Institutional Advancement – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment DEVELOPMENT/ALUMNI AND GRANTS/SPONSORED PROGRAMS Mission: The Office of Institutional Advancement (OIA) supports, encourages and promotes Queensborough Community College’s academic mission and vision through securing external funding from public and private sources. Departments within the office include Development/Alumni; Grants/Sponsored Programs; Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives (KHRCA), QCC Art Gallery and the Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC), which are responsible for building long-term relations with alumni, donors, foundations, corporations, community members, elected officials, government agencies and faculty/staff. OIA processes all gifts and pledges to the College; maintains all donor records; follows the best practices in grants administration and provides staffing for the QCC Fund, Inc. and the QCC Alumni Association. College strategic objectives: Division strategic objectives: 1. Increase faculty scholarship & research impact 2. Increase revenues 1. Increase funded research grants, number and dollars amount 2. Develop new fundraising campaign to kick off 2015 2014-15 Completion report (outcomes for this past academic year, based on last year’s year-end report, section F) Key performance indicators Funded Research grants, number and dollar amounts Three year weighted rolling average of voluntary contributions Target outcomes Actual outcomes Establish Pilot Grant mentoring program New Director hired in March; grant mentoring pilot program established in May. Obtain grant funding from five new funding resources Office of Grants Sponsored Program obtained five new funding sources. Increased grant funding by 5%. Submit grants to strengthen institution’s capacity with respect to academies, high impact practices, advisement & technology Submitted USDE Title V application and submitting Gates Foundation (EDUCAUSE) proposal 6/17/15 Update & expand grants website to include Tool Kit for Grant Writing website to include Tool Kit for Grant Writing & Grants Management Entire website updated; links cleared; Research Foundation page built and created grants calendar. Develop new fundraising campaign to kick off 2015. Note: Mid-year status report due end of January. Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year). Foundation Board approved priorities for college’s new fundraising campaign for FY16; 3 new directors elected to Board; met College’s overall Invest in CUNY fundraising goal of $25M in FY13 (2 years early). Current y-t-d is 5% over FY14. Recommended action plans Institutional Advancement – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment 2015-16 Department strategic plan (arranged by each division strategic objective that the department supports) Division strategic objectives Department strategic objectives Increase funded research grants, number and dollars amount. Continue to submit grants to strengthen institution’s capacity with respect to academies, high impact practices, advisement & technology Increase in funded research grants, number and dollar amount. Successfully obtaining funding sources for these areas of programming. Increase funded research grants, number and dollars amount Obtain grant funding from a minimum of five new funding sources. Increase in funded research grants, number and dollar amount. Successfully obtaining five or more new funding sources. Develop new fundraising campaign to kick off 2015. Develop new fundraising campaign to kick off 2015 Notes Meet CUNY established goals for fundraising Increase cultivation and stewardship of all private philanthropic donors. Indicator(s) CUNY Fundraising targets are met. Cultivation and stewardship targets are met. Expected outcomes Increase cultivation events; increase solicitations made to private philanthropic funders and to alumni as well. Implement stewardship plan for increasing donor communications and retention. Develop cultivation events that communicate to prospects and current donors our new campaign priorities. Action plan/timeline Collaborating with faculty to increase number of proposal submitted for funding Collaborating with faculty to increase number of proposal submitted for funding. Strategic development and fundraising plan to be instituted in July that will be a road map for meeting fundraising goals. Stewardship and targeted cultivation to happen over the next FY16 year. Who Grants/ Sponsored Programs Actual outcomes Grants/ Sponsored Programs Development/Alumni Development/Alumni Add tables for additional division strategic objectives and corresponding department strategic objectives, as needed. For each division strategic objective, the department should have one or more strategic objectives intended to support that department in the achievement of the division objective. Each department strategic objective should have at least one indicator (key performance indicator) and one expected outcome, with an action plan and timeline to achieve that outcome. At the mid-year point, the department reports partial or preliminary outcomes. At the end of the year, the department reports actual outcomes. An indicator is the measurement by which the objective will be assessed. The outcome is the product of the work in support of achieving the objective. For example, if the strategic objective for Admissions is “to expand feeder high schools,” the indicator might be “applications received from new feeder high schools,” and the expected outcome might be “at least one application from five new feeder high schools.” Note: Mid-year status report due end of January. Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).