Conference Card Program Policies and Procedures

Conference Card Program
Policies and Procedures
The Conference Card Program will have some major changes forthcoming as a
result of implementing needed internal controls and to meet IRS tax
requirements. All existing conference plans will continue to operate through the
remainder of this FY2014 fiscal year – which ends May 31, 2014.
The new procedures for the Conference Card Program will require a completion of a
new application, definition of the program and business purpose, and authorization/sign
off from a department administrator. There will be no carry forward of unused balances
at fiscal year-end (May 31). Beginning in the next fiscal year, FY2015, plan holders may
request refunds of any unused conference card funds by May 1, 2014. These refunds
can only be made to the chart-string charged when setting up the conference card. At
the end of each fiscal year, any remaining balances on conference cards will be
returned back to the department budget. A new account (68160-Conference Card) has
been established to identify the activity beginning FY2015. This account will still budget
check to 64001 – General.
In order to maintain or receive a Conference Card for use beginning June 1, 2014,
please complete a Conference Card Application – linked on the main UMMSC web
page – and submit it to the UMMSC in Brock House, 78 College Road, for review. It will
then be sent to Auxiliary Services. Both Auxiliary Services and the Controller’s Office
will review the application and determine if a conference plan is appropriate for the
requestor. In order to ensure that the application is approved in time for its use as of
June 1, 2014, applications MUST be sent to the Service Center by February 21, 2014.
For individual or ad hoc department usage, the Purchasing Card (P-Card) should
now be used.
All Dining units can now accept the P-Card as a form of payment. As a reminder, the PCard is only to be used for University business related costs. Documentation as to
the nature of the business expense and attendees will need to be provided, along with
the register receipt, and reconciled on your monthly P-Card statement.
As the Conference Card Program continues to be evaluated, further changes may be
Contact the Service Center with any questions or concerns at or
call us at 2-2283.