (m)| = |Orbσ (τ1(m))| = |Orbσ (τ2(m))| 1 2 • µn = log n, 2 s 1 3 • σn = log n, and 3 Z x 1 −t2/2 • Φ(x) = √ e dt + o(1). 2π −∞ The four results above imply that 1 2 log(N(π)) − (log n) 2 Pn c(log n)3 ≤ x → Φ(x) where Φ(x) is the distribution function of the standard normal. An Explicit Formula for N(σ) A formula for N(σ) was discovered independently by Lugo [1] and Petersen and Tenner [2], both of whom derived it using graph theory. The derivation to be outlined here is elementary and relies only on properties of the canonical action of Sn on [n]. for all m ∈ [n]. To prove this, it suffices to show that τ1(Orbσ (m)) = Orbσ (τ1(m)) , as then τ1, as an involution, admits a one-to-one correspondence between Orbσ (m) and Orbσ (τ1(m)) . Hence τ1 and τ2, as exhibited in the above example, can “exchange” at most two disjoint cycles, necessarily of the same length, at a time. Definition Let O1 and O2 be two distinct orbits of a permutation σ ∈ Sn. Two involutions τ1, τ2 ∈ Sn are said to exchange O1 and O2 provided that σ = τ1τ2 and τ1(O1) = τ2(O1) = O2. If ck (σ) denotes the number of k-cycles that σ ∈ Sn has, then N(σ) = n Y Rck (σ)(k). k=1 Extremal Properties of N For n > 2, the maximum value of N(σ) on Sn is tn, the number of involutions of [n], and occurs precisely at σ = 1[n] and the minimum value of N(σ) over Sn is n−1 and occurs precisely at those permutations which consist of an (n − 1)-cycle √ t2n e2 n and a 1-cycle. Lastly, En(N) = ∼ √ . n! 8πen Pn(log N(σ) ≤ µn + xσn) = Φ(x) + o(1). References [1] Michael Lugo. The cycle structure of compositions of random involutions. preprint, 2009. [2] T. Kyle Petersen and Bridget Eileen Tenner. How to write a permutation as a product of involutions (and why you might care). Integers, 13:Paper No. A63, 20, 2013. [3] Richard Arratia, A. D. Barbour, and Simon Tavaré. Logarithmic combinatorial structures: a probabilistic approach. EMS Monographs in Mathematics. European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zürich, 2003.