MULTI-BUMP GROUND STATES OF THE FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM ON THE REAL LINE JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG Abstract. In this paper we study ground-states of the fractional GiererMeinhardt system on the line, namely the solutions of the problem 2 (−∆)s u + u − uv = 0, in R, s 2s (−∆) v + ε v − u2 = 0, in R, u, v > 0, u, v → 0 as |x| → +∞. We prove that given any positive integer k, there exists a solution to this problem for s ∈ [ 21 , 1) exhibiting exactly k bumps in its u−component, separated 1−2s 1 from each other at a distance O(ε 4s ) for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and O(| log ε| 2 ) for s = 12 respectively, whenever ε is sufficiently small. These bumps resemble the shape of the unique solution of (−∆)s U + U − U 2 = 0, 0 < U (y) → 0 as |y| → ∞. 1. Introduction In this paper we consider the following fractional Gierer-Meinhardt system in R { 2 (−∆)s u + u − uv = 0 in R, (1.1) (−∆)s v + ε2s v − u2 = 0 in R, where (−∆)s , 0 < s < 1, denotes the fractional Laplace operator. (For the definition, See Section 2 below.) When s = 1, this is the classical Gierer-Meinhardt system proposed by GiererMeinhardt in [12] in 1972. More precisely they considered the following reactiondiffusion system as a model of biological pattern formation 2 at = d∆a − a + ah , in Ω × (0, t), (1.2) ht = D∆h − h + a2 , in Ω × (0, t), ∂ν a = ∂ν h = 0, on ∂Ω × (0, t), where d, D > 0 are diffusion rates, Ω ⊂ Rn is a bounded domain and ∂ν denotes the derivative in the outer normal direction. The Gierer-Meinhardt system was used in [12] to model head formation of Hydra, an animal of a few millimeters in length, made up of approximately 100,000 cells of about fifteen different types. It consists of a ”head” region located at one end along its length. Typical experiments with hydra involve removing part of the ”head” region transplanted area is sufficiently far from the (old) head. These observations led to the assumption of the existence of two chemical substances a slowly diffusing activator and a rapidly diffusing inhibitor, whose concentrations at the point x ∈ Ω and time t > 0 are represented, respectively, by the quantities a(x, t) and h(x, t). Their diffusion rates, given by the positive constants d and D are then assumed to be that d ≪ D. The Gierer-Meinhardt system falls within the framework of a theory proposed by Turing 1 2 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG [27] in 1952 as a mathematical model for the development of complex organisms from a single cell. He speculated that localized peaks in concentration of chemical substances, known as inducers or morphogens, could be responsible for a group of cells developing differently from the surrounding cells. Turing discovered through linear analysis that a large difference in relative size of diffusivities for activating and inhibiting substances carries instability of the homogeneous, constant steady state, thus leading to the presence of nontrivial, possibly stable stationary configurations. Activator-inhibitor systems have been used widely in the mathematical theory of biological pattern formation [17, 18]. Substantial research concerning this system has been generated in recent years. We refer the reader to the survey papers [24], [35] and the book [36] for the overview of the subject. In the last twenty years there have been intensive research on the existence and stability of steady states of the Gierer-Meinhardt system (1.2) in a bounded domain. It is known that there are multiple spikes solutions which may be stable. We refer to papers [6], [15], [30], [28], [33], [34] and the book [36] and the references therein. In the case of the domain being the whole space, after suitable rescaling the steady state problem of (1.2) becomes 2 ∆u − u + uv = 0, u > 0, in Rn (1.3) ∆v − ε2 v + u2 = 0, v > 0, in Rn u, v → 0 as |x| → +∞. A solution to (1.3) is called ground state. In the real line case the existence of single and multiple pulse solutions is proved independently by Doelman-Gardner-Kaper in [7] (via geometric dynamical system method) and by Chen-del Pino-Kowalczyk in [5] (via PDE reduction method). Similar results have been obtained for the case n = 2 by del Pino-Kowalczyk-Wei in [8]. In higher dimensional case another type of solutions exist: solutions which are radially symmetric but have rings concentrations. We refer to Ni-Wei [25], Kolokolnikov-Wei [21] and Kolokolnikov-Wei-Yang [20]. In R3 there exists also axially symmetric solution with smoke ring concentrations. See Kolokolnikov-Ren [22]. The presence of steady configurations in the d whole space appears driven by smallness of the relative size ε2 = D of the diffusion rates of the activating and inhibiting substances. The present paper deals with the case of equation (1.3) in the nonlocal diffusion–fractional laplacian case (1.1) for s ∈ [ 12 , 1). Next we briefly discuss the fractional laplacian and nonlocal diffusion. In probability, we consider the random walk for Lévy processes: ∑ un+1 = Pjk unk , j k where Pjk denotes the transition function which has a tail (i.e., power decay with the distance |j − k|). By taking the limit we get an operator (−∆)s as the infinitesimal generator of a Lévy process: if Xt is the isotropic 2s−stable lévy process we have 1 (−∆)s u(x) = lim+ E[u(x) − u(x + Xh )]. h→0 h When s = 1 it corresponds to the Brownian motion. Fractional diffusion equations have been used to model anomalously slow or fast scattering of particles in a variety of natural applications. A consideration of the problem of anomalous sub-diffusion with reactions in terms of continuous-time random walks (CTRWs) with sources and sinks leads to a fractional activator-inhibitor FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 3 model with a fractional order temporal derivative operating on the spatial Laplacian. A similar type of system has also been proposed for diffusion with reactions on a fractal. The problem of anomalous super-diffusion with reactions has also been considered and in this case a fractional reaction-diffusion model has been proposed with the spatial Laplacian replaced by a spatial fractional differential operator. If the reaction time is not short compared with the diffusion time in sub-diffusive systems with reactions (for example, if many encounters between reactants are required before reactions proceed), then an alternate model has been proposed where the fractional order temporal derivative operates on both the spatial Laplacian and the reaction term. An important distinction between the two anomalous reactiondiffusion models becomes apparent when the concentration of species is spatially homogeneous, this latter model does not reduce to the classical macroscopic rate equations except when the diffusion is also non-anomalous. For the more background on fractional reaction-diffusion system, we refer the readers to [13, 14, 16] and references therein. We shall mention that weakly nonlinear analysis has been done to constant equilibriums for Turing’s system by Henry-Langlands-Wearne [14] and Golovin-Matkowsky-Volpert [13]. In [23] the author studied a slightly different Gierer-Meinhardt system with fractional diffusion 2 at = −d(−∆)s a − a + ah , in (−1, 1) × (0, t), 2 (1.4) h = D∆h − h + a , in (−1, 1) × (0, t), t ax (±1, t) = hx (±1, t) = 0 where (−∆)s denotes the spectral fractional Laplacian. In this paper we shall consider the existence of nonlinear patterns for the classical Gierer-Meinhardt system in the real line (1.1) with fractional diffusion. A similar notable feature of problem (1.1) (as the classical case) is, it will be shown in this work, the presence of a large number of solutions (modulo translations) as the parameter ε gets smaller. More precisely, given any positive integer k we find a number εk such that if 0 < ε < εk then there exists a solution exhibiting exactly k bumps in the activator. Besides, after appropriate re-scaling of u, these bumps 1−2s are approaching a universal profile and are separately from each other ε 4s and 1 (− log ε) 2 for the case s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and s = 12 respectively. We remark that this phenomenon is intrinsic to the full system, for only one ground state of the following equation modulo translations exists ([9]) (−∆)s U + U − U 2 = 0 in R, 0 < U (y) → 0 as |y| → ∞. (1.5) Before stating our main results on the existence of such solutions, we need the following preparations. In the sequel by U (x) we denote the unique radially symmetric solution of (1.5). (For the existence and uniqueness, we refer to Frank-Lenzmann [9].) In order to describe the position of bumps, we set m ( ) ∑ αs U (2qi ) + βs ε2s−1 |2qi |2s−1 Ξs (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = i=1 + ∑( αs U (qi − qj ) + βs ε2s−1 |qi − qj |2s−1 i̸=j + ∑( i̸=j αs U (qi + qj ) + βs ε2s−1 |qi + qj |2s−1 ) ) (1.6) 4 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and Ξ 12 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = m ( ∑ α 21 U (2qi ) + β 21 i=1 ∑( ) 1 1 log |2qi | log ε ) 1 log |q − q | i j log 1ε i̸=j ) ∑( 1 + α 12 U (qi + qj ) + β 12 log |q + q | i j log 1ε i̸=j + α 12 U (qi − qj ) + β 12 (1.7) for s = 12 . In Section 8, we shall prove the function Ξs , s ∈ [ 12 , 1) admits global minimal point in the interior of the following set { } 1−2s 1−2s 1 1−2s Qs,η = (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) | ε 4s > qi > ηε 4s , |qi − qj | > ηε 4s (1.8) η for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and { 1 1 1 1 1 1 1} Q 12 ,η = (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) | (log ) 2 > qi > η(log ) 2 , |qi − qj | > η(log ) 2 η ε ε ε (1.9) for s = 12 respectively. Here η denotes a small positive number and with the constants αs , βs being given later. We denote one of the global minimal points (if there are more) of Ξs in Qs,η by qs = (qs,1 , qs,2 , · · · , qs,m ). Remark: Since the function Ξs (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) is analytic in Qs,η , therefore, all the global minimal points are discrete. Let us set ( )−1 ∫ k 1−2s U 2 (y)dy , s ∈ ( 21 , 1), π ε 2s sin( 2s ) R1 )−1 ( τε = ∫ πk log 1ε 1 U 2 (y)dy , s = 12 . R (1.10) Our main result is the following. Theorem 1.1. Let k = 2m, m ≥ 1 be a fixed positive integer. There exists εk > 0 such that for each 0 < ε < εk , problem (1.1) admits a solution (u, v) with the following property: m ∑ ( ) −1 lim τε uε (x) − U (x − qs,i ) + U (x + qs,i ) = 0, ε→0 i=1 uniformly in x ∈ R , while for the second component v, we have ) ( lim τε−1 vε (qs,i + x) − 1 + τε−1 vε (qs,i − x) − 1 = 0 1 ε→0 for any i uniformly in compact sets in x, i = 1, 2, · · · , m. A similar result holds when k = 2m + 1, m ≥ 0. FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 5 We will only give the details of constructing solutions exhibiting an even number of bumps in the line. The case of odd number of bumps can be treated in a similar manner, and we will discuss the necessary changes in section 8. The method employed in the proof of Theorem 1.1 consists of a LyapunovSchmidt type reduction. Fixing m points which from Qs,η with η being determined later, an auxiliary problem is solved uniquely, and solutions satisfying the required conditions will be those precisely satisfying a nonlinear system of equations of the form cs,i (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = 0, i = 1, 2, · · · , m, where for such a class of points the function cs,i satisfy ∑( )] ∂ [1 cs,i (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = Fs (|2qi |) + Fs (|qi − qj |) + Fs (|qi + qj |) + σs,i , ∂qi 2 j̸=i (1.11) where { Fs (r) = αs U (r) + βs ε2s−1 r2s−1 , log r α 12 U (r) + β 21 log 1 , ε and { σs,i = o(1)εs+ 2 − 2s , 3 o(1)(− log ε)− 2 , 1 1 s ∈ ( 21 , 1), s = 12 s ∈ ( 21 , 1), s = 12 . We can easily find that solutions of the problem cs,i = 0 are closely related to critical points of the functional defined in (1.6) and (1.7) for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and s = 12 respectively. In the classical case, since the profile U of each bump is exponential decay, in the leading term of ci , we only need to consider the neighbor points of qi . However, in the fractional case, the profile U has algebraic decay. As a result, all the points interact with each other strongly and we have to consider all the interactions in dealing with cs,i . Even though the reduced problem is a finite dimensional one, we can not show that the locations of the bumps are unique and nondegenerate. In the classical case s = 1, the locations can be computed explicitly and the nondegeneracy can be proved easily. This is the main difficulty and new feature in considering (1.1). It is clear that the results of Theorem 1.1 can be extended without any difficulty to Gierer-Meinhardt system in which activator and inhibitor have different diffusion characters { 2 (−∆)s1 u + u − uv = 0 in R, (1.12) s2 2s2 (−∆) v + ε v − u2 = 0 in R, where s1 ∈ (0, 1] and s2 ∈ [ 21 , 1]. It is also possible to generalize to Gierer-Meinhardt system with more general nonlinearity. We omit the details. The rest of the paper will be devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1. In section 2 we study the fractional Laplacian operator and the behavior of the Green function for (−∆)s + I. In section 3 we set up the scheme of proof, in particular we explain why the constant τε is the right scaling factor to get the desired multi-bump expansion. The program outlined there is carried over the following sections. 6 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG 2. Preliminaries In this section, we provide some elementary properties of the operators (−∆)s +I. Let 0 < s < 1. Various definitions of the fractional Laplacian (−∆)s ϕ of a function ϕ defined in Rn are available, depending on its regularity and growth properties. For ϕ ∈ H 2s (Rn ), the standard definition is given via Fourier transform b . (−∆)s ϕ ∈ L2 (Rn ) is defined by the formula \s ϕ. |ξ|2s ϕ̂(ξ) = (−∆) (2.1) When ϕ is assumed in addition sufficiently regular, we obtain the direct representation ∫ ϕ(x) − ϕ(y) (−∆)s ϕ(x) = ds,n dy (2.2) n+2s n R |x − y| for a suitable constant ds,n and the integral is understood in a principal value sense. This integral makes sense directly when s < 21 and ϕ ∈ C 0,α (Rn ) with α > 2s, or if ϕ ∈ C 1,α (Rn ), 1 + α > 2s. In the latter case, we can desingularize the integral and represent it in the form ∫ ϕ(x) − ϕ(y) − ∇ϕ(x)(x − y) (−∆)s ϕ(x) = ds,n dy. |x − y|n+2s Rn Another useful (local) representation, found by Caffarelli and Silverstre [2], is via the following boundary value problem in the half space Rn+1 = {(x, y) | x ∈ Rn , y > + 0} : { ∇ · (y 1−2s ∇ϕ̃) = 0 in Rn+1 + , ϕ̃(x, 0) = ϕ(x) on Rn . Here ϕ̃ is the s−harmonic extension of ϕ, explicitly given as a convolution integral with the s−Poisson kernel ps (x, y), ∫ ϕ̃(x, y) = ps (x − z, y)ϕ(z)dz, Rn where ps (x, y) = Cn,s y 4s−1 (|x|2 + |y|2 ) n−1+4s 2 ∫ and Cn,s achieves Rn p(x, y) = 1. Then under suitable regularity, (−∆)s ϕ is the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for this problem, namely (−∆)s ϕ(x) = lim+ y 1−2s ∂y ϕ̃(x, y). (2.3) y→0 Characterizations (2.1)-(2.3) are all equivalent for instance in Schwartz’s space of rapidly decreasing smooth functions. Now let us consider for a number m > 0 and g ∈ L2 (Rn ) the equation (−∆)s ϕ + mϕ = g in Rn . Then in terms of Fourier transform, this problem, for ϕ ∈ L2 , reads (|ξ|2s + m)ϕ̂ = ĝ and has a unique solution ϕ ∈ H 2s (Rn ) given by the convolution ∫ ϕ(x) = Tm [g] := G(x − z)g(z)dz, Rn (2.4) FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 7 where 1 . |ξ|2s + m Using the characterization (2.3) written in weak form, ϕ can be characterized by ϕ(x) = ϕ̃(x, 0) in trace sense, where ϕ̃ ∈ H is the unique solution of ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ϕφ = gφ, for all φ ∈ H, (2.5) ∇ϕ̃∇φy 1−2s + m b G(ξ) = Rn+1 + Rn Rn 1 where H is the Hilbert space of functions φ ∈ Hloc (Rn+1 + ) such that ∫ ∫ ∫ ∥φ∥2H := |φ|2 < +∞, |∇φ|2 y 1−2s + m Rn+1 + Rn or equivalently the closure of the set of all functions in Cc∞ (Rn+1 + ) under this norm. A useful fact for our purpose is the equivalence of the representations (2.4) and (2.5) for g ∈ L2 (Rn ). Lemma 2.1. Let g ∈ L2 (Rn ). Then the unique solution ϕ̃ ∈ H of problem (2.5) is given by the s−harmonic extension of the function ϕ = Tm [g] = G ∗ g. For a proof, one can see Lemma 2.1 in [4]. Let us recall the main properties of the fundamental solution G(x) in the representation (2.4), which are stated for instance in [11] and [10]. We have that G is radially symmetric and positive, G ∈ C ∞ (Rn \ {0}) satisfying • C |G(x)| + |x||∇G(x)| ≤ for all |x| ≤ 1, |x|n−2s • lim G(x)|x|n+2s = γ > 0, |x|→∞ • |x||∇G(x)| ≤ C |x|n+2s for all |x| ≥ 1. In next lemma, we get a more specific behavior of the Green function G(x) around x = 0 for n = 1. Lemma 2.2. Let G(x) be the Green function of the following equation (−∆)s G(x) + G(x) = δ(x). Then, we have { a0 + a1 |x|2s−1 + O(|x|min{2,4s−1} ) as |x| → 0, G(x) = − π1 log |x| + a2 + O(|x|) as |x| → 0, (2.6) if s ∈ ( 12 , 1), if s = 12 , (2.7) where a0 , a1 , a2 will be given in the proof. Remark: a1 is negative. Proof. By using fourier transform, we can write the equation (2.6) as b (|ξ|2s + 1)G(ξ) = 1. Therefore, we have G(x) = 1 2π ∫ ∞ −∞ eixξ 1 dξ = 1 + |ξ|2s π ∫ 0 (2.8) ∞ cos(xξ) dξ. 1 + |ξ|2s (2.9) 8 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG We note G(x) is an even function, in the following, we only need to consider the behavior of G(x) when x → 0+ . We divide our discussion into two parts. If s ∈ ( 12 , 1), we have 1 π ∫ ∫ ∞ ) 2 (sin xξ 1 2 ) dξ − 2 dξ 1 + |ξ|2s 1 + |ξ|2s 0 0 ∫ ∞ xξ 2 (sin 2 ) 1 2 dξ π − 2s sin( 2s ) π 0 1 + |ξ|2s ∫ 2 2s−1 ∞ (sin 2t )2 1 x dt π − ) π 2s sin( 2s t2s + x2s 0 ∫ x2s (sin 2t )2 ) 1 2 2s−1 ∞ ( (sin 2t )2 − x − dt π 2s sin( 2s ) π t2s t2s (t2s + x2s ) 0 ∫ (sin 2t )2 2 4s−1 ∞ 2s−1 a0 + a1 x + x dt. (2.10) π t2s (t2s + x2s ) 0 cos(xξ) 1( dξ = 1 + |ξ|2s π ∞ 0 = = = = ∫ ∞ where a0 = 1 2 π , a1 = − 2s sin( 2s ) π ∫ ∞ 0 (sin 2t )2 2 dt = − sΓ(−2s) sin(πs) < 0. t2s π We can write the last term on the right hand side of (2.10) as ∫ ( x4s−1 (sin 2t )2 dt = t2s (t2s + x2s ) ∞ 0 ∫ ∫ x + 0 ∫ 1 ∞ + x 1 ) x4s−1 (sin t )2 2 dt. t2s (t2s + x2s ) For each term on the right hand side of (2.11), we have ∫ x 0 ∫ 1 x ∫ ∞ 1 x4s−1 (sin 2t )2 dt ≤ Cx2s−1 t2s (t2s + x2s ) x4s−1 (sin 2t )2 dt ≤ Cx4s−1 t2s (t2s + x2s ) x4s−1 (sin 2t )2 dt ≤ Cx4s−1 t2s (t2s + x2s ) ∫ 1 x ∫ 1 ∫ 0 x t2 dt = O(x2 ), t2s t2 dt = O(x2 + x4s−1 ), t4s ∞ (sin 2t )2 dt = O(x4s−1 ). t4s Hence, we have ∫ 0 ∞ x4s−1 (sin 2t )2 dt = O(xmin{2,4s−1} ), t2s (t2s + x2s ) as a result, we get the first one in (2.7). (2.11) FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 9 When s = 12 , we have π ∫ ∞ ∫ 2x ∫ ∞ cos(xξ) cos(xξ) cos(xξ) dξ = dξ + dξ π 1 + ξ 1 + ξ 1+ξ 0 0 2x π ∫ 2x ∫ ∞ ( 1 2) 2(sin xξ cos(xξ) 2 ) = − dξ + dξ π 1 + ξ 1 + ξ 1+ξ 0 2x ∫ π2 ∫ ∞ (sin 2t )2 π cos t = log(1 + )−2 dt + dt π 2x x+t x+t 0 2 ∫ π2 ∫ ∞ (sin 2t )2 π cos t = − log x + log − 2 dt + dt π 2 t t 0 2 ∫ π2 ∫ ∞ (sin 2t )2 cos t + 2x dt − x dt + O(x). π t(x + t) t(x + t) 0 2 It is easy to see, ∫ π 2 0 Therefore, for s = 1 2, (sin 2t )2 dt, t(x + t) a2 = ∞ π 2 cos t dt = O(1). t(x + t) we obtain G(x) = − where ∫ 1 log x + a2 + O(x) as x → 0+ , π 1( π log − 2 π 2 ∫ π 2 0 (sin 2t )2 dt + t ∫ ∞ π 2 (2.12) cos t ) dt . t 3. The scheme of the proof Our strategy of the proof of the main results is based on the idea of solving the second equation in (1.1) for v and then working with a nonlocal elliptic PDE rather than directly with the system. It is convenient to do this by replacing first u by τε u and v by τε v, which transforms (1.1) into the problem 2 (−∆)s u + u − uv = 0 in R, s 2s (3.1) (−∆) v + ε v − τε u2 = 0 in R, u, v > 0, u, v → 0, as |x| → ∞, with the choice of the parameter τε as in (1.10), ( )−1 ∫ k 1−2s 2 U (y)dy , s ∈ ( 21 , 1), π ε 2s sin( 2s ) R1 ( ) τε = −1 ∫ πk log 1ε 1 U 2 (y)dy , s = 12 . R Then, we have u∼ k ∑ i=1 U (x − qi ), v ∼ 1, (3.2) 10 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG i.e., the height of the bumps near the qi remains bounded as ε → 0. In the sequel, by T (h) we denote the unique solution of the equation (−∆)s v + ε2s v = τε h in R, v(x) → 0 as |x| → +∞, )−1 ( . Solving the second equation for v for h ∈ L2 (R), namely T = τε (−∆)s + ε2s in (3.1) we get v = T (u2 ), which tends to the nonlocal equation (−∆)s u + u − u2 = 0. T (u2 ) (3.3) We consider points q1 , q2 , · · · , qk , k = 2m in R which are the candidates for the location of spikes. These points (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) are restricted in the following set { (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) ∈ Λs = (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) | qi = −qk+1−i , q1 > q2 > · · · > qk , } (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) ∈ Qs,η . (3.4) Let us write W (x) = k ∑ U (x − qi ). i=1 We look for a solution to (3.3) in the form u = W + ϕ, where ϕ is a lower order term. Then, formally, we have T (u2 ) = T (W 2 ) + 2T (W ϕ) + h.o.t., where h.o.t. corresponds to the higher order terms. We denote V = T (W 2 ). By Gε (|y|) we denote the fundamental solution to (−∆)s + ε2s in R. We can write ∫ k ∫ ∑ T (W 2 ) = τε W 2 (y)Gε (|x − y|)dy ∼ τε U 2 (x − qi )Gε (|x − y|)dy, i=1 where the integration extends over all R. For |x| = o(ε−1 ) we have { α0 ε1−2s + α1 |x|2s−1 + O(ε3−2s |x|2 + ε2s |x|4s−1 ), if s ∈ ( 12 , 1), Gε (|x|) = − π1 log(ε|x|) + O(1), if s = 12 . Using this, and the definition of τε we get that near the qi ’s, V (x) = 1 + h.o.t.. Arguing similarly we get ∫ T (W ϕ) = ω W ϕ + h.o.t., ω = 1 ∫ . k U2 Then u2 W 2 + 2W ϕ + h.o.t. W2 = = + 2W ϕ − 2ωW 2 v V + 2T (W ϕ) + h.o.t. V ∫ W ϕ + h.o.t.. Substituting all this into (3.3) we obtain the equation for ϕ ∫ s 2 W ϕ = S(W ) + N (ϕ), (−∆) ϕ + (1 − 2W )ϕ + 2ωW where S(W ) = −(−∆)s W − W + W2 V and N (ϕ) is defined by ∫ (W + ϕ) W2 2 W ϕ, N (ϕ) = − − 2W ϕ + 2ωW T ((W + ϕ)2 ) V 2 (3.5) FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 11 represents higher order terms in ϕ. Thus we have reduced the problem of finding solutions to (3.1) to the problem of solving (3.5) for ϕ. We set ∂W ∂qj = Zj . Rather than solving problem (3.5), we consider first the following auxiliary problem: given points qj , find a function ϕ such that for certain constants ci the following equation is satisfied ∑ Lϕ = S(W ) + N (ϕ) + cj Zj , ⟨ϕ, Zj ⟩ = 0, j = 1, 2, · · · , k, (3.6) j where ∫ Lϕ = (−∆)s ϕ + (1 − 2W )ϕ + 2ωW 2 Wϕ and ⟨·, ·⟩ denotes the L2 inner product. We will prove in section 4 that this problem is uniquely solvable within a class of small functions ϕ for all points (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) satisfying constraints (3.4). Besides, the resulting constants ci (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) admit the expansion (1.11) . We will of course get a solution of the full problem whenever the points qi are adjusted in such a way that all of ci ’s vanish. We show the existence of such points in section 8, where the main result is finally established. In remainder of the paper we rigorously carry out the program outlined above. In particular, we will need to understand the invertibility properties of the linear operator L first. We will do it in the next section. 4. The linear operator Proposition 4.1. Let U be the unique, positive, radially symmetric solution to (−∆)s U + U − U 2 = 0. (4.1) (a) There exists a positive constant ds depending on s only such that, as |x| → ∞, the following formula holds U (|x|) = bs (1 + o(1)). |x|1+2s Moreover, U ′ (x) < 0 for x > 0 and (1 + 2s)bs (1 + o(1)) as x → +∞. x2+2s (b) Let L0 = (−∆)s + (1 − 2U )id. Then we have { ∂U } . Ker(L0 ) = span ∂x (c) Let L be the operator defined in (3.6) and let ∫ L∗ = (−∆)s ϕ + (1 − 2W )ϕ + 2ωW W 2 ϕ U ′ (x) = − be its formal disjoint. If we denote Zj = ∂W , ∂qj 12 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG then, for all j = 1, 2, · · · , k, we have LZj = O(min |qi − qj |−(2s+1) )W (x)2 + O(min |qi − qj |−(2s+2) )W (x), i̸=j i̸=j ∗ −(2s+2) L Zj = O(min |qi − qj | i̸=j )W (x). Proof. The proof of part (a) and (b) is given in [9, Proposition 1.1 and Theorem 2.3]. 2 In fact, it was proven in [1] that (apart from translations) the function U (x) = 1+x 2 1 1 is the only positive solution of (4.1) in H 2 (R) when s = 2 . Part (c) is a consequence of direct computations. We shall carry out the analysis of the linear operator L in a framework of weighted L∞ spaces. For this purpose we consider the following norm for a function defined in R: given points q1 , q2 , · · · , qk we define ∥ϕ∥∗ = ∥ρ(x)−1 ϕ∥L∞ (R) , where ρ(x) = k ∑ j=1 (4.2) 1 1 , < µ ≤ 1 + 2s. (1 + |x − qj |)µ 2 We first consider a problem that will later give rise to the finite-dimensional reduction. Given a function h, ∥h∥∗ < ∞ find a ϕ and constants cj , j = 1, 2, · · · , k such that one has ∑ Lϕ = h + j cj Zj in R, (4.3) ϕ(x) → 0 as |x| → ∞, ⟨ϕ, Zj ⟩ = 0 for j = 1, 2, · · · , k. By c we will denote a vector with components cj . We refer to a pair (ϕ, c) as a solution to (4.3). We have the following existence result for (4.3). Theorem 4.2. There exists positive numbers R and C such that, for any points qj satisfying |qi − qj | > R for all i ̸= j, and h with ∥h∥∗ < ∞, problem (4.3) has a unique solution ϕ = T (h) and c = c(h). Moreover, ∥T (h)∥∗ ≤ C∥h∥∗ . (4.4) The proof of Theorem 4.2 relies heavily on the following lemma. Lemma 4.3. Assume that qjn , j = 1, 2, · · · , k, are such that mini̸=j |qin − qjn | → ∞, ∥hn ∥∗ → 0 and that ϕn solves ∑ Lϕn = hn + cnj Zj in R, j ϕn (x) → 0, as |x| → ∞, ⟨ϕn , Zj ⟩ = 0 for j = 1, 2, · · · , k. Then ∥ϕn ∥∗ → 0. Proof. We will argue by contradiction. Without loss of generality we can assume that ∥ϕn ∥∗ = 1. Our first observation is that cnj → 0. Indeed, multiplying the equation by Zj and integrating by parts we get ∫ ∑ ⟨ϕn , L∗ Zj ⟩ = cnj Zj2 + cni ⟨Zi , Zj ⟩ + ⟨hn , Zj ⟩. i̸=j FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 13 Using Proposition 4.1, by rather standard calculations, it follows that cnj → 0 as n → ∞. Our next goal is to show ∫ W ϕn → 0 as n → ∞. To this end consider the test function 1 Z = x · ∇W + 2W s and L0 = (−∆)s + (1 − 2U )id. We claim that L0 Z = −2W + o(1). 2s Indeed if we set uλ (x) = λ W (λx), then ∑ λ4s U (λx − ξi )U (λx − ξj ). −(−∆)s uλ (x) = λ2s uλ − u2λ + i̸=j λ Since Z = 1s ∂u ∂λ |λ=1 the claim follows now from Proposition 4.1 and the above. Decompose ϕn = an W + ψn where ⟨W, ψn ⟩ = 0. Then Lψn = L0 ψn and we have o(1) = ⟨Lϕn , Z⟩ = an ⟨LW, Z⟩ + ⟨L0 ψn , Z⟩. But ⟨L0 ψn , Z⟩ = ⟨ψn , L0 Z⟩ = −2⟨W, ψn ⟩ + o(1) = o(1) and 1 ⟨LW, Z⟩ = ⟨W , Z⟩ + o(1) = 3s 2 ∫ ∫ 3 x∇W + 2 2 W + o(1) = (2 − ) 3s 3 ∫ W 3 + o(1). It follows that an → 0, and ⟨W, ϕn ⟩ = o(1). Going back to the equation satisfied by ϕn , we see that ( ∑ ) (−∆)s ϕn + (1 − 2W )ϕn = o(1) W 2 + Zj + hn ≡ gn + hn , j with ∥gn ∥∗ → 0. By applying the Lemma 4.2 in [4], we get ∥ϕn ∥∗ ≤ C(∥gn ∥∗ + ∥hn ∥∗ ) = o(1) which contradicts to the assumption ∥ϕn ∥∗ = 1. Hence we finish the proof of this lemma. Remark: In the statement of Lemma 4.2 in [4], it requires that µ ∈ ( 12 , 1+2s). However, we can go through the proof to get the same conclusion for the case µ = 1+2s. Next we construct a solution to problem (4.3). To do so, we consider the following auxiliary problem at first { ∑k s (−∆) ϕ + ϕ = g + i=1 ci Zi , ∫ (4.5) ϕZi = 0 for all i. R1 Lemma 4.4. For each g with ∥g∥∗ < +∞, there exists a unique solution of problem (4.5), ϕ =: A[g] ∈ H 2s (R). This solution satisfies ∥A[g]∥∗ ≤ C∥g∥∗ . 14 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG For the proof of Lemma 4.4, one can see [4, Lemma 4.3]. Proof of Theorem 4.2: Let us solve problem (4.3). Let Y be the Banach space Y := {ϕ ∈ L∞ (R1 ) | ∥ϕ∥Y := ∥ϕ∥∗ < ∞}. (4.6) Let A be the operator defined in Lemma 4.4. Then we have a solution to (4.3) if we can solve ∫ (4.7) ϕ − A[2W ϕ] + 2A[ωW 2 W ϕ] = A[g], ϕ ∈ Y. We claim that ∫ B[ϕ] := B1 [ϕ] + B2 [ϕ] = A[2W ϕ] + A[−2ωW 2 W ϕ] defines a compact operator in Y. At first, we show that B2 defines a compact ∫ operator in Y. We begin to prove that C[ϕ] = ωW 2 W ϕ is a compact operator from Y to Y. Let us assume that ϕn is a bounded sequence in Y. By direct computations, ∫ we get I(ϕn ) = W ϕn is contained in a bounded set in R1 . Therefore, we can pick out subsequence of I(ϕn ) converge, combined with the fact W (x) ≤ Cρ(x), we get C is a compact operator from Y to Y. By Lemma 4.4, we have A is a continuous operator from Y to Y. Hence, we get B2 is compact. Then, we come to consider the operator B1 . We denote fn = A[2W ϕn ] and claim that |fn (x) − fn (y)| sup ≤ C∥ϕn ∥∞ , α = min{1, 2s}. (4.8) |x − y|α x̸=y By Green representation, we have ∫ fn = A[2W ϕn ] = 2 G(x, z)W ϕn dz, ∫ Since ∥A[2W ϕn ]∥L∞ = ∥2 G(x, z)(W ϕn )(z)dz∥L∞ ≤ C∥ϕn ∥∞ , we can obtain sup x̸=y for |x − y| ≥ 1 3. |fn (x) − fn (y)| ≤ C∥ϕn ∥∞ |x − y|α For |x − y| < 31 , we have ∫ |fn (x) − fn (y)| ≤ C∥ϕn ∥∞ R |G(x − z) − G(y − z)|dz. Now, we decompose ∫ ∫ |G(x − z) − G(y − z)|dz = |G(z + y − x) − G(z)|dz R ∫R = |G(z + y − x) − G(z)|dz |z|>3|y−x| ∫ + |G(z + y − x) − G(z)|dz. |z|≤3|y−x| We have ∫ |z|>3|y−x| ∫ ∫ 1 |G(z + y − x) − G(z)|dz ≤ dt 0 |z|>3|y−x| |∇G(z + t(y − x))|dz|y − x|, FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM and since 3|y − x| < 1, ∫ ∫ |∇G(z + t(y − x))|dz ≤ C(1 + |z|>3|y−x| { ≤ 1>|z|>3|y−x| |z|<3|y−x| { ≤ dz ) |z|2−2s C(1 + |y − x|2s−1 ), C(1 + log |y − x|), On the other hand ∫ ∫ |G(z + y − x) − G(z)|dz ≤ 2 |z|<4|y−x| 15 s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 . |G(z)|dz C|x − y|, C|x − y| log |x − y|, s ∈ ( 21 , 1), s = 12 . Hence, we get sup x̸=y |fn (x) − fn (y)| ≤ C∥ϕn ∥∞ . |x − y|α Therefore, (4.8) is proved. Using the Arzela-Ascoli theorem, we can get a subsequence of fn which we relabel the same, that converges uniformly on compact sets to a continuous function f . Outside such a compact set, by using the property of the Green function and standard potential analysis, we have γn fn = A[2W ϕn ] = (1 + o(1)) as |x| → ∞, |x|1+2s ∫ where γn = 2γ R W ϕn . Based on the previous subsequence we have chosen, we can ∫ further choose a subsequence such that I(ϕn ) = R W ϕn converges, combined with the fact ρ(x)−1 |x|−2s−1 → k as x → ∞, we can get a subsequence of fn converges in Y outside a compact set. This implies that B1 is compact. Therefore we prove the claim that B defines a compact operator in Y. Finally, a priori estimate tells us that for g = 0, equation (4.3) admits only the trivial solution. The desired result of Theorem 4.2 follows at once from Fredholm’s alternative. 5. Basic estimates In this section we calculate basic estimates, including error estimates. Our first task is to analyze the solution V of the problem (−∆)s V + ε2s V = τε k [∑ ]2 U (|x − qi |) , V (x) → 0 as |x| → ∞, i=1 where τε is given in (3.2). Denote by Z0 the solution of (−∆)s Z0 + ε2s Z0 = U (|x|)2 , Z0 (x) → 0 as |x| → ∞, and by θij (x), i ̸= j, that of (−∆)s θij + ε2s θij = U (|x − qi |)U (|x − qj |), θij (x) → 0 as |x| → ∞. (5.1) 16 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG Then we have V (x) = τε k ∑ Z0 (|x − qi |) + τε i=1 ∑ θij (x). i̸=j We will now study Z0 (|x|) in the range x ∈ Is := [−M ε 1−2s 4s , Mε 1−2s 4s ] for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and in the range 1 1 x ∈ I 21 := [−M (− log ε) 2 , M (− log ε) 2 ] for s = 12 . Here M = 100 η . ∫ By Green representation, we have Z0 (|x|) = Gε (|x − y|)U (|y|)2 dy. We can expand Z0 (|x|) as ) { ∫ ( 1−2s 1 3 1 a0 ε + a1 |x − y|2s−1 U (|y|)2 + O(εmin{2+ 2s −2s, 2 − 4s } ), s ∈ ( 12 , 1), ∫ ∫ Z0 (|x|) = 1 − π1 log(ε|x − y|)U (|y|)2 + a2 U 2 + O(ε(− log ε) 2 ), s = 12 . (5.2) ∫ Let us consider the quantity Hs (x) = a1 |x − y|2s−1 U (|y|)2 for s ∈ ( 12 , 1), by noting that U (|y|) is an even function, we can easily obtain ∫ ∫ Hs (−x) = a1 | − x − y|2s−1 U (|y|)2 = a1 | − x + y|2s−1 U (|y|)2 = Hs (x). Furthermore, we can write Hs (|x|) = a1 |x|2s−1 ∫ U (|y|)2 + fs (|x|), where fs and its first derivative are uniformly bounded. Similarly, we can get ∫ 1 H 12 (|x|) = − log |x| U (|y|)2 + f 12 (|x|), π where f 12 and its first derivative are uniformly bounded. Let us now consider the function θij given in (5.1). Since θij can be represented as ∫ θij = Gε (|x − y|)U (y − qi )U (y − qj ). At first, we consider the case for s ∈ ( 12 , 1). For x ∈ Is , the following expansion holds, ∫ ∫ 1−2s θij (x) =a0 ε U (y − qi )U (y − qj ) + a1 |x − y|2s−1 U (y − qi )U (y − qj ) ∫ 1 + O(ε 2 ) U (y − qi )U (y − qj ). Using Proposition 4.1 one can show that ∫ 2s−1 |x − y|2s−1 U (y − qi )U (y − qj ) = O(ε 2s ), uniformly in x ∈ Is , a similar estimate holds for the derivative of the above expression with respect to x. Let us set ∫ δs (|z|) = U (y)U (y − z)dy. (5.3) FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 17 Following a standard potential analysis, we have δs (|z|) = O(1) 1 . |z|2s+1 + 1 (5.4) For the case s = 12 , we can expand the term θij (x) as follows ∫ 1 θij (x) = − log(ε|x − y|)U (y − qi )U (y − qj ) π ∫ 1 + a2 U (y − qi )U (y − qj ) + O(ε| log ε| 2 ). Using Proposition 4.1 we can obtain that there is a δ > 0 and close to 0 such that ∫ 1 (a2 − log |x − y|)U (y − qi )U (y − qj ) = O( ), (log 1ε )1−δ uniformly for x ∈ I 12 , a similar estimate holds for the derivative of the above expression with respect to x. Let us set ∫ (5.5) δ 12 (|z|) = U (y)U (y − z)dy. Following a standard potential analysis, we have 1 . 1 + |z|2 δ 12 (|z|) = O(1) (5.6) Thus, combing the above estimates we obtain: Lemma 5.1. For the term V , we have (a) When s ∈ ( 12 , 1), the following estimate holds for x ∈ Is , V (x) = 1 + τε k ∑ Hs (|x − qi |) + cs i=1 When s = 1 2, ∑ δs (|qi − qj |) + O(ε2s−1 ). i̸=j the following estimate holds for x ∈ I 12 , V (x) = 1 + τε k ∑ H 12 (|x − qi |) + c 12 i=1 ∑ δ 12 (|qi − qj |) + O( i̸=j 1 ). − log ε Here cs , c 12 are some generic constants independent of ε A similar estimate holds for the derivatives of function Hs (|x|) is given in the above discussion expansion ∫ { a1 |x|2s−1 ∫U (|y|)2 + fs (|x|), H(|x|) = − π1 log |x| U (|y|)2 + f 12 (|x|), V with respect to x. The and, for |x| > 1, has the s ∈ (0, 21 ), s = 12 . The function δs is given in (5.4) and (5.6) for the cases s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and s = 21 respectively. (b) When s ∈ ( 12 , 1) for x ∈ R \ Is , then we have the following lower estimate V (x) ≥ C 1 . 1 + (ε|x|)2s+1 (5.7) 18 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG When s = 12 , for x ∈ R \ I 12 , then we have the following lower estimate V (x) ≥ C 1 . 1 + (ε|x|)2 (5.8) Estimate (5.7) and (5.8) can be proven by using the potential analysis. 6. further estimates For brevity we shall denote Ui (x) = U (x − qi ) and W = in this section is to derive estimates for the quantity S(W ) ≡ −(−∆)s W − W + which can be written as ∑k i=1 Ui . Our purpose W2 , V (6.1) W2 ∑ 2 − Ui . V i=1 k S(W ) = Our first result is the following Lemma 6.1. Let the number µ = 1 + 2s in the definition of ∥ · ∥∗ . For all points qi satisfying conditions in (3.4) and all sufficiently small ε we have { 1 Cεs− 4s , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), ∥S(W )∥∗ ≤ 1 1−δ C(− log ε ) , s = 12 , where C is some constant independent of ε and δ is any small positive number independent of ε. Proof. Let us assume first x ∈ Is . We write S(W ) = k ∑ 1−V ∑ 2 Ui Uj = J1 + J2 . Ui + 2V −1 V i=1 (6.2) i̸=j At first, it is easy to see in the region under consideration, we have { 1 1 + O(εs− 4s ), s ∈ ( 12 , 1), V (x) = 1 1 + O( | log ε|1−δ ), s = 12 , where δ is any small positive number. Hence, { ∑k 1 O(εs− 4s )( i=1 Ui2 ), ∑k J1 = O( | log 1ε|1−δ )( i=1 Ui2 ), On the other hand, s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 21 . ( ) 1 1 1 + |qi − qj |2s+1 (1 + |x − qi |)2s+1 (1 + |x − qj |)2s+1 1 = O(1) ρ(x). |qi − qj |2s+1 V −1 Ui Uj ≤ 2Ui Uj ≤ C { Hence J2 = 1 O(εs− 4s )ρ(x), 1 O( | log ε| )ρ(x), s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 . FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM As a conclusion, for x ∈ Is , we have { 1 O(εs− 4s )ρ(x), |S(W )| = O( | log 1ε|1−δ )ρ(x), s ∈ ( 21 , 1), s = 21 , 19 (6.3) for small ε. Outside the above region, let us consider the case s ∈ ( 21 , 1) first. Assume now x ∈ R \ Is . By using Lemma 5.1, we have k k ∑ ( )∑ ε2s+1 |x|2s+1 + 1 |S(W )| ≤ C ε2s+1 |x|2s+1 + 1 ρ(x) Ui2 ≤ C (1 + |x − qi |)1+2s i=1 i=1 1 = O(εs− 4s )ρ(x). (6.4) For the case s = 21 . Assume x ∈ R \ I 21 , we get k k ∑ ( )∑ |S(W )| ≤ C ε2 |x|2 + 1 Ui2 ≤ C i=1 i=1 ε2 |x|2 + 1 ρ(x) (1 + |x − qi |)2 1 = O(− )ρ(x) log ε (6.5) Combining relations (6.3), (6.4) and (6.5), we prove the lemma. Another quantity which will be crucial for the remaining arguments is ∫ I = S(W )Zi . (6.6) We shall consider i = 1 only, since the other cases are similar. Observe that ∂U (x−q1 ) 1) = − ∂U (x−q and thus we have ∂q1 ∂x ∫ −I = (1 − V )V −1 k ∑ i=1 Ui2 ∂U (x − q1 ) + ∂x ∫ V −1 ∑ Ui Uj i̸=j ∂U (x − q1 ) = I1 + I2 . ∂x We will estimate I1 and I2 separately. In fact, we will find the following expansions ∂ ∑ U (qj − q1 )(1 + o(1)), I2 = −αs (6.7) ∂q1 j̸=1 and { I1 = ∑ −βs ε2s−1 ∂q∂ 1 j̸=1 |qj − q1 |2s−1 (1 + o(1)), ∑ −β 21 (− log1 ε ) ∂q∂ 1 j̸=1 log |qj − q1 |(1 + o(1)), s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 . (6.8) Here αs , βs , s ∈ [ 21 , 1) are some universal positive constants which are independent of ε. We will establish (6.7) at first. Using Lemma 5.1 we obtain ∫ ∫ ∑ ∑ ∂U1 ∂U1 −1 V Ui Uj = (1 + o(1)). Ui Uj ∂x ∂x i̸=j i̸=j ∫ 1 Let us estimate Ui Uj ∂U ∂x for i ̸= j, we observe that if i, j ̸= 1, then ∫ ( ) ∂U1 Ui Uj = O (|qi − q1 ||qj − q1 |)−(1+2s) . ∂x 20 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG On the other hand, if i = 1, j ̸= 1 we get ∫ ∫ ∂U1 1 ∂ U1 Uj =− U 2 (x − q1 )U (x − qj ) ∂x 2 ∂q1 For the right hand side of the above equality, by standard potential analysis, we can get that for a certain universal constant cs > 0 such that ∫ U 2 (x − q1 )U (x − qj ) = cs U (q1 − qj )(1 + o(1)), with a similar estimate for its derivative. We leave the detail in the appendix. Hence, ∫ ∑ 1 ∂ ∑ ∂U (x − q1 ) = − cs U (q1 − qj )(1 + o(1)), V −1 Ui Uj ∂x 2 ∂q1 j̸=1 i̸=j and estimates (6.7) thus follows. Let us now consider the term I1 . Following a similar procedure, we get ∫ ∑ k k {∑ } ∑ I1 = − U (x − qi )2 τε Hs (|x − qj |) + cs δs (|qj − ql |) i=1 j=1 j̸=l ∂ U (x − q1 )(1 + o(1)), ∂x where Hs and δs are given in Lemma 5.1. Let us first estimate ∫ ∂ gijl = U (x − qi )2 δs (|qj − ql |) U (x − q1 )dx, ∂x × with j ̸= l. For i = 1 this term is zero, while for i ̸= 1 we can estimate, using (5.4), (5.6) and Lemma 5.1, |gijl | ≤ C|qj − ql |−(2s+1) (1 + |qi − q1 |)−(2s+2) . Then we come to consider the terms ∫ ∂U Iij = U (x − qi )2 Hs (|x − qj |) (x − q1 ). ∂x First we observe that the term corresponding to i = j = 1 vanishes, by symmetry. If i and j are different, and both different from 1, then the resulting term is of lower order, more precisely ∫ ∂ Iij = U (x − qi )2 Hs (x − qj ) U (x − q1 ) ∂x ∫ ∂ =− U (x − qi )2 Hs (x − qj )U (x − q1 ) ∂q1 { ( ) O(1) ∂q∂ 1 |qi − qj |2s−1 U (qi − q1 ) , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), ( ) = O(1) ∂q∂ 1 log |qi − qj |U (qi − q1 ) , s = 12 . On the other hand, if i = 1, ∫ 1 ∂ U (x)3 Hs (|x − (qj − q1 )|)dx I1j = − 3 ∂q1 { bs ∂q∂ 1 |q1 − qj |2s−1 (1 + o(1)), s ∈ ( 21 , 1), = b 12 ∂q∂ 1 log |q1 − qj |(1 + o(1)), s = 12 , FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM where bs are some generic constants and we used ∫ { a0 ∫U 2 (y)dy|x|2s−1 (1 + o(1)), Hs (x) = − π1 U 2 (y)dy log |x|(1 + o(1)), 21 s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 , provided x is sufficiently large. We put the detail in the appendix. Now, as for Ii1 , we get ∫ ∂U Ii1 = U (x − (qi − q1 ))2 Hs (|x|) (x) = O(|qi − q1 |−3 ). ∂x Combining the above estimates, we immediately get (6.8). Hence we have found that ∑ ( ) ∫ ∂ 2s−1 |qj − q1 |2s−1 (1 + o(1)), j̸=1 ∂q1 αs U (qj − q1 ) + βs ε ( ) S(W )Z1 = log |qj −q1 | ∂ ∑ 1 U (qj − q1 ) + β 1 α (1 + o(1)), 1 j̸=1 ∂q1 log 2 2 ε s ∈ ( 21 , 1), s = 12 . Thus, we obtain the following result: Lemma 6.2. For all points (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) satisfies (3.4). If s ∈ ( 21 , 1), ∫ ∑ ∂Fs (|qj − qi |) S(W )Zj = (1 + o(1)), ∂qj i̸=j where Fs (r) = αs U (r) + βs ε2s−1 r2s−1 . If s = 12 , ∫ S(W )Zj = ∑ ∂F 1 (|qj − qi |) 2 i̸=j ∂qj (1 + o(1)), where F 12 (r) = α 21 U (r) + β 12 log r . log 1ε 7. The finite-dimensional reduction We will carry cut the finite-dimensional reduction process sketched in the first part of the paper. As in the previous section, we shall assume the points qi satisfy (3.4). Recall from Section 3 that the original problem was cast in the form (−∆)s u + u = u2 . T (u2 ) (7.1) Rather than solving this directly we consider instead the problem of finding A such that for certain constants ci one has ∑ A2 + ci Zi (−∆)s A + A = (7.2) T (A2 ) i 22 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG and ⟨A − W, Zi ⟩ = 0 for all i. Rewriting A = W + ϕ we get that this problem is equivalent to ∫ (−∆)s ϕ + ϕ − 2W ϕ + 2W 2 ω W ϕ ∫ ∑ W2 (W + ϕ)2 W2 2 = − (−∆)s W − W + + − − 2W ϕ + 2W ω Wϕ + ci Zi 2 V T ((W + ϕ) ) V i ∑ = S(W ) + N (ϕ) + ci Zi (7.3) and ⟨ϕ, Zi ⟩ = 0 for all i. (7.4) Using the operator T introduced in Theorem 4.2, we see that the problem is equivalent to finding a ϕ ∈ H so that ϕ = T (S(W ) + N (ϕ)) ≡ Q(ϕ). We will show that this fixed point problem has a unique solution in a region of the form { 1 { ∥ϕ∥∗ ≤ Cεs− 4s , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), } Ds = ϕ ∈ H | (7.5) 1 ∥ϕ∥∗ ≤ C | log ε|1−δ , s = 12 , for any small positive constant δ, provided ε is sufficiently small. Here H = {ϕ ∈ L∞ | ⟨ϕ, Zj ⟩ = 0, j = 1, 2, · · · , k}. We recall that from Lemma 6.1, { 1 ∥S(W )∥∗ ≤ Cεs− 4s , ∥S(W )∥∗ ≤ C | log 1ε|1−δ , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 . On the other hand, N (ϕ) admits the estimate provided by the following lemma. Lemma 7.1. Assume that ϕ ∈ Ds . Then ( ) ∥N (ϕ)∥∗ ≤ C ∥ϕ∥∗ + σ(ε) ∥ϕ∥∗ provided ε is taken sufficiently small. Here { 1 εs− 4s , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), σ(ε) = 1 , s = 12 , | log ε|1−δ as ε → 0. Proof. Let us assume first x ∈ R \ Is and s ∈ [ 12 , 1). We observe that using a standard potential analysis one can show that in this range of x we have W (x) ≤ Cρ(x) and ( ) 1 1 and T (W ϕ), T (ϕ2 ) ≤ C ∥ϕ∥∗ . T (W + ϕ)2 ≥ C 2s+1 1 + (ε|x|) 1 + (ε|x|)2s+1 Then |N (ϕ)| ≤ [ 2W V ϕ + V ϕ2 − 2W 2 T (W ϕ) − W 2 T (ϕ2 ) ∫ − 2W ϕ + 2ωW 2 V T ((W + ϕ)2 ) ] ρ(x)2 ρ(x) ≤C + ∥ϕ∥ ∥ϕ∥∗ + Cρ(x)2 ∥ϕ∥∗ . ∗ 1 + (ε|x|)2s+1 1 + (ε|x|)2s+1 [ 2 ] Wϕ FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM Therefore, we get [ ] |ρ(x)−1 N (ϕ)| ≤ C ∥ϕ∥∗ + σ(ε) ∥ϕ∥∗ . 23 (7.6) Let us consider now the case x ∈ Is for s ∈ We decompose N (ϕ) in the form N (ϕ) = N1 (ϕ) + N2 (ϕ), where [ 1 1 2T (W ϕ) ] 2T (W ϕ) N1 (ϕ) = (W + ϕ)2 − + − (2W + ϕ)ϕ 2 2 T ((W + ϕ) ) V V V2 [ 21 , 1). and N2 (ϕ) = −2ϕW (1 − [ 1 ) + 2W 2 ω V ∫ Wϕ − T (W ϕ) ] ϕ2 + . V2 V We have that T ((W + ϕ)2 ) = V + 2T (W ϕ) + T (ϕ2 ). On the other hand, { 1 1 + O(εs− 4s ), s ∈ ( 12 , 1), V (x) = 1 1 + O( | log ε|1−δ ), s = 12 Also, { T (W ϕ) = ∫ 1 ω ∫ W ϕ + O(εs− 4s )∥ϕ∥∗ , 1 ω W ϕ + O( | log ε|1−δ )∥ϕ∥∗ , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 , and in particular |T (W ϕ)| = O(∥ϕ∥∗ ). Likewise, T (ϕ2 ) = O(∥ϕ∥2∗ ). Combining these facts we obtain |N1 (ϕ)| ≤ C(W + ϕ)2 T (ϕ2 ) + C[2W ϕ + ϕ2 ]T (W ϕ) ≤ Cρ(x)∥ϕ∥2∗ . A similar analysis yields, { 1 Cεs− 4s (|ϕ|W + W 2 ∥ϕ∥∗ ) + C|ϕ|2 , |N2 (ϕ)| ≤ C (|ϕ|W + W 2 ∥ϕ∥∗ ) + C|ϕ|2 , | log ε|1−δ s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 . Hence, ∥N (ϕ)∥∗ ≤ C(∥ϕ∥2∗ + σ(ε)∥ϕ∥∗ ) in this region. Combining this estimate with (7.6), yields the result of the lemma. Using the definition of the corresponding norms, splitting different ranges of x as in the above proof, it is readily checked that the following holds: If { 1 Cεs− 4s , s ∈ ( 21 , 1), ∥ϕi ∥∗ ≤ i = 1, 2, (7.7) 1 C(− log ε )1−δ , s = 12 , then, given any small µ > 0, we can find ε sufficiently small such that ∥N (ϕ1 ) − N (ϕ2 )∥∗ ≤ µ∥ϕ1 − ϕ2 ∥∗ . This implies that the operator Q is a contraction mapping in the set Ds defined in (7.5). On the other hand, we also get from the Lemma 7.1 that Q maps Ds into itself. By using Banach fixed point theorem, we get the existence of a unique fixed point of Q in this domain, which depends continuously in the ∗− norm on the points of qi . We summarize this result in the following proposition: 24 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG Proposition 7.2. For all sufficiently small we have the existence of a unique solution to cs (q1 , · · · , qk ) which satisfies (7.8). Besides, qi ’s. In addition the following formula holds for ε and all points qi satisfying (3.4), (7.3), ϕs = ϕs (q1 , · · · , qk ) and cs = (ϕs , cs ) depend continuously on the the components of cs,j of cs : cs,j = bs,j + es,j , j = 1, 2, · · · , 2m, (7.8) with bs,j = ∑ ∂Fs (|qj − qi |) , ∂qj i̸=j the error terms es,j satisfy es,j = { o(1)εs+ 2 − 2s , ( )− 3 o(1) log 1ε 2 , 1 1 s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 . Proof. We only need to prove the formula for cs,j ’s. Let us observe that the cs,j satisfy the relations ∑ cs,j ⟨Zi , Zj ⟩ = −⟨S(W ), Zj ⟩ − ⟨N (ϕ), Zj ⟩ + ⟨ϕ, L∗ (Zj )⟩, which define an ”almost diagonal” system, from which the cs,j ’s can be solved uniquely. The main term in the above expansion is given by ⟨S(W ), Zj ⟩. To obtain the estimates for these numbers, which will equal the cs,j ’s at the leading order, we observe that { (2s−1)(s+1) 2s Cε ∥ϕ∥∗ , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), ∗ |⟨ϕ, L (Zj )⟩| ≤ 1 C s = 12 , 3 −δ ∥ϕ∥∗ , | log ε| 2 and { |⟨N (ϕ), Zj ⟩| ≤ 1 Cε2s− 2s , C | log 1ε|2−δ , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 . Formula (7.8) is now an immediate corollary of Lemma 6.1, Lemma 7.1, and the expressions found for the cs,j ’s. In the following section we will find the points qj such that all cs,j ’s vanish, and satisfying the conditions in (3.4). 8. Solving the reduced problem In this section, we shall look for the point (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) such that cs,j = 0 and thereby prove Theorem 1.1. We first establish the presence of the zero of bs = (bs,1 , bs,2 , · · · , bs,k ) and then use the degree theory to get the existence of the points (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) such that cs = 0. We recall that ∑ ∂Fs (|qi − qj |) , (8.1) bs,j = ∂qj i̸=j FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM where { αs U (r) + βs ε2s−1 r2s−1 , log r α 12 U (r) + β 21 log 1 , Fs (r) = ε 25 s ∈ ( 21 , 1), s = 12 . It is not difficult to see that finding the zero point of bs is equivalent to finding the critical point of the following function, ) ∑( b s (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) = Ξ αs U (qi − qj ) + βs ε2s−1 |qi − qj |2s−1 (8.2) i̸=j for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and b 1 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) = Ξ 2 ∑( α 12 U (qi − qj ) + β 12 i̸=j ) 1 1 log |qi − qj | log ε (8.3) for s = 12 . Since qi and qk+1−i are symmetry with respect to the origin for i = 1, 2, · · · , k. b s , s ∈ [ 1 , 1) in (3.4) is reduced to finding the So, finding the critical point of Ξ 2 critical point of Ξs introduced in (1.6) for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) in (1.8) and (1.7) for s = 12 in (1.9) respectively. For the functions Ξs , s ∈ [ 12 , 1), we have the following property Lemma 8.1. The functions Ξs , s ∈ [ 12 , 1) admit an interior minimal point in the set (1.8) and (1.9) for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and s = 12 respectively provided η is sufficiently small. Proof. By Proposition 4.1, we have as |x| → ∞, U (x) → bs (1 + o(1)). |x|1+2s For ε sufficiently small, we have that Ξs admit the following asymptotic expansion m ( ) ∑ bs αs 2s−1 2s−1 Ξs (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = (1 + o(1)) + β ε |2q | s i |2qi |1+2s i=1 ) ∑( bs αs 2s−1 2s−1 + (1 + o(1)) + β ε |q − q | s i j |qi − qj |1+2s i̸=j ) ∑( bs αs 2s−1 2s−1 + (1 + o(1)) + β ε |q + q | (8.4) s i j |qi + qj |1+2s i̸=j for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and Ξ 12 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = m ( ∑ b1 α1 2 2 i̸=j + |qi − qj ) 1 1 log |qi − qj | log ε (1 + o(1)) + β 12 2 ) 1 log |q + q | i j log 1ε |2 |qi + qj | ) 1 1 log |2qi | log ε (1 + o(1)) + β 12 2 ∑ ( b1 α1 2 2 i̸=j for s = 12 . (1 + o(1)) + β 21 |2qi ∑ ( b1 α1 i=1 + 2 |2 (8.5) 26 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG For convenience, we make the following substitution, { 1−2s ε 4s |di − dj |, s ∈ ( 12 , 1), |qi − qj | = 1 12 (log ε ) |di − dj |, s = 12 . (8.6) Then, (8.4)-(8.5) turns to be m ( [∑ ) 1 2s−1 (1 + o(1)) + γ |2d | s i |2di |1+2s i=1 ) ∑( 1 (1 + o(1)) + γs |di − dj |2s−1 + 1+2s |di − dj | i̸=j ( )] ∑ 1 2s−1 + (1 + o(1)) + γ |d + d | s i j |di + dj |1+2s 1 Ξs (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = bs αs εs− 4s (8.7) i̸=j for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and ) 1 [∑( 1 (1 + o(1)) + γ 12 log |2di | 1 2 log ε i=1 |2di | ) ∑( 1 1 log |di − dj | + (1 + o(1)) + γ 2 |di − dj |2 i̸=j ) ∑( 1 1 log |di + dj | + (1 + o(1)) + γ 2 |di + dj |2 i̸=j 1 1 ] + (m2 − m)γ 12 log(log ) (8.8) 2 ε m Ξ 21 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) = b 21 α 12 for s = 12 . Here γs = βαSs . Since the process of finding the interior global minimal point of Ξs for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) in (1.8) and Ξs for s = 12 in (1.9) are the same, in the following we shall only give the detail of the case s = 12 . Before studying Ξ 12 , we first consider the following function g(x) = x−2 + γ 12 log x for x > 0. By analyzing the derivative of function g, we know that √ (1 1 ) 2 1 g( ) = min g(x) = + log 2 γ 21 − γ 21 log γ 12 . x>0 γ 12 2 2 2 Let us come back to the function Ξ 12 . For (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) ∈ ∂Qs,η , we have either there is some i such that di = η or di = η1 , or there are i, j such that |di − dj | = η. If the former case happens, i.e., there is some i such that di = η or di = η1 . For convenience, we write ( Ξ̃ 21 (d1 , d2 , · · · , dm ) = b 12 α 12 1 )−1 1 1 Ξ 12 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) − (m2 − m)γ 12 log log . 2 ε log 1ε FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 27 Then, we can get ( ) ) 1 1 ( η Ξ̃ 12 (d1 , d2 , · · · , dm ) ≥ min{ η −2 1 + o(1) + γ 12 log 2η, η 2 1 + o(1) − γ 21 log } 4 4 2 ( 2 )[( 1 1 ) ]( ) 1 + 2m − m − 1 + log 2 γ 12 − γ 21 log γ 12 1 + o(1) 2 2 2 ≥ Ξ̃ 21 (1, 2, · · · , m) (8.9) provided η is small enough. If there are some i, j such that |di − dj | = η. Then, ( )[( 1 1 ) ]( ) 1 + log 2 γ 12 − γ 12 log γ 21 1 + o(1) Ξ̃ 12 (d1 , d2 , · · · , dm ) ≥ 2m2 − m − 1 2 2 2 ( ) + η −2 1 + o(1) + γ 12 log η ≥ Ξ̃ 12 (1, 2, · · · , m) (8.10) provided η is small enough. By (8.9) and (8.10), we get min q∈∂Q 1 ,η Ξ 12 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) > min Ξ 12 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ). q∈Q 1 ,η (8.11) 2 2 As a conclusion, Ξ 21 (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) admits a global interior minimal point in Q 12 ,η . Before we give the proof of Theorem 1.1, we recall the following definition (see Definition 2.4 in [19] or in [?]). Definition 8.1. Let f : D → R be a C 1 −function, where D ⊂ Rm is an open set. We say that x0 is stable critical point of f if ∇f (x0 ) = 0 and there exists a neighborhood U of x0 such that ∇f (x) ̸= 0, ∀x ∈ ∂U, ∇f (x) = 0, x ∈ U ⇐⇒ f (x) = f (x0 ), and deg(∇f, U, 0) ̸= 0, where deg denotes the Brouwer degree. Remark: It is easy to see that, if x0 is a global minimum point or a global maximum point of the function f , then x0 is a stable critical point of f . Proof of Theorem 1.1: By Lemma 8.1, we get the existence of (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) such that bs (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) = 0. Furthermore, such a point is the global minimal point of the function Ξs in (1.8) and (1.9) for s ∈ ( 12 , 1) and s = 12 respectively. We denote such point by qs = (qs,1 , qs,2 , · · · , qs,m ). Now, we shall look for q = (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) in the neighborhood of qs to make cs = 0. As we mentioned in the previous remark, such a global minimal point is a stable critical point of Ξs . Using the property of the stable b s and Ξs , we can find an open critical point and relation between the function Ξ neighborhood Oqs of qs in Qs,η such that the following holds ( ) b s , Oq , 0 ̸= 0 and ∇q Ξ b s ̸= 0 on ∂Oq , deg ∇qs Ξ s s s 28 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG which implies ( ) deg bs , Oqs , 0 ̸= 0 and bs ̸= 0 on ∂Oqs . According to the definition of Ξs , we can get { 1 1 ds εs+ 2 − 2s , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), 1 |bs | ≥ s = 12 , d 21 3 , 1 (log ε) on ∂Oqs , 2 where ds , s ∈ [ 12 , 1) are strictly positive constants. Next, Let us introduce the following homotopy, H(t, s, q) = bs + t(cs − bs ). We find that H(1, s, q) = cs and H(0, s, q) = bs . It is known in Proposition 7.2 { 1 1 o(1)εs+ 2 − 2s , |cs − bs | = ( ) −3 o(1) log 1ε 2 , s ∈ ( 12 , 1), s = 12 , in Oqs . As a result, we get H(t, s, q) ̸= 0 on ∂Oqs . Therefore, ( ) ( ) deg H(1, s, q), Oqs , 0 = deg H(0, s, q), Oqs , 0 , which implies ( ) ( ) deg cs , Oqs , 0 = deg bs , Oqs , 0 . We already ( know that ) the right hand side of the above equality is non-zero, therefore, deg cs , Oqs , 0 ̸= 0. As a result, we can find q in Oqs such that cs = 0. Hence, we finish the proof of Theorem 1.1. The proof of even number bumps case is thus concluded. Let as assume that k = 2m + 1 and briefly sketch the way to proceed in this situation. In this case we introduce the set { (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) ∈ Λos = (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) | qk = 0, qi = −qk−i , q1 > q2 > · · · > qk−1 , } (q1 , q2 , · · · , qm ) ∈ Qs,η . Now we consider the first approximation W (x) = k ∑ U (x − qi ), (q1 , q2 , · · · , qk ) ∈ Λos . i=1 In this case, because of the even symmetry, the ”bad directions” corresponding to small eigenvalues are only those Zi with 1 ≤ i ≤ k − 1. With this observation made, the rest of the scheme of proof goes almost the same way. FRACTIONAL GIERER-MEINHARDT SYSTEM 29 9. Appendix In this section, we list the estimates used in previous sections and give a proof in the following lemma. Lemma 9.1. ∫ U 2 (|y|)U (|x − y|)dy = cs U (|x|)(1 + o(1)) as |x| → ∞, (9.1) U 2 (|y|)|x − y|2s−1 dy = cs |x|2s−1 (1 + o(1)) as |x| → ∞, (9.2) U 2 (|y|) log |x − y|dy = cs log |x|(1 + o(1)) as |x| → ∞. (9.3) ∫ and ∫ ∫ Here cs depends on the integral of U 2. Proof. Since the proof of (9.1)-(9.3) are the same, we only give the proof of the first one. We divide the whole space into two parts, 2 2 R = I1 ∪ I2 := {y : |y| ≤ |x| 3 } ∪ {y : |y| > |x| 3 }. Then, for any y ∈ I1 , we have 1 1 ( 1 1 y ) = = 1 + O( ) , |x − y|2s+1 |x|2s+1 |1 − xy |2s+1 |x|2s+1 x and ∫ ∫ 2 U (y) dy = I1 ∫ 2 U (y) dy + O( R1 I2 − 8s+2 3 =c0 + O(|x| 1 dy) |y|4s+2 ), ∫ s where we used U (y) → |y|b1+2s as |y| → ∞ and c0 = R1 U (y)2 dy. Thus, ∫ ∫ ∫ ( ) U 2 (|y|)U (|x − y|)dy =U (x) U (y)2 + U (x − y) − U (x) U (y)2 I1 I1 =c0 U (|x|) + o(1)(|x| I1 −2s−1 ). (9.4) For y ∈ I2 , we have U (y)2 U (x − y) ≤ C Hence, ∫ U (y)2 U (x − y) = O(|x|− 1 |y|4s+2 8s+4 3 U (x − y). ) = O(|x|−2s−1− 2s+1 3 ). (9.5) I2 Combining (9.4) and (9.5), we get (9.1). Acknowledgments. J. Wei is partially supported by NSERC of Canada. 30 JUNCHENG WEI AND WEN YANG References [1] C. J. Amick, J. F. Toland, Uniqueness and related analytic properties for the Benjamin-Ono equationa nonlinear Neumann problem in the plane, Acta Math. 167 (1991) 107126. [2] L. Caffarelli, L. Silvestre, An extension problem related to the fractional Laplacian, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 32 (7-9) (2007) 1245-1260. [3] X. Cabré, J. G. Tan, Positive solutions of nonlinear problems involving the square root of the Laplacian, Adv. Math. 224(2010), no.5, 2052-2093. [4] J. Dávila, M. del Pino and J. Wei, Concentrating standing waves for the fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation, J. Differential Equations 256 (2014), no. 2, 858-892. [5] A. Doelman, R. A. Gardner and T. J. 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