MATH 105: INTEGRAL CALCULUS with APPLICATIONS TO BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS January 2016 SCHEDULE: Section 203, 9:00-10:00 MWF in MATH 100 INSTRUCTOR: Richard Anstee Office: Math Annex 1114, phone 604 822 6105 email Home: phone 604 325 8877 OFFICE HOURS: 11:00-11:50 MW (I teach at 12), but you can try anytime. I will tell you if I am busy. I will try to post on the website any changes to this schedule. I hope to have late office hours 5-6 on days before a quiz. COMMON COURSE WEBSITE:∼kliu/common105.html COURSE WEBSITE:∼anstee/math105/math105.html OUTLINE: A careful week by week outline is given on the common course website. Use that website for the bulk of your information. GRADING: The grade will be computed as 50% final; 15% midterm 1 ; 15% midterm 2, 10% Webwork assignments, 6% in class quizzes. QUIZZES: Emphasis on computational problems. There will be 6 quizzes. They will be 15 minutes in length at the end of class time. MIDTERMS: Scheduled for Jan 28 6:30-7:30 and March 17 6:30-7:30. These are midterms common to all sections. FINAL: 2.5 hours. MISSED WORK: From time to time students may be unable to attend quizzes, midterms or the final exam. In the case of the Final Exam, the students must contact Faculty advisors in the Faculty they belong to and the missed final will be handled in a formal way. In the case of midterms (or quizzes), please contact me before class time on the date, and given your reasons for the missed work. A medical note would be appropriate for the midterms. In such circumstances your grade is computed out of a smaller number than 100 and then scaled appropriately to get a grade out of 100. For example, if a midterm counts 15% and a student informs me in advance of legitimate reasons for missing the midterm, the student would have a grade computed out of 85 and then this would be scaled to a grade out of 100 by multiplying by 100/85. Without advance notice (to me by email or phone message to Math Office etc) the default will be a grade of 0 in the missed work but you may contact me. A student must finish a significant amount of term work in order to pass. Note the grades in this course are also scaled, section by section, using the sections performance on the final exam as the guide.