Lynch School of Education Program of Study / 2015 M.Ed. or C.A.E.S. / Moderate Disabilities / PreK-8 and 5-12 CLASS ENTERING 2015 TO BE SUBMITTED DURING THE SECOND TERM OF ENROLLMENT IN THE PROGRAM, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF REGISTRATION FOR THE THIRD TERM OF ENROLLMENT NAME ANTICIPATED COMPLETION DATE BC ID COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS DATE SEMESTER/YEAR MONTH/YEAR _______ DONOVAN _____ TELL (TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS* _____ TDLL (TEACHING DUAL LANGUAGE LEARNERS)** Choose One: Initial License: I am seeking an initial license and will take items checked in Column A*** Already Licensed: I have completed initial licensure coursework outside of Special Education and will take items checked in Column B**** Course Number and Title A APSY 7418 Applied Child Development or APSY 7419 Applied Adolescent Development X 3 X 3 X 3 EDUC 7438 Instruction of Students with Special Needs and Diverse Learners (Donovan Program Track B only: EDUC 7438.08) EDUC 7435 Social Contexts of Education (Donovan Program Track B only: EDUC 7435.08) EDUC 7520 Teaching Mathematics and Technology B Credits Summer Fall Spring T/W X 3 EDUC 7542 Teaching Reading (Donovan Program Track A only: EDUC 7542.08) X 3 EDUC 7543 Teaching Language Arts X 3 EDUC 7546 Teaching about the Natural World X 3 EDUC 7579 Educational Assessment of Learning Problems X X 3 EDUC 6374 Management of the Behavior of Students with Special Needs X X 3 EDUC 6495 Human Development and Disabilities X X 3 EDUC 6593 Introduction to Speech and Language Disability X X 3 EDUC 6595 Assessment and Instruction of Students with Reading Difficulty X X 3 EDUC 6588 *****Teaching and Learning Strategies – Moderate Special Needs X X 3 EDUC 6497 Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders EDUC 6346 Teaching Bilingual Learners (Elementary) or EDUC 6347 Teaching Bilingual Learners (Secondary) TELL/TDLL only: EDUC 7621 Bilingualism, Second Language, and Literacy Development X X 3 X X 3 EDUC 7431 Graduate Inquiry Seminar I X EDUC 7429 Graduate Pre-Practicum X EDUC 7432 Graduate Inquiry Seminar II X X 2 EDUC 7610 Clinical Experience X X 6 EDUC 8100 Master’s Comprehensive Examination X X 0 Total Credits 55 34 (Donovan 43, TELL/TDLL without license 58, with initial license 37) 3 X 1 1 See explanatory notes on second page. ARE YOU CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN A BOSTON COLLEGE CERTIFICATE OR SPECIALIZATION PROGRAM? YES NO IF YES, PLEASE LIST THE PROGRAM: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE APPROVAL ADVISOR ASSOCIATE DEAN OF GRADUATE STUDIES YES YES DATE NO NAME SIGNATURE NAME SIGNATURE NO Notes: Note: Students who have not completed EDUC 7435 (Instruction of Students with Special Needs and of Diverse Learners) or an equivalent introductory course will be required to do so. Note: You must attach the Program of Study for your initial licensure area, with equivalent courses noted. Insert a T (transfer) or W (waiver) as appropriate. If seeking a transfer of credits, you must fill out a “transfer request form” available online. If requesting a waiver, you must attach an official transcript to this form. *TELL: Participants must work with ELL students during the course of their studies. Please consult with your advisor. **TDLL: Participants will be placed in a single dual-language school for their field placements. ***Completing these courses of study does not guarantee licensure. For teaching in Massachusetts, you must pass the Massachusetts Test of Educational Licensure and apply for licensure from the Massachusetts Department of Education. Other rules apply in other states and countries. ****After consultation with an advisor and review of the undergraduate transcript. *****Prerequisite is EDUC 7579. *****Students will be considered full-time during the semester they are registered for EDUC/APSY/ERME/ELHE810001, Master's Comprehensive Exam. M.Ed. or C.A.E.S. in Moderate Special Needs Summer II to Summer I (For those with initial teaching license or eligibility for one) Summer ’15: Session II Fall ’15 Spring ’16 EDUC 6495: Human Development & Disabilities EDUC 7579: Educational Assessment of Learning Problems EDUC 6588: Teaching and Learning Strategies – Moderate Special Needs EDUC 7621: Bilingualism, Second Language & Literacy Development (optional course for TELL Certificate) EDUC 6593: Introduction to Speech and Language Disability EDUC 6497: Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders EDUC 6595: Assessment and Instruction of Students with Reading Difficulty EDUC 7432: Graduate Inquiry Seminar Two EDUC 7610: Clinical Experience EDUC 7431: Graduate Inquiry Seminar One *EDUC 6346/6347 Waived if SEI-endorsed EDUC 8100: Master’s Comprehensive Exam Summer Session I ’16 EDUC 6346 or EDUC 6347: Teaching Bilingual Students* EDUC 6374: Management of the Behavior of Students with Special Needs M.Ed. or C.A.E.S. in Moderate Special Needs Summer I to Spring (For those with initial teaching license or eligibility for one) Summer Session I ’15: Summer Session II ’15 Fall ’15 Spring ‘16 EDUC 6346 or EDUC 6347: Teaching Bilingual Students* EDUC 6495: Human Development & Disabilities EDUC 7579: Educational Assessment of Learning Problems EDUC 6497: Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders EDUC 6374: Management of the Behavior of Students with Special Needs EDUC 7621: Bilingualism, Second Language & Literacy Development (Optional course for TELL certificate EDUC 6593: Introduction to Speech and Language Disability EDUC 6588: Teaching and Learning Strategies – Moderate Special Needs EDUC 6595: Assessment and Instruction of Students with Reading Difficulty EDUC 7432: Graduate Inquiry Seminar Two EDUC 7610: Clinical Experience EDUC 7431: Graduate Inquiry Seminar One *EDUC 6346/6347 Waived if SEI-endorsed EDUC 8100: Master’s Comprehensive Exam Fall to Summer I M.Ed. or C.A.E.S. in Moderate Special Needs (For those with initial teaching license or eligibility for one) Fall ’15 Spring ’16 EDUC 7579: Educational Assessment of Learning Problems EDUC 6497: Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders EDUC 6593: Introduction to Speech and Language Disability EDUC 6588: Teaching and Learning Strategies – Moderate Special Needs EDUC 6595: Assessment and Instruction of Students with Reading Difficulty EDUC 7432: Graduate Inquiry Seminar Two EDUC 6495: Human Development & Disabilities EDUC 7610: Clinical Experience EDUC 8100: Master’s Comprehensive Exam EDUC 7431: Graduate Inquiry Seminar One *EDUC 6346/6347 Waived if SEI-endorsed Summer Session I ’16 *EDUC 6346 or EDUC 6347 Teaching Bilingual Learners EDUC 6374: Management of the Behavior of Students with Special Needs