NURSING Department-sponsored services

Department-sponsored services
Area of Service
Nursing Practice labs
Nursing Practice labs
Virtual Hospital/Simulation Lab
Orientation Workshops for incoming NU 101 Students
Student Nurses association(SNA) Workshops presented by faculty
Speech Remediation Workshops for Nursing Students
NLN Solutions Live Review for NCLEX Exam
Mentoring Program
Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities
Activity Type
gave presentations
Biology & Nursing Department “Current Research Topics and Discussion” QCC 5/2/2012
“Curriculum Development” Dr. Linda Caputi
“Promoting Civility in Nursing Education” Dr. Susan Luperell
Creative Teaching Strategies: It’s All About Engagement” Dr. Michele Deck
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Service as a
Service to department: Served as member of the testing
Committee (Nursing), Committee on Ceremonial Occasions
(College), CUNY Fundamentals Redesign Project for Nursing.
Grant: Participated in the NYC Nursing Education Consortium in
Technology (NYCNECT)
Grants awarded (title,
awarding agency,
amount and period of
1/10-6/11 Grant CUNY Office of the University Dean for Health
and Human Services Request for Proposals, 2010-2011.
$5,000.00 Award toward “Developing a Faculty Fitness Training
Program, “Can an Introduction to Exercise Physiology Improve
Nursing Faculty Health and Understanding of Cardiovascular
Fitness and Diagnostics.” awarded.
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Presentation, other
10/6/11 QCC 1st Annual Graduate Cardiovascular Symposium”:
presenting lecture topics-Cardiovascular Core Measures, “What’s
the Evidence” and Overview of Advances in End Stage Heart
Failure Management Along with Prof D. Weber presenting
-Differentiating Causes of Chest Pain.”
press or in progress;
12/12/2011 Bentley, LJ. Developing a “Faculty Fitness Training
Program”, for Community College Nurse Educators “A Pilot
Project”.” Submitted to, Journal of Teaching and Learning in
12/01/11 Abstract Submission for Poster presentation for The
National Organization of Associate Degree In Nursing (N-OADN):
titled Developing a Faculty Fitness Training Program for
Community College Nurse Educators,“Can it help train Students?”
12/04/11 Abstract Submission for Poster presentation for The
Drexel University’s Nursing Education Institute (DUNEI): titled
Developing a Faculty Fitness Training Program for Community
College Nurse Educators, “Can it Help Train Students?”
press or in progress;
Burke, P. (March, 2011). Cultural competency of associate
degree nursing faculty. Ph.D. dissertation, Capella University,
United States -- Minnesota. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from
Dissertations & Theses: Full Text.(Publication No. AAT 3449380).
Research: “Equip: Enhancing Queensborough Informatics
Program.” Fall, 2010- Spring, 201, Fall, 2011- Spring, 2012.
Research: “The use of ePortfolio as an effective learning tool in a
capstone nursing course.” Fall 2009, Fall 2010 – Spring 2011, Fall
2011 – Spring 2012.
Adelphi University; Meaningful Leadership: the Barometer for an
Ever-changing Climate in Healthcare. “The effects of simulation
on the education of nursing students.” Garden City, NY. April, 6th,
Presentation, other
Queensborough Community College; Informatics Technology in
Nursing Education. “EQUIP: Use of EHR.” January 7th, 2011
Queensborough Community College; Service Learning Institute.
“Maintaining Partnerships Through E-Portfolio.” January 25th,
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Elluminate Live - Seminole State College of Florida.
“Queensborough Community College Neehr Perfect consultation,”
February 18th, 2011
Queensborough Community College; Using Reflection Activities
in Your Classes; A faculty-led conversation to support
Queensborough’s High Impact initiatives. February 25th, 2011
Student Nurse Association: Pharmacology Workshop – Obstetric
Medications, QCC, April 1st, 2011
“The effects of simulation on the education of nursing students.”
Farmingdale Nursing Education Conference, March 4th, 2011.
Farmingdale State College; Innovations in the teaching of
nursing: the art of being an educator, “The use of ePortfolio as an
effective learning tool in a capstone nursing course.” Farmingdale,
NY, March 4th, 2011.
“Prescription for success: Using ePortfolio to prepare students to
compete in the 21st century job Market.” Mind to Mind, Hand to
Hand: CUNY SI Mini-Conference
Lehman College, New York, October 7th, 2011.
Lecture (Invited)
Clickers in the classroom; A continuing conversation, “Using
clickers to transition concepts in a Maternal-Child Health course.”
QCC, April 1st, 2011
Grants awarded (title,
awarding agency,
amount and period of
CUNY Health and Human Services Grants, “Prescription for
Success,” (15,709),
March 2011-June 30th, 2011
FIFSE Grant, LaGuardia Community College & AAEBLE “Connect 2
Learning” January 2011-December 2013
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
Title V; LaGuardia Community College & AAEBLE “Making Transfer
Connections” January 2011-December 2013
Judge for NYCSEF science projects,
NYC Department of Education, City College of New York.
Service as a
Reviewed “Preparing Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing
Students for Education in the Global Village” Maternal-Child
Nursing 11/22/11
Reviewed "Review of perinatal partner-focused smoking cessation
Maternal-Child Nursing 09/11/11
Reviewed "Review of perinatal partner-focused smoking cessation
Maternal-Child Nursing 06/28/11
Reviewed "Oral hydration for pregnant women: an
evidence-based guideline."
Maternal-Child Nursing 04/15/11
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Conference, workshop,
training attended
October, 2011
Concept Maps, presented by Dr. Judy Kaplan &
Prof Maureen Reeves, Nassau CC
October, 2011
Service Learning workshop, presented by CETL,
July, 2011
Test Development and Item Writing, NCSBN
online course
June, 2011
Informatics – Advanced Data Based Searches, C.
Williams, QCC Library
May 2011
Ultimate One-day Diabetes Course, Garden City
April, 2011
Lobby Day Briefing, New York State Nurses
Association, Albany, NY
January, 2011 NLNAC Department SEP and Curriculum
January, 2011 Information Technology in Nursing Education, Dr.
Diane Skiba
January 2011 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing, Dr.
Bernadette Melnyck
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
University service
Admissions Committee, Spring 2010-current
Senator, Academic Senate, Fall 2010-current
Committee on the Library, Chair, elected May 2010 for Fall 2010
-Spring 2011
Community Service
Member of the Coalition for Women Prisoners, Incarcerated
Mothers Committee, October, 2011- current
Hour Children, Parenting Workshops, weekly from October 2011
-December 2011
Nassau county Correctional Center, Jail Education Series, ,
Women’s Health, December, 2011
Nassau county Correctional Center, Jail Education Series,
Parenting workshop, March 2011
Service Learning
10/11 Health and Wellness workshops given by senior level
nursing students to formerly incarcerated women in a reentry
program (Hour Children) in Long Island City, Queens
Dissertation in Progress: Transition to Motherhood: an
Ethnographic Study of Reentry into the Community in Formerly
Incarcerated Women in a Residential Facility in New York City.
Grants awarded (title,
awarding agency,
amount and period of
English Language Literacy Grant, B. Cook, Project Director, ,
Spring, 2011, Fall 2011
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
press or in progress;
Issues in Workforce Reentry for Formerly Incarcerated Women;
abstract accepted for presentation at Southern Connecticut
University’s Annual Women’s Studies Conference, April, 2012
Presentation, other
CUNY IT Conference, Pecha Kucha: Integrating ePortfolio
Pedagogy in the Nursing Curriculum, John Jay College/CUNY,
December 2, 2011.
Seventh Annual CUNY General Education Conference, Lights,
Action, Camera! Using Patient Actors to Improve Communication
Skills, York College, May 13, 2011
Service as a
Queensborough Community College Nursing Program NLNAC
Self-Study 2012, QCC Nursing Department, November,December
Queensborough Community College Nursing Program NLNAC
Self-Study 2012, QCC Nursing Department, November,December
Grants awarded (title,
awarding agency,
amount and period of
Perkins Major Effort Curriculum Development Grant,Co-PI, 20112012, $143,235.
"Prescription for Success", The Office of the University Dean for
Health and Human Services, Expanding CUNY’s Nursing Education
Consortium in Technology, February-June 2011, $15,000.
Presentation, other
Preliminary research data was presented re: Scaffolding Peer
Mentoring/Tutoring across the Curriculum Study at
Queensborough Community College through CETL's Pedagological
Challenge Grant with Sharon Ellerton, Arlene Kemmerer and
Josephine Pantaleo.
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
I conduct a fluid and electrolyte workshop for the nursing
students every semester.
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
I met with Ian Beckford Learning Outcomes Assessment Manager
to discuss design of assessment tools.
I met with the Continuing Education Department and provided
information and literature on cultural competency to assist in the
development of a cultural competency curriculum.
CUNY Open House
Curriculum Committee
Clinical Peer Evaluation
Nursing Advisement
NU101 Course Manual Revision
Organization of NU101 exam files Advisory Board
New Student WelcomeNU101 Orientation
Coordinated Social Science meeting to collaborate re: scores on
the NCLEX and the social sciences content
Fluid and Electrolyte Workshop for Nursing Department
Appeals Department Committee
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Conference, workshop,
training attended
Civility workshop
C3IRG Pedagogical Research Workshop
CETL Workshop:
Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives (KHRCA)
Evidence–based practice in nursing: The research component
CUNY Wide Grant Writing Workshop
Team strategies and tools to enhance performance and patient
safety seminar
Service Learning & Reflection : A Faculty Development Seminar
NLNAC self study
Simulation Workshop
Grant Proposal Development Course
Pedagological Challenge Grant Scaffolding Peer Mentoring Across
the Curriculum
Understanding Difference: Increasing Intercultural Competence
Library Workshop:Using the QCC/CUNY Libraries for Teaching &
Evidenced based Practice
3rd Annual Service Learning workshop: Achieving the Potential of
community-Campus Partnerships/
Testing time- Mary McDonald
Diane Skiba: Informational Technology
Blackboard Workshop
Grant Workshop
Testing workshop-Mary McDonald
Test Development & Item Writing:
Becoming Item Writer Test Development & Item Writing:
Item Checklist for critique of items
Test Development & Item Writing:
Strategies to prevent item bias
Test Development & Item Writing:
Constructing the item
Test Development & Item Writing:
Test and item Statistics
Test Development & Item Writing:
Writing items to address the nursing process
Test Development & Item Writing:
Writing items to address cognitive levels
Test Development & Item Writing:
Steps for developing an item
Curriculum or
development, workshop
Collaborative Peer Mentoring Presentation with Student Success
Advocate, Angeli Cortero
Peer Mentoring Workshop with Student Success Advocate
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Grants awarded (title,
awarding agency,
amount and period of
Scaffolding Peer Mentoring/Tutoring Across the Curriculum. It is
a Pedagological Challenge Grant through CETL. The award
amount was for $15,000.
Curriculum or
development, workshop
NLNAC Faculty Development Workshops for Re-accreditation.
Chairperson for the Nursing Department Curriculum Committeecoordinating department curriculum revision.
Select Work Type
Nothing To Report
Presentation, other
NCLEX nursing board review at Molloy College, June 2011.
Cardiac and Oncology lectures with questions/answers and
practice NCLEX questions.
Conference, workshop,
training attended
Diabetes Update May 2011
EKG in the Clinical Arena: June 2011
Swig and MAP: August 2011 (QCC)
Eportfolio Facilitator: 7- 2011 (QCC)
Test Construction: June 2011 Kaplen
NLN Design & Development of Simulation: 11- 2011
Taking Simulation to the next Step: 12-2011
NCLEX Workshop: 4-2011
Evidence Based Practice (QCC): 1-2011
Presentation, other
Reilly, MJ. & Burke, P. (2011, January 7). EQUIP: Enahnacing
Queensborough’s Informatics
Program: Implementation of an Electronic Health Record System
into the Nursing
Curriculum. Podium Presentation at Health Informatics
Technology in Nursing Education,
Queensborough Community Colleg-CUNY, Bayside, NY
Reilly, MJ., Bayer, T., Burke, P., Colalillo, G., Molloy, J., Bentley,
L.J. (2011, April 1) EQUIP: Enhancing Queensborough’s
Informatics Program: Implementation of a Pilot Electronic Health
Record Program [Abstract] The Suffolk County Community
College 2nd Annual Nurse Educator Workshop. (Abstract No. 5)
Suffolk County Community College, Riverhead, NY
Reilly, M.J. (2011) The Relationship of social support, motivation,
perceived competence and pursuit of a baccalaureate degree
among associate degree nurse graduates. (Doctoral Dissertation,
CUNY Graduate Center).
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
National League for Nursing: Certified Nurse Educator
Emergency Nurses Association: Certified Emergency Nurse
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
Enhancement of Queensborough’s Informatics Program (EQUIP)
Project Director:
research, develop and lead a faculty team to coordinate the
implementation of a comprehensive program in informatics
technology into the nursing curriculum
August – December 2011 member CUNY Pathways Working
March 18, 2011 Presenter at Careers in Health Care event for the
Gateway Secondary School in Jamaica, NY
2011 Faculty coordinator for QCC Nurse Mentoring Program: a
peer and professional mentoring program for QCC Nursing
August – December 2011 member CUNY Pathways Working
March 18, 2011 Presenter at Careers in Health Care event for the
Gateway Secondary School in Jamaica, NY
2011 Faculty coordinator for QCC Nurse Mentoring Program: a
peer and professional mentoring program for QCC Nursing
Grants awarded (title,
awarding agency,
amount and period of
Reilly, M. Project Director, Amicucci, B. September 2011 – June
2012, CUNY Workforce Development Grant for Technology
Education to Enhance Skills in Simulation, Electronic Health
Records and Telehealth for RNs (TECH SET RNs), $20,000
Reilly, M. Project Director, February 2011 - June 2011, City
University of New York, Office of the University Dean for Health
and Human Services, to conduct research on: The Relationship
among social support, motivation and competence to the pursuit
of a baccalaureate degree among associate degree nurse
graduates, $18,000.
Reilly, M. Project Director, Colalillo, G. July 2010-June 2011, Carl
D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act Grant, Major Effort
3, Nursing Curriculum Development, $140,000.
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Service as a
Manuscript Reviewer for Nursing Education Perspectives.
Articles reviewed:
"Making Simulation Come Alive: Standardized Patients in
Undergraduate Education" [Paper #10-502R1];
"Identifying Fall Risks in Older Adults: An Interprofessional
Service Learning
Opportunity for Baccalaureate Nursing Students" [Paper #11-629
"The Benefit of Implementation Scripts in Virtual Reality
Education for Nursing Students" [Paper #11-560];
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Conference, workshop,
training attended
May 6, 2011 "Palliative Car"e Conference, Molloy College,
Rockville Centre, NY.
November 4-6, 2011 National League for Nursing Technology
Conference “The Hit Parade: Showcasing Innovative Health
Information Technologies” at Duke University School of Nursing
Durham, NC.
October 20, 2011 Elmhurst Hospital Center’s Department of
Nursing 6th Annual Research Conference ”Nursing Research:
Building Trust Through Scientific Inquiry”at Elmhurst Hospital
Center, Elmhurst, NY.
September 21-24, 2011, National League for Nursing 2011
Nursing Education Summit, "Leading Academic Progression;
Advancing the Health of the Nation” at Orlando, FL
July 25-26, 2011 “Emerging Technologies in Nurse Education”,
San Francisco, CA
June 28-30, 2011 Drexel University Nursing Education Institute,
“Creating the Learning Environment of Tomorrow” Atlantic City,
May 20, 2011 “Taking Simulation to the Next Step” presented by
Dr. Pam Jeffries, Academic Dean of Johns Hopkins University at
Queensborough Community College. Conference organized by
April 1, 2011 Fostering Civility in Nursing Education, Suffolk
County Community College 2nd Annual Nurse Educator Workshop,
Riverhead, NY
March 23-25, 2011 The Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS)
23rd Annual Scientific Sessions "Informing Health Policy Through
Nursing Science", Philadelphia, PA.
January 26, 2011 “Evidence- Based Practice in Nursing”,
presented by Dr. Bernadette Melnyk at Queensborough
Community College, Bayside, NY. Conference organized by
January 7, 2011 Informatics Technology in Nursing Education,
presented by Dr. Diane Skiba at Queensborough Community
College, NY. Conference organized by M.Reilly.
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Presentation, other
Overview of the NLN Education Outcomes and Competencies
Webinar 3/9/2011 by the National League of Nursing
Integrating the Outcomes and Competencies into the Nursing
Curriculum Webinar 3/16/2011 by the National League of Nursing
Practical Application of the Outcomes and Competencies in the
Nursing Curriculum Webinar 3/23/2011 by the National League of
QCC Security Awareness Class April 7, 2011
Taking Simulation to the Next Step May 20, 2011 QCC
WID/WAC Faculty Certification May 31, 2011 QCC
Test Development and Item Writing June 25, 2011 by NCSBN
Test Construction and Item Writing October 28, 2011 at New York
Institute of Technology by Kaplan Nursing
National Organization of Associate Degree Nursing Convention
November 4-6, 2011 Chicago, Illinois
What is Domestic Violence? Cycle of Abuse October 19,2011 S111
Queensborough Community College eLearning Luncheon Using
Banners for Virtual Presence
College Activities:
Open House May 2011
Open House November 2011
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Curriculum or
development, workshop
January Remediation/Retention Program For NU 101 Students
(January 2011).
A self learning module for remediation which took place over
winter break. The goal of the program was to target those
students who completed this NU 101 semester with B- or less.
The program utilized programs in the nursing resource center to
target test taking skills, application of the nursing process, and
math review. There was a nurse’s math remediation workshop
provided by the math department.
January 2011 skills-o-thon; peer mentored. At the Meeting for
Success topics such as time management, stress relief and
campus resources for personal as well as academic needs was
discussed. These students will be monitored in NU 102 in the
STAR program.
Conference, workshop,
training attended
December 16, 2011. NCLEX update: Connecting clinical practice to
the classroom. Webinar presented .by Tim J. Bristol.
November 16, 2011. Evidence-based practice in nursing. The
research component. Prof. C. Williams. CETL and QCC Library
presentation. Queensborough Community College.
June 2, 2011 Information Technology: Basic Portfolio virtual
learning Communities, Use of iPad Applications to support
Teaching and Learning. Queensborough Community College.
June 1, 2011. Informatics-Advanced Evidence Based Searches.
Prof. C. Williams. QCC
May 20, 2011 . Taking simulation to the next step! Pam Jeffries.
Queensborough Community College.
May 20, 2011. Integrating ePortfolio into the Nursing Curriculum.
Prof. McMilan-Coddington, Prof. Norris of Laguardia Community
College. Queensborough Community College.
April 30, 2011 An Update in Neurosurgery. Winthrop University
Hospital. 5 contact hours.
April 27, 2011. Softchalk: Creating Clinical Case-Based Activities.
Lessons from a template. Webinar 5.25 contact hours
April 14, 2011 The NCLEX Regional Workshop for Nurse
Educators. National Council Of State Board. Albany, N.Y.
February 14, 2011. Introduction to Soft Chalk. Bruce Naples.
Queensborough Community College.
January 26, 2011. Evidence Based Practice in Nursing. Bernadette
Malnyk, Phd, RN. Queensborough Community College
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
Service to the College:
7/11 to Present: Course and Standing Committee (member)
Departmental activities
Academic Advisement each semester
EQUIP Project. (December 2010) Goal to integrate NEEHR
Electronic Health System into the curriculum.
Skills-O-Thon in Nursing Practice Lab
Nursing Department Testing Committee
Fall 2011 Simulation Committee
Department service:
Student Nurse Association (SNA) advisor
Testing Committee
Simulation Committee
Equip team participant
Departmental activities
Academic Advisement each semester
EQUIP Project. (December 2010) Goal to integrate NEEHR
Electronic Health System into the curriculum.
Skills-O-Thon in Nursing Practice Lab
Nursing Department Testing Committee
Fall 2011 Simulation Committee
Department service:
Student Nurse Association (SNA) advisor
Testing Committee
Simulation Committee
Equip team participant
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
Represented Nursing department at College Open House
Student Nurses Association Faculty Advisor SP10, FA10, Fall ‘11
Nursing Department's Program Assessment & Evaluation
committee member, FA09- SP10, FA10SP’11, FA11
• "Informatics Technology in Nursing Education"
• Cardiac Medication Seminar
• Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Workshop
• “Clinical Nursing Education to Meet the Needs of the 21st
Century” for CUNY nursing programs participating in the Bronx
Initiative to Increase the Number of Baccalaureate Nursing
• NLN Webinars-Transforming Nursing Education: NLN
Educational Outcomes and Competencies for Graduates”
• The NCLEX Regional Workshop for Nurse Educators
• “Integrating ePortfolio into the Nursing Curriculum”
• NYCNECT Grant- Transformers 2011
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
press or in progress;
Amer, K. (2012) In Press.Quality and Safety for transformational
Nursing: Core Competencies. Chap 10 Patient-Centered Care as a
Priority for Nursing Practice and Quality Care. Pearson
Spencer, C. (2011). The Impact of simulation on the critical
thinking skills of students enrolled in an associate degree
program. Dissertation. PhD in Education, School of Education
-Professional Studies, Capella University, Minnesota.
Presentation, other
“The effects of simulation on the education of nursing students.”
Farmingdale State College Department of Nursing Research Day.
March 4th, 2011
Conference, workshop,
training attended
Nassau Suffolk Nursing education - treasurer and qcc
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
Chair, Faculty Executive Committee
Member of the CUNY Governance Leaders Committee
Member of the College Advisory Planning Committee
Member of the College Five Year Technology Planning Committee
Member of the General Education Committee of the Academic
Elected Senator to the Academic Senate
Faculty-at-Large elected member to the local PSC Executive
Nursing Department Curriculum Committee
NLNAC Editor for Accreditation Self-Study Report
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Conference, workshop,
training attended
11/16/2011 Evidenced Based Practice in Nursing (QCC)
11/08/2011 Helping Traumatized Children Cope With Life (QCPC)
10/07/2011 Debriefing and Guided Reflection (NLN Online)
10/01/2011 Designing and Developing Simulations (NLN Online)
08/25/2011 Neehr Perfect Webinar (QCC)
08/22/2011 Telehealth Training (QCC)
08/11/2011 Test Development and Item Writing Online Course
06/28/2011 Infection Control Online Course
06/27/2011 IRB Human Research Online Course
06/27/2011 CUNY Workplace Violence Online Class
06/03/2011 Professionalism, Empowerment and Nursing
(Nassau Suffolk Coordinating Council
05/23/2011,05/24/2011 NLNAC Workshop (QCC)
Taking Simulation to the Next Level
Workshop (QCC)
03/04/2011-05/13/2011 Grant Development Course-Office of
Sponsored Programs (QCC)05/06/2011 Palliative Care
Conference(Molloy College)
03/28/2011,03/29/2011 NLNAC Self-Study Forum (Atlanta)
03/25/2011 Conference of the College (QCC)
03/09/2011 Overview of NLN Education Outcomes and
Competencies(QCC)02/24/2011 Clinical Nursing Education to
Meet the Needs of the 21st
Century (Lehman College)
01/26/2011 Evidence Based Practice in Nursing (QCC)
01/20/2011 Controversies in Pediatric Psychopharmacology
01/07/2011 Informatics Technology in Nursing Education (QCC)
Service to department,
College, University,
community, and/or
professional society
Fall 2011 Curriculum Committee - Nursing
Fall 2011 Coordinator for Psych Clinicals - Nursing
Fall 2011 Bylaws Committee
04/01/2011 Presented - Clickers in the Classroom: An Ongoing
Discussion Workshop
at QCC
Individual faculty/staff professional activities
First Name
Last Name
Work Type
Presentation, other
Presented at:
Beth Israel Medical Center CME for the Emergency Medicine
Provider,May 21st,2011.
The QCC Graduate Symposium,December 2nd,2011.
QCC Senior Seminar,Pharmacology Review,Spring 2011.
QCC Senior Seminar,Care of the Burn Patient,Spring 2011.
QCC Nursing E-Portfolio Awards with Communities of
Interest,June 2nd,2011.
Grant:Prescription for Success_E Portfolio and Mentoring Nursing
students,Spring 2011.
Student WIKI Interdisciplinary Group,Fall2011.
NEEHR PERFECT Electronic Health Record
Master's Student Preceptor,Spring 2011.
Distance Education Commitee,Spring2011
Curricular Changes - Program
Course Change
Dual/Joint Program in
Associate in Applied
Science in Nursing
Leading to the
Bachelor of Science in
Nursing from Hunter
Fall 2011
The first cohort will be entering NU 202 fall
Dual/Joint Program in
Associate in Applied
Science in Nursing
Leading to the
Bachelor of Science in
Nursing from York
Spring 2013
The Letter of Intent passed through QCC
Academic Senate and York’s Academic
Senate. Will go before the CUNY Board and
NY State Education in fall 2012.
Articulation Agreement
with CUNY, School of
Professional Studies
and QCC leading to a
Bachelor Degree in
This is a completely online Program
Facilities/space changes
Facility modification
Facility Evaluation
Space modified to
Spring 2012
expand computer work
stations to 60 from 45.
Library and quiet study
space set up for student
use. Private space
created for students to
meet to collaborate in
study and group work.
Space is utilized on a regular basis.
Students have expressed
appreciation of new space to study
quietly or work in groups.
M356/M362 Community Space
Telehealth Work Station
Fall 2011
The Telehealth work space was set
up to enhance the community
experience for students
M356/M362 Community Space
Telehealth Work Station
Fall 2011
The Telehealth work space was set
up to enhance the community
experience for students
M356/M362 Community Space
Telehealth Work Station
Fall 2011
The Telehealth work space was set
up to enhance the community
experience for students
Equipment changes
Equipment Changes
15 additional computer work stations
To facilitate students online work and Spring 2012 Faculty report increased ability to
facilitate testing. Students have
increased access to computer
work stations
To provide students with the
opportunity to practice skills with
equipment that is used in clinical
Students can practice with
equipment that is updated and
To provide students with the
opportunity to practice skills with
equipment that is used in clinical
Students can practice with
equipment that is updated and
Alaris Pump
To provide students with the
opportunity to practice skills with
equipment that is used in clinical
Students can practice with
equipment that is updated and
Human Patient Simulator, Moderate
To enhance students clinical,
communication and collaboration
skills in a safe environment.
4 SIM Pads for Human Patient
To facilitate utilization of clinical
scenarios with Human Patient
This will assist faculty to utilize
simulators with ease and
Digital Signage Board
To make schedules for practice lab
and NRC readily available for
students. To post student and faculty
vignettes (e.g. hand washing, flu
prevention and smoking cessation
Students and faculty report
Fall 2011
Faculty can debrief students to
enhance clinical, communication
and collaboration skills.
Resource changes
Other Resources Purpose
Resource Evaluation
Perkins Grant
Increase technology and
informatics into the program,
enhance pedagogy through
faculty development and
support student success with
mentoring and advisement
Fall 2011
Faculty and student satisfaction stated in evaluations
New York
Community Bank
Enhance student assessment
skills utilizing technology and
support faculty development
Faculty and student satisfaction stated in evaluations.
Verizon Grant
Enhance Technology and
Telehealth into the curriculum
Faculty and student satisfaction stated in evaluations.
Enhance Technology and
Informatics within the Program
Simulation and Electronic Health Records enhanced.
Telehealth incorporated into Program.
HRSA/Hunter college Provide laptops for Dual/Joint
Students to support utilization
of technology and informatics
1st cohort, 16 Dual/Joint students, received laptops.
New York
Community Trust
Provide Scholarships for
Dual/Joint students.
Spring 2012 2nd cohort of 16 Dual/Joint students received $1,000
Grant from University
Dean’s Office
awarded to faculty
members Cheryl
Spencer & Barbara
To create a library of videos
that highlight some of the key
elements of clinical decision
making and critical judgment
that nursing students are
expected to make.
Grant from University
Dean’s Office
awarded to faculty
member Eileen
To utilize standardized patient
actors with nursing students to
enhance interviewing skills,
perform competent
assessments and assist them in
gaining proficiency in their
ability to communicate
therapeutically with patients.
Grant from University
Dean’s Office
awarded to faculty
members Tina Bayer
& Kim Ambruso.
“Simulation Improvement
Project” - to determine if
increased preparation prior to
the simulation experience
improves learning outcomes
Grant from University
Dean’s Office
awarded to faculty
members Patricia
Burke, Margaret
Stroehlein and
Barbara Rome.
The overall goal of QCC’s
Nursing eLearning Program is
to improve the technology skills
of nursing students.
Other changes affecting department
Departmental procedures for conducting assessment
The Nursing Department assessment involves student, course and program assessment. Student assessment includes Clinical
Progress Reports, Course Department Exams and Writing Intensive Assignments. Course Assessment includes End-of Semester
Course and Facilities Evaluation and course data on student progression (lecture grades, clinical grades and exam reports).
Program Assessment includes NCLEX Pass Rates, Program Completion Rates, and program satisfaction as indicated on the
Graduate Follow-Up Questionnaire, Employer Survey, Exit Questionnaire and Job Placement Rates as indicated by the Graduate
Follow-Up Survey responses.
Aggregated evaluation findings are reported and discussed at the SEP (Systematic Evaluation Plan) Meetings in January and
June and End-of-Semester Meetings to inform Program decision making and maintain or improve student learning outcomes.
Evaluation findings are shared with communities of interest (Advisory Council, Graduates, Students, Grant Sponsors and the
College Community/Academic Senate). Data and decisions are reported in the SEP. Decisions, requests and actions are then
reported in the End-of Year Reports and submitted to Academic affairs for inclusion in the College Strategic Plan.
Regular Advisory Board Meetings and Nassau/Suffolk Council Meetings provide feedback from clinical agencies as to whether
students are prepared for the workforce and meet the needs of the agencies that hire QCC students.
Departmental participation in self-study/program review
Program(s): Reviewed A.A.S NURSING
External Agency: NLNAC
Date: 02/15/2012
Conclusions of Self Study: The Nursing Department recognizes that it needs to strengthen efforts to
improve NCLEX pass rates and job placement of graduates. To this end, an
extensive plan was developed and reviewed with administration and
implemented this year. The faculty recognizes the plan needs to be ongoing
and continually evaluated.
The college’s new Assessment Manager will work closely with the Nursing
Department’s Program Assessment and Evaluation Committee to continue to
streamline surveys to correlate with the SEP and to provide guidance in data
Faculty recognizes the need to increase graduate and employer participation
in the evaluation process. To that end, nursing faculty are exploring
strategies such as increasing personal contact through workshops and offering
incentives for participation in program surveys.
The Nursing Department recognizes that it needs to continue to move its
concept-based curriculum forward to better align with best nursing practice
standards and the NCLEX-RN test blueprint. QCC Nursing faculty are actively
participating in the CUNY-wide initiative to develop a standardized curriculum
with leveled student learning outcomes.
Moving towards the future, nursing faculty are encouraged to attend the
e-Learning Institute in order to expand hybrid courses. The college offers
extensive support and mentorship to faculty enrolled in this program.
Student participation on departmental committees needs to be consistent.
New SNA Bylaws addressing participation need to be followed through on an
ongoing basis. The Chairperson continues to meet with the SNA Board to
ensure increased participation.
Conclusions of External Reviewers: Continuing accreditation with conditions as the program is in non-compliance
with (1) Accreditation Standard. Follow-Up report due in two (2) years. Next
visit in eight (8) years if the Report is accepted by the Board of
Standard 2 Faculty and Staff, criterion 2.1
• All full-time faculty are not credentialed with a minimum of a master’s
degree with a major in nursing.
Action Plan: The Faculty member received a formal letter from the Chairperson, stating
they must enroll and actively participate in a Masters of Nursing Program. The
Faculty member has applied to Lehman College, Masters of Science Program
in Nursing.
Program Review Follow-up
Action Item
The Faculty member received a formal
letter from the Chairperson, stating they
must enroll and actively participate in a
Masters of Nursing Program.
2 years
Faculty member applied to Masters of Science
in Nursing Program at Lehman College.
Course Objectives and Course Assessment
Course Assessed: NU 101
Educational Objectives: All educational objectives are relevant
Curricular Objectives: The curriculum incorporates established professional standards, best practice, safety goals,
guidelines and competencies and has clearly articulated student learning and program
Results: Course and Clinical Surveys were completed in the fall and spring semesters by students.
Faculty reviewed results and completed an End-of –Semester Course Evaluation Report.
Curricular revision is ongoing as faculty continue work toward implementing a concept- based
Course and Clinical Surveys were completed in the fall and spring semesters by students.
Faculty reviewed results and completed an End-of –Semester Course Evaluation Report.
Curricular revision is ongoing as faculty continue work toward implementing a concept- based
Action Plan: Faculty continue to participate in the CUNY-wide Curriculum Committee and inform the QCC
Curriculum Committee. The QCC Curriculum has instructed faculty to review concepts and
content and report back in the fall for a general faculty discussion.
In one Extended care facility, only 66.7% of students felt staff were good role models. This
concern will be shared with the Nursing Education Department of the facility.
Course Assessed: NU 102
Educational Objectives: All educational objectives are relevant
Curricular Objectives: See above
Results: See Above
Action Plan: Faculty continue to participate in the CUNY-wide Curriculum Committee and inform the QCC
Curriculum Committee. The QCC Curriculum has instructed faculty to review concepts and
content and report back in the fall for a general faculty discussion.
Intense initiatives were mandated for poor performers. This included a “skills a- thon”, and
workshops on test taking strategies, utilization of case studies, NLN Exams and construction of
medication packets.
Course Assessed: NU 201
Educational Objectives: All educational objectives are relevant
Curricular Objectives: See above
Results: See above
Action Plan: Faculty continue to participate in the CUNY-wide Curriculum Committee and inform the QCC
Curriculum Committee. The QCC Curriculum has instructed faculty to review concepts and
content and report back in the fall for a general faculty discussion.
Incorporate more nutrition content in course. Revise examination format. Consider new clinical
site due to lack of medication experience at this site for students.
Course Assessed: NU 202
Educational Objectives: All educational objectives are relevant
Curricular Objectives: See above
Results: See above
Course Objectives and Course Assessment
Action Plan: Faculty continue to participate in the CUNY-wide Curriculum Committee and inform the QCC
Curriculum Committee. The QCC Curriculum has instructed faculty to review concepts and
content and report back in the fall for a general faculty discussion.
One facility will not be utilized in the fall, as students reported they felt unwelcomed. In
another facility, faculty will meet with Nurse Educator to review course objectives.
Course Assessed: NU 204
Educational Objectives: All educational objectives are relevant
Curricular Objectives: See above
Results: Students complete a Course Evaluation at the end of each semester.
Nu 204 was offered as a hybrid online course to prepare students in terms of technological
expertise and to make them more comfortable with the online experience, as they move to
complete their bachelor degrees
Action Plan: Students reported satisfaction with the hybrid modality.
Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board
Data Source
Action Plan
Met with Advisory Board, June 2011. Public
meeting with NLNAC held February 2012
Continue to development opportunities for
students to obtain bachelor’s degree. Continue
to maintain currency in the area of technology
and informatics
Met with Advisory Board, June 2011. Public
meeting with NLNAC held February 2012
Continue to development opportunities for
students to obtain bachelor’s degree. Continue
to maintain currency in the area of technology
and informatics
Met with Advisory Board, June 2011. Public
meeting with NLNAC held February 2012
Continue to development opportunities for
students to obtain bachelor’s degree. Continue
to maintain currency in the area of technology
and informatics
Advisory Board
Certification exams
Year-End NCLEX 12/11
Quarterly NCLEX 3/12
To improve the Nursing Program Outcome of
Graduate performance on the NCLEX Licensure
exams, several actions have been taken:
Encouraging and supporting graduates to
register within one month of graduation for the
NCLEX-RN exam.
Requiring NU-202 graduates to attend the NLN
Live NCLEX-RN Review immediately prior to
data analysis of student cohorts to determine
the relationship between the RN-PAX scores
and NCLEX-RN success.
Collection of data in each course to identify
characteristics of students who are successful
or at-risk for course failure.
Meeting with students each semester to discuss
their academic progress and actions to support
success on the NCLEX-RN test.
Hiring a Student Success Advocate in January
2011 to organize the nursing mentorship
program and advise nursing students with a
focus on NCLEX-RN test success and
post-graduation baccalaureate degree
Discussing the results of the NCLEX-RN
program report to identify curriculum strengths
and weakness.
Establishing a Faculty Test Coordinator and
Testing Committee to oversee department test
construction and analysis in relation to the
Nursing Program Test Policy and NCLEX Test
Plan. The committee is utilizing nursing
education literature to guide test construction
and analysis. Teaching Nursing: the Art and
Science by Linda Caputi 2010 and The Nurse
Educators Guide to Assessing Learning
Outcomes by Mary Mc Donald (2007) are
sources of information utilized by the
committee for guidance.
Redesigning the ParTest Item bank
classification and test blueprint to align with the
NCLEX-RN test plan, course learning outcomes,
and QCC program concepts.
Conducting a faculty workshop by an expert in
the area of test construction and NCLEX
program report analysis
Revision of the Nursing Program admission
criteria to include: “Results on the RN-PAX will
be reviewed in combination with the student’s
G.P.A. and overall academic record.” (see
College Catalog, page 100). Students are
selected based on the ranked order of these
criteria and the completion of all other
admission requirements. The first class
impacted by this revision was the NU-101 fall
2010 admission cohort. The Admission and
Retention Committee will continue ongoing data
analysis of student cohorts to determine the
relationship between the RN-PAX scores and
NCLEX-RN success
Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board
Data Source
Action Plan
Employer surveys and
Alumni surveys
Nursing Program Employer surveys
8 surveys from 6/11- 6 employed, 2 still
completed. Showed satisfaction in all areas at looking. 3 enrolled in Bachelors Program. 7 felt
average or above average
program prepared them very well too
adequately. One did not answer question
Student Surveys (current
Overall Course Evaluations and Facility
Evaluations of faculty are satisfactory for NU
101, 102, 201, 202 and 204
Continue to monitor Course, clinical and facility
Goals/objectives for year just completed
Evaluation of achievement
Action Plan
Enhance testing program with
implementation of new online
testing system, continued
monitoring through Testing
Committee and standardization
of blueprint and test banks
NCLEX results:
12/31/11 86.36
3/31/12 96.43
Continue to monitor NCLEX Pass
Continue to revise curriculum.
Seek funding for ongoing
faculty development
Through Perkins grant, able to provide
faculty development on curriculum
revision, promoting civility and creative
teaching strategies.
Ongoing curriculum revision.
Ongoing submission of grant
Continue to revise curriculum.
Seek funding for ongoing
faculty development
Through Perkins grant, able to provide
faculty development on curriculum
revision, promoting civility and creative
teaching strategies.
Ongoing curriculum revision.
Ongoing submission of grant
Continue to revise curriculum.
Seek funding for ongoing
faculty development
Through Perkins grant, able to provide
faculty development on curriculum
revision, promoting civility and creative
teaching strategies.
Ongoing curriculum revision.
Ongoing submission of grant
Provide ongoing faculty
development for increasing
active learning in the classroom
Student evaluations, course evaluations,
NCLEX reports, NCLEX pass rates
Provide ongoing faculty
Implement Dual/Joint Program
with Hunter
Student enrollment in program
2 cohorts of Dual/Joint students
Mentor new faculty
26 full-time faculty, 15 part-time faculty.
Faculty oriented and mentoring ongoing
Monitor student evaluations, peer
evaluations and plan for contractual
use of reassigned time
Goals/objectives for coming year
Upcoming Goals
Related Strategic Plan
Planned Method of Evaluation
Maintain NCLEX pass rate above
state level
Assist students to achieve career goals NCLEX pass rates
Goals/objectives for coming year
Upcoming Goals
Related Strategic Plan
Planned Method of Evaluation
Implement new Dual/Joint Program Assist students to achieve career goals Student evaluations, course evaluations and
with York College and articulation
student course grades
program with CUNY School of
Professional Studies (online
completion program).
Continue to revise curriculum
Assist students to achieve career goals Graduation rates, NCLEX pass rates, and
progression and retention rates