NURSING Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served 1XUVLQJ&RPSXWHU5HVRXUFH&HQWHU 1XUVLQJ3UDFWLFH/DEV 9LUWXDO+RVSLWDO 346 1XUVLQJ5HVRXUFH&HQWHU 9LUWXDO+RVSLWDO 346 Orientation Workshops for NU101 Students 200 Student Nurses Association Workshops presented by faculty on course content 100 Speech Remediation workshops for Nursing Students 10 NLN Solutions Live Review for NCLEX Exam 80 Mentoring 35 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total NLN Gerontology Webinar: Integrating Care of the Older Adults 10/29/2009 16 Laerdal Simulation Workshop for 3G SimMan 1/19/2010 10 Laerdal Simulation Workshop for 3G SimMan 1/20/2010 10 Transcultural Competencies 1/26/2010 26 The Process of Curriculum Revision Linda Caputi 2/4/2010 26 The Process of Curriculum Revision Linda Caputi 2/5/2010 26 Certification Review for CNE 6/7/2010 12 Certification Review for CNE 6/11/2010 9 Thinking Like a Nurse: Innovations in Nursing Education Curriculum Design to 12/1/2010 promote Clinical Judgement OCNE Model Chris Tanner 80 organized Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Barbara BlakeCampbell Other Reference Campbell, B.E. Publications -Dissertation. 2009. "Missing in Action: African American Males in Higher Education." by PROQUEST. Barbara BlakeCampbell Conference Presentation, other Poster: “Enhancing Communications Skills in Nursing Students with Limited English Proficiency,” Transcultural Nursing Society, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, NY, October 20, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Barbara BlakeCampbell Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Reference ,QWHJUDWHG,&OLFNHUVLQWKH&ODVVURRP)DOOLQVXSSRUWRI VWXG\IRU.DULQ*DSSHU0DUJH5HLOO\DQG%HOOH%LUFKILHOG )DFLOLWDWRU&RPPXQLFDWLRQ:RUNVKRSIRU1XUVLQJ6WXGHQWV UHIHUUHGIRUUHPHGLDWLRQHYHU\:('30RQJRLQJ &RQGXFW61$:RUNVKRS³6ROYLQJWKH&DUH3ODQ0\VWHU\´ Barbara BlakeCampbell Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society 0HQWRU±0$/(63URJUDPDW4&& Barbara BlakeCampbell Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) 3HGDJRJLFDO5HVHDUFK&KDOOHQJH$ZDUGV&ROODERUDWLRQ ,QIRUPDWLRQ³&ULWLFDO7KLQNLQJ6NLOOV$FURVVWKH&XUULFXOXP´ZLWK 'U.LNL%LDV0LQG\+DPLOWRQ&ULPLQDO-XVWLFH'U.LS 0RQWJRPHU\0XVLF3URIHVVRU6KHLOD%HFN±/LEUDU\3URIHVVRU 'HYLQ0F.D\ &(7/*UDQW³(QKDQFLQJFRPPXQLFDWLRQVNLOOVLQ1XUVLQJ VWXGHQWV8VLQJ3DWLHQW$FWRUV´±ZLWK/LLVD<RQNHU*HRUJLQD &RODOLOOR *5$17,QVWUXFWRUIRU³(QJOLVK&RPPXQLFDWLRQ6NLOOVIRU1XUVLQJ DQG+HDOWK6FLHQFH6WXGHQWV´±&RRUGLQDWHGE\%RQQLH&RRN Patricia Burke Conference Presentation, other Present a Poster: “Integrating simulation in to the curriculum” at the Mosby Education Conference, Orlando, FL., Jan. 5th & 6th, 2009. Presenter: CUNY grants workshop breakout facilitator. Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), New York, NY, January 30, 2009. Poster: “Using ePortfolio for student outcomes assessment,” Lehman College, Bronx, NY, May 8, 2009. Poster: “Faculty Workshop: Integration of Simulation into the Nursing Curriculum,” Lehman College, Bronx, NY, May 8, 2009. Presenter: Integrating ePortfolio into the Nursing Curriculum. Queensborough Community College (QCC), Bayside, NY, May 18, 2009. Poster: “Using ePortfolio for student outcomes assessment,” Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, June 4-6, 2009. Poster: “Integration of Simulation into the Nursing Curriculum” Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, June 4-6, 2009. Poster: “Integration of Simulation into the Nursing Curriculum” Molloy College, NY, June 12, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Poster: “Bridging Cultural Gaps using Simulation,” Transcultural Nursing Society, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, NY, October 20, 2009. Presenter: Student Nurses Association “OB Workshop.” Queensborough Community College (QCC), Bayside, NY, December 2, 2009. Poster: “Integration of Simulation into the Nursing Curriculum”, Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAMALASIC), 1st European-Latin American Simulation conference on Patient Safety, Coimbra University Hospital, Portugal. November 12-14, 2009. Poster: “Bridging Cultural Gaps using Simulation”, Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM-ALASIC), 1st European-Latin American Simulation conference on Patient Safety, Coimbra University Hospital, Portugal. November 12-14, 2009. Patricia Burke Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Presenter: Virtual Hospital, Queens Chamber of Commerce. Queensborough Community College (QCC), Bayside, NY, January 8, 2009. 0RGHUDWRUIRU1DWLRQDO/HDJXHIRU1XUVLQJ&RQIHUHQFH 3KLODGHOSKLD3$ Judge for Final rounds 2009 New York City Science and Engineering Fair (NYCSEF), NYC Department of Education, 3/25/09. -XGJHIRU1<&6()VFLHQFHSURMHFWV 1<&'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQ&LW\&ROOHJHRI1HZ<RUN National League for Nursing Ambassador Task Force, 2008- 2009. Nursing Department Representative: STEP program, 2009. Patricia Burke Lecture (Invited) Presenter: “STEP Workshop: “The Miracle of Life” Human reproduction workshop, Queensborough Community College (QCC), Bayside, NY, January 24, 2009. Presenter: Student Nurses Association “OB Workshop”. Queensborough Community College (QCC), Bayside, NY, May 20, 2009. Patricia Burke Conference Presentation published as proceedings Presenter: “Integration of Simulation into Nursing Education and Healthcare”, Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM-ALASIC), 1st European-Latin American Simulation conference on Patient Safety, Coimbra University Hospital, Portugal. November 13, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Patricia Burke Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Reference 6XEPLWWHGWR7HDFKLQJ/HDUQLQJLQ1XUVLQJ³$VLPXODWLRQFDVH VWXG\IURPDQ,QVWUXFWLRQDO'HVLJQIUDPHZRUN´-XQH Submitted to Institutional Review Board (IRB): “The use of ePortfolio as an effective learning tool in a capstone nursing course.” 2009-2010. Patricia Burke Other Submitted to Institutional Review Board (IRB) for continued review: “The effects of simulation on the education of nursing students.” 2009-2010. Patricia Burke Review/Commentary (including Blogging) 5HYLHZHG³6RXWKHUQ5XUDO3HULQDWDO0LFURV\VWHPV0DWHUQDO&KLOG 1XUVLQJ Reviewed “Pediatric Clinical Handbook” Elsiever Publishing, 02/09/09. 5HYLHZHG³6HL]LQJDWHDFKDEOHPRPHQW-XVWLQWLPHSDWLHQW HGXFDWLRQ 0DWHUQDO&KLOG1XUVLQJ Reviewed “Intimate Partner Violence during Pregnancy,” Maternal -Child Nursing, 07/20/09. 5HYLHZHG³,PSDFWRI,QWLPDWH3DUWQHU9LROHQFHRQ0DWHUQDO&KLOG +HDOWK´ 0DWHUQDO&KLOG1XUVLQJ Patricia Burke Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) 4XHHQVERURXJK&RPPXQLW\&ROOHJH&HQWHUIRU([FHOOHQFHLQ 7HDFKLQJDQG/HDUQLQJ&(7/3HGDJRJLFDO5HVHDUFK$ZDUG Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIFSE) grant, LaGuardia “Making Connections,” mini-grant ($8,000) January, 2009. Patricia Burke Awards National League for Nursing: Doctoral Student Recognition, Philadelphia, September, 2009. Georgina Colalillo Conference Presentation, other Poster Presenter: “Using ePortfolio for Student Outcome Assessment,” CUNY GEN-ED Conference, Lehman College, May 8, 2009. Presenter: “Using ePortfolios, WIKIs and Blogs.” Sigma Theta Tau International, First Webinar- Virtual Honor Society Chapter, June 10, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Georgina Colalillo Conference Presentation, other Reference Poster Presenter: “Using ePortfolio for Student Outcome Assessment,” Drexel University Nursing Education Institute (DUNEI), Washington, DC, June 18-21, 2009. Presenter: “The Enhancement of Critical Thinking: Is Simulation the Answer?,” NYC Mini Simulation Users Group, Kingsborough Community College, November 7, 2009. Colalillo Georgina Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) &HQWHUIRU([FHOOHQFHLQ7HDFKLQJDQG/HDUQLQJ&(7/ 3HGDJRJLFDO$ZDUG*UDQW³8VLQJ3DWLHQW$FWRUVWR (QKDQFH&RPPXQLFDWLRQ6NLOOVLQ&OLQLFDO6FHQDULRV´ LaGuardia Community College, Making Connections ePortfolio Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) Grant 2009-10 $7,000.00. Pedagogical Challenge Grant, Spring 2010 – WIKI CollaborativeEnglish-Nursing-Basic Skills. Perkins Grant – Nursing Curriculum Development Major Effort 2009-2010; $140,000. Margaret Reilly Book, Chapter Reilly, MJ. (2009). Middle-aged man with a cerebro-vascular accident. In M. Lunney (Ed.). Critical thinking to achieve positive health outcomes: Nursing case studies and analyses. (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Margaret Reilly Conference Presentation, other Birchfield, B., Gapper, K., Reilly, M.J., Gerson, and T., Chan, L. Presenters, “Clickers in the Classroom,” Queensborough Community College, Conference of the College, (October 29, 2009). Reilly, M.J. and Colalillo, G. Presenter, “The Enhancement of Critical Thinking: Is Simulation the Answer?”, New York City Simulation Users Group, Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, NY.(February 7, 2009). Margaret Reilly Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) July 2009-June 2010, Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Grant, “Nursing Curriculum Development” $130,000, Reilly, M.J. Project Director, Colalillo, G., Iakovou, G, and CardaciPolizzotto, R. July 2009-June2010, Carl D.Perkins Career and Technical Education Grant, “A Collaborative Partnership between the Departments of Nursing and Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology to Develop and Expand Classroom Response System (Clicker) Technology as an educational strategy”, $20,000, Birchfield, B, Gapper, K.,and Reilly, M.J. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Margaret Reilly Service as a reviewer/editor/consul tant 2009: Reviewer of articles for National League for Nursing's Nursing Education Perspectives journal. Margaret Reilly Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society 2009: Participant in QCC-Excel - QCC’s Service-Learning initiative. May 2007 - May 2009. Co-Chairperson: QCC Middle States Accreditation Committee for Student Admission, Retention and Support Services. 2009 Chairperson: Nursing Department Curriculum Committee. Margaret Reilly Other Organized and hosted workshop for CUNY Nursing Faculty; obtained approval to issue 9 Continuing Education Contact Hours. December 17 & 18, 2009, Thinking Like a Nurse: Innovations in Nursing Education Curriculum Design to Promote clinical Judgment, Dr. Christine Tanner, at Queensborough Community College. Margaret Reilly Awards CUNY Graduate Center 2009 Doctorate in Nursing Science Student Award. Margaret Reilly Conference, workshop, training attended October 29, 2010. "Taking Advantage of the John A. Hartford Foundation Resources: Integrating Care of the Older Adult." National League for Nursing Webinar, Queensborough Community College, 2 Contact Hours. Cheryl Spencer Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted &R&UHDWHGDQGFRQGXFWHGDRQHGD\ZRUNVKRSWLWOHG³,QWHJUDWLQJ 6LPXODWLRQLQWR1XUVLQJ(GXFDWLRQDQG+HDOWK&DUH´RIIHUHG WKURXJK4&&&RQWLQXLQJ(GXFDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments NU204 Nursing and Societal Forces Nursing and to replace NU 203. credit Societal Forces increased to 3 credits form 2, in NU 203 NU101 Description Safe and effective Nursng Care of Clients Level 1 Safe and Changed from Introduction to effective Universal Self-Care Needs/Deficits Nursng Care of Clients Level 1 New Course Revised Course Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments NU102 Description Safe and effective Nursing Care of Clients Level 11 Safe and effective Nursing Care of Clients Level 11 Changed from Nursing Care of Persons with Developmental SelfCare Needs and Selected Self-Care Deficits NU 201 Description Safe and effective Nursing care of Clients Level 111 Safe and Changed from Advanced Nursing effective care of persons with Complex SelfNursing care of Care Needs/ Deficits Clients Level 111 NU 202 Description Safe and effective Nursing Care of Clients Level IV Safe and Changed from Advanced Nursing effective Care of Persons With Complex SelfNursing Care Care Needs/Deficits of Clients Level IV Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes Nadine Donahue not tenured. Barbara Saur and Maria Vera-Irizarry hired as Substitutes. Alexandra Tarasko appointed as Deputy Chairperson for the evening Program. Donna Dirico hired on stipend to oversee mentoring of new adjunct and full-time faculty. Facilities/space changes Facility modification Purpose Semester Virtual Hospital Expanded. A highdefinition TV was installed in Room M333 to film and record student work in the virtual Hospital for debriefing purposes. The Hospital was Fall 2009 expanded to accommodate additional simulators and technology ultimately to increase student capacity Facility Evaluation All semesters are incorporating simulation in their curriculum. Student evaluations have been favorable in response to this curriculum revision. Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation Additional 5 refurbished computers added to Nursing Resource Lab to increase online testing of students,additional 20 DVD's purchased for student viewing,new printer purchased for printing of NLN codes for NLN testing.Purchase of 3 computer workstations for Virtual Hospital, 2 med -carts, 1 crib, 3 bassinets, and 1 stretcher. Equipment needed to be updated, to Fall 2009 keep current with changes in clinical facilities utilized for student course work. Faculty and students report available resources are adequate. However, do require additional computer terminals for online testing.Nursing Department is on queue for upgrading of computer laboratory. Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Perkins Grant, Verizon Grant, Rosyln Foundation Grant, CETL Grants,RIBN Grant Spring 2010 Grant support has enabled faculty to provide best paractice teahcing modaluit To support faculty development, update technology,increase student support services and update equipment. Other changes affecting department Departmental procedures for conducting assessment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epartmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: NU-101 NU-102 NU-201 NU-202 Educational Objectives: All educational objectives are relevant Curricular Objectives: The curriculum incorporates established professional standards, best practice, safety goals, guidelines and competency. Results: Faculty scholarship and evidence based activities related to program have been conducted during the academic year in the following areas: current trends in nursing practice, curriculum revision, teaching and learning strategies, testing and evaluation and NCLEX blueprint. Action Plan: Curriculum revisions to date include reorganization of program according to NLN educational competencies. Teaching strategies were incorporated including ePortfolio, infomatics, simulation and use of clickers. NLN testing solutions were incorporated throughout the program and NCLEX test blueprint were revised.Departmental exams were recategorized to align with NCLEX Test Plan. Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan Advisory Board recommendations Increase gerontology throughout curriculum, Curriculum revision is ongoing to incorporate increase cultural competencies and increase cultural competence and gerontology content. technology and implementation of simulation. Teaching/Learning strategies to incorporate EPortfolios, Informatics, Simulation and Clickers in the Classroom is ongoing. Certification exams First Quarter NCLEX 2010 96.3 7HVW&RRUGLQDWRUVHFXUHRQJRLQJIXQGLQJQRZ IXQGHGWKURXJK3HUNLQV*UDQW 5HTXHVWDGPLQLVWUDWLRQVXSSRUWIRUIXQGLQJIRU VRIWZDUHDQGKDUGZDUHIRURQOLQHVHFXUH WHVWLQJSURJUDP ,QFUHDVHFDSDFLW\RI1XUVLQJ5HVRXUFH&HQWHU WRVWXGHQWVWRVXSSRUWRQOLQHWHVWLQJ 6XSSRUWVWXGHQWLQFHQWLYHIRUHDUOLHVWWHVW WDNLQJGDWHIRU1&/(;([DP 6HHNVXSSRUWIRUVWXGHQWVWLSHQGRI.DSODQ 5HYLHZ&RXUVHIRU1&/(; Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan Grant evaluation team site visit.NCLEX pass rates. Gerontology infused throughout the program. Simulation incorporated in each course. NLN Testing Solutions incorporated throughout the program. True Continue with curriculum changes to align with RIBN Grant. Increase technology and gerontology content into curriculum. NCLEX pass rate above 90%. Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Continue to revise curriculum.Seek Assist student to achieve career goal. funding for ongoing faculty development. Graduation rates.NCLEX pass rates. Provide faculty development to increase active student learning.Increase funding through grants. student evaluations,course evaluations,NCLEX reports, NCLEX pass rates Enhance students critical thinking. Complete written report for NLNAC Strengthen, update, and develop academic programs Self-Study completed Enhance testing to standardize ongoing assessment of academic blueprint, update test banks, offerings. increase online testing in program.Increase the technological competency of students. NCLEX reports, NCLEX scores, NLN Solutions reports. Test Coordinator. Implement Partest/ParScore online testing Program. Increase capacity of Nursing Resource Center to 60 computer terminals. Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Hire new faculty attract and nurture faculty recognized 3 New faculty will be hired for tenure track for excellence in teaching and practice. position.1 faculty will be hired for substitute line.