Lynch School of Education Program of Study / 2015 J.D. / M.Ed. / Educational Leadership / Non-License Law and Education Dual Degree CLASS ENTERING 2015 TO BE SUBM ITTED DURING THE SECOND TERM OF ENROLLM ENT IN THE PROGRAM , PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF REGISTRATION FOR THE THIRD TERM OF ENROLLM ENT NAME ANTICIPATED COMPLETION DATE SEMESTER /YEAR BC ID COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS DATE MONTH/YEAR Course Number and Title Credits ELHE 7701 Introduction to Educational Leadership and Change 3 ELHE 7711 Using Data and Evidence for School Improvement 3 ELHE 7103 Educational Law and Public Policy 3 EDUC 7726 Organizational Theory and Learning 3 EDUC 7727 Family and Community Engagement 3 ELHE 7708 Instructional Leadership 3 One of the following electives: ELHE 7505 Topics in Catholic Education EDUC 6587 Teaching and Learning Strategies ELHE 7704 Ethics and Equity in Education ELHE 7707 Leadership for Social Justice ELHE 7609 Law and Education Reform Three (3) electives (to be determined with advisor): Summer Fall Spring T/W* 3 9 ELHE 8100 Master’s Comprehensive Examination 0 Total Credits 30 *Insert a T (transfer) or W (waiver) as appropriate. If seeking a transfer of credits, you must also fill out a “transfer request form” available online. If requesting a waiver, you must attach an official transcript to this form. STUDENT SIGNATURE DATE AP P ROVAL ADVISOR SCHOOL OF LAW DEAN , STUDENT SERVICES ASSOCIATE DEAN OF GRADUATE STUDIES YES YES YES NO NO NAME SIGNATURE NAME SIGNATURE NO Lynch School of Education Dual Degree Attachment 2015 J.D. / M.Ed. / Educational Leadership / Non-License CLASS ENTERING T O BE AT TACHED TO MAST ER’S PROGRAM OF ST UDY FORM AND SUBMITTED DURING T HE SECOND T ERM OF ENROLLMENT IN THE DUAL DEGREE PROGRAM , PRIOR T O T HE OPENING OF REGIST RAT ION FOR THE THIRD TERM OF ENROLLMENT 2015 NAME ANTICIPATED COMPLETION DATE SEMESTER /YEAR BC ID COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS DATE MONTH/YEAR I will matriculate as a full-time student in the Lynch School during the fall of my 3L year, which is: SEMESTER /YEAR Check appropriate academic discipline: M.A. in Higher Education M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (Not leading to licensure) Course Number and Title Credits Four (4) graduate courses in the Lynch School* to count toward law degree: 12 Three (3) graduate courses in Law School* to count toward the education degree: 9 Total Credits 21 Summer Fall Spring T/W* *The courses listed on this form that will count toward the dual degree must reflect content coverage which allows the student to participate in experiences which reflect the issues of education law. Student should select courses that allow an opportunity to promote their interdisciplinary inquiry; all cross-listed law and education courses should be taken under the ELHE number rather than the LAWS number so that students can achieve 21 credits of LSOE coursework for the master’s degree. **Students will be considered full-time during the semester they are registered for ELHE 8100, Master's Comprehensive Exam. ARE YOU CURRENT LY ENROLLED IN A BOSTON COLLEGE CERTIFICATE OR SPECIALIZATION PROGRAM? IF YES, PLEASE LIST THE PROGRAM: ST UDENT SIGNAT URE APPROVAL ADVISOR SCHOOL OF LAW DEAN, ST UDENT SERVICES A SSOCIAT E DEAN OF GRADUAT E ST UDIES DATE YES YES YES NO NO NAME SIGNATURE NAME SIGNATURE NO YES NO