High Order Finite Element Discretization of the Compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations J.S. Wong, D.L. Darmofal, and J. Peraire Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract We present a high order accurate streamline-upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) algorithm for the solution of the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. The ow equations are written in terms of entropy variables which result in symmetric ux Jacobian matrices and a dimensionally consistent Finite Element discretization. We show that solutions derived from quadratic element approximation are of superior quality next to their linear element counterparts. We demonstrate this through numerical solutions of both classical test cases as well as examples more practical in nature. Key Words: Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, Petrov-Galerkin, entropy variables, symmetric ux jacobian matrices, high order accuracy 1 Introduction This paper centers upon a high-order accurate, stabilized, nite element method for the numerical solution of the compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. The SUPG nite element method for compressible ow simulations was initially developed and analyzed by Hughes et al. [3, 4, 5, 2] and has since gained signicant popularity. Its relation to multidimensional upwinding was elucidated in [9, 10] and higher order implementations for inviscid ows were presented in [6]. In [1], the SUPG algorithm was extentded to cover the simulation of near-incompressible ows by employing a stabilization matrix which exhibits proper scaling over the entire range of Mach numbers. Here, we focus on the higher order implementation of the algorithm developed in [1] for invicid and viscous ows. 1 2 Compressible ow governing equations We start from the time dependent two dimensional compressible Euler equations in conservation form U;t + (F where 2 3 66 7 66 u1 777 U=6 ; 64 u2 775 E and 2 66 6 Fv1 = 6 66 4 Fv )1;1 + (F 2 66 u1 6 u21 + p F1 = 6 66 u u 1 2 4 u1 (E + p) 0 11 12 u1 11 + u212 + q1 3 77 77 77 ; 5 Fv )2;2 = 0; 3 77 77 77 ; 5 2 66 6 Fv2 = 6 66 4 (1) 2 66 u2 6 u1u2 F2 = 6 66 u2 + p 2 4 u2 (E + p) 0 21 22 u121 + u2 22 + q2 3 77 77 77 : 5 3 77 77 77 : 5 In the above expressions, is the density; u = [u1 ; u2]T is the velocity vector; E is the specic total energy; p is the pressure; and the comma denotes partial dierentiation (e.g. U;t = @ U=@t, the partial derivative with respect to time, Fi;j = @ Fi =@xj , the partial derivative with respect to the j -th spatial coordinate). The system of equations is closed once the pressure is related to the problem variables through the equation of state, p = ( 1)e, where e = E juj2 =2, is the internal energy. Here, is the ratio of specic heats and is the absolute viscosity, both of which are assumed to be constant. Following the usual assumptions: 11 = 2 @u1 Re @x1 12 = 21 = 22 = 2 and @u2 Re @x2 2 @u1 @u2 + 3 Re @x1 @x2 @u1 @u2 + Re @x2 @x1 2 @u1 @u2 + 3 Re @x1 @x2 @T @T ; q2 = : ReP r @x1 ReP r @x2 We will assume that all the above quantities have been non-dimensionalized using reference, or free stream, values for density , velocity u , and length L. Thus, the dimensional variables, denoted with an overbar, are related to the non-dimensional variables introduced above as E u p x u t = ; ui = i ; i = 1; 2; p = ; E = 2 ; = ; xi = i ; i = 1; 2; and t = : 2 u u u L L We note that the equation system (1) can be written as q1 = U;t + A1 U;1 + A2 U;2 = (K11 U;1 );1 + (K12 U;2 );1 + (K21 U;1 );2 + (K22 U;2 );2 ; 2 (2) where the Jacobian matrices Ai = Fi;U , i = 1; 2, are unsymmetric but have real eigenvalues and a complete set of eigenvectors. Kij = Fvi;U are the viscous ux jacobians. The above equation may be symmetrized through a change of variables, for details, we refer the reader to [5, 7]. ;j 2.1 Entropy variables We seek a new set of variables V, called entropy variables, such that the change U = U(V) applied to (1) yields the transformed system ~ 1 V;1 + A ~ 2 V;2 = (K ~ 11 V;1 );1 + (K ~ 12 V;2 );1 + (K ~ 21 V;1 );2 + (K ~ 22 V;2 );2 ; A0 V;t + A (3) ~ i = Ai A0 = Fi;V , i = 1; 2, are symmetric. where A0 = U;V is symmetric positive denite, and A Following [7], we introduce a scalar entropy function H (U) = g(s), where s is the non-dimensional entropy s = ln(p= ). The required change of variables is obtained by taking 2 0 2 66 e( g=g ) juj =2 u1 g0 6 V = H;TU = 6 6 e6 u2 4 1 3 77 77 77 : 5 (4) The conditions g0 > 0 and g00 =g0 < 1, ensure that H (U) is a convex function and therefore A0 1 = V;U = H;UU , and A0 , are symmetric positive denite. Furthermore, if we chose g(s) = s then we insure the matrix K 2 =4 K ~ 11 K ~ 12 K ~ 21 K ~ 22 K 3 5 is symmetric as well as positive semi-denite. 3 Variational formulation for the steady state problem We now consider the compressible steady problem in conservation form expressed in terms of symmetrizing variables. The conservative form of the equations is taken to be the starting point because we are ultimately interested in an algorithm that can be used over the whole range of speed regimes, including situations were the solution may contain discontinuitites. The problem is dened in a domain with boundary by (F + Fv )1 (V);1 + (F + Fv )2 (V);2 = 0 in ; ~nV = A ~ n g on A Fv n = f on (5) n a; (6) a (7) For simplicity, the domain boundary is assumed to be made up of a solid wall a , and a computational far ~ n = An A0 , eld boundary n a . In (6, 7), n = [n1 ; n2 ]T is the outward unit normal vector to , and A ~ n = An A0 , and An denotes the negative denite part of An . An = A1 n1 + A2 n2 . Finally, A 3 S Let the spatial domain , be discretized into non-overlapping elements Te , such that = Te , and T Te Te = ;, e 6= e0 . We consider the space of functions Vh, dened over the discretization and consisting of the continuous functions which are piecewise linear over each element 0 Vh = fW j W 2 (C 0 ( ))4 ; W jT e 2 (Pk (Te ))4 ; 8 Te 2 g: The SUPG algorithm can then be written as: Find Vh 2 V h such that for all W 2 V h , B (Vh ; W)gal + B (Vh ; W)supgjgls + B (Vh ; W)bc = 0; (8) where the forms B (; )gal , B (; )supg and B (; )bc account for the Galerkin, SUPG stabilization, and boundary condition terms respectively, and are dened as B (V; W)gal = ( W;1 (F Fv )1 (V) W;2 (F Fv )2 (V)) d ; ~ 1 W;1 + A ~ 2 W;2 ) (A ~ 1 V;1 + A ~ 2 V;2 (A (K22 V;2 );2 ) d ; B (V; W)supg = (K21 V;1 );2 Z Z (K11 V;1 );1 (K12 V;2 );1 Z (K21 W;1 );2 ~ 1 W;1 + A ~ 2 W;2 (K11 W;1 );1 (K12 W;2 );1 ((A ~ 1 V ;1 + A ~ 2 V;2 (K11 V;1 );1 (K12 V;2 );1 (K22 W;2 );2 ) (A (K21 V;1 );2 (K22 V;2 );2 ) d ; B (V; W)gls = and Z Z (9) (10) (11) W (Fff W Fv (V; f ; n) ds: (12) n where is the stabilization matrix. The numerical ux function on the far eld boundary Fff , is dened by 1 1 Fff (V ; V+ ; n) = (Fn (V ) + Fn (V+ )) jA (V (V ; V+ ))j(V+ V ): 2 2 n Here, jAn (V)j = A+n (V) A (V) is the absolute value of An evaluated at V , and V (V+ ; V ), is the an average between the states V+ and V . The average state, V , is chosen to ensure the global stability of the algorithm [6]. For inviscid compuations, the viscous terms in the expressions above would of course, vanish. For viscous simulations, Dirichlet boundary conditions may replace portions of the boundary integral. B (V; W)bc = + Fv )(V; g; n) ds: + a a 4 Denition of The denition of follows that of [1]. The following modication is made for viscous simulations: 1 1+ = i v 1 where i is the stabilization dened in [1] and v is dened as: v 1 ~ 11 + K ~ 22 )=he 2 = 2(K 4 5 Numerical results In this section we present some numerical results that illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithm. Test problems were solved employing both linear and quadratic element approximations. For comparative purposes, the meshes used for all linear element approximations were obtained by subdividing each element of the corresponding quadratic element mesh into four linear elements. In this way, comparisons between P1 and P2 solutions involving the same number of nodes can be made. hc thus represents the distance between two nodes in the meshes used in the numerical simulations presented herein. 5.1 Example 1: Rinleb ow In this example, we consider a ringleb test case (an exact solution of the Euler equations, [13]). The error is computed in the L2 entropy norm [1]. Both P1 and P2 element approximation achieved their respective optimal convergence rate of O(h2 ) and O(h3 ) respectively, as can be seen in gure 1. 5.2 Example 2: Flow over an airfoil In this example, the proposed scheme was used to simulate the ow over NACA 0012 airfoil at a Mach number of 0:6, and at an angle of attack of 2Æ. In gure 2, the L2 entropy deviation for both P1 and P2 simulations are presented. The quadratic element approximation results in a much lower level of entropy error than its linear element counterpart. The geometric singularity at the trailing edge of the airfoil requires a much ner discretization around that point relative to the rest of the mesh for both the linear and quadratic element approximations to achieve their optimal convegence rate. This is paticularly important for the P2 approximation since the error away from the geometric singularity vanishes far quicker, rendering the trailing edge error as the dominant source of error for the numerical approximation. 5.3 Example 3: Flow over at plate In this example, we consider ow over a at plate of unit length. The computational domain is [ 1:5; 1][0; 1], with the leading edge of the plate at (0; 0). The free stream Mach number is 0:5. The Reynolds number is raised from 8000 to 64000 in successive simulations while keeping the mesh unchanged. The results in the form of boundary layer thickness, Æ99 (x = L), are plotted in gure 4. The quadratic element approximation yields results very close to that of the Blasius solution while the linear element approximation shows increasing error with rising Reynolds number. Further numerical tests have shown that it is possible to resolve the Blasius boundary layer with only two elements when quadratic element approximation is used. 5 6 Conclusion A high-order accurate, stabilized nite element method for the solution of compressible Euler and NavierStokes equations has been presented. The advantages of quadratic element approximation over linear representation of solution were demonstrated through a number of test problems. In particular, these numerical tests have shown that higher-order approximation is signicantly more eective in resolving viscous boundary layers. References [1] J.S. Wong, D.L. Darmofal and J. Peraire, The Solution of the Compressible Euler Equations at Low Mach Numbers using a Stabilized Finie Element Algorithm, in preparation 2000. [2] F. Shakib, T.J.R. Hughes and Z. Johan A new nite element formulation for computational uid dynamics : X. The compressible Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, Comp. Meth. in Appl. 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[13] Test Cases for Inviscid Flow Field Methods, AGARD-AR-211, 7 Ancelle 92200, Neuilly sur Seine, France, 1985. 7 Ringleb Flow -4 P1 P2 -4.5 1 2 Log10(ε) -5 -5.5 -6 3 -6.5 1 -7 -2.5 -2.25 -2 -1.75 -1.5 Log10(hc) Intermediate Mesh-6400 elements 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 1: Top: L2 entropy norm error of ringleb ow solution, Bottom: Computational mesh. 8 Flow Over NACA 0012 M∝=0.6, α=2° -5 10 P1 P2 L2 Sgen 10-6 10-7 10-8 0.0025 0.005 0.0075 0.01 hc Coarse Mesh-1672 elements 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 2: Top: L2 entropy error of ow over NACA 0012 airfoil, Bottom: Computational mesh. 9 P1 Solution-Coarse Mesh 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 P2 Solution-Coarse Mesh 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Figure 3: Mach contour of ow over NACA 0012 airfoil, M1 = 0:6, = 2Æ 10 0.06 Blasius P1 P2 0.05 δ99(x=1) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.0025 0.005 0.0075 0.01 0.0125 -0.5 L Re Mesh - Flow Over Flat Plate 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Figure 4: Top: Computed value of boundary layer thickness at x = 1, Bottom: Computational mesh. 11