Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007, pp.187–216 THIRD MAC LANE COHOMOLOGY VIA CATEGORICAL RINGS M. JIBLADZE AND T. PIRASHVILI (communicated by George Janelidze) Abstract A notion of categorical ring is introduced. Categorical rings are proved to be classifiable by the third Mac Lane cohomology group. Introduction In the fifties, Saunders Mac Lane invented a cohomology theory of rings using the cubical construction introduced earlier by Eilenberg and himself to calculate stable homology of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces. As shown in [9], this theory coincides with the topological Hochschild cohomology for Eilenberg-Mac Lane ring spectra. In particular, the third dimensional cohomology group is expected to provide classification of 2-types of ring spectra. Some algebraic models for such 2-types have been constructed in [1]. In this paper we consider one such algebraic model of different kind which in our opinion is especially straightforwardly related to 3-cocycles in Mac Lane cohomology. This is the notion of categorical ring—a category carrying the structure of a ring up to some natural isomorphisms satisfying certain coherence conditions. Our axioms for the categorical ring present a slightly modified version of the notion of Ann-category due to Quang [10]. Axioms we use reflect defining relations of Mac Lane 3-cocycles. Our main result is Theorem 4.4 which asserts that for any ring R and any R-bimodule B there is a bijection H 3 (R; B) ≈ Crext(R; B) between the third Mac Lane cohomology group of R with coefficients in B and equivalence classes of categorical rings R with π0 (R) = R, π1 (R) = B, and the induced bimodule structure coinciding with the original one. In [10], Ann-categories of a particular kind—the so called regular ones—are considered. These correspond to the ring spectra whose underlying spectrum splits into a product of Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra. It is shown in [10] that regular Ann-categories are classified by the third Shukla cohomology group [11]. The latter is the Barr-Beck-Quillen cohomology group for the category of associative rings [2]. Difference between the above two cases is quite subtle. In fact, Shukla and Mac Lane cohomologies are isomorphic up to dimension 2 (in dimensions 0 and 1 both also coincide with the Hochschild cohomology; this coincidence extends to dimension 2 if the underlying abelian group of R is free). The third Shukla cohomology group embeds into the Received August 31, 2006, revised March 3, 2007; published on December 27, 2007. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16E40, 18D10. Key words and phrases: Mac Lane cohomology, topological Hochschild cohomology, categorification, categorical rings. c 2007, M. Jibladze and T. Pirashvili. Permission to copy for private use granted. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 188 third Mac Lane cohomology group, and failure of isomorphism is measured by an explicit obstruction furnished by the following exact sequence (see [7, 8], [5], [2]): 3 0 → HShukla (R; B) → H 3 (R; B) → H 0 (R; 2 B). It can be shown that in terms of categorical rings, the above map H 3 (R; B) → H 0 (R; 2 B) sends an element of H 3 (R; B) represented by a categorical ring R to the element {0,0} 0 → 0 + 0 −−−→ 0 + 0 → 0 of AutR (0) = B, where 0 is the neutral object with respect to the additive structure, {x, y} : x + y → y + x is the commutativity constraint, and the isomorphisms between 0 and 0 + 0 are the canonical ones. 1. Recollections on symmetric categorical groups Let us begin by recalling (1.1) Definition. A categorical group A is a groupoid equipped with a monoidal structure—i. e. a bifunctor + : A × A → A , an object 0 ∈ A and natural isomorphisms ha, b, ci : (a + b) + c → a + (b + c), λ(a) : 0 + a → a and ρ(a) : a + 0 → a satisfying the Mac Lane coherence conditions—together with a choice, for each object a ∈ A , of another object −a ∈ A and of an isomorphism ι(a) : −a + a → 0. A braiding on a categorical group A is a collection of isomorphisms {a, b} : a + b → b + a turning A into a braided monoidal category; a symmetric categorical group is a braided one whose monoidal structure is symmetric, i. e. the inverse of {a, b} is equal to {b, a} for any objects a, b. Categorical groups are also known in the literature under the name of Picard categories. There is much literature on them, see e. g. references in [13]. The fact that categorical groups are classified by third group cohomology was discovered in [12]. As one more example of relatively early fundamental work on the topic one could name e. g. [4]. We will need some specific facts and auxiliary notation concerning symmetric categorical groups. More on braided and symmetric categorical groups can be found e. g. in [6]. It is easy to see that for any monoidal functor f = (f, f+ , f0 ) : A → A 0 to a categorical group, the canonical isomorphism f0 : f (0) → 0 is determined by the rest of the structure. Namely, f0 is equal to the composite f (0) λ(f (0))−1 ι(f (0)) 0 + f (0) ι(f (0))−1 +f (0) 0O −f (0) + f (0) O −f (0)+f (λ(0)) (−f (0) + f (0)) + f (0) −f (0) + f (0 + 0) < FF FF xx FF xx x FF x h−f (0),f (0),f (0)i −f (0)+f+ (0,0) xx " −f (0) + (f (0) + f (0)) (1.2) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 189 We will use the well-known fact that a monoidal functor f : A → A 0 between categorical groups is an equivalence if and only if it induces an isomorphism on π0 and π1 . Here, π1 of a categorical group is defined to be the automorphism group of its neutral object, and the homomorphism f# : π1 (A ) → π1 (A 0 ) induced by a monoidal functor f assigns to α : 0A → 0A the composite 0A 0 f0−1 / f (0A ) f (α) / f (0A ) / 0A 0 . f0 It is equally well known that in a categorical group A , hom(x, y) has a structure of a bitorsor under π1 (A ) for any isomorphic objects x, y of A . In more detail, hom(x, y) has compatible left hom(y, y)- and right hom(x, x)-actions which are principal, i. e. for any ϕ, ϕ0 : x → y there is a unique χ : x → x with ϕ0 = ϕχ (namely χ = ϕ−1 ϕ0 ) and a unique υ : y → y with ϕ0 = υϕ (namely, υ = ϕ0 ϕ−1 ). And on the other hand for any categorical group A the maps π1 (A ) →hom(x, x) sending α : 0 → 0 to the composite λ(x)−1 λ(x) α+x x −−−−→ 0 + x −−−→ 0 + x −−−→ x are group isomorphisms for any object x, which allows to transfer the above bitorsor structures from hom(x, x), resp. hom(y, y), to π1 (A ). In particular, for any two parallel morphisms ϕ, ϕ0 : x → y there exists a unique α ∈ π1 (A ) making the diagram 0+x α+ϕ / 0+y ϕ0 /y λ(x) x λ(y) commute. It will be more convenient for us to depict such circumstances by a diagram of the form ϕ x α $ : y. ϕ0 In such cases we will also write α = ϕ0 ÷ ϕ. Note that exchanging order of ϕ and ϕ0 introduces a sign, i. e. one has ϕ0 ϕ x α ϕ0 # ;y ⇐⇒ x −α $ : y; ϕ in the diagrams that we will encounter, this order is not specified as it can be unambiguously recovered from the context. We will need the following simple fact concerning this formalism. (1.3) Proposition. Let f = (f, f+ ) : A → A 0 be a monoidal functor between categorical Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 190 groups. Then for any parallel arrows ϕ, ϕ0 : x → y in A one has f (ϕ) ϕ x α # ;y ⇒ f (x) f# (α) ( 6 f (y). f (ϕ0 ) ϕ0 Proof. There is a commutative diagram f# (α)+f (ϕ) 0 + f (x) f0−1 +f (x) f (0) + f (x) / 0 + f (y) f0−1 +f (y) f (α)+f (ϕ) / f (0) + f (y) f+ (0,x) f+ (0,y) f (0 + x) f (α+ϕ) / f (0 + y) f (ϕ0 ) / f (y). f (λ(x)) f (λ(y)) f (x) By the aforementioned uniqueness, the proposition follows. (1.4) Corollary. For any parallel arrows ϕi , ϕ0i : xi → yi , i = 1, 2, in a braided (in particular, symmetric) categorical group A one has ϕ1 x1 α1 ϕ01 % ϕ2 9 y1 , x2 α2 ϕ02 % ϕ1 +ϕ2 9 y2 ⇒ x1 + x2 α1 +α2 ) y5 1 + y2 . ϕ01 +ϕ02 Proof. It is well known that for a braided category A the functor + : A × A → A acquires a monoidal structure (in fact it is known that for any monoidal category there is a one-to-one correspondence between braidings and monoidal functor structures on +). Since obviously +# (α1 , α2 ) = α1 + α2 for any α1 , α2 ∈ π1 (A ), the statement follows from (1.3). For any four objects a, b, c, d of a symmetric categorical group A , by a b c d : (a + b) + (c + d) → (a + c) + (b + d) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 191 will be denoted the composite canonical isomorphism in the commutative diagram (a + b) + (c + d) OOO OOO ooo o o OOO oo o OOO o o o −1 OOO o ha,b,c+di ha+b,c,di o o OO' wooo ((a + b) + c) + d a + (b + (c + d)) ?? ?? ??ha,b,ci+d a+hb,c,di−1 ?? ?? ? ha,b+c,di / a + ((b + c) + d) (a + (b + c)) + d (a+{b,c})+d a+({b,c}+d) / a + ((c + b) + d) (a + (c + b)) + d ?? ha,c+b,di ?? ?? ? −1 a+hc,b,di ?? ?? ha,c,bi +d ((a + c) + b) + d a + (c + (b + d)) OOO o OOO ooo Oha+c,b,di ha,c,b+di−1ooo OOO oo OOO ooo OOO o o O' wooo (a + c) + (b + d) 2. Categorical rings Our algebraic models for 2-types of ring spectra are certain bimonoidal categories which we call categorical rings. They can be called “rings up to coherent isomorphisms”, in the sense that (a) isomorphism classes of objects of a categorical ring form an associative ring; and (b) the structure of a categorical ring on a category is an equivalence invariant, i. e. any equivalence between a categorical ring and another category allows one to transfer the categorical ring structure along it. (2.1) Definition. A categorical ring is a symmetric categorical group R together with a bifunctor (denoted by juxtaposition) R × R → R, an object 1 ∈ R, and natural isomorphisms [r, s, t] : (rs)t → r(st) (associativity), λ.(r) : 1r → r, ρ.(r) : r1 → r (left and right unitality), [r ss01 i : r(s0 + s1 ) → rs0 + rs1 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 192 (left distributivity), h rr01 s] : (r0 + r1 )s → r0 s + r1 s (right distributivity). It is required that the [, , ] together with λ. and ρ. constitute a monoidal structure (i. e. the appropriate pentagonal and triangular coherence diagrams commute for it) and moreover the following diagrams commute for all possible objects of R: E h r s tt0 1 / r(st0 + st1 ) h r(s(t0 + t1 )) E < GG st x GG r st01 [r,s,t0 +t1 ] xx G x GG xx GG xx GG x x G# xx r(st0 ) + r(st1 ) (rs)(t0 + t1 ) SSS 5 SSS kkk k k SSS k k k SSS kkk SSS kkk S k E h S k SSS k [r,s,t0 ]+[r,s,t1 ] rs tt0 ) kkk 1 (rs)t0 + (rs)t1 (rs0 + rs1 )t NNN 8 rs [r ss01 it qqqq NNN h rs01 t] q N q N NNN qq NNN qqq q q N& qq (r(s0 + s1 ))t [r,s0 +s1 ,t] (rs0 )t + (rs1 )t [r,s0 ,t]+[r,s1 ,t] r((s0 + s1 )t) r(s0 t) + r(s1 t) MMM q8 MMM qqq q MMM q qq MMM qqq h E MMM q s0 q s0 t r h s1 t] rs & qq 1t r(s0 t + s1 t) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 193 h rr01 ss t] / (r0 s)t + (r1 s)t (r0 s + r1 s)t II y< II [r0 ,s,t]+[r1 ,s,t] y II yy y II y y II yy II y I$ yy ((r0 + r1 )s)t r0 (st) + r1 (st) 5 RRR RRR jjjj j j RRR j RRR jjj RRR jjjj j j R j RRR [r0 +r1 ,s,t] h rr01 s]t ) jjjj (r0 + r1 )(st) h rr01 s]t [1 rr01 i / 1r0 + 1r1 1(r0 + r1 ) LLL r LLL rrr r r LLL r λ.(r0 +r1 ) L& xrrr λ.(r0 )+λ.(r1 ) r0 + r1fL LLLρ.(r0 )+ρ.(r1 ) r8 ρ.(r0 +r1 ) rrr LLL r r r LLL rrr / r0 1 + r1 1 (r0 + r1 )1 h rr01 1] r(s00 + s01 ) + r(s10 + s11 ) QQQ mm6 QQQ s10 mmm QQQ [r ss00 m m 10 11 m QQQ 01 i+[r s11 i m m m Q QQQ mm QQQ mmm Q( mmm r((s00 + s01 ) + (s10 + s11 )) (rs00 + rs01 ) + (rs10 + rs11 ) E h 00 +s01 rs s +s s s01 r h s00 i 10 s11 00 h rs rs10 rs01 rs11 i r((s00 + s10 ) + (s01 + s11 )) (rs00 + rs10 ) + (rs01 + rs11 ) QQQ mm6 QQQ mmm m QQQ m QQQ mmm h E QQQ mmm [r s00 i+[r s01 i m s00 +s10 m Q r s +s s10 s11 QQQ mm 01 11 ( mmm r(s00 + s10 ) + r(s01 + s11 ) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 194 (r0 + r1 )(s0 + s1 ) TTTT j TTTT [r0 +r1 ss01 i h rr01 s0 +s1 ] jjjjjj TTTT j j j TTTT jj j j j uj ) r0 (s0 + s1 ) + r1 (s0 + s1 ) (r0 + r1 )s0 + (r0 + r1 )s1 [r0 ss01 i+[r1 ss01 i (r0 s0 + r0 s1 ) + (r1 s0 + r1 s1 ) h rr10 ss00 rr10 ss11 i h rr01 s0 ]+h rr01 s1 ] / (r0 s0 + r1 s0 ) + (r0 s1 + r1 s1 ) (r00 + r01 )s + (r10 + r11 )s 4 TTTT r TTTT h rr00 s + 10 s jjjj j j j TTTT01 ] h r11 ] j j j TTTT jj T* jjjj (r00 s + r01 s) + (r10 s + r11 s) ((r00 + r01 ) + (r10 + r11 ))s D h rr00 10 r00 +r01 s r10 +r11 i r01 r11 is s r01 s h rr00 i 10 s r11 s (r00 s + r10 s) + (r01 s + r11 s) ((r00 + r10 ) + (r01 + r11 ))s TTTT jj4 TTTT jjjj j j T j T TTTT D i jjjj h r00 s]+h r01 s] r00 +r10 TT* r11 r10 jjjj r01 +r11 s (r00 + r10 )s + (r01 + r11 )s It can be shown that the notion of categorical ring is essentially the same as the one of Ann-category from [10], in the sense that a categorical ring satisfies coherence conditions from [10] and vice versa. Note however that the notion of regular Ann-category is strictly stronger; it corresponds to categorical rings whose symmetry morphisms {a, a} are equal to the identity of a for all objects a. Morphisms of categorical rings are defined as follows: (2.2) Definition. A 2-homomorphism f : R → R 0 is a quadruple (f, f+ , f· , f1 ) where f is a functor from R to R 0 , f+ , f· are natural morphisms of the form f+ (r0 , r1 ) : f (r0 ) + f (r1 ) → f (r0 + r1 ), f· (r, s) : f (r)f (s) → f (rs) and f1 : f (1R ) → 1R0 is a morphism such that (f, f+ , f0 ) and (f, f· , f1 ) are monoidal functor structures with respect to the monoidal structures corresponding to + and · respec- Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 195 tively, with f0 as in (1.2), and moreover the diagrams f· (r,s0 )+f· (r,s1 ) f (r)f (s0 ) + f (r)f (s1 ) / f (rs0 ) + f (rs1 ) QQQ f+ (rs0 ,rs1 ) mm6 QQQ mmm QQQ m m QQQ mm m m Q( mm f (r)(f (s0 ) + f (s1 )) f (rs0 + rs1 ) QQQ mm6 QQQ mmm QQQ m m QQQ mmm Q( mmm f ([r s0 i) f (r)f+ (s0 ,s1 ) s1 / f (r(s0 + s1 )) f (r)f (s0 + s1 ) f (r) f (s0 ) f (s1 ) f· (r,s0 +s1 ) and f· (r0 ,s)+f· (r1 ,s) f (r0 ) f (s) f (r1 ) f (r0 )f (s) + f (r1 )f (s) m6 mmm m m m mmm mmm (f (r0 ) + f (r1 ))f (s) QQQ QQQ QQQ QQQ Q( f+ (r0 ,r1 )f (s) f (r0 + r1 )f (s) / f (r0 s) + f (r1 s) QQQ f+ (r0 s,r1 s) QQQ QQQ QQQ Q( f (r0 s + r1 s) m6 mmm m m m mmm mmm f (h r0 s]) r0 / f ((r0 + r1 )s) f· (r0 +r1 ,s) commute for all possible objects involved. We will need the following fact in what follows: (2.3) Proposition. In any categorical ring R one has ϕ x α ϕ0 rϕ # ;y ⇒ rx rα & 8 ry, rϕ0 ϕr xr αr & 8 yr. ϕ0 r Proof. − It follows from the definition of categorical ring that for any r ∈ R the morphisms r − , resp. − − r , constitute a structure of a monoidal functor on the endofunctor r·, resp. ·r : R → R of R (with respect to the additive monoidal structure). The proposition is thus particular case of (1.3). 3. Third Mac Lane cohomology group We refer to [7, 8] for the original construction of Mac Lane cohomology. Here we will only explicitate the definition of the third cohomology group as this is all that we need. To make expressions shorter, we will need the cross-effect notation. Recall that for a map f : A → B between abelian groups, its first cross-effect is a map (− | −)f : A × A → B Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 196 given by (x | y)f = f (x) + f (y) − f (x + y). (3.1) Definition. For a ring R and an R-bimodule B, the group C 3 (R; B) of Mac Lane 3-cochains of R with coefficients in B consists of quadruples (ϕ· , ϕ·+ , ϕ+· , ϕ+ ), of maps ϕ· , ϕ·+ , ϕ+· : R3 → B and ϕ+ : R 4 → B which are normalized in the sense that ϕ· , ϕ·+ and ϕ+· take zero values if one of their arguments is zero, and moreover ϕ+ satisfies ϕ+ ( r00 r01 ) = ϕ+ r00 r01 = ϕ+ rr01 00 = ϕ+ 00 rr01 = ϕ+ r00 r01 = 0 for all r0 , r1 ∈ R. The group structure is given by valuewise addition of functions. The subgroup Z 3 (R; B) ⊆ C 3 (R; B) of 3-cocycles is singled out by the following equations: rϕ· (s, t, u) − ϕ· (rs, t, u) + ϕ· (r, st, u) −ϕ· (r, s, tu) + ϕ· (r, s, t)u =0, rϕ·+ (s, t0 , t1 ) − ϕ·+ (rs, t0 , t1 ) + ϕ·+ (r, st0 , st1 ) = (t0 | t1 )ϕ· (r,s,−) , ϕ·+ (r, s0 t, s1 t) − ϕ·+ (r, s0 , s1 )t =ϕ+· (rs0 , rs1 , t) − rϕ+· (s0 , s1 , t), ϕ+· (r0 s, r1 s, t) − ϕ+· (r0 , r1 , st) + ϕ+· (r0 , r1 , s)t = − (r0 | r1 )ϕ· (−,s,t) , 00 ϕ+ ( rs rs10 rs01 rs11 ) − rϕ+ ( ss00 10 s01 s11 ) = ((s00 , s10 ) | (s01 , s11 ))ϕ·+ (r,−,−) − ((s00 , s01 ) | (s10 , s11 ))ϕ·+ (r,−,−) , ϕ+ ( rr01 ss00 rr01 ss11 ) = (r0 | r1 )ϕ·+ (−,s0 ,s1 ) − (s0 | s1 )ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,−) , s r01 s ϕ+ ( rr00 ) 10 s r11 s − r01 ϕ+ ( rr00 10 r11 ) s = ((r00 , r10 ) | (r01 , r11 ))ϕ+· (−,−,s) − ((r00 , r01 ) | (r10 , r11 ))ϕ+· (−,−,s) , (( rr000 010 r001 r011 r001 − (( rr000 100 r101 r010 + (( rr000 100 r110 ) | ( rr100 110 r101 r111 ))ϕ+ )| r011 ( rr010 110 r111 ))ϕ+ )| r011 ( rr001 101 r111 ))ϕ+ =0. The subgroup B 3 (R; B) ⊆ Z 3 (R; B) of 3-coboundaries consists of those quadruples (ϕ· , ϕ·+ , ϕ+· , ϕ+ ) for which there exist maps γ· , γ+ : R2 → B such that ϕ· (r, s, t) =rγ· (s, t) − γ· (rs, t) + γ· (r, st) − γ· (r, s)t, ϕ·+ (r, s0 , s1 ) =rγ+ (s0 , s1 ) − γ+ (rs0 , rs1 ) + (s0 | s1 )γ· (r,−) , ϕ+· (r0 , r1 , s) =γ+ (r0 s, r1 s) − γ+ (r0 , r1 )s − (r0 | r1 )γ· (−,s) , ϕ+ ( rr00 10 r01 r11 ) = ((r00 , r01 ) | (r10 , r11 ))γ+ − ((r00 , r10 ) | (r01 , r11 ))γ+ Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 197 for all r, ... ∈ R. Finally, we define H 3 (R; B) := Z 3 (R; B)/B 3 (R; B). 4. Characteristic class of a categorical ring Suppose given a categorical ring R as in 2.1. Then the set R = π0 (R) of isomorphism classes of objects of R is a ring, and the group B = π1 (R) of automorphisms of the zero object of R has a canonical structure of a π0 (R)-bimodule, with rα, resp. αr, for any r ∈ π0 (R) and any α : 0 → 0, given by r̄·−1 r̄α r̄· ·r̄ −1 αr̄ ·r̄ 0 0 0, 0 −−− → r̄0 −→ r̄0 −−→ resp. 0 0 −−0−→ 0r̄ −→ 0r̄ −−→ 0, where r̄ is any object from the isomorphism class r, and the morphisms r̄·0 , resp. ·r̄0 , come from the monoidal functor structures on r̄·, resp. ·r̄ indicated in the proof of 2.3. We are going to assign to R a cohomology class hRi ∈ H 3 (π0 (R); π1 (R)). For that, we arbitrarily choose an object r̄ of R in each isomorphism class r ∈ π0 (R); moreover we arbitrarily choose morphisms σ· (r, s) : r̄s̄ → rs and σ+ (r0 , r1 ) : r̄0 + r̄1 → r0 + r1 . These morphisms give rise to several not necessarily commutative diagrams. They define elements of π1 (R) as in section 1. In particular, for any r, s, t ∈ π0 (R) the diagram r̄σ· (s,t) / r̄st r̄(s̄t̄) > @@ ~ @ [r̄,s̄,t̄] ~~ ~ σ· (r,st) ~ @@ ~ @ ~~ ϕ· (r,s,t) (r̄s̄)t̄ P 7 rst PPP nnn n P n n σ· (rs,t) σ· (r,s)Pt̄ n PPP n n PP' nnn rs t̄ produces an element ϕ· (r, s, t) ∈ π1 (R) measuring deviation from its commutativity. Sim- Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 198 ilarly for any r, s0 , s1 ∈ π0 (R) deviation from commutativity of the diagram r̄s̄0 + r̄s̄1 p8 p p s̄0 r̄ ppp s̄1 ppp pp r̄(s̄0 + s̄1 ) NNN N r̄σ+ (s0 ,s NN1N) N& r̄s0 + s1 σ· (r,s0 )+σ· (r,s1 ) / rs + rs 0 1N NNN σ+ (rs0 ,rs N 1) NNN & rs0 + rs1 ppp p p ppp ppp / r(s0 + s1 ) ϕ·+ (r,s0 ,s1 ) σ· (r,s0 +s1 ) is measured by an element ϕ·+ (r, s0 , s1 ) ∈ π1 (R); for any r0 , r1 , s ∈ π0 (R) the diagram r̄0 s̄ + r̄1 s̄ pp8 p r̄ 0 p p s̄ r̄ 1 ppp ppp (r̄0 + r̄1 )s̄ NNN N σ+ (r0 ,rN 1 )s̄ NNN & r0 + r1 s̄ σ· (r0 ,s)+σ· (r1 ,s) / r0 s + r1 s NNN N σ+ (r0 s,r N1 s) ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,s) σ· (r0 +r1 ,s) NNN & r0 s + r1 s p ppp p p p ppp / (r0 + r1 )s gives ϕ+· (r0 , r1 , s) ∈ π1 (R); and for any r00 , r01 , r10 , r11 ∈ π0 (R) the diagram kkk kkkk (r̄00 + r̄01 ) + (r̄10 + r̄11 ) r00 + r01 + r10 + r11 SSSS 5 kkk SSS kkkk σ+ (r00 ,r01 )+σ+ (r10 ,r11 ) r̄ 00 r̄ 01 r̄ 10 r̄ 11 (r̄00 + r̄10 ) + (r̄01 + r̄11 ) SSSS SSS r01 r11 SSSS S) r00 + r01 + r10 + r11 r r01 ϕ+ ( r00 ) 10 r11 σ+ (r00 ,r10 )+σ+ SS(r01 ,r11 ) gives ϕ+ ( rr00 10 σ+ (r00 +r01 ,rS 10 S+r11 ) + 00 SSSS kkk S) kkkk r00 + r10 + r01 + r11 σ (r r00 + r10 + r01 + r11 5 kkk kkkk +r10 ,r01 +r11 ) ) ∈ π1 (R). Thus the above diagrams give rise to a 3-cochain ϕ in the Mac Lane complex of π0 (R) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 199 with coefficients in π1 (R). Explicitly, it is defined by ϕ· (r, s, t) = σ· (rs, t) ◦ σ· (r, s)t̄ ÷ σ· (r, st) ◦ r̄σ· (s, t) ◦ r̄, s̄, t̄ , E h s̄ ϕ·+ (r, s0 , s1 ) = σ· (r, s0 + s1 ) ◦ r̄σ+ (s0 , s1 ) ÷ σ+ (rs0 , rs1 ) ◦ (σ· (r, s0 ) + σ· (r, s1 )) ◦ r̄ s̄0 , D 1i r̄ ϕ+· (r0 , r1 , s) = σ· (r0 + r1 , s) ◦ σ+ (r0 , r1 )s̄ ÷ σ+ (r0 s, r1 s) ◦ (σ· (r0 , s) + σ· (r1 , s)) ◦ r̄0 s̄ , 1 E D r̄ 00 r̄ 01 00 r01 ) = σ (r + r , r + r ) ◦ (σ (r , r ) + σ (r , r )) ◦ ϕ+ ( rr10 + 00 10 01 11 + 00 10 + 01 11 r11 r̄ r̄ 10 11 ÷ σ+ (r00 + r01 , r10 + r11 ) ◦ (σ+ (r00 , r01 ) + σ+ (r10 , r11 )). We have (4.1) Proposition. The above cochain is a cocycle. Proof. We have to check the eight equalities from (3.1). These equalities are deducible from considering eight diagrams below. In all of these diagrams, all quadrangles commute by naturality, the inner pentagons are filled by the indicated elements of π1 (R) using (1.4) and (2.3) as needed, whereas the outer perimeters commute since each of them coincides with a coherence diagram from the definition of categorical ring. [r̄,s̄t̄,ū] / r̄((s̄t̄)ū) (r̄(s̄t̄))ū I II ++ u I uu ++ r̄(σ· (s,t)ū) (r̄σ· (s,t)) IIIū ++ u zuu $ ++ [r̄,st,ū] / r̄(stū) ++ ū ( r̄st) ++ ++ σ· (r,st)ū r̄σ· (st,u) ++ +r̄+ [s̄,t̄,ū] ϕ· (r,st,u) [r̄,s̄,t̄]ū ϕ· (r,s,t)u rϕ (s,t,u) · r̄stu rstū ++ III C 6 [ u 66 I ++ uuu 6 σ· (rst,u) σ· (r,stu) 66 III ++ u u 66 I$ zuu ++ ++ σ· (rs,t)ū r̄σ· (s,tu) rstu 6 66 O ++ 6 66 ++ ϕ (rs,t,u) σ (rs,tu) ϕ (r,s,tu) · · · 66 + r̄( s̄σ· (t,u)) (σ· (r,s)t̄)ū o / r̄(s̄(t̄ū)) ((r̄s̄)t̄)ū rs tu r̄(s̄tu) (rs t̄)ū KK II dIII s9 u: u: KK s u I u s u I u KK II ss uu rsσ· (t,u) σ· (r,s)tu KK III ss uur̄,s̄,tu] [rs,t̄,ū] III$ KK ss uuu uu [ KK s KK ss KK ss rs(t̄ū) (r̄s̄)tu s KK s ]:: s KK B ss :: K s[sr̄,s̄,t̄ū] [r̄s̄,t̄,ū] KKK s : KK ss : KK ss KKσ· (r,s)(:t̄ū) (r̄ s̄)σ· (t,u) sss KK :: s KK :: ssss KK : s KK : s % ss (r̄s̄)(t̄ū) . r̄ s̄t̄0 s̄t̄1 / r̄(s̄t̄ ) + r̄(s̄t̄ ) r̄(s̄t̄0 + s̄t̄1 ) 0 W.. 1 H KKK rr KK " + .. rrr st r̄(σ· (s,t0 )+σK· (s,t1 )) r̄σ· (s,t0 )+r̄σ· (s,t1 ) .. r̄ 0 KKK r r st1 K% .. rr x r .. / r̄(st0 + st1 ) r̄st0 + r̄st1 .. .. .. σ· (r,st0 )+σ· (r,st1 ) r̄σ+ (st0 ,st1 ) .. ϕ (r,st ,st ) t̄0 ·+ 0 1 r̄ s̄ . [r̄,s̄,t̄0 ]+[r̄,s̄,t̄1 ] t̄1 rϕ·+ (s,t0 ,t1 ) ϕ· (r,s,t0 )+ϕ· (r,s,t1 ) .. r̄s(t0 + t1 ) rst0 + rst1 ; ] LLL B .. s ;; LL sss .. ; s ; σ+ (rst0 ,rst1 ) σ· (r,s(t0 +t ;; 1 )) L .. L s LLL ;; ss s .. % y s ; .. σ (rs,t )+σ (rs,t ) r̄σ· (s,t0 +t1 ) · 0 · 1 rs(t + t ) ; 0 .. ;; O 1 ;; .. ;; .. σ· (rs,t0 +t1 ) ϕ·+ (rs,t0 ,t1 ) ϕ (r,s,t +t ) · 0 1 ; ;; σ· (r,s)t̄0 +σ· (r,s)t̄1 . r̄(s̄σ+ (t0 ,t1 )) / r̄(s̄t0 + t1 ) (r̄s̄)t̄0 + (r̄s̄)t̄1 r̄(s̄(t̄0 + t̄1 )) rs t̄0 + rs t̄1 o rs t0 + t1 7 fMMM K e eKKK 9 K s r8 s K r s ppp MMM KKK r K s p r s p MMM KKK rr pp rsσ+ (t0K ,t1 ) σ· (r,s)t0 +t1 KKK MMM KKK rrr ppp ss r p s r p s MMM[r̄,s̄,t0 +t1 ] r s t̄ pp rs 0 MMM ppp t̄1 p rs(t̄0 + t̄1 ) (r̄s̄)t0 + t1 p MMM ^== @ pp MMM == ppp p MMM p == pp MMM == ppp t̄0 [r̄,s̄,t̄0 +t̄1 ] MMM p p r̄ s̄ p MMM(r̄s̄)σ+ (t=0 ,t1 ) t̄1 σ· (r,s)(t̄0 +t̄1 ) ppp p MMM == pp p MMM == p p MMM == ppp M= ppp (r̄s̄)(t̄0 + t̄1 ) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 200 [r̄,s̄0 +s̄1 ,t̄] / r̄((s̄ + s̄ )t̄) (r̄(s̄0 + s̄1 ))t̄ 0 + 1 KKK ++ ss KKK s s ++ ss r̄(σ+ (s0 ,s1 )t̄) (r̄σ+ (s0 ,s KK1K))t̄ ++ s KKK ss ++ [r̄,s0 +s1 ,t̄] % ysss ++ / r̄(s0 + s1 t̄) (r̄s0 + s1 )t̄ ++ ++ ++ r̄σ+ (s0 +s1 ,t) σ· (r,s0 +s1 )t̄ ++ ++ s̄ ϕ (r,s +s ,t) s̄ · 0 1 r̄ 0 t̄ ++ r̄ s̄0 t̄ s̄1 ϕ·+ (r,s0 ,s1 )t rϕ+· (s0 ,s1 ,t) 1 r̄(s0 + s1 )t r(s0 + s1 ) t̄ ++ JJJ \99 t B ++ t J 9 t JJ 99 ++ ttt 99 σ· (r(s0 +s σ· (r,(s0 +s1 )t) 1 ),t) J ++ J t 9 J t JJJ 99 tt ++ t % y t 9 ++ σ+ (rs0 ,rs1 )t̄ r̄σ+ (s0 t,s r(s0 + s1 )t 99 1 t) ++ O 99 ++ 9 ++ 9 9 σ+ (rs0 t,rs1 t) ϕ+· (rs0 ,rs1 ,t) ϕ·+ (r,s0 t,s1 t) 99 ++ 99 + r̄(σ· (s0 ,t)+σ· (s1 ,t)) (σ· (r,s0 )+σ· (r,s1 ))t̄ / o (r̄s̄0 + r̄s̄1 )t̄ r̄(s̄0 t̄ + s̄1 t̄) (rs0 + rs1 )t̄ rs0 t + rs1 t r̄(s0 t + s1 t) KK KKK 9 eJJJ s t s t tt KK J K JJ KKK ss tt tt KK s t t s t t KK KKK s σ· (rs0 ,t)+σ· (rs1 ,t) σ· (r,s0 t)+σJ· (r,s1 t) tt KK JJJ t sss" tt KK t s * # KKK + t t s t JJ KK KK rs0 s t tt % ttt ysss KK t̄ r̄ 0 tt KK t rs s t 1 1 t KK r̄s0 t + r̄s1 t rs0 t̄ + rs1 t̄ tt KK O O tt s̄ t̄ KK ϕ· (r,s0 ,t)+ϕ· (r,s1 ,t) t r̄ s̄0 t KK t t̄ r̄ 0 KK tt r̄ s̄1 s̄1 t̄ r̄σ· (s0 ,t)+r̄σ· (s1 ,t) ttt KKσ· (r,s0 )t̄+σ· (r,s1 )t̄ KK t KK tt % ytt / r̄(s̄ t̄) + r̄(s̄ t̄) (r̄s̄0 )t̄ + (r̄s̄1 )t̄ 0 1 [r̄,s̄0 ,t̄]+[r̄,s̄1 ,t̄] . Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 201 r̄ 0 s̄ t̄ r̄ 1 s̄ / (r̄ s̄)t̄ + (r̄ s̄)t̄ (r̄0 s̄ + r̄1 s̄)t̄ 0 MMM // 1 H * # M ppp // p r0 s σ· (r0 ,s)t̄+σ· (r1 ,s)t̄ t̄ // (σ· (r0 ,s)+σ·M(rMM1 ,s))t̄ p p r1 s M& xpp // / r0 s t̄ + r1 s t̄ // (r0 s + r1 s)t̄ // // σ· (r0 s,t)+σ· (r1 s,t) σ+ (r0 s,r1 s)t̄ // r̄ 0 ϕ+· (r0 s,r1 s,t) // [r̄ ,s̄,t̄]+[r̄ ,s̄,t̄] s̄ t̄ 1 0 r̄ 1 ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,s)t ϕ· (r0 ,s,t)+ϕ· (r1 ,s,t) // (r0 + r1 )s t̄ r0 st + r1 st / = ^ A MMM q == // M qqq == // σ+ (r0 st,r1 st) σ· ((r0 +r1M)s,t) = MMM == qq // q x & q = // σ· (r0 ,st)+σ σ· (r0 +r1 ,s)t̄ · (r1 ,st) (r + r )st = // 0 1 = O == // = == // σ· (r0 +r1 ,st) ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,st) ϕ· (r0 +r1 ,s,t) = = r̄ 0 σ· (s,t)+r̄ 1 σ· (s,t) / (σ+ (r0 ,r1 )s̄)t̄ / (r + r s̄)t̄ r̄0 (s̄t̄) + r̄1 (s̄t̄) ((r̄0 + r̄1 )s̄)t̄ r̄0 st + r̄1 st o r0 + r1 st 0 1 OOO MMM 8 fMMM 8 n7 q p q p n M q OOO MMM nn q pp n p n OOO MMM p σ+ (r0 ,r1M)st r0 +r1 σ· (s,t) pp nnn MMM q OOO MM& nnn ppp r̄0 qqq OOO[r0 +r1 ,s̄,t̄] n n st OOO nn r̄ 1 (r̄0 + r̄1 )st r0 + r1 (s̄t̄) nnn OOO n @ ` ? n @@ OOO ~~ nnn @@ OOO ~~ nnn @@ n ~ OOO n ~ @ r̄ 0 [r̄0 +r̄1 ,s̄,t̄] OOO nnn ~~ n s̄t̄ n n OOσO+ (r0 ,r1@)(s̄t̄) (r̄ 0 +r̄ 1 )σ· (s,t) n r̄ 1 ~ nn OOO @@@ ~~ nnnnn OOO @@ ~ OOO @@ ~~ nn ~~ nnn ' (r̄0 + r̄1 )(s̄t̄) . Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 202 . r̄ s̄00 r̄ s̄01 r̄ s̄10 r̄ s̄11 + r̄ * s̄00 s̄01 s̄10 s̄11 + / (r̄s̄00 + r̄s̄10 ) + (r̄s̄01 + r̄s̄11 ) s U,, I KKKK sss ,, (σ· (r,s00 )+σ· (r,s10 )) (σ· (r,s00 )+σ· (r,s01 )) * + ,, +(σ· (r,s10 )+σ· (r,s rs00 rs01 +(σ· (r,s01 )+σ· (r,s11 )) KKK11 )) ,, s s rs10 rs11 K% s ys ,, / (rs00 + rs01 ) + (rs10 + rs11 ) (rs00 + rs10 ) + (rs01 + rs11 ) ,, ,, ,, σ+ (rs00 ,rs01 )+σ+ (rs10 ,rs11 ) σ+ (rs00 ,rs10 )+σ+ (rs01 ,rs11 ) rs ,, rs01 00 ϕ+ rs " + " + 10 rs11 ,, " s̄00 + " s̄01 + s̄00 s̄10 r̄ + r̄ ϕ (r,s ,s ) ϕ·+ (r,s00 ,s01 ) r(s ,, r̄ s̄10 + r̄ s̄11 s̄01 s̄11 00 10 ·+ r(s00 + s10 ) + r(s01 + s11 ) 00 + s01 ) + r(s10 + s11 ) KKK C [88 +ϕ·+ (r,s01 ,s11 ) +ϕ·+ (r,s10 ,s11 ) ,, s KKK 88 sss ,, s s 88 11 )) σ+ (r(s00 +s10 ),r(s01 +s11 )) ,, KK+s 8 σ+ (r(s00 +s01 ),r(sK10 s s 8 KKK ,, 88 sss % y s 8 ,, r(s00 + s01 + s10 + s11 ) σ· (r,s00 +s01 )+σ· (r,s10 +s11 ) σ· (r,s00 +s10 )+σ 88· (r,s01 +s11 ) ,, O 88 ,, 8 88 ,, σ (r,s +s +s +s ) 00 01 10 11 ϕ·+ (r,s00 +s10 ,s01 +s11 ) ϕ·+ (r,s00 +s01 ,s10 +s11 ) · 88 r̄σ+ (s00 ,s10 ) ,, r̄σ+ (s00 ,s01 ) 8 +r̄σ+ (s01 ,s11 ) +r̄σ+ (s10 ,s11 ) r̄(s̄00 + s̄01 ) r̄s00 + s10 o r̄(s̄00 + s̄10 ) / r̄s00 + s01 r̄s00 + s01 + s10 + s11 +r̄(s̄10 + s̄11 ) +r̄(s̄01 + s̄11 ) +r̄s10 + s11 +r̄s01 + s11 I : d I u eJJ 9 dII II u: uu JJ tt II II uu uu JJ tt I u u t I u JJ t r̄σ+ (s00 +s01 ,s10 +s11 ) r̄σ+ (s00 +s10I ,s01 +s11 ) II uu JJ tt II uu uu " + JJ " s +s + IIII tt I u u t I u u s +s JJ r̄ 00 01 10 I I r̄ 00 tt uu uu JJ s10 +s11 s01 +s11 tt JJ t t r̄(s r̄(s + s + s + s ) + s + s + s ) 00 01 10 11 00 10 01 11 JJ t " + O O s JJ tt " s̄00 +s̄10 + s s̄ +s̄01 r̄ϕ+ s00 s01 JJ r̄ 00 r̄ tt 10 11 t s̄10 +s̄11 s̄01 +s̄11 JJr̄(σ (s̄ ,s̄ )+σ (s̄ ,s̄ )) tt r̄(σ+ (s̄00 ,s̄10 )+σ+ (s̄01 ,s̄11 )) JJ+ 00 01 + 10 11 t t JJ t JJ tt tt / r̄((s̄00 + s̄10 ) + (s̄01 + s̄11 )) r̄((s̄00 + s̄01 ) + (s̄10 + s̄11 )) (r̄ s̄00 + r̄ s̄01 ) + (r̄ s̄10 + r̄ s̄11 ) * Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 203 . r̄ 0 s̄0 r̄ 0 s̄1 r̄ 1 s̄0 r̄ 1 s̄1 + (r̄ 0 + r̄ 1 )(s̄0 + s̄1 ) / (r̄0 s̄0 + r̄1 s̄0 ) + (r̄0 s̄1 + r̄1 s̄1 ) OOO W.. G ooo .. * + (σ· (r0 ,s0 )+σ· (r0 ,s1 )) (σ· (r0 ,s0 )+σ· (r1 ,s0 )) r 0 s0 r 0 s1 .. +(σ (r ,s )+σ (r ,s )) +(σ (r ,s )+σ (r ,s )) · · · · 1 0 O 1 1 0 1 1 1 r 1 s0 r 1 s1 OO' wooo .. / (r0 s0 + r1 s0 ) + (r0 s1 + r1 s1 ) .. (r0 s0 + r0 s1 ) + (r1 s0 + r1 s1 ) .. .. σ+ (r0 s0 ,r0 s1 )+σ+ (r1 s0 ,r1 s1 ) r s r s σ+ (r0 s0 ,r1 s0 )+σ+ (r0 s1 ,r1 s1 ) .. * ϕ+ r 0 s 0 r 0 s 1 " + " + # * # 1 0 1 1 s̄ s̄ r̄ 0 0 + r̄ 1 0 .. r̄r̄0 s̄0 + r̄r̄0 s̄1 s̄1 s̄1 ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,s0 ) ϕ·+ (r0 ,s0 ,s1 ) r0 (s0 + s1 ) + r1 (s0 + s1 ) 1 1 (r0 + r1 )s0 + (r0 + r1 )s1 .. @ NNN ^<< +ϕ·+ (r1 ,s0 ,s1 ) +ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,s1 ) p NN .. << ppp p << σ+ (r0 (s0 +s1 ),rN1N(s0 +s1 ))σ+ ((r0 +rp1 )s0 ,(r0 +r1 )s1 ) .. << NNN pp .. p w ' p < < .. (r0 + r1 )(s0 + s1 ) σ· (r0 ,s0 +s1 )+σ· (r1 ,s0 +s1 ) σ· (r0 +r1 ,s0 )+σ · (r0 +r1 ,s1 ) < O .. << << .. r̄0 σ+ (s0 ,s1 ) << σ+ (r0 ,r1 )s̄0 σ· (r0 +r1 ,s0 +s1 ) .. ϕ·+ (r0 +r1 ,s0 ,s1 ) ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,s0 +s1 ) < +σ+ (r0 ,r1 )s̄1 +r̄1 σ+ (s0 ,s1 ) r̄ 0 (s̄0 + s̄1 ) r0 + r1 s̄0 o (r̄ 0 + r̄ 1 )s̄0 / r̄0 s0 + s1 r 0 + r 1 s0 + s1 +r̄ 1 (s̄0 + s̄1 ) +(r̄ 0 + r̄ 1 )s̄1 +r̄ 1 s0 + s1 +r0 + r1 s̄1 L 8 f L r 7 gOOO LLL r fLLL r8 oo OOO LLL rrr rrr ooo r σ+ (r0 ,r1 )s0 +s1 r0 +r1 σ+ (s OOO o 0 ,s1 ) L r L o LLL LLL OOO * rr " rr # + ooo L L OOO r̄0 s0 +s1 rrr rrr r0 +r1 s̄0 oooo Or̄O1 O s̄1oo r0 + r1 (s̄0 + s̄1 ) (r̄ 0 + r̄ 1 )s0 + s1 OOO ooo > `AA o } OOO o AA }} OOO ooo AA + * # }} OOO ooo " A o } s̄ r̄ 0 o A } OOO o r̄ 0 +r̄ 1 0 s̄ +s̄1 } o s̄ r̄ 1 0 o 1 O(Or̄O0 +r̄1 )σ+A(s0 ,s1 ) σ+ (r0 ,r1 )(s̄0 +s̄1 )oo OOO AA }} ooooo } OOO AA }} ooo OOOAA O A }}o}ooo (r̄ 0 s̄0 + r̄ 0 s̄1 ) + (r̄ 1 s̄0 + r̄ 1 s̄1 ) * Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 204 . r̄ 00 s̄ r̄ 01 s̄ r̄ 10 s̄ r̄ 11 s̄ + * r̄ 00 r̄ 01 r̄ 10 r̄ 11 s̄ + / (r̄00 s̄ + r̄10 s̄) + (r̄01 s̄ + r̄11 s̄) MMM V-H qqq - * + (σ· (r00 ,s)+σ· (r01 ,s)) (σ· (r00 ,s)+σ· (r10 ,s)) -r00 s r01 s +(σ· (r01 ,s)+σ· (r11 ,s)) +(σ· (r10 ,s)+σ· (rM11 MM,s)) r10 s r11 s -& xqqq -/ (r00 s + r10 s) + (r01 s + r11 s) (r00 s + r01 s) + (r10 s + r11 s) - -σ+ (r00 s,r01 s)+σ+ (r10 s,r11 s) σ+ (r00 s,r10 s)+σ+ (r01 s,r11 s) - r s r s 00 01 ϕ+ r s r s * # * # -- * r̄ # * r̄ # 10 11 r̄ 00 r̄ 10 01 s̄ s̄ + s̄ s̄ + -- r̄00 ϕ+· (r00 ,r01 ,s) ϕ+· (r00 ,r10 ,s) r̄ 01 r̄ 11 r̄ 11 10 (r00 + r01 )s + (r10 + r11 )s (r00 + r10 )s + (r01 + r11 )s -]:: MMM +ϕ+· (r01 ,r11 ,s) A +ϕ+· (r10 ,r11 ,s) M qqq -σ ((r +r MM)s,(r +r )s) σ ((r +r )s,(r qqq +r )s) ::: 00 10 01 11 + -MMM 11 :: + 00 01 10 q q MMM q : q -q : x & q : - (r00 + r01 + r10 + r11 )s σ· (r00 +r01 ,s)+σ· (r10 +r11 ,s) σ· (r00 +r10 ,s)+σ ::· (r01 +r11 ,s) -O : :: - :: ϕ (r +r ,r +r ,s) σ· (r00 +r01 +r10 +r11 ,s) ϕ (r +r ,r +r ,s) - σ (r ,r ) s̄ σ (r ,r ) s̄ 10 01 11 01 10 11 +· 00 +· 00 + 00 10 :: +σ+ (r00 ,r01 )s̄ +σ+ (r01 ,r11 )s̄ + 10 11 r + r r + r s̄ s̄ (r̄ 00 + r̄ 01 )s̄ ( r̄ 00 01 00 10 00 + r̄ 10 )s̄ / o r00 + r01 + r10 + r11 s̄ +(r̄ 10 + r̄ 11 )s̄ +(r̄ 01 + r̄ 11 )s̄ +r10 + r11 s̄ +r01 + r11 s̄ K 9 e K s fLLL KKK eKK 9 r8 ss KK ss LLL rrr sss+r )s̄ σ (r +rK ,r +r )s̄ KK ss r s σ (r +r ,r LLL r KK 01 10 11 10 K 01 s + 00 + 00 KKK 11 rr KK ss LLL * # sss KK ss * r00 +r10 # rrrr KK s s s LLL r00 +r01 r̄ s s s̄ rr r01 +r11 LLrL10 +r11 (r + r + r + r )s̄ (r00 + r10 + r01 + r11 )s̄ rr*r 00 01 10 11 LLL r * # # O O r r r r̄ 00 +r̄ 01 r̄ 00 +r̄ 10 LLL rr ϕ+ r00 r01 s̄ s̄ s̄ r 10 11 r r̄ 10 +r̄ 11 r̄ + r̄ L(σ r 01 11 LL+L(r̄00 ,r̄01 )+σ+ (r̄10 ,r̄11 ))s̄ (σ+ (r̄ 00 ,r̄ 10 )+σ+ (r̄ 01 ,r̄ 11 ))r s̄r LLL rr r r r / ((r̄00 + r̄10 ) + (r̄01 + r̄11 ))s̄ ((r̄ 00 + r̄ 01 ) + (r̄ 10 + r̄ 11 ))s̄ (r̄ 00 s̄ + r̄ 01 s̄) + (r̄ 10 s̄ + r̄ 11 s̄) * Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 205 . 011 110 r̄ 000 +r̄ 010 r̄ 001 +r̄ 011 r̄ 100 +r̄ 110 r̄ 101 +r̄ 111 + 010 * r̄ 000 r̄ 001 r̄ 100 r̄ 101 111 * + + r̄ 010 r̄ 011 r̄ 110 r̄ 111 010 + 110 011 111 ((r̄ 000 + r̄ 010 ) + (r̄ 100 + r̄ 110 )) / +(( r̄ 001 + r̄ 011 ) + (r̄ 101 + r̄ 111 )) I JJJ ++ ttt + (σ (r000 ,r010 )+σ (r001 ,r011 )) (σ+ (r000 ,r010 )+σ+ (r100 ,r110 ))+ + + + (r100 ,r110 )+σ+ (r101 ,r111 )) * r000 +r010 r001 +r011 + +(σ+ (r001 ,r011 )+σ+ (r101 ,r111 ))++ +(σ JJJ ++ r100 +r110 r101 +r111 $ zttt ++ (r + r + r (r000 + r010 + r001 + r011 ) 000 010 100 + r110 ) / +(r100 + r110 + r101 + r111 ) +(r001 + r011 + r101 + r111 ) ++ ++ σ+ (r000 +r010 ,r001 +r011 ) σ+ (r000 +r010 ,r100 +r110 ) * + * + ++ r̄ 000 r̄ 001 r̄ 000 r̄ 010 +σ+ (r100 +r110 ,r101 +r111 ) +σ+ (r001 +r011 ,r101 +r111 ) + r̄ 010 r̄ 011 r̄ 100 r̄ 110 r + * + * + r001 r ++ ϕ+ rr000 P P ϕ+ r000 r010 r̄ 100 r̄ 101 r̄ 001 r̄ 011 010 r011 100 110 r0ij rij0 r000 +r010 r001 +r011 + + P P ϕ+ + +ϕ r100 r101 r001 r011 r̄ 110 r̄ 111 r̄ 101 r̄ 111 r100 +r110 r101 +r111 + r + r +ϕ+ r 1ij ij1 ++ + r110 r111 101 r111 KKK [88 C tt ++ 8 K t P P P P t 8 σ+ ( rij0 , rij1 ) σ+ ( r0ij , r1ij ) 88 ++ K K KKK 88 tt ++ K% ttt y t ++ P σ+ (r000 +r001 ,r010 +r011 ) σ+ (r000 +r100 ,r010 +r110 ) rijk + +σ+ (r100 +r101 ,r110 +r111 ) +σ+ (r001 +r101 ,r +r111 ) O 011 8 88 σ+ (r000 , r100 ) ++ σ+ (r000 , r001 ) 88 + +σ (r010 , r110 ) P P r000 +r100 r001 +r101 +σ+ (r010 , r011 ) ϕ+ rr000 +r 001 r010 +r011 σ+ ( ri0j , ri1j ) ϕ + 88 σ+ + r ++ (r100 , r101 ) 010 +r110 r011 +r111 100 +r101 r110 +r111 + (r001 , r101 ) + + +σσ+ 8 +σ+ (r011 , r111 ) + (r110 , r111 ) P r ((r̄ 000 + r̄ 001 ) + (r̄ 010 + r̄ 011 )) (r000 + r100 + r010 + r110 ) (r000 + r001 + r010 + r011 ) ((r̄ 000 + r̄ 100 ) + (r̄ 010 + r̄ 110 )) / o P i0j +((r̄ 100 + r̄ 101 ) + (r̄ 110 + r̄ 111 )) +((r̄ 001 + r̄ 101 ) + (r̄ 011 + r̄ 111 )) +(r100 + r101 + r110 + r111 ) + ri1j +(r001 + r101 + r011 + r111 ) JJ II : dIII u: I JJ uu: uu u uu u + * + * u JJ σ (r +r ,r +r ) σ (r +r ,r +r ) u r000 +r001 r010 +r011 + 000 001 100 101 + 000 100 001 101 r000 +r100 r001 +r101 JJ uu ) + (r010 +r110 ,r +r111 ) r010 +r110 r011 +r111 JJ r100 +r101 r110 +rII111+σ+ (r010 +r011 ,r110 +r111+σ uu II011 u u u JJ I I u u u u $ u r JJ uu 000 r100 JJ (r000 + r100 + r001 + r101 ) (r + r001 + r100 + r101 ) ϕ+ r001 r101 uu u JJ +(r000 u r010 r110 +(r010 + r110 + r011 + r111 ) 010 + r011 + r110 + r111 ) +ϕ * + J + O O + r011 r111 uu* JJ r̄ 000 +r̄ 001 r̄ 010 +r̄ 011 uu r̄000 +r̄100 r̄001 +r̄101 J u J r̄ 100 +r̄ 101 r̄ 110 +r̄ 111 r̄ 010 +r̄ 110 r̄ 011 +r̄ 111 JJ (σ+ (r000 ,r001 )+σ+ (r100 ,r101 )) (σ+ (r000 ,r100 )+σ+ (r001 ,r101 )) uuu JJ+ (r010 ,r011 )+σ+ (r110 ,r111 )) +(σ+ (r010 ,r110 )+σ+ (r011 ,r111u))u +(σ JJ u uu $ ((r̄ 000 + r̄ 001 ) + (r̄ 100 + r̄ 101 )) ((r̄ 000 + r̄ 100 ) + (r̄ 001 + r̄ 101 )) / +((r̄ + r̄ ) + (r̄ + r̄ )) +((r̄ + r̄ ) + (r̄ + r̄ )) ((r̄ 000 + r̄ 010 ) + (r̄ 001 + r̄ 011 )) +((r̄ 100 + r̄ 110 ) + (r̄ 101 + r̄ 111 )) * Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 206 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 207 To show that the above rule indeed determines an assignment of a cohomology class to each categorical ring, we must also show (4.2) Proposition. A different choice of representative objects r 7→ r̃ and morphisms e σ·0 (r, s) : r̃s̃ → rs, 0 σ+ (r0 , r1 ) : r̃0 + r̃1 → r^ 0 + r1 leads to a cocycle ϕ0 which is cohomologous to ϕ. Proof. By (3.1), 3-cocycles ϕ and ϕ0 are cohomologous if and only if there exist maps γ· , γ+ : R × R → B such that the following four equalities ϕ0· (r, s, t) 0 ϕ·+ (r, s0 , s1 ) =ϕ· (r, s, t) + rγ· (s, t) − γ· (rs, t) + γ· (r, st) − γ· (r, s)t, =ϕ·+ (r, s0 , s1 ) + rγ+ (s0 , s1 ) − γ+ (rs0 , rs1 ) + (s0 | s1 )γ· (r,−) , ϕ0+· (r0 , r1 , s) =ϕ+· (r0 , r1 , s) + γ+ (r0 s, r1 s) − γ+ (r0 , r1 )s − (r0 | r1 )γ· (−,s) , ϕ0+ ( rr00 10 r01 r11 ) =ϕ+ ( rr00 10 r01 r11 ) + ((r00 , r01 ) | (r10 , r11 ))γ+ − ((r00 , r10 ) | (r01 , r11 ))γ+ are satisfied for all possible elements r, ... of R. Let us then choose arbitrary morphisms r̂ : r̄ → r̃ for all r ∈ R and define the maps γ+ and γ· , as above for ϕ, to measure deviation from commutativity of the diagrams σ· (r,s) / rs r̄s̄ r̂ ŝ γ· (r,s) / rs e r̃s̃ b rs σ·0 (r,s) and σ+ (r0 ,r1 ) r̄0 + r̄1 r̂ 0 +r̂ 1 r̃0 + r̃1 / r0 + r 1 γ+ (r0 ,r1 ) r\ 0 +r1 / r^ 0 + r1 . 0 σ+ (r0 ,r1 ) That is, we define b ◦ σ· (r, s) γ· (r, s) = σ·0 (r, s) ◦ r̂ŝ ÷ rs Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 208 and 0 γ+ (r0 , r1 ) = σ+ (r0 , r1 ) ◦ (r̂0 + r̂1 ) ÷ r\ 0 + r1 ◦ σ+ (r0 , r1 ). The above four equalities then follow from considering the following four diagrams, in view, as before, of (1.4) and (2.3), where “” marks the strictly commuting quadrangles: r̄σ· (s,t) / r̄st ? EE << ~ E ~ << ~ c rγ (s,t) r̂(ŝt̂) << r̂ st · EE ~ E << ~ ~ ~ " [r̄,s̄,t̄] <<σ· (r,st) / r̃st e γ· (r,st) r̃σ·0 (s,t) r̃( s̃ t̃) << < @ @ z << @ z z << σ·0 (r,st) [r̃,s̃,t̃] @@ << z @ z z ϕ0· (r,s,t) / (r̃s̃)t̃ Q d f o (r̂ ŝ)t̂ rst (r̄ s̄)t̄ P rst rst 7 7 n o QQQ PPP nn oo n QQ o PPP n o n PPP oo σ·0 (r,st) σ 0 (rs,t) QQQ PPP ooo nn· Q o n Q n o Q PPP Q( nn oo PPP γ· (r,s)t e t̃ γ· (rs,t) rs oσo·o(rs,t) o PPP σ· (r,s)t̄ O o PPP oo PPP ooo c t̂ o o PPP rs oo PP( ooo r̄(s̄t̄) rst̄ σ· (r,s0 )+σ· (r,s1 ) / rs0 + rs1 @ == == = == == d +rs d γ· (r,s0 )+γ· (r,s1 ) r̂ ŝ0 +r̂ ŝ1 rs = 0 1 " + = == s̄ = r̄ 0 0 0 == σ+ (rs0 ,rs1 ) σ· (r,s0 )+σ· (r,s1 ) s̄1 rγ (s ,s ) / == g g γ (rs ,rs ) r̃ s̃0 + r̃ s̃1 + 0 1 rs0 + rs1 + 0 1 == @ << < " + == s̃0 0 == σ+ (rs0 ,rs1 ) r̃ << s̃1 == < r̂(ŝ0 +ŝ1 ) ϕ0·+ (r,s0 ,s1 ) \ r(s 0 +s1 ) / r̃(s̃0 + s̃1 ) o r̄(s̄0 + s̄1 ) r(s0 + s1 ) r(s^ 0 + s1 ) NNN MMM p8 q8 MM NNN qqq ppp q p 0 0 NNN p rσ+ (s0 ,s1 ) σ+ (r,s0 +s1 ) MMM pp NNN qq MM& ppp NNN p qqq p NNN pp γ· (r,s0 +s1 ) r̃ s^ 0 + s1 pσp·p(r,s0 +s1 ) r̄σ+ (s0 ,s1 ) NN p O NNN p p NNN ppp p NNN r̂s\ p 0 +s1 pp NN& ppp r̄ s̄0 + r̄ s̄1 r̄s0 + s1 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 209 σ· (r0 ,s)+σ· (r1 ,s) / r0 s + r1 s == @ === == == d γ· (r0 ,s)+γ· (r1 ,s) r̂ 0 ŝ+r̂ * # rd = 1 ŝ 0 s+r1 s r̄ 0 == == s̄ 0 (r ,s)+σ 0 (r ,s) σ r̄ 1 == σ+ (r0 s,r1 s) · 0 · 1 γ (r ,r )s / == f γ+ (r0 s,r1 s) r̃ 0 s̃ + r̃ 1 s̃ + 0 1 rf 0 s + r1 s == @ << < # * == r̃ 0 0 == σ+ (r0 s,r1 s) s̃ < r̃ << == 1 ϕ0+· (r0 ,r1 ,s) \ (r0 +r1 )s (r̂0 +r̂1 )ŝ o / (r̄ 0 + r̄ 1 )s̄ (r̃ 0 + r̃ 1 )s̃ (r0 + r1 )s (r0^ + r1 )s NNN 8 MMM q8 MM NNN ppp qqq p q p 0 0 NNN σ+ (r0 ,r1 )s σ+ (r0 +r1 ,s) pp MMM NNN qq ppp MM& p NNN p qqq pp NNN γ· (r0 +r1 ,s) ppp r^ 0 + r1 s̃ NNN p p O σ+ (r0 ,r1 )s̄ NNN pp σ· (r0 +r1 ,s) NNN ppp p r\ +r1 ŝ p 0 NNN pp N& ppp r̄ 0 s̄ + r̄ 1 s̄ r0 + r1 s̄ n6 nnn n n nnn nnn \ )+σ (r ,r ) @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ \ σ+ (r00 ,r01 + 10 11 r00 +r01 +r10 +r11 @@ nn n n @@ nn n γ (r ,r )+γ (r ,r ) n @@ + 00 01 + 10 11 n @@ σ (r +r ,r +r ) nnn @@ + 00 01 10 11 ^ ^ (r̄ 00 + r̄ 01 ) + (r̄ 10 + r̄ 11 ) r00 + r01 + r10 + r11 OOO >> @@ o7 o OO o > o >γ>+ (r00 +r01 ,r10 +r11@)@@ 0 0 (r̂ 00 +r̂ 01 )+(r̂O +r̂ 11 )σ+ (r00 ,r01 )+σ+ (r10 ,r11 ) 10 >> OOO @@ o O' > @@ ooo 0 @@ σ+ (r00 +r01 ,r10 +r11 ) (r̃ 00 + r̃ 01 ) + (r̃ 10 + r̃ 11 ) >> @@ >> @@ >> @@ >> P @ \ * * + + rij r P r̄ 00 r̄ 01 r̃ 00 r̃ 01 P r ^ rij ϕ0+ r00 r01 rij o 10 11 r̄ 10 r̄ 11 r̃ 10 r̃ 11 @ ? 0 (r +r ,r +r ) σ+ (r̃ 00 + r̃ 10 ) + (r̃ 01 + r̃ 11 ) 00 10 01 11 7 O OOO oo ooo 0 0 (r ,r ) γ+ (r00 +r10 ,r01 +r11 ) (r̂ 00 +r̂ 10 )+(r̂ 01 +r̂ 11 )σ+ (r00 ,r10 )+σ+ 01 11 O OOO oo ' ooo ^ ^ (r̄ 00 + r̄ 10 ) + (r̄ 01 + r̄ 11 ) r00 + r10 + r01 + r11 σ+ (r00 +r10 ,r01 +r11 ) PPP O PPP γ+ (r00 ,r10 )+γ+ (r01 ,r11 ) PPP PPP \ \ σ+ (r00 ,r10 )+σP +r10 +r01 +r11 + (r01 ,r11 ) r00 PPP PPP PPP PP( r00 + r01 + r10 + r11 r00 + r10 + r01 + r11 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 210 We have thus obtained a map from the set of all categorical rings R with π0 (R) = R, π1 (R) = B and matching bimodule structure to the group H 3 (R; B). Let us next show that this map factors through a quotient of the former set to yield a map h−i : Crext(R; B) → H 3 (R; B), where Crext(R; B) denotes the set of equivalence classes of categorical rings with π0 equal to R and π1 equal to B, two such being considered equivalent if there exists a 2homomorphism between them inducing identities on R and B. Indeed, in the same way as in (4.2) we more generally have: (4.3) Proposition. For any categorical rings R and R 0 such that there exists a 2-homomorphism R → R 0 inducing identity maps on π0 and π1 , one has hRi = hR 0 i. Proof. Given a 2-homomorphism f : R → R 0 , let us choose ¯ and σ· , σ+ for R as above, and then choose the corresponding maps for R 0 as follows: 0 r̄ = f (r̄), f· (r̄,s̄) f σ· (r,s) σ·0 (r, s) = f r̄f s̄ −−−−→ f (r̄s̄) −−−−−→ f rs , f+ (r̄ ,r̄ ) f σ+ (r0 ,r1 ) 0 σ+ (r0 , r1 ) = f r̄0 + f r̄1 −−−−0−−1→ f (r̄0 + r̄1 ) −−−−−−−→ f r0 + r1 . In view of (1.3), (1.4), since f induces identity on π1 , i. e. f# is the identity map, one has the diagrams / f r̄f (s̄t̄) f r̄f σ· (s,t) / f r̄f st == == == ==f· (r̄,st) == == = = f· (r̄,s̄t̄) f (r̄σ· (s,t)) / f (r̄st) f (r̄(s̄t̄)) @ == f [r̄,s̄,t̄] ==f σ· (r,st) == = ϕ· (r,s,t) (f r̄f s̄)f t̄ f ((r̄s̄)t̄) f (rst) NNN NNN p8 p8 p p N NNN p p N NNN pp pp NNN NNN ppp ppp NN& f· (r̄,s̄)f t̄ f (σ· (r,s)t̄) ppp f σ· (rs,t) & ppp f· (r̄s̄,t̄) f (r̄s̄)f t̄ f (rst̄) NNN p8 p NNN p pp NNN ppfp(rs,t̄) NN& p f σ· (r,s)f t̄ p · p f r̄(f s̄f t̄) @ [f r̄,f s̄,f t̄] f r̄f· (s̄,t̄) f rsf t̄ / f rs + f rs 0 88 1 88 88 88 f+ (rs0 ,rs1 ) 88 f+ (r̄ s̄0 ,<r̄ s̄1 ) << 88 << 88 << 8 f (σ· (r,s0 )+σ· (r,s1 )) / f (rs0 + rs1 ) f (r̄s̄0 + r̄s̄1 ) A 99 99 s̄ f r̄ 0 99 f σ (rs ,rs ) s̄1 + 0 1 99 99 99 99 9 ϕ·+ (r,s0 ,s1 ) f r̄(f s̄0 + f s̄1 ) f (r̄(s̄0 + s̄1 )) f (r(s0 + s1 )) LLL ?? s9 ~> ~ ?? L ss ~ L s L ~ s ?? LLL ss ~~ ?? L ss ~~ s ?? s f· (r̄,s̄0 +s̄1 ) f (r̄σ+ (s0L,s1 )) ?? ss LLL ss f σ· (r,s0 +s1 ) ~~ ?? s ~ L f r̄f+ (s̄0 ,s̄1 ) s LLL ~ s ?? ~~ ss LL% ? ss ~~ f r̄f (s̄0 + s̄1 ) f (r̄s0 + s1 ) @@ 9 rr @@ r r r @@ rr @@ rrr @@ r r r @@ rrr f (r̄,s +s ) @@ r f r̄f σ+ (s0 ,s1 ) r · 0 1 @@ rr @ rrr f r̄f s0 + s1 f r̄f s̄0 + f r̄f s̄1 G f s̄0 f r̄ f s̄1 f σ· (r,s0 )+f σ· (r,s1 ) / f (r̄s̄ ) + f (r̄s̄ ) 0 << 1 << << < f· (r̄,s̄0 )+f· (r̄,s̄1 ) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 211 f σ· (r0 ,s)+f σ· (r1 ,s) f r0 + r1 f s̄ / f (r̄ s̄) + f (r̄ s̄) / f r0 s + f r1 s f r̄0 f s̄ + f r̄1 f s̄ 0 11 1 F 11 1 11 1 11 11 11 f+ (r0 s,r1 s) f+ (r̄ 0 s̄,1 r̄ 1 s̄) 11 1 11 11 1 11 f r̄ 0 f (σ· (r0 ,s)+σ· (r1 ,s)) 1 f s̄ f r̄ 1 / f (r0 s + r1 s) f (r̄0 s̄ + r̄1 s̄) F 11 11 r̄ 0 11 f s̄ 11 f σ+ (r0 s,r1 s) r̄ 1 11 11 11 ϕ+· (r0 ,r1 ,s) (f r̄0 + f r̄1 )f s̄ f ((r̄0 + r̄1 )s̄) f ((r0 + r1 )s) = CC CC {= CC {{ CC {{ CC {{ CC { { CC { CC {{ {{ CC {{ { f ( r̄ + r̄ , s̄) f (σ (r ,r ) s̄) · CC + 0C1 {{ CC {0 1 CC {{ f σ· (r0 +r1 ,s) CC {{ f+ (r̄ 0 ,r̄ 1 )f s̄ CC { { { C CC { CC {{ {{ ! {{ ! f (r̄0 + r̄1 )f s̄ f (r0 + r1 s̄) CC {= CC {{ CC { CC {{ CC {{ { CC {{ CC {{ f· (r0 +r1 ,s̄) f σ+ (r0 ,r1 )f s̄ CC { CC {{ {{ ! f· (r̄ 0 ,s̄)+f· (r̄ 1 ,s̄) Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 212 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 213 f r00 + r01 + f r10 + r11 // oo7 // ooo o o o // ooo // /f/ + (r00 +r01 ,r10 +r11 ) f (r̄00 + r̄01 ) + f (r̄10 + r̄11 ) / 7 // o // f+ (r̄ 00 ,r̄ 01 )+f+ (r̄ 10 ,r̄ 11 ) ooo // o / o // oo / ooo / (f r̄00 + f r̄01 ) + (f r̄10 + f r̄11 ) f+ (r̄00 +r̄01/,r̄10 +r̄11 ) f (r00 + r01 + r10 + r11 ) // .. o7 // ooo . /f/ (σ+ (r00 ,roo01 )+σ+ (r10 ,r11 )) .. .. oo .. f ((r̄00 + r̄01 ) + (r̄10 + r̄11 )) .f. σ+ (r00 +r01 ,r10 +r11 ) .. .. X r̄ 00 r̄ 01 f r̄ 00 f r̄ 01 r00 r01 rij f f ϕ+ ( r10 r11 ) r̄ 10 r̄ 11 f r̄ 10 f r̄ 11 06i,j61 H f σ (r +r ,r +r ) f ((r̄00 + r̄10 ) + (r̄01 + r̄11 )) + 00 10 01 11 OOO G O f (σ+ (r00 ,r10 )+σO+OO(r01 ,r11 )) O' (f r̄00 + f r̄10 ) + (f r̄01 + f r̄11 ) f+ (r̄00 +r̄10 ,r̄01 +r̄11 ) f (r00 + r10 + r01 + r11 ) OOO G OOO OOO OO' f+ (r̄ 00 ,r̄ 10 )+f+ (r̄ 01 ,r̄ 11 ) f (r̄00 + r̄10 ) + f (r̄01 + r̄11 ) f+ (r00 +r10 ,r01 +r11 ) OOO OOO OOO OO' f σ+ (r00 ,r10 )+f σ+ (r01 ,r11 ) f σ+ (r00 ,r01 )+f σ+ (r10 ,r11 ) f r00 + r10 + f r01 + r11 where unlabeled polygons strictly commute by coherence of f and naturality. These diagrams show that the cocycles ϕ and ϕ0 representing characteristic classes of, respectively, R and R 0 , are cohomologous. We have thus defined a map h−i : Crext(R; B) → H 3 (R; B). Let us now construct a map in the opposite direction. For a 3-cocycle ϕ = (ϕ· , ϕ·+ , ϕ+· , ϕ+ ) of R with coefficients in B let Rϕ be the following categorical ring. The set of objects of Rϕ is R. The set of morphisms is B × R, where (b, r) is a morphism from r to r. Identities are morphisms of the form (0, r), and composition is given by (b, r) ◦ (b0 , r) = (b + b0 , r). Categorical group structure is as Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 214 follows. Addition of objects and morphisms is given by (b0 , r0 ) + (b1 , r1 ) = (b0 + b1 , r0 + r1 ); the neutral object is (0, 0), with the neutrality constraints given by λ(r) = ρ(r) = (0, r), the associativity constraint is given by hr, s, ti = (ϕ+ ( 0r st ) , r + s + t) , and the symmetry by {r, s} = (ϕ+ ( 0s 0r ) , r + s) . Note that the latter two equalities are equivalent to the equality X r01 r01 ), rij . i = ϕ+ ( rr00 h rr00 10 r11 10 r11 06i,j61 Next, we define multiplication of objects and morphisms by (b, r)(b0 , r0 ) = (br0 + rb0 , rr0 ), the unit by 1, the associativity constraint for the multiplication by [r, s, t] = (ϕ· (r, s, t), rst) and the unitality constraints by λ.(r) = (−ϕ· (1, 1, r), r), ρ.(r) = (ϕ· (r, 1, 1), r). Moreover, we define the distributivity constraints by the equalities [r ss01 i = (ϕ·+ (r, s0 , s1 ), r(s0 + s1 )) and h rr01 s] = (ϕ+· (r0 , r1 , s), (r0 + r1 )s). It then turns out that commutativity of the coherence diagrams necessary for Rϕ to be a categorical ring correspond precisely to the equations expressing the cocycle condition for ϕ. Now suppose we are given two cohomologous 3-cocycles ϕ, ϕ0 , i. e. there is a 2-cochain γ = (γ· , γ+ ) satisfying the required equalities. We then define a 2-homomorphism f = (f, f+ , f· , f1 ) : Rϕ → Rϕ0 as follows. Since the underlying categories of Rϕ and Rϕ0 are identical, we can define f to be the identity functor. Moreover we define f+ (r0 , r1 ) = (γ+ (r0 , r1 ), r0 + r1 ), f· (r, s) = (γ· (r, s), rs) and f1 = (γ· (1, 1), 1). Then again it is straightforward to verify that the coherence conditions for f to be a 2homomorphism precisely amount to the equalities expressing the fact that ϕ0 differs from ϕ by the coboundary of γ. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, vol. 2(2), 2007 215 We have thus obtained a well-defined map R− : H 3 (R; B) → Crext(R; B) in the opposite direction. Now it is obvious that constructing the characteristic class hRϕ i we can choose the maps σ· , σ+ in the beginning of section 4 to be identities, which will produce the cocycle ϕ back. Thus hRϕ i is equal to the cohomology class of ϕ. So one composite of our maps (from H 3 to itself) is in fact identity. For the other composite to be also the identity, it thus remains to construct, for any categorical ring R, a 2-homomorphism between R and Rϕ for some cocycle ϕ, inducing identity on π0 and π1 . For this, let us return to the construction of the characteristic class of R; for that construction, we have chosen an object r̄ of R in each isomorphism class r ∈ π0 (R) = R and morphisms σ· , σ+ , which then produced the cocycle ϕ representing hRi. Obviously these choices can be made in such a way that 0̄ = 0, 1̄ = 1, σ+ (0, r) = λ(r̄), σ+ (r, 0) = ρ(r̄), σ· (1, r) = λ.(r̄), and σ· (r, 1) = ρ.(r̄). Let us then use these data to define a functor f : Rϕ → R. On objects this functor is given by f (r) = r̄ and on morphisms by λ(r̄)−1 b+r̄ λ(r̄) f (b, r) = r̄ −−−−→ 0 + r̄ −−→ 0 + r̄ −−−→ r̄. This f then extends to a 2-homomorphism f = (f, f+ , f· , f1 ) : Rϕ → R with f· = σ· , f+ = σ+ and f1 = identity of 1. Summarizing all of the above, we have thus proved (4.4) Theorem. 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This article may be accessed via WWW at M. Jibladze A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, 1 M. Alexidze Street, 0193 Tbilisi, Georgia T. Pirashvili Department of Mathematics, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK