Academic Advisement The purpose of Academic Advisement is to assist both degree and non-degree students in developing meaningful educational plans that are compatible with their life goals, and to increase student satisfaction, persistence, success and retention. This includes, but is not limited to, the selection of specific courses that best meet their educational goals, both short and long term, and aiding them in dealing with related areas such as career goals, motivation, and advanced study. The ultimate responsibility for making decisions about educational plans and life goals rests with the individual student. The academic advisor should assist students by helping to identify and assess alternatives and the consequences of their decisions. Core Activities and Performance Core Activity Key PI Indicators Provide Developmental Academic Advisement We assess the success of the Core Activity by measuring the percentage increase of the students we serve in a given academic year. We also examine the retention and success rates of the students as we work with them. Continual assessment of the percent increase in number of students serves, retention rates each semester, and attitudinal success as defined by evaluative data. Assist with the successful transition to college life; integrating students' career and life plans; providing information about institutional policies and practices; and provide students' with the necessary guidance to complete their academic course of study in a successful and timely fashion. Point of service surveys and exit interviews help to assess the outcomes. Each year we assess our Core Activity by identifying specific indicators on point of service survey. Leadership and the strategic planning of the campus' mandatory academic advisement plan. Members of the faculty, staff, and other internal units (special programs) collaborate with the Academic Advisement Center for guidance and expert direction. We assess the efficiency of the plan by looking at the direct involvement of all constituents. During the summer '11 we will be enhancing the plan to address the addition of the Freshman Academy, and the role of faculty advisors. Change the landscape of the time to completion of the Associates Degree. The Academic Advisement Center has been working in concert with Academic and Student Affairs, to strategically enhance graduation rates. The graduation rate has shown an increase, as the number of full-time enrolled students increases. During this past spring '11 semester, the Advisement Center was part of a team of key players at the college that assisted in the spring '11 graduation rate increasing 30% from the previous spring. We hope to continue to have success with encouraging students to move along and take more credits. Research shows that these student see clearly that graduation is only a few steps away. Our success in this area is assessed by our ability to encourage more students to take full-time course loads. Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total IMB Early Alert Screening Committee 8/25/2010 5 Admissions/Advisement Re-Admit Meeting 9/10/2010 5 Student Affairs Parent Weekend Training Meeting 9/20/2010 10 CUNY First Training Session 10/29/2010 16 Math Department Meeting 12/14/2010 7 Graduation Audit Committee Meeting 1/5/2011 7 3/23/2011 95 gave presentations Business Society Meeiting Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total TimeTrade Training Meeting 9/9/2011 Professional Achievements and Activities of Individual Staff Achievement Type Other First Name Last Name Achievement Semester Brian Kerr As Chair of the Council of Directors of Spring 2010 Academic Advisement, I engaged the Council in a discussion and presented on the CUNYFirst system. Susan Peerzada International Studies Association Fall 2010 conference in Baltimore. Presented a paper on Women in Islam. Patricia Beale Attended CUNY Transfer Workshop Spring 2010 Adrienne Crosson Attended CUNY Transfer Workshop Spring 2010 Joan Greenhut Attended CUNY Transfer Workshop Spring 2010 Deborah Karlin CUNY Transfer Workshop Spring 2010 Deborah Karlin Attended Student Affairs workshop. Spring 2010 Deborah Karlin Attended Math Workshop Fall 2010 Brian Kerr Brian Kerr was invited to attend a HEO Leadership Forum hosted by CUNY. He was nominated by the College's Cabinet, as member of the college community with a great deal of leadership potential. Spring 2010 Susan Peerzada Developing Effective Mentoring Strategies Fall 2010 Susan Peerzada MALES annual conference at LaGuardia Community College. Fall 2010 Elisabeth Scheiner Attended CUNY Transfer Workshop Spring 2010 Andre Coombs Business Academy Presentation Spring 2011 Andre Coombs Transfer Workshop Fall 2010 Victoria Wallace Presentation to the CLIP department. Spring 2010 Conference Presentation, other Conference, workshop, training attended Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Vahe Permzadian stepped down from his position as Academic Advisor. He was accepted into a Doctoral program at SUNY Albany. Fall 2010 The Advisement Office was able to recruit a new Non-Teaching Adjunct Lecturer named Ellen Faughan. She was hired to assist with the enrollment increases faced by the depertment. Fall 2010 Personnel 6 Changes in Department within Last Year Change Type Change Reason Semester Marie Parvis retired from 18 years of service from QCC. She decided to take the University's ERI Fall 2010 . William Duque was transferred to Academic Advisement. He was transferred due to personnel issues in the Admissions Office. Spring 2011 Sabera Saadullah was hired as a sub-Academic Advisor. She was hired to replace Vahe Permzadian. Fall 2010 Services Advisement was asked to take over Probation It was decided by the VP for Student students. Affairs that this group would be best assisted by the professionals in the Academic Advisement Center. Fall 2010 Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Percentage increase in students served. 15% enrollment growth We experienced a 30% increase in the number of students served. This is a result of growing enrollment, and the fact that we took on another 1,200 students who were listed on probation. Although our hope was Continuing to increase service by 15%, we found that we were able to provide greater developmental advisement to continuing students, hence creating greater avenues for students to stay at the college until graduation. I just found out that our efforts have aided in a 30% increase in the number of students graduating in spring '11 as compared to spring '10. Point of service surveys. We try to target 100% completion rate on surveys given in the department. Our goal was to have a 96% rate of usefulness. 96.2% of the students we surveyed felt that advisement was useful, and 89% were satisfied with the overall services offered by the department. We need to keep encouraging students to use this valuable assessment tool. We hope to move to 97% usefulness next year. Statistically enhance The Acadmic Advisement We did see a slight increase in graduation rates. Center has been working to graduation for the 2005 cohort. increase the six year graduation rate by 2% points each year. Status Continuing We will continue to work Continuing with the Freshman Academy, Four-Year Transfer Coordinator, and the Graduation Audit division of the Registrar's office as well as Institutional Research, to assess retention and graduation data. We are confident that the developmental Advisement model has been a major component to guiding our students down the right path. Assessment and Evaluation KPI Target Outcome Actual Outcome Action Plan Status Collaboration with faculty and staff on the development of advisement skills. The Academic Advisement Office is responsible for training faculty and departmental staff from other departments how to navigate and use the nuances of the CUNYFirst system. We had a much more difficult We have decided to Modified time encouraging departments to adjust the Advisement participate in training this past Plan, and require year. students who were sent to faculty departments to come to be advised by the central Academic Advisement Center. Assessment Plan Core Activity KPI Target Outcome Plan Assist Student in the Successful Transition to College Life. Point of service surveys. Increase student success at the College. We will continue to better serve our student populations by paying attention to their immediate needs. By conductiing surveys, we are better informed on how to approach and address concerns.