5109.14_1 Page 1 of 9 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK SOUTHWESTERN REGION (REGION 3) ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOOK, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES Supplement No.: 5109.14-92-1 Effective Date: August 10, 1992 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: LARRY HENSON Regional Forester Date Approved: 08/10/1992 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was No. 16 which is superseded by this supplement. New Document 5109.14_1 8 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 1.2--1 through 1.2--7 5 Pages Digest: 1.2-1.21 Entire text has been reformatted, with no change in direction. R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 2 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES 1.2 - Nonstatistical Wildfires 7. Prescribed Fires - Broadcast and pile burning accomplished under preplanned, specified conditions to meet specified conditions will be reported on form R3-FS-5100-30, Prescribed Fire Report (8/88). See exhibit 01 for a completed form. Complete items 1-16 for all prescribed fires. 1.21 - Specific Item Instructions for Form R3-FS-5100-30. Specific Item Instructions. The following item numbers and headings correspond to the same item numbers and headings on form R3-FS-5100-30. Prescribed Fire Name. Enter the name of the prescribed fire in the spaces allotted. This entry is not retained in the data base. Location. Enter the appropriate T/R/S numbers and letters, or geographical location, to identify the location of the prescribed fire for local purposes. This entry is optional and is not retained in the data base. Item 1. Region, Forest, District ID and Supervisor's Prescribed Fire Number. Enter the two-digit Region, Forest, and District numbers that identify the reporting unit. The Supervisor's Office enters the three-digit supervisor prescribed fire number when it receives the report (Forests shall develop their own numbering system). Item 2. Landownership. Enter the letter code for the agency legally responsible for the land on which the prescribed fire is located. Use the standard two-letter state code for state agencies as shown in item 3, or the following three-letter codes for Federal agencies. Codes Federal Agencies USF BLM BIA NPS FWS ARM AFS NAV OTH USDA Forest Service Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Indian Affairs National Park Service Fish and Wildlife Service DOD Army DOD Air Force DOD Navy Enter for all other agencies Item 3. Ownership at Origin/State at Origin. Enter the one-digit code that corresponds to land status at the point of origin. R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 3 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES Codes 1 - National Forest, National Grassland or Land Utilization Project 2 - State and private lands inside Forest Service protection boundary 3 - Outside Forest Service protection boundary 4 - Other Federal lands inside Forest Service protection boundary Enter the two-letter code for the area where the prescribed fire was ignited. AL AK AZ AR CA CD CO CT DE DC FL GA GU HI ID IL IN IA KS Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Canada Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas KY LA ME MD MA MX MI MN MS MO Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Mexico Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri OH OK OR PA PR RI SC SD TN TX Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND Montana Mebraska Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina UT VT VI VA WA WV WI WY Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Item 4. Fire Management Analysis Zone. Enter the Forest's designator for the National Fire Management Analysis System fire management analysis zone (FMAZ) in which the prescribed fire burned. If more than one FMAZ was involved, enter the one with the most burned area. Item 5. Point of Ignition. Enter the latitude and longitude at the point of ignition. Report degrees in whole numbers and minutes to the nearest tenth. R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 4 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES Item 6. Time of Ignition. Enter the number of the month and day, the last two digits of the year, and the hour and minutes (military time) when the prescribed fire was ignited. Item 7. Time Smoke Production Stopped. Enter the number of the month and day, the last two digits of the year, and the hour and minutes (military time) when the smoke from the prescribed fire stopped being emitted. Item 8. Fuel Type and Fire Type/Acres Burned. Record the fuel type consumed by fire type and total acres burned for each category on the prescribed burn, which should equal the total project acres prescribed-burned when totaled. Fuel Consumed Assumed Fuel Codes Fuel Type Fire Type Consumption UH UB HB HP BA GA Understory vegetation Understory vegetation Harvest and thinning residue Harvest and thinning residue Brush Grass Head Backing Broadcast Piled All All 12 T/AC 15 T/AC 15 T/AC 21 T/AC 3 T/AC 3/4 T/AC Item 9. Total Acres Prescribed-Burned (program will compute). Manual entry on the form is optional. Item 10. Particulate Matter Emissions in Grams (program will compute). Item 11. Project Function/Cost ($ Hundreds)/Acres. Record the portions of the project accomplished for the functional codes shown with the total functional cost-and-acre portion of the prescribed fire project (right-justify). Codes PF24 PF25 DN222 CW222 ET251 ET252 ET254 - Natural Fuels Improvements Activity Fuels Improvements Range Resource Non-structural Improvements Wildlife Habitat Non-structural Improvements TSI-Release and Weeding TSI-Precommercial Thinning TSI-Understory Control Item 12. Fire Intensity Level. Enter the fire intensity level (FIL) code for the predominant or typical sustained flame length observed during the prescribed fire (broadcast only). R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 5 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES Code (FIL) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Flame Length (feet) 0-2 2-4 4-6 6-8 8 - 12 12 plus Item 13. Representative Weather Station. Enter the six-digit identifier that corresponds to the weather station from which specific weather data related to the prescribed fire can be obtained for further evaluation purposes. Item 14. Fuel Model. Enter the one-letter code of the prevailing National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) fuel model where the prescribed fire was located. Item 15. Aspect. Enter the code for the general aspect on which the prescribed fire burned. Code Aspect 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 North Northeast East Southeast South Southwest West Northwest Ridge top Flat (may also be used for all aspects) Item 16. Elevation. Enter elevation of prescribed fire in hundreds of feet above sea level (Example: Code 3840 feet as 38). Item 17. Special Codes. Follow instructions in Forest and Regional supplements to this handbook for items to report and the appropriate codes to use for each. The maximum number of items that may be reported is 12. Special Code #1 - MH The general average mixing height experienced during the prescribed burn in feet above sea level (right-justify). Special Code #2 - WS R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 6 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES The general average wind speed experienced during the prescribed burn in miles per hour (rightjustify). Special Code #3 - WD The general average wind direction experienced during the prescribed burning in Azimuth Readings. Example: Wind blowing from the south is a reading of 180 degrees (rightjustify). Special Code #4 - SC The sky conditions experienced during the prescribed burning in the following codes (rightjustify): SU - Sunny MS - Mostly Sunny PC - Partly Cloudy CC - Completely Cloudy Example: S C/ _ _ _ _ S U Special Code #5 - AW If the prescribed burn is located in a Wilderness or Primitive Area, insert the area number (rightjustify). See exhibit 2 for area number codes. Example: A W/_ _ 1 5 2 (Aldo Leopold Wilderness) Special Code #6 - TC The general average tons/acre of actual fuel consumed. Round off to nearest ton (right-justify). Example: T C/_ _ _ 1 0 Special Code #7 - BD The burn day is entered by month and day. Multiple days can be entered using additional code blocks (left-justify). Enter burn acres per day in space 7 of code block. Round to nearest hundred and enter in hundreds. Example: B D/0 9 0 5 3 Burn Day - September 5 Burn Acreage - 251 acres to 349 acres R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 7 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES Enter under "Remarks" the acreage on any burn day where more than 949 acres are accomplished. Remarks. Enter any information needed to clarify and explain the prescribed fire situation or to document additional pertinent facts not recorded elsewhere in the form. Remarks are for local information only, and are not included in the data base. Map. Attach a map to the local file copy of form R3-FS-5100-30 as required by Forest or Regional instructions, or when appropriate for future reference for activities resulting from the prescribed fire, such as legal proceedings, post-prescribed-fire evaluations, or timber management prescriptions. R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 8 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES 1.21 - Exhibit 01 USDA-Forest Service Prescribed Fire Report (Ref. FSH 5109.14) Prescribed Fire Name Willow Location T14N, R13E, Sec. 9, 10, 11 G&SRM 1. Region/Forest/District ID and SO Prescribed Fire Number 2. Land Ownership 3. Ownership at Origin/State at Origin 4. Fire Management Analysis Zone 5. Point of Ignition lat 34/22.3 6. Time of Ignition 7. Time Smoke Production Stopped 8. Fuel Type and Fire Type/Acres Burned HP/ 435 9. Total Acres Prescribed-Burned (program will compute) 10. Particulate Matter Emissions in Grams (program will compute) 11. Project Function/Cost ($ hundreds)/Acres 12. Fire Intensity Level 13. Representative Weather Station 14. Fuel Model 15. Aspect 16. Elevation (feet hundreds) 17. Special code Remarks: Prepared by: Joe Smith Date 9/12/87 03/01/02/032 USF 1/AZ IS long 111/20.0 09/08/87/0930 09/11/87/1800 UB/ 100 PF24/ 9/ 100 PF25/ 23/ 435 / / 2 020211 J 6 69 0 0 MH/ 9000 TC/ 9 / WS/ 12 BD/09082 / WD/ 200 BD/09092 / R3 AMENDMENT 5109.14-92-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/10/1992 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.14_1 Page 9 of 9 FSH 5109.14 – INDIVIDUAL FIRE REPORT HANDBOO, FORM FS-5100-29 CHAPTER 1 – REPORTING FIRES R3-FS-5100-30 (8/88) 1.21 - Exhibit 02 WILDERNESS AND PRIMITIVE AREA CODES Area Number 152 254 153 256 154 155 257 255 124 2 156 157 251 258 259 3 58 260 261 262 Area Name Aldo Leopold Apache Kid Apache Creek Bear Wallow Blue range Capitan Mountains Castle Creek Cedar Bench Chama River Canyon Chiricahua Wilderness Areas Area Number 5 265 266 267 59 6 118 268 269 253 270 271 60 126 246 7 250 8 9 257 Area Name Mount Baldy Mt. Wrightson Munds Mountain Pajarita Pecos Pine Mountain Pusch Ridge Red Rock-Secret Mountain Rincon Mountain Saddle Mountain Primitive Areas AreaNumber Area Number 264 Miller Peak 1 Blue Range